Today Family Worship

God's Presence Is with Us Always

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017038A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and we welcome you to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:13 It's Sabbath evening,
01:14 it's rolling in
01:16 and what a joy it is to get together
01:17 and to sing and to study the word of God.
01:21 I'm Shelley Quinn. I'm JD Quinn.
01:24 And let me introduce hereby...
01:25 These are our some of our best friends.
01:26 We got precious Mollie over here, Jason,
01:30 we have Louis here, and Johnny.
01:34 And we're just glad that we can be here
01:36 to be able to study this wonderful topic
01:38 "God being with us."
01:40 Our topic tonight is God's presence is with me.
01:45 And what I'd like to do is open in prayer what I will do,
01:49 I am going to pray
01:51 the scriptures that we will be discussing.
01:54 And that's just we pray that back to the Lord
01:57 because His Word does not return void.
01:59 Let's pray. Yeah.
02:00 Heavenly Father,
02:02 we thank You that You are with us
02:03 at every moment and every step of the way.
02:06 We thank You
02:07 that You never leave or forsake us.
02:10 Lord, we know Your voice, and we listen to Your voice.
02:13 Help us to listen to Your voice.
02:15 Thank You that You impressed Your thoughts upon our minds
02:18 in a still small voice of the Lord,
02:20 instructs us in the way that we should go.
02:24 Lord, we will not follow the voice of the stranger
02:28 as You protect us, Lord.
02:29 We acknowledge Your constant presence with us
02:33 and in Your presence
02:35 we find fullness of joy and set our hearts at rest.
02:39 We pray, Father,
02:41 that You will watch over Your Word
02:43 to perform it in our lives and we thank you, Lord,
02:46 for all in Jesus' name.
02:49 Amen. Amen.
02:50 Amen. Amen. Amen.
02:51 To go along with our theme
02:53 that His presence is always with us,
02:56 the perfect song is in the garden,
02:59 "I come to the garden alone"
03:02 where we're celebrating the presence of God.
03:05 Now we want you to sing at home with us,
03:08 this is number 487
03:10 in the Seventh-day Adventist hymnal
03:11 but the words will be on the...
03:14 Appear at the bottom of your screen.
03:16 Help us sing, I've got a scar on my vocal cord,
03:19 we all are having a little, some issues,
03:22 so help us make it joyful present to the Lord.
03:26 And we have Jill
03:27 that's gonna be playing the piano for us.
03:30 I come to the garden alone
03:36 While the dew is still on the roses
03:43 And the voice I hear, falling on my ear
03:49 The Son
03:51 Of God discloses
03:56 And He walks with me
04:00 And He talks with me
04:04 And He tells me I am His own
04:10 And the joy we share as we tarry there
04:17 None other has ever known
04:24 He speaks and the sound of His voice
04:30 Is so sweet the birds hush their singing
04:37 And the melody that He gave to me
04:43 Within my heart
04:47 Is ringing
04:51 And He walks with me
04:55 And He talks with me
04:59 And He tells me I am His own
05:05 And the joy we share
05:09 As we tarry there
05:12 None other
05:15 Has ever known
05:20 I'd stay in the garden with Him
05:26 Though the night
05:28 Around me be falling
05:33 But He bids me go
05:36 Through the voice of woe
05:40 His voice to me
05:43 Is calling
05:47 And He walks with me
05:52 And He talks with me
05:55 And He tells me I am His own
06:02 And the joy we share
06:06 As we tarry there
06:10 None other
06:12 Has ever known
06:17 I love that song.
06:19 We want to thank our sister Jill Morikone
06:22 for playing the piano for us.
06:24 And, you know, this song brings back memories to me
06:26 that are very special.
06:28 My mother had had complete cardiac
06:31 and respiratory arrest,
06:33 and they revived her after 16 minutes.
06:37 So she had some issues, she was in a coma,
06:41 and I spent 20 hours a day,
06:44 actually 22, I'd run home
06:46 and take a shower and change and come back.
06:48 But I was in intensive care, 22 hours a day with her.
06:52 And I would sing this song to her.
06:55 And the doctor...
06:57 And I'd do Jane Fonda exercises with her legs and tell her
07:00 okay, mama, time for you Jane Fonda.
07:02 And, you know, something that was so interesting,
07:04 the doctor kept telling me she can't hear you,
07:07 she doesn't know what's going on,
07:09 and when she came out of that coma,
07:11 you know what she said to me thank you for singing
07:15 I come to the garden alone but what's with the Jane Fonda.
07:19 So the last thing, I just want to encourage you at home,
07:23 if you've got a loved one who's in that position,
07:26 the last thing to go was the hearing,
07:28 you talk to them, you tell them how much you love them.
07:31 And, oh, I'm excited about our topic tonight.
07:34 Amen. Let me just say this.
07:36 How many of you all probably have been guilty?
07:39 But how many of you at home have ever prayed like this?
07:42 Oh, Lord, be with us through the night,
07:45 be with so and so as they go on this trip,
07:48 be with, be with.
07:50 And I feel like the...
07:52 Sometime ago, Lord,
07:53 when I was praying saying be with,
07:56 you know our difference, and God said,
07:59 "I'm with you always,
08:01 I never leave you or forsake you."
08:02 So now what I try to do is when I'm praying,
08:07 I just say Lord,
08:09 give us a divine awareness of Your presence.
08:12 Thank You that You're with us at all times
08:15 because it's kind of like telling God,
08:19 oh, Lord, be our savior
08:22 when He is our savior, right?
08:24 That's right. Amen.
08:25 He's always with us, He never forsakes us.
08:29 So, Mollie, I think you've got one of the great promises
08:34 that we're gonna begin with, Hebrews 13:5 and 6.
08:40 Well, I want to take this scripture
08:42 and just kind of break it down.
08:44 And then I want to kind of land on,
08:47 I will never leave you nor forsake you.
08:50 So let me read to you, Hebrews 13:5 and 6, the scripture says,
08:56 "Let your conduct be without covetousness,
08:59 be content with such things as you have,
09:02 for he himself has said,
09:05 I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
09:07 What a beautiful promise. Amen.
09:09 "So we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper,
09:13 I will not fear what can man do to me."
09:17 And that is such a beautiful promise.
09:19 Okay, let's break these scriptures down.
09:23 Let your conduct, what is your conduct?
09:25 Way you act. Way you act.
09:27 The way you live your life.
09:29 Let your conduct be without covetousness.
09:33 Now covetousness,
09:35 that is just a ugly word, isn't it?
09:36 Yes, it is. Covetousness.
09:38 Covetous means to be greedy, grasping,
09:43 showing a strong desire for material possessions.
09:47 Covetousness implies inordinate desire
09:53 for another person's possessions.
09:55 So our daily living is to be
10:00 without greed or grasping
10:03 or showing strong desire for someone else's materials.
10:07 The scripture goes on to say, "Be content."
10:11 Now that's a beautiful word.
10:13 I like that word content,
10:15 and what does the word content mean
10:18 if you're content?
10:20 You're happy with what you have,
10:21 you're not needing more.
10:22 Happy... That is right.
10:24 It's just a stay of peaceful happiness.
10:28 Oh, doesn't that sound so much better than covetous.
10:31 Yes. Yeah. Amen.
10:32 Okay.
10:34 And I just wanted to share this from Philippians.
10:37 This is Paul talking,
10:39 so we're going to jump over to another place
10:41 where Paul talks about contentment
10:45 and I just love the Apostle Paul.
10:48 This man, he has had some of the greatest struggles
10:51 that any of us read about in the Bible.
10:53 Philippians 4:11-13,
10:56 "Not that I speak in regard to need,
10:59 for I have learned in whatever state
11:01 I am meant to be content."
11:04 And this is what Paul says,
11:05 "I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound.
11:08 Everywhere and in all things
11:10 I have learned both to be full and to be hungry,
11:14 both to abound and to suffer need.
11:17 I can do..."
11:18 Here's this beautiful scripture.
11:20 I can do what?
11:21 All things through Christ who strengthens me.
11:26 Paul penned these words.
11:28 Now, listen to this, Paul penned these words
11:31 to the Philippian Church while he was in a prison cell.
11:35 So in this prison cell, he says,
11:38 "I'm content,
11:40 I've learnt how to be abased, I've learned how to abound,
11:43 and I have learned,
11:44 I can do all things
11:46 but it's only through Christ that when He strengthens us.
11:49 Thank God for that.
11:50 Okay, now let's jump back
11:54 to contentment.
11:56 For Paul to have found contentment
12:00 even under such adverse circumstances,
12:04 there must have been something,
12:09 someplace for that contentment to come from
12:12 because his outward circumstances
12:15 didn't in any way
12:17 cause him to have contentment.
12:20 And I'm just going to share Philippians...
12:23 Pardon me, Psalms 121:1 and 2,
12:27 "I will lift up my eyes to the hills
12:31 from whence comes my help.
12:32 My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth."
12:36 Then Paul goes on to say,
12:38 back to our original scriptures that's Hebrews 13:5-6,
12:43 he says, "For he himself has said,
12:47 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'"
12:50 And that's what our scriptures, God's presence is with me,
12:54 that's what we're looking at today, and God,
12:57 it says, God himself has said,
12:59 "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
13:02 So you go to Joshua 1:1
13:05 and we're going to look here in Joshua,
13:08 "After the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord,
13:12 it came to pass that the Lord spoke..."
13:14 Now this is the Lord speaking to Joshua,
13:17 the son of Nun, and he proceeds to give Joshua instruction
13:23 on possessing the land,
13:25 and then in verse 5, the Lord Himself says,
13:29 "No man shall be able to stand
13:31 before you all the days of your life
13:35 as I was with Moses so I will be with you."
13:37 How many of you would like God to make that statement to you?
13:42 This scripture, all scripture is given by inspiration of God.
13:45 It's profitable to every one of us
13:47 so the Lord is saying here.
13:51 "All the days of your life as I was with Moses
13:54 I will be with you."
13:55 He goes on to say,
13:57 "I will not leave you nor forsake you."
14:00 And I just want to say this.
14:02 It wasn't Paul's external situation
14:06 that gave him contentment.
14:08 It was God's presence that was with him
14:13 that gave him that contentment, so the same presence,
14:16 God's promise to every one of us.
14:18 Luis, God will never leave you, He will never forsake you.
14:22 He will keep you in perfect peace
14:24 whose mind is stayed on him.
14:27 And godliness with contentment is great gain.
14:31 Great gain. Amen.
14:33 Thank you, Mollie.
14:34 But let me ask you this question.
14:37 Has anybody ever experienced a time
14:39 where they felt like God had abandoned them?
14:43 Can you think of any time, Luis?
14:46 Yeah, actually I can.
14:48 There was a period of time in my life
14:50 that God had asked me to go back home to Windsor
14:54 to take care of my family, and...
14:55 Where's Windsor?
14:57 Windsor in Canada. Okay.
14:59 And I was refusing because I had a good job,
15:02 my wife had a good job, and everything.
15:04 And for about a six period time,
15:07 six month period,
15:08 I really felt
15:10 that the funny thing is every time
15:13 that you feel that God is not with you
15:15 because you are the one that is not doing His work.
15:17 So anytime that you,
15:19 that you are in that situation
15:21 it's when you need to go to your needs
15:23 is when you need to go and find His presence
15:26 because He's always there.
15:27 Like you said, "He will never..."
15:29 The word never doesn't mean sometimes or always,
15:32 He says He's never going to leave you...
15:33 Never gonna leave you.
15:35 So even in the times
15:36 when you feel that you are alone,
15:39 those are the times that He's carrying you.
15:41 You know, those are the times that you're looking back,
15:43 there's only one set of footprints,
15:44 and that's the footprints of God
15:46 that's taken care of you through side,
15:48 but I felt like the Israelites when God says,
15:52 okay, you want to do your own thing,
15:54 I'm gonna leave you alone for a while,
15:55 and it was the worst experience of my life.
15:58 Any moment that...
16:01 Those six months were so difficult to go through
16:07 because I can't fathom.
16:09 I can't understand a day without God.
16:11 You know, and I'm amazed
16:13 what we're going to talk about today
16:14 because when you feel God's presence
16:18 that's when you truly feel that you have arrived,
16:21 that you have made it.
16:23 But, yes, I do remember that period of time,
16:25 and the moment that I was faithful to God,
16:28 the moment that I decided, okay,
16:30 it's finished, and I severed
16:32 all the relationships in Phoenix.
16:35 Right away, I felt His presence back,
16:37 and it's amazing how that works.
16:40 You know, just a very...
16:41 I know we need to move on,
16:42 just want to say one quick thing
16:44 'cause it occurred to me.
16:45 There may be somebody that's watching
16:46 that you don't feel God's presence.
16:48 You've accepted Christ as your savior,
16:51 and then, of course,
16:52 that is, I mean, if you want God to be with you,
16:54 the Holy Spirit has to be in,
16:56 you have to be open to receiving Him,
16:59 but I do believe that the one time that I can,
17:03 comes to my mind is when my mother was very ill.
17:07 I had been taught to have faith in faith.
17:11 In other words, I was taught
17:14 if I only had enough faith God had to do,
17:17 you know, as I would pray His promises back to Him
17:20 that it's like "God had to do or this,"
17:24 and I was praying so hard
17:29 for her healing,
17:30 and things just kept getting worse and worse.
17:32 She was actual, my mother was bipolar,
17:34 and she was going through a very bad time.
17:38 And I got so mad at God 'cause it was like,
17:43 I didn't feel He was with me at all,
17:46 and I got so mad at God
17:47 that I literally shook my fist in His face
17:50 and walked away from Him for a while.
17:52 Now He chased me down with His love.
17:54 But I just want to say to you at home, don't...
17:58 We've got to let God be God, and we can't put God in a box.
18:03 When we claim His promises,
18:05 we need to be trusting
18:07 that the Lord is always with us.
18:10 He sees the end from the beginning.
18:13 He knows what's best for us,
18:16 and, you know, precious in the sight of the Lord
18:18 is the death of his saints.
18:19 Some people feel like,
18:21 "If their loved one has died that God wasn't with them."
18:24 That doesn't mean that God wasn't with them.
18:26 He was there to as you said carry them through,
18:30 and that's something
18:31 that I just felt was important to say.
18:33 Luis, I think, you have our next scripture reference
18:37 which is John 10:14-15.
18:39 I do.
18:41 It says,
18:42 "I am the good shepherd and my sheep,
18:45 and I know my sheep, and my sheep know me."
18:48 Amen.
18:49 You know, I...
18:51 This verse brings so much memories to me,
18:53 and I'm looking at, as you know,
18:56 I've come from a communist country,
18:57 then I moved to a different, you know, I've gone to three,
19:01 four different countries, I'm a Canadian citizen,
19:04 and through all that time,
19:06 I have felt God being the shepherd in my life.
19:11 Amen. Amen.
19:12 You know, when we read verses like this,
19:15 and we look at our daily devotion with God,
19:19 and we look at how he wakes us up in the morning.
19:21 I don't know how many of you guys,
19:22 God wakes them up with a song in their heart,
19:24 but he wakes me up with a song in my heart.
19:26 You know, and it's beautiful
19:28 because I know
19:29 when the day is going to be wonderful
19:30 because depends on the song
19:32 that it's in my heart depends on how,
19:34 and it's always a smile, and it's always wonderful.
19:37 There isn't a bad day with God.
19:39 There are bad situations,
19:41 there are bad things that happen,
19:42 but there is never a bad day with God.
19:45 You can have
19:46 the most stressful time in life.
19:48 Yes.
19:49 You can go to the point where you are in tears,
19:53 but at the same time
19:54 you can bounce back and it says,
19:56 "God, you are a mighty God, and you are an amazing God"
19:59 because you can hear His voice.
20:03 You can understand
20:04 what He's trying to do in your life.
20:05 You can know
20:07 that when this verse talks about and it says,
20:10 "Just as the Father knows me, I know the Father."
20:15 You know, it's beautiful to understand that.
20:19 When you read through the Bible,
20:21 when you read Christ's account,
20:23 when you read what He had to go through.
20:25 He has gone through every trial and tribulations
20:28 that you have gone through and then some.
20:32 You know, the interesting part is,
20:34 Shelley,
20:35 I mean, Mollie, you have, you have gone through trials
20:38 that Shelley has not gone through.
20:40 Jason, you have gone through trials
20:42 that JD hasn't gone through.
20:44 I have gone through trials
20:45 that my Pastor John Dinzey hasn't gone through.
20:49 But Jesus had experienced
20:51 all of our trials at the same time,
20:53 and what this verse is telling you is that,
20:57 if you understand
20:59 and you have a full connection with Christ,
21:03 like you were saying, earlier,
21:05 He is never gonna leave us nor forsake us.
21:07 Amen. Amen.
21:08 He is always going to find a way to mend us,
21:13 to help us, to grow us, to encourage us.
21:17 I don't know how many countless of opportunities
21:19 that God has opened for me
21:21 that when I first walk in that, that challenge,
21:25 I'm saying, "Lord, You have chosen the wrong person.
21:29 I don't know what You think, what talents You think I have,
21:32 but I think You need to ask someone else,
21:34 and once I submit myself, and once I surrender myself,
21:39 then I start uncovering the union effect
21:43 and I started uncovering all of these talents
21:46 that I had no idea I had.
21:48 And this is where this comes in.
21:51 When you have
21:52 a personal relationship with God,
21:55 when you are in a personal walk with God,
21:58 when you understand His voice...
22:02 Amen.
22:04 Then is when you can say
22:09 and you can feel His character being reflected in you.
22:14 Amen.
22:15 You know, to me that just ties in exactly
22:17 what Mollie was just reading
22:18 because if indeed He is the good shepherd,
22:21 if it is indeed true that He knows His sheep
22:24 and we know Him,
22:26 then we know that He will never leave us,
22:28 so that ties us in dealing with God's presence is with me.
22:31 Correct.
22:33 He is there continually because of that reciprocation.
22:35 Yeah, the only interesting part of this is that as I go,
22:40 the older I get and the more I like,
22:43 you know, as the head elder of the church,
22:45 I have to be
22:46 the spiritual leader of the church,
22:48 and like you guys know,
22:49 I go to prison ministries, I go all these things.
22:52 As I'm teaching and as I'm showing individuals,
22:56 I'm trying to let them know.
22:58 Listen if you, the Bible clearly says,
23:01 "If you love Me, you keep My commandments."
23:04 You know, when you get to the point
23:06 where you are following God to the full extent
23:08 that you are actually reflecting His character,
23:11 and you are actually following everything
23:14 that He has asked you to do.
23:16 You are a different sheep.
23:18 Amen.
23:19 And the way that you,
23:21 that you walk, the way that you talk,
23:23 the way that you experience,
23:25 the way that you filter information
23:26 that is coming to you is totally different.
23:30 The sad part is those individuals
23:31 that feel that
23:33 they are God's sheep and they are not,
23:35 they are following a different shepherd.
23:37 You know, when we were in Israel,
23:39 do you remember the story, Mollie,
23:40 we heard a wonderful story of Malcolm Cartier
23:43 who was our guide,
23:45 was telling us
23:46 that when a shepherd has a sheep
23:49 that just keeps running off into peril,
23:51 keeps going into a dangerous situation,
23:54 he will take that sheep, break its little leg,
23:59 and then set it,
24:00 and then he has to carry the sheep around his neck
24:03 for a couple of months.
24:05 But during that time the sheep,
24:09 the little lamb gets to know the shepherd's voice,
24:12 he develops this really close relationship
24:16 with the shepherd,
24:17 and when he is healed
24:19 and the shepherd puts him down,
24:20 he will never leave the side of the shepherd.
24:23 He recognizes this shepherd as his provider,
24:26 as the one who guides him, and instructs him,
24:29 and keeps him out of danger.
24:31 And, you know, that's what I love about knowing
24:35 about God's presence with us.
24:36 Let's look at John 10:27.
24:40 Here's two more signatures of the sheep.
24:43 First, the sheep know
24:45 who the shepherd is as you read,
24:47 but here's two more signatures.
24:49 He said, this is Jesus speaking again,
24:53 and He says, "The sheep that are my own..."
24:56 Those who have accepted Me as their savior, "hear."
25:01 And that means
25:03 they are listening to what he says,
25:04 I'm reading out of the Amplified.
25:06 "The sheep that are My own hear,
25:08 and are listening to My voice.
25:14 And I know them, and they follow Me."
25:21 This is where you were just saying,
25:23 He said, "If you love Me, keep My commandments."
25:26 So the sheep hear, they believe in,
25:31 and they follow with a response of obedience.
25:37 And, you know, when you think about this,
25:39 you know, I want to take this just a little bit deeper.
25:42 What's the number one way that God speaks to us?
25:46 Through His Word. Right here, through His Word.
25:49 So in the Old Testament in the Hebrew,
25:53 to hear meant to obey.
25:59 When you heard something,
26:00 it meant you were going to obey,
26:02 but there's something that I have to say
26:05 because this is very special to me is that in...
26:11 Excuse me, Psalm 46:10, God says,
26:16 "Be still and know that I am God."
26:19 And when we think of 1 Kings 19:12,
26:23 remember when Elijah was up on the mountain,
26:27 and the winds came, and the earthquake came,
26:30 and everything came,
26:32 and God's voice wasn't in all of that.
26:34 But all of a sudden
26:36 he hears the still small voice of the Lord.
26:40 And then the Lord is speaking to Elijah and he responds,
26:46 and God bring him up out of this.
26:48 What I was thinking is this.
26:51 In the Bible, anytime it talks about
26:54 the audible voice of the Lord,
26:57 like Revelation says, it's like,
26:59 "Many rushing waters."
27:01 The audible voice of the Lord is so powerful,
27:05 remember the Israelites at the foot of Mount Sinai,
27:09 and they heard the audible voice of the Lord,
27:11 what did they do, Mollie, they quake.
27:13 Yeah.
27:14 Their little knees were knocking.
27:16 Of course, God comes down in with pyrotechnics,
27:19 He is, He is...
27:21 Because they've forgotten
27:22 how awesome and powerful He was.
27:24 And, you know, I think that's what
27:25 every one of us would do.
27:27 If we were to hear the audible voice of God,
27:31 that would be a quaking situation
27:33 for everyone of us.
27:35 And I know people who think that possibly they have heard,
27:38 I knew a man who was an alcoholic,
27:40 he was a farmer, he fell into a ditch,
27:43 I mean, he passed out literally,
27:46 and his face was under water, and all of a sudden,
27:49 he heard the voice of the Lord.
27:51 He said, it was audible to him, and he got up,
27:54 and he gave his heart to the Lord.
27:56 But I think that when Jesus says,
28:00 "My sheep that are My own,
28:02 they hear and are listening to My voice."
28:05 I think, sometimes we need to listen,
28:08 we need to be still before the Lord.
28:10 He will never speak to us,
28:12 I believe that the still small voice
28:15 is the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts.
28:18 And I'll bet everybody at home,
28:21 that's been Christian for any time,
28:22 if I ask, how many of you know that you know
28:26 that God has impressed
28:27 His thought upon your mind before?
28:29 You just talked about it, and Him leading you,
28:31 that's the still small voice of the Lord.
28:34 And I think that we should...
28:38 The Holy Spirit is in,
28:39 and that's when God impresses His thoughts
28:41 by the power of the Holy Spirit on us.
28:43 He will never lead us in a way
28:47 that is contrary to the written word ever, never, never, never.
28:52 And some people when I remember
28:54 when I first did pressing into His presence,
28:58 some people just got
28:59 a little bent out of shape to say,
29:02 "You think you could hear
29:03 the voice of the Lord speaking to you?"
29:05 Oh, yeah, I know He put thoughts on my mind.
29:09 I just want to read this to you because I think it's precious.
29:12 This is from The Desire of Ages
29:16 written in 1898,
29:18 page 3633.3 from E.G. White,
29:24 and here's what she says,
29:26 "We must individually hear Him speaking to the heart.
29:32 When every other voice is hushed,
29:35 and in quietness we wait before Him,
29:39 the silence of the soul makes more distinct the voice of God.
29:45 He bids us,
29:47 "Be still, and know that I am God.'"
29:50 There are times
29:53 when you're seeking direction.
29:56 You see, God is always with us but we get so busy,
30:01 we don't always listen.
30:02 I always had belief that the reason
30:04 He came to the shepherds,
30:06 the angel came
30:07 and announced it to the shepherds,
30:09 it's 'cause they were out in the stillness away
30:11 from the hustle and bustle of stuff,
30:14 and they could listen.
30:15 But we get so busy with our lives,
30:18 don't we, that sometimes we don't listen.
30:22 When I was praying an hour or two hours everyday
30:25 and I did that for about 12 years.
30:27 Every morning, I would feel like God impressed a thought,
30:32 it's not that He's telling everything
30:33 that's going to happen
30:35 and it's interesting how God does talk to us.
30:37 Sometimes He gives us this little hint of something,
30:39 He'd tell me to look it up.
30:41 But when I quit that practice,
30:46 just time constraints,
30:49 you know what happened,
30:50 I don't hear the voice of the Lord like I used to.
30:52 You just can't rush in and out in five minutes
30:56 and think God's gonna... You're going to hear from Him.
30:58 So I just want to encourage those of you at home,
31:02 if you feel
31:04 that you really need direction from the Lord,
31:07 He is your shepherd, He knows you intimately.
31:11 And you will hear His voice,
31:14 the more of the word that you understand,
31:15 the better you're going to understand His voice.
31:18 And if you don't know the word very well,
31:20 you check and make sure that anything you think
31:22 that God is impressing upon your heart,
31:25 you check with other Christians to say,
31:27 this is lined up with scripture.
31:29 But we need to sometimes just get still before the Lord
31:34 when we are really seeking Him for direction.
31:36 You know,
31:38 "Lord, are you really asking me to move back to Canada?"
31:43 And so, you just need to be still before the Lord,
31:46 and I just think this is a promise
31:48 that I claimed a long time before
31:51 I actually felt that I heard from the Lord.
31:53 But I mean, other than of course in His word,
31:56 but again, He says in John 10:27,
32:01 "The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice.
32:08 I know them,"
32:09 That's it, intimate experiential knowledge"
32:12 "and they follow Me in an obedient response."
32:17 Johnny, I think you've got the next one.
32:19 I was going to, you know, share something
32:21 because I heard some people say,
32:23 I even heard it on the radio it says,
32:25 "God does not speak to people anymore."
32:28 Oh! And that is not true.
32:30 My father told me a story that I always remember
32:35 and it was his practice
32:37 to sit on a certain chair everyday to read the Bible.
32:41 And this was in Dominican Republic
32:42 in the 1960s.
32:44 And that was his practice,
32:46 read the Bible and he says that one day
32:48 he is reading the Bible and that he hears a voice say,
32:53 "Jorge, don't sit on that chair,
32:55 sit on the other chair."
32:56 And he kind of turned around to see
32:58 who's talking to me and he went...
33:02 And he starts reading again,
33:04 "Jorge, I told you not to sit on that chair,
33:06 sit on the other one."
33:08 A little more insistent.
33:10 And he went like what's going on,
33:12 he says he actually went like this and he says,"
33:16 Well, let me get back to my reading."
33:18 The next time, he hears this,
33:23 "Jorge, sit on the other chair."
33:25 And the tone, the manner in which he heard the voice...
33:30 He didn't tell me whether, it was a command.
33:34 He obeying the command,
33:35 stood up and he sat on the other chair.
33:39 As soon as he sat down,
33:42 he heard rifle shots...
33:46 And went right through the chair
33:47 where he was sitting.
33:49 That gave me chills!
33:50 And so had he not obeyed...
33:52 Amen.
33:54 He would not be alive to tell me
33:55 that story years later.
33:57 And so yes, I could tell you the Lord speaks to people,
34:01 I've at times would say,
34:03 maybe not an audible voice
34:05 but I've heard the Lord say something.
34:06 Sure.
34:08 And so, I praise the Lord
34:09 that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
34:11 Amen.
34:13 And He will speak to us
34:14 when that becomes necessary for us to hear Him.
34:16 It's also interesting that He saw fit to bless us
34:18 with two ears and one mouth.
34:21 It's like less talking, more listening,
34:24 you know, two ears and one mouth,
34:26 so that's interesting.
34:28 You know, you're talking about something interesting
34:29 because Jesus used...
34:32 When Jesus speaks, you have to listen.
34:34 It's like you heard that, when Neil Hutton speaks to you,
34:36 people listen.
34:38 When Jesus speaks, we need to listen.
34:40 You were talking about the shepherd,
34:42 Jesus is the good shepherd, and My sheep hear My voice,
34:44 and they know Me.
34:47 We were talking earlier today about some of the addresses
34:50 we see in some of the Spanish countries,
34:52 they will say things like...
34:55 It's the second street
34:57 and it's the house across from the yellow house,
35:01 you know, directions that depend upon
35:03 some other physical object to tell you,
35:05 it's the building behind the plaza, you know.
35:09 And, you know, they could change
35:11 the yellow house to a red house
35:12 and then all that addresses out there are wrong.
35:16 But today, you don't see everyday,
35:19 you're driving on the street,
35:20 you don't see shepherds with sheep,
35:22 but you can still see shepherds with sheep,
35:24 I saw a shepherd with sheep in Israel.
35:27 And people in the car said,
35:28 "Stop, stop, we want to see this.
35:30 I had never seen this before."
35:33 And there was the shepherd,
35:35 I don't know how many sheep were following him
35:37 but they were following him.
35:39 They were not attached,
35:40 you know, he was not leading them out
35:42 like you walk a dog or anything,
35:43 they were following him and when he turned,
35:46 they turned to follow him because they knew him.
35:50 When we got out of the car
35:51 and we tried to get one of the sheep,
35:54 they started going behind.
35:56 And, you see,
35:57 He gave us something that we can still go to,
36:01 we can still see these things.
36:03 So but anyway, I have my scripture,
36:05 Isaiah 30:20-21.
36:10 Isaiah 30:20-21,"
36:13 And though the Lord gives you
36:14 the bread of adversity and the water of affliction,
36:18 yet your teachers will not be moved
36:21 into a corner anymore.
36:22 But your eyes shall see your teachers."
36:27 I will stop there for a moment,
36:28 when you see this bread of adversity
36:32 and water of affliction,
36:34 it reminds you of the people of Israel,
36:36 they were supposed to eat the bread,
36:39 unleavened bread
36:40 that was like bread of affliction.
36:43 And so it says here,
36:45 "Bread of adversity and water of affliction."
36:48 But yet, when you read Isaiah 30,
36:50 God has good news for you
36:52 and He is eager to tell you these things,
36:54 notice verse 21,
36:55 "Your ears shall hear a word
36:57 behind you saying this is the way,
37:00 walking it where
37:02 whenever you turn to the right hand
37:04 or whenever you turn to the left."
37:06 Amen.
37:07 And, you know, you look at these things
37:09 and you say, wow, bread of adversity,
37:12 waters of affliction.
37:14 The Lord will allow, some people use the word allow,
37:19 certain things to happen to you
37:21 but it's for a good reason, Romans 8:28.
37:25 And we know that all things work together for good.
37:29 It may be...
37:31 excuse me, but it may be like that shepherd
37:32 who when bad things happen, the little leg got broken
37:36 but that's what draws you to him
37:37 to get close to him,
37:39 so he can heal you
37:40 and you'll always follow him again.
37:41 It was a lesson
37:43 that the little lamb had to learn in order
37:47 to really know the shepherd.
37:50 And so he meant that for the little sheep
37:54 to happen for its own good.
37:56 And at that moment, it was painful.
38:01 But he nurtured and cared for the sheep.
38:04 And like manner when we go through difficulties,
38:06 the Lord is with us,
38:07 He will never leave us, nor forsake us,
38:09 He is with us and it's marvelous
38:12 when you look at 1 Corinthians 4,
38:14 it says, "And this light affliction
38:15 which is for a moment,
38:17 it's working for us
38:18 a far more eternal weight of glory."
38:21 And it's amazing, it's amazing what God does.
38:23 So "You will hear a word behind you,
38:25 'This is the way, walk in it."'
38:26 The Lord stands by His promises.
38:29 And He is eager to bless us, He is eager to do us good,
38:34 and sometimes for us to see our need,
38:38 He must allow certain things to happen to us.
38:40 So that we may say,
38:42 you know, Lord I need to trust You
38:44 in this situation.
38:45 Amen. And it's true.
38:47 You know, I read some scriptures that say,
38:49 "In all of their affliction, He was afflicted."
38:52 I mean, so many wonderful scriptures,
38:53 the promise that God makes, He keeps.
38:56 And I want to encourage people to believe what God says,
39:00 He will never leave us nor forsake us.
39:02 I just wanted to read
39:03 that same scripture from the NASB,
39:06 The New American Standard Bible,
39:07 I believe the Amplified 'cause I have Amplified here.
39:10 There are several that translated this way
39:13 and here instead of saying your teachers,
39:17 how they have translated the Hebrew,
39:18 it says, "He, your Teacher,"
39:22 with a capital T "will no longer hide Himself,"
39:26 with a capital H.
39:27 "So speaking of God
39:29 but your eyes will behold your teacher,
39:32 your ears will hear a word behind you saying,
39:34 'This is the way, walk in it.'
39:36 whether you turn to the right or the left."
39:38 And I think that as we really come
39:40 to know God as a good savior and a good shepherd.
39:44 And we recognize His presence is always with us.
39:48 We kind of tune our ear...
39:50 You know, there's things, Mollie,
39:52 we were talking about this the other day
39:53 that we get up in the morning,
39:55 we surrender to the Lord saying,
39:59 "Lord, I consent,
40:00 you know, I'm trying to yield to do Your will.
40:02 And sometimes you can get so busy
40:04 that I found myself thinking,
40:07 oh, Lord, am I recognizing and practicing Your presence.
40:10 Well, He is always there with me and when,
40:14 you know, you'll suddenly be doing something
40:16 and like you just feel like, oops,
40:18 I was supposed to be doing this,
40:19 that's God directing you
40:21 whether you turn to the right or the left.
40:23 That's what He is doing. JD!
40:25 I'm going to mention a name that is familiar to some people
40:29 may be with gray hair
40:32 and may be what, Pastor Roger Kuhn.
40:35 Yes. I know Roger Kuhn.
40:37 And Pastor Roger Kuhn,
40:38 I was reading his book several years ago
40:41 and he was thinking on these scriptures,
40:43 they say that the Lord is always with us
40:46 and he says,
40:47 "You know, Lord, I believe You're always with me."
40:49 And you know what he did, he stopped his car,
40:53 pulled over to the side and he said,
40:54 "Lord, I didn't invite you into my car."
40:58 And he opened the door and he says,
40:59 "Lord, please come in."
41:00 Oh, precious.
41:02 And he closed the door and he felt,
41:04 he said he felt the presence of the Lord.
41:07 And I want to say something about the word felt.
41:09 You know, sometimes we go through experiences and we say,
41:12 "I don't feel the presence of the Lord."
41:15 And this is when
41:17 we have to understand that our feelings
41:20 can deceive us.
41:22 That's right.
41:23 And we have to believe the promise.
41:25 Jesus said,
41:26 "I will never leave you, nor forsake you."
41:28 I don't feel Him, but He promised us,
41:30 so He is here with me.
41:32 We must believe these promises of the Lord
41:34 because they are true
41:37 and the Lord will carry us through.
41:39 Amen. JD.
41:41 Yeah, unlike Johnny.
41:45 Well, first of all I think everyone knows by now,
41:48 I live in a very practical world
41:50 and I was very fortunate in my upbringing
41:52 because I was raised on a sheep farm.
41:56 And so as you're sitting here looking out of the bus,
42:00 I've been there, I've done that,
42:01 and it was a joyful time in my life.
42:04 Because I remember, we had the Quinn call...
42:10 That brought the sheep to the sheepfold, okay.
42:14 Every night you put them up
42:15 because there's coyotes out there,
42:17 there's wild dogs out there, there's wild cats out there.
42:20 But they knew your voice and they followed you.
42:23 And boy, as you called out every morning,
42:25 here they are eager to come out.
42:27 You open up the gate, thank you, Jesus,
42:29 that they no longer had to follow us
42:31 because we've gone from AD30, AD29,
42:36 when he is telling these stories to 1950-55.
42:40 We had great Pyrenees dogs
42:42 that have a bell around their neck.
42:43 We had donkeys
42:45 that had bells around their necks.
42:46 So they would walk the sheep,
42:48 they were trained that they would follow
42:50 and they were peaceful.
42:52 But they didn't,
42:53 they never started at all
42:54 until they heard the call of the shepherd.
42:58 And every different sheep farmer
43:00 had their own call.
43:02 Today, we still have that same call,
43:06 we no longer raise sheep, we're raising cattle now.
43:09 But I'll bet you, those cattle come too
43:11 because they know
43:12 when they hear that call that they are going to be fed,
43:17 that they are going to be protected.
43:19 And so I love what my scripture is about.
43:23 We are going back to John 10:3-5
43:27 and I want to start with first one real quick
43:29 because it kind of puts it in perspective,
43:32 "Most assuredly I say to you,"
43:34 because we're talking about the true shepherd Jesus Christ,
43:37 "Most assuredly I say to you,
43:39 he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door,"
43:42 remember, we got a big enclosed circle here,
43:45 open on top,
43:47 "And who does not enter the sheepfold by the door
43:51 but climbs up and enter,
43:52 the same as the thief and robber."
43:54 So there is always the good guys,
43:56 there's always the bad guys.
43:58 "But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep,"
44:01 That's who the sheep are waiting for every morning.
44:04 They'll wait for someone to come
44:06 through that front door.
44:08 "And to him the doorkeeper opens
44:11 and then the sheep hear his voice
44:13 and then he calls his own sheep by name
44:16 and leads them out, and when he brings them out,
44:19 when he brings out his own sheep
44:21 and goes before them and the sheep follow him,
44:23 for they know his voice.
44:25 Yet, they will by no means follow a stranger.
44:28 But will flee from him,
44:30 for they do not know the voice of the stranger."
44:32 And that is so very important
44:33 because we are talking about God's presence is with me.
44:37 The last thing that we want to call upon
44:40 is following the voice of a stranger.
44:42 Amen.
44:43 So it's very important when that sheepfold is open,
44:46 the sheep are there and they are ready to go out.
44:49 Now the difference between a sheep and a cow
44:53 is that sheep wander around all the time
44:54 with their head down.
44:56 And they are going after that short, short grass
44:59 because the cow,
45:00 here is the way his mouth is put together,
45:02 he can't get down and get that short grass.
45:05 That's the reason you have sheep in the...
45:08 We've been to Israel and how do they live,
45:12 only the sheep could live out there, you know.
45:15 You don't see any cattle out there
45:17 and so anyway,
45:18 but they got their heads hung down
45:20 and, oh, my goodness, there is not a better time,
45:24 there's not a better time
45:26 and I wish that everybody could experience this,
45:28 spring is coming, baby lambs everywhere.
45:33 This is the ideal place
45:35 and I think that God had for a big playpen.
45:37 There's thousands of lambs out there
45:39 just jumping and bouncing, mama sheep got her head down,
45:44 you know, and I mean, every time
45:46 she is breathing the dark splatters,
45:47 you know, but she gets that to.
45:49 But boy, the way it's supposed to be...
45:54 Mama have thousands of sheep, how does that work?
46:00 She hears and boys attentively
46:02 she goes right directly to the baby,
46:05 and the baby of course he just hit the jackpot
46:07 'cause he gets fed right there.
46:09 But the thing about it is, it all starts in the morning
46:14 when the sheepfold is open
46:16 because there's enemies out there.
46:19 Now we're not only talking about sheep that have wool,
46:24 we're talking about you and me.
46:28 We need to know our shepherd when he calls.
46:31 When that sheepfold open,
46:33 that we then are following his voice,
46:36 we don't follow the voice of a stranger.
46:40 Because we here, we live in the 20th century,
46:44 we turn the TV on,
46:45 we know what happens
46:46 to these precious people all the time.
46:48 And don't you think that,
46:49 that's why it is so important to know the word of God.
46:53 You know, when we hear,
46:55 every now and then, you'll hear...
46:57 I was listening, we were traveling
46:59 and I listened to some man's part of his sermon.
47:02 It sounded so good,
47:03 he had the audience eating out of his hand
47:06 and I'm sitting there thinking that is error,
47:10 that is so wrong, I could sit and list a dozen scriptures.
47:14 But if you don't know the voice of the shepherd,
47:18 you will follow a stranger.
47:20 And there's some strange messages,
47:22 strange doctrines out there.
47:24 So, you know, this is something that I so appreciate
47:27 about 3ABN and those who speak on 3ABN.
47:31 It's so many
47:33 will just come right out and say don't take it as truth
47:36 because we say so, get into the word
47:39 and everybody preaches from the scripture,
47:42 it's not theoretical, it's scriptural based,
47:47 Christ centric, Christos centric teaching.
47:50 Amen.
47:52 Thank you, JD, that was beautiful.
47:53 I remember somebody saying,
47:55 I don't remember if it was in a sermon
47:56 or where I heard it,
47:58 but that bank tellers in order to,
48:01 they studied the authentic,
48:03 they become so familiar with the real deal dollar bill,
48:08 20 dollar bill,
48:09 whatever, they don't spend time studying the counterfeit.
48:12 Because once you know the genuine
48:14 and once you know what's real,
48:16 you'll be able to spot a fake from a mile away.
48:19 And it's interesting with the sheep,
48:21 you're talking about
48:23 how the sheep know the shepherd's voice.
48:26 Well, I was watching a YouTube video
48:28 and this might have been on Facebook and on this video,
48:31 there were strangers
48:32 that were trying to call and get the sheep to come over.
48:35 And they were just doing their own thing,
48:37 they weren't paying them any attention.
48:39 But when their shepherd, when the shepherd called,
48:42 they all just ran over there to him
48:45 and that's how like you were saying
48:47 we need to be in the word of God.
48:49 So that we recognize
48:50 and we're able to distinguish between the real deal,
48:54 our Heavenly Father and the counterfeit.
48:59 So I have Psalms 16:11,
49:05 and this is coming
49:06 from the New King James version,
49:08 "You will show me the path of life,
49:11 in your presence is fullness of joy,
49:13 at your right hand are pleasures for ever more."
49:16 I love that scripture.
49:17 And that is so true like
49:21 when you accept Christ
49:22 as your personal Lord and Savior,
49:24 you experience an inner peace, a true sense of joy.
49:29 Because everything
49:30 that the world has to offer is counterfeit,
49:32 you know, you may be...
49:33 You have a lot of money, you may be happy for a second.
49:36 But that's not,
49:37 that's not true joy, it's like a rollercoaster.
49:40 You know, then you're operating off
49:42 of feelings and not principle.
49:47 I also want to take a look here in Exodus,
49:49 we are talking about
49:51 being in the presence of God here.
49:53 And Exodus 34, beginning in verse 27,
49:59 and I know we're short on time, so I'm going to try and...
50:02 Exodus 34, what?
50:04 Verse 27, beginning in 27.
50:08 And it says, "Then the Lord said to Moses,
50:11 'Write these words for according
50:13 to the tenor of these words
50:14 I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.'
50:17 So he was there with the Lord, 40 days and 40 nights.
50:21 He neither ate bread nor drank water
50:24 and he wrote on the tablets,
50:26 the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments.
50:29 Now it was so when Moses came down
50:31 from Mount Sinai and the two tablets
50:33 of the testimony were in Moses' hand,
50:36 when he came down from the mountain,
50:37 that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone
50:41 while he talked with him."
50:44 So, you see, Moses was up there 40 days and 40 nights
50:49 with no bread, no water, normally I mean,
50:55 you die from something like that,
50:57 you can't go that long
50:58 without eating and drinking, right.
51:01 So he is in the presence of the Lord,
51:04 and not only
51:05 was he in the presence of the Lord for all that time,
51:08 he was really just absorbing like everything
51:11 God was pouring into him.
51:14 And when he came down from that mountain,
51:16 it showed on his face like he reflected that glory.
51:20 And that's how we should be as Christians,
51:22 is that when we spend time with the Lord
51:25 and we're allowing Him to pour into our lives
51:29 when we're listening to Him and absorbing everything
51:31 that He has to say to us, that should be seen,
51:35 we shouldn't even have to state necessarily
51:37 that we're Christians,
51:38 it should just be that glow on our face.
51:42 And there was one more thing to get to real quick,
51:47 I want to go back to the beginning of time,
51:50 back in the garden.
51:52 Genesis, what?
51:53 We're going to go to Genesis 3:6.
51:59 All right, "So when the woman saw
52:02 that the tree was good for food,
52:04 that it was pleasant to the eyes,
52:06 and a tree desirable to make one wise,
52:08 she took of its fruit and ate,
52:10 she also gave to her husband with her and he ate.
52:13 Then the eyes of both of them were opened,
52:15 and they knew that they were naked
52:17 and they sewed fig leaves together,
52:19 and made themselves coverings.
52:20 And they heard the sound of the Lord
52:23 God walking in the garden in the cool of the day,
52:26 and Adam and his wife hid themselves
52:27 from the presence of the Lord
52:29 God amongst the trees of the garden.
52:32 Then the Lord God called to Adam,
52:34 and said to him, 'Where are you?'
52:36 So he said,
52:37 'I heard your voice in the garden,
52:39 and I was afraid,
52:40 because I was naked, and I hid myself.'"
52:42 You see there is different applications with God,
52:45 being in God's presence,
52:47 you know, there is the one where,
52:49 you know, you're happy to be in God's presence.
52:52 And then there is the one where, you know, God...
52:55 You've recognized that you've messed up.
52:59 And here we have Adam and Eve,
53:00 they recognized that they've messed up
53:02 and they are kind of like they are hiding,
53:05 you know, because they are scared
53:07 of being in God's presence at that time.
53:10 And a common misconception is that you have gone too far,
53:16 you know, and this what the enemy wants people
53:17 to believe is that they have gone too far.
53:20 But the bottom line
53:21 is the Lord Jesus still wants you,
53:23 God still wants you.
53:25 And He is longing for His children
53:27 to spend eternity with Him.
53:29 So all you have to do is repent and turn away.
53:32 Amen.
53:34 I'm telling you,
53:35 I think the Lord's got His hand on you to preach.
53:38 Praise the Lord.
53:40 I want to just throw in one more,
53:41 1 John, if everybody will turn there.
53:45 We have been talking about
53:47 the presence of the Lord is with us always.
53:52 And, you know,
53:53 if you are feeling guilty like Adam and Eve,
53:56 what you're going to do,
53:57 you're going to try to avoid the Lord
54:01 and God doesn't want you to.
54:03 Mollie, what is your favorite scripture
54:05 that you are always quoting?
54:07 That if we confess our sins...
54:10 1 John 1:9, oh, thank God for 1 John 1:9.
54:14 He is faithful and just to step one, forgive us,
54:18 step two, cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
54:20 So there is no reason to hide.
54:24 So let's look
54:25 at 1 John 3:19
54:31 because unlike the Adam and Eve,
54:35 who felt guilty and under condemnation
54:38 until the Lord restored them.
54:40 When we know
54:42 that all of God's promises are true,
54:44 when we recognize His presence
54:47 it says here in 1 John 3:19,
54:52 "By this we know that we are of the truth
54:55 and shall assure our hearts before him."
55:00 I like the way the NIV says it, it says,
55:04 "We know that we belong to the truth
55:07 and we set our hearts at rest
55:12 in His presence."
55:14 We are sure before Him,
55:16 we set our hearts at rest in His presence.
55:20 I mean, praise God.
55:22 The joy of the Lord is I mean, truly,
55:27 He is our good shepherd is showing us the path of life
55:31 whether we turn to the right or to the left,
55:34 He is saying, no, no, no, this is the way, walk ye in it.
55:39 He knows us personally, we hear His voice,
55:43 we won't follow the voice of a stranger.
55:46 He has promised
55:47 He will never leave us or forsake us.
55:49 Hallelujah. Amen.
55:51 I would like to end with prayer,
55:52 if we just...
55:54 Mollie, why don't you start, we'll just go around.
55:56 We want to invite you to pray with us
55:58 and we hope you'll understand God's presence
56:01 is with you always.
56:02 Holy Father, we praise You
56:04 and thank You, Lord,
56:06 for Your grace, and mercy, and goodness to us,
56:08 and for Your presence here with us.
56:10 Father, I pray over this word, this going forth, Lord,
56:13 that You have securely planted it
56:15 within our hearts,
56:16 seal it now by Your spirit
56:17 that the enemy can't come and steal it, in Jesus' name.
56:21 Amen.
56:22 Dear, Heavenly Father,
56:24 we thank You so much for the opportunity
56:25 to commune with You and to be in Your presence,
56:29 as we know that prayer does not bring You down to us
56:32 but us up to You.
56:33 And we're so grateful for that opportunity
56:35 and we just ask
56:36 that You would continue to be with us
56:38 as we walk with You Lord,
56:39 and allow us to know and feel Your presence.
56:43 In Jesus' name we pray, amen.
56:44 Father, thank You that You never leave us
56:47 or forsake us and please give us
56:49 a divine awareness of Your presence
56:50 and help us to practice Your presence in Jesus' name.
56:55 And Father, as we come to You in the name of Jesus,
56:57 I just ask Lord
56:59 that each person that seeks Your faith,
57:01 each person that calls upon Your name.
57:03 Right now, dear Father that You will indeed be there
57:06 to give them the assurance
57:08 that You will never leave them nor forsake them.
57:10 We love and thank You.
57:12 Thank you, Father, for being the example for us
57:15 and for giving us
57:16 the opportunities for us to follow You always.
57:19 And thank You for all the messages
57:21 that You give us of assurance
57:23 that we need not fear
57:24 because when we are following the good shepherd,
57:27 You will always be there for us and we thank you for
57:30 and we're praying for those Lord
57:32 who are in need of You,
57:34 that You will reveal Yourself to them in Christ name, amen.


Revised 2018-01-18