Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: JD & Shelley Quinn (Host), CA Murray, Luis Capote, Mollie Steenson


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017023A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to Family Worship.
01:10 We're so excited here at 3ABN
01:13 to get to spend this time with you.
01:16 As we welcome in the Sabbath, and it's just a joy,
01:20 isn't it a joy from Friday night to Friday night
01:24 to go through really busy hectic week,
01:26 then Friday night rolls in
01:28 and it's just kind of like a breath of fresh air
01:31 as we get to celebrate the Sabbath with our Lord
01:35 and one of my favorite scriptures
01:37 I say this frequently,
01:38 but the reason the Sabbath is so special to me,
01:41 Exodus 31:13, it says, "The Sabbath is a sign
01:46 that God is the one who sanctifies us."
01:49 Amen.
01:50 So it helps me to remember, I'm totally dependent upon Him.
01:55 Well, I'm Shelley Quinn. I'm JD Quinn.
01:58 And then let me introduce the rests of our guests,
02:02 the rests of our guests.
02:04 Next to me is my dear friend Mollie Steenson
02:08 and to Mollie's right we have Luis Capote,
02:11 and then bringing up the rear, shall we say it that way?
02:15 No, we have C.A. Murray on to the left.
02:18 Good to be here.
02:19 It's so good to have you all
02:21 and just thank you so much for your willingness
02:24 to come to the table
02:26 so that we can share with the rest of our family
02:29 that's you're our viewing audience.
02:31 And I would be remise, if I didn't take a moment
02:34 to tell you thank you so much for your prayers
02:38 and your financial support of 3ABN.
02:40 We really appreciate you, this ministry is your,
02:45 it's God ministry,
02:46 but it's in not just our hands but it's in your hands.
02:49 Amen.
02:50 And we have one more person with us,
02:52 I don't want to forget to introduce her
02:54 and that's our precious Sister Jill Morikone
02:57 who's going to be on the piano,
02:59 and play for us in just a moment.
03:01 But why don't we before we sing our song,
03:05 why don't we have an opening prayer,
03:08 well, just a prayer of praise,
03:10 something you want to praise the Lord for
03:13 we'll just take turn.
03:14 Luis, you want to start? Amen.
03:17 Our loving Father, we want to praise You
03:19 for how wonderful and mighty You're in our lives.
03:23 We thank You, Father, because you have shown us
03:26 through Your Holy Scripture that when we are faithful,
03:30 Lord, all things are added on to us,
03:33 and we thank You for the opportunity
03:34 that You give us.
03:36 On this Friday evening, Lord, to be able to sit and relax
03:40 and to be able to learn from You,
03:43 and we give You all the honor and all the glory.
03:47 And Father, we praise You and thank you for Your grace
03:49 and mercy and Your goodness to us.
03:51 Thank you, Father,
03:53 that those mercies are renewed for us every morning.
03:56 Amen.
03:57 Father, we praise You and thank You for Your love
04:00 and for sending our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
04:03 for sending Your Holy Spirit and for giving us Your Word.
04:08 And Father, of course, we thank You
04:09 for the Sabbath day for this time of rest
04:12 but yet Lord, the eagerness
04:14 that we have to be able to share Your word
04:16 with each other and with all those
04:18 that are gathered with us, Lord, we just love You so much.
04:22 Father God, we thank You
04:24 that You allowed just enough trial in our lives
04:26 to let us know that this earth is not our home.
04:29 And so that we don't get too comfortable down here,
04:32 but then You balance it with just enough triumph
04:34 in our lives
04:35 so that we know that we're not alone
04:37 and that Christ is with us.
04:38 And that one day soon we shall see Him face
04:41 to blessed face.
04:42 And so bless us, Father, as we step now
04:45 into Your courts on this Sabbath day.
04:47 We praise You and thank You in Jesus' name.
04:49 Amen. Amen and amen.
04:52 You know, I forgot to introduce our topic so before we sing,
04:55 let me introduce the topic
04:57 and especially what you just prayed goes
05:00 and it's a perfect platform
05:02 or segue talking about trials and triumphs.
05:06 Tonight, we're going to be talking
05:08 or discussing God given health and we'll look at the fact,
05:13 God doesn't promise us perfect physical health
05:17 but that He indeed has many promises
05:21 that to lead us to that health,
05:23 to give us that hope for health.
05:25 And we'll talk about various,
05:28 you know, to me when you're in poor health,
05:31 the stages are almost like
05:34 going through the grieving process.
05:36 There is just so many different stages
05:38 that we all go through,
05:40 but we know that everyone at this table was hand selected
05:45 because they have gone through some major issues,
05:51 God has helped them overcome some major issues.
05:54 Three of us sitting here have been miraculously healed.
05:58 There is an occasions and there's other occasions
06:01 where God has taken us, stepped us, walked us
06:05 through a healing process.
06:07 But everybody here has got a story to tell.
06:10 Amen.
06:11 And because so many of our viewers at home,
06:14 either you're going through something yourself
06:16 or maybe because a loved one is going through it,
06:19 we thought we'll just spend this time
06:23 discussing from God's word the hope that we find in Him.
06:27 And our song, I'm not gonna be singing
06:30 because all I can do is squeak if I sing,
06:34 but our song is going to be pretty similar
06:39 to our topic,
06:41 "Our hope is built on nothing less".
06:44 Amen.
06:50 My hope is built on nothing less
06:54 Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
06:58 I dare not trust the sweetest frame
07:02 But wholly lean on Jesus' name
07:07 On Christ, the solid rock, I stand
07:11 All other ground is sinking sand
07:15 All other ground is sinking sand
07:21 When darkness veils His lovely face
07:25 I rest on His unchanging grace
07:29 In every high and stormy gale
07:33 My anchor holds within the veil
07:38 On Christ, the solid rock, I stand
07:42 All other ground is sinking sand
07:47 All other ground is sinking sand
07:53 His oath, His covenant, and His blood
07:57 Support me in the whelming flood
08:01 When all around my soul gives way
08:05 He then is all my hope and stay
08:10 On Christ, the solid rock, I stand
08:15 All other ground is sinking sand
08:20 All other ground is sinking sand
08:25 When He shall come with trumpet sound
08:29 O, may I then in Him be found
08:34 Clad in His righteousness alone
08:38 Faultless to stand before the throne
08:43 On Christ, the solid rock, I stand
08:47 All other ground is sinking sand
08:51 All other ground is sinking sand
08:58 Oh, amen and amen.
09:01 You have no idea
09:03 how sad it is not to be able to sing along with you on that
09:06 because this is one of my favorite songs,
09:10 and how true that
09:12 it is only the righteousness of Christ Jesus
09:14 that we stand on.
09:17 Amen. Amen.
09:20 Let me start off
09:22 by just reading a little scripture here
09:24 from 3 John and it's verse 2.
09:30 There is only one chapter so it's verse 2 of 3 John.
09:33 He says, "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things
09:39 and be in health just as your soul prospers."
09:43 You know that is our prayer for you,
09:45 that's a prayer for everybody here.
09:47 But we know that it just seems to me
09:52 that there's just been a whole lot of,
09:54 I don't know if it's a spiritual attack,
09:56 but there's a whole lot of things going on in this world.
09:59 We've had five people or have five people
10:03 at 3ABN with cancer.
10:07 I've been sick for the last five months
10:10 with various overlapping things
10:13 and just not quite out of it yet.
10:16 But God does, He is interested in our health,
10:20 He wants our health to prosper.
10:22 Yes.
10:23 So we're gonna take a look at some scriptures.
10:25 First, let me read you a little affirmation
10:30 that when I was suffering from vertigo for 24x7,
10:36 for a whole year, God had impressed me
10:39 to get into His word
10:40 and speak His word over my life
10:42 and pray His word back to Him.
10:44 And this is the affirmation that God gave me
10:49 just stringing some scriptures together,
10:52 let me read this to you.
10:54 And here's how it goes.
10:57 "It is the name of Jesus Christ,
10:59 the name representing all that He is,
11:01 and the faith that comes through Him
11:05 that gives me complete healing.
11:07 I follow God's instructions for health and healing.
11:11 The Lord Jehovah Rapha is my counselor and healer.
11:15 By His grace I am walking in God given health spiritual,
11:20 mental, emotional, and physical health.
11:23 I trust God to give me the healing
11:27 that He knows I need.
11:31 He has my eternal benefit in mind.
11:34 He took up my infirmities and carried all my diseases.
11:38 He sent His living word Jesus Christ
11:41 who was bruised from my iniquities,
11:44 by His stripes I was healed."
11:48 So what we want to do tonight.
11:52 Let's just before we get into,
11:54 we want to kind of tell our little testimonies,
11:56 I guess as we go along, but I just invite you to share
12:00 as you're sharing this scripture.
12:02 Let's talk about how God's Word,
12:06 how God's promises have given us hope
12:09 in the midst of a dark time
12:12 because one thing that I've found is that
12:15 over a period of time when healing doesn't come,
12:20 we can go into an emotional tailspin,
12:23 can we not?
12:24 And it's something that
12:27 we need to think about ways to change our focus
12:31 to look to God,
12:33 and that's kind of what we want to do tonight.
12:36 Mollie, I think you've got the beginning scripture.
12:38 I do, I've got Acts 3:16 in the NIV.
12:42 But before I share the scripture,
12:44 I wanted to candlelight the foundation
12:46 for this scripture.
12:48 Peter and John were on their way up
12:50 to the temple at about the ninth hour,
12:52 and as they passed the gate there was a man laying there,
12:55 that had been laying,
12:57 the scripture says from his mother's womb
13:00 and he was begging alms.
13:02 And this is that scripture that we all can quote so well.
13:07 Peter looked down at him and he said, "Silver and gold,
13:11 I don't have, but such as I have give you
13:13 on to the in the name of Jesus, rise up and walk."
13:18 I may not have quoted that just right.
13:20 Verse 7 says, "And he took him by the right hand
13:24 and lifted him up,
13:26 and immediately his feet
13:28 and ankle bones received strength.
13:31 So he leaping up, stood, and walked
13:33 and he entered into that temple."
13:36 And did he enter in all dignified.
13:38 What was he doing?
13:40 He was leaping and walking and praising God.
13:43 Now this says that when they took him
13:45 by the right hand and lifted him up,
13:47 what happened?
13:49 Immediately his arm, ankle bones,
13:52 and his feet were healed.
13:54 Now that's a miracle,
13:59 miracles happen instantly, healings...
14:03 And he was miraculously healed.
14:06 So it was a miracle and it was a healing.
14:13 See, I haven't received an instantaneous healing
14:17 but I've received healing, healing like,
14:21 if we go to the doctor and the doctor tells us,
14:24 "Here, take this medicine
14:25 and in five days you're gonna be okay."
14:28 We walk out of the doctor's office knowing
14:30 in five days we're going to be okay.
14:33 Well, when we pray, we receive our healing,
14:37 we believe in faith, and we receive,
14:41 but just because it doesn't happen instantaneously
14:44 that just means you didn't receive a miracle,
14:46 it doesn't mean that the word is any less true,
14:49 and as you go why you do as you say,
14:53 you start quoting the scripture.
14:55 "He was wounded for my transgressions,
14:57 he was bruised for my iniquity, the chastisement of our peace,
15:00 my peace was upon Him, by His stripes I'm healed."
15:03 You don't back off or negate those prayers.
15:07 Now see, I haven't received an instantaneous healing,
15:11 and for you that I don't know.
15:13 Back in 2013 in March and April of 2013,
15:18 I was given a diagnosis.
15:21 The diagnosis was that I had breast cancer
15:24 that had metastasized to my lungs and my bones.
15:28 That mean that in my lungs there are nodules
15:31 and in my bones there are lesions.
15:34 And that's what the PET scans and the CAT scans and the MRIs,
15:38 and you name it, honey, I've had them.
15:41 And they still say that to this day,
15:43 but recently a couple of two or three months ago,
15:48 they did a bone scan and I had a lesion on my skull.
15:53 And, you know, what the doctor told me
15:55 after this PET scan that lesion has been resolved.
15:58 Amen.
16:00 Well, now that lesion wasn't resolved just like that,
16:03 it has become resolved
16:06 over the last three or four years,
16:08 we don't know when it resolved.
16:10 But the doctor also told me an interesting thing.
16:12 He said some of those lesions in your skeletal system,
16:16 we would have to do a PET scan to determine this
16:20 but you don't do PET scans unless you just have to,
16:23 so he's not gonna order a PET scan for me,
16:25 that's just a whole lot of radiation and things
16:28 in your body you don't want.
16:30 But he said, take that to prove it
16:32 and so he's not saying he can prove this
16:35 but his educated determination is that some of these lesions
16:41 in my body are probably just scars
16:44 from where cancer had been,
16:45 he think there is more resolving going on
16:47 in my body.
16:49 So now to me that's a healing that wasn't instantaneous,
16:53 but, hey, I feel good.
16:56 The diagnosis haven't changed,
16:58 but now let's go on where I left you,
17:04 he was walking and leaping and praising God,
17:07 and all the people saw it.
17:08 The people saw what was going on.
17:10 Now it go on down to verse,
17:14 what was the scripture I have was 3:16.
17:17 Now what the people wanted to do,
17:18 and what they were looking at John,
17:21 and they were looking at Peter,
17:22 and Peter says, "By faith in the name of Jesus,
17:26 this man whom you see and know was made strong."
17:30 Not us he's saying,
17:32 but by faith in the name of Jesus.
17:34 So why don't you and I going to be healed?
17:36 "By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see
17:40 and know was made strong.
17:42 It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him
17:46 that has given this complete healing to him
17:49 as you can all see.
17:50 Amen.
17:51 Now with me,
17:54 Oh, I wish and the elders I had an anointing
17:58 before, I went to the hospital after I had my diagnosis.
18:02 And I wanted to be healed instantaneously,
18:05 I wanted to get down to Loma Linda,
18:07 and when they did looked at me,
18:09 when they did those x-rays and CAT scans and all of that.
18:12 I want them to say,
18:13 "Honey, there's nothing wrong with you."
18:15 Just send me home.
18:16 I wanted a miracle, but what I've got is a healing.
18:19 So I just thought I would differentiate
18:22 between the two,
18:23 and there may be another time to share this,
18:25 but I guess I'll share it now.
18:27 My three prompt approach to healing
18:29 was first and foremost,
18:31 trust God with all my heart, mind, and soul.
18:33 Trust God with all my heart, have confidence in Him,
18:36 and speak the scriptures over me.
18:39 Number two, was do what the doctor tells you to do.
18:42 And number three, use good sense
18:45 and do things that you know to do.
18:47 I do things that I know to be healthy,
18:49 things that will bring health to my body.
18:51 You blend the best of the medical world,
18:54 professional medical world
18:55 with the best of natural remedies,
18:57 and it's been very effective for you.
18:59 Yeah, and it has been and I've had some people
19:02 that would come to argue the fact
19:04 that I am doing what the doctors tell me to do.
19:07 And I do take shots
19:09 and do what they are telling me to do,
19:12 but I have found the scripture, it's in the Amplified Bible.
19:17 Actually this verse so reads in the Septuagint
19:20 which is the great translation of the Old Testament.
19:23 And here is what it says, this is Proverbs 18:9
19:28 and this is the B portion of that.
19:30 It says, "He who does not use his endeavors
19:34 to heal himself is brother to him who commits suicide."
19:38 Now what that is saying to me is that I need to do,
19:42 what I know to do,
19:44 to bring health and healing to my body,
19:47 to bring healing to my body or else if I just sit back
19:51 and do nothing and say, "Oh, well, it was me."
19:53 Then that would make me brother to him
19:57 who commits suicide.
19:58 So I do what I know to do.
20:01 I hope you don't mind me sharing this
20:03 'cause it is very personal.
20:05 But I was there at Loma Linda with her,
20:09 and when we got the news that it was in the spine
20:12 and in the lungs,
20:15 I watched Mollie go from being this,
20:18 very upright person to being kind of a little,
20:21 I mean, it was overwhelming.
20:22 It was overwhelming.
20:23 It was overwhelming,
20:25 and one thing that I shared with you
20:28 that I'd like to share with all of you at home
20:31 is a dear friend of mine whose husband had cancer
20:34 that would come and just,
20:38 he would be at the point of death
20:39 and he'd go into remission, point of death, remission,
20:42 point of death, remission.
20:43 And that was over a period of about 15 years,
20:47 so they really had an emotional iroller coaster,
20:50 but what she said to me is, "Shelley,
20:53 we have learned not how to die with cancer,
20:57 but how to live with cancer."
20:59 Amen.
21:00 And that's what I shared with Mollie,
21:01 yes, you're gonna learn to live with cancer,
21:03 but the other thing is when I was praying,
21:05 the Lord really impressed me to tell you,
21:08 you're not gonna die of cancer but of old age.
21:11 And so that's something you've held on to,
21:14 but we need when...
21:19 I didn't tell her that right away,
21:21 she needed some time to process this.
21:23 I just want to encourage you
21:24 that when somebody is really, really ill
21:27 and they get this overwhelming report,
21:31 don't just pop in and try to be a Pollyanna,
21:34 I mean, you need to let them have some time to soak it in,
21:38 don't you believe?
21:40 And just be there for them, it's like being with somebody
21:45 who's going through a grieving process
21:47 because you are in fact grieving, right?
21:49 Amen. Thank you, Mollie, that was beautiful.
21:52 Luis, you want to read Exodus 15:26.
21:59 Exodus 15:26,
22:02 "If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God,
22:06 and do what is right in His sight,
22:09 give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes,
22:13 I will put none of the diseases on you,
22:17 for I am the Lord, who heals you."
22:21 As I look around this room and as Mollie read that verse,
22:28 I see that all of you have been touched with some ailment
22:34 or have had to go through sickness.
22:39 I've been blessed with that,
22:40 but unfortunately I need to talk about the sick man
22:42 that I put upon myself.
22:45 And this verse it just hit me,
22:48 you know, it hit me to the point
22:50 where God has blessed me with health,
22:55 I don't have any allergies,
23:00 I have very seldom been in the hospital.
23:04 But when she read that, it hit me that I'm myself,
23:09 I'm medicating myself through food
23:12 to get me to a point
23:14 in which I'm not as healthy as I need to be...
23:20 Facing health crisis.
23:22 Because of the way that I'm acting,
23:29 and when you read this, a lot of the times you look at,
23:32 this is talking about spiritually filling yourself
23:36 and trying to work with God and following His commandments.
23:41 It got to a point
23:42 where I was asked by my wife actually,
23:45 she called Weimar
23:47 and asked the doctor there, please, call my husband.
23:50 And I got the opportunity to go to Weimar.
23:53 And when I first got there, I couldn't walk,
23:56 I couldn't even do the first lap.
23:59 And I started learning what new start was all about.
24:03 And I knew it, I've read it on the Bible,
24:06 I've done, I've learned,
24:07 you need to have relationship with God,
24:10 you need to rest, you need the water,
24:12 you need all of these things in your life,
24:15 but for some reason I kept on that pattern,
24:20 I kept on self-medicating myself with food
24:24 and there's a lot of individuals
24:25 that are going through the same struggles
24:27 as I'm going through.
24:29 This is not something that the enemy
24:32 just does to you like what is done to, you guys,
24:35 cancer and heart issues
24:36 and all of these things you've had to go through.
24:39 There are individuals that are doing it to themselves
24:41 that God has given them the health
24:44 and this is what Weimar was teaching you.
24:47 There was individuals, the doctors,
24:49 there are some of them are in their 80s,
24:51 and they're running up and down like nothing.
24:54 They were, you know, and you're like exhausted
24:57 and they're like teenagers playing basketball
25:00 and playing games and encouraging you.
25:02 And they're telling you,
25:03 "If you follow what we're teaching you,
25:06 you will be able to live to your...
25:10 alive to a high age, and still have the energy."
25:13 You're just gonna die of exhaustion
25:16 because of all the things that you're gonna be doing.
25:17 It's not, it has,
25:19 doesn't sickness does not need to kill you
25:22 that you can continue if you follow,
25:25 like look at what it says again,
25:27 "If you diligently heed," you need to do your part,
25:31 you need to understand that everything
25:33 that you require in order for you
25:35 to have a healthy life has been given to you,
25:39 the instructions are in the Bible,
25:41 and what you need to do diligently,
25:43 and you need to constantly keep the commandments of God
25:48 and stay in connection with Him.
25:50 Amen.
25:52 I encourage you,
25:55 if you're in the same situation as I am.
25:58 If God has blessed you
26:00 with a great healthy atmosphere life,
26:06 I encourage you that
26:07 you will look at an opportunity,
26:09 you'll look to connect to God and He will help you,
26:12 He will guide you to be able to return to the foods
26:18 that He has asked you to eat,
26:19 and to be able to return to the health
26:22 that He has asked you.
26:23 And this is what's so encouraging
26:24 because as I see here in the room,
26:27 there are individuals
26:28 that had to go through so much difficulties
26:31 and God has brought them in victory
26:35 that I too can say to myself,
26:38 "Luis, you need to understand
26:40 that if you don't heed the instructions,
26:44 you are indeed slowly committing suicide."
26:49 And that is one of the part, one of the Ten Commandments.
26:52 So you think you're following the Decalogues,
26:55 but by doing something as simple as eating,
27:00 you are then fulfilling in your life
27:05 something that may actually get you to
27:09 losing that relationship with God.
27:11 So temperance is very important and He is Jehovah Rapha,
27:15 the Lord who heals us,
27:17 but it is so important as you said.
27:20 I have to just share a quick story.
27:22 I was preaching in Abilene, Texas.
27:25 They brought a woman to me who said
27:28 and this was before I was an Adventist,
27:30 but it was after God had healed me.
27:32 They brought a woman to me who had lung cancer,
27:35 and I had prayed for someone just a couple of months earlier
27:39 who was miraculously healed.
27:41 So I'm really, boy, the Lord's working, right?
27:46 They bring this woman to me
27:47 and I start praying the promises of God over her,
27:51 healing promises.
27:52 I'm praying for all its worth, and all of a sudden I hear,
27:56 "Who is this who darkens my council
28:00 with words without knowledge?"
28:03 And I thought, "What Lord?"
28:06 And He said, "Ask her if she's smoking."
28:10 Man I stopped and I said...
28:12 I stopped praying and I said, "Ma'am,"
28:15 she didn't smell like smoke but I said, "Are you a smoker?"
28:19 She looked down,
28:21 she said, "Yes, the doctors want me to stop."
28:24 But she said, "I smoke two packs a day,
28:26 I just can't quit."
28:28 And I told her, I said, "I can't pray and ask God
28:31 to heal you
28:34 when you're basically trying to kill yourself."
28:37 I mean, there, don't you agree with that principle?
28:40 So that's kind of what this is all about.
28:44 Mollie, why don't you,
28:45 I'm gonna skip over mine for right now,
28:47 why don't you go to Matthew 8:16?
28:51 Okay.
28:52 This is quoting from the Amplified,
28:55 "When evening came they brought to Him many
28:58 who were under the power of demons.
29:00 And he drove out the spirit with the word
29:02 and restored to help all who were sick.
29:07 And thus He fulfilled what was spoken
29:09 by the prophet Isaiah.
29:11 He himself took in order to carry away our weaknesses,
29:16 and infirmities, and bore away our diseases."
29:21 Amen.
29:22 Now I'm familiar with the healing scriptures,
29:24 I've taught on healing, I've learned to quote
29:28 meaning of the healing scriptures,
29:29 he send his word and He healed us,
29:31 He would above all things that we prosper.
29:34 And be unhealthy even as our soul prospers,
29:37 and I have been a very healthy person, I mean,
29:42 I'm the one that was never sick.
29:43 You still are an incredibly healthy person
29:46 other than having cancer.
29:48 If I didn't have cancer, I'd be the healthiest person.
29:50 Yes.
29:51 You know what my oncologist tells me
29:53 that I am the healthiest patient he's got.
29:56 Yeah. And I appreciate that.
29:58 I really do.
29:59 So I had trusted God with my help and...
30:05 But let me tell you, you were talking about
30:07 how does it affect you
30:08 when you get a diagnosis like this?
30:10 Yes.
30:11 See, I had cancer many years ago
30:14 and had been, and all my test and everything came out
30:17 totally good for like 12, 15 years something like that,
30:21 then all of a sudden here it is in a massive way,
30:26 and I had been eating healthfully,
30:28 and I didn't eat this, and I didn't eat that,
30:31 I did eat this, and I did drank lots of water.
30:33 And I thought I was doing
30:35 all of these things I knew to do,
30:37 trusting God and could quote those scriptures,
30:39 and yet I got this.
30:41 I mean, that's a major, it's stage four,
30:43 it's still at stage four.
30:45 I don't know what stage five bears,
30:47 but I don't think it's getting much worse,
30:49 but I don't think there's six, I don't know.
30:51 But anyway, stage four.
30:53 And so here was my reaction
30:55 and I think I was stunned for a year
30:58 and I don't think that's much of an exaggeration.
31:00 But I thought, well,
31:02 I quitting this and I quitting that
31:04 and didn't eat this and you know
31:06 what I thought I'll do?
31:07 I'm just new start, the only thing I won't do
31:09 'cause, "Honey, it didn't work anyway."
31:11 And then here is what the Lord impressed upon me
31:15 was that you're alive, you're healthy,
31:19 and you're gonna live, you know, I'm living with it.
31:23 I'm not dying with it.
31:24 What if I hadn't practiced those health principles?
31:27 Amen.
31:28 What if I hadn't been doing all that I knew to do?
31:31 I may not be here today.
31:33 So I did have this kind of whiplashy thing
31:36 where I was thinking, I'll just do anything,
31:39 but that wasn't God,
31:40 so I'm not encouraging you to do that,
31:41 but I'm just telling you what I went through.
31:43 I think that's natural though. Yeah.
31:44 I think that's kind of a natural thing
31:46 'cause like you said
31:47 there is this emotional whiplash,
31:49 there is a tailspin.
31:50 Yeah.
31:52 And particularly, it's one thing
31:54 to go through pain for a few weeks,
31:58 you go through pain for month upon month,
32:01 or year upon year.
32:03 You know, it has its...
32:05 I mean, you through all these different stages
32:08 of learning something, but what I have found,
32:12 I want to read my scripture right now
32:14 and then we're gonna throw it
32:15 over to this end of the table
32:17 'cause you guys are being awfully quiet over here.
32:19 Yes, we are.
32:21 I don't think I'm giving them much chance.
32:24 I've got Psalms 103:2-3.
32:30 It says, "Bless the Lord, O my soul,
32:33 and forget not all His benefits.
32:35 Who forgives all your iniquities,
32:38 who heals all your diseases."
32:42 You know, and let's go one down to verse 17 and 18
32:46 because I think that's important here.
32:48 It says, "But the mercy of the Lord
32:51 is from everlasting to everlasting
32:53 on those who fear Him,
32:56 and His righteousness to children's children
33:01 to such as keep His covenant into those
33:05 who remember His commandments to do them."
33:07 So I think, the two things I want to bring out
33:11 from this scripture, number one,
33:14 it is by grace as we keep God's covenant,
33:18 it is by grace that all of His mercy
33:21 is poured upon us for healing or for dealing with an illness.
33:27 Because like we said,
33:29 there's the healing He knows we need.
33:30 Sometimes, I think we go through physical problems
33:36 so that we can get a spiritual healing.
33:37 Amen.
33:39 I mean, I've talked with people who said,
33:41 I was lukewarm in my walk with the Lord,
33:45 until I was diagnosed with stage four cancer,
33:48 and it brought me back to the Lord.
33:51 So, you know, there was a spiritual healing.
33:55 But, you know, here when David was in an emotional tailspin,
34:02 what did he do?
34:03 And this is something that I found
34:05 over the past five months and I'll just be honest,
34:08 there's been a deterioration in the amount of time
34:12 as I've been repeatedly sick one thing after another.
34:16 A deterioration in the amount of time
34:18 I spend in the word or in prayer.
34:20 And I cannot pray,
34:21 I have a hard time praying for myself,
34:23 don't ask me why, but I do.
34:25 So what I do if I start feeling,
34:29 do you ever feel sorry for yourself?
34:31 Every now and then I'll tell JD, he comes home
34:34 and I don't have anybody else I can tell,
34:35 so I'll tell him and I say, "Oh, honey, I'm whining."
34:38 And he says, "No, you're not whining."
34:40 But this verse reminds me what David did,
34:47 was he looked to the problem solver.
34:51 He is in a tailspin emotionally and he just says,
34:54 "Oh, bless the Lord O my soul."
34:56 It's almost like a force thing.
34:58 "Let me bless him and not forget
35:00 all of his benefits, help me to remember who he is,
35:05 the one who forgives all my inequities,
35:07 the one who heals my diseases.
35:10 And, you know, I'm thinking how God heals
35:13 the deadly plague of sin here.
35:16 But what happens when I get to that point
35:19 where I'm feeling that wishy-washy,
35:23 I start praying for others and then I start thanking God
35:28 and JD, you know, heard me do this
35:31 night after night that I can be in pain,
35:34 I can be majorly sick even in the hospital,
35:36 I'm thanking God for my general good health.
35:38 Amen.
35:40 I don't have cancer, I mean, she is the healthiest person
35:42 I know other than her cancer.
35:45 Right now I'm going through a lot of illness,
35:47 but I don't have cancer.
35:49 So there's always these things, you know, when we look to God,
35:53 I think that, for me anyway, it helps me to pray for others
35:58 and it certainly makes you more empathetic in your prayer.
36:03 But it helps us to focus on God's great benefits,
36:08 don't you think?
36:10 Amen. Amen.
36:11 Okay, JD.
36:13 Oh, my goodness, you know,
36:15 this is something that I don't ever talk about
36:17 because I'm one of these type of people that probably,
36:21 I'm very good at burying my head in the sand
36:24 when it comes to some of the issues
36:25 that I've had health wise.
36:27 I've got a unique situation in my body called septicemia.
36:31 And according to the infectious disease specialist,
36:35 they say that I've got a bug someplace
36:38 that harbors itself,
36:39 and when it feels like it wants to get excited,
36:42 well, then it find some place
36:44 and my life changes dramatically.
36:46 And I've gone through this five or six times
36:49 but I remember, it started off in 1989,
36:51 we've been married for a couple of years
36:53 and very active and just that fast
36:58 I found myself in the hospital, and my left knee
37:02 it got probably on exaggerating.
37:05 Not much.
37:06 But, you know, just looks like
37:07 a big old watermelon down there.
37:10 And I had no idea, I mean, as it turns out with septicemia
37:15 it shuts your organs down.
37:18 And so my organs started shutting down.
37:20 Poor little Shelley, bless her heart,
37:22 she has the ability to face reality more than I do.
37:26 I mean, I just like a goose every morning, you know,
37:29 on water, you know, I mean, I'm just happy to be here.
37:32 And, but Shelley,
37:33 she was listening to the doctors,
37:35 "This boy could die."
37:38 And Shelley was praying
37:40 'cause she's such a praying lady.
37:42 And it gets kind of complicated here
37:46 because I'm gonna let you tell the end of the story
37:49 but the scripture that I have is Psalms 107:20,
37:55 "He sent forth His word."
37:57 That's with the capital H.
37:59 "His word and heals them..."
38:02 Wow, thank you, Jesus.
38:06 I go through this and then miraculously
38:10 and I'll let Shelley fill the end of it,
38:12 I was healed.
38:16 Then I was reading the scripture right here,
38:20 Isaiah 46:4 and it just caught my attention.
38:26 Isaiah 46:4 because you'll catch this,
38:31 you'll catch on,
38:33 "Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He,
38:38 I am He who will sustain you.
38:42 I have made you and I will care you,
38:44 I will sustain you, and I will rescue you."
38:48 So here comes this bug again 20 years later
38:53 walking across the parking lot, we're going to ministry,
38:57 that fast, it's just amazing, the little bug jumps out there
39:02 and my knee once again is this big, that fast.
39:06 And so they rushed me to my room
39:09 'cause I'm thinking well I just feel faint.
39:12 And thank you, Jesus, that there was an RN
39:15 at the church and she came and said,
39:18 "We got to get this guy in the hospital quickly."
39:21 Here once again everything shuts down and you nearly die.
39:25 "But He sends forth His word and He heals them."
39:29 Two separate times here,
39:31 whenever you didn't have gray hair,
39:33 here when you did have gray hair.
39:36 I don't know how that all works,
39:37 but I do know that
39:39 He is the same yesterday as He is today,
39:42 and so He came to assist me.
39:47 And it tells us in Psalms 107:20,
39:51 "He sends forth His word..."
39:53 But listen to this, I want to read this,
39:54 this is just fantastic, "He sent His word
39:57 and He healed them and delivered them
39:59 from their destruction."
40:01 We got both physical, we got spiritual, okay.
40:03 Amen.
40:05 And then He goes back
40:06 and He says now look at verse 6,
40:07 look at verse 13, look at verse 19,
40:10 look at verse 20.
40:12 And they all say the same thing and when they cried out
40:15 to the Lord in their trouble, He delivered them.
40:21 So there is the word for us whenever,
40:25 "Jesus help me."
40:27 He is there to assist us.
40:29 And then the part B is in verse 8, 15, 21, and 31
40:33 it says, "Oh, that man would give many thanks."
40:36 This is Him to us.
40:38 "Thank you, Jesus.
40:39 Thank you, JD, that you're sitting here
40:42 and thanking me for being there to assist you."
40:45 Amen.
40:46 So it's Psalms 107,
40:50 if you are having issues in your life,
40:54 this is a fantastic, it's everything wrapped up
40:57 into one in this particular scripture right here.
41:00 Amen, and amen.
41:02 Amen. Amen.
41:03 You know, when JD, this first instance
41:06 they sent him home, the doctors kept telling me
41:09 he could die, he could die, he could die.
41:11 Well, he was to the point where he's wanting to make out
41:14 his will everything, he knew he was dying.
41:17 And so I talked with the doctors and I said,
41:19 can't you teach me
41:21 how to give him his IVs and stuff?
41:23 Can I bring him home?
41:24 'Cause I knew he needed to be out of there
41:26 'cause he was giving up the will to live.
41:28 So when he got home,
41:31 he kept going down, down they did a...
41:35 What you call when they punch into your spine.
41:39 Yes, for the bone marrow because his haematocrit
41:43 was dropping, dropping, dropping,
41:44 that's the volume of your red blood cells
41:47 to the volume of blood.
41:49 And they get him home and the nurse came out
41:52 and his haematocrit was all the way down to a 2,
41:56 normally it should be 46 to 54.
41:59 So they're saying acute leukemia
42:02 is what they're now saying.
42:04 Well, that night, this was on a Wednesday
42:07 that this happened.
42:09 That night I remember, James 5 where it said,
42:12 "Are there any men among you who are sick
42:15 then call the elders, have them come out,
42:18 anoint them, the prayer of faith
42:20 will raise them up."
42:22 So I called the elders, I called a church
42:25 and I said, "Can y'all come out."
42:27 And they said, "Sure, we'll come out tomorrow night."
42:28 I said, "Nope, it got to be tonight."
42:30 So they came and they prayed, I mean,
42:36 we prayed but then when it was over,
42:41 everybody is just kind of talking about the weather,
42:44 about golf or something.
42:46 And I'm sitting there thinking, "What's wrong with you people?
42:48 God's just healed my husband."
42:50 I just knew he had, and I didn't say that,
42:53 but that's what I'm thinking is what's wrong with these people.
42:56 You know, it's just like, "Oh, we prayed, now,
42:58 we'll just have, whatever, chit chat."
43:01 The next morning I called the doctor's office
43:03 and I said, "I'd like to have the blood test rerun."
43:07 They called back and said, "He won't do it
43:09 because your insurance won't cover it,
43:10 he just did it yesterday."
43:12 I said, "I don't care if the insurance covers it,
43:14 I need the blood to be rerun."
43:16 And it took hours, they finally sent out
43:18 the home health nurse to redo the blood.
43:22 I get the call from the doctor that night, he never called.
43:26 He calls about 6 o'clock and he said,
43:29 "Mrs. Quinn, I'm going to have
43:31 the home health nurse come out on Friday."
43:35 Because he said, "I need to rerun this."
43:38 'Cause I kept saying, "Did you get the results?
43:40 Did you get the results?"
43:41 He said, "Well, I'm sending
43:43 the nurse out tomorrow to redo."
43:44 And I said, "It was normal, wasn't it?"
43:47 And he said, he was ignoring me
43:49 and finally in a frustration this doctor says,
43:52 "Yes, it was absolutely normal.
43:55 And he said it is medically impossible
43:58 to go from a haematocrit of 2 to a haematocrit of 50s
44:02 whatever it was."
44:03 He said, "It is impossible."
44:04 And I said, "All things are possible with God."
44:07 And I knew God had miraculously healed him.
44:10 Amen.
44:11 Now he's had the same condition five other times
44:16 where he's been at the point of death,
44:18 and like you said earlier,
44:19 God didn't miraculously healed him,
44:22 but He's walked him through.
44:25 But this one took a miracle because of the haematocrit.
44:30 And even a greater miracle and this just shows you
44:32 the power of God and how much
44:34 He loves each one of His children.
44:37 I mean, my walk with the Lord in 1989 fair,
44:42 I believed in Jesus, believed in God,
44:44 didn't know what He could...
44:46 I mean, I went through the motions,
44:49 but 20 years later 2009,
44:54 we went from just a healthy healing in 1989
45:00 to a spiritual healing in 2009
45:05 because by then I came here in 2005,
45:09 my life changed because I learned who Jesus is,
45:14 not who He was, who He is.
45:16 And I was so close to God, I remember here again,
45:21 you know, "I'm okay, Shelley,
45:22 I'm as close to the Lord as I'll ever be.
45:24 Thank you, Jesus, I do believe
45:26 in the first resurrection and so be it."
45:30 I mean, that's where I was.
45:31 So it's by His love for His children.
45:34 Yeah.
45:36 I mean, I got to experience both healing physically
45:39 and thank you, Jesus, because He gave me
45:42 that extra time to find out who He is
45:46 that opened up a door for me spiritually.
45:49 Amen.
45:50 Well, I just need to turn the remaining time over to C.A.
45:53 You've been so quiet.
45:54 C.A. has been through what six bypasses at one time
45:59 on your heart, you've had several issues
46:03 with your eyes blind,
46:05 you've been healed miraculously from that.
46:08 Tell us about your situation
46:11 and share you scripture with us?
46:13 You know, my mindset has changed several times
46:16 just in what I was gonna say
46:18 just over listening to all of you speak.
46:23 I've gotten to the point in my life
46:25 where I don't put God in a box by any stress of imagination.
46:30 I don't presume to always know the will of God.
46:34 I certainly don't presume
46:36 to be able to predict the will of God,
46:38 and I don't presume to always know
46:41 what God guarantees.
46:43 I'll try to flush that out.
46:47 If you look at Mark 8:24 there is this healing
46:51 that Christ does where He has a touch of God
46:54 the second time, you know, the first time He says,
46:56 "What do you see?"
46:57 Well, I see people like trees."
46:59 So Christ touched him again, then his sight became clear.
47:02 I've wrestled with that a lot and still I am.
47:08 When you brought this idea up, I said,
47:10 "Well, here we go again."
47:12 Because I've gone back to the Tanakh, I mean,
47:14 I've gone to the Mikra,
47:16 I've gone back to the Jewish writings
47:17 to see if this particular text which is Isaiah 53,
47:21 is a guarantee of healing and what does it mean
47:25 when by His stripes we are healed?
47:29 Because I've heard people say that is a guarantee
47:33 that when you're sick,
47:35 Christ stripes guarantee your healing.
47:37 And I've not seen that anywhere in the Bible
47:40 particularly in the Tanakh.
47:43 Jehovah Rapha from which we get the word
47:46 by the way "Rafael" it means God cures,
47:49 it means God heals, God sets to right,
47:53 God resurrects, God reestablishes,
47:56 there's a lot of shades of meaning
47:58 but they all mean God takes what is bad
48:01 and makes it better.
48:02 Amen.
48:03 You know, and that's a guarantee that we have.
48:06 God is still sovereign.
48:08 God can say yes, God can say no,
48:10 God can say wait a while.
48:14 And I don't think He heals in the face of
48:17 as you mentioned before.
48:18 If someone is doing something to tear down their body,
48:21 God is under noblesse obligation
48:24 to correct that unto you,
48:25 because you're working against Him.
48:27 You're a smoker, I cure you,
48:29 then you put more cigarettes back into body,
48:31 it doesn't make sense.
48:32 So a number of things come up.
48:35 In 1890, I think it was, they shipped Ellen White off
48:40 to Australia, long trip
48:43 and she didn't really feel the Lord was sending her
48:46 or that the brethren was sending her
48:47 because they wanted to get her out of United States.
48:49 She said not only was that a long boat trip,
48:52 it was just incredible, you're going to Australia.
48:54 You know, how long it takes in plane,
48:56 it's almost 30 hours on a plane by boat months.
48:59 And she said, "When I got to Australia,
49:01 I had the worst suffering of my life.
49:04 I'm in a place that is very alien to me,
49:07 I don't know why I'm here,
49:08 I have no call from God to be here,
49:10 and I'm suffering like I've never suffered before."
49:14 And she says, "To this day, I price those days
49:17 because they drove me into the arms of Jesus.
49:19 I was never closer to God than I was during those months
49:22 when I suffer to the point where the only thing on my body
49:25 that would move would be my fingers,
49:27 nothing else would move, couldn't move my neck,
49:29 couldn't move my legs, couldn't move anything,
49:32 intense suffering and yet it drove me to Jesus.
49:35 And so I price those times."
49:36 Well, protracted pain like that can do things to you,
49:40 it can drive you to Jesus, it can kind of make you
49:42 doubt Jesus sometimes.
49:44 It can make you doubt yourself.
49:45 It can make you doubt whether you hear the voice of the Lord
49:48 or whether that God is hearing you,
49:49 it can do those kinds of things to you.
49:51 But ultimately, she says, you know,
49:53 when you're in that kind of pain,
49:54 don't try to feel,
49:56 just remember that God loved you,
49:59 remember the days
50:01 when you were sure He loved you,
50:02 and repair back to those.
50:04 Don't try to feel your way through it.
50:05 "You know, I don't feel like I'm close to God."
50:06 Well, forget your feelings. Amen.
50:09 Go by the Word of God. Amen.
50:11 And Word of God says, He loves you, in your pain,
50:13 in your sorrow He loves you nonetheless
50:15 because you're... And your sorrow,
50:17 your pain is not commentary on your relationship.
50:20 It is simply you're going through some stuff now.
50:22 And God is pleased not to
50:24 miraculously deliver you from it,
50:26 He wants you to go through it.
50:27 And if He takes you through it, one, you'll know why, and two,
50:32 it will have a purpose, and it will have an end.
50:35 The devil likes to make you suffer
50:36 just to see you squirm.
50:38 God doesn't do that.
50:40 If God is allowing it, there's a purpose to it
50:43 and praise God there's an end.
50:44 And if you hold on to the Lord,
50:46 one, you'll see what the purpose was, and two,
50:48 at the end you'll be better than it was when you began.
50:51 So every time this thing hits you,
50:53 you're stronger in a Lord.
50:54 If you look at the first time He hit you, the second time,
50:57 and if He hits you now, your whole response
51:00 is different because you got a better hold on God
51:01 than you did earlier, you know.
51:03 Amen.
51:04 So there's a purpose and there is an end.
51:07 Oh, there's just so much to talk about.
51:11 I have had a dozen eye operations,
51:13 I went blind at eight, I went to first grade
51:17 in regular school, lost my sight
51:20 in the middle of the year,
51:21 and had to restart first grade again
51:22 in blind school, the Braille thing,
51:24 the whole deal, and I hated being blind.
51:28 But I liked it because
51:30 this is what I found out about being blind.
51:31 And God does such wonderful things.
51:34 When you lose one major faculty,
51:40 God enhances the other ones.
51:43 Blind kids get to a level of closeness
51:47 that I've never had with a sighted person
51:49 because they cannot see,
51:51 so they're very, very dependent upon each other.
51:54 And there's a little thing when you're blind,
51:56 if you're really close to a person,
51:58 you let them touch your face when you're really close
52:01 that means you're really, really buddies.
52:04 Normally you hold here when you're escorting
52:07 a blind person, you grab arms, and you feel you were together,
52:10 but when you really feel close,
52:11 you let them touch your face, you know.
52:13 And I've often thought about that when I get to heaven
52:16 I want to touch Jesus' face.
52:18 Amen.
52:19 You know, I've learned to feel a person through the tips
52:22 of my fingers, I want to close my eyes,
52:24 and I just want to feel His face.
52:28 And you start up and you work your way down,
52:29 you go with the eyes, you go here, and here.
52:32 I want to feel His face,
52:33 that's the first thing that I do.
52:35 I don't necessarily have to see Him first.
52:36 I just want to touch Him.
52:38 I want to handle His face and that's from being blind.
52:43 The other things, God has been
52:47 good to me in that,
52:53 each one of those experiences has given me a respect
52:56 for pain, and a respect for sickness,
53:00 and a respect for the God who can change those things.
53:03 Amen.
53:05 Even when I got, I'm like you, the doctor said,
53:08 "You know, you need six bypasses."
53:13 He said, "First of all most sixes
53:14 don't walk in here,
53:15 and a lot of them don't walk out."
53:17 And then he said, "You were the healthiest sick person
53:20 I got on my rotation."
53:21 They took me in an ambulance to St. Louis, you know.
53:24 And when I got there, He was reputed to be
53:28 the best one they had, he had stopped taking patients,
53:30 he said, "For some reason, I'm gonna take you."
53:33 And he said, "Now I'm gonna send you home," he said,
53:35 "Because I got some really sick people in my rotation
53:38 and you ain't one of them."
53:39 He said, "You were the healthier six bypass guy
53:42 I've ever had, so we're gonna put you back for two weeks
53:44 'cause I got some people who need to see me today
53:46 or tomorrow or they're going to die,
53:48 you're not gonna die, you're sick,
53:50 but you're the healthiest sick person on my rotation."
53:53 And we became fast friends, he brought his son in
53:55 to meet me on Sabbath and the whole deal.
53:58 So I've been able to see with the sickness
54:01 the hand of God in certain things.
54:03 There was a time when my primary care physician
54:06 was Jewish, my eye doctor
54:09 who when I went blind the second time,
54:10 I'm doing a meeting,
54:12 getting ready to preach the Sabbath,
54:14 Saturday night I go to bed, Sunday morning I wake up,
54:17 I cannot see a thing.
54:18 I've got to call the next door neighbor and say
54:21 can you come and take me to the eye doctor
54:25 because I cannot see.
54:26 So I felt my way through I don't know
54:28 if it was clothes were matching if my socks,
54:31 if my shoes were matching, I just put on some clothes.
54:34 And I went to an eye doctor and the only guy
54:35 who was open on Sunday was a Jewish guy
54:38 because he's closed on Sabbath so he became my eye doctor.
54:41 Three operations there, but we developed
54:44 a good strong relationship,
54:46 many conversations about the things of the Lord,
54:50 talking about the Book of Daniel,
54:51 this guy loved the Book of Daniel
54:52 we were able to do that.
54:54 So I see a pattern of if you hold on to Jesus
54:58 and keep your focus, God can use
55:02 what is an apparent defeat into a victory.
55:07 The 2 Corinthians 2:14 now thanks be to God
55:11 who always causes us to be in triumph
55:14 and through who and through us He defuses
55:18 the fragrance to every place that we go
55:21 and above that we smell like Jesus, you know.
55:24 So triumph is assured even in the face of pain.
55:31 There does not have to be defeat that pain,
55:35 that suffering can make you stronger in the Lord,
55:38 and give you empathy for others who are suffering in the Lord.
55:41 And I think that's a very, very important part
55:43 of our walk, empathy for those
55:45 who have to go through some of these strains.
55:48 Absolutely.
55:49 And you know, even in the face of death,
55:51 the way I pray as you said I do believe God can heal.
55:57 We've seen it in both of our lives,
55:59 we prayed for others,
56:01 I know you all have prayed for people,
56:03 we've seen healing,
56:04 miraculous healings, and we've seen then
56:06 just the progressional healing.
56:09 But one thing that we don't know
56:13 what God's purpose is.
56:15 I always pray, "Lord, if somebody is facing death,"
56:19 I pray, "Father, please don't let them live
56:24 one day longer than your perfect will
56:26 or die one day sooner than your perfect will."
56:29 And, you know, it's interesting when you watch people
56:33 who are at death door, it is interesting
56:37 how God may keep them alive another week or two weeks,
56:41 and you see things happening in the family,
56:44 timing is amazing.
56:45 And speaking of timing we're out of it,
56:48 I can't believe it. I just looked at the clock.
56:50 We're got to say good bye.
56:53 Thank you so much for spending the Sabbath
56:56 and sharing with us.
56:57 And we just want to thank you at home
56:59 for sharing your Sabbath with us.
57:02 And we pray that
57:04 you will prosper in your health,
57:06 and we pray that the grace of our Lord
57:08 and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of the Father,
57:11 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:14 will be with you throughout this Sabbath
57:17 and every day of your life.
57:20 Remember, to it is the name of Jesus and the faith
57:25 that comes through Him that brings us
57:28 complete healing, physical, emotional, spiritual.
57:33 That's it. God bless.
57:35 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2017-08-14