Today Family Worship

Angels, Armor, and Promises Part 4

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018013A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello, happy Sabbath,
01:12 and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:15 I am Chris Shelton, and I am here with my husband,
01:17 Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:19 and a couple other people around the table.
01:21 In fact, I feel a little bit like a minority here, you know.
01:25 I didn't realize both the wives were going to be gone.
01:28 That's all right. That's all right.
01:30 Before we get too much further,
01:32 I might as well just introduce them
01:33 since I'm talking about them already.
01:35 To our right is Pastor CA Murray.
01:38 I know you're no stranger to these folks
01:41 that are watching us here tonight.
01:42 You wear many hats.
01:44 You've been at 3ABN for a long, long time
01:46 and done an awful lot, still blesses my heart.
01:49 Even your commercials bless me. Yeah.
01:50 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
01:53 And we count you as certainly as a friend.
01:55 Absolutely. Amen and amen.
01:56 The loved one, the brother in Christ,
01:58 and it's just always a blessing,
01:59 and we feel like someone we could count on.
02:01 We need counsel, we need encouragement,
02:03 you know, we feel like we can go to you,
02:05 and so we're very grateful and thankful
02:06 for that relationship.
02:08 Thank you. Very much so.
02:10 Praise the Lord. That is true.
02:11 I mean, all you have to do is hear one of his greetings
02:13 and you feel encouraged.
02:14 And same with brother JD.
02:17 JD Quinn, same thing, he is my buddy, my pal.
02:22 He has just been such an encouragement to me.
02:24 He and his wife, Shelley, are so loving and so caring,
02:28 and you do the same.
02:29 I know you worked in different facets here at 3ABN.
02:32 You work primarily in pastoral sector.
02:34 That's true. That's exactly right.
02:36 You know, one thing I'll just think it, boy,
02:38 doesn't CA have the best smile.
02:40 Yeah. Amen.
02:41 That's it. And so do you.
02:43 Come on, you do too.
02:44 It's encouraging. Well, I don't know.
02:45 I don't watch myself smiling very much,
02:47 but I just noticed CA just kind of...
02:50 You know what?
02:52 I think it's because of who lives in your heart.
02:54 Oh, yes.
02:56 You know, you can see
02:57 the difference in people's eyes,
02:59 in their countenance when Jesus is in the heart,
03:02 and it has to affect us.
03:03 If you ever happened to be just a little bit,
03:06 we don't like to sit down, right?
03:07 We should be always up in Christ, but if you are...
03:10 You meet these two gentlemen and their wives,
03:12 you see, they've got that smile,
03:13 and it's infectious, and it lifts up your spirits.
03:17 And so we love to be around individuals like that
03:19 that have the spirit of God living in them.
03:20 So we give Him the praise and honor.
03:23 Okay. Certain to glory, yes, okay.
03:24 That's right.
03:25 Well, tonight we're actually going to continue a study
03:28 that we thought was just going to be one program,
03:31 and it's entitled "Angels, Armor, and Promises".
03:34 And now we are on Part 4
03:37 of "Angels, Armor, and Promises."
03:39 In fact, I've even thought,
03:41 "Will that make a good name for a program?
03:43 It'd would be a good book?"
03:45 "Cause it just keeps going and going and going.
03:48 It's been such a... It's a 20-part study.
03:49 Oh, it's been a blessing.
03:51 It really has been a blessing.
03:54 She started reading these here about the promises.
03:57 She looked at me and said, "I tell you,
03:58 we may have to do two parts on this one."
04:00 I think she's right.
04:02 At least. At least.
04:03 Anyway, we're glad that they joined us.
04:05 Praise God, we're glad, you get a pencil and paper
04:06 and just write some of these things down,
04:08 we'll move quickly I'm sure.
04:10 And this evening, we're going to talk about
04:12 claim God's promises while praising Him.
04:14 Let me read just one...
04:16 We just going to have prayer, Honey.
04:17 You want to do it before prayer, okay.
04:19 Let me read one passage, and then you can have prayer, okay?
04:20 Okay, sure, yes.
04:21 This is found in 2 Peter 1:4.
04:23 2 Peter 1:4, "Whereby are given unto us
04:29 exceeding great and precious..."
04:33 What kind of promises? Precious.
04:34 "Great and precious." I love that.
04:37 I had to stop and read it to myself
04:39 even at home two or three times.
04:41 "That by these, ye might be partakers..."
04:44 I love this part.
04:45 "Of divine nature, having escaped the corruption
04:49 that is in the world through lust."
04:51 That's what this is all about. Amen.
04:54 Is obtaining that divine nature through Jesus Christ.
04:57 So, Pastor, would you lead us off in prayer please?
05:00 Sure. Let's pray together.
05:01 And you at home, pray with us please.
05:04 Merciful Father in heaven, again, we come to Thee,
05:05 we thank Thee for the beginning and the edges of the Sabbath.
05:09 Just thank You for that special time
05:10 that You've given to us.
05:11 And we're thankful that You said
05:13 the Sabbath was made for man
05:14 and not man for the Sabbath.
05:15 Lord, bless, we pray, as we fellowship together,
05:18 as we open the beautiful pages of this book called the Bible,
05:22 realized, inspired, holy men of God were inspired.
05:25 They wrote these things down,
05:26 some message that You've left
05:28 for Your people here in these last days
05:30 and so important that we take time to study.
05:33 So as we open the pages
05:35 and we look at some of the promises tonight,
05:37 Lord, these things have encouraged us in time
05:39 when they seemed like there was no way out.
05:41 Open the Bible, claim the promise of God,
05:44 and You were always there.
05:45 So we pray now as the Holy Spirit
05:48 descends upon each and every one of us.
05:50 Those who at home, those who may be discouraged,
05:52 those who are going through may be grief,
05:55 they find there's no way out, they don't know what to do,
05:57 maybe tonight, we pray by the power of the Holy Spirit.
06:00 A word will be said in due season
06:03 that the ears will be opened that each one may hear
06:05 and say this is what I need to do.
06:08 Bless us now, we pray, give us heavenly wisdom,
06:10 may we hear the spirit speak to us too,
06:12 in Jesus' name we pray and for His sake, amen.
06:14 Amen. That's a promise in itself, is it not?
06:16 That is true.
06:18 It's a wonderful promise. It certainly is.
06:19 I'm sure we'll talk about that. Yes.
06:21 Let's jump back to 2 Peter 1:4.
06:25 We read just a moment ago that God has left us
06:28 with exceeding great and precious promises.
06:32 The problem is most of us
06:34 don't realize that the promises are there.
06:37 And we haven't learned how to claim those promises,
06:41 that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature.
06:44 I love that.
06:45 And I know we probably all have our own precious promises.
06:49 We have a kind of a guide here.
06:52 But I remember the first time, just to kind of give an idea
06:56 that I learned about a promise in scripture.
06:59 Oh. I had been...
07:01 As a young child...
07:03 In school, we were doing things
07:05 that we didn't realize would invite the wrong spirit in.
07:09 You know, we did things where you would get down
07:12 and say a certain words
07:13 and lift kids up by your fingers.
07:15 And I had a girl that I went to school with
07:18 and her mother had a crystal ball
07:20 and I'd stay all night with her.
07:23 And, of course, my mother didn't realized all this stuff.
07:25 So I finally told her, you know, and she let me know,
07:28 "Don't have anything to do with that whatsoever."
07:30 So I didn't anymore.
07:32 But even as a teenager, I would get like premonitions.
07:37 Let's say we were going to have a science test,
07:40 I just had a feeling we wouldn't do it,
07:42 I wouldn't study, you know.
07:44 And it was that strong, and it would happen.
07:47 My father, my real biological father,
07:49 he was supposed to pick my brother and I
07:51 up to go North Carolina,
07:53 I was 18 at that time, and I just kept thinking,
07:56 "I'm not going to see him."
07:58 I took my time packing,
08:00 and I just felt the whole time...
08:02 I was never really done
08:04 by the time he was supposed to be there,
08:05 and he didn't show up.
08:06 He was killed in a car accident.
08:08 But there was a lady.
08:10 Alias, she was a teacher down at Oakwood University.
08:14 Is it university? It was college back then I think.
08:16 And Francis Bliss, I love Francis Bliss,
08:20 she was my Sabbath school teacher for a while,
08:22 and I used to listen to her,
08:24 and the way she would present Jesus,
08:26 it just drew me in in so many ways.
08:29 And I told her what was happening
08:31 and that sometimes you'd hear water turn on
08:34 or people going down steps
08:36 and, you know, different things like that.
08:38 And she told me... She gave me a promise.
08:40 She says, "I want you to memorize Psalms 34:7."
08:44 And I still pray that promise today.
08:47 "That the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them
08:50 that fear Him and delivereth them."
08:54 And many times, God has answered that prayer
08:58 because I claim it, you know.
09:01 I'm sure many of you have had the same thing happened to you.
09:05 In our last...
09:06 I think it was our last program on this, Sister Mollie said,
09:10 "You know, it would be better if we just learn to claim
09:13 and live by one or two verses
09:16 than to maybe know a whole bunch
09:17 and not claim them."
09:18 There's power in God's Word
09:20 if we begin to use it as He wants us to use it.
09:23 So, guys, help me out here.
09:25 You know, I remember in looking at 2 Peter 1:4,
09:30 it picks up "Whereby we are given to us
09:34 exceedingly greater and precious promises."
09:36 My New King James says "by which."
09:39 So the thing you want to ask yourself is, "Well, by what?"
09:41 You know, when you got a whereby,
09:43 you got to have a thereby and from there,
09:45 you know, that kind of thing.
09:46 So if you go back to the beginning,
09:49 a little closer to the beginning in Paul.
09:54 Read into Peter, "Grace and peace be multiplied to you
09:58 in the knowledge of God
10:00 and of our Lord and of Jesus, our Lord,
10:02 as His divine power has given us all things
10:06 that pertain to life and godliness
10:09 through the knowledge of Him
10:11 who has called us by glory and virtue
10:15 whereby we are given great promises."
10:18 Well... Yes.
10:20 What he's saying is that,
10:22 everything you need to serve the Lord is available to you.
10:26 Yes. Amen.
10:27 And, those are the basis of those promises
10:31 that grace and peace...
10:33 He's saying, "May grace and peace be multiplied to you
10:35 in the knowledge of God and our Lord, Jesus Christ,
10:39 as His divine power has given us all things
10:42 that pertained to life and godliness."
10:44 So that Christ, he is saying,
10:46 has provided for you everything you need for salvation.
10:50 Yes. Amen.
10:52 Whereby those things are great promises to you.
10:55 They are there, but the thing is,
10:57 you got to be in the Word to know
10:58 even what those promises are.
11:00 You know, you've got...
11:02 It's like you got money in the bank and you got no pin.
11:04 You know, you can't access it
11:06 because you don't know your pin.
11:07 Well, those promises are there,
11:09 but you've got a lot of people walking around
11:11 living like hobos who are really very wealthy,
11:14 but they don't know it.
11:15 The promises are there,
11:17 they are great and precious promises.
11:21 But if you are not in the Word, you got cash,
11:24 you don't even know you have, you know.
11:26 So you got to be in the Word
11:27 so that you can access those promises
11:29 that will make your life so much better.
11:31 So what excuses then do we have if every opportunity,
11:34 every privilege is ours, every promise is ours?
11:37 Someone has said, 30,000...
11:40 I mean, 3,000 or 3,500 promises right in the Word of God,
11:44 different ones have estimated.
11:45 That's a lot of promises. Yeah.
11:46 Every one of those is ours that we can claim
11:51 and God will fulfill that.
11:53 So I kind of like to stand without excuse
11:55 when He's promised all of heaven
11:57 and said all these promises are mine.
11:59 Precisely. Yeah, to go off the road.
12:01 And the person that's suffering is you.
12:03 You know, it's like you've got that money in the bank,
12:05 and you're running around begging for nickels and dimes,
12:08 and you got a whole bank account
12:09 and just don't have a pin number, you know.
12:11 Find your pin. Amen.
12:12 It's there. It's there.
12:14 And as CD Brooks say...
12:15 Oh, no, Charles Bradford, he used to say,
12:17 "Write some checks."
12:18 He said, "They're not going to bounce."
12:20 He said, "Just start beginning to write.
12:21 Why are you living like a bum?
12:23 Just write some checks, you know."
12:24 Amen. Not going to bounce.
12:26 Write some checks and cash them.
12:28 That is so exciting the way you put that
12:30 because I can remember being in another church years ago,
12:34 it's an Adventist Church,
12:35 better than the another one that...
12:36 Rather than the one I go to now.
12:39 And being on the church board, being on the school board,
12:42 many times there would be,
12:43 you know, problems that would come up.
12:45 And time after time after time, they'd be looking at,
12:49 you know, what is this school district doing?
12:53 How are they solving that problem?
12:55 Or if you had something in the church,
12:56 well, what did they do?"
12:57 Well, maybe we need to talk to this person,
12:59 he's got a doctorate
13:01 or this person that's got a master's degree or...
13:03 You know what I'm saying?
13:05 And when I came, I'll be honest,
13:07 when I came to Behold the Lamb, many years ago,
13:11 on those board there, if there was a problem,
13:14 we didn't go outside of the church,
13:16 we went to the bank,
13:18 we started drawing money out of the bank.
13:21 And that's when you begin to see
13:23 the power of God at work.
13:25 It was beautiful, I love it, I love it.
13:27 So we need to be studying every single day, right?
13:30 Every single day. Yeah.
13:31 'Cause we're going to talk about these promises
13:33 are on condition
13:35 I think before this is over with.
13:36 You know what, I was reading in this,
13:38 I was reading in the Commentary and following...
13:41 When we're talking about having escaped,
13:43 having the money in the bank, CA, it brought this thing up.
13:46 And this is what the Commentary were saying,
13:48 "That we are not saved in sin,
13:52 but we are given the power to turn from sin and flee."
13:56 Amen.
13:57 So we take that first step,
13:59 we decide that I'm sick
14:01 and tired of being sick and tired
14:03 in what I'm doing, so, consequently,
14:06 then I step away from it.
14:09 Now it's kind of like the Lord is behind me
14:13 with His wind and He's blowing me from it.
14:15 And then if I...
14:16 As long as I'm going from it
14:18 or I've taken my position from it,
14:21 well, then, He continues to enable me to stay from it...
14:24 Amen.
14:26 Rather than to go back to it, and then turn around
14:30 and, you know, get caught back into that trap again.
14:34 So, you know, having escaped the corruption
14:36 that is in the world through lust,
14:38 you know, please...
14:40 And then He tells us in Philippians 4:13
14:43 that "I will empower you,
14:45 I'll infuse my inner strength into you
14:48 to be able to be successful."
14:52 Amen Isn't that beautiful?
14:54 You know, one of our favorite passage is just a small,
14:58 let's say, one liner that is in John 6:37,
15:01 it just simply says,
15:03 "Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out."
15:07 I mean, think about a promise.
15:08 "Him that cometh to Me, I will in no wise cast out."
15:12 And in the Ministry of Healing, 65,
15:14 it makes a little comment
15:15 I thought on this passage was good.
15:17 This should really encourage all of us and strengthen us.
15:20 If you've been in the church for 50 years or maybe,
15:23 you know, five minutes, this is encouragement.
15:25 It says, "As you come to Him..."
15:27 This is part of the promises.
15:29 We come to Him. We come to Him.
15:31 "Believe that He accepts you," number one.
15:34 "Believe He has promised,
15:37 You can never perish while you do this."
15:40 Never.
15:41 That's quite a quote from Spirit of Prophecy.
15:44 As long as we do this, you will never perish, never.
15:49 Wow.
15:51 And that's what we're all looking
15:52 for is eternal life, right?
15:54 Not to go in the wrong direction here, but simply...
15:55 What does it say?
15:57 "Come to Him," and He says,
15:58 "I'm not going to cast you out."
16:00 Well, we realized there's conditions,
16:01 and we'll discuss things as go.
16:02 But the first thing I guess, to me, is, "We come to Him."
16:06 Well, and it says here, and it says here.
16:08 We'll go back to what we're talking about 2 Peter 1:4,
16:11 "That by these, you might
16:12 be partakers of the divine nature,"
16:14 and that's exactly what you're talking about right here.
16:17 And the divine nature is not going to have sin in it.
16:20 And that's why so many, so many of you at home
16:23 may be struggling and you feel hopeless.
16:25 I don't know about you guys who are on the table,
16:27 but I've had my moments of despair.
16:29 I mean, literally, I have wanted to indent.
16:33 I wanted to drive off a bridge, I wanted to do something,
16:36 but it would be my children,
16:38 my children that would hold me back,
16:40 and I would think who's going to take care of them,
16:42 who's going to help them?
16:44 And I would spend...
16:45 I've spent many of days, many an hour in prayer.
16:49 Amen.
16:50 And by God's grace, He didn't give up on me.
16:52 Amen. Thank you for His grace.
16:54 You know, you speak of promises,
16:56 the number of people who have been
16:57 moved by Satan in their own lives.
16:59 I mean, that number is high. Yes.
17:01 It's very, very high. Yes.
17:02 Because, you know, the Lord never sleeps,
17:04 never slumbers and neither does the devil.
17:06 And he studies you, and Ellen White says that
17:10 "Depression is discouragement is the tool of the devil."
17:14 The Lord never sends that.
17:15 That's right. You know, and see...
17:16 If you're not, studying the Word
17:19 and imbibing the Word, you don't even know.
17:22 You think that's something coming from within,
17:24 that's something from without
17:25 that the devil is dropping on you,
17:27 putting in your spirit,
17:28 and it doesn't come from the Lord.
17:30 The Lord will challenge you.
17:31 Yes. Yes, He will.
17:34 With every challenge, He'll make a way of escape.
17:36 But more than that, He's not...
17:38 When you're, "Nobody knows the trouble I've seen,
17:40 I'm the last one, I'm the only one that's left,
17:42 I need to go over here and drive off a cliff,"
17:45 that's not from God.
17:46 No, it isn't.
17:47 You know, the Lord will show you so...
17:49 But you don't know it at that time.
17:50 But you don't know it's...
17:51 You don't know, you don't know because you think it is,
17:53 but that's if Satan can't rust you out,
17:56 he'll wear you out.
17:57 He will just put this depressive thing on you,
17:59 "I'm the only one that's left, you know,"
18:01 there's 7,000 out there keeping,
18:02 but you don't know that, you think you're the only one
18:05 that's ever got this in the history of the world.
18:07 That is the tool of the devil.
18:08 And that we've got to fight in the power of God,
18:12 and it's only in the power of God
18:13 that we get the strength to do that.
18:14 Exactly. Absolutely.
18:16 And these promises... Yes.
18:17 We make these resolutions,
18:19 one of my resolution and Shelley's resolutions,
18:21 we want to get in better shape.
18:23 So we've decided, we've determined,
18:27 we've decided,
18:29 and we've dedicated
18:30 to start walking on our little treadmill.
18:32 Oh, my goodness, you know, God forbid,
18:34 there's anything more fun than that.
18:36 But, boy, that's three big words,
18:39 decided, dedicated, determined...
18:41 You better pray, kids.
18:43 Now Shelley, her DNA is,
18:46 "I'm going to do five miles a day."
18:49 I'm sitting there, "Shelley, why don't we do
18:51 a quarter of a mile today?"
18:52 Yes.
18:53 And then build up,
18:55 and then in a month, we'll be at five miles.
18:57 It's hard for her to understand that.
18:59 She's a race horse, you know, I'm a trotter.
19:03 But anyway, she did...
19:06 She tried to do the...
19:08 She didn't make the five,
19:09 but just nearly got sick because she's...
19:12 So what this is saying here,
19:14 and, CA, and what you're saying,
19:15 "Hey, maybe you just start with the gospels,
19:18 Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John."
19:20 You know, but be dedicated
19:22 so that we can start building our stamina up
19:24 so that we do know these promises,
19:27 so that we will be stronger.
19:28 So, I mean, what do you do
19:29 when you have two different people?
19:31 One wants to go this speed, you know, husband and wife,
19:34 and the other needs to go this speed, what do we do?
19:37 Do we try to go with the speed that the other one is going
19:39 or is it conducive to us to be able to go the speed
19:43 we believe the Lord wants us to be,
19:44 that's spiritually and physically too?
19:46 You know, if she can do five,
19:48 and I can only do one, I need to...
19:51 That's the best I can do. Okay.
19:52 Do the one and praise the Lord.
19:53 Yeah, I need to do that
19:55 and not try to gauge it on what someone else is doing.
19:58 It's my relationship, it's my physical being,
20:01 and you should kind of know what you're doing.
20:02 But, I like that because...
20:04 And constantly think about improving.
20:06 Improving.
20:07 You know, but the thing
20:08 that I've got on my side is 70 years.
20:10 Yeah. I've learned.
20:12 I mean, at one time...
20:14 Oh, I can't remember back
20:15 when I was a race horse, you know.
20:18 But I've learned over the years,
20:20 you know, that now you just kind of go at your speed,
20:23 and I do know that I know
20:25 that I will catch up because I do know,
20:27 because now the winds begin to blow behind me instead of,
20:31 you know, trying to fight that wind
20:32 that's just working against you all the time.
20:34 Yes. Yeah.
20:35 And the person gets, you know, and talking about exercise,
20:37 the physical, the spiritual part of it
20:39 is even as you get older
20:41 because if you do too much, all of a sudden,
20:44 your knees swell up,
20:46 and then you can't exercise at all.
20:48 Not sustain it, right.
20:49 You can't sustain, you can't do anything
20:51 because that will hurt
20:52 or you will pull the muscle like I did in the side
20:54 because on the side, I'm going to,
20:56 you know, do this here and my leg...
20:57 Just one little thing like that
20:59 causes sometime to get off the path.
21:02 You know, spiritually that can happen too.
21:04 Somebody can get in and they just, the race horse,
21:07 and they just read and read and read and read and read,
21:10 and it can become overwhelming.
21:12 I think Shelley may have been the one...
21:14 Shelley's here and she didn't even know.
21:16 But I think she is the one that said that,
21:20 "Knowledge without a relationship equals..."
21:23 Is it failure?
21:25 Rebellion. Rebellion.
21:26 Rebellion. And it can cause rebellion.
21:27 It can cause failure as well.
21:29 Yeah. But it's true.
21:31 It is so true because, I mean, back, when I had a...
21:34 I think a much better mind than what I do now
21:36 as far as remembering things.
21:38 I could quote a lot of this,
21:40 but I didn't have the relationship
21:43 until I made a decision,
21:45 just like you're making a decision
21:46 to help you physically.
21:48 Helping you physically is also going to go over
21:51 and help spiritually as well.
21:53 They all play a part.
21:54 But when I made the decision to study and to pray everyday
21:59 before I partake of any physical food,
22:02 I had to have the spiritual food.
22:04 If I'm in a hurry, it may be one or two verses,
22:06 but you got to do this first.
22:08 You've got to do this first.
22:11 The Christian journey is not a sprint,
22:14 you know, it's not.
22:15 It's a long distance...
22:17 You know, but he who endureth...
22:19 Matthew 24:13.
22:20 "He that endureth to the end."
22:22 You know, see, you got a long road in front of you,
22:24 if you start to run all that in one day,
22:25 you're going to break down.
22:27 Finish it, that's another promise.
22:28 You can't do it. No.
22:30 It is a promise. It is a promise. Yeah.
22:31 Shall be saved in other words. Yes.
22:32 So it's not just starting out and petering out,
22:35 it's starting out and staying with it.
22:37 And that's why in John 15 you got that whole,
22:40 and it comes back to it in 1 John,
22:42 the idea of abiding in Christ.
22:44 Just getting in there and staying in there,
22:46 not kind of a flash in a pan,
22:48 but there's going to be resistance,
22:49 but you can boldly say, "God is your helper,"
22:52 because He said in Joshua 1:9,
22:54 "I'll never leave you nor forsake you."
22:55 And, of course, you read that in Hebrews 13.
22:57 "I'll never leave you nor forsake you."
22:58 So even when you feel that you're alone,
23:01 the reality is you're not alone.
23:03 He's right there with you,
23:04 and you can praise God for that.
23:05 And you know what?
23:07 A lot of it depends on what I said earlier.
23:09 It depends on where we are spiritually.
23:11 Well said.
23:12 Sometimes we're holding on to something that separates us.
23:15 You mentioned sin.
23:17 You know, sometimes we're holding on to sin,
23:19 open sin or it may be private sin.
23:22 And so, at that time,
23:24 you feel like your prayers are going off the ceiling
23:25 and coming back down, and they may be.
23:28 You know, let's just quickly look at Deuteronomy,
23:31 Deuteronomy 28.
23:33 Deuteronomy 28, let's look at that.
23:35 I love this
23:37 because this is the first few verses
23:41 here are full of blessings,
23:44 full of promises, full of them.
23:47 In fact, it was in Deuteronomy, when we decided to move up here
23:51 because I didn't want to leave our 65 acres in Wyoming
23:55 and the waterfalls and the Rolling Hills,
23:57 I didn't want to leave it.
23:59 Deuteronomy 28, 28.
24:01 We're going to start with verse 1.
24:03 And I remember after about two,
24:06 two and half hours of crying and praying and, Lord...
24:10 Honestly, it's him and Danny.
24:12 I said, "Lord, is this just the brothers,
24:14 is this just their idea,
24:16 you know, is this really what You want?"
24:20 And I had been praying for weeks,
24:22 but this time I was crying,
24:24 and I said, "You need to show me."
24:26 And I prayed, I said, "Lord, I know You speak
24:29 through Your Word."
24:31 "I know You speak.
24:32 And so I'm going to open Your Word,
24:35 would You please speak to me?"
24:36 And the first one...
24:38 There's a verse in here like this one.
24:40 I don't remember if it's chapter 28
24:42 or not at this point.
24:43 But the last part of it says,
24:44 "And in the land that thou goest to possess,
24:48 I will bless thee."
24:50 Oh, glory. That's heavy.
24:51 Yeah.
24:52 You know, I probably read it before,
24:54 but it never hit home like that one,
24:56 it never hit home.
24:59 So it didn't matter how I felt
25:02 because then I knew it was God's direction,
25:05 and I needed to pack, and I needed to go.
25:07 And you know what?
25:08 There's been many, many blessings.
25:10 Amen. He will never fail.
25:12 No. We'll read that too I hope.
25:14 He will never fail.
25:15 His promises are sure,
25:17 and He makes sure that they are sure.
25:18 He is our surety.
25:20 But in Deuteronomy 28,
25:21 I know you guys are familiar with this.
25:24 It says, "And it shall come to pass,
25:25 if thou shalt hearken diligently
25:28 unto the voice of the Lord thy God,
25:30 to observe all of His commandments."
25:33 So in other words, when we find these promises,
25:35 they are always on obedience.
25:36 I mean, on...
25:39 What's the word I'm looking?
25:40 Condition of obedience. Yes.
25:42 Condition of obedience, which I command you.
25:44 And He says, "These blessing shall come..."
25:46 I'm just going to skip through here.
25:47 All right. Shall come on to...
25:49 "And all these blessings
25:50 shall come on thee and overtake thee."
25:52 Can you imagine being overtaken with blessings?
25:55 Yeah, please. What a blessing that is, right?
25:57 Yes.
25:58 "If thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God.
26:02 Blessed shalt thou be in the city,
26:04 blessed shalt thou be in the field."
26:06 If you're a farmer, your crop is blessed.
26:08 "Blessed shalt be the fruit of your body."
26:11 You're going to have children, right?
26:12 "The fruit of the cattle, the fruit of the cows."
26:15 It says kine, in King James Version, the flocks.
26:19 And it goes on and on, blessed the steward.
26:21 He says, he's...
26:22 In fact, He goes on to say
26:24 I'm going to make you the head and not the tail.
26:26 Yeah.
26:27 That's what God's people, His chosen people.
26:30 Those who have accepted Him,
26:32 those who are following in obedience,
26:35 they should be the head and not the tail.
26:37 So we're blessed when we go in,
26:38 and we're blessed when we come out, isn't it?
26:41 We're blessed all the way around, right?
26:43 Behind, before, on every side,
26:45 but sometimes we fail to realize
26:47 that we have all of heaven with us
26:50 claiming the promises that He has for us.
26:52 Just reach out and grab those things
26:54 and not look at circumstances and situations of life,
26:58 look at the God that can take care of them and says,
27:00 "I will take care of them because I'll bless you."
27:03 Wherever you go, whatever you do,
27:05 whatever your hands find to do, do with all your might,
27:07 and He's going to bless us
27:08 as we're obedient to His work, conditions.
27:10 Okay, gentlemen, you guys are always counseling with people,
27:13 you're up preaching...
27:14 All right.
27:16 If we're a blessed people,
27:18 does that mean there's never going to be
27:19 any trials or tribulations?
27:21 John 16:33, "In the world you shall have tribulation."
27:25 That too is a promise.
27:27 Yeah. Yes, it is.
27:30 You shall have tribulation but be of good cheer
27:32 because He's overcome the world.
27:33 You know, I was thinking,
27:34 you know, a lot of us are not claming the promises,
27:36 we are embezzling the promises.
27:39 You're taking something to yourself
27:40 that doesn't belong to you.
27:42 And you touched on this a few moments ago.
27:44 That is true. These promises are conditional.
27:47 They are.
27:48 God is going to give,
27:49 but there are some basis for that condition.
27:51 Amen. You got to be in Christ Jesus.
27:53 That's right.
27:54 You have to let this mind be in you.
27:56 And if this mind is in you,
27:58 then that opens the door for all of these other things.
28:00 But if you try to get to goodies
28:03 without being in Christ Jesus, that's embezzlement.
28:06 You're taking something that doesn't belong to you.
28:07 That's right. Yeah.
28:08 I want to just insert this one little thing,
28:10 because it's living up to the light that we have.
28:13 Amen. Amen. Well, said.
28:14 It doesn't mean you will know everything.
28:16 Because if we think, "Oh, I can't claim a promise
28:18 till I know everything or know all,
28:20 I've read all those 3,000 and something promises."
28:22 You know what I'm saying?
28:24 "And I've put those to memory." That's not it.
28:26 It's living up to the light that we have,
28:28 which I truly believe will give people hope and encouragement.
28:32 Because we talked about being depressed earlier, you know.
28:35 And a lot of times I feel like
28:36 I'm not good enough to come to the Lord,
28:38 I'm not good enough,
28:39 and we're never going to be good enough,
28:41 that's why I love it when He says,
28:43 "Come as you are."
28:45 And then these precious promises,
28:47 these precious truths will begin to change us
28:50 and to mould us into that divine character.
28:53 I wanted to go back to because we mentioned...
28:55 I asked you guys
28:56 if there's ever going to be any trials and tribulations,
28:58 and those of us in ministry,
29:00 we know that there are, but it's how we handle it.
29:02 Let me read, this is from three bio...
29:04 It's biography from Early Writing,
29:07 I mean, Spirit of Prophecy.
29:09 It's on page 138,
29:11 and its paragraph 2, I love this.
29:12 It says, "I have been shown that in the future,
29:15 we will see how closely all our trials were connected
29:20 with our salvation
29:22 and how these light afflictions..."
29:24 They don't feel so light many times, do they?
29:27 But we're going to look back and think,
29:28 "These light afflictions worked out for us a far
29:32 more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."
29:36 You know, here we walk
29:37 through this path blindfolded at times.
29:40 You know, I remember
29:42 when my mother was in the hospital,
29:43 and we read the 23rd Psalms.
29:45 "Yea, though I walk
29:46 through the valley of the shadow of death..."
29:48 That's what this life feels like many times.
29:51 But, you know, we realize that we have a master potter,
29:55 and we are His clay, and He's molding,
29:57 and He's fashioning us, and He's like,
30:00 Pastor CA said earlier,
30:01 He's giving us every single thing
30:04 and every bit of it and He's seeing us through it.
30:06 He's the one that gave us the promises,
30:08 but He's also the one that gives power
30:11 to those promises
30:12 and gives that precious incense to His Heavenly Father
30:16 to make our prayers what they should be.
30:18 It goes right along with the Bible passage.
30:20 I think 1 John 5:14-15, and this says,
30:24 "We have this confidence" you remember?
30:26 "We have the confidence in Him that if we ask anything..."
30:30 What? Here it goes the condition.
30:32 "According to His will, He heareth us."
30:35 And then we say, it goes on to say,
30:36 "We know that He heareth us and so on and so forth."
30:39 Then we know we have it. Amen.
30:41 In illustrations, I was looking at something
30:44 just kind of exercise.
30:45 That was a story of the...
30:46 Quickly just, of the leper. You remember the leper?
30:48 Yes.
30:50 He has leprosy, and you think about,
30:51 he was trying to come to Jesus.
30:52 He saw that Jesus was healing,
30:54 and you think about this poor side
30:56 of this man with leprosy.
30:58 He couldn't hardly...
30:59 He couldn't hardly look on his face,
31:01 it was eaten away,
31:02 part of the flesh was gone from his arms
31:04 and so on and so forth,
31:05 horrible and scary to look up on.
31:08 But he wanted to see Jesus, he wanted to have the touch.
31:10 This is talking about the faith if you ask anything,
31:13 God can do something great.
31:14 And so he tried to press close to Jesus,
31:17 most of them scattered, they did not
31:19 because it would be unclean, isn't that right?
31:21 If you touched him, you'd be unclean.
31:23 And Christ was, was criticized
31:26 because He touched the unclean leper.
31:29 But remember, Jesus was clean.
31:31 Anything He touched became clean.
31:32 Precisely.
31:33 So that argument was not any good.
31:36 So, anyway, some even tried to get in
31:38 between and says, "No, you can't come to Jesus."
31:41 But the faith of this man had when he saw Jesus,
31:43 he simply, he falls at his feet, Jesus' feet,
31:46 and he cries out in Matthew 8:23.
31:49 He says, "Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou can make me clean."
31:55 Just that quick, and Jesus just as simply answered,
31:57 put forth his hand,
31:59 He touched him, and what did He say?
32:00 He said, "I will be thou clean."
32:03 And immediately, it says, "He was cleansed from leprosy."
32:07 Notice, that was interesting to me.
32:09 I was intrigued by that point
32:10 because it said immediately he was cleansed.
32:13 And you think about immediately.
32:15 It showed right then and there that
32:17 it couldn't be any human power that did this thing.
32:19 It was something beyond the humanity.
32:22 It was something that was divine,
32:23 something that was supernatural,
32:25 something that was powerful.
32:26 And it's interesting because sometimes when we pray,
32:29 and those of you at home,
32:30 you pray sometimes, and it's like,
32:33 that they are not answered that quickly
32:34 or God will give you something
32:36 that you really didn't ask for,
32:38 but it's for our own good, we know that.
32:40 But, you know, there's a difference there.
32:43 The difference, it was simply is, God...
32:45 When this man came,
32:47 when God answered his prayer immediately,
32:49 He will always answer the prayer
32:50 when you 're asking from deliverance from sin.
32:51 Yes.
32:53 When you come to Him and say, "Lord, forgive in my sin."
32:55 It's not, "Wait a while,
32:56 there's something else I want to give you."
32:57 He wants that, He wants you to come to that point
33:01 in your life, and so He wanted to deliver him from sin.
33:04 And notice it says right here, "So cleansing from sin,
33:07 so we were able to live the holy life."
33:09 I kind of like that. This is what it's all about.
33:12 God wants to cleanse us from all unrighteousness,
33:15 all of the things that's unholy
33:16 that we may live the life of Christ,
33:19 not I but Christ.
33:21 Not I, that's speaking, but Christ is speaking.
33:23 And I sometimes
33:25 since I failed miserably along that line to think
33:29 that we are representatives, Brother JD, of Jesus Christ.
33:33 What a responsibility.
33:36 And how we look at our self,
33:37 how can anyone go around and say,
33:38 "I rightly represent."
33:40 I'm saying, "Oh, God, help me to rightly represent You."
33:42 Then you hear this sharp answer.
33:44 You know, not wanting to get involved
33:46 or, you know, I don't have time for,
33:48 that's not Jesus Christ at all.
33:50 When this man came to Him with leprosy, man,
33:52 immediately Christ said, "Yes, I will do that."
33:55 Amen. I just absolutely love it.
33:57 Christ if thy wilt... More people will become...
33:59 Thou wilt. Yes.
34:01 More people will become Lord if thy wilt,
34:04 you know, because exactly...
34:06 You know, He is eager,
34:07 He is always there to forgive our self
34:09 for our wrong doings, you know.
34:10 Amen. Wow.
34:12 The only question is it's on you.
34:13 If you really wanted, the answer is always immediate,
34:17 and it's always yes.
34:18 If you're talking about I want to follow You,
34:20 I want to serve You,
34:21 I need strength to be your child,
34:23 always immediately.
34:25 Okay, we're going to take this in stages.
34:27 Okay, I'm going to forgive this now,
34:28 and then next week
34:29 we'll give you a down payment on that one,
34:31 and, you know, it's always immediate,
34:32 it's always total, and it's always yes
34:33 if you will, if you want it.
34:35 It was a spiritual issue. Yes, sir.
34:37 It's going to be yes. Yeah.
34:38 I love it.
34:39 And right here on our paper...
34:41 We get back to our paper.
34:44 We're talking about forgiveness of sins,
34:45 1 John 1:9.
34:47 It's a promise. This is a promise.
34:49 If you haven't wrote this down,
34:51 if you haven't memorized it yet, please do.
34:53 1 John 1:9.
34:55 It reads, "If we confess our sins..."
34:59 Yes.
35:00 "If we confess..."
35:02 You can't just deny them. So many people just deny.
35:05 "He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins
35:09 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
35:12 When you were reading the story of the leper,
35:14 my mind went back
35:16 because all of us have been involved
35:17 in evangelism.
35:20 And I said for many years
35:21 that some of the most miraculous things happen
35:25 during those evangelistic series.
35:27 Well, now...
35:28 Because people are coming,
35:30 they are coming with their heavy baggage.
35:33 You know, they are carrying it into the church.
35:35 And by the grace of God and the Holy Spirit's power,
35:38 many times, they're at the foot of the cross
35:40 as it were at the altar.
35:42 And they're asking God for forgiveness.
35:44 That's a real miracle.
35:46 We think that there aren't miracles.
35:48 When a life can be convicted and converted and changed,
35:52 that is a powerful miracle of God.
35:53 Yeah, that's right. I'm sure it is.
35:54 That is probably the hardest thing.
35:56 How many of us have people in our families
35:58 we prayed for years and years and years,
36:01 and we don't see a change.
36:02 When that person comes,
36:04 when that real change takes place,
36:06 that is a real miracle.
36:08 And what I noticed right here
36:10 is that we are both involved "we, we, if we, and JD."
36:14 If we, yes. Come on.
36:16 And then it turns right around and says then He is faithful.
36:20 So in that one sentence, we're both involved.
36:23 I love it, yes. Yeah.
36:24 You know, that's beautiful.
36:26 In the Book of Isaiah 54:10, I love this here
36:29 because this shows the stability of God.
36:32 You know, I like something that's stable.
36:34 You know, I'm one of those people that I like...
36:36 Well, I like things lined out. Yeah.
36:38 You know, like, we come to this program, right,
36:41 and we're going to do a, you know, Family Worship,
36:44 and it starts at 9 o'clock, I like to start at 9 o'clock,
36:47 not 5 after, not 10 after, or not...
36:49 There's things sometimes that there's we can't help.
36:50 We like to help. We like to help.
36:54 We like to, you know, come to here,
36:57 we like to have some stability, we like to know.
36:59 And in the Word of God, it says here in Isaiah 54:10,
37:02 I probably get in trouble for that, don't worry about it.
37:04 It says, "For the mountains shall depart
37:06 and the hills be removed,
37:07 but my kindness shall not depart from thee,
37:10 neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed,"
37:13 saith the Lord, "that hath mercy on thee."
37:17 It's beautiful. The mountains may go, right?
37:19 The hills, everything may change.
37:22 Ministry of Healing, 72, I jot this down.
37:23 I thought it was good. It went along with this well.
37:25 It says, "Human love may change..."
37:28 We see that all the time.
37:30 "Human love may change,
37:31 but Christ's love knows no change.
37:34 When we cry to Him for help,
37:36 His hand is stretched out to save."
37:40 Every time it's that way. It's about salvation.
37:44 Everything God does for you, He does for me even,
37:46 He's reaching out to help us, He's reaching out to save us,
37:50 and I think that's a good promise.
37:51 Yeah, with that righteous right hand.
37:53 Amen. Praise God.
37:54 It's good to hold on to those promises.
37:56 That's why when we see Stephen being stoned...
37:59 Oh, yeah. Like Christ.
38:02 He said, "Father, forgive them."
38:04 He never left them.
38:05 Christ never left him, He never for sake him.
38:08 Paul, all of His disciples, they met terrible ends
38:12 in their lives, terrible trials,
38:15 but He never left them.
38:16 He went to visit John on the Isle of Patmos.
38:19 You know, He spoke to him as a friend.
38:22 And we know that He still does that.
38:24 We know...
38:26 We can read in Spirit of Prophecy
38:27 where He came to visit people in person.
38:30 You know, it's beautiful.
38:31 If we're living up, we have every,
38:34 every power that was given to Christ on this earth,
38:37 when He came as a man is available to us
38:40 if we just live the life that He lived.
38:44 I mean, He does, He still speak today,
38:45 He still speaks.
38:46 You know, you might come,
38:48 "I'm sick, I need prayer,"
38:50 Jesus working through you,
38:51 Jesus still comes to us and we sense the prayers,
38:55 and we sense the power of the spirit,
38:58 and He still makes these trips,
39:00 He still makes them through people
39:01 and through individual, so I think it,
39:03 be who's all of us to receive counsel,
39:06 there will be who's all of us to listen to our,
39:08 maybe our neighbor or a friend and weigh out
39:10 what they are saying because it could be a message
39:13 from the very throne room of God
39:15 that we need,
39:16 and so often we don't receive because we may not,
39:21 you know, with this person we don't...
39:22 We need to wait at that right time.
39:23 Yes. Yes.
39:25 That's one thing I love about these Family Worships
39:28 that we have together.
39:29 Because I know that God's speaking to you,
39:31 I know He's speaking to you, I know He's speaking to you,
39:34 and I pray, I believe, I know He spoke through me...
39:37 That's our prayer, that's a promise.
39:38 But as we come together...
39:40 Then the Holy Spirit can put these things into place
39:43 because...
39:45 Sometimes we come and we're like,
39:46 "Well, we have no idea what's going to happen,"
39:47 we just give it to God.
39:49 And He pieces all the pieces that He's been instilling
39:54 in your hearts and in your minds together,
39:55 and it is such a blessing.
39:57 It is, it is. It's such a blessing.
39:58 You quoted from 1 John 1:9, "If we confess our sins..."
40:01 Just two verses earlier there is,
40:03 "If we walk in the light as He is in the light,
40:06 we have, first of all fellowship,"
40:07 that's what this is.
40:09 Yes. That's what this is.
40:10 There is nothing more affirmative or faith
40:13 than to get together people who feel like you do,
40:16 walk-in like you walk,
40:17 heading to the same place you're heading.
40:19 And, you know, we say this at sometimes,
40:22 our brothers and sisters in Christ are closer
40:24 than our biological brothers and sisters.
40:26 That's right.
40:27 If someone is walking with you, going through this...
40:29 Slogging through the same mud as you,
40:31 trying to make it like them, you got fellowship with them
40:34 because you know, I know you know what it is.
40:37 I remember when you came to visit me
40:38 when I had my heart operation...
40:40 Oh, bless you.
40:42 And most of your recovery was in Florida,
40:44 but my heart was with you
40:45 because I knew what you were going through.
40:47 So we got fellowship. Yeah.
40:50 Amen, that won't be kind of fellowship
40:51 you want to repeat, but we got fellowship.
40:54 And on top of that, the cherry on the sundae
40:58 is the blood of Christ cleanses us from all sin.
41:00 So you got the whole, can I say enchilada, JD?
41:03 You know, you got it all,
41:04 you got fellowship with brothers and sisters
41:06 and you got Christ
41:07 who is cleansing you from your sin
41:09 because you're walking in the light.
41:11 You know, there's no substitute for walking in the light.
41:15 There's a connection of the spirit.
41:16 There is.
41:18 You can meet a stranger on the street,
41:19 but when that spirit, when you realize,
41:22 you begin to speak with them
41:23 and the spirit is working in their heart.
41:24 There's a connection of God's Spirit,
41:27 and it's as if you've known them forever
41:29 and you connect, you bond.
41:32 But at the same time,
41:33 even with some I love, and I hold dear,
41:35 I pray for every day.
41:37 There's a disconnect
41:38 because their's a different spirit.
41:41 So, you know, that's what so beautiful.
41:43 Why not be on the blessed side? We talked about Deuteronomy 28.
41:47 We didn't talk about the end of Deuteronomy.
41:49 I mean, there's many more verses
41:51 that have to do with the curses.
41:52 If we...
41:54 And what God's doing is He's just saying,
41:56 "This is what's going to happen if you do this,
41:58 this is what's going to happen if you don't."
42:00 You mention the mountains fleeing,
42:02 and we realized there's prophecy saying
42:04 that every mountain will flee.
42:05 Have mercy.
42:07 Every mountain is going to do down.
42:08 Every island is going to go away.
42:09 There is a time coming. Yes.
42:11 Whose side that we want to be on?
42:13 There's mountains,
42:14 there's mountains that loom everyday for us
42:16 as you're advancing in the cause of Christ.
42:18 There's no way you seem to get out of this.
42:21 You know, I want to say
42:22 that mountains on the east side
42:23 and the sea before you and the army behind you,
42:26 what are you going to do?
42:27 That's the time you really get down and pray.
42:29 You mentioned earlier, we pray for one another,
42:31 and we feel for one another.
42:32 I think that's brotherly love that we need,
42:34 and this may just
42:35 kind of the awful things a little bit here,
42:36 but when I heard,
42:38 not even a friend, don't even know him,
42:39 but I heard that Arnold Schwarzenegger
42:41 on the news had open heart surgery.
42:44 He's going to have a valve replaced or whatever,
42:48 and then it turned into something pretty bad.
42:50 They had a team of physicians waiting,
42:52 so they had to go in and knocked all right then,
42:54 all the crushing and all the...
42:56 And it kind of almost made me sick of my stomach
42:58 for a little bit and annoying,
42:59 but we don't need to have to know someone.
43:02 We understand, we've been through that experience,
43:04 and we can relate to, and we feel bad for,
43:08 and we can pray for.
43:09 And I think we should do that as a child of God.
43:12 You know, you mentioned about the mountains of life.
43:14 You know, they certainly don't have
43:16 to be a physical mountain to be an issue in our lives,
43:20 we have our own mountains.
43:21 But I love 2 Corinthians 12:9,
43:25 "For My grace is sufficient for you,
43:28 I will exchange My power for your weakness."
43:30 Yes.
43:31 Many of us have speed bumps in life, daily,
43:35 but He says, "That's okay, JD,
43:37 My grace is sufficient to get you pass
43:38 that speed bump."
43:40 Thank you.
43:41 There's another person, maybe tomorrow,
43:43 that's facing Pikes Peak in their life.
43:44 Yes. He uses the same verbiage.
43:47 "That's okay, Kenny, My grace is sufficient."
43:49 Yes. Halleluiah.
43:51 Fantastic verbiage there,
43:52 you know, because you can sit
43:54 and talk about each individual's issue,
43:57 but yet chorale it.
43:59 My grace, My divine assistance is going to be there
44:03 to assist you in your issue.
44:06 Amen. What a promise?
44:07 It's powerful. You know, you hit on something.
44:09 Whether it's a speed bump
44:11 or Kilimanjaro or Mount Everest,
44:14 it's all Jesus, and the person
44:16 that's getting you over that is all Jesus.
44:17 Yes.
44:19 Everybody is going to get some speed bumps,
44:20 and some of us going to get some Everest,
44:22 you know, but it's the same Jesus
44:24 that's getting you over little speed bump
44:26 or if you got to climb Mount Everest, same Jesus,
44:29 you know, and He's special...
44:31 Let me quote a text. Yes.
44:32 2 Corinthians, a lot of stuff coming out of Corinthians.
44:34 Oh, yes, that's good, that's good.
44:36 2 Corinthians 2:14,
44:38 "Now thanks be to God who always leads us
44:42 in triumph in Christ."
44:44 You know, it's always going to be the same, the answer is,
44:46 whether it's a speed bump,
44:48 the little sleeping policemen in the parking lot
44:51 or you're looking at the highest mountain
44:53 in the world,
44:54 you're going to be led in triumph in Christ Jesus.
44:57 He is sufficient. Amen.
44:59 Regardless of what you've got, He's sufficient to get you
45:02 through that regardless of what you're facing.
45:05 Sometimes a speed bump...
45:08 I like that when you brought that,
45:09 the speed bump because a lot of times
45:11 a speed bump will catch me unaware.
45:13 You don't hardly see it,
45:15 it's just, it's just coming in the road a little bit,
45:16 and if you're gawking around and doing some other things
45:18 and you hit that,
45:19 even if you're going on speed limit,
45:20 it will jar you into reality,
45:22 "Oh, wow, there's a bump there."
45:24 And so I think those are still...
45:26 And some people,
45:27 in their relationship with Christ
45:29 maybe just need the speed bump, just a little waking up.
45:33 And there's others of us that need that mountain
45:36 or in the case
45:38 of an A-frame house for instance.
45:41 When you're putting on new shingles
45:43 or you know, wood shakes, whatever, that right there,
45:45 you can't stay on that because it's just too steep,
45:48 there's no way.
45:49 And you have to have rope thrown
45:51 from one side to the other,
45:52 and you have to wear a harness around you,
45:56 and then you're attached to that,
45:57 and that's the way
45:58 that you're able to continue to go up that.
46:00 So it can get very difficult even in the physical
46:04 and the spiritual sometimes, that ways...
46:06 It seem like the more that I've tried to find
46:08 what God wants me to do, you had to put the harness on.
46:12 There has to be a rope thrown on
46:14 and somebody on the other side
46:15 that's got to hold that rope that I can trust,
46:18 and that is Jesus, isn't it?
46:19 Praise the Lord.
46:20 We can trust Him, but He is going to help us
46:22 get up there
46:24 and get the job complete to the end the ways
46:27 I'm coming after church without a spot
46:28 or wrinkle or any such thing.
46:30 He gives us that ability by the grace of God
46:32 to keep all His commandments,
46:35 and His commandments are not grievous.
46:36 I know one thing, CA, I can appreciate...
46:38 Well, I don't want to do. Okay.
46:40 I don't want to put shakes on it, A-frame.
46:43 A-frame? No, no. I don't want to harness myself.
46:47 If you're scared and think that rope's going to break.
46:50 You know, help me Jesus. Amen.
46:52 It is beautiful to think that there is no greater...
46:55 The Bible even says, "There's no greater than He.
46:57 He is steadfast. He's unchangeable.
47:00 He will not lie."
47:02 I think...
47:04 Let's see. Where is it? Totally trustworthy.
47:08 Numbers 23:19,
47:10 "God is not a man that He should lie,
47:13 neither the son of man that He should repent."
47:16 Now some people, they repent, that just means
47:18 that He doesn't have to change His mind,
47:20 what came out the first time is right.
47:22 Everything that He speaks is right.
47:25 And that's why when we pray, and we claim these promises,
47:27 we always claim them, not my will but thine be done
47:31 because we're in a trusting relationship.
47:34 You were talking about faith, putting on the harness,
47:37 it made me think of going back on the whole armor of God,
47:41 we got to have that whole armor of God,
47:43 that's what that harness is.
47:44 But we have to have faith and trust in Him.
47:50 In fact, I believe that we're coming close,
47:53 ever so close to a time
47:55 that we're not going to be able to believe
47:56 what we see, what we hear,
47:59 you know, what people are saying.
48:01 Well, we're there.
48:02 We are there absolutely,
48:04 because error is becoming truth and truth is becoming error.
48:07 I mentioned I think in the last program,
48:09 even the loaves of bread, maybe even our smell,
48:12 we can't trust because when, when Christ was tempted
48:14 with those loaves by the enemy,
48:17 you know, He went 40 days without any food.
48:20 I mean, how many of us have ever been 40 days?
48:22 You are famished.
48:24 And I don't think He just saw them.
48:26 I think He's very...
48:27 Real possibility, He could smell.
48:29 He smelled that fresh bread, mercy.
48:30 And you know, it's kind of like popcorn,
48:32 you know, in our house.
48:33 Oh, it goes through all the house.
48:34 You could say, no, I'm not hungry
48:36 and all of a sudden somebody's popping popcorn.
48:37 You don't have to be hungry, that smell draws you.
48:40 But see that's what's happening,
48:42 so we got to...
48:43 Our faith is being tested, our faith is being trialed
48:46 because we've got to be as straight
48:47 as steel we are told.
48:49 So with every wind of doctrine,
48:51 we're not going this way or that way
48:52 but we are sure upon it is written,
48:56 His word, His promises, what He says is true.
48:59 So we've got to know it. We've got to know it.
49:01 The Gospel Workers, we're talking about that, 284,
49:04 and we talked about a while ago,
49:05 a little bit about the conditions, conditional,
49:07 and I thought this had a couple of paragraphs,
49:09 it was just beautiful so that we can claim it.
49:11 So I'll just read that Gospel Workers, 284.
49:14 It says, "Christ promised the gift of the Holy Spirit."
49:16 I love that.
49:18 "To His church, and He promised..."
49:20 No, "His promises belong as much to us
49:23 as it did His first disciples."
49:25 How wonderful,
49:26 but, see there's a situation that comes here.
49:28 "But like every other promise is given on conditions,
49:32 that there are many who professed to believe
49:34 and claimed the Lord's promises."
49:36 Well, we're claiming, we believe them.
49:38 But notice,
49:39 "They talk about Christ and the Holy Spirit,
49:41 yet, they receive no benefit."
49:44 How could that be?
49:45 Notice, "Because they do not surrender their souls
49:49 to the guidance and control of divine agencies."
49:52 That's true. That is true.
49:53 So we can talk it, memorize it,
49:55 we can do all these things here,
49:57 but we're seeing no answers.
49:58 The answer is because we're not giving our self fully
50:01 to the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
50:03 which the Holy Sprit would what?
50:04 Lead us into all truth and to obedience.
50:07 People say I have that...
50:09 You know, I have the Holy Spirit,
50:10 that was Acts 5, around 30, 32, it says,
50:12 "The Holy Spirit is given to those who obey Him."
50:16 Those who obey Him, the Holy Spirit is given.
50:19 If we're not obeying Him,
50:20 don't count on the Holy Sprit there.
50:22 But I think you touched on a big, big, big issue
50:25 because we have so many denominations
50:26 in the world,
50:28 and a lot of people that you meet,
50:29 you think, "Oh, wow!
50:30 They really love the Lord." Yes.
50:32 But the moment you begin to open the scripture,
50:34 "Well, I don't believe that pertains anymore.
50:36 Well, we don't have to do that anymore.
50:38 Well, you know,
50:39 that may have been for the children of Israel,
50:41 but, you know, it's not for us anymore."
50:44 And so there's always an excuse.
50:46 And the sad thing is,
50:47 you know, when Jesus was looking
50:48 at the lamb and the goat,
50:52 you know, He was talking to Christians professing people
50:55 that were professing to be the lambs of God.
50:58 And He said, "Depart from Me, you workers of inequity,
51:01 for I never knew you to the goats."
51:04 So, you know, there is a truth and we have to be willing
51:08 to allow God.
51:09 You talked about surgery a while ago,
51:11 allow Him to do heart surgery on us.
51:14 So that we can have faith in His word,
51:17 we can claim these promises.
51:19 Let me share this one
51:21 'cause I know we're getting close
51:22 to running out of time.
51:23 This is Historical Sketches, and it reads,
51:26 "To all who are engaged in the missionary work..."
51:30 I would say now, I don't think there's anybody here
51:32 that is not engaged,
51:33 even those behind the cameras, right?
51:35 That's right.
51:36 "Hide in Jesus, let not self
51:39 but Christ appear in all your labors,
51:42 not us, but Jesus."
51:44 "When the work goes hard,
51:46 and you become discouraged and attempt it to abandon it,
51:51 take your Bible,
51:53 bow up on your knees before God and say,
51:56 "Here, Lord, Thy word is pledged,"
52:01 throw your weight upon His promises
52:04 and every one of them will be fulfilled."
52:08 Amen. Amen.
52:09 Amen. Every one.
52:11 Amen. Every one.
52:12 That's heavy. That is heavy.
52:14 And here I go back to what you were saying earlier
52:16 because it's just touched my heart
52:17 when everybody was talking about the leper,
52:19 and he walks up to the Lord, "Wilt thou..."
52:22 Yeah, wilt thou.
52:24 My goodness, that's a big...
52:25 That's heavy work there, you know.
52:27 And just about anything we were reading right here,
52:29 we're given the Lord permission.
52:30 Yes. Yes.
52:32 And it was a spiritual issue, the answer is always what?
52:36 Yes. Amen.
52:38 It's not going to say, "hey, I got a luncheon,
52:41 but I'll catch you later, JD."
52:43 You know, I mean, it's, you know...
52:45 He didn't have a big conversation
52:47 about when Peter was walking on the water, did he?
52:49 No. When Peter start to go under.
52:51 Lord, why...
52:52 Now he should have been...
52:54 Save me, he didn't...
52:55 Yeah, well, you should've listen,
52:57 laying and go around like what,
52:58 immediately He answered that prayer,
52:59 and I think the same was talking
53:01 about our salvation here.
53:02 You know, Lord wilt thou, He emptied all of Himself.
53:08 He came down to this earth, He became a human,
53:12 He gave up being omniscient,
53:14 everywhere at once because He wilt,
53:19 He loved us so much when He...
53:21 You know, we think how our heart goes out
53:23 when we see someone who is suffering,
53:25 who is in pain,
53:27 and He saw His children suffering and in pain.
53:32 I've always said that one of the worst things
53:34 that a person can go through
53:35 is the death of their own child.
53:37 Have mercy.
53:39 And He looks at us, and we're His children.
53:42 And He knows without Him that we're going to die.
53:46 That's right.
53:47 And so He gave everything He has to give,
53:51 and He's still working for our salvation.
53:55 That's why these promises are so vital.
53:58 Amen. Amen.
54:02 Just referring back quickly to 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
54:05 about the weapons of our warfare.
54:07 So somebody was going to mention that,
54:08 it was interesting.
54:10 And that simply you look at it in this passage here
54:13 because Paul,
54:14 in one of his last journeys was sent to Rome
54:17 and naturally we know
54:18 what was going to happen to him there.
54:19 But he was thrown into jail and he was in a situation
54:23 that seemed like it was impossible to do
54:25 any kind of missionary work,
54:26 soul winning at all, because Nero was in-charge.
54:29 And Nero was asked...
54:30 Actually had the empress as it were,
54:32 we talk Spirit of Prophecy of the enemy,
54:34 all those who associated with him,
54:35 had the same empress.
54:37 But as the end results, what happened?
54:39 Because God can use this situation,
54:41 why he's thrown into prison?
54:42 Why he's thrown into jail?
54:45 We find that many people
54:46 of Nero's household was converted,
54:49 and they weren't ashamed about it.
54:51 They stood out and said,
54:53 "Yes, I'm the follower of Jesus Christ."
54:55 And Paul said,
54:56 "It was because I was thrown into prison."
54:59 You see, that God gave me the opportunity to win souls
55:01 for His kingdom.
55:02 So bad things may happen to us, might, but in those situations,
55:06 God's going to work it right,
55:07 where you'll still be a soul winner,
55:09 wherever you might end up, wherever you may do,
55:10 whatever you may do in life.
55:12 Of course, the wisdom
55:13 there is not get ahead of your self,
55:19 allow God to work in you and through you.
55:21 Yes.
55:22 And, you know, be still and...
55:26 I was reading something there...
55:28 "The silt settles when the waters are still."
55:33 Because, you know, just the day before I was reading but, boy,
55:37 the good things happen when the water is...
55:39 Yeah, stir them up. It is going down.
55:40 You know, you know,
55:42 you want to be part of the running water, you know.
55:44 And then I read this over here.
55:45 So there's wisdom on first base, third base,
55:48 it doesn't make any difference, God is God.
55:51 And, you know, just pay attention
55:53 to what's going on in your own life,
55:55 and thank you Jesus for it.
55:59 You know, we're just about out of time,
56:01 I hate to say it
56:02 'cause I am loving the spirit here.
56:04 But I want to share
56:06 these promises found in Isaiah 40.
56:08 Our youngest daughter,
56:09 they thought she had cystic fibrosis,
56:11 she was so very, very ill.
56:13 In fact, she had complete respiratory failure
56:16 from Influenza A and was on life support.
56:18 Long story, it was only a miracle,
56:21 anointing miracle that brought her back.
56:23 But this at a very young age was a promise,
56:27 that was her favorite, and I love it.
56:29 Isaiah 40, starting with verse 28,
56:32 "Hast thou not known?
56:33 Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God,
56:36 the Lord, the Creator of the ends
56:38 of the earth fainteth not neither is weary?"
56:41 We cannot worry here with our trials
56:43 and our tribulations, our prayers.
56:45 He wants us to come to Him.
56:46 In fact, I've read sometimes that,
56:48 we pray one prayer too short
56:50 when we're praying for somebody.
56:52 He wants us to.
56:53 "There is no searching of His understanding."
56:55 I love this.
56:57 "He giveth power to the faint, and to them that have no might,
57:00 he increases strength."
57:02 I know I have no might.
57:04 You know, it was many times
57:05 I feel like I don't even have a mind,
57:07 you know, to use.
57:09 But by God's grace,
57:10 you know, you just do the very best that you can,
57:13 and He prayerfully will do the rest.
57:15 "Even the youths shall faint and be weary,
57:17 and the young men shall utterly fall,
57:20 but they, that weight upon the Lord
57:23 shall renew their strength."
57:25 You know, sometimes it comes down to the point,
57:27 we mentioned not our will, but thine be done.
57:29 "They shall mount up with wings as eagles;
57:31 they shall run, and not be weary,
57:33 they shall walk and not faint."
57:35 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2018-05-09