Today Family Worship

Finding Peace In God While Facing Trials

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018012A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome.
01:12 This is a wonderful opportunity for us to be with you,
01:15 and we are thankful to the Lord.
01:17 My name is John Dinzey
01:18 and together with my wife, Idalia,
01:20 it's a pleasure for us to say to you Happy Sabbath.
01:24 That's right.
01:25 Well, it's the end of the week, and we're praising Jesus
01:28 because we have come a long way, right?
01:30 If you look back and contemplate
01:32 what has happened
01:34 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday,
01:38 even Friday morning, why not?
01:40 I'm sure you are thanking the Lord for the time of rest,
01:45 and the focus will be in heaven,
01:49 heaven bound, right?
01:50 No deadlines, no running around taking the kids anywhere
01:53 but to run and sit at the feet of Jesus
01:56 during these Sabbath hours.
01:58 So we are sitting at the feet of Jesus today
02:02 with our friends and coworkers here at 3ABN, you are family.
02:06 That's right.
02:07 You know, Idalia, you said something very interesting
02:09 because this world,
02:11 we face stress in all kinds of forms
02:15 during, throughout the day.
02:16 That's right.
02:18 But you talked about a time
02:19 when we will be at rest from stress.
02:21 Mm-hmm. That's right.
02:22 Rest from stress, so we praise the Lord for that.
02:25 Well, we have part of the family
02:27 that is here with us,
02:28 and would you like to start on your right?
02:29 Yes, of course,
02:31 this is my friend, Dee Hilderbrand,
02:33 your friend too, I'm sure.
02:35 For many, many years. Everybody knows Dee.
02:38 You and I go back a long, long time here at 3ABN, yes.
02:40 Yeah, that's right.
02:42 When you were young...
02:46 What are you talking about? I'm still young.
02:48 Yes. Yes, you are. I'm the one that's aged.
02:51 Don't let the grey hair, you know, mislead you.
02:55 But it's been a pleasure to work with you.
02:57 I respect you, admire you, you are the balm.
03:01 I mean, that is incredible.
03:02 There's an expression
03:03 when you say that you are everything...
03:05 Awesome person.
03:06 An awesome person
03:07 that gets things done and pushes us
03:09 when we need to get that encouragement.
03:12 I learned from you.
03:15 We are just alike in so many ways.
03:17 Yes, we are. And we've been through a lot.
03:19 And we are from different moms too.
03:21 Yes.
03:24 No, we've had a good time.
03:26 We've shared our laughter and shared our tears.
03:28 Yes, that's right.
03:30 It's so much fun to have you on the program today.
03:32 Yes, this is actually my first time with you,
03:34 so I'm excited.
03:36 Yes.
03:37 Well, praise the Lord,
03:39 and we're also happy to have with us Sister Valera Babb,
03:42 welcome, and Brother Jonathan Babb,
03:45 welcome. Thank you.
03:46 Thank you for being with us. Mother and son.
03:48 That's right.
03:49 Our dear friends who are alike and forever too.
03:52 You know, we've been here quite a while, all of us, huh?
03:55 That's right. Yes, we have.
03:56 So we draw together,
03:58 and we work like a family, you know.
04:01 We depend on each other and we count on each other,
04:04 and the Lord provides a family that...
04:08 You cannot say you're alone,
04:10 you just have to accept the family
04:13 the Lord has provided for you,
04:14 so we have accepted each other, loved each other,
04:17 grown together,
04:18 and we are anxious for Jesus to come back.
04:21 Amen. Yes.
04:23 You know, I was just thinking, Idalia,
04:24 that if you total up the amount of time
04:27 that we have all been here, it's almost 100 years.
04:29 Oh my... I was thinking the same thing.
04:32 I thought we have 100 years here together.
04:33 What year you got here? I've been here 22 years.
04:36 Okay. I've been here since 1994.
04:40 1989. 2001.
04:43 Same.
04:45 He came with me. You were...
04:46 Yeah, you had to come together.
04:49 But we praise the Lord
04:50 that we have this opportunity to be with you also
04:53 that are joining us,
04:54 and we would like to start this time out with prayer.
04:57 We want to ask the Lord to bless this time
04:59 that we have together and, of course, to bless you.
05:02 And so let us go to the Lord in prayer.
05:05 Our loving Heavenly Father, we want to thank You, Lord,
05:09 that as we have come to the end of the week
05:13 and the seventh-day Sabbath is here, we have the assurance
05:17 that we can rest knowing that You are with us.
05:22 We can rest from our labors and rest from the challenges
05:25 of the week to dedicate more time to worship You.
05:30 And we pray that You will help us to enter
05:32 into worshiping You in spirit and in truth.
05:35 We thank You for what You have done for us
05:37 during this past week, and we thank You, Lord,
05:40 that You have been with us each and every step of the way.
05:43 And we ask that You will be with those that are joining us,
05:47 that they too will be blessed that as we share together,
05:49 they will also be drawn to You.
05:51 We ask You, Father,
05:52 for these things in Jesus' holy and blessed name.
05:56 Amen. Amen.
05:57 Amen. Amen.
06:00 Well, we're going to be talking about a very interesting topic,
06:03 and that is something
06:05 that we all face trials and difficulties in life.
06:09 And I'm sure you have faced some type of trial,
06:12 some type of difficulty,
06:13 and how we have perhaps handled that.
06:16 How the Lord has helped us through that.
06:18 And how we have found comfort, strength,
06:21 and even joy to go forward trusting in the Lord.
06:25 Before we do that, we're going to sing
06:27 a marvelous hymn, which one is it, Idalia?
06:29 Well, this is "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms",
06:33 and it's hymn number 469
06:36 in the Seventh-day Adventist hymnal, 469.
06:41 And praise the Lord,
06:43 you know, these hymns are also available online,
06:46 so you can Google it and find the lyrics,
06:50 find the music,
06:51 and you can also have a copy of the lyrics as well.
06:54 But you can sing along
06:55 because the words are being displayed, right?
06:57 That's right.
06:59 Plus, it's an old favorite hymn.
07:00 Oh, I know, right.
07:02 Yes. Yes.
07:03 We are tempted to look at the words
07:04 even though we know them.
07:06 Well, let's go to the Lord and sing together
07:07 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.
07:15 What a fellowship, what a joy divine
07:19 Leaning on the everlasting arms
07:24 What a blessedness, what a peace is mine
07:29 Leaning on the everlasting arms
07:34 Leaning, leaning
07:39 Safe and secure from all alarms
07:44 Leaning, leaning
07:48 Leaning on the everlasting arms
07:53 What have I to dread, what have I to fear
07:58 Leaning on the everlasting arms
08:03 I have blessed peace with my Lord so near
08:08 Leaning on the everlasting arms
08:13 Leaning, leaning
08:18 Safe and secure from all alarms
08:23 Leaning, leaning
08:28 Leaning on the everlasting arms
08:34 Amen. Amen.
08:35 Amen. And amen.
08:37 You know, this Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,
08:39 how can you imagine or picture yourself
08:42 leaning on the everlasting arms?
08:44 You know, when I lean against my partner for life,
08:50 my husband, I feel this comfort and support and security,
08:55 but imagine leaning on the arms of everlasting arms,
09:00 on the arms of Jesus,
09:02 and He carries us day in and day out.
09:05 That's right.
09:06 Even if we have Him out of sight or out of mind,
09:10 you know, isn't He so merciful, Dee,
09:13 that whether or not we remember that He's with us,
09:16 He's still there with us.
09:17 That's right. Amen. Amen.
09:19 It's so funny how often we don't remember
09:22 that those arms are around us, and we are safe.
09:25 That's right. That's right. Amen.
09:27 You know, this part that says,
09:29 "What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
09:32 leaning on the everlasting arms."
09:33 That's right.
09:35 And I think that we miss out
09:39 on a lot of blessing and joy
09:42 because we do not stay
09:45 leaning on the everlasting arms.
09:46 We start to think that, "We can solve the problem.
09:49 I can solve this problem myself."
09:50 We stand up instead of...
09:52 When you've got Johnny's arms around you,
09:54 you're leaning back into him, relaxed, and yet,
09:57 but when you stand up, his arms can still be there,
10:00 but you don't feel, it's not the same,
10:03 and that's what we do to God.
10:04 Yeah. That's right.
10:05 That's right.
10:07 Well, we're going to talk about something interesting
10:08 and Jesus gave us this assurance.
10:10 Oh, it's interesting, oh.
10:12 Are you going to read from the Bible?
10:14 John 16,
10:16 and we're going to read verse 33.
10:21 John 16:33, and we hear pages turning,
10:27 and so we'll wait just a few seconds.
10:32 John 16:33.
10:34 "These things I have spoken onto you, that in me,
10:38 you might have peace.
10:41 In the world, you shall have tribulation,
10:45 but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
10:48 So there's the key.
10:50 I mean, we could read that and say,
10:51 "Well, that's what we have for you today."
10:53 Because really, in Jesus, we have peace,
10:55 but in the world we have tribulation.
10:56 We are part of this world,
10:58 we are daily facing the challenges of life.
11:03 We meet people, we meet situations,
11:07 challenges and difficulties that are going to challenge
11:10 our faith as Christians, and wouldn't you know it?
11:14 There are even people that will challenge our faith
11:18 that will rub us the wrong way or something.
11:21 It seems like whether you're in school,
11:23 whether you are at work,
11:24 and maybe your next door neighbor,
11:26 somebody you meet in the grocery store,
11:28 or somebody in line,
11:29 and you could be just minding your own business
11:32 as people say,
11:33 and somebody could say out of the blue,
11:37 "What are you so happy about?"
11:38 Or, you know, "What are you looking at?"
11:41 You opened this moment up now.
11:43 You better share that story that happened to you
11:46 about that little kind soul,
11:50 the little boy at the grocery store.
11:53 Come on now.
11:54 Well, we were in Phoenix, Arizona.
11:55 I was in Phoenix, Arizona
11:57 and getting some fruits and things like that,
12:01 and I was paying, as I was saying,
12:04 minding my own business, not looking for trouble,
12:10 and all of a sudden, I feel that somebody kicked me,
12:15 and I turned around, and it's a little boy,
12:18 a small, little boy,
12:20 and as I looked surprised, he was backing away.
12:24 And the mother said,
12:27 "Gobby, why did you kick that man?"
12:31 And so she said, "Say you're sorry."
12:35 Really upset, "Say you're sorry."
12:38 And he said, "No." That's terrible.
12:42 I was shocked. I say "Wow!"
12:45 She's not going to get through to him right here.
12:46 And I was wondering,
12:48 "What can I say, how can I help this situation?"
12:50 When she took his ice cream away,
12:52 and he began to cry,
12:54 and, of course, there is the father heard
12:57 the son crying from somewhere in the store,
12:59 came looking for him, "What's going on?
13:01 What happened to him?" "He kicked that man.
13:04 And I took his ice cream away."
13:06 And so he understood the situation, but I never...
13:10 I wasn't looking at him, I wasn't playing with him,
13:13 out of the blue, he kicked me.
13:14 So you could be minding your own business
13:16 and trouble will find you.
13:19 So what do you do in these type of situations?
13:21 Thanks to the Lord, you know, he kicked me in the bad leg,
13:27 but not in my injured leg from the accident
13:31 we had on October 15th, 2017.
13:34 But he just missed by two inches maybe,
13:38 the really bad spot that if he had hit me there,
13:42 he would have been crying,
13:43 and I probably would have been crying too.
13:45 I mean, he was crying
13:46 because they took his ice cream away,
13:47 I would have been crying because of the pain.
13:49 But, anyway, I thank the Lord that it wasn't worse.
13:52 It wasn't worse. That's right. That's right.
13:54 But, yes, trouble can find you in the most unexpected times.
13:58 I know, but, you know, what it says here,
14:02 "These things I have spoken to you, that in me,
14:06 you may have peace.
14:09 In the world, you will have tribulation,
14:12 but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
14:16 You know, when we have our tribulations, it's so...
14:20 You know, we live in the instant drive
14:23 through era, right?
14:25 Fix it now. Yeah, exactly.
14:28 So it's like we want an answer right away.
14:31 We want to solve right away,
14:33 and the tribulation that comes our way,
14:37 we just want it to hurry up and pass us by, you know.
14:41 I'm like, "Lord, let this pain pass through me,"
14:44 or "Let this trial pass me through."
14:47 But there is beauty when being
14:49 within that miserable condition,
14:53 and I say it out of experience,
14:55 not because I want to be disrespectful to someone
14:58 that's not feeling well today.
15:00 You know, I have my moments,
15:02 I break down when I'm in pain and agony,
15:05 but yet, I know that my Father cares for me,
15:09 and His everlasting arms are available for me to go back
15:14 and lean on His everlasting arms.
15:18 So the storms may come,
15:20 the storms will go and come again
15:22 until Jesus comes, right?
15:24 But, you know, with each new trial,
15:27 you learned to lean...
15:29 Sooner. Exactly.
15:32 I'm so glad you said that. And you know...
15:33 Do you learn that you can trust,
15:36 it's like the trust fall,
15:37 and you know that He's there to grab you.
15:39 Right.
15:41 You know, I work with unprivileged,
15:43 and once a month, I go into the local jail.
15:46 I share with the ladies there,
15:48 and, you know, sometimes they ask this questions,
15:52 and you want to share something and you can share,
15:54 but they don't...
15:56 You can see that they don't really understand
15:57 because they haven't had
15:59 the experience of trusting Jesus
16:02 enough to know that He's going to be there.
16:06 And, you know, we forget it sometimes,
16:09 but if we'll stop and look back, we can see
16:12 "Okay, He's been with us in the past.
16:14 I know He's here with me."
16:16 And so they don't have that...
16:17 You know, praise the Lord,
16:20 He's there even when you haven't gained that,
16:23 you know, learned that trust.
16:25 And at any time, you can begin
16:28 that journey with Him and build that confidence.
16:33 Yes, amen.
16:34 But, you know, it's really nice to know that,
16:36 to have that history.
16:38 See, that's one of the things that I think that we need to...
16:41 That I want to share too with people, see,
16:44 you had a traumatic thing happened to you.
16:48 When we have really
16:49 traumatic things happened to us,
16:51 there is no place to go but to the Lord.
16:54 When we have things that just take us down,
16:57 we go to the Lord
16:58 because there's no other place to go.
17:01 However, when you say, I think they're growing.
17:06 See in Psalms, there are so many...
17:08 Psalms 36:7. Psalms 36:7.
17:13 Psalms 36:7, it says,
17:16 "How precious is your loving kindness,
17:22 oh God.
17:23 Therefore, the children of men put their trust
17:26 under the shadow of your wings."
17:29 Amen.
17:31 Learning to trust, but how do we learn to trust?
17:36 Yeah, because we live in such a vicious world.
17:39 We, ourselves, are sometimes
17:42 not a good examples of teaching trust.
17:44 We break promises all the time.
17:47 So how do we learn to trust anybody?
17:49 But learning to trust the Lord is those little steps I think.
17:53 Jonathan, when you were six,
17:55 did you trust the Lord or did you even understand
17:58 what it meant to actually trust the Lord?
18:01 I don't know that I remember.
18:05 You know, you have over a period
18:07 of time small tribulations, small things come to us,
18:12 the little boy kicks you,
18:15 small, little tribulations come to us.
18:17 But did you turn around and yell at that little boy.
18:20 No, you didn't or kick him back.
18:23 If you were six, you might have done that.
18:25 But you have learned to trust in the Lord,
18:28 and He kept that little boy from moving his foot...
18:31 I mean, Satan attacked you,
18:34 but God put His hand there and said
18:36 "This far and no farther."
18:38 So you can trust Him in small things.
18:41 You've been given a lot of responsibility lately,
18:45 and I know over the years, you have...
18:50 When that first laid on your shoulders,
18:53 I am sure your stress was really high,
18:56 not to say that it's not still high,
18:58 but slowly but surely,
19:00 you've prayed a lot, haven't you?
19:02 Oh, definitely, you have to.
19:04 And so the little tribulations that come up,
19:08 the little emergencies, "Oh, what am I gonna do now?"
19:12 You go to prayer quicker.
19:14 When I lose keys now, I'm 70, when I was 36,
19:18 maybe the last thing I did,
19:20 after I searched the house and the car and everything else
19:22 I could think of, then I prayed.
19:25 Not now, I pray immediately
19:27 because God has to help me find my keys
19:31 if I will just calm down and pray,
19:34 He will help me.
19:36 So I think that we can have
19:41 a great deal of trust in the Lord
19:43 if we start practicing on the little things
19:47 of trusting Him and these verses.
19:51 See, even when my husband passed away, Isaiah 41:10,
19:55 someone gave that to me,
19:58 so, Isaiah 41:10 says,
20:02 "Fear not for I am with you,
20:05 be not dismayed for I am your God.
20:08 I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you.
20:11 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
20:14 Amen. Amen.
20:15 But you read those verses,
20:18 but to live them, takes...
20:21 That's why God gives us little tribulations.
20:24 Do you feel like you've hit
20:26 the major tribulation of your life,
20:28 a major thing that's just laid you low, yeah, Jonathan?
20:32 No. I don't think so. Okay.
20:34 But as CA would say,
20:37 "If it hasn't hit you yet, just wait.
20:40 It's coming around."
20:42 But you're for prepared
20:43 because you're building trust right now
20:48 because of the little bit,
20:49 so I think that when we're devastated,
20:52 when things come at us and just wipe us down,
20:55 and we have no other place to go,
20:57 we're forced to turn to the Lord.
21:00 But if we've built the little things,
21:03 if we've built the little things,
21:04 our trust is deeper and richer.
21:09 And He's proving to us over and over.
21:12 There are so many verses. I wrote down quite a few.
21:15 Now that you say that, we have to turn to the Lord.
21:20 Unfortunately, there are some people
21:22 that turn away from the Lord
21:24 and blame everything on the Lord.
21:27 And, you know, the Lord sent His Son here to earth,
21:33 and Jesus identifies with your pain, the isolation,
21:37 the accusation, the sadness, the heaviness, right?
21:42 So it's not that He cannot identify with you,
21:48 but He can carry you through.
21:50 Now that's when we fall back in leaning
21:53 in His everlasting arms...
21:54 You know that's almost perfect, honey.
21:56 You picked that song because it is so true.
22:01 When we are training our children,
22:05 we're cradling them in our hands
22:07 so they can walk,
22:08 and they're smiling and what have you...
22:10 But they walk away
22:12 from our reach and fall and cry,
22:17 where do they look to?
22:19 Mommy or poppy, right? Yes.
22:21 To comfort them. Yes.
22:22 They look to see, "Did you notice that I fell?"
22:23 And you're right there,
22:25 you're right there waiting for that child to come back.
22:28 So I think that's a beautiful picture of Jesus,
22:31 you know, because He is waiting for us.
22:33 "Any time we have a trial, so just come back to Me.
22:37 I will reenergize your batteries," right?
22:40 Spiritual batteries.
22:42 See, sometimes...
22:46 We judge God in the trial. Yes.
22:52 I think when I said,
22:53 "We have no place else to go but to the Lord,"
22:57 Christians that have been anchored in the Lord
23:00 and they're spiritual Christians.
23:02 So they do lean into the Lord. That's right.
23:06 However, if a person is a Christian,
23:10 but haven't really had that true conversion,
23:14 they can think that they are,
23:15 and they can be praying and doing all the things,
23:18 but then if they get hit with a trial that shocks them,
23:22 and they're not really anchored solidly
23:25 into the Lord with the Holy Spirit,
23:27 and they don't understand why, they do run away from the Lord.
23:32 So our whole premise here of how to get
23:36 through this life with tribulations
23:38 is to make sure
23:39 that you are anchored in the Lord,
23:41 that you are trusting Him.
23:44 Job, you need to read Job, no matter what.
23:47 So are we really anchored into the Lord
23:49 so that no matter what happens?
23:52 I mean, I'm sure you wonder why some things happen to you,
23:57 you just went through a trauma thing.
23:59 You could say, "Why would the Lord do that to us?"
24:01 We're doing ministry, we're doing His work,
24:04 but you're anchored into the Lord,
24:06 and you're allowing Him to carry you,
24:08 so that conversion...
24:10 Also, Dee, I have learned...
24:13 I have to speak for me,
24:16 I have learned to thank the Lord.
24:17 Yes.
24:19 And somebody said, "Now Idalia..."
24:20 I think it was Pastor Brooks this weekend,
24:23 in this past week.
24:25 He says, "But, you know,
24:29 if you were to go back."
24:33 I said, "I wouldn't change a thing".
24:36 I would seriously, honestly, the only thing
24:39 I would want to change
24:40 is that my husband didn't get hurt,
24:43 but the peace that passeth all understanding,
24:47 the everlasting arms, I felt them on my hospital bed
24:53 and as I was struggling to breathe
24:55 or whatever the situation,
24:58 I felt, "Okay, Lord, I'm just going to,
25:02 you know, like the chicks..."
25:05 I mean, the hen puts the chicks under her wings,
25:09 so warn and so peaceful.
25:12 You know, Mama's arms are...
25:13 Nobody can replace those arms, right?
25:17 Humanly speaking, but, oh, the rest...
25:21 And the developing of a new relationship,
25:27 all I knew the excitement
25:29 of learning of God's grace deeper,
25:32 His love in a deeper way.
25:35 It's like, "Lord, You're amazing.
25:37 I mean, You did all this for me, you know.
25:41 You gave me my spiritual family, my church,
25:45 my work family."
25:47 And, you know,
25:48 and if you don't spend time in the Word,
25:50 whether it's singing Bible scripture, or songs,
25:56 or reading the Word,
25:57 what are you going to grasp them from.
26:00 Psalms 91:4. Okay. I'll go there.
26:02 "He shall cover you with His feathers
26:06 and under His wings you shall take refuge.
26:08 His truth shall be your shield and buckler,
26:12 you shall not be afraid of the terror by night."
26:15 You, Idalia, did you really know
26:17 if you were going to live or die at some point?
26:19 I thought I was going to die. Okay.
26:21 But you still had peace. Oh yes. I did.
26:25 We cannot see God's plan.
26:27 You know, they talk about it all the time
26:29 that the quilt that we see underneath the quilt,
26:31 all the strings going every which different direction,
26:34 but when we get to heaven,
26:35 we're going to see the beautiful picture
26:37 on the other side.
26:38 So again, it's a matter do you trust the Lord
26:43 with what's really happening to you?
26:46 I mean I think the most horrible pain
26:49 that anyone can go through is the loss of a child.
26:53 I don't know how anyone endures that.
26:55 I don't know either.
26:56 And yet I know people who have lost children.
27:01 That is such pain,
27:04 but God carries them and takes them
27:07 into a deeper relationship.
27:10 There are as many things that have happened to me
27:11 that I have no clue why, but I'll find out later.
27:15 Well, the Bible says
27:16 "All things work for good for those who...?"
27:19 "Love Him." That's right.
27:21 So I mean, it may be hard to understand
27:23 like our co-worker Roseo,
27:25 when she had her miscarriage, you know.
27:27 She suffered so much, but I am like,
27:29 "Lord, how can I minister to my friend and co-worker?"
27:33 I am not equipped.
27:35 I mean, I didn't go through that experience,
27:37 but, of course, you can be part of a healing process
27:43 in someone's life,
27:44 just like my co-workers and my family
27:47 from church have been and also everyone else
27:51 that have come into our lives, the Lord has sent to us.
27:55 It's incredible.
27:56 We don't imagine the highest peak
28:00 or the lowest peak people are going through,
28:02 but you know what?
28:04 It's them today or me today and them tomorrow
28:08 or whether or not we want to admit it,
28:11 trials come in the most inopportune moments for us,
28:16 but the Lord sees, you know.
28:18 The tragedies.
28:20 God does not send the tragedies.
28:22 Satan is always attacking us. Satan sends the tragedy.
28:26 Satan does the horrible stuff,
28:29 but God takes what Satan means as bad
28:32 and it will work together for good if we allow it to.
28:37 It's really hard to do that.
28:39 One like the text we opened up with,
28:41 it says "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
28:45 So we know that, you know, somebody has gone before
28:49 and has victory, and we know that by leaning in Him,
28:54 we can have that same victory.
28:56 That's right. Amen.
28:57 I'm going to read this
28:59 because we have kind of alluded to it,
29:01 and Dee just mentioned this individual.
29:05 We're talking about 1 Peter 5,
29:07 and I'm going to read beginning in verse 6,
29:12 verse 6,
29:14 so from verse 6 onto 10.
29:20 Maybe I should quote till 11, that's a good one too.
29:23 Okay. Yes, he does that all the time.
29:25 "Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God,
29:29 that He may exalt you in due time.
29:32 Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you."
29:37 Now verse 8, "Be sober, be vigilant
29:40 because your adversary,
29:41 the devil as a roaring lion
29:44 walketh about seeking whom he may devour.
29:47 Whom resist steadfast in the faith,
29:50 knowing that the same afflictions
29:52 are accomplished in your brethren
29:54 that are in the world,
29:56 but the God of all grace who has called us
29:59 unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus
30:02 after that you have suffered a while
30:05 make you perfect,
30:07 establish and strengthen, settle you.
30:10 To Him be glory and dominion for ever and ever."
30:14 Amen.
30:16 So wonderful set of verses,
30:18 but, yes, the reality is that we suffer tribulations,
30:22 and trials and difficulties, there's a devil out there,
30:25 and he wants to destroy us.
30:27 And the best thing we can do is be of good cheer.
30:33 Jesus has overcome the world,
30:35 leaning on His everlasting arms,
30:37 we will go through.
30:38 And so, you know, we have Brother Jonathan here.
30:41 We have to look at him as a youngest person here
30:45 on this family table but...
30:46 The younger generation. Yes.
30:48 Have you gone through some trials
30:50 that let you know there's a devil out there?
30:53 Well, I can say I know I have,
30:56 but I'm terrible at coming up with things,
30:59 remembering things on the spot.
31:01 I can say that I'm 100% sure that I have.
31:05 There's no way that, you know, get through without that.
31:10 But difficulties have come,
31:12 and you know that the Lord has been good.
31:13 Absolutely, especially being in position that I am,
31:17 different things,
31:19 we deal with callers that are unhappy all the time
31:21 and that wears on a person.
31:23 When you're answering the phone all day,
31:26 and if you keep getting upset callers
31:28 one after another,
31:30 it definitely wears down on people.
31:32 And sometimes we have to just kind of take a break,
31:35 stop and ask the Lord,
31:39 "Come back, you know, give me Your strength, peace,"
31:41 and then they'll get a caller
31:43 that just makes up for all of it.
31:46 That sweetest and encourages everything.
31:48 Amen. Amen.
31:50 You know, I've had calls
31:51 when the person, just like pastoral,
31:54 I mean, we have received phone calls
31:57 that people are just frantic on the phone.
32:01 You know, so easy to lose sight of the problem solver
32:07 because we focus on the problem so much,
32:10 and just a simple song like
32:13 "Jesus loves me, this I know".
32:18 And I say, you know, instead of Jesus loves me,
32:21 I can say "Jesus loves, Dee,
32:24 yes we know."
32:27 And I sing to the caller that is sobbing on the phone,
32:31 and then the singing along these little songs
32:34 that I learned when I was a little girl.
32:37 But it's incredible how much that soothes our hurting heart.
32:43 Yes. The Holy Spirit.
32:45 Inviting the Holy Spirit to break that darkness
32:48 that Satan wants to suffocate our lives in,
32:52 but there's power in Lord.
32:54 There's power in the Lord. That's right.
32:56 You know, it's amazing how we hear different things.
33:01 Valera shared some things
33:03 that when you're facing a difficulty,
33:06 it's good to remember
33:07 how the Lord has helped you in the past.
33:09 Then the present difficulty, you start thinking over,
33:12 "You know, I had some trouble in the past,
33:14 but the Lord brought me through, the Lord helped me."
33:16 And that will help us face the trial we're facing today.
33:20 And I do want to say something
33:21 because we don't want to come across as a Christian
33:27 will always be at peace and never experience sorrow.
33:33 We read in Matthew 26, when Jesus exclaimed,
33:38 "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful
33:42 even unto death."
33:44 So we will face difficulties and problems in life
33:48 that will bring us sorrow.
33:50 That will bring us,
33:53 you know, take our smile away for a moment
33:54 because we're wondering what's going on?
33:57 What is this?
33:58 But at the same time,
34:01 leaning on the everlasting arms is what will carry us through.
34:05 And so Jesus says,
34:07 "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful
34:09 even unto death."
34:10 What did He do afterwards?
34:12 He went to a place apart to pray.
34:15 And He took some friends, Peter, James, and John.
34:19 And so when we're facing trials,
34:21 we can call upon somebody of confidence.
34:24 And we don't even have to share every little detail.
34:28 We can call somebody and say, "You know, Jonathan,
34:30 I'm going through a difficult time.
34:31 Would you please pray for me?"
34:33 We got to strive to not fall asleep.
34:37 When we're called upon, we need to,
34:39 you know, be just as prayerful as that person.
34:41 Yes. Yes.
34:42 Now you were talking about not physical sleep,
34:45 but spiritual sleep.
34:46 Well, when Jesus asks the disciples to pray.
34:48 Like the disciples,
34:50 we're talking about the Garden of Gethsemane.
34:51 They fell asleep. They fell asleep.
34:53 He came back and... Good point. Very good point.
34:54 I mean, very easily, you can say
34:56 "Oh, it was just Idalia again, needing prayer again,
34:59 you know, so you let it go,
35:02 and you know, I'll pray for her later"
35:04 and then you forget.
35:05 Physically or spiritually, falling asleep.
35:07 Yes. Yes, exactly.
35:09 You know, the social media, friends on Facebook,
35:12 God bless you all,
35:14 Lord have mercy, God is so good.
35:17 That's another family that we have, you know.
35:20 For you, Facebookers, we get together,
35:23 and we pray for each other.
35:27 It's just so many private messages,
35:29 I can't get to all of them,
35:31 but it's funny how our time together of prayer, praise,
35:37 and sharing have developed this special relationship
35:43 that we support each other with prayer and encouragement.
35:47 So not only our viewers
35:50 from, you know, that have downloaded
35:53 the 3ABN app on their smart devices,
35:56 are watching it on 3ABN.TV,
35:59 but also those people that go to Facebook too.
36:03 So we all pull together with one goal in mind,
36:08 and that is to spiritually support one another.
36:11 The trials on this earth,
36:12 I tell you, they're not going to get any easier,
36:16 but your faith gets stronger, and you feel more secure.
36:21 Even when Paul was in jail, that was not comfortable.
36:24 They were chained, it was cold, it was miserable.
36:27 They were miserable,
36:29 and they were physically feeling
36:31 that they couldn't...
36:32 But what it is even though you're going through that pain
36:36 or misery, or agony, or sorrow,
36:40 there is a joy that's undescribable
36:43 that lays at the bottom of it.
36:46 There is a joy of the Lord...
36:49 And I don't mean the kind of joy
36:50 where you're celebrating.
36:52 It's a comforting joy that lays there,
36:55 and that's why he could sing.
36:58 He pulled down into himself and said,
37:00 "Okay, this is a tragedy.
37:04 This is a trial, a tribulation.
37:07 Let's reach down into that joy and sing."
37:10 Now I think that there are some sorrows
37:15 that you feel that you wouldn't be able to sing,
37:18 but you can lock onto that joy
37:22 that is not a joy that is that your laughing joy,
37:26 but it's a peace that you can hold onto,
37:30 and you can be sobbing and still be in emotional pain,
37:35 but that peace is laying underneath it.
37:38 I tell at my Sabbath school, the young kids, I tell them,
37:43 "You need to look through the cross at Jesus.
37:47 You have to keep your eyes through the pain,
37:50 through the tribulation, look to the other side
37:53 and keep your eyes on Jesus.
37:55 That's how you get carried through,
37:58 and you have to practice that with the little step."
38:01 Well, you know, even Johnny was saying,
38:03 you know, like just because we're Christians,
38:06 it doesn't mean we don't have sorrow
38:08 or we don't have,
38:09 Look at Jesus, I mean, in the Garden of Gethsemane,
38:11 He prayed, "Father, if I can,
38:14 you know, if You take this cup from Me, you know..."
38:17 Trembling there, you know. Yeah.
38:18 I mean He was in such stress that He was sweating blood.
38:23 I mean, that's... You know, it's extreme.
38:27 And yet He at that moment
38:30 when that great tribulation was on Him
38:33 and that weight of our sins was on Him,
38:37 He knew that, you know, He said,
38:39 "Take it away, but not My will,"
38:42 there He surrendered.
38:44 You know, and so even when we are down deep,
38:47 we can say, "Okay God, I can't see
38:50 through this, but You can, and we can just say okay."
38:55 Valera, you said something
38:56 very strong point, "His surrender".
39:00 Yes.
39:01 Surrender because sometimes we want to...
39:05 You know, I'm very independent, very stubborn, very driven...
39:10 Really? Well, no.
39:11 I'm exaggerating, I'm really not.
39:16 But, you know, that we are like,
39:18 "I can handle this, I can handle this.
39:20 I can handle this."
39:22 And the Lord is just saying,
39:23 "Well, you're suffering because you want to."
39:25 I mean, I can just picture Him, this is my saying,
39:29 and He'll be like, "Okay, when you're ready,
39:33 I am ready to act in your behalf,
39:36 be your advocate.
39:39 So just invite me in and give it to me,
39:42 and I'll take it from here."
39:44 And it's funny
39:46 because when I experience surrendering
39:51 everything to the Lord...
39:55 What a relief,
39:56 it's almost like a healing really.
39:59 So I can't explain it into words.
40:01 It's something that you will experience,
40:03 and you will call me and share with us actually.
40:06 And there is an example...
40:08 There's lots of examples in the Bible, but look at Paul.
40:11 See, Paul asked the Lord three times
40:15 to heal him of something.
40:16 And we don't know what it was,
40:19 but it wasn't like being boiled in oil
40:21 or something that happened to him later on.
40:23 But when the Lord said
40:25 "No," he surrendered, and said, "Okay."
40:30 This built him to the point so that when he did go through
40:33 the other really serious life-threatening tribulations,
40:38 he was able to surrender
40:40 'cause he could look back at how the Lord had led
40:42 in the past and had that trust,
40:45 that trust is incredible.
40:46 Wow!
40:47 So many thoughts racing through my mind too.
40:49 I don't want time to finish, we want it to continue.
40:52 This is a three-hour program. No, I'm just kidding.
40:56 It's a joy to spend time in dialogue
41:00 about the greatness of God, and it lifts my spirits.
41:05 You guys have no idea.
41:06 Well, I received a call
41:08 because of whatever medical issues I had.
41:11 I was so attacked by the devil.
41:14 Well, my friend here, she's witnessed.
41:17 I was just crying.
41:19 It was just a few minutes before the program started.
41:23 I'm like, "Lord, not again, I can't go through this again.
41:27 And I just want solutions,
41:29 Lord, I feel like a rag doll being tossed here and there."
41:34 And my friend also, Valera,
41:36 was there, and Shelley and Tammy,
41:39 and they all just surrounded me
41:42 and prayed for me and helped me focus.
41:46 And then when we thought about this, the program,
41:49 it's like, "Oh, I have to go and do the program.
41:52 Oh, that program is for me.
41:55 That topic is for me. Thank you, Jesus."
41:57 Because before I even know my needs,
42:00 He's got your solution, right?
42:02 At the tip of His hands to take.
42:05 So we praise the Lord. That's right.
42:07 You know the Lord is so good.
42:10 As we face difficulties,
42:13 what can we share with people that will help them
42:14 because I've seen Idalia go...
42:17 Sing. There you go.
42:21 When in the darkest hours, she sings.
42:25 Yes.
42:27 Sing and cook, that's what I do.
42:28 But when it's Sabbath hours, of course,
42:30 I'm not going to be cooking, I'm going to be singing.
42:32 And there are so many examples of that in the Bible.
42:34 Paul says, it seems like anybody in prison,
42:38 everybody going through the struggles,
42:39 they always started singing.
42:40 When they couldn't do anything else, they sing.
42:42 Sing. Sing.
42:44 Now they were singing songs of the Lord.
42:46 They weren't singing the popular songs.
42:48 Oh, yeah.
42:49 You know, what you said is very powerful.
42:51 Pray songs, and the people
42:54 around them in the jail,
42:57 it encourages them as well.
42:59 You know, that's really amazing
43:01 that the trials we face can be of encouragement
43:04 to other people.
43:06 It gives other people an opportunity to help us.
43:08 It testifies. But it also helps other people.
43:11 And you were talking about the singing,
43:13 the others that were there, they said,
43:15 "Why are they singing?"
43:17 We're in the same,
43:18 what do they have in their cell that we don't?
43:22 Well, they had Jesus. Amen.
43:25 And so that made a world of difference.
43:27 When you have Jesus, you have a world of difference.
43:31 And that's why, you know, you're visiting the prisons
43:35 and seeing the ladies,
43:36 and some of the men are seeing the men,
43:38 but I've heard some of the prisoners,
43:40 throughout the years
43:41 that I've been here at 3ABN, say,
43:44 "I am in prison, but I am free, why?
43:46 Because I have Jesus."
43:48 That makes a complete difference,
43:50 you know, the singing.
43:51 And you can sing when you're alone.
43:55 I don't sing all that well.
43:57 I know that you can sing when you're crying.
43:59 It's not going to sound very good and hopefully
44:01 there's nobody else around you.
44:03 You can be crying and in pain
44:07 and still praise the Lord.
44:09 I know it sounds very strange,
44:13 but it's how you can get that peace
44:17 or that joy is if you can...
44:20 Through this pain, through the agony,
44:22 which we all feel,
44:24 if you can sing prayer songs or do scripture,
44:29 any kind of praise to the Lord
44:32 for just being there for you, giving you a hug.
44:37 If you can praise through the agony,
44:40 it will bring you a peace
44:44 that's beyond understanding.
44:47 That is definitely right.
44:48 I can share this that I know to be true,
44:52 and don't ask me to prove it to you, but I know it's true.
44:57 When you mention the name of Jesus,
45:00 the angels draw near.
45:02 The angels are drawn here
45:03 because you're calling upon the Lord,
45:05 the angels will draw near to you.
45:07 So I will say to you, when you need the Lord
45:10 just call upon Him, and He is there.
45:12 You know, Jesus says,
45:14 "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
45:16 When you mention the name of Jesus,
45:17 angels draw near.
45:18 So call upon the name of Jesus.
45:20 You know, what's the name of that song?
45:23 "What a friend we have in Jesus,
45:24 what a friend we have in Him.
45:26 Can we find a friend so faithful?
45:29 Who will all our sorrow share?" Yes.
45:32 You remember the song?
45:34 Yes, but I have it mixed up
45:35 in my head in Spanish and English.
45:36 I'm like, "I need the lyrics."
45:40 Sometimes you can be so broken
45:43 and so much in pain and agony and crying
45:46 that you can only call out in your mind to Jesus.
45:49 That's right. That's right. And He will come to you.
45:53 That's right. And bring a peace upon you.
45:57 That's right, you know, I said
46:01 that my mind was going different directions
46:02 is because different scenes in the Bible,
46:07 and if we have time,
46:09 well, maybe talk about two of them,
46:11 but in the Garden of Gethsemane,
46:14 I've studied that for years, and from time to time,
46:16 I go back there, but as we were talking today,
46:18 I never had this thought before,
46:19 and it's interesting to me.
46:21 Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane,
46:23 and there He was being tempted of the devil.
46:25 What is He praying,
46:27 "Lord, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me."
46:31 He's in direct communion with the Lord.
46:35 Do you believe the devil was there to say, "Don't do it.
46:39 Why would you do this?
46:40 You're going to die for these ungrateful people.
46:44 They're going to kick you, spit upon you."
46:46 They've already rejected You.
46:48 And so, you know, he was there, making it as hard as possible.
46:51 And He is struggling
46:53 because Jesus at the Garden at Gethsemane
46:55 is already taking the sins of the world upon Him
46:57 'cause He started there, taking the sins.
46:59 That's why He was saying,
47:00 "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even unto death."
47:04 You read the book Desire of Ages,
47:05 and if you haven't,
47:06 find it, read it, read that chapter.
47:08 You know, the way it's described there,
47:10 He was grasping like that,
47:13 the rock or the floor as to try to prevent
47:17 from being dragged into darkness, let's say.
47:22 But He was saying, "If this..."
47:23 But He completely surrendered, complete surrender,
47:26 "Nevertheless not as my will, but as thou wilt."
47:30 Now this is a thought that was new to me,
47:32 and that is, you know, He was facing
47:36 this fierce battle with the devil.
47:39 But He did not have to face Judas
47:42 and the people with the swords and the spears
47:47 until there was this third time that He says,
47:51 "Nevertheless not as my will, but as thou wilt".
47:54 And so, with that I say to you
47:56 that God is not going to allow you
48:00 to be overwhelmed to the point of...
48:03 More than what you can bear.
48:04 More than what you can bear, the Bible says that.
48:06 Right here.
48:07 Oh, would you mind reading that for us?
48:09 1 Corinthians 10:13, it says,
48:12 "No temptation has overtaken you
48:15 except such as is common to man.
48:18 But God is faithful
48:20 Who will not allow you to be tempted
48:21 beyond what you are able.
48:23 But with the temptation
48:25 will also make the way of escape
48:28 that you may be able to bear it."
48:31 Doesn't say, He's going to take you away
48:32 from the temptation,
48:33 but He's going to take you through it.
48:35 He's going to show you the way,
48:36 and He's going to be there and guide you through it.
48:38 Glory. Amen.
48:40 If you surrender and you lean into His arms,
48:45 if you try to stand on your own,
48:48 that scripture is for those who are with the Lord,
48:52 who are spiritual Christians, who are leaning on Him,
48:56 if you try to stand on your own,
48:58 it will take you down,
48:59 if you do not allow the Lord to carry you.
49:03 Yes.
49:04 The verse right before, it says "Therefore let him who thinks
49:06 he stands take heed lest he fall."
49:09 That's right. Perfect.
49:10 How beautiful. Yes. Absolutely.
49:12 And so, it's like Jesus said,
49:15 "In Me, you will have peace."
49:18 So as we face difficulties and trials, in Jesus,
49:22 we will have peace.
49:23 In the world, we will have tribulation,
49:25 but in Jesus, we will have peace.
49:27 And so here they are,
49:29 the disciples are on their boat,
49:32 and it's raining, and there's a storm
49:35 but you're dealing with disciples
49:37 that were strong fishermen.
49:39 They've been through storms before,
49:40 they handled those storms before,
49:41 and they were doing everything they knew,
49:44 but eventually the boat starts to get filled with water,
49:46 and they have to try to get the water out,
49:47 and there was more water coming in than they could take out.
49:50 Especially Peter. He could do anything.
49:54 And Peter could do anything.
49:55 And it wasn't until they knew
49:59 that they were going to die without help,
50:03 that they realized,
50:04 you know, that Jesus was there,
50:08 and what is Jesus doing?
50:09 I know, it's amazing to me.
50:11 He's sleeping through a storm, what happens in storms?
50:15 It's raining, and there's thunder,
50:17 and there is lightning, and please,
50:20 were the disciples quietly trying to get the water out?
50:24 They were yelling and screaming
50:25 "Help and get them all this away,"
50:26 and Jesus was sleeping through this thing.
50:28 All that commotion. At peace, in quiet serenity.
50:33 And so they said something, they said,
50:37 "Lord, do You not care that we're perishing?"
50:42 And it's amazing. That's amazing.
50:43 We could spend a long time talking about this
50:45 because Jesus stands up
50:48 in full control, at peace, in his face,
50:53 I could tell you there is no...
50:56 I mean, disciples are stressed, and they're wet and stressed,
50:59 Jesus is wet, but He's not stressed
51:01 because He surrendered.
51:04 He surrendered to His father.
51:06 It's not His own power He's using.
51:08 That's right. Absolutely right. It's not His own power.
51:10 And now you said that, very, very powerful.
51:13 Anyway, He sees the situation,
51:16 and He knows, He didn't stop to say to them,
51:19 "What's wrong with you guys?
51:21 Don't you have faith? What's the matter with you?"
51:23 No, He fixed the situation.
51:28 Peace, be still.
51:30 And there was this quiet, serenity.
51:36 And the Bible says "There was a great calm."
51:38 And this is like just says, comes a great calm.
51:41 And you say, "Wow!"
51:43 They were amazed
51:44 that instantly He took their fears away.
51:47 He took their burdens away, their stress away.
51:51 And now imagine they're...
51:52 You know, how you get stressed when your shoulder
51:57 "Wow!"
51:58 "And who is this man
52:00 that even the wind and the sea obey Him?"
52:04 That's the kind of God that we serve.
52:07 Amen.
52:08 He can take control
52:10 of whatever situation we're facing.
52:12 If we let Him. Complete control...
52:13 If we let Him. Once we ask Him.
52:14 If we let Him. That's right.
52:16 He didn't wake up and say, "Okay, guys, I got this."
52:18 He waited till they said. They saw their need.
52:20 They realized
52:22 we've done everything we can do.
52:23 Okay. Now let's turn to the Lord.
52:25 I can imagine and if what would have happened
52:27 if just the more the wind just started to pick up,
52:29 they just turn over to Jesus said,
52:31 "Lord, do you want to just fix this?"
52:34 I mean, you know,
52:36 in human culture, in our culture,
52:39 if you were Jesus, just laying there,
52:42 and just the hint of trouble, someone came over,
52:44 "Can you fix this?
52:45 He'll be like, "Oh, why can't
52:47 you handle it yourself for once?"
52:48 But not Jesus, not God.
52:51 He wants us to come to Him at the first sign of trouble,
52:57 and He'll take care of it,
52:59 may not take it away like we want right away,
53:03 but at least that we'll be able to bear it.
53:05 Amen. Amen. Powerful, very powerful.
53:08 You know, I think about the little toddlers,
53:10 the little kids, boys and girls,
53:13 that they have their little crisis too.
53:16 For example, they can't find their favorite toy
53:20 or their favorite car,
53:22 you know, their pet died or what have you...
53:26 We cannot be so insensitive
53:28 because we need to reflect God's compassion
53:32 for each and one of us.
53:34 So if it's troubling the three-year-old
53:39 or whatever-year-old, it should trouble us too,
53:44 and we should carry
53:45 that burden of let's pray and ask the Lord,
53:49 you know, as mature adults,
53:53 let's help our generations,
53:55 let's help our children, little ones,
53:58 to think of Christ
54:00 as their first solution to the problem.
54:04 And, you know, children are sponges,
54:06 they absorb everything.
54:08 So whatever you do, they're going to copy you,
54:10 and they're going to do it, right?
54:12 So we just need to be more compassionate
54:15 to the little things in the children's lives
54:18 that are troubling them
54:19 because the Lord says anything that troubles us
54:23 is important to Him and He worries about that.
54:25 At any age. At any age.
54:27 Amen. That's right.
54:28 Maybe not children chronologically,
54:30 but there's children in Christ too.
54:32 Exactly.
54:33 We can't expect somebody
54:35 that is just getting to know Christ
54:37 to react to trials in the same way
54:40 that somebody that has learned to rely on Him.
54:43 But then sometimes those of us
54:45 that have been Christians for a long time,
54:48 we want to stand up and do it our own
54:50 or sometimes a new Christian is so happy in that faith,
54:54 and they realize
54:57 where God has brought them from that they are so...
55:00 They sometimes turn before those of us
55:02 that should know better.
55:04 Yeah. That's why we need each other.
55:06 We need to grow with each other,
55:09 mature in each other because it's incredible
55:12 how a child brings up some ideas
55:15 that, you know, they have
55:16 a different perspective in life,
55:18 you know, than we adults.
55:21 So the same thing goes in our church community,
55:25 you know, it takes the whole church
55:26 to support each other.
55:28 Definitely.
55:29 You can stumble when you're older.
55:31 That's right. We can. We can still experience.
55:33 You can stumble when you're older.
55:35 Yeah.
55:36 Well, we are grateful to the Lord for the time
55:38 we've had together.
55:39 Boy, I really...
55:41 Perhaps we could have Sister Valera
55:43 do a short prayer for us before we end.
55:44 There are people facing difficulties right now,
55:47 and could you pray for them?
55:51 Our loving Heavenly Father, we want to come to You today
55:56 and just thank You and praise You
55:58 that we can rely on You through everything
56:02 that You promise that You are always there.
56:04 We ask that You will give us strength to remember
56:06 to turn to You and give us the peace
56:08 that You so much promise.
56:10 And we thank You and praise You
56:12 that You will hear and answer each one of our prayers,
56:15 in Jesus' name we pray.
56:16 Amen. Amen.
56:17 Amen. Amen.
56:19 Well, we want to thank Sister Dee for being with us.
56:22 Yes. It's been a joy.
56:23 Oh, it has been. Amen.
56:25 And Brother Jonathan Babb,
56:28 thank you for being with us and for sharing.
56:31 And Sister Valera Babb,
56:33 and I would like to read before we end one more time
56:36 the verse that we kind of started with,
56:37 and that's John 16:33.
56:40 So that in case,
56:41 you didn't get, it's John 16:33,
56:43 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me",
56:46 Jesus said "ye might have peace.
56:49 In the world, you will have tribulation,
56:52 but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."
56:55 And so the good news that we want to share with you
56:57 is that Jesus has overcome the world.
56:59 This makes it possible for you to have peace,
57:02 and not only that,
57:05 this is a peace that begins in this world
57:06 and continues forever.
57:08 Jesus has overcome the world so that all of our trials,
57:11 tribulations, sufferings, pain, heartache, fears,
57:15 they will all be taken away
57:16 because He will make all things new.
57:20 So we praise the Lord.
57:21 Any final words you want to say.
57:23 No, I just want to wish you
57:25 the best, happiest, blessed Sabbath.
57:27 Amen. Amen.
57:28 So from all of us
57:30 we would like to say to you, Happy Sabbath.
57:34 Happy Sabbath, Dee.


Revised 2018-05-09