Today Family Worship

Angels Armor and Promises Part 3

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW018007A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:09 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:13 What a way to start the special sacred hours,
01:17 these sanctified hours that God has set apart
01:20 so He can come and meet with His people.
01:23 And we are so glad
01:24 that you have tuned in to worship
01:25 with us to start it.
01:27 My name is Chris Shelton,
01:28 and I'm sitting here with my husband,
01:30 Pastor Kenny Shelton,
01:31 and we would just welcome our 3ABN viewers,
01:34 our 3ABN family together around the table
01:37 as we study tonight.
01:38 Tonight is going to be the third part,
01:41 and it is entitled "Angels, Armor, and Promises."
01:45 And if you haven't heard about the angels
01:48 or if you missed the second part
01:50 where we started about the armor,
01:52 I encourage you to go to YouTube
01:55 and just search that name 3ABN Family Worship,
01:58 you can search either,
02:00 Pastor Kenny and Chris Shelton or you can put in
02:02 "Angels, Armor, and Promises."
02:04 Today or tonight is going to be the third part,
02:06 but I'm looking forward to either a fourth
02:08 or maybe a fifth
02:10 'cause I don't think we're going to get
02:11 to the promises,
02:12 but you know, it's been such a blessing.
02:14 Yes, it has. Yes.
02:15 It was a blessing to open this up again this morning.
02:18 There's so much information.
02:22 And it just that more you study,
02:23 the more that there is, and the more that God wants
02:26 to give to each and everyone of us.
02:28 And I want to welcome
02:30 our 3ABN family, with us today.
02:34 I'll go ahead and introduce everybody.
02:36 To my far right is Brother J.D. I call him my buddy.
02:40 Yeah, that's all right.
02:41 But he's probably everybody's buddy,
02:43 but he is just so good to be around
02:46 and just so encouraging all the time.
02:49 And his lovely wife is next to him.
02:51 You probably need no introduction either,
02:53 but Sister Shelley Quinn, and she's a blessing, too.
02:57 If you haven't got to know Shelley,
02:59 you know, by watching her programs
03:01 or on camp meeting,
03:03 you know, anytime she's speaking,
03:04 she is always a blessing.
03:06 And another blessing is to my left, Sister Mollie.
03:09 Ooh!
03:11 And more you get to know Mollie,
03:12 the more you love her.
03:13 That's all I can say, you know so...
03:15 Thank you, Lord.
03:16 Amen. Amen.
03:17 And I know you've had
03:19 so many things going on in your life.
03:20 And before we start the program, she says,
03:22 "Just wherever God leads,
03:24 it's in His hands, in His careness."
03:27 And, you know, that's where we all want to be.
03:30 And before I say anymore,
03:32 I would like to give a short synopsis,
03:35 just going through Ephesians,
03:36 but I think before we do that, we should open with prayer.
03:40 So would you open with prayer with us?
03:41 Absolutely. Okay.
03:43 I invite you to pray with us at home, too.
03:44 Let's pray together.
03:46 Most gracious, Heavenly Father, we again we thank you
03:48 for the beginning hours of Sabbath.
03:50 We thank you for seeing us safely
03:52 through another week.
03:53 We thank you for the blessings that you send our way,
03:55 and especially, for Calvary, thank you for Jesus.
03:58 We pray as we study Your Words,
04:00 we sit around this table and there are those at home
04:03 who are sitting around their table right now,
04:05 maybe on their couch,
04:06 and we should invite them to open the Word of God.
04:10 Take a pen and a pencil,
04:11 jot down things that will be spoken
04:13 that will touch their heart and life
04:15 and for a further study.
04:17 Lord, we invite thy Holy Spirit
04:19 now to accompany everything that's said,
04:21 everything that's done that may magnify You,
04:23 may bring honor and glory to You,
04:25 and You alone.
04:26 Lord, help us to be reminded.
04:28 We just stand behind the cross of Calvary
04:30 and the Jesus is to be lifted up.
04:32 You said, you know, He lifted up
04:34 will draw all men and to me.
04:36 So we pray the night that you'll be lifted up,
04:38 those who are viewing, those who would listen,
04:40 whatever it might be,
04:41 we pray hearts and lives will be touched,
04:43 not just for this moment, but for eternity.
04:45 I'm just thank you for this opportunity.
04:47 Thank you for each one who sits around this table
04:49 and each one of you out there,
04:50 will just give you praise, honor, and glory
04:52 to the king of kings
04:54 and Lord of Lord in Jesus' name, amen.
04:55 Amen.
04:57 You know, we before we begin the study on
04:59 "Angels, Armor, and Promises,"
05:01 I don't think that I've ever spend quite
05:03 as much time on the armor of God.
05:06 You know, I mean, we've taught and thought about it
05:09 and time's passed, but just really not digging,
05:12 not pulling together so much.
05:14 And I love what God has done with each and every one of you,
05:17 how He's giving you other pieces
05:19 that that kind of help
05:20 this come together and make a whole.
05:23 And one thing that I'd like for our viewers to know
05:26 and all of us here
05:27 is I feel like this armor is such a precious gift.
05:31 Oh, yeah. Amen.
05:32 And as when I go through Ephesians
05:34 and I read it to you again,
05:35 I hope you see what I'm talking about.
05:37 It is a gift that God has given to us
05:40 unto salvation and to provide protection
05:45 so that we can rightly be fit
05:48 for this war, this warfare,
05:52 this spiritual warfare that we're in.
05:54 And I think as we read through these,
05:56 the spiritual warfare even becomes more clearer,
05:59 and we need that.
06:01 We need to ascertain what is happening.
06:03 We need to be praying daily for the mind of Christ.
06:07 Because this is what He had on,
06:09 this is what helped Him to go through,
06:11 and we need to use Him as our pattern.
06:13 Amen, amen.
06:14 So if you would, turn in your Bibles
06:16 with me to Ephesians 6,
06:18 and I'm going to read verses 10-18.
06:21 Ephesians 6:10-18, and it reads,
06:27 "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord,
06:30 and in the power of His might."
06:33 I love that, and I may stop it.
06:34 Every sentence as we're planning to...
06:35 Oh, bless you. All right.
06:37 Short synopsis, but to be strong in the Lord.
06:40 What a promise because how often have
06:42 we felt weak and inadequate and nothing.
06:44 Oh, yeah. Every day.
06:46 But as we put on this armor,
06:48 God says, "I want you to be strong,
06:50 I'm going to give you power as you put on each piece."
06:53 "Put on the whole armor
06:55 that ye may be able to stand against
06:58 the wiles of the devil."
07:01 Right there, highlight it, underline it,
07:03 do whatever you need to do because without this armor,
07:07 without every essential piece of the armor,
07:11 you will not be able to stand.
07:12 If you don't have each piece on,
07:14 Brother J.D.
07:15 the enemy's going to look at you,
07:17 and he's going to say,
07:18 "Oh, he's a little weak in that breastplate,"
07:19 and that's where he begins to wedge.
07:22 And I hope people really will listen to that
07:24 because the agents of evil are out there,
07:27 and I know our habits, backward and forward,
07:30 and I know what our weak points are.
07:32 Absolutely. So you're exactly right.
07:35 You need to be protected from head to toe,
07:37 and this is what Paul's bringing out here.
07:39 I think maybe it needs to be part of our daily prayer.
07:41 I mean, there's so many things I know all of us pray about,
07:44 but we need to be praying about this every day.
07:47 "For we wrestle not with flesh and blood,
07:49 but against principalities, against powers,
07:52 against rulers of the darkness of this world..."
07:55 Things that we don't see, power we don't even understand.
07:59 That's what we wrestle against spiritually.
08:01 "Against spiritual wickedness in high places.
08:05 Wherefore, take unto you the whole armor."
08:08 Not just the feet, not just the sword,
08:12 not just the shield or of the breastplate,
08:15 but the whole armor of God.
08:17 "That ye may be able to withstand in the evil day."
08:22 And, you know, there's been a lot of evil days
08:24 since this was written.
08:26 But in the time that we're looking at,
08:28 I'm thinking about that great time of trouble.
08:32 I'm thinking about, you know, the seven last plagues,
08:36 I'm thinking about laws being passed
08:38 such as the Sunday law, and so when I read this,
08:43 "We have to put on the whole armor
08:46 in order to withstand that evil day."
08:50 In order to withstand the persecution amongst those
08:54 who are elevating truth over error.
08:57 Having done all the stand, verse 14 reads,
09:01 "Stand therefore having
09:02 your loins girt about with truth..."
09:04 Truth is so vitally important. I can't go back and read.
09:08 You know, just rehash everything we've covered,
09:10 but we're to worship God and spirit and then truth.
09:13 Not almost truth, but all truth.
09:15 "And having on the breastplate of righteousness."
09:18 God's precious gift, His righteousness.
09:21 "And our feet shod
09:23 with the preparation of the gospel of peace.
09:26 Above all..."
09:27 And this is where we'll be starting here tonight.
09:29 "Taking the shield of faith,
09:31 wherewith ye shall be able to quench
09:34 all the fiery darts of the wicked."
09:36 Amen? Yes.
09:37 "And take the helmet of salvation
09:39 and the sword of the spirit, which is the Word of God."
09:43 The armory of God is a Bible. And our sword is the word.
09:47 "Praying always with all power
09:49 and supplication in the Spirit..."
09:52 Did you get that?
09:54 "Praying always..."
09:55 You know, I've been doing some reading this week
09:57 and it's only those who are fervently praying,
10:01 they're going to make it through.
10:02 That's right.
10:03 A lot of us become complacent, and we think,
10:05 "Oh, it's not big deal, doesn't really matter."
10:08 There's going to come a time where Jesus makes the command
10:12 as it were to take that angel from that person
10:15 and give it to the one that is fervently praying
10:20 and anguishing in the spirit.
10:22 "And watching thereunto with all perseverance
10:25 and supplication for all saints."
10:28 What a blessing?
10:30 So, Sister Mollie, I'm going to throw it to you.
10:33 We're going to talk about the shield of faith,
10:35 and I know God has given you
10:37 a lot of things about this armor
10:39 that none of us have
10:41 and so what do you think about that shield of faith?
10:43 Well, all we had looked
10:44 at was each one of these are weapons of warfare,
10:50 and they are protective armor
10:53 that we are to use, and each in its...
10:57 Given to us,
10:59 the word speak to us as though we are soldiers.
11:02 Amen. Now let me ask you something.
11:04 Are you a soldier? We are soldiers.
11:05 Are we soldiers in the army of God?
11:08 We certainly should be.
11:09 So each one of these weapons of warfare,
11:13 each one of these pieces of the armor protect
11:16 a certain area of the soldier.
11:19 And this was the terminology we should use
11:23 so that you would have a picture in your mind
11:28 of where this piece of armor should be.
11:31 And so, what we just mentioned was the shield of faith.
11:36 Now what was the purpose of the shield of faith?
11:39 Whereby you may do what?
11:41 Quench all the fiery darts of the enemy.
11:45 Now the Roman soldiers shield
11:49 measured approximately 2 feet by 4 feet
11:53 and was made of wood,
11:54 but it was covered with leather.
11:57 So the shield, the shield of faith covered...
12:00 It's made of wood covered with leather.
12:03 Now in that day, here's what soldier's did.
12:07 They would take their arrows, arrow, you know, arrows.
12:11 That was their major weapon of warfare, were the arrows,
12:15 the offensive weapons,
12:17 and they would dip the tip in oil
12:19 and light it on fire.
12:21 Wow!
12:22 You've seen the movies, Ben-Hur and...
12:26 And they would shoot those arrows,
12:28 and so what these...
12:31 With the leather covering the shield of faith,
12:36 the wooden shield.
12:38 When they would shoot the flaming arrow
12:42 into that leather,
12:43 you know what the leather would do?
12:44 Quench the fire. Amen.
12:46 It would keep the soldiers from being burnt.
12:49 And so see the parallel here of the shield of faith
12:55 and the actual piece of physical equipment
12:59 that the soldiers used.
13:01 Now this is what I think of that shield of faith.
13:05 When they had their shield of faith on,
13:08 they had certainty
13:10 that they were being protected.
13:11 They had confidence that that fire could not burn
13:15 through that leather and get to them and burn them.
13:17 When we've got our shield of faith up,
13:19 what does that give us?
13:21 It gives us certainty, believer's certainty.
13:24 We can have assurance that we are being protected
13:29 because we've got on our shield of faith.
13:31 But now what's height was it? It was 4 foot by...
13:35 Two. Two.
13:36 Okay, so what came to mind is...
13:38 2 by 4.
13:39 If it's a 2 by 4, what came to mind is you were saying
13:42 that is if the enemies coming at you
13:44 from the front and you've got it up there?
13:48 But the thing about the shield was it was maneuverable.
13:50 That's right. Yes.
13:52 It could be from any direction, and that's what,
13:54 you know, we just have to have believing, saving,
13:58 covering faith in God's character,
14:01 in His Word,
14:02 His ability to perform His Word.
14:04 But that's what struck me
14:06 is that that shield is something
14:08 that they held in their hand,
14:10 and we have to have faith in every area.
14:12 We may have faith in a certain area.
14:16 Let's say that someone has accepted Christ
14:18 as their Savior, and they've got that faith,
14:21 and there's nobody can take that away from them,
14:24 but it comes to the Sabbath, oops,
14:28 their shield of faith hasn't turned them in.
14:31 You see what I'm saying? Absolutely.
14:32 And so, you've got to, as you said,
14:34 "The devil's going to come at us
14:36 from any direction he can."
14:37 So that's what's beautiful about that shield of faith.
14:39 You know, something that I see in this also,
14:43 when we're in prayer, and we've got our shield,
14:48 you know, your back could be exposed.
14:51 So I'm thinking, you know,
14:52 how one could put 1,000, two can put 10,000.
14:55 So Shelley and I are in prayer, we are praying for something.
14:59 We stand back to back.
15:01 We've got the shield on both sides of us.
15:03 And we can go into our prayer
15:04 because, you know, that's how the soldiers did.
15:07 They battled back to back.
15:10 And so our warfare is in prayer,
15:15 you know, we go deeply into prayer
15:17 and fight those spiritual battles.
15:20 And so, we need to have a prayer partner
15:22 where one can put a 1,000 and two can put 10,000.
15:25 You know, on those...
15:26 When they fought
15:27 these battles many times, each person...
15:30 Our faith is different, right?
15:31 Each person in their walk experiences
15:33 some faith a little here,
15:35 maybe something little less, but before the battle,
15:37 there was always the...
15:39 Each person had a duty to perform.
15:41 Right.
15:42 And again, we're talking about this shield of...
15:44 So usually, when the arrows were flying in,
15:46 and you're talking about it on fire,
15:48 remember, a lot of times, what they would do
15:49 when you had the shield up there,
15:51 they would arch those arrows on fire
15:53 and they would come down on top of them.
15:54 It still strikes them on the head or whatever.
15:56 So you had different warriors, they would take their shield,
16:00 you know, have the outer perimeter.
16:02 Each one would have theirs, like this,
16:04 that would protect the ones,
16:06 and the next row, up there, they would take theirs
16:07 and go a little bit higher and slant it.
16:09 The next people would do, you know, so on.
16:11 So each one has specific duty.
16:13 And if there was an opening, somebody got hurt.
16:16 So each one has specific job to do.
16:18 So it's kind of like the spiritual part
16:20 of these fiery darts we're talking about here.
16:24 It's to stop fiery dart...
16:26 On fire, comes and hits that shield
16:28 you were talking about here.
16:29 And in spiritual,
16:31 that stops sin before it finds root in us.
16:33 Yeah. That's good.
16:34 Say the sin, that's fiery dart.
16:37 And how does that fiery darts come?
16:40 You know, in a bit different thing,
16:41 we talk about fiery temptations, you know.
16:45 We talk about that...
16:47 It can be discouragement.
16:49 It can be impatient. Trials.
16:51 Trials, tribulation, jealousy,
16:53 anger, envy, pride. Doubt.
16:56 Doubt, all of these are those fiery darts
16:58 that the envy has aimed at us. Yes. Yes.
17:01 'Cause he knows, you mentioned, well, he knows us very well.
17:05 And he knows what makes us maybe,
17:07 you know...
17:09 I like this because we're tested sometimes
17:10 on these things.
17:12 And usually, if a husband and wife,
17:13 if they're not in the Lord and really geared up here
17:16 and usually one of them knows what upsets the other one,
17:19 they'll let them have it in that one area.
17:20 And the other would hit back
17:22 and then everything, you know, explodes.
17:24 So through that all, we can become stronger.
17:28 Because it's through tests and trials,
17:30 and I always like to say those little trials of God...
17:32 You know, or a character to be perfected.
17:35 Amen. So praise God for that.
17:36 But what you're speaking of is how badly we need each other.
17:39 Oh, yes. Amen. Yes.
17:41 Oh, that the body needs the body.
17:43 And you mentioned too, you know, going in together,
17:45 and I almost got spiritual goosebumps
17:47 'cause I was thinking about Christ
17:49 sending the people out 2 by 2,
17:52 and also we're two or three are gathered together in His name,
17:55 there He is in the midst.
17:57 You know, but it takes the whole body
17:59 as you were talking the whole body of Christ,
18:01 and you also said
18:02 where did these fiery darts come from.
18:04 And I've been doing a lot of reading
18:06 about, you know, the time hat we're in,
18:09 and what the straight testimony is all about.
18:14 And see the faith, we need the shield of faith
18:18 because I mentioned in our last program,
18:21 it's not even distinguishing truth from error always,
18:24 it's truth from almost truth.
18:26 Oh, yeah.
18:28 So we have to be so grounded in the truth in our faith,
18:32 and we are exercising that faith, you talked about
18:35 moving it side to side.
18:36 We're exercising the faith.
18:39 And it sometimes it's the little things,
18:42 you know, things that many people may not even think
18:45 or anything to really worry about,
18:48 but I've read in Spirit of Prophecy
18:51 that many types it's those little things
18:53 that cause us to stumble
18:56 and then our shield is let down and the enemy comes in,
18:59 and we won't be able to stay in.
19:00 So the little principles
19:03 when we're going and we're witnessing,
19:05 say with other people of other faiths,
19:07 and they come and they say,
19:09 "Well, yeah, well, you believe in this,
19:10 but I believe it's this because dah-dah-dah-dah.
19:13 And you may be thinking, "Huh, what was all right?
19:17 You know, it sure seemed right."
19:18 Well, I remember reading..."
19:21 You begin to waver
19:22 and that shield of faith begins to move.
19:25 So that's why it's so important that we are strong in the faith
19:30 that no matter...
19:31 We're coming to a time
19:32 you cannot believe what you see,
19:35 what you hear, maybe even what you smell.
19:39 You know, you think of Christ in the wilderness
19:41 and then turning the stones to bread.
19:43 What if he could smell that? He was so hungry.
19:46 You see, so we have to
19:48 no matter what's going around us,
19:50 no matter what laws are being passed,
19:53 we have to have faith in the truth,
19:56 and it's that faith of that small group
19:59 that's going to help to see them through,
20:02 and then they'll receive the latter rain.
20:05 Isn't that beautiful? It is beautiful.
20:08 Go ahead.
20:09 And, you know, it says now what we just read here,
20:11 this word just jumped out at me.
20:14 "Above all, taking the shield of faith,"
20:16 in other words,
20:18 this is Paul talking to his people, you know.
20:20 Listen, position yourself because the day is coming
20:24 whenever we need to count on this,
20:26 it goes, "Wherein ye shall be able to quench all..."
20:30 Yes. Fiery darts.
20:31 "All of them." All of them. Praise God.
20:33 Yeah. Amen.
20:34 So yes, we're going to be attacked on all the side,
20:36 but yet the cause of the faith that you have,
20:40 Lord increased my faith. Yes.
20:42 And that shield is there to protect you from all.
20:46 And, you know, there's...
20:47 Thank you, Lord, we'll bring everything to you.
20:49 Thank you, Lord,
20:51 for the shield that You've given us
20:52 so that we can combat against all.
20:55 The other thing you just brought to my mind too
20:57 that I read in preparation for this was
21:00 it takes the faith,
21:02 it takes us using the faith and having the faith
21:05 for God to even be able to send His angels.
21:08 Amen. Around us to help us.
21:10 So we have to have faith first.
21:12 You know, the thought that struck me
21:14 when you were speaking,
21:15 Hebrews 11:6, you all can say this with me,
21:18 "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him."
21:21 Because when we come to Him,
21:23 we must believe that He is
21:25 and that He is a rewarder of those
21:27 who earnestly seek Him.
21:29 I remember getting to that scripture
21:32 when I was not quite a mature Christian.
21:36 And the way in which I study is when I read something,
21:38 and I don't understand it, I just say, "God, what?"
21:41 So it was like, "What do you mean without faith,
21:43 it's impossible to please You?"
21:45 Because, to me, at that time, it was like,
21:48 "You know what it's like to be down here?
21:51 Jesus, you walked this earth,
21:53 you can see how we could doubt."
21:55 And where He took me...
21:57 And this is what I just wanted to share with you at home.
22:01 The reason faith is so important
22:04 and believing in His Word as you're saying.
22:06 You know, there's that faith to...
22:10 I believe the foundation of faith is trust,
22:13 but the reason that we need to trust in Him,
22:17 and 1 John 5:10 is where the Lord took me,
22:20 I'm just going to read you the whole scripture,
22:22 but I'm going to focus on the B part.
22:25 When it says, we cannot please God without faith,
22:28 it says, "He who believes in the Son of God
22:31 has the witness in himself.
22:33 He who does not believe God has made Him a liar..."
22:39 Oh! That's pretty heavy.
22:40 Yes. Now that's heavy.
22:42 Amen, and that's true. It's true.
22:43 So if we don't accept the Word of God...
22:47 And I tell you, Chris,
22:49 'cause you were talking about the whole truth.
22:52 There is...
22:53 I heard this saying once,
22:55 and it always stuck with me, that...
22:57 We'll see if it's stuck with me.
23:01 "Preconceived opinions
23:05 effectively insulate the mind against truth."
23:09 So you start talking to someone as I was brought up...
23:15 That commandments were nailed to the cross,
23:18 you start talking to someone
23:19 who hasn't spend considerable time
23:22 in the scripture studying it for themselves,
23:25 putting aside everything they've been taught,
23:27 and you try to convince them of the beauty of the Sabbath,
23:30 and they're going to laugh you off.
23:31 And they're not going to have faith,
23:34 but that's why it's so important
23:36 to get into the word and make certain that
23:39 everything we're holding dear
23:42 as our belief system is the entire counsel of God.
23:48 You know, one thing that always impressed me
23:51 about your relationship with the Lord is
23:54 whenever you decided that this is the path
23:57 that you're going to follow
23:58 through the aid of the Holy Spirit.
24:00 Okay, you have your shield up, you know, and says,
24:03 "Listen, Shelley, forget what you think that you know
24:06 and let me guide you." Amen.
24:09 And so, I think that's a word for a lot of people.
24:11 Yes, it is. It is.
24:12 And we do have preconceived ideas.
24:14 What's our legitimate that we're born, you know,
24:16 I mean, that's leadership at home.
24:18 And lots of times,
24:20 people are ignorant for no fault.
24:23 You know, they just...
24:25 But, boy, if you're a seeker,
24:27 you're going to start turning the pages.
24:29 I've had to change my...
24:30 I don't know, anybody hear of it.
24:31 I had to change my little preconceived ideas at time
24:34 or even the way you were raised or what you heard
24:37 and what you thought was...
24:38 The truth until you got to really studying
24:41 and the Holy Spirit begin to work.
24:42 I heard one man say one time, talking about,
24:45 when thinking in terms of
24:47 how the Holy Spirit leads and guides isn't all truth.
24:50 He said the problem with Paul's writings
24:53 is the way that he wrote them.
24:54 If he just write them simple and plain
24:56 like some of the other Bible writers,
24:58 I can understand it,
24:59 and then I could have explained to other people,
25:00 but he didn't write it the way he's supposed to.
25:02 Well, we understand all scriptures
25:04 getting by inspiration from God, the Holy Spirit.
25:06 So it's not how he wrote down.
25:08 We need spiritual things are spiritually discerned,
25:12 so we need the Holy Spirit to help us,
25:13 so you're talking about here when we come to...
25:15 And I've done it myself.
25:17 I come to it a lot of times that passage,
25:18 and I say, you know, "I just can't quite get this."
25:21 I know what other people might be able to get it right,
25:23 but I can't get it,
25:24 so, Lord, I want to know what the truth is."
25:27 And if it demands a change,
25:29 then help me to make that change
25:31 because the pride business,
25:32 or I'm right all the times, or we have a...
25:35 Truth is progress even onward and so on.
25:37 I think we're going to have to changing the molding
25:39 as the Holy Spirit guides and directs us.
25:41 I'm a believer in that.
25:43 The good news is I have a lot of Paul's writings.
25:47 He certainly is hitting home
25:48 right here in the Ephesians 6:10-18
25:50 because we can...
25:52 At least I can see the picture.
25:53 And if I can see the picture,
25:55 I think that most people see the picture.
25:57 Amen.
25:59 You know that one interesting
26:00 because when Paul was writing this, right?
26:02 What was he really addressing?
26:05 He was really addressing the church
26:07 and the issues that were going in the church at this time.
26:10 How we need to have unity,
26:11 how we need to be talking about shoulder to shoulder
26:13 using the shield,
26:15 you hold here and one over here,
26:16 but together...
26:17 And he's saying,
26:19 "If we're going to have unity in the church,
26:20 and in the truth, and in the doctrines,
26:21 and the teachings, we had to be able to cover,
26:23 pray for one another, work for one another."
26:25 We said, "First of all,
26:26 it's not going to happen at church
26:28 unless we put the whole armor on.
26:30 If we have an arm,
26:31 then something good's going to happen."
26:32 And the beautiful thing is
26:34 as you're studying each piece of the armor,
26:35 it's going to deal with our character.
26:37 And our characters will be changed.
26:39 You know, if nothing else, I hope that your family,
26:42 our family at home,
26:44 you will begin to dig deeper.
26:46 You know, sometimes in...
26:47 Maybe not you guys,
26:49 but at least for me, it's overwhelming.
26:51 And I look back, I think, "Boy, if I could just remember,
26:54 recall everything I've studied I might know something."
26:58 But you know this... Isn't it interesting?
27:00 And I'm sure you found this,
27:02 it's like you will study something,
27:03 and then it can be a hot topic for you for a while
27:06 and then you're kind of forget it.
27:07 But then, later on,
27:09 you are studying something completely different,
27:12 and the Lord reminds you of what you are.
27:15 He brings it to our memories
27:17 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
27:19 So it's always in there.
27:21 He can't put...
27:22 He can't bring it to mind if you haven't done your best.
27:24 That's true. That's right.
27:25 We've got to do our part, family.
27:27 We have to get out.
27:28 And what a gift,
27:30 even the spirit of prophecy books
27:31 that we have for the Adventist Church.
27:33 If you're not an Adventist, call and get some,
27:35 we've got some wonderful books, we'd love to share with you.
27:37 But what a gift,
27:39 they're always bringing us back to the Word of God
27:41 and helping it to become clear.
27:43 God cannot put in what we haven't done for ourselves.
27:47 We do our part,
27:49 He's going to come and do the rest.
27:50 Isn't that beautiful? Yes, it is.
27:52 And the bottom line on this shield of faith
27:54 is 1 John 5:4. Okay.
27:56 Where he said that, "Whatever is born of God
27:59 has overcome the world.
28:01 And this is the victory
28:04 that has overcome the world, our faith."
28:08 And that's how we become overcomers.
28:12 You know, we've all mentioned, I think the importance,
28:15 the vital importance of having faith...
28:20 So I'm just thinking of those that are saying,
28:23 "But I don't have faith."
28:25 So let's go to how simple this is.
28:29 How does faith... How did we get the faith...
28:31 Romans 10:17.
28:33 Faith comes by the Word of God.
28:35 Hearing and hearing about the word.
28:36 Hearing and hearing about the Word of God.
28:39 So you want your faith to grow.
28:42 Do you know your faith will grow?
28:44 Amen. How does your faith grow?
28:46 By getting into God's Word.
28:48 And remember those preconceived notions
28:51 Shelley was talking about, going into something,
28:54 and you've already got your mind made up,
28:56 and you may not even know your mind's made up,
28:58 but because you've heard it this way forever.
29:01 Who's this?
29:02 Abnormal is normal,
29:04 if that's how you've ever been known.
29:06 Yeah, that's true.
29:07 And so we go into God...
29:09 When you open up God's work...
29:11 And, Kenny, you heard on this beautifully.
29:13 When you go into God's Word, you stop reading, studying.
29:17 Oh, God, search me if there is era in me
29:21 through this word
29:23 because the entrance of God's Word gives light,
29:25 understanding to the simple.
29:27 So, Father, as I am reading this word,
29:29 show me the era of my way
29:32 as faith enters into my heart, reveal my era."
29:36 And oh, God, where there is era,
29:37 I give you permission to root it out
29:40 and to line me up with the truth of Your Word,
29:43 and it all starts with what, spending time...
29:47 I think it doesn't matter
29:49 what area of God's Word you're studying
29:52 and looking into,
29:53 the Word of God is your foundation and your basis.
29:56 And you always simultaneously invite the Holy Spirit
30:00 and to be your God.
30:01 Yes, always.
30:02 And I think that that's very important.
30:05 This is part of faith.
30:06 Lord, assist me here.
30:08 I give the Holy Spirit permission to be in charge,
30:11 now you're stepping out in faith because it may not...
30:14 You may have ideas of your own,
30:16 but yet you're giving Him permission to work in you.
30:20 And you may think that you've got
30:21 to read volumes of God's Word, you know, God would rather,
30:25 you walk in the truth of one scripture
30:29 than for you to read three chapters
30:31 and not do any of it.
30:33 So just spend...
30:36 Don't try to start out with reading the whole chapter,
30:39 start out reading small portions of it,
30:42 and asking God to enlighten you,
30:44 and show you what this means.
30:46 Then walk in the light of that.
30:47 I was just thinking when you said that
30:49 though in 2016 at the ASI Convention,
30:54 the gentlemen who had...
30:55 He had some kind of...
30:59 Well, substitute for ice cream,
31:02 but he had been an atheist
31:04 and his friend was a Seventh-day Adventist.
31:08 And he got so upset with his friend
31:12 constantly talking to him about the Word of God
31:16 that what he did was this guy said,
31:19 "I'm going to get a Bible,
31:20 I'm going to sit down and read it
31:22 so I can argue against him."
31:24 And he sat down and read it
31:26 from cover to cover and gave his heart to the Lord.
31:29 And he is so active in church now, preaching,
31:33 and seeing the Word of God is alive
31:35 and the power in this word, it has such power.
31:39 Yes. Amen.
31:40 It's the only book that can change lives the way it does.
31:43 And the problem that I see even with the shield of faith
31:47 is that many people become complacent.
31:50 And they are in churches
31:52 and they think all we have to do
31:53 is have faith in Christ as our Lord and Savior,
31:57 except Him and they go no further.
32:00 But that is beautiful
32:01 because you've never seen our position
32:05 until you begin to share the truth with people.
32:06 Yeah, unless the fact.
32:08 And the old enemy begins to wear his ugly hat,
32:10 but, you know, if you have apathy,
32:13 if you really don't have a desire to study,
32:16 one thing I learned years ago
32:17 is that if we don't have it, we ask for it.
32:19 You know, and the Holy Spirit will give us that desire.
32:22 Ask him to wake you up earlier
32:25 so, you know, a lot of times we think,
32:26 "Well, I've got the kids, I've got this, I've got that."
32:29 What if you had another hour?
32:31 Even if you start out...
32:32 Or even 15 minutes. Yes.
32:34 Sometimes if people think, "Oh, I've got to do all this,"
32:38 it's just discouraging to start with,
32:40 but that just start where you can.
32:43 Or do what,
32:44 somebody who's sitting at this table
32:46 told me that she did, Chris.
32:47 And that is...
32:49 Sometimes you don't have time to read, get it on audio.
32:50 Oh, yes. Audio verse.
32:52 Just, you know, you can be driving the children to school
32:55 and listening to the Bible or as you drive to work
32:59 you are listening to the Bible.
33:00 So you can get the audios of it.
33:03 Well, you're exercising, and people say,
33:04 "I can't exercise, I can't stay, and I can do."
33:06 You can do both.
33:07 Yes. Yes.
33:09 By listening or watching, you know, as you're doing
33:10 your lyrical, whatever it might be.
33:12 So there is a way to do it.
33:13 But if person is not wanting to receive,
33:16 they can really put up some opposition.
33:18 I'm talking about study...
33:20 I remember studying with a guy one time
33:21 that came over to the house
33:22 and studying and he want to know any issues.
33:24 So we began to discuss that issue and so anyway,
33:28 but turned to the Word of God
33:29 and was reading some passages there.
33:30 He just started to getting more aggravated,
33:33 you know, and so I kind of backed down,
33:34 backed away a little bit,
33:36 then he'd ask another question, I'd go back into the Word.
33:38 Finally, he just...
33:40 He wasn't willing and ready to receive yet,
33:42 but yet, he was still asking like,
33:43 "Well, just keep showing me, keep showing me."
33:45 Well, the end result, he walked over to me,
33:49 he reached down
33:50 'cause I was pointing there to the passage.
33:52 He took that Bible
33:54 and he ripped that page of the Bible out,
33:56 he watered it up and hit me in the face with it.
33:58 Oh, my... Well, I had to pray.
34:00 Oh, yeah.
34:01 I had to pray for patience right then and there
34:03 because my first instinct is we'll see,
34:05 you know, somebody not with me out there,
34:08 but that's, you know, these are the things
34:09 we're talking about the fiery darts, right?
34:12 We're talking about here one can be patience,
34:14 one can be anger, you know, whatever it might be.
34:17 But that was a trying time
34:20 because you were trying to give God the Word,
34:22 you know, and the Word of God.
34:24 And, you know, they wanted to...
34:25 And first of all, that hurt.
34:28 That hurt because I realized it was the Word of God
34:30 and how could anybody tear that page up.
34:34 Like most of her when your Bible
34:36 and you go through it a little bit
34:37 and it gets worn, never throw it away,
34:40 you never burn it.
34:42 Always close it up nicely and set it up there
34:43 and keep all the bibles by the grace of God
34:46 because it's so special and so holy.
34:49 And so to do that, first of all,
34:51 and then they didn't really want to hear it.
34:53 So, you know, but, you know,
34:54 the time had changed that the person changed.
34:57 You know, and the person
34:59 actually became the pastor later on.
35:00 So it was good that just sit in the seat and...
35:04 My Uncle Bentwood say,
35:06 "You bite your tongue, you know,
35:07 and say nothing and ask God to do
35:09 what needs to be done
35:10 because that ain't right there."
35:12 So those tests will come, but it's all right
35:14 because Holy Spirit is going to be there to help us.
35:15 So you can be blessed sometimes by biting your tongue?
35:19 Exactly.
35:20 It was a time in which we do that.
35:22 But the armor, right, we talked about this part.
35:24 We have to have the armor on
35:26 because there have been one piece
35:27 that maybe it was not on,
35:29 that piece that would have been,
35:30 that would have been the loose part
35:31 right there then it could really been
35:33 where it shouldn't have been.
35:34 That's many years ago, but still...
35:36 We need to move on to this Holy Spirit, but...
35:37 Okay, honey.
35:39 Before we do, just one little-bitty last thing
35:40 I want to just finish up
35:42 'cause I mentioned about having faith in Jesus Christ.
35:45 But we need to have faith in His teaching,
35:48 in the Word of God,
35:49 in His principles that we stand firm on those principles.
35:53 And sometimes, a principle is something that we think,
35:56 "Oh, that could be a gray area or whatever."
35:58 You know what I'm saying?
35:59 But we have to learn to have faith
36:01 and unwavering trust in His Word.
36:04 Amen.
36:05 So it's just beautiful,
36:07 this armor that He has given us.
36:08 'Cause how many soldiers, by the way.
36:11 What if we sent our men and our women into battle
36:15 without their armor on, without the necessary means?
36:19 And like it or not, even people
36:21 who don't realize they are in a spiritual warfare,
36:23 one day they will.
36:25 And it will be too late.
36:27 Well, I wasn't in the military,
36:29 it wasn't because I didn't want to be,
36:31 it's just because of I think it's God's grace.
36:34 I flunked my physical.
36:35 And I was a hunk of a man at that particular time so...
36:39 The God flunked him on purpose.
36:40 Someday I'm going to find out
36:42 when I'm certain at the feet of Jesus,
36:43 how come that I was given a 4F?
36:48 But that's neither here nor there, the point is,
36:50 I don't imagine very many people went to Vietnam
36:53 during my time without a helmet.
36:55 That's right.
36:57 And now you were in the service.
36:58 Yes. I guess you had a helmet.
37:00 Absolutely. Yeah.
37:01 I may not think that goes.
37:02 And so here, we've covered our body,
37:04 we've gone from our feet,
37:05 we've gone to our waist, we've gone to our chest.
37:09 Now we're getting up around our head,
37:11 you know, and that's where we think
37:13 and that's where our will is,
37:15 our determination, our priorities.
37:18 So what do we have? Yeah.
37:20 But, you know, when we think about
37:21 what you are talking about here even in the world,
37:24 things around us.
37:25 I mean, what do you do
37:26 if you are just playing football?
37:28 There are certain things that have to protect
37:29 and right now they're looking at the brain, you know,
37:32 that first thing you get that helmet on
37:34 then you have your shoulder pads
37:36 and things to kind of protect your chest and shoulders
37:37 and those things that can be hurt.
37:39 You look at baseball,
37:41 you look at the baseball player,
37:42 the catcher.
37:43 For instance, he has a solid hat on over one,
37:46 he puts the mask over his face,
37:48 takes care of his eyes, his nose, his mouth, his ears,
37:50 and so on and so forth, chest protector and so on.
37:53 They also have...
37:54 Getting down here toward the feet, don't they?
37:56 You know, for the knees and so on,
37:57 and it goes all the way down and goes on to his shoes.
38:00 So when he squats down,
38:02 he is really fully protected and most catchers
38:04 whichever the right handed...
38:05 Whatever they have a glove in the left hand,
38:07 they will reach out.
38:08 You'll notice so many times that hand here,
38:10 this is the only thing it's not protected,
38:11 we basically...
38:12 They will take that one arm sometimes
38:14 and they will put it back behind them right here
38:16 because they are realizing
38:17 that needs to be protected too 'cause...
38:18 Oh, absolutely.
38:20 You know, we shouldn't fight this protection.
38:22 No.
38:23 This is spiritual we're talking about here.
38:25 They realized...
38:26 The world realizes the importance of protection
38:29 and what you're doing.
38:30 And what I'm thinking about real quick right now.
38:32 I wonder when did Paul write this.
38:37 I mean, baseball is a relatively modern game,
38:40 football is a modern game,
38:41 but yet they were doing the same thing way back then.
38:44 Amen.
38:45 So it's not new, it's just that, hey,
38:47 we've got to protect...
38:49 It made common sense then a common sense.
38:50 It does.
38:52 And I'm glad you brought me back
38:53 'cause I skipped the helmet of salvation
38:54 what I said last time.
38:56 And you over there thinking,
38:57 "Yes, I went to the sword of the spirit."
38:58 But the helmet of salvation, we need that helmet,
39:01 we need our minds protect us, somebody give me some thoughts.
39:04 Is that verse 17? Yes, verse 17.
39:07 Somebody give me some thoughts on the helmet of protection.
39:09 I mean, the helmet of salvation.
39:12 To me, the helmet of salvation
39:14 is the blessed assurance of our salvation.
39:17 That's what protects our mind.
39:18 And I'm not talking once saved always saved.
39:21 I mean, we can walk away from the Lord,
39:23 but let me give you
39:24 if you are in Christ, you are saved.
39:28 Salvation doesn't belong to you,
39:32 it belongs Jesus and to God,
39:35 and both the Old and the New Testament say this,
39:38 but let me give you a promise to hold onto.
39:41 It's 1st John,
39:42 and we were just there when we...
39:44 I'm going to begin back where I was in verse 10.
39:47 First John 5:10,
39:49 "He who believes in the Son of God
39:51 has the witness in himself.
39:53 He who does not believe God has made him a liar
39:57 because he has not believed the testimony
39:59 that God has given of His Son.
40:02 This is the testimony, verse 11 says.
40:05 "That God has given us eternal life
40:09 and this life is in His Son,
40:12 He who has the Son, has life,
40:15 He who does not have the Son of God,
40:18 does not have life."
40:19 To me, the helmet of a salvation...
40:22 Boy, as the Lord...
40:24 The Lord had me spend about three weeks on this.
40:27 Oh, beautiful.
40:28 Once and I'm talking like six to eight hours a day.
40:31 And when I really got to that point because...
40:36 And, Mollie, you know this.
40:38 I grew up in a dysfunctional family
40:41 that kind of demanded I was perfect to be loved.
40:44 So I became very performance oriented.
40:47 If I thought you wanted me to do this,
40:49 I mean I'm always trying to please everybody
40:51 and that was my relationship with the Lord.
40:54 And because that was my relationship...
40:56 Because I felt like God couldn't love me
40:59 unless I was perfect.
41:01 I finally gave up one day 'cause nobody's perfect.
41:04 And I walked away from the Lord for a couple of years.
41:07 So here is the point.
41:11 When God took me even though
41:13 I felt like I was a good Christian,
41:14 it wasn't until that time that my mind had
41:18 that assurance, that helmet of salvation on,
41:23 that's what changed me.
41:25 That's what made it easy to obey,
41:28 easy to submit to the Lord,
41:31 easy to yield to the leading of His Spirit.
41:36 Isn't that funny?
41:37 I mean, we don't obey to be saved,
41:40 we obey because we are saved.
41:43 And when you recognize you are a child of God
41:46 and you have that helmet of salvation,
41:48 that assurance, then it makes you want to obey.
41:52 Amen. That's true, good. That's my thought.
41:55 What it says here, you know, I mean I'm trying to...
41:56 I'm in between here, it is the hope of salvation
42:00 because that's what we have whenever we have the helmet.
42:02 Okay, here we got the seat of intelligence up here
42:05 and so now we're thinking, we've decided,
42:09 "Okay, I choose Jesus to serve,
42:11 I want to avoid sin to the best of my ability.
42:14 And I want to be living in Jesus."
42:16 And so, He says, "Be sober,"
42:19 That's part of living with Jesus.
42:21 In other words be calm, you know.
42:26 Be serious about what you believe
42:28 so, you know, be determined, be purposeful, and everything.
42:32 And so that is the hope of salvation.
42:35 Yes.
42:37 And the helmet is there to protect that
42:38 because of that decision that you are making...
42:40 Amen. Amen.
42:42 I like the helmet of salvation because, you know,
42:45 we've read that we can have the atmosphere of heaven here.
42:49 And to me, as I was studying about the helmet of salvation,
42:52 that's what it does.
42:53 I was trying to find where this little quote is AG,
42:57 who can tell me what AG stands for?
42:59 I have forgotten, AG, which book?
43:02 Nobody knows? It's AG 34.
43:04 So if you want to look it up.
43:05 I'm not sure which book that is right now.
43:08 But listen to this quote... Amazing Grace.
43:09 Amazing Grace? Okay, thank you.
43:12 "God bids us fill our mind
43:14 with great thoughts, pure thoughts."
43:17 So we have a choice, you know, I can remember years ago...
43:23 Easy now. Yeah.
43:25 You know, my first... We can't do it all.
43:27 My first thought was not to turn on gospel music,
43:30 you know, I like the contemporary, rock music,
43:33 that type of thing.
43:35 But when God began to convict me on it,
43:39 I would turn to something that sounded very similar
43:42 that might talk about Him.
43:44 But it still sounded like rock
43:45 and He just gently brought me out of all of that.
43:49 But we have a choice, you know, what we are going to dwell on.
43:52 We have a choice what channel we turn on in our home...
43:56 Oh, yes. Sure.
43:58 What we hear.
43:59 You know, I didn't even think about till I had...
44:01 We had our grandson with us last week.
44:03 And it was Sunday
44:05 and we were going to watch a little bit of
44:07 just the morning news.
44:09 And I didn't realize how bad it was,
44:10 I had to turn it off.
44:12 I thought his ears didn't need to hear what they were...
44:14 I mean our world is really changing.
44:17 So we have a lot of decisions moment by moment,
44:20 day by day to make
44:22 when it comes to filling our mind
44:23 with great thoughts, pure thoughts.
44:25 "He desires us to meditate upon His love and mercy."
44:30 Isn't that beautiful?
44:31 "Meditate upon that to study His wonderful work
44:34 and the great plan of redemption.
44:37 Then clear, still clear will be our perception of truth,
44:41 higher, holier our desire
44:43 for purity of heart and clearness of thoughts."
44:46 So see there are steps there, all of this armor is steps,
44:50 putting on that helmet
44:52 is a step of an atmosphere of heaven.
44:54 Amen.
44:55 "The so dwelling and the pure atmosphere of holy thought
44:59 will be transformed by communion with God."
45:04 You will be transformed as you commune with your Savior
45:08 through the study of the scriptures.
45:11 Isn't that beautiful?
45:12 And that's where that helmet of salvation comes in.
45:15 You know, a lot of these things...
45:16 You mentioned you left the church.
45:19 There were a group of books that I put down for years,
45:22 I thought this is overwhelming,
45:24 I can't take it anymore, it's too much.
45:27 It's too cutting but when you begin to allow God
45:30 and His love to come in and you spend time with Him,
45:34 and you begin to put that helmet of salvation on,
45:37 then you...
45:38 "Oh okay, I wish I had got this sooner.
45:40 Now I see why You say, what You say.
45:44 Now I see why You've given the counsel You've given."
45:48 But it took a long time because God's Word,
45:51 Jesus Christ's amenity with this world.
45:54 And, you know, by nature we are part of this world,
45:57 you know, the things we grew up with,
45:59 my atmosphere was not anything to do with going to church.
46:03 And my mom would send me
46:04 to vacation Bible school sometimes.
46:07 But that was about it, you know, we...
46:09 My mom had several restaurants
46:11 'cause she had left the church
46:13 and every one of those restaurants
46:14 was connected to a tavern.
46:16 So we were in and out of the tavern,
46:18 she is staying in the taverns,
46:19 she was asked to sing on Hee Haw at one time
46:22 but that was when she was beginning
46:23 to transition back to the Lord.
46:25 So she turned that down.
46:27 But, you know, we were dancing on the dance floors
46:30 and, you know, I've even, when I came to live
46:33 with my grandparents in Marion, Illinois
46:35 and started going to church
46:36 and understanding a little bit more about it,
46:38 I didn't see anything wrong with dancing for a long time.
46:42 And maybe, you know,
46:44 you talk about Jewish dancing or David dancing,
46:46 that's a little different than the dancing the world does.
46:48 So let me clarify that for some of you to say,
46:51 "Oh, I did, nobody says it's sin."
46:53 It's the type of dancing that we were doing.
46:55 And finally, I think it was a pastor
46:57 that gave me a brochure from another church,
47:00 you know, and I read that.
47:02 But as we begin to study,
47:04 and that's our part again is studying.
47:05 Studying. Amen.
47:07 Then God begins to... make that so much clear.
47:09 I think that Kenny hit right on the head,
47:11 it is the progressive wall.
47:12 It is a progressive wall.
47:13 This is what sanctification is about.
47:15 Revelation, step by step.
47:16 I think that what you were saying a while ago
47:18 about being saved,
47:21 you know, in Adventism, I've had to try to learn this.
47:24 And so I want to encourage some of you who fight this,
47:26 we grew up but you never used the term, you'd say...
47:32 Because we realized that we have life
47:33 then we could change it so on and so forth.
47:35 But yes, scripture indicates
47:37 that we can know that we are saved.
47:40 And, but, yeah, we are careful, we don't use that.
47:43 We don't use Holy Spirit, we don't use Holy Ghost,
47:46 you know, we don't...
47:47 We...
47:48 Well, that must be certain circles
47:50 'cause Ellen White certainly used it a lot.
47:51 Yes, she did.
47:52 So when I say scripture,
47:54 definitely points out we should know.
47:55 Ellen White simply says in the Spirit of Prophecy, she says,
47:57 "If you don't know that you are saved,
48:00 you get down on your knees, and you stay down on your knees
48:02 and you pray until you know that you've been saved."
48:05 Amen.
48:06 I thought, man, that's enough to kind of settle for me.
48:09 But you don't go around and actually bragging about it,
48:11 "Oh, I am a..."
48:12 Life still goes on, we are still challenged,
48:14 we still have to be obedient to God's Word.
48:15 Every day.
48:16 Still life is sanctification...
48:18 Oh, we know, it's not once saved,
48:19 always saved.
48:20 Go ahead. Oh, I have got a comment that I want to...
48:22 And, you know, you still got to get up in the morning
48:24 and put your shoes on, put the chains on everything
48:28 because you are putting your armor on.
48:29 That's right.
48:30 Guard yourself up,
48:32 put your breastplate on, you know.
48:33 Good point, that's great. Everyday.
48:35 Yes.
48:36 Could I add one of my favorite scriptures
48:37 on the assurance of salvation?
48:39 Sure. Absolutely.
48:40 And I think right know this has become...
48:43 I always am saying one of my favorites,
48:45 one of my favorites, one of my favorites
48:46 but this has become my favorite.
48:49 And that's Hebrews 7:22.
48:52 And it says in Hebrews 7:22,
48:55 "By so much more,
48:57 Jesus has become a surety of a better covenant."
49:00 Amen. Yes. Oh, absolutely.
49:02 I looked up that word surety
49:05 and all of a sudden that scripture
49:09 just, to me this is like a neon blinking sign.
49:13 Christ... Mercy.
49:16 We are so accustomed to thinking of Him
49:18 as our substitute on the cross.
49:21 Yes, He died, He took my penalty.
49:24 He took my punishment. Yes.
49:26 But this word "surety",
49:27 He is more than our substitute, He is our surety.
49:30 That means He is our guarantor. Amen.
49:34 Jesus is the guaranteed,
49:37 the guarantor of the new covenant.
49:40 But, get it this way,
49:43 He's the guarantor from heaven to us
49:46 and us to heaven.
49:47 He is our guarantor from God because...
49:51 What does 2 Corinthians 1:20 say,
49:53 "All of God's promises are yes and amen in Christ."
49:58 When you are in Christ,
50:00 all of God's promises belong to you.
50:02 He is the guarantor.
50:03 If you are in Christ,
50:05 every single promise in this Bible
50:07 belongs to you
50:08 and every command is a promise
50:10 of what God will do
50:11 as He works in you to will and to do His good pleasure.
50:15 But then get this,
50:17 He is also
50:20 our guarantor to God.
50:24 Yes.
50:26 As we partake up this covenant,
50:29 as we become part of the new covenant
50:31 saved by His blood,
50:33 He is guaranteeing to God
50:35 that He is going to work in us
50:37 to will and to do His good pleasure.
50:41 Amen.
50:42 So He is...
50:44 Both directions,
50:45 He is the guarantee, He is the surety.
50:48 And for me, even today...
50:51 Because I did grow up,
50:52 and Mollie and I have discussed this
50:54 so much in the past.
50:55 I grew up with that being
50:58 hammered in my head over and over again.
51:01 I was in a New Testament church
51:02 but you had to be perfect to be loved,
51:04 you had to be perfect to be loved,
51:05 you had to be perfect for God to love you.
51:08 And rules without relationship result in rebellion.
51:13 As you get to that point where you're just like,
51:15 like you said, "This is too much, I don't...
51:18 You know, all right, God.
51:19 Yeah, I can't please You. Bye-bye."
51:23 But when you know what He has given you,
51:26 it changes your heart.
51:28 When your mind, you know, the helmet of salvation,
51:32 when salvation is in your mind, it just puts that armor on you.
51:37 That that... Yes.
51:39 It makes you...
51:40 And they had to put their helmet on
51:42 before they picked up their shield of faith.
51:46 Amen.
51:47 So that's where it all begins from.
51:48 Amen.
51:50 And that's a wonderful segue to the last piece of the armor.
51:54 That a wonderful...
51:56 And we, sadly I wasn't watching the time as I should have,
52:00 but the sword of the Spirit...
52:02 Oh, that's good.
52:03 The sword of the Spirit which, you know,
52:05 Ephesians says, is the Word of God.
52:08 The Word of God and that's what you were talking about
52:10 is the Word of God,
52:11 every promise in the Word of God
52:13 belongs to His children in Christ
52:16 because He is our surety.
52:18 And, you know, I look at
52:19 when He was praying for the disciples
52:21 and those coming after Him,
52:23 it wasn't until just recently that I looked at
52:27 those scriptures and I thought wow,
52:28 He was praying for us.
52:31 Amen.
52:33 He was praying for you, He was praying for me,
52:35 He was praying for us.
52:36 Amen. Absolutely.
52:38 That God would keep us
52:41 keep us covered in this armor,
52:46 keep us covered, surrounded by the atmosphere of heaven.
52:50 Isn't that beautiful?
52:51 He is our surety, He didn't fail,
52:53 He is the second Adam,
52:55 and He showed us the way to salvation.
52:58 Isn't it funny...
52:59 To think about it's not funny but it's just interesting
53:02 we talked about the armor is all defense, isn't it?
53:04 Yes.
53:06 And what is the other? It's the placement.
53:07 You take it by the sword, it's what...
53:08 Isn't it, it's defense
53:10 and offense works through there.
53:12 And that's very interesting and then we have a prayer
53:14 that works in there, you know, if we look at it,
53:16 it's not a weapon as it were.
53:19 Think about what really prayer is when it's intermingled
53:22 with what we are talking about here,
53:23 it's the spiritual manner
53:25 in which we have the whole armor of God on.
53:29 So we have a whole armor of God and then we begin to pray.
53:31 So all this I see is just essential that we needed,
53:34 by the grace of God we can pray for,
53:36 we put it on because soon as you say armor, I think battle.
53:40 That's the first thing that comes to my mind every time
53:42 is we're in a warfare and it's a battle time.
53:45 It is a battle time.
53:46 You know, when you look at the Word here
53:48 when it says to take up the sword of the Spirit
53:52 which is the Word of God.
53:54 This is one of eight times
53:57 that the Greek for Word is rhema.
54:02 When it's talking about...
54:04 Every word is inspired, then it's the Logos.
54:10 Everything is Logos, Jesus is the Logos,
54:12 it's the entire counsel of God.
54:14 But when He comes and says that the sword of the Spirit,
54:18 it's the rhema word of God.
54:19 This is the word that you have hidden in your heart,
54:23 this is the word that you are putting into practice,
54:28 and it's got to be hidden in that heart so you can...
54:31 This is that sword just when like when Jesus said,
54:34 "It is written."
54:36 You know, just a... Yes. Yes.
54:38 With the sword, this is the...
54:41 But it has to be the Word that's in your heart
54:44 and that's when it's your sword.
54:47 If it's just sitting in the Bible, it's not...
54:50 I mean I'm not saying that the Word's not powerful
54:52 but if you are not familiar with it,
54:55 it's not gonna do any good.
54:56 So that sword as you said is too edged, too mouth...
55:00 Double mouth.
55:01 Double mouth, that's kind of interesting
55:03 and even in one translation.
55:04 The lexicon gives that sword and it represents the sword
55:08 that was put in Garden of Eden.
55:11 Yes. Right.
55:12 When Adam and Eve were dispelled
55:13 from the Garden of Eden, that same kind of a sword
55:15 that was there in front protecting it.
55:17 That's kind of interesting, it is.
55:19 Let me just explain what you said
55:20 'cause we were going of a previous conversation.
55:22 It says that the Word of the God,
55:25 the Word of God is sharper than any two edged sword.
55:29 And in the Greek,
55:31 that word two edged is double mouth.
55:32 So the way I look at it
55:34 is the first edge of His word struck
55:37 when He spoke it.
55:38 But the second edge strikes when I speak it,
55:41 when I pray it back to Him.
55:43 When I'm confessing it over my life
55:46 or as you do, Mollie, over your children's lives.
55:49 You know, that's very powerful.
55:51 Anyway you strike, you strike it this way
55:52 'cause it only comes back this way,
55:54 you know, little cuts in our life, yes
55:56 Amen.
55:57 I thought of your book when I was reading about
55:59 the sword of the Spirit, I thought oh,
56:01 that is right up Shelley's ally
56:02 'cause she has done so much with that, that's beautiful.
56:05 Sister Mollie, you have been awful quite over there.
56:06 We just have a minute or so less, I know you...
56:08 Well, with the sword does absolutely no good
56:11 said here on the page.
56:13 Somebody mentioned it earlier,
56:14 you have to hide it in your heart.
56:16 And then when you are in that place of battle,
56:20 that word will come out of your heart.
56:22 Boy, you've experienced that.
56:23 Yes. Many times, many times.
56:25 And I think probably everybody at this table
56:27 we have all experienced that
56:29 at one time or another, absolutely.
56:32 You want to pray, Pastor Kenny, you want to pray?
56:34 I heard you just say we need to pray.
56:36 Amen. Well, yeah.
56:38 How about JD?
56:39 Just pray as you always, we're closing.
56:40 Father, we just want to thank You so much, Lord,
56:42 that we have this time to spend in Your Word.
56:44 We come in Your name, Lord,
56:46 the name that's above all names, Lord.
56:48 And, Father, we do, we are very fortunate
56:51 to have the freedom today
56:53 to be able to open up Your Word at anytime.
56:56 And, Father, as we put on Your the whole armor,
57:00 Lord, and that we get to participate
57:03 by having the sword of the Spirit
57:04 in our hands available to us that we can share with others.
57:08 So I just ask Lord to be with everyone
57:10 that's involved in our life and everyone Lord
57:13 that are in involved in Your eyes.
57:17 And, Father, they call up on Your name
57:19 that You will be there
57:20 to assist them in their time of need.
57:23 We love You and we thank You in Jesus' name.
57:25 Amen. Amen.
57:27 Thank you for joining us. See you next time.


Revised 2018-04-16