Today Family Worship

Christian Service

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018008A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Hello and welcome to another Family Worship.
01:12 And we are glad that you are with us,
01:14 and it is our joy and pleasure to tell you happy Sabbath.
01:18 Amen.
01:20 It's been a wonderful week.
01:21 The Lord has been faithful,
01:23 and here we are to thank the Lord,
01:26 and praise the Lord,
01:27 and enjoy the Sabbath hours with friends and family.
01:31 We have our friends and family here around the table,
01:34 but also we count you as our family too.
01:38 As the years go by, you know, every week, every day,
01:41 we have the opportunity to speak to our viewers
01:45 or communicate through social media or emails,
01:49 and it's beautiful to feel that sense of unity or family.
01:55 Amen.
01:56 And for those of you that don't know us
01:58 or are tuning in for the first time,
02:01 my name is John Dinzey and this is my wife Idalia,
02:03 and we are part of the 3ABN family,
02:05 and we hope that you'd be part of the 3ABN family
02:08 as you join us, as we study together
02:10 and also sing.
02:12 I would like to introduce to you
02:14 the rest of the family members that are with us.
02:16 And would you like to do the honors this time?
02:18 Well, of course. I have Janelle to my left.
02:21 Janelle, welcome to the program.
02:23 Thank you. Thanks for having us.
02:24 I'm so happy that you are able to be with us
02:26 along with your husband, Donald.
02:28 Thank you.
02:29 Amen, yes, glad to be here, and it's a delight
02:30 to get to see you guys' faces
02:32 and be part of the family, just been a joy so...
02:34 It's a privilege. Amen.
02:36 And so to my right is Brother Dan Peek.
02:39 We call him, Dan Peek, Daniel Peek,
02:41 and you are part of the engineering department.
02:45 How many people or how many workers we have
02:48 and volunteers we have in the engineering department?
02:51 Well, as far as engineers go,
02:53 there are three of us plus, Moses,
02:54 but then we also take care of master control and duplicating,
03:00 so I guess we have about six or seven,
03:03 including our administrative assistant.
03:05 Great, wonderful.
03:06 And we're glad that you are with us,
03:08 and we hope that you would join us.
03:10 And today, we're going to talk about something
03:12 that is very, very interesting
03:13 and that should be a part of all of our lives,
03:15 and that is Christian service, Christian service.
03:19 And as we continue,
03:20 you will see what we're referring to.
03:23 But for now, we would like to invite you to join us in prayer
03:27 because not only have we prayed before this program started,
03:30 but we want to include you in the blessing of prayer.
03:32 So let's go to the Lord in prayer.
03:37 Our loving heavenly Father,
03:39 we thank you so much
03:40 for your goodness and mercy to us.
03:43 We pray that as we are together and we draw close to you,
03:48 you would draw close to us.
03:50 We pray, heavenly Father,
03:51 that you would guide our conversation,
03:53 bless us with the Holy Spirit that we may speak words
03:56 that will be of inspiration to your children
03:59 and a blessing to your children
04:00 that are joining us all around the world.
04:03 We thank you, heavenly Father,
04:05 because you have extended your mercy
04:07 to each and every one of us.
04:09 And we pray, Lord,
04:10 that your name will be glorified in our words
04:13 and in our singing.
04:14 And we thank you for hearing our prayer.
04:17 We ask for these blessings in Jesus' holy and blessed name,
04:21 amen. Amen.
04:24 Well, we have picked a song
04:26 that we would like to share with you,
04:28 and what is that song, honey?
04:30 Oh, it's a very special song,
04:31 and every home should be tuning it and singing,
04:36 you know, these words.
04:37 It's "'Tis Love that makes us happy."
04:41 So join us.
04:43 It's 579 in the Adventist hymnbook.
04:48 'Tis love that makes us happy
04:51 'Tis love that smoothes the way
04:54 It helps us mind it makes us kind
04:57 To others every day
05:01 God is love we're His little children
05:07 God is love we would be like Him
05:13 'Tis love that makes us happy
05:16 'Tis love that smoothes the way
05:19 It helps us mind it makes us kind
05:22 To others every day
05:26 This world is full of sorrow
05:29 Of sickness, death, and sin
05:32 With loving heart we'll do our part
05:36 And try some soul to win
05:39 God is love we're His little children
05:46 God is love we would be like Him
05:52 'Tis love that makes us happy
05:55 'Tis love that smoothes the way
05:58 It helps us mind it makes us kind
06:02 To others every day
06:05 And when this life is over
06:08 And we are called above
06:12 Our song shall be eternally Of Jesus and His love
06:19 God is love we're His little children
06:25 God is love we would be like Him
06:32 'Tis love that makes us happy
06:35 'Tis love that smoothes the way
06:38 It helps us mind it makes us kind
06:41 To others every day
06:46 Amen. Amen.
06:49 God is love, we're His little children.
06:52 God is love, we would be like Him.
06:56 'Tis love that makes us happy,
06:58 'Tis love that smoothes the way,
07:00 it helps us mind, it makes us kind
07:03 to others every day.
07:06 So love is above all things.
07:09 And I'll just read that little bottom word there
07:11 says "loving service." Oh, yes.
07:13 Service, that's a powerful little word there,
07:16 "Loving service of that love."
07:17 Yes, that's right.
07:19 We need to consider service for others.
07:22 And, you know, sometimes we're thinking of doing service
07:26 for another person out of the blue,
07:28 and I truly feel that
07:29 the Holy Spirit impresses us to do it.
07:31 Oh, yeah. Amen.
07:32 And it's such a blessing
07:34 in responding to the Holy Spirit,
07:35 when the Holy Spirit impresses you
07:37 to either pray for someone in that moment,
07:41 give somebody a phone call,
07:42 bake some cookies for our family,
07:44 or make some delicious lunch, like Cynthia has done for us.
07:49 Praise the Lord for your wife.
07:51 Oh, well, our privilege.
07:53 Amen.
07:54 And you know, when the Lord impresses us to do something,
07:58 there's an additional blessing in the obeying part.
08:02 Oh, wow, that's great. That's great.
08:03 Have you heard of the text that says,
08:06 "It's better to give than to receive"?
08:07 Yes.
08:09 So I don't know what you guys have done
08:11 to give of your time, or give of that service,
08:14 and how you have felt afterwards,
08:16 but it's very rewarding. It is.
08:18 And we had a lady that we just did a health expo
08:21 little while ago through our church,
08:23 and a lady just stopped and trying to get warm
08:24 for the day as it was little cold,
08:26 and the Lord impressed me
08:27 to bring a specific window scraper.
08:30 And I just went outside, she was out there,
08:32 and I just looked and Lord says,
08:33 "Why don't you scrape her windshield for her?"
08:35 I said, "Hey, can I scrape your windshield?"
08:36 And she says, "Grab a 'Steps to Christ' book."
08:38 So I grab Steps to Christ book,
08:40 and scrape the lady's windshield.
08:41 And she was on her way to Indiana.
08:44 And she came in, we prayed with her,
08:46 we gave her the book,
08:48 and she came in just a couple of weeks ago
08:50 and said she was so thankful for that,
08:52 and she wants to share a testimony before the church.
08:54 Amen. You just don't know, yeah.
08:56 Wow, beautiful.
08:58 You know, it's interesting, I think we'll go to you next.
09:03 It's interesting...
09:05 I don't know, you get into the habit
09:07 for a while everything I did was cash, cash, cash,
09:10 but then I started using these debit cards.
09:12 And I saw myself in need of cash
09:16 and I didn't have any.
09:17 But anyway, they're so used to using the debit cards.
09:20 I remember being in the store one day,
09:24 and the question came up on the little screen,
09:27 "Would you like some cash back?"
09:30 I see an interesting question
09:31 because I haven't given them cash yet.
09:34 Would you like some cash back?
09:36 And I say, "Well, why would I want cash back?
09:38 I'm not using cash anymore."
09:40 But anyways, it was like,
09:43 "You never know when you need it."
09:44 So I pressed yes, and $20, and I had $20 in my pocket.
09:48 I said, "What am I going to do with these $20?"
09:50 It was a strange question to ask myself.
09:53 But anyway, I got in the car, and I'm driving away,
09:58 and we got to the corner where there's a stop sign.
10:01 And there was a family,
10:03 a husband, wife, and two children,
10:05 and the sign says, "We have run out of gas,
10:07 we really need your help to buy,
10:09 we really need your help,"
10:10 you know, "please help us whatever you can."
10:12 And it was like, "I have $20."
10:17 And it just occurred to me
10:18 as if, may be that's why I got the $20.
10:20 It wasn't for me, it was for them.
10:22 Praise the Lord.
10:23 So I motioned to them, they were able to come,
10:25 and I gave it to them, and they were very grateful,
10:28 you know, you could see the expression on their face
10:30 because I guess, they expected a dollar,
10:32 but I gave them the $20,
10:34 and I was like, "Thank You, Lord.
10:36 Now I know why I needed the $20."
10:39 And you know, the wonderful thing is that
10:42 what you do for someone else
10:45 either the Lord gets it back to you,
10:47 or you have to remember that Jesus...
10:50 There's a scripture
10:51 and, somebody will probably share it as we go along
10:54 that says, "What you have done for others,"
10:57 Jesus says, "you have done for Me."
10:59 And I'm, you know, really paraphrasing,
11:01 what you have done for others, you have done for Me.
11:03 And so it's a marvelous opportunity
11:06 and blessing to do something for others, yes.
11:09 Amen.
11:10 Well, Janelle had something to share.
11:11 Yes, please.
11:13 Just thinking of the idea that you mentioned, Idalia,
11:14 about the Holy Spirit impressing us
11:17 because, you know, sometimes I think about,
11:20 you know, when we go out places or, you know, even in church,
11:23 there's so many people that are hurting,
11:25 but if we could go crazy trying to stretch ourselves to,
11:29 you know, try to be there.
11:31 Yeah, and so, I think that's the key is, you know,
11:33 asking the Holy Spirit for those moments
11:36 because He has a person for you at that moment,
11:40 and you can use your energies better
11:43 if, you know, if it's from Him and knowing that it's from Him
11:47 instead of wondering, who do I need to go to help,
11:50 He'll show you if you're asking.
11:51 And I think that's, you know is...
11:53 From my own experience, just, you know,
11:55 the best way that I've been able to stay focused
11:59 and to help people.
12:01 And the awesome thing is when God confirms that, like,
12:04 you know, meeting a need that you don't even know existed
12:07 and just something you say, or do, or whatever,
12:10 and that person needed it right at that moment.
12:13 It's custom-made. Yes, exactly.
12:15 Custom-made, something that was for you to do.
12:18 Intelligent design.
12:19 Exactly. Amen, amen.
12:22 Very good.
12:23 It's interesting they're phrasing,
12:24 intelligent design.
12:26 But, you know, as Christians, it was interesting,
12:30 I was reading something recently
12:32 that says that every Christian is really a missionary,
12:37 and we're all missionaries, and it's interesting.
12:40 God has a work for everyone to do.
12:43 And no one really,
12:45 and I'm sure some people have said it,
12:46 "Well, I don't know what to do,"
12:48 but God has something that every person could do
12:52 to be a blessing to others.
12:53 And when we really open our hearts to the Lord
12:57 to use us in some way,
12:59 the Lord provides opportunities to help people.
13:03 And it's amazing how these things work out.
13:08 You and your family, I think your wife also can,
13:11 maybe you can share a little bit about that.
13:13 You have been a missionary at one time or another.
13:16 Tell us a little bit about that.
13:18 Well, we spent...
13:20 Well, really, all of our lives.
13:23 Part of it has just been as expatriates.
13:26 We're still missionaries right here.
13:27 It's actually much more difficult
13:29 to be a missionary in one's own culture.
13:32 When we lived overseas, you know,
13:35 I lived in Latin America, now, you know.
13:38 You can tell that I look a lot like John and Idalia.
13:40 I mean, that's really obvious.
13:43 In one way or another.
13:46 And by the way, Brother Dan speaks Spanish.
13:51 People don't expect me to be fully Latino.
13:55 I mean, I may speak Spanish reasonably well,
13:58 but I'm still not.
13:59 Now my wife has dark hair,
14:01 and as we would drive through Mexico,
14:02 roll down the window, and ask questions,
14:05 "How do we get there?"
14:07 they would invariably turn to her
14:09 assuming that I must have married a Latino,
14:11 and say so and so and so, go here, go there.
14:15 And she speaks, but not nearly like I do.
14:21 And so it's easy,
14:24 you know, when you're expected to be different.
14:27 But when you're in your own culture
14:29 and people, they expect you to be this way,
14:31 it's much more difficult.
14:32 Yeah, that sure is a good point.
14:33 That's right.
14:35 So you were in...
14:36 What particular countries were you in?
14:37 We served in Peru, then later in Belize,
14:42 China, and Guyana.
14:44 Wonderful. Praise the Lord.
14:45 Of course, visited a number of other long way here and there,
14:48 but those are the official places
14:50 that we've actually had residences.
14:51 And perhaps you can share
14:52 because this may be new to some people.
14:54 What type of things were you doing
14:57 that you would say, I was doing missionary work?
15:00 Well, you know, some people might not say,
15:02 oh, you know, I'm an engineer, I'm not a preacher,
15:06 maybe you've already discovered that this far into the program.
15:09 But our first assignment was
15:13 our Adventist University in Peru
15:15 where we were in charge of telephone system,
15:18 the computers,
15:20 getting parts and things for the printing press,
15:23 and large bread bakery that we had there,
15:26 we ran a farm in Belize, in China.
15:33 You know, I did the last thing I thought I would want to do
15:34 where I really did the most evangelism,
15:36 I taught English.
15:38 But, you know, the people were in a learning mode.
15:39 Yes.
15:41 And they would ask us questions
15:44 about our culture and our religion,
15:45 and it was the perfect opportunity.
15:47 Amen.
15:48 You know, in other places I was working with people
15:49 that were already Christians, already Seventh-day Adventists,
15:53 you know, there was still stuff to do.
15:55 I mean, we would go out to the shanty towns
15:57 next to the University in Peru on Sabbath afternoon,
16:00 and talk to the people and try to do things for them.
16:04 In Guyana, I've operated a TV station.
16:08 That was the last... Christian TV station?
16:10 Yes, it was the last assignment before I came here.
16:14 So those were the things we did,
16:16 you know, I wasn't particularly a preacher,
16:19 I did preach a few sermons but for the most part,
16:21 they decided I would do something else better.
16:24 So then it goes to show the sign that has been on 3ABN,
16:28 I don't know if they're still, that sign that says...
16:31 We need to put it back. Okay.
16:34 Now people are wondering what does the sign say.
16:38 So tell us what the sign says?
16:41 Preach the gospel. Yes.
16:43 If necessary, use words.
16:45 Oh, I like that. Amen.
16:46 So it's an attitude of service, you know,
16:50 and sometimes we think that sharing the gospel
16:55 is by preaching our Bible study,
16:57 but your life is a sermon, you know.
17:01 And your faith is going to wake up in the interest
17:04 in somebody else,
17:06 "I want that faith, I want that peace,
17:09 I want to learn
17:10 how to have that relationship with the Lord,
17:13 I want my trust in the Lord to grow."
17:16 And just as we have our journey here,
17:19 in this earth,
17:21 we are being read, you know.
17:24 Yeah, like a letter, yeah.
17:25 Exactly, it's an open letter, public letter,
17:28 and nobody has to put anything on social media about you.
17:33 It's just your lifestyle
17:35 and the service that you offer to others
17:38 that lets the people know about the gospel.
17:40 And then they want to learn more
17:42 of what you have
17:43 and before you know it,
17:45 they'll be enamored with the Lord
17:47 and the gospel that He has left for us.
17:49 I think, you know, what you're hitting on,
17:50 really touching on... There is a word passion.
17:52 Yes. I see your passion... Yeah.
17:54 and what you are passionate about.
17:55 You know, Christ was really passionate
17:57 about seeking and saving that which was lost.
17:59 I think that's what we all should be about as Christians.
18:01 Amen.
18:02 You know, seeing some of these people I rerun into,
18:04 especially doing with addiction recovery
18:07 is just incredible,
18:08 the pain in the brokenness, but yet, they want the healing.
18:11 And just recently, I've been accepted
18:13 to go into a local prison to do an addiction recovery.
18:16 Praise the Lord.
18:17 And these men in there, they said they want healing,
18:19 they want truth.
18:20 They're hungry. Freedom.
18:22 Yeah, they're hungry, and they want to know the Lord.
18:24 Amen. So Lord is good.
18:26 Well, I know you have Bible text to share and all,
18:30 but because of the topic, the service,
18:37 what I felt in my heart to share was one that
18:42 a chapter that you all know and we've heard so much of,
18:45 1 Corinthians, chapter what?
18:48 Thirteen. Thirteen.
18:51 And I think, the Bible speaks for itself,
18:55 and you will be able to identify
18:58 with whichever verse that we're going to read.
19:01 So I think that
19:04 we should take turns reading, why not.
19:11 You all have chapter 13? Yep.
19:13 Okay, very good,
19:14 so we'll start with you, Donald,
19:16 just read two verses, and we go down.
19:18 Sure.
19:19 "Though I speak with the tongues of men
19:21 and of angels,
19:23 and have not charity" or selfless love,
19:27 "I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
19:30 And though I have the gift of prophecy,
19:33 and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge,
19:36 and though I have all faith,
19:38 so that I could remove mountains,
19:39 and have not charity," or again selfless love,
19:42 "I am nothing."
19:44 "And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
19:47 and though I give my body to be burned,
19:49 and have not charity,
19:51 it profiteth me nothing.
19:53 Charity suffereth long, and is kind,
19:55 charity envieth not,
19:57 charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up."
20:02 "It does not behave rudely, does not seek its own,
20:07 is not provoked, thinks no evil,
20:11 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth,
20:16 bears all things, believes all things,
20:20 hopes all things, and endures all things."
20:24 Amen. Verse 8.
20:26 Verse 8, "Love never fails,
20:30 but whether there be prophecies,
20:32 they shall fail,
20:34 whether there be tongues, they shall cease,
20:36 whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
20:40 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part."
20:47 "But when that which is perfect has come,
20:49 then that which is in part shall be done away.
20:53 When I was a child, I spake as a child,
20:55 I understood as a child, I thought as a child,
20:58 but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
21:01 "For now we see through a glass, darkly,
21:04 but then face to face.
21:05 Now I know in part
21:07 but then shall I know even as also I am known."
21:11 Oh, it's powerful.
21:12 "And now abideth faith, hope, charity,"
21:15 or again selfless love, "these three,
21:17 but the greatest of these is selfless love."
21:21 Love.
21:22 And now by the faith, hope, love,
21:24 here Bible says charity, but in its place is love.
21:29 "These three
21:30 but the greatest of these is love."
21:32 You know, could you love a stranger
21:36 in order to do something kind for them?
21:40 I believe that you can love them
21:42 in the action of helping them
21:45 because you may have pity for the needy,
21:48 for example, the example that you gave us,
21:51 your experience that you gave the $20
21:53 to a person that ran out of gas,
21:56 you didn't know them.
21:57 But once you approach them, you see their eyes, you know,
22:01 the eyes are the windows to your heart.
22:03 And you see their need, their sincerity,
22:06 and something grows in you,
22:09 you know, and it's a sincere help.
22:12 We're not helping to say and boast what I have done for,
22:17 you know, "This is what I did, that's..." no.
22:19 What we're doing during this hour is
22:21 we're sharing experiences, actions of love
22:25 to minister to the needy
22:27 but yet we benefit, you know, we grow, that love grows in us.
22:33 And if we don't have love for the others,
22:36 you know, why are we doing it?
22:37 Yeah, sure.
22:39 Could I share something that goes right along
22:40 with what you are talking about?
22:41 Please, do. Yes! I love this book.
22:43 It's "Christ's Object Lessons." Okay.
22:45 And this is a really old one but it's really nice.
22:49 And this is from the chapter on "Who is my neighbor?"
22:53 And this paragraph here it says,
22:55 "Love is the basis of godliness.
22:58 Whatever the profession, no man has pure love to God
23:01 unless he has unselfish love for his brother.
23:04 But we can never come into possession of this spirit
23:07 by trying to love others.
23:09 What is needed is the love of Christ
23:11 in the heart.
23:12 When self is merged in Christ,
23:14 love springs forth spontaneously.
23:17 The completeness of Christian character
23:19 is attained when the impulse to help and bless others
23:22 springs constantly from within.
23:24 When the sunshine of heaven fills the heart
23:26 and is revealed in the countenance."
23:28 Amen. Wow.
23:30 I liked it and it kind of falls true
23:31 with Romans 15:1 and 2 in your Bible,
23:34 this is really good...
23:36 Okay. For us to read.
23:38 I got this in amplified version here
23:39 but let's turn to it.
23:41 Okay. Romans, what? Romans 15:1 and 2.
23:43 Okay.
23:45 This is speaking to the church.
23:47 Okay.
23:48 It says then,
23:50 "We who are strong, in our convictions
23:51 and of robust faith,
23:53 ought to bear with the failings and the frailties
23:55 and the tender scruples of the weak,
23:57 we ought to help carry the doubts
23:58 and qualms of others,
24:00 and not to please ourselves.
24:02 Let each one of us make it a practice
24:03 to please, make happy,
24:06 his neighbor for his good and for his true welfare,
24:08 to edify him, to strengthen him and build him up spiritually."
24:12 Wow. Amen.
24:14 Now, you know, we've been talking about the strangers
24:17 but what about reaching to our brethren
24:19 within the church body?
24:21 I know what this is speaking about.
24:22 You know, the congregation itself.
24:24 So I was raised going door to door Bible, obra misionera,
24:29 it's what it's called. Missionary work.
24:31 So it's mission work, yes,
24:33 door to door, frame Bible studies,
24:36 prayer, and it's beautiful.
24:38 It's nice to see even the pathfinders,
24:40 you know, going door to door and sharing tracks.
24:44 But when we are...
24:47 It's so easy to, you know,
24:49 "A stranger? Oh, sure, I'll do that,"
24:51 but we need to nurture each other
24:55 within a congregation
24:56 because we are all going through something.
25:00 So praise the Lord, tonight is Friday, right?
25:05 And Sabbath hours, and the Lord, if you pray,
25:10 and ask the Lord, "Please place that person
25:13 that should need me to minister to,
25:17 and give me the opportunity to be able to fulfill our need."
25:23 I'm going to share
25:24 the actual definition of nurturer is
25:25 to care for and encourage the growth or development of,
25:30 support, another word, or tend, look after.
25:34 So we're giving our family, homework, right?
25:37 Yeah.
25:39 Is it good to do...
25:41 Is it bad to do good on Sabbath?
25:44 Well, I guess Jesus could answer that question.
25:46 He seemed to be asking that frequently.
25:48 Yes.
25:50 Can I share testimony to that? Yes.
25:53 We went and did a thing last year.
25:54 It was called Moonstock down in Carterville, Illinois.
25:59 And they had some big names there,
26:01 I won't go in the detail,
26:02 but just the fact that we were very...
26:04 The Lord definitely opened the door there,
26:06 and we were ministering the people through the books,
26:08 Hacksaw Ridge giving out books.
26:10 Well, anyways this young man who is from Kazakhstan
26:14 flew all the way over there
26:15 just to hear one particular group
26:17 which, guess what, they canceled on him.
26:18 Wow!
26:20 All the way, first time to America ever.
26:22 Wow!
26:23 And he is in this tent asking,
26:24 he said, well, it's a tent
26:26 where they are serving and stuff, drinks.
26:28 And he said, "I just want to get a tent.
26:31 Do you happen to have a tent that I can rent?"
26:33 We were like, "We don't have a tent that you can rent."
26:35 And so he said, "Well, I would like to,
26:36 I need to go buy a tent."
26:39 And my mind says, "Oh, okay."
26:40 I said, "Guess what? Get in my car, let's go.
26:42 We're going to get you a tent."
26:44 And so we went to Walmart,
26:45 he bought his tent, got in the car.
26:47 He said, "I would like to go to the little gift shop there,
26:50 it's at this place."
26:51 I said, "Sure, let's go there."
26:52 It happens that I get to strike a conversation
26:54 with this lady about addiction recovery,
26:56 she's a Baptist I believe, just a good conversation.
26:59 So we got in the car, he says, "Donald,
27:00 I want to tell you something, you have made my day.
27:04 It's the best time ever."
27:05 And that turned out he was Muslim.
27:07 Oh, wow! He did not even know.
27:09 Yeah, he was a Muslim.
27:10 We took him to Amtrak the next day,
27:12 and he wanted to pay me for taking him there.
27:15 I said, "No, we don't have to do that."
27:17 He was in shock. He's like...
27:20 "Thank you," that's all he could say.
27:21 He didn't know what to do.
27:23 Wow.
27:24 You know, it's marvelous
27:26 because there are so many things
27:29 that we can share concerning this.
27:30 I mean, so many scriptures,
27:32 but right now, I'm thinking of what Jesus said
27:34 to His disciples in John 13
27:37 because it helps us understand where our focus should be.
27:43 And so here in John 13:34 and 35
27:48 is what I'm going to read.
27:49 "This is a new commandment I give unto you,
27:52 that ye love one another, as I have loved you."
27:57 Now there is a difference here.
27:59 As I have loved you, so now I say to you...
28:02 I'm sorry,
28:03 "That ye may also love one another.
28:05 By this shall all men know that you are my disciples,
28:09 if you have love one to another."
28:12 And so this is what Jesus had left us
28:18 to understand,
28:20 this is how you know,
28:21 this is how you know that you are my disciples
28:25 if you have love one for another.
28:26 And it's very interesting because it doesn't say here is,
28:29 by the way you dress, by the way you eat,
28:32 by the way you speak,
28:35 but if you have love for one another.
28:38 And so this is an opportunity for us
28:41 to show the love of Christ to other,
28:42 and this is what you did.
28:43 You know, you showed the love of Christ to someone else,
28:46 he said you gave him one of his better days.
28:49 Yeah.
28:50 So we praise the Lord for the opportunities He gives us.
28:53 And you know, I think that should be a prayer for us
28:56 to say, "Lord, help me to recognize
28:59 that you're giving me an opportunity
29:02 to be a witness to show others your love."
29:05 You know, there is another scripture,
29:07 it says, "Let you light so shine before men
29:11 that they may see your good works and..."
29:13 Glorify.
29:15 "Glorify your Father which is in heaven."
29:17 And so much as that we do good things
29:20 is to really point people to Christ,
29:23 really to glorify our heavenly Father.
29:26 And so not to say, "Well, did you see what I did?"
29:31 No, it's to glorify our Lord.
29:33 And that's really was going to impact people's lives.
29:37 People know when you have done something
29:40 like actually, you kept using the word selfless love,
29:43 you know, actions
29:45 where you're not really expecting anything in return.
29:47 Yes.
29:48 Yeah, and if you find yourself expecting something in return,
29:51 you're going to be disappointed.
29:53 You know, and it's best just to do something from the heart,
29:57 and you're going to grow from it,
29:59 and you're going to be really...
30:02 You feel the blessing of doing
30:04 what the Lord promised you to do.
30:05 You know, I was...
30:07 You just reminded me of something
30:08 but you go ahead and say what you want to say.
30:10 Go ahead.
30:11 You know, I was driving down the road,
30:13 and you get into these places in the middle of the highway
30:16 that there is this box, and there is somebody in it,
30:19 you recognize it as a tollbooth.
30:21 I don't know if it's happened to you
30:24 but, well, I'm talking about going through a tollbooth,
30:27 I'm sure a lot of people have gone through a tollbooth.
30:29 But I have gone up to the tollbooth and he said,
30:33 and the person says, "You can go,
30:36 the guy in front of you paid for you."
30:38 Oh, wow. And I said, "Really!"
30:40 The first time that happened to me, I was like, "What?"
30:43 He had no idea who was behind him,
30:45 but yet he paid for me.
30:46 And I don't remember how much it was
30:48 but the act, the idea
30:50 that he did something for someone
30:51 he doesn't know behind him,
30:53 I said, it really touched me.
30:55 And I was like,
30:57 "Oh, well, thank you. I was surprised."
31:00 And so many different things we can do for people.
31:04 And really go, as you say unnoticed
31:07 because I couldn't thank him, I couldn't return money to him,
31:11 but he did me a kindness.
31:13 And so in the same way,
31:15 we can do a kind thing for others.
31:18 There used to be...
31:21 People do things here at 3ABN, it's amazing, it's amazing.
31:24 Angelo blessing.
31:25 Many years ago, the Angelo blessing,
31:27 you want to tell Angelo blessing?
31:28 No, go ahead. Go ahead.
31:29 Many years ago,
31:31 there was a person that had a need at 3ABN,
31:35 and they said, "Could you please pray for me?
31:38 I need to get..." I forgot what it was,
31:40 "So I need to get a tent," and you know.
31:42 And the next time we had worship,
31:47 that person said, "I'm just so grateful
31:51 because by my door, there was this tent,
31:56 and I don't know who did it,
31:59 but the sign said, 'The Angelo blessing.'"
32:03 And so everyone was,
32:05 "Oh, wonderful. Praise the Lord."
32:07 About a day or two later, somebody else said,
32:09 "Oh, I don't know how they knew I needed this
32:12 but there was this thing by my desk,
32:14 or this thing by my door,"
32:15 and the person said, "And there was a sign
32:16 that said, 'The Angelo blessing.'"
32:18 And I think people were just saying,
32:20 "Hey, that's a good idea.
32:21 That's a good way to help someone
32:23 and not really know who it was."
32:25 And so, I don't know how long,
32:28 there were these things being done for people.
32:29 I think somebody even was given money
32:32 for a vacation or something,
32:33 and it was the Angelo blessing that did it.
32:36 And that's a wonderful thing to do for people. Yes, it is.
32:38 It's a neat idea.
32:40 I was thinking about this little quote I had
32:41 out of "Steps to Christ,"
32:43 it kind of represents what you're saying.
32:44 It says...
32:45 It's actually in chapter 13, "Rejoicing in the Lord"
32:47 it says, "The children of God
32:48 are called to be representatives of Christ,
32:50 showing forth the goodness and mercy of the Lord.
32:53 As Jesus has revealed to us
32:54 the true character of the Father,
32:56 so we are to reveal Christ
32:58 to a world that does not know His tender, pitying love.
33:01 'As Thou hast sent Me into the world,' said Jesus,
33:05 'even so have I also sent them into the world.
33:08 I in them, and Thou in Me
33:09 that the world may know that Thou hast sent Me.'
33:12 The apostle Paul says to the disciples of Jesus,
33:15 'Ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ,'"
33:18 we talked about this,
33:19 "'known and read of all men.'
33:21 If every one of His children, Jesus sends a letter to..."
33:25 okay, "In every one of His children,
33:27 Jesus sends a letter to the world.
33:29 If you are Christ's follower,
33:31 he sends in you a letter to the family,
33:33 the village, the street where you live.
33:36 Jesus, dwelling in you, desires to speak to the hearts of those
33:40 who are not acquainted with Him.
33:41 Perhaps they do not read the Bible,
33:43 or do not hear the voice
33:44 that speaks to them in its pages.
33:46 They do not see the love of God through His works.
33:48 But if you are a true representative of Jesus,
33:51 it may be that through you
33:52 they will be led to understand something of His goodness,
33:55 and be won to love and serve Him.
33:58 Christians are set as light-bearers
34:00 on the way to heaven.
34:01 They are to reflect to the world
34:02 the light shining upon them from Christ.
34:05 Their life and character should be such that
34:07 through them others will get a right conception of Christ
34:09 and of His service."
34:11 Wow.
34:12 Beautiful. Wow.
34:15 It's a powerful thought. Any comments?
34:16 Yeah. It's tremendous.
34:18 It's tremendous.
34:20 I think just being available and relatable
34:26 and really desiring, like you said,
34:29 pray for those opportunities
34:31 and asking the Holy Spirit to say,
34:32 "Hey, would you have me to help today?
34:35 Lord, it's not about me, it's about you."
34:38 Well, I've had the opportunity
34:40 of talking with quite a few people
34:44 that are going through a lot of trials,
34:49 and they are so discouraged.
34:51 And as many of you know, we were in this,
34:56 could have been a very easily a fatal car accident
34:59 but it was not fatal.
35:01 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
35:02 And they say, "How can you look up?
35:06 How can you even open your eyes every day?"
35:10 You know, I am going through so much right now,
35:13 and it's incredible
35:15 how much time you can spend on social media, Facebook.
35:21 Many people write private messages
35:24 and share their situations.
35:27 It could be marriage situations,
35:30 it could be situations that they're requesting prayer
35:32 for their children.
35:35 How can I get my children interested in mission work?
35:38 Because our children...
35:40 We share so many pictures and experiences
35:43 in mission work, projects of service.
35:46 And as you don't focus in your condition
35:52 but seek to lift somebody else's spirit out,
35:56 you know... Yes.
35:58 That is better than going to a...
36:02 A therapist? A therapist, yeah.
36:05 I mean, I am not saying, "Don't go," you know,
36:07 you have your conditions,
36:08 and what have you, and your needs,
36:10 but if you're one of those people
36:13 that are feeling discouraged,
36:15 and feeling lonely, or no one cares,
36:18 or you just want to give up,
36:20 or my marriage is going down to drain,
36:24 just try to focus in the positive side
36:29 of helping somebody else out.
36:31 And you will not be dwelling on your condition,
36:35 but then you are going to make somebody else smile,
36:38 you are going to feel happy and satisfied
36:41 that you have set yourself aside and your needs
36:44 to tend to someone you need.
36:46 And you don't even have to knock on a stranger's door,
36:48 there are so many needs within our congregations.
36:51 And yes, we want our church to grow.
36:53 Yes, we want to give Bible studies,
36:55 we want to go out into the community
36:57 and invite people to our church.
36:59 But every congregation, now mind you,
37:02 I am not particularly referring to one particular church,
37:06 this is a general statement
37:08 because in every single church building,
37:13 we are the church.
37:15 So every one has a different need,
37:17 whether it's for prayer for health,
37:19 prayer for your talent,
37:21 students, you know, they have tests coming up,
37:23 college students that have been married
37:26 but are going through school and dealing with marriage
37:30 and all the low that comes with that.
37:32 I mean, there are so many needs.
37:34 But if we focus in each other,
37:38 you know, make the church stronger,
37:41 and who wouldn't want to be part
37:44 of such a nice solid church family.
37:47 And you first mentioned the topic of nurturing
37:50 in Christian service,
37:51 I was just like, "What?"
37:53 We had a friend that talk to us about the exact same thing
37:57 about couple of months ago... That's right.
37:59 Gave us some really good counsel.
38:00 And so, you know,
38:03 as personal ministries in our church,
38:07 you know, we do these things in the community,
38:09 but God has been shown us through different ways
38:11 that maybe it's time to change the focus,
38:14 not totally change the focus to the outward
38:16 but the inward
38:18 that could be done in the nurturing
38:19 that, maybe there are some that need more,
38:24 you know, uplifting, and some prayers,
38:26 and you know, Lord shows those people that need it,
38:29 because we want visitors
38:31 to come in and see a healthy church.
38:33 Exactly. I think too.
38:34 I think if they don't...
38:36 It will be, you know, why,
38:37 what's the point of coming to this?
38:39 It's a club for them.
38:41 But they are not doing anything for anybody else,
38:43 so they are just going through the actions.
38:46 And, you know, we just kind of touched on the word nurture
38:48 means support.
38:50 And that's something, I think,
38:52 for probably most denominations,
38:54 they don't really have that safe place to come in to
38:57 to have support and to be able to share some,
39:00 like you are saying, the hurts and the pains,
39:02 it's like we just kind of, we put on this...
39:04 as our friend upstairs, Claude said, he goes,
39:06 "It's time to remove the makeup."
39:08 The makeup remover
39:09 'cause people put on their makeup and look all,
39:12 but inside, the people are hurting,
39:14 and they want to be able to feel comfortable
39:15 to share what they are going through.
39:17 And that's why we're really been thankful for with us
39:18 doing addiction recovery about two years now,
39:21 it's just seeing the tremendous need
39:24 for people to be able to open up and share,
39:26 you know, and not being judgmental,
39:28 judged wrong, or feel condemned, you know.
39:30 Jesus said in John 3:17, He said,
39:32 "I didn't come into the world to condemn it,
39:34 but the world through Him might be saved."
39:36 So it's like, you know, we really need a place
39:38 where people are going to be safe,
39:40 they can feel supported and they feel welcomed.
39:43 So you have a ministry that the Lord opened up for you
39:49 where you say, you mentioned addiction recovery,
39:52 it's like addiction recovery is not a program.
39:54 But what is it? What would you call it?
39:56 Addiction recovery seminars, you do, what is it that you do?
40:01 It's, like, it's a program.
40:02 Yes, consider it a program. It's a program, yeah.
40:04 And well, we have used Cheri Peters'
40:06 Celebrating life in Recovery material,
40:08 and we also went
40:09 and did kind of our own thing and got some of books,
40:12 it's called, what is it?
40:14 We use Life Recovery Bible,
40:16 and there is a workbook that goes with that.
40:18 But after we finished the Celebrating life in Recovery
40:21 which is a 14 week program,
40:23 we asked the group if they want to continue
40:25 because people still need support even after 14 weeks.
40:28 And so at that time, it was decided to form our own group,
40:33 actually have a name and we came up
40:35 with "Dove recovery group."
40:37 And Don remembers better than me the acronym,
40:40 I always mess it up.
40:41 Divinely overcoming,
40:42 becoming victorious and empowered.
40:44 Yes. Amen.
40:46 Yeah.
40:47 So there's such a great need in the church, I mean really,
40:50 there's so many people I guess are hurting and brokenness,
40:53 and God wants to heal that brokenness,
40:55 and we need to know that we can go somewhere.
40:57 I got a gentleman I've been talking to,
40:59 I mean, pastoral now, and he was telling me about
41:01 how this church he's been going to.
41:03 And they have a first, like,
41:04 worship together on a certain night,
41:06 and they break into individual groups like,
41:08 if you have anxiety and depression
41:09 you go to that room, when you go to this room,
41:11 it has like whatever,
41:12 they have got like eight or nine rooms
41:14 for people to go to, and they can break
41:15 and talk private.
41:17 I think that's great.
41:18 You know, it's like something
41:20 that I would love to see in our church, you know.
41:21 But, you know, we are talking about the people
41:23 that are broken and have a contrite spirit
41:26 and all, but you know,
41:28 we don't come to church looking like what we're feeling, right?
41:34 Our members don't.
41:36 So, you know, it is a joy
41:38 to come to the house of the Lord
41:41 and worship together.
41:42 It is strengthening to, spiritually speaking,
41:47 to worship with the Brethren,
41:50 you know, but there are issues in the lives that,
41:53 I don't want to give the impression that everybody
41:55 that goes to church is going through something, yes,
41:58 something very big and positive in celebrating something big,
42:01 and there are some challenges
42:03 is to reality of life, you know.
42:06 But when we all pull together and might my weakness
42:11 with your strength, you know, we make a good team
42:14 because we balance each other out.
42:17 So I was thinking about our Sabbath experiences.
42:23 How can my Sabbath experience be nurtured in such a way
42:28 that I can just break away
42:30 from whatever is going on in my life,
42:33 and really sense, you know, the gift of worship,
42:39 and adoration, and Sabbath, you know,
42:42 because sometimes we carry everything
42:44 into the Sabbath hours.
42:45 How do we disconnect?
42:47 Well, you know, it's interesting how,
42:50 by those divine appointments,
42:52 they contribute to me being able to,
42:55 "Okay, it's going to be fine
42:57 and let's just continue to worship together."
43:00 There is a connection, there is a support system.
43:03 There are so many names, whether it's spiritual,
43:07 financial, physical, we cannot meet them all
43:12 but we all have a gift.
43:14 Amen.
43:15 So for God's glory,
43:18 let's use our gifts to build each other up,
43:21 and don't forget about our pastors too, you know.
43:23 Oh, my! It's like, you know, we...
43:26 The pastor's the preacher, the pastor's the nurturer,
43:28 the pastor...
43:29 But even...
43:31 They need support, yeah.
43:32 The shepherds need their support too.
43:35 So anyway, I just pray that the Sabbath experience
43:42 when we gather together as church members
43:45 and family in Christ
43:47 that we've come to a strong unity in Christ
43:53 and with each other.
43:55 You know, I would love to see
43:59 many people come to the church,
44:03 to the foot of the cross because of the testimony
44:08 or the open letter,
44:10 public letter that people are reading on us.
44:14 I want to...
44:17 There are so many things in my heart right now
44:19 but I don't even know where to start,
44:21 but I will share two things, okay.
44:24 We are so blessed with our church family.
44:27 Amen.
44:28 The deaconesses department has,
44:32 when we've gone through our trials
44:34 of the car accident and all,
44:36 we had meals on wheels gourmet.
44:40 Amen.
44:42 Gourmet, you know, the ladies took turns, and not only that,
44:48 but then we had Garland and Donna,
44:51 Brandon who would pick us up
44:53 and take us to doctor's appointments.
44:55 And we're talking about five different community towns,
44:58 now we have appointments in.
45:00 Day after day, it's a full time job trying to keep my schedule,
45:04 right, honey?
45:05 Oh, yes.
45:07 And our church has helped us so much
45:10 and with our children as well.
45:12 But then, being that there is a community out there
45:17 that does not get a chance to come to a church building,
45:22 I'm talking about those in prison,
45:25 and those that are in nursing homes or hospitals,
45:29 even from your bed, even from yourself,
45:32 you can bless somebody else. That's right. Amen.
45:35 So don't let the rails around you
45:37 keep you from or limit you
45:41 to not being able to reach out to somebody else in need
45:44 because other cellmates have family,
45:48 other cellmates are anxious to hug your children
45:51 or to see their children, you know,
45:54 and we cannot forget about that community.
45:58 When you are in the hospital,
46:01 don't forget that your attitude
46:05 will also rub off on the caretaker,
46:10 the nurses, the doctors, you know.
46:13 Your testimony is being read by the medical staff,
46:17 are you going to be a blessing to them,
46:18 because we are waiting for our blessing,
46:20 you know, as a patient.
46:22 We want our blessing, we want you to serve me,
46:25 we need you to do this and that,
46:26 but what are we doing for them?
46:28 It's like you want to put God as genie.
46:30 You just reminded me of a video I saw recently.
46:32 It's a campaign in the United Kingdom.
46:37 It's called Campaign to End Loneliness, I think.
46:40 And there's a video of this guy,
46:43 he went on week, a whole week
46:45 with no interaction, no phone,
46:48 no contact with humans at all, no interaction period.
46:53 And throughout the video, you could see his face,
46:56 he was just so distraught.
46:58 And, you know,
46:59 he's kind of sharing his experience and stuff.
47:01 And at the end, he goes and talks to a man next door,
47:05 and it's an older man,
47:07 and I think the whole campaign is actually,
47:09 the target is to visit older people.
47:14 And so he goes and visits this older man.
47:16 And older man was like,
47:18 "Yeah, it's pretty rough, isn't it?
47:19 He said, "I lost my wife a couple years ago
47:21 and hardly ever get visitors."
47:24 And so it really touched me.
47:26 That's right.
47:27 It's a lonely stage adapting,
47:30 you got to get used to the new lifestyle,
47:33 after having your companion and all.
47:36 But I want to say that, praise the Lord
47:39 that we have a worldwide church family.
47:41 Amen. Yes.
47:43 The Seventh-day Adventist Church
47:44 is not just the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist church,
47:48 it is worldwide.
47:50 Anywhere you go in the world,
47:51 there is a Seventh-day Adventist congregation.
47:55 And it's family,
47:58 and that family was also present in Michigan
48:01 when we were dealing with our accident.
48:04 And I just wanted to share with you
48:08 that a lot of times the pathfinders
48:10 or the Sabbath School classes...
48:12 Dan, have you gone to nursing homes
48:14 and stuff for singing and...
48:16 Yeah, yeah. Oh, yes.
48:18 And on Sabbath afternoon, we often go out
48:19 and visit people that are shut in.
48:21 And, you know, we think, you know,
48:23 we don't even get to our neighbors
48:25 that are around us that, you know,
48:26 aren't church members
48:28 to know what's going on in their lives so much.
48:31 But, yes, we often do that
48:32 and go to nursing homes from time to time.
48:34 That's right. Yeah.
48:36 Yeah.
48:37 You know, Idalia, you mentioned,
48:38 you were going to say something else, weren't you?
48:40 Well, tagging on that is that, sometimes there are members
48:44 that are just not strong in that area,
48:48 or gifted, or interested, for a lack of better word,
48:52 to attend a nursing home.
48:55 But if you're not wanting to go inside,
48:59 but you can be a driver,
49:01 you know, and support that visit.
49:03 That's right.
49:04 Because you don't necessarily have to be the one in there,
49:08 everybody, you know,
49:10 just like the body has different parts,
49:11 you know, so we all have a function.
49:13 That's right.
49:14 And that support is so pleasant.
49:17 And what I wanted to share was that
49:19 the Traverse City Seventh-day Adventist Church,
49:26 Cadillac 13th Street,
49:28 Cadillac Seventh-day Adventist church
49:30 was very pleasant.
49:31 While we were in the hospital, you're talking about?
49:33 Yes, when we were in a hospital.
49:35 Hospitals are not fun to go to.
49:37 But oh, boy, does that ever
49:38 make a big difference in our lives
49:41 when we are there
49:43 because you would charge our energies our batteries,
49:46 and you encourage us to witness,
49:47 just your presence is a witness
49:49 to those that are taking care of you.
49:51 They are like,
49:52 "Who are all these people coming to see you?"
49:54 You know, and wow!
49:56 Sure, I am glad you asked, you know,
49:58 so you share about your congregation,
50:00 you share about your church, and the pastors.
50:02 And not only that, when you're home,
50:05 you have your coworkers visiting,
50:07 your church members visiting, even organizations like,
50:11 you know, any organization from ministries.
50:14 And, you know, and I wanted to show a collage of pictures
50:18 of different people that have nurtured us.
50:20 When I left the hospital, 3.5 weeks there,
50:25 two weeks in ICU or what have you,
50:27 I cried because I felt like, you know, we had a family.
50:32 They would see us or hear us praying for them,
50:37 encourage them in the Lord,
50:39 and encourage them in their workload
50:42 because it's not easy to be a caretaker,
50:45 not every patient is patient.
50:49 It is not fun to take care of, right?
50:52 So anyway, that just goes to
50:54 try to meet the needs of the others
50:56 and not just focus on your needs.
50:58 Yes. And we had tremendous...
51:02 And it was hard for us
51:04 because here we were in a situation
51:07 where we normally are helping others
51:11 and now people were helping us, you know.
51:12 Yes. They were bringing us food.
51:13 They were even taking me to the store
51:16 to get things for us.
51:17 Yes, Catherine and her husband Chris.
51:19 Pastor Charles Brooks, Pastor Jeff,
51:22 they also came and,
51:24 you know, still they are contacting us, Mr. Evelyn.
51:28 It's amazing what an impact they have had in our lives,
51:31 and it's really been a tremendous blessing.
51:34 And what can you say but, you know, "Thank you, Lord,
51:37 thank you for this church family
51:39 that has been such a blessing to us."
51:41 But we have the opportunity to be a blessing to the others.
51:44 Yes, absolutely, absolutely.
51:46 And, you know, the Lord, you know,
51:49 we mentioned several things, we mentioned prison ministries,
51:52 we've mentioned
51:53 addiction recovery of ministry...
51:55 Nursing homes. We mentioned nursing homes.
51:57 I remember when we were able to, I say able,
52:01 because traveling for 3ABN has, sometimes we're not able to do
52:04 as many things locally that we used to do.
52:07 I remember we used to go to nursing homes
52:09 and a group of people comes
52:12 that are not necessarily preaching
52:15 or doing any of the in front work
52:17 but they are just singing along.
52:19 Yes.
52:21 And that helps the
52:22 all of the nice wonderful senior citizen people,
52:25 some were on wheelchairs,
52:27 some are, you know, just with a walker,
52:31 and some really, they need help,
52:34 and they are so grateful just for someone to say,
52:39 "It's good to see you" because some of those people
52:43 and some of the people in the nursing homes
52:45 are not visited as often as they would like, you know.
52:48 Their children are busy, members of the family are busy,
52:51 and they don't always get out as much as they would like to.
52:55 But some of the people who are there
52:58 just longing for attention from someone else.
53:02 Because, yes, the nurses are there,
53:04 but to see someone else that becomes a friend to them,
53:07 and you've done that.
53:09 And there are people that are very quiet,
53:12 but they go to the nursing home anyway and sing,
53:14 and those voices are heard by the people that are there,
53:18 and they are blessed, you know, and so it's a tremendous thing.
53:21 And we were talking the other day to Brother Fitz,
53:26 he was saying, "Well, I got to go.
53:28 I'm going to the nursing home."
53:29 And I said, "Okay."
53:31 And so we have that ministry here for the Benton
53:35 and the West Frankfort area, people that are doing this,
53:37 and we praise the Lord for the opportunity
53:40 that He gives to each one of us to do something.
53:42 And if so, if you don't think you have anything to do,
53:46 well, if you don't think you have anything to do,
53:49 just say to the Lord,
53:50 "Well, Lord, I want something to do."
53:51 And guess what's going to happen.
53:53 So Lord is going to provide something for you to do.
53:56 I'm willing to share the scripture
53:57 on kind of what you are touching on Galatians 6:2,
54:00 it says there,
54:01 "Bear ye one another's burdens,
54:03 and so fulfill the law of Christ."
54:04 Yes. That's really huge.
54:06 And, you know, kind of what we've been talking about
54:08 is being intentional.
54:10 We have to be intentional
54:11 when we go to want to nurture people
54:13 'cause there is people walk in our churches,
54:14 and they are first timers, or they just come in.
54:16 And if you don't go up and shake their hand, you know,
54:18 people get upset, you know how it is.
54:20 And they're like, "Oh, nobody came and said hi to me,
54:22 nobody shook my hand."
54:24 You know, it's like we need to be intentional
54:26 about nurturing.
54:27 We've actually talked about
54:28 sitting at the back of the church,
54:30 and watching people come in,
54:31 and going, and trying to 'cause, you know,
54:33 people are like swarm you like,
54:34 "Hey, you know, I got to get to this one though."
54:36 So you are trying to get to that one person, you know,
54:38 just to say hi and say, "Hey, it's glad to see you here,"
54:41 and just let them know that they've been seeing,
54:43 and I think it's really intense.
54:44 That's a ministry in itself.
54:46 I received a very long handwritten letter.
54:49 And I know, time is short right now in the program,
54:53 but this young lady and her mother
54:56 were watching 3ABN Latino,
54:59 and they decided to visit a Spanish church,
55:02 and you know, they're like,
55:03 "Oh, please, I want to visit a church.
55:06 We've learned so much watching 3ABN Latino.
55:09 Where is the nearest church, you know, where we live?"
55:12 I'm not going to say the town or the place, but I told them.
55:16 And they went, and they were so excited,
55:19 so excited to go to church.
55:21 But then when church was over and fellowship dinner was over,
55:25 they were heartbroken
55:27 because no one greeted them and at lunchtime,
55:30 everybody with their own groups, you know.
55:33 And the two were eating by themselves in the corner.
55:36 I mean, this doesn't happen in every church
55:38 but I think we should create awareness
55:40 so that this doesn't repeat itself.
55:43 So be in the joy of the Lord, today's Sabbath,
55:46 and we don't have any obligations
55:50 that would draw us away.
55:52 So make sure that just as you want
55:55 or you need to be nurtured
55:57 that you nurture somebody else today.
56:00 And, you know, it's amazing.
56:02 I don't know why I've thought about this.
56:03 I remember when, when Samuel and Caleb,
56:05 they both did the same thing.
56:06 It's kind of interesting.
56:08 I guess, they gained some of this from Idalia.
56:12 They're more prone to say hi to somebody
56:16 than I probably would be.
56:18 And Samuel was in a little car, little tiny,
56:21 and were passing people in the store
56:23 and Samuel's going, "Hi"
56:25 out of the blue and the people go, "Oh, hi.
56:28 How are you?" they would say to Samuel.
56:29 And he would say, "I'm doing fine."
56:31 And we would...
56:32 And that's the way, you know, he was as a little boy.
56:35 And, you know, we praise the Lord
56:38 that they were able to minister to people that way
56:41 because people were suddenly smiling,
56:44 you know, they weren't smiling before
56:45 but now they're smiling
56:46 because someone said hi to them.
56:48 And so, well, it's unbelievable.
56:50 The time is drawing to close here.
56:52 We just have seconds to be with you.
56:54 So we are grateful that you have been with us
56:57 during this time that we have been together.
56:59 We thank you Donald for being with us,
57:01 Sister Janelle,
57:02 and Brother Daniel Peek, they had been with us.
57:04 And we just praise the Lord
57:06 for the time we've had together.
57:07 Sorry, that we can't stay with you any longer,
57:09 there's another program coming on very soon.
57:11 We were just getting started. We were just getting started.
57:13 But we want to encourage you to let the Lord know
57:16 that you are available,
57:17 that you are willing to be used by the Lord
57:19 to say something, or do something,
57:21 to help someone, find encouragement, find hope.
57:25 And so just make yourself available to the Lord.
57:27 And finally, we'd like to all say to you
57:30 have a happy Sabbath, God bless you.
57:33 Amen.


Revised 2018-04-09