Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017020A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:10 I'm Chris Shelton.
01:11 And this is my husband, Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:14 And we have a wonderful panel of 3ABN family here
01:18 with us today.
01:19 So we welcome you, our family at home,
01:21 happy Sabbath. That's right.
01:22 And we are looking forward to a wonderful lesson tonight.
01:26 Our lesson title is going to be "Agents for Heaven".
01:29 But first, I want to introduce the panel to you.
01:31 Over to my right is Jason Bradley.
01:34 And, Jason, you work in Dare to Dream.
01:36 What is your official title?
01:38 Assistant to the general manager.
01:39 I figured it had to be close
01:41 'cause you guys are really just right there.
01:43 Who is that general manager, by the way?
01:44 Well, I've known her for about 31 years.
01:48 You're pretty close, right?
01:50 It's my mother, Yvonne Lewis.
01:51 You guys spearhead about everything, wear lots of hats,
01:54 I'm sure like we do, so that's awesome.
01:56 Wonderful programming by the way.
01:58 I love watching it myself.
02:00 So, and next to him is JD.
02:02 JD, you work in...
02:03 Pastoral...
02:04 Pastoral and probably about anything they want you to...
02:07 Just close to it. Close to it, all right.
02:09 You know, to the best of my ability
02:11 which that limits everything right there.
02:13 Okay.
02:15 And over to my left is Sister Irma Murray.
02:18 And, Irma, you work in Spanish department.
02:20 What do you do?
02:21 In Latino department as well,
02:23 I also have lots of little hats,
02:26 not big hats but little hats.
02:28 And I do production sometimes and I work with marketing.
02:33 I love how she's... Cable relations.
02:35 Yeah, I love how you said little hats
02:36 'cause I'm sure there's time those hats feel pretty heavy.
02:39 Heavy, yeah, they do.
02:41 And next to her is someone...
02:42 He's even taken his hair and maybe shaved it off,
02:46 seeing wear lots of hats at 3ABN.
02:49 As we stay on, that's what happens.
02:55 Well, it is family time.
02:57 You know how families care, right?
02:59 Indeed.
03:00 But you work with Proclaim now.
03:02 You're the general director,
03:04 and you also work for today program
03:05 and just whatever.
03:07 I mean, I don't know
03:08 there's anything you can't do, right?
03:09 Lot of whatever. Yeah.
03:11 I don't know if you would admit it or not but...
03:13 All the little things I can't do is to ask her about,
03:16 she can tell you what I can't...
03:18 I know one thing you guys haven't been able to do
03:20 and that's retire.
03:22 They've been talking about retiring.
03:23 We won't let them retire. I don't want you retire.
03:26 My lens of love would be lost without you.
03:28 That's right.
03:29 And we're gonna open this evening
03:31 with the song entitled "This world is not my home."
03:34 And we have, yes, we have Sister Marlene Hall
03:37 on the piano.
03:38 Sister Marlene.
03:49 This world is not my home
03:52 I'm just a passing through
03:55 My treasures are laid up
03:58 Somewhere beyond the blue
04:01 The angels beckon me
04:04 From heaven's open door
04:06 And I can't feel at home
04:09 In this world anymore
04:14 Oh, Lord, you know
04:17 I have no friend like you
04:20 If heaven's not my home
04:23 Then Lord what will I do
04:26 The angels beckon me
04:29 From heaven's open door
04:32 And I can't feel at home
04:35 In this world anymore
04:40 They're all expecting me
04:43 And that's one thing I know
04:46 My saviors pardoned me
04:49 And now I onward go
04:52 I know He'll take me through
04:55 Though I am weak and poor
04:58 And I can't feel at home
05:01 In this world anymore
05:06 Oh, Lord, you know
05:09 I have no friend like you
05:12 If heaven's not my home
05:15 Then Lord what will I do
05:18 The angels beckon me
05:21 From heaven's open door
05:23 And I can't feel at home
05:26 In this world anymore
05:31 Just over in glory land
05:35 We'll live eternally
05:38 The saints on every hand
05:41 Are shouting victory
05:44 Their songs of sweetest praise
05:47 Drift back from heaven's shore
05:50 And I can't feel at home
05:53 In this world anymore
05:58 Oh, Lord, you know I have no friend like you
06:04 If heaven's not my home
06:07 Then Lord what will I do
06:10 The angels beckon me
06:13 From heaven's open door
06:16 And I can't feel at home
06:19 In this world anymore
06:22 And I can't feel at home
06:26 In this world anymore
06:32 Amen. Amen.
06:34 Praise the Lord, I love that song.
06:36 I like that song. Yes, that is a happy song.
06:37 This world is not our home,
06:39 we really are just passing through.
06:40 Amen. Amen.
06:42 Thank you, Marlene. Wow.
06:44 Oh, mercy.
06:46 She just had some really, really good singers
06:47 over here, right?
06:49 At least for me, I'm talking about myself.
06:51 You guys sounded really good. I heard some parts.
06:53 I've been hearing your voice, that was awesome.
06:56 I know, in heaven, Jason, with those who has to struggle,
07:00 we're gonna be able to sing.
07:01 We might be able to play that piano.
07:03 That's right, Jason. Yeah, I would love that.
07:05 You know, how many, maybe thousands and thousands
07:07 that were singing right along with us.
07:08 Good, down to south.
07:09 I'm not talking about the angels of heaven
07:11 because they're making it beautiful.
07:12 People sitting at home, those of you sitting at home,
07:15 million people know this song.
07:17 And I bet they know every word
07:19 and they were just singing it to the glory of God.
07:21 So we are thankful you're doing that and joining us
07:23 and gonna have a good time together studying the word.
07:26 Agents for heaven.
07:28 You know, when I was reading this
07:30 and studying over it, I thought in actuality,
07:32 we might actually open a few cans of worms here.
07:34 Yes, yes. All right.
07:38 You know, but we all, that's true.
07:40 We do need to have prayer,
07:41 why don't we go ahead and just have prayer now?
07:42 I'm gonna do that. Yes, let's pray right now.
07:44 We're gonna invite those of you at home to pray along with us.
07:47 You know, and telling where you may be,
07:49 what's going on in your life.
07:50 But it's so nice that we can come together.
07:52 Bible says two or three come,
07:53 you know, any two agree or touch upon anything is sown.
07:56 I think so often we miss.
07:58 We miss so much because we don't spend that time
08:00 in really in prayer.
08:02 And I know for here when we study the Word of God,
08:05 if we, you know, if we don't pray,
08:07 something would be wrong.
08:09 Holy Spirit would be absent.
08:10 And it just be going through some motions here.
08:12 And would not affect any life, no one will be changed
08:16 because the power of the Holy Spirit
08:17 is not in full possession.
08:19 So that's what we pray for is that outpouring,
08:21 getting ready, something, maybe on the back-burner,
08:23 we're over here somewhere and just to move forward.
08:26 So we're gonna invite you pray along with us
08:27 for that power of the Holy Spirit.
08:29 Let's pray, shall we?
08:30 Loving Father in heaven, truly it is,
08:32 we thank You for another Sabbath day.
08:34 We thank You, we thank You, and we praise You for it.
08:37 It's so wonderful to know that after six days of labor
08:40 that we can lay everything down and as we come to you
08:44 and we lay our burdens, and our perplexities,
08:46 and our joys, and may our sorrows,
08:48 and things that we're perplexed about.
08:50 We can lay them at Your feet knowing sure well
08:54 that You'd love us with an everlasting love,
08:56 knowing the Bible has promised that You'd never leave us,
08:59 You'd never forsake us.
09:01 And for those who may be going through little struggle
09:03 right now tonight,
09:04 may it just change, change as we open
09:06 the beautiful pages of this book called the Bible.
09:09 May the Holy Spirit take possession of
09:11 each of our hearts and our minds.
09:14 Lord, it's not just another program,
09:17 we want it to be what you'd have it to be.
09:20 So we ask that You'd fill our hearts,
09:22 our minds with Thy sweet Holy Spirit.
09:24 Bless now, we pray to this end that we may hear Your voice
09:27 and that we may respond in Jesus' name, amen.
09:30 Amen.
09:32 For all out there that we'll work around here.
09:37 Well, in this study, we're gonna be looking at
09:39 how we can be agents of heaven.
09:41 Agents of heaven, in particular to those
09:44 who we may think
09:46 or we actually know might be an error.
09:49 You know, as I was reading through this,
09:52 I realized that so often, Christians,
09:54 we fall short in how to deal with one another.
09:58 And I can recall my parents many times saying
10:01 if it were just for the people in the church,
10:04 they wouldn't be coming to church.
10:07 So hopefully that's not any of you but I think that...
10:14 I think that we probably have all experienced
10:17 some of what we studied prior to this lesson.
10:21 I know Pastor Kenny, he was just sharing a story,
10:23 maybe he'll share it later but I know for myself,
10:26 I've experienced this where others have felt
10:28 maybe I had done something wrong
10:30 and how they dealt with me and I know I probably have,
10:33 especially, I might as well just admit it.
10:35 I know I haven't always done it properly myself.
10:39 So the Lord is so kind in reminding us
10:41 over and over and over again,
10:44 how we are to treat, how we are to respect,
10:47 how we are to love those He's died for.
10:50 That's wonderful, you know, like you said,
10:53 being in the work for years
10:54 and in ministry and different things,
10:56 is this the subject that's really misunderstood,
11:00 or people, we say ignorant, not knowing the subject
11:03 when it seems very simple
11:05 because it seems to be a subject
11:07 that is brutally abused.
11:10 And then always make excuses to say
11:13 I know what it says, but...
11:15 Have you felt that? I felt that.
11:17 It's interesting that comes out of a pastor's mouth
11:20 because as your wife was talking,
11:22 I was thinking, you know, as I was trying to think
11:25 the number of churches I pastored, I think it's seven.
11:28 And I find when you go to the church,
11:31 it's better to listen than to speak.
11:33 Listen to what people are telling you
11:35 because I found in churches in general,
11:39 Adventist church in particular,
11:41 people tend to project themselves
11:43 on to the church by saying that, I say this.
11:46 When you come to a new church,
11:47 there are those who will quickly tell you
11:48 what kind of church this is.
11:50 This is a cold church. This is not a nice church.
11:52 These people aren't friendly.
11:54 And then there are others come to,
11:55 and say this is such a warm church.
11:57 Everybody loves each other here.
11:59 And I tend to find that the cold people think
12:03 it's a cold church.
12:04 And the warm people think it's a warm church.
12:07 So what they're doing is projecting, JD,
12:09 their own personality on the church.
12:12 So when people speak to you, you really ought to listen
12:15 'cause they're telling you a lot about them
12:17 as much as they're telling you about the church.
12:19 Sometimes you go to a church
12:20 and people very quickly tell you,
12:22 "Oh, people here aren't friendly,
12:23 they're cliquish, they're clannish."
12:24 And there are people
12:26 who just find holes to pick all the time.
12:28 Then there are people, "Oh, this is the warmest church,
12:30 people are loving here."
12:31 And you'll find those are people
12:33 who tend to be warm and loving people
12:34 and tend to the see the world in that kind of lens.
12:38 So if God's people,
12:40 and I've got a text I want to sort of dig
12:42 into in just a little bit,
12:44 would work on being the kind of person
12:48 that they want people to be to them,
12:50 you would find the church would be much more harmonious.
12:52 And the thing about being a, real quick, I have a book.
12:57 And forgive me, on the cover of the book is a cartoon.
13:00 It's a picture of a guy laying on his back
13:03 and there's another fellow standing on his chest
13:04 with his Bible up in the air
13:06 and he's got the finger like this, you know, yeah.
13:07 Oh, yeah. Oh, yes. Okay, this is it.
13:10 He's got his Bible up in the air.
13:11 He's correcting this guy,
13:12 you know, by something on his chest.
13:14 And sometimes, we can do that.
13:15 We can give the wrong image of who God is,
13:19 and actually run people away from God
13:22 by our unchrist like attitude.
13:26 So, you know, Ellen White says Christ did utter,
13:28 and she says this word a lot, scathing rebukes, Christ,
13:32 but they were scathing rebukes against sin,
13:35 not against sinners.
13:37 And even when he did his scathing rebukes,
13:39 he had tears in his eyes.
13:40 So I'll take something from you,
13:42 if I know you care about me.
13:43 If I see tears in your eyes, I'll take it.
13:45 But if you're kind of just laying me out,
13:46 there's something in me,
13:48 you know, I'm not all there yet.
13:49 I'm on the way, I'm not there yet.
13:52 That will kind of resist that, but if I see the caring,
13:54 I'll take it.
13:56 I'll take the tongue lashing
13:57 because I knew you care about Me.
13:59 Yeah.
14:00 That's precisely, I think,
14:01 maybe the whole thing in a nutshell right there
14:03 where we need to get to.
14:04 Because if we were like that,
14:05 I mean we would certainly have a taste of heaven.
14:08 But most of the times, we're up,
14:09 we're standing on somebody.
14:11 We've got the Bible
14:12 and we've got our finger pointed.
14:13 And whether or not we go to them or not,
14:15 you know, sometimes we'd rather talk about them
14:18 than go to them.
14:19 And that's...
14:20 I've got quotes on that too,
14:22 that's actually you're working for the enemy.
14:24 But I need to know, as the pastor mentioned.
14:26 And you talk to a lot of people on the phone,
14:28 lot of people as you travel.
14:29 I need to know to the best of my ability that they care.
14:34 That's the whole thing. I'm like you.
14:36 I can take a rebuke
14:37 and people can really chew and go.
14:39 If I know they really care, I'll give you example.
14:40 My mother used to do a lot of correcting,
14:43 you know, for 12 years,
14:45 she went to church as a pastor so, you know, as mommas,
14:49 you know and they're and what?
14:50 That I could always listen to that sweet voice.
14:54 Even though she might be in off track
14:56 because some things she didn't understand the ins and outs
14:58 that might be in business meeting,
15:00 board meeting,
15:01 things you can't really reveal but she'd give her two cents.
15:04 But I knew she cared.
15:07 But when she said,
15:08 I talked to so and so the other day
15:10 and they said you ought to do so and so.
15:13 Couple times, I caught myself, I said,
15:14 really since when they had my interest at heart.
15:18 Have to pray.
15:19 But it balances out as you need to know
15:22 that we need to know somebody cares
15:24 and that they love you,
15:26 and that's why they come to you in some of the quotes
15:28 and different ones that you'll have on here was,
15:29 unless we can do that we need not go to anyone else
15:34 who try to help them out
15:35 if we're not really on the right track.
15:37 And I think that one of the issues is the fact
15:39 that people confuse their standard
15:41 for God's standard.
15:43 So people will have their own interpretation
15:47 or their own standard
15:49 but God's standard is totally different.
15:51 So like you're saying,
15:52 how people are just holding their Bible
15:54 and thumping them over the head.
15:56 Where were they before in their own lives?
15:59 How much patience, and love,
16:01 and kindness has God shown them?
16:04 Amen.
16:06 But yet that's not carried out in their rebukes,
16:08 you know, there is a way to have a loving rebuke.
16:12 And the Bible teaches about that, right?
16:14 Who was it that owned someone a lot of money
16:18 and the king forgave him
16:20 and yet right after he forgave him
16:22 and didn't put him in prison, then he goes out
16:24 and someone who owed him just a little bit,
16:26 he demanded it and had him thrown in prison.
16:28 So, you know, I think the Lord has to teach us over and over
16:33 because unfortunately
16:34 we have trouble getting it right the first time.
16:37 JD, I want you to talk about owe somebody?
16:41 Didn't he grab the garb by the neck?
16:44 He got him by the throat. He surely did.
16:46 You know what I'm saying.
16:47 I'm gonna get, you're gonna do the right thing.
16:49 I'm gonna make you do the right thing.
16:50 Well, that's, you know,
16:51 that made a little different situation
16:53 then in our Christian walk.
16:55 It doesn't work. No, it doesn't work.
16:57 You know, the things that I'm learning over the years
16:59 and everything is how consistent a person is,
17:02 you know, if they're consistently a shaker,
17:05 all right, we can deal with that,
17:08 you know, we can work in love.
17:10 When you're a peace maker by nature,
17:12 you're looking to those gentle, more gentle compassionate eyes.
17:16 And so, you kind of overlook once they shake.
17:21 But now if you're shaker with a shaker,
17:24 now all of a sudden, it can get unchristian like.
17:29 But what I found out that
17:31 if they truly have a heart for God,
17:34 they then know who to go to.
17:36 And invariably they go to the peacemakers
17:38 because they do care.
17:40 I do sense the Holy Spirit is impressing upon them
17:43 that there is an issue
17:45 and they do want to be kind of rebuked
17:48 rather than popped.
17:51 And now, who are they really?
17:55 Is that the battle that they're fighting?
17:57 It may be that my battle being a peacemaker
18:01 could be over here.
18:03 Has nothing to do with being angry
18:05 or having attitude issue.
18:07 And, but time goes on,
18:10 but if you're consistent with who you are
18:12 and then if they truly want to grow
18:14 as you were talking about while ago, CA,
18:16 if they truly want to grow,
18:18 the Holy Spirit is there to continue to woo them.
18:22 And, I mean, I know people today,
18:24 they're just some of my favorite people.
18:27 Boy, what a past they had. Oh, absolutely.
18:30 And so that's good news, you know.
18:32 Yes. That's good news.
18:33 Yeah. Amen.
18:35 But that's one reason that through the Bible
18:37 that we've been studying through Spirit of Prophecy
18:39 that we've been reading in preparation for this
18:42 that God is bringing out that we're not to be browbeaters.
18:47 We're not to go over,
18:48 "I told you this, or this is wrong.
18:50 You shouldn't be doing this."
18:52 You know, we're to come with them.
18:54 One of the quotes that I could not have find,
18:56 I have a lot here but one I could not find was
18:59 Mrs. White brought out that we need to love
19:02 that person enough before we go to them
19:05 that we're willing to die for them.
19:07 That's love. Yeah, that's forgiving.
19:09 That's why in the one quote, I might as well read it now.
19:12 I was gonna save it for later but you brought it up already.
19:14 This one is from Steps to Christ.
19:16 That's why this is so valuable
19:19 because Christ is constantly telling us
19:22 to deny your service,
19:23 it's not that we're not to go speak to somebody, we are.
19:26 If we have odd against one another,
19:29 or we actually see someone in error,
19:31 but it's how we do it.
19:33 Amen.
19:34 He's always telling us over and over,
19:36 "Don't browbeat, don't put them down,
19:39 don't belittle them, but love them back."
19:43 There's a different way to talk to people than
19:45 what we generally find ourselves entangled in.
19:49 And so we all need to listen.
19:51 This one is from Steps to Christ.
19:52 This is what Pastor CA was quoting.
19:55 It says, "Jesus did not suppress one word of truth.
19:58 In other words,
20:00 and even part of what our lesson is for tonight.
20:02 It's not what they were not supposed to say,
20:04 in fact, Mrs. White many a times
20:06 didn't want to get up and give the rebukes
20:09 that she was given to give.
20:11 The Lord told her to give it, you know, but through a kind,
20:16 loving heart, she gave it.
20:18 Not browbeating just as Christ did,
20:21 but He uttered it always in love.
20:25 He exercised the greatest, tactless into that.
20:28 How many times you'll...
20:30 'Cause a lot of times, we get emotional, we're upset.
20:34 You know attack is thrown out of the window.
20:37 And thoughtful, kind attention in His inner course
20:41 with the people.
20:42 He was...
20:44 This hit me hard, He was never rude.
20:46 Amen.
20:48 Never needlessly spoke a severe word.
20:53 Never gave needless pain to a sensitive soul.
20:59 He did not censor human weakness,
21:01 He spoke the truth but always in love.
21:04 He denounced hypocrisy, unbelief,
21:07 and iniquity but tears were in His voice
21:11 as He uttered His scathing rebukes.
21:13 He wept over Jerusalem, the city He loved."
21:18 It was His mission to come and to save all of those,
21:23 save all of us who are in error.
21:25 I quoted that just this past Sabbath
21:26 and that sermon got exact passage
21:29 that He never gave needless pain.
21:31 You know, the thing about life is
21:32 and I wrote a book several years ago,
21:34 good number of years ago,
21:35 I'll call it "I Will Fear No Evil."
21:37 And in it, one of the things I said is most people know
21:42 when they're wrong, when they've made a mistake.
21:44 There are some who walk through life
21:45 and never think that they never did anything wrong.
21:47 They're really unaware of who they are and what they are.
21:50 But the average person,
21:51 when they do something wrong, they know.
21:54 And when they come in a broken condition,
21:59 they don't really need you to grind your heel into them.
22:03 That's not what they need.
22:05 They're coming because they are broken
22:07 and they don't need you to power,
22:08 pulverize them, you know, that fracture,
22:10 they don't need you to pulverize.
22:11 So the kind hand, the...
22:14 And Ellen White says this
22:16 and I'm not sure where it's found
22:17 but I remember reading this
22:18 that kindness is never inappropriate.
22:21 It's never appropriate to be kind.
22:23 You might say,
22:25 "Well, this person needed a good tongue lashing."
22:26 Well, you don't know that.
22:28 That may be inappropriate
22:29 but kindness is not inappropriate.
22:32 So can you ever say, "You know what, I was too kind to them,
22:35 I was too merciful?"
22:37 You know, that's where I don't know,
22:39 and I was just too nice.
22:40 And I've heard people say that.
22:42 But that's more of a self thing than it's a God thing,
22:45 you know, because it's never inappropriate to be kind.
22:47 And when people come to you bleeding and battered,
22:50 you're going to give them a razor blade
22:51 and say, "You know, finish the job,"
22:53 or are you going to give them a band aid?
22:55 They need some healing and they need some wholeness.
22:57 And that's what I think that alludes to it.
22:58 You know, I had an experience somewhat like that
23:00 but this was me and a dog.
23:04 You know, and it seems all right thinking about.
23:07 This just happened yesterday.
23:09 So, you know, confession is good for the soul
23:11 so we don't have to look at it
23:12 but through the study of this and looking.
23:14 I was like what, walked out on the porch.
23:18 And of course, you know,
23:19 we had a dog that loves to tear up anything
23:21 he can get his mouth on to, you know,
23:23 you got to have a ball,
23:24 he's got to have us stick it all the time in his...
23:27 And I walked out there
23:28 and he had taken one of the mats up off the chairs
23:30 and he just ripped it to shreds.
23:32 It was all pieces every which way
23:34 and he is right in the middle of it,
23:36 just having a big time, you know.
23:37 So I thought, "Oh, man." You know, you're good.
23:39 You catch him around in the act,
23:41 there's a good time to let him know
23:43 he's not supposed to do it.
23:44 So we would just a little bit a piece of foam, you know.
23:46 So I looked at him, he went, "Oh, like, I know what,"
23:49 so I took the phone up."
23:50 You know, I did boom, boom, boom, boom,
23:52 bang forced on his nose.
23:53 Don't do this boy, don't this.
23:56 And all of a sudden, he did, you know,
23:58 he rolled over on his back and put all,
24:01 he gave up all four legs up into the air.
24:04 And I thought this is unacceptable,
24:06 he hasn't learned yet.
24:12 It reminds you of what, sometime we do as Christians,
24:15 you know what I'm saying to human beings
24:17 because I felt right then, he has not learned his lesson.
24:20 Next time I come out, he's going to be into another
24:22 so two, three little swats now didn't hurt him
24:25 but it was just enough,
24:26 "You don't do this kind of stuff right here."
24:28 And I said to him and looked at him.
24:31 All four...
24:32 So you'll give him some more kindness.
24:34 He submitted, he submitted.
24:37 And I really not feel like again, I don't feel,
24:38 I think you have but I might ought to do
24:40 and I thought, poor dog is laid there,
24:43 he's rolled up and he said, "Okay, I give,
24:45 I caught what you said," maybe you know,
24:48 so maybe when we're talking to others
24:51 and we understand they come with contrition,
24:54 they want to get change in their life.
24:56 You never go and smack and beat and bring up what they did
24:59 and how they did it and why they did it.
25:01 You put some ointment, balm of Gilead on them.
25:06 And I said one of best thing I've read one time,
25:08 it says and some time with these individuals
25:10 who had been hurt so bad and maybe hurt others
25:12 and you go to them because that is a job of the church
25:15 who are pastors, the leaders.
25:17 And one thing I learned too,
25:19 I had to be very careful about it is talking about here
25:21 in our memory verse there, talks about here.
25:24 The one who is spiritual, go see them.
25:29 I look that word up and I thought, "Oh, my!"
25:31 That means one who is filled of the Holy Spirit
25:34 and the Spirit of God is the one
25:36 that goes to win that soul back.
25:38 Not just who almost said some jackleg going out there,
25:41 you know, who's going,
25:43 "I'm going to take care of this situation
25:44 because it's not right."
25:46 So one that is spiritual,
25:47 so lessons we can learn on those things.
25:50 One thing that I have learned
25:51 because I've learned that some people like...
25:54 Let's talk about the dog. What's the dog's name?
25:56 Riley. Riley, poor Riley.
25:58 Riley, poor Riley.
25:59 He possibly could...
26:01 Riley could sit here you know pound with all four
26:06 and everything and then this is a game,
26:07 I like this, you know.
26:09 You don't know what he got.
26:10 But there are people that really like madness.
26:14 They like being in the pigsty, they love confrontation.
26:19 And so maybe purposely,
26:21 they're just setting up to get the attention that they need.
26:24 They can be.
26:25 You know, what I have found that,
26:29 "Let's start everything off with prayer."
26:31 Yes.
26:32 Now let's get on a level ground.
26:35 And does it always work?
26:36 Not always, but most of the time it works because...
26:39 And I don't want to be in control.
26:43 Why don't I open with prayer and you close with prayer
26:45 before we've ever said another word?
26:48 And it seems like that has a way of diffusing.
26:51 But it tells us, it was talking about our memory verse.
26:53 It's a fantastic one. 1 Peter 3:8.
26:57 And I want to read out in a NIV
26:58 'cause it was the simplest for me to understand.
27:01 I'm not saying it's any better than any of the others
27:03 but I just like it.
27:04 "Finally all of you..."
27:06 Now this is Peter talking and he's saying,
27:07 "Hey, all of you, all of you, be likeminded,
27:11 be sympathetic, love one another,
27:13 be compassionate, and humble."
27:16 And then in verse 9, he really drives it home.
27:20 "Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult.
27:23 On the contrary, my dear brother,
27:26 my dear sister, repay evil with blessing
27:30 because to you,
27:34 because to this, you were called
27:36 so that you may inherit the blessing."
27:39 Amen.
27:40 Now, we all like good gifts
27:42 but we have no idea of the blessing
27:44 of being rewarded by the king of the universe.
27:49 But so, he says being likeminded,
27:51 being likeminded, you know, where it doesn't say
27:54 that we shouldn't have disagreements
27:56 but we should have different opinions,
27:59 but we should have a common agreement.
28:02 And that is, we have fundamental beliefs
28:04 that we believe in, you know, and to that.
28:06 But then let the Holy Spirit
28:08 take care of those personality issues.
28:10 No, absolutely.
28:12 But we're looking, it's kind of a self-examination
28:16 because if we have that personality,
28:18 if we're one of those that go in aggressively,
28:21 you know, the Lord is teaching us that
28:24 that's not the right way.
28:26 And if we would follow...
28:27 If we would follow...
28:29 Yes, we would, really would have
28:31 an atmosphere of heaven here on this earth.
28:34 Back to our lesson, I think this is this day with God.
28:39 And then I'm going to read a couple other,
28:41 one is the upward look and then Matthew.
28:43 I'll finish with Matthew 25.
28:44 It says, "Those who are quick to censure others
28:48 who speak words," and you mention this,
28:50 Pastor CA, "who speak words that cut
28:53 and bruise the already wounded soul."
28:57 And listen closely, family at home,
28:59 "are doing Satan's work."
29:02 Yes.
29:03 You're not doing the work of God.
29:05 So many people they go out, like you've mentioned,
29:07 with the Bible standing on top, pointing the finger,
29:10 "Oh, I'm doing this for the church,
29:12 I'm doing this for the Lord.
29:13 This is... I'm called to do this.
29:15 They're in error and I have to straighten it out."
29:17 No, you're working for Satan.
29:21 And are laborers of the prince of darkness.
29:25 Now the upward look says
29:27 and I think you've mentioned this somewhat too,
29:29 we are to guard carefully and that would...
29:32 this is bringing home to us, Sister Irma.
29:34 We, you and I are to guard carefully against wounding
29:38 or bruising the hearts of God's children.
29:42 And you could say,
29:44 "Well, they weren't God's child, really?"
29:47 He came to seek and save that which was lost.
29:49 Amen. He's not his child, right.
29:51 He's still extending His mercy, it's His grace...
29:54 Who is not His child? To them.
29:55 But, you know, we had an illustration on it,
29:57 I might have mentioned it one time before,
29:58 just as, you know,
30:00 you're praying for someone to come back.
30:03 They've left, you know, the church.
30:04 They're outside
30:05 and they're living for the world
30:07 and the things of the world and naturally when you do that,
30:09 a lot of times you begin to talk like them,
30:11 eat like them, dress like them, what the world has, you know.
30:15 So we're praying for about four, five years
30:17 for this one young lady,
30:18 actually was part of the family.
30:20 And came in one Sabbath morning,
30:23 you know, looked through the glass doors
30:25 and here she walks up.
30:27 And I seen her, I did,
30:28 "Oh, praise the Lord, answer to prayer.
30:31 She's coming back in the door," you know.
30:33 And when the deacon was standing at the door,
30:36 she stepped up into that and greet us, said,
30:38 "Well, hi how are you doing?"
30:40 'Cause he knew her well. "Hi, how are you doing?"
30:42 She said, "Well, I'm doing fine.
30:43 I felt like I needed to get back,
30:46 you know, my life's been a wreck,
30:48 and I needed to get back."
30:49 He stepped back and he looked at her,
30:51 of course, she put on a lot of things that,
30:53 you know, Bible may be teaches against.
30:55 And he said, "Well, I'd say one thing,
30:56 I hope you don't fall in the pool 'cause if you do,
30:58 you'd drown with all that stuff."
31:00 Oh, man. Oh, man.
31:01 She did an about face,
31:03 this is true, she did an about face,
31:05 walked out those doors
31:07 and that's been many, many years ago
31:11 and she's never returned nor does she plan on it.
31:14 If that's the way people think of me, say,
31:18 there was a group,
31:19 "Ah, we're so glad, you're here,
31:21 we'd look beyond that.
31:22 We didn't care what they had on the time,
31:24 you know that doesn't matter."
31:25 But then you got the others gonna look at
31:27 and you're wound and you're hurt
31:29 and it could be for eternity and that's what we're saying.
31:31 Very careful.
31:33 That's precisely what it's saying here
31:35 because when we do this,
31:36 when we wound and when we bruise others,
31:38 we wound and we bruise the heart of Christ as well.
31:41 Matthew 25:40, just to bring it home,
31:44 "In as much as ye have done it
31:47 unto the least of these my brethren..."
31:49 And that was Christ walking into that church's door.
31:52 That young lady was Christ walking in.
31:54 Wow. "Ye have done it unto me."
31:58 You know, John, 1 John, it says that,
32:03 "If we don't love one and other or love others,
32:07 we don't know God."
32:09 You know, we don't have God in us.
32:11 And I was thinking that we had a pastor
32:17 that came to our church
32:19 and the first thing he told us, he says,
32:23 he looked around and things how they were.
32:26 He says, "You sing too much,
32:28 it's too much singing in this church.
32:30 And everybody, if you're not vegan,
32:33 you're not going to heaven."
32:35 And in the first sermon came with a kidney
32:38 or something in a jar on the pulpit
32:42 and then he told us like that, he says,
32:45 "Every church I go, I fix it."
32:49 So to this day there are only about
32:51 five members in the church.
32:54 But I work for this school in Massachusetts
32:59 and I worked in there for about three years.
33:02 And we had my supervisor,
33:05 I don't know what denomination he was,
33:08 he was not an Adventist
33:10 but he was the most gentlemen that I ever have seen.
33:16 And he dealt with everybody in such kind ways sometimes,
33:21 you know, we knew that people had done things wrong
33:25 and they were in order.
33:26 And he will call them in the office and will say,
33:30 "Oh, so what happened, what did he say?"
33:32 Because we knew exactly what they have done.
33:34 "Oh," he says, "Nothing, he just gave me
33:39 some good advice about doing something."
33:43 He say, "He didn't say anything about that."
33:45 And then I realized
33:47 when we would have meetings that he was...
33:52 he has such a talent of telling you
33:56 what you did wrong that you didn't even know.
34:00 That you wouldn't even know that he did
34:02 because he built you up instead.
34:05 And I know that there were people
34:08 that they were very dishonest in doing things,
34:11 you know, workers and he will build them up.
34:15 He will go by there, "Oh, thank you so much for that,
34:18 such a wonderful job that you're doing today."
34:21 And what a difference. Yeah.
34:24 So people just love him.
34:26 And then before, you know, you see people changing
34:30 and not doing were afraid to do the things
34:34 that they were doing before
34:36 because they were reprimanded with such love and kindness.
34:40 It makes such a difference.
34:42 You made me think of an old friend of mine,
34:45 Thomas Jackson, he's been here, he was just on Dare to Dream...
34:47 Yes...
34:49 The modern day Lazarus because of what had happened.
34:52 But he's been on 3ABN years and years ago
34:55 with the health message and you know, a lot times,
35:00 I kind of shuddered to say it, but those that are in,
35:02 you mentioned the health reform,
35:04 sometimes they become kind of a little bit belligerent,
35:08 you know, you gotta do this
35:09 or else your salvation is on the line.
35:11 You know what?
35:13 He preached and he spoke
35:14 and he lived a wonderful health message
35:17 but you could stay and talking to him
35:19 even be a member of the church
35:20 and he might catch you out smoking a cigarette
35:22 and he still came up and loved you, you know, by...
35:25 It's the same principle
35:28 because he wasn't pounding you over the head,
35:30 he was loving you into the truth
35:32 and that's where all of us as agents for heaven,
35:35 you know, it all goes back to Corinthians,
35:39 you can have all knowledge, all wisdom, everything
35:41 but it's a symbol, it's just a noise,
35:43 it's a brass making noise if we don't have love.
35:47 Amen.
35:48 You know, if you don't have love...
35:50 And we saw him do this, we saw him do this
35:51 in action to several different people and it worked.
35:55 It worked for them because they,
35:57 since they saw him, it's like,
35:58 "I don't have any hands, I don't...
35:59 pockets, I can't get rid of water,"
36:01 and no matter what they had
36:02 he made sure he'd look elsewhere,
36:05 looked them into the eye
36:07 and said how much you're so happy...
36:10 I see you, haven't seen you in a long time and boy,
36:13 we love you and how we appreciate our time,
36:15 again just go right on talking, we've seen you,
36:17 just see sometime they have something in their hand,
36:19 they just kind of like drop it on the ground
36:21 and just continue to talk
36:23 and he never one time brings it up and people loved.
36:27 And I think that's a right thing,
36:28 you know, 'cause that's...
36:30 Jesus did a lot of times He didn't,
36:32 He had the culprit right, you know, his back to wall,
36:35 and He could really embarrassed him, was it Simon.
36:39 Wasn't he healed of leprosy?
36:41 Was it Simon? Simon, hmm-mm.
36:42 Simon, and then he comes in
36:45 and then Mary is down there washing Jesus' feet
36:47 and she's crying and pouring oil
36:49 and if he has said, "Man, she is a sinner."
36:52 Right, if he knew who was touching him,
36:53 wouldn't let her.
36:54 Yeah, yeah.
36:56 Basically get her out of here, she's a sinner and da-da-da
36:58 and Jesus wanted to show him who is in worst shape
37:02 and even tells him, I say, you know,
37:03 the one who's done so much and then forgiven much.
37:07 Who's gonna love the most?
37:09 And I've told about that in my own life.
37:10 I said, "You know, love Jesus
37:12 because He has forgiven me so much."
37:16 So much, if you feel that you're righteous,
37:18 those of you at home, well, I don't do any wrong,
37:23 you're not gonna love much,
37:25 you're not gonna love Christ much.
37:27 It's those of us who slipped and went really far down
37:31 that He's forgiven us much
37:33 that we love Him much in return for that.
37:36 And so He didn't chastise him in a way,
37:39 he used kind of a parable and went around the horn.
37:41 Yeah.
37:42 But also what happens at a time.
37:43 He could have publicly humiliated him but he didn't.
37:45 He could have embarrassed him and he may have went out
37:47 and never come back but he did not do that
37:49 and I thought this is the kind of illustration,
37:51 this is what I need to learn
37:54 and we'd learn as a people how wonderful it would be
37:56 and some of them talked about here,
37:58 this side stepping issue, and there's a time,
38:02 it's being pastor working on that
38:03 that you have to call sin by its right name.
38:06 I'm not talking about padding, I'm not talking about covering,
38:10 and there is, there's a time.
38:12 But then you do because you care.
38:15 Someone said to me one time, "Well, you can't go,
38:17 as soon as you go and tell them this right here,
38:18 they're gonna be so mad.
38:20 They can't hardly stand you, you're gonna lose a friend,
38:22 you're gonna lose a mentor."
38:24 I said, "You know what? I'm going to risk that.
38:26 I love them enough and they are good friends
38:29 but I'm going to risk losing them as a friend
38:31 to try to help them to find out what is right thing to do.
38:35 There are some times when you have...
38:36 I'm sorry, Jason.
38:37 When you have things that are uncomfortable for you
38:39 to bring up
38:41 and certainly uncomfortable for them to hear.
38:43 And yet does being kind means leaving a person
38:47 in their error.
38:49 You know, Ezekiel tells me that if a person is overtaken
38:52 in a trespass in a sin,
38:54 and I say nothing and they die in that sin.
38:56 That's on me. Yeah.
38:58 'Cause I should have said something.
38:59 So sometimes we say,
39:01 "Well, I don't want to disturb them, really,
39:02 it's you don't want to disturb yourself."
39:04 So being kind doesn't mean backing off of
39:08 what needs to be said, it means culturing it in a way
39:11 that it can be received by the person
39:12 that you're speaking to.
39:14 Amen.
39:15 And there are a lot of people that are really just searching
39:17 and by your consistent life
39:19 and the good things that you do, they enquire.
39:24 I mean I'd like to know more,
39:26 I mean what is your trace about this,
39:28 where you gonna cross a number of people that,
39:32 "Are you really Seventh-day Adventist?"
39:34 Well. Yes, we are.
39:38 Well, we have some friends that were Seventh-day Adventists
39:41 and they did this, this, this so, you know,
39:44 just because you choose a denomination to believe in
39:48 or a truth to believe in doesn't mean everybody plays
39:51 by the same rules.
39:53 But, you know, it goes back to that 1 Peter 3:8.
39:57 I think it's, what you're saying playing
39:59 by the same rules, they really weren't converted yet.
40:02 Yeah.
40:03 You see we have to be converted and as I was reading this,
40:06 I think someone is not really converted,
40:08 should not be doing...
40:11 No, 'cause you have to be spiritual.
40:12 Did you have something to say?
40:13 Yeah, I would hate for it to basically be the end
40:17 and somebody come up to me and say,
40:19 "You knew this?
40:20 You knew all this information
40:21 but you didn't love me enough to share that with me."
40:25 And I also think about how Christ loves us
40:27 and how we have the choice of whether
40:30 or not we want to serve Him
40:31 or if we want to serve the devil.
40:34 You know, He loves us so much
40:36 that He actually gives us that choice.
40:38 But then you take a look at
40:41 how some things go down in churches,
40:43 and how people approach people,
40:46 you know, how we've been talking about.
40:49 And it's like people don't give that choice
40:54 how Christ gives us that choice,
40:55 they'll just try and say,
40:57 "I don't eat this and you should neither."
41:01 They make, it's almost like
41:03 they make their choices your choices
41:06 like their choices have to be your choices.
41:09 Mm-hmm.
41:10 But God doesn't even do that, he doesn't operate like that.
41:14 No, never does.
41:15 If we are, I started to say it, if he operated us as we do,
41:20 none of us would be saved.
41:23 Exactly. Get out there. All right.
41:26 My husband has a sermon
41:27 and he talks about the convicts in the church
41:31 because there are so many that have convictions.
41:35 And you think because God gave you that conviction is
41:40 sometimes you think that is not for you,
41:42 it is for everybody that you know that falls into
41:46 that category doing something wrong.
41:50 And I was reading here in this passage
41:54 and I thought that was really powerful, says that,
41:58 "The claims of Christ are upon us,
42:01 we must understand our duty, and do it in the fear of God,
42:06 with an eye single to His glory,
42:09 and not prove unfaithful.
42:12 Let no thought of self
42:15 or of natural feelings be cherished
42:18 to keep the lips silent.
42:21 Speak, and be not afraid.
42:23 With the heart full of tenderness and love for souls,
42:26 warn, exhort, and entreat."
42:30 To me that has been little difficult to do
42:33 and when I was working in back in New York in the laboratory.
42:39 There are many people that came,
42:42 you know, with just very difficult situations.
42:46 And I was afraid to tell them about the Lord, you know,
42:52 and I was, because I know that they were very against,
42:56 you know, I have heard them talking
42:59 and yeah, I was comfortable with those that I said,
43:02 "Oh God knows" and things like that,
43:05 and I started to pray because I said,
43:08 "Lord, you know, what about
43:11 if I never see these people again?
43:12 What about if because that would happen,
43:15 some days they will come to have their test done,
43:20 and the next day we would hear that they're no longer alive.
43:23 Mercy.
43:25 And, oh, you know, that was just so load
43:27 so heavy in my heart and...
43:30 So praise God that he help us in those times
43:33 when we ask of him, and so this reminds me that
43:39 because not to put our feelings.
43:44 When we put our feelings, then we're gonna probably,
43:48 more likely say things not in a good way
43:54 or in a way that you accept it.
43:56 So we have to always remember that God is judging us
44:03 as well as He's judging other
44:05 and it's not our right to judge...
44:07 That's right.
44:08 And to speak harshly, you know, you know what,
44:11 you shouldn't do these or...
44:14 God wants us to be kind and it is true.
44:19 And loving, if we don't do it,
44:22 means that even though we pretend to love God,
44:25 then that means we're not loving God,
44:28 and I think that's pretty deep to think that your words can go
44:33 and then you said, you know, you don't love God...
44:37 Love sometime is taking care of God's business.
44:40 Right?
44:42 If you really love like it's been brought out here
44:44 and one thing that really...
44:45 Is it okay to say aggravate? Yes.
44:47 Of course, you get aggravated. Aggravation is a real word.
44:50 Aggravated life could sink the nation.
44:52 You know, always to look at it is
44:55 when there is issues that need to
44:57 and there's less in here
44:58 when you talk about how you do it,
44:59 you realize there's issues that have to be dealt with
45:02 that we kind of touched on two-three times.
45:04 But when you go to your maybe another elder,
45:06 or deacon, or someone in the church,
45:08 or you want someone to go with you,
45:10 you're going to talk to someone, or whatever.
45:13 And they look around and they'll say,
45:14 "Hey, I don't want to get involved in that."
45:18 You might ask another member of the church
45:20 or someone in the position that they should be
45:22 and they say, "No, I don't want to get involved in that
45:23 because sometime there's gonna be split here
45:25 and peoples gonna be..."
45:27 I mean, how can we as a body, or believers,
45:30 or the church that you go to
45:31 and these are all your brothers and sisters there
45:33 and there is an issue,
45:34 it's gonna split the church maybe
45:36 or it can be healed back up and fixed again.
45:38 To say, "Basically, it's none of my business,
45:40 I don't want to get involved."
45:42 Well, that's...
45:44 I've been saving this paragraph
45:45 'cause you guys are all hitting on
45:47 and that's the...
45:48 I think here's the conclusion.
45:49 And when we spoke about it
45:51 when we read that one about Christ,
45:53 He always spoke the truth, He always went ahead
45:56 and said what needed to be said.
45:58 But here in Spirit of Prophecy, it says,
45:59 "Never cease to labor for a soul
46:03 while there is one ray of hope.
46:05 Your words may cut to the soul.
46:09 Oh, then be cautious, and here it is,
46:13 you still go but you have to be cautious and clothe them
46:18 with love and tenderness of Jesus.
46:21 Soften every accent with love and sympathy."
46:24 See that goes back to a little while ago I said,
46:26 "If we just would listen and do this
46:29 and put it into practice,
46:31 we would have an atmosphere of home on this earth."
46:34 Amen.
46:36 "As you deal with others, as you judge others,
46:38 so the Lord will judge and deal with you.
46:42 Let the agent who claims to be a child of God,
46:45 practice the lessons of Christ.
46:47 If he is compelled to wound,
46:50 or to feel the duty of healing as compulsory upon him.
46:54 The truth is ever to be spoken in love,
46:59 with the Spirit of Christ abiding in the soul."
47:03 And I thought it was interesting to see
47:05 who this was originally written to.
47:07 It was to the dear brethren in responsible positions
47:11 and I think that every one of us here
47:14 as a member of Christ family
47:16 and you're at home to represent Christ,
47:19 to represent your church.
47:20 You're in a place of responsibility
47:23 because you're representing the King of kings.
47:27 But we wrongly represent Him
47:29 when we don't follow His council.
47:30 Yeah, and self would make you want to do the cutting.
47:33 If a person is in error, the truth will cut on its own
47:36 because that's the natural truth.
47:38 I remember, I had a member, she told a story once,
47:41 she said, "The first time I went to an Adventist church,
47:44 I dolled up, I went to my jewelry,
47:46 I wore everything, I had double strands or pearls,
47:49 I had the whole deal.
47:51 And I walked into this church
47:53 and as I walked in the church I looked around
47:54 and said, "Oh, oh man.
47:57 I'm a little overdressed."
47:59 And so during a hymn, she kind of slid down in a pew
48:03 and then she kind of pop this one off, pop this one off
48:05 and then during that she held up the Bible
48:07 and she popped this one off.
48:09 So no one had to tell her like, your friends said,
48:12 oh, you got all that stuff on you, you'll drown yourself.
48:15 Because people know if their heart is honest,
48:17 the truth will set them free to do the right thing.
48:21 You don't have to be the one to come in
48:23 and do all the cutting
48:25 because in cutting down the weed,
48:26 you gonna cut down some tears and some weed,
48:27 and you gonna cut down some good plants.
48:30 The other day I was doing some cutting,
48:31 and I cut right down Irma's mint thing,
48:33 you know, and she said, "What happened to the mint."
48:36 I said, "Somebody cut it down."
48:40 Somebody did. Yeah.
48:41 Well, I was the only one out there with the shears
48:44 so she know it was me but she...
48:46 You know what I think is, mint, weeds, flowers, grass,
48:51 once you're pruning it, it's getting cut,
48:53 you know, I was just chopping them down.
48:55 Please get ready for a sermon didn't know it.
48:57 It was so bushy that he just cut it right down.
49:01 So we do, sometimes in trying to cut out the bad,
49:05 you make a mistake and cut out something
49:06 that you think is bad that is good.
49:08 Yes.
49:09 It's my point, you got to be very, very careful
49:10 with that pruning process,
49:12 to let the spirit do the pruning and not us.
49:13 The Bible tells us...
49:15 I'm sorry, go ahead.
49:16 The Bible tells us that it's much easier for us
49:19 to see the peck on the eye of somebody else
49:23 than it is in ours.
49:24 And I had experienced when I...
49:30 The Lord has spoken to me and says look at you
49:33 and He brought to me things
49:36 that I needed to look before I open my mouth
49:40 and I said, "Praise the Lord for the bad."
49:43 That is the beauty of the Holy Spirit.
49:45 You know, 'cause sometimes we are, yeah...
49:49 So there's a lot of watchman on the wall but very few...
49:51 Some are there among all those watchmen on the wall,
49:56 some are more active than the others.
49:58 When we're talking about love,
50:00 in order for love to be able to be all that it could be,
50:03 there has to be action.
50:05 And whenever you take that action,
50:08 then you may make two or three mistakes.
50:11 Yes.
50:13 I got into a business one time, didn't know what in the world
50:15 I was doing, I said, "Yes, when I should've listened."
50:18 And all of a sudden I had responsibilities
50:21 and there's only one way I knew it,
50:23 I had the manual but that, I'm not a manual reader.
50:28 Doer and learn the hard way I experienced.
50:31 And so, I went out there
50:32 and, oh, I probably butchered it up three or four times
50:36 but it weren't long, that started making sense,
50:41 started making sense to me.
50:43 And really became quite a good salesman
50:45 for this product
50:46 because, wow, I talked my way into it who I become
50:51 and so, those who allow the Holy Spirit to be
50:54 in charge of their lives
50:56 and if they get up and be active,
51:00 they will learn these lessons,
51:02 they may get their hands slapped two or three times
51:04 but people see your heart,
51:06 they know you want to do that which is right.
51:09 And so, get off that wall and do something, you know.
51:12 Yes.
51:14 I think that's what it's all about, it's our heart.
51:15 It is. Amen.
51:17 Our hearts need surgery, they need that stony heart
51:21 or flesh that needs to go
51:22 and that soft heart needs to come in from Christ.
51:25 When Jesus was here,
51:27 He came to reveal not Himself but His Father.
51:30 You know, the enemy likes us to think that the God,
51:33 the Father was stern and exacting
51:35 and da-da-da beating the people over the head
51:38 'cause you guys are in sin.
51:39 But Jesus came to show us, no, He's very loving,
51:42 He's very kind, He's forgiving and He has mercy beyond mercy,
51:48 love beyond love, you know, for each and every one of us.
51:51 As I said earlier, if it were for us individually,
51:55 none of us would save the other, I don't think.
51:58 Yeah. Amen.
52:00 In the beginning of Matthew when he's talking about
52:03 Jesus coming as a baby and the Lord sending Jesus,
52:08 the Messiah to us,
52:10 and I read in there that really touched my heart.
52:15 That the main mission of God sending His Son
52:21 so that we would have the love that He has for His Son.
52:27 And I say, "Wow, I mean, that is really powerful
52:32 to have that love that God has for Jesus."
52:37 He knows how could we attain that
52:40 but that was the mission of God and that's what He wants.
52:43 So if He says that He wants that love in us,
52:49 is for us to surrender and to let the Lord,
52:53 you know, teach us and put that love in us.
52:57 You never gonna be as perfect as God.
53:01 But you will be as perfect as God knows that he can be.
53:05 It's interesting
53:06 'cause Ellen White makes that statement,
53:08 she says, "We need to be by the grace of God
53:10 as perfect in our flesh and human
53:12 as God is in our sphere as God is in His sphere.
53:17 And that's you know used two different spheres,
53:19 you know what I'm saying,
53:21 but still yet by the grace of God
53:22 that how wonderful that is because we've all come short
53:26 and that's what the text I think is right there.
53:29 We've all erred, you know, I'm gonna deal with erring,
53:33 you know, I'm gonna go touch my...
53:35 We've all sinned, we've all come short,
53:36 we've all been, we've erred, and we need some grace,
53:40 and if we see that we have that grace
53:42 that He bestows upon us, and He's very forgiving.
53:44 But you know, people need to learn that.
53:47 I meet people nowadays that will still come up,
53:51 they'll come up maybe you never had a chat
53:53 and they're a Christian, their name's on the book,
53:55 we'll put it that way
53:56 and they'll talk to somebody's close
53:58 as we're talking right here.
53:59 They'll come back close to them,
54:00 talk to them and turn right around and move on.
54:03 There is something wrong with that.
54:06 There is something wrong to say I'm a child of God
54:09 and you can walk within a two foot of a person
54:12 and it consistently is done over the years, several years.
54:16 And they'll turn around and will eyeball you look at
54:19 so you can say hi or respond first.
54:21 So I'm saying, we need to realize
54:23 that's not Christ like.
54:27 Who needs the help?
54:29 I fell off the cliff, I need some help,
54:31 don't continue to push me on over,
54:33 you know what I'm saying, that's...
54:34 You know, he left the 99 and so we need to revaluate...
54:38 This is where, you know, we can have different opinions,
54:42 but we do need to have a common agreement
54:44 and the common agreement say we are Christians.
54:47 Amen. Amen.
54:48 That's what we have in common.
54:50 Because we are Christ's possession.
54:52 Exactly.
54:53 Regardless of what someone else had to say.
54:54 We belong to Christ, whether you have given your life,
54:57 you're still his child
54:58 until you get that final decision.
55:00 And it's our duty.
55:01 I think that it's important for people at home
55:04 to know that if they have gone in the wrong direction,
55:07 if they have made mistakes that Christ still loves them
55:10 and He's longing for them to come back to Him
55:14 and to surrender their lives to Him,
55:16 do not wait until you are perfect
55:19 because you'll never make it.
55:21 You know, you don't know when your time of probation
55:23 is going to close, God forbidden,
55:26 and accident could happen
55:27 and you could pass away today, where would you stand?
55:31 That's right. You know, God wants you now.
55:33 And I think it's wise to understand
55:36 what biblical profession is.
55:38 All that person has to do
55:39 is say God forgive me and mean it,
55:41 and they're perfect right then and there.
55:43 They're justified. Yes.
55:45 I want to read a text very quickly
55:46 which I call it as iceberg text
55:48 and I do this in just 20 seconds.
55:49 "Let this mind be in you, which is also in Christ Jesus."
55:51 Yes.
55:53 Philippians 2:5, I say iceberg because what comes after that
55:58 is an explanation of what that text means,
56:01 but there's some below the surface
56:02 and that's what comes before that.
56:04 So let this mind deals what's before the text
56:07 and what's after.
56:09 So here's what's before, two verses,
56:10 "Let nothing be done
56:11 through selfish ambition or conceit,
56:13 but in lowliness of mind,
56:15 let each esteem others better than himself."
56:18 That's one, and that's three, here's four,
56:22 "Let each of you look out not only for his own interest,
56:25 but also for the interest of others.
56:27 Let this mind be in you." You see?
56:30 So that's the basis of the mindset,
56:32 then you have all this other material about
56:34 Christ not being nothing
56:36 and robbery to be equal with God,
56:37 but made himself of no repute, took the form of a servant,
56:41 but it's based on you let nothing be done
56:44 through selfish ambition or conceit,
56:46 but in lowliness of mind esteem others
56:48 better than yourselves.
56:49 So the foundation for that mind is a humble attitude
56:53 that is willing to serve and give it to Jesus Christ.
56:56 Beautiful. Beautiful.
56:57 Christ, He elevates humanity
56:59 when He took the form of a servant.
57:01 Sure, He did.
57:02 So that we can be called the sons of God.
57:04 Amen.
57:05 Isn't that wonderful to know Jesus,
57:07 you look over all these list of things
57:08 that God has laid out for us that we can grasp by faith,
57:12 put them in our hearts and in our minds.
57:13 And remember, this is so we may learn
57:16 how to handle these situations and they went why?
57:20 To win our brother and sister back.
57:21 We've got 10 seconds left, honey,
57:23 to make sure we have a closing prayer.
57:25 Oh, yes. You like to pray for us.
57:27 Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus.
57:29 We thank You for this Sabbath day.
57:31 We thank You for this word.
57:32 We thank You Lord that we've given You permission
57:35 to be in charge of our lives.
57:36 We love you and thank you in the name of Jesus, amen.
57:39 Amen. Amen.
57:40 Thank you. Amen.


Revised 2017-07-24