Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017025A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:06 Mending broken people
00:11 I want to spend my life
00:17 Removing pain
00:22 Lord, let my words
00:28 Heal a heart that hurts
00:33 I want to spend my life
00:38 Mending broken people
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today, Family Worship.
01:10 I hope you've had a wonderful week.
01:12 I know here at 3ABN, it's always a busy week,
01:14 but it's a wonderful week.
01:16 It's always a blessing to serve the Lord
01:18 and so happy Sabbath is a blessing
01:20 to be able to spend this time together
01:22 with our 3ABN Family,
01:23 but also with you and ultimately,
01:26 with the Lord Jesus Christ because He is the one
01:28 who sanctify the Sabbath day and made it holy.
01:31 So anyway, thank you again, for joining us as you do
01:33 each and every day, but especially,
01:35 for the family worships, each Friday night,
01:38 it's a blessing to open the Sabbath hours together
01:41 with some music, opening the word of God,
01:44 studying, discussing.
01:45 And we hope that you participate
01:47 with us at home.
01:48 It's not just watching on the television
01:50 or your computer screen or your mobile device
01:52 or listening on the radio,
01:53 it's actually participating because it's...
01:56 I think we gained that blessing by doing it
01:58 together as a group.
01:59 Amen. Sabbath is about community.
02:01 I mean, it's about the Word of God,
02:03 it's about spending time with Jesus, the word,
02:06 but Sabbath is community, and whether you might be
02:09 at home and, you know, sweetheart,
02:10 we get letters from people,
02:11 who would say, I live alone and I'm a widow,
02:14 we're widower or a single mom, and I don't have someone
02:18 to open the Sabbath hours with.
02:19 And so you are part of the 3ABN Family.
02:22 And as you open up Sabbath with us,
02:25 join us because we're all part of the family of God
02:28 and you don't have to feel alone there in your home,
02:30 as we open up the Sabbath hours together.
02:33 And we have beside you at home,
02:34 our wonderful 3ABN Family around the table.
02:37 We do.
02:38 And we love each one of these people.
02:39 Oh, we do.
02:41 On this side, we have Brother John Dinzey and Adalia Denzey,
02:43 and it's a privilege to have both you here.
02:46 Oh, it is. Thank you. It's a privilege to be here.
02:49 And Family Worship is something that we really are blessed by.
02:52 Amen.
02:54 And I say to you, guys, I've been here forever
02:55 because I came here just a little guy
02:58 and you guys were here when I came.
03:01 Yes. But they're still young.
03:02 They're still young. Yes.
03:03 That's right. We want to clarify that.
03:05 That's correct. Thank you. You're not old.
03:08 And you have two wonderful children
03:09 who are serving the Lord
03:11 and involved with schooling right now,
03:13 and no longer here attending our school
03:15 because we only go to certain grade here.
03:17 Yeah. But Samuel is in college.
03:20 That's right. Lincoln, Nebraska.
03:22 It's amazing. Mm-hmm.
03:23 He was just a little guy when I guess, it's amazing.
03:25 Yes. And then Caleb is in academy.
03:27 Yes, yes. He loves academy life.
03:31 And, you know, it's interesting how the Lord
03:34 just has blessed us with these kids
03:38 that continue the family traditions
03:41 because they love it.
03:43 You know, what they learned at home
03:44 and they're saying, "Mom, trust us.
03:47 And trust in what you've taught us.
03:49 We're going to do that. You just have to trust us."
03:52 I'm like, "Well, you need for God to be your God,
03:55 not mommy and poppy's God.
03:56 That's right.
03:57 You know, so of course, as parents we encourage
03:59 the kids to walk daily with Christ.
04:01 Amen.
04:03 And you both are the directors of 3ABN Latino,
04:05 which has now been in existence for how many years the network?
04:09 How many? As we speak, we're 14 years.
04:11 That's amazing. Wow!
04:13 Praise what God has done.
04:14 It's amazing because just miracles every day
04:16 how God is opening doors and the lives you're touching.
04:19 Yes. Amen.
04:21 Well, now that you mentioned 3ABN Latino,
04:22 I must say that we on the 3ABN Latino Channel
04:27 are airing a family worship, but in Spanish.
04:30 Yes. It's fantastic.
04:32 It's amazing.
04:33 How the non-Adventists even look forward
04:36 to receiving Sabbath
04:37 because we're teaching Bible truths
04:40 and Bible doctrines of the son of the Adventist Church
04:43 and they're like, "But how do you keep Sabbath?"
04:45 I mean, how special could this be?
04:47 And literally, we have families with their children,
04:50 teenagers as well, sitting with their mom and dad
04:53 receiving Sabbath together.
04:55 That's great. Isn't that encouraging?
04:56 It is. Very well.
04:57 Very encouraging. Amen.
04:59 And over here, we don't want to leave out
05:00 the rest of our family.
05:01 We have J.D. and Shelley Quinn. Amen.
05:03 You both are such a blessing to Greg and I
05:05 and to the Ministry here.
05:07 And thank you for joining us.
05:08 And we just want you know that we love you and of course,
05:11 the Dinzeys as well.
05:12 It's a privilege.
05:14 You know, growing up, I never had a family worship.
05:17 Wow. Never.
05:19 And of course, we weren't Sabbath-keepers,
05:20 but my family never got together
05:22 for a family worship.
05:24 So it's very special to me having family worship,
05:27 in particularly to open the Sabbath.
05:29 Yeah. Amen.
05:31 Well, it's just wonderful to be with our family.
05:33 It is, isn't it?
05:34 You know, we're blessed with two families.
05:36 I have a brother and a sister that I adore
05:39 and there are long ways off,
05:43 my other family who I just adore,
05:46 you know, we get to see daily.
05:48 And it's so important
05:50 because we live and some people say,
05:52 "Well, you're all live in a bubble."
05:54 Well, it's a wonderful bubble to live in.
05:56 Amen. Amen.
05:57 That's all. You know, there is...
05:59 We don't wake up here
06:00 and people cursing all day long.
06:01 Yes. Yes.
06:03 You know, we wake up and with prayer
06:05 and thanksgiving.
06:06 I mean, it's fantastic. Amen.
06:09 And we just love each one as you obviously,
06:12 and we love all of our viewers.
06:13 Amen. Amen.
06:14 And in case, some people are just joining us
06:16 and are not familiar with 3ABN,
06:17 you're a head of the 3ABN Pastoral Department.
06:19 Yep. Wear multiple hats.
06:20 Shelly Quinn, you're in charge of Program Development,
06:23 wear multiple hats as well.
06:25 Again, I appreciate which each and every one of you do.
06:27 And again, this is a family, you know,
06:28 as we were preparing for this program,
06:31 Joe O'Brien, who's in part of your staff.
06:34 I was waiting outside the makeup room
06:36 and unfortunately, yeah, we do have to wear
06:37 a little something to keep the lights,
06:39 from lights just reflecting and maybe blinding you.
06:42 And I was waiting outside the makeup room
06:43 and he passed down the hall
06:45 and he made a really powerful comment.
06:47 Someone else was standing outside there too and he said,
06:49 you know, he says, someday, he said, by God's grace,
06:52 he said, in heaven.
06:54 He said, we'll build, maybe pass each other
06:55 in the halls of heaven and we want to describe that.
06:58 We will have to be like,
06:59 maybe working in that sort of thing,
07:00 but be in heaven together as a family.
07:02 You know, that's a powerful thought, isn't it?
07:04 Amen.
07:05 We could be here together, you're at home.
07:07 We may not ever meet you on this earth, but in heaven,
07:09 if we're favoring to Jesus Christ.
07:11 What a wonderful day that will be.
07:13 Amen.
07:14 So we need to start with prayer or song, our topic for today.
07:18 Let's start with prayer.
07:20 I think as we start our family worship here
07:21 and going to sing music next,
07:23 but let's invite the Lord Jesus Christ
07:24 to be part of this.
07:26 Pastor Johnny,
07:27 do you mind to open the prayer for us, please?
07:28 Sure.
07:30 Our loving Heavenly Father, we do want to thank You
07:34 for it is You, Lord, that has brought us
07:35 to another end of a week.
07:38 We thank You, Lord, for the Sabbath day
07:40 and we thank You for the invitation
07:42 to come aside and rest awhile.
07:45 We thank You, Lord, that in You,
07:48 we can have rest and we pray, Lord,
07:50 that as we are gathered together here,
07:54 worship in Your name, we pray that You will also
07:57 bless Your children that wherever they may be,
07:59 around the world, they also may worship
08:01 Your name with us.
08:03 And we pray that in all things, Your name will be honored
08:06 and glorified, in Jesus' name, amen.
08:08 Amen. Amen, amen.
08:10 Well, our topic this evening is we're talking about
08:13 the Sermon on the Mount.
08:14 And that is a huge topic.
08:15 Matthew, 5:7, we could never cover it all,
08:18 but we're gonna pick up right after the Beatitudes.
08:21 But before we do that, I want to encourage you
08:23 to open up your Bible to Matthew 5,
08:26 so you'll be ready to follow along,
08:27 but we have Summer Boyd on the piano.
08:30 And she's such a blessing.
08:31 I have the privilege of working with her in the office.
08:34 And she's a wonderful minister of music
08:37 and a wonderful woman of God.
08:38 And what the song we're gonna be doing,
08:40 you could say, the young at heart like,
08:42 the kids like, but I think any age can enjoy this song.
08:45 I enjoy this song.
08:46 This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine.
08:50 Sing with us.
08:51 And there are hand emotions to this song, too.
08:53 So, hopefully, you might join us with that.
08:55 Let's do it.
08:56 This little light of mine,
08:59 I'm gonna let it shine
09:02 This little light of mine,
09:05 I'm gonna let it shine
09:07 Let it shine, let it shine,
09:10 Let it shine
09:12 Hide it under a bushel, no!
09:15 I'm gonna let it shine
09:18 Hide it under a bushel, no!
09:21 I'm gonna let it shine
09:24 Let it shine, let it shine,
09:27 Let it shine
09:29 All around the neighborhood,
09:33 I'm gonna let it shine
09:36 All around the neighborhood,
09:39 I'm gonna let it shine
09:41 Let it shine, let it shine,
09:44 Let it shine
09:47 Amen. Amen.
09:49 Thank to Jesus. One of the fun songs.
09:50 It is a fun song.
09:51 It reminds me to the Sabbath school days.
09:53 Yes. Amen.
09:55 It's great to know all the words.
09:56 Yes. And the hand emotions. Yeah.
09:58 And the hand movements, too.
10:00 You know, it's such a blessing to for the family sent home
10:04 when they're children,
10:06 engage into the activity, you know.
10:08 So they enjoy the words and they enjoy the actions,
10:11 singing again, teach them the message in the song.
10:14 You know, that's a good point 'cause I remember
10:15 as a young child, my parents and we'd have family worship
10:18 and we'd do some of these songs.
10:19 You know, I had a lot of that...
10:21 I was very hyper.
10:22 He had a lot of energy. Yes, I did.
10:25 So I think it was good for me because my mom would do
10:27 songs ever so often, I think so I could get my energy out,
10:29 but like the trees are gently swain, you know,
10:31 I like to do this number.
10:32 And I liked the one about the bunny rabbits,
10:34 somehow there's one of the funny rabbits.
10:35 So I get to hop up and down in the living room.
10:38 I think she did it on purpose to get my energy out.
10:41 And tired you out, so you can listen to the story.
10:43 The Bible story.
10:45 You know, what that shows is she made worship fun.
10:47 It was fun. Amen.
10:49 And we should make worship fun.
10:50 And whether we're young or old whatever age,
10:53 but worship should be a time of joy,
10:55 not a time of drudgery, but a time of joy.
10:57 Yes.
10:59 I believe that we need to be creative
11:01 and we also need to fill
11:04 the need of everyone in the family
11:06 because the maturity is different.
11:08 And I remember when we had our kids,
11:11 it was so short family worship.
11:15 Of course, you already know that at the beginning
11:17 John Dinzey wanted to do a sermon.
11:19 It's like, you know, these are kids, we can't,
11:22 we can't prolong it because the kids
11:24 are gonna get bored and they begin to think
11:25 that serving the Lord is boring.
11:27 So we must take that into consideration
11:30 that for a children, depending under age,
11:33 we need to complement it with the time and activities.
11:35 Yeah, it's interesting for them.
11:37 Yeah, that way you look forward to worship.
11:38 Amen. Sure.
11:40 We're in Matthew 5,
11:42 looking at just after the Beatitudes,
11:44 the blessed are the...
11:46 And there's a whole bunch of those,
11:47 but we're picking up right after that.
11:49 We're looking at believers as salt and light,
11:51 that's why we picked the song, "This is the light of mine"
11:54 'cause God calls us to do that.
11:56 But first, Jesus talks about being the salt.
11:58 So who has that here? Shelley?
12:01 I've got it. Oh, you got it J.D.?
12:02 Yes, you want...
12:04 Thirteen, about the salt. Okay.
12:06 "You are the salt of the earth.
12:08 But if the salt loses its flavor,
12:10 how shall it be seasoned?
12:12 It is then good for nothing, but to be thrown out
12:15 and trampled underfoot by man."
12:16 Mm-hmm.
12:18 So what does Jesus mean when he says,
12:19 "You are the salt of the earth."
12:21 What is the purpose of salt
12:22 and what's He mean there specific?
12:25 You know, salt had so many different functions.
12:30 Salt was used as a preservative
12:31 because they had no refrigeration.
12:33 It was used as a...
12:36 Salt is a septic, so it was used
12:39 as a purifying agent, it was used to heal wounds,
12:43 it was used to add flavor,
12:46 it was used to melt cold things like ice.
12:50 Oh, that's true.
12:51 So when you think about it when He says,
12:54 "You're like the salt of the earth,
12:55 " I think this has to do with our character.
12:58 He is basically saying to us that as a preservative,
13:03 as a purifier, we are to as Christians
13:06 our function is to arrest the corruption in the world.
13:13 We are to be out there, you know, adding flavor,
13:17 it should be a benefit to somebody to heal,
13:20 to melt cold hearts.
13:21 So I think that the interesting thing to me
13:26 is that when he says, "If you lose your flavor."
13:31 So salt being the salt of the earth,
13:34 that's like the care.
13:35 Have you ever heard somebody say,
13:37 "Oh, she's a salt of the earth, he's a salt of the earth."
13:39 That's talking about your character.
13:42 So if you began living unrighteously,
13:47 you have lost your Christian influence.
13:49 Man is going to trample that under his feet because,
13:53 you know, you no longer have a testimony.
13:55 And what they did with salt back then
13:58 that had lost its flavor is they spread it on the ground
14:03 where they wanted to kill vegetation.
14:06 And so when you think about it, if we are unrighteous,
14:13 nothing grows where we go.
14:16 You know, we have no influence for the Kingdom of God.
14:22 You know, this is interesting because this verse comes
14:26 after Jesus said something that was shocking to people.
14:31 Yes, okay.
14:33 Notice verse 11, "Blessed are ye,
14:36 when men shall revile you and persecute you
14:39 and shall say all manner of evil
14:41 against you falsely for my sake."
14:43 So in Jesus considering this, when you look at
14:47 you are the salt, he says you're supposed
14:49 to react differently then because the normal thing is,
14:54 you know, when I was little...
14:56 The practice was that if somebody said you're ugly
14:58 then you're supposed to say something worse to that
15:00 or you are uglier than I am, you know.
15:03 And so that, Jesus now said,
15:09 "You are the salt of the earth."
15:10 Praise the Lord, you're converted.
15:12 You're supposed to do something differently.
15:14 And that's why when people would say...
15:17 And even today, you know, people ask,
15:20 why don't we do that?
15:22 Somebody smites you on one side, you say,
15:24 okay, here's the other.
15:26 You have the other cheek.
15:27 But only by God's grace, can you do that?
15:29 You see, because without Him, we can really cannot be salt,
15:33 without Him we can really cannot be light.
15:35 And in the context of that we are supposed to be
15:38 the light of the world, as we were singing.
15:40 I guess we're gonna talk about that in a moment.
15:41 No, that's great.
15:43 Our witness in the adverse conditions,
15:47 it's a light to other, it's salt to other.
15:50 And I like the one, never, never really gave much thought
15:54 to the idea that salt melts.
15:56 You know there are some people are cold as ice?
15:57 Yeah.
15:59 You say, hello or good morning. What's so good about it?
16:01 You know... Yeah.
16:04 So true. It is.
16:06 By God's grace, we can do those things.
16:07 Yeah.
16:09 And we're gonna putting this in context, you know,
16:10 here you got the disciples sitting here on the side
16:12 of the hill listen to the beatitudes and,
16:15 you know, you've got other people surrounded too,
16:17 and he's talking specifically to the disciples,
16:20 as he, there are some Pharisees that are gathered around.
16:24 And so, you know, he's doing a comparison in there.
16:27 And then also like, whenever you're walking away,
16:31 here you've got...
16:32 Let just say, the road to Jerusalem
16:34 and this salt is lost its savor and so now, it's white,
16:38 but those that follow they track that salt
16:41 for so long and they take it.
16:43 So that which is good, you know is good,
16:45 but that which is bad, you can't get away from
16:48 and tell it's just been trampled down so much
16:51 and then here again, it loses its savor, you know.
16:53 That's right.
16:54 So the question, can I ask how salty are we?
16:58 How salty can... That's a good question.
17:00 Well, I know how salty you are.
17:05 So I mean, I know all joking aside and all,
17:08 but it's so much fun to evaluate our spiritual life.
17:12 You know, and so practical. You know salt.
17:14 You talk about, oh, we need to be salty
17:17 and people are like, "What?
17:18 What are they talking about salt?
17:20 You know, it's not good for you or, you know,
17:21 my blood pressure, all right, and my heart rate,
17:26 but we're talking about a different type of salt.
17:29 And of course, when you have that savor or flavor or spice,
17:36 I don't know which other way to identify it as.
17:41 People will be drawn to you, you know, they feel safe zone.
17:47 And it's the saltiness, you know,
17:50 that you're gonna bringing this flavor of Jesus
17:53 into their life, light of hope.
17:55 You know, just shed some hop into somebody's life today,
17:59 so...
18:00 Yeah, I like that too 'cause really,
18:02 we are not the ones that provide against the flavor
18:03 or the saltiness, right?
18:05 That's right. Yes.
18:06 That's Christ like, you were saying.
18:07 It's the one who provide that the light,
18:09 we'll talk about next.
18:10 Amen. Yeah, that's a good point.
18:11 Yeah, because that's true.
18:13 I just think when we're talking about salt.
18:14 A lot of times salty can be kind of bad, isn't it?
18:16 When they've mention it like the salty old sea captain
18:18 is someone that's kind of crabby.
18:21 That's right. Maybe swear.
18:22 Yeah, we're not talking about being salty.
18:24 We're talking a positive salt flavor for good.
18:27 Now never thought about healing wounds.
18:29 Yes. That's great.
18:30 Yeah.
18:32 Melting ice. Yeah.
18:34 Actually that's really deep, if you start looking
18:36 at each one of those avenues.
18:37 It melts the coldest. Yes.
18:39 Oh, yeah. Oh, that's great.
18:41 Not fighting evil with good than salty.
18:44 Yes. Yeah, very true.
18:45 Yep. Let's look at light, verse 14.
18:49 You have that, Shelley? Yes.
18:50 Maybe we should do 14 through 16,
18:52 you think, the whole section.
18:53 Yes. Okay.
18:54 "You are the light of the world,
18:56 a city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden
18:58 nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket,
19:02 but on the lamp stand and it gives light to all
19:05 who are in the house.
19:07 Let your light so shine before men
19:10 that they may see your good works
19:12 and glorify your Father in heaven."
19:15 Amen.
19:16 And what do you think 'cause obviously Jesus wanted
19:19 to make this illustration.
19:21 This analogy that we are to be His witness
19:25 to other people, but He used salt and light.
19:29 Now He could've just used salt or He could've just use light.
19:32 So there must be some differences
19:35 between the two, otherwise at least,
19:37 that's the way my mind works.
19:39 Otherwise, why would He have given it
19:41 two different examples?
19:42 So, is there a difference between the salt and the light?
19:45 I think so.
19:46 I think salt is more what we are.
19:49 It's about our moral character,
19:51 whereas light is more about what we do.
19:54 It is about the mission, it is about
19:58 the spiritual conduct that and how, you know,
20:03 and when you think about it,
20:05 the smallest light can dispel darkness.
20:08 There's a commercial on TV,
20:10 where they've got a football field
20:12 away in darkness and they light this
20:15 one little light, a little candle.
20:19 And you can see at a football field away
20:21 'cause it dispels the darkness.
20:23 It is incredible.
20:24 And so, I think that being light is, you know,
20:30 Jesus said in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world."
20:35 So as we are filled with His light
20:39 and reflect His lightness
20:41 and go about doing the mission of dispelling darkness
20:47 in the world, that's how I see it.
20:50 You know, I remember we were in the Sea of Galilee
20:54 and it was dark, you know, there wasn't really a cloud,
20:58 there was no moon, it was dark and we were out there
21:01 and all we're hearing, you know,
21:02 is just a little tug in another boat.
21:04 And in the middle, let's just say,
21:07 that I don't know the size of the Sea of Galilee,
21:10 three miles, about five miles, but anyway,
21:12 you can see any direction at any time.
21:14 Midnight, we're looking out there
21:17 and there's just a circle of lights
21:19 and so as he was talking here, he says,
21:22 "A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden,
21:25 talking about the light."
21:26 And so this is what I think that he was drawing on
21:30 and what you were saying, he was saying,
21:31 "Hey, this is your responsibility,
21:34 I'm bringing light and giving it to you."
21:37 I remember, I was reminiscing last night,
21:41 probably around 3 o'clock in the morning and so...
21:43 I'm not kidding.
21:45 Believe, I still remember because most of us know
21:47 what it's like to have an epiphany
21:50 and you'll never gonna forget that
21:52 and you wake up in the morning, you're so excited,
21:54 but you can't remember what it was.
21:55 Yeah. Right.
21:57 So I have certainly learned that,
21:58 boy, if I get something and I think it is important,
22:00 I get up and I jot it down.
22:02 But anyway, let's just imagine that we're in a grain field,
22:06 but I've done this many times in grain field
22:08 then the rows are a mile long.
22:12 We're on one end and we start to harvest.
22:15 So we got those combines and we're just sitting there
22:18 and just listening to the, to the roar of the engine,
22:21 you know, and hearing the corn or the maize
22:24 or whatever hitting against the beaters
22:26 and but, man, it's lonely.
22:28 All we've got at the midnight now is just the lives
22:30 that are shining right in front of you.
22:32 Oh, wow.
22:33 And boys, you're going and you're just,
22:34 it's us against the world.
22:37 It's that thought, you know. I could remember it's so dark.
22:41 And it should go, the darkness just engulfs you.
22:45 But then as you get closer and closer,
22:47 do as I say it because you're trying
22:50 to reach the other end
22:51 because that's where you can dump, okay?
22:54 And you'll start seeing a reflector off of a trailer.
22:58 And then you're drawn to that reflector
23:00 because the light is throwing it out to catch you
23:06 as the reflector to come back to you.
23:09 And so here I think is what Jesus is saying.
23:12 "I am the light of the world and I'm looking for those
23:18 that have are light minded."
23:20 And so first, it's through the reflection and then,
23:24 you know, then that reflection then becomes a light.
23:27 Mm-hmm.
23:28 Yeah, I think it's interesting because God says,
23:30 you know, "I'm the light of the world,"
23:31 but then right here in this verse, it says,
23:32 "You are the light of the world."
23:35 Yes. So take in the reflection.
23:36 Yeah, correct. We're not the source.
23:39 As you mentioned earlier, Pastor Johnny.
23:41 It comes from Christ. Mm-hmm.
23:42 That's right. That's the way we can reflect.
23:45 We reflect God's love, God's light and that is how
23:50 we can bring a life into somebody
23:54 that is going through darkness.
23:55 I mean, we have the privilege of speaking to so many viewers
23:58 that are interested in darkness and agony,
24:01 not certain about the future and they forget
24:03 because we're too focused in the small problem
24:06 when we serve a great big God.
24:08 So we encouraged, as we encourage others
24:12 that are struggling in darkness and then we bring to light,
24:16 you know, God's work, God's promises
24:19 and we end up motivated, you know, blessed.
24:21 Amen.
24:22 You know, that's really, well said.
24:24 I guess I can just add so many wonderful things
24:26 we can talk about in the light.
24:29 I would say two things then.
24:34 You know, if you wake up at night
24:37 and you don't have a little night light,
24:39 you don't turn on your little phone like,
24:41 my wife now does.
24:42 Yes. To see where you're going?
24:44 You're going to stumble,
24:46 you're going to fall over something
24:47 and you couldn't injure yourself,
24:48 maybe even kill yourself.
24:50 So you can say, you would say then that light is good
24:54 because it lights your way.
24:57 And we see in Psalms 119:105, it says,
25:01 "Your word is a light on to my feet
25:04 and the light on to my path."
25:07 And so we need the light that God has for us.
25:10 Amen. Amen.
25:11 And I would like to consider...
25:14 You remember Moses,
25:16 when he spent time with the Lord,
25:17 his face was radiating the light of God.
25:21 And he had to cover his face with a veil.
25:25 Question?
25:26 Did he have to wear that veil all his life?
25:28 No. Eventually the light.
25:31 So we need to be continually close to the Lord
25:33 that His light gonna shine through us.
25:35 Amen. Amen.
25:37 Okay, I'll wait on the other thing.
25:38 Oh, just say it. No, please.
25:40 Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and say it.
25:42 Tell us.
25:44 Well, I mentioned this before some other time,
25:46 but God is good.
25:49 Mm-hmm. Yeah.
25:51 You know, He doesn't...
25:52 What happens if you are in total darkness
25:55 and suddenly you light one of these big old,
25:58 what does those big lights?
25:59 A flood we call it. Spotlight.
26:01 Oh, it hurts your eyes.
26:03 And you have to wait for the light to adjust.
26:05 God doesn't bring us all the light of God's word
26:09 in a moment.
26:10 He gives us the light that we can take.
26:13 And that's why we have an illustration
26:15 everyday of this because when you wake up
26:17 in the morning, the sun slowly rises
26:24 and your eyes adjust to the light.
26:26 And I'm sure, you've been a victim of somebody
26:29 doesn't know you're there or they do it on purpose
26:30 that you're sleeping and then doom!
26:33 They turn on the light. Oh, you know.
26:35 Yeah, it's rough. It's rough, isn't it?
26:37 But God is a gentleman, isn't He?
26:38 Amen.
26:39 The light of the sun turns on slowly and then at night,
26:42 He doesn't suddenly turn off the sun.
26:44 Yeah. Yeah.
26:45 Gradually the sun goes down, our eyes adjust to it.
26:48 And so here on earth, we are learning to...
26:54 From the light of God's love that at when we come to see him
26:57 and when he transforms us the light, His light,
27:01 we will be accustomed to the light that he has.
27:03 Amen.
27:04 That's beautiful, Pastor Johnny.
27:06 I like that.
27:07 Because God is such a loving God.
27:08 He's loving kindness and how He reaches out toward us,
27:11 and He calls us His brothers and sisters to reach out
27:14 toward others with that same kindness,
27:17 with that same love, not overwhelming.
27:18 Respect. That's right.
27:20 I wanna share two scriptures.
27:22 I just found these this morning
27:23 and hopefully this will make sense,
27:25 but if you compare salt and light,
27:28 salt is used in the New Testament 7 times,
27:31 but light 91 times.
27:35 And there is a couple, one verse in John 1
27:37 and then one verse in Mark.
27:39 If we turn to John 1 and you're probably
27:41 familiar with this one.
27:44 John 1:1.
27:47 And it was just an interesting comparison
27:49 with the salt and the light.
27:52 John 1:5, "This is the message we have heard from Him
27:58 and declare to you.
27:59 God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.
28:03 If we say that we have fellowship with Him
28:06 and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth,
28:10 but if we walk in the light as he is in the light."
28:13 You see what happens?
28:15 We have fellowship with one another.
28:18 And you see in verse 9:10, the same thing.
28:21 "He who says He is in the light and hates His brother
28:25 is in darkness until now, He who loves His brother
28:29 abides in the light."
28:31 And there is no cause for stumbling in Him."
28:33 This is verse 9 and 10, Chapter 2.
28:35 Oh, Chapter 2, okay. Sorry, my fault.
28:37 Chapter 2:9-10.
28:40 "He who says He is in the light in hates His brother
28:42 is in darkness until now."
28:44 Verse 10:2, "He who loves His brother abides in the lie
28:48 and there is no cause for stumbling in Him."
28:51 So what's interesting to me as we walk in the light,
28:55 as we are in Christ Jesus, what happens?
28:57 Automatically, we love our brothers and sisters.
29:01 And if I hate my brothers and sisters that means,
29:05 I'm walking in darkness.
29:07 Amen.
29:08 I'm not walking in the light of Jesus.
29:10 So I see something with the light of God
29:12 in relationship to our relationship
29:14 to other people.
29:16 That's good.
29:17 And there's a verse in Mark 9, which is interesting.
29:19 And it talks about salt
29:21 in relationship to other people,
29:24 which I had never processed before.
29:27 Mark 9:50.
29:31 Fifty? Yeah.
29:32 Do you have that, sweetie?
29:34 Yeah, Mark 9:50 says, "Salt is good,
29:37 but if the salt have lost his saltiness or saltness,
29:42 where with will you season it?
29:44 Have salt in yourselves
29:46 and have peace with one another."
29:48 Isn't that interesting?
29:49 Wow, so put salt and peace with one another.
29:51 So it's the same connection if we have that salt.
29:54 If we are the salt of the earth,
29:56 we will live in peace with others.
29:58 And the same thing, if we have the light of Jesus,
30:01 we would be at peace with others.
30:02 I had never seen that before.
30:04 It was really, that's was really precious.
30:06 Could I share a scripture?
30:08 Yeah, please. Please.
30:09 As J.D. was talking
30:10 because it's interesting that Jesus says,
30:12 you're the light of the earth and now He's talking
30:14 about a lamp on a candlestick, but then He talks about
30:18 the light of the city.
30:20 And it occurred to me that, you know,
30:23 I usually have thought of it that the lamp is,
30:27 you know, for the house
30:28 and how you're witnessing in the family,
30:30 and whereas, the city is coming outside,
30:33 but it occurred to me that we could also think of it
30:36 as the lamp as being our individual candle
30:40 and the city as being the corporate,
30:42 the church that's, you know, on the hill.
30:45 And here's the script...
30:47 Well, I don't know when you were thinking this
30:48 or taking this came to my mind.
30:50 Let's look at Philippians 2. Oh, yay!
30:56 And we will look at verse 14, 15, excuse me.
31:02 I'm trying to see, but there it is, 15.
31:04 And Paul says that, he's praying,
31:07 "That the Philippians may be blameless and harmless,
31:10 children of God, without fault
31:12 in the middle of a crooked and perverse generation,
31:16 among whom, among this generation,
31:19 you shine as lights in the world, how,
31:24 holding fast the word of life."
31:27 It's good.
31:28 And there's some translations that say
31:32 that you shine as lights in the world
31:36 as you hold out the word of life.
31:39 And I had an experience when I was at the farm.
31:42 I used to...
31:44 I was probably the only one that lived out in the country
31:46 who walk their dogs on a leash.
31:48 But I had a little Yorkie, who would take off
31:52 across the fields and in depth near,
31:54 she would be in danger
31:55 because of a neighboring farmers.
31:58 Mean, nasty dog.
32:00 So I would... I mean, he would...
32:02 That was not on a leash.
32:04 Right, you know, he was not a lease, okay?
32:05 He would eat up anything.
32:07 I mean, he used to eat chickens and peacocks and other dogs
32:10 and he wasn't attack dog.
32:12 Then make sure you love your neighbor.
32:14 That's right.
32:16 That's right, we're talking about that.
32:17 Amen. Taking as a biblical example.
32:19 Yes.
32:21 But anyway, so one night as I was out walking,
32:25 I looked up at the sky and it was just like
32:29 black velvet with thousands of diamonds attached
32:35 'cause the stars were so bright.
32:37 You know, when you're out in the country in still light.
32:39 And so it was crisp and I'm walking the dogs...
32:42 And this scripture came to my mind
32:45 and I was just speaking it as an affirmation saying,
32:48 "Father, I thank You that You've made me
32:50 like a light in the world,
32:53 as I hold forth the word of life."
32:56 And then I thought, Lord, is this what You see
32:59 when You look down?
33:01 Do You see this black darkness?
33:04 And then 'cause and then all of these little stars
33:08 that were shining like stars in the universe, Paul said,
33:11 but some there's just little flickery little stars
33:15 and then some of those huge stars.
33:17 So maybe this little flickery star
33:19 was Shelley Quinn and this huge star
33:21 was Mark Finley outdoing evangelism series,
33:24 but the point is, I wonder if that's the way
33:27 God looks down and sees us
33:29 as stars shining in the universe.
33:32 Wow. Yeah, that's a great picture.
33:34 Very interesting.
33:36 You know, verse 16 of Mark, Matthew 5.
33:40 Yeah. Yeah.
33:43 That word there let...
33:45 Amen. No.
33:47 When you say, somebody wants to say something
33:52 and somebody else's talking.
33:53 Say let him, in other words, if we remove the obstacles
33:58 then the light of the Lord can shine through us.
34:00 Amen. That's good.
34:01 But I would like to maybe summarize also this by saying,
34:05 you know, if you look at yourself
34:07 when we look at ourselves and we see darkness,
34:09 things that are not good.
34:12 What we understand is that light dispels darkness.
34:15 That's right. And Jesus is the light.
34:17 As we come close to Him, the darkness in us
34:20 begins to disappear.
34:21 And the more time we spend with him,
34:27 it will dispel the darkness completely.
34:30 Even that's not just character as much.
34:33 I mean, that can be emotions, too.
34:34 Because I was thinking, when I was so sick,
34:37 one day I was feeling a little down.
34:40 I just got down and I was thinking
34:42 kind of negative thoughts.
34:44 And sometimes when you've been sick
34:46 for protracted amount of time, you get to where you feel like,
34:50 will I ever be well?
34:52 You know and...
34:54 Anyway, so it just Lord brought it to my attention,
34:58 I was kind of in a dark spot.
35:00 So I got into His word and I was singing songs to Him.
35:06 And it was amazing how His light just came in
35:10 and that that whole mood just was, it dissipated.
35:15 So that light's important for us, connection.
35:19 I know we want to move on,
35:21 but I just was thinking about before we moves on, is that
35:23 you know, it mentions in here about a light on a hill.
35:26 That's up, right? I'm thinking elevation.
35:28 And it mentions on a candlestick,
35:30 I don't know what verse that is?
35:32 Is that... Yeah, that's 15.
35:33 Fifteen? It's on fifteen.
35:34 Put on a candlestick.
35:36 So there's something to be said about light,
35:38 but there's also something to be said
35:39 about light elevated up.
35:42 Elevated. Yeah, elevated somehow.
35:44 So just quickly, any thoughts regarding that
35:46 because again, we don't want to put ourselves on a pedestal
35:48 saying, okay, I want to be a light,
35:50 so we not physically climb up a tower,
35:52 but you know what I'm saying?
35:53 Say, okay, I want to be a light,
35:54 so let me just, I gonna let it shine,
35:57 but it's not shine in their appropriate way.
35:58 So how do you think that that height,
36:00 how would we approach that you think in these verses?
36:02 A city on a hill,
36:04 we definitely understand, it can be seen.
36:05 That's good.
36:07 But how do we get to that height?
36:08 Any thoughts on that?
36:09 Elevated.
36:11 Well, before, before...
36:13 You know, you gave me some, some thoughts on that.
36:15 It's very interesting.
36:17 When there's a ship out in the sea
36:18 and it's dark and there's a storm,
36:20 where is the, where is the light?
36:23 The lighthouse is...
36:24 The lighthouse is high and it's elevated.
36:27 And so there's a benefit in life being high.
36:31 If you have a lamp,
36:33 if you have a lamp and you have a shade on it,
36:37 it's gonna light just that area,
36:38 but the higher you bring it, the more the light is spread.
36:43 The broader, the broader the...
36:44 Yeah. Yeah.
36:45 Because I think if you had a candle
36:47 if candle could talk and said,
36:48 okay, so I'm just down here in this person's little house.
36:50 I wanna be that light in that lighthouse.
36:51 And, you know,
36:53 I think what I'm getting at is really we need to be that light
36:55 wherever God has placed us to be
36:56 and we are making that impact wherever God has placed us
37:00 'cause it's sometimes easy to look and say,
37:02 oh, I wanna be that lighthouse or I wanna be that city,
37:06 I wanna be the city
37:07 and I need to focus on my candle,
37:09 my experience, it maybe just...
37:11 Let's say, Jill and I were in the jungle
37:12 and it's just the two of us,
37:13 want you to let my light shine bright
37:15 just for her, for two of us.
37:17 You know, that is very musical.
37:19 I know I don't know what you were gonna share,
37:20 but there's a song in Spanish
37:22 that I have never heard in English.
37:24 And it's "Brilla en el sitio donde estes."
37:27 Maybe she can comment about that.
37:28 Shine in the place where you are.
37:30 Shine in the place where you are.
37:31 The song is in English too, but what I wanted to say...
37:35 Is that brightening the corner where you are?
37:36 Brightening the corner where you are.
37:38 That's right. I couldn't think of it.
37:39 We have that in English. Yeah.
37:41 You know, you're talking about
37:42 how do we project the light without being, you know,
37:46 thinking that we have to be so up on a hill?
37:48 You are the hill your community
37:50 in your neighborhood.
37:52 You know, I think that by your testimony,
37:56 you are a light to the people that live in my vicinity.
38:00 I mean, I had some company coming
38:03 and they got lost because it's just cornfields
38:06 and they're like, it's the maize out here.
38:09 So some of the people on the road,
38:12 we had not met just years ago,
38:14 but my friends from Wisconsin stopped at some people's house
38:18 and say, "Oh, you must be talking
38:20 about that family that lives," you know,
38:24 they may not know you by name,
38:26 but they see what you're doing.
38:28 Your good works, you know.
38:30 And it's not to put ourselves over anybody else's work
38:33 because of the Lord, moving and impressing you,
38:38 what to do and equipping you to do a couple...
38:41 He chooses and then He gives us the ability to do it.
38:45 So I think that we are a hill in our neighborhood.
38:51 All around the neighborhood, I'm gonna let it shine.
38:54 So I don't know if that goes with your thoughts,
38:57 but you know, you caught me on that question.
39:00 I mean, I never thought about it.
39:01 I'm like, okay, you have to be high on the hill, what?
39:04 But we need to be a light in the community.
39:07 Yeah, in our neighborhood, so...
39:10 Well said.
39:12 I know this is gonna bring some thoughts and some,
39:15 you know, how you say things and people visualize it.
39:19 I don't know who in the world has not seen this
39:24 that you turn on a light
39:25 and little cockroaches start trying to find a place to go.
39:28 And I was trying to say, how do you apply that?
39:30 Because the light has been turned on and this little...
39:32 They want the darkness.
39:34 They don't like the light.
39:36 So anyway, you know,
39:38 as you were talking about your experience
39:39 that you were sick and that you were getting down.
39:44 Let's say for now
39:46 that these little cockroaches are the enemy.
39:48 Little demons. Insects.
39:49 Yes.
39:51 So what we need is to allow the light of God
39:53 to come into our hearts and these, they're going to go.
39:56 They have to go. They cannot...
39:58 Where there's praise,
40:00 where there's a worship of the Lord,
40:03 the enemy doesn't like to be there.
40:04 He wants to go away. That's right.
40:06 So if you want the enemy to go away,
40:07 start singing some songs and praise to God.
40:09 Oh, yeah. That works so good.
40:10 This is a great word
40:12 for somebody that's out there listening
40:13 because, you know, this is a serious issue.
40:16 And that, you know,
40:17 we're getting more calls all the time
40:19 and put that praise music on, you know,
40:22 sing praise to the Lord.
40:23 That's right. Lord increased my faith.
40:25 And the Lord inhabits the praises of people,
40:28 so the devil must leave because he can't be in His presence.
40:32 And then that's attractive too, isn't it, to people
40:33 then like, wow, we want to be a part of that.
40:35 But let me ask you this.
40:37 What do you think he meant
40:38 by don't hide your light under a basket.
40:44 That's another good question.
40:46 That's good.
40:47 You know, a thought occurred to me
40:49 because we were watching something
40:53 a program on Jerusalem,
40:55 all commerce was done
41:00 and their packaging
41:02 or their way of getting things around from baskets.
41:06 And I got to thinking,
41:07 so maybe basket could be your be labor
41:11 that I mean, as working.
41:14 So sometimes, we put,
41:17 we let our work duties, be a basket.
41:24 Like a bushel that we've turned upside down over our light
41:27 even in ministry I got to thinking about this
41:30 that maybe even in ministry you can get so busy
41:34 doing things for God's "Work"
41:39 that you're not letting your light shine
41:41 because as you said,
41:42 maybe you've not been spending that time with God,
41:46 so you're on the third day in the radiance is losing you.
41:49 You don't have to have the veil anymore,
41:51 does that makes sense?
41:52 It makes a lot of sense. Yeah.
41:54 It's beautiful. That's really good.
41:55 Not only that, you know,
41:57 what I think that some people feel
41:58 like they may not be as equipped as they should
42:00 to be able to share what the Lord has given them.
42:04 And so they may hide purposely, you know, because they...
42:10 But let me, let me share,
42:13 let me share a testimony with you.
42:16 Okay.
42:17 Many times if I felt inadequate...
42:20 but I have learned
42:21 that if the Holy Spirit puts that thought on you,
42:24 He is the author and the finisher.
42:27 So don't let Satan talk you out of being a blessing
42:32 at the same time receiving a blessing,
42:34 so just cowboy up, go right in there, you know,
42:41 and allow the Holy Spirit in your heart
42:44 and this also gives you a holy bonus
42:46 for the next event that comes your way.
42:49 So don't...
42:50 And be embarrassed, you know,
42:53 and hide the gift that the Lord has given you.
42:55 Wow. I agree.
42:57 I think fear comes into it a lot.
42:58 You know, because we're afraid,
43:00 maybe I don't know enough or peer pressure, you know,
43:04 what are they gonna think if I make a stand for principle
43:07 or if I stand for Jesus.
43:09 I don't want to look like a fool.
43:10 I don't want to look like,
43:11 so I just won't say anything right now
43:13 when really we ought to.
43:15 There's times when God calls us to make a stand
43:18 and to say something and to speak for Him
43:22 and then maybe we're afraid.
43:23 So I love what you said, J.D.
43:25 You know, step out by faith,
43:27 know that all his biddings are enabling, isn't that?
43:30 He will give us what we need.
43:32 You know, you reminded me of a skit
43:35 that was done in our church when I was a teenager.
43:39 And it's really impacting.
43:41 I still remember to this day
43:42 even though I'm not a teenager anymore.
43:44 And I thought maybe we should do this on 3ABN
43:47 and it was a person that, you know,
43:51 you imagine the whole church is watching,
43:52 the person comes and hides behind some kind of furniture
43:55 in the platform
43:57 and then looks around and goes to another one
43:59 and hides again,
44:00 and then when it's apparently safe,
44:02 he comes to the front and he goes,
44:06 "Sshh, I'm a Christian."
44:10 That's good. And he sneaks off again.
44:12 And it was an illustration of
44:13 that sometimes we don't let the light shine.
44:16 And this verse says let your light shine.
44:18 And in situations where peer pressure
44:20 or sometimes the Lord put something in our minds
44:23 to say to someone and you so, should I say that?
44:27 And it's a good thing that you're gonna say.
44:29 And so let your light so shine, say thank you, say please,
44:32 you know, those are letting light shine as well.
44:35 And so there are many ways to let your light shine
44:38 and that allows people to see Jesus
44:41 in a way they perhaps never seen him before.
44:44 You know, even our demeanor
44:45 doesn't even have to be words we speak.
44:46 That's right. Reflection on somebody.
44:48 I guess I was a little too serious this past week
44:50 and somebody said, "Smile."
44:52 And I was like, "Am I not smiling?"
44:54 And they're like, "No."
44:55 So even just a smile, it doesn't have to be a word.
44:58 That's right, that's right. Absolutely right.
45:00 Could I add something 'cause I don't think
45:02 we're really gonna get to the next thing...
45:03 No, no. That's okay.
45:05 That's all right.
45:07 This is fun.
45:08 But when you, when you said, say, please and thank you.
45:12 I just want to encourage
45:14 those of you who are working at home.
45:16 To me, if you want to know
45:18 if somebody really is letting the light of Jesus
45:21 shine out of them,
45:23 you see what's going on in their home.
45:26 Because you can't be one thing in your home
45:30 and then come out and be another.
45:33 I mean, have sincerity in your heart
45:35 and be doing something else.
45:38 So when you said that about saying, please and thank you.
45:41 My sister came to visit J.D. and I, when we lived in Texas.
45:46 And about the second day that she was there.
45:50 She said...
45:52 I heard her on the phone talking to her husband.
45:54 She says, "Oh, my goodness."
45:56 She said, "This is just sickening."
45:59 She said, "Please, honey. Thank you, honey."
46:02 Da-da-da-da.
46:03 She said, "They are nicer."
46:05 She said, "They are nicer to each other
46:07 than you would be to a complete stranger."
46:09 So I waited, I waited, until she got off the phone.
46:13 And then I told.
46:15 I said, I overheard and I said,
46:16 "Why wouldn't you wanna be nicer to your spouse
46:19 and you would be to a stranger?"
46:21 And she said, "Oh, you guys are so sickeningly sweet."
46:25 Well, now, here's the interesting thing.
46:27 You would've to know my sister, she was a pistol.
46:30 But the interesting thing was,
46:33 two days after that
46:36 I heard her on the phone one night,
46:38 I was passing down the hallway.
46:40 And she said, "Honey, we've got to give this a try."
46:43 She said, "it is so peaceful here
46:47 and the love of God is just..."
46:50 She said, "We need to start being nicer to each other."
46:54 That gives the fact, what you were saying
46:56 about the light in your own home,
46:58 you know, that's right.
46:59 Yeah, that's amazing. Go ahead.
47:00 if I may, you know, raising two boys,
47:03 people say, oh, it must be so difficult to raise boys,
47:07 I prefer girls.
47:08 "No, well, the Lord blessed me
47:10 and answered my prayer requests.
47:12 And I was in supplication.
47:14 I said, "Lord, please give me boy.
47:16 So I'm up for boy."
47:18 So but anyhow, this goes for single mom or parents as well.
47:25 You know, please and thank you
47:26 it's not just for outside the door.
47:28 And if you noticed your child talking to their sibling
47:33 demanding, you know, hey, do this.
47:36 And I say, "Where's the please?
47:38 Where is the please?
47:39 What do you have to tell your brother?
47:41 You're not gonna give orders to your brother."
47:43 So and the same thing,
47:45 when they're addressing their father...
47:47 this was when they were younger and need training, of course.
47:50 And sometimes they would say, "Poppy, da-da-da-da."
47:53 "Excuse me.
47:55 Where is the please and thank you?
47:56 You're talking to your father."
47:58 So, poppy, would you please, da-da-da-da, you know.
48:01 I didn't want to and they were up there,
48:04 there are things, you know, their conversation,
48:07 but yet, as a parent under the same roof
48:11 you have got to bring in the fact
48:14 that you have to be gentle or kind to your parents
48:18 as well to your sibling
48:19 because then it will be easier for them to do it,
48:22 you know, at the church, in the community, at school,
48:25 wherever they are. Rest of their life.
48:26 But please and thank you is very important
48:28 in their shedding light, I believe.
48:30 Absolutely.
48:32 Because I don't think Jesus was rude at all, you know.
48:36 So the kindness comes in different packages.
48:40 So a kind word, a kind smile and a kind gesture, you know,
48:45 that you're bringing light or life into somebody's life,
48:48 so for whatever's worth.
48:50 That's wonderful.
48:52 You know, and we have just a couple of moments left
48:53 and then we're gonna to our prayer.
48:55 But I wanted to just ask one question because obviously,
48:58 we won't get to anymore of the sermon on the mount here.
49:01 But this is a wonderful study.
49:04 You know, on being salt and light.
49:05 And I just want to ask,
49:07 we're talking practical things is what we're talking now?
49:09 The please and the thank you
49:11 and being practical Christianity,
49:13 practically living out your light.
49:15 So what if someone's watching at home.
49:17 And they're saying,
49:19 I don't know how to spread my light.
49:21 I don't know how to be a light in my community
49:24 or in my neighborhood.
49:26 I feel like, I'm in a dark place
49:28 and I don't know how to get out.
49:30 What, is there any counsel, any advice,
49:32 any of you would share?
49:33 Well, I know what I would say.
49:36 I would say, God has a plan for your life.
49:39 He didn't just put you here to be a stomp over,
49:42 you know, just against the wall there.
49:44 Give the Holy Spirit permission,
49:46 you will know, He will make it perfectly clear,
49:50 if the fields are wipe.
49:54 They're looking for laborers.
49:56 So don't hesitate to say,
49:59 Lord, I know that you've a plan for my life,
50:02 just let me know little.
50:03 It was something little that'd be great
50:05 because I was thinking about this the other day.
50:10 I don't think that Abraham Lincoln
50:13 woke up one day when he was a boy
50:15 and says, "I wanna be famous."
50:18 What made Abraham Lincoln?
50:19 And I was thinking about H.M.S. Richards.
50:22 What made these legends in our time was that
50:27 they started early, they were consistent
50:30 because they did one step at a time.
50:33 And I would think that we all whatever that youthfulness be
50:37 could be 70 years old when you're starting your walk,
50:40 but start, be consistent,
50:43 the Lord will reward you with attaboys of some type of the...
50:47 So that you know that you're on the right path.
50:51 To me, it's as simple as that.
50:52 I don't think that there's any formula or hoops
50:55 that you have to jump through
50:56 because He wants you to do something.
50:58 Amen.
50:59 Go ahead. Oh, I'm sorry.
51:01 Let me share an experience that I had
51:04 when I was in the corporate world,
51:05 I worked...
51:07 I was doing symposiums to CPAs
51:10 and I wasn't allowed to talk about religion and...
51:15 But so what I would do is I would pray and say,
51:19 Lord, let me give me a divine appointment today.
51:24 And so as I...
51:25 We would be doing these training symposiums,
51:28 you know, I wouldn't talk about the Lord,
51:29 but it was interesting
51:31 because somebody come up and say
51:33 you're a Christian, aren't you?
51:35 We'd be doing our lunch or dinner having dinner.
51:38 You're a Christian, aren't you?
51:39 And I'd say, "Yeah.
51:41 How'd you know?"
51:42 I can just tell.
51:43 And then here you are at a table
51:45 with maybe eight people
51:47 and because of that question then the conversation,
51:51 God kept opening up doors
51:53 that I could just be a witness for Him.
51:56 Just testify to His goodness.
51:58 You don't have to know, the 2,300 days,
52:01 just all you have to know is God's love.
52:04 Amen. Amen.
52:05 Pray for divine appointment.
52:06 Yeah, for sure. Amen.
52:08 Now we are down to five minutes and a few seconds left.
52:11 We want to have some prayer time
52:12 because that's part of worship too
52:14 talking to our creator God,
52:16 our friend, our Savior, our provider.
52:18 So let's just...
52:20 J.D., let's start with you.
52:21 We'll just go around the circle and have prayers.
52:24 Father, as we come to You in the name of Jesus,
52:26 we want to thank You for the opportunity
52:28 that You give each one of us, Lord, to be a little light.
52:31 And, Father, whether we're a light on a hill
52:34 or a light in a room,
52:36 we thank You for the opportunity.
52:38 Father, we just all asking that You lead God
52:40 direct each one of us, Lord,
52:42 so that we will be more Christ-like,
52:44 we give You permission, Lord,
52:45 to work in us and through us, Lord.
52:47 Just give us the holy bonus to have ears that want to hear,
52:51 so that we can follow Your instructions.
52:54 Thank You, Lord, for my brothers and sisters.
52:56 Thank You for my family.
52:58 Thank You for the Sabbath day, Lord.
53:00 Father, we prayed that You will just receive our praise
53:03 because You are worthy of all praise.
53:06 And, Lord, we are so grateful to You
53:08 for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
53:11 the gift of the Holy Spirit, the gift of Your word, Lord.
53:14 And we know how totally dependent we are upon You
53:17 but, Father, we pray in Jesus' name
53:19 that for each one of us who is at this table
53:24 and everybody all of our family members
53:27 who are watching Lord or listening on the radio,
53:30 we ask in the name of Jesus', Father,
53:32 that You would pour out Your Holy Spirit on us
53:35 and cause us to be salt and light in Jesus' name.
53:39 Amen.
53:42 And we thank You, Father,
53:43 they have called us and we respond,
53:47 here I am, send me.
53:49 So I pray, Lord,
53:51 that You will give us and equip us the ability
53:54 to let our light so shine before them.
53:57 Yes. Amen.
53:58 And we thank You, Lord,
54:00 for we see that Jesus wants us to shine
54:04 and as He told us without Him, we can do nothing.
54:07 Thank You for the invitation that we see in the scriptures
54:10 that tell us that Jesus is knocking at our door,
54:13 we must open the door that He may come in
54:16 and that we can be shining for You.
54:18 Amen. Amen.
54:20 Father, as we continue in prayer,
54:22 we just thank You for your presence.
54:24 Right now, I just lift up our brothers and sisters at home.
54:27 And those who might feel my light is smokey
54:30 and I'm afraid it's about ready to go out.
54:33 Lord, I ask that by the power of Your spirit,
54:36 You would bring courage and strength and comfort,
54:39 You would pull their feet out of mighty clay
54:42 and set them up on a rock.
54:44 Lord, Jesus, I ask that You would do a new thing
54:47 in each one of our hearts and lives
54:49 that every day as we surrender to You,
54:52 as we spend time into Your word,
54:54 Jesus the light of the world would shine upon us
54:58 and Your light, Your glory, Your character
55:02 would be revealed to each and every person
55:05 that we come in contact with.
55:07 Thank You that You've given each one of us
55:10 the privilege of shining for Jesus.
55:13 Amen. Amen.
55:14 Father in Heaven, thank You that You are the one
55:18 that gives us the flavor for the salt,
55:20 You're the one that provides us,
55:22 gives us the light.
55:23 Lord, we want to reflect You,
55:24 we want to be the right flavor to others.
55:27 Thank You that all of us are here on this earth
55:30 for a purpose
55:31 or none of us are just here,
55:33 just to like sit in the corner like, J.D. was saying,
55:35 but we're here, Lord, to spread Your gospel,
55:37 Your love to others,
55:39 so help us to reflect to You this tomorrow Sabbath,
55:43 this evening with our families,
55:45 this coming week with maybe our coworkers,
55:47 those we don't even know by name,
55:49 but maybe just pass in the halls
55:51 or at the grocery store.
55:52 Lord, we want to be a light
55:54 that is shining brightly for You.
55:56 We thank You again for your love and care for us,
55:58 and in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
56:00 Amen.
56:02 Amen, amen.
56:04 Thank you, all, for joining us. Amen.
56:05 You know, I was thinking about
56:07 the whole salt and light thing, too.
56:09 You know, sometimes I think it could be easy to, you know,
56:12 let's say, I'm just for example,
56:15 heading out of Wal-Mart
56:16 and I've got 25 bags in exaggeration
56:19 in my arms, you know,
56:20 and I can't even get the door open
56:22 and someone just I'm like,
56:23 why are they even holding the door for me?
56:25 You know, you know, and so, you know,
56:27 we can start to thinking about other people,
56:29 but, you know, why are they doing this
56:30 and why are they doing that?
56:32 And, man, don't they see, I'm in need?
56:33 You know, it's easy to get stuck in ourselves.
56:36 And so talking about little steps
56:39 is just to do maybe just a small thing.
56:41 And while it can just turn into something big.
56:44 I know quickly here, I liked as a child,
56:46 I like the challenge of starting a fire with one match,
56:50 no other matches, one match and it was neat
56:52 'cause you get to that point
56:54 if you get the tender and everything just right
56:55 and then you strike the match and that little flame.
56:58 Small. Wow.
57:00 Turns into eventually a big born fire.
57:02 So you don't know, but you would like.
57:05 No, I was just saying.
57:06 You just say something wonderful
57:08 that you're spreading the fire.
57:10 And you see, as this one person who can help others
57:13 say, yes, we need to do this,
57:14 we need to be a light for others
57:16 and you can make greater light.
57:18 It's kind of that ripple effect.
57:20 Ripple effect. Yes.
57:21 Thank you again for joining us.
57:22 Thank you, Dinzeys.
57:24 Thank you, Quinns.
57:25 Thank you for joining us.
57:26 We hope that you have a wonderful Sabbath
57:28 and a wonderful week.
57:29 Don't forget to let your light shine,
57:31 Christ's shine out of you this coming week.
57:33 God bless you. Have a wonderful Sabbath.


Revised 2017-09-11