Today Family Worship

Answered Prayer

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018020A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:13 We are so glad that you are joining us
01:15 as you do each and every day but especially each Friday
01:18 for the special Friday sundown worships together.
01:22 It's a blessing to be able to spend time
01:24 as our family here at 3ABN but also with you.
01:27 I'm sure your week has been busy
01:28 as it seems like every week here at 3ABN
01:31 is busy in a good way,
01:33 and what a blessing to take a rest
01:36 and to be able to concentrate more on God.
01:38 And there's a special blessing I believe that God has promised
01:41 by keeping a Sabbath holy, so thank you for joining us.
01:43 What a blessing it is
01:44 to be able to spend time together
01:46 and we look forward to eternity
01:47 when we can be together in heaven.
01:49 And can you imagine having a Family Worship there
01:51 as all of God's people with Jesus leading out?
01:53 Amen.
01:55 Wow, what an incredible day that would be.
01:57 We have a special Family Worship, don't we?
01:59 Because we are talking about family at you at home
02:02 but we have some special family here with us today.
02:04 We do. I love Family Worship.
02:06 It's just the time when we can sit down,
02:08 open up God's Word.
02:10 We can share with you at home,
02:11 you are part of the 3ABN family.
02:13 And I know we hear from many of you
02:15 who say you turn on your television
02:17 and you sit down whether you are single or married,
02:20 whether you have kids, whether you are old or young,
02:23 join us for Family Worship,
02:24 and we just consider you a part of the 3ABN family,
02:27 and we have part of our 3ABN family here at the table
02:32 and we are so excited to introduce them.
02:34 Julia Outkina, our sister came all the way from Russia
02:38 for Family Worship, well, not exactly,
02:39 you came for other purposes,
02:41 but we are so glad to have you here,
02:42 you are executive director of 3ABN Russia.
02:44 Yeah.
02:46 It feels so good to be back
02:47 and as Danny says when he comes to Russia
02:50 that he has come to his second home.
02:52 This is how I feel coming to 3ABN.
02:54 I am coming home
02:56 to be together with my family in Christ.
02:58 Amen. And it's a worldwide family.
03:01 So yeah, praise the Lord
03:02 and praise the Lord for this program.
03:04 We have watched it and it's a favorite.
03:07 Yeah. Amen.
03:10 And then we have Brother Tim sitting next to you
03:12 and talking about Russia, we made the trip here,
03:16 last year to Russia
03:17 and what a powerful experience, wasn't it?
03:19 What a powerful experience to know the story,
03:22 as Danny shared the beginnings of 3ABN Russia.
03:27 Wow, just you talk about... It's emotional, isn't it?
03:30 It's like wow, what God has done.
03:31 It's amazing.
03:32 Yesterday, in Corporate Worship,
03:34 he again shared some of some of just,
03:36 a bit of highlight of that reminding us the powerful way
03:40 that God just made the whole thing happen.
03:42 Yeah. And so it's just a wonderful...
03:45 A miracle. Absolutely a miracle.
03:46 It's a testimony to His desire,
03:49 God's desire to make us like Him
03:54 and to give us the opportunity to follow Him.
03:57 So I'm delighted to see you
04:00 and my friends across the table.
04:04 You are right.
04:05 But I'm delighted to again be with you
04:08 celebrating this Sabbath and Family Worship.
04:12 I love it, really do, grateful, so thanks.
04:14 Amen.
04:16 And you are also the manager of 3ABN Praise too.
04:19 Yes, yes, you do a great job but thank you, Tim.
04:22 We appreciate your friendship
04:23 and mentorship and it's a blessing...
04:24 That's more important. We count you as a great friend.
04:26 And his great music.
04:27 Amen, yes. Yes, we can't forget that.
04:30 Worship time is good time. Music is part of worship.
04:33 We don't want to forget that.
04:34 In just a minute, we are going to sing a song
04:35 and Tim is going to play the piano, so let's do it.
04:37 All right. Who else do we have with us?
04:39 Yes, and on this side we have more
04:40 of our 3ABN Russia family.
04:41 We have Aleksei Britov.
04:43 He is the general manager of 3ABN Russia
04:45 and Vadim Trusyuk,
04:47 and he is the production manager
04:49 of 3ABN Russia,
04:50 and we had the privilege to spend some time
04:53 when we were in Russia, we spend some time there
04:54 with each one of you
04:56 and you were an incredible blessing
04:57 and we are so glad you are here.
05:03 It is also a great blessing for us
05:06 and great honor to be here together with you
05:09 and meet this Sabbath together.
05:12 Amen.
05:19 It is really amazing
05:21 that we are living on the other side of the planet
05:23 meet Sabbath there when we are there
05:26 and you meet Sabbath here and we always feel together
05:29 and we all feel united in Christ.
05:31 That's wonderful. Amen.
05:33 You know, I don't know what the language
05:34 of heaven would be but the Russian language
05:36 is a beautiful language, isn't it?
05:38 So I don't know, may be the language in heaven
05:39 would be Russian, I don't know.
05:41 So it's neat to hear the language here, isn't it?
05:43 That's just again a reminder of God's family.
05:46 People are celebrating Sabbath in Russia, the United States,
05:49 all parts of the world
05:50 and that's just a beautiful thing,
05:52 you know, and I think again we mentioned heaven earlier,
05:54 I can't wait for that. What is our topic today?
05:57 Tonight, we are talking about answered prayer.
05:59 That's right.
06:01 I don't know if you have ever encountered that,
06:02 maybe you have prayed and prayed for years and said,
06:05 I don't know why I am not getting an answer
06:07 or maybe not the answer that I wanted in my heart.
06:11 Maybe something you have a special burden tonight
06:13 and you want to be able
06:15 to give that to the Lord in prayer.
06:16 So we are just talking about prayer.
06:18 How we can go before our Father in heaven
06:20 and how He longs to hear and answer those prayers.
06:24 We'll be looking at scriptures,
06:26 we'll be sharing from our personal experiences
06:28 and testimonies.
06:30 So I'm excited about it.
06:31 Yeah, I'm too and we encourage you
06:33 to participate at home.
06:34 When we open up the scriptures,
06:35 take your Bible out, open up, join us.
06:37 It's not you watching us, we are together, okay?
06:40 So yeah, you write notes down, we are together as a family.
06:43 But talking about prayer,
06:45 we should open with prayer and then go to a song.
06:47 Sister Julia, do you mind open in prayer
06:49 as we open the Sabbath together?
06:51 Yeah, you want me to do it in Russian or in English?
06:53 Let's do it Russian. Okay, okay.
07:33 Amen. Amen, amen.
07:35 Thank you so much. Thank you very much.
07:36 Oh, yeah, for sure.
07:37 So while Tim is on his way going over to the piano,
07:40 we are going to be singing a song
07:42 that's in hymnal, it's in hymnal
07:44 and it's entitled "I must tell Jesus".
07:48 So join us here as we sing our song here.
07:50 "I must tell Jesus".
07:51 Let's sing the first and the second verse.
07:53 Yeah, let's do that in a chorus as well.
08:04 I must tell Jesus
08:08 All of my trials
08:13 I cannot bear these
08:17 Burdens alone
08:21 In my distress
08:24 He kindly will help me
08:30 He ever loves
08:33 And cares for His own
08:39 I must tell Jesus!
08:44 I must tell Jesus!
08:48 I cannot bear
08:51 My burdens alone
08:57 I must tell Jesus!
09:02 I must tell Jesus!
09:06 Jesus can help me
09:11 Jesus alone
09:15 I must tell Jesus
09:20 All of my troubles
09:25 He is a kind
09:28 Compassionate friend
09:34 If I but ask Him
09:38 He will deliver
09:43 Make of my troubles
09:48 Quickly an end
09:51 There's a chorus.
09:52 I must tell Jesus!
09:56 I must tell Jesus!
10:01 I cannot bear
10:04 My burdens alone
10:10 I must tell Jesus!
10:15 I must tell Jesus!
10:19 Jesus can help me
10:24 Jesus alone
10:30 Amen.
10:32 Well, that song fits, doesn't it?
10:33 Yeah. Tell Jesus everything.
10:35 Yes, yes. What a blessing.
10:37 And He is, I like to see,
10:38 He is a kind and compassionate friend.
10:42 I like that, He is our friend,
10:43 He is our God but He is also our friend,
10:46 and I tell you, that's a God that loves each one of us
10:49 and He knows what's best for each one of us.
10:51 So as we talk about answered prayer,
10:53 I think sometimes in my own life,
10:54 I want a prayer answered a particular way.
10:57 But God knows what's best for me
11:00 and I have to trust Him
11:01 that He is there looking out for my good.
11:04 You know there's another song that is one of favorites,
11:08 "What a friend we have in Jesus".
11:09 I love the line in it that says,
11:10 "Oh what peace we often forfeit,
11:13 O what needless pain we bear
11:15 all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."
11:19 And so that's just again a reminder
11:21 of how much He cares for us and how urging it is for us
11:25 to take every need big and small to God.
11:28 He loves us and cares about everything in our lives.
11:31 That's right.
11:32 Don't you think it's interesting,
11:34 so many times I think I can pray about the big things.
11:37 You know, well, this is a big decision
11:39 that I am facing or this is something
11:40 that will be difficult, I need to take this to God.
11:43 But He wants me to take everything.
11:45 Even the small things, even things that we might say,
11:49 "Why are you asking God about that?"
11:51 But He wants everything
11:53 and just, I don't know, that's something I'm learning
11:56 as I come more into His presence
11:58 that He wants me to communicate and share everything with Him.
12:02 Absolutely. He wants us to be one with Him.
12:05 And if we're one,
12:06 then we talk to Him all the time, yeah.
12:09 That's good.
12:11 Yeah, that's absolutely a good point.
12:12 Yeah, very true.
12:14 It reminds me of a scripture
12:15 we'll use this as we kick off our study.
12:16 Philippians 4, if you want to turn in your Bibles there,
12:20 Philippians chapter 4, we'll read verses 6 and 7.
12:26 Philippians 4:6-7.
12:29 By the way, I should say
12:31 that the guys understand English a lot.
12:34 This is why I'm not translating for them.
12:36 They know what we are talking about
12:38 but of course, when they speak Russian,
12:40 then I'll translate it to English.
12:42 So they understand but as far as speaking,
12:45 they will speak Russian.
12:47 The Lord is blessing you with a gift of tongues.
12:51 Understanding as well. The gift of understanding.
12:52 Yeah. Right.
12:55 Who has that, Philippians 4:6-7?
13:00 Will you go for it, Tim? So sure.
13:01 I have the amplified version,
13:03 so it kind of expounds on it but I'll just read 6 and 7.
13:06 "Do not fret or have any anxiety
13:09 about anything, but in every circumstance
13:12 and in everything, by prayer and petition,
13:15 definite requests with thanksgiving
13:17 continue to make your wants known to God
13:20 and God's peace shall be yours that tranquil state of a soul
13:25 assured of its salvation through Christ,"
13:27 moving on, "which transcends all understanding,
13:30 shall mount guard over your hearts
13:33 and minds in Christ Jesus."
13:34 So that's more complicated but it doesn't leave out,
13:38 it doesn't leave an ounce of doubt.
13:42 It makes sure and tells you don't fret over anything,
13:45 pray about everything.
13:47 And the peace, that's the great point
13:49 at the end that the peace, God's peace shall transcend...
13:54 Which transcends all understanding
13:56 shall guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
13:59 I like how it is in the very beginning of verse 6
14:01 because mine says, be careful for nothing
14:02 but in everything by prayer and supplication.
14:04 How does it read in the amplified again?
14:06 It says, do not fret or have anxiety about anything.
14:09 We live in a day of anxiety... Oh, my, worry.
14:12 Yeah, it's just...
14:14 That's the biggest cause
14:15 of a lot of our physical problems, our health issues
14:18 because we fret and worry about things,
14:20 and it's easy to do
14:21 because there is a lot to worry about, you know,
14:24 we've bills and you know,
14:27 how things are gonna pan out in our jobs,
14:30 security, a lot of things
14:32 that are fretful opportunities but...
14:37 It's natural for us to fear all those things,
14:40 it's a natural condition
14:42 but God says don't blame your natural condition.
14:44 Right, supernatural. Be supernatural.
14:51 They love the part, the beginning
14:53 of the seventh text when it says,
14:55 God's peace which surpasses all understanding
15:00 which is beyond understanding.
15:04 Very often, according to our human consideration...
15:10 Go through so many conditions where we are nervous,
15:13 where we are worried...
15:17 Be not in a peaceful condition. Yes.
15:25 But when we open our desires to Him
15:28 and when we are one with Him...
15:32 Then God's peace fills our hearts.
15:37 His peace, shalom in Hebrew.
15:41 It's an amazing,
15:43 amazing state to be in.
15:53 And we wish that all our dear families,
15:56 the viewers fill this Sabbath Shalom,
16:00 this special peace
16:02 that the Lord gives to His people.
16:05 I think there's something that separates us
16:07 and gives us an opportunity to share with people
16:10 how do you, how are you going through this situation,
16:13 whatever it is, that you should be going crazy about
16:15 and be anxious and worried about,
16:18 and there is your opportunity to show Christ,
16:20 so that's what Christ would do for you
16:22 if you allow Him to be your peace.
16:24 Yes. Well said.
16:26 I love what you said, Aleksei, because I'm thinking
16:28 of these verses in the peace of God
16:31 when I come before Him, when I pray,
16:33 when I frighten off for anything,
16:36 but also we have the peace with the Sabbath peace,
16:39 so the Sabbath rest,
16:41 so there's actually a dual application almost
16:44 to have that rest in Jesus,
16:47 and it's not just the physical rest
16:51 but it's spiritual rest, it's spiritual.
16:53 That's incredible.
16:55 Yeah, protection. Yes.
16:57 Being in Him, being protected. Yeah.
16:59 I like the part going back to verse 6 again.
17:01 It says, "Be careful for nothing
17:03 but in everything by prayer and supplication,
17:06 with thanksgiving."
17:07 It's thanksgiving.
17:09 Yeah, that's important part, isn't it?
17:11 Why do you think thanksgiving or praise is important?
17:16 Just kind of throwing it out there.
17:17 Why is it important, Vadim, to have a great full heart?
17:21 Why would that be important?
17:28 Most often than not,
17:29 we'd be having our nature separated from Him,
17:33 our carnal nature, we just ask God always.
17:43 I notice it with myself
17:44 that how do I communicate with God,
17:47 I always ask, ask, ask.
18:00 And I have been training myself,
18:03 whatever need I feel
18:04 and whatever I want to ask God about,
18:07 I always want to say thank you first
18:10 and praise Him for something first.
18:13 This is what I have been training myself to do.
18:17 And when I started accentuating my attention on that...
18:27 I even started feeling shame for my previous experiences
18:32 when there were always requests, requests,
18:35 and blessing of gratitude never filled me before...
18:39 Well, it did but not on a constant basis.
18:41 Wow.
18:47 And gratitude is an opposing thing to anger,
18:52 to being unhappy,
18:54 to being across against something.
19:06 And this text shows me
19:07 that a heart that is filled with God's presence,
19:11 it is thankful, it is thankful to people,
19:14 it is thankful to God, it is thankful to everyone.
19:17 Amen. That's sweet, isn't it though?
19:20 That is. It's just is powerful.
19:22 It's a very pure understanding too
19:25 and I think that also when we...
19:28 I think that thanksgiving
19:29 is not only being grateful to God
19:32 but it's a huge reminder what are we thankful for?
19:35 Well, we are thankful for the things
19:37 that God has proven Himself for us in the past,
19:40 so it's building our faith to remind us not to be anxious
19:46 because He has proven Himself time and time again.
19:49 So it's a great bit of amazingness in that, yeah.
19:56 Just in those two verses,
19:57 you know, you were talking about praise,
19:59 if I can share a short personal testimony?
20:02 In my own experience, praise when I had learned
20:06 that could praise God
20:08 and I chose to do it even when it hurt,
20:11 when I didn't want to praise,
20:13 I found that that changed my emotions,
20:16 that changed my own heart.
20:19 I can remember one time Greg and I had been praying
20:22 about a certain situation and one of those things
20:25 maybe you dream about and you want to take place
20:28 and then the answer was no.
20:31 God's answer was no.
20:32 And I remember just running from the house
20:35 and going down the gravel road and just saying, "Why God?"
20:38 You know, I am just crying and "Why?
20:41 You know, Why is it a no?
20:42 I wanted yes."
20:44 And I was praying and asking, and praying in faith
20:48 and confession of sin, you know, "Why is it a no?"
20:53 And I remember going down the road
20:55 and God tapping me on the shoulder,
20:58 not literally, but I felt His presence
21:01 and He said, "Jill, my daughter,
21:03 count your blessings."
21:06 And I remember being mad
21:08 because I said "God, I want pity.
21:11 I am going through a hard time."
21:13 And you could say, "Poor Jill" but instead He wanted praise.
21:18 And I remember when I made that choice and I said,
21:21 "I don't understand why,
21:23 but I will choose to praise Him."
21:25 And in the midst of that,
21:26 I don't know why this is happening,
21:28 I don't know why the answer is no,
21:30 but I will accept and I will choose that.
21:32 And when I made that choice, God changed my heart...
21:39 adjusted the emotions in line with His will
21:42 and I was so thankful for that.
21:47 Yeah, I think with prayer, you know,
21:48 a lot of times like we talked about earlier,
21:50 we can expect a certain answer, you know, we...
21:53 But I think it's key that we pray according to God's will
21:57 or plan for our lives.
21:58 Yeah, I think it's important, you have a passion
22:02 that causes you to pray.
22:04 So you got passion leads you to prayer,
22:07 then you trust in God's providence,
22:10 which leads to His peace.
22:12 So it's just...
22:13 It's a great Say that again, passion?
22:16 Whatever passion you have that's leading you to prayer,
22:20 and then you trust in His providence
22:22 which leads to His peace, God's peace.
22:25 Amen. That's strong.
22:26 Yeah, it is.
22:28 We look at 1 John 5, it reminds me of that
22:29 when He said with asking according to His will.
22:33 1 John chapter 5,
22:36 verses 14 and 15,
22:40 it talks about asking
22:42 but according to His will.
22:45 1 John 5.
22:47 Fourteen and fifteen, I want to hear it out of Amplified again.
22:50 I got my New King James but I love that.
22:53 1 John 5:14-15,
22:56 "And this is the confidence which we have in Him.
23:00 We are sure that if we ask anything,
23:03 make any request according to His will,
23:05 in agreement with His own plan He listens to and hears us.
23:09 And if we know that He listens to us in whatever we ask,
23:13 we also know with settled and absolute knowledge
23:17 that we have the requests made of Him."
23:22 So how do we know if we are asking according to God's will?
23:26 'Cause this here says,
23:28 "If we ask anything according to His will,
23:30 He hears us and we know that we have the petitions
23:32 we've asked of Him."
23:34 So how do we know if it's God's will?
23:36 I have been thinking about that, I would say recently,
23:40 and I believe God's will is salvation of everyone.
23:44 And whatever happens in the life of any person,
23:48 it is a way towards salvation,
23:52 even if it is a way with a minus sign,
23:54 because some people go away from salvation
23:57 and it is still their way,
23:59 because on their way with a minus sign,
24:01 they will find out so many things
24:03 that they will want to turn in the right direction.
24:06 And so whatever happens,
24:12 we may know God's will.
24:14 It seems that we cannot know His will.
24:17 We just say,
24:18 "I want this if it is according to Your will,
24:20 may it be done.
24:22 If it's not then it's up to you."
24:25 But if we put it into the perspective of salvation,
24:29 then our prayers become of a different quality.
24:32 Because if it is my salvation,
24:35 if it is someone else's salvation,
24:37 then the selfishness of our prayers,
24:40 it just vanishes when you think in this perspective.
24:43 I have my own examples, you know, it's a...
24:46 I don't know if I want to share it or not
24:48 but I did a certain thing
24:50 and then I thought,
24:52 "Was it fair to that person that I did it?"
24:55 And then I think, "Oh, it's fine.
25:00 That's fine."
25:02 And then, I just had that thought.
25:03 This is when I started thinking about it.
25:05 Think about it in the perspective of salvation.
25:08 Is it good for his salvation?
25:10 Is it good for your salvation?
25:12 Is it good for your relationship with God?
25:14 And then, you know,
25:16 still my obstinate carnal nature,
25:20 it still kept telling me,
25:22 "Yes, you have done it right as you, just as you should."
25:27 And then, you know, all of a sudden
25:29 without any preliminary planning or anything,
25:34 I did the right thing towards that person,
25:36 and that was God's supernatural intervention.
25:39 He just made me do the right thing.
25:41 And at that time, I didn't have any more questions.
25:44 I just had peace and I was, you know,
25:46 I knew that that was the right thing.
25:48 You knew it was God's will.
25:50 Yeah, I knew it was God's will.
25:52 That's very powerful.
25:54 I wanted to add a couple of words.
25:58 When I listen to how
26:01 Jill got her no answer from God...
26:08 A long time ago, I heard this sermon
26:10 that got deep into my heart.
26:16 Where often people ask and God doesn't answer...
26:20 They think that God doesn't hear them.
26:31 But the preacher whom I listen to said,
26:35 "God answers always
26:38 and there are three kinds of answers that He gives.
26:44 The first kind of answer that all of us like
26:49 and prefer is yes."
26:51 All right. Very true.
26:57 "The second kind of answer which people often confuse
27:01 and think that God doesn't want to listen to them,
27:05 that He doesn't hear them for some reason,
27:07 this is His answer no.
27:15 And the third kind of answer which was very important for me
27:21 to learn about was no, not now."
27:26 Wait. Yeah, wait.
27:29 Yeah. Amen.
27:31 Yeah.
27:32 And that's the hardest one actually,
27:34 I'd rather hear yes or no than wait, right?
27:38 Because I can move on with a yes or no,
27:41 but with a wait I got to stand still.
27:44 And I don't like to stand still for anything.
27:47 I think patience is hard.
27:48 I mean it's hard for me as well.
27:50 And I think about, you know, the promise
27:51 that God gave to Abraham about his seed
27:54 filling the whole earth and nothing was happening
27:57 so he decided to kind of help answer,
28:00 you know, God's promise
28:02 and it didn't work out well at all.
28:03 And so it's hard.
28:04 I think sometimes it can be for years
28:06 actually that you have to wait
28:08 and it again comes to that trust again
28:10 and yeah, just putting your life in God's hands
28:13 and I am with you though, Tim,
28:14 that patience for me is a tough thing.
28:16 I can operate on a yes or no
28:17 but to like hang on for a little while,
28:19 I go, boy, I'm not sure,
28:21 what am I supposed to do?
28:22 But there is a peace in knowing wait.
28:25 If there's at least some hope that you are to wait
28:28 that something will happen,
28:30 either a yes or no down the road,
28:31 while you can say, "Okay, I'm gonna resolve,"
28:34 'cause I think one of the most frustrating thing
28:35 about prayer is when you don't know
28:40 when to stop praying for something
28:42 even if the answer is,
28:43 even you don't know what the answer is solid
28:45 in your hands, a yes or no, if even,
28:50 because I have probably well got out
28:53 over the situation that He already
28:54 had probably given me the answer for
28:56 and I was just, you know,
28:58 in my not wanting to wait for the proof of the answer
29:03 because not always even if you get a yes or a no,
29:05 is it going to happen right then, so.
29:08 Very true.
29:10 But I am just impatient
29:11 but I love seeing a perspective.
29:13 The things that we pray about
29:17 I've just recently started really giving
29:18 to a lot of mission groups,
29:22 and I'll get literature from them
29:25 and they'll talk about what they want prayer for.
29:29 And there are things that I am thinking, "Seriously?"
29:31 And these are...
29:32 I mean, these are just things I take for granted every day.
29:35 And so I love how Jesus, you know,
29:40 who didn't have a place to lay His head,
29:43 whenever He is praying in the Lord's prayer,
29:48 there are not the little details that, you know,
29:50 they just ate daily bread, forgive us our debtors.
29:55 So the things that really matter,
30:01 we just need to, I think,
30:02 guard our hearts and get a bigger world view
30:06 of what prayer really mean.
30:08 And that doesn't mean again that nothing is too big
30:11 or too small for God,
30:13 but I think it's an opportunity
30:15 for us to see what is important.
30:17 That's right.
30:19 No, that's good.
30:20 I mean it's important to just be real with God, you know,
30:23 just share with Him my daily struggles
30:26 and I think you know, these will be my wants
30:28 or desires, share those with God.
30:30 But at the same time, I think there is that peace
30:31 that you have just known, okay, this is my request,
30:33 this is what I feel.
30:36 This is what I am praying for,
30:37 but then trust in God that He will take it.
30:39 Are you gonna say something, comment?
30:48 He believe, you said what he wanted.
30:51 Perfect.
30:58 I like that the 15th text says, we'll receive...
31:03 Or at least this is how the Russian Bible says that,
31:07 "We receive what we have asked for."
31:15 What do we most commonly ask for?
31:28 As well as Vadim, I started thinking
31:31 what is my main request?
31:33 What do I ask for most often?
31:41 And once I was very much moved by the text written
31:45 in the first epistle of John, the first chapter.
31:47 Could we read? Please.
31:49 So 1 John 1:9.
31:54 Yes.
31:56 We can quote that.
31:58 We love, that's a powerful verse.
32:00 Yes, it is.
32:01 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
32:04 and just to forgive us of our sins
32:06 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
32:09 Amen.
32:13 If we confess our sins...
32:18 then He being faithful
32:20 and just will forgive us all sins.
32:27 And there have been days when I did my evening prayer
32:30 and I don't know what I need to confess about today.
32:36 It looks like nothing has happened to confess about.
32:42 Didn't break Sabbath
32:44 because it was Wednesday...
32:51 and so on and so forth.
33:00 And then I read in one book, "Ask in your prayer
33:04 that the Holy Spirit searches your heart."
33:06 Yes.
33:08 And just wait in the prayer state.
33:12 Don't get out of the prayer condition.
33:16 And when I started trying to do this...
33:20 Amazing things started happening.
33:30 Right during a prayer when I say, "Holy Spirit,
33:33 please open my heart to me and show me the sins
33:36 that I haven't confessed."
33:42 The events came back to my mind
33:46 that had happened in my life a lot of time ago
33:50 and I completely forgot about them.
33:52 Wow.
33:58 I would never remember about them
34:00 because nothing reminded me about them, no associations.
34:10 And then, I realized that it was an answer to my prayer
34:14 that the Holy Spirit was telling me
34:16 whom I had offended at a certain time.
34:26 And there were several times
34:27 that just stopping in the middle of my prayer,
34:32 when that impression comes upon me,
34:34 I would call a person whom I hadn't called for a long time
34:38 and starting apologizing and making it out.
34:45 And that person would be so much surprised saying,
34:49 "I've forgotten about this a long time ago.
34:51 Why are you remembering about it now?"
34:56 And I would say,
34:57 "The Holy Spirit has just reminded me about this."
34:59 Amen. Yeah, praise the Lord.
35:02 That's a beautiful testimony of answered prayer.
35:05 You are asking God
35:08 to reveal to you what's in your heart.
35:10 That's right.
35:11 And God shows, that's beautiful, Aleksei.
35:13 And that's a prayer that God's
35:15 I think always willing to answer and to show us
35:18 if we are willing to accept and see.
35:21 Tim, can you say something?
35:24 Again, I'm beating a dead horse.
35:29 She talked about the prayer, the salvation.
35:32 He is talking about the prayer, the conviction
35:34 or the confession of doing, you know,
35:37 what should I confess?
35:41 In an email, I love this,
35:43 Jill has sent an email to all of us
35:46 telling us what the topic was going to be.
35:50 And Julia's comment,
35:53 you are so brilliant, I love you.
35:56 And she says, "Well, that will be a great topic
35:59 because it is so practical.
36:02 It will make easier for us to participate."
36:05 Now who in the world, we wouldn't, whenever I...
36:08 She said, Jill says prayer, that's our topic.
36:11 I'm thinking, "Okay,
36:13 I'm going to start reading a book on prayer."
36:16 But it's just practical.
36:19 When it's that approach you take,
36:21 one of salvation and confession,
36:25 that sure, yeah,
36:27 and that's what makes prayer practical.
36:31 So thank you for again opening my eyes
36:34 and it happened when I was in Russia,
36:36 you know, to what is really important.
36:39 It's just... you know, I've got my mind
36:41 and my eyes set on too many other things
36:44 that when I pray, I've got to realize
36:47 what does God want me to pray about.
36:49 Yeah, it's a good point. Praise the Lord.
36:51 Yeah, it's true.
36:52 A lot of times we think about all these things that we want
36:53 or need and that kind of thing, but really
36:55 it's the salvation, the confession of sin.
36:56 I think about Psalm 51? Create in me a clean heart.
37:01 Yeah, and that's a prayer. Absolutely.
37:03 "Oh, God, and renew a right Spirit within me."
37:06 And that's a prayer that the answer always is yes.
37:10 The answer to that prayer is never wait.
37:13 It's never no. It is immediate.
37:16 When we ask for forgiveness, immediately He forgives us.
37:21 When we ask for conviction from the Holy Spirit,
37:24 or we ask for salvation for ourselves or others,
37:27 that is a yes, that is always a yes.
37:30 So if you get tired of hearing no all the time,
37:31 well, pray a prayer of salvation,
37:33 forgiveness and confession, you'll hear a yes.
37:35 Oh, yeah. That's good news.
37:37 All right. That's awesome.
37:39 Should we go to some answered prayers
37:41 Yes. we're talking about that?
37:42 I know Aleksei shared a beautiful one with that,
37:44 but any other answered prayers anyone want to share?
37:48 Any other?
37:51 Any personal experience
37:54 I don't know if my example will kind of,
37:59 you know, bring down the level of our discussion.
38:06 Okay.
38:09 When I was leaving home to go to 3ABN,
38:13 I am leaving my elderly mom behind there.
38:17 She is living with me
38:20 and many years ago, about 15 years ago,
38:23 I found a stray kitty outside.
38:26 And it was so cold, just minus 20 freezing
38:30 and someone threw her away and I took her home,
38:33 and she has been living with us and she...
38:36 We live in a big apartment house
38:37 on the top floor.
38:39 Most people live this way in Russia.
38:42 And she never goes out, she always is at home.
38:47 And for all these years, she had a certain way of...
38:51 I apologize, if you think that
38:53 it's a wrong topic you just tell me,
38:56 I'll not be offended.
38:57 So there is a certain way
38:59 that she has been going to the bathroom
39:01 all these years.
39:02 It was a box with pieces of paper.
39:04 Okay.
39:06 And then I said, it'll be too much work for mom you know,
39:09 to do because I do it several times a day changing it.
39:12 I thought, "Oh, it's too much work."
39:13 I should get to a more civilized way
39:18 which mankind has developed.
39:21 I thought I should go to the kitty's litter,
39:25 yeah, kitty litter.
39:27 So I bought that and big box for it
39:32 and so I would start to teach my kitty to use it
39:37 and she wouldn't.
39:38 She just wouldn't.
39:39 It was hard for her to switch after 15 years
39:42 of being used to something,
39:44 and I didn't know what to do.
39:47 I would take her, I would pat her.
39:49 I would put her into that box, I would stroke her.
39:52 I would scratch the surface with her paw.
39:56 And she still wouldn't.
39:58 And then this thought comes to me,
40:00 "Don't you think you may pray about it?"
40:03 And it was after several days,
40:05 I mean, I was torturing my kitty all the time.
40:07 Of course, she is a very decent kitty
40:10 and she does try not to do bad things
40:12 but she can sometimes and so...
40:16 And I just prayed, I said, "Lord, I apologize.
40:18 I didn't think about You. I don't know why.
40:20 I know that I should think about You any moment,
40:24 and I should consult You,
40:25 and I should be in communion with You
40:27 about any question.
40:29 I don't know why but...
40:30 " This is, like this is the bad part of our nature.
40:33 We all have a good part and a bad part.
40:35 "And this bad part, I don't know,
40:37 just didn't prompt me to talk to you about this,"
40:40 and you know, immediately as I prayed about that,
40:42 my kitty went to the bathroom
40:45 and she did it so nicely and correctly and everything.
40:48 And I thought, praise the Lord.
40:50 And then, of course, kitty was not the main, like,
40:54 she was not my main occupation, I had other things
40:56 you know, to worry about,
40:58 and then I am just looking at her box and I think,
41:00 "Oh, she only did the small thing.
41:01 She didn't do the bad thing."
41:04 The main, the big thing.
41:05 And I apologize for this once again.
41:09 And I was like, "Oh,
41:10 she hasn't done it for days so poor kitty."
41:13 And I start the same thing all over again.
41:16 I start petting her, I start stroking her,
41:19 I start scratching that litter with her paw
41:24 and I am not remembering about God again.
41:27 See, this is our nature.
41:30 And so it went on for a while and I kept torturing my kitty
41:36 because I didn't want to do it with God.
41:39 I wanted to do it on my own.
41:42 And then, I just kind of had that thought in my mind,
41:47 "Don't you think that you can pray
41:50 for a big thing also?
41:52 Don't you realize that you should pray
41:54 for every little thing?"
41:58 Don't try to be, oh, don't go this natural route
42:03 of being independent from me.
42:05 Be dependent on me on every, every, every little thing.
42:08 Wow.
42:09 And so I prayed for that part of the kitty's life
42:16 and immediately you know, immediately
42:18 she went to the bathroom and she did the right thing
42:21 immediately.
42:23 And you know, this is...
42:26 It may sound as, I don't know, what kind of example,
42:31 not a very probably appropriate one,
42:34 but how can I forget it.
42:37 I cannot forget it.
42:39 It is so simple, it is so bright.
42:44 It just stands out, you know.
42:47 Don't you think that there are things
42:50 that God doesn't want to be involved in?
42:52 He wants to be.
42:54 And I wonder, and this thought is just coming to me.
42:57 Now, I wonder if you know,
42:59 God was telling the kitty what to do
43:01 just to bring me to my senses.
43:03 It is possible. How do we know?
43:05 That's true.
43:06 So yeah, and so, you know, it comes to me
43:09 and I am so thankful for this program
43:11 because when I was thinking about
43:13 what examples I could give,
43:14 I just came up with this one and I have been you know,
43:18 thinking about it long enough
43:20 so that it sticks better in my own mind that...
43:24 Amen.
43:25 Yeah, we should be with God in all the things,
43:27 in all the things, daily, hourly,
43:31 momentarily, just all the time.
43:33 "Don't do anything without me."
43:35 This is what He is saying. Well, that's powerful.
43:36 In everything. Yes.
43:38 Yeah, He says in everything,
43:39 with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.
43:40 Let your request be made known. Exactly.
43:42 And the peace of God passes all understanding.
43:46 Which means leaving the cat back in Russia
43:49 and knowing that there won't be a mess
43:50 to clean up when you get home.
43:52 That's peace, right?
43:53 Yes, it is. I love it.
43:55 That's wonderful. You teared my eye.
44:00 I am on WhatsApp with mom daily
44:04 and she said that she misses me
44:07 and but she says, it's okay
44:10 and I ask her about the kitty and she says,
44:11 "Oh, your favorite kitty.
44:13 You think so much about your kitty."
44:14 But she says,
44:16 "Your kitty is doing the best job imaginable."
44:19 And my mom says because at first,
44:21 you know, having her own ways also,
44:23 she was against that new thing that I bought.
44:26 And she said, "Oh, I am enjoying it so much,
44:28 it is so easy, it is so helpful."
44:31 So she said, "You may be peaceful about it."
44:35 There you go. Wow.
44:37 Prayer answered is next. That's awesome.
44:39 Amen. That is incredible.
44:41 You know, I mean God cares about everything,
44:44 every detail of our life,
44:45 and what I like the most about that
44:47 is that God wants to be involved in my life.
44:50 God wants to be involved in your life,
44:52 every detail of your life.
44:54 No matter what you are going through,
44:56 whether it seems like a small thing
44:57 or a big thing, whatever it is, God wants to be involved.
45:01 And I think prayer is more than kneeling down.
45:03 That's an aspect of it.
45:04 And bowing my head and closing my eyes
45:06 and my hands is actually talking to God,
45:08 it's the communication with God
45:10 and I think that's neat, you know, just communicating,
45:12 you're talking about that with God,
45:13 that should be a daily habit.
45:15 Going, I'm here on the set, or outside,
45:17 we are in our offices, we are driving,
45:19 just talking to God.
45:20 Yes, that's key, that open communication.
45:24 Do you have any personal? Any other personal testimony?
45:31 I'll try to share briefly my answer to prayer.
45:33 All right.
45:36 When we found out what the subject of today's
45:38 talk will be,
45:41 we decided to think a little about it.
45:56 And to that talk, we came,
45:59 the three of us came to this idea
46:01 that we get the answers to our prayers all the time,
46:05 but we don't pay attention.
46:07 We just don't realize
46:08 that this has been done to us by God.
46:17 And I remember one answer to my prayer
46:20 that was so important to me and my family.
46:27 When my son was being born...
46:34 During the birth he got a trauma of his head.
46:46 And between the skin and the bone of his head,
46:51 a lot of liquid started accumulating
46:54 and not going.
47:05 It was such a horror to my whole family.
47:08 It was our first baby and we are all believers,
47:14 the whole family.
47:21 So from the very first days of his birth,
47:23 we were kneeling all the time,
47:26 during all the procedures that we were to go through,
47:32 just all the time we were on our knees.
47:50 There were so many miracles happening
47:52 during that process,
47:54 the minor ones and I cannot tell them
47:56 all within a short program,
47:58 but even the fact that the surgeon
48:02 was the most experienced person in the whole city
48:07 who was the head doctor of the department
48:10 that took place of such surgeries.
48:15 And we, my wife and I didn't share this with our parents
48:19 because we didn't want to worry them.
48:25 I'm sharing this in this circle,
48:28 just to show how important a prayer is
48:31 for my family and how it stands, you know,
48:36 obviously in our minds.
48:37 Amen.
48:41 Now we are two and a half years old
48:45 and the baby is just a wonderful boy.
48:50 Yeah, develops very well both physically and mentally.
48:55 I remember meeting him and your wife
48:57 when we were in Russia.
48:59 He is so cute. Yes, adore.
49:01 Yes, yes. That's right.
49:04 That's an incredible story. Jesus cares.
49:06 He does care. Truly does.
49:07 He truly does.
49:09 But He still, He wants to put us on our knees
49:11 because He could, you know, in the first place,
49:14 He could have provided that this doesn't happen,
49:17 that the baby is healthy and that's all.
49:19 Then, secondly, as soon as they stood on their knees,
49:23 He could have healed the baby and that's all immediately.
49:26 But no, He wanted for them to be on their knees
49:28 so that now Vadim remembers it so well,
49:31 he can share it with us,
49:33 he can share it with the viewers.
49:35 So it's a big testimony how much God is, like,
49:39 He wants to be a part of our life and the prayer,
49:43 constant prayer is our way of being connected to Him.
49:47 And when we are, the Bible says,
49:49 pray unceasingly.
49:51 How do you pray unceasingly?
49:53 But He just wants us to be in constant communion with Him.
49:57 We have plenty of opportunities actually to pray unceasingly,
50:00 if we realize how desperate we are and truly need God.
50:04 But I love that, you know, that he has this testimony,
50:09 how we overcome the enemy, is the word of our testimony.
50:12 Blood of the lamb, so that's great.
50:19 And it builds your faith. It does.
50:21 You know, just to see that.
50:23 Do you have an answered prayer, Tim, you want to share?
50:24 Well, I want you, if you don't mind
50:26 reading for me out of Matthew 7:7-11?
50:31 Matthew in? 7-11.
50:34 Matthew 7-11. This, I love this.
50:38 Sorry, didn't warn you earlier.
50:39 Ask and keep on asking.
50:40 Right, exactly.
50:42 Matthew 7:7, "Ask and it will be given to you."
50:45 And in the Greek, it's "ask and keep on asking
50:49 and it will be given to you, seek,
50:51 and keep on seeking and you will find.
50:55 Knock, and keep on knocking and it will be opened to you.
50:59 For everyone who asks receives,
51:01 and he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks,
51:04 it will be opened.
51:06 Or what man is there among you who,
51:07 if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?
51:10 Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent?
51:14 If you then being evil
51:16 know how to give good gifts to your children,
51:18 how much more will your Father who is in heaven
51:20 give good things to those who ask him?
51:23 And keep on asking. Yes, yes.
51:27 So you know, I know we...
51:30 Sometimes we ask for things or pray about things
51:32 and we look for confirmation as to,
51:35 you know, until the answer comes
51:37 or when we're praying for God's will about something.
51:40 So, yesterday, I went and looked at a house
51:45 in a nearby town
51:47 and so the address is 7/11.
51:55 So, you know, I'm thinking, this morning when I read this,
51:57 I opened it up it out and I'd see, okay,
51:59 Matthew 7:7-11, "Okay, wait a minute, what?"
52:02 This is my confirmation.
52:04 So you know that's how shallow I am.
52:06 But then, you know, it's just we all want to...
52:11 We're looking for, you know,
52:12 the ways and sometimes we give God,
52:16 "God this could be Your clue for me" you know.
52:18 So I just...
52:20 It's not an answer to prayer,
52:21 it's still a question to prayer.
52:23 But it's... But I think we're all...
52:26 We all hope and I certainly, you know,
52:29 in this, in my issue, in every issue
52:31 when I'm praying for something,
52:33 I don't want anything but God's perfect will.
52:36 Yes. But it's just funny.
52:39 I don't believe in coincidence but I think it's interesting
52:44 how God lets the little things that we find,
52:47 even when we are talking about
52:49 prayers for the kitty or anything,
52:51 it's the little things that He does,
52:54 He does care, all because
52:55 we do not carry everything to God in prayer.
52:59 And, you know, it is not shallow
53:01 because you put it into God's hands, you know,
53:05 you could find 7/11,
53:08 I mean you could find another association with 7/11,
53:11 but you found it in the Bible which, you know,
53:15 it tells to the whole universe
53:17 because the whole universe watches us how we are,
53:21 and it tells the whole universe
53:22 that you want to do it with God,
53:25 you don't want to do it by yourself.
53:27 Amen.
53:29 We think about the little things, you know,
53:31 that we may consider a little like the kitty cat,
53:33 well, it's still something that you know,
53:34 it means something to us in our personal life.
53:36 I think about your son, you know, that's huge.
53:39 Your son had been with the health issue,
53:41 and I think of, is it Isaiah 43 or 41
53:43 that talks about God going with us through the storm?
53:47 Isaiah 43. Isaiah 43.
53:49 Yeah, because I also think of Romans 8:28.
53:52 You know, we know that all things
53:53 work together for good.
53:55 I don't know how it's all going to work out.
53:56 I don't know the answers and the reasons
53:57 why we go through some of these challenges in life
54:00 and the struggles but it's all for our salvation.
54:03 We ultimately know that for a fact
54:06 that God will use that for good somehow,
54:08 and so our lives I believe as Christians
54:11 are not immune to storms.
54:13 It's just part of life.
54:15 But I think it's how we handle those storms,
54:17 how we communicate, trust God through those storms
54:20 that's just key and I think in my own life,
54:22 you know, we talked about having busy weeks
54:24 and you know just a little stresses
54:25 and it's just crazy when I think about the big things
54:27 in this earth that are going on and in lives,
54:30 personal things and I'm just like,
54:32 "God, why am I worrying about that?"
54:33 Just please help me.
54:36 Just and that's, my prayer is actually every day
54:39 and I sure struggle with this,
54:41 Lord, help me just to have the peace.
54:42 I know as I think about things in production,
54:44 different things like, oh, dear I get worried about this,
54:46 and I get worried about that but God says,
54:48 "Don't worry. I have it all taken care of."
54:50 So He's answering that prayer in my life
54:53 but it's a struggle of mine too to just cast it all on God
54:56 knowing that He cares for me.
54:58 But God is so good.
54:59 I think about the song Tim that I don't think
55:01 you didn't write that song "God is good"
55:03 but when you sit at the piano, sing that song,
55:07 you've ministered to me many times
55:08 with that God is good.
55:09 He is faithful.
55:11 And I love the part in it that talks about,
55:13 though I've had my share of hard times,
55:15 I wouldn't change him if I could.
55:17 The writer of that song actually her son,
55:21 died some way I'm not sure if it was self-inflicted
55:24 or not but anyway later on,
55:28 he shared with a friend who changed that to,
55:31 "Though have had my share of hard times,
55:36 I would probably change him if I could."
55:38 But I don't know, you know, because we go,
55:41 it's the hard times in life
55:42 that build us and make us, give us character, so.
55:47 And I love there's another song that says,
55:48 if it matters to me, it matters to God.
55:51 Isn't that incredible.
55:52 So it's just, just hold on, don't lose hope.
55:55 If you are praying for something that
55:56 you've not found an answer to, just keep on praying, hang on,
56:02 and keep believing, keep trusting in God
56:05 and don't fail Him, He won't fail you.
56:07 Draw near.
56:09 This is a perfect opportunity
56:10 for you to draw close to Him
56:12 and just rest in Him knowing He's got it controlled.
56:15 I mean how long has He been ruler of the world?
56:17 That's the beginning.
56:18 Right. Absolutely.
56:20 I can't believe that we got less than a minute left.
56:22 So we are going to have a short prayer
56:24 and then we will close.
56:25 Father, we just come before You
56:27 in the name of Jesus.
56:28 We just thank You that You are God of the universe,
56:31 and at the same time
56:32 You want to live within our heart,
56:34 that right now we ask for Your salvation,
56:37 we ask for Your grace,
56:38 we ask for Your anointing
56:40 for our brothers and sisters at home,
56:42 and we thank you in Jesus' name.
56:44 Amen. Thank you, Tim. Amen.
56:47 Thank you, Julia. Thank you Aleksei and Vadim.
56:51 And it's just been a privilege.
56:53 God wants to hear from each one of your hearts.
56:55 It is a privilege to have this Family Worship
56:58 with you at home.
57:00 Know that we encourage you to take everything,
57:03 everything that concerns you before the Lord in prayer.
57:06 He will change you and change your circumstances.
57:09 Bye, bye.


Revised 2018-11-29