Participants: John & Idalia Dinzey (Host), Dee Casper, Jason Bradley, Valera Babb
Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW017028A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello, and welcome. 01:08 It's a pleasure for us to say happy Sabbath to you. 01:12 My name is John Dinzey and with my wife 01:14 we're here praising the Lord 01:15 because the Sabbath has arrived. 01:18 And the Lord has been faithful once again. 01:22 So He's blessed us all week long with His presence, 01:26 with His direction with friends and family, 01:28 and life and health. 01:30 That's right and we are not alone, 01:32 we have been blessed 01:33 with some of our brothers and sisters 01:35 that are here with us and... 01:36 We're going to start with our left, Idalia, 01:37 if you could introduce... 01:39 Well, sure, 01:40 I'd love to introduce Mrs. Valera Babb. 01:44 Welcome to the program, Valera. Thank you. 01:47 It's nice to be here. 01:49 Wonderful, it's good to have you here. 01:50 And she is the mother of our manager for our Call Center. 01:55 Call Center. That's right. 01:57 Jonathan Babb. 01:58 Also the wife of... 01:59 Michael Babb. 02:01 Michael Babb, our engineer for 3ABN Radio. 02:03 That's right. That's right. 02:04 And to my right we have our Brother Jason Bradley 02:07 and he works with our Dare to Dream Network. 02:10 Tell us a little bit about 02:12 what's going on in Dare to Dream Network? 02:13 Oh, man, there's a lot of exciting things 02:15 going on with Dare to Dream. 02:17 We have a program out now called "Working the Dream". 02:21 It shows you how to get your dream job, 02:22 keep your dream job, 02:24 grow in your dream job 02:25 and incorporate Christ in the workplace. 02:27 Very nice. Praise the Lord. 02:28 We also have financial literacy programs. 02:31 Looking at the Bible and taking Biblical principles 02:34 and showing you how many references to finances 02:38 and budgeting and all that stuff 02:40 exist in the Bible. 02:42 Oh! Praise the Lord. 02:43 Perhaps, you can share with us, 02:45 our viewers perhaps have never watched it Dare to Dream. 02:47 How can they see it? 02:48 Oh, they can go to, 02:51 that's D and the number two 02:55 or they could download the free 3ABN app 02:57 on their phone, 02:59 they can watch on Roku, 03:00 just add the 3ABN channel or they can get a MySDA TV box 03:04 and watch on there as well. 03:05 Fantastic! Praise the Lord. 03:06 And lives are being transformed with your programming. 03:08 And we praise the Lord for that. 03:10 We have to your right, Brother Dee Casper. 03:13 Yes. 03:15 And you work with UnScene Media. 03:17 Tell us a little bit about UnScene Media? 03:19 UnScene Media Group is a media company 03:22 that's creating content to reach our youth. 03:23 Its principled Christ centered. 03:25 And we also do evangelism. 03:27 So we travel and speak for youth meetings, 03:29 week of prayers at schools, at churches and so forth. 03:32 So our burden was basically take media 03:34 and evangelism to put them together 03:36 to further the work 03:38 particularly in reaching our youth. 03:39 Praise the Lord. 03:41 And when we hear the word UnScene, 03:42 people are thinking is that you cannot see it, 03:44 but tell us about the actual name 03:45 how it is spelled. 03:46 So it's spelled U-N-S-C-E-N-E 03:49 and it's based upon 2 Corinthians 4:18 03:51 that what we look not at the things 03:52 which are seen but the things which are unseen 03:54 because things which are seen are temporary, 03:56 but the things that are unseen are eternal. 03:58 So our goal is to disciple and empower youth 04:03 to the eternal realities of God's love 04:05 through dynamic visual media, that's basically our burden. 04:07 Amen. And you want, you train young people? 04:09 Yes. 04:10 So we have a training program called 'Idea' 04:12 that's basically like Arise 04:14 where I went to a soul winning school 04:16 and a media training school, so it's like film school 04:18 and a school of evangelism put together. 04:21 And they were pretty excited about that as well. 04:22 Praise the Lord and you're one of the speakers 04:24 for UnScene? 04:25 Yes, yes, so I speak on behalf of UnScene 04:26 and also teach all the Bible classes. 04:29 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. 04:30 Well, we're here to praise the Lord 04:32 and to welcome the Sabbath 04:33 and we hope that you would join with us. 04:35 We're gonna sing in a moment but before we do, 04:37 we're going to go to the Lord in prayer 04:38 and ask Him to bless this program 04:40 and also to bless you. 04:41 So let us go to the Lord in prayer. 04:45 Our loving heavenly Father, 04:48 we want to pause and thank You Lord. 04:50 Thank you for being with us throughout this whole week, 04:53 thank You for protecting us, 04:55 delivering us and for providing... 04:57 Amen. 04:58 We praise Your name 05:00 because You care so much for us, Lord, 05:01 and we thank You for the Sabbath day 05:03 where we can walk closer to you, 05:06 leave the things of the world aside 05:09 and walk closer to You, 05:10 worship Your name and rest as You have said. 05:14 We pray that as we are together worshiping Your name, 05:17 You will be with us and with those that join us 05:19 and we ask You for these blessings 05:21 in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, amen. 05:25 Amen. Amen. 05:27 And amen. Praise the Lord. 05:29 Well, Idalia, we do have a song 05:30 and what would you like to share about this song? 05:33 Well, first of all, I want to say that 05:35 we have Tim Parton with us. 05:37 I really want to thank him for helping us at the piano. 05:41 And this song that we're going to share 05:43 is an old hymn is called "Anywhere with Jesus". 05:47 And I think the message in itself speaks for itself. 05:50 So I invite you all to just join us in song 05:55 and praise in hymn number 508 "Anywhere With Jesus". 06:07 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go 06:13 Anywhere He leads me in this world below 06:18 Anywhere without Him, dearest joys would fade 06:23 Anywhere with Jesus I am not afraid 06:29 Anywhere! Anywhere! 06:32 Fear I cannot know 06:35 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go 06:41 Anywhere with Jesus I am not alone 06:46 Other friends may fail me, He is still my own 06:51 Though His hand may lead me over dreary ways 06:57 Anywhere with Jesus is a house of praise 07:02 Anywhere! Anywhere! 07:05 Fear I cannot know 07:08 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go 07:14 Anywhere with Jesus I can go to sleep 07:19 When the gloomy shadows round about me creep 07:25 Knowing I shall waken never more to roam 07:30 Anywhere with Jesus will be home, sweet home 07:36 Anywhere! Anywhere! 07:39 Fear I cannot know 07:42 Anywhere with Jesus I can safely go 07:49 Amen. Thank you, Tim. Thank you. 07:52 He plays that... 07:53 Yeah, I know. Joyfully. 07:55 Praise the Lord. Amen. 07:56 Thank you so much. 07:57 Well, you know, we should be joyful anywhere we go 07:59 because the Lord has promised "I will be with You always." 08:03 And so that in itself will give us joy 08:07 no matter where we're walking, 08:08 where we're going, where we're sleeping 08:10 and as it says here where we're roaming, 08:13 He is with us. 08:16 So I can be assured that I will be safe 08:20 because I'm going where He's... 08:21 with Him. 08:22 Amen, amen. 08:24 Well, you know, as we were considering 08:26 what we could talk about during this hour, 08:30 it came to our minds the thought that God is good. 08:34 God is so good and we should talk about His blessings. 08:39 And I would like to read one scripture 08:41 that speaks of that is found 08:44 in Psalm 149:9, 149:9, 08:50 and in very brief but he speaks the truth 08:55 and he says the following, "The Lord is good to all 09:00 and His tender mercies are over all His works." 09:05 Praise the Lord. 09:06 I can testify to the fact the Lord is good, 09:09 has been good to me and anyone else can echo that. 09:14 Amen. 09:16 And the fact that we're just sitting here 09:17 and able to talk to each other is... 09:19 That's right. It's truly a blessing. 09:21 That's right. 09:22 You know, if the devil had it his way 09:25 we would not be alive today. 09:26 Absolutely. 09:27 Because I'm sure that 09:29 perhaps there may be one or two of us here 09:30 that can say, "You know, I can remember one, twice, 09:33 maybe three, or maybe more times 09:35 that I almost died because of an accident 09:38 or some other thing that was in the works, 09:42 but thanks to the Lord, He delivered us." 09:45 And maybe we can share some stories 09:46 as we continue this program. 09:48 I know that you have some scriptures 09:50 you would like to share, 09:51 any scriptures you would like to share 09:53 concerning God's goodness. 09:56 God is good. 09:57 Yes. 09:58 And He is ever with us 10:03 and His promises as I mentioned before that, 10:05 He's always with us. 10:07 And we should walk by faith 10:09 knowing that no matter what happens, 10:13 so what comes our way that we're safe, 10:16 no matter what. 10:17 And, you know, as I look around in the events around us today, 10:22 if you look at the news a month ago, 10:25 two weeks ago, you see so much turmoil. 10:29 And my heart goes out to the folks 10:31 that have not known Christ or that peace 10:36 or that safe heaven that we get to know 10:41 once we discover the love of the Lord. 10:46 You know, it's true, 10:47 for those that don't know the Lord, 10:49 this world is all they have 10:53 and whatever they can accomplish in this world. 10:55 But even though they may accomplish great things 10:57 or maybe have much money or even lands and property, 11:02 in order to keep that 11:04 they have to put gates and guards 11:06 and so this world, if this is all there is, 11:10 it's not much to it 11:11 and not everyone gets to have the dream, 11:14 make the dream of having, 11:16 you know, as much money as you want in the bank 11:17 or the biggest home, the home as big as you want it, 11:21 not everyone gets that. 11:22 And so if all there is, is this world 11:25 then as it says in the Bible "We are men most miserable." 11:28 Yeah. Yeah. 11:29 We are most miserable because if that's all there is. 11:32 And even, there are stories of even rich people. 11:35 I may be tempted to tell one, 11:37 I don't know maybe it's not a temptation. 11:39 Rich people having as much money 11:42 as they could ever dream of 11:45 still don't have happiness or peace. 11:48 Why? Because they're missing Jesus in their lives. 11:51 Yeah. That's right. 11:53 So any scripture you would like to share, 11:55 I think sister Valera has the Bible open there. 11:58 Well, one of my favorites when I'm wondering 12:03 what to do 12:06 is Proverbs 3:5-6. 12:11 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart 12:13 and lean not on your own understanding. 12:15 In all your ways acknowledge Him 12:18 and He shall direct your paths." 12:20 And you know, sometimes it's hard to, 12:24 we want to lean on our own what we see before us. 12:27 Yeah. 12:28 And but this is like, if you, if you trust in God, 12:31 He sees it all. 12:33 He knows what's there. 12:34 He knows what we're coming up against 12:36 and He knows what's best, 12:38 and if we can just relax into Him... 12:42 Yes. 12:44 And say, "Okay, you know, 12:46 and I can trust You to direct me 12:49 into where I should go." 12:50 And you know, it's tough. Yeah. 12:52 I've, you know, struggled with this many times and... 12:56 You too Valera! 12:58 You got company. 13:01 You know, and, you know, I was thinking not long ago 13:04 when I was struggling, 13:06 we just sent our daughter to academy. 13:09 Yes. And so, it's not cheap. 13:12 That's right. 13:13 It's like, how are we going to do this? 13:15 And then I have to say "Okay, God," 13:17 I look back and it's like, I've sent my other kids through 13:20 and somehow I couldn't see it then either how it's coming. 13:24 Right. Somehow God provided. 13:25 Amen. 13:27 But you know, and I look and I was thinking 13:28 "Here I am again, I'm struggling. 13:30 I'm stressed over the finances again." 13:34 And yet I can look back and see how He's led. 13:36 Yes. 13:37 And then I think, "I'm just like the Israelites of old," 13:39 you know. 13:41 And we read their story and just think 13:43 "How can they, you know, after what God did for them, 13:45 how can they mistrust?" 13:47 And it was like, "Oh! Sorry God, I'm doing it too." 13:49 That's right. 13:51 When we're pointing fingers, you know, 13:52 two are going back but three are coming back to us. 13:57 Those Israelites. It's true. 13:59 It's amazing how God provides and sometimes we don't see 14:05 how it's gonna happen, but God makes it happen. 14:08 And I'm reminded of a story of something 14:12 that happened here at 3ABN, 14:13 anyway I first started working here. 14:15 There was a lady there called and she said, 14:18 "Please pray for us. 14:21 We owe two months rent, my daughter doesn't have a job 14:24 and she's the only one that can work 14:26 and they said that if we don't pay rent tomorrow, 14:30 we have to leave this apartment." 14:34 And what can you say, you know, but God has a way. 14:38 And so we prayed and I believe we shared some scriptures, 14:42 we prayed about it and asked for the Lord to bless, 14:44 and make something happen for them. 14:48 And it was a blessing, 14:49 about two weeks later I had the opportunity 14:53 to answer the phone and this lady called, 14:55 "Are you the person that prayed with us two weeks ago? 14:59 What's your name?" And I told her my name. 15:00 She says, "Yes, you are the one." 15:02 She says, "Let me tell you what happened." 15:04 She said, "The next day a letter came in the mail 15:08 with enough money to pay rent." 15:11 Amen. "And God blessed my daughter. 15:13 She's working. She has a job. 15:15 It's not full time, it's part time, 15:17 but at least we have some income coming in." 15:20 And I said, "Praise the Lord." 15:22 You know, she had no idea 15:24 how the Lord was going to answer the prayer 15:26 and money came in from some unexpected source 15:29 and praise the Lord because God provides. 15:31 That's a blessing. That's a blessing. 15:34 You know, I like one scripture 15:36 that I really like is Jeremiah 29:11. 15:38 Oh, wonderful. 15:40 I love that, and it reads, 15:43 "For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, 15:46 saith the Lord, thoughts of peace 15:48 and not of evil to give you an expected end." 15:52 And I'll even go on to verse 12, 15:55 "Then shall ye call upon me, 15:56 and ye shall go and pray unto me, 15:58 and I will hearken unto you." 16:00 I really like that because you know, 16:01 we don't know the end from the beginning. 16:03 That's right. 16:04 But what this is telling us is that the Lord 16:07 thinks thoughts of peace and not of evil like, 16:10 you know, society tries to paint 16:12 this awful picture of God like, 16:14 He's just some kind of tyrant, but He's not. 16:17 You know, He loves each and every one of us 16:20 and He desires that individual personalized relationship 16:24 with us and the thoughts that He has for us 16:28 we don't even think, you know, for ourselves like, we don't... 16:31 I mean, that verse right there 16:33 just, just blows me away and it's comforting because... 16:35 Amen. 16:37 I don't know what's going to happen necessarily tomorrow 16:39 or the next day but I trust that God has... 16:42 He's got my back. Amen. 16:44 Amen. Praise the Lord. 16:45 Praise the Lord. 16:47 I was reading this a few days ago. 16:49 It says in Isaiah 38 and this would be in verse 17, 16:54 and we as the ministry have 16:55 gone through a lot of stress and difficulty. 16:58 Starting ministries is not an easy venture, 17:01 but God is faithful and God does provide. 17:03 But there are times of leanness and difficulty 17:05 where you question and you think, 17:07 you know, "Is this what I'm supposed to do? 17:08 Is this not what I'm supposed to do?" 17:10 I felt like God was leading but then we don't see right now 17:13 whether He's providing us like the Israelites, like, 17:15 God leads them to the edge of the Red Sea 17:17 and they're thinking, "Well, there's bad guys behind us 17:20 and there's water in front of us, like, 17:22 does He know what He's doing?" 17:23 And then you just think, "Wait that's folly, of course, 17:25 He knows what He's doing." 17:26 And anyway in some of our hardships 17:28 that we've had. 17:29 You know, that's a scary situation... 17:30 Yeah. For the Israelites. 17:32 Oh, my, is it scary... 17:33 I mean, they're coming at them with the swords and the spears, 17:36 who wouldn't be afraid? 17:37 Yeah. 17:38 So like worldly speaking, you know, 17:40 from worldly wisdom you would think, 17:41 "Well, yeah, of course," like you should be afraid, 17:43 but all these plagues leveled Egypt. 17:47 Pharaohs burying his firstborn 17:49 and you think God's going to bring us 17:50 this far to just leave us, 17:52 but at those times of difficulty and weakness 17:54 in our flesh we can doubt at times. 17:56 And God has not promised us freedom from hardship, 17:59 but He has promised us His sustaining power 18:02 and comfort through hardship. 18:03 That's right. 18:05 And in Isaiah 38:17, there is this strange verse 18:09 that has brought great peace to me. 18:10 It says, "Indeed it was for my own peace 18:13 that I had great bitterness, 18:15 but you have lovingly delivered my soul 18:18 from the pit of corruption, 18:19 for you have cast all my sins behind your back." 18:22 But He literally says that it was, 18:24 it was for my good that I went through hardship, right? 18:27 It was for my blessing that I went through bitterness. 18:31 And I was just thinking of this in the last week. 18:36 It's been very necessary for me 18:37 to have reliable transportation to do the work. 18:40 I do, I travel all over the country 18:41 and speak and do other things 18:43 and God led me to direction 18:46 that I really wasn't wanting to go 18:47 of having to get a lien on the vehicle, 18:49 you know, I actually do a loan 18:50 as opposed to just buying a vehicle outright. 18:52 And I really don't want to have debt 18:53 but it was so clear the way that God worked in prayer 18:56 and providence and scripture. 18:57 Everything was saying, 18:59 "This is it, this is the time, go now." 19:01 And the car was $4000 less than it should have been. 19:04 It was a vehicle that was the same model year 19:07 when I bought it and so it was a new vehicle 19:10 but someone had purchased it 19:12 in like December the year before bank did, 19:14 drove over for 4,000 miles and then sold it. 19:16 So when I got it, it was a "used vehicle," 19:19 all what they used to. 19:21 So I saved money on it 19:22 and then someone gave $2,000 to go towards a down payment. 19:25 All these miracles happened. Right. 19:27 But how am I going to do this at a time 19:29 when our ministry is going through 19:31 difficulty financially like, 19:33 but God said "Go," so I went. 19:35 And within a few days of making that decision 19:37 someone committed to giving $200 a month to go 19:39 towards my car payment. 19:40 I didn't even ask for. Praise the Lord. 19:42 That eventually stopped happening. 19:43 So how is God going to close these gaps? 19:45 Every month, I've seen a miracle happen 19:47 since July of 2016. 19:50 And in May, I... 19:51 someone heard a sermon I shared an audio verse 19:54 and I had met her before and I preached in Loma Linda 19:55 and she said, "You know, 19:57 your messages have been a blessing." 19:58 And I mentioned some of our difficulty 20:01 in this vehicle purchase 20:02 and how I was wrestling at one time over the payment, 20:04 didn't seem to be coming when I needed it, 20:06 and I share that in the message talking to high school kids. 20:09 These kids don't have money. I'm not asking for sympathy. 20:11 I was just telling a story of the faithfulness of God, 20:12 you know. 20:14 But this girl hears and she says, 20:15 "I want to send you, how much is your car payment? 20:17 I want to pay your car payment this month." 20:18 This was in May this year. Oh, wow! 20:20 I thought, "Really?" 20:21 Eight days later, I get a message from a guy 20:23 who had spoken to me on Facebook before 20:25 and he said, "What's your PayPal?" 20:27 I was like, "Well," you know, 20:28 when you get questions like that you're like... 20:30 Be careful. I know. 20:31 So I said, so I kind of asked a question 20:33 to kind of weed it out 20:34 'cause I thought he was a real person 20:36 because he had sent me stuff before 20:37 but I said, "For me or for the ministry?" 20:38 And he said, "For you. 20:40 And how much is your car payment? 20:41 I want to pay your car payment." 20:42 I thought... Wow! Praise the Lord. 20:44 This is eight days after that girl sent a message. 20:45 And so the guy, 20:47 I'm telling the story to some friends at a table 20:49 while this is happening 20:51 and I get a PayPal notification. 20:54 The guy sent me three car payments plus a tithe. 20:56 Halleluiah! Praise the Lord. 20:57 I didn't had to pay from May 20:59 until September 29th is when it was due, 21:01 but I just talked to that guy again this weekend 21:03 about a video project for him 21:05 and he's going to be very generous 21:07 and he's giving us to do the video project. 21:09 And I got another PayPal notification. 21:11 He paid two more car payments this weekend. 21:13 I don't have to pay until like November or something. 21:15 Praise the Lord. 21:16 It just, there are times whenever you make decisions 21:18 that are scary, you don't know where God is leading, 21:20 what's going to happen like Valera mentioned with her kids. 21:21 Yes, yes. 21:23 I didn't have any money to go to Arise either, 21:24 the money came, God provided. 21:25 Right. Right. 21:27 But when we know that God is speaking clearly, 21:30 if we go forward, we'll see the blessings. 21:32 The people who don't see the blessings are the people 21:33 who don't take God at His word. 21:35 Well, that just like what happened with 3ABN 21:38 when Danny Shelton was called by the Lord 21:40 to build the television station. 21:43 I mean, there was no television, 21:46 Seventh-day Adventist television station channels. 21:49 So he took a step of faith and look where we're at today. 21:54 I mean, it is... 21:57 It's inspiring. Yes. 21:58 Even yet for us that we listen to the story one time 22:02 and another, 22:03 and every time I hear it I get goose bumps, 22:05 I start crying because I'm so overwhelmed 22:08 about how the Lord worked in Danny's life 22:12 to see 3ABN to existence, you know. 22:16 And here, we are eight networks later, 22:19 three or four different languages. 22:22 Yes. Praise the Lord. 22:23 And the Lord is using this ministry. 22:25 And now that we're mentioning 22:27 experiences with finances and all, you know, 22:30 there's not a week that we don't pray for the donors 22:32 that support 3ABN 22:34 because we are a team of people, 22:37 you are part of the team, 22:39 you are a very important part of the team. 22:41 The Lord impresses hearts 22:43 and not everyone listens to the Holy Spirit, 22:46 you know, and when you're impressed to do something 22:49 that comes from the Lord, you know, 22:51 especially when it's good stuff. 22:53 You know, all good things come from above. 22:56 And you know, Idalia, as you were saying that, 22:59 I know from the story 23:00 that there were a few people that thought, 23:03 "Well, this is not going to work. 23:04 How are you going to do that?" Yes, exactly. 23:07 And, but it's from the Lord. 23:10 So if it's from the Lord, it's gonna work. 23:12 And so we praise the Lord that 3ABN is on the air 23:15 24 hours a day. 23:16 That's right. 23:17 And since 1986, 23:20 when the first signal started going on the air, 23:24 praise the Lord, 23:25 broadcasting the gospel and lives, 23:28 countless lives have been transformed. 23:30 You know, I want to share this miracle 23:31 because to me it's a miracle and you say, 23:34 "Well, that's not very much of a miracle," 23:35 but I'm going to share it because it's interesting 23:37 what the Lord does because it came to my mind 23:41 that this is a blessing from the Lord. 23:44 Now we had a vehicle that was, Idalia was driving, she said, 23:48 "All the warning lights went on. 23:51 All the warning lights went on." 23:53 I don't know me and cars. 23:54 I just... 23:56 And she said, she called me and says, 23:58 "All the warning lights went on. 23:59 There's something about to go wrong with this vehicle." 24:02 So we said, "Well, we need to get it into mechanic to see 24:03 what's going on." 24:05 And we, now we have had several expect, 24:06 unexpected expenses 24:08 besides the sending the school payment, 24:10 the first one to school that we sympathized 24:13 with Valera here. 24:15 And so this, if this car goes bad, we're like 24:19 "Oh, we're not ready for this." 24:21 But we took it in and about a day later 24:27 we're in the other vehicle 24:29 that we have that we hope will continue to work. 24:32 And I look and in between the seats, 24:34 Idalia was driving there's this, 24:36 there's a dollar bill down there, 24:38 and I take it out and it was folded 24:40 and I unfolded it, it's a $20 bill. 24:43 I was like "Wow! This is great." 24:45 And now we had $20 24:47 that we didn't know we had apparently. 24:50 And how I got there I don't know, but it was there. 24:53 It fell from my pocket. 24:56 Just kidding. 24:57 I think it fell from my pocket, darling, but it belongs to us. 25:02 And so I put it in my pocket 25:04 and later that day I called the mechanic 25:06 and said "How's our car doing? 25:09 Did you find anything wrong with it?" 25:11 He said, "Well, we went through it 25:12 and there's only that we haven't been able to make 25:16 all the lights go on," he says, "But we did do a test." 25:19 And you do have some kind of sensor 25:23 that just keeps track of oxygen or something. 25:25 And I said, "Do we need to change that? 25:26 Is that expensive? 25:28 He says, "You don't really have to change that," 25:29 he says, "It's just something to let you know of some air 25:33 and you don't have to change that," he says. 25:35 And I said, "Well, how much do we owe you?" 25:38 "$20 will be it." 25:40 And I go... Wow! Twenty dollars? 25:41 And Idalia says, "The Lord provided $20 to pay for that." 25:46 And so I look back and I say, 25:48 "You know what, that's just the Lord telling us 25:51 don't worry," like you said, "I've got your back. 25:53 I'll take care of you." 25:55 And we need to remind ourselves of these little things 25:58 that God does for us 25:59 because when the big things come like the Israelites 26:02 that were in front of the Red Sea, 26:04 they had to remember, "Wait a minute, 26:06 God did all that for us, 26:07 deliver us from all those plagues." 26:09 That's right. 26:10 We have to remember that whatever we're going through, 26:12 think about what God did for you in the past. 26:14 Yes. 26:15 And you will know that He's going to do it again. 26:18 He's going to deliver you in some way. 26:19 I like to tell people that God is building a resume 26:21 in your life. 26:22 That's good. 26:24 He's... 26:25 Each faithful, each moment of faithfulness of God 26:27 working in your life is Him building a resume 26:29 so that whenever you have a need come into your life, 26:31 the only person to go to is Him. 26:33 That's right. 26:34 And they may be seemingly small, 26:36 you know, $20 just compared, 26:38 you know, thousands of dollars, 26:39 but when you have a need in a moment it doesn't matter. 26:42 The faithfulness of God is not limited 26:44 by the smallness or the bigness of the situation. 26:47 And I think that by building that resume in our experience, 26:49 it reminds us of the fact 26:51 that we need to stop freaking out 26:53 and go to the one who can do something about it. 26:55 Well, I think sometimes 26:56 He lets us sit and squirm a little bit... 26:58 Oh, yeah. 26:59 So that we can realize where it's coming from, 27:01 because otherwise if it's all smooth sailing, 27:03 we're like, "Oh, aren't we doing is great?" 27:05 But if we, if we had to say, 27:07 there's just no earthly way that this is going to happen, 27:11 I mean that, you know, whatever 27:13 and yet you can see God's faithfulness. 27:15 He somehow, even sometimes when you look back at it 27:18 you'll say, "How in the world did we accomplish doing that?" 27:22 Or, "How did that come about?" 27:24 You can't necessarily always see the minute details 27:27 but somehow God worked it out. 27:29 Amen. 27:31 And it's like, you know, 27:32 but we just have to keep looking back. 27:33 Yes. 27:35 But, you know, the Lord send so many blessings our way 27:39 and sometimes we become a little selfish 27:42 because we're looking for our blessing, 27:45 but you know, somebody else is looking for a blessing too. 27:48 So you may be the blessing 27:50 that the Lord is sending to that person. 27:53 I had the privilege of going to a store 27:57 and I said, "Lord, you know, 28:01 we run around so much with that like a chicken 28:04 with their head cut off," 28:06 you know it's an expression it said here. 28:09 And I'm like, "What's there to do locally?" 28:12 I just, I'd like to say hello to everybody in the store. 28:16 And you know, the lady sat, the local Wally World, 28:20 they're like, "Oh, how you're doing? 28:21 How are your boys?" 28:23 You know, "Where you're coming from? 28:24 Where you've been?" So we talk about ministry. 28:27 And so one day a lady stepped out of the store 28:31 and she had a cart full of stuff 28:33 and I'm like, "Should I? 28:36 No, Lord, I'm not doing that. 28:38 No..." 28:39 And I kept battling and it's like, 28:41 "She's not gonna want my help Lord." 28:44 And I finally said, "Okay, I will offer help." 28:47 And I said, "Would you like some help with your stuff?" 28:51 And she says, "Oh, thank you so much. 28:56 I need help. 28:57 I was wondering how I was going to get this in there," 29:00 because she had potting soil bags 29:02 in the bottom, she was an older lady. 29:05 And anyhow and actually it's something 29:08 so simple like that, like, offering help 29:11 and I said, "Lord, thank you for bringing, 29:13 you know, hope into humanity." 29:15 There are still people 29:17 that will go out of their way to help. 29:19 So I praised the Lord that He impresses our hearts 29:24 and if we obey, 29:26 there's a great blessing for us there. 29:28 That's a very good point 29:30 because the Lord gives us opportunity 29:32 to be a blessing to others in some way, 29:35 something as simple as that. 29:36 Yes. 29:37 You know, the Lord used you to be a blessing to this lady 29:39 and she was very grateful. 29:41 Praise the Lord. 29:42 Now there are people that deal with fear 29:44 and I just wanna share with you. 29:46 I know that you need a miracle 29:48 or a blessing in your health area. 29:50 There are so many viewers dealing with health issues 29:54 and God is not blind to your needs. 29:57 You know, it's incredible how the Lord, 30:00 yet in our condition, 30:02 He speaks to us and I can say this from personal experience. 30:08 I donated a kidney back in 2001, 30:13 were you here back then? 30:14 It was just before we came. 30:16 Just before you came, okay, because I know our kids grew, 30:18 grow up together here. 30:20 Just before we came. We're one big happy family. 30:22 No tones and colors. 30:23 Having family worship with you guys is... 30:26 It's like family. 30:29 So anyway, so that was in 2001. 30:33 And recently I confronted 30:36 what is called a 'kidney infection'. 30:38 And talk about fear, it's like, 30:41 "That's my only kidney, what am I going to do?" 30:43 And I said, "Wait a minute, Lord," so you know, 30:46 the negative thoughts come, 30:48 I'm not saying that negative thoughts 30:50 are not going to invade your mind, 30:52 they will come because Satan wants to bring doubt and fear. 30:57 So I said, "Lord, what's there that I can do? 31:01 What is there that I can do? 31:02 Nothing, you know, but you can do all things, 31:06 I am wonderfully and fearfully made." 31:08 Just as I read and claimed those promises 31:12 as I went into surgery or studying, 31:14 I said, "Lord, if this is not Your design, 31:17 if I was not designed 31:18 or created to be part of this remedy 31:22 or solution for my... 31:24 for the recipient," which is my older brother, 31:27 "Then may I be not compatible," but I was 100%. 31:32 And the doctor is impressed. 31:35 And that's rare, actually that's rare. 31:36 It says if we were identical twins. 31:38 Okay, so now I'm like, "Lord, 31:41 but You impressed me and You open the way 31:44 and everything seems so perfect 31:46 that You were in this plan 31:47 and now I have my kidney infection." 31:50 And I was like, "Where am I going to go?" 31:54 So fear starts coming in and little doubt. 31:56 So okay, "The Lord is my light and my salvation. 32:00 Whom shall I fear? 32:01 The Lord is a stronghold of my life 32:03 of whom shall I be afraid?" 32:05 And also Isaiah 41:10... 32:07 The one you just read is... 32:09 Psalm 27:1. Okay. 32:11 "So do not fear for I am with you. 32:13 Do not be this made for I am your God. 32:16 I will strengthen you and help you. 32:17 I will uphold you with My righteous hand." 32:20 I have to say, 32:21 the Lord upheld me in His righteous hand. 32:25 Today, of course, I celebrate 32:27 that I don't have the kidney infection now. 32:32 So it was a time of trouble and trial, 32:36 but it was a time when I once again 32:40 rested gradually in the care of the Lord. 32:43 Amen. 32:45 Because if we don't gradually 32:46 grow to give it all to the Lord, 32:49 we're not going to have that peace 32:50 and I can't imagine John Dinzey, 32:52 all alone without his wife. 32:57 So, you know, the Lord has a sense of humor 33:00 and blessed him with me. 33:04 That's correct. 33:05 I'm very grateful. Praise the Lord. 33:07 No, I'm blessed with you. 33:08 You know those, those medical situations 33:11 are very humbling experiences. 33:12 Exactly. Yes. I've had several myself. 33:15 I remember when I was about 20 years old, 33:18 either 19 or 20, I went through a situation 33:20 where I'd gone to the doctor 33:22 and my doctor had misdiagnosed me. 33:25 You know, I'd gone in, and I hated going to the doctor 33:28 but my stomach was getting bigger 33:30 and everything like that and it was just, 33:32 I was in a lot of pain. 33:34 Not from overeating or anything like that? 33:35 No, no, although that is possible. 33:39 Especially, Idalia, especially, right? 33:42 But I went to, I told my dad 33:45 and I was living in Atlanta at the time 33:46 and I told my dad, I said, "You know, 33:48 I feel like I'm going to die or something," 33:49 and I was just saying it 33:51 because I was in so much pain, 33:52 I didn't really necessarily think 33:54 that I was going to die, 33:55 but I went to the doctor the next day, 33:58 he sent me home, he ran some tests 34:00 and sent me home with some medicine. 34:03 And then, so he told me, 34:05 "You know, if you don't feel better by tomorrow 34:08 or the next day or whatever, 34:09 come back and see me." 34:11 So I didn't feel better. 34:12 I just got worse, my stomach got bigger 34:13 and I was just in a lot of pain. 34:15 So I went back to that same doctor, 34:17 saw him, he said, "Okay, well, let's try this." 34:20 He ran some more tests, 34:22 gave me some more medicine, sent me home. 34:25 So I went home, I took that medicine, 34:27 I did what he told me to do. 34:29 I returned to him the next day 34:32 and he was supposed to be on vacation. 34:34 Well, he just happened to be in the office. 34:36 Thank God. 34:38 And I had met with his fill in doctor or whatever... 34:42 Assistant. 34:43 Yeah, whoever was taking his place for that time being 34:46 and he saw me in the office 34:49 and he came in there and he said, "You know what? 34:51 I want to run one other test because the fill in was about 34:54 to give me some other type of medicine and send me home. 34:56 Oh, oh! 34:57 And so he ran another test, 34:59 he told my dad to take me to the ER right away 35:01 Oh! 35:03 My dad got me to the ER, 35:05 turns out they ended up admitting me 35:08 and I had surgery, an emergency operation 35:10 that night, my appendix had ruptured inside me. 35:12 Wow. Mercy. 35:13 And sealed off my large, my intestine 35:16 and that was about to go next and I would have been dead. 35:19 That surgeon told my dad that, "If he wouldn't got me there 35:21 when he did, I wouldn't be here." 35:23 Well. 35:24 Satan would have taken me out in my sins 35:26 because I wasn't, I didn't go to church. 35:29 I didn't believe in, I mean, I believed in God 35:32 but I wasn't serving God. 35:33 I was serving, you know, myself basically 35:36 which is the same as serving the devil. 35:38 And... 35:40 So He, the Lord delivered you in a time 35:41 that you say you didn't deserve His protection. 35:45 Didn't deserve it and He still and He still gave it 35:48 and I mean, it was just, it was amazing because Dr Bird, 35:51 Carlton Bird came and prayed with me. 35:54 And I didn't know him. 35:55 I lived in Atlanta form you know, 35:58 eight years and all that stuff, 35:59 but like I didn't even know him and he came and prayed with me. 36:02 Praise the Lord. 36:03 That was, that was truly a blessing. 36:05 Amen. 36:06 You know, when I'm ill, 36:07 I remembered the story of a woman 36:11 that had flowing problem 36:13 and touched the hem of His garment 36:16 and as I lay ill whether it's sadness, 36:20 worried or physical illness, I'm like, "Lord, please just, 36:25 if I could just touch Your hem, 36:27 you know, I know that I will be healed." 36:30 It may not be complete healing but spiritual healing 36:34 because as we are confronted with trials, 36:38 that's when we start doubting, 36:41 you know, and we don't want to doubt. 36:44 We know that God is faithful, 36:46 but there's always something to bring in. 36:48 Yeah. 36:50 But praise the Lord, He doesn't give up on us. 36:52 And the thing, in those trials there is always a lesson 36:55 and a blessing. 36:56 Amen. 36:57 There's always a lesson and a blessing 36:59 and it's hard to sit back and say, "Okay. 37:00 Lord, what are you trying to teach me?" 37:02 That's hard to do when you're going through the trial 37:04 and you feel like, everything's just caving in 37:07 but I mean, you really got to try 37:08 and find that lesson and blessing. 37:11 I look back at different situations in my life 37:13 and I'm just like, "Wow, God, I can't," 37:16 I mean, clearly then I didn't see that. 37:18 Yes, that's right. 37:19 Spiritual things are spiritually discerned. 37:20 Yes. Exactly. 37:22 You know, but in retrospect, 37:23 I see like, "Man, you are so good." 37:26 Amen. Amen. 37:27 And as we read in Psalm 145:9, "His mercy extends to all." 37:33 Yeah. And it's marvelous. 37:35 It's marvelous because, you know, He loves us 37:37 whether we love Him or not. 37:39 He is there whether we want Him or not, 37:42 but people choose to walk away from the Lord 37:44 and that's when the devil tries to take advantage 37:47 of the situation. 37:50 I'm going to tell this story for some reason, 37:52 I need to tell it 37:53 and I mentioned before that even the rich, 37:59 even though they are rich, 38:01 their idea of the dream 38:03 and get as much money as they want. 38:05 This is a story from Pastor Alejandro Bujon, 38:09 and he's a Spanish evangelist 38:11 well known in North, Central, South America. 38:14 In the world. 38:15 Yeah, and he tells a story 38:17 that he received a phone call in his office 38:20 that a man wanted to meet him 38:22 and gave him the address of a very expensive restaurant 38:27 to meet him there. 38:29 And he says, "Don't worry I will pay." 38:32 And so he went to meet him. 38:33 And he said, "The reason I called you here is 38:35 because I see you on TV. 38:38 And you seem to have something I don't have." 38:42 He said, "And I don't know why you have this and I don't. 38:46 I am very rich, if you're wondering how rich, 38:51 if I want something I can buy, it doesn't matter what it is, 38:55 whether it's a house, a boat, a plane, 38:58 I can buy whatever I want. 39:00 I have a big home, I have many cars, 39:04 but I don't have peace, 39:06 and I don't have a joy in my life. 39:08 I have all these things but I don't have joy." 39:10 He says, "And I want you to help me 39:13 'cause you have it and I don't have it. 39:15 But these are the rules. 39:17 Don't talk to me about Jesus, 39:19 don't give me any Bible scriptures, 39:22 but tell me how can I be happy?" 39:25 And this is, this was South America, 39:28 this is Brazil 39:29 and what's one of the popular sports over there? 39:32 Soccer. 39:33 So he said to him, "Look, I can talk to you about soccer 39:38 if you want to, 39:39 but what's that's gonna do for you. 39:42 I can talk to you about the stocks 39:46 and the money going up and down and all these things 39:49 but what is that gonna do for you? 39:51 You already do these things, 39:52 you already know about these things. 39:54 The truth is you cannot find happiness. 39:56 No matter how much money you have, 39:58 no matter how many homes you own, 40:00 how many cars you own, planes whatever it is, 40:02 you cannot truly find happiness until you find Jesus." 40:07 And the man had to realize that he, 40:10 a tear came to his eye 40:11 and he realized that without Jesus, 40:14 you really cannot find happiness. 40:16 Oh, yes, there are some momentary pleasures 40:19 but no true happiness can exist without God. 40:24 So that's the reality. 40:26 So if anyone is listening and you're in this condition, 40:30 the answer is Jesus. 40:32 Amen. 40:33 I was thinking of another favorite passage 40:36 I have particular from the lesson you can learn from, 40:38 it's 2 Corinthians 1:3, 40:42 there are times when we go through suffering and hardship 40:45 and we don't understand why, 40:47 but as we mentioned that text in Isaiah earlier, 40:49 they actually can be for peace and for other people's benefit. 40:52 Oh! Yes. 40:53 And it says, sometimes our suffering, 40:56 we can derive benefits from learning 40:57 that we can trust God in difficulty. 40:59 But there's also reasons that we go through these things 41:01 that that can be used for a blessing for others. 41:04 2 Corinthians 1:3 says, 41:07 "Blessed be the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 41:10 the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 41:13 who comforts us in all our tribulations 41:16 that we may be able to comfort those 41:18 who are in any trouble with the comfort 41:20 with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 41:23 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us 41:25 so our consolation also are balanced through Christ. 41:28 Now if we are afflicted, 41:29 it is for your consolation and salvation, 41:32 which is effective for enduring the same sufferings 41:34 which we also suffer. 41:36 Or if we are comforted it is for your consolation 41:38 in salvation. 41:40 And our hope for you is steadfast 41:42 because we know that as we are, 41:44 that as you're particulars of the sufferings 41:47 so also you will partake of the consolation." 41:50 The point Paul makes here is that I can give the comfort 41:54 I received in my hardship to you 41:57 as you go through it too. 41:59 I now know the language of your heart 42:01 that I couldn't have known had I not suffered 42:03 what you suffered through. 42:04 And it gives us that bridge, 42:06 that ability to be able to sympathize and communicate 42:10 that I've been there and that this is the comfort 42:13 that God gave me in this time of trial. 42:14 Amen. 42:16 And I know He can do it for you 42:17 and He says that my confidence is steadfast 42:19 because I know that 42:21 just as you're suffering as I suffered, 42:23 God can comfort you just as He comforted me. 42:26 And so good can come from our sufferings, 42:28 not just for ourselves but also for the people around. 42:31 So there's blessing as a result of suffering 42:34 not only for us but for others. 42:36 And that's great too 42:37 because also like everybody has a ministry, you know... 42:40 We're all ministers. 42:42 I may be reach people that you might not reach. 42:44 Or you might be able to reach people that I can't reach, 42:46 you can reach people that I can't reach. 42:48 So we all have different frame of reference, 42:51 different personal experiences like you're speaking of, 42:55 that people will be able to relate to. 42:56 Amen. That's true. 42:58 Well, as a mom, it's hard for me to attempt a counsel 43:04 from someone who's never been a mom, 43:06 you know, about how to race my kids. 43:08 I don't know if that happens to you or am I too proud? 43:11 And oftentimes those who don't have kids 43:13 they're so willing to give you counsel. 43:16 It seems like... 43:17 That's right. 43:19 So you know, Lord help us, 43:22 the Lord have blessed us with two boys 43:25 and your family splats well, 43:26 your whole family works for 3ABN, right? 43:28 How many children? 43:30 I have four children. 43:31 That's right. Yeah. 43:33 Well, the two boys work here now. 43:34 Denai just... 43:35 Oh, that's right. Yes. 43:37 Quit working here. She's is Texas? 43:38 Yeah, she just moved. 43:39 And Danielle has volunteered, 43:41 she hasn't quite old enough 43:42 to actually be working here yet so. 43:44 But she's got a tremendous testimony, 43:47 tremendous ministry. 43:49 She composed this music songs and it's incredible 43:54 how the Lord is leading Danielle's life too. 43:57 So but as parents we go through trials during the week. 44:02 And we have our own experiences or challenges 44:08 but our children are going through theirs too. 44:11 So as parents, we need to set aside our challenges 44:17 to be able to minister to our children. 44:19 How do we do that? 44:20 Well, sometimes we can just share with them, 44:23 what God has brought us through 44:25 and what we struggled through... 44:28 Yes. 44:29 You know, growing up. 44:30 And so we can kind of share that with them. 44:32 Yes. 44:33 And you were speaking of children now, 44:36 last week Denai decided 44:39 to drive from Dallas by herself home 44:42 and it's a 10 hour drive. 44:43 Right. 44:45 And she didn't get here as soon as we thought 44:47 and she failed to keep in contact with us. 44:50 So to say the least, 44:53 my husband and I did not get real good sleep that night. 44:55 But you know, even with that because, you know, 44:58 time came when she should have been here 45:00 or could have been here 45:02 but wasn't and we tried calling her, 45:04 couldn't reach her and you know, 45:09 but even then it was like I was able to, 45:11 through God's grace I was able to actually turn over. 45:14 We had prayer for her, 45:16 was able turn over and get some real peaceful sleep. 45:19 I woke up a couple hours later. Yes. 45:21 But you know, and prayed for her again 45:23 and then was able to sleep some more. 45:25 You know, and she made it here fine, you know... 45:29 Praise the Lord. 45:30 I'm not sure why she hadn't kept in contact with us. 45:34 She stopped and slept along the way 45:35 that's why she had taken a longer but... 45:37 Yeah. 45:38 You know, that was a struggle with having kids, 45:43 you worry about them. 45:44 But there again you just have to trust. 45:47 And I had to finally say because I woke up then, 45:50 you know, after those couple times of peaceful sleep 45:54 then I woke up and it was like, 45:55 I kept trying to go back to sleep and saying, God, 45:58 you know, and it was like, 46:00 I just couldn't get that peace back. 46:02 But then it's finally, "Okay, God, you know where she is, 46:06 whatever," because you know your mind goes... 46:08 Yes. 46:09 You go to the news and here what you've heard 46:11 and you know, you put your child in that situation. 46:14 And well, I said, "Okay, God, 46:17 you know where she is at this moment, 46:19 I don't, you know. 46:21 You love her more than I do. 46:23 So I've got to just say, she's yours." 46:25 She's coming home. 46:27 "And whatever it is, you've got her taking care of." 46:31 Whether she's, you know, you hate to think of it 46:35 but even if she was harmed, 46:37 you know, God was there with her. 46:38 So I had to finally just say, "Okay, God..." 46:41 "She's in your hands." 46:42 "She's in your hands," and it wasn't easy. 46:46 Now, and we can identify too 46:48 because as we are far apart from my families 46:52 and you know, one time, oh, my goodness, 46:54 how many lessons do we learn from our own kids, right? 46:58 You have given your parents many, many special lessons 47:03 that no one else in the world can give to a parents. 47:07 So one time, quickly I wanted to say, 47:11 Samuel signed up to go to a mission trip. 47:15 I said, "Samuel alias Dinzey, 47:18 how do you think you're gonna get there?" 47:22 He says, "Well, mom, with a lot of prayer and supplication." 47:27 "Okay, we'll pray. 47:29 The Lord will provide," you know. 47:31 But when they're out of our care, 47:34 whether you're sending your children to school 47:37 and it's okay I think to think about them 47:40 and worry to a certain degree like, 47:43 I hope that they're doing good and no one is bullying them 47:47 and all these challenges 47:49 that our children face today in schools. 47:53 But it's beautiful to be able to say, 47:56 you know, to come to that point that you say, 47:59 "My kids are in the Lord's hands 48:02 and there's no peace that can be compared to that." 48:06 So He has giving on His peace, 48:09 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you. 48:12 I don't I give to you that's the world gives. 48:15 Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." 48:18 John 14:27. 48:20 And that peace is available for you today. 48:23 And how do we get to the point of, 48:26 you know, I'm praising the Lord today 48:29 because He's carried me all week long. 48:31 I'm thankful for the Sabbath 48:33 because here we are just talking about 48:36 how the Lord has provided, 48:38 you know, and but it's been six days already that went by. 48:45 And sometimes people come to church 48:48 or we may come to church, I include myself in it. 48:51 And if a challenge happened during the week, you know, 48:53 sometimes it's tugging at you. 48:56 How do you break away from all those challenges 48:59 or it's something that needs to be resolved 49:02 so you can rest on Sabbath. 49:04 You know, Idalia, you just mentioned a word 49:06 that we said in the beginning a few times. 49:08 Sabbath! 49:09 And I'm wondering if somebody that is out there 49:13 has heard the word and say, "Sabbath? 49:14 What in the world is a Sabbath?" 49:17 Well, we call the Sabbath, the seventh day of the week 49:20 because God created the heavens and the earth in six days. 49:23 We're just going to briefly summarize this. 49:25 Created the heavens and the earth in six days, 49:27 the Bible says and sanctified, set apart the seventh day 49:31 which is Saturday for rest, for His children that love Him. 49:36 And so in Exodus 20 we are told to remember this, 49:39 I think I will read Exodus 20:8-11 quickly, 49:43 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. 49:46 Six days you shall labor and do all your work 49:49 but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord 49:52 your God or thy God. 49:53 In it you will not do any work, you nor your son, 49:56 nor your daughter, nor your manservant, 49:58 nor your maid servant, nor thy cattle, 50:01 nor your stranger that is within thy gates, 50:03 for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, 50:06 the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day. 50:10 Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day 50:12 and hallowed it." 50:14 And so He wants us to remember the Sabbath day to rest 50:17 and stop the work and stop all the secular activity 50:21 and to remember the Sabbath day. 50:22 Thus we got the Sabbath day, the seventh day of the week. 50:25 So just in case somebody is listening, 50:27 "Oh, Sabbath, they keep saying Sabbath, 50:28 what is that?" 50:30 It's the day that we rest and remember our Creator. 50:34 I wanna leave, go ahead Dee. 50:36 Oh, it's just coming into answer your question 50:37 that God intended for rest to be 50:40 part of the human experience. 50:42 And He Himself went before us to be able to give that to us. 50:46 And if He Himself can rest, 50:49 we can trust that the rest 50:50 that He provides is sufficient, right? 50:51 Because like if God took an actual vacation 50:54 that we would all cease existing immediately, right? 50:56 Oh, yeah. 50:58 So we have need of God's presence. 50:59 We had need of God's labor for us. 51:01 But rest is a beautiful gift. 51:03 And even in the Sabbath commandment 51:05 when it's repeated in Deuteronomy 5. 51:08 He mentions the fact that, 51:09 "Nor your stranger who is within your gates," 51:11 it's in Deuteronomy 5:14 and He says, 51:14 "That your male servant and your female servant 51:16 may rest as well as you." 51:18 That rest is something that God intended not just for believers 51:21 but for all. 51:23 That's right. 51:24 And that's one of the reasons 51:25 why we abstain from going to places 51:27 where people would have to work for us. 51:29 That's right. 51:30 To ensure that they could be given the dignity 51:32 that God wants all of us to have a rest. 51:35 And so when we find ourselves bearing these heavy burdens 51:38 and not finding answers, 51:39 the safest and only place to go is to God 51:43 who alone can give rest, 51:44 who alone understands the true rest 51:46 that we need of heart. 51:47 And I know that sounds quaint, yeah, just go to God 51:50 but He really is the only answer for us to say, 51:52 "Look, I'm wrestling with letting go of this, 51:55 I'm wrestling with trusting you enough to let go." 51:58 To just communicate honestly enough with God and to say, 52:01 that if Jesus knew how to rest in you in my human flesh, 52:05 would you please allow me to receive His rest? 52:09 And we can receive 52:10 the deficiencies of our experience 52:12 because Christ taught them, taught through our experiences. 52:15 You know, you reminded me of our children. 52:18 When they were smaller and we would tell them, 52:20 "Okay, now it's time to get ready for bed." 52:22 "But I'm not tired." 52:25 You know, and people may think, "Well, I'm not tired. 52:28 I can continue working." 52:30 But you see you do need rest. 52:33 And you don't know it. 52:35 Our kids needed rest and they don't know it. 52:38 It's a refreshing, a spiritual refreshment 52:40 that everyone needs to pause from the work 52:43 and the activities that overwhelm us 52:46 and to take the time and to spend with the Lord 52:49 and to spend with family, and to really let go 52:53 and focus on spiritual things. 52:56 And it's something that we all need. 52:57 Go ahead. 52:59 I was just going to say, 53:00 and also like Sabbath rest doesn't, 53:02 you know, so if there are some people 53:04 that don't know about the Sabbath like, 53:06 it doesn't mean you just sleep all day. 53:08 That's right. Yeah. You do good for others. 53:10 Let's go to the nursing home, visit senior citizens, 53:14 visit people in the hospital. 53:15 You know, well, there's a lot of different things 53:18 that you can do to be a blessing. 53:20 Community of believers, encouragement. 53:22 Absolutely. 53:23 Exactly, yeah, and sometimes 53:25 we have people within our own congregation 53:27 that need a word of encouragement, 53:29 need prayer. 53:31 I am blessed to have my friends, 53:33 the Babb family. 53:35 We can spend the whole Sabbath at church. 53:38 You know, we've gone to the nursing homes, 53:40 we've done all that. 53:43 Pathfinders activities together, 53:44 what haven't we done, right? 53:47 So, but I remember my kids not wanting to leave church, 53:52 you know, they wanted to stick with the family. 53:55 It's like, literally they were our family 53:58 when we were growing, the kids were growing up. 54:02 And sometimes we become selfish, 54:05 the older we get just like we tell our kids, 54:07 "No we're not staying, no we're not doing this, 54:09 no we're not staying for fellowship dinner, 54:11 no this, no that." 54:12 And it becomes a no day 54:14 for our young people, for our families. 54:17 So I just want to encourage you to please your children too 54:22 because it is their experience that you're feeding 54:27 for them to see how special Sabbath is. 54:31 You know, it's not about the food, 54:32 it's not about the seeing friends 54:35 but it's part of. 54:37 Yeah, God intended a blessing for all of man, 54:39 that's why He gave, in fact, 54:40 it's the first blessing God gave to me 54:42 and it was to enter into His rest immediately. 54:44 I mean, what had man done, 54:46 you know what I mean 54:47 in the span of that time, not much. 54:49 The day before so... Yes. 54:51 So there's not a whole other thing 54:52 that was like He needed, 54:54 you know, a whole lot of toil that happened beforehand. 54:56 But God was establishing a precedent 54:58 that this is a blessing I have for you 55:00 that I'm available to you in a way 55:01 that I'm not available to you any other day of the week. 55:04 There's an extra blessing of God's presence 55:06 and peace available that even 55:07 when man was separated from God in the fall in the garden, 55:10 God's presence was still available to man 55:12 after the fall on this weekly basis. 55:15 And so it's a blessing for all. 55:16 Amen! Amen! 55:18 I would like to read from Psalms 34 55:20 and I don't know if we have enough time 55:22 but we'll try it. 55:24 Psalms 34:8, 55:25 that's all I'm gonna read, Psalms 34:8. 55:28 "Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. 55:32 Blessed is the man and woman that trust in Him." 55:36 Psalms 34:8. 55:38 So I want to maybe ask if it's, 55:39 if we can give a word of encouragement to somebody, 55:42 maybe we'll start with Dee, go to Jay 55:44 and then Sister Valera and then Idalia, 55:46 I will try to say something if there's time. 55:48 What word of encouraging can we give to someone to taste 55:50 and see that the Lord is good 55:51 or maybe they're going to a difficult time? 55:53 Sure, there's a God in heaven who loves you immensely, 55:55 who longs to commune with you 55:57 and would love to hear from you. 55:58 And His invitation is to, 56:00 "Taste and see that I am indeed good." 56:02 And the only way we will find out 56:04 is by giving Him that opportunity. 56:05 Absolutely. 56:07 And I would say to, you know, whoever's watching is 56:10 that the only way that you can taste and see 56:13 is through your own experience. 56:15 You can't, if I am drinking this glass of water, 56:19 you can't taste this particular glass of water. 56:23 You have to have your own walk with the Lord 56:26 and spend time with Him, 56:28 develop a relationship with Him. 56:30 And time is short so I would start today. 56:32 Amen. Amen. 56:34 I just encourage you to just to rely on Him 56:39 and to test Him at His Word. 56:44 Get your Bible out and start looking through 56:48 whatever you're going through, 56:49 find verses that meet your need. 56:51 Amen. 56:52 Something I've done recently 56:54 is the Lord's Prayer is in Matthew 6. 56:57 And I've been praying that a lot 57:00 and just taking steps in that. 57:03 And it's just really been a blessing to me. 57:06 Amen. Amen. 57:08 I say it real quick. 57:09 James 1:2-3, "Consider it pure joy, 57:12 my brothers and sisters, 57:14 whenever you face trials of many kinds, 57:16 because you know that the testing of your faith 57:18 produces perseverance." 57:20 Amen. Amen. 57:21 Well, we hope you have been blessed 57:23 during this hour we shared together, 57:25 we want to say once again happy Sabbath to you. 57:27 May the Lord be with you. Happy Sabbath. 57:29 And remember, give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ 57:32 and you will find peace and happiness 57:33 that begins in this world and continues forever. 57:35 God bless. Amen. |
Revised 2017-09-28