Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny & Chris Shelton (Host), Jill Morikone & Mollie Steenson


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017024A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:10 I'm Chris Shelton along with my husband Pastor Kenny Shelton
01:14 and we want to say happy Sabbath
01:15 to each and every one of you at home.
01:17 And so glad that you have chosen to take this time
01:20 to join us.
01:21 We're already having a good time
01:23 around this table, aren't we?
01:24 Yes, we are.
01:26 It's already been a piece of joy,
01:27 a little bit of heaven that helping me to feel better,
01:29 I know that,
01:30 and I pray it will help you to feel better
01:32 physically and spiritually.
01:33 That's right.
01:35 Before we get started, I want to introduce
01:36 the rest of our family here at 3ABN.
01:39 Over to my far left is my brother-in-law Bruce Chance
01:43 with his lovely wife Tammy Chance,
01:46 and I know many of you know them from many, many years.
01:49 Tammy is actually, she couldn't sing today
01:51 but she can sing,
01:53 whether she's got a voice or not I think.
01:54 That's right.
01:55 And then over to my far right is Sister Mollie Steenson,
01:59 and next to her is a lovely Jill Morikone.
02:02 And we are so thankful all of you are here with us.
02:05 And our family at home is with us.
02:07 Tonight's topic is entitled, "You can come home any time".
02:12 You can come home any time.
02:14 Pastor Kenny, would you open our Bible study here tonight
02:18 with some prayer?
02:19 Absolutely, and we're going to encourage you at home
02:21 to pray along with us if you will.
02:23 This is a very important study
02:24 and I believe it's gonna be a blessing
02:26 because we're going to invite the Holy Spirit
02:27 to take possession of our hearts and our lives and so.
02:30 Let's pray together and those of you,
02:31 maybe you can even kneel where you're at,
02:33 if not just pray along with us.
02:35 Let's pray.
02:37 Our kind loving heavenly Father,
02:38 we thank You for the beginning of the Sabbath.
02:41 We thank You that You have set aside a specific day
02:44 that we can come apart from the world
02:45 and worship You in Spirit and in truth.
02:48 Lord, we're thankful that we can invite the Holy Spirit
02:51 to be present in the name of Jesus
02:53 to be able to take control of this study.
02:57 The title is just, kind of,
02:58 gives you spiritual goose bumps,
03:00 we can come home at any time.
03:02 And, O Lord, I just pray in a special way
03:04 as we are looking and trying to find our way home
03:08 that Your Holy Spirit will lead, guide, and direct
03:10 in all of our hearts, and our minds.
03:12 And especially those that are at home,
03:14 those right now who are looking and wondering
03:17 and thinking about home, tonight,
03:19 I pray that Your sweet spirit now would draw close to us.
03:22 May our minds, our hearts be illuminated
03:24 by the spirit of the living God.
03:26 May we truly see Jesus in this program tonight,
03:30 maybe seen, heard, felt
03:32 and may decisions be made for eternity,
03:34 and I thank you, Lord, for each one that's here
03:36 and each one who is viewing in Jesus' name.
03:38 Amen. Amen.
03:39 Amen.
03:41 You know, group, not very long ago,
03:42 I was listening to 3ABN radio in the car
03:45 and I heard just part of a story.
03:47 A lady talking about this young lady
03:50 that she was ministering to in Oregon,
03:53 and the lady in Oregon, the young lady
03:55 she had been in and out of trouble for many years.
03:58 And the part that really made me feel a little heartsick,
04:02 I got part of this young lady's testimony.
04:05 And when this young lady was only six years old...
04:08 Oh, boy.
04:10 Her mother started dating a man and he didn't like children.
04:12 Oh, no.
04:14 So the mother says,
04:15 "You're going to have to leave."
04:16 So you would immediately think where she's gonna to put her
04:18 with grandma, she gonna put with aunt and uncle
04:21 or maybe even in foster care,
04:23 but that mother in Oregon, here in the United States,
04:26 put that child out on the streets.
04:29 That's poor.
04:31 And so the lady asked her, she says,
04:33 "How does a six year old survive on the streets?"
04:38 And she said, "I would eat out of trash cans,
04:41 I would sleep under bridges."
04:43 And then pretty soon she began to be abused by men
04:49 and it just ruined her basically,
04:52 she felt she had no one, no one that loved her,
04:56 no meaning in life,
04:57 and certainly no home she felt she could go to.
05:02 Unlike this on the contrary
05:05 today, we're gonna be looking at the prodigal son.
05:08 And the story about the prodigal son
05:12 from the Bible that we're gonna discuss today,
05:14 this young man he was loved,
05:17 his father did take good care of him.
05:19 But his heart wasn't always on home,
05:24 he was always looking at the lust
05:26 and the enticements of the world
05:29 and he didn't like to hear,
05:30 don't do this because it's not good for you
05:33 or, you know, walk this way, do this,
05:35 he just didn't want to obey the family rules
05:38 that were set in that home.
05:40 And so finally, he went to his dad one day and he said,
05:43 "You know, I'd like to have my inheritance."
05:45 You know, I thought about that
05:46 as if the children came and said
05:47 they want their inheritance.
05:49 They are in trouble. Right, they are in trouble.
05:53 But this father was willing
05:55 and he gave his son his inheritance
05:58 and then the son went out on his own,
06:00 and he began to live it up.
06:02 Oh, boy.
06:03 He was like the man, he was the popular guy
06:07 because all of a sudden he had all this money
06:09 and people flocked to him.
06:10 But the sad thing is
06:12 the acquaintances that flocked to him,
06:14 they just drew him that much deeper into sin.
06:19 Then a famine hit. Yeah.
06:22 And when that famine hit,
06:24 suddenly he was out without money,
06:26 he was without home, he had no one to help him
06:30 because he was no longer popular,
06:31 he no longer had that money,
06:33 and he found himself
06:35 having to take care of a swine, Pastor Kenny.
06:37 Yes.
06:39 And for a Jewish young man to take care of a swine,
06:42 that was humiliating.
06:43 Yes.
06:44 You know, many of us that don't eat pork.
06:47 Well.
06:50 You know, we kind of relate to that a little bit
06:53 because we think of it as being the meat itself being unclean.
06:56 So for a Jew, especially they didn't want to touch it,
06:59 they didn't want to be around it.
07:00 And he became so hungry he began to eat even the husk
07:04 that was left just for the swine,
07:06 that's how hungry he became.
07:08 Would you finish telling us the rest of this story?
07:10 You know,
07:12 I think probably is the way we discussed a part of it
07:14 and I think 'cause here is,
07:15 believe it or not there are many people
07:17 who have never heard this parable.
07:20 This is what it is, it's a parable.
07:21 And everything that's in here
07:23 there're spiritual applications,
07:25 and that's what I want out of it,
07:27 the spiritual applications
07:29 and almost every word you can find something
07:31 that certainly spiritual leads you to Jesus.
07:33 And I like the part, you know, you told the part
07:35 and again 'cause some might have never heard this,
07:37 that's why we want to go over and then discuss a little more.
07:39 Yes.
07:41 I like the part when it said he came to his senses,
07:44 that's just the whole deal for me right there,
07:45 he finally came to his senses.
07:47 And, you know, some time when you're growing up,
07:50 my Dad said, "If you lack the sense,
07:52 I'll help you find the sense."
07:53 But he also said, he's gonna...
07:56 Put some sense.
07:57 He's gonna help me find the sense...
07:59 Put some sense into you. He always said that.
08:00 Put some sense into you.
08:01 He didn't mean to help you. Got a little bit of whipping.
08:03 Little whipping and little...
08:04 Usually he said we're gonna knock some sense into you.
08:06 There you go. So I'll just put it out there.
08:07 There you go.
08:08 But anyway this man came to his senses
08:10 we realize in that the, you know,
08:11 he was at the very bottom
08:12 and sometime it takes being at the very bottom
08:15 before we ever look up.
08:16 When things are going our way and then we go in his way,
08:19 he never thought about ever probably going back home.
08:22 But he came to his senses, he decided,
08:23 "Hey, the best thing for me to do is just go home."
08:27 We just say sometime I had to go home and eat crow
08:29 because I'm sure he raised a stink when he left
08:32 and, you know, he just really demanded what he wanted
08:34 and he wanted his own way, he was selfish
08:37 and he didn't care about anything or anybody else.
08:40 If you really think about it, he wanted his own way.
08:42 Yeah.
08:43 And then he had his own way,
08:44 and then he found that wasn't what was the best and so.
08:46 Anyway he decided to go home quickly
08:48 and when he went home a long way off,
08:51 I love that part too where it says a long way off.
08:54 The father recognized him,
08:56 and I keep thinking about Christ recognizing us
08:58 no matter what shape that we maybe in
09:00 and things of the world we take into our body
09:03 and things we get involved with
09:04 it actually changes our appearance.
09:05 Oh, yes.
09:07 It really does, you know,
09:08 sometimes it's hard to recognize
09:10 if you haven't seen somebody,
09:11 didn't matter how long he was gone,
09:12 his father recognized him.
09:14 Amen.
09:15 And I like what it says, he ran to his son.
09:18 Maybe the son was running too,
09:20 but the father ran to the son and held him and kissed him,
09:24 and welcomed him back into the family.
09:27 And I like the part too and we'll talk more about it
09:31 is he said, bringing,
09:32 I'll more say the closed to cloak.
09:35 He did not want the other servants.
09:37 That boy was willing to be a servant,
09:38 he didn't plan on coming back, but praise God,
09:41 when you come back to Christ no matter where you have been,
09:44 He treats you as though you've never sinned.
09:45 When you confess and forsake,
09:47 He treats as though we've never sinned,
09:49 and He puts that robe around us,
09:51 He doesn't want other people to have to see all that mess.
09:55 And the father didn't want the,
09:57 you know, the servants to see his son the way he was,
09:59 so he headed the long way off,
10:01 he said bring it to me and I'll cover him up.
10:04 And so they did and of course,
10:05 then the other son was little bit angry about it
10:07 and so we'll talk more about that.
10:09 And I think that the other son was,
10:11 he was the one supposed to get double portion, wasn't he?
10:13 And so instead of getting double portion,
10:15 he thought like he was messing,
10:17 you know, he wouldn't get anything probably.
10:19 And he was trying to if we look at that,
10:21 I think we'll find,
10:22 he was kind of like the maybe the Jews of old,
10:25 he was trying to work his way.
10:28 You know, he was diligent, he went out and did
10:30 what the father asked him to do,
10:32 he was loyal, he did it,
10:33 but he did it from all the wrong reasons.
10:35 And sometimes we can serve God from the wrong reasons.
10:37 That's right.
10:38 So anyway, that just gives us a little
10:40 synopsis of what this is
10:43 and the questions that we have are awesome
10:44 and I know everybody has a lot they want to share so.
10:47 I think we're gonna glean a lot from this story
10:49 and if you want to read more about it,
10:50 you can turn in your Bibles to Luke 15 and read there.
10:54 So that there is so many things in each part,
10:57 you know, as you were talking
10:58 and you mentioned the father coming,
11:01 immediately I thought how many parents
11:04 when that child comes home
11:06 all tattered, all messed up as it were by the world,
11:11 how many of us would embrace them
11:14 or would we say, "I told you so."
11:17 What an opportunity, you see,
11:19 but that father had the love of God
11:21 and he revealed Christ.
11:22 So the first question for all of us tonight is
11:25 how are we like this prodigal son?
11:29 So jump in there. Yeah.
11:32 Jill is thinking, "Okay, do we have another hour?"
11:35 Can we go back?
11:37 Okay. Oh, you can.
11:38 Just 'cause I have a question,
11:41 so everybody can give their opinion on it.
11:44 Why do you think the father went ahead
11:48 and gave him his inheritance when he demanded it?
11:51 He didn't have to, he could have said no.
11:52 No, he didn't.
11:55 I don't know I'm asking.
11:58 Well, I think that was one of the,
12:00 you know, one of the things that he really wanted.
12:02 He pressed at home to his dad
12:04 like a child would come to us sometime
12:06 and they want this drivers, they want a car,
12:09 and they just kind of keep it up
12:10 and they want to get this vehicle.
12:12 And of course, that was, you know, in the Jewish economy
12:16 that was, really they actually divided things up
12:21 before the death of the parents.
12:25 It could be divided up in there
12:27 and if there was property involved,
12:28 then naturally long as dad was still alive
12:30 the property was still, he still occupy it.
12:33 So that was not uncommon to go and divide things up
12:36 but to give them something was, wasn't it out the ordinary?
12:42 All of a sudden we are bend.
12:44 I'm thinking too
12:46 that the son had the wrong attitude
12:49 and the wrong concept
12:51 of what it was gonna be like to be out there.
12:53 He was thinking the grass is gonna be green.
12:55 Oh, yes. Oh, don't you know it.
12:57 But the grass is not always green
12:58 and sometimes it's just meaner.
13:00 Yes. That's right.
13:01 And do you think his father might have known that.
13:03 Let's say, I'm thinking,
13:04 you know, as we read like the father
13:06 to our heavenly Father.
13:07 Yes.
13:09 He sees our hearts mourning to go often do the wrong thing.
13:12 And what is the father's ultimate goal always?
13:15 The ultimate goal is deals in redemption to save us.
13:19 And so he knows, don't you think
13:23 that when this son goes out there,
13:25 he's gonna run into the harsh realities of life.
13:28 Yes.
13:29 He's probably never had to deal with anything harsh,
13:32 any of those harsh realities.
13:34 Right.
13:35 And, you know, it even says that Jesus grew in wisdom
13:37 from the things that He experienced in life.
13:40 And so this young man maybe the father was thinking,
13:43 you know, half of my wealth, its well worth it.
13:47 If my son comes to the end of himself
13:51 and comes back with the right heart
13:53 and the right attitude, that's just a thought.
13:56 That's miracle, Mollie.
13:58 I think, yeah,
13:59 and he represents God himself in this parable.
14:02 And God, see, this part of this parable
14:05 is to teach us that God is a loving God,
14:08 not any exacting God, and as the question was asked,
14:12 I wrote down rain here 'cause we can read in scripture
14:15 that the rain falls on the just as well as the unjust.
14:19 And if our heavenly Father knows
14:22 how to give us good gifts.
14:24 Yeah.
14:25 And so I think, we were talking about healing.
14:28 There is a lot of people that have never accepted Christ
14:30 and yet they find healing.
14:33 Life only comes from heaven, only from the Father,
14:36 so I think being that loving example
14:41 he was willing to give of himself
14:43 to give that good gift.
14:45 So Jill does, I think a question,
14:46 you know, and I've come to this conclusion,
14:50 you know, reading a little here and studying and praying,
14:52 that many times that God will give us
14:55 what we asked for...
14:57 He desires our heart.
14:58 Because we keep asking for it
14:59 and just what you brought, point you're bringing out.
15:02 He knows what He's gonna do to us,
15:04 but because we continue to ask,
15:06 He goes ahead and He gives it to us,
15:07 have you found that?
15:08 Absolutely.
15:10 And I think I was gonna say,
15:11 to me in the story I see free choice.
15:13 Oh, yeah.
15:15 That's what God gave me and at the beginning
15:16 He never wanted us to serve Him out of fear but out of love.
15:20 And so Adam and Eve in the garden
15:22 were given the option of eating
15:24 of the tree of knowledge of good and evil or not eating
15:27 and choosing to live.
15:29 And so they were given free choice.
15:30 So I think when the son asked
15:32 and the father knew it was the wrong choice,
15:35 but maybe in the end he knew it would bring him back around
15:38 because God knows everything, I like that.
15:40 But I think that's our God of love,
15:42 He gives us free choice.
15:43 Okay, if you want it, if you ask,
15:46 I will let you go that route even though it pains my heart,
15:49 even though I don't want you go in that way, you can go
15:52 because I would never force you or hold you against your will.
15:55 He doesn't.
15:56 Yeah, that's another story in itself, another lesson,
15:59 He never will force us.
16:01 And I thought it too
16:02 when he was asking that question
16:04 of the children of Israel when they were in the desert,
16:07 and they wanted to meet
16:08 and the Lord sent all those quail.
16:10 Oh, boy.
16:11 He think, they got very sick the Lord knew that,
16:14 you know, so He was giving them what He knew they needed
16:17 but they were asking for something different,
16:20 so He gave them what they ask for.
16:22 The basic lesson, I think it's like
16:25 my son was praying about a job and changing jobs.
16:29 And I said, "Well, you know,
16:31 you of course you want to see God's will in it
16:33 because even though your heart tells you
16:36 that's where you would like to go
16:38 and your head says that's where you'd like to go.
16:40 If it's not within God's will,
16:42 it's gonna blow up in your face.
16:43 Yeah.
16:44 So that's kind of just the basic, don't you think?
16:46 Yes.
16:47 Because if we just choose ourselves,
16:49 we're gonna mess it up.
16:51 I think the man was trying to teach his son a lesson
16:55 because he didn't have to give him the inheritance,
16:58 you know, because he wasn't living a Christian life,
17:01 All right, so. Yeah.
17:03 I mean, he was, that's the way of teaching him.
17:05 I think that's what the man was trying to portray.
17:07 Yeah.
17:08 Isn't that, that's pretty typical live
17:10 as our heavenly Father like you say,
17:12 He's watching over us,
17:13 He knows, you know, beginning from the end,
17:15 He knows each and every one of us,
17:17 and I keep saying this that's why,
17:19 you know, the Bible is very, very clear.
17:21 You just mentioned while ago,
17:23 rains on the just and the unjust alike.
17:25 And so it was very clear
17:26 that God has our best interest at heart,
17:28 He has your best interest at heart.
17:30 And sometime things
17:32 and when I say bad things happen to good people.
17:34 Absolutely.
17:35 You know, they probably say, well, almost they,
17:37 you know, kind of like the Job situation,
17:38 you know, but a lot of time God allows those things again
17:41 to get our attention and I can see it
17:43 in this account here,
17:45 you can come home any time.
17:47 And that is what so wonderful about this,
17:49 you can come home
17:51 and if you wandered far away from God,
17:53 that song says, "Now I'm coming home."
17:56 That's beautiful to know that we can come home at any time,
17:59 but we need to come to our senses.
18:01 Yes. Yeah.
18:02 And if not and we're praying about it,
18:05 sometime God has ways to bring us to our senses.
18:08 Have you found that in everybody's life here?
18:10 Really. The refining fire.
18:12 The refining fire sometime. That's right.
18:13 Oh, wow. He's gonna get our attention.
18:16 That's how like,
18:18 you know, when we act like the prodigal son,
18:20 when we follow our own lust
18:22 rather than really praying about it.
18:24 You know, I remember reading one time
18:25 if you're praying about getting married,
18:27 you know, and you're just praying once a day,
18:29 well, you need to pray at least four times a day.
18:32 Increase that prayer
18:33 because we need an answer from God,
18:35 but many times we step out and we walk our own path,
18:39 and we're following those fires of lust
18:41 just like the prodigal son did.
18:43 And so all of these things God allows,
18:46 I love what you said, and maybe that's the basis
18:49 because heaven is our goal, heaven is our final home.
18:53 And all of these are refining tools
18:56 where that potter, you know, the clay.
18:59 And He's molding, and He's making us
19:01 into that fine pottery into the jewel for heaven,
19:05 so I think that's beautiful.
19:06 And ultimately,
19:07 you know, ultimate purpose is to redeem us.
19:10 Oh, absolutely.
19:11 And the next question, how we like the prodigal son?
19:13 And I think about that prodigal son
19:15 before he had conjured it up in his mind,
19:19 what it was gonna be like.
19:21 If I didn't have the restraints,
19:23 if I had all that money, he had figured having it,
19:25 he had painted the picture in his mind, you ever do that?
19:29 You know, and his was, you know, as the story depicts,
19:32 you know, his inheritance.
19:34 But think about this, how we like the prodigal son?
19:37 If a woman that becomes an adulterer
19:39 because she paints in her mind if I'm with this other man,
19:43 it's gonna make me so much happy or the man
19:46 or someone that steals,
19:49 if I just had that and what it does.
19:51 See, it doesn't make you happier.
19:53 Again, the grass is not always greener,
19:55 what it does is it brings damage
19:58 and harm to you.
19:59 Even if it is something,
20:01 let's say you never get caught
20:03 in your act of whatever it is that you're doing,
20:06 still brings harm and damage to you
20:09 and you still have that to do deal with so.
20:12 With me, the prodigal son,
20:13 he had this vain imaginations thinking
20:17 the things were gonna be so much better
20:19 and it just wasn't.
20:20 He just didn't, he didn't like rules, did he?
20:23 He didn't like any regulations.
20:24 He didn't want anybody to tell him
20:26 when to get up and when to go to bed.
20:27 I heard one young person said at one time he said,
20:30 "But I want to be on my own before too long."
20:33 I said, "What you're gonna do different
20:34 when you're on your own, you do it right now."
20:35 Pay your bills. Yeah.
20:39 You don't think about that. Right.
20:40 But, you know, what he said,
20:41 "Because I can stay up as late as I want."
20:44 And I thought right in there, he is not material.
20:46 That was his big deal,
20:48 I can stay up as late as I want
20:49 and go to bed when I want and get up,
20:51 reality is like you have to pay your bills,
20:53 you got a job, you have more responsibilities so.
20:54 You got to get up in the morning.
20:55 He did have his own thoughts
20:57 so I come to that conclusion to this guy.
20:58 And he was the younger son so. Yes.
21:02 You know, I thought as I was reading through this story,
21:05 and we were breaking it down and putting questions to it,
21:08 I thought how the Father's heart had to hurt,
21:11 even for Lucifer,
21:13 and because Lucifer in my mind was the prodigal son as well
21:17 and those fallen angels.
21:19 No one loved them more than the Father.
21:23 You know, and how it had to break His heart,
21:25 how He had to look down throughout all history as you,
21:29 you know, we alluded to 'cause God can see everything
21:32 and He knows what lesson we're gonna learn.
21:35 And see the harm and the heartache
21:37 it was going to cause.
21:39 You know, so we're actually as we are a prodigal son
21:42 and we're conjuring up all these things in our mind
21:44 that the grass is greener on the other side,
21:46 basically we're doing what Lucifer did,
21:49 we're just following in his footsteps.
21:52 I wonder what it would be like
21:54 if I was sitting on that throne.
21:56 What it would be like...
21:57 Well, we don't need those rules,
21:59 we can be holy without that law.
22:02 You see, we're following in His footsteps,
22:05 but many times it takes that refining fire
22:09 to bring us back to our mind.
22:11 I think sin always begins in the mind.
22:14 You know, and the Bible tells us
22:15 how it's conceived and then when it brings forth,
22:18 it comes to death finally.
22:21 But it's conceived in the mind.
22:22 So the son I believe
22:23 what you've said had these imaginations,
22:26 had these thoughts but I think sin also originates
22:30 because we don't understand the Father.
22:32 Oh, it's true.
22:33 And so the son,
22:35 I personally don't believe
22:36 had a proper understanding of his father's love.
22:40 He didn't know that the rules the father had put around him
22:43 were for his protection, were to make him happy.
22:48 God's law, James tells us is the law of liberty,
22:51 but he didn't understand that
22:53 and so all he saw was restriction.
22:56 But when he came to himself
22:58 when he was at the end of his rope,
23:00 I believe that was not only did he come to himself,
23:03 but I think he came to understand
23:05 his father a bit better and understand,
23:08 look at how my father treated everyone,
23:10 look at his character.
23:11 Absolutely.
23:13 And so I think many times in my own life
23:15 when I begin to step outside of God's will
23:17 and begin to act out,
23:19 it's because I don't even have a clear conception of God.
23:22 No.
23:23 I think He's a God of judgment instead of God of love.
23:25 Yes.
23:27 And I think if we were all honest here,
23:29 we probably all felt that way,
23:31 even keeping the Ten Commandments.
23:33 You know, how often as a child you waited to that sun,
23:37 sun was down on Saturday night so you could go do something.
23:41 I've heard the story about go and playing ball or...
23:46 Those Shelton boys. I don't know about it.
23:48 You know what I'm saying
23:49 but it's because we looked at it more
23:52 as something that wasn't as good that was rigid
23:56 and how many times that have we heard all you people,
23:59 you think the law is gonna save you.
24:01 It has nothing to do with that. Right.
24:03 It has to do with what God is given
24:05 for our own well-being
24:08 because out of love He wants to protect us
24:11 and He wants to prepare us for the kingdom.
24:13 And can you imagine
24:14 what heaven is gonna be like in the kingdom?
24:16 I mean, I've read some things that just overwhelming,
24:19 you know, traveling
24:21 and it's gonna be such a high time together.
24:25 So we just have a little piece of it here.
24:26 Amen.
24:27 Well, let's look at question number two, shall we?
24:29 It says, we've kind of already touched on that,
24:32 maybe we don't even need to, but the second question was,
24:35 our God's command and biblical instructions
24:38 throughout scripture nothing more
24:39 than restrains of our freedom?
24:42 You just gave a real good answer to that,
24:45 they're really not restraints,
24:46 they're really God's love letters to us.
24:49 He knows, I mean, we have rules for our children, right?
24:54 When they're young, you don't want them touching
24:56 that hot stove or picking up the glass that might hurt them.
25:00 And so He's given us these amazing commandments
25:04 that surpass any laws that we have
25:07 because in ten rules, ten laws,
25:10 it can cover every aspect of our life.
25:13 And yet, you can't even count
25:14 how many laws that man has on the books,
25:17 you know, trying to cover all those aspects.
25:20 So do you have any other thoughts
25:22 from question number two
25:24 than what Jill has already said?
25:25 I just had a short personal experience
25:27 if I can share them.
25:28 When I was thirteen and half I was very difficult.
25:32 I'm still difficult now,
25:34 but I mean, I was extremely difficult.
25:36 And I was involved in a certain youth group at church
25:39 and my parents saw that the activities
25:43 I was involved in
25:44 and the association of the other young people
25:47 was pulling me from Jesus.
25:49 Yes.
25:50 And so they set down a rule, an ultimatum and said,
25:54 "Jill, you cannot go to that anymore."
25:56 I was so mad.
25:59 And I hurt my parents thinking back on it
26:03 that makes me cry
26:04 because I yelled at my parents, I said,
26:09 "Who do you think you are to tell me I can't do that?
26:12 And I need to hang with young people,
26:15 you're trying to restrict me."
26:17 Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Mercy me.
26:20 And I hated them for that decision
26:25 and, you know, what they didn't change,
26:27 they said, "We don't care, Jill, if you hate us,
26:30 we don't care what happens, this is for your best good."
26:34 It took me six months of kind of struggling turmoil
26:39 till I realized that they knew what they were talking about.
26:43 And that association was pulling me from Jesus.
26:46 Absolutely.
26:48 Not saying it was the church,
26:49 it was just the certain associations
26:50 that I happened to be associating with.
26:53 And so I look at that
26:54 like the father here in the prodigal son
26:57 and then and they did it out of love
27:00 because they wanted me to make choices for Jesus.
27:03 And they didn't change no matter how much you begged,
27:06 and pleaded, and threatened, they didn't change.
27:08 And I think that's the mistakes a lot of parents make.
27:10 Oh, absolutely, yes.
27:12 You know, the kids keep on and the parents,
27:13 you know, okay, give in and it doesn't work out at all.
27:17 So I have respect for that,
27:19 that they didn't change even when you said that,
27:22 you know, that you hated them and everything else,
27:25 they didn't change.
27:26 It was the best thing they could have ever done.
27:27 I'm so thankful for
27:29 and I've told them that over and over.
27:31 Thank you for that decision.
27:32 It is so important that parents,
27:34 Christian parents stay plugged into the source,
27:37 the source of life, the source of hope,
27:39 the source of instruction, there's so much instruction
27:42 in God's Word for each and every one of us.
27:44 I know when my kids have said, "I don't like you anymore."
27:48 I could easily turn back and say,
27:50 "I love you and I love you
27:52 and this is why mommy has made this decision
27:54 because I love you."
27:56 You know, so...
27:58 The Book of James 4:4
28:00 talks about the friendship of the world is empty,
28:04 you know, against God.
28:05 And I found something I thought it was very, very interesting
28:09 that's actually in the so called Adventist home most
28:11 and lot of Seventh-day Adventists have that book.
28:13 It's very, very good, everybody ought to have the book.
28:15 And just going along what you were saying
28:17 and kind of what I experienced, I didn't like to be bossed,
28:20 I didn't like be told what to do growing up, and you know...
28:24 I don't know sure if I can use the word darn in our program.
28:28 But by Dad did say that about me
28:30 and that hurt worse than any beating
28:32 or whipping or correction ever get, he said,
28:35 "You're the darndest kid I've ever seen."
28:37 Because I was wanting to have my way,
28:41 it's the only time I ever heard him say that,
28:42 you know what I'm saying.
28:43 It was just too much for him sometime
28:46 because I always was questioning
28:47 and wanted my own way and do and so.
28:49 But the association you mentioned out,
28:52 I thought was interesting, you said here.
28:54 "Every association we form,
28:56 however, limited exerts some influence upon us."
29:00 Notice it, however limited.
29:01 Oh, I wont hurt because they're just gonna go here once,
29:03 you don't hurt because, you know...
29:05 I will watch it for few minutes.
29:06 Just be few minutes we'll watch,
29:08 it doesn't matter but notice what it says.
29:10 It says, "It is impossible
29:11 to overestimate the importance for this world
29:14 and the next of the associations
29:17 we choose for ourselves
29:19 and for more especially for our children.
29:23 You know, I wish more parents.
29:25 You told me the story about,
29:27 Mollie, meeting that little girl at Walmart,
29:29 I think it was.
29:30 Was it Walmart about a week or so a little girl came up
29:33 to you and you said...
29:35 That was at Kroger. At Kroger, okay, Kroger.
29:38 I knew when she looked at me,
29:40 like wait a minute that's not right.
29:42 It was at a store, I should've just kept it generic
29:44 and it was at a store.
29:46 And, you know, it's just so important
29:49 that as I've lost my train of thought was,
29:53 I was gonna say finding which store it was,
29:55 but how neat that the children they're looking up
29:58 that we set the right example that there is not more parents.
30:01 Those parents were home schooling their children
30:03 because it was so important to them
30:05 what environment they were around.
30:08 I did the very same.
30:09 By profession, I was a teacher
30:11 and I finished my degree in a public school,
30:14 but I knew that that's not where
30:16 I wanted my children.
30:17 I worked in the public school
30:19 and I knew that that's not where they needed to grow up,
30:22 but there is so many Christian parents anymore
30:25 they don't mind to send their children off
30:27 to any school.
30:29 Well, you know, they're gonna have to meet at some time,
30:31 but they've got to learn,
30:32 they've got to be grounded first.
30:34 Got to have the foundation.
30:35 Yes, you got to have that foundation,
30:37 and I love that that those children were telling you
30:40 they're watching 3ABN.
30:41 And their favorite program was 3ABN Today.
30:43 That's amazing. Yes, yeah.
30:46 And, you know, the mother explained
30:47 how they started watching 3ABN,
30:50 she had them watching children's programming
30:52 and the programming was okay,
30:54 but the commercials between the programs
30:57 she would find so offensive.
31:00 She just couldn't let them watch the commercials
31:02 but they knew they could watch 3ABN
31:05 and there would never be anything offensive.
31:07 And I thought that was a commendable thing too.
31:10 You know, you ask the question our God's commands
31:13 and biblical instruction throughout scripture
31:18 nothing more than restraints.
31:19 And I wanted to share Proverbs 3:1 and 2.
31:22 And I want to share it out of the Amplified.
31:25 The scripture says,
31:26 "My son, forget not my law or teachings."
31:29 Now are those God's commands in His biblical instructions.
31:32 "My son, forget not my law or teachings
31:35 and let your heart keep my commandments.
31:38 For length of days..." Do you want length of days?
31:41 "And years of life worth living,"
31:43 the amplified says,
31:44 "And tranquility inward and outward
31:46 and continuing through,
31:48 'Hey, its old age thank you, Lord,'
31:52 through old age till death they shall add to you."
31:55 Do you want a life worth living?
31:58 Then there been the instruction in God's Word
32:03 is what gives us that life worth living
32:07 even throughout old age unto death.
32:10 That's right.
32:12 And then it was when the prodigal son,
32:14 when his mind returned and he began to think,
32:17 you know, the servants don't live the way I'm living.
32:20 The servants at my father's house
32:22 eat better than I do,
32:23 they didn't want nothing and he was broken.
32:27 You know, it reminded me of a story recently
32:29 that I was someone shared from Canada on YouTube.
32:33 And this missionary was giving his testimony,
32:36 they had gone into Iran and they heard stories about,
32:38 you know, going over there and something could happen.
32:41 But he thought well, you know, we're going,
32:43 we're doing the Lord's work it's not gonna happen.
32:45 They were on their way back to the United States,
32:49 they had given their passports, him and another gentleman
32:52 and they had been doing missionary work
32:54 and they never received their passports back.
32:57 And they came and they took these men
32:59 and they put them in prison
33:01 and they began to beat them and not give them the food.
33:05 And it got to the point, you know, he is praying,
33:07 he is thinking, how can a God of heaven,
33:09 how can He allow this to be happening to us now.
33:13 We were here doing work for Him,
33:15 he got to the point he thought,
33:16 you know, this is not worth it anymore.
33:19 My only way out is to commit suicide and he tried.
33:23 And when he tried to commit suicide,
33:26 he had a vision or maybe it was really happened,
33:29 I'm not sure but Jesus came and visited him.
33:34 And He reminded him that even the man
33:36 that's been beating him,
33:37 He says, "How do you think, I feel about him?"
33:39 Yes.
33:41 And he reminded him that Christ loved him,
33:45 and He gave him a reason to live.
33:48 And so when the next time the man
33:50 that came in that was doing the beating,
33:52 came in to beat him again, he said,
33:54 "You know, it looks like
33:56 we're gonna be together for a long time,
33:59 could we at least be friends?"
34:01 And he stretched out his hand.
34:03 Stretching out his hand to the perpetrator.
34:06 That's forgiveness.
34:07 And when we did that, the perpetrator began to cry...
34:10 Praise God. "How to be friends?"
34:13 And then he shared his name
34:16 and from then on they were like
34:17 by the time those men were released,
34:20 there were about four different guards
34:22 and the guy that was beating him
34:25 that he said, "You know, we want what these men have."
34:28 Yes.
34:30 And in a sense that was them coming home.
34:33 Amen. Coming home to Jesus.
34:35 Amen. Coming home to life.
34:38 And it goes along with question number four,
34:41 what hope is there for any person who is spiritually,
34:46 physically or mentally
34:48 at their lowest point in life
34:50 feeling they're no good for anyone or anything.
34:53 That's where this man was in that jail,
34:56 he had lost all hope he'd given up on God
34:59 and when he gave up on God,
35:00 God was right there to carry him through.
35:03 That's where the prodigal son was,
35:05 he had no more hope, he was famished,
35:08 he was weak, he was hungry, he was filthy,
35:13 and he thought, "I'm going home."
35:15 As, you know, the good news when you talk about,
35:17 every time somebody says hope,
35:19 you know, without hope we're almost miserable.
35:22 We have to have hope.
35:24 And I know Matthew 18,
35:26 it talks about Jesus came to seek
35:29 and save those which are lost.
35:31 Well, that gives me hope and encouragement,
35:34 seek and save those who were lost
35:35 and then it goes on in verse 12
35:37 and it says that he left the 99,
35:41 you know, the sheep, he went out to get that one
35:43 that was having some difficulty.
35:45 And so that gives me hope and encouragement,
35:48 you know, there may be a hundred sheep there,
35:50 if there is just one that's having an issue...
35:52 Well, here the one son had an issue
35:54 that Jesus will leave that 99
35:57 and He will go out to seek, to draw him back,
36:00 to reconcile him back
36:01 into the right relationship with Him.
36:04 And that to me is hope. It is.
36:06 That gives me hope and encouragement
36:08 and strength to say, we might wonder out there
36:11 but by God's grace if we call,
36:14 He's not gonna leave us out there.
36:15 Amen.
36:17 You know, what so beautiful about what you shared,
36:18 Sister Chris, is that God used the gentleman
36:22 who was being beaten to bring Jesus to someone else.
36:25 And so, we were talking in the story
36:27 about the father
36:29 and the relationship to the son,
36:30 but God calls each one of us to minister to other people,
36:34 to share the love of the Father with them.
36:37 If I can share two scriptures quick.
36:39 These are two of my favorites, this is John 6:37,
36:43 Jesus speaking,
36:44 "All that the Father gives Me will come to Me,
36:47 and whoever comes to Me I will never cast away."
36:52 And so you might feel like, "I'm at the end of my rope,
36:55 I've done too much, I've gone too far,
36:58 I've kicked against God for years."
37:01 And He says, "Come home, come home to Me
37:05 because I love you."
37:07 Amen, yes.
37:08 And the other one sometimes,
37:09 I mentioned before the false perception of the Father
37:13 and sometimes we think, well, Jesus loves us.
37:15 But God the Father is a little bit stern
37:18 which is not a biblical concept
37:20 but it's how Satan twist that in our mind.
37:24 And John 16:27, it says,
37:29 "For the Father Himself loves you."
37:32 Amen.
37:33 Jesus talking to His disciples, so we think God is stern,
37:38 Jesus is love,
37:40 but God's the one who sent His Son.
37:42 Son to reveal the Father's love, yes.
37:46 And though He's not stern,
37:49 it doesn't mean that when we come back to Him
37:52 that we don't face consequences for what we have done.
37:58 I'll share a quick story.
38:00 When I was little, I was five years old,
38:03 and we had a cousin that used to come and visit.
38:06 They would say now that she had ADD or something that,
38:10 you know, she was like wild as a bash.
38:13 Yeah, she needed rhythm or something, I don't know.
38:16 And so she always was into things
38:19 and where she didn't belong,
38:20 and me and her were the same age,
38:23 and we had an upstairs where the boys slept,
38:26 and there was a window that led right out to the roof.
38:28 And me and her were up there one day and she said,
38:32 "Let's just go out on the roof that will be fun."
38:35 And I said, "Oh, no, no."
38:37 I said, "We'll get in so much trouble."
38:39 And she said, "No, it will be okay."
38:41 She said, my dad was home with us and she said,
38:45 "He'll never know that we're out there."
38:46 And she said, "It will be okay."
38:48 She talked and she talked and so I said okay.
38:50 So she opened the window and she got out
38:53 and she crawled all the way to the edge of the roof
38:56 with almost her feet hanging off.
38:59 Well, I got out and I wasn't near that nervy
39:01 and she kept saying come down here and I said,
39:03 "No, I'm not going that far."
39:06 Oh, all of a sudden my dad sticks his head off the window
39:10 and I just went, 'cause I thought we were in so...
39:13 But you know what he did?
39:14 He said, "Hey, girls," he said, "What you're up to?"
39:17 He's say, just like kind and everything and I thought,
39:21 "Wow, we're not gonna get in trouble about this."
39:24 And I said, "It wasn't my idea, Dad."
39:27 I said Abby want.
39:28 And he said, "Well, that's okay."
39:31 He said, you know, I was thinking,
39:33 he said that's little bit dangerous out there.
39:35 And he said, "You know,
39:36 if you're just gonna slip and fall, you really get hurt."
39:39 And he said, "I'm thinking the best thing is for you
39:41 to ease back."
39:42 He said, just kind of start to crawl backwards.
39:45 And all the time my mind I'm saying,
39:47 "We're not in trouble, I can't believe it."
39:50 You know, "He's just talking so nicely and kind
39:53 and telling us to come back in."
39:55 I'm thinking this is great.
39:56 That was smart, you know.
39:57 And so we did, you know, where I eased back in first
40:00 and then she finally,
40:02 and all the time he was talking, be careful now,
40:04 just come back real easy, you know, on there.
40:07 Got us both in, he said, "You girls have had it."
40:10 Oh, mercy.
40:11 Oh, Yeah.
40:13 And we got a good one, we got a good spanking.
40:15 But I think about that how he encouraged,
40:18 you know, he talked to us with the right attitude,
40:20 but we still had to face the consequences
40:22 that we went against.
40:24 And it turned out
40:26 that the neighbor had seen us on the roof
40:27 and called him and said,
40:29 your two little girls are on the roof.
40:30 Oh, yeah.
40:31 And so, and I think about it
40:33 as a parent how scared you would be
40:35 when you look out and you see a five year old
40:36 on the roof, you know.
40:38 Terrifying.
40:39 But he knew just how to handle it
40:41 and he just encouraged us back
40:42 but we still suffered consequences.
40:44 You know, if he had yelled "What are you doing,"
40:47 he might have scared her because she was on the roof
40:51 and she would probably fell off.
40:52 You know, what I mean,
40:54 and Tammy would have passed out and rolled off.
40:55 Yeah, exactly.
40:56 Would have been because she knew what it was like,
40:58 but he handled
41:00 the way our Heavenly Father would handle it.
41:02 Exactly. Come on back.
41:03 Yeah, I've got that Matthew 11:28, "Come unto me."
41:07 Oh, yes.
41:08 "All ye that labor and are heavy laden."
41:10 Well, that's what your dad was saying,
41:12 "Come unto me, you're about to get killed."
41:16 Exactly.
41:18 I want to share just a real quick quote
41:20 and this is found in the book of A Call to Stand Apart
41:24 by Ellen White and it reads,
41:26 "The love of God still yearns over the one
41:29 who has chosen to separate from Him,
41:32 and He sets in operation influences
41:35 to bring him back to the Father's house."
41:38 That goes so well with your story with John 6
41:42 and with John 16 and her verse as well.
41:46 But I love that because no matter how far we've gone
41:51 to the edge of the precipice
41:53 in life, you know, how far, how low we've got into sin.
41:58 I mean, if we stop and think about it,
42:00 can sin ever separate us from our Heavenly Father?
42:03 Bible says no.
42:05 No.
42:06 No, and He's putting into place, He loves us so much,
42:10 that's why we should never, ever stop praying
42:12 for our family members, one another
42:15 because He's putting into place
42:17 things that will help to bring us back.
42:20 This passage, this little quote
42:22 gave me hope even for my children.
42:25 Yes.
42:26 I have children that have wandered away from the truth.
42:29 And my grandchildren, we've got a grandson
42:32 that's thinking about going into the service.
42:35 The moment he told me...
42:37 I was getting ready, he was gonna move the ministry
42:40 and I was getting ready to call and get some gas for him,
42:43 he told me that I just started crying, and I couldn't do it.
42:46 He wants to be a Navy SEAL.
42:50 I mean, life is tough enough
42:53 without putting yourselves in harms way.
42:55 And what these people, you know, praise God
42:58 there have been people that have helped to keep us free
43:00 in this world that we live in.
43:03 But like he told me, he said,
43:05 "It didn't have to be me though, does it grandma?"
43:08 But, you know, even in conversing with
43:11 and talking with him,
43:12 I talked with him for 30 minutes on it.
43:14 You know, well, you can't do this and you shouldn't.
43:17 It's the way in which you talk to them
43:19 and remember people who give you advice
43:23 if you listen, and they love you.
43:24 That's right. You know, that they love you.
43:27 I always say that about my mother, I said it many times.
43:30 I always agreed with her
43:32 and did what she asked me to do as an adult.
43:36 You know, as being her pastor for 12 years.
43:39 But every time she gave me a piece of advice, I listened.
43:42 Amen. Why?
43:44 Because I knew she loved me.
43:45 We know our Heavenly Father loves us,
43:47 the advice, commands He has given us in His Word,
43:50 we need to listen.
43:52 And I think one of thing that encourages me
43:55 we fell so far and so deep, we can't get back on our own.
44:00 That's right.
44:02 So what you read and I hear, He's prepared a way,
44:05 He calls us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
44:09 He puts that inside of us to want to go back home.
44:12 We can't even muster that up on our own.
44:15 We've gone so far away from Him,
44:17 we were so separated from Him that we can't come back
44:20 if it was not for the wooing of the Holy Spirit.
44:23 As the Holy Spirit woos us back into that relationship.
44:27 So that shows right there He cares for me.
44:30 He cares for the one who's went so far out
44:32 that you think there is no way back,
44:35 but the Holy Spirit, when he comes back
44:37 'cause the Holy Spirit is pleading and working
44:40 and things happening in their life
44:42 to get their attention.
44:44 And so I'm very grateful and thankful for that
44:47 and I want that Holy Spirit to continue to do that,
44:49 you know, in each of our hearts and our lives
44:51 to woo us and keep us in that right relationship with Him.
44:54 I'll tell you what,
44:56 the grass is not greener on the other side.
44:58 The fields are not any better on the other side, right?
45:00 Worse.
45:01 It's worse on the other side
45:03 because it causes so much division, separation,
45:04 and the things of this world, you know, what's out there.
45:07 I've learned more and more listening to my mind of late.
45:10 And I've always not,
45:12 things of the world is just not really important
45:14 because I know we're gonna pass away so it's gone,
45:16 but more and more it's just like I had to be very careful
45:19 because I know God says go, we have to occupy.
45:24 But right quick and right quick you say right here,
45:26 occupy what doing this, now,
45:27 this is not I'm gonna waste my time on.
45:29 Almost everything I find in the world,
45:32 I'm looking and I'm saying I'm wasting my time.
45:34 Not that there're other things we do and we have to do,
45:37 your job, and different things like that.
45:38 But we had to very careful, I do
45:41 because I'm trying to look and say,
45:43 this is what's important.
45:45 Our work for God is a most important thing,
45:49 always other things will pass away, you see.
45:52 All these other things are almost like, it's foolishness,
45:55 things that were foolishness, it's empty against God.
45:57 And that's really brought home so we keep that in mind,
46:00 we'll strive to try to do the best we can
46:02 for Christ everyday.
46:04 You know, I often pray for my children and friends,
46:07 you know, I'm sure all of you have friends
46:08 that you would love to accept Jesus,
46:11 accept the truth is to pray for conviction and conversion.
46:15 Because the prodigal son here, I mean, he was not convicted,
46:19 and he was not converted until he hit rock bottom,
46:23 and then he hit rock bottom, that stony heart he had
46:27 began to change into a heart of flesh.
46:30 But he made a decision to turn. That's right.
46:33 That was his turning point.
46:35 And unfortunately for many people it takes rock bottom
46:40 before you decide which direction you want to go,
46:43 where you get serious.
46:45 The question that you started to get,
46:47 it brought my mind is when was he converted?
46:52 Is it when he made that decision
46:54 that he's gonna go back home?
46:55 Or was that the beginning of conversion
46:58 when daddy wrapped his arms around him
47:00 and he's seen that he's really gonna be restored back
47:03 that really broke his heart.
47:05 I mean, I don't know if there is just a real answer to that
47:07 but what do you think because just because he said,
47:10 "Listen, I've been to rock bottom
47:13 that doesn't mean I've been converted.
47:14 I'm at rock bottom, I hit the bottom,
47:16 there's no place for me to go but up."
47:18 His misery conquered his pride, you know,
47:23 as when he turned it was that turning point,
47:25 you got to make a decision, that's our part.
47:27 Yes. Our part is the decision.
47:29 I had a friend shared with me once about her son,
47:33 she was a praying woman
47:35 and her son was one of the sons that needed to get back.
47:40 And she said, she would pray for him
47:42 and as though she heard the Spirit of the Lord
47:47 speak to her heart.
47:48 Why is this then every time I start to bounce him off
47:50 of the sidewalk, you run and put a pillow under him.
47:55 That was what she said that was quickened to her heart.
47:59 The Lord was trying to get his attention
48:01 and she kept rescuing him from every one of his situations.
48:05 And so there are times
48:08 when the safest place for my children
48:12 is in the hands of God, Holy Father,
48:15 whatever you see is best for them
48:17 to bring them into that place with You
48:19 that You would have them there.
48:21 Father, I'll let them in Your hands.
48:23 And it is so hard for we parents
48:26 to leave them in His hands when we want to do
48:28 is go rescue, you know, from a situation.
48:32 Yes, good. That's great, Mollie.
48:34 I was thinking of what you had read, Sister Chris.
48:37 "The love of God yearns over the one
48:39 who has chosen to separate from Him"
48:40 and He sets an operation influences
48:43 to bring him back to the Father's house,
48:45 that's exactly what God was doing with that mother
48:47 and the mother's child.
48:49 Setting an operation influences.
48:51 Now, some of those influences are painful.
48:54 Some of them are the consequences
48:55 as I mentioned of our choices,
48:59 but I think God uses the gentlest means necessary
49:03 to get our attention.
49:04 And if it just takes the tap that's what who you is,
49:06 but sometimes it takes a bigger stumble or fall
49:11 or something big in order to get our attention.
49:14 And I feel like I felt a lot of ways
49:17 when I was raising my children
49:19 because as Kenny said earlier, when he talked to his grandson,
49:22 he did it in the most loving way that he could
49:25 so his grandson would listen.
49:27 A lot of times when we're raising kids,
49:31 we have the rules but we don't show that much of
49:35 "This is because I love you that I'm doing this."
49:37 Sometimes it's don't do this and don't do that, and I'm not.
49:40 You know, we need to take more time to say,
49:43 "I love you so much, this is why that I'm saying
49:46 that you can't do this or you can't be a part of this."
49:49 Because how you say something is to anybody
49:52 makes all the difference in the world.
49:55 And you don't just love them when they're good.
49:58 You can ask any of my children
50:00 and one of them is right over there,
50:01 "Why does your mother love you?"
50:03 And he'll say, I bet he'll say it just like that,
50:05 "Because I'm hers."
50:07 I love my kids 'cause they're mine,
50:09 it's not their performance.
50:11 It's not a performance-based love for my children.
50:14 Right. I love my children.
50:16 And, you know, we're looking at this prodigal son
50:19 where God finally got his attention.
50:21 And all the worst thing in the world
50:23 maybe you could think that could happen to your son
50:26 was maybe for him to windup in prison, think about that.
50:29 How many people that are out of prison have you heard say,
50:33 "I thank God that He put me in prison."
50:37 Because it was there
50:38 when I was away from all these other distractions
50:41 that he finally got my attention.
50:43 Do you know in prison...
50:45 Some of the people that go into the prison,
50:47 they have been so addicted to something,
50:49 the substance abuse for so long
50:52 that it's only once they're in prison
50:54 if that substance abuse is broken over their lives.
50:57 And if you've got a mind clouded with some substance,
51:02 you know, the Spirit of the Lord has difficulty now.
51:06 He can do anything and I'm not saying it's impossible,
51:08 but you get that cloud off of.
51:11 I really believe that we could get the cloud,
51:14 the enemy's cloud off of the minds of people
51:18 that they would turn to God.
51:19 Amen.
51:20 Oh, yes, He has us so diluted,
51:24 what's the word that Revelation uses?
51:27 He's using sorcery and we don't realize it.
51:31 I remember listening to one of Pastor Ivor's messages
51:34 and he asked the church, he said,
51:35 "Well, how many of, you guys, have faced sorcery today?"
51:38 And no hand went up till he was finished with the sermon,
51:41 because we don't...
51:43 Yes, because we don't realize, we don't recognize the sorcery
51:47 until we begin to really dig in and open up the avenues
51:51 that the enemy uses towards our mind.
51:55 I think we're probably close
51:57 maybe with this question number seven.
52:00 What lessons can be learned by the prodigal son's father,
52:04 covering his ragged appearance with his own robe?
52:09 There's so many things that brought to my mind.
52:12 When you say the robe, you know,
52:14 first thing I think about and everybody I'm sure does it,
52:16 the robe of his righteousness has to cover,
52:20 you see, my poor pathetic life
52:22 and all the things I've done wrong and all my sin.
52:25 But it's also interesting in there,
52:27 He cannot give us that robe of righteousness
52:29 while we still have sin.
52:33 If we have one unconfessed sin,
52:35 we cannot receive the latter rain
52:36 or that robe of righteousness so it's very important.
52:39 You feel, oh, I don't...
52:40 All I have to do is get down on knees and pray to confess.
52:42 He's faithful and just to forgive us.
52:44 So, it's more simple than what people thought,
52:47 they start looking what they may be have to give up
52:50 and change their life and do everything, you know,
52:52 just come to Him.
52:53 And you make such a good point.
52:55 Get down on your knees and pray because think about this,
52:58 we cannot have unconfessed sin in our life.
53:00 We're all on agreement with that.
53:02 Yes.
53:03 Boy, I had to think long and hard if I could,
53:06 you know, come up with all the sins
53:08 I've committed but when you get on your knees
53:10 and ask the Father.
53:12 I always say, search me on God thing
53:14 that I say so often God knows.
53:17 And so, Lord, lead me, show me those areas
53:21 that I need to confess before You those forgotten sins
53:25 that I've done.
53:26 "Father, what I want to do is stand before You
53:28 with clean hands and heart, help Lord, help, help me."
53:31 He'll help you. Amen.
53:33 Do you know he did that to me just a few weeks ago?
53:37 The story was brought back to my mind.
53:39 I was in first grade
53:41 and I was out playing with the neighborhood children
53:43 and we were jumping from upside down water and trough
53:47 up to a swing set pole.
53:50 And I missed it and my arm went back
53:54 and it twisted and broke.
53:56 I knew my daddy like you knew your daddy,
53:59 my daddy wasn't a Christian and I knew I was in trouble.
54:03 So I made up a story that the oldest child pushed me,
54:07 and I hung on to that story for years and years.
54:10 And right after the Lord He says you haven't told them,
54:15 you know, you haven't said you're sorry.
54:17 And it wasn't but maybe a week later
54:19 and I meet that mother and we're talking
54:22 and I said, "By the way, I didn't tell the truth,
54:25 I'm sorry about that."
54:27 They all kind of laughed at me,
54:28 but it still was important to me
54:31 that I mentioned that to her.
54:32 You confessed a sin.
54:34 Yeah, you know, and but like the prodigal son here,
54:36 you said nothing unclean.
54:39 See he had hit rock bottom and he repented,
54:42 he turned from his sin, went back home,
54:46 and so then the father covered him.
54:48 And I love this quote from the same book it says,
54:51 "The father will permit no contemptuous eye
54:54 to mark at his son's misery and tatters."
54:57 See Jesus, He doesn't browbeat us,
55:02 "I told you if you would have done this,
55:04 I told you if you lied about that boy pushing
55:06 your life would be like..."
55:07 He doesn't do that, He loves us back,
55:11 and He gives us His robe, His robe,
55:13 not ours because we have no good within ourselves,
55:16 our very best is as filthy rags that is so, you know,
55:20 many times we think we were something
55:22 but when you stop him
55:23 and put it in perspective of scripture
55:25 that the very best you can do as a filthy rag.
55:29 And I know you, ladies and you gentlemen,
55:31 have had filthy rags, that's our very best.
55:34 We're nothing without Him.
55:36 And He loves us so much that He's willing to put His love,
55:40 His righteous, He doesn't want people to make fun of you,
55:43 Bruce, when you're fallen.
55:45 He says, He washes those sins,
55:47 He throws them to the bottom of the sea.
55:51 I like the story you tell about one man that was,
55:53 came to Jesus and he was a new creature
55:56 and someone stood up at prayer meeting
55:58 and said, "Yes, but you were part of hell's angels,
56:00 you did this and you did that."
56:02 And he said, "How could I, I'm just a baby."
56:04 I'm just six months old. I'm just a baby.
56:08 He's in his 40s but he said, I'm six months old,
56:10 he made a new life.
56:12 How could I've done all these things,
56:13 that's an impossibility.
56:14 I think it's a way we all look at it.
56:16 And this is how we should treat one another,
56:17 it's not our past, our past is not gonna define us.
56:21 It's where we end up.
56:23 It's who we are now.
56:24 And when we've done wrong, we have to do quickly
56:26 'cause we have minute left, is that we have to confess,
56:29 he knew he had done two things.
56:31 He sinned against the Father in heaven, right,
56:34 and he sinned against his father.
56:35 And he was determined to go back and make it right.
56:37 And there may be someone at home, Pastor Kenny,
56:40 that you feel like you have had no home, no hope,
56:43 nothing to hang on to, Jesus is there,
56:46 and you can come home at any time.
56:49 Get on your knees like Mollie said
56:50 and ask for forgiveness, make things right,
56:53 and call upon your Father.
56:54 Would you like to call upon the Father for us?
56:56 Absolutely, let's close with prayer.
56:57 Shall we pray with us, will you please?
56:59 Our loving Father in heaven,
57:01 we thank You for the study of Your Word.
57:03 Thank You for the power of Thy Holy Spirit,
57:04 we thank You for the thoughts that You brought
57:07 for those who are listening, those who are watching,
57:09 we pray for conviction of heaven
57:10 to be upon each and every one.
57:12 And, Lord, may we find You,
57:13 and find an ample place in our hearts for You
57:17 that we might be saved in Your kingdom when You come.
57:19 Thank You for the story,
57:21 you can come home at any time in Jesus' name.
57:23 Amen. Amen.
57:25 Until next time may our precious Lord
57:27 continue to bless each and every one of you.
57:30 Amen.


Revised 2017-08-14