Today Family Worship


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: J. D. Quinn (Host), Eric Durant, Jason Bradley, Kenny Shelton, Luis Capote, Tim Parton


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017036A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:10 Happy Sabbath.
01:11 This is our favorite time of the week,
01:13 a time whenever we can just take that deep breath
01:17 because yesterday is dead and gone.
01:19 Today we are dedicating our lives to the Lord.
01:23 Got a wonderful group of guys, I say guys
01:27 because the girls are not with us this evening,
01:30 so we welcome you to family worship.
01:33 I'd like to go around
01:34 and introduce everybody real quickly.
01:36 We got our Pastor Kenny Shelton over here.
01:38 Kenny is a warrior.
01:41 You know we love warriors.
01:43 We got Eric Durant, tender heart, smart man.
01:47 I'm very happy to be here. Amen.
01:49 We got Luis Capote, our gentle giant
01:53 that is also a warrior.
01:54 Thank you. God bless you.
01:56 We got Jason Bradley, he is a work in progress.
01:59 We're all just sitting here.
02:00 It's absolutely amazing to see this young man
02:03 growing in the Lord.
02:04 We have my precious friend Tim Parton over here
02:07 that God's blessed in many ways, and I'm JD Quinn.
02:10 Anyway, special, special time.
02:12 We got a topic tonight that I think,
02:15 that there's not a person alive that hasn't experienced
02:17 some type of fear.
02:20 So what do we do when we have that fear?
02:22 Is that our, is it a guest that we welcome
02:26 or is it something that we run from.
02:29 And so, as we go through this, I just think that
02:33 you are going to be enlightened.
02:35 I do truly believe
02:37 that if you go get a pencil and paper,
02:40 that in write these scriptures down,
02:42 they will assist you in becoming more like Jesus.
02:47 But more imp...
02:48 Just as important is that is that
02:50 whenever you've been beat up,
02:53 you know what name to call upon.
02:55 Amen Amen, amen.
02:58 So at this particular time
02:59 I'd like to start with a prayer.
03:01 Pastor Kenny, why don't you have
03:03 our opening prayer to bless this meeting,
03:06 and then we're going to have special music, okay?
03:09 Amen.
03:10 All right, and those who are at home,
03:11 pray with us please.
03:13 Our loving Father in heaven, we thank You
03:14 for the beginning hours of the Sabbath.
03:16 We thank You for a special time that You set aside for us
03:19 to spend with one another, but most of all to spend
03:21 with all of heaven.
03:23 We ask now the guidance of thy Holy Spirit
03:26 upon each and every one here around this table,
03:28 those who listen, those who view.
03:30 May the spirit of the Living God
03:31 touch the hearts and lives of each and everyone.
03:33 May we be turned towards Calvary,
03:35 may we see Jesus, may we see that sacrifice.
03:38 Help us to understand that.
03:40 Tonight we pray in a special way
03:41 that You would help us on this subject
03:44 as the subject matter of fear which has affected
03:46 every person on this planet.
03:48 So Lord, we thank for Your Word that we can look in,
03:51 and we can read, and we can understand
03:52 that there is help, and there is encouragement,
03:55 and there is hope for those who are living in fear.
03:58 So bless us now, we pray this and may the Holy Spirit now
04:00 take possession of each of our hearts and our lives
04:03 as we dedicate our time and our energy
04:05 to You right now.
04:07 And we thank you in Jesus' name, amen.
04:08 Amen
04:10 And everyone is invited to sing along with us
04:13 because you'll notice at the bottom of your screen,
04:16 you will see the words.
04:18 I know that whenever we first started
04:20 watching Family Worship from home,
04:22 I'd sit there and hum along
04:25 and I wasn't being, I wasn't satisfied.
04:29 And then, so Shelley and I decided, "Let's verbalize,
04:32 let's sing out loud."
04:33 And now it's one of my favorite times
04:35 because the words will be there.
04:37 And then we got an all time favorite,
04:41 Shall We Gather at the River.
04:43 Now you wonder how that has to do with fear.
04:46 Man, if we're gathering at the river,
04:48 we are conquerors.
04:49 Amen. Amen, amen.
04:51 So if you got a hymnal, you're going to look
04:52 at your hymnal, it's page 432.
04:55 But it's Shall We Gather at the River.
04:57 Our precious friend Tim is at the piano.
04:59 And so we're going to sing verses one, two, and three.
05:04 Amen.
05:10 Shall we gather at the river
05:14 Where bright angel feet have trod
05:18 With its crystal tide forever
05:22 Flowing by the throne of God?
05:27 Yes, we'll gather at the river
05:31 The beautiful, the beautiful river
05:35 Gather with the saints at the river
05:39 That flows by the throne of God
05:43 Ere we reach the shining river
05:48 Lay we every burden down
05:52 Grace our spirits will deliver
05:56 And provide a robe and crown
06:00 Yes, we'll gather at the river
06:04 The beautiful, the beautiful river
06:09 Gather with the saints at the river
06:12 That flows by the throne of God
06:17 Soon we'll reach the shining river
06:21 Soon our pilgrimage will cease
06:26 Soon our happy hearts will quiver
06:30 With the melody of peace
06:34 Yes, we'll gather at the river
06:38 The beautiful, the beautiful river
06:43 Gather with the saints at the river
06:47 That flows by the throne of God
06:54 Amen.
06:55 Wow, wow, wow, I love to sing.
06:58 Amen.
06:59 No, just to make the noise, you know,
07:01 and I think it's important because it shows, you know,
07:04 that we have joy in our hearts.
07:06 Yeah, amen. Thank you Tim.
07:08 Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, amen, yes.
07:09 I want to read an affirmation dealing with fear.
07:13 And then we're going to jump in with our gentle giant over here
07:18 and he's going to start off with Isaiah 41:10.
07:20 But we're going to read, we're going to read
07:23 this affirmation first, and then as we go through this,
07:27 you'll be able to connect the dots, okay?
07:31 I do not fear for He is with me.
07:34 I am not discouraged for He is my God.
07:38 He strengthens me. He helps me.
07:40 He upholds me in His everlasting arms.
07:44 And He calls me by my name.
07:48 I am His, He is mine.
07:50 The Lord is my strength and my shield.
07:53 He protects me, and He is mighty to save.
07:58 Holy and righteous, Lord, thank You.
08:02 Thank You for quietening my fears
08:04 with Your love Lord.
08:06 And when I sought You, You answered
08:09 and delivered me from all my fears.
08:11 Amen. Amen.
08:14 Fear not, God quietens our fears.
08:17 Yes.
08:19 Why don't we go from here, Luis?
08:21 Yes, you know when you spoke about
08:24 coming this Friday evening and talking about fear,
08:30 I was reminded of my life
08:31 and coming out of a communist country
08:33 and all the aspect of that's been going
08:36 and coming into a place
08:38 where you didn't know the language,
08:39 coming into weather that you weren't used to.
08:42 All of these things are going through your mind,
08:46 and then you look at a verse like this one
08:48 which is Isaiah 41:10.
08:51 And if you're going through issues in your life,
08:54 if you're going through troubles in your life,
08:56 the Bible never promises that we're going to be
08:58 in a life with beds and roses.
09:01 You know, that's going to be wonderful.
09:03 They promise you that you are going
09:05 to go in through struggles but look at
09:06 what it's trying to tell here.
09:10 Isaiah 41:10, it says, "Fear not, for I am with you."
09:16 It's so amazing to know that
09:18 while you're going through those...
09:21 There, the heavenly Father, the Creator of the universe
09:25 is going to constantly be with you.
09:27 Not only that, it also, "Be not dismayed."
09:31 You know fear gets you to the place
09:34 where you are dismayed,
09:35 where you don't feel you're confident.
09:37 I was just talking to the guys before we started,
09:40 have you ever been bullied?
09:42 You know you are going through school
09:43 and you got somebody that's bullying you.
09:46 And all of a sudden a friend or somebody bigger comes
09:50 and helps you.
09:51 You know how did that make you feel?
09:53 You felt you were on top of the world.
09:55 You were walking high
09:56 'cause you had your buddy besides you.
09:58 This is what this is telling you.
10:00 The Creator of the universe is your bodyguard.
10:04 It's the one that's going to take care of you.
10:06 And it says, "For I am your God.
10:10 I will strengthen you.
10:12 Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you
10:16 with My righteous right hand."
10:19 Praise God. Amen.
10:20 What an amazing verse it is.
10:23 We've been going through, back and forth,
10:26 ever since I started my prison ministry.
10:29 You know, the enemy is not happy with that so...
10:33 I've had to rely on verses like this,
10:38 like verses that we're going to be talking about
10:40 because it's the only way that we're going to be able
10:42 to handle our day-to-day struggles.
10:47 I notice that the one thing that caught me right here
10:50 and I might have mentioned this before
10:51 but it's just the way that my mind works
10:53 in everything, "I will uphold you
10:55 with My righteous right hand."
10:56 Now this God telling us, this is His promise to us,
10:59 says, "JD, I'm there for you."
11:02 And I can just visualize
11:04 His reaching His righteous right hand,
11:06 His healing right hand, you know,
11:09 His redeeming right hand,
11:10 His saving right hand down to me.
11:12 Whatever the issue is, fear is fear, okay?
11:16 But He is extending down to me and I can just say
11:19 because, "Oh, Lord, I need you so much."
11:21 That I'm on my tip-toes,
11:23 and I'm stretching my righteous,
11:25 my sinful right hand up to Him.
11:29 And, of course, His can reach so much further than mine.
11:31 That's right.
11:33 And I can just see that. And so, boy!
11:34 May be you know you gotten one finger up, oh, like this,
11:37 touch His finger, you know.
11:39 And so that just jumped out at me right there.
11:43 "I will indeed strengthen you."
11:45 Whenever we talk about fear, what I found out was that
11:48 there was two kinds of fear.
11:50 There was, what they call causative fear
11:53 and what causative fear means is that, that's indicating that
11:57 the subject, the subject here being God,
12:00 that He will step forth, and He will perform
12:04 or He will bring a condition into the being.
12:06 So He's saying, "Hey, fear not."
12:09 So I've got you, I've got you covered in the front.
12:12 Yeah.
12:14 And then we're going to also hear in a little bit talk
12:16 about the other kind of fear is may be
12:18 whenever we went some place we shouldn't have been
12:21 and all of a sudden there's something there.
12:23 That's, and now where is God then?
12:26 Okay?
12:28 Wow, go ahead, anybody else have another thought
12:31 on Isaiah 41:10.
12:34 Well, the interesting thing about fear is that
12:36 it can grip you for your entire life.
12:39 From day one, to your last day can grip you
12:42 if you don't gain the victory over it,
12:45 and so many people, they don't give it to the Lord.
12:48 You have to give the Lord permission
12:49 to take control of your life
12:51 and to cure you of those fears that you have.
12:54 When I come up, I have a fear that gripped me my entire life
12:56 and I'm looking forward to sharing that with you guys.
12:59 But you have to give it to the Lord
13:01 because He is the great fear eliminator.
13:04 Amen.
13:05 How many things have you stopped doing
13:08 for the Lord because of fear?
13:10 How many times has God wanted you
13:12 to use you in mighty ways and you have not gone forward?
13:17 You know, this past couple of years,
13:19 since I have been here, I've been asked to preach,
13:23 I've been asked to go to prison ministries,
13:25 I've been asked to do things
13:27 that never would have crossed my mind.
13:30 And each one of those elements has been a revelation to me,
13:35 "Whoa, I have a talent I wasn't aware of."
13:38 And, B, this wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.
13:41 You know, so when you trust God and this is what is...
13:46 The moment that you allow God to take away your fear,
13:51 and then the word peace come into your heart.
13:54 That's the only way that comes into your heart.
13:56 And it's such an amazing ride
14:00 that some individuals don't understand it.
14:02 You know, like, when I go to my prison ministries,
14:04 those guys sometimes are so into their depth
14:08 of this depression and things that they don't understand
14:12 what I'm trying to let them know.
14:14 That if they use their Bible correctly,
14:16 if they understand how God is saying,
14:18 like He is saying, God is reaching out for us.
14:21 We don't even have to lift up our hands.
14:23 He'll lift it up for us. That's what's so interesting.
14:26 That when you are in your deepest part of your life,
14:31 when fear has got you so trembling,
14:33 God is the one that comes and grabs hold of your hand
14:37 and then lifts it up for you.
14:38 Amen. Amen.
14:39 You don't worry, sometimes, first of all,
14:41 have to admit that we have a fear.
14:44 To me, it's like everything else, first of all,
14:46 you have to recognize this is an issue.
14:49 But I kind of feel like it's not an easy thing
14:52 sometimes for a man to say, "I'm fearful of anything."
14:57 'Cause most times he'll say, "I'm not afraid of anything."
14:59 You know, and right that point in time we're really afraid.
15:03 So I think we have to first come to grips
15:05 that there are things in this world
15:08 that causes us fear.
15:09 And of course, it's stress and then it's denial,
15:12 then it's not taking part as you mentioned,
15:14 it's backing away from something
15:16 that God wants us to do rather than knowing that
15:18 God can give us what we need in our hour of need.
15:22 And also think, you know, that also gives
15:24 the enemy permission to say that you have a weakness.
15:28 Come on guys, hey, we got him at a weak moment.
15:30 Let's attack him.
15:32 And so, versus stepping out in faith, Lord,
15:36 I'm out of my comfort zone but if this is the plan
15:39 that You have for me, Lord, I know that You'll equip me.
15:42 You take that step of action, and then all of a sudden
15:45 there's that enablement that comes to you
15:47 that surprises each one of us at this table.
15:51 And Christ strength is made perfect in our weakness.
15:54 But we have to, like he said, we have to acknowledge first
15:57 that we are weak.
15:58 And we're so strong then we don't recognize
16:01 our need for Christ.
16:03 But I mean, Christ strength is made perfect in our weakness.
16:05 Most certainly. Most certainly.
16:07 You know, the interesting part is that
16:09 as you are walking with God, and you start battling
16:12 every fear that you have in your life.
16:14 And you conquer one and you conquer the other,
16:17 and you get to the point where you said,
16:18 "Okay, I finally got it."
16:20 Then the enemy gets you with the last fear
16:24 and that's that fear of salvation.
16:26 You know, I don't know
16:27 how many of you here are struggling with that
16:29 but I'm struggling with that everyday,
16:31 that the enemy keeps on pointing out
16:33 all of the aspects in your life,
16:35 why God would not want to be with eternity with you.
16:39 To the point where I have to sometimes tell him,
16:41 "It doesn't matter what I want, God wants me."
16:45 So you have to depart from me because it's He who is the one
16:49 that is doing this work.
16:50 And I have noticed that
16:52 because there are so many things
16:53 that I've been able to accomplish through my life
16:56 based on fear that now the enemy says,
17:00 "Well, I can't touch him with anything like that.
17:02 Let me tell him that God doesn't love him."
17:05 You know, and let's put that fear in his heart.
17:08 And I bet you, there's countless individuals
17:09 that are going through the same struggle,
17:11 that are going through the same issue,
17:13 that are saying, "Well, you know,
17:15 I do still have this gossip problem,
17:17 I still have this little..."
17:18 We all are going to have issues in our life.
17:21 The thing that we need to realize
17:23 that fear need not be part of that
17:26 because salvation is what?
17:27 Assured to you.
17:29 Because it's God's word that's going to do in our life.
17:31 Isn't it interesting the way the world tells you
17:34 never surrender, never give up,
17:36 and God tells you the total opposite.
17:38 It says surrender. Amen.
17:41 I'm an old military guy and that was engrained is us,
17:45 you never surrender, you never back up,
17:47 you never back down.
17:48 God says, "Surrender, give it to me."
17:50 Amen. And that's very humbling.
17:52 I know, I had problems with that word.
17:55 You know, I keep asking Shelley,
17:56 I'd like to grow and she says, "Well honey, surrender."
17:58 And boy!
17:59 There was just that roadblock there
18:02 and then somebody mentioned consent.
18:05 Wow! I love that word.
18:07 In other words, what you're saying,
18:09 "Lord, I give You, I consent to doing
18:12 what You've called me to do rather than surrendering
18:14 what You've called me to do."
18:16 Same thing, it's just, you know,
18:18 we just all interpret, we have interpretative
18:21 differences in everything.
18:24 So, Jason, is God our refuge?
18:28 I mean, where do we go, what do we do?
18:30 I mean, how do we get past this?
18:32 He's telling us to fear not but yet sometimes
18:35 we catch ourselves in a situation
18:37 so where's the safe house?
18:40 Well, let's look in Deuteronomy and see what we got here.
18:42 Deuteronomy 33:27, it says,
18:47 "The eternal God is your refuge,
18:50 and underneath are the everlasting arms.
18:54 He will drive out your enemy before you saying,
18:56 'Destroy him.'"
18:59 The eternal God, not temporary but there was, there is,
19:05 and there is to come.
19:07 Amen.
19:08 You know, He's the eternal God.
19:10 He knows the beginning from the end.
19:12 You know, so when we have issues,
19:14 when we're struggling with something,
19:16 when we're facing something that is scary
19:18 because you do come across things that are scary.
19:21 When you're going through these difficult situations,
19:24 we know that we have a God, that we serve a God
19:29 that knows the end from the beginning,
19:30 that knows the big plan, you know,
19:34 and the ultimate goal is for our salvation,
19:37 you know, for us to spend eternity with Him.
19:39 So whatever we're going through,
19:42 whatever may be plaguing us,
19:44 we have to be confident in the fact
19:46 that we do serve the eternal God
19:48 and know that in the end, it's gonna workout for our good
19:53 because we love the Lord.
19:54 Amen. Amen.
19:56 You know, I was thinking about
19:57 what you were talking about there in fear.
19:59 I heard someone say that the fear came as reality
20:04 when they went to the doctor and found out
20:06 their spouse had cancer
20:08 and just had a few months in which to live.
20:10 And how they did, and they love the Lord
20:13 and they had confidence in the Word
20:15 but in our humanness they said they simply went home,
20:18 husband and wife, and they just held each other.
20:21 And they just, the man said, he said, "I cried all night."
20:25 He cried all night but then he also he cried unto the Lord
20:29 and the Lord heard.
20:30 See, there was a fear of the unknown,
20:32 the fear that she had just a few months to live
20:34 and of course, husband didn't want that,
20:37 she didn't want that,
20:38 but 16 years later, she's still alive.
20:40 Amen. Amen.
20:41 So you know, they cast their fears upon God, and He heard,
20:45 He answered, the eternal God.
20:47 Amen. They heard that.
20:48 Creator God. You know, I think of that...
20:50 Go ahead, dear, Jason, I'm sorry.
20:51 Yeah, I was just gonna say, I remember
20:53 lying in the hospital bed,
20:56 now this is prior to my conversion,
20:58 prior to coming back to the Lord.
20:59 And I remember the devil wanted to take me out
21:02 while I was in my sins.
21:04 And you know, my appendix has ruptured inside of me,
21:06 I had been misdiagnosed, and I had been sent home twice.
21:09 Went to the doctor a third time,
21:11 and I have shared this before but I went to the doctor,
21:13 at the third time and he told my dad
21:15 to take me to the ER right away.
21:17 When I got to the ER, and they ran another test,
21:22 stuck a tube up my nose and down my throat, an NG tube,
21:26 and did surgery that same night.
21:29 See what happened was my appendix ruptured
21:31 and sealed off my intestine.
21:32 And I would have died from that.
21:36 And so while the devil tried to take me out in my sins,
21:41 God saw fit to deliver me from that and, you know,
21:44 I still didn't come back right then
21:47 but later on down the line when I did give my heart
21:50 to the Lord, even being in ministry,
21:53 I remember having to go to the doctor
21:57 and have surgery again, as you came to visit,
22:02 I had surgery again.
22:04 You know, so here we have the devil
22:06 trying to take me out in my sins,
22:08 then here we have the devil mad because I'm trying
22:11 to lead people to Christ, you know,
22:13 and so I'm going through it on this side
22:17 with a peace and assurance because I know, you know,
22:20 I love the Lord and I'm serving the Lord.
22:22 So now it's like, over here whatever your will is Lord.
22:26 Amen. Amen.
22:27 And what's so interesting, what did you just come back
22:30 from Virginia doing?
22:31 Uh, going to an evangelism seminar,
22:35 learning how to prepare sermons.
22:37 This is from the guy that the first time around
22:40 wasn't in the Lord.
22:42 And so He does have a plan for your life.
22:46 And I mean it's no telling where any of us
22:48 are going to end up.
22:49 I mean, we can all sit here and tell stories
22:51 yesterday, today.
22:54 Let me read this to you, for you that are taking notes,
22:57 okay, especially taking down the scripture,
23:00 2 Chronicles 20:17.
23:04 Because now what Jason just read,
23:07 "The eternal God is our refuge,
23:08 and underneath His everlasting arms.
23:10 He will drive out your enemy before you, saying, 'Destroy.'"
23:15 Now read in 2 Chronicles 20:17,
23:20 "You will not need to fight in this battle."
23:25 Eric? Amen.
23:27 Okay, "You will not need to fight in this battle.
23:30 Position yourselves." Wow!
23:33 "Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord,
23:37 who is with you."
23:39 Praise God. Amen, now that is fantastic.
23:41 So let me get this straight God,
23:44 You're telling me that if I give my heart to You,
23:48 stand still, and that You'll handle this.
23:52 I don't have to go put all that armor on,
23:54 so heavy that I can't even walk,
23:57 that you'll put a hedge protection around me.
24:00 JD, it's almost interesting when you think about Jericho.
24:03 Who won the war at Jericho?
24:04 Who fought the war? Amen.
24:06 Who knocked down the walls? Amen.
24:09 It was Jesus, so He won the battle.
24:12 He just needed the army to do His will in the end,
24:16 and He created the path towards victory.
24:18 Isn't that beautiful?
24:19 And there's people that need to hear this
24:21 because they said...
24:23 A lot of people call in and says, "Well,
24:25 I'm just not big enough to fight this battle."
24:27 Or whatever it mean, position yourself
24:30 and let the salvation of the Lord work for you.
24:33 You know what too, that makes me think about
24:36 what you were talking about earlier,
24:37 how you had to step out of your comfort zone
24:39 and all that stuff.
24:40 Well it reminds me of Moses, how when the Lord
24:43 called on Moses to deliver His people,
24:46 he made every excuse in the book,
24:49 Lord, I'm not the most eloquent speaker,
24:51 I don't, you know I stumble, you know, whatever.
24:55 He made all kinds of excuses
24:57 but where the Lord leads, He provides.
25:01 So if God is calling you to do something,
25:05 you just need to be willing
25:07 and He will work on you, in you, and through you.
25:12 And I think it says, I'm willing to me made willing.
25:15 Doesn't get any better than that.
25:16 That's right. Yeah.
25:18 I mean, if you've done the very best that you can do,
25:19 you've done the very best you can do.
25:22 You know and a good thought, at least in my mind comes from
25:24 where we are talking about all this here
25:25 is with every conflict that we have with fear,
25:30 faith is established and faith grows.
25:33 So you know, it's kind of hard to,
25:35 but by faith we have to say thank you Lord for this thing
25:39 because it's causing me some fear but through You,
25:42 through Your grace and strength if I go forward.
25:45 It's kind of like the, there was a famous battle
25:47 that was fought and the boy with the horn, you know,
25:51 there's this sound retreat or charge or whatever,
25:54 and they were just getting, I mean, that was a bad deal
25:57 and the commander just starts screaming out,
26:00 "Boy, sound retreat, sound retreat."
26:03 And the boy grabs a horn, he looks up and goes,
26:06 "Sir, I never learned retreat, all I know is charge."
26:10 He said, "Then hit it son."
26:11 And I mean he hit it, it rallied the soldiers
26:15 and they went on to defeat the enemy.
26:17 May be that's what we should be thinking about.
26:18 Wow, great story.
26:20 Yeah, there's things that we shouldn't be learning
26:21 and things that we should be so I'm sure you played
26:24 both of those things you know.
26:25 I'm going to just practice on the charge.
26:27 I'm gonna... Charge, it works.
26:29 You know this, when I found out
26:32 that this message was going to be on fear,
26:34 I was determined to sit back and listen to a bunch of guys,
26:38 who I thought would show me how to, you know, burl men,
26:41 you know, of no fear.
26:43 And so I've been taking this all in and just enjoying it,
26:47 hopefully like the viewers at home.
26:49 But I'm reminded there is a Chinese word for crisis,
26:52 you know fear comes we have this crisis.
26:55 And the Chinese have two,
27:00 whatever those symbols are for crisis, danger
27:04 and opportunity are the two components
27:06 of the word referred for crisis which indicates that
27:10 in crisis there is danger but there is also opportunity.
27:14 And so it's nice to hear that, you know, if you know that
27:20 there is a fight to be fought but if we practice charged,
27:25 that's our opportunity.
27:26 The danger is the fear knowing that
27:28 we have these verses to rely on is God saying,
27:32 "Here's your opportunity to let Me be big."
27:35 Wow! Amen. Be God.
27:37 Goes back to that position yourself,
27:39 position yourself.
27:41 Kenny?
27:42 We love Isaiah 43.
27:44 Yes.
27:47 In the New King James Version you have down here,
27:50 and I have the King James here.
27:52 And rather closely, the thought is good, I like it.
27:56 So whatever be it says, "Fear not,
27:57 for I have redeemed you."
27:59 Isaiah 43:1-3,
28:01 "I have called you by your name.
28:02 You are mine.
28:04 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you.
28:06 Through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
28:08 When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned,
28:11 nor shall the flames scorch you,
28:13 for I am the Lord your God.
28:15 The Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
28:18 Probably with just a little bit of quick background,
28:21 if you look at Isaiah, you know,
28:22 Isaiah starts out what chapters 1-66
28:27 and as you look in Isaiah, the first 35 chapters
28:30 or so is dealing with God dealing with His people
28:33 in transgression and judgment.
28:36 And then if you look through Isaiah about 35-39,
28:40 you simply see that God is dealing with the invasions,
28:44 how they were defeated.
28:46 And who was it, Hezekiah, and the illness of Hezekiah,
28:49 then the recovery of Hezekiah.
28:51 And then if you go through 39-66
28:54 which we are reading here in Isaiah 43 now,
28:56 the God is telling how He has come about to heal them.
29:00 This is all encouragement and strength
29:02 that He is giving the people
29:04 when He says, "I'll be with you."
29:05 I thought that was interesting
29:07 because when you look at Isaiah,
29:10 it talks about the Messiah to come.
29:13 It talks about the Messiah-ship or the Messianic kingdom
29:17 that's going to be set up in through here.
29:20 Then it deals with hope and encouragement.
29:23 And this is what I read from these verses here
29:25 is what everyone's been telling me,
29:27 "The hope and the encouragement from the Word of God."
29:29 But notice how He starts out in the King James,
29:32 it says, "But now."
29:34 Previously, we talked prior to this about judgments
29:37 and God saying this is it
29:38 because you are rebellious people,
29:40 this is what's going to happen.
29:41 They were defeated but I like it now
29:42 'cause it says, "But now."
29:44 God says now it's going to change.
29:46 Now its start is going to be different now.
29:48 Judgment, I found out in scriptures,
29:50 is always followed by mercy.
29:53 And always I'd like to say mercy,
29:54 "He's had mercy before that."
29:56 You're talking about you lying at the hospital,
29:57 may be still not quite with Him,
29:59 He was showing you mercy, He was showing me mercy
30:01 when I was still at odds with Him.
30:03 But then, it talks about here,
30:05 then judgment came to try and get their attention,
30:07 and then after the judgment hit him,
30:09 they didn't know which way to turn.
30:11 And they were throwing up their hands
30:12 because the northern tribe of Israel
30:15 had been completely devastated.
30:17 Judah was just on the verge of being devastated.
30:19 They had nothing to hope and to say, "Oh,
30:22 this is going to be wonderful."
30:23 Nothing to look through the mind and through the eyes
30:26 and say this is all going to be wonderful.
30:28 But God says now, "Just wait a little bit right here.
30:31 Number one, I still love you." Ain't that beautiful?
30:34 When I go haywire sometime I know, in my mind, He says,
30:37 "Kenny I still love you."
30:38 And I say to Him sometimes...
30:40 The fear, Brother JD, is "How could you love me."
30:44 So the fear comes in if you are not careful
30:45 but you know why I go back and say
30:47 because the Bible says so.
30:49 That's right. Why did you die?
30:50 You died for a mess like me.
30:51 Thank you that I can get fear, get it out of the way
30:54 knowing that You've done Your part,
30:55 You'll continue to do it, "Oh, God,
30:56 help me to do my part."
30:58 So He reminded Israel right quick.
31:01 You're still My people, You're still called by My name.
31:04 I still called you to witness for Me.
31:06 I still called you to be My voice.
31:09 And I'm not going to leave you in this position.
31:12 I'm going to bring you out of this position.
31:14 You are called by My name, you're My representative,
31:16 you are My witnesses.
31:18 I thought how wonderful that is that we read these things
31:21 and it talks about by fire and water.
31:25 As we look at it, and I always try to hurry quickly here,
31:27 that we've been talking about fire and water
31:30 used in scriptures is always about purification.
31:33 And it wasn't just the physical,
31:34 even though you can read in Isaiah,
31:36 I got it here somewhere Isaiah 66, I jotted it down.
31:38 Isaiah 66:12, it says,
31:40 "We went through fire and through water,
31:43 but then brought us out into a wealthy place."
31:47 So physically, they went through it
31:49 and He brought them out.
31:51 But this is, I think
31:52 more spiritual when we look at it.
31:53 He says, "You are going to go through these messes in life,
31:55 there're going to be fire, you think
31:57 you're going to be burnt and there's not going to be
31:58 anything left of you, you know.
32:00 But, this is my way of purifying
32:03 and perfecting of people to meet Jesus.
32:04 How wonderful that is.
32:07 Numbers 8 talks about, in scriptures,
32:09 using water and fire.
32:10 I think we have Job 23, 2 Peter 3:5-7,
32:15 it's purification, water and fire.
32:17 So God is saying, I'm going to perfect these, My people.
32:20 You've been rebellious, yes you've failed.
32:21 Yes, you have but I'm going to bring you out of that.
32:25 And I'm thankful because He's bringing us out
32:27 to where we should be.
32:29 My brother says a lot of times, you know,
32:31 the tail's not where we're supposed to be.
32:34 God called His people to be the head.
32:37 That's why He's calling because we are to represent
32:39 not ourselves but we are to represent Him.
32:42 I'll read one more passage and then I'll be quiet.
32:43 I like it, the Psalms 34:19, it said
32:46 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous
32:49 but the Lord delivered him out of them."
32:52 Wow. See I like it, "Many."
32:54 It's been talked about here, "Many are the afflictions."
32:57 Many are the trials and the tribulations
32:59 of the righteous.
33:00 But I have this assurance and I'm not saying...
33:03 We've talked sometime like this just easy.
33:05 You know you read the passage, some people will call
33:07 and write, and say, "Well you said like it's easy.
33:08 You know, it's not."
33:09 No, it's not, there is an effort.
33:11 We have to put forward by the grace of God.
33:13 We know it's all Him in results but we have to struggle.
33:16 I have to struggle with what it says
33:19 when I'm faced with reality
33:21 of may be death, or disease, or sickness,
33:24 and things that are going on, or your house payment,
33:28 car payment.
33:29 You're threatened with it.
33:31 It's easy to say, "Well,
33:32 Lord's going to take care of it."
33:34 But do you really believe He is going to take care of it.
33:35 That means, Lord, I need You to get rid of this fear
33:38 that I have that somehow
33:39 You're just going to leave me out.
33:40 I'm out there on a limb and You're going to leave me.
33:42 And I can honestly say, over all my life,
33:44 never one time has He left me out on that limb.
33:47 But I can tell you this, I put myself
33:50 out there on that limb many times
33:52 and it should have been chopped off
33:54 but it wasn't by God's grace, right?
33:56 Out there, just like who cares anymore.
33:59 But God says, "I'm there, I love you,
34:01 I've called you by name."
34:02 And He calls us back and He's going to make sure
34:04 that fear dissipates and it's gone.
34:08 And somehow through those nights
34:11 that you are suffering with different things
34:13 and I've thought about these things over the years,
34:16 you know, sometimes being left alone
34:18 or you feel like you're alone fighting.
34:20 You're the only one fighting the battle
34:22 or whatever it might be you're going through that
34:24 the God says, "I'll never leave you,
34:25 I'll never forsake you.
34:27 I love you with an everlasting life."
34:29 I'll never leave you, that's been a comfort to me
34:31 that I've said it and at the same time
34:32 feeling like, Lord please don't do it.
34:35 But it kind of seems like You have.
34:37 But He has never has. That's when He was the closest.
34:39 That's when I could feel Him and I could reach out
34:41 and just touch Him and draw Him close to my chest
34:44 where I needed Him, you know.
34:46 And then the fear subsided.
34:49 And I think that somebody needs to hear this
34:51 because whenever somebody first gets sick,
34:54 it seems like the troops rally around that person.
34:56 Come on now.
34:57 And then but boy, whenever then the weeks
34:59 turn into months, the months turn into years
35:02 and you're still in that bed
35:04 and nobody comes to see you anymore.
35:07 And you really, your heart's breaking
35:08 and now you question who you are, right?
35:11 But He sits and says, "Hey, I'll never leave you."
35:15 I'll love...
35:16 Or just what you're talking about here,
35:17 what jumps of the page, yes,
35:19 He is going to be with us through the waters.
35:20 Yes, He is going to be with us through the storms.
35:23 But boy, what jumps off, I will be with you.
35:28 And so you don't... Go ahead.
35:30 And so then, I know in my own life
35:34 with the real enemy out there
35:37 that's trying to beat you up all the time.
35:39 You've got to choose some day who you're going to serve.
35:43 And so, consequently I think you got to be determined.
35:47 That's right. Amen.
35:48 And so, you know I try to be determined, who am I?
35:53 Who do I belong to?
35:55 And boy, sometimes He decides that JD,
35:57 you've got to be determined.
35:59 I choose God. I choose God.
36:01 Now here comes that little note chinking
36:03 away again, you know, I choose God.
36:06 Lord increase my faith. Amen.
36:08 Isn't that beautiful?
36:10 Yes, I want to go back to this Isaiah 43:1-3 here,
36:15 "Fear not, for I have redeemed you.
36:17 I have called you by your name. You are mine.
36:19 You pass through the waters, I'll be with you
36:21 and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you.
36:24 When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burnt
36:27 nor shall the flame scorch you, for I am the Lord your God,
36:30 the Holy one of Israel, you savior."
36:33 And so when I heard the part,
36:36 "When you walk through the fire,
36:38 you shall not be burned
36:40 nor shall the flames scorch you."
36:42 I was like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
36:46 Now I want to take it to Daniel.
36:49 It's chapter 3
36:53 and I'm looking here, I will start with verse 21.
36:58 "Then these men were bound in their coats, their trousers,
37:01 their turbans, and their other garments,
37:04 and were cast into the midst of the burning fiery furnace.
37:08 Therefore, because the king's command was urgent,
37:11 and the furnace exceedingly hot,
37:13 the flame of the fire killed those men
37:15 who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
37:18 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
37:22 fell down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace."
37:27 This is verse 24 now,
37:29 "Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished
37:31 and he rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors,
37:35 'Did we not cast three men
37:37 bound into the midst of the fire?'
37:40 They answered and said to the king, 'True, O king.'
37:43 'Look', he answered, 'I see four men loose,
37:47 walking in the midst of the fire
37:49 and they are not hurt,
37:51 and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.'"
37:55 Amen. Big.
37:57 Now when you look at Isaiah 43:1-3
38:02 and you see this part where it says,
38:03 "When you walk through the fire,
38:05 you shall not be burned
38:07 nor shall the flame scorch you."
38:10 And Jesus was there standing with them.
38:14 So you're indicating that He was then,
38:16 and He still was there and now He is here today.
38:20 Yes, everlasting.
38:21 And you look at it, what he's just saying there
38:23 and someone brought it out a while ago.
38:25 It was really good but we need to be reminded,
38:27 at least for me right now.
38:28 It says, "When you go through the fire,
38:31 when you go through the water."
38:33 He never promised that we're gonna have freedom
38:37 from trouble and problems.
38:38 When some people say, well, you know,
38:40 soon as all these troubles and trials hit,
38:42 you know, I'll be careful, be raptured away.
38:44 I won't be here to go through all this.
38:46 Don't fool yourself. Bible is very, very clear.
38:49 Where did all those folks back here in the Word of God.
38:52 How did they get?
38:53 They had to go though it
38:55 because this is our faith builders.
38:56 These are fear conquerors.
38:57 You know, you come forth more than a conqueror
38:59 through Jesus Christ.
39:01 And we need to remember those time, sometime say,
39:04 "Hey, He led me then, He'll lead me now.
39:07 He was alive then, He was on the throne then,
39:10 He is on the throne today.
39:11 Thank you.
39:13 You know I'm reminded about Job.
39:15 You know the moment he started with all his sickness,
39:19 he was strong.
39:21 I have done nothing.
39:22 I'm going to go through this, not a problem.
39:25 What does the enemy do?
39:26 He brings his friends to bring him down.
39:28 And they beat him up so badly that he got to the point
39:32 where he started doubting God.
39:33 You know, he started wondering and God had to slap him
39:35 on the head and said, "Who made this earth?
39:37 You know, who is the...
39:39 I've been here from the beginning.
39:40 I've been here to the end.
39:42 You had it right the first time.
39:44 Don't let those surround you
39:46 because that's what it's all about.
39:48 When you are at your highest,
39:49 that's when the enemy is going to be coming
39:52 and it's going to be sending you
39:54 into the fire of life.
39:56 But once you're in the fire of life, come on,
39:59 how many can testify when you're in the fire of God,
40:01 that's when you can feel the hand of Jesus,
40:03 squeezing your hands.
40:05 Not only grabbing your hands, He squeezes your hand
40:06 to let you know, "Don't worry about it,
40:09 I'm here and I'm going to go through it with you."
40:12 You know, I have asked God,
40:13 "God, please make me a robot for you."
40:15 I know you exist, I know you're God
40:17 and He tells me, "Son, I can't
40:19 because you need to reflect my character."
40:21 In order for you to reflect my character,
40:22 you got to go through the trials.
40:24 You got to go through the tribulations.
40:26 That's right. Amen.
40:27 Wow! Yeah, it's clear.
40:29 Let's go to Zephaniah. Okay, Zephaniah 3.
40:33 The last chapter of Zephaniah verses 16-17.
40:36 "Do not fear. Let not your hands be weak.
40:40 The Lord your God in your midst,
40:42 the Mighty one will save.
40:44 He will rejoice over you with gladness.
40:47 He will quiet you in His love.
40:49 He will rejoice over you with singing."
40:52 The Book of Zephaniah,
40:54 it's a quick read but it's so heavy.
40:57 It's full of the people of Jerusalem and Israel
41:02 committing idolatry and the Lord God
41:07 is just basically saying, "I'm gonna just wipe you out."
41:10 I've had it, I'm through and just like you had mentioned
41:13 in Isaiah, much of the...
41:15 You know it's the transgression that they commit
41:17 but it's always followed by mercy.
41:19 And so chapter 3 at the end of this
41:21 is when God comes in and says, "But wait, I love you."
41:26 You know, I think all of us as kids
41:28 probably remember a time when we did something
41:30 we knew was wrong and...
41:34 Many times.
41:36 Yeah, many times... Sorry J.
41:38 My goodness, you don't have to be so transparent.
41:40 Well, that's true.
41:42 But seriously, because we knew we had done wrong.
41:46 I think fear is based on experience, a lot of fear.
41:51 How do you know what to fear
41:53 but what we've gone through before
41:54 and we knew that something went haywire
41:57 or we did something wrong with it.
41:59 And so whenever I heard Timothy Wayne, Oh, Jesus,
42:04 I can hardly say it myself now
42:05 without chills running down my spine
42:07 because that is what mom said when I was in trouble.
42:10 So, but to know, don't, no, no, no...
42:13 You didn't hear that.
42:17 But to know that there is a merciful side
42:22 that you know even...
42:24 You know, I have a handful of fears.
42:28 I fear flying,
42:31 I don't fear flying because I love flying
42:33 but I fear those air pockets that you hit.
42:37 Just recently I was on a flight where we hit a couple of those.
42:40 And so I will say, we were headed to Bermuda.
42:46 And, you know I had heard about this Bermuda Triangle.
42:49 And we weren't even over the States still,
42:53 we've just left Atlanta and I thought oh, boy,
42:56 the triangle has widened, you know, what all.
42:58 They've spread the boundaries for this Bermuda Triangle.
43:02 And I could see the people in front of me on the plane,
43:04 we were titling.
43:06 I mean, and my hands started sweating,
43:08 my feet started sweating, and I start repenting for sins
43:12 I have never even committed.
43:14 And that fear, it's just so real
43:20 and I've heard of a man
43:22 who was experiencing going down in a plane,
43:27 literally it started going down
43:29 before the pilot was able to bring it back up.
43:31 And so I know that those things are real
43:35 and but we have to conquer.
43:39 I think there is...
43:41 You have to trust God because you know...
43:46 And the frustrating thing is that you hear of people who,
43:50 you hear of missionaries, martyrs, who you think,
43:54 "Well they trusted you God, they feared you.
43:56 What went wrong?"
43:58 So there is a reality in that, you know,
44:02 even when we go through the things that we go through,
44:05 the fire, the water, we will not be burnt.
44:08 As a realist I want to say, you know,
44:12 there are people who that are watching
44:15 that feared death and it...
44:19 Feared the death of their spouse,
44:21 It overtook, it won.
44:24 And I don't think that there's any cause for us to say,
44:28 "Well, it wasn't because your faith
44:29 wasn't strong enough.
44:31 You know...
44:34 Life happens, you know, and it's a point
44:36 where a man wants to die.
44:38 All those scriptures that you can say
44:40 in favor of God being with you for fear,
44:44 there are other situations that, you know, life is life.
44:48 I think what we have to realize is that God does love us,
44:53 and He does care, He will sing over us.
44:55 In the end, ultimately the Lord God is in your midst,
45:00 He is the mighty one, He will save
45:03 whether it is here in this temporal body
45:07 or in eternity.
45:09 He will save.
45:10 He will rejoice over us with gladness.
45:12 He will quiet us in His love.
45:14 He will rejoice over us with singing.
45:16 And these are words that I think are inspirational,
45:19 encouraging, for us to go on
45:22 in spite of the fear that we're facing.
45:23 No matter anything.
45:25 Well, and I think we also have to look that
45:26 He looks through us with
45:28 a totally different set of eyes than we do.
45:30 I mean He may, I know that one time
45:32 I was on the verge of death
45:34 and I didn't realize how close I was.
45:37 Shelley knew more because she was corresponding
45:39 with the physicians but...
45:41 In my heart it was just probably
45:43 the closest I've ever been to the Lord.
45:45 Now perhaps at that particular time
45:47 being that God had seen my ups and downs,
45:49 my failures, my junk, He might have been saying,
45:55 "I'm rejoicing right now with gladness
45:58 because his heart's where it needs to be."
46:00 And I also see around the corner
46:02 which he cannot see
46:04 and since I have His eternal benefit
46:07 in mind at all times,
46:09 I want Him more than anything in this world
46:11 to spend eternity with me.
46:14 I might just take advantage of this situation here
46:19 and put this young man to sleep
46:21 because he's going to be able to travel across the worlds
46:24 and see things that otherwise he may never see.
46:27 So you know, He will rejoice. Yes.
46:30 He will quieten us.
46:32 So you know we can turn some, you know, I mean...
46:35 He's so much.
46:37 He's so much any way. Amen.
46:38 I like Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the thoughts
46:41 that I think towards you, says the Lord.
46:43 Thoughts of peace and not of evil
46:45 to give you a future and hope."
46:47 So with that eternity in mind you know He is not God
46:52 that's creating these bad things
46:55 you know that happens to us.
46:56 So people, you know, a lot of times
46:59 people get into these trials, or these different situations
47:02 and they're like where is God in all of this.
47:05 You know, it's not God that is inflicting pain on you,
47:08 that's the devil.
47:09 That's the results of sin.
47:10 That's a product or a byproduct of sin.
47:14 You know, but thank God that we serve the victorious one.
47:18 Jesus gained the victory over death
47:20 so that we can spend an eternity with Him.
47:24 Praise God. Amen.
47:25 I think also the fact that if we do go through,
47:28 we have fear, we do go through trials
47:30 that we don't shrink back.
47:31 Most certainly.
47:33 Because as like Hebrews 10:38-39,
47:36 "The just shall live by faith
47:38 and if he draws back and shrinks in fear,
47:41 my soul has no delight or pleasure in him.
47:44 But our way is not that of those
47:46 who draw back to eternal misery.
47:48 We are of those of who believe and rely on Jesus Christ."
47:52 Amen. Very well.
47:54 Something that we can really, I mean,
47:56 establish our will that there is,
47:58 well I said for every truth, right?
48:00 There is a counterfeit.
48:01 So you have the fear of the enemy
48:03 and then we need the fear of God.
48:06 So we have to balance that out
48:07 and I think we've to be very, very careful
48:09 that we do not lose the fear of God.
48:12 That's like Godly fear that we need in our hearts
48:15 and our lives dealing with heaven
48:16 and heavenly issues.
48:17 So you know just as you all fear, fear,
48:19 it all means the same thing not in the Word of God.
48:21 You can look about with reverence and respect
48:23 and awe when it comes to God.
48:25 And that is that and then that's whenever
48:27 the causative one he shows up and says,
48:29 "Okay listen Kenny, fear not my brother."
48:32 Yes.
48:33 'Cause I mean, I do have this plan for your life.
48:36 I'm going to be on time. I'm going to strengthen you.
48:39 I'm going to put that air underneath your wings.
48:42 You're going to be able to float over this, you know.
48:44 We're going to get past that Triangle.
48:46 Yes. Amen.
48:47 Yeah, that's right. That's good.
48:49 Let's go to Eric.
48:51 Okay, I'm reading Psalms 57:1,
48:56 "Be merciful and gracious to me O God.
49:00 Be merciful and gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge
49:04 and finds shelter in confidence in You.
49:07 Yes in the shadow of Your wings will I take refuge
49:13 and be confident until calamities
49:15 and destructive storms are passed."
49:22 This verse right here moves me a lot
49:26 because one of the fears that gripped me
49:29 from a little boy was, I don't know how old I was,
49:32 probably four, five, really, really young.
49:35 Seeing my mother,
49:36 she was very sickly through her whole life.
49:39 Seeing her with tubes and wires and machines
49:42 and all that wired into her gave me a fear of loss.
49:46 Losing the people that I love.
49:49 And that stayed with me through my whole life.
49:52 And you know I've been to the Middle East,
49:53 I have been to war, lot of things,
49:56 jumping out of helicopters, never have I ever
49:58 had to face the fear that I faced the day
50:01 that my mother passed away.
50:04 The events were very, very unusual the way it occurred.
50:09 First my mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly.
50:13 And a month and half later my mother passed away.
50:17 And then a week after that my father passed away.
50:21 And we had a lot of other events
50:22 that I can go through that was happening
50:24 at the same time.
50:25 And an interesting thing happened.
50:28 We were living in Issaquah, Washington.
50:31 And we went to get the mail and Marilyn started talking,
50:35 Marilyn is my wife,
50:37 she started talking to the landlady
50:39 telling her what we were going through,
50:41 we were getting ready to move to Texas.
50:43 I was going to leave my job and retire early
50:48 and she was telling the landlady.
50:49 And the landlady said you guys are getting ready
50:51 to do something for the Lord.
50:54 And I went from the mail working the mail,
50:57 looking at the landlady like what does she mean by that.
51:00 And she said, "I've seen this before."
51:04 She said, "Right before people go to work
51:07 for the Lord, when the enemy sees this,
51:11 he throws events at them to deter them."
51:15 And that made total sense to me.
51:20 We had a lot of really strange events happen,
51:23 windows breaking, really strange things.
51:25 Before we moved into our house we always pray
51:28 that God's angels come over and watch over this household.
51:31 Outside the house, strange things happened,
51:34 we had a picture window, huge picture window,
51:37 was probably seven feet wide by four feet.
51:40 It just shattered all by itself one day
51:43 and the window guy came over and said that
51:45 someone hit this glass
51:46 and no one hit this glass, it shattered in place.
51:49 So we had really strange events.
51:51 So this moves me because
51:54 while these events were happening,
51:56 I came to realize that God was still there
52:00 because not long after may be a week
52:02 after these events started happening
52:05 I prayed to Lord, I said, "Lord what do you want?"
52:07 Something's going on.
52:09 This is odd, all highly unusual.
52:10 Losing loved one after loved one
52:12 after loved one, playing upon the fears
52:14 that I had as a child.
52:16 What's going on?
52:18 The next day 3ABN called and said
52:23 we'd like for you to come in and work with us, work for us.
52:28 And I said, "Okay, that's interesting."
52:32 We came out and we visited
52:34 and we were still headed for Texas at that point.
52:38 And I said, "Lord, if you really want us
52:40 to go to 3ABN, let me know and we will go."
52:45 And about an hour later, 3ABN called again.
52:50 And we were still resisting, we still didn't want to go.
52:53 And may be a week and a half, two weeks passed by
52:55 and we're packing up, we're headed for Texas.
52:57 We already had it all planned out
52:58 and I said you know what?
53:00 I said, "Lord, we're fighting this
53:03 but if you really want us to go, let us know."
53:07 And within the hour 3ABN called again.
53:11 So what it turned out being, through all the calamities,
53:15 through all the trials, God was still there.
53:19 And even though the enemy was playing
53:20 upon my fears, God was still there.
53:24 And it reached a point where, like you said earlier, JD,
53:26 you have to decide who you are going to serve.
53:30 And I fear what would have happened
53:31 if I had gone to Texas
53:33 and not answer the call that God made.
53:35 He asked that young ruler, he said, the ruler said,
53:38 "What do I need to do?
53:41 And Jesus said, "Give up all your things,
53:44 give it to the poor and come follow me."
53:47 And from a young child I read that verse
53:49 and I knew, I said to myself,
53:50 "How did he walked away from that?
53:52 Why would he walk away from that?"
53:54 So when I was presented with that same situation
53:56 I said, "I have to follow the Lord."
53:58 Amen. Praise God.
54:02 Wasn't that one that, was Job had said that
54:04 because you're talking about the fears that followed you.
54:07 And when Job, he said,
54:08 "The thing that I fear the most has happened."
54:12 After all the disasters.
54:15 See the enemy knows what we fear
54:17 and we need to get rid of that fear
54:19 and we can only do it through Christ Jesus our Lord.
54:21 Because those things can come upon us,
54:24 the enemy knows it, God allows it to happen
54:26 so best thing to do is cast our cares on Him
54:29 because He care our fears because He cares for us.
54:32 That's right.
54:34 What I take out of this particular scripture
54:35 right here, "Until the calamities
54:39 and the destructive storms are passed."
54:43 I mean they will pass.
54:45 Here we go back to being determined.
54:48 Our Lord, I choose to serve You.
54:51 You're the one that's going to have to enable me.
54:53 And I'm going to close with Psalms 34:4,
54:57 "I sought the Lord and He answered me
55:01 and delivered me from all my fears."
55:03 Oh, boy, it doesn't get any better
55:07 than when it says that He answered me
55:10 because that means He heard me.
55:13 So whenever we're in our times of weakness,
55:15 in our times of despair, "Lord, help."
55:20 Doesn't have to get anymore elaborate than that.
55:22 No, that's beautiful
55:23 Yeah, He hears you and then I choose to believe
55:29 the Calvary comes.
55:31 And at that particular time, Lord, because
55:34 I'm determined of who I am and who I choose to serve.
55:37 Lord increase my faith, my courage,
55:39 my wisdom, my humility.
55:43 Little book Steps to Christ quickly says, page 100,
55:45 says keep your fears before God always.
55:49 Keep your fears before God always and if we do that,
55:52 it's just what everyone's been talking about here.
55:54 God will take that and will give you
55:56 victory in that area.
55:57 Amen. Yes, you know JD...
55:59 We got a minute and 35.
56:01 I love the first part, "I sought the Lord."
56:04 And that's where it's all about.
56:06 And that's where individuals don't understand
56:08 when we come to study with them
56:09 and when we do things with them.
56:11 You first have to seek God, you have to look for Him
56:15 and then is when all the blessings
56:16 and then it's when all the fears dwindle.
56:18 And then when it's everything and the peace then comes
56:22 but if you do not seek Him first,
56:25 then the kingdom was not going to come.
56:28 There you go. Amen.
56:30 This is a cooperative effort.
56:33 You know He's sitting on the throne,
56:35 we're sitting in the little chair,
56:37 we're looking to daddy.
56:39 He says, "Say please."
56:43 Anyway, I just want to thank each one of you
56:46 for joining us this evening.
56:49 We love the Sabbath.
56:51 Sabbath's precious, and we know what I'd like to see is that
56:55 the Friday Night Worship becomes part of your culture
57:00 in your home.
57:02 You know, and of course watching 3ABN is a good way
57:05 to bring the Sabbath in, joining us in song
57:08 and praise is a good way to bring the Sabbath in.
57:10 And, of course, it's always wonderful
57:12 to be able to read and see what the Word of God says
57:17 and to make sure that you give all glory to Him.
57:20 Amen. Let's close in prayer.
57:22 Father as we come together in the name of Jesus,
57:24 I just want to thank You Lord for being who You are.
57:27 Father, the promises that You gave us
57:29 that we take to heart and Father we allow You
57:32 to work in our lives.
57:33 We ask this in the name of Jesus, amen.
57:35 Amen. Amen.
57:37 Praise the Lord. Thank you.


Revised 2017-12-07