Today Family Worship

The Joy of Seeing Others Come to the Lord

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018025A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:11 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:15 And whether you're beginning the Sabbath day
01:16 on a Friday evening or looking forward
01:18 to your workweek on a Saturday evening,
01:21 we welcome you to our family and to our worship.
01:25 I am here in the company of Irma,
01:28 who you will hear me call Boo, or if I am having a good day,
01:32 Boo-boo, but, Boo, it's good to have you here.
01:35 Ha, it's good to be here,
01:37 always good to be with our friends
01:39 and family today.
01:40 Yeah. And friends and family.
01:42 This is a very special Family Worship
01:44 because everybody here has a connection
01:47 to the country of Panama.
01:48 Amen.
01:49 That's right. Some are bilingual.
01:51 They are English speakers and Spanish speakers,
01:54 then there is me and Marilyn,
01:59 who just speak English,
02:01 and sometimes I wonder about that a little bit too.
02:04 But you are a native of Panama.
02:07 Yes, I am.
02:08 Yeah, indeed.
02:09 And then we've got your brother and sister here.
02:11 Yes.
02:12 You want to do the introductions?
02:14 Yes, really happy to introduce you to Aura,
02:17 we call her Adhi because she...
02:21 People have a hard time calling Aura.
02:26 But at home, we call her Adhi.
02:28 So it's Adhi and her husband Oscar,
02:31 Oscar and Adhi Palacios.
02:33 Yes, nice to meet you.
02:35 Some people call it even Aura.
02:36 Yeah, Americans have trouble with Aura.
02:39 But Oscar was a treasurer for the Central American Union.
02:44 Central American Union.
02:46 For many years. Many years.
02:47 And then also a treasurer for the hospital in...
02:49 In Honduras.
02:50 In Honduras, and then also treasurer for the university.
02:53 Several times, I went to the university to serve,
02:56 say, financial, in-charge of the...
03:01 Yeah, finances. Finances.
03:02 Yeah, Oscar is kind of a fix-it guy.
03:04 You know, anytime it's broken,
03:06 he can fix it.
03:09 So anytime they ran out of cash, they called him.
03:14 Excellent wizard of the exchequer.
03:16 He's a really good financial guy.
03:18 Yes, it's very true.
03:20 And Adhi was a teacher for many, many years.
03:22 Yes.
03:23 And for a little stint,
03:25 they put you in administration charge
03:26 and let you run the whole union,
03:28 but that didn't work with you too good.
03:30 No.
03:32 I like my classroom.
03:34 Yeah.
03:35 So she went back to the classroom
03:37 and taught in how many places?
03:39 I know you ended up in the Bahamas.
03:41 Yes.
03:42 We worked in Costa Rica, Honduras, and the Bahamas.
03:47 And the Bahamas, okay.
03:49 So she did many, many great things.
03:51 Let me ask, of all the ages, you taught high school,
03:55 you taught grade school, which did you like the best?
03:59 Both.
04:01 It's difficult to choose, but I love the little ones,
04:05 but also working with the older ones,
04:08 this is like more easier because you talk to them,
04:11 you know, two by two.
04:14 But the little ones, there's more work.
04:17 But at the same time, it's very, very,
04:20 how can I say, delightful...
04:22 Rewarding. Rewarding, yeah.
04:23 Aha, rewarding and delightful to work with them.
04:26 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
04:27 And we have Eric and Marilyn Durant.
04:30 Now, Eric, you've got
04:31 Panamanian connections too, don't you?
04:33 I do.
04:34 Both my parents,
04:36 both my grandparents were originally from Panama.
04:38 And my grandfather was a Civil Rights' person.
04:44 And he was big on the Civil Rights
04:47 of the Panamanians and along the Panama Canal.
04:51 And they were not happy with them as a result.
04:54 So they told him, forcefully, that you needed to leave Panama
04:59 and you needed to leave Panama now.
05:04 And as a result, he grabbed my grandmother
05:06 and fled to the America in New York City.
05:10 And that's where I was born.
05:12 Yeah, yeah.
05:14 So Marilyn, we are out.
05:15 I know.
05:17 Well, actually, you're out.
05:18 Because I found out just a few months ago...
05:20 A few years ago that my mother's mother,
05:23 my grandmother on my mother's side
05:24 was born in Panama, was Panamanian.
05:25 Oh.
05:27 And I didn't know that till just a few years ago.
05:28 Very recent.
05:30 Yeah, we just never discussed it.
05:31 Yeah, and found out that she was in Panama.
05:33 So it's all of us and you.
05:38 I live for him.
05:40 All right, you are connected to him.
05:41 Very true.
05:43 But you still have a connection, so...
05:44 Right. And amen.
05:46 We're going to be visiting next year, by the way.
05:48 Amen.
05:49 And while we're down there, we might visit City Hall
05:51 and see if she has some bloodlines there.
05:53 There you go. Excellent, excellent.
05:57 True, you never know.
05:58 You never, ever know.
06:00 On today's program, we want to discuss,
06:03 and we've done this in the past,
06:04 how much of a blessing it is
06:06 when you see God do things in your life
06:09 that enhances your testimony and also encourages you
06:12 as you face trials in your life.
06:14 But one of the things, excuse me,
06:15 that is also a real blessing
06:18 is to see God work in the lives of our friends,
06:21 our family members, those we love,
06:23 to see someone put down the bottle
06:26 or put down the cigarette or put down the loose life
06:29 and pick up the Bible and pick up the Word
06:30 and change their lives.
06:34 They are of course blessed, but as you watch that
06:36 and if you're a part of that, you too are blessed.
06:38 Yes. Yes.
06:40 So that's what we want to kind of talk about.
06:41 We want to look at our lives and look at the lives of those
06:44 to whom we've seen...
06:46 Through whom we've seen the Spirit of God worked.
06:48 I've got two scriptures,
06:50 I just wanted to use to sort of set this up.
06:54 One is Philippians 1,
06:56 just going to read a few verses.
06:57 You can hear Paul's joy
06:59 right into the Philippians because they're his babies.
07:03 And then I'm going to also go
07:04 to a verse or two of Galatians,
07:06 a church that was really close to his heart.
07:08 And you will notice in the Book of Galatians
07:10 as you read that Paul talks very sharply to the Galatians.
07:13 He talks like a father scolding his children.
07:15 We talked about that a little bit ago.
07:18 He talks like a father scolding his children
07:20 because he knows that they're getting ready
07:23 to go off the correct path,
07:24 you know, train is about to leave the track.
07:26 So Paul is saying, "Get back on the track,
07:28 don't let anybody fool you or deceive you."
07:31 And that's how you feel when you see a child
07:33 going the wrong way, you know?
07:34 Sometimes you got to give him a pat on the back,
07:36 sometimes you got to give him a tap a little bit lower,
07:38 you know, to get them back.
07:39 And so we see that in the Book of Galatians,
07:41 we see Paul doing this.
07:43 And let's go to Philippians just a little bit.
07:44 Okay.
07:45 And read Philippians,
07:47 I'm in chapter 1 of Philippians,
07:48 and I'm going to go quickly to, oh, I guess I'll go to verse...
07:52 Start at verse 2 because he uses
07:55 what has become my favorite greeting,
07:58 grace and peace, you know.
07:59 "Grace to you and peace from God, our Father,
08:03 and the Lord Jesus Christ."
08:04 So in Philippians 1, picking it up at verse 3,
08:08 "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,
08:12 always in every prayer of mine
08:15 making request for you all with joy,
08:19 for your fellowship in the gospel,
08:22 from the first day until now,
08:24 being confident of this very thing,
08:26 that He who has begun a good work in you
08:30 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
08:32 So he is saying there's joy in my heart
08:36 when I think of you, when I remember you
08:38 because I know that you're in good hands.
08:40 I know that you are in the hands of Jesus
08:42 and He who has gotten this whole thing started,
08:44 which is Jesus, is going to complete it.
08:46 You know, so when you see someone
08:48 give their heart to the Lord, it gives you joy,
08:50 it gives you a sense of satisfaction, can I say,
08:54 to see someone come to the Lord
08:56 and then grow in the Lord.
08:58 Contrasting, we go now to Galatians.
09:02 Just quickly to Galatians,
09:04 we're going back just a few books to Galatians.
09:07 I'm going to start the very first chapter,
09:10 and we'll pick it up at verse 6.
09:16 Paul says, "I marvel
09:19 that you are turning away so soon from Him
09:22 who has called you in the grace of Christ
09:24 to a different gospel, which is not another,
09:28 but there are some who trouble you
09:31 and want to pervert the gospel of Christ."
09:34 You see the tone has changed.
09:36 He's being a little stern.
09:37 He's coming out right now kind of with a...
09:40 He's got the strap in his hand, he's spanking a little bit.
09:43 You've left so quickly from the true gospel
09:46 because there are those who are, in among you
09:48 who are trying to pervert the gospel.
09:50 So when you see someone coming to the Lord,
09:53 and then they sort of get distracted
09:54 or dissuaded or discouraged or kind of pushed to the side,
09:58 it hurts you because you want them
10:00 to be pure in the gospel.
10:02 And those are the kind of things
10:03 we're going to talk about on tonight's worship together.
10:08 I got to tell you a quick story.
10:09 Then I want to go to Marilyn.
10:11 In fact, I think I'll go to you first right after me.
10:13 Years ago, I was doing a tent meeting
10:14 in Freeport, Long Island.
10:17 And in walked a lady and I'll give...
10:23 Well, maybe I'll hold on her name.
10:26 But she wasn't interested, but first of all, she is tall.
10:29 If you take Mollie Steenson or Shelley Quinn,
10:31 that kind of height, but add may be 75 pounds.
10:35 So she wasn't...
10:37 You wouldn't call her fat, she was just a big person,
10:39 you know, very attractive, dressed very well.
10:41 I remember she had a blue suit with white piping.
10:44 She was red, white, and blue, red hat, red shoes, very tall,
10:47 very resting, she came in and she sat down,
10:49 and she listened to the sermon.
10:52 And I remember, she kind of ran into the tent,
10:55 and it wasn't until years later that I found out why.
10:57 But she came, the next night,
10:58 the next night, and later on, we baptized her.
11:00 Amen.
11:02 And it was funny because the person
11:03 who has helped me with baptizing
11:05 was a little tiny guy, about 135 pounds.
11:07 So she had him by a good 100 pounds,
11:09 when he took her down, he couldn't get her up.
11:12 See, in a baptismal game, it's not getting them down,
11:15 it's getting them back up.
11:18 And he didn't quite have the leverage.
11:20 So it was kind of a time.
11:21 But her name was... I'll tell it.
11:23 Her name was Hydria Austin, beautiful sister in the Lord.
11:27 And she told me later on, she said,
11:30 "You know, I came to your evangelistic crusade
11:33 with a bottle of liquor in my purse."
11:35 She had this big red purse, and I didn't know, you know.
11:37 She said, "I was dating this guy,
11:40 and we were out, and we were in the car
11:43 driving by the tent,
11:45 and all of a sudden, he wants to get all handsy."
11:46 That's the term she used.
11:48 "He wanted to touch me and kiss me and kind of thing.
11:49 So I jumped out of the car and ran into the tent
11:52 because I knew he wouldn't follow me
11:53 to the evangelistic meeting."
11:54 So I know she ran into the tent, she said,
11:56 "That's why I ran into the tent."
11:58 She said, "We drunk half the liquor
12:00 before the meeting, and that night, I finished it."
12:03 And she said, "That's the last liquor I took."
12:05 Praise the Lord. "I gave it up that night.
12:09 But I got into Lord running from Mr. Octopus, you know.
12:15 And she was in the church for many, many years
12:17 and sadly she got Alzheimer's, and then she passed.
12:19 But she remembered Scripture right up until the very end.
12:23 She couldn't remember faces,
12:25 and she couldn't remember certain things,
12:26 but Scripture tended to stay in her mind.
12:28 And so during her last,
12:30 and I had passed her to another church,
12:32 but during her last month,
12:33 she was just reciting Scripture.
12:34 Amen.
12:36 Scripture would just come out, just come out, come out,
12:37 didn't know who she was talking to,
12:39 just reciting Scripture.
12:40 But I believe she died in the Lord.
12:42 Amen.
12:44 And I saw her give up the liquor and give up the...
12:46 'Cause she was a party girl.
12:47 She liked be out on the street and going to the clubs.
12:49 And she just...
12:50 She gave that up, no problem.
12:51 And it was a wonderful thing to see her grow in Christ
12:56 and fall in love with Jesus Christ
12:57 and stay with Christ
12:59 right up until the time her mind began to fade.
13:01 "And the last thing that left was Scripture, you know,
13:04 that stayed with me all those years."
13:06 God is good. Yeah, God is good.
13:08 Indeed, indeed. That's amazing how God works.
13:12 You know, when I think about my life
13:16 and then I think about others' life, it's just...
13:20 Every story, it's a miracle,
13:23 and it's just a wonderful thing to hear
13:26 and to know about those stories.
13:31 You got the one you were going to share with us
13:34 about your sister.
13:35 Now you've got two, you've got Adhi,
13:36 and you've got another sister, Bethie, that's the baby sister.
13:41 Yes, that's right. We are three.
13:45 And unlike my sister, Adhi,
13:49 who always been steadfast in the Lord,
13:54 she's always stayed with the Lord,
13:57 and my younger sister, she did not.
14:00 She was a little more restless,
14:03 and so it took her many years.
14:07 We have prayed for her.
14:09 We have prayed for her husband, her family.
14:13 And it just seemed like
14:15 we were never going to see a change
14:18 because there were big challenges
14:21 in her marriage and in her family.
14:25 But, you know, the credit to the Lord
14:28 that He'll use anything or anyone to bring you back,
14:34 to bring you into His fold.
14:37 It's just amazing.
14:39 And with my sister,
14:43 I have talked many times about my father,
14:46 how he gave his life to the Lord,
14:49 and it was just like two weeks or less before he passed,
14:55 he finally made that public statement.
14:59 I never believed that we just turned from the night,
15:03 you know, to the morning, all of a sudden, he's just...
15:07 We walk, the Lord walks us little by little.
15:10 And I think that that was with my father.
15:13 But with his death,
15:17 the Lord used that to touch the heart of my sister,
15:21 Bethie, my younger sister and...
15:25 And her husband. And her husband
15:28 because that was very painful for her.
15:34 She practically cried through the whole night.
15:37 Yes.
15:38 And her husband
15:40 who was a very tough person, very tough.
15:45 To say the least. To say the least.
15:50 The story about them is just really,
15:53 you know, just incredible, painful.
15:58 But when he saw her just crying
16:02 and just really missing my father,
16:08 he sat down and took her on his lap,
16:13 and that was the miracle of miracles, just that alone.
16:18 And so they, you know,
16:22 he helped her there through the whole night.
16:23 In our country, when someone died,
16:29 you have to bury very quickly
16:32 'cause we don't have...
16:35 It'll become too much of red tape
16:37 to bring the person to the morgue
16:40 and get the person out.
16:43 So the doctors are always telling you
16:45 to just do this quickly, you know, and bury the person.
16:51 So there was not a lot of time, you know,
16:55 to preparations and all that.
16:57 And so we also have to take
17:02 the body to a funeral home,
17:05 and they don't provide anybody to watch over the body.
17:10 So the family has to come and stay there
17:13 through the night until the burial time.
17:17 So we were there several hours
17:20 and just this miracle of the Lord
17:26 just happened between them.
17:29 So by the time the morning came,
17:33 she has told him that she was giving her life to the Lord
17:39 whether he did or not.
17:41 But then he said that he would follow her.
17:45 So that was a miracle of miracles.
17:48 And it was a blessing for them,
17:54 a blessing for us, my mother,
17:57 you know, in spite of the painful time
18:02 that she's losing her husband,
18:04 it was, the Lord gave her that experience
18:10 of seeing her daughter
18:12 and her son in law turning his life around.
18:17 And so I really believe that that was a blessing for her
18:22 and it helped to go through those painful times.
18:28 And I think about the story that is so similar
18:34 to many other people's stories in one way or another,
18:39 that is a joy, it's a blessing.
18:43 And it's just not a blessing like my husband says for those,
18:47 the two people or the one person
18:50 that turns to God but for all of those around,
18:55 because the people that know you
18:58 is amazed to see many times the change.
19:02 So that's a blessing because then they think
19:05 about their own lives many times
19:08 and not always it's like, "oh, I will not do that,"
19:12 you know, sometimes that happens too.
19:15 But the blessing is...
19:19 It covers the whole number of people
19:22 because that's the way the God designed it
19:24 and because that's the testimony that He needs
19:28 so that other people can also turn to Him
19:32 and be blessed in powerful ways.
19:37 And of course, down the chain
19:39 is the fact that just several years later,
19:42 Bethie's husband tragically and very suddenly passed
19:45 at the beach on New Year's Day.
19:46 Yes, yes.
19:48 We were all shocked to get the call,
19:51 rushed to the hospital and he was gone.
19:54 But died back, you know, and so you can rejoice in that.
19:59 And that's the wonder of what God does
20:01 because we didn't see that future,
20:05 we could never imagine,
20:08 but his health when deteriorated
20:12 quite rapidly,
20:13 and then his death was such a sudden thing.
20:19 He was quite ill.
20:22 But the Lord have seen him through several times.
20:26 Now this time the Lord allowed him to just rest.
20:31 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
20:32 But he rests in the Lord.
20:34 Amen. Praise the Lord.
20:36 It calls my attention that God called you sometimes
20:41 in more difficult times, you know,
20:45 where He really...
20:47 He knows everything.
20:48 Yes.
20:50 At that moment, when your father was there
20:56 waiting for nothing, he was resting there,
21:00 but God was working.
21:02 Yes.
21:03 Your sister, she decided to follow Jesus.
21:07 She was probably suffering a lot at that moment,
21:11 but that was a right moment for her to decide
21:14 I will follow Jesus and then her husband too.
21:18 So this is very interesting.
21:20 Sometimes we should thank...
21:21 I mean, all the time, we should thank God
21:24 for the difficult times
21:26 because He has a plan for those difficult times.
21:28 Amen, amen. He surely does.
21:29 And, Adhi, actually you do get to talk,
21:32 but I'm saving you to last, save you to the last.
21:36 Thank you.
21:39 But, Eric, you've had similar experiences, I'm sure.
21:40 Oh, absolutely.
21:42 One of the phrases that I repeat all the time
21:44 is that faith is born in the storm.
21:47 Yeah.
21:48 I tell myself that all the time
21:49 because I also went through experience.
21:52 And Marilyn shared that with me.
21:54 Her mother died, and then a month and a half later,
21:58 my mother died, and then a week later,
22:01 my dad died, and that shook me up
22:05 like nothing has ever shaken me up before.
22:07 But that's exactly what I needed at the time
22:10 because I was worldly, I was doing well in the world,
22:15 and so I had one foot in the church
22:17 and one foot in the world, and the Lord said,
22:20 "That's not good enough."
22:23 He wanted all of me
22:25 because he knew having one foot in the world
22:27 and one foot out of the world,
22:29 you can definitely end up lost in that condition.
22:33 And so I don't know why it worked out that way,
22:36 but I can definitely acknowledge
22:40 that it was a Jobian experience,
22:41 it was an experience like Job.
22:43 And it made a big difference 'cause had that not happened,
22:46 I don't know if I would have answered the call
22:47 to come to 3ABN, and that's exactly what it was.
22:52 For me, being in the ministry is extremely,
22:55 extremely therapeutic in the sense
22:58 that there is nothing better, and this is my favorite thing
23:01 about being in the ministry.
23:02 It's nothing better than seeing people
23:04 changed for the better.
23:06 Seeing drug dealers give up the drugs,
23:09 seeing alcoholics give up the alcoholism,
23:13 seeing the violent people no longer want to be violent,
23:16 and just seeing that, that's one of the reasons
23:17 why I gravitated towards Prison Ministry
23:20 because I have friends, I grew up in New York City.
23:24 And it's a very difficult environment
23:26 for young teenager to grow up in.
23:28 And I saw a lot of people end up getting lost
23:31 in the prison system.
23:33 And because I had a praying mother,
23:35 I gave her all the credit.
23:36 She prayed, and I think God sent angels to influence me
23:41 and to keep that seed planted in my head.
23:44 So even though I did this and that,
23:45 I always had that seed germinating in my head
23:49 so that when the time came, God just needed to pour
23:52 a little bit more water on it, and it sprouted.
23:55 And once the tree started growing,
23:58 3ABN called, and I just had to answer.
24:00 That was...
24:01 Praise the Lord.
24:03 I just couldn't say no.
24:04 You know, and one of the experiences
24:06 that really triggered, that really...
24:09 From the time that I was a teenager,
24:10 I read the book of...
24:12 The story of the young ruler, and the young ruler,
24:16 he came to Jesus saying,
24:17 "What do I have to do to be saved?"
24:19 Yeah.
24:20 He said, "Give up everything. Give it to the poor.
24:21 Come follow Me."
24:23 And I said...
24:24 When I read that, I said, "There is no way
24:25 that I would ever do that."
24:27 And I'm reading this as a teenager,
24:29 and I'm saying, "He gave up everything."
24:33 And so when the Lord called, I said,
24:35 "What are you going to do?" We were living very well.
24:37 We were living very well.
24:39 You know, you don't know, Eric was an engineer
24:41 for a large aerospace corporation.
24:44 So he's making top dollar.
24:45 He's got good responsibility, he's doing well.
24:48 And many times,
24:50 when you think you have your life set,
24:51 that's when Lord says, "No, we're going over here."
24:56 And you've got to be ready to heed that call.
24:58 Yeah, and that was kind of you.
25:00 Right. Yeah.
25:01 So there was an emptiness there.
25:03 With everything, there's still that emptiness.
25:05 And being in the ministry, serving the Lord fills that,
25:07 completely, completely fills it.
25:09 And when I met Marilyn,
25:12 she was in a semi sort of situation.
25:14 She gravitated away from the church
25:17 because her and her best friend were told that, a relative,
25:21 we'll going to burn in hell forever and ever
25:23 because they weren't a member of this church.
25:25 Oh, no.
25:26 And so when I met her, I was an Adventist,
25:29 and I knew better than that.
25:30 I knew that number one,
25:32 nobody burns forever and ever and ever and ever in hell,
25:35 and we shared the verses on that,
25:37 and number two,
25:39 there's no salvation by denomination.
25:41 That's just not.
25:43 You're not saved because you're a member
25:44 of a particular church.
25:45 You're saved because you've given your heart to the Lord.
25:47 Amen.
25:48 And we went over verse and verse about that,
25:50 and seeing the change in Marilyn over time,
25:52 and I said to myself, "I'll never tell her
25:55 or ask her to be baptized."
25:57 She has to say that that's what she wanted herself.
26:00 And I don't remember how long it was,
26:02 it was a couple of years, but one day, she said,
26:04 "I want to get baptized."
26:05 And inside, I'm jumping up and down,
26:07 "Praise the Lord, praise the Lord."
26:09 But I'm seeing people change,
26:11 seeing them give their hearts to the Lord
26:13 is the ultimate satisfaction.
26:15 It is.
26:16 And money...
26:18 Nothing, fame, fortune, none of that can come close
26:23 to the joy that you feel inside.
26:25 When I do Prison Ministry, I see wonderful young men
26:28 that made a mistake, like I did and like we all do,
26:32 they're there and some of them when I started Prison Ministry,
26:36 they sat there with a frown, kind of just,
26:38 their arms were crossed, and they just frowned,
26:39 they wouldn't move, they barely blink.
26:42 And a year later, they're hungry, you know,
26:45 they've got Bibles in their hand,
26:47 and they're going through the pages,
26:48 and they're coming up asking questions,
26:50 and they're full of the Spirit, and you see that change,
26:53 that's very, very inspiring for me.
26:55 Amen.
26:56 Because I used to be there, and now to see them
26:58 hungry like that is extremely fulfilling.
27:00 Praise the Lord. So, yeah.
27:02 Eric, I got to ask you,
27:03 when Marilyn made that decision,
27:05 were you married yet?
27:06 Yes.
27:07 You were married? We were married.
27:09 You took my question.
27:12 That means we're thinking alike.
27:13 Praise the Lord.
27:15 But my follow up is, how did it make you feel now
27:17 to see the person you've dedicated your life to,
27:20 you've exchanged vows, she's your wife now,
27:22 and she's making that move, that must...
27:24 You must've been doing cartwheels, you know, inside.
27:28 I knew that she was going to do it eventually
27:31 because she was full of love, she loved the Lord.
27:35 I always knew that she loved the Lord,
27:37 but she was deterred by what she heard before.
27:40 She didn't understand.
27:42 I knew that God's not a tyrannical God.
27:44 God's a loving God.
27:45 He does everything He can to get us into heaven,
27:48 everything He can do.
27:49 And a lot of common Christian theology,
27:52 sure they preach us that God's a tough stern God
27:54 and not loving, and I knew that's what she sort of thought
27:58 based on that.
27:59 And I knew once we went through the Bible,
28:02 and she understood that
28:03 that she would want to be baptized.
28:05 So I knew it was going to happen.
28:06 It was just a matter of when.
28:08 Praise the Lord.
28:09 And I have to say
28:10 I always had a relationship with the Lord.
28:14 So when that comment was made, you know,
28:18 I didn't have the knowledge that studying with Eric.
28:24 And it did make it difficult,
28:28 and it was kind of heartbreaking
28:32 to think that, "What?
28:33 We are going to hell?"
28:35 You know, because we're not a part of this faith.
28:38 So when I met Eric,
28:40 he was godsend because I did pray.
28:43 I prayed for someone that would be
28:46 willing to walk alongside me in this path.
28:52 But I did not realize that with that,
28:55 I was going to get a lot more truth than I had.
28:58 So that was a blessing. Praise the Lord Yes.
29:00 Yeah.
29:01 The Lord actually puts you on a different path.
29:03 You're walking alongside, He puts you on a new path.
29:05 That's right. And praise the Lord.
29:06 And an integral part of this ministry,
29:09 even up until this morning,
29:10 Irma had Eric fixing her computer.
29:12 Yes. She did.
29:14 So we could make...
29:16 He's been on my computer several times too,
29:18 so we need you, brother.
29:19 Yes.
29:21 Thank you for Eric because, oh, my goodness,
29:23 I am so computer illiterate.
29:28 And sometimes I couldn't...
29:30 I explained to him, but he can't quite understand
29:33 what is my problem.
29:35 So he has to work over it, and sometimes he works...
29:38 Say, "Did you do this?"
29:39 And then he asked to go back to his office.
29:41 Yeah.
29:43 Well, you push your button and then go back to office.
29:44 Oh, Lord, because he has so much to do,
29:47 and here I am...
29:50 Thank you, Eric.
29:51 Thank you for being so kind.
29:53 Like I said before, it is...
29:54 Irma always apologizes, but it's a joy to work with
29:59 and to serve the children of the Lord.
30:03 Amen.
30:04 And then to see them grow, to see them to develop,
30:07 it's not paying for my mother, my mother, really quick,
30:10 she had a cancer, and she would always apologize.
30:15 She said, "Eric, I'm so sorry
30:17 you had to drive down from Alexandria, Virginia,
30:19 down to Richmond, Virginia," to take her for chemo therapy.
30:22 And she was always apologizing.
30:24 "I know you had to leave your job to do this.
30:27 I know you're getting in trouble at work
30:28 for all the time that you're taking off."
30:30 And she was always apologizing.
30:32 And I said to her, and I really meant it,
30:35 "This was the joy of my life."
30:36 And I don't mean the cancer part,
30:38 it was helping someone that you love.
30:40 Just helping someone that you...
30:42 You're willing to sacrifice everything for that,
30:44 it didn't matter.
30:45 And I was happy to do it.
30:47 And it's the same when you love your brothers
30:48 and your sisters in the ministry.
30:50 Yes.
30:51 You'll doing anything for them because they're your brothers,
30:54 and we all share the same Father.
30:56 Yeah, and it is really refreshing because
30:59 and He helps you too, to see that, you know,
31:02 somebody is so kind and affected by the fact that
31:07 this dummy, "How can she not learn?"
31:09 You know, but he, you know, he just doesn't feel that way.
31:16 But many people do, unfortunately.
31:19 And they are...
31:20 They don't like when they have to repeat the work,
31:24 you know, to someone.
31:25 And so, yeah, I am really thankful, yes,
31:28 'cause I feel so lost sometimes.
31:32 Oh, my goodness. Yeah.
31:35 I think we all have those times.
31:37 My mother had a 10-year decline.
31:40 Several strokes, each one...
31:42 Well, many TMAs,
31:43 each one taking a little further into herself.
31:46 And my sister decided to take care of her home.
31:50 My sister is a nurse, she said,
31:51 "I don't want to put her in home
31:53 because she's going to need specialized care."
31:54 And so I had a little savings at the time, and I said,
31:56 "Well, I'll dedicate my savings."
31:58 I didn't know it was going to last 10 years,
32:00 but I don't regret that because that's your mom,
32:03 you know, you're invested in that person.
32:06 And there's something wonderful about the body of Christ,
32:08 we become invested in each other,
32:10 which is what makes it so nice to work here
32:13 because you're working with people
32:15 who are walking the same road,
32:16 who feel for the most part as you do,
32:19 and who do not mind the extra work
32:21 and take some time to bring
32:23 a brother and sister along, you know.
32:24 We're all in different places in our growth,
32:27 but we're invested in each other,
32:28 we care about each other.
32:30 So that makes it pleasant, and there is a quote of love
32:32 that runs from heart to heart to heart
32:34 of those who love Jesus.
32:36 And speaking of that, to these lovely retirees,
32:39 they think they're retired.
32:41 Well, they claim retired...
32:42 What's the word in Spanish, jubi...
32:44 Jubilarse.
32:45 They think they're that but they're not.
32:47 They're just, because they have in their house a...
32:53 In Spanish, it's a PC?
32:55 Pequena congregas, you know, a small group.
32:58 A small group, we would call it a small group in the States.
33:01 A pequena congregas.
33:04 Praise the Lord.
33:07 But you forgive my prerogative of English,
33:09 this small group ain't so small.
33:11 It's been growing
33:13 and last count was around forty.
33:16 Yes. Forty-two. Forty-two.
33:18 Forty-two. Forty-two.
33:19 Yeah.
33:20 It's started, and it's in your home,
33:22 you meet when, Adhi?
33:23 When are we starting?
33:25 Seven.
33:26 You started with seven?
33:27 With seven.
33:29 Three Adventists and four visitors.
33:30 That's how we started.
33:32 And so now you have 42.
33:34 Of that group,
33:36 how many would you call a non-Adventists?
33:39 Non-Adventists?
33:41 Probably I would say that...
33:43 Wow, when it started, probably none.
33:46 Yes, when they started, none of them.
33:48 Yeah, yeah, and it's...
33:49 I know it's hard too
33:51 because they're getting baptized so fast.
33:52 Yes.
33:54 Sometimes we lose, you know, the...
33:56 Yeah, yeah.
33:57 Who is and who is not?
33:58 Yes.
34:00 See, because many of them have been baptized,
34:04 and the rest already visiting the church.
34:10 So we don't think on who is and who is not.
34:14 We are just a group working with them and...
34:17 We're a family.
34:18 Yes.
34:20 So you started with seven. Tell us a little bit of the...
34:22 How this group from seven to now forty-two?
34:25 Did you put out signs? Did you advertise?
34:26 Did you mail? How did it happen?
34:27 How did it grow?
34:29 Well, that was very interesting.
34:31 And still is interesting.
34:34 Because we, at the beginning, we were not so...
34:39 We were afraid of doing it, you know?
34:43 We were there just for a year or something like that
34:47 from the Bahamas.
34:49 And we were just still knowing the members,
34:53 and we didn't know our neighborhood and all that.
34:57 Pastor one day said, "Well, who wants to start a PC?"
35:01 A small group. A small group.
35:05 And, well, I was thinking and thinking,
35:08 and then a sister from that church said,
35:11 "Mr. Palacios, we're going to have one."
35:14 I didn't say no.
35:15 I say, "Okay, let's go ahead."
35:20 And then we started organizing the, you know...
35:24 Preparing this place and what to do
35:27 and things like that.
35:29 And also when she said we're going have a small group,
35:31 did she know that she was thinking of your house?
35:33 Did you know you're volunteering your house?
35:34 Yeah, I think so, that was the idea.
35:36 Okay.
35:37 Because they were probably thinking the space
35:40 and things like that, and so I talked to...
35:42 Yeah, they have a big house, so...
35:43 I talked to my wife about that, and she said, "Yes, okay."
35:47 And they were, we used to do it,
35:50 just by having a cooking class.
35:52 And we got a lot of people coming,
35:55 some of them one hour from the place where we met,
35:59 you know, and they did it.
36:01 So we started doing it.
36:04 And, you know, we took time to invite people around.
36:10 But the visitors, they are who have been bringing
36:16 more people to the group, the non-Adventists,
36:20 they are bringing their brother or sister or neighbor,
36:23 someone who is in need for prayer,
36:26 they invite the person to the group
36:28 and they come to the group.
36:30 And they like to be there
36:33 and to explain the needs that they have
36:37 and asked for prayers.
36:38 And they are in charge
36:39 of bringing more people, really.
36:41 So the group is bringing the group.
36:43 I mean the group is bringing other people.
36:45 Yes, of course.
36:46 It's not like the pastor bringing or the elder bringing,
36:48 this is the group growing the group.
36:49 Yeah. Just through word of mouth.
36:51 Yes. Yes.
36:53 The same visitors we have inviting other visitors.
36:58 So that's how they come over.
36:59 Praise the Lord.
37:01 Yes, it's very interesting.
37:02 So now we're up to 42. Yeah.
37:04 And pretty much regulars.
37:05 You look for the same faces every week,
37:07 and they are coming back.
37:08 Every week, every week. They don't miss it.
37:10 Yes.
37:11 Explain how when the first time
37:13 that we were not able to probably have the meeting
37:16 at the time that we used to have it, what happened?
37:19 Yeah, we meet every Tuesday at seven.
37:23 We start at 6:30, but because two of them can't
37:27 because one of them is a lawyer,
37:29 and the other one works also for the government.
37:33 So they...
37:36 Were more easy for them to be at 7 than at 6:30,
37:40 so we moved a little bit.
37:41 But this day, my grandson from his school,
37:44 they have a presentation in the park for Christmas time.
37:49 So we call all of them, and say "Well,
37:51 we are not able tonight to have the meeting,
37:54 so let's move it to another day."
37:57 And all of them called and said.
37:59 "No. We'll wait.
38:01 You go, do what you have to do,
38:03 when you come back, let us know."
38:05 And when we've finished with the program
38:07 that they had at this park,
38:10 all of them were at home waiting for us outside.
38:14 Waiting for us to open the door and come inside.
38:16 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
38:17 So that's a group of mine that God has lifted up.
38:20 They'll say, "We'll wait.
38:23 When you are done, we'll be here."
38:25 Yes.
38:26 So that is beautiful
38:28 because that not only helped them to continue
38:34 what we are doing in the...
38:36 Helped us to be encouraged, to continue,
38:39 and to praise God because we don't do that,
38:43 God put that in their hearts.
38:45 Amen.
38:46 So that's why I think the group is growing and growing,
38:50 you know, because they come, and they feel at home,
38:54 and they feel that we love them,
38:56 and they feel that God is there,
38:59 and they are learning about God.
39:02 And that's what they want.?
39:03 So I think all these together...
39:06 The Holy Spirit put all these together for the work
39:10 that is done could flourish, could blossom.
39:17 I have to say my sister,
39:20 she's been humble about these and her husband.
39:24 They put a lot of work on these,
39:27 their time and their heart.
39:29 One of the things that she does because...
39:33 As a teacher, she likes to do things,
39:38 fix things and create things.
39:41 And what they decided to do is to have a social time
39:47 after the meeting, the people come,
39:50 they sit, then the people, they all participate,
39:55 they read the verses from the lesson,
40:00 young people and the children that can read
40:02 they already read.
40:05 But every night, she has always had something to drink
40:09 or something to eat, sometimes a lot of stuff to eat
40:14 because still I used to cook.
40:17 And when I came in, and I said, "That's not what I've learned,"
40:21 'cause I had gone through some meetings about these,
40:25 and the first thing they said, "Don't make social
40:28 with the Bible study, you know,
40:31 just keep the Bible study,"
40:35 so that they don't get too familiar.
40:38 So I thought, "This is different."
40:41 But this is better
40:43 because what happens is that when she,
40:46 after they finish the meeting,
40:47 everybody knows that they're going to have
40:49 something to drink or something to eat,
40:50 sometimes it's a light snack, sometimes she is creative
40:55 and have a whole feast, but that's the time
41:00 when they actually interact with each other,
41:03 and I think that's the key for their success
41:07 because they not only get to know them,
41:11 but they get to know each other in the group.
41:14 And so they become friends.
41:16 They have a group in the WhatsApp,
41:21 you know, WhatsApp is a little easy.
41:23 Oh, yeah. All of them. Yes.
41:25 So they all communicate like when one message goes,
41:28 all of them get the message.
41:30 So it's very easy for, you know,
41:32 communicating things.
41:34 We are here.
41:35 But at the same time we are over there
41:39 because WhatsApp keeps us all together.
41:41 When you say here, you mean you are here in the States?
41:42 Here in the States.
41:44 Yes But still very much in touch
41:45 with the group of Panama.
41:46 Yes. Oh, yeah.
41:48 So we write every single day, we send messages, we...
41:51 If anybody has a birthday or something,
41:53 we all have something for them to say,
41:56 and that keeps us together.
41:58 And that's another thing.
42:01 We not only give the Word of God,
42:06 just plain like that, we take care of them.
42:10 If they were sick,
42:11 if anybody's going to have a baby, we celebrate,
42:13 if anybody has birthday, we celebrate,
42:17 if the kids have graduation, we celebrate,
42:20 everything that can be celebrated, we celebrate.
42:24 And sometimes, we only celebrate
42:26 because we are there.
42:29 But they help.
42:30 It's not just because I put things,
42:32 no they bring things,
42:33 they bring things, you know, to...
42:36 And sometimes they say,
42:37 "Don't deal with doing things, don't do that.
42:40 We're going to bring things so."
42:42 God is good. God is good, you know.
42:45 I don't know what you're going to say,
42:47 but I'm going to go ahead with this,
42:50 one of the ladies that comes to the group.
42:54 She is a very young lady.
42:58 And she loves to come, and she loves to sing
43:01 and share with her coworkers
43:04 also whatever she learns in the group.
43:08 But we were, you know,
43:11 looking at her and waiting maybe for decision,
43:16 quickly, but no,
43:17 she was taking time, taking time.
43:19 We didn't know why.
43:21 But then being here in United States,
43:24 she wrote me, and she says, "I'm going to be baptized.
43:28 I was waiting for you to come back.
43:31 But the pastor says that I should take my decision now."
43:35 So I said, "That's right."
43:37 So she said, "But I have these problems."
43:40 She told me her problems.
43:41 "And that's why I never have been, you know,
43:45 like able to take this decision.
43:48 So I talked to her, I'd write, I would pray, I said,
43:52 "Pray about this and forget about it,
43:55 get baptized.
43:58 The Lord is going to help you.
43:59 He is going to take care of your problems."
44:01 And then she says, 'Okay."
44:03 And then CA and my sister were, one day,
44:09 in these meetings that we were not
44:12 because we were here.
44:15 So they were able to listen from her this testimony,
44:20 "From that day I got baptized, all my problems went away."
44:26 Praise the Lord.
44:27 And then I could sleep all night long.
44:31 So I think the Lord is working on them,
44:34 and many young people already have been baptized,
44:37 seven of them.
44:39 So right now, what we are doing is letting them,
44:43 also learn how to give message, testimonies
44:50 so they are in church, every night,
44:52 one different, give the theme of the...
44:58 Topic for the day, and they're doing it so well.
45:01 And then they have many ideas.
45:04 So one of them can play the music, violin,
45:08 or they have her own music or his own music or someday,
45:14 they are going to sing, different things.
45:16 But they are using their own talent,
45:21 by now, that God gave them.
45:23 Yeah.
45:24 Something that happened in this group
45:28 that I have to bring it up
45:30 because it was just so impressive to me.
45:34 There is one lady,
45:35 we have two Raquels in the group,
45:38 so we call one, Raquel 1 and the other one,
45:41 the one that is being coming to the group, Raquel 2.
45:47 Raquel 2 has learned so much in the group,
45:52 so much she had learned and not only that,
45:55 but she had really embraced it.
45:58 And so she has been so excited, she's telling her husband,
46:03 and she's telling her daughter who, by the way,
46:06 just got baptized a month maybe, not even that.
46:12 Hardly two months really. Yeah, okay.
46:15 So anyways, so she brings her neighbor.
46:19 Her neighbor has...
46:20 Four kids.
46:22 Four kids, one girl and three boys.
46:25 The oldest son is about 10 years old.
46:29 So the first time they came, the little boy, you know,
46:34 was listening to people, they are giving testimonies.
46:39 So he raised his little hand, and he want to say something.
46:44 And he says that he needed prayer
46:48 because his mother is trying to get him to this school,
46:54 and the transition is because her husband has left.
47:00 Before that, apparently,
47:01 her husband was making good money,
47:03 and she had him in a private school.
47:07 But now she cannot afford that.
47:09 So she needed to move him to another school
47:13 where she doesn't have to pay.
47:16 But there were a lot of things going on with the fact
47:20 that she had not finished
47:23 to pay for his getting in this school.
47:26 So this other school did not want to accept him
47:29 without the credits.
47:31 And so he needed a prayer for that.
47:35 He needed a prayer
47:36 that they will give him this credits, so then...
47:40 And that his mom would be able to register him in there,
47:44 this 10-year-old boy.
47:47 Well, we did all pray and prayed, you know,
47:52 privately and all that for the boy.
47:55 And then so two weeks...
47:57 The next week.
47:59 Or the next week, the following week,
48:01 he came giving thanks to the Lord
48:04 because the Lord had answered his prayer.
48:06 And his mother was able to help some that she got
48:11 and be able to register him in that school.
48:14 Praise the Lord.
48:15 So this little boy, 10 years old,
48:18 and the daughter of this lady, Raquel number 2,
48:25 also had started walking and listening.
48:28 She is so excited for the Lord.
48:31 She's so full of the spirit.
48:35 And for her baptism?
48:41 I'm not leaving yours.
48:43 But her baptisms are because it's really exciting.
48:46 I'm very proud of what they're doing,
48:49 and I'm really proud of the Lord
48:50 how He is using them.
48:52 Yes.
48:53 And so she invited her father, and her father, to this point,
48:59 had not wanted to come to.
49:01 So her father came, and we were told
49:06 because we missed that baptism that he was in tears,
49:10 and he is so proud of his daughter.
49:14 So we can see him in the future coming too.
49:19 Praise the Lord.
49:20 There are many stories
49:22 that she probably may even forget some of them but...
49:26 Many.
49:27 Yeah, I want to say something...
49:29 I want to say something else that our group...
49:33 In our group, we are having international people, you know?
49:37 And these are pastor CA
49:41 and Irma Murray.
49:45 We feel like they are part of our group.
49:50 They are. Yeah, they are.
49:52 When they go there,
49:54 they help us a lot with the group.
49:56 And, you know, they are retiring.
49:59 Just as you are retiring.
50:01 But that is going to really...
50:02 We're not retiring.
50:06 So we are going to have them over there too.
50:09 So this is going to be a good help.
50:11 But our group is so big place,
50:13 like a big family.
50:14 I feel like that. It is a big family.
50:18 If we have a need, we call someone from the group.
50:21 If we have a...
50:22 We need prayer, we call, you know, to the group,
50:25 and we are in touch all the time, all the time.
50:27 Even now, that we are here in the United States,
50:30 we have been here almost six months,
50:32 but we get in touch with them every day.
50:36 We know what happened at church,
50:37 we know what happened at the group and the meetings,
50:41 we know what is happening with the families, who is sick,
50:44 who is not, is the baby sick, we know that,
50:48 and we pray for them.
50:51 And they know that we are praying for them.
50:53 So we are planning to...
50:55 We want to go back soon as soon as possible to,
51:01 you know, keep working with the group.
51:02 So I will ask you to pray for us
51:06 so we can have our things set soon,
51:09 and we can go back the group.
51:12 But really, the story of this group is very long,
51:15 you know.
51:16 We haven't touched anything
51:17 about how God had blessed the group with a piece of land
51:21 to start building the church.
51:24 I want to do it quickly, okay? Okay.
51:26 Quickly, quickly.
51:28 One day, the idea came...
51:30 Oh, your group is growing so fast.
51:33 And someone from the conference,
51:35 I think it was the pastor of our church who said so.
51:38 Then I said, "Yeah, that's true.
51:39 We need a place to meet together, you know."
51:44 And we're talking about...
51:48 Thinking how are we going to do,
51:50 who we are going to do with that.
51:52 So we saw a place, beautiful place,
51:55 at the entrance of the community.
51:57 It's a huge place.
51:59 It's this...
52:00 Let me see, it is 2,400 square meters,
52:04 and then I saw the sign there for sale.
52:08 So I called the owner, and he said,
52:11 "Yes, we are selling this."
52:12 And then he said,
52:14 "We are selling that piece of land."
52:16 "And how much are you asking for the land?"
52:17 He said, "Well, this is going to be $80 a square meter."
52:22 I said, "Well, but that's too much money for us.
52:26 Can you sell just half of the piece of land?"
52:29 He said, "Yes, I could do it, yeah."
52:32 So I called the pastor,
52:35 and I called the president of the conference,
52:37 and I told them, "We have seen the piece of land.
52:39 It's just in the entrance of the community,
52:43 and we would like to do something."
52:45 And the president of the conference said,
52:48 "Oh, Mr. Palacios, this is the land.
52:50 In that piece of land, we are going to have
52:53 the best church of the conference."
52:55 That's what he said. Okay.
52:58 I felt so good
53:00 because if the president of the conference
53:01 is saying that, that means
53:03 that we have his support, you know.
53:05 So I called the lady,
53:07 and then I tried to get the price lower, lower.
53:10 So we get a little bit lower.
53:12 Yeah, he is a treasurer now. Remember that.
53:13 Trying to get it lower.
53:16 Yeah, and then we started working on that.
53:18 I'm praying for that.
53:19 One day, the president of the conference called me.
53:22 "Mr. Palacios, guess what?"
53:25 I said, "Guess what? What?
53:27 What is happening?"
53:29 He said, "Someone in the capital city,
53:32 in Panama City, I told him about the project
53:35 for the new church in that place.
53:37 And that man called me to go over there
53:39 and get $50,000 for that project."
53:44 You know, my skin is like...
53:49 Really, oh I prayed the, you know, God because of that.
53:54 Praise the Lord.
53:56 And then the president said, "Out of my own money,
53:59 I'm going to put $20,000 for that project."
54:05 Yeah, and someone else gave $2,000.
54:08 And the land is about to be...
54:13 How can I say that?
54:15 We are about to finish the deal, you know.
54:17 There is a legal thing that is getting us
54:20 a little bit behind, but the land is going to be
54:25 in the name of the conference soon.
54:27 So we're actually are praying for that
54:30 so we may have the land now,
54:32 but we now need the building.
54:35 We need to keep praying for that.
54:36 Yes.
54:38 Seriously, if you see about this kind of thing,
54:39 it's addictive.
54:40 When you see people giving their heart to the Lord,
54:42 giving their heart to the Lord, and you see God begin
54:44 to open up miracles, there are not many ways
54:46 to get into this development,
54:48 it's is called Via Mercedes.
54:49 Via. Via Mercedes.
54:54 But anyway, you come across this little bridge to come in,
54:57 I think there's one other way out.
54:58 Yes. But not many ways in and out?
55:00 No.
55:01 You've got to come across this bridge.
55:02 So as you come across this bridge,
55:04 this property sits right there.
55:05 Its palm tree lined on the one side
55:08 and palm tree lined on the other.
55:09 It is the perfect spot.
55:11 You cannot get into Via Mercedes
55:13 without coming across that bridge on that side,
55:16 so you've got to go
55:17 by the Seventh-day Adventist church.
55:18 So it is the perfect spot.
55:20 And it is a beautiful piece of land,
55:21 really, really beautiful.
55:22 And someone unknown, whose name we don't know says,
55:27 "Here's $50,000."
55:29 Now is that God or what? Yes.
55:32 Well, I just said that
55:34 this is just by the grace of God.
55:35 Amen. Yes, it is.
55:38 I encourage anyone
55:41 who wants to start on small group at home.
55:46 It's not the blessing that you can bring to the people
55:50 who comes to your house.
55:52 It's the blessing that we get for being able to do this
55:59 because it really makes us feel humble before God,
56:04 happy for the people who is learning about God.
56:08 So I praise the Lord for that. Amen.
56:10 That opportunity that He is putting before us.
56:14 When you do this kind of thing, truly you are a blessing
56:18 because you're the hands of God.
56:20 But the unknown part is the blessing
56:22 that you receive when you become an agent
56:25 of change for the Lord.
56:26 As you give, so you get.
56:28 God makes sure because you cannot...
56:31 As you all say, you cannot be God-giving.
56:33 So for everything you give, you get back more in return.
56:37 And you also get the satisfaction of seeing
56:39 men and women give their heart to the Lord.
56:41 And as we've all said, it is addictive to see
56:44 men and women put down the bottle,
56:46 pick up the Bible, and do the work of God
56:49 and become hands and feet of our Lord
56:51 and Savior Jesus Christ.
56:52 So I know they're waiting to get back to that PC.
56:54 Yes.
56:59 And the kinds of people that are coming,
57:01 doctors, lawyers, people of our influence.
57:04 Nurses. Nurses.
57:05 And then just people from the streets,
57:06 and young people are coming and staying.
57:08 And when they come,
57:10 and they're not ready to just run away,
57:11 you know something very, very good is happening.
57:14 So we give you encouragement.
57:16 If you start for the Lord,
57:17 the Lord certainly will keep you going.
57:19 So I want to thank Adhi and Oscar,
57:21 and I want to thank Eric and Marilyn,
57:23 and I want to thank Boo for being with us.
57:25 And we hope that we said something
57:27 that will encourage you,
57:28 as together we walk this road that leads to glory.
57:30 We'll see you again soon for another Family Worship.
57:34 God bless. Amen.
57:35 Happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2018-09-10