Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John and Angela Lomacang (Host), John and Idalia Dinzey, Jonathan Babb, Donald Owen


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017026A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words Let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello and welcome to Family Worship.
01:11 What time is it, honey?
01:12 It's Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.
01:14 Yes. Happy Sabbath.
01:15 Thank you for allowing us to come in your home.
01:17 Whenever we can get together, the family get together
01:20 it's the time to put our lives in the Lord's hands.
01:22 And I'm glad that my captain is with me
01:25 or my shipmate or my better half
01:28 which makes me the fortunate half
01:29 or the blessed half.
01:30 That's what I feel about you.
01:32 Oh, wow.
01:33 We're just loving each other at the beginning of the program
01:35 and all the time.
01:36 But thank you for taken the time to tune in.
01:38 Get your Bibles,
01:39 invite your family if you're by yourself,
01:41 that's okay.
01:42 If you're at church, that's also okay.
01:45 We're gonna talk about baptism today.
01:47 Yeah, that's good.
01:48 Baptism in so many forms but before we do any of that,
01:51 we're gonna have prayer after we introduce our panel.
01:54 And I'm so glad to have with us today who we have.
01:58 I'll start to my far right
02:00 and I'll let you introduce yourself
02:01 and even the lady that might be next to you.
02:04 Well, thank you.
02:06 Well, my name is John Dinzey,
02:07 and I had the privilege of being here since 1989.
02:10 And came alone
02:12 but God blessed me with my wife Idalia.
02:15 Married in 1994
02:16 and I have the privilege of working
02:18 for 3ABN Latino as a general manager.
02:22 Idalia, administrative assistant
02:24 and we both wear other hats of course as well.
02:28 And she's a wonderful mother
02:29 and you both are mom and dad of two wonderful children.
02:31 Amen.
02:33 The Lord has blessed our family with two boys
02:36 and blessed as we answered his calling
02:40 to come to ministry,
02:41 never imagine working in ministry in my life.
02:44 But praise the Lord for 3ABN.
02:47 And we love working here.
02:49 Okay. Thank you for being here today.
02:51 And, honey, who do I have to our far left.
02:52 Let's just start with the young man
02:54 to the outside left.
02:55 My name is Donald and I've been here maybe,
02:57 let see, three and half,
02:59 three years going on four years soon.
03:00 My wife's Janelle who is not here
03:02 but she also works in the publishing department.
03:05 And I do a lot of things, I wear many hats too.
03:08 Sometimes I run camera here
03:09 but more than anything I do a lot of events
03:11 in the community and also work for personal ministries
03:14 at the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist Church.
03:16 And we also lead out an addiction recovery group
03:18 which had been running
03:20 for the last two or two and half years.
03:21 So we're just really trying to get,
03:23 in the community get involved with community,
03:24 get churches on fire just do what we can for the Lord so.
03:28 Amen. Good to have you here, Donald.
03:29 It's been awesome.
03:31 And a man who is often quiet
03:32 but we've pulled him out of the carpet today.
03:35 My name is Jonathan Bab.
03:37 I am the manager of the call center
03:39 and I've been here 11, 12 years now,
03:42 I can't keep track,
03:44 not all that time working here.
03:46 But, and, of course, we all wear many hats around here
03:49 and can't keep track of all that we always do.
03:52 Okay.
03:53 And you're also the head deacon
03:55 for the Thompsonville Adventist Church.
03:56 Yeah, it's true.
03:57 A single young man.
03:59 We're trying to change that.
04:02 We praise the Lord for your dedication and your commitment.
04:05 And all of you, and we also love Idalia's cooking.
04:08 And I don't get that, but today we're gonna spend some time
04:11 in the Word of God and we're gonna pray
04:15 and we're gonna sing,
04:16 and then we're gonna go into our topic today.
04:19 So, honey, would you begin with prayer today?
04:21 Sure. Let's bow our heads.
04:23 Our loving, kind, gracious Heavenly Father,
04:25 we bow before Your presence this Sabbath evening.
04:28 And, Lord, we praise You and honor You,
04:31 You are so worthy of praise.
04:33 And, Lord, we ask that Your Holy Spirit
04:35 will come right now and be with us, guide us,
04:38 give us the wisdom and understanding
04:40 that we need.
04:42 We pray for the baptism of the Holy Spirit
04:44 in our lives.
04:45 And we thank You for each person
04:47 that's viewing this broadcast.
04:50 May they be blessed
04:51 and may they make a change in their lives
04:54 if they have not changed.
04:57 So, Lord, we thank You
04:58 and we just pray continually a blessing upon us.
05:02 And we look forward to seeing You
05:04 on that great and glorious day,
05:06 may we be faithful in Jesus' name, amen.
05:10 Amen. Amen.
05:11 You know, oftentimes when we sing,
05:12 the person behind the scenes on the piano
05:14 doesn't get recognition but we have Summer Boyd
05:17 who is gonna be playing for us today.
05:18 And we're gonna sing the song
05:19 which we would like you to join us,
05:21 524 in your hymnal,
05:23 "'Tis so sweet to trust you Jesus."
05:26 First and last stanza.
05:29 'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus
05:35 Just to take Him at His Word
05:40 Just to rest upon His promise
05:46 Just to know, "Thus sayeth the Lord"
05:51 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him
05:57 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
06:02 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
06:07 O for grace to trust Him more
06:13 I'm so glad.
06:14 I'm so glad I learned to trust Thee
06:19 Precious Jesus, Savior, Friend
06:24 And I know that Thou art with me
06:30 Wilt be with me till the end
06:35 Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him
06:41 How I've proved Him o'er and o'er
06:47 Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus!
06:52 O for grace to trust Him more!
06:59 Amen.
07:00 Amen. Amen.
07:02 And you know the topic we're talking about today
07:04 really requires a lot of trust.
07:05 That's right.
07:07 We're talking about baptism, and baptism is something
07:10 that is intended to transition us
07:13 from one place to another.
07:16 It is in fact reminded me years ago,
07:18 we were in Zimbabwe
07:20 and on the other side of the bridge was Zambia.
07:22 And baptism is that bridge between who we were
07:26 and who we can become in Jesus Christ.
07:29 But as we were suggested and I must say, Tita,
07:33 I call her Tita affectionately but Idalia Dinzey would say,
07:36 what should we talk about, and she goes, you know,
07:38 let's talk about baptism
07:39 because it's a topic that is so broad
07:42 yet we could narrow it down.
07:43 And what we're gonna also talk about today in this topic is
07:46 the appropriate age for baptism,
07:49 various kinds of baptism, the mode of baptism,
07:52 baptism of the water,
07:54 baptism of the Spirit as my wife reminded me up,
07:57 and baptism of fire, what does all that mean?
08:00 And why baptism is so necessary for every one of us
08:05 who are looking forward to the coming of Jesus?
08:08 Now we have a launch text,
08:09 I like all of us to read together
08:11 in the very beginning of our syllabus.
08:13 And if you have your Bible, go to John 3:5
08:17 and we're gonna peek in on the conversation
08:19 that Jesus had with Nicodemus.
08:21 All right, John 3:5, let's read this together.
08:24 "Jesus answered, 'Most assuredly I say to you,
08:29 unless one is born of water and the Spirit,
08:32 he cannot enter the kingdom of God.'"
08:36 Let's start with baptism,
08:38 talking about entering the Kingdom of God,
08:40 water and Spirit.
08:42 Now baptism is in fact beginning again.
08:47 Now I'm gonna not necessarily call on us
08:49 to respond to this text in various ways,
08:52 but let me just open it up right now
08:54 and receive from each of you
08:56 your view as to why baptism is necessary.
08:58 And I'll start with Pastor Dinzey to my right here.
09:02 You know, I used to say to people
09:06 that if we must be born again there was something wrong
09:08 with the way we were born.
09:11 That's true.
09:13 But being born again,
09:15 it's, I like the language of the idea of being born again
09:21 because that means that you're starting over.
09:25 And I think everyone can look back and say,
09:29 "You know, I have done some things
09:30 that I rather not even say or even think about."
09:34 And so it is an opportunity to begin anew and we think of,
09:41 you know, sometimes you describe this,
09:42 you get a blank sheet of paper,
09:45 everything that was part of your history before
09:48 it's gone and you're starting fresh.
09:50 Amen.
09:51 And so it's part of what is written in 2 Corinthians 5:17.
09:57 Which says, "If anyone is in Christ,
10:00 he is a new creature,
10:03 old things have passed away, behold,
10:06 all things have become new."
10:08 I was thinking of several scriptures
10:09 how I started this,
10:10 but that's the beauty of being a Christian.
10:15 Your old life is gone
10:17 and your new life begins in Christ.
10:20 So baptism is important
10:21 because it brings you into a relationship with God.
10:25 And you know
10:29 when you graduate from eighth grade,
10:32 high school or college, you get a diploma.
10:35 And what it is, it's a piece of paper
10:38 that says what you have accomplished.
10:41 But when you're a baptized again,
10:43 you become a new creature but God says you are His son.
10:48 So you have changed your position from a...
10:52 As it says, as I saw written here,
10:55 "You are heading to death, now you have life."
10:58 Amen. That's right.
10:59 That's right. Thank you for that.
11:02 Pastor, I think it's a gesture of commitment and conviction.
11:06 You know, I love the Lord,
11:08 I want to give my life to the Lord
11:10 is an act of putting yourself aside
11:14 and say, I want to live for Christ.
11:16 And, of course, when, even baptisms,
11:20 let's say if there is a baptism at your church tomorrow,
11:23 it's just not a ritual.
11:24 I mean they are such a blessing
11:26 in watching a baptism and special ceremony,
11:31 you know, the special songs, special prayers.
11:34 Oh, bless my heart all together.
11:36 And I'm like, "Oh, Lord, I want to start all over again,
11:39 I was not perfect, you know, no one's perfect.
11:41 But I'm not where I would love to be.
11:45 So, but through Christ,
11:47 you know, I want my old self gone
11:50 and I want to live that new life in Christ.
11:53 So to me baptism is such an intimate serious decision
11:59 that I have made
12:01 because of my love for the Lord to follow Jesus.
12:04 When Jesus was baptized, He was perfect.
12:08 All right. That's right.
12:09 That's right.
12:10 And He did that as an example for us, baptism, you said it,
12:14 both of you said it
12:16 is a very intimate and meaningful.
12:19 It's not just a symbol, it's more than a symbol,
12:22 it's your commitment to the Lord.
12:24 That's right, honey. What about your baptism?
12:26 I know you just made some comments
12:28 based on what the Dinzeys mentioned
12:30 but baptism to you.
12:33 Baptism is the burial of my old self, the old me,
12:38 my past and coming up in the newness of life,
12:42 giving my all to the Lord, it's what you said it,
12:48 it's getting rid of the old and coming up in the new.
12:51 And it's something that is so important.
12:55 So many people out there
12:57 don't understand what baptism is
12:59 'cause so many people were sprinkled.
13:02 And they call that baptism, correct,
13:04 they call that baptism as a baby.
13:07 But Jesus' way of being baptized is the right way,
13:12 it's the only way actually
13:14 'cause He's our perfect example.
13:16 But baptism is, Tita said it's intimate,
13:18 you just described everything I was going to say.
13:21 You know, it's the intimate,
13:22 meaningful commitment between you and the Lord.
13:25 Conscious commitment. Conscious commitment.
13:29 Exactly, exactly, you must be born again.
13:32 Pastor Dinzey was saying that too.
13:34 And that's the way I see it as being baptized.
13:37 Okay. Jonathan?
13:39 You know baptism is so many things,
13:40 it's everything that we've mentioned so far.
13:43 And it's not just an inward,
13:46 you know mean so much for intimate thing
13:48 but it's also the outward showing,
13:51 you're proclaiming to everybody
13:53 that sees it and knows it that you're consciously choosing
13:58 to be a citizen of God's Kingdom.
14:00 You know, if you know being born in the US,
14:03 I'm a citizen of the US, but if I go to another country,
14:06 I'd have to choose if I want to become a citizen.
14:09 And you get, you go through all the steps in there.
14:11 Well, that baptism is that you're signifying to yourself
14:16 as well to everybody else
14:17 that I'm now a citizen of the Kingdom of God.
14:20 Amen. Amen.
14:22 Donald?
14:24 I was gonna say, for me baptism
14:25 just coming from a recovery background,
14:28 it's so amazing that God can take and heal us,
14:31 that healing to me is a huge thing,
14:32 a transformation, you know, that's what's huge.
14:36 And when you see God really chiseling at your heart,
14:38 you want, you want to be baptized,
14:40 you want to do what the Lord has called you to do
14:42 and that is to be baptized,
14:43 immersed in water and be brought to new life.
14:45 But for me it's an inward expression
14:48 what's already going on like in,
14:49 when we do recovery always talk about admitting
14:52 that something is wrong.
14:53 We always admit something is wrong.
14:54 There's sin in our life that we want to rid of it.
14:56 So we, if Lord can only give us that strength to recover,
14:58 I know for myself personally,
15:00 you know, what I've been through,
15:01 but the Lord is the one who's transformed me,
15:02 I can't do what's in this heart,
15:04 I can't fix this heart but He can.
15:06 That's that baptism already beginning in the heart
15:08 and we just express it from the outside.
15:09 But it's a decision that you took.
15:11 Yeah, exactly, decisions...
15:12 Yeah, it's the decision that we all make.
15:13 And knowing that He's healing you, it's huge,
15:16 it's like, for me it's a big thing the healing aspect.
15:19 And I like, you know,
15:21 Tita is bringing out a conscious decision.
15:23 You can't just go through baptism
15:25 as a means of bide of joining a church.
15:27 Oftentimes people say,
15:29 what does it take to become a member of your church.
15:31 Well, membership and new life are not synonymous.
15:35 Membership, you know, you can be a member of a club,
15:38 a member of a gym, a member of a health spa,
15:41 but it doesn't mean that you're healthy.
15:43 I mean you start a process in the very same way.
15:46 When you are baptized,
15:47 you know on the flipside of that
15:49 it doesn't make sense to be baptized
15:50 and not become a member of the fellowship
15:53 of the body of Christ.
15:54 Some people say, I want to be baptized,
15:55 but I don't want to join the church.
15:57 Well, it's like being a football player
15:59 and you want to play by yourself.
16:00 It's not possible.
16:02 The Lord has called us into fellowship
16:03 and the Bible says in the Book of Acts,
16:06 the Lord added to the church daily
16:07 such as we're being saved.
16:09 And that salvation aspect
16:10 was they were being baptized into Christ
16:13 but not only into Christ,
16:14 he says, teach them to observe all things
16:16 I command you.
16:17 But there's a mysterious side to baptism,
16:18 and I want to look at this question here
16:20 that we poised.
16:22 But any other thoughts that came to your mind
16:23 just on what I said.
16:24 Yeah, I like what Jonathan said about citizenship
16:26 'cause I became a citizen,
16:28 I became a citizen several years ago
16:31 into the United States because I was born in England.
16:33 And I had to give up everything,
16:36 my English passport, everything
16:38 and be sworn in as a citizen of United States.
16:43 I remember that very well. You were with me.
16:44 We went to San Francisco and we went to the Presidio.
16:48 And, John, we all assumed that pastor was with you.
16:51 You guys are always together, praise the Lord.
16:55 That's right. We did a big old celebration.
16:57 We had red, white and blue out of the house.
16:59 Yeah, yeah, and that was our celebration
17:02 and this is our commitment,
17:04 my commitment to the United States
17:05 and as well said Jonathan about the citizenship.
17:09 Now I'm a citizen of the Kingdom of God
17:13 and we all are.
17:14 That's a very good...
17:16 That's a good example because we still have these pictures
17:17 and she has the naturalization papers
17:19 in the passport
17:21 and now when you travel this is,
17:23 but still this is amazing.
17:25 But when we are on the plane
17:27 and you fill out the customs form
17:29 or the entry form, they said,
17:31 "What was your country of birth?"
17:35 And she always puts England.
17:37 What is your country of citizenship?
17:40 The United States of America.
17:41 See, so we're born one way
17:44 but the Lord brings us into another fellowship,
17:46 we are citizens of the Most High God.
17:48 And when I go to England at the passport,
17:50 when you go through you know what do you call that?
17:52 Customs. Customs.
17:54 They always look at it and say immigration,
17:56 welcome home 'cause it says I was born in...
17:59 They always say welcome home and that's how it's gonna be
18:02 when we go to heaven, He's gonna say, welcome home.
18:04 Good. That's so exciting.
18:07 You know, it's interesting as we talk about baptism
18:10 and we're gonna talk about how it occurs and what it is.
18:14 But the text
18:18 that we launched which is John 3:5 it says,
18:22 you must be born of water and the Spirit.
18:25 This is why we have to understand that there is,
18:31 it's just not that, "Oh, you recognize your sin."
18:34 "Yes, I do.
18:36 And I want to be baptized." Wonderful.
18:38 And the person gets baptized and gets wet only
18:43 because there is no change
18:45 because the person was looking
18:47 to receive something to feel better.
18:51 But you must be baptized of water and the spirit
18:54 because you have to walk in newness of life.
18:57 So it's not that you're coming in for medicine
19:00 and then you go back to because, you know,
19:02 it's interesting I've heard of different medicines
19:04 that people have trouble with certain types of food
19:08 and they drink something,
19:11 so they don't have the reaction.
19:12 Oh, yeah.
19:15 God wants to transform those changes.
19:17 We are to walk in newness of life
19:20 when we accept Him and this is,
19:22 and God is trying to help us understand that,
19:25 because baptism is supposed to be a death
19:28 to the old way of life,
19:31 so that you can walk in newness of life.
19:33 You know, there's a resurrection,
19:34 you are born again, not to live as you used to live
19:37 but to live in newness of life.
19:39 And I want to point out something that
19:41 this new life that you get,
19:43 it is not a second chance to do
19:45 what you couldn't do the first time.
19:47 Lot of times, you'll say, okay, okay,
19:49 now that I'm a member of the church,
19:51 now that I'm a Christian, okay,
19:53 I got all these things to give up,
19:54 I got all these things to get right,
19:55 I got all these things.
19:57 Because baptism in fact, I'm glad you pointed this out
19:59 about spirit side.
20:00 Baptism recognizes a turn in your life,
20:03 you know, and lot of people don't repent of anything.
20:06 They just become, they accept all the 28 fundamentals
20:09 as it is in the Adventist fellowship.
20:12 And they agree with them all and they say, yes,
20:14 I want to become a member,
20:15 yes, I want to begin a new life.
20:17 But I want to just point this, you have to repent of something
20:20 because when the question was asked
20:21 on the day of Pentecost,
20:23 "What shall we do to be saved?"
20:24 Peter said, "Repent and be baptized
20:28 that your sins may be blotted out."
20:31 When the time of refreshing comes.
20:33 So I want to just point this out,
20:36 examine your life to find out what needs to be removed,
20:40 repenting of it, acknowledges
20:42 that you, yes, are guilty of that.
20:44 But you know what, even if you were not this criminal
20:49 as far as your old life is concerned,
20:51 the major reason for baptism
20:53 is not that you are a good person.
20:56 Because I want to look at Romans 3:23.
20:58 Let's look at this because baptism is not for people
21:00 that just are bad people
21:02 but baptism acknowledges
21:03 that we were born a certain way.
21:05 I was just gonna ask, you know,
21:06 the question came in my mind is,
21:07 does baptism save you?
21:11 Okay, we're gonna answer that.
21:13 But look at Romans 3:23.
21:14 Honey, would you read that for us.
21:16 Sure.
21:17 "For all have sinned and fall short
21:19 of the glory of God."
21:21 Have you ever met people that said, "Well, you know,
21:23 I'm a good person."
21:24 Yes.
21:26 I have been so tempted to say, now that stranger say that,
21:28 I've been so tempted to say, "You're not good."
21:32 But you know when you meet people you don't know,
21:33 you don't just kind of,
21:34 that's not the way to make friends.
21:36 But there are no good people.
21:38 There's none who does good no not what?
21:40 Righteous.
21:41 We've all gone astray
21:42 but even more than that Romans 5:12,
21:45 I want Jonathan, read that for us.
21:48 It's on the syllabus, it'll save you some time.
21:50 But Romans 5:12, maybe Tita has it.
21:52 Look at...
21:54 This is why we are not good.
21:56 This is why nobody is born good,
21:58 this is why we must be born again.
21:59 Okay, it says, "Therefore,
22:01 just as through one man sin entered the world,
22:04 and death through sin,
22:06 and thus death spread to all men,
22:08 because all sinned."
22:09 So through one man, who is that man?
22:11 Do you remember his name? Adam.
22:12 Adam.
22:14 So Adam passed on this genetically defective character
22:18 that can't do anything but...
22:20 And watch this, it is not so much the action,
22:24 it's the nature.
22:27 This is something really important because people think,
22:29 okay, I'm no longer gonna steal,
22:30 lie, commit adulteries, swear, do wrong things, smoke,
22:35 they look at the itemized things
22:37 that they're gonna no longer do.
22:39 And then but what baptism is more than anything else,
22:42 if you go to Romans, let's go to Romans together.
22:45 In our Bibles we can walk through that.
22:47 I'm not gonna just necessarily walk through all the syllabus
22:49 as it is in order but in Romans 6,
22:52 in our Bibles,
22:53 if you look at this whole idea, baptism really what it does,
22:58 it gets rid of the nature that you were born with.
23:02 It puts that nature to death.
23:04 We were all born with whose nature?
23:05 Remember, what's his name? Adam.
23:07 Adam's nature.
23:08 1 Corinthians 15:22, "As in Adam all die."
23:11 Okay, here it is, honey.
23:14 Romans, in the syllabus
23:15 it's actually under point number five,
23:18 if you have your syllabus with you, look at that.
23:20 And in Romans 6.
23:25 Start with Romans 6:3-4 under point number four.
23:29 Read that for us, honey.
23:32 "Or do you not know that as many of us
23:35 as were baptized into Christ Jesus
23:38 were baptized into His death?
23:41 Therefore we were buried with Him
23:43 through baptism into death,
23:47 that just as Christ was raised from the dead
23:50 by the glory of the Father,
23:52 even so we also should walk in the newness of life."
23:56 And to complete the thought, Jonathan, the next scripture,
23:59 Romans 6:5-7.
24:03 "For if we have been united together
24:05 in the likeness of His death,
24:08 certainly we also shall be in the likeness
24:11 of His resurrection, knowing this,
24:14 that our old man was crucified with Him,
24:16 that the body of sin might be done away with,
24:19 that we should no longer be slaves of sin.
24:22 For he who has died has been freed from sin."
24:24 Okay.
24:25 So now let's talk about that for a moment
24:27 because baptism, I want to understand,
24:28 I want people to understand
24:30 because the method is important,
24:31 it's not sprinkling, what is it?
24:33 It's immersion.
24:34 Whole immersion.
24:36 Whole immersion because you don't bury people with,
24:38 you don't throw dirt on them to bury them.
24:40 That's right.
24:42 It's not dry cleaning. It's not rose petals.
24:46 It's not you're born again and I do the...
24:49 It's full immersion like Jesus,
24:52 coming up out of the water symbolizing death,
24:55 burial and the resurrection to newness of life.
24:58 But let's talk about this.
24:59 That's really what the word means in the Greek.
25:02 And also in Spanish, am I correct?
25:04 Yeah.
25:05 It's like you're saying, you're being buried
25:08 that's what the word baptism put,
25:09 I mean, to be put under, submerged.
25:12 And as you mentioned sprinkling,
25:16 sprinkling is not the full, doing what the word says.
25:23 It's a modification but not accepted,
25:27 it's not scriptural, you see.
25:29 And so that's why it doesn't meet the specifications
25:33 that we just read.
25:35 As Christ was buried, so are we buried in the water
25:39 and then we rise when we're lifted up out of the water.
25:44 You don't bury yourself.
25:46 Wow. Very good point.
25:49 But there's a point that came up,
25:51 before we started the program we were talking about
25:55 what about children and baptism.
25:59 And you had a quote that you were sharing with me
26:01 just a moment ago,
26:02 and Tita brought up this point too
26:05 and we could all speak to it,
26:07 but a lot of times people say
26:08 what is the acceptable age of baptism.
26:13 And there's a quote you had
26:14 and I want you to share that with us and then,
26:16 and even the responsibility of parents.
26:18 That's right.
26:19 Because like a dedication of a baby,
26:22 you know, you could dedicate a baby
26:23 but the parents are living a life like,
26:25 you know, Bonnie and Clyde.
26:30 And the dedicating of the baby is not gonna do anything,
26:31 they don't know anything.
26:33 So share that with us, honey about the quote
26:35 that you brought out about baptism.
26:37 This is from Manuscript five, 1896,
26:41 it says, "When children are ready for baptism
26:44 never allow your children to supposed,
26:47 to suppose that they are not children of God
26:51 until they are old enough to be baptized.
26:54 Baptism does not make children Christians,
26:58 neither does it convert them,
27:01 but it is an outward sign showing that they are sensible,
27:06 that they should be children of God
27:08 by acknowledging that they believe in Jesus Christ
27:12 as their Savior and will henceforth live for Christ."
27:18 Okay.
27:19 So that you're describing there
27:21 that the child has a relationship with Jesus,
27:25 knows who Jesus is.
27:27 So therefore I can hear my boys,
27:31 one day said they wanted to get baptized.
27:34 But I've heard many voices,
27:36 little voices from little children.
27:37 "Mommy, when you get baptized?"
27:39 "No, when you're older. No, when you're older."
27:42 You know, but we as adults
27:44 we have to explain what baptism is.
27:46 Yes.
27:48 Because when you know that Jesus loves me,
27:52 that Jesus died for me
27:54 and we spend so much time teaching the children,
27:58 John 3:16, you know.
28:00 So you're teaching this, but when the child is ready
28:04 and says, you know, I want to better get baptized
28:07 because I love Jesus because He died for me
28:10 and we need to acknowledge that and help them in their walk,
28:16 in their daily walk with Jesus
28:18 because we all grow in different phases.
28:23 I am not maturely in that growing
28:27 that John Dinzey has spiritually
28:29 and knowledge of the Bible,
28:30 but I'm growing, you know.
28:32 So what's the difference between a child and an adult?
28:35 They're growing.
28:36 Yeah, you grow the way God has planned to.
28:38 Exactly.
28:39 Especially it came to my mind is, you know,
28:40 when you see these big revivals,
28:42 the kids and they get excited and they go,
28:43 "They're getting baptized, I want to get baptized too."
28:44 But they really don't understand
28:46 what baptism is.
28:47 It's kind of like a feeling and they just, ooh,
28:49 this is great, and they,
28:50 and it dies out within maybe a week,
28:52 I don't know week or so but it just, I'm just thinking
28:54 about the youth and they see their friends,
28:56 "Oh, that's cool, I want to get baptized too,"
28:58 but is it really like you're saying
28:59 is it a change in them.
29:00 You have to teach them. That's what happened to me.
29:04 Bethel, I just got baptized when I was about 10 years old,
29:07 all my friends were getting baptized.
29:09 I got baptized at nine.
29:10 And I wanted to do it with them but it didn't mean anything.
29:12 Yeah, exactly.
29:13 That's why we got re-baptized at 19 years all together.
29:17 And I remember, I never forget that her brother said,
29:19 "Why are they getting baptized together?
29:21 Do they plan on getting married or something?"
29:22 Oh, no. Yes.
29:24 Spirit was speaking.
29:26 You know, you just mentioned something
29:28 that there may be people listening to us
29:31 that were baptized
29:33 because a friend was getting baptized
29:36 or there may be even someone that was interested in a girl
29:40 that may have been interested in a guy,
29:42 and she will say,
29:44 and he was a Christian and she was not
29:47 or he was not a Christian and she was,
29:50 and because they wanted to please the other,
29:51 they got baptized even though they didn't fully repent,
29:56 didn't really want to be born again,
29:58 it was just to please someone.
29:59 It happens in every age.
30:01 And so, if that is the case, someone is listening to us,
30:04 you just mentioned what could happen
30:05 is that you understand you are a sinner
30:07 and you want to be born again,
30:09 you must be born again.
30:11 That's right.
30:13 Anything, Jonathan?
30:14 I heard everything everybody said
30:16 and this is probably long good.
30:19 You know when it comes to the age,
30:22 you know it's like we said it all depends
30:24 on their spiritual growth and where they're at,
30:26 you don't want to deny them,
30:28 when they're ready you don't want to deny them
30:31 but you don't want to,
30:32 when they're that old you have control,
30:34 so you don't want them doing it out of emotion
30:38 or other reasons.
30:39 But when you explain it and teach it,
30:42 then hopefully they would learn to understand
30:45 and know when it's time.
30:47 I think too that you need to see fruit,
30:49 to me I would see fruit,
30:50 you know, like a desire going in that direction for me,
30:54 like I said this sermon see the fruit
30:56 and there's something going on this person's life
30:57 is changing and yes there is,
30:59 they really do want to be baptized.
31:01 Some people just say it 'cause it feels great
31:03 but there's fruit being born or like you see something
31:05 like you're making change in your life.
31:07 We can't forget that a child shall lead them.
31:09 Yeah, that's right.
31:10 You know, I've met some really godly children,
31:14 I mean I've been so impressed.
31:17 So it's there, excuse me,
31:20 it's once again going back to the love of Jesus,
31:23 you know, of Jesus what they have embraced,
31:26 what they have made it theirs, you know.
31:28 So when we have Jesus as our personal Savior,
31:31 we acknowledge it publicly, you know, and we want to do it,
31:36 it's because I want to serve the Lord.
31:38 And it may be that those very children
31:41 are gonna bring in,
31:43 you know, their siblings or their family members,
31:48 grandparents, aunts and uncles
31:49 because of that transformation in that child's life.
31:52 You know, the church represents a lot of different types of,
31:56 lot of different types of plans.
31:57 You know, we were in California,
31:59 we lived in California
32:00 and we went to Redwoods a number of times.
32:02 You go to the Redwoods where these massive trees
32:04 that some of them 1500 years, 2000 years old,
32:07 and it's just amazing that.
32:09 I know the person
32:10 who planted that is surely not around still,
32:12 except the Lord.
32:14 And but in that, right next to that Redwood
32:16 you see a little tiny cute plant
32:18 that is a flower that could be crushed into powder
32:22 if that tree ever fell but it's fully grown.
32:25 And it's like here and then this giant,
32:28 so we have spiritual giants in our church
32:30 that have had a relationship with Jesus for decades,
32:33 then you have one the child has.
32:34 And I remember this point is so well
32:36 and I think we spent time on it for a very good reason
32:38 because there's some children
32:40 that are watching this program that,
32:41 "You see mommy, you keep telling me
32:43 I can't get baptized, but I love Jesus."
32:46 I remember the first young child I baptized
32:48 was seven years old
32:50 and it was at our church here at Thompsonville.
32:53 And I remember asking this young girl,
32:56 Abby, I remember, I said, "Wow."
32:59 Because I made a call
33:01 and she came up and her daddy said,
33:02 "Are you sure?"
33:04 "Yes, daddy, I love Jesus."
33:05 And she came up with tears in her eyes.
33:07 When I made the call with other people
33:08 to give her life to Jesus and I gave her studies
33:11 and I said, "Do you really understand this?"
33:12 "Yes." I said, "Well, explain it to me."
33:15 I was blown away, brought tears to my eyes
33:17 when I sat before this child
33:19 who explained her connection, her love for Jesus.
33:22 And I was like, wow.
33:23 Yes, she knows who Jesus is.
33:25 Now we don't expect her to explain the 2,300 days
33:29 with theological accuracy,
33:31 but we needed her to know that yes,
33:32 you have an intercessor in the heavenly sanctuary.
33:35 At that point that's all she needs to know.
33:37 The tree is getting nourishment.
33:39 The Redwood is getting nourishment from the same place
33:41 that this little cute flower is getting nourishment
33:44 from the same Lord.
33:45 So we are speaking a child
33:47 that understands something not a baby...
33:49 Right, not a baby.
33:50 They understand nothing,
33:52 all they understand is somebody just...
33:54 Not even that. They don't even understand.
33:57 If they could talk, they would say,
33:59 "Why did you just throw water on me?"
34:00 They don't know what's going on.
34:03 So I like to read the scripture from John 1.
34:06 Yes, sure. Let's go there.
34:07 John 1.
34:10 It's hard to find a place to start in John 1
34:13 because it's all good.
34:15 But because we have to start somewhere,
34:19 we're gonna start in verse 8.
34:22 "He was not that Light," talking about John the Baptist,
34:24 "but was sent to bear witness of that Light.
34:27 That was the true Light
34:29 which lights every man that comes into the world.
34:32 He was in the world, and the world was made by Him,"
34:36 talking about Jesus, "and the world knew Him not.
34:39 He came unto His own."
34:41 Verse 11 now.
34:43 "And His own receive Him not.
34:44 But as many as received Him,
34:48 to them gave He power to become the sons of God,
34:51 even to them that believe on His name."
34:55 So we have two things there,
34:56 first, they must be able to receive Him
34:59 and believe in His name.
35:02 And that's part of the baptism process,
35:05 somebody that wants to acknowledge like Abby.
35:07 She believed, she was willing to receive Jesus.
35:10 And so she was ready.
35:12 And let's not underestimate
35:15 the Seventh-day Adventist church
35:16 if our viewers have not step foot in it,
35:19 we have clubs, what it is eager beaver,
35:23 adventurers club, pathfinders.
35:25 And their activities are clubs that teach Bible truths...
35:29 Like the boys' scouts and girls' scouts.
35:30 Yeah, exactly.
35:32 At their level and is beautiful to see our young people growing
35:36 in the knowledge of the Lord.
35:39 I remember our, you know,
35:41 Jonathan you were in the team too in the club
35:44 and our church kids how they would do Bible Ball
35:47 and just so active in answering so many biblical questions.
35:52 And I still see some of our young people
35:56 that were in those clubs, they put Bible thoughts or,
36:00 you know, comments from the Spirit of Prophecy
36:04 or something on Facebook and stuff.
36:06 I was like, Lord, it's such a blessing.
36:08 I read every one of them.
36:10 I like, I just love these kids
36:13 because the Lord just has been working on them,
36:15 they've been growing.
36:17 But I don't want someone that has baptized your babies
36:20 with the sprinkles to be, you know, what I said...
36:26 Discouraged. Discouraged, right.
36:28 That is why we gather together in the councils of many, right?
36:32 So be encouraged that the Lord is giving you light
36:36 and it's never too late for you to learn Bible truths.
36:40 So we love you enough to have this topic right,
36:45 about baptism.
36:46 And then there's the flip side of that,
36:48 some people think,
36:50 "Well, I've been this way for 70 years,
36:52 it's not gonna be, not gonna make a big difference."
36:54 And I think that's where John 3:4 comes in.
36:57 Somebody came in our church and asked you,
36:59 "How old is too old to be baptized."
37:02 And they were well in their 70s.
37:03 Remember that? Remember Helen and Harmon.
37:08 Davis. Yes. Davis.
37:10 They came Wednesday night, was a Wednesday night,
37:12 I saw them, we have a prayer meeting at church
37:15 and they stayed up for prayer.
37:18 And I said, "Are you visiting 3ABN?
37:20 And with a southern accent, he said, "No."
37:24 I said, "Are you an elder?" "No."
37:26 I said, "Are you a deacon?" "No."
37:29 I said, "Are you a member of the Adventist church."
37:30 "No."
37:32 "Oh, why are you here?"
37:33 He said, "You challenged me to look up certain things
37:36 about the Sabbath and that's why I'm here."
37:39 And then he followed up the question
37:40 after he told me where hey says,
37:41 "How old is too old to be baptized?"
37:45 And that I think is the question of Nicodemus
37:48 in John 3:4.
37:49 "How can a man be born when he is old?
37:52 Can he enter a second time
37:53 into his mother's womb and be born?"
37:55 And Jesus knew, He knew that he was a man of knowledge
38:01 but he was trying to so to speak,
38:04 say do I have to do the same thing.
38:06 And I said to him, "As long as you're able to breathe
38:11 and your understanding of what baptism is."
38:13 And he and his wife were baptized.
38:15 And it was amazing to me as they serve for,
38:18 he was an elder for like almost 40 years
38:19 and she was like a treasurer for 35, 36 years in a church
38:22 and never had been baptized.
38:24 And now he's resting in Jesus.
38:26 Waiting for the coming of Lord,
38:27 his wife is still around and their children,
38:31 son and daughter-in-law are members of the church too.
38:34 So there is no age that you should say,
38:37 "Well, I've been this way for a long time,
38:39 there's no hope for me."
38:40 You know, Pastor, I have to ask this question
38:42 because there may be people that may be in a hospital bed
38:46 and terminally ill
38:48 and can't get off the bed to get baptized,
38:51 or in some other situation.
38:55 What do we say to them
38:56 because we've been reading that,
38:59 you must be born again of water and the Spirit.
39:01 So what does, what do we have, what can we tell them?
39:05 Wow. You know, this is beautiful.
39:07 Let's go to Matthew 3
39:09 because this question is answered there.
39:10 Thank you.
39:11 And this is such a great question.
39:14 Thank you, Pastor Dinzey, for bringing that up.
39:16 I think the Lord just impressed his heart
39:17 to just ask the question.
39:18 Yeah, very good.
39:20 Because baptism, we know baptism as the method,
39:22 you know they're of different ages,
39:23 within there are people that are in a position
39:24 where they cannot move.
39:27 And I remember Pastor Finley talked about a story of a...
39:30 I don't know what country it was
39:31 but there was a young man who was bound to his bed,
39:34 he couldn't move, he couldn't walk
39:36 but he insisted on being baptized,
39:38 he said, "I know I can't go to the church."
39:40 And pastor Finley went to his house.
39:42 He said, "But I must be baptized."
39:45 And he insisted to set the tub in his home.
39:48 And this frail young man whose body had atrophied,
39:51 couldn't walk.
39:53 He said, we knelt in his bathroom in his tight space
39:57 and put as much of his body in that water
39:59 as we possibly could.
40:01 And he came up in the joy of this new commitment to Christ,
40:05 just rejoicing.
40:06 And it wasn't too long before that
40:08 that he succumbed to the challenges of life,
40:11 he passed away.
40:12 But he experiences, but Jesus for those
40:14 who like the thief on the cross,
40:17 we often been in these situations.
40:19 Look at this and let's read Matthew 3
40:23 because this is where John is introducing Jesus,
40:27 it is John 1, he introduced him
40:28 but Bible says in verse 13,
40:31 "When Jesus came from Galilee to John
40:32 at the Jordan to be baptized.
40:34 And John tried to prevent Him,
40:36 saying, 'I have need to be baptized by You,
40:40 and are You coming to me?'"
40:42 In other words this is not, You're the Lord.
40:46 "But Jesus answered and said..."
40:47 This is the answer.
40:48 "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us
40:52 to fulfill all righteousness.
40:54 Then he allowed Him."
40:56 That verse there
40:58 and we're gonna talk about it for a minute or so.
41:01 Fulfill all righteousness, righteousness is imparted
41:04 and then imputed.
41:06 That's right.
41:07 Imparted in the sense of, you are not righteous
41:11 but my righteousness is now imparted to you.
41:15 Covers your transgression.
41:18 You cannot live a daily life righteously,
41:20 so I'm gonna impute this to you day by day by day.
41:24 But for those who are not,
41:26 the thief on the cross is a perfect example,
41:27 he declared his faith in Jesus.
41:29 That's right.
41:30 And he asked the question.
41:33 He said, "Lord, remember me when You come in Your kingdom."
41:36 And Jesus said, "I say to you today
41:37 you'll be with Me in paradise."
41:39 He made a commitment to him that day.
41:40 He is on the cross, He is not coming down,
41:43 except after He dies.
41:45 And so here's the point for those unique situations,
41:49 people that are older, people that are on their deathbed,
41:51 people that are wherever they may be
41:53 in the, in the restraining places of life.
41:57 The righteousness of Jesus is not received in water
42:01 but it's received in faith.
42:03 Amen. Okay.
42:04 And I know you want to comment on that
42:05 because you brought the question up.
42:07 Oh, well, you know just to add,
42:08 if the thief was on the cross still alive
42:12 and the Caesar would come and say,
42:14 "Hold, hold, hold, I've decided to pardon this man."
42:17 And they take Him down from the cross,
42:19 what do you think he would have done?
42:20 He would have been baptized
42:22 because that's what he really want.
42:24 He wanted to be part of God's kingdom.
42:26 And so the people that can't,
42:28 then what you've said just helps us to understand
42:31 that, yes, there are those situations
42:34 but we know that if they were able,
42:36 if the thief on the cross would have been able,
42:37 he would have been baptized.
42:39 If the person that is on deathbed
42:41 was to have the capacity to, would do it.
42:44 And so God has made provision.
42:46 Amen. Praise the Lord for that.
42:47 I was gonna say too, God looks at our heart,
42:50 He sees the heart, so He knew that thief on the cross
42:53 where his heart was,
42:54 so I think we don't see the heart of God does
42:56 as far as repentance, God knows
42:57 who really intimately and ultimately
42:59 in their heart want to repent.
43:01 Let me throw another scenario
43:02 and anyone of us could answer this.
43:04 Let's just say Jonathan,
43:05 let's use Jonathan as an example.
43:06 Jonathan is a quiet gentleman.
43:10 Jonathan is quite, I love his spirit of servanthood
43:13 and his family liken they have just nurtured,
43:16 it's such a blessing to our church.
43:17 Thanking you now for that.
43:20 There are some people that are very recluse,
43:22 they're in the background,
43:23 they're comfortable to be there.
43:25 And the public setting terrifies them and not,
43:28 Jonathan is not terrified by it
43:29 'cause he does every good job but he doesn't push himself.
43:33 What if person says,
43:36 "I'm afraid to be baptized publicly.
43:41 So I'm not gonna get baptized
43:42 because it means in front of everyone else."
43:48 And we'll say, "Well, okay,
43:51 for you we'll make an exception,
43:52 you don't have to get baptized
43:54 because you're fearful
43:56 or you don't want to be done in public."
43:58 What we should encourage a person, let me throw that,
43:59 what do you think we should do
44:01 and I'm gonna come up with the answer in a moment.
44:02 But I think you know where I'm headed with this.
44:04 What do you think we should do in that case?
44:05 For me I think it depends on the best thing would be
44:09 get down to the bottom as to why they don't want to be
44:11 baptized in public.
44:13 You know is it, you know is it a phobia of,
44:16 you know just other people,
44:18 or is it they don't want to announce to people
44:23 that they're being baptized.
44:24 You know 'cause it's their outward sign.
44:26 So you don't want to,
44:30 if they're afraid to announce to people
44:32 that they're being baptized becoming a Christian.
44:33 Well, are you truly, is your heart really in it.
44:38 Right. There you go.
44:39 That's a very good point. Okay, anyone else?
44:41 That's a public step that we are testifying publicly
44:47 that we accept Christ as our Savior.
44:50 So I would definitely work with that person,
44:53 give them more time
44:55 and when they're ready to publicly,
44:57 I mean you don't have to have a million people present there.
45:00 But if he or she decides to get baptized,
45:05 we send out a community church email,
45:08 we're gonna have a baptism
45:10 at such a such a time at the church.
45:12 Anyone that is available, you know is welcome to come.
45:15 So there will be people that can attend and watch.
45:18 So I prefer baptisms
45:21 during church service on Sabbath.
45:23 It's so beautiful, it's a high Sabbath and ritual,
45:28 all the service is very, very, very meaningful.
45:32 And you know we've had, so the reason I mention that is
45:35 because the Ethiopian eunuch on his way back to Ethiopia,
45:39 Philip which means lover of horses,
45:41 the Lord sent him to one to one evangelistic series
45:44 in the desert.
45:45 He said what hinders me to be baptized,
45:47 there's nothing, there is water,
45:49 and that was a private baptism.
45:50 But Ethiopia was the only other country
45:55 outside of the Jews
45:56 that had been keeping the Sabbath almost as long,
45:59 and I believe that Ethiopian eunuch
46:01 had something to do with it.
46:03 It's beautiful, you know, we read the scripture,
46:06 you must be born of water and the spirit,
46:08 it doesn't say you must be born of water and spirit
46:10 and then 50 people have to be watching.
46:13 And so, yes, this is true,
46:14 that's a beautiful example of the Ethiopian eunuch.
46:17 And that is marvelous.
46:19 I saw a lady when I was a teenager
46:23 that she had decided to be baptized
46:26 and the church was there and it was different
46:31 than any other baptism I saw
46:32 and it remains in my mind, I see the lady.
46:37 And there was a fear she had of water.
46:41 She was terrified to go under the water.
46:45 And so the pastor had her there in the baptismal
46:49 and all that she was able to do
46:52 because of her fear is kind of just wet her face,
46:55 I mean, she literally went down and came back up again
46:58 but really just got wet, was not able to go fully under
47:02 but what do we see?
47:05 She had intentions of going down
47:08 but fear overcame her and the pastor said,
47:10 "You know, God accepts this as an action of faith."
47:16 And she was willing to come in the water,
47:19 this is something, she overcame her fear
47:21 just to be in the water like that.
47:23 And so God accepts these things,
47:24 and like the thief on the cross, like...
47:27 Yeah, he didn't even had to go in the water.
47:28 So the righteousness of Jesus is not limited to the water.
47:32 And I want to point that out
47:34 we've had some unusual baptisms here,
47:35 remember John Hager.
47:38 You took the words out of my mouth, Pastor.
47:41 That was the baptism
47:43 that brought the entire church to tears.
47:45 We have shared that baptism worldwide
47:48 in the Spanish community,
47:49 when we shared in different church.
47:53 And but anyway you are the pastor, go ahead.
47:56 Well, I mean it was important because John Hager has one leg.
48:01 That's right. And so we just said, okay.
48:03 Well, the elders will get together,
48:04 we'll put him in a wheelchair and lower him in.
48:08 He said, "No, pastor I lived with one leg for the world.
48:13 I'm gonna crawl, I'm gonna crawl up the steps."
48:20 And in the background the music was playing,
48:22 Take me to the water.
48:23 Yes, from tellers music.
48:25 There was not a dry eye, I'm reliving this.
48:27 Oh, I am too.
48:29 There was not a dry eye in the house.
48:31 And he said, no I'm going to crawl.
48:33 And he crawled up that step, he crawled up one at a time.
48:35 Turned around and sat, one step.
48:37 And we baptized him.
48:39 And what a day it was.
48:41 And so, you know, there are those who may,
48:42 and this was a sure sign of I'm humbling myself,
48:46 he could have easily had all the reasons not to do,
48:48 I can't, I have one leg.
48:51 He said if I live like this for the world,
48:54 I want to give this life just as I am to Jesus.
48:57 And so for those that may be saying,
48:59 well, I have physical limitations,
49:01 we've expressed a few ways here.
49:03 And I remember one more, oh, man.
49:06 Brenda. Brenda.
49:08 Remember Brenda.
49:10 I like to tell that story about Brenda.
49:11 She didn't have legs, did she?
49:13 No. No.
49:15 And Pastor CA is the one that baptized her.
49:20 You could tell it, you know it.
49:22 Well, she didn't have legs at all.
49:25 And she came to the knowledge of Jesus,
49:27 she was in living in the world,
49:28 and she heard of Him on the radio,
49:30 he had such an infectious laugh
49:32 which is what is making this man laugh so much,
49:34 I want to find out more about it
49:35 and it ended up the Lord uses His laughter
49:38 to lead it to the knowledge of the truth
49:40 and she had no legs at all.
49:42 So this was another baptism that was unusual,
49:44 she hung on to him.
49:46 And he was baptized with her
49:49 'cause he had to go under the water
49:50 while she grabbed on to him.
49:52 And he got wet while she got fully submersed.
49:55 So there's no outside of it,
49:58 I'm glad you said help a person understand
50:00 that this public expression empowers so many other people
50:03 to let them know that they could do that,
50:05 what's hindering me.
50:06 That 's right.
50:08 Well, when we found traveled abroad,
50:10 we have seen all kinds of baptisms.
50:12 And it's like it just tugs at your heart the desire,
50:17 to see your desire of people,
50:19 just given their whole life from head to toe
50:23 and I've seen wheelchairs in swimming pools,
50:27 you know, this portable swimming pools,
50:29 they have put, the deacons have carried people in a chair
50:34 and brought them in there and you know,
50:36 immersed a chair with the person.
50:39 And it's like what, you know, how people crowd over
50:44 to the baptistery to see everything.
50:46 And I'm looking and I can barely see what's happening
50:50 because my eyes are so full of tears,
50:52 it's like, oh, Lord.
50:54 It's a rejoicing moment. Yes, yes.
50:56 Definitely. Beautiful.
50:57 I remember we were in Australia and you were doing a baptism
51:01 with nothing but crocodiles in the river.
51:04 That's right.
51:07 They took a bite out of sin.
51:11 Oh, they told me afterwards, didn't tell me before.
51:14 They said, I went to the largest crocodiles
51:16 that live in this lake.
51:18 And I'm thinking,
51:20 now you tell me they put on a wet suit.
51:23 And they said and everybody watching it,
51:25 told me afterwards and I thought, "Oh, Lord...
51:28 Daniel in the lions' den. You know I'm glad.
51:31 You protected me for a special moment."
51:33 And I also want to say something else.
51:34 Thank you that was an amazing story
51:36 but you know our time goes by so quickly,
51:38 I want to add a couple of points here
51:39 because there's some people that got baptized
51:41 and they're discouraged that they haven't seen
51:43 the changes as quickly
51:45 as they want to see these changes.
51:46 And I want to encourage that individual,
51:48 those individuals that may be saying, "Oh, okay.
51:50 Oh, I got baptized and it's like been four months,
51:53 I've been two years now
51:54 and I fall sometimes I'm difficult."
51:56 But I want to, I want to look at question number eight.
51:58 And, Jonathan, you're the quiet one over here,
52:01 read question number eight for us in the...
52:03 Read that text in Philippians 1:6.
52:05 I want to just hit a couple of points here very carefully.
52:08 Question is should we feel discouraged
52:10 when we don't see quick changes after baptism?
52:14 So Philippians 1:6 says,
52:16 "Being confident of this very thing,
52:18 that He who has begun a good work in you
52:21 will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."
52:24 So the work begins, right?
52:27 But now I want to also, honey, our favorite scripture,
52:30 read that for us 1 John 3:1-2.
52:34 It says, "Behold what manner of love
52:38 the Father has bestowed on us,
52:41 that we should be called children of God.
52:46 Therefore the world does not know us,
52:49 because it did not know Him.
52:52 Beloved, now we are children of God,
52:56 and it has not yet been revealed
52:59 what we shall be,
53:01 but we know that when He is revealed,
53:05 we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."
53:09 Okay. So right now.
53:11 When are we children of God? Right now.
53:13 Right now. When we're children of God?
53:14 Right now. He's our Father.
53:17 When we enter into this relationship,
53:19 it's not just a commitment to a church,
53:22 that's why we fellowship together,
53:24 baptism brings us into a fellowship.
53:25 So if you might be one of those individuals that said,
53:27 I want to be baptized
53:29 but I don't want to join the church,
53:30 you don't understand baptism.
53:32 The Lord adds to the church. You see iron sharpens iron.
53:35 That's right.
53:36 So Tita, Pastor Dinzey, Donald, Jonathan, Angie,
53:40 we all grow together and like leaves and trees
53:45 and flowers and bushes and roses.
53:47 And we all grow together, we're in the garden of God.
53:50 And so we have to grow together.
53:51 I was gonna say when you talked about trees,
53:53 I just think about that image, we have all these trees,
53:55 you got a strong one that comes, they all stand
53:58 but you have two or three trees and they snap,
54:01 they need that support.
54:03 That's what church is support,
54:05 we're supposed to support one another.
54:07 It's really important.
54:08 You know there's this video in our 3ABN archives
54:12 that I remember and it was, it's a Russian baptism,
54:17 baptizing a Russian.
54:18 This man is coming out of the river
54:20 and the camera man followed him for a while
54:23 and there was this joy in his face
54:27 because he was born again.
54:29 And, you know, you think of the joy
54:31 of a parent seeing a child being baptized
54:34 or somebody that I've seen husband
54:38 or wives that their spouse got baptized
54:40 and there's this rejoicing and hugging and it's amazing,
54:43 it's an indescribable joy.
54:46 And the Bible says that there's more joy in heaven,
54:49 over one sinner that repents
54:51 and over 99 that needed not repentance.
54:54 And I've seen joy on earth over someone being baptized,
54:57 but the joy in heaven,
55:00 I would love to be there to see that
55:03 because what I've seen on earth brings joy to my heart.
55:06 And so if anyone, you know,
55:08 is watching hasn't taken this step to be baptized,
55:12 it's the best thing you could do.
55:14 I would encourage anyone
55:15 that has not taken this step to be baptized,
55:17 God bless, I know, Pastor,
55:18 maybe you want to make an appeal to that since
55:20 we have praise too.
55:21 Yes and, you know, we talked about baptism of the water,
55:23 we talked about baptism of the Spirit,
55:25 there's also baptism by fire.
55:28 And I want to mention that baptism
55:30 brings us into a relationship with Jesus.
55:32 But for Him to finish the work in us,
55:35 sometimes He has to take us through trials.
55:37 That's right.
55:38 To weed out all the things
55:40 and you know there's no joy in melting the gold
55:44 but there is joy in scraping away the dross.
55:47 So we could come out like pure gold
55:49 and I don't know of any Christian
55:51 that hasn't been through trial.
55:52 Can I get one?
55:54 If you're a Christian that's never been through trial
55:55 let us know.
55:57 But the appeal is...
55:58 Much tribulation. Through, how much?
56:00 Much tribulation will enter the kingdom.
56:03 And one day we will look like Jesus.
56:05 Amen.
56:06 Because He's got us ready being confident the work he begins.
56:09 So whatever your age whether you're a young man,
56:11 a young woman, whether you are not hitting the teens yet
56:14 but you have a connection with Jesus
56:16 because of the family in which you were raised,
56:18 nothing hinders you.
56:20 You might be old or beyond 30, 40, 50 years you might say,
56:24 "Oh, I just what use is there for me, I'm beyond 75, 80."
56:28 If you're still alive
56:30 and you want to be in the kingdom of God,
56:32 this is where you say, "Lord, I confess my sins,
56:36 I accept Jesus as my Savior.
56:38 I want to be in that redeemed host."
56:39 Baptism is waiting for you too.
56:41 You may be on a bed and not able to get up,
56:44 you say, "What hope is there for me,
56:46 I can't even walk, I can't move."
56:47 We've given some examples,
56:49 if you ask the pastor to come
56:51 and lead you to that relationship,
56:52 the repentance of your life and this new walk with Christ,
56:55 there's hope for you too.
56:57 And, but there's nothing,
56:58 there's nothing that could hinder you by faith,
57:02 if you accept Jesus, repent of your sins,
57:04 nothing will prevent you
57:06 from responding to the voice of Jesus
57:07 when He comes back.
57:09 Can we say amen to that? Amen. Amen.
57:10 And so today we extend this appeal
57:13 from our family to yours.
57:15 Amen. Amen. That's right.
57:17 Jesus said to Nicodemus which we say to you,
57:20 we must be born again, if you're born in Christ Jesus,
57:23 we will all be in the kingdom of Jesus when He comes.
57:26 May God bless you on behalf of 3ABN
57:29 to walk with Jesus, to get to know Him
57:31 and to respond to the call of the Life Giver
57:33 when He returns.
57:34 Until we see you again, may the Lord bless you.
57:36 Happy Sabbath.


Revised 2017-09-18