Today Family Worship

Relying on His Power

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Shelley & J. D. Quinn (Host), Mollie Steenson & Dee Hilderbrand & Luis Capote & Tim Parton


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017029A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship,
01:11 happy Sabbath.
01:12 We're so glad that you've joined us
01:15 and we have the 3ABN family around the table.
01:18 And we're going to study tonight in God's Word.
01:22 We're going to talk about relying on His power,
01:26 His power to walk the Christian walk.
01:29 Honey, why don't you introduce everybody,
01:32 I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:33 I'm her husband JD.
01:34 Yes, Shelley I will.
01:36 We have Mollie over here.
01:38 We love Mollie, Mollie takes care of all of us,
01:41 we're all her little chickens.
01:43 And we have our precious Dee right here.
01:45 Dee takes care of all of us too.
01:47 In a different way. In a different way.
01:50 We have Luis,
01:51 Luis is a good friend of ours as well as Tim.
01:54 And so we're just glad to be able to spend
01:56 the Sabbath hours here together.
02:00 You know, there's some,
02:02 I love my biological brother and sister,
02:04 just absolutely love them.
02:06 I love my spiritual children,
02:09 my spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ too.
02:12 And those who get to choose and so it's wonderful
02:15 that we can be here together this evening.
02:16 You know what, sometimes you hear people say often actually
02:20 that it's, you know, you can't choose your family,
02:23 you choose your, well, I guess we choose each other
02:26 but I've heard so many people say
02:29 that their brothers and sisters in Christ
02:31 are closer to them than even their own family.
02:33 And I think that's because we're like-minded.
02:36 Well, let me ask a quick question
02:38 before we send Tim scurrying for the piano.
02:43 Tell me something
02:45 what is your favorite part of the Sabbath?
02:48 Anybody? The fellowship.
02:50 Just being able to know out of all the things
02:53 that are happening during the week
02:54 there's this 24 hour period
02:56 that you can just be one on one with God
03:00 without any hindering thought.
03:03 You know, you can spend it in nature,
03:05 you can spend it helping others,
03:07 you can actually see God's mighty power
03:11 in those 24 hours.
03:13 And it's something that unless
03:14 you really have learned to experience,
03:17 you have no idea what it's about.
03:20 When the Sabbath starts usually it's when the enemy
03:27 tries to keep you the most hectic.
03:29 You know, you're trying to finish your chores,
03:31 you're trying to finish your things
03:33 but then when you are in that beginning,
03:36 when the Sabbath morning starts and you come to church,
03:40 and you can just relax, and you just let God guide you.
03:46 It is the most fulfilling and the most wonderful experience
03:50 that I get to have,
03:52 and I get to have it every week.
03:54 Amen. Amen.
03:55 You know, ET Edward was sharing with me
03:58 what she heard a Rabbi say, and what the Rabbi said was,
04:05 "You can tell how you value the Sabbath
04:09 by your preparation."
04:11 And boy that spoke, I mean that shouted at me
04:14 because there are times that my preparation,
04:18 I mean, I'm ready for the Sabbath
04:19 but I'm not always ready to make it a special time.
04:23 And I thought that was quite important.
04:26 Well, Tim, we're going to ask you
04:27 if you will to play piano for us.
04:30 And while he's going over there,
04:33 we're going to look at
04:37 from the Seventh-day Adventist hymnal,
04:40 this is number 319,
04:43 Lord I want to be a Christian.
04:45 And we're going to make a joyful noise to the Lord.
04:50 Amen.
04:59 Lord, I want to be a Christian
05:02 In my heart, in my heart
05:07 Lord, I want to be a Christian
05:11 In my heart In my heart
05:18 In my heart
05:22 Lord, I want to be a Christian
05:26 In my heart
05:30 Lord, I want to be more loving
05:34 In my heart, in my heart
05:38 Lord, I want to be more loving
05:42 In my heart In my heart
05:49 In my heart
05:53 Lord, I want to be more loving
05:57 In my heart
06:01 Lord, I want to be more holy
06:06 In my heart In my heart
06:10 Lord, I want to be more holy
06:14 In my heart In my heart
06:22 In my heart
06:26 Lord, I want to be more holy
06:30 In my heart
06:34 Lord, I want to be like Jesus
06:38 In my heart, in my heart
06:43 Lord, I want to be like Jesus
06:47 In my heart In my heart
06:55 In my heart
06:59 Lord, I want to be like Jesus
07:03 In my heart
07:09 Amen. Amen.
07:11 I'll tell you, I just absolutely love singing.
07:15 I just love singing, I just wish I could sing better.
07:18 What a beautiful song,
07:19 what a beautiful tempo that was.
07:23 Thank you, Tim.
07:24 You know, we always start with a prayer.
07:28 And somebody might think,
07:29 "Hey, you didn't start with a prayer."
07:31 Yes, we did.
07:33 This was, you know, when a song is being sung
07:37 directly to the Lord,
07:38 when you're addressing the Lord,
07:39 that's just a prayer set to music.
07:42 And I just, I'm going to put my little plug in right here,
07:47 oh, when we were singing at church
07:49 and it's a song that you're singing
07:50 directly to the Lord.
07:52 Don't be talking to your neighbor
07:54 because it's like you're interrupting them
07:56 during a prayer time.
07:58 But let's do have a prayer,
08:00 Mollie, I am gonna ask you to start.
08:01 We'll just have a prayer of praise
08:04 and go around the table,
08:05 something you want to praise God for.
08:07 Our Heavenly Father, we come before You
08:09 in the name of Jesus and we thank You, Lord
08:12 for Your grace and mercy,
08:13 set us new day every morning.
08:15 Thank you, Father for Your love for us in Jesus' name.
08:18 Amen.
08:19 Oh, Father, I thank You for the power
08:21 that You used to work in my life.
08:23 I just want to praise You that You can change us, Father.
08:28 Thank you. Amen.
08:29 Thank you, Jesus that we can come to You in Your name.
08:32 Thank You, Jesus, for this Sabbath Day.
08:34 Thank You, Lord that this is a day
08:35 that You set aside that You've created.
08:38 And, Father, that we can participate.
08:41 Thank You for my brothers and sisters in Christ.
08:44 Heavenly Father, we praise You and thank You
08:46 for Your three greatest gifts of grace,
08:49 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
08:51 Your Holy Spirit and Your Word.
08:55 Our loving Father, I thank You so much for Your power,
08:58 Your power to forgive and Your power to save.
09:02 Lord, and I thank You because You have shown to us,
09:06 You have given us Your Spirit,
09:08 You have poured out Your spirit in this area.
09:10 Lord, and we hear countless individuals
09:13 that the Spirit has touched them
09:14 and they have been able to feel the victory.
09:17 And I thank You, Lord,
09:18 for being such a mighty and powerful God.
09:20 In Christ name Lord. Amen.
09:23 Father God, I thank You that while we were yet sinners
09:26 You made a way, and I am so honored to know You
09:30 and to love You and to live for You.
09:31 And yes, I want to be more like You.
09:35 And thank You for this opportunity today
09:37 to worship and study You
09:39 and to again be with friends that are like-minded.
09:42 You are so wonderful,
09:44 You are God and I adore You in Jesus' name.
09:47 Amen. Amen.
09:49 Hallelujah.
09:51 Our topic tonight is going to be relying on His power.
09:57 And if we're going to be more like Jesus,
10:00 if we're going to be more loving in our hearts
10:03 and be more holy in our hearts
10:05 and be a Christian in our hearts,
10:08 then we can't do it on our own,
10:10 we've got to come before the Lord
10:13 and rely on His power.
10:14 So let me read to you an affirmation
10:17 and an affirmation is simply taking God's word
10:20 in either speaking it over your life
10:23 or praying it back to the Lord.
10:25 Let me read you an affirmation
10:27 and then we will see all of the scriptures
10:29 that we'll look at tonight
10:32 or how this are in this affirmation.
10:35 And this is in the form of a prayer.
10:38 "Father, I am relying on the power of Your Word
10:40 and Your Spirit to work within me,
10:42 to cause me to will
10:44 and to act according to Your good purpose.
10:46 I gladly confess my weaknesses to You,
10:49 for Your grace is sufficient.
10:52 Thank You for making
10:53 Your power perfect in my weakness.
10:55 Just as a branch must be connected to the vine
10:58 for life and vitality,
11:01 I know my union to Christ is critical for success.
11:06 Apart from Christ, I can do nothing,
11:08 nothing to change myself
11:10 and nothing of eternal consequence.
11:13 But by the power of the Holy Spirit,
11:15 I can put to death the misdeeds of my flesh.
11:17 I thank You, Father, for the confidence
11:19 You have given me in Christ.
11:21 I can do all things through Christ
11:24 who continues to strengthen me day by day,
11:27 the life of Christ in me
11:29 as His temple is my hope of glory."
11:32 Amen. Amen.
11:33 So as we look at these scriptures that support this,
11:39 you'll get an idea
11:40 of how you can just take scripture
11:42 and pray it back to the Lord,
11:44 because what does Isaiah 55:11 say?
11:47 "His Word does not return to Him void,
11:50 but it accomplishes every purpose
11:53 for which he sent it.
11:54 And God is watching over His Word to perform it."
11:57 So okay, we've all chosen scriptures,
11:59 mine happens to,
12:01 say I took what was left over here
12:02 and it's Philippians 2:13.
12:06 Let's read that.
12:07 Let's go to Philippians 2,
12:10 and I'd like to begin
12:12 with the B part of the verse before this.
12:16 Philippians 2:12.
12:18 Paul writes to the Philippians and he says,
12:21 "Work out your own salvation in fear and trembling."
12:28 How many of you have ever tried
12:30 to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling?
12:33 I'm telling you until I,
12:38 until God took me on the sanctuary,
12:40 to the sanctuary message in a study of the sanctuary
12:44 to understand His grace in the Old Testament.
12:48 Until He did, I constantly was trying to work out
12:52 my own salvation with fear and trembling
12:54 and it was knees knocking, performance oriented.
12:59 I didn't grew up as a Seventh-day Adventist,
13:01 I did not understand grace.
13:04 And it was something that I just never felt like
13:07 that's gonna be good enough for God.
13:10 But then He says, you know,
13:12 we can't separate
13:14 from Philippians 2:13
13:17 because basically he's saying,
13:19 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,
13:22 don't rely on yourself in other words.
13:25 And he goes on, he says but not in your own strength,
13:28 "For it is God who works in you
13:32 both to will and to do for His good pleasure."
13:37 So I think of this as a two stage work.
13:41 God works in us, you know, here's God and His will,
13:45 there's His channel of blessing.
13:48 If you're outside of His will
13:50 what God does first is He works on your mind
13:54 through His Word, through His Spirit
13:56 to help you begin to desire to do His will.
14:01 And He gets your will lined up with His will.
14:04 You know, and sometimes,
14:06 I remember once I told the Lord,
14:07 Lord, I'm...
14:11 You know, I said, "I'm willing to do Your will."
14:13 And what I heard in my mind was, "No, you are not."
14:16 And I thought, oh, no.
14:19 And I said, "Lord, I'm willing to be made willing."
14:23 And then what I heard was, "That's all I ask."
14:27 So when we're willing to be made willing,
14:30 God will start changing the things that you desire
14:34 and He changes the way you think.
14:37 Now He's got you, He's working in you to will
14:40 according to His good pleasure.
14:41 But something that I've found is that that's not enough
14:46 because God will never force you to act.
14:49 So once He's changed your will
14:51 what He asks is that we take a step of faith,
14:56 and when you step out in faith,
14:58 the power of the Holy Spirit shows up
15:01 and God works in us to act.
15:05 So to me this is relying on His power
15:11 is the only way to walk the Christian walk.
15:15 So this is a terrific promise
15:17 and held on fast to Philippians 2:13.
15:21 And you can pray and say thank You, Father
15:23 that You're working in me
15:25 to will and to do Your good pleasure.
15:28 And remember that He is doing that
15:30 and He's gonna perfect the good work He began in you.
15:34 I believe Tim, you are next, tell us what your scripture is?
15:37 Right.
15:38 I just want to comment and say that God has a job security
15:43 in that, in that He is working in us
15:46 to will and do according to His good pleasure
15:49 'cause He constantly has to be working in me so.
15:52 My scripture is 2 Corinthians 12:9.
15:57 And this is Paul talking about a flesh,
16:00 a thorn that was in his flesh,
16:04 a messenger of Satan to buffet him,
16:08 to keep him from being excessively exalted.
16:10 That's what verse 7 sets this verse up.
16:13 Verse 9, "But Christ said to me,
16:17 'My grace, My favor and loving kindness.'
16:20 " I'm sorry, let me just go over here to the scripture,
16:22 the New King James Version.
16:24 My grace, "God said to me,
16:26 'My grace is sufficient for you,
16:27 for My strength is made perfect in weakness.'"
16:30 My grace is sufficient for you,
16:32 my strength is made perfect in weakness.
16:37 You know if the very fact that we have these situations
16:42 that come up in our lives, I often think if I were God,
16:47 I would handle things differently.
16:49 You know, first of all I wouldn't have,
16:52 I wouldn't have the...
16:54 There would be no problems.
16:55 You know, I mean why would I want for my children
16:57 to have troubles and problems.
16:59 Well, that would make us awful weak,
17:02 that would make us awfully flimsy,
17:04 you know for it
17:05 because that's what builds us muscle.
17:08 And so first of all the fact that we do have weaknesses,
17:12 each of us are possibly even born
17:14 maybe even I don't, I don't want to say
17:17 that God puts those weaknesses in us from the beginning,
17:23 it's our nature.
17:26 We will learn later about the things
17:29 that can't be changed,
17:30 zebra can't change its stripes and those kind of things.
17:33 We are human
17:35 and but the fact that we have a grace that is,
17:40 that we can give ourselves,
17:44 finding Christ we can follow Him
17:46 and find that His grace is sufficient for us.
17:50 It also makes us common,
17:52 we have those weaknesses in common
17:55 so that we can understand each others problems better.
18:00 If and that is huge we talk about the community
18:03 and the fellowship that we have with one another,
18:07 knowing that I think that also that helps us
18:10 be more kind and loving and tender with each other.
18:15 But the very bottom line is
18:17 that it is God's grace that is sufficient for us
18:21 and that we can rely on Him too.
18:24 He doesn't see us as having to be perfect
18:27 but knowing that we have weaknesses
18:32 we pray to Him,
18:33 it keeps us in constant contact with Him
18:35 if we're, if we're smart
18:37 and if we know what's best for us,
18:39 well, we will constantly be drawn to Him.
18:42 You know what, as I was following you there,
18:44 to me I think
18:46 it's an absolutely perfect term sufficient.
18:50 Nice. Yeah.
18:52 Boy, what a term
18:53 because we all have speed bumps in life.
18:56 We got a little speed bump, He says that's all right, JD,
18:59 My grace, My favor
19:00 is sufficient for that situation.
19:03 Oh-oh, tomorrow there is Pike's Peak.
19:06 Wow, what word does He use?
19:08 Sufficient.
19:09 Sufficient. Very nice.
19:11 So it makes Him no difference because He is almighty.
19:15 So whether something small that's happening to you,
19:18 whether something that's way bigger than you,
19:23 just call upon His name 'cause My grace is sufficient,
19:27 I will intercede.
19:29 You know, I'm reminded when he was talking about
19:31 strength through trials, when you're talking about,
19:34 I went to the Biodome that they made in Arizona
19:38 that was supposed to be better than Earth,
19:39 you know, when they first made it.
19:41 And when we got there,
19:43 there was these beautiful tall trees
19:45 and what they were saying is this trees are falling down
19:48 because they've never learned resistance,
19:51 we have never, we've forgotten to put the air on the wind
19:55 to keep them from counting down
19:58 from putting the root farther and farther out.
20:01 And it's the same thing with us,
20:03 it's the same thing
20:04 what this verse is trying to say,
20:05 I'm trying to create roots that are so deep
20:08 that you are so strong that you are so powerful
20:11 that My grace will be sufficient for you
20:13 because the enemy is going to try to take that grace
20:16 away from you.
20:17 And when humans tried to say
20:20 that they can do better than God,
20:22 they always fail that the things that
20:24 because they want to take the trials
20:26 and the tribulations,
20:27 they want to take the hard stuff up
20:28 and it's the stuff that gets us the strength
20:30 and it's the stuff
20:31 that allows us to reflect Christ.
20:33 Amen, amen.
20:34 You know, the thought that I have is that
20:38 so few people understand
20:39 what grace is and you know they'll say,
20:42 of course, and it's an accurate definition
20:45 is that grace is God's unearned,
20:48 undeserved favor,
20:51 but it's more than that when you look
20:53 at His three greatest gifts of grace.
20:56 Jesus is His greatest gift.
20:59 The Holy Spirit is His second greatest gift
21:02 and then the Word of God
21:04 that every word that was given by His inspiration.
21:08 So when you think of that,
21:10 and when I read that verse this is what comes to my mind
21:14 is He is saying My grace, My Son living in you,
21:18 My Holy Spirit working in you, but the Word of God
21:22 that when it's planted in your heart
21:24 has the power to save your soul,
21:27 My grace is sufficient.
21:29 And then He says, My power and here it says
21:33 My strength in the King James version,
21:35 but that word there is dunamis,
21:37 it's the power, it's God's dynamite power.
21:41 My power is made perfect in your weakness.
21:45 So one thing I've learned from this sweet man,
21:47 what do you pray every day, Lord increase my...
21:51 Increase my humility, increase my wisdom.
21:54 Increase my humility is where I wanted you to go.
21:57 If you think about this, humility,
22:01 I've come to understand
22:02 that humility means to be absolutely,
22:06 totally dependent upon God,
22:08 and any time we're not walking in dependence on God,
22:12 that's when we are airing our own little independence,
22:17 thinking our way is better than God's way.
22:19 You know, I'm reminded of just something I observed in church,
22:23 ever just kind of quietly sit back and observe sometimes.
22:28 There was a gentleman that had special music,
22:31 he was perfect.
22:33 I mean, nobody could have touched his natural talent
22:38 and ability.
22:40 And he sang a beautiful song, it was just kind of blah.
22:44 Why?
22:45 No anointing. No anointing.
22:48 Because where was his, what was he relying on,
22:52 was he relying that in his weakness,
22:55 God would make him strong.
22:57 No, he had all the natural ability,
22:59 but it was just kind of flat and dead.
23:02 Then there was this man,
23:04 this older man had a rough voice
23:06 used to sing in bars.
23:07 I'm sure that's called, I think it's a cigarette voice,
23:11 you know, it's when and he would get up
23:14 and he would sing his total confidence
23:18 must have been in God
23:19 because he other than he could carry a tune okay.
23:22 But he had none of that natural ability,
23:25 but his total confidence was in God
23:27 and it would touch our hearts and bring tears to our eyes.
23:30 Why?
23:32 Because his confidence was in God and he was anointed.
23:35 You know that's why when I read this opening statement
23:38 that you made it said,
23:40 I gladly confess my weaknesses and I thought,
23:42 well, I don't know,
23:44 I don't want to gladly confess my weakness
23:46 but in verse 10 of Chapter 12
23:49 Paul says over this for the sake of Christ
23:51 I am well pleased and take pleasure
23:53 in my weakness, in my infirmities and insults
23:56 and hardships, persecution, perplexities and distresses.
24:00 For when I am weak in my human strength,
24:02 then I am very strong.
24:04 And you know, it makes you think like...
24:05 When I grew up, like I said,
24:08 I tried to be so strong for the Lord.
24:10 And I think, Dee, you said earlier
24:13 that before we started the program
24:14 how that's a hard thing for men.
24:17 You're taught, it's good to be independent,
24:22 you're taught all of these things.
24:24 We program our children, don't we?
24:27 We're growing them up and we're trying to teach them
24:29 how to live independently and be self-sufficient.
24:33 And you, boy, you're proud when you get there
24:36 but that's not what being a Christian is all about,
24:39 it's all about looking to the Lord
24:41 and being dependant upon Him.
24:43 You know, one of the things that just brought to my mind
24:46 is that that is the one thing
24:48 that individuals do not understand as Christians
24:51 that when we're going through trials and tribulation,
24:53 we have this big old smile on our faces.
24:56 And people say what is wrong with you?
24:57 Sometimes.
24:58 Has that ever...
25:00 No, but let's just think about it,
25:01 even though there are some things
25:03 that are difficult but at the end I remember,
25:06 I'm just remembering when my mom had her cancer
25:09 and everybody was around her
25:12 and she was kind of consulting with everybody
25:14 and making them feel great,
25:15 when everybody was sad that she was about to pass away,
25:18 she was about to die.
25:20 And it's like
25:21 there was the smile that doctors
25:23 and the nurses are saying,
25:24 "What is wrong with your family?
25:25 What is wrong with you guys?
25:27 There's something about you
25:28 that in the time where we all would be crazy
25:32 because we think that our loved one is gonna die
25:36 and you guys have this aura of happiness,
25:38 this aura of peace."
25:40 And this is what this is talking about
25:42 that God will has enough grace and love over us that no matter
25:48 when He is trying to bring us, like you were mentioning,
25:50 bring us into His grace,
25:52 into His power that we come boldly and with joy.
25:56 Sometimes we struggle
25:58 and sometimes we put our foot down.
26:01 But for the most part when we do, it's such a joy.
26:04 Amen. Amen.
26:06 The strength, the power.
26:08 You know we're looking at today,
26:10 relying on His power.
26:13 And one of Jesus' most vivid
26:16 and powerful illustrations to we believers
26:21 is the relationship between the vine and the branches.
26:27 And Jesus gives this illustration
26:29 as He is preparing His disciples
26:33 for His death and His departure.
26:36 That's in John 15:5, so let's read that together.
26:40 Jesus says, "I am the vine, you are the branches.
26:45 He who abides in Me, and I in him,
26:50 he bears much fruit,
26:52 for apart from Me you can do absolutely nothing."
26:56 Now ain't that a wonderful lesson for us to learn?
26:59 Without Him, you know, it's in our,
27:02 in our inability He's our all ability,
27:04 in our insufficiency He's our all sufficiency.
27:09 We can do all things
27:10 and these are scriptures we're looking at
27:12 but it's only through Him as He strengthens us.
27:17 And so in this He says, "He who abides in Me."
27:22 And I wanted to look at that word abides.
27:26 What does it mean to abide
27:28 in Jesus as branches in the vine?
27:32 And I wanted to kind of look at three areas.
27:35 First, if you're abiding in Jesus,
27:38 if the vine is the branch, it's abiding in the vine.
27:43 What has there got to be? Connection.
27:45 You've got to be connected.
27:48 The connection is mutual.
27:50 Now that's something I find so beautiful in this.
27:53 We abide in Him but it also says He abides in us.
27:58 If there's no connection, there's no life.
28:02 If you cut the branch off from the vine, you know,
28:07 it may have, let's say it's got buds on it,
28:11 flowers on it.
28:12 And you know that the bud may eventually flower.
28:16 Have you ever seen that, you know, you can,
28:18 and so you're thinking well, everything's just fine
28:20 but what's going to happen in time.
28:22 If you're not vitally connected to the vine,
28:26 the branch is going to die.
28:29 And next is we need to be dependent,
28:32 totally dependent.
28:34 We the branches
28:35 are totally dependent on the vine.
28:37 The vine isn't dependent on the branches.
28:41 Sap flows from the vine to the branches,
28:46 without that sap
28:48 from the vine again the branch dies.
28:51 We are dependent upon Jesus for everything that counts.
28:56 Without Him we can't do,
28:58 and I'm gonna say what the scriptures said,
29:01 we can do absolutely nothing.
29:03 And then there's continuance.
29:06 The Greek word for abide is Meno,
29:09 M-E-N-O which means to remain or stay or to continue.
29:15 There's never a time to quit,
29:17 we're in this for the long haul.
29:19 And there's never a time we can disconnect
29:22 from that vine
29:24 because you disconnect from the vine
29:26 and there is no life giving virtue flowing into you.
29:31 It is like having,
29:33 you can have all the greatest gifts,
29:35 talents and abilities as I was mentioning earlier.
29:38 But if you're not vitally connected to the vine,
29:41 it may look good, it may sound good,
29:44 but there's no life producing potential within it.
29:47 Amen.
29:48 You know, I think of,
29:50 when the branch and you said it,
29:52 when the branch is connected to the vine,
29:54 what keeps that branch vital?
29:57 It's the sap, the sap.
29:59 And I think of the sap, I got an acronym for sap,
30:02 the spirit's anointing power.
30:04 Amen.
30:06 So it is as you are connected to the Lord,
30:09 that the Holy Spirit flows into you
30:12 and through you and that's how He works in you to will
30:16 and to do His good pleasure.
30:17 But it, does it surprise you that He says, apart from me,
30:20 you can do nothing?
30:23 Nothing. Nothing.
30:24 And I think, you know, you think
30:26 people who are gifted
30:29 and who seem to be doing something
30:31 but it's nothing of eternal consequence.
30:34 That's the issue there, apart from Me,
30:37 you can do nothing,
30:39 that's nothing of any value, nothing of value.
30:44 Yeah, you know I think about the workers here at 3ABN
30:49 and each of you wear so many hats
30:53 and you are constantly working,
30:55 and I think of the programs and the things
30:58 that you are involved in and I think could I,
31:02 you know I am the least of these.
31:05 And so you, I just think for them to have that power,
31:11 to stay connected is so vital
31:12 because you can't give what you don't have.
31:16 And so that's very good, you can give something,
31:19 you can say a bunch of words and you could, you know,
31:21 quote some of the things that you've memorized
31:24 but until you know it in power
31:26 and in the strength and in the realness of it.
31:28 And so I think for each of us as Christians
31:31 to be able to witness and to share with other people,
31:36 we have to be constantly getting that sap,
31:39 you know what I mean.
31:40 And you can get it in any position.
31:42 When you were talking about the doctors didn't understand
31:45 and the nurses didn't understand
31:48 what your mother was going through
31:50 and why your family was acting that way.
31:52 The issue was,
31:54 no matter what the position the tree is in,
31:58 if the roots are still connected it doesn't matter.
32:01 So not too long ago we saw a tree and it was down,
32:05 it was laying on the ground and someone said,
32:08 "Well, it's still growing, it's still blooming.
32:10 What is going on there?"
32:11 And we went around and we looked,
32:13 its roots were still connected to the ground.
32:17 So even when you're walking through lost,
32:19 even when you're down, if your roots are connected,
32:23 you are still blooming.
32:26 Can I? May I?
32:27 I feel that is really powerful.
32:29 It made me think of Micah 7:8,
32:32 where he says, "Do not rejoice over me my enemy,
32:36 when I fall I will arise, when I sit in darkness,
32:40 the Lord will be a light to me."
32:42 And I think that what we forget
32:45 and somewhere here in Micah he goes on and says,
32:48 even if you fall seven times,
32:50 the Lord's gonna bring you back up.
32:52 What we forget is we will get knocked down from time to time
32:56 but as long we're connected,
32:57 we're still blooming and blossoming
32:59 and God will rise us up again.
33:01 That's powerful.
33:03 I just, I love what you gave me,
33:06 is it too soon to move on to Jeremiah?
33:08 So we were looking at verses in Jeremiah 13:23.
33:15 What that says, Jeremiah 13:23.
33:22 "Can the Ethiopian change his skin
33:24 or the leopard its spots?
33:28 Then may you also do good who are accustomed to do evil."
33:35 See, I know there is people out there
33:36 that are very strong, I was not that strong.
33:40 So we have to remember when we're talking about this
33:43 because sometimes people say,
33:44 well, I can do this or I can do that.
33:46 Some people are strong, you can change your habits,
33:49 you can change how you act or what you do,
33:52 but the thing is that is outward.
33:55 What God is talking about here is the inward.
33:58 And the reason that this book so deeply to me
34:01 it's because it says then may you also do good
34:04 who are accustomed to do evil.
34:06 There's a hymn out there that really spoke to me,
34:10 it says, sinking deep in sin never to rise again.
34:13 I'm not sure if I got that quite right or not.
34:16 But I was sinking deep in sin, I was anchored in the mire.
34:19 I could not pull myself out and I couldn't see
34:24 beyond that to where God could save me
34:27 or do anything for me
34:28 because I just was so weak and so I didn't have it.
34:33 So when I actually surrendered to him,
34:36 I couldn't change the inside.
34:39 See you can change your outward behavior
34:41 if you're strong enough,
34:43 but God changes the inside who you really are.
34:50 I am not the person I used to be,
34:53 I am not rolling around in that sin.
34:57 I'm not even,
34:59 that's not even where I want to be,
35:01 but it's God's power that did that in me.
35:04 I had nothing to do with it except willing to be willing.
35:08 Lord, please change me, I don't want to live like this,
35:11 I don't want to be who I am, but I couldn't change it,
35:15 I know other people who don't want to be
35:17 who they are like they are.
35:18 But they can't change it because it's God's power.
35:21 So he came in, I willed to do His will and wanted to help me,
35:26 help me, help me.
35:28 And so he came in to mean it's been a long journey,
35:31 I was a tough one.
35:34 But I watched how He changed me,
35:36 I know that inside I am a new man.
35:40 Now does Satan go after me?
35:42 He absolutely goes after me.
35:46 But I just know that
35:47 if you think you can change yourself,
35:50 you can do the outward but it's God's power
35:54 who changes the inward of who you really are.
35:58 And that's what all,
35:59 that's what we're talking about.
36:01 And when you allow God's power to come in and change you,
36:04 you really are a strong person then
36:08 because it's God strength in you,
36:10 together abiding in that vine
36:14 so that your roots are together and they're strong.
36:19 So Christians are strong but it's God's power
36:23 that they are strong in.
36:24 Absolutely. You know what?
36:26 I just got to say it real quick.
36:27 When you said the song I was thinking deep in sin,
36:31 the song is love lifted me.
36:33 And it's not until we recognize
36:36 and come to understand God's love.
36:38 You know, some people don't understand
36:40 the character of God
36:41 and they have such a hard time accepting His love.
36:45 Because we, I was unlovable.
36:48 I, God can love me, I was just too unlovable.
36:53 But when you realize that God really does love you
36:57 and it is that true love, it is the real love,
36:59 it's the agape love that cannot be moved or changed
37:04 that He really loves me just the way I am
37:07 and then His power will change me.
37:09 Amen.
37:11 Well, I was thinking about
37:12 one step at a time, sweet Jesus.
37:14 Yeah, one day at a time.
37:16 One step and one day at a time. Yeah, yeah.
37:17 Amen.
37:18 You know, I love the fact that it says
37:20 an Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots
37:23 because there are people
37:25 who will never accept Christ as their Savior
37:29 because they think that they aren't, they aren't good
37:33 and that is true but it's not,
37:36 that's not got anything to do with it.
37:38 The fact is that we are born in a sinful state
37:42 and we're all in that same situation.
37:44 The reason we...
37:45 The reason that the leopard has spots is
37:47 because his parents had spots and their parents had spots,
37:51 they were created that way.
37:53 My mother used to say big ones have little ones.
37:56 And, but I love the fact
37:59 that even when we use the excuse,
38:02 well, I'm only human.
38:04 Well, that's not really our excuse,
38:06 that's God's excuse for not killing us.
38:09 But so we need to know that,
38:12 yeah, we're all born in a state of rottenness
38:16 but it is God who loved us and sent His Son to die for us.
38:20 So I do like, I do like that verse.
38:23 Again relying on His power,
38:25 therefore if any man be in Christ,
38:28 he's a new creature.
38:29 Right.
38:30 A new species of being that never before existed.
38:33 Old things are passed away, behold, all things become new.
38:38 Well, it doesn't happen, it does happen instantaneously.
38:41 Yes, it does. It happens instantly.
38:43 But then there's this walk of sanctification.
38:46 And you know the power
38:48 that's in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
38:51 When you make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
38:53 you are a new creature
38:55 and you have been covered in the blood.
38:58 That mercy seat is covered in the blood
39:01 and when God looks at you,
39:03 He looks at you through the mercy seat,
39:06 He looks at you
39:07 through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
39:09 And that blood is saying mercy over Dee Hildebrand.
39:13 And that blood,
39:14 when God looking at you through the blood,
39:16 do you know He sees you as though, Tim Parton,
39:20 you had never done one sin since the day you were born,
39:24 since your mother's womb
39:26 you have always been pure and clean.
39:28 Well, we know that's not true
39:31 but God looking at us
39:32 through the blood of His son says that's true.
39:35 So old things truly do pass away,
39:38 old things do get kind of new.
39:39 Thank You, Lord.
39:41 And you know, and I just want to add one thing
39:42 'cause you both mentioned, Dee and Tim,
39:45 you both mentioned that people sometimes feel so bad
39:49 that they think God, their unlovable God
39:51 couldn't possibly love them.
39:53 And that's why they don't accept the Lord.
39:55 But allow Him to love them, I guess.
39:59 But there's the other side of that coin is
40:01 there are people who think they're good enough
40:04 that they don't see their need for a savior.
40:09 And so, this is something
40:11 that's critical to understanding our sin,
40:15 to understanding God's standards
40:18 and His righteousness,
40:20 but just remember that God's not asking you
40:24 to live up to His standards by your own strength.
40:28 It's as you're connected to the vine,
40:30 then He is going to work in you
40:32 to will and to do His good pleasure.
40:34 It's His grace that's sufficient.
40:37 And the good news is thank You,
40:40 Jesus is not a hundred yard dash.
40:44 I've known Dee for 12 years,
40:46 I've known you for say for three years.
40:48 And on my score card, you're both wonderful people.
40:52 Here you're going back and say,
40:54 "Hey, man I had all these warts and everything."
40:57 And perhaps you did but I never saw those people
41:01 because life is a marathon.
41:02 God does change you.
41:04 I don't think there's people from my past
41:06 that would even recognize me.
41:08 But you know and He did perform some miracles instantaneously.
41:13 I've had a long walk but in the very beginning
41:17 when I submitted and committed,
41:19 He did do miracles over my life
41:21 and change certain things instantaneously.
41:24 I had, you know,
41:27 my language wasn't what it should have been,
41:29 it wasn't as bad as many I've heard,
41:31 but it wasn't what it should have been.
41:32 Once I accepted Him and came, He took that away from me.
41:36 I never had to struggle with it
41:38 and those words never came out again.
41:40 Praise God.
41:42 You know, I have the pleasure of two hours a week
41:45 to do prison ministry.
41:48 And when you started talking about not loving yourself
41:52 and that God can't love you,
41:53 I get to see 40 men in their eyes,
41:54 so that's what they feel every day.
41:57 When I talk to them and I tell them about a God
42:00 that loves them.
42:01 This is the first time that they have heard
42:04 that word from somebody.
42:06 They have never heard somebody tell you,
42:08 "Brother, I love you.
42:10 Son, I love you."
42:11 And when they hear that, their eyes start tearing up.
42:15 And when you see that,
42:17 when you get to experience the power of the ching ching,
42:21 the power that God can do in your life
42:23 and change individuals.
42:25 I've had some of them who says, "I'm not good enough for God."
42:29 And I've had to tell them when I says,
42:30 you don't understand the price that God paid for you.
42:34 You don't understand that Christ,
42:35 that God loved you, not anybody else,
42:38 God loved you so enough
42:40 that He sent His only Son to die for you,
42:43 so don't tell me you're not worth enough
42:45 because the price that was paid for you was so astronomical,
42:50 more than there isn't any money in this world to be able to pay
42:53 for the value that God has put in you.
42:56 Society has told you that you're not worthy,
42:59 the enemy has told you that you're not worthy,
43:01 but I'm telling you that what the man that brought,
43:03 that wrote this beautiful love letter
43:05 is telling you that you are so worth to Him.
43:09 And it's not until then
43:10 and then tears just flow through their eyes
43:13 because sometimes we do feel it.
43:16 But let me tell you something when you truly understand
43:18 what God's love is,
43:20 when you truly understand
43:22 that there is nothing that we can change of ourselves,
43:25 that is holy God who does it for us.
43:28 That's when we truly need to sit back and say,
43:30 "Oh, Holy Father, I thank You for Your grace
43:34 and I thank You for Your love.
43:35 Amen.
43:36 Amen and amen.
43:41 This is one of my favorite scripture says all of us,
43:43 we have many scriptures that we draw on
43:46 and we identify with different situations
43:48 in our life, but this is one
43:50 that I didn't really understand exactly the words
43:56 because I had problems deciphering it
44:00 and that the simplicity is Philippians 4:13.
44:03 Philippians 4:13 is the one that everybody probably knows.
44:08 And that is according to the King James
44:11 and the New King James,
44:13 "I can do all things through Christ
44:14 who strengthens me."
44:16 Every one of us has called upon that
44:18 and we've stood on that.
44:20 Let me read to you what it says in the Amplified,
44:25 the Amplified translation.
44:27 It just touches my heart because I can see it,
44:30 I'm a very visual person,
44:31 if I can see it, I can make it work.
44:35 If I got to step out in faith,
44:37 it's a little bit tougher, you know.
44:39 But there's a lot of people like that.
44:42 But what it says in the Amplified,
44:44 "I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me."
44:51 I'm ready for anything, I'm equal to anything
44:54 because it's you Jesus,
44:56 Him that infuses that inner strength into me.
45:02 He takes my insufficiency and makes it sufficient.
45:07 Wow.
45:08 Thank you, God because that means
45:10 that if I call out for you, empty me of me,
45:13 Lord, fill me with You.
45:15 It's You that then empowers me.
45:19 It's not anything that I can do.
45:22 And that's what we're talking about today
45:25 relying on His power.
45:27 Thank You, Jesus, as I was able to get this
45:30 because this is one that I can sit
45:32 and take 30 seconds and make it into an hour
45:36 because the Holy Spirit then wraps His arms around you
45:39 and then He guides you.
45:41 It's Him, He empowers you.
45:44 Thank you, Jesus.
45:45 You know what, JD, and this verse is such a small verse
45:48 but everybody understands the word strengthen,
45:51 such a big word everybody knows what strength is,
45:55 everybody knows what God does in our lives.
45:57 The one word that everybody struggles
46:00 with it's the smallest of them which is all.
46:03 People don't understand that one,
46:05 the strength part is great, the all part they're saying,
46:07 "Oh, no, He can't do that for me.
46:09 Oh, no, He cannot do that for me."
46:11 What part of all don't you understand?
46:14 You know what I mean?
46:15 And that's where it's so struggle
46:16 because I'm struggling with that,
46:18 I've been struggling with issues
46:20 until I watched one of the today shows with Mollie
46:24 that day we're talking about will.
46:26 What is your will?
46:28 And that really opened my eyes up
46:30 because as long as your will is to be connected to the vine,
46:36 the stumbles in your lives are just gonna be things
46:39 that are gonna strengthen you.
46:41 That doesn't mean you give up because all is all
46:46 and it's the one that is going to give you the strength.
46:49 It's not you, who is giving you?
46:51 God is giving you, He's doing the oiling, not you.
46:55 You know and that's what sometimes we forget
46:58 that we feel that we have something to do
47:01 inject into the equation
47:03 but here it says,
47:04 "All things are possible through," whom?
47:09 He doesn't say through Luis, does it?
47:10 I think maybe it said that, no, it says through Christ,
47:14 so Christ is the one that's doing the all.
47:16 So who are we to say
47:18 that all things are not possible?
47:19 Amen.
47:21 You know, this is kind of silly except
47:23 for the fact that it happened to me.
47:24 And I was driving
47:27 and I was trying to give this verse to a friend in a text.
47:32 You didn't hear me just say I was driving and texting.
47:33 I didn't hear you say that.
47:35 But I was, so I spoke into Siri.
47:38 And I said Siri, I can do all things through Christ
47:41 who strengthens me.
47:43 And Siri or Hill, whoever it is,
47:45 well usually give me you know, they will go to the website
47:49 and you know give me the reference.
47:52 Instead they came back and said,
47:54 "I never said you couldn't."
47:58 And so for what you're saying, you know, that all
48:01 and that was just you know really,
48:03 that was powerful to me to know that,
48:07 to remind me that yes, I can do all things through Christ
48:10 who strengthens me.
48:12 God spoke to you through Siri. Right. Exactly.
48:14 So anyway.
48:15 It just reminds me of Ephesians 3:16
48:19 where Paul says, he's praying that God would grant them
48:21 according to the riches of God's glory
48:24 to be strengthened with might with that dunamis
48:28 through His Spirit in the inner man
48:32 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith
48:35 that you will be rooted and grounded in love,
48:38 able to comprehend with all the saints,
48:40 the width, the length, the depth and the height,
48:43 the love of Christ which passes all understanding.
48:46 So as we are as Mollie was saying,
48:51 as we've got that vital connection
48:53 and then the Holy Spirit flows into us,
48:57 Christ lives in our heart,
48:59 that's how we, He strengthens us.
49:01 This is how, you know, and it's so important
49:04 because there's,
49:06 even though we teach on the Holy Spirit quite often,
49:09 there's a lot of people
49:11 and I've come to this conclusion recently,
49:14 I feel surrendered to the Lord 90% of the time,
49:18 then 10% of the time I'm up doing,
49:21 I mean, I'm working for Him
49:22 but I'm doing it in my own strength,
49:24 you know what I'm saying.
49:26 So if you're not surrendered totally,
49:32 you're not surrendered at all.
49:35 And it's just one of those things,
49:36 you look like you're ready to say something.
49:38 Well, I just wonder looking at this table
49:40 every one of us have had opportunities
49:42 to speak at one time or another.
49:44 And I know what it is to minister
49:48 under the anointing of God,
49:49 and I know what it is to minister
49:51 in my own strength,
49:53 I much prefer the anointing of Almighty God.
49:56 And it's I that make that choice
49:58 and it's the word that you use surrender to the degree
50:01 that I'm surrendered to Him
50:03 is the degree that He can flow through me.
50:06 It's what it is that the theo preacher said,
50:09 when you minister
50:10 under the anointing of God you perspire.
50:13 When you minister
50:15 without the anointing of God you sweat.
50:17 I'd much rather perspire.
50:20 And it's kind of interesting 'cause I did speak one time
50:23 and the Lord had given it to me and it was under,
50:26 and I had a lot of people say something
50:28 but I knew it was the Lord.
50:29 Well, somebody had heard it said,
50:31 do you need to say,
50:32 do this again in another church.
50:34 Oh, I've got this. I did it once before.
50:38 I struggled the second time, I struggled through it
50:41 and I don't think I touched anybody.
50:44 So it doesn't matter even if you know what you're doing,
50:49 you have to be and so submit it.
50:52 That created the problem, of course, for road.
50:55 I think the roots were severed.
50:56 Yeah, the roots got cut but they grew back real quick.
51:01 I learned my lessons, I try anyway.
51:05 Luis?
51:06 You know as we were preparing for this,
51:08 I had given you two other verses to choose
51:10 and you had said those are taken
51:12 and you've given me this one to choose from.
51:15 And now I see why God asked you to give me this one.
51:19 It says Romans 8:13,
51:21 "For if you live according to the sinful nature,
51:26 you will die."
51:29 You know as I was talking about the prison ministry,
51:32 all of these, I see those individuals,
51:35 I look in their eyes and I looked up in their eyes
51:37 they had no life in them
51:39 because they had been living in their what?
51:41 In their sinful nature.
51:43 But thankfully the verse doesn't stop there,
51:45 the verse continues.
51:47 And it says, "But if by the Spirit
51:50 you put to death
51:53 the misdeeds of your body, you will live."
51:58 Amen.
51:59 You know as we're talking about relying in His power.
52:05 I come from a communist country.
52:08 I had to rely on His power.
52:10 For everywhere that I have gone,
52:12 I've had to make sure that I did that,
52:15 I asked the first prayer I asked,
52:17 "Lord, please shut the doors that need to be shut."
52:21 I don't say open doors
52:23 because the doors are always gonna be opened,
52:26 there's always doors
52:27 but many times we don't ask God to shut those
52:30 that we need not enter to.
52:32 I was just listening to a program yesterday
52:34 and there was a gentleman
52:35 that went to ask for a bank account
52:37 and they shut it off and God said walk away,
52:40 go to the next bank and they went to the next bank
52:42 and they gave them more money than he asked for,
52:44 and they gave him a better interest that he asked for,
52:46 but sometimes we're so stubborn
52:48 that we want to go through those doors
52:51 that God is not wanting us to
52:54 because we're not asking Him to give us that power.
52:57 And this is what is so beautiful.
52:59 When we are in the spirit,
53:01 when we take on the armor of God,
53:04 then God opens up,
53:06 there're so much things that flows that we have no idea
53:09 what we've been capable of doing.
53:11 Like Miss Mollie was talking about.
53:12 I remember one time, they asked me to preach,
53:15 I just went to visit my family.
53:17 And the pastor was inspired to say,
53:19 "Luis, would you like to preach today?"
53:23 I had no preparation.
53:24 I said, I'm going to, he said, "I'm going to sing a song
53:26 and the moment you're feeling a song,
53:28 you will give me the answer."
53:29 I got up and let me tell you when you are,
53:33 when you are filled with the spirit,
53:37 the things that flow out of your mouth is so amazing
53:40 and you cannot give yourself credit for any of it
53:44 because it is God who's working through you.
53:47 And the life that you get,
53:48 please listen to this verse very carefully.
53:51 The life that you get
53:54 when you put on the Spirit of God,
53:57 it is a phenomenal life
53:59 that you will not understand the joy.
54:03 And it's so exhilarating
54:06 that it's like going in a roller coaster
54:08 and you have your hands up
54:09 because you're having so much fun
54:11 because you know all you can do
54:13 is let God and the Spirit guide you.
54:17 And that is when you truly can sit back and then say,
54:20 "Oh, wow.
54:21 What a blessed and privileged person I am.
54:24 Amen. And you give Him the glory.
54:26 Amen. Amen.
54:27 You know what I love about
54:29 this is one of my favorite scriptures Romans 8:13.
54:33 Of course if you live according to the flesh,
54:35 your sinful nature you die.
54:38 But now look what he says what happens to help,
54:42 how do we put to death the misdeeds of our body.
54:45 It doesn't say if you put to death
54:48 the misdeeds of your body you will live,
54:50 it doesn't say if the Spirit puts to death
54:54 the misdeeds of the body you will live.
54:56 It says that the two of you have to be working together
55:00 because the Holy Spirit isn't going to force us.
55:03 So it says if you by the power of the Holy Spirit.
55:09 Again it's got to be that connection
55:12 and the Holy Spirit has to have your permission,
55:15 you have to yield
55:17 and be willing to surrender control.
55:21 And that's how it comes
55:23 because you know back to your scripture.
55:26 You know, Jeremiah 13:23, we can't change ourselves
55:29 but, boy, do we try sometimes.
55:30 Yeah.
55:32 And something has to happen, death needs to happen.
55:34 You see and that's what people don't understand.
55:36 When you put in the will of Christ,
55:39 something has to die
55:40 which is your will and your way of life
55:43 in order for you to be able to have everlasting life.
55:46 You can't just come, put the armor of God
55:48 and continue the way you are, it cannot do it.
55:51 Once you accept that union, then something in you dies
55:55 which needed to have died,
55:57 which is your stubbornness and it's the self
55:59 and then now you have this abundant life
56:03 that only comes through Christ Jesus.
56:04 Amen. Absolute joyful life.
56:06 When every single time I allow the spirit,
56:09 I always have that free choice, and when the spirits in me
56:13 and I give him that choice, there is joy and victory.
56:16 Amen.
56:18 Mollie, we have just a minute,
56:19 can you want to just go over
56:21 your last scripture very quickly.
56:23 Colossians 1:27, "To them God has chosen
56:26 to make known among the Gentiles,
56:28 the glorious riches of this mystery
56:30 which is Christ in you the hope of glory."
56:33 You are nothing because of who you are,
56:36 you are something because of what you contained.
56:38 And the scriptures go on in 1 Corinthians 3:16,
56:41 in 1 Corinthians 6:19,
56:44 those two scriptures shows us
56:45 that the power of the Godhead bodily
56:47 has set up residence within us,
56:49 we are nothing because of who we are
56:51 but because of what we contain.
56:53 Amen.
56:54 I can't believe how quickly our time has gone
56:56 but, you know, if we want, when it says that Christ in you
57:00 is your hope of glory, it's that,
57:03 that's the hope of obtaining God's character, is it not?
57:07 So it's only as Christ is in us.
57:09 And I don't know if I've got time to do this,
57:11 but I'll try real quickly.
57:13 Father, I'm relying on the power of Your Word
57:14 and Your Spirit to work within me,
57:16 to cause me to will and to act according to Your good purpose.
57:19 I gladly confess my weaknesses to you,
57:22 for Your grace is sufficient.
57:24 Thank you for making your power perfect in my weakness.
57:26 Our prayer for you
57:28 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:30 the love of the Father
57:31 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:33 will be with you always.
57:35 Amen.


Revised 2017-10-09