Today Family Worship

Christ The Good Shepherd

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018010A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:11 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:14 We welcome you to our sitting together,
01:16 whether you are watching this on a Friday evening,
01:18 and Sabbath is just about to begin for you,
01:21 or one of our rebroadcast, maybe you are heading
01:23 into the week, we welcome you to worship with us,
01:27 to enjoy the Sabbath together, Isaiah 58 says,
01:30 "If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath,
01:32 from doing thy pleasure on my holy day,
01:35 and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord,
01:37 honorable, and shalt honor him, not doing thine own ways,
01:40 nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words,"
01:43 Lord says, "Then thou shalt delight thyself in the Lord,
01:47 and I will cause thee to ride upon
01:48 the high places of the earth, and feed thee
01:51 with the heritage of Jacob thy father,
01:52 for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it."
01:55 So if you are preparing for the Sabbath,
01:57 then you can expect a blessing from the Lord
02:00 because the Lord has promised a blessing to those
02:02 who keep the Sabbath day holy.
02:04 So we welcome you to this sort of all guys worship together.
02:10 Oh, all of us are married
02:12 but are wiser in various places,
02:14 doing various things at this time,
02:16 so we decided to get together anyway
02:18 and worship together as a bunch of guys
02:20 who love the Lord.
02:22 Love our wives but love the Lord even more.
02:23 All right, is that all right? Everybody accept that?
02:25 Praise the Lord. Amen.
02:26 Yes. To my far left, Gary Will.
02:29 Gary, good to have you here.
02:30 Thank you, it's good to be here.
02:32 Bryan Dickens, good to have you here, Bryan.
02:35 Yes, Pastor CA.
02:36 Mi estimado Jorge Jaque.
02:38 I'm blessed. Pleasure to be here.
02:41 English and Spanish is all the same.
02:43 Luis Capote. Luis, good to have you here.
02:45 Thank you, thank you for having us.
02:46 And Eric Durant, good to have you here, man.
02:48 Praise the Lord.
02:49 These are wonderful guys who love the Lord.
02:51 We want to talk about today and spend a little time
02:54 reminiscing over Christ, the good shepherd.
02:57 He is the shepherd, He is the lamb slain
03:00 for the foundation of the world,
03:01 He is the sheepfold,
03:03 He is the door of the sheepfold,
03:05 He is all of those things.
03:06 And Ellen White says this in council that
03:09 when you cannot see your way forward, gentlemen,
03:12 she says that sometimes it's good
03:13 to look back over your shoulder.
03:15 You know, just look back to see where you come from
03:17 when the windshield is a little foggy,
03:20 look in the rearview mirror, and get your bearings that way
03:23 and see where you've come from.
03:24 And in doing so, it will establish you
03:27 one of the things you will see is that God has been
03:29 with you all the time.
03:30 You've never really been alone.
03:32 You don't want to live in the past,
03:34 but it's good to just revisit the past, you know,
03:37 every now and again to see where you come from.
03:38 Someone said, "The only thing
03:40 worse than nostalgia is amnesia."
03:41 You know, you don't want to live in the past,
03:44 but you don't want to forget about the past
03:46 because she says that we have nothing to fear,
03:48 Luis, for the future.
03:50 That's right.
03:51 Lest we forget the way God has led us in the past.
03:53 So every now and again, it's good to just look over
03:55 your shoulder and see what God has done
03:57 and it gives you encouragement that the same God
03:59 that has gotten us this far will get us safely home
04:02 if we hold on to him.
04:03 So that's what we want to do today.
04:04 Before the day is out, I want each of these gentlemen
04:06 to take a little time and just tell us
04:09 how they came to the Lord, then we're going to look
04:11 at the Lord's keeping power as a good shepherd
04:14 because He does so many things for us, to us,
04:18 with us, and through us.
04:20 So we want to talk about all of those kinds of things
04:22 because it is encouraging to see
04:24 how God has led and blessed us over the years of our lives.
04:29 Eric, how long have you been in church?
04:31 I've been in church since 2002. 2002.
04:34 I was baptized straight out of the military.
04:38 Changed my life, changed my heart,
04:40 and I decided that I wanted to take a new track,
04:42 which was serving the Lord.
04:44 All right, Luis, how long?
04:45 I was born on a Thursday, and on Sabbath,
04:47 I was at church.
04:52 Truth be told.
04:53 Amen and amen. That's the way it is.
04:55 Amen. Jorge?
04:56 My whole life, my whole entire life
04:59 I've been blessed because
05:01 I was a part of a missionary family.
05:05 So being in the church, specifically all my life,
05:10 I'm not going to tell you how long though.
05:11 Okay. Long time, long enough.
05:13 Praise the Lord.
05:15 And we want to talk about that because it is,
05:16 as you gentlemen well know, it is one thing to be
05:18 in the church, another thing to be in the Lord.
05:21 One thing to be born in an Adventist home,
05:23 another thing to be born again in Christ Jesus.
05:26 So your church membership may not necessarily coincide
05:31 with your new birth experience.
05:32 They may be two different dates.
05:35 You're a little new, Bryan. Very new.
05:40 I started going back to the church two years ago
05:44 in the Lutheran Church.
05:46 And this past summer, of course,
05:49 I got introduced to you,
05:51 and you started me in Bible study.
05:53 And by December 2, this past year in 2017,
05:58 I got baptized.
06:00 Praise the Lord. Yeah, you know.
06:01 Praise the Lord. For rebirth.
06:03 Amen.
06:04 Gary, how long you're in a church?
06:06 I was raised in a Seventh-day Adventist home,
06:07 so since my birth, yeah.
06:09 Okay, all right, very good.
06:11 We're going to have you guys
06:12 sort of fleshed out just a little bit.
06:14 I want to go to prayer, and I think, Jorge,
06:17 I'll ask you to pray for us and then we'll just, sort of,
06:18 launch out in what we want to talk about.
06:20 Let's pray.
06:22 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You, Lord Jesus,
06:23 for bringing us together here as brothers and friends
06:28 and your children.
06:30 Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to witness,
06:33 to express special way
06:39 that you have touched our hearts.
06:41 And thank You, Lord, for the opportunity
06:44 also to share this with our friends,
06:47 our dear viewers that are watching this program
06:52 in this Sabbath day.
06:54 Keep us, Lord, with You in our minds and hearts
07:00 centered in Your word, and thank You, Lord,
07:03 also for giving us that blessed hope
07:07 that You sooner coming to put together children
07:13 for all over the world and bring us together
07:17 to live with You forever.
07:19 Thank you, Lord Jesus, for many, many blessings.
07:21 And please be with us, be our special guest
07:26 during this program, in Jesus' name, amen.
07:28 Amen.
07:30 I've told the story once or twice before,
07:32 but I was the only Adventist in my family.
07:36 We lived next door to some kids that we played with
07:39 during the week, and they lived behind a gate.
07:41 And we noticed that on Saturday,
07:43 we couldn't come inside the gate and play with them.
07:45 You know, as children you,
07:47 sort of, follow that in your mind,
07:48 but I think you're aware that this one day,
07:49 we couldn't play with them.
07:51 And then they would all pile into this car
07:53 and just disappear.
07:55 You know, everybody just get in a car
07:56 and just disappear, every Saturday,
07:57 they just disappear.
07:59 And we moved to another part of the city,
08:02 and wouldn't you know, we moved right across the street
08:05 from some people, with that same weird behavior.
08:08 You know, every Saturday, everybody piles in the car
08:10 and just disappears, you know.
08:11 And the boy was my age,
08:13 and the girl was my sister's age,
08:14 she is by a year and half older than I am.
08:17 And one day I asked him, I said,
08:18 "Where do you guys go on Saturday
08:20 when you all just disappear?"
08:21 'Cause, you know, they'd get in the car early in the morning
08:23 and gone whole day.
08:25 And he said, "We go to Sabbath school,"
08:26 which meant nothing to me because my parents were,
08:29 kind of, like holiday Methodists,
08:31 you know, Easter, and New Years,
08:33 that kind of thing.
08:34 And so I said, "Okay, next week when you go and disappear,
08:37 I want to go with you,
08:38 and I want to disappear with you."
08:40 And so we went to Sabbath school.
08:44 We went into a Sabbath school class
08:45 and there was a teacher, her name was Mildred Willis,
08:48 she became Mildred Gil.
08:49 Sweetest thing, I was, I guess, 8 or 9, she may have been 18,
08:54 or 19, maybe 20.
08:56 But she was such a wonderful,
08:58 first of all, she was beautiful,
08:59 and she was such a sweet Sabbath school teacher.
09:01 And when you got the question right,
09:03 she would actually stroke your cheek and say,
09:04 "Very good. "
09:06 You know, and the kids would answer the questions,
09:08 and she says, "Very good. "
09:10 And I say, you know what, next week I'm getting
09:12 the very good, you know.
09:15 I'm going to get a very good.
09:17 So I got my little friend, you know,
09:18 the little one, that little...
09:19 and I studied, studied, studied,
09:21 and the first question she asked, you know,
09:22 my hand is up.
09:24 And she called at me, and I gave the right answer.
09:28 She came over she said, "Very good. "
09:30 I was, like, I like that. I like Sabbath school.
09:34 So I'm hooked, so I'm in Sabbath school,
09:36 you know, every Sabbath kind of thing.
09:38 And then about a year later, she got married.
09:41 And she married Pastor Conrad Gill,
09:43 and we hated Conrad.
09:45 You know, because he took away our Sabbath school teacher.
09:47 And everybody hated him.
09:48 And it's funny, when he was working at the seminary,
09:50 when I got to the seminary,
09:51 he was on faculty at the Andrews University.
09:54 And I said, "Man, I've been hating you for 27 years.
09:58 I was hating you since I was a child. "
10:01 And I talked with Mildred, just she is in Atlanta now,
10:05 they are retired, just a few weeks ago.
10:07 And I reminded her how a wonderful
10:09 Sabbath school teacher she was.
10:10 And it's interesting because how you interface
10:14 with a young person can make an impression very early.
10:16 Absolutely, yes.
10:17 Because from the very first Sabbath, I was hooked.
10:19 I'm coming to church. Yes.
10:20 A year and a half later, I'm baptized.
10:21 You know, I'm the only one in my family, my mother said,
10:23 "It's not for me, but if you want to do it
10:25 I will not stop you. "
10:26 And she trusted Adventists 'cause when we jumped in a car
10:28 and disappeared all day, my mother never questioned
10:32 because she knew I was with the Adventists,
10:34 so she never questioned.
10:36 Then, did a week of prayer, baptized my mom,
10:39 baptized my dad one month
10:40 before he had heart attack and died.
10:42 So you can see the continuum.
10:44 Had wilderness years, you know, and sometimes when I question
10:47 what I was doing, but the idea of not serving
10:50 the Lord never occurred to me.
10:51 You know, I'd complain, I got to go to church
10:54 and my mother said, "Don't go."
10:56 And I said, "No, I got to go. "
10:57 But it never occurred to me that I could just stop
10:59 because I told the Lord I would.
11:01 So all of those teenage years when I was kind of irritating
11:04 to me, I went in His way because God never told me
11:08 that I got a past, so I kept on going.
11:11 And now I see why.
11:13 We got my dad in, my mom in, my sister in,
11:16 and we praise the Lord for that by coming to the Lord at age 9,
11:20 baptized at age 10.
11:21 Back then they kept you in baptism,
11:22 I guess, a long time.
11:24 You know, you give your heart to the Lord, and for about six,
11:26 eight months, almost a year, they are making sure
11:29 you're Adventist, you know, before you keep baptizing.
11:32 I gave my heart at 9, didn't get in the water till 10
11:35 because they make sure before they get to it.
11:38 Gary? Anybody else? How did you come to the Lord?
11:41 Well, you know, when you asked me that question
11:43 I was kind of thinking about it
11:44 because I don't have like a moment
11:47 where it just happened or some people have that moment
11:48 where they really should, it just you know,
11:50 they just know the Lord is near on me and everything.
11:52 I don't always feel like I ever had that.
11:54 I grew up knowing about God and praying.
11:56 And we went to church every Sabbath,
11:58 I loved the songs at Sabbath school,
11:59 like you're talking about.
12:01 It is funny that I learned early on
12:05 that you could pray to God
12:07 and He would answer your prayers.
12:08 And we had this old car that you pray to get it start,
12:12 and the Lord always answered that prayer.
12:14 Whenever my sister and I prayed that this car we started,
12:16 so I knew that God answered prayers early on.
12:21 And I knew that He was calling me into follow Him,
12:26 but there was...
12:27 I wanted to be on my own as a young person,
12:30 so I always resisted that.
12:33 I wanted to be different, you know,
12:34 there's a thing that God's people
12:37 are His peculiar treasure, I didn't want to be peculiar.
12:39 I wanted to be like the world, and I want to do
12:40 what the world, my friends, I don't want to be peculiar.
12:43 And so for a long time, I resisted that.
12:45 But the Lord kept calling me back,
12:49 and I felt like my life was almost been like Jonah.
12:51 He would call me, I would come close,
12:54 and then I would get scared or I would be enticed
12:57 with something, say I want to try something,
12:59 so then I would walk away.
13:01 And so that my testimony, I feel like is for people
13:04 who feel like they have let God down
13:06 because He's called them to ministry
13:08 or He called them to do something
13:09 and they turn their back on Him.
13:11 God's still there, God's still calling you.
13:14 He's not going to turn away from His purpose for you.
13:17 You may turn away from His purpose for you,
13:19 but He's not going to.
13:20 He's going to keep calling you back.
13:22 So if, you know, you're feeling like,
13:23 "Well, you know, I can't, I can't come back to God.
13:27 I can't do anything for God, I made myself unworthy. "
13:30 God will keep calling you back.
13:33 And as you surrender, and you listen.
13:35 And that's the thing is John 10:27 says,
13:38 "My sheep hear My voice. "
13:40 Yes.
13:41 And that's something I've been learning my life
13:43 is to actually hear and listen,
13:45 and now I'm learning to obey the voice.
13:47 Amen.
13:49 Here's what I found also, Gary, God is not thin-skinned.
13:52 You know, He's not so easily offended.
13:54 God is really tough, you know. That's right.
13:56 And just because you rebuff Him one time,
13:59 He's not done with you.
14:00 No. Praise God.
14:01 He's not done, He's coming back.
14:03 And He's coming back.
14:04 Now the thing is we never know when that last call will be.
14:07 And you can, kind of, harden your heart, you know,
14:09 but He's not that thin-skinned so just you say because
14:12 "No, I don't want You, today. "
14:13 Doesn't mean He's not going be there tomorrow knocking again
14:15 because He loves us just that much.
14:17 Anybody else?
14:19 Well, I was listening to Gary and, you know,
14:25 there are some times I've been thinking,
14:28 "When was the time, when was that moment,
14:31 when was those...
14:33 Some people describe certain special event that happens
14:37 and all of the sudden their life has changed?"
14:41 I was born in a family my...
14:44 That was Adventist family. My father was a pastor.
14:49 He passed away not too long ago.
14:51 And so I was exposed, if you will,
14:55 to the teachings of the Adventist church from
14:59 since I remember.
15:02 But some time in my life, I decided to forget about it
15:08 to not to just follow those teachings anymore.
15:14 And it was quite a few years for a long time.
15:18 I didn't go...
15:19 If I go to church, I will go probably for the sermon
15:24 after a long Friday night having fun with my friends.
15:28 And it was the saddest state of things in my life.
15:33 I had a lot of loneliness, and then I remember
15:38 one time going back with my wife,
15:43 we're going back to just looking for a place
15:46 to fellowship and go to church, it was in Basque Washington.
15:52 And I injured my Achilles tendon,
15:57 so I went to this physical therapist.
16:01 The guy happened to be an Adventist.
16:03 So we started talking.
16:04 And said, "Yeah, I will... "
16:06 I'm kind of, but in between, I guess.
16:09 He said, "Come to our church, come next Sabbath. "
16:14 "Okay," I told, "Lynette, let's go.
16:16 Let's go to this church. " Okay, he's a very nice guy.
16:21 Okay, this is what changed my life.
16:24 From then on, I never...
16:28 I always think that that was the moment
16:30 that really God touched my heart.
16:34 We go to the church, we are going to the foyer,
16:38 and this lady comes kind of running to us.
16:42 And she said, "Are you a friend of so and so?"
16:45 "Yes. "
16:47 I wasn't aware, we were not even friends, but to say,
16:48 "Yes, we are friends. "
16:49 And she gave us Lynette and me a big hug, and she said,
16:53 "You're mine. "
16:58 That is even...
17:00 I feel emotional, even now when I remember that
17:01 because Jan is going to hear this story forever
17:05 because to world, we tell the story
17:07 because it seems such a change,
17:09 life-changing experience for us.
17:10 But somebody to come to you, sent by God,
17:14 there's no doubt about it.
17:16 Give us a hug and she says, "You are mine. "
17:20 And so I said, "Oh," that is Jesus telling me that I'm His.
17:25 Even so, like you said, and you said it so well.
17:28 He has a thick skin.
17:30 He doesn't, you know, take it...
17:33 He doesn't take no for answer either.
17:35 No, no, very true.
17:37 If there's a moment that I can tell,
17:39 that I can say that I gave my heart to God,
17:42 to Jesus was then because the rest of my life
17:45 was a vanilla.
17:46 You know, always enjoying the little meetings,
17:50 the friends...
17:55 the go away parties
17:58 at the end of the year with friends,
18:00 and camping, and all this things
18:02 that a church does, and you just spend
18:04 through life enjoying those things, it's okay.
18:08 But the real close encounter was...
18:11 was that day, that's how.
18:14 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
18:17 Well, I was born into the Baptist Church
18:21 in Brooklyn, New York.
18:23 And my mother, she saw the track that I was going on,
18:28 I was partying in, and hanging out with friends,
18:30 and she gave me this little blue Bible.
18:32 And I still have it to this day,
18:33 but the words are too small now,
18:35 I can't read them.
18:37 But it's more of a sentimental item now
18:40 because of what it did for me.
18:43 I've always been very, very curious.
18:45 Things just have to make sense for me.
18:48 And I would read the Bible, and the Bible would say
18:51 certain things, and the church wouldn't follow
18:54 those things like, "Why are we going to church
18:56 on Sundays instead of Saturday?"
18:57 Things along that line and it just didn't make sense.
19:01 So because of that, I sort of lost interest and,
19:03 of course, the friends and the parties,
19:05 you just kind of get distracted by those things,
19:07 and you're often running.
19:10 But when I look back, I see the way the Lord
19:12 protected me because growing up in New York City,
19:16 as a young black man is dangerous, lots of violence,
19:21 lots of problems, lots of gang shootings,
19:24 lots of things like that.
19:25 And through it all, I was untouched.
19:27 Never broke a bone in my life, never got hurt, stabbed,
19:31 shot, anything like that.
19:33 And some of the places I went to, some of the parties,
19:35 there were bullets flying,
19:36 and we just had to get out of there.
19:39 At my mother's funeral, just about everyone
19:43 that came up to me said, "Eric, you have no idea
19:46 how much your mother prayed for you. "
19:48 And even to this day, people still keep saying,
19:52 the same person, "Your mother prayed for you.
19:54 You have no idea how much she prayed for you. "
19:57 And every time they say that, it reinforces in my mind
20:00 that there is no prayer, in my opinion,
20:04 in the universe that's stronger than a mother's prayer.
20:10 And it led me to the church.
20:13 I was in the military,
20:15 living typical military lifestyle.
20:17 And I was in Bossier City, Louisiana.
20:22 And I saw this radio station, this television station
20:25 come on the air, but I couldn't read it.
20:27 I couldn't, I could barely hear it,
20:30 and I couldn't see it 'cause it was hazy,
20:32 but it was 3ABN.
20:34 And as soon as I heard it, I said, "That's it.
20:38 That's what I've been waiting for. "
20:39 They talked about the Sabbath truth,
20:40 the state of the dead,
20:42 and the Antichrist, things like that.
20:43 And it was all making sense, and I was flipping
20:45 through my Bible, I'm like, "I've been looking for this,
20:46 I've been looking for this, I've been looking for this. "
20:50 All along the way, prior to that,
20:52 I was at the post office.
20:54 And this was a couple years before that,
20:57 and a man came up to me and he said, a really tall man,
21:00 and he said, "You need this. "
21:03 And I'm like, "Okay" You know, you take it from him,
21:06 you say okay, he's just some guy.
21:08 And I kind of flipped through it all,
21:10 it was that religious stuff, and I threw it in
21:11 what I call the junk drawer.
21:13 And it's spent three years there,
21:15 just kind of cycling in the junk drawer.
21:16 You clean it out, and clump to the top, and, you know,
21:19 you throw it back in there,
21:20 and it's amazing I never threw it out.
21:22 And one day, I read it.
21:23 And it talked about the same thing.
21:25 So all along the way,
21:26 God was leading me towards the truth.
21:29 And right after 9/11, I told my pastor,
21:34 "I don't know if I'm getting sent off to the Middle East.
21:36 I don't know if I'm coming back because of the assignment
21:40 that they had me on, and I want to be baptized. "
21:44 And he had a special baptism for me doing a crusade.
21:48 And the strangest thing happened
21:50 after I got baptized about a month or two later,
21:53 the military just released me.
21:55 They said, "You can go. Your time's up. "
21:58 Prior to that, I was on the extension
22:00 because of the war, and they just let me go.
22:03 And after that, I got a job at Maryland,
22:06 and the Lord just blessed me ever since.
22:09 Yeah. Amen.
22:10 Amen. Praise the God, praise the God.
22:12 I'm just thinking here, I was trying to...
22:15 Being born in a communist country,
22:16 you have to make a decision for God early.
22:19 In Cuba.
22:20 Yeah, being born in Cuba, you have to.
22:22 There's no in between.
22:24 You're either an Adventist or you're not.
22:27 You're either a Christian or you're not.
22:29 So from childhood, I saw victory over victory
22:32 over victory of how powerful God is
22:35 and what He was able to do for our church,
22:37 what He was able to do for our members,
22:39 how He was able to help individuals
22:42 that were in desperate situations.
22:44 So I fell in love with God at an early, early age.
22:47 I remember when I was baptized, I was 11 years old.
22:50 And I told this story before, but the day I was baptized,
22:54 some guys had left the prison because when you hit 16,
22:59 you have to go to the army.
23:02 You have to serve for from 16 to 20,
23:06 you have no choice.
23:08 And they had slipped because they didn't want
23:09 to work on the Sabbath.
23:11 So my mom and my dad,
23:12 my grandparents weren't there for my baptism.
23:15 And it was like if it was yesterday
23:17 I'm looking over.
23:18 And when I got home, I was kind of teary eyed, and said,
23:21 "You guys weren't there. "
23:23 And they said, "Son, God send us
23:25 another son that needed to take care of at that moment. "
23:27 and I understood, understood right away that ministry
23:32 comes before anything else.
23:36 But at that moment, that's when I realized
23:39 my earthly parents weren't there,
23:42 but my Heavenly Father saw me baptized.
23:44 You know, and from that moment on,
23:46 I have never, never had a moment where I deviated.
23:51 I've always had issues.
23:53 There's always, you know, how your mind goes
23:55 and you feel that that God is fading away
23:58 or you were in a path or you're doing your own live
24:03 and you're not really spending time with Him,
24:06 but now that I see, now, you know,
24:08 I'm involved with prison ministries
24:09 and all, at all the time.
24:11 You get them raise your hands,
24:12 "I was saved at 1972 at 12:00 at night. "
24:17 You know, you hear those stories,
24:19 but then when you see the victories,
24:21 and you see the power of God, how could you ever fall out
24:25 of love from Him?
24:26 Amen. You just can't.
24:28 Yeah, praise the Lord, praise God.
24:30 Bryan, I guess.
24:31 Yeah, well, as a child growing up, you know,
24:36 I went to many different churches.
24:38 I went to everything from a Baptist church
24:40 to a Methodist church.
24:42 And then I started going to Lutheran Church
24:44 my early teen years.
24:45 And whenever I was around 13 years of age,
24:49 I was baptized and confirmed Lutheran.
24:52 Unfortunately, during my later teenage years,
24:55 I started falling out of the church.
24:56 I lost a friend and a pretty dear friend,
25:01 and it was kind of bad for a lot of us,
25:04 and so I kind of started falling out
25:07 of the church a little bit.
25:08 And then again in my 20s, I lost another friend.
25:13 So I, kind of, started leading the party lifestyle too.
25:17 You know, a lot of drinking, smoking,
25:19 and going to parties all the time.
25:24 And I went through a marriage and got divorced from that.
25:28 But, you know, about nine years ago,
25:30 I was finally to like the lowest part of my life.
25:34 And, you know, I kept saying, you know,
25:38 "What I'm going to do?
25:39 I feel so bad about the things that have happened,
25:42 I don't know how to feel good anymore. "
25:44 You know, and I knew I needed to stop smoking,
25:46 I knew I needed to do all of that.
25:48 I was, like, "God, how am I going to stop smoking?"
25:51 You know, and it's like...
25:52 And, you know, I kept praying about it, and He's, like,
25:54 "Oh, first, you got to stop drinking. "
25:56 I was like, "Okay. "
25:57 So i stopped drinking.
25:59 Then two months later after I stop drinking,
26:01 I stopped smoking, you know, and then I started going
26:04 to gyms and started working out better.
26:06 But I still wasn't feeling great.
26:08 You know, it's like, "Well, what do I need
26:10 to do from here?"
26:11 You know, I'm doing all this working out,
26:13 and, you know, it's just...
26:14 But I'm still not feeling good.
26:16 You know, I work out but I still feel lethargic,
26:19 you know, and finally I sat down
26:22 and watched a movie, you know, one of those documentaries
26:27 about what you should eat and stuff like that.
26:30 So Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead,
26:32 if anybody's ever actually seen that.
26:34 And I was like, "Hey, let's get a juicer."
26:37 So I started juicing, and started eating right,
26:39 and then I started, you know, researching different ways
26:43 of eating, well, that was brought about
26:46 about the first time that I heard of
26:47 Seventh-day Adventist was about
26:49 how they eat and how their lives styles are.
26:52 And it was like, "Oh, that's pretty interesting. "
26:53 You know, I didn't dab into it any further than that.
26:56 But after a few years of that,
26:59 then I started going to church again.
27:01 And I started going back to the Lutheran church.
27:04 And as I was there in the church, you know,
27:05 it's like I felt good for about an hour,
27:09 while I was there and after I left.
27:12 But I started noticing that I wasn't really looking
27:15 into the Bible and what it says anymore.
27:18 I was just, you know, going there and, you know,
27:21 taking communion, you know, getting blessed,
27:24 but an hour later after I'm gone,
27:27 "What actually happened?"
27:28 And the feeling wasn't quite there.
27:32 And then, you know, last year, I got introduced to,
27:36 who is now my wife.
27:38 And she started, you know,
27:40 showing me the truth from what the Bible says.
27:44 And then she introduced me to Pastor CA,
27:47 and he started me on the Bible study.
27:51 And then I just couldn't stop once I got into that.
27:54 It was... I just kept going, you know,
27:57 and I just kept consuming
27:59 the Word of God and reading what the Bible actually says.
28:04 And it was starting to make sense, like you said,
28:07 the things were starting to make sense.
28:10 And, you know, from that point, you know,
28:12 I got baptized in December.
28:15 And, you know, me and my wife just recently got married.
28:19 And right now, life has been such a blessing to me, and,
28:23 you know, God has finally brought me back to Him.
28:27 You know, and as Hebrews 13:8 says, you know,
28:30 "Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever. "
28:35 And even though my thoughts about Him
28:37 had changed throughout the years in my teens,
28:41 20s, 30s, you know, He's still the same.
28:44 He was still there for me
28:46 whenever I decided to come back.
28:48 And thank God I did. Yeah.
28:50 You know what's wonderful to me?
28:52 Every time I hear a different testimony,
28:54 it's always similar in the sense,
28:57 the Lord cleaned me up.
29:00 And when I tell my...
29:01 When I talk to Marilyn, my wife,
29:03 and we talk about some of the things
29:04 I used to do, she says,
29:06 "Eric, I just don't see that in you.
29:07 I don't see that at all. "
29:09 And to me, that's the best feeling in the world.
29:11 You know, the Lord cleans you up,
29:12 the things that you used to love you hate,
29:14 the things that you used to hate you love.
29:17 The things that you love are good,
29:18 and righteous, and true.
29:21 I think that may be the greatest testament
29:24 in John 1, it says, "To as many as believed him,
29:27 to them gave He the power to become sons of God. "
29:30 I'll stop it at power to become.
29:32 I think that's one of the greatest gifts
29:33 that Christ gives you the power to become, you know,
29:38 to move from what you were to what you are now.
29:41 And so many times I was talking to somebody other day, he said,
29:43 "I was a drunkard, I was a mean drunkard. "
29:45 You know, some people are happy drunks
29:47 and there are mean drunks, some people, you know,
29:48 they drink, they get, "Hey, everything is funny. "
29:50 Others get really crass and mean.
29:53 He said, "I was a mean drunk" and I said, "I don't see that.
29:55 I just don't see that in you. "
29:57 But that is how far Christ can take you from
29:59 what you were to what he wants you to.
30:01 He's given us the power to become.
30:03 So I want to get into this good shepherd reading.
30:05 And as I read, if anything pops out at you, just stop me,
30:07 and just and then kind of weigh in on this.
30:12 The Bible passage, excuse me, that this is drawn from
30:16 is John 10, where Jesus talks about himself
30:19 as the true shepherd.
30:22 Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd.
30:23 I lay down my life for my sheep."
30:27 Jesus always used illustrations from life
30:31 that the people were familiar with.
30:33 So He spoke about sheep and how caring and protective
30:39 a shepherd is representing Himself
30:41 and His hearers.
30:45 Also, He compared himself to the gate that opens
30:49 and closes the sheep-pen.
30:51 He said anyone who climbs over the fence
30:54 to get into the pen is a thief or robber.
30:58 The true shepherd goes in through the door.
31:01 I am the door, if anyone wants to get into heaven
31:05 and comes through Me, He will have spiritual life
31:09 more abundantly and will be saved.
31:13 The only door to heaven is Christ,
31:15 and all who have placed something else
31:17 in the place of Christ are like thieves and robbers
31:21 taking away people's eternal life.
31:23 You know, when Christ said, "I am the way, the truth,
31:25 and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me. "
31:28 I have been studying that over the last year.
31:30 I have thought that that was restrictive,
31:34 that if you get in, you got to come through Christ.
31:38 And the question that I had in my own study is,
31:40 "What about the people who never knew about Christ
31:43 the people who lived in places, in lands
31:45 where they had no knowledge of Christ?"
31:47 And I've had to reevaluate what that means.
31:51 It is not only restrictive, it is inclusive.
31:55 Christ is saying, in my mind,
31:57 I see it like this, Christ says,
31:59 "I am the way," He is the mechanism
32:02 by which we come to God.
32:04 If anyone gets to God, it is because Christ has paved
32:09 that way, and that includes those
32:12 who never knew who Christ was.
32:15 You have some guy out in a jungle somewhere
32:19 who has not heard the name of Jesus.
32:21 But in his heart, when he looks up,
32:22 he knows there's something bigger than you and I.
32:25 There's something out there that's so...
32:27 What he knows is, "I need to live a good life,
32:30 I need to live a moral life, I need to take care
32:32 of my wife and children, I need to know the best I can.
32:34 I don't know the Jesus story.
32:37 What I do know is that there is someone out there
32:39 that loves me and I must give an account to that someone."
32:44 Well, Christ has already prepared the way that
32:47 that person gets credit for the life the light
32:51 that he has.
32:53 So he has an opportunity for eternal life
32:57 because Christ is the way.
32:59 So he has come to the Father through Jesus,
33:02 even though he may not even know the whole Gospel story,
33:05 but Christ has died to prepare a way for that guy also
33:09 to make it to the kingdom along with us.
33:11 So it's not narrow, He's actually broadened it
33:15 for everyone to have an opportunity
33:16 to get into the kingdom of God.
33:18 That's right.
33:19 So you're saying that Jesus is pleading for him also.
33:21 Yes, sir.
33:22 He is the way, yeah, the way, so we all come through Jesus
33:25 'cause Jesus has opened the way for everyone
33:28 to make it through.
33:30 You know, the part that hits me while you were reading is,
33:33 "Those who comes through the side,
33:34 they are robbers."
33:35 You know, "They're thieves."
33:37 And as we go, and I know when you do Bible studies
33:40 and things like that to an individual
33:41 that haven't really accepted
33:43 the whole Bible teaching though,
33:45 everything that the God is asking of you
33:48 to surrender fully then you start understanding
33:51 how they're being robbed off the relationship,
33:55 you know, those who are wanting...
33:59 All I need I've been saved by grace,
34:02 that's leave me there,
34:03 I don't want to move anywhere else,
34:05 I am thankful continuing my lifestyle the way it is.
34:09 You know, you can see how the blessings
34:11 that we all have felt, that we have said here
34:13 is being robbed from them because they don't have
34:16 that full connection to the shepherd.
34:20 You know, and it opened my eyes as soon as you read it,
34:23 as soon as we were reading, and it's like,
34:24 "Wow, that is what is it about,"
34:26 because once we come through the front door,
34:30 once we connect with Jesus,
34:32 once we have that full one-on-one with Him,
34:36 then we can do what Matthew 16:24 that He says,
34:41 "If any man will come after Me,"
34:44 So first thing we need to do is we go after Him.
34:46 Now and the shepherd, He goes after us,
34:49 He continued to go after us, but now He's saying,
34:51 "Hey, if you come after Me," then what does it say,
34:55 you need to what?
34:56 "Deny self. "
34:57 If you deny self, then you're going to understand.
35:01 And then it continues and this says,
35:03 "Let him deny himself and take up," what?
35:05 His cross. "His cross. "
35:08 You know, and that's where we truly start
35:12 following the Good Shepherd.
35:14 And that just bring so much joy to my life
35:17 because we our so responsible for those who are around us,
35:23 and like you were talking, CA, when you were converted,
35:26 there were two families that got sent your way.
35:29 Had they not said that example for you,
35:31 you may not be sitting here today.
35:33 So each one of us need to understand
35:35 when we are following, we have to do deny self
35:38 because others are expecting that of us.
35:42 And there are many who only see Jesus in you.
35:44 At least the beginning of what they see as Jesus,
35:47 they will see in you.
35:48 And we're missing it...
35:49 The truth is, the earlier you get to Christ,
35:51 the less regrets you have, you know.
35:56 The earlier you get in there and stay with Him,
35:58 and you look back, you can see
36:00 where God has guided you along the way.
36:01 Now God is so kind that those will come at 9am get heaven,
36:07 those who come at noon, get heaven,
36:09 those who come at 3 o'clock get heaven,
36:10 those who come just before quitting time,
36:12 get the same heaven.
36:13 But that's just the goodness of God,
36:15 but the truth is if you come at 11...
36:19 10:59:50, you get heaven, you know.
36:24 But think of all the time you wasted during the day.
36:26 There were a whole lot of blessings
36:28 that you could have gotten, a lot of things
36:29 God wanted to do for you, with you, to you, through you,
36:32 that He couldn't do
36:33 because you weren't walking with Him.
36:35 Now He's so loving,
36:36 He doesn't shut you out of heaven,
36:38 but you shut yourself off from alas, good stuff
36:41 that you could have gotten had you come
36:42 at 9o'clock in the morning, instead of 10 o'clock at night.
36:45 And you just hit a point so important,
36:48 when you were asking us about our story,
36:50 our conversion story, most of us that were born
36:53 in the church, we're like, "Oh, man, we don't have...
36:55 I don't have anything, I mean, come on,
36:57 I've been at the church."
36:58 But we don't understand that as we're listening
37:00 to the other stories, we can be rejoiced
37:03 that God has given us the opportunity to be able
37:06 to have a walk with Him through our whole life.
37:09 We haven't had to go through the trials
37:11 and the tribulations, and on all the times,
37:13 God's been knocking, and slapping us,
37:15 and getting us through to follow the way.
37:19 So both stories are wonderful.
37:21 To me, it's great to be able to see
37:23 how powerful my God is that can take somebody
37:25 that was going totally out of the way,
37:27 and bring him now in the path.
37:29 And for me, I'm rejoicing, "God, Thank You.
37:32 Thank You that You have shown me such mercy,
37:36 such love that You have continued to walk,
37:39 Allowed me to continue to walk with You
37:41 through my whole life."
37:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
37:44 And everybody here has had some wilderness time.
37:45 Amen.
37:47 You know, while we've had, you know, we knew,
37:48 and I broke my ankle twice playing basketball on fun fact,
37:52 I've always tried my shoe on a left shoe first
37:54 'cause that leg is still bigger, that ankle
37:57 because I broke it not once, twice on Sabbath
38:00 'cause I was on basketball scholarship.
38:01 The second time, the pastor said,
38:03 "He let you break your ankle to keep you
38:04 from breaking your neck."
38:05 I got the message, you know, that kind of thing.
38:08 But just because we were running from Him,
38:10 He didn't run from us.
38:11 He stayed on your case,
38:13 and when you finally stopped running,
38:14 He was right there,
38:16 still knocking on the door of your heart.
38:17 One of the small blessings, for me,
38:20 coming to the Lord has been the health message.
38:22 You know, I used to eat pork, and the shrimp,
38:24 and the lobster, and all these things.
38:27 And I watched how my family suffered
38:28 because of it physically.
38:30 And by coming to the health message,
38:32 coming to the Lord earlier than I could've I mean,
38:35 I could have come to the Lord at 65 or 70 years old
38:37 and suffered for the last 30 years.
38:39 By coming to the Lord earlier, my health has been way better.
38:42 So the health message is one small example of
38:44 how the Lord blesses you if you come to Him
38:47 rather than wait to the last exact moment of your life.
38:51 Yeah. Yeah.
38:52 I think it's... Jorge?
38:54 No, it's one thing that touch my heart always
38:58 is the realization that God
39:02 is always lovingly looking for you,
39:05 and you read this passage in Matthew 7:7 says,
39:12 "Ask, and it shall be given to you, seek,
39:15 and ye shall find, knock, and it shall open to you."
39:19 Somebody talking about this very influential writer
39:25 and motivational speaker, Earl Nightingale,
39:30 took this passage and created what he called
39:34 The Strangest Secret because it's a secret
39:39 but it's a secret that is open to us,
39:41 and just because we don't sometimes read this
39:45 and realize that God is willing to pick you up
39:49 wherever you are.
39:50 And this passage has something that touch my heart
39:54 every time that I read it.
39:55 It says, " For every one that asketh receiveth,
39:59 and he that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it
40:04 shall be opened."
40:05 And it continue saying that God is always
40:12 willing to give it to you.
40:14 Now the comparison also is with a father.
40:20 If a father, a person, a father,
40:23 a man has a son that is hungry,
40:28 and this child asked for a piece of bread,
40:33 he's not going to give a rock, right?
40:38 So the same, even if a father or a person
40:42 that is a creation of God thinks that way,
40:45 how much more God that is willing
40:47 to give you eternal life.
40:48 So it always touches my heart to see that
40:51 what we need to do is just to ask.
40:54 Ask and you shall receive.
40:56 And how hard is that?
40:58 But for whatever reason, sometimes it's easy, things
41:03 are harder sometimes too...
41:06 Pastor, one thing that I want to go back to,
41:08 what you've read in the beginning,
41:10 "I lay down my life for the sheep."
41:12 Couple weeks ago, I was music at a conference with my kids.
41:16 And one of the pastors told us a story
41:18 'cause it says Jesus used parables to reach us.
41:21 And so one of the pastors is reading a book,
41:22 he read a parable, and I don't know
41:24 if anybody's heard it, but basically,
41:26 it's a story of a man who's offered a trip to heaven
41:31 that's a long way away, and it's going to take forever
41:33 to take or there's a trip to paradise,
41:35 it's only four hours away in paradise
41:36 since it being in Los Vegas.
41:38 And so he goes to Los Vegas, he's there for a month,
41:41 and finally the pleasures of sin getting old.
41:44 And so he want something else, while this friend,
41:45 who gave him the offer to heaven shows back up,
41:48 and they're going down the road together.
41:50 And as they're going on the road,
41:52 it's a big highway, and all the traffic
41:54 is coming towards them,
41:55 and there's big trucks and stuff.
41:57 And so he's sitting in the passenger seat
41:59 just squeamish because he's ended up
42:02 in the ditch several times himself,
42:03 and now he's got this driver that's going to drive him.
42:06 Well, when there was one truck is heading towards him,
42:08 he grabs the wheel and he pulls it
42:11 to move out of the way.
42:12 And at that time, the driver puts himself between him
42:16 and the truck and takes the brunt of the wreck.
42:20 And is just mingled and maimed and stuff.
42:23 But then he gets himself up, and he says,
42:25 "Do you want me to drive?"
42:26 he asked him, "Do you want me to drive?"
42:28 And that's Jesus, you know, when we take the wheel out
42:31 of His hand, we head towards those things that are going
42:34 to cause us harm, He puts Himself, He said,
42:37 "He laid down His life for the sheep."
42:39 He got in the way of the harm for us, to save us,
42:44 and then not only that, but then He says,
42:46 "Do you want me to drive?"
42:47 Do you want me to get back in
42:48 and lead you to where you really want to go?"
42:51 And, you know, that really touched me,
42:53 that parable, of how Jesus is in our lives,
42:55 how He is the great shepherd that cares for us,
42:58 lays down His life for us.
43:00 It's powerful.
43:01 You know, that verse that Jorge just read,
43:03 when you were in prison ministry
43:05 that really opens your eyes because you got individuals
43:09 and they tell you the stories of what they've done.
43:11 I mean, some of these guys, they've done some cool things,
43:14 but yet at the same time, they talk so fondly
43:17 about their mom and their dad, they say,
43:19 "Well, and they called me and they still with me."
43:21 So it's like if a human can continue to love a child
43:26 that has gone so far where he ends up
43:29 in a penitentiary.
43:31 And they talk fondly of them, and they still show them
43:34 the love and the kindness, how much more the creator
43:38 who created you, who knew you from before you were,
43:45 He knew who you were going to be,
43:46 what's going to happen to your life.
43:48 So it's like that verse now opens my eyes a lot more
43:52 because of what I'm involved with.
43:54 The prison ministry, there are prisoners,
43:56 the individuals because the enemy
43:58 wants to let you know.
44:00 There is no worth in your life, but when you look at
44:05 what you were talking about, the cross.
44:08 And you look at that creator of the universe
44:12 was willing to send His Son for nothing like you.
44:17 And then you look at what your earthly father
44:20 is able to do for you, how much more a God,
44:24 who is love, not that hast love,
44:27 a God who is love is going to be able to take care of you?
44:30 And that's the only time that you'll be able to...
44:32 Once you feel that,
44:34 you'll be able to tell the enemy,
44:35 "Enough is enough, I've heard the last of you,
44:38 I'm going to follow the Good Shepherd."
44:39 And to me, that's one of the most stunning things
44:41 about Christianity.
44:43 I can't find any other faith where God came down, suffered,
44:49 and was tortured for His children.
44:53 I've looked, go through the phase, you can't find,
44:55 it's almost, like, the Lord put a patent on that.
44:59 He said you can come up whatever religion you want
45:02 to come up with to the enemy, but you can't touch this
45:05 because My Son did this for Me, and He did this for humanity.
45:11 And that touches me.
45:12 So even if all the other faiths were real,
45:14 and we know that they're not, even if they all had validity,
45:19 I would still follow this faith because God sacrificed His life
45:25 so that I might live.
45:27 And that makes all the difference in the world.
45:28 It's a religion of love. And it's a powerful reality.
45:32 Ellen White makes a statement that at the heart
45:34 of all pagan religions is this idea that,
45:37 "I got to do something to please God.
45:38 I got to work myself into some kind of situation
45:42 where I'm acceptable."
45:43 Christianity, there's nothing you can do,
45:45 but accept what has already been done.
45:47 You know what Christ has done.
45:48 You just accept it through faith.
45:52 The second paragraph, "A Shepherd's life
45:53 becomes one with the sheep, and a strong attachment,
45:57 a strong and tender attachment unites him to the sheep."
46:00 Well, that's Christ.
46:03 He is our forever friend, you know,
46:06 whether you acknowledge it or not,
46:07 He died for the ungodly,
46:10 and that provision is made for all.
46:15 "However large the flock, the Shepherd knows each sheep
46:18 and the name He has given to it,
46:20 to which it responds when He calls."
46:23 I like that.
46:24 You know, that the idea that he knows everybody's name.
46:26 He knows Gary, He knows Bryan, He knows Jorge, He knows Luis,
46:29 He knows Eric, He knows all, He knows CA,
46:32 He knows all our names.
46:33 You know, He knows, He knows...
46:35 And Ellen White has this little thing
46:36 if I have time, I'll read it.
46:37 She says He knows your exact house,
46:39 He knows all the occupants in your house,
46:41 He knows where your bed is, He knows where you're sleeping,
46:42 you know, there's never a time when you're out of His sight,
46:45 when you're out of His notice,
46:46 when you are beyond the reach of God.
46:50 And if any one strays, if any...
46:53 "And if one sheep strays is lost
46:56 and can't find its way back, the shepherd goes after it
47:00 until he finds it takes it in his arms
47:03 and brings it back."
47:05 So when you're out there running,
47:07 He's running right behind you.
47:08 You know, you can't outrun Him.
47:09 When we were in school, we had this Dean and boys,
47:14 I know some guys who used to like to sneak out,
47:16 you know, at the door.
47:18 And He would prop himself up all night in the chair.
47:21 And when they'd come sneaking back in,
47:24 he'd be sneaking right in behind them.
47:25 You know, he knew who they were.
47:29 You know, they look over the shoulder
47:30 and there's the dean, he's right there, you know.
47:32 And that's how the Lord is, you can't run too far,
47:34 you cannot run too fast, you cannot outrun Him,
47:37 you cannot outlast Him, when you're ready to come,
47:41 He is ready to receive you,
47:42 and that's a powerful thing, you know.
47:44 Amen. Yeah.
47:46 Just a couple more lines, "Jesus is the Divine Shepherd.
47:53 He knows His sheep scattered throughout the world.
47:56 He says you are My flock.
47:58 I have called you by your name, you're Mine.
48:01 I have carved you on the palms of my hands.
48:04 Jesus knows us individually.
48:08 He knows where we live, He knows each member
48:11 of our family, every soul is as fully known to Jesus
48:16 as if He were the only one for whom the Savior died."
48:19 Powerful.
48:21 You know, as it was only one He knows you that way.
48:23 Jesus cares for each one
48:25 as if there were not another on earth.
48:30 Amen.
48:31 He knows our sorrows, He sees our tears, you know,
48:34 when you're alone by yourself, and, you know,
48:36 we try to be macho, men don't cry.
48:37 Oh, yeah, men do cry.
48:39 You know, and Christ knows that.
48:41 He's the one who understands that.
48:42 "He also wept and knows what sadness is."
48:46 He said, "My Father loves Me and I'm endeared to Him,
48:51 even more for giving My life for you."
48:55 So there's nothing that we ever go through
48:57 that is Jesus is a strange from,
49:00 He knows every part of our being.
49:04 It is interesting because God is in the business
49:07 of healing us, not making us sick.
49:12 In the Old Testament and in the New Testament,
49:15 we find many times that people were confused thinking,
49:19 especially in the time of Jesus.
49:20 They say, "Why this person is sick or why this person
49:23 is under this type of disease or illness?
49:27 What did he do to deserve that?"
49:29 And Jesus was very, very emphatic saying in...
49:34 I'm remembering the story of the blind man.
49:39 The disciples asked Jesus, yeah, "Whose sin?
49:44 Him or his parents'?
49:45 He says, "No, this is to show how much I loved him."
49:50 And He proceeds to restore his eyesight.
49:54 And now the guy starts seeing, right?
49:56 And then he started jumping up and down,
49:59 and telling everybody and goes to the Pharisees
50:03 and the synagogue, and tell them.
50:05 And they said, "But this is not possible.
50:08 You were blind."
50:10 And then he started trying to explain them that, you know,
50:14 Jesus did it, and if they don't trust him,
50:17 they need to go and see him.
50:19 And then he says something
50:22 that really, really impacted all the times when I read it.
50:26 It says, "I don't know you, I was blind, but now I see,
50:32 that's all that I know."
50:33 I don't know your theology maybe,
50:35 you know much more than I do.
50:38 I don't know if he is a saint, or if he is...
50:44 I don't know who He is.
50:46 The only thing I know is that now I can see."
50:49 That's my life.
50:50 I don't know a lot of things about God
50:53 because I like theology,
50:55 I like to study the Bible and everything,
50:57 but what I really know is
51:00 that He loves me regardless, you know.
51:03 And that you were blind...
51:04 And now I see. And now you see.
51:08 I think the story... Oh, sorry. Go ahead.
51:10 I was about to say whenever I was reading through John 10
51:13 and, you know, researching the Good Shepherd,
51:16 and everything about Jesus, and how we are His flock,
51:19 and He loves us so much that He brings us back to it,
51:22 you know, discussing the hirelings in John 10 also,
51:27 as that much, you know, that is like part of the enemy
51:31 that lets you stray away from the flock
51:34 in the way that it does, you know,
51:37 and that is basically Satan that lets you fall away
51:41 from the flock, and come away from the flock.
51:43 And once you're so far away from the flock
51:45 and you have nowhere else to go,
51:47 there is no shepherd there for you.
51:50 And Jesus Christ, being the Good Shepherd He is,
51:54 has the love to bring you back, and comes, and chases you down,
51:57 grabs you, and brings you back to the flock.
51:59 Amen. Amen.
52:02 That's powerful. That's powerful.
52:05 The truth is that He will never let us go without a struggle.
52:10 And once you're in His hands, the only person
52:12 that can take you out of His hands is you.
52:14 Right, that's right, that's right.
52:16 Yeah.
52:17 That's so hard to understand sometimes.
52:20 You know, especially as you go closer
52:24 and you start your sharing and you do what the commission
52:27 the God is asking us to go and take the message
52:30 to the world, the enemy, the first thing he's going
52:32 to attack is your relationship with God.
52:35 It says, you know, "Look at this that you do,
52:37 look at that that you do.
52:38 How could a loving God accept you?
52:41 How could you be sharing with others the way you are?"
52:43 And it's so hard to understand, the only one that can make
52:46 the decision to be lost is you.
52:49 It doesn't matter where you are and your walk with God,
52:54 it doesn't matter how you're feeling,
52:56 it doesn't matter what the thoughts
52:58 that the enemy put in your mind,
53:00 it doesn't matter the action
53:01 that you may take here and there,
53:03 the only one that can reject God is you.
53:07 As long as you're in walking towards Christ,
53:10 as long as your eyes is fixed on Christ,
53:15 Christ will always accept you no mater where
53:20 and how you are feeling.
53:23 You know, and that is so difficult
53:25 to truly comprehend because you need
53:27 to get to the bottom of it to say,
53:29 "Wait a minute, if God is love
53:33 and He has the perfect relationship,
53:39 then there isn't anything that the enemy can bring
53:43 or tempt me or say to sever that relationship.
53:47 The only one that's going to sever it is you giving up
53:52 because you're listening to the wrong instructions,
53:56 instead of listening to the power
53:58 that God has given you.
53:59 Yeah.
54:01 You know, I've always imagined that there's a path
54:03 to the Lord, and you're either far back on the path
54:07 or you're closer, and someone might be a lot further ahead
54:11 than you are, and there's obviously people
54:12 behind you on this road, but it's a long road.
54:15 And off to the side of these roads are temptations,
54:18 you know, you got trees made of gold, diamonds to the left,
54:22 the devil just want you to wander off this road
54:25 and go snatch a diamond or something like that.
54:27 And then once you snatch a diamond,
54:29 you see a lake further of, you know, made out of platinum,
54:33 and you go a little bit further,
54:35 and you go a little bit further,
54:36 and before you know that you can't find your way
54:38 back to the road.
54:39 So Satan just wants us to wander from that road,
54:41 and he poses whatever your particular issue,
54:44 temptation is, he has it off the road,
54:46 and Christ is saying stay on this road,
54:48 keep your eyes on Me, walk forward, and by the way,
54:51 while you're doing it, grab a couple of your brothers
54:54 and drag them along the road with you.
54:57 That's why it's the perfect illustration
54:58 is the pilot flying through the clouds.
55:02 It's so easy to become disoriented.
55:03 You have to look at your instruments.
55:06 You can't trust your fears 'cause Satan is going
55:08 to disorient you so that your feelings
55:10 are going to lie to you.
55:11 You're not going to know which way is up,
55:13 which way is down.
55:14 It's called Vertical... Exactly.
55:15 And Satan actually creates that around you,
55:18 that distortion field, and you have to go to the Word,
55:20 you have to keep your eyes in Christ just like the pilot
55:23 has to keep their eyes on the instruments.
55:24 Yes, very powerful.
55:26 You know, in Mark, and we're getting down
55:28 to the end of our time together,
55:29 in Mark chapter 8,
55:31 there's this very interesting story,
55:32 I'm going to try to get there very fast.
55:34 Three verses I'm in Mark 8:23.
55:38 So He took the blind man, and, of course,
55:42 Mark is the book of miracles.
55:44 And I think this is the only place
55:46 where this one appears,
55:47 "He took the blind man by the hand,
55:48 and led him out of the town, and when He had spit
55:51 on his eyes, He put His hands on him,
55:53 He asked him if he saw anything."
55:55 First He asked him, "Do you see anything?"
55:57 This is first miracle. Do you see anything?
55:59 "And he looked up and said,
56:00 'I see men like trees walking.'"
56:02 So the miracle wasn't complete. He was still semi blind.
56:09 "Then He put His hands on his eyes again,
56:12 and made him look up.
56:14 And he was restored and saw everyone clearly."
56:18 I don't think every time you get this kind of duo
56:20 kind of kind of thing going on.
56:21 You're doing... Christ hears you the first time,
56:23 it's one and done.
56:24 But here, He healed him, and He said, "What do you say?"
56:28 "Well, I see some, you know, like trees but it's not clear."
56:32 So Christ did it again that shows to me the love of Christ.
56:37 If you need a second touch,
56:38 you're going get the second time.
56:40 You know, if you need a little bit more,
56:41 you're going to get a little bit more.
56:42 It's like Mary and Martha, two different girls,
56:44 both of them Christian, both of them love the Lord,
56:47 but Mary was soft and docile, Martha a little more hardcore.
56:50 So Christ each gave them what they needed at that time,
56:54 that shows to me the love of Christ
56:56 as a Good Shepherd.
56:57 He knows each sheep individually.
57:00 Gary, if you need a little bit more,
57:02 He has no problem giving you a little bit more,
57:04 and it's no commentary.
57:06 We are all different, we all need different things,
57:07 we all respond, as you said, Eric, to different things.
57:10 So Christ will give you what you need,
57:12 when you need it because His thing
57:15 is to get you saved in the kingdom.
57:16 If you need a little something more,
57:18 He'll give you a little more,
57:19 if you need a little something more,
57:21 you get a little something more.
57:22 We get what we need because ultimately,
57:24 Christ wants us to be with Him.
57:26 I go to prepare a place for you.
57:28 Oh, our time is fast slipped away from us.
57:30 Gentlemen, thank you so very much.
57:32 Eric and Luis, and Jorge, and Bryan, and Gary, thank you.
57:36 God bless you, will see again soon
57:38 for another 3ABN Family Worship.
57:40 Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2018-04-26