Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: J. D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), Johnny and Idalia Dinzey, Jason Bradley, Tim Parton


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017014A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:06 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship,
01:10 we just love to get together as the Sabbath is rolling in.
01:12 Amen.
01:14 And we're so glad that you are joining us.
01:17 Tonight we're going to be talking about
01:19 something that we probably all need a little help in.
01:23 That's true.
01:24 We're gonna be talking about guarding our mouth.
01:28 Because, you know,
01:29 there is the power of life and death in the tongue.
01:33 And so this is a topic
01:35 that I think everyone needs to be
01:37 a little more cautious about.
01:40 Let me go ahead and introduce our wonderful team.
01:44 We've got, we'll start over on this end
01:46 with Johnny Dinzey and Idalia his wife
01:49 and of the 3ABN Latino Network
01:54 and the El Jefe and El Jeffete.
02:04 Thank you for the invitation. Yes.
02:06 Thank you.
02:07 And then I'm blessed
02:09 to be the wife of this wonderful man right here J.D.
02:11 Little Jefe.
02:14 Don't make me big Jefe, please.
02:17 And here we have Jason Bradley
02:19 who is with our Dare to Dream Network
02:21 and then, of course, Tim Parton who is with Praise Him Network.
02:26 And we're just so excited to have all of you here.
02:28 And it's okay for us to laugh and have fun, isn't it?
02:31 Most certainly. Of course.
02:32 Plus, they're trying to keep me awake
02:34 I've been sitting here yawning.
02:36 I'll have the whole table yawning before.
02:39 Well, what we'd like to do is
02:41 we're going to open with prayer and then we'll have our song.
02:45 And we want you to pray with us.
02:48 Thank you so much for,
02:50 for joining us this is a special time.
02:53 And we're going to have a prayer
02:56 where we just each,
02:58 no particular order
02:59 just something you want to praise the Lord for
03:02 just give him praises.
03:03 And, Father, we just thank you this evening.
03:06 We just give you praise and glory.
03:07 We thank you for the Sabbath Time, Lord.
03:09 We thank you for our loved ones.
03:11 We thank you, Lord, for, for being in our lives.
03:14 We thank you Lord that in spite of us,
03:16 you never leave us nor forsake us.
03:18 Amen.
03:20 Father, thank you for your goodness
03:22 and your mercy for each one of us.
03:25 Help us to be faithful to you in all ways.
03:29 And, Heavenly Father, we just thank you
03:31 that you offer salvation to the worst of sinners
03:34 and we thank you
03:36 for what Jesus has done for everyone else.
03:38 Yes, Father.
03:40 And, Lord, I want to thank you
03:41 that you walk with us and you talk with us.
03:43 Throughout the week
03:44 you are obviously big and evident in our lives.
03:48 Dear, Heavenly Father, we thank you for your patience,
03:51 and your love, and your longsuffering.
03:53 And we thank you for
03:55 just dwelling among us and refining our characters.
03:59 Amen.
04:00 Father, we thank you that you're a covenant-making,
04:02 covenant-keeping God.
04:04 We thank you that Jesus is our covenant with you.
04:08 Thank you for salvation by grace,
04:10 we praise your holy name in Jesus name, amen.
04:13 Amen. Amen.
04:14 Amen.
04:16 We're gonna let Tim slip away to the piano and because...
04:19 We were kind of... it was a toss up
04:21 which one of us would play the piano today.
04:23 But we like to...
04:25 I drew the short sprawl.
04:28 Let's give Tim a shot.
04:29 The song that we're going to be singing
04:31 is Praise Him Praise Him
04:32 and this is from
04:34 the Seventh-day Adventist hymnal,
04:35 this is number 249.
04:44 Praise Him! Praise Him!
04:46 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
04:49 Sing, O Earth, His wonderful love proclaim!
04:53 Hail Him! Hail Him!
04:56 Highest archangels in glory,
04:58 Strength and honor give to His holy Name!
05:03 Like a shepherd, Jesus will guard His children
05:08 In His arms He carries them all day long:
05:13 Praise Him! Praise Him!
05:15 Tell of His excellent greatness.
05:18 Praise Him! Praise Him!
05:20 Ever in joyful song!
05:24 Praise Him! Praise Him!
05:26 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
05:28 For our sins He suffered, and bled, and died.
05:33 He our Rock, our hope of eternal salvation
05:38 Hail Him! Hail Him!
05:40 Jesus the Crucified.
05:43 Sound His praises!
05:45 Jesus who bore our sorrows
05:47 Love unbounded wonderful, deep and strong.
05:52 Praise Him! Praise Him!
05:55 Tell of His excellent greatness
05:57 Praise Him! Praise Him!
05:59 Ever in joyful song!
06:05 Praise Him! Praise Him!
06:08 Jesus, our blessed Redeemer!
06:10 Heavenly portals, loud with hosannas ring!
06:14 Jesus, Savior, reigneth for ever and ever,
06:19 Crown Him! Crown Him!
06:21 Prophet, and Priest, and King!
06:24 Christ is coming over the world victorious
06:28 Power and glory unto the Lord belong:
06:33 Praise Him! Praise Him!
06:35 Tell of His excellent greatness
06:38 Praise Him! Praise Him ever in joyful song!
06:44 Hallelujah. Amen.
06:47 That's a fast one.
06:49 That's a wake up one.
06:51 Wake up and celebrate. Amen.
06:53 But, you know, I thought whenever you ask me about
06:56 what song would be good.
06:57 First of all, that's a good mouth exercise
06:59 with all those words especially when you sing it fast,
07:02 but also in James 3 it talks about
07:04 how good water and bitter water,
07:06 how the sweet water and bitter water
07:08 should not proceed out of the same fountain or can't.
07:11 And so I thought, you know,
07:13 when we sing praises they keep our mouth busy singing praises,
07:16 we won't have time to be talking trash,
07:19 or dirty, or ugly, or bad, or...
07:21 That's right. Amen.
07:22 So, keep it mouth full of praise
07:24 and that'll solve it, all the problems.
07:26 That's a great thought. I'm just saying.
07:29 Amen. Amen.
07:30 If I have a reason why I sang that song
07:32 I don't know why did that fast but, yeah.
07:35 You know. Nah, it was a blessing.
07:36 It was wonderful. Thank you, Jesus.
07:38 Amen.
07:39 When you said that
07:41 how true about keeping our mouth full of praise
07:44 and that's what we're talking about tonight
07:46 is guard the mouth for out of our mouth,
07:51 out of the heart, flow the issues of our life
07:53 that whatever's coming out of our mouth.
07:54 But just to kick this off,
07:56 I'm just going to read this Psalm not going to,
07:58 for this verse
08:00 I'm not going to spend a lot of time on it,
08:02 but Psalm 139:4 says that,
08:05 "There is not a word in my tongue,
08:09 a word that is still unuttered,
08:12 but behold, O Lord, you know it all together."
08:16 So when we're talking about guarding our mouth,
08:19 I would guess then...
08:21 What is it saying to you?
08:23 God knows what we're about to say,
08:25 He knows our thoughts in other words.
08:27 So the only way to really guard our mouth
08:31 is to guard our thoughts, right?
08:33 Well, I'm going to turn this over to Miss Idalia.
08:38 Well, I loved what you said, Tim,
08:41 as far as why you chose that song
08:44 Praise Him, Praise Him,
08:45 and we do need to keep our tongues busy in praises.
08:50 Right.
08:51 The text that I am sharing right now is Proverbs 21:23,
08:57 and it says, "Whoever guides his mouth and tongue,
09:01 keeps his soul from troubles."
09:04 Now this is a text I shared with my children, all the time,
09:09 but very seldom we forget,
09:11 you know, as parents
09:13 that, that's applicable to us, you know.
09:15 So the next
09:17 and we can elaborate more on that of course,
09:19 people at home to have children
09:21 they use scripture to get the kids inline,
09:24 but we forget that we need to
09:26 put ourselves inline too, right?
09:28 So Psalm 141: 3, says,
09:30 "Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth,
09:34 keep watch over the door of my lips."
09:37 What a sincere prayer that is and that is my desire as well.
09:42 It's incredible how our feelings, and our needs
09:45 are so just described in the word, you know.
09:49 That is my condition, that is my desire,
09:52 and if someone is feeling like,
09:54 you know, I'm feeling this way or that way,
09:56 if you go specially to the Psalms,
09:58 you can identify so much with the Word of God therein,
10:01 that brings life to my, to my soul.
10:05 You know, this is a scripture
10:06 that I often I try to remember to pray it every day.
10:09 Just set a guard.
10:11 Put a guard at the doorpost of my lips
10:13 is how I usually pray this.
10:15 Because we all have to be careful...
10:19 When the flesh can rise up so rapidly,
10:23 if you are in a situation where somebody maybe accusatory
10:27 or if they are, you know...
10:28 Hostile.
10:30 Falsely accusing you or somebody
10:31 is given you a rough time,
10:33 what can rise up
10:34 is you want to lash out again at Him.
10:37 That's right.
10:38 But it's as you pray and say,
10:41 "Lord, set a guard at the doorpost of my lips,
10:44 you know, help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak"
10:49 so that, you know,
10:50 count to ten as the old saying goes.
10:53 Really, because there are many,
10:56 you know, I don't have
10:58 and I've never had an issue with anger
11:00 and I don't teach on anger really
11:02 because it's not something God's had to cure me of
11:05 so I'm not the right one to teach on that.
11:08 And I can hold my tongue I am pretty patient.
11:11 But, people, if at home
11:13 if you've got one of those temperaments
11:16 and this is something,
11:18 I mean, God's had to deliver me from a lot of things
11:20 but that wasn't my temperament.
11:21 But if it is your temperament to,
11:24 you come to a quick boiling point
11:26 and you speak out,
11:27 pray this scripture over your life
11:29 that God will put a guard at the doorpost of your lips
11:33 'cause it makes you stop and think
11:36 and it certainly will keep you from troubles.
11:40 I find that interesting also that
11:43 in trying to help in a situation
11:45 we may make something worse.
11:48 So that's why the prayer and to guard our mouth
11:52 even when we're thinking we're doing something good,
11:56 so is it God's plan for me to speak these words
12:00 or is it just, "Oh, I have a solution,
12:03 why don't we do this, let me say that?"
12:05 And it could be not of the Lord.
12:08 So when we want to help,
12:11 we still need to pray and ask the Lord for that wisdom.
12:14 You've heard that ugly expression
12:16 "Open mouth insert foot"?
12:20 Well, we used to work with a lady that we said
12:24 it was opened mouth and exchanged foot,
12:26 you know what I mean?
12:27 She had her foot in her mouth all the time
12:29 but it was because I think in part
12:32 that she was always correcting people
12:35 in a way that wasn't the most pleasant.
12:38 Yeah, and you know that is a truly
12:39 and it becomes a habit.
12:42 You know, it's almost like
12:43 there's a judgmental critical spirit there
12:46 that's connected with that
12:48 and then you think you have to comment,
12:50 you know, on everybody's
12:52 whatever, whatever the situation is.
12:53 So, yeah, a guard is good
12:56 not only to just keep your mouth shut
12:59 but to guard even your heart and...
13:02 Absolutely.
13:03 Yeah, I love the picture that the guard,
13:05 you know, I can see that guard
13:06 standing right outside the prison the jail door
13:09 and when you know that there's somebody out there,
13:12 you're a little more cautious, you know...
13:14 That's true.
13:15 And then putting the door of my lips,
13:17 I lock my door every night before I go to bed,
13:20 and so, you know,
13:21 there's some great kind of how the Word give us images.
13:24 And when you think about it like
13:26 where to guard every avenue of the soul,
13:28 so garbage in, and garbage out
13:30 so if you have taken in a bunch of garbage...
13:31 That's true.
13:33 That's what's gonna be naturally, naturally come out.
13:35 Yeah, oh, boy.
13:37 Boy, this is a good topic. Amen.
13:40 Well, inn it something that we just we all need
13:42 because it's, it's...
13:44 I had a thought
13:45 but I'm going to pass this on to you, darling.
13:47 Well, it's just it kind of segways and the sermon
13:50 that was given and I remember vividly.
13:55 Vividly, that's a good word I think, vividly.
13:58 My mom,
14:00 "Honey, now if you don't have something good to say
14:03 just don't say anything at all."
14:06 And then I remember saying,
14:08 "Jimmy, if you don't have something good to say
14:11 just keep your mouth shut."
14:14 I remember both of those.
14:16 I preferred the first then the latter
14:18 but I'm sure that I brought the latter home
14:19 and that takes you into Proverbs 18:21.
14:23 Proverbs 18:21, lets us know
14:27 because I thought the other
14:28 was probably just parenthood training, you know,
14:32 but I found out as I began to grow older
14:35 that it's found in the Bible, it's very Biblical.
14:38 And it says,
14:39 "That the tongue has the power of life and death,
14:43 and those who love it will eat its fruit."
14:46 Well, as I started kind of doing
14:48 a little bit of research here, the commentary says,
14:52 "That the tongue can, can blacken a reputation
14:57 and drive a man into poverty or death,
15:00 small as it may be James also talks about this,
15:04 but as small as the tongue maybe it can do vast harm.
15:08 Those who love the tongue who pamper it,
15:11 who give it pre reign will do much harm,
15:15 but the harm will return upon themselves.
15:18 But then we have that word "but",
15:21 but if used in harmony with the will of God to bless
15:24 and to cheer or to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom,
15:28 the tongue can do great good."
15:30 That's right.
15:31 Amen. Amen.
15:33 And so as adults,
15:34 especially sitting around this table in the Sabbath,
15:37 we certainly know the ones that we would choose,
15:39 but the reality is that we do have that choice.
15:42 That's right. So we've gone into that.
15:45 And then, as we go into
15:49 Isaiah 32:6
15:53 it says, that we were given that a fool,
15:57 now what is a fool?
15:59 "That is a person who lacks good sense or judgment,
16:02 speaks nonsense,
16:03 and his heart inclines toward wickedness
16:05 to practice ungodliness
16:06 and to speak error against the Lord."
16:08 But then as I looked into a different translation,
16:11 into the King James,
16:13 it really became more alive to me
16:15 because it was talking about
16:17 that side of the tongue that can do harm
16:20 and it says, "For the vile person",
16:23 well, what is vile man?
16:25 Dark, evil, immoral, sinful, unrighteous, vicious, bad,
16:31 wicked, wrong
16:33 and so for that vile person that has that side,
16:38 well, he and his heart will work iniquity,
16:41 the practice hypocrisy,
16:43 they utter error against the Lord,
16:46 and they also make empty the soul of the hungry,
16:49 and he will cause the drink of the thirsty to fail.
16:53 So in other words, nothing good comes out of his mouth
16:56 and all he's doing is planting seeds of darkness.
17:00 And so what that what we have to offer is,
17:06 Jesus, please intercede in my behalf,
17:09 and then as I was looking at this,
17:11 it led me to 2 Corinthians 5:17,
17:16 and we all know that.
17:18 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
17:20 he is now a new creation, old things have passed away,
17:24 and behold, all things have become new."
17:27 So if you have issues
17:29 that you do need to have that guard
17:32 so that, you know, ask Jesus,
17:35 and then He certainly will not hesitate
17:38 because this is a spiritual issue
17:40 always on spiritual issues He sends the Calvary.
17:43 Amen.
17:45 And so he says, "Hey, thank you for recognizing
17:48 that this is not who you choose to be,
17:51 but there is an option over here.
17:53 Thank you for calling upon me, and I will assist you."
17:57 Amen.
17:58 You know, on the power of life and death in the tongue,
18:02 boy, the Lord really taught me that back in 1999
18:06 when He taught me all about affirmations
18:08 about praying this back.
18:09 Because His word is life,
18:13 if we speak His promises over our lives,
18:17 as we're praying God's promises over our life,
18:21 accepting by faith His testimony
18:23 of who we are in Christ,
18:25 accepting by faith His promises
18:27 that He's going to watch over His Word to perform it,
18:30 we're speaking life into our existence.
18:35 Same it's, I just want to encourage you
18:37 if you have children,
18:39 speak God's Word into their lives,
18:41 pray God's Word into their life.
18:44 But in contrast just the opposite.
18:48 If we're speaking something
18:50 that doesn't line up with the Word of God,
18:54 you know, when if, if we're saying,
18:56 "I'm not a new creation.
18:59 No, I see the old ugly stuff."
19:02 That's like you're calling God a liar,
19:05 you know, 1 John 5:12 it says,
19:08 "If we don't believe His promises
19:10 we're regarding God as a liar."
19:12 So when you speak something that doesn't line up
19:16 with God's testimony in your life,
19:19 then it's like you're speaking death,
19:21 it's almost like you've opened the way,
19:25 you've opened the door,
19:27 for an entrance for Satan
19:29 and his unholy alliance to work in you
19:32 because you're lining up with their testimony.
19:35 Amen, amen.
19:37 Well, I wanna share something.
19:39 When, J.D, when you were sharing
19:41 the description of the vile the person that's vile,
19:45 well, we can think that we have it all together
19:50 we can help that vile person.
19:52 So in trying to help that vile person,
19:55 I can go, J.D, brother,
19:57 we need to pray for that person
19:59 because that person's very vile they're this, this, this,
20:03 and what is the intention, I mean, what are you planting?
20:07 You, you never saw that person
20:09 that I'm asking you to pray over as a vile person,
20:13 but I have planted that seed of that person is vile,
20:18 you know, so guarding your tongue even...
20:21 It's just goes to what I mentioned before.
20:23 We need to watch what we're saying
20:25 even when for trying to help somebody.
20:28 What I can identify so much
20:30 with what you just said is that, somebody came here
20:34 and someone told me something about them
20:36 and I never saw any of that
20:38 but it was kind of like the person
20:39 who told me I knew them pretty well,
20:41 so I kind of kept my distance a little bit,
20:44 I mean, I loved him but loved him from a distance.
20:47 And then come to find out
20:48 what they had told me was something
20:50 that had happened years and years in the past
20:53 and this person had well overcome that,
20:55 but they made it sound like it was recent.
20:57 So, they were speaking death to the relationship
21:01 that we could have... the bond that we could've had.
21:02 That's so sad. Yes.
21:04 Now that's very good, very good.
21:06 You know, I had a friend tell me one time,
21:09 they were in the medical field.
21:10 They said when a baby is born there's a,
21:14 and if there's a outward impediment
21:17 anything like from a club foot to cleft palate
21:20 or anything that there is that typically an inward problem.
21:24 There's something inside and I don't know
21:26 maybe I may not have understood that medically
21:29 but there, I think there is an element of truth in that.
21:32 And I think it's also important for us,
21:34 when we hear
21:35 somebody foul mouth or bad mouth somebody,
21:40 to know that there's probably
21:41 something going on in their life
21:43 so, inside of them, so that connection with what,
21:47 you know, what's coming out is what's in and we've put,
21:50 which we've already talked about that.
21:51 And I think that it's important
21:53 that we not jump to conclusions and judge
21:57 but we address them
21:59 and, you know, tell them we want to pray with them
22:01 and, you know, can we help them get over that
22:05 or, you know, let the Lord begin to heal something inward.
22:09 Because it's so important for us to listen to then people
22:14 even when we don't like to be around somebody
22:16 that's negative or whatever,
22:18 that's a perfect opportunity for us
22:20 to administer healing through the Lord.
22:22 Absolutely. Amen.
22:24 There are so many scriptures about this topic in the Bible
22:28 and that is powerful and we've selected a few.
22:32 You know, we think about
22:33 "Be slow to speak, quick to hear"
22:36 because the mind is very quick
22:37 you hear something and right away
22:39 you've thought of something to say.
22:42 And I remember as I was growing up
22:45 it was a, if somebody told you, you were ugly
22:49 you were ready to tell them, you're uglier.
22:53 That's good.
22:54 I mean, it was very quick to come up with something
22:58 and so the Bible has wonderful counsel, you know.
23:02 And when you were,
23:03 when we were talking about setting a guard on our mouth
23:06 is different than what we do with animals,
23:08 you know, for dogs that have a tendency
23:11 or desire to bite people...
23:13 That's good.
23:14 We put a muzzle on their mouth
23:18 but it doesn't really stop the dog
23:20 from desiring to bite somebody, right?
23:22 Because they may call the intent to bite you,
23:25 but they have a muzzle
23:27 if you take that off they will bite you.
23:29 But God says, set a guard over your mouth
23:30 and Lord tells us to be slow to speak.
23:32 It's a different approach that God takes than what we do.
23:36 And then when you think about how we were created
23:38 and God created us with two ears to hear
23:41 and one mouth to speak.
23:44 We have two ears
23:45 we need to use those more often.
23:47 That's right.
23:48 You know, something you said this
23:49 that when somebody says something
23:51 we think of something we want to say.
23:53 It happens so fast.
23:54 And the problem is that when we think of something
23:57 that we want to say a lot of times
23:59 we quit really listening
24:00 and we are just waiting for them to take a breath
24:03 so that we can speak.
24:04 Yes. That's right.
24:07 Yeah.
24:08 Johnny, what scriptures do you have?
24:10 Well, I have some scriptures here that I was...
24:14 they were selected for me.
24:16 Matthew 12:36-37
24:19 and this one is from the Amplified version
24:21 which gives some other words
24:23 to help you understand certain words in the text
24:25 and it says, "But I tell you,
24:28 on the Day of Judgment
24:30 men will have to give account for every idle
24:35 in operative or non-working word
24:37 they speak for by your words
24:39 you will be justified, and acquitted,
24:42 and by your words you will be condemned and sentenced."
24:46 And so this scripture... Now who's speaking here?
24:48 This scripture is, Jesus is speaking
24:51 and he's letting us know that the things
24:55 that come out of our mouth have consequences,
24:57 not only temporary here
24:59 but also if we don't confess those things
25:02 we are gonna have to face those words in the judgment.
25:05 And I, I for one,
25:07 do not want to face some things I have said,
25:09 that have come out of my mouth because...
25:13 And, you know, when you talk about idle words
25:15 this is a different category of words,
25:18 it's not something that you probably
25:19 gave great thought to.
25:21 You just put these things out.
25:24 And I remember being in different conversations
25:27 where people are suddenly arguing,
25:30 there's a group and people are suddenly arguing and I go,
25:34 "Wow, how did, how did this get started?"
25:35 And my mind begins to trace back
25:38 what took place and I said, I said this
25:41 and then this fire got started because of me
25:44 so I've had to, opportunity to repent, I said,
25:48 "Lord, forgive me for bringing that up",
25:49 because it is when you triggered
25:53 something in other people's minds
25:55 that was not good
25:56 and so we have to be careful what we bring out,
25:59 what we let out
26:01 because it could start a fire, a serious fire.
26:03 Amen. That's what James says.
26:05 So I have another scripture that I like to share
26:08 which is a Numbers 14:28.
26:12 Numbers 14:28
26:13 and this one is quoted from the New King James Version
26:17 and it says, "Say to them, as I live says the Lord,
26:21 just as you have spoken in my hearing
26:23 so I will do to you."
26:26 And the context of this is,
26:28 the judgment that God is gonna bring upon the people of Israel
26:30 because they kept, they kept going astray,
26:34 doing other things,
26:36 but what I get out of this scripture is
26:38 that God does not speak idle words.
26:41 What He says, He will do.
26:43 If He promises a blessing upon you,
26:46 that blessing is backed by 100% guarantee
26:50 because when God promises something He would do.
26:53 Jesus said, "I go to prepare a place for you."
26:56 He didn't forget, He didn't put it aside,
26:58 He went to prepare a place for us,
27:00 and when God says, "I will punish the wicked."
27:05 He will, He will do just as He said.
27:09 I remember in church, when I was younger,
27:12 there was a little girl
27:14 that she was doing something her father said,
27:19 "Don't do that or you are gonna get a whipping."
27:23 "Yes, daddy."
27:24 And then after he left she took, she chuckled,
27:28 she chuckled and said, "Oh, he never,
27:30 he always says he will whip you but he never does."
27:33 So to her what he promised were idle words, idle threats.
27:38 I guess you can say idle threats.
27:39 Yes. Yes, that's very good.
27:41 So she didn't really put much into what he said
27:43 as far as his promises is to whip her,
27:45 but God doesn't do that.
27:47 What God says, He would do.
27:48 And the wonderful thing is that if we have done wicked things,
27:52 He says, "If you confess those things I will be,
27:58 God is faithful and just to forgive those things."
28:00 So not only will He punish the wicked,
28:02 but He will also forgive the wicked
28:05 if they repent and so I just love the Lord.
28:08 Amen.
28:09 You know, our Numbers 14:28,
28:11 a lot of people don't even know this scripture is in the Bible
28:15 when God and if you look at what was happening here
28:19 God had led the people out of bondage.
28:23 He brought them out of Egypt and He provided manna,
28:27 He provided water, but these people are saying,
28:31 you know, He gave them, the, what was it that he,
28:35 what kind of birds did He send them?
28:38 Raven?
28:39 Koel. Koel. Okay.
28:41 Yes. Well, obviously.
28:42 He sent them Koel but what happened
28:45 was the people are all going,
28:48 oh, He's lead us into the desert to die,
28:52 you know, and God's forsaken us.
28:54 And they are speaking exactly against His promises,
28:59 and they are murmuring,
29:00 and they're complaining against the Lord constantly.
29:04 And, "Oh, He's lead us out here to die",
29:08 and God says to Moses,
29:10 "Hey, just tell him as I lip, says the Lord,
29:13 as you've spoken in my hearing so I will do to you".
29:17 There's power of life and death in the tongue.
29:20 You've said that I brought you here to die,
29:23 guess what?
29:24 This generation of unfaithful Israelite,
29:27 you get to die in the desert.
29:29 I'll bring the next generation that's got faith.
29:32 Without faith you can't please Him, right?
29:33 That's right.
29:35 And it sounds harsh but He gave them chance,
29:39 after chance, after chance
29:41 and they just wouldn't accept it.
29:44 So, to me, that's a powerful scripture
29:46 we need to be careful of what we say.
29:48 When God takes action
29:50 it's because He has given ample opportunity for people
29:53 to turn away from evil.
29:55 Amen.
29:56 And so when God takes action,
29:58 it's because that person has gone
30:00 beyond already God's mercy,
30:03 you know it's, it's...
30:06 You see it all over, over, and over, and over again,
30:08 especially in Numbers 24 it says, God says,
30:11 "These 10 times", you know, And so it's,
30:15 when God acts it's because
30:17 that person is already fixed on their way
30:21 and God could spend another 100 years, 1,000 years
30:25 and that person will continue to do the same thing.
30:26 Yeah, exactly.
30:29 That's interesting that, Shelly,
30:31 you touched on the confession of what,
30:35 what those the Israelites were saying
30:38 and God basically turned it around on them
30:40 or they basically set themselves up for him
30:42 to just agree with them.
30:45 And that leads kind of into the next verses
30:48 in Romans 10:9-10 in the NIV it says,
30:53 "The word is near you,
30:54 it is in your mouth and in your heart,
30:57 that is the Word of Faith we are proclaiming
31:00 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord,
31:03 and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,
31:05 you will be saved.
31:07 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
31:10 and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved."
31:13 That's a whole lot of scripture right there,
31:16 in fact, books have been written
31:17 on just those two scriptures, right?
31:19 A word of faith, amen. Amen.
31:21 And, you know, that there's a lot of different angles on,
31:25 you know, where you can go with that and, of course,
31:28 some people would some, some people really have a problem
31:33 with saying that all you have to do is just confess
31:35 with your mouth.
31:37 I mean there's definitely a, you have to have,
31:39 we're saved by faith.
31:42 Amen.
31:44 And it's through grace not of our own works
31:47 and so it's not, it's not just it's believing
31:53 and not just confessing or not even with confessing
31:56 it's just it's faith alone that saves us.
31:59 And it starts off, though, doesn't it?
32:01 It says the word is new that Word of Faith
32:02 in your heart and in your mouth.
32:04 Right, exactly.
32:05 So it's...
32:07 But it's important to know that
32:08 this scripture was actually written to believers.
32:12 They were the Israelites and Paul says, I wish that,
32:15 you know, the Israelites would all be saved,
32:18 but he calls them brethren,
32:20 to begin this chapter 10 with so, so he's not...
32:23 This is almost like a continue,
32:28 a continue to confess and believe,
32:31 you know, to the end,
32:32 you know, not until my fig tree produces fruit on it
32:37 can I really say that it's a fig tree.
32:39 I mean, you can be just a leaf tree
32:43 it could almost just be a weed
32:44 until I know that it's got figs
32:46 so it can in the same way
32:49 when, when the fruit of what you have said
32:52 finally brings forth,
32:53 you know, you get to the end and you say, I have,
32:56 well done, thy faithful servant,
32:57 you know, to the very end confess.
33:00 It's a kind of a heavy scripture
33:03 almost in my in my estimation
33:05 I don't know does anybody else have a comment
33:07 on that scripture maybe you do that's...
33:10 To me, I love the scripture
33:11 because it's, it's what it says to me is
33:15 that the Word of Faith
33:17 when God spoke His Word
33:20 it was to bring us life and give us,
33:22 we're supposed to have faith in that Word.
33:23 And as that Word gets into our heart,
33:27 then it becomes our confession
33:29 that we are confessing with this Word of Faith.
33:32 And as we confess this once again,
33:35 as a man thinks in his heart so is he, the Bible says.
33:39 And I think it is so important the confession
33:42 that we make over our life if it's God's Word,
33:46 I mean, His Word is alive and active.
33:49 This is He says, you know, my Word is life to you
33:53 and so as we're confessing this Word,
33:56 it's just like you said 2 Corinthians 5:17,
34:00 we may not feel like we're a new creations
34:02 but when we take that promise and we just say,
34:05 "Thank you, Father, that I am a new creation of Christ.
34:08 Thank you, Lord."
34:09 what happens is when we say the old has gone
34:13 and the new has come,
34:14 we're calling things that are not just
34:16 as though they already were like God does, right?
34:18 But what happens is it begins to reprogram this mind.
34:24 You know, some people will rehearse a problem
34:27 over and over and they're negative
34:29 and they just keep going over the same problem,
34:32 and they wonder why they can't get out of the pit.
34:36 But when you start confessing God's worth.
34:39 It's with your mouth that you confess
34:42 and are saved.
34:43 It's just... I just love that scripture.
34:46 It does something to the individual to the mind.
34:49 Yes. You're, you're affirming.
34:51 Absolutely.
34:53 It's like you're making concrete
34:55 that which God has promised in your,
34:57 in your being.
34:59 You know, the hope that gives me,
35:01 I see that must self and I begin to realize this
35:06 because I'm beginning to see those little glimpses
35:08 that I truly am a work in progress.
35:10 And that in my mind through Christ,
35:14 through the Holy Spirit working in me,
35:16 began to see a little,
35:18 little bitty baby steps being taken.
35:21 Maybe just a little things that you're doing or saying,
35:23 you know, I mean, you're more optimistic
35:25 because, you know, that He's, He's put He's...
35:27 Those seeds that you're giving Him permission to grow in you,
35:33 then you are and then I love just continue
35:36 and going back to giving Him permission to be in charge,
35:40 and then, Lord, increase my faith.
35:43 So that's like, you know, He's increased very,
35:45 so now you're warring, and you're having the sunshine
35:48 and everything, and then the baby steps
35:50 become a little bit better step.
35:51 Because He's sending divine appointments
35:53 unto your pathway,
35:55 you're beginning to say that there is fruit
35:57 whether it's on your or in there,
35:59 at least, you are a work in progress.
36:02 And, boy, it's just...
36:04 And I think that whenever I did good things
36:08 in my physical life,
36:09 when my parents were alive
36:11 and I did something that was good,
36:12 you know, they were proud.
36:15 And I'd like to thank, you know,
36:16 that the things I'd do for the Lord today that He's proud.
36:19 Amen. Amen.
36:21 Amen.
36:22 You know, I encourage the folks at home,
36:24 if you're not doing this interacting with us
36:27 in this kind of a situation this,
36:30 this is helping me grow to have different ages
36:35 and, you know, if you're just limiting your group to
36:39 an older crowd or to just young,
36:42 I challenge you.
36:43 Make, get your demographic spread
36:46 because it's wonderful to be able to draw
36:48 from each other's experience and history and so...
36:54 We really enjoy working with you, you know,
36:56 because you've got so many more years experience.
37:01 Well, that was fast.
37:03 Wow, it turned around me. Oh, God.
37:06 Yeah. About that mouth thing.
37:11 I love it, good time.
37:13 Let's read, quickly moving along.
37:16 Okay, Hebrews 10:23, here's another
37:20 "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope
37:23 without wavering for He who promised is faithful."
37:26 Amen.
37:28 And again I'm going to kind of just toss this back to you.
37:32 I am...
37:33 I want to know more about this verse.
37:35 What you think about it?
37:37 I just, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope".
37:41 I think it's me what it's saying is, you know,
37:44 he's just got through our,
37:45 well, not actually just got through,
37:47 but Paul in Romans when he said
37:51 when with our mouth we confess and are saved.
37:54 The Word of Faith,
37:55 when you've got scripture promises in your mouth
37:58 that's the Word of Faith.
37:59 And if we hold fast to the confession of our hope,
38:05 hope in the Greek meant eager expectation.
38:10 It wasn't something that you didn't know
38:13 if it was going to happen.
38:14 It meant that you absolutely expected it to happen.
38:19 So when you are confessing God's Word over your life,
38:23 you know, let us hold fast the confession of our hope
38:27 because He promised He's faithful,
38:29 you know, God's going to do it so keep speaking it
38:32 and that's what's powerful.
38:34 Just, personally, I absolutely love that word
38:36 "Eager expectation".
38:39 Boys, we were reading this
38:40 so let, let us hold fast that eager expectation
38:43 with that wavering.
38:45 We're ready to go, I mean, we're planning to go.
38:48 We're eagerly waiting.
38:50 And then let's multiply it a trillion times
38:53 because God, God is the one that's making that promise.
39:00 I wanna say that this just brings me
39:03 to the mind of a child.
39:05 Unfortunately, we as parents generally speaking,
39:10 or as Christians, we promise we're gonna say do something
39:13 and aware enough faithful to our promise.
39:15 So we have presented the wrong picture of Christ
39:18 in our children.
39:19 So if we're trying to teach our children
39:23 to hold fast to confession of our hope without wavering
39:27 for He who promised is faithful,
39:30 many times I hear, "But you promised,
39:33 but you promised" and they cry, cry, cry.
39:35 So to what age
39:38 or how many years has the child have to live with
39:42 so many broken promises
39:46 being unfulfilled
39:50 that they will be like,
39:52 "Wait a minute, Jesus doesn't do that",
39:54 you know, so we have a great responsibility
39:56 not only as parents but as a body,
39:59 you know, in the church
40:00 if we're gonna promise something
40:02 we have got to be faithful
40:04 and we need to fulfill our promises.
40:06 So that way we paint the picture
40:09 and it's easier for everyone to understand,
40:12 you know, God is the one, God will do it.
40:14 Very good. Good, thank you.
40:17 When God says something it will be done.
40:19 Amen.
40:21 So this verse, "Let us hold fast the confession of our hope
40:24 without wavering for He who promised is faithful."
40:26 We have to realize that God doesn't do things on our time
40:29 He does it on His time, so we have to just believe
40:34 that it will be done
40:36 and He's proved himself over, and over, and over again.
40:39 Amen. Amen.
40:40 You know, it helps, it helps for us
40:42 to take these things take, as we said in the past,
40:47 take possession of these things.
40:49 Amen.
40:50 Because when God says,
40:54 "If you confess your sins I will forgive you",
40:57 okay, here's John speaking to the fellow believers
41:03 but that's for us, we have to say
41:05 he's talking to us when Jesus says
41:07 "Come unto me, all ye,
41:08 that are weary and heavy laden."
41:10 Okay, there were people there listening
41:11 but that's for us.
41:12 Amen.
41:14 And so when I think of scriptures that say,
41:16 "I will make a man more precious than fine gold"
41:20 I say, you know, that's for me
41:21 He's gonna make me more precious
41:22 than buying gold and He,
41:24 who has begun a good work in you,
41:25 will complete it.
41:27 I may not, I may see defects in myself,
41:29 but if I continue to cooperate with the Lord,
41:32 He's gonna mold me into the likeness of Christ.
41:35 We have to we have to take these words hold fast,
41:38 hold on to them, believe in them
41:40 because God is gonna do it.
41:42 And these are covenant promises,
41:45 these are promises that God has made to us
41:48 on pain of death for Himself.
41:50 I mean, this is, this is pretty exciting to me.
41:54 Okay, let me go to the next one.
41:57 2 Corinthians 4:13,
41:58 I'm gonna read it from the NIV and it says, Paul...
42:03 I love this, Paul says, "It is written,"
42:07 now he's quoting what was written
42:10 "I believed, therefore, I have spoken."
42:15 Then he says, "with that same spirit of faith,"
42:19 he's saying, anybody that says,
42:21 "I believe therefore I spoke"
42:23 that's the spirit of faith, "With that same spirit of faith
42:27 we also believe and therefore speak."
42:31 So this is, and we're talking about the power of life
42:36 and death on our tongue,
42:38 boy, when you get into the Word of God
42:41 and once it gets to you,
42:43 I mean, I can remember the first time
42:45 when I was much younger I would read the Bible
42:47 and just some of these promises sounded too good to be true.
42:51 Didn't seem like they applied to me
42:53 or I would accept them here I had mental assent,
42:56 but they weren't in my heart.
42:58 And when God really taught me to hold fast to his word
43:04 and then I believed and I started speaking it
43:07 over my life that was the spirit of faith.
43:10 I mean, you can...
43:12 I can tell if somebody has faith usually within,
43:16 you can meet somebody, in the first 15-20 minutes
43:18 you can tell if they're people of faith or not
43:21 because there are some people
43:23 that just let a little problem come into their life
43:25 and they're like Chicken Little,
43:27 "Oh, the sky is falling, the sky is falling."
43:29 You know?
43:30 And they speak so negatively and they're...
43:35 So we wanna speak with that spirit of faith,
43:39 this is where you confess with your mouth and are saved
43:42 'cause you're speaking,
43:43 you're putting your faith into action at this point.
43:46 Wasn't it like, oh, I didn't mean to interrupt
43:48 but I know that, like your mom just was telling me
43:52 recently about a device that she has discovered.
43:55 It's an appliance that she can cook with that
43:59 and she is sold on this device because it has worked so well.
44:03 It's proven that it does everything, you know,
44:06 that she saw it on a commercial and, you know,
44:08 sometimes those kind of things don't work.
44:10 But for...
44:11 And so she believed
44:13 and now she's telling other people about it,
44:15 you know, about that's too good to be,
44:17 no, it's not too good to be true actually,
44:18 it does, it works.
44:20 So I kind of, that kind of same thing here
44:23 where he's saying I believe, therefore,
44:25 I've spoken with that spirit faith.
44:27 I believe so much in it
44:29 that I'm going to go out and tell it.
44:30 I mean, I know. Amen, amen. Good.
44:33 My next scripture is Jeremiah 1:12,
44:37 and I'm gonna actually, let's back up,
44:39 I wanna read verse 11 too.
44:42 You know, God touched Jeremiah's
44:45 and when He touched him He said,
44:47 "I filled your mouth with my words."
44:51 And He was saying,
44:53 "I'm going to be the source of your message".
44:55 So in Jeremiah 1:11, God has just shown him
45:02 the first of two visions and Jeremiah says,
45:05 "Moreover, the word of the Lord came to me saying,
45:09 Jeremiah, What do you see?
45:11 And I said, I see a branch or shoot of an almond tree.
45:17 And the almond tree was the emblem of alertness
45:22 and activity it would blossom in the late winter early spring
45:26 and they called it the 'watch tree'.
45:30 So then, so he's saying, "What do you see?
45:34 I see the almond tree."
45:36 Well, in the Hebrew that is shaqed,
45:41 S-H-A-Q-E-D I see the almond tree,
45:46 shaqed the watch tree.
45:49 So now there's a little play on words going here a little pun
45:53 that's intended.
45:54 God turns around and says to him
45:56 He's going to interpret this and He says,
45:59 "The Lord said to me, you have seen well,
46:02 for I am alert and acting,
46:04 watching over my word to perform it,"
46:07 when He says, now see He said, "Oh, I see the shaqed"
46:12 and God says, "Hey, I am shoqed."
46:16 S-H-O-Q-E-D.
46:18 You saw the shaqed, I am shoqed,
46:21 "I am watching over my word to perform it".
46:26 So the almond tree would blossom
46:28 in the early spring time
46:30 and it would promise them the fruitful year.
46:33 And this is basically what God is telling Jeremiah,
46:37 the words that I put in your mouth
46:39 they're gonna be fruitful I'm alert, I'm active,
46:43 I'm watching over that word to perform it.
46:46 And then I love it because later on
46:48 in Jeremiah 15:16,
46:50 he said, "All your words were found
46:52 and I ate them and they were to me the joy
46:55 and the rejoicing of my heart."
46:57 He became so in love with God's Word
47:01 and then He also, the Lord, said to him,
47:04 "Is not my word like fire that consumes anything
47:10 that can endure the test,
47:11 is it not like a hammer that will break to pieces
47:15 all the rockiness of your heart?"
47:17 And so Jeremiah fell in love with the Word of the Lord.
47:22 Amen.
47:23 And I think if we want to really guard our mouth,
47:26 if we want to know what God's got for us
47:32 if we just start speaking His Word that's real power.
47:36 Absolutely. Yeah.
47:38 All right. You know, testifying...
47:39 Testify. Amen.
47:41 You know, in Central Texas when the scissor-tails,
47:43 that's a bird, when the scissor-tails
47:45 come into Central Texas
47:47 we truly know the spring has sprung.
47:49 There's not going to be surprises,
47:51 there's not going to the...
47:52 The frost is all gone,
47:54 and scissor-tails are not food in Central Texas.
47:57 And so this is what this is saying here
47:59 and we find out those things that do work.
48:01 We find that that we I'm talking
48:03 about scissor-tails,
48:04 who in the world ever thinks about scissor tails?
48:06 But it's because they're consistent.
48:08 And here you know God's Word is consistent
48:11 so consequently we praise His name.
48:14 And He said His Word doesn't return to avoid the,
48:17 you know, it will accomplish every purpose
48:20 for which He sent it.
48:21 Yeah. Amen.
48:22 All right, brother, Jason.
48:24 So I have Isaiah 50:4,
48:28 this comes from the amplified version,
48:30 "The Lord God has given me the tongue of a disciple
48:33 and of one who was taught that I should know
48:35 how to speak a word in season to him who is weary."
48:39 You know, we should be able to offer kind words
48:42 instead of words that are going to upset people
48:46 and all of that if we were, you know,
48:49 even when we give a rebuke it should be a loving rebuke.
48:54 I really like Proverbs 15:1, this is a bonus one.
48:58 I threw that in.
49:01 Proverbs 15:1, so it says
49:04 "Soft answer turn it away wrath,
49:06 but grievous word stir up anger."
49:08 That's right.
49:10 There was a time in my life when I was a little kid
49:12 and I really should have bridled the tongue
49:15 because it got me into some trouble.
49:18 So I was at home, you know, my mom was singing,
49:20 she want to enter the New York City,
49:23 we lived at upstate New York, she want to enter New York City
49:26 to sing jingles or she might have been on tour
49:29 or something and my brother was watching me
49:31 and he's ten years older than I am.
49:33 And, you know, he said something
49:35 that made me angry so I was like,
49:38 "I'll show him" so I got it
49:39 I gotta smart him out right back, you know,
49:41 and I'm like 5 or 6 and he's like 15 or 16.
49:45 And so, I was hungry and anybody who knows me
49:49 knows I love food, even back then.
49:52 And I was starving and he was like,
49:53 "You know what, I'm not going to make you
49:54 anything to eat".
49:56 And I said, "Fine, I don't need you to make me
49:57 anything to eat".
49:59 So I decided that I would take it upon myself
50:01 and I made disgusting gourmet ketchup
50:04 and raisins sandwich.
50:05 Oh! Oh! Wow!
50:07 I ate every bit of that sandwich like
50:09 it was just so good just because I was so mad at him.
50:14 So my tongue paid for it both ways.
50:17 All right. It sure did.
50:22 And he still apologizes to me for that.
50:26 So you've never made another sandwich like that, right?
50:27 Absolutely not. Next one, he gets to sample.
50:30 Oh! Oh, that's good.
50:33 Yeah, tripping raisins.
50:34 So our next verse
50:37 is Mark 11:22-24,
50:42 "So Jesus answered, have faith in God,
50:44 for assuredly I say to you,
50:46 whoever says and does not doubt in his heart
50:48 but believes that those things
50:50 He says will be done He will have whatever He says.
50:53 Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask
50:56 when you pray, believe that you receive them
50:59 and you will have them."
51:01 Amen. Amen.
51:02 I like that there is a book entitled
51:05 "Prayer" by Alan White,
51:06 where it talks about living your prayers, you know,
51:10 if you pray for deliverance soon as you say amen,
51:14 you better believe that you've been delivered
51:16 and you act accordingly.
51:18 Amen. Amen.
51:19 And so I really like that verse there as well.
51:22 What does it mean for anybody?
51:24 I think once again this is go right back
51:28 to that Word of Faith that,
51:30 you know, faith is not just something in theory,
51:36 the foundation for faith is trust
51:39 but the Bible shows us that we've got to speak
51:44 with the spirit of faith.
51:45 We've got to believe we've got to...
51:51 James says, "Faith without actions is dead."
51:53 So we've got to act.
51:55 Faith is all of these things blended in together here.
51:58 So when we come to praying if we're not...
52:03 If we're praying anything that's in this Word
52:06 that we know what God's will is,
52:09 we should be praying with absolute assurance,
52:12 believing in our heart we've received them.
52:15 Not doubting His Word.
52:16 Now there are some things, for example,
52:19 when you get into I think it's 2 Timothy
52:21 but Paul was praying for Trophimus
52:27 and he ended up having to leave his companion Trophimus
52:31 and go on without him because he was sick.
52:34 He left him in the Miletus.
52:35 Well, the point is that you would think that
52:41 Paul who had such an anointing
52:45 that he could touch a handkerchief
52:46 and they could mail it to somebody that,
52:49 wow, he's got the gift of healing.
52:51 Well, no, it was when God was prepared to heal.
52:53 So we know that God doesn't always heal every person.
52:58 So there's times when we're praying
52:59 we can't just say, "Have faith you're gonna be healed",
53:02 'cause God doesn't promise it.
53:04 You know, he does not promise that, although,
53:07 there are some healing scriptures
53:09 we don't know what,
53:11 He said He sent His Word to heal us,
53:12 He says that by His stripes we are healed.
53:16 We can pray that but we don't know
53:17 if God is going to heal us right now, or if...
53:20 He's gonna give us the healing He knows we need it,
53:22 it may be now, it may be later.
53:24 Okay?
53:25 Can it maybe that that affliction
53:27 that has come to us will lead us to salvation
53:32 because we're spiritually dead, you know, what I'm saying?
53:35 There's a spiritual healing in whatever situation
53:40 we maybe facing.
53:42 We may react a certain way if we're fine
53:46 and we were so self-sufficient,
53:49 you know, but when we are afflicted
53:52 whether it's health, financially, or what have you,
53:55 you're drawn to your knees, you know, to praying and say,
53:59 "Lord, please heal us, heal me".
54:02 And the Lord will work in your heart
54:04 depending on your need,
54:06 which is your spiritual need, number one,
54:09 because we could be asking for whatever
54:12 and we see, oh, this great.
54:14 A brand new car, for example,
54:16 but you are not gonna use that car for His glory
54:20 and your heart is too far from me.
54:23 So right now you need to keep praying some more and listen,
54:26 and be still and listen, so that your heart will be
54:30 in accord in harmony with heaven.
54:34 The worst year of my life turned out
54:37 to be the best year of my life because of what you're saying.
54:39 The year that I had vertigo 24/7,
54:42 it was the most awful condition I'd rather be in pain
54:45 and have vertigo like that.
54:47 But that is the year that God taught me
54:50 to claim His promises.
54:53 That's when God totally turned me around
54:55 and began me in ministry, actually.
54:57 So the worst year of my life turned out to be the best year.
55:01 I mean, I thank God all the time for that year
55:04 and for that awful experience but...
55:06 So I guess my take away here is
55:10 and I'm so glad that
55:12 we did Isaiah 50:4 again that was...
55:16 It's actually a messianic word there where it says,
55:20 "The Lord God has given me the tongue of a disciple of one
55:23 who is taught."
55:24 I used to pray all the time,
55:26 "Lord, give me the tongue of an instructed disciple".
55:31 And I think that's the bottom-line is
55:33 we need the tongue of an instructed disciple
55:37 that we are speaking by the mind of Christ,
55:41 that we are having God
55:43 put a guard at the doorpost of our lips
55:45 so that we are not speaking in ways
55:49 that don't lineup with his word.
55:51 What do you think?
55:52 I think that we need to season the words
55:55 because sometimes we need to print a phrase truth
55:58 to a person for their help, spiritual help.
56:01 But you could say whatever you want
56:03 but there are two ways of saying it.
56:05 They're gonna, the person's gonna die
56:07 or the person is gonna flourish.
56:09 Yeah, amen.
56:10 All right, we're right down to the last minute.
56:14 We like to, let's end in prayer.
56:16 And, honey, why don't you just pray for us?
56:18 And for our viewers at home, thank you so much.
56:21 You are the rest of our family we're so glad you joined us
56:24 for this family worship,
56:25 and we hope you have a blessed Sabbath.
56:27 And we hope that
56:28 what we've discussed certainly has helped me,
56:30 I hope that you've grown from that as well.
56:34 J.D?
56:36 Let's all bow for prayer.
56:39 Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus,
56:41 we thank You, Lord, for your for permission
56:44 that we can come to you.
56:46 Father, we ask Lord that you will just teach each one of us
56:50 more about you.
56:52 We give the Holy Spirit permission,
56:53 Lord, to impress upon our hearts,
56:56 our minds, what we need to do,
56:57 what we need to ask for, Lord,
56:59 so that we can become more like you.
57:02 Father, I just ask Lord on this Sabbath
57:04 that you will just bless in, in each one of our hearts
57:07 and our actions.
57:09 Lord, we do want to make a difference in people's lives
57:11 in a positive way.
57:13 So, Father, just continue to leave God direct us.
57:16 We love you, we thank you. We give you praise and glory.
57:20 In the name of Jesus, amen.
57:21 Amen. Amen, amen.
57:23 Well, our prayer for you at home is that
57:26 the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:28 the love of the Father,
57:30 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:33 will be with you always.
57:35 See you again. Bye-bye.
57:37 Amen.


Revised 2017-05-22