Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018017A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:11 Hello and welcome. Welcome to Family Worship.
01:14 We are glad that you're here.
01:15 Now the family is complete.
01:17 My name is John Dinzey,
01:18 and it's a joy and a pleasure to be with you during this hour
01:21 along with part of the 3ABN family.
01:24 And I would like to introduce them to you at this time.
01:26 We have Jorge Jaque, Assistant Production Manager.
01:31 Thank you.
01:32 Thank you for inviting me, it's always a pleasure
01:34 and is a joy to participate in this program
01:38 because it's also reminder of the beautiful time
01:42 that we're about to enjoy for the next 24 hours.
01:45 That's right.
01:46 And we have Brother Daniel Peek,
01:48 Daniel Peek, Dan Peek we call him.
01:51 Welcome. Part of our engineering staff.
01:53 Thank you, thank you for inviting me.
01:56 You know, I always learn a lot, get a new perspective on things
02:01 as we sit here and discuss these in these programs.
02:04 Yes, it's a quite a blessing,
02:06 you know, it's amazing as we sit together
02:08 and how the Lord uses each and every person
02:11 to say something that is an uplifting
02:13 and makes you think,
02:14 maybe to keep looking into these things.
02:17 And we have part of our pastoral staff,
02:19 Joe Brien, welcome.
02:20 Welcome, thank you for inviting me.
02:22 And I really enjoy these programs also
02:25 because this confusing world
02:28 is less confusing when you look at the direction book.
02:31 That's right, the Bible, God's book that is able
02:36 to make us wise unto salvation.
02:38 And I praise the Lord for the Holy Scriptures.
02:40 And I hope that you have
02:42 a copy of the Bible in your home
02:44 because if you have the Bible,
02:47 then you have a treasure of knowledge.
02:50 And as we said the Bible will make you wise unto salvation,
02:54 if you read it, study it, and apply it.
02:57 Amen.
02:58 Well, we'll like to invite you to this Family Worship
03:01 because we're either approaching the Sabbath
03:04 or just probably the Sabbath in your area.
03:06 And we're going to talk about
03:07 that word "Sabbath" in a moment,
03:09 but first, we'd like to invite you to pray
03:12 because we want the Lord to bless
03:15 not only our discussion together
03:17 but our time together with you,
03:19 that we pray it is a blessing to you.
03:21 So at this time, we go to the Lord in prayer,
03:23 and I'd like to ask Pastor Joe Brien
03:25 if you'll pray for us.
03:28 Our Father in heaven, when the Sabbath begins
03:31 and we have time to withdraw more from the world
03:35 and draw closer to You,
03:37 and the wisdom that's in your word.
03:41 We invite your Holy Spirit to fill us,
03:44 our hearts and our minds with His presence,
03:47 to give us wisdom, understanding,
03:49 knowledge, discernment,
03:52 whatever we need, Lord, pour it out, fill us with that
03:55 so we can hear and understand the truth
03:58 that will set us free,
04:00 free from the confusion of the world
04:02 that is trying put upon us.
04:05 And we ask You now to lead us and guide us in this wisdom,
04:10 and fill us as we feed on Your Word for the spirit to grow.
04:15 And we thank You. In Jesus' name, amen.
04:17 Amen. Amen, amen.
04:20 Well, we thank you.
04:21 You know, I asked one praise to figure out
04:26 what we should talk about during this time together.
04:29 The word "Forgiveness" came to my mind,
04:32 and the blessing of forgiveness,
04:34 you know, God for giving us, we forgiving others,
04:37 it's a blessing to us to forgive others,
04:38 and it's a blessing for them to be forgiven.
04:42 So we want to talk about these things,
04:45 that the Bible shows as concerning forgiveness
04:47 and how it has been a blessing to us,
04:50 and how important it is,
04:52 you know, this is something everyone needs in this world
04:56 because the Bible says in Romans 3:23,
04:59 "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."
05:05 So we're going to talk about this in a moment,
05:06 but first, I want to spend a moment
05:08 to talk about as we said,
05:10 Family Worship, we talked about the word "Sabbath."
05:13 Where does this word "Sabbath" come from?
05:16 Sometimes you hear the Seventh-day Adventist
05:19 use the word "Sabbath,"
05:20 but then someone that's not a Seventh-day Adventist
05:22 who used the word "Sabbath,"
05:23 but they're talking about another day of the week,
05:26 the first day of the week.
05:27 But the Bible calls the seventh day, the Sabbath,
05:29 and this is what we find in the Book of Exodus 20.
05:36 And so we'd like to read that to you, Exodus 20:8-11.
05:41 And any one of us that finds it first
05:44 and would like to read it, just say,
05:47 "I have it, I'll read it",
05:48 and then we'll go from there.
05:51 Who would like to read for first?
05:54 I could do that. All right.
05:56 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
05:58 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work.
06:01 But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
06:04 In it thou shalt not do any work,
06:06 thou, nor thy son,
06:08 nor thy daughter, thy manservant,
06:10 nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle,
06:12 nor thy stranger that is within thy gates.
06:14 For in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea,
06:18 and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day,
06:21 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day,
06:23 and hallowed it."
06:25 Amen. Thank you very much.
06:26 And so the first time actually the word "Sabbath" appears
06:30 in the Bible is in Exodus 16:23.
06:34 But the word "Sabbath," as you saw there in Exodus 20,
06:39 it identifies the seventh day as the Sabbath.
06:42 And how do we know which one is the Seventh-day?
06:44 Well, it's a...
06:46 We used to be able to say very easily,
06:48 "Go to the calendar."
06:50 In the calendar, you will find the Sabbath is the seventh day.
06:54 Well, some calendars are coming now,
06:56 they starts with Sunday,
06:57 because that's the first day you start working
06:59 or the first day you go to school.
07:01 Monday. Ah, Monday.
07:03 Yeah, the first day you go to school.
07:06 So Sunday, yes, Monday, this time with Monday,
07:10 very good, thank you so much.
07:11 So Monday, that will make Sunday the seventh day,
07:13 but is that really the Seventh-day?
07:15 Now you can go to the dictionary,
07:16 and there you'll find the word "Saturday"
07:20 or the word "Sabbath,"
07:21 and then you will find that it is the seventh day.
07:23 And actually the word comes from the word,
07:25 Hebrew word which means "Shabbat," which means rest.
07:29 And so it originates in the Bible,
07:32 and it originates with God.
07:33 And it means, they rested, the time to rest.
07:37 So I see, you know, Joe would like to add something to that.
07:40 Well, having come from a Sunday keeping church,
07:45 I question this, of course.
07:48 And it's like you were saying a minute ago, Johnny,
07:51 the more we read, the more we learn,
07:54 the more beautiful it is,
07:55 and the more the truth is rich, and it's just a blessing.
08:00 So when I looked into this,
08:03 I realized that the seventh day God rested,
08:09 and He blessed it, and He hallowed it.
08:12 No other day, He hallowed one, said six days use your labor
08:16 and do all your work, the seventh is holy
08:19 because God hallowed it.
08:21 And that's that.
08:22 And then, you go on
08:24 and begin to realize that was almost 2,000 years
08:29 before there was a Jew.
08:30 That's right.
08:32 The Jewish people were not in existence yet,
08:33 so this was for all mankind.
08:36 And God says, "I change not.
08:38 I'm the same yesterday, today, and forever."
08:42 And in Isaiah 66, if you read,
08:44 you'll find that in the new earth,
08:46 we'll still be keeping the Sabbath.
08:48 Yes, yes.
08:49 So, I mean, it just gets more and more beautiful
08:52 as you study it.
08:54 There's little things in there that I love,
08:57 for example, it says, "Within thy gates."
09:00 Within thy gates, that means,
09:03 if I have a gas station on the corner,
09:06 and you have a gas station across the street from me,
09:09 it's my responsibility to rest on that day,
09:13 the holy day, the one and only holy day.
09:17 But it's not for me to say anything about you
09:20 if you work on that day, that's your choice not mine.
09:23 My business is within my gates, not your gates.
09:26 It's just so much in there, I love it.
09:28 Yes, that's right. Amen, amen.
09:30 You know, it's a blessing, the Sabbath is a blessing.
09:35 It is God's intention
09:36 that you'll be blessed during the Sabbath day.
09:38 And you look back all the way to Genesis,
09:42 it identifies all the way in Genesis 2
09:45 that the seventh day,
09:47 he set it aside, he sanctified it.
09:48 He sanctified the day for us,
09:51 it's the Sabbath was made for us,
09:54 for us to rest, and for us to connect with God
09:56 on a more deeper level.
09:58 'Cause during the other days of the week,
10:00 you're doing your activities
10:02 and you're doing this and you're doing that,
10:04 and you're very, very busy with the other things
10:07 that call your attention.
10:08 You may pray during the other days of the week,
10:11 you may stop during some course of the day to study the Bible.
10:16 But the seventh day, God says,
10:19 "Set this day aside,
10:20 it is sanctified, connect with Me."
10:23 Because there in the week,
10:25 I'll tell you some people, if there wasn't a break,
10:30 they would keep on going week after,
10:32 day after day and day after day and work for days,
10:35 who knows when those stop.
10:36 Yeah, I might try that.
10:38 You are one of those people.
10:40 I have the guilt.
10:43 One other thing that occurred to me was that...
10:47 Oh, forgot it, go ahead.
10:50 It will come to you.
10:51 But anyway the seventh day
10:53 is meant to be a blessing to us.
10:54 And this is why we have the Family Worship,
10:56 and we encourage you to enter into the Sabbath rest.
11:00 And as it says in Exodus 20,
11:02 stop your work and dedicate time with the Lord,
11:06 and with your family,
11:08 and really connect with the Lord.
11:11 So we're going to talk about the word "Forgiveness."
11:14 Forgiveness, the blessing of forgiveness.
11:16 So we need to define this thing.
11:19 What in the world is forgiveness?
11:21 And does anyone want to share something about that?
11:24 I looked up the definition,
11:27 but I chose the children's definition
11:30 'cause it's simple.
11:31 It's a little easier. So I'll share that.
11:33 Better for all of us then.
11:35 The definition of forgiveness
11:37 in that particular dictionary was,
11:39 "To cease, to feel resentment against an offender.
11:44 To stop feeling anger or hurt."
11:47 So that's a general idea.
11:49 Very good.
11:50 So is that something we need?
11:52 Oh, definitely.
11:53 In the way that we see forgiveness
11:57 from our human perspective is different,
12:01 it's different from the forgiveness
12:02 that we offer to each other
12:04 here like in a friendship setting
12:09 is different than the forgiveness that a judge will
12:15 offer to a person that has been convicted from a crime.
12:19 And it is also different.
12:23 It's like going in a different perspective
12:26 from the God's point of view.
12:29 It's so important to understand being forgiven
12:35 and forgive is part of our Christian experience every day.
12:42 I like to see forgiveness like restitution
12:48 because He always...
12:50 It starts from what God does to us.
12:53 And when God forgive us,
12:58 he give us something that we had lost.
13:00 We cannot do that among ourselves.
13:03 Yes.
13:05 If I offend John, he will say,
13:09 "Yes, I forgive you for what you did."
13:12 But that's the human's perspective.
13:15 And he will make me feel really good
13:18 because I am really...
13:20 I feel really bad for what I did to him.
13:22 He will come back and say I forgive you,
13:25 but still he cannot restore me completely.
13:28 God is the only one, the one who will restore me.
13:34 What I'm understanding you to say
13:35 is that there's like carnal forgiveness
13:38 between the people, flesh carnal
13:41 and then there's a spiritual forgiveness as well.
13:44 Yes, right that's what I think.
13:47 You know, it's very interesting that I was looking into a verse
13:51 and that is very powerful
13:55 and I'd like to read it to you is from Psalms 41.
13:59 Psalms 41, it's very interesting
14:00 how David looked at this.
14:02 And it struck me differently,
14:06 I don't know how many times I read this text before,
14:08 but here it is in Psalms 41:4,
14:14 and these are the words.
14:16 "I said, Lord, be merciful to me,
14:19 heal my soul, for I have sinned against You."
14:25 Now it's very interesting as you look at this,
14:28 the way the psalmist write to David,
14:30 says, "Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You."
14:32 So he seems to have looked at sin
14:36 in some maladies, some sickness,
14:39 something he needed healing from.
14:41 And as you said, it's only God that can really forgive us,
14:47 and give us their healing that we need from sin
14:50 because sin is like a burden.
14:52 It is like a weight that we carry.
14:56 And I am so grateful to the Lord
15:00 that the Bible presents to us
15:04 a picture of our God,
15:08 the Creator God that is willing to forgive, wants to forgive.
15:12 And so one of the scriptures that comes to mind,
15:15 of course, is in Hebrews 4.
15:20 I like this passage of scripture
15:22 because it says so much to us.
15:26 So if anyone will like to read that.
15:30 Hebrews 4, perhaps reading in verse 14-16.
15:38 There you go, I have it.
15:39 "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest
15:43 who has passed through the heavens,
15:45 Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
15:50 For we do not have a High Priest
15:52 who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses,
15:55 but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin.
16:00 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace,
16:04 that we may obtain mercy
16:06 and find grace to help in time of need."
16:10 Praise the Lord.
16:12 So we have before us a picture of a throne of grace.
16:18 And it says to come boldly.
16:20 I like to think of the word
16:22 "Confidence" there instead of the word "Boldly"
16:24 because our concept of boldly now is,
16:26 you stamp right in there demanding something.
16:30 But it is with confidence.
16:32 You come with confidence because the Bible tells us
16:34 that God so loved the world
16:36 that He gave His only begotten Son,
16:38 that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish
16:41 but have everlasting life.
16:43 It is God that loves us, so much,
16:45 so we can come with confidence that He loves us
16:48 and He's willing to forgive us.
16:50 Yes, yes.
16:52 That thing about His love really opened up to me one day
16:56 when I was reading that, the wages of sin is death.
17:03 And God is a just God who does not change.
17:09 There will be justice.
17:11 And if the wages of sin is death,
17:13 somebody has to pay.
17:15 That death is not going to change.
17:17 There's a price.
17:19 And the beauty of it suddenly occurred to me
17:21 that God Himself,
17:25 in His son having flesh,
17:28 paid that for us.
17:29 Amen. I mean it wasn't just somebody.
17:32 It wasn't a holy angel, it was God Himself who said,
17:37 "See Me, I am love.
17:39 I'm doing this for you, My children."
17:42 And boy, that really opened up an understanding
17:45 that brought me closer to God
17:48 that He wasn't going to strike me dead with fire
17:50 and all this other stuff, burn me in hell forever.
17:53 This was truly a loving God who said,
17:57 "I'll do this for you."
17:58 Because there's no greater love
18:00 than a man would lay down his life for a friend.
18:03 That's my God.
18:05 Amen.
18:06 I have some scriptures here that I like to read,
18:08 I know you have some too.
18:11 One, Luke 19:10,
18:12 "For the Son of Man has come to seek
18:15 and to save that which was lost."
18:18 Luke 19:10.
18:20 In 2 Peter 3:9,
18:22 again, it's an understanding here
18:26 of God's goodness and greatness,
18:28 "The Lord is not slack concerning His promise,
18:31 as some count slackness,
18:33 but longsuffering toward us,
18:36 not willing that any should perish
18:38 but that all should come to repentance."
18:42 And so really when we come to the realization
18:46 that we have sinned,
18:47 that we have this sickness of sin in us,
18:51 and we want to be healed from it,
18:54 it is an evidence
18:55 that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives
18:57 because the Bible says,
18:58 "It is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance."
19:01 Repentance, what is it that?
19:03 Repentance is sorrow for sin,
19:06 and a desire to separate yourself from it
19:11 or in other words,
19:12 you don't want to do that evil anymore.
19:15 And so it's sorrow for sin,
19:17 and a desire to turn away from sin.
19:20 That's why when you read about the John The Baptist,
19:23 it says, he's talking about the scribes and Pharisees
19:26 that were coming to him
19:28 and he said, "You brood of vipers."
19:32 He says, "Bring forth fruits, meat for repentance."
19:36 In other words, our actions have to speak of someone
19:41 that understands they need forgiveness,
19:44 and understands that you're coming
19:46 to the Lord to be forgiven.
19:48 Your fruits have to identify.
19:50 Your actions and your words
19:51 should identify with a desire to be forgiven.
19:54 It is not that, you know, we used the example of,
19:58 "Oh, you have a nice little piglet.
20:00 And boy that little piglet is so dirty.
20:03 Let's go clean him up."
20:05 And you...
20:06 you know, you get your best soap,
20:08 the best smelling soap, and you wash him,
20:10 and you put perfume on this little piglet,
20:13 and you even can put a nice little bow on it.
20:16 But as soon as you let him loose, what will happen?
20:19 He's going to go right back in there into the,
20:22 you know, the mud and all that that he loves to be in.
20:25 And so that is the difference
20:28 between a person that is truly repentant,
20:33 that truly desires to be forgiven,
20:36 and doesn't want to do that evil again.
20:38 I was reading a little story
20:40 where they were talking about repentance.
20:43 And the Bible teacher was talking to the kids
20:45 about repentance and all these,
20:48 and he asked one of the kids,
20:51 "So, little Freddie, do you understand repentance?
20:54 Are you now willing to forgive another boy that maybe,
21:00 hit you in the face
21:01 or maybe he said something to offend you,
21:03 you willing to forgive him?"
21:05 And he thought about it for a while, he says,
21:07 "Yeah, especially if he's bigger than me."
21:11 And so in other words, the idea of...
21:16 Sometimes people get stuck on the idea,
21:19 "Well, I did commit a sin."
21:21 I better ask God for forgiveness
21:22 because we fear the punishment, you see.
21:26 And so this little...
21:27 Like the idea of this little boy
21:29 willing to forgive somebody bigger
21:30 because if I don't, who knows what he will do to me again.
21:34 So God wants to lead us to repentance to the point
21:38 of that we don't want to do the evil anymore.
21:40 So that's why David says, "Heal me."
21:43 Because healing means
21:45 that you don't have that disease anymore.
21:47 Healing involves that you're free from the sickness of sin.
21:52 And so that's what God wants to do with us.
21:53 I don't know if you have any comments about that.
21:54 That's why I think the word "Restoration,"
22:00 it helps you to understand forgiveness
22:02 because it's like a home...
22:06 When somebody find a home that is falling apart then he says,
22:10 "I'm going to restore this home.
22:11 I'm going to fix it, I'm going to fix it up
22:16 so we can or either live in the home
22:19 or sell it or whatever."
22:20 But then after a while, that home looks nothing like
22:23 it was in the condition that it was.
22:25 It's been restored.
22:27 Now if you take care of your home,
22:29 it can last for many, many years.
22:31 But if you don't take care of your home,
22:33 the home that was nicely restored now
22:35 is again could be falling apart.
22:37 So that's the way God restore us by forgiving us.
22:42 So that's why again I think that the forgiveness
22:47 that we do to each other, which is a mandate,
22:51 which we need to be able to forgive
22:54 in order to be forgiven is different
22:57 than the forgiveness from God 'cause He will store us.
23:01 He can make us new.
23:04 Not only we feel good about it, but He transform us.
23:10 And the forgiveness shouldn't stop there.
23:15 A change of action should follow.
23:18 Amen, amen.
23:20 I have another scripture that I like to share with you
23:21 and this one is from the Book of Micah,
23:24 and Micah 7.
23:27 And we're going to read two verses Micah 7.
23:33 It's this one of those little tiny books in the Bible.
23:39 So who would like to read it for us?
23:40 Micah 7:18, 19.
23:45 Somebody?
23:48 We have to find it first.
23:50 Chapter 7 you said.
23:52 Chapter 7 and verse 18, 19.
23:55 Says who...
23:57 18 and 19?
23:59 Yes. Yes.
24:00 "Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity
24:04 and passing over the transgression
24:06 of the remnant of His heritage?
24:08 He does not retain His anger forever,
24:11 because He delights in mercy.
24:14 He will again have compassion on us,
24:16 and will subdue our iniquities.
24:19 You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea."
24:24 Amen.
24:25 Now that's a lot to think about right there.
24:28 One, God delights in mercy.
24:31 And, you know,
24:36 when somebody takes out a loan,
24:39 the bank makes out a note, and he has that against you.
24:44 And as long as you take the pay,
24:47 that note is still against you there.
24:50 And once you pay it, you know, they sign this,
24:54 and you can tear it up if you want to, you can,
24:57 you know, burn it if you want to.
24:59 But the Bible says that God delights in mercy.
25:01 But not only that, it says that to help us understand
25:07 how far He goes, He says,
25:09 "I will cast all your sins into the depths of the sea."
25:12 That's pretty deep.
25:14 I don't know.
25:15 I think so far man or woman has not been able to go
25:21 to the deepest part of the sea without some help.
25:25 I think they have some little tiny submarines,
25:27 they go way down there
25:29 or some robotic type of machines.
25:31 And I think I've heard of the Marine Island somewhere
25:34 that is the deepest part of the ocean.
25:36 I didn't look to see how deep it is,
25:38 but nobody can go down there.
25:40 It's so, so deep.
25:41 And God wants to help us to tell us,
25:43 you know, that's how far
25:45 away from you I'm going to put these things.
25:47 Away from you.
25:48 And that's a marvelous, marvelous picture to consider.
25:50 Yeah, I can see how God feels though
25:52 if we don't accept that when we ask for it.
25:54 Oh, that's a good thought.
25:56 Give us a little more.
25:58 Well, God says, "Hey, I'm going
26:01 to cast your sins away, you know.
26:03 I'm faithful and just forgive those sins."
26:06 In so many ways, He says, "I do this.
26:08 Let Me do it, let Me do it."
26:09 So we come to Him and say, "Lord, you know, I've sinned,
26:13 I've said something bad, I've done something bad,
26:16 I've looked at something bad."
26:20 So tomorrow we come and then say,
26:21 "Lord, you know, I'm still feeling bad about this.
26:24 I've said, done, seen, whatever it was,
26:29 could you forgive me again?"
26:31 And then the next week, we do the same thing, the same thing.
26:33 God says, "But I forgave you. I give you My son."
26:36 And God says, "It's My good pleasure."
26:38 Jesus said, "The Father loves you."
26:41 I was just reading that this morning in my devotions.
26:44 It's the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
26:46 He wants to do these things.
26:48 Amen.
26:49 And, you know, sometimes I know I went through,
26:52 you know, in my journey,
26:54 times where I would confess the same thing again,
26:56 and again, and again, and then one day, I discovered,
26:58 you know, this is hostility against God.
27:01 This is what He says He's going to do,
27:02 now you don't trust Him to do that.
27:05 That is interesting.
27:06 Yes.
27:08 That's a real war
27:11 raging between Satan
27:15 trying to pull us away from God
27:18 where we have doubt, lack of faith,
27:21 impossible to please God without faith,
27:24 and we say, "Okay, I've asked forgiveness for this sin.
27:28 And I keep thinking about it over the weeks and months.
27:33 I think about that sin again, and it worries me, bothers me,
27:37 whatever, you know."
27:39 And the fact that we keep thinking back on a sinner,
27:43 a group of sins is like saying to God,
27:48 "You're a liar.
27:50 I don't feel forgiven.
27:53 I still have guilt."
27:55 And Satan is using that guilt as a weapon,
27:58 as a tool to separate us from God like a wedge.
28:03 He doesn't want us to feel comfortable in God's sight.
28:05 Yeah, even
28:07 if we do the same thing to a friend,
28:08 you know, if I accidentally hurt you
28:10 or even spare the thought to do something
28:14 that I really know I shouldn't have done,
28:16 and I said Joe,
28:17 you know, I made a mistake, I'm really sorry,
28:21 I offended you or hurt you whatever I did.
28:24 And I come to you again next week,
28:26 Joe, I'm really sorry. Joe, I'm really sorry.
28:30 Come on, Dan, I forgave you.
28:32 A lot of that. Yeah, exactly.
28:33 This is getting annoying. Exactly.
28:35 So we have to be careful
28:37 because guilt can actually put you
28:41 in a frame of mind that can cause illness.
28:44 Yes. Remember, illness?
28:46 Sin and illness, the physical
28:47 and the spiritual are tied together.
28:50 You remember, I think it's in Mark.
28:55 Somewhere in Mark
28:56 probably chapter 2, where Jesus'...
28:59 A fellow comes down through the ceiling, okay,
29:01 he comes through the roof, and they're going to heal him.
29:04 And I mean Jesus is thinking about how to go about it.
29:08 And this time He does it different.
29:10 Instead of saying you're healed,
29:12 pick up your bed and go, He says your sins are forgiven.
29:16 Yes.
29:18 And he knew
29:19 that that individual got his sickness
29:23 as the result of sin,
29:25 and knew that the sin was on him,
29:27 and he was burdened with that sin.
29:30 And Jesus was healing him where he needed it.
29:34 Forget the sin is forgiven.
29:36 I forgive you, your sin is gone.
29:38 And then there was healing of the flesh of the body.
29:43 And that's why we have the laying on of hands
29:46 and anointing with oil
29:48 because there is a connection there.
29:52 And it's a package.
29:54 And so when we don't let go of one,
29:56 the other seems to hang around.
29:59 That's right, that's right.
30:01 You know, it's something powerful to think
30:05 about the God is willing to forgive us that way,
30:08 to cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.
30:10 And what we understand from the sanctuary service
30:13 is that eventually they will be blotted out,
30:16 completely erased to the point.
30:19 We do have in this world, while we are here,
30:22 this memory that we have and Satan does play with that.
30:28 He seems to want to bring to our attention,
30:32 "You are really bad.
30:33 Don't you remember what you did?
30:35 And remember what you said?"
30:37 Not only that,
30:40 and we'll talk about that in a moment.
30:41 He says, "Here comes so and so,
30:43 remember what he or she did to you?"
30:46 So he really worsen our minds to that point.
30:49 But you are saying
30:52 that when we ask God for forgiveness,
30:56 we should accept that forgiveness.
30:58 And somebody here quoted the scripture
31:00 or seemed to have quoted that,
31:01 "He is faithful,
31:03 and just to forgive us for our sins,
31:05 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
31:07 So he's faithful to do this,
31:09 then we must do our part to accept that
31:11 because if we keep coming to Him,
31:12 asking for forgiveness
31:14 for the same sin over and over again,
31:16 the same sin which we already asked for,
31:19 then we're not really believing that He's forgiving us.
31:22 And you're saying that's...
31:24 What was...
31:26 Hostility. Hostility against God.
31:28 That's a really strong word.
31:30 What would you say about that?
31:31 One thing that I dealt
31:33 with was when I'd hear the statements,
31:37 "He throws our sins in the depths of the sea,
31:39 and He removes our sins
31:41 as far as the east is from the west."
31:44 I thought about that and I kind of like it
31:46 because no matter where you stand on Earth,
31:50 if you start going and east,
31:53 you're going to go clear around the earth
31:55 and there's more east to go.
31:57 Yes.
31:58 So you're going to go forever and never ever get fully east
32:01 because there's always more to go.
32:03 So I'm thinking
32:04 that's how You're removing my sins from me.
32:07 Then I put it in to my own terms,
32:09 which helped me feel comfortable
32:11 to understand it more clearly, and that was this.
32:14 I said, okay, I'm seeing at this way.
32:17 When I ask forgiveness,
32:19 those sins that have been committed,
32:23 if there's a person involved, they may not forgive me,
32:26 that's irrelevant to me, that's their problem with God.
32:31 I have to put these in a file cabinet,
32:34 close the drawer,
32:36 turn the lock to leave it there in the depths of the sea,
32:41 and then I walk away, and I look to the future.
32:44 And in the future, there is no sin yet
32:47 because it hasn't had time to get here yet,
32:50 I haven't blemished it yet.
32:51 Now should I and I know I will because Satan will see to it.
32:55 Should I look back on the past and think,
32:58 "Well, there's a drawer full of stuff,
33:00 I'm not going to be specific and keep blaming myself about,
33:03 'Well, it was this way, and that way,
33:04 and some other way.'"
33:05 Forget all that.
33:07 I just know
33:08 there's a drawer full of garbage.
33:10 And here's the key that helped me,
33:13 if I go back there,
33:16 it's history, I can't change it.
33:19 So just leave it, quit worrying about it
33:23 'cause you can't go back and fix it,
33:25 just go forward and do better.
33:28 And that helped me. Amen, amen.
33:31 Now that is something that we must all come
33:36 to the point of accepting that, you know.
33:40 That is a fact, when we sin,
33:42 let's say we've committed a sin against somebody else,
33:47 you remember and I will call some,
33:50 a man of little stature.
33:52 And he invited Jesus to his home.
33:55 And while He was there,
33:57 there's no record of Jesus saying,
34:00 "Now, Zachariahs,
34:01 you really have to confess your sins."
34:04 But He decided,
34:07 "Lord," I'm making a change,
34:11 basically I'm paraphrasing, I'm making a change.
34:14 "I am going to give back that which I have stolen,
34:18 and to them I will give it", how much was it?
34:22 Four fold, four times
34:25 what he had taken from somebody.
34:26 So he was willing to make amends
34:30 and to give back let's say,
34:35 give back four times
34:37 that which he took from somebody without,
34:40 I mean, actually not fairly,
34:43 not what was the right thing to do.
34:46 There is a scripture that helps us with this.
34:50 And this is Ezekiel 33, I'm going to read.
34:54 Let's see here, let me see if I should read.
34:58 Here we go, verse 15.
35:00 "If the wicked restores the pledge,
35:03 gives back what he has stolen,
35:07 and walks in the statutes of life
35:09 without committing iniquity,
35:12 he shall surely live, he shall not die."
35:14 There's this aspect again of repentance.
35:17 You don't want to do the evil any more.
35:19 You give back what you stole,
35:22 and you walk in the right way,
35:25 you walk in the ways of the Lord.
35:27 He says, what happens?
35:28 You will live you, you will not die.
35:29 The wages of sin is death.
35:31 God is going to forgive you because you have restored.
35:35 So what we're trying to say here is
35:38 you cannot take the attitude of...
35:40 I'm going to use robbery as an example.
35:44 Let's say, you know, your neighbor has things
35:49 and you want them,
35:52 so every week you go into your neighbor's house
35:55 when he's not there, and you take up $1,000,
35:57 and you take it to your house, and you say, "Lord, forgive me.
36:00 I took a $1,000 from the neighbor."
36:03 And you keep it.
36:05 Next week, you again, and you take another $1,000.
36:08 "Lord, forgive me,
36:09 I took a $1,000 from the neighbor."
36:11 And again you keep it, you don't give it back.
36:13 So there's this aspect of,
36:16 "You must restore in so much as possible,
36:19 make amends for the wrong you have done
36:22 in so much as possible."
36:24 Make amends for the wrong you have done.
36:26 And so this is something that the Bible brings out,
36:29 that's why Zechariahs was reacting this way.
36:32 And so this is an aspect of asking God for forgiveness,
36:36 that there's a responsibility in our part.
36:39 We've done wrong to somebody, in so much as possible,
36:43 go to the person and say,
36:45 "I have done you wrong
36:47 and I'm asking for your forgiveness."
36:50 So if the person chooses not to forgive you,
36:53 if he forgave you, wonderful, you've restored a friendship.
36:57 But if he chooses not to forgive you
36:59 then what happens?
37:01 You're saying what?
37:03 You already said this. You put it in a drawer.
37:05 And you lock it up.
37:07 In other words, you're not supposed
37:08 to take it out anymore.
37:10 You're not supposed to dwell on it,
37:11 you're not supposed to suffer for it
37:12 because you've asked the Lord to forgive you,
37:15 and the Lord has forgiven you.
37:17 And there may be some repercussions
37:21 because that person may not trust you
37:22 as he used to trust anymore.
37:25 Yes.
37:28 Scripture says, "For if we sin willfully
37:31 after that we have received the knowledge of the truth,
37:35 there remains no more sacrifice for those sins."
37:39 So to take a thousand every so often and ask forgiveness...
37:43 And keep it. It's futile.
37:45 Because every time we break that law,
37:48 we're sacrificing Christ again.
37:50 He has to pay the price of that sin again,
37:52 and again, and again.
37:54 It's good advice right there.
37:58 If we know the truth, we need to walk in the truth,
38:01 and grow up, and mature,
38:03 come into the fullness of Christ.
38:05 We have to remember that,
38:06 in the beginning, the Father, the Son,
38:09 and the Holy Ghost said,
38:11 "Let us, make man in Our image."
38:15 God's image was holy, and sinless,
38:18 and so were Adam and Eve.
38:20 That's how we were made. Yes.
38:22 That's how we were supposed to spend eternity.
38:25 Satan snitched it away.
38:28 And what's happening is God is simply saying,
38:33 "I paid the ultimate price to redeem you, come home.
38:36 Quit sinning, come back." Amen. Amen to that.
38:39 All right.
38:41 It's interesting in the 2 Chronicles 7:14
38:45 and some other verses down.
38:48 It shows the same thing that we're being talking about,
38:51 the restoration of what God expects from us
38:55 when he ask for His forgiveness.
38:58 This has happened
38:59 after Solomon dedicated the temple.
39:02 Some of a high point
39:04 in Israel's, life.
39:09 He just finishes sacrifice, and fire came from heaven.
39:14 And they saw these, the people saw this event.
39:19 It was magnificent
39:21 and everybody was so willing to obey
39:25 and to go back and distort their waste.
39:29 And so God says,
39:33 "If my people..."
39:35 This is chapter 7:14.
39:37 "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves
39:43 and pray and seek My face
39:45 and turn from their wicked ways,
39:48 then I will hear from heaven,
39:49 I will forgive their sin and heal their land."
39:53 And this is a beautiful passage
39:56 because it shows all the aspects of their life,
40:01 our life, our daily life.
40:04 It will improve
40:06 if we give our heart to the Lord
40:10 and then and we accept His forgiveness.
40:13 "If my people, who are called by My name,
40:15 will humble themselves and pray,
40:17 and seek my face
40:18 and turn from their wicked ways,
40:20 then I would from heaven,
40:22 and I will forgive their sin, and heal their land."
40:25 Amen, amen.
40:27 So again, there is the aspect of turning away from sins
40:31 and seeking the Lord.
40:36 Powerful, very powerful.
40:38 And so we should do this again but with some ladies present.
40:44 But there's this aspect of...
40:48 At least it's in my mind,
40:49 I don't know if it's in your mind that way.
40:51 And that is that it seems to be,
40:53 especially in certain relationships,
40:57 brother and sisters,
40:59 and I've heard among men and women, marital issues,
41:04 that seems to be harder for the man to say,
41:07 "I am really sorry.
41:09 I have said something I shouldn't have said
41:10 or I have done something I shouldn't have done.
41:12 And it seems to be harder for the man.
41:14 Why would this be the case? Why do you think that is?
41:17 Or is it that way or am I wrong?
41:24 Well, women are really nice people.
41:27 They forgive.
41:28 They forgive automatically, don't they?
41:31 Yes, that's right.
41:33 Well, you know, it's interesting
41:34 because when I was little and you have the...
41:38 You have issues with brothers and sisters,
41:43 there seemed to be a point in some time of our age
41:46 where it was like the first one to say I'm sorry,
41:49 you feel like you were the one at fault.
41:52 And so there was this idea of,
41:54 "I'm not doing it first, you know, he started it."
41:59 You know, this type of idea seems to go
42:03 into the adult life.
42:04 And man thinking, you know, pride or whatever,
42:09 something gets in the way,
42:10 and it seems that Satan works in the minds,
42:12 whether men or women, to say,
42:15 you know, to suggest in your mind,
42:19 "Let that person humble themselves.
42:21 Let that person come to me."
42:24 And that becomes a barrier for you
42:29 to be delivered from the weight that is there,
42:32 from the healing that you need.
42:34 You create this obstacle. The pride does this.
42:38 "Oh, no, they have to come to me.
42:41 They need to come to me, not I."
42:44 But that's not the way the Bible points out.
42:49 I think I remember a scripture that says,
42:51 "If you're at the altar
42:54 and you're offering your gift at the altar
42:56 and you remember
42:58 that your brother has something against you,
43:01 oh, leave your gift at the altar,
43:03 first be reconciled to your brother,
43:06 and then come
43:07 and offer your gift at the altar."
43:08 See there's this barrier again that we place
43:12 or something happens in the relationship.
43:15 So maybe we can transition
43:16 a little bit into us forgiving others
43:21 and we forgiving them.
43:23 Who would like to start with that one?
43:25 Well, that's been on my mind just now.
43:30 For people that have offended you
43:33 that don't realize it.
43:34 That's true, that's true.
43:35 I mean, there are a lot of people
43:37 who, you know, have...
43:40 I probably offended, maybe I should turn it around,
43:44 that, you know, I didn't even realize that,
43:46 I didn't really intend to,
43:48 maybe, you know, I'm thinking of,
43:52 you know, some instances in life
43:54 where there are people
43:55 that I still have to come in contact with or work
44:00 with or even perhaps live with that,
44:04 you know, have done something to offend me greatly.
44:07 And now, you know, I have to maintain
44:11 that forgiveness every day.
44:14 Let's say you're at work, and for some reason,
44:19 your number comes up, you have to be laid off,
44:22 and you don't feel
44:25 that you're particularly at fault,
44:27 but nonetheless, somebody else does.
44:30 These are still people that you work with.
44:34 You know, you weren't just a number at the company,
44:36 you were part of a team
44:39 and they let you go and yet you still,
44:41 you know, have to come in contact
44:43 with these people every day.
44:46 They don't feel any need on their part
44:50 to ask your forgiveness.
44:53 After all, that was their right to terminate you for,
44:57 whether it was a layoff or fired or whatever,
45:01 but you still have to go to church with them,
45:04 you still see them in the grocery store,
45:08 you know, and you realize that,
45:09 "Yes, that was their right to do
45:10 what they did,
45:12 but I still feel offended by that."
45:15 So dealing with that is, you know, I've discovered
45:18 that that's a challenge in life.
45:21 It is. It is.
45:22 It's a challenge.
45:24 I remember...
45:25 I don't know if anyone wants to comment about
45:27 that particular issue.
45:29 I remember, many years ago,
45:31 little over 20 years ago, a friend of mine,
45:34 I noticed that he was being very short with me
45:38 and seemed to be angry.
45:41 And I said, "Oh, I wonder why he's so angry.
45:43 Maybe he's having a bad day."
45:45 So I kind of gave him some space.
45:47 And the next day at work, the same type of reaction.
45:51 So I realized
45:53 that he must be angry about something.
45:54 So I had to ask him, you know,
45:58 "Craig, you seem to be upset.
46:03 I'm sorry, is there something I did wrong?"
46:05 You know what you did.
46:08 He was really upset,
46:10 and I had to stop and ask myself,
46:12 "What did I do?"
46:14 I couldn't think of anything.
46:15 So I said, "Could you please help me out
46:16 because I don't know what it was?"
46:19 And eventually, he said, "Well, you said this and this.
46:24 And that means this and this to me."
46:27 I said, "Oh, I'm really sorry. I had no idea.
46:32 I didn't intend to offend you in any way."
46:35 You know, I had to say I'm sorry
46:38 because things like that happen.
46:41 You may offend somebody by something you said
46:44 and people have histories,
46:46 you know, people have histories,
46:48 things that have happened to them.
46:50 I know there are people
46:51 that maybe when they were younger,
46:52 they were made fun of for certain reasons
46:56 and you may say something
46:57 that may trigger those memories.
46:59 So many different things could happen
47:01 that you may,
47:03 as you say inadvertently, offend someone.
47:06 And at that point,
47:09 there needs to be some restoration
47:10 and reconciliation taking place.
47:13 And I find in 1 Corinthians...
47:17 No, 2 Corinthians 5 that we have been given
47:19 the ministry of reconciliation.
47:21 Oh, that's a good one. Yes.
47:24 And there's another aspect of this sometimes.
47:28 We may think
47:31 that we are such good people,
47:34 "Why would I need to be forgiven?"
47:36 And especially when we talk about forgiveness from God.
47:38 And I know that, Joe, you're going to present us
47:40 a very good point,
47:42 maybe going to the other extreme,
47:45 but sometimes many people say,
47:48 "I am basically a good person," right?
47:51 Yeah. Yeah.
47:52 "Why do I need forgiveness from God?
47:54 I haven't done anything wrong."
47:57 But the truth of the matter is that we have all...
48:00 the Bible says that all of us have sinned.
48:03 That's right.
48:04 And we're deprived from the glory of God,
48:10 from being on God's side.
48:14 So it's good to go back and read
48:18 and find in the Bible the most important reason
48:24 why we really, really need God's forgiveness.
48:28 I met...
48:29 When I first came into the Adventist church,
48:32 there was an elder, who was a teacher,
48:35 who was teaching the adult Sabbath school class.
48:39 And per chance, one morning
48:42 he said that he was a pretty good guy,
48:47 that he had never committed any major sins that,
48:50 you know, just little things.
48:54 And so I rambled with that a little bit
48:56 and I came to the conclusion
48:58 that if nobody on earth ever sinned except him,
49:03 and it was a tiny sin,
49:06 Jesus would have had to die to pay for it.
49:08 That's right. Wow, yes.
49:09 That's powerful. Very powerful, yes.
49:12 And that reminds me of something else
49:14 that I think is kind of important to consider,
49:16 and that is the unforgivable sin.
49:20 You've heard that.
49:21 And of course, there are people I've talked with that
49:25 are just convinced
49:27 they've committed the unforgivable sin
49:30 and they're done, they might as well go out
49:32 and just terrorize the world
49:34 because it makes no difference.
49:36 And so I took a close look in the gospel,
49:39 you know, there are several places
49:40 in the gospels where it's mentioned.
49:43 And this particular one is Mark 3:28, 29.
49:48 If you want to turn there. This is interesting.
49:50 If you break it down, if you listen carefully
49:52 to the little words,
49:54 it's all there, it answers itself.
49:58 And I needed to know this.
50:01 And it says, "Verily I say unto you..."
50:03 God is speaking, He says,
50:05 "Verily I say unto you,
50:06 All sin shall be forgiven."
50:11 Now if we go a little further, it says,
50:13 "All sin and blasphemies,"
50:16 and it says plural, blasphemies.
50:19 "All sin and all blasphemies where with so ever."
50:25 I don't care who, where, when, or how, so ever.
50:28 You're reading from Mark? Mark 3:28.
50:32 Okay, thank you.
50:34 And it's talking about all possibilities.
50:37 It says, "I say unto you, all sin shall be forgiven."
50:43 Sin, blasphemies,
50:46 no matter what kind they shall be.
50:49 Now in the next verse, listen to this.
50:52 It says, "But he that shall blaspheme
50:56 against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness."
50:59 In other words, never.
51:03 You will not be forgiven.
51:04 Now that sounds like God's confused.
51:08 You know, He's saying one thing in one verse
51:09 and something else in another verse.
51:11 But I found long ago
51:13 that if God says both, He means both.
51:16 And we have to figure it out.
51:19 It says, "If you blaspheme against the Holy Ghost,"
51:22 this is verse 29 now,
51:24 "If you blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath
51:26 never forgiveness, but is in danger of..."
51:30 Now if you look at those three words "in danger of,"
51:35 that doesn't mean it's a sealed deal.
51:38 You're in danger,
51:40 you might have eternal damnation.
51:43 But it doesn't say "you have to."
51:46 "In danger of."
51:48 So now if you consider the definition of blasphemy,
51:53 listen to this now...
51:56 Blasphemy is speech injurious is to divine majesty,
52:00 speaking evil of God.
52:02 And it says blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is regarded
52:05 as a continued
52:08 and obstinate rejection of the gospel of salvation
52:12 through Christ
52:14 and hence is an unpardonable sin simply
52:18 because as long
52:20 as a sinner remains in unbelief
52:24 that he can be forgiven,
52:26 he voluntarily excludes himself from pardon.
52:30 If you deny God, if you deny Jesus,
52:32 if you deny sin, if you deny forgiveness,
52:35 then you don't get it.
52:37 And the easiest way
52:38 I can explain that would be with...
52:41 If I offer you, Johnny, a $50 bill.
52:44 And I say, "Johnny, if you take this from my hand,
52:46 you own it, it's yours.
52:47 I don't want it back." That's forgiveness.
52:51 And you say, "I don't believe you.
52:53 I don't want it."
52:54 And so I walk away with my $50 bill
52:56 and you rejected forgiveness.
52:58 You rejected the $50 bill.
53:00 I don't get the benefit of the $50.
53:01 That's right.
53:02 But I tell you, it's always available
53:04 if you should decide you want it.
53:07 So a week later, you come back and you say,
53:09 "Hey, Joe, that $50 bill still available to me?"
53:13 All of a sudden, the unforgivable sin,
53:16 because you changed your mind,
53:20 is now forgivable and you can have it.
53:24 So it is an unforgivable sin
53:25 as long as you don't want forgiveness,
53:28 you are not going to have any.
53:31 Now does that make sense 'cause it does to me?
53:34 Thank you very much.
53:36 You want to say something, add something?
53:37 It's a new perspective on that,
53:39 I guess, others that I've heard.
53:45 A new explanation maybe I should say.
53:47 Not really a perspective but clarification.
53:51 And so you have heard
53:53 then that it is a persistent rejection
53:58 over and over and over again to the Holy Spirit's call
54:01 to repent and ask God for forgiveness.
54:03 I guess you wanted to...
54:05 That came from Greek. I looked it up.
54:06 The original words "blasphemy" and the definition of it.
54:09 So that's what I got. Okay, very good.
54:11 So the person that continues to reject God's call to repent,
54:18 then he cannot be forgiven
54:20 because he never asks for forgiveness.
54:22 And with the time we have remaining,
54:25 perhaps we can share what has God...
54:29 First question, what does God's forgiveness means to you?
54:32 And then, what can you say to somebody
54:35 so they will ask the Lord to forgive them?
54:38 We'll start with Joe.
54:40 You have to be brief because we have short time.
54:44 Go to the foot of the cross and see the love.
54:47 The wages of sin is death, and He said, "Let me pay it."
54:51 All we have to do is believe it and accept it and thank Him.
54:55 Amen, amen. Dan?
54:58 Well, forgiveness is the opportunity for me
55:01 to exchange my guilt,
55:03 which we've already said can cause physical sickness,
55:07 disease, ailments,
55:11 just general unhappy life for happiness, and health,
55:16 and confidence in God.
55:20 Amen
55:22 And...
55:23 Yes.
55:24 I keep saying this, but the idea
55:27 of when you receive forgiveness,
55:31 you receive this new paintjob, this new...
55:35 this restoration of your house.
55:38 And it looks so good, why don't you keep it?
55:40 Why don't we keep it? Why don't we keep it that way?
55:43 And that's why I like
55:45 that verse from 2 Chronicles,
55:49 "If my people call my name,
55:53 I'll restore them."
55:56 That's is our goal, to keep that restoration work alive.
56:01 Amen. Amen.
56:03 Well, I'd like to finish with Isaiah 55,
56:07 and going to read verse 6 and 7.
56:09 And the Bible tells us, it's a message from the Lord,
56:12 "Seek the Lord while He may be found,
56:15 call upon Him while He is near.
56:19 Let the wicked forsake his way,
56:21 and the unrighteous man his thoughts,
56:25 and let him return to the Lord,
56:28 and He will have mercy on him, and to our God,
56:31 For He will abundantly pardon."
56:34 Isaiah 55:6, 7.
56:37 And so I would like to encourage you
56:40 to seek the Lord while He may be found,
56:42 call upon Him while He is near.
56:44 And this is a message that we want to leave with you.
56:47 God is near, God wants to forgive you.
56:49 If you are carrying a load of guilt
56:51 because you look at your life
56:53 and there's a stain with sin, horrific sin,
56:57 terrible things you have done
56:59 or said to injure yourself or someone,
57:02 God is saying,
57:04 "Come to Me, ask forgiveness, and I will forgive you."
57:08 And it says here, "He will abundantly pardon."
57:10 So I encourage you,
57:11 take this opportunity to go to the Lord
57:14 and leave the weight of guilt there
57:17 because Jesus died on the cross
57:20 to make possible forgiveness of all your sins.
57:24 So I encourage you to do that.
57:26 And when you do this,
57:27 you will begin to have peace and happiness
57:30 that begins in this world and continues forever.
57:33 Happy Sabbath. God bless you.
57:34 Amen.


Revised 2018-06-18