Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Johnny & Idalia Dinzey (Host), Donald & Janelle Owen & Dan Peek & Tim Parton


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017015A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to Family Worship.
01:09 And from your 3ABN family in Christ,
01:11 we say happy Sabbath to you.
01:13 Happy Sabbath.
01:15 Well, Idalia, it's the time to receive the Sabbath
01:18 and we're just glad that 3ABN makes this time available
01:21 so that we can join with you and worship,
01:23 and we really hope that you will sing along,
01:26 and look up the scriptures with us
01:28 and so that we can receive the Sabbath together.
01:30 Now you may be watching this program
01:32 when the Sabbath is closing
01:33 because it is put on the air just before the Sabbath starts
01:38 and also put on the air after the Sabbath is ending.
01:41 And many of you have said that you enjoy the fellowship
01:45 and the family atmosphere of this program
01:47 and we just rejoice that this is what is happening
01:50 because that's our hope.
01:53 My name is John Dinzey, my wife Idalia also with me.
01:56 And we are glad that we are also among
01:59 brethren that love the Lord and also work with 3ABN.
02:03 And we're gonna start at my extreme right
02:06 and we have one of our engineers,
02:08 Dan Peek, welcome.
02:10 Thank you.
02:12 Thank you for being with us, and next to him, Idalia, is...
02:15 Celestine, very welcome.
02:18 Thank you.
02:19 I'm so glad that you're with us.
02:20 Thank you.
02:22 And so now we go over to my left,
02:24 and we have Brother Donald Owen
02:27 that is still with us, and he is not alone.
02:29 Could you tell us who is next to you?
02:30 My wonderful wife Janelle.
02:32 Yes. Oh, wonderful.
02:34 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
02:35 Very good.
02:36 And so we are glad that you are also with us
02:38 because we can join together to worship the Lord,
02:40 and before we continue,
02:42 let's go to the Lord in prayer
02:44 and ask Him to bless this program
02:45 and bless every one of you that is listening
02:48 and watching wherever you are.
02:49 Let's go to the Lord in prayer.
02:52 Our loving heavenly Father,
02:54 we thank you so much
02:56 that we can approach your throne of grace
02:59 with confidence,
03:00 confidence that you will hear us,
03:01 confidence that you are attentive to our prayer.
03:05 And we come to you Lord in Jesus name
03:07 to ask for Your blessing upon this program
03:10 and that all who listen, all who watch
03:13 that you will bless them and encourage them
03:16 in the journey that we must all walk.
03:19 And we pray, heavenly Father, that as we are together,
03:21 we will have a sensing of your presence
03:23 and we pray for a blessing upon all,
03:25 and we ask you for these things
03:27 in Jesus name.
03:28 Amen. Amen.
03:29 Amen.
03:31 Well, I would like to share some scriptures
03:36 that are found in Exodus 20:8-11,
03:39 some of you may be asking,
03:41 "What is this happy Sabbath that you said?
03:43 What is this all about?"
03:44 You may be new to watching 3ABN or listening,
03:47 and we want to give you the biblical basis for this
03:51 and so we go to Exodus 20
03:53 where God is talking to His people
03:56 that at that time were the people of Israel,
03:59 and this is a message for all Christians as well.
04:03 In Exodus 20:8-11, the Bible tells us,
04:06 "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
04:09 Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work,
04:13 but the seventh day
04:14 is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
04:17 In it, thou shall not do any work,
04:19 thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter,
04:22 thy man servant, nor thy maid servant,
04:24 nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger
04:27 that is within thy gates."
04:29 And why?
04:30 He gives us the answer in verse 11.
04:31 "For in six days, the Lord made the heaven and the earth,
04:35 the sea, and all that in them is,
04:37 and rested the seventh day
04:40 wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
04:42 and hallowed it."
04:44 Amen.
04:45 So we praise the Lord for the scripture
04:47 and of course, if you read in the beginning
04:50 of the Bible in Genesis 2, it says,
04:53 "The Lord sanctified this day."
04:55 Amen.
04:56 And what God has made holy remains holy.
04:58 Amen.
04:59 And so Jesus gave us the example
05:00 and he too, for example, He went in the synagogue
05:03 on the Sabbath day to worship the Lord.
05:06 Now we must also say
05:07 and that we can worship the Lord
05:09 any day of the week, any day of the week,
05:11 but for some reason, we needed the reminder,
05:15 so that scripture begins with,
05:17 "Remember, the Sabbath day to keep it holy."
05:20 And it says to keep it holy
05:22 because that's what we are to do.
05:23 In other words, as it says, we put the work aside
05:28 and the secular things of the world
05:30 and we enter into
05:31 a closer relationship with the Lord,
05:34 a closer amount of,
05:35 a closer time when we worship Him
05:37 and dedicate the day to the Lord
05:39 and day with family.
05:40 Any comments about this?
05:42 Well, I am blessed when it comes to family worship
05:46 because as we know the viewers
05:49 sometimes come to the light of keeping the Sabbath.
05:52 And they're like, "What do you do on the Sabbath?
05:55 You just sit around and do nothing
05:56 or what do you do?
05:58 How do you receive the Sabbath?"
05:59 So it depends in every home, if there are children,
06:02 you have to make it nice and short
06:03 and to their level, you know.
06:05 And in every phase of parenthood,
06:09 I've been blessed with receiving the Sabbath
06:12 and preparing all week to receive the Sabbath.
06:15 And now that our nest is empty,
06:18 you know, I enjoy my Sabbath with...
06:21 my Sabbath experience with my friends,
06:23 my coworkers
06:25 and fellow members of the Seventh-day Adventist church
06:28 here locally.
06:29 So, I ask you, how has it been for you?
06:32 Anyone would like to share either an experience
06:35 or how the Sabbath has been
06:37 a blessing to you and your family?
06:40 Not everybody goes at once, please.
06:43 Because I have to say, that I just really
06:45 I've been enjoying, especially being here
06:47 and learning what really the Sabbath is.
06:49 It took me a long time to understand.
06:51 I wasn't raised Seventh-day Adventist,
06:52 but then finally found out what the Sabbath was
06:55 and how it's really coming into rest with the Lord
06:57 and doing what He does
06:58 and fellowshipping with brothers and sisters
07:00 is just wonderful.
07:01 We've been doing actually
07:02 The Great Controversy study for...
07:04 How many months, it's been? Over a year.
07:05 Over a year now, so it's just been awesome
07:07 to spend time with people
07:08 and really dive into The Great Controversy.
07:10 Amen. So we do that for the Sabbath.
07:12 Amen.
07:13 So the Sabbath begins as we understand it
07:15 from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
07:17 That's right.
07:18 That's how the Bible accounts for the days.
07:19 I don't know if anyone else would like to share.
07:21 Brother Dan, how has been receiving
07:23 or keeping the Sabbath in your family?
07:25 Well, of course, I was raised as an Adventist
07:28 kind of like Paul,
07:29 an Adventist to the Adventist with all the right school,
07:32 but still it was, it was a while until,
07:36 you know, I begun to really understand.
07:37 I mean, you know, at first, it was a mechanical
07:39 sort of thing.
07:40 Well, you know, one, two, three, four, five, six for us,
07:43 the seventh is for Jesus.
07:44 And so, you know, we knew that Friday afternoon
07:47 we had to polish shoes, we had to iron clothes,
07:49 we had to, you know,
07:50 go through all those series of steps.
07:54 My dad, I didn't realize when I was really young
07:57 but as I got older and, you know,
07:59 we started working on other projects,
08:01 different places,
08:02 about two hours before sun down,
08:05 he would say, "All right, it's time to quit."
08:07 I mean, you know, always, one more thing.
08:10 Yes.
08:11 At least in my family, you know,
08:13 we never accomplish what we set out for the day.
08:15 Yeah.
08:16 I mean, we're never short on that.
08:20 But it was, it was nice.
08:23 I didn't always appreciate
08:24 entering into the rest as a child,
08:25 I'll have to be honest.
08:27 You know, I had my own thoughts
08:29 and, you know, I'd like to be out
08:30 riding my bicycle over the jumps
08:32 and doing whatever else, you know,
08:35 I might have had on my idea of the things to do,
08:39 go play with my friends,
08:41 and do the things that I wanted to do.
08:42 They were about me
08:45 and not about entering into the rest
08:47 and understanding relationship.
08:49 And I guess, you know, as a child,
08:51 you want a different kind of relationship
08:53 than you want as an adult with someone else.
08:55 That's right. Thank you so much.
08:57 Well, Idalia, we are also pleased to have, in the house,
09:02 as we say, Brother Tim Parton, that's over here on the piano
09:06 and we thank you so much
09:07 for being part of this worship hour with us.
09:10 Thank you, Tim.
09:11 You know, before we got started,
09:13 he was playing, and I guess,
09:15 I don't know if you have to warm up fingers or not,
09:18 but he was playing
09:19 and it was such a blessing to hear him play.
09:21 Thank you, Brother Tim.
09:23 Well, what's the song that we're gonna sing, Idalia?
09:25 Well, since the topic for the hour,
09:27 we're going to share promises that are dear to our heart.
09:30 So there is a hymn that came to our mind to share
09:35 and that is "Standing on the Promises."
09:38 And that's hymn number 518
09:40 in the Seventh-day Adventist Hymn Book.
09:43 But if you Google, "Standing on the Promises,"
09:46 you will be able to find the lyrics
09:48 and also other songs that are in the hymn book.
09:52 But please join us as we praise the Lord in music
09:55 with "Standing on the Promises."
10:02 Standing on the promises of Christ my King
10:07 Through eternal ages let His praises ring
10:12 Glory in the highest, I will shout and sing
10:16 Standing on the promises of God
10:20 Standing, standing
10:25 Standing on the promises of God my Savior
10:30 Standing, standing
10:36 I'm standing on the promises of God
10:41 Standing on the promises that cannot fail
10:46 When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail
10:51 By the living Word of God I shall prevail
10:55 Standing on the promises of God
10:59 Standing, standing
11:04 Standing on the promises of God my Savior
11:08 Standing, standing
11:15 I'm standing on the promises of God
11:20 Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord
11:25 Bound to Him eternally by love's strong cord
11:29 Overcoming daily with the Spirit's sword
11:34 Standing on the promises of God
11:38 Standing, standing
11:42 Standing on the promises of God my Savior
11:47 Standing, standing
11:53 I'm standing on the promises of God
12:00 Amen. Amen.
12:02 Praise the Lord.
12:03 We can sing that song all together,
12:05 all over again, right?
12:06 Thank you so much, thank you Brother Tim
12:08 for being with us.
12:10 Thank you, Tim. Yes.
12:11 We are so blessed through this ministry of music.
12:13 Well, praise the Lord.
12:15 This is a beautiful hymn
12:16 and I'm sure that many of you have
12:19 sung this hymn before.
12:20 And, Idalia, in Spanish
12:23 I'm sure you've sang this one as well.
12:24 Oh, definitely, you know, it's interesting
12:27 how so many of us come to this country
12:31 or we just travel as missionaries
12:33 because Brother Dan Peek was raised as a missionary.
12:37 So I'm sure that the songs that we learned
12:39 in our native tongue, you know, in English
12:42 for your, in your situation, and mine in Spanish,
12:46 and when I hear the melody being played on the piano,
12:50 I'm like, "I know that song.
12:52 Oh, what hymn is that? What hymn was that?"
12:54 But I don't know the naming in English,
12:57 but we know the melody,
12:58 so it takes me back to my childhood,
13:01 you know, and sometimes I get Spanglish,
13:04 you know, singing in Spanish and English altogether
13:06 because I get so emotional.
13:08 So anyhow, it's just very fun to my heart and fun memories.
13:12 Amen. Yeah.
13:14 Well, I would like to say this that we were praying
13:17 and talking about what topic to talk about during this hour.
13:21 And, you know, the promises of the Lord
13:24 are encouraging to all His children.
13:27 Amen.
13:28 And I believe that everyone
13:32 should have at least one promise memorized
13:36 or know about it
13:37 or at least know some of the words
13:39 and all of us go through different experiences in life
13:43 and we find certain scriptures encourage us,
13:48 help us through those difficult times.
13:50 I would like to begin this by reading,
13:54 it's in 1 Kings 8:56,
13:58 and it's a declaration
14:01 of something that had happened.
14:06 1 Kings 8:56, if somebody has found that,
14:11 you could do us the favor
14:12 reading that nice and loud for us.
14:13 I have it, 1 Kings 8:56,
14:17 "Blessed be the Lord
14:19 who has given rest to His people Israel,
14:23 according to all that He promised.
14:26 There has not failed one word of all His good promise,
14:31 which He promised through His servant Moses."
14:34 Amen. Amen.
14:36 And so we see here, if you go into Exodus,
14:39 Leviticus, and Numbers,
14:41 you will notice wonderful promises
14:43 that God made to the people of Israel.
14:45 And this is a declaration
14:48 that everything that God promised,
14:51 not one word, it says there, of God's promise failed.
14:56 Amen.
14:57 And that's the wonderful thing about God, you know.
14:58 As human beings, maybe you have heard
15:00 somebody promise something.
15:01 I promise you I will do this.
15:03 And unfortunately, it didn't happen.
15:06 I remember our children saying something like
15:08 "Dad, I'm going to kill it when they were younger."
15:11 And they said, "I thought we were gonna do this."
15:15 And I say, "Well, I'm sorry we can do that,
15:16 but you promised."
15:18 And I said, "I promised that?"
15:20 I didn't remember that I had promised that
15:23 but they remembered.
15:24 So, you know,
15:27 we may not be able to keep all the promises we make.
15:29 But we should strive to be the men and women of yes and no
15:35 because it's biblical.
15:36 That's right.
15:38 So as our children were raised,
15:39 I always tell them let your yes be yes,
15:41 let your no be no, so whenever we say,
15:43 we are going to do this, Lord willing,
15:46 if it's the Lord's will, we will be doing this or that.
15:50 So it's important to value, you know, each other's words,
15:55 I don't have to promise Celestine,
15:57 I don't have to say, "Celestine, I promise you,
15:59 I'm gonna make you a dessert."
16:01 I don't have to promise you but I can say,
16:04 "Celestine, I want to make a dessert for you."
16:06 Thank you. One is best for you.
16:08 This is just an example, I'm not making that.
16:10 I know, I know.
16:12 Just kidding. I know.
16:16 So you know what I'm saying,
16:17 you're a mother of two daughters.
16:19 Yes.
16:21 And, Dan, you have two children too.
16:23 So when you... And a wife.
16:25 And a wife.
16:26 Of course, yes, and his wife of course,
16:28 but what I'm saying is that
16:30 we want our children to trust us.
16:32 Yes.
16:33 And the way we win their trust it's by fulfilling that
16:38 which we say we're gonna do if the Lord wills.
16:41 And then, with you guys, you don't have children
16:44 but you have each other.
16:45 We have pets. And you have friends.
16:47 Pets?
16:49 The pets are very faithful, aren't they?
16:50 Yeah, they are.
16:52 But as I'm saying, we just need to value it,
16:56 and the way we present it,
16:59 we were representing the Lord as Christian men and women.
17:02 Amen. That's right.
17:03 So whatever we promise,
17:05 when you talk about God's promises
17:08 or you're saying that God promised that,
17:09 but you promised me all the time then
17:11 and you don't fulfill the promise.
17:13 So unfortunately,
17:14 we are not creating a clean and crisp
17:19 understanding to our children
17:20 of how faithful God is at times, correct?
17:23 I mean, am I wrong?
17:24 Not really, you know why. You know exactly why.
17:26 But what I meant to say also is that
17:31 although people may say something
17:34 and sometimes people believe it.
17:36 And, you know, unfortunately, I don't want to dwell in
17:40 when elections time come, the politicians promise
17:43 they're gonna do, you know, from A to Z,
17:47 but when they get in there
17:48 and I'm not speaking about any politician in particular,
17:53 but when they get in there,
17:54 they normally don't do those things.
17:55 Now some people don't know this, Idalia.
17:57 I don't know if you know,
17:58 even though you used to live in Chicago.
17:59 I don't know. Let's see what they're gonna say.
18:01 They say the Chicago is called the Windy City,
18:04 but the reason it's called the Windy City,
18:06 now by the way, it is windy sometimes
18:08 because of the winds coming from Canada
18:10 and through the Lake Michigan, etcetera.
18:12 But the reason originally
18:13 why it was called the Windy City
18:15 is because the politicians used to promise so much
18:18 and then, when they would get into office,
18:19 they would do nothing.
18:21 So it was called they're just full of wind
18:23 so that's why it's called the Windy city.
18:25 Oh, never heard that before.
18:27 I even lived at Chicago, you lived in Chicago too.
18:29 Yeah, yes.
18:30 But God is not like that.
18:32 When He promises something, he will fulfill.
18:34 Amen. Amen.
18:35 He will fulfill what he says.
18:37 So we've each selected some promises,
18:40 who would like to start first
18:41 to share some promise that God has made?
18:45 I can start. Okay, Janelle.
18:47 Among the end, so I guess, I could start.
18:50 Do you want me to discuss through the ones that I...
18:52 Sure, go ahead. As you wish.
18:54 Okay.
18:55 The first one that I have listed here
18:57 that I really like is Philippians 1:6,
19:00 and it reads, "Being confident of this very thing,
19:05 that He which hath begun a good work in you
19:07 will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus."
19:10 Amen.
19:11 I like that one because
19:13 I don't know if you guys have heard the saying before,
19:15 "I'm not where I should be but I'm not where I was."
19:18 That's right.
19:19 And I feel like that's me,
19:21 you know, I'm gonna work in progress
19:22 and it's just a day-by-day process.
19:24 Yes.
19:25 And this one is really comforting to me,
19:27 because I know that He has begun a good work in me
19:31 and that He is continuing and we'll finish it.
19:35 Amen.
19:36 And so that's something that I really, I hold that one close
19:40 because some days I don't feel like I'm growing in Him,
19:45 but that one is a good promise for me.
19:48 So we'll each to share one, then we'll go through it again.
19:51 Okay, one at a time.
19:52 I just wanted to add to Janelle's comment is that,
19:56 you know, God always surprises us.
20:00 Yes.
20:01 You know, He does not leave us where He finds us.
20:03 Amen. Praise the Lord.
20:05 As we seek Him, we become changed as we contemplate.
20:09 So as we put forth our part and say,
20:12 "Lord, I wanna be just like you,
20:14 please help me transform
20:16 and give me the humility to accept this transformation
20:20 that You're making in my life."
20:22 Sometimes, so we can find ourselves
20:24 fighting against the Lord, you know.
20:26 But He then, again, a good working,
20:28 you will be faithful to complete it,
20:30 if we could just trust 100% in Him.
20:33 Amen. He's faithful.
20:35 Amen. Okay, well, who else has something to share?
20:39 I guess I'll share out of 2 Corinthians 5:20, 21.
20:43 Okay.
20:45 This is actually the amplified version,
20:46 but you guys can just follow along.
20:49 2 Corinthians 5:20, 21. Okay.
20:52 I shall back up to 19.
20:55 I don't have any amplified here,
20:56 but I'll just read it.
20:58 "To wit, that God was in Christ,
21:00 reconciling the world unto Himself,"
21:03 I like this next part,
21:04 "not imputing their trespasses or sins unto them,
21:08 and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation."
21:11 And I'll read the rest here from amplified, verse 20.
21:14 "So we are Christ's ambassadors,
21:16 God making his appeal as it were through us.
21:19 We as Christ's personal representatives
21:21 beg you for His sake
21:22 to lay hold of the divine favor
21:24 now offered you and be reconciled to God."
21:27 And verse 21, "For our sake,
21:29 He made Christ virtually to be sin
21:32 Who knew no sin,
21:34 so that in and through Him we might become endued with,
21:37 viewed as being in, and examples
21:39 of the righteousness of God
21:41 what we ought to be, approved and acceptable
21:43 and in right relationship with Him by His goodness."
21:46 And I really thought about that,
21:48 how does someone who doesn't know sin become,
21:51 be made sin for us?
21:52 I mean, how does that happen?
21:54 How can somebody decide to come down here,
21:56 like Christ come down here, and take on the form of man?
21:59 That's right.
22:00 The form of flesh and become, you know, a servant
22:03 and take it to the cross for us
22:06 because that speaks a lot
22:08 and that kind of shows that he can relate to me personally.
22:10 And He's relatable to me,
22:12 to things that I've been through,
22:13 you know, I think of Hebrews 4:15 says,
22:15 "He's tempted by all points like we are
22:16 but yet without sin."
22:18 He's tempted by all points like we are,
22:19 so whatever we've been through, He's been through.
22:21 Amen.
22:23 So it makes Him a relatable Jesus,
22:24 and that's just, that's just amazing to me.
22:27 Amen.
22:28 Yes, that is really something
22:32 I think worthy of everyone stopping to consider
22:35 and meditate upon Him and think about
22:37 that God was willing to take on human flesh
22:44 to become like one of us and suffer the way He did.
22:49 And I mean, we read in the scriptures,
22:52 I say, some of His sufferings
22:54 because He goes beyond what we are able to read.
22:58 Yeah.
23:00 And I don't know
23:02 how many movies on the life of Christ you've seen,
23:05 I guess, I've seen a couple at least,
23:08 and they've tried to portray
23:10 the physical suffering of Christ,
23:12 but what they're not able to capture
23:16 is the internal suffering of Christ.
23:19 And I guess, that is,
23:22 I remember somebody, an atheist,
23:27 I was talking to an atheist,
23:28 and he said, "I went to see that movie."
23:31 And he said, "You shouldn't,
23:32 you should not go see that movie."
23:34 I said, "Really, why is that?"
23:35 He says, "Oh, no, they beat that man, they really...
23:39 He really was beaten almost through the whole two hours
23:45 that the movie was on, and it's just too much."
23:48 This atheist was talking like this.
23:52 And I said, "You know,
23:54 what they portrayed in that movie
23:57 is only part of the story
23:58 because the internal suffering of Christ."
24:01 And when I say internal suffering of Christ
24:02 for those that perhaps don't even understand
24:04 that part or have not stopped to consider it,
24:07 there is one aspect is that
24:09 Jesus Christ was
24:11 in constant communion with God the Father.
24:13 Amen, that's right.
24:15 And there comes a time,
24:16 beginning in the garden of Gethsemane,
24:18 when he begins to take upon Himself
24:20 the sins of the world.
24:22 That's right.
24:23 And as this is happening, He begins to experience
24:26 a separation from God the Father,
24:29 that is a suffering
24:31 that is so intense that you cannot display that,
24:36 you cannot put that into a film.
24:38 And so I think it's worthy of consideration for all of us.
24:43 Now that you've mentioned all that,
24:45 you took me back to like
24:47 when I was five years old
24:50 and, you know, in the Spanish countries,
24:52 they share the week of...
24:54 The Holy Week, the Passover Week.
24:57 The Passover Week. Yes.
24:59 In Spanish it's Semana Santa.
25:01 Anyhow, and I remember that the television was on
25:07 and as those scenes
25:10 of Jesus's crucifixion came on, I just...
25:14 I choke up right now just thinking about it.
25:17 I ran to the television and I hugged that television,
25:20 "Jesus! Please don't.
25:22 Jesus, please I love you. Please don't do this to Jesus."
25:25 And it just moved me so much, it's like, "How can this Man
25:29 do this to forgive me?
25:32 I love you, Jesus."
25:33 So I embraced that television, you know, just...
25:36 I guess it was so much,
25:39 but the reality is that it is too much.
25:42 Yeah.
25:44 It's like greater love is this, right?
25:47 So anyhow, we can continue talking about the crucifixion,
25:50 it was a very good promise.
25:52 Yes. We have our friend Celestine.
25:56 Celestine. Yeah.
25:57 You're not singing right now. Yeah, I'm already playing.
25:59 Oh, yeah I know.
26:01 But it's amazing to contemplate God's great love for us.
26:05 When we feel, you know, so small
26:07 but yet we're so special to Him.
26:09 Yeah. What do you have girl?
26:11 I have at here Isaiah 41:10.
26:15 Isaiah 41:10. Okay. Yes.
26:22 Okay, Isaiah 41:10.
26:24 Yes. Yes.
26:26 This is very special to me because...
26:28 Let me read it first.
26:29 Okay, let's read it.
26:31 All right.
26:32 "Fear not, for I am with you.
26:35 Be not dismayed for I am your God."
26:39 "I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you,
26:44 I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
26:48 Amen. That's just beautiful.
26:51 It's so true. I just see it like, "Whoa!
26:55 That's so comforting to me
26:58 especially what I went through."
27:00 That's right.
27:01 That is right. Yeah.
27:02 And you have become a widow, yes?
27:04 Right.
27:06 And you have your music ministry,
27:07 right, Celestine,
27:09 those concerts, we've seen you on 3ABN,
27:12 so you're part of our family.
27:14 Yes, thank you. Praise the Lord.
27:15 Everyone at home have been praying for you, too.
27:17 Yeah.
27:18 This has become so real to you. Yeah.
27:21 And, man, I would say,
27:25 church family is very important.
27:27 Amen.
27:28 Next to God because without my church family
27:31 here at 3ABN in Thompsonville,
27:33 I don't know I will ever make it.
27:35 No, because and of course,
27:37 my kids too really hurt me a lot.
27:39 It is the hardest thing you have to go through.
27:42 Yes.
27:43 And I'm still grieving, so I'm like just...
27:46 Yes.
27:47 God is sufficient. Amen.
27:49 Man, He is the source of all, but I just like,
27:52 "Wow, it's very difficult but God is good."
27:57 Amen. He's sustaining me.
28:00 Amen. My family in a daily basis.
28:03 Amen. So I praise Him.
28:04 Amen. With all my heart.
28:06 Praise the Lord. We love you, Celestine.
28:08 You know, I don't know if there is someone out there
28:11 that's experiencing the same thing
28:12 that Celestine has gone through with her two girls,
28:15 you know, it's a world that I don't know off
28:19 and there are many people that can identify with you
28:23 because they have gone through that hardship of separation,
28:26 the sudden death of your spouse,
28:29 you know, and he was not just a spouse,
28:31 he was your friend, your partner,
28:32 the father of your daughters.
28:34 And there are so many that maybe say,
28:36 "How am I gonna get through another week?"
28:39 Precisely, these promises we are sharing them with you
28:42 because that helps you to get through this week.
28:47 Amen, amen. Yes, amen.
28:49 And somebody else?
28:51 Dan, we haven't heard from you on this part.
28:53 Well, I kind of chose promises
28:57 that were dealing with a family.
28:59 I wanted to share one
29:02 that the Lord gave me, I don't know,
29:05 maybe six months ago or so,
29:07 I was praying about my son
29:11 who is entering his teenage years
29:13 and acting like a teenager.
29:15 And I'm sure that many other parents
29:17 can probably well identify with,
29:19 the child who doesn't want to identify
29:21 with the family anymore, anything, you know,
29:24 you have to use a lot of reverse psychology
29:27 or negative psychology,
29:28 I don't know what you call that.
29:29 Yes.
29:31 You know, I want you do this, so don't do that kind of thing.
29:35 Exactly.
29:36 I said, "Lord, I don't want to do this.
29:39 I mean, I don't know what to do."
29:42 I was perfect, I guess, I mean, that was my memory.
29:48 But the Lord, after a few days,
29:51 the Lord gave me this verse in 2 Samuel,
29:54 and it was one of the few times in my life
29:56 that the Lord has tapped me on the shoulder and said,
29:59 "By the way, this verse is for you."
30:03 So I claimed this
30:07 and I feel like He shared it with me,
30:08 but it doesn't mean that it doesn't apply to you
30:11 or anyone else.
30:12 So it's
30:14 2 Samuel 7:14, 15,
30:21 primarily 14,
30:22 but where God is talking to David
30:27 and David's trying to figure out
30:28 what to do with his teenage son,
30:29 I don't really know how old Solomon was,
30:31 but he was talking about Solomon
30:33 and God says, "I will be his father."
30:36 Amen.
30:37 "And he shall be My son."
30:39 And so he's gonna be God's son.
30:40 "If he commit an iniquity..."
30:42 And Pastor Lomacang, it wasn't Pastor Lomacang,
30:45 it was another pastor previous to that,
30:47 explained to us that iniquity was those sins that we love,
30:50 not just sin in general but those sins that we love.
30:52 Yes.
30:54 That we don't wanna give up,
30:55 cherished sins someone's called them.
30:58 "If he commits iniquity,
31:00 I will chasten him with the rod of men
31:03 and with the stripes of the children of men."
31:06 And going on to verse 15,
31:08 "But My mercy shall not depart away from him."
31:12 "As I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee."
31:15 So whenever my son
31:19 is acting disagreeable,
31:23 I try to remember to keep my mouth shut
31:26 and remind the Lord,
31:27 "By the way, you said this is your son.
31:29 You will discipline him.
31:31 I want to do my part,
31:33 but, Lord, you got to tell me what my part is
31:35 so that I don't, you know, beat the devil into him
31:38 'cause I might inclined to do that."
31:41 That's right.
31:42 You know, I have read here and, you know,
31:44 I do have the temper,
31:45 I did have the temper to do that,
31:49 but praise the Lord, you know,
31:51 He has delivered me from that as long as I stay with him.
31:53 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
31:55 In tune with Philippians 1:6
31:58 being confident of this very thing
32:00 that He who has begun a good work,
32:01 God is working in each one of our lives,
32:04 and as we yield and submit
32:06 and allow Him to make changes in our lives,
32:09 the work will continue until it's completed
32:11 and we praise the Lord for that.
32:12 Amen. Well, I'd like to share...
32:14 It's a beautiful promise by the way we're sharing.
32:16 Yes, it is. Yes, it is.
32:18 It's amazing how the Bible helps us in our everyday,
32:21 you know, relationships.
32:23 Absolutely.
32:25 My relationship with the Lord,
32:27 my relationship with my husband,
32:28 with my fellow workers, and neighbors, and all,
32:32 I know that this week,
32:34 for example, we've had deadlines,
32:36 we've had so many things to do and pressuring activities,
32:40 oh, we have to stretch ourselves,
32:42 sometimes you feel like, "Ugh!"
32:44 But, you know, one of the special things
32:47 that I really enjoy for Sabbath is that rest.
32:51 "And come to me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
32:57 and I will give you rest."
32:59 This is from Matthew 11:28.
33:01 Amen. Come to me, it's an invitation.
33:04 It doesn't say, you know, little children come to me,
33:06 it just says a general invitation.
33:09 I'm like, "You're including me in that, Lord?"
33:11 "Come to me, Idalia, you know, you who labor
33:16 and are heavy laden and I will give you rest."
33:18 This week may be a week that we may have experienced,
33:23 I don't know if folks at home have experienced such a week
33:25 that they don't even wanna take time
33:27 for family worship right now,
33:28 their minds are so infested with so many problems
33:32 and things pending yet to do, even for Sabbath activities,
33:38 you know, "I still have this to do or that to do."
33:41 We need to come and rest,
33:44 we need to come to Him and rest in Christ
33:47 and you're gonna see the difference,
33:49 you feel like renewed.
33:50 Amen.
33:52 People are like, "How do you keep going?"
33:53 You know, it's important to, you know, sit and rest.
33:57 I know you're always going, Donald,
33:58 you're going door to door, going through town,
34:01 you know, many businesses trying to witness.
34:04 That's my twin, you know.
34:08 Nonstop. He is nonstop.
34:10 Yeah. All right, what a blessing.
34:13 But, you know, it is important for us to stop,
34:16 you know, be at Jesus's feet.
34:18 Amen.
34:19 And regain that focus, that peace,
34:22 that rest that we must have
34:25 in order to take on the new week, so...
34:29 Yeah. Thank you so much.
34:31 You're welcome.
34:32 You know, as you were saying that,
34:33 it was very interesting
34:35 that when God promises something
34:37 it's an open end,
34:38 there's no ending to the promise.
34:40 Yes. It's an open-ended promise.
34:42 Because everybody gets the flyers
34:44 that come into their homes
34:48 where they say, this offer only lasts so long,
34:51 you know, after two weeks it's over, after a day is over.
34:54 That's right.
34:55 Or they say, this weekend only, you know.
34:57 It expires. It expires.
34:59 But when Jesus has come unto me or ye that are weary
35:02 and heavy laden,
35:03 it is, it was not for just those people
35:05 that were there, it's for us living today as well.
35:07 That's right.
35:09 And we can take advantage of that same invitation
35:11 that Jesus makes because it's for us as well.
35:14 So I would like to read one
35:18 that has been a blessing to me.
35:20 And you know, I pretty much know
35:25 these by scriptures and most of you.
35:26 The scriptures you've read... Right, by memory.
35:28 You know them by memory as well.
35:30 But I'm gonna read it and we know
35:34 and we can stop right there
35:35 and He says, wow, he knows, he's not doubtful,
35:37 "We know that all things work together for good to them
35:42 that love God, to them who are the called
35:45 according to His purpose."
35:46 Amen.
35:48 So when I first started considering this scripture,
35:52 it was a time I guess,
35:53 that I needed this particular scripture
35:56 because, you know, you read certain things
35:58 but sometimes things stand out to you.
36:00 That's right.
36:01 And so I was going through some challenges,
36:07 facing some court things and things like that.
36:11 And this scripture was what the Lord used to help me
36:16 understand that this thing that I was going through,
36:20 He was gonna help me through it.
36:21 And at times you may even ask yourself
36:25 as I asked myself, "Well, Lord, I really don't know
36:29 how this is gonna work out to my good,
36:32 but I'm gonna trust You anyway."
36:33 And so, what a blessing to see that
36:37 God brings you through things and somehow it's for your good.
36:41 And you may find out later, maybe the next day,
36:45 maybe the next week, maybe a month later,
36:47 but sometimes it could be a year later or more,
36:50 that you say, "Wow, that thing that I went through,
36:54 it really was good that I went through that
36:57 because now I can help this person
36:59 that is going through the same thing.
37:01 And say, 'Wait on the Lord, He's gonna help you.'"
37:04 And so, all of these promises are precious,
37:06 all of these promises are precious.
37:08 Definitely, well, you know,
37:10 sometimes we do forget about the promise that he is with us,
37:13 like we find it in Isaiah 41:10,
37:16 "Fear not, for I am with you.
37:18 Be not dismayed for I am your God.
37:21 I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you,
37:23 I will uphold you with My righteous hand."
37:26 Just like Celestine had shared before.
37:29 He is always with us. Yeah.
37:31 And He will never forsake us.
37:33 And it's so easy.
37:35 Janelle, have you felt all alone before
37:37 and forgotten that Christ has promised to be with you?
37:40 Yes, yes. I have.
37:42 There have been times.
37:43 When we first moved here,
37:45 you know, when you first move to an area,
37:46 you don't know people,
37:48 and it takes a while to kind of get to know people.
37:52 And so it was kind of like that.
37:55 When we moved here and... Thank you.
37:59 So there are times when that happens
38:01 and I've felt that before.
38:02 So but it was nice to eventually get to know people
38:06 and, you know, people we work with, church family,
38:09 and people in the community, but it's always,
38:12 it always feels kind of like you're alone
38:15 when you first move to a new area.
38:16 And even though we had each other,
38:18 there was still not that family,
38:20 you know, that we were used to.
38:21 Right, right.
38:23 I understand.
38:24 When I first moved down to Southern Illinois,
38:28 it was very hard for me.
38:29 I mean, I married someone that worked here at 3ABN.
38:34 I married John Dinzey. He was John Dinzey.
38:35 Yes, yes it was him.
38:38 Clarify.
38:40 In 1994, we got married.
38:43 So when we moved, when I moved down here,
38:46 it was a lot of culture shock.
38:48 I don't know if that happened to you.
38:49 Oh, yeah. Yeah. Did it?
38:51 How was that transition for you?
38:52 It was, man, it was a lot.
38:56 I was just so scared and all of the above,
38:59 crying, "I wanna go home."
39:00 You know. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
39:03 But, you know, like you mentioned earlier,
39:06 when we met our church family
39:09 and, you know, met one person and another,
39:12 and their gesture of friendship of love of welcoming,
39:16 that just dissipates
39:18 all the negative feelings that I had.
39:22 I'm like, "Lord, what am I do here?"
39:24 I remember.
39:25 This is so different, I couldn't handle.
39:27 I remember you were like when you were so new here
39:31 and I remember her talking to us,
39:34 you know, and man, I felt so comfortable right away,
39:37 praise the Lord. Oh, praise the Lord.
39:39 Glory to God.
39:40 I like that lady, she's really like, you know,
39:43 she's so welcoming, you know.
39:44 Yes.
39:46 Because I feel like a stranger,
39:47 we feel "Oh, boy, are we in the,
39:49 you know, right place?"
39:51 Was this a good decision? Yeah.
39:53 That's a good thing. Yeah, that was a blessing.
39:55 You have the gift of hospitality.
39:56 Yeah, praise the Lord. Yeah. Amen to that.
39:58 Praise the Lord.
40:00 I'd never forget that.
40:01 Oh, really. At the gym, at the gym.
40:04 Really? Yeah.
40:05 We could talk like so long. Forever?
40:07 Yeah.
40:09 But, man, it was so nice, thank you.
40:11 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
40:12 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
40:13 And that's what we would like to do with everyone
40:16 that steps foot here in the ministry of 3ABN.
40:19 Amen. That's right.
40:20 In the community, in our church,
40:22 and you know, certain people have that gift of hospitality,
40:27 and it is our responsibility to introduce that visitor
40:32 and other people to our members and to our friends.
40:35 I love it when people come and...
40:37 Oh, this Sabbath, last Sabbath, we shared with the family
40:42 that was listening, right, Dan?
40:43 That's right. What was that?
40:45 Well, you and Cynthia really got into them.
40:47 Cynthia your wife. Yeah.
40:50 But they were all, you know,
40:52 they were beginning to look for a country, a place.
40:55 Yes.
40:57 And so, so they said, "I hope we didn't grill them too much."
41:01 I said, "I think he survived."
41:02 Yeah, he survived.
41:05 So it's just talking about the area
41:06 and talking about things that we have in common,
41:10 you know, we don't have to jump into a deep Bible study.
41:14 It's just the ministry of Jesus what did He do,
41:16 He ministered to the people and gave them the welcoming,
41:21 and they listened, and they shared,
41:23 and they walked with Jesus.
41:25 Oh, how beautiful that experience must have been.
41:27 I was gonna share a testimony. Donald, yes.
41:30 I didn't put it in here, but Zechariah,
41:32 I'm not gonna go through all of it.
41:33 That's okay.
41:34 But I had a young man I met at Sam's club,
41:36 it's been a while ago, when I share the story,
41:37 it makes her tear up, it's just really powerful.
41:39 That's a good one.
41:40 I had a young man that was just in clothes,
41:41 you can tell he didn't have any money,
41:43 he's poor, homeless, really.
41:44 And just came down from Chicago,
41:45 and the Lord had told me to go a different route that day,
41:47 and I know why then.
41:49 So I met the young man, unbeknownst to me,
41:51 I didn't really want to talk to him,
41:52 looked kind of strange and stuff,
41:53 I'm like, "I don't wanna talk to this guy."
41:55 He's right in my face, he's right here, he's talking,
41:58 he's asking me all these questions
41:59 like, "What are doing here?"
42:01 I said, "I'm shopping. I'm shopping."
42:02 He said, "Okay, what are you shopping for?"
42:04 "I'm shopping for Three Angels Broadcast Network.
42:06 It's 24/7 around the world."
42:08 He goes, "Are you minister or something?"
42:10 I said, "No, I'm actually, I'm a lay person,
42:11 just help you about Jesus,
42:12 you know, and share the gospel."
42:14 Then he said, "People tell me I need to go back to church
42:16 and know who God is."
42:17 Oh, wow.
42:19 "So I've got to tell you a story, I want to pull you."
42:20 I pulled him in the aisle and I shared Zechariah 3
42:21 with him, and he just,
42:23 I shared him about how, you know, Satan is there,
42:24 telling you're not worthy to come into Heaven.
42:26 Yes. I said "So what is your name?"
42:27 He told me his name, actually lied to me at first,
42:29 then told me his real name. Yeah.
42:31 And so anyway, he shares name,
42:32 I said, "Well, you know, someone was being told
42:34 you can't come in this, you can't come to heaven
42:36 because you did this, that, and the other thing wrong."
42:38 I said, "But somebody else comes in the picture."
42:39 I said, "Jesus, he shows, nail-pierced hands,
42:41 He says, 'Look, I hung on the cross,
42:43 this is my blood, I died for him.
42:44 He's mine, I own him.'"
42:46 I said, "He's gonna put a crown
42:47 or he's gonna put a robe of righteousness on you,
42:49 he's gonna put a golden crown on you."
42:50 I said, "Now you're the son of God."
42:51 And he literally just, literally jumped up
42:54 almost broke my ribs, "He was a little boy."
42:56 He was like, "Can I pull you out?
42:57 Can I help?"
42:59 Oh, wow. I said, "Sure, yes, help."
43:00 Oh, what a blessing. Yeah, it was huge.
43:01 Amen.
43:03 Just the power of the Word of God.
43:04 Amen. Man! Amen.
43:05 This is...
43:07 I'm sure there are many experiences
43:08 that we can share of divine appointments.
43:12 Oh, yeah.
43:13 You know, there are no coincidences.
43:14 Oh, man.
43:16 And it's admirable to see
43:20 how the Lord prompts our hearts
43:22 and we don't understand why we're making this decision.
43:25 You know, taking another turn,
43:27 but the Lord took you
43:29 precisely to the place where He needed you.
43:31 So we have to be ever so sensitive to his prompting,
43:36 to His voice,
43:37 and that way, we not only bless that other person
43:41 but we're ever so blessed
43:42 and we grow from that experience.
43:44 Oh, yeah, definitely. Definitely.
43:45 Amen.
43:46 You know, so many stories come to mind.
43:48 I guess you have try to stop yourself.
43:50 Yeah.
43:52 From sharing some of these things
43:53 because you don't know which one to share.
43:56 But we know Janelle has another promise to share.
43:58 Yes. Yes.
43:59 I love this one.
44:01 It's just, it's awesome.
44:02 It's Revelation 12:11,
44:05 and I guess you could consider this a promise,
44:09 I claim it because I just like it a lot.
44:14 So Revelation 12:11. Yes.
44:16 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
44:18 and by the word of their testimony,
44:20 and they love not their lives unto the death."
44:25 I love the whole verse.
44:27 To me, it's just so powerful,
44:29 they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
44:31 and the word of their testimony,
44:32 and how we can, you know, claim the blood of Christ
44:35 and like we're talking about, you know, testimony
44:39 and how our testimony unlike,
44:42 well, somebody mentioned earlier
44:43 about how sometimes God allows us to go through things,
44:46 so we can help someone else later.
44:48 Amen. That's right.
44:49 And I feel like, you know, by sharing our testimony
44:52 that is returning to God what is His,
44:54 you know, what He's done in the us.
44:56 And so I think it's really powerful
44:58 and it's a blessing to be able to share the testimony.
45:00 And sometimes it's not easy
45:03 because, you know, we've shared some things about our own lives
45:06 on national television, on 3ABN,
45:09 that was not so easy.
45:10 But God called us to it, He got us through it,
45:14 and He helped a lot of people.
45:15 Amen. Amen.
45:16 So praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
45:18 Yeah.
45:19 Wow, there are so many experiences
45:21 that we live but they're unique.
45:23 Yeah.
45:24 And so you get to minister to a unique group of people
45:28 with a unique need,
45:30 so we all have something so peculiar, so special,
45:33 and so this is your responsibility,
45:37 you know, you bring hope to other people.
45:40 You bring peace, encouragement, motivation.
45:43 And you know what,
45:44 we don't need anyone to stump a mess.
45:46 I mean, the devil's busy enough to...
45:49 Oh, yeah. To attack us, right?
45:50 So we need to lift each other up.
45:52 Yeah. Definitely.
45:54 You know, I'm gonna try to share a story here
45:57 as brief as I can.
45:58 Okay.
46:00 It's almost like, it's almost like
46:02 not part of what we're sharing
46:04 but because we've gone
46:05 talking about witnessing to other people
46:07 and Pastor Alejandro Bullon, he's a Spanish evangelist.
46:10 He's the one that told this story the first time.
46:13 And there was this lady working in her garden,
46:16 and across from her was this open field,
46:18 and there comes these trucks and they parked there,
46:22 and they start unpacking their things,
46:23 it was a circus.
46:26 The land had been cleared and now there's a circus.
46:28 And the lady starts looking at them
46:29 still working in her garden.
46:30 And she starts to sweat.
46:33 And, you know,
46:35 the people across they're working in the sun
46:37 trying to put up their little tents
46:38 and their little rides and all that thing,
46:40 I'm saying little but they're big,
46:42 and they're working hard in the sun in the hot, hot sun,
46:45 and she goes "I'm thirsty."
46:47 So she goes inside, make some lemonade,
46:50 and she decides to make lemonade
46:52 for everybody working out there.
46:54 That's amazing.
46:55 And so she got this pitcher and she goes out there
46:59 and she has these cups, "Would you like some lemonade?"
47:03 And they look at her, "Sure."
47:06 And she gives them the lemonade,
47:08 she goes to the next person, and from one to another.
47:11 She's going to give them lemonade,
47:12 goes back, gets another pitcher,
47:14 and doing this all over the place.
47:17 And so somebody is looking at her,
47:19 was watching her do this.
47:21 And he goes, "Who is this women?
47:22 Who is this woman?"
47:24 And finally, the lady reaches this person
47:27 and she goes, "Would you like some lemonade?"
47:29 And he goes, "Who are you?"
47:32 And she goes, "I am so and so and I live across the street."
47:36 And he goes, "No, no, you're not."
47:38 And she goes, "Yes, I'm I live right there."
47:40 He goes, "No, you must be an angel," he said.
47:43 And she says, "Oh, no.
47:46 I am not an angel."
47:48 He goes, "Well, why are you doing this?"
47:49 She says, "Well, I'm doing this because I'm a Christian
47:54 and if Jesus would be here, He would do this for you,
47:57 so I'm doing it for Him because I think He impressed me
48:01 to do this for you."
48:02 And he goes, "Nobody, we've been to so many cities
48:05 all across Brazil, and nobody has done this for us,
48:09 literally all of South America."
48:11 And he goes, "You're the first one."
48:12 And he goes, Well, I'm only doing
48:14 what Jesus would have done if He was living across there."
48:17 Wow.
48:18 And he goes, "Well, I need to know this Jesus
48:21 who you're talking about."
48:22 Incredible.
48:24 "Oh, would you like to know Him?"
48:26 And this lady began Bible studies with these people,
48:29 eventually got the pastor there,
48:30 I'm cutting the story short.
48:32 And interestingly enough,
48:35 just about everyone in the circus
48:37 that worked in the circus was baptized.
48:39 Amen. Amen.
48:40 I'm cutting part of the story,
48:42 I'm cutting part of the story out,
48:44 but anyway, the story goes like this
48:47 that they've incorporated evangelism into their circus.
48:51 Incredible.
48:52 See there's a Seventh-day Adventist circus going around.
48:54 Oh, my goodness.
48:56 Now one of the things they do is the clown
49:00 does his acts and he makes people laugh,
49:02 and eventually he stops and he says,
49:05 "Now I've made you laugh and that's my job.
49:10 And you see this smiling face I have painted on my face.
49:13 For many years,
49:16 the smiling face was painted on,
49:18 but I was really sad inside, I was really sad inside.
49:22 And I don't know if you are the way I was,
49:24 but now the smile you see painted on
49:27 is really a smile that I have inside.
49:29 And I want to let you know why
49:31 and it's because I know a Jesus."
49:34 Amen. Amen.
49:35 And he says, "If you would like to know this Jesus
49:37 that has made me smile inside as you see outside,
49:42 I want to go passing out these little flyers."
49:44 And they pass out flyers and Bible study cards.
49:46 Incredible.
49:48 And so it's a transforming thing that has taken place.
49:49 That's awesome.
49:51 And so the Lord uses people in different ways.
49:53 That's right.
49:55 That's breathtaking, what a blessing...
49:56 It's wonderful.
49:57 You know, I have to say,
50:00 when I see the Department of Transportation workers
50:03 out there in the hot summer,
50:06 you know, under the hot sun,
50:08 I'm like, "Lord, I just wish
50:10 I could just make a big pail of lemonade
50:16 or whatever juice, I'll squeeze the oranges
50:19 and take it to them."
50:20 And you know, I may just do that
50:23 because my heart, you know, gets heavy
50:25 every time I see them out there,
50:27 and not only that, just anyone walking along the street
50:31 a homeless or somebody that is obviously in need.
50:37 If I'm at the grocery store in the parking lot,
50:38 I see elderly people, you know, carrying their bags
50:41 and I offer...
50:43 Or my kids have offered,
50:44 would you like some help with that?
50:46 And they are startled like, "No, no,
50:48 we just want to serve you, that's all."
50:50 So it's a blessing to serve. Amen. Amen.
50:53 Well, anyone else? Brother.
50:55 Yes, I guess I will share
50:57 if you want to turn to Isaiah 53,
50:59 this is a really powerful chapter
51:01 I won't read the whole thing, but Isaiah 53 is...
51:04 Oh, man.
51:06 It goes right along with Psalm 22 really well.
51:09 The picture it's painted there
51:11 obviously of what Christ went through for us again.
51:14 It just makes me so I can relate to,
51:16 He's relatable to me
51:18 and just it's just amazing what He went through for us.
51:20 Verse three and five, I'll just read.
51:22 Okay.
51:23 Said, "He was despised and rejected
51:25 and forsaken by men,
51:27 A Man of sorrows and pain
51:29 and he was acquainted with grief
51:32 and sickness, and like one from whom men hide their faces
51:36 he was despised,
51:37 and we did not appreciate his worth
51:39 or have any esteem for him."
51:40 Verse 5, "But he was wounded for our transgressions,
51:43 he was bruised for our guilt and iniquities,
51:45 the chastisement or needful to obtain peace
51:48 and wellbeing for us was upon him,
51:50 and with the stripes that wounded him,
51:52 we are healed and made whole."
51:54 I just think about that,
51:55 you know, in my own life when I was a youth,
51:58 you know, I didn't have a whole lot of friends,
52:00 I actually shut myself in my room
52:02 and how the Lord works, he read my heard,
52:04 you were talk about transformation,
52:05 now I go in front of churches and speak in front of people.
52:07 Like my mom's like, "You can go to counseling,
52:09 there's something wrong with you.
52:10 You don't even get out of your room,
52:11 you don't even do anything."
52:13 And I'm in front of churches speaking,
52:14 and you know, so he's acquainted with my grief
52:16 and that really just relates to me
52:17 that Jesus is personal,
52:19 you know, He's personally involved in our lives.
52:21 Definitely. Amen.
52:22 Just, you know, how it talks about,
52:23 "By his stripes, we're healed."
52:25 There's nothing too far beyond God He can't heal.
52:27 Amen.
52:29 Personally, and so if we've done anything,
52:30 I mean, we've done the worse of whatever
52:33 and He can still heal,
52:34 so if we just ask for that, you know.
52:35 That's right. Amen.
52:37 Praise the Lord. Wonderful.
52:38 Anyone wants to comment on that?
52:40 No.
52:41 It's big, isn't it?
52:43 Yeah.
52:44 I mean, it covers pretty much everybody.
52:46 Yes. Yeah.
52:48 A man of experience,
52:50 He can identify with us
52:54 not only he said, "Okay, I'll take your sins,
52:56 but He can identify with us."
52:58 That's right.
52:59 And because of that, we can be transformed into His likeness.
53:03 Amen. Yeah.
53:04 And it's that transformation that's the big thing.
53:07 Wow. Amen.
53:09 As we contemplate the life of Christ,
53:12 our wounds are healed
53:15 because we see how He Himself struggled
53:20 but had victory in Christ.
53:21 Amen. There you go.
53:23 So that victory is ours today, the battle is the Lord, amen.
53:27 Yes. Thank you. Amen.
53:29 If we would just,
53:30 you know, when we kneel at the foot of Jesus,
53:32 at the feet of Jesus, at the foot of the cross,
53:35 we pray, "Lord, take this from me."
53:37 But when we get up, we put the backpack on
53:40 and two shopping bags of things that we prayed over,
53:44 and we walk away with it
53:45 rather than leaving it at the foot of the cross.
53:48 You know, it's not until we learn to leave it to Jesus,
53:52 it's not until we give Jesus the opportunity
53:56 to heal those wounds that we are going to see,
54:00 you know, more and more of His handiwork in our lives.
54:05 And we're gonna be healed, and when we're healed,
54:08 we are gonna witness, you know, I'm not an ambassador.
54:11 What does an ambassador mean?
54:14 What does that word mean you?
54:15 Represent, you represent to the God.
54:16 Exactly.
54:18 You're a son or daughter of God.
54:19 Exactly.
54:21 So we have to take that to heart,
54:22 we are His ambassadors.
54:23 And you know what, we do show,
54:25 "Yes, we're broken at one point,
54:29 but the Lord put us all together."
54:30 Amen.
54:31 You know, the Lord mends the broken people.
54:34 Oh, just thought about the theme song of 3ABN.
54:37 Mending broken people, I love that song.
54:39 Yeah, we deal with recovery,
54:41 we see a lot dealing with recovery and addiction,
54:42 we see a lot of that in people,
54:44 the power of what God can do to transform it.
54:47 Yes. Yeah.
54:48 Get to hear a lot of stories.
54:50 Well, we have, Celestine, maybe you can share one more.
54:54 I really believe that an ultimate promise
54:57 that I'm looking forward to is the eternal life.
55:00 Amen.
55:01 That is like the ultimate for me
55:03 'cause I cannot wait to reunite my loved ones my Mom, my Dad.
55:09 Yes. And my beloved husband.
55:11 Amen. That's right.
55:12 Yeah. And boy... What a day that will be.
55:14 Yeah, I'm so excited to just think about it,
55:18 the blessed hope that God has promised is just unbelievable.
55:22 And that gives me hope and that helps me a lot,
55:25 and I'm like, "Man, I can't wait to see Jesus face to face
55:30 along with my loved ones."
55:32 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord.
55:33 I got goosebumps all over me, what a moment that will be.
55:36 Wow.
55:38 Well, I think that puts me to share this scripture
55:41 from Revelation 21 based on what we're talking about.
55:43 I think it would be wonderful to read this as well,
55:46 a precious promise that will soon be fulfilled by our Lord.
55:50 And it says in Revelations 21:1-4,
55:56 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
55:59 for the first heaven and the first earth
56:01 were passed away, and there was no more sea.
56:04 And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,
56:07 coming down from God out of heaven,
56:09 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
56:13 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying,
56:15 'Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
56:19 and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people,
56:23 and God himself shall be with them,
56:25 and be their God.
56:27 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes,
56:30 and there shall be no more death,
56:32 neither sorrow, nor crying,
56:34 neither shall there be any more pain
56:37 for the former things are passed away.'"
56:39 Amen.
56:41 And so praise the Lord
56:42 for this precious, precious promise,
56:45 and I believe that we have only shared a few promises,
56:49 there were more promises that we had to share
56:51 but our time is just about over for the family worship.
56:55 That's right.
56:57 And so we want to encourage you
56:58 to look into the promises of the Lord
57:01 and to make them yours.
57:03 That's right.
57:04 Because God spoke these things having us in mind.
57:08 And as children of the Lord, He is...
57:13 I am going to use He can't wait for the moment that He can,
57:17 when it's all over and He can hold us
57:20 and give us a big hug and welcome us
57:23 into the Heavenly Family.
57:25 So I'm looking forward to that and I hope you are as well.
57:28 For now, we say, thank you for joining us.
57:29 And remember, give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ
57:32 and you will find happiness and peace,
57:34 it begins on this earth and continues forever.
57:36 May God bless you. Happy Sabbath!
57:38 Happy Sabbath!


Revised 2017-05-22