Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Kenny & Chris Shelton (Host), Danny Shelton, Yvonne Lewis, Bruce & Tammy Chance


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017013A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:10 Happy Sabbath to everyone of you at home.
01:12 Happy Sabbath to all of us here around the table.
01:15 Amen.
01:16 I think this is gonna be
01:17 an absolute awesome time together, Pastor Kenny.
01:19 It is.
01:20 My name is Chris and I just told you his name,
01:22 Pastor Kenny Shelton and we have some,
01:25 not just 3ABN family with us,
01:27 but we have some real biological family here tonight.
01:30 Well, I'm sure, absolutely.
01:31 Yeah.
01:33 You want to introduce some biological family members?
01:34 No, honey. You go ahead.
01:35 You do a better job than I do. You do it right here.
01:37 Well, I believe you got your brother over here, Danny,
01:39 I'm sure many people at home might know who he is.
01:42 Happy to be here.
01:44 And then sister Yvonne sitting next to him.
01:46 We had to have her, we needed some good music.
01:48 Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
01:50 I better be careful
01:52 'cause I've got another musician over here.
01:55 And, you know, not just the music,
01:56 but God gives her good spiritual words
01:59 and thoughts that I hear all the time
02:02 and I'm just thinking how wonderful
02:03 the Holy Spirit works through different individuals
02:06 that helps each of us along the way.
02:09 So it's good to have you here.
02:10 She's certainly been a blessing to me,
02:12 many, many times.
02:13 Yeah. Really has. And you to me.
02:15 Oh, I tell you, well, we can get into that.
02:17 I know, I know.
02:19 I know just recently in the past few months,
02:22 if I broke down, it was usually in her ear.
02:25 So she had to put up with me. Yeah. Yes.
02:26 But to my left
02:28 is my sweet sister-in-law, Tammy,
02:29 and her husband Bruce
02:31 and we are just so excited to have this group together.
02:34 Amen.
02:36 Our topic for this evening is going to be
02:37 the object of God's tenderness care.
02:40 Now whether or not we actually get to it or not,
02:43 I don't know, let's see.
02:45 But to begin with...
02:47 Why don't we go ahead because, you know,
02:48 a lot of times if we start talking,
02:50 if we start singing,
02:51 we forget one of the most important things
02:53 and that is prayer.
02:54 That's right, absolutely. Absolutely.
02:55 Let's pray together at home,
02:57 pray with us if you will, please.
03:00 Kind, loving heavenly Father,
03:01 we thank You for the privilege of prayer.
03:03 We thank You that we can call thee our Father.
03:05 We thank You for the beginning edges
03:07 as it were, the Sabbath.
03:09 Thankful that we can come together.
03:10 Thankful that You have created a day
03:13 which we can come apart from the world
03:15 and that we can worship You in spirit and in truth.
03:18 What a beautiful gift that's You've given to mankind.
03:21 And so now we ask the Spirit, the Holy Spirit be with us
03:24 as we open the beautiful pages
03:26 of that beautiful wonderful book
03:28 that You've left for us.
03:29 We pray the Holy Spirit
03:31 will take possession of our hearts,
03:32 and our minds, and our lives.
03:34 Lord, we're hopeless without You.
03:36 We have no knowledge, no wisdom without thee and so we pray,
03:40 that Your Holy Spirit will help us
03:41 as we look at this most important subject,
03:44 talking about people,
03:45 we're talking about church capacity,
03:46 we're talking about working together,
03:48 not against each other.
03:50 How we need that unity and we need that love
03:52 for one another and that love for You.
03:55 We pray that You again,
03:56 take full possession of each and every one of us,
03:59 and may this be and those who are viewing,
04:01 whether they listen, whether they watch,
04:03 may every question be answered that they have right now,
04:06 something that may be holding them back
04:08 from fully giving their life to You.
04:10 Oh, Lord, let this program be that kind of blessing today.
04:13 May we stand behind the cross of Calvary,
04:15 and may Jesus be seen
04:17 and may He be heard is my prayers.
04:18 I thank You for each one here and for those at home.
04:21 In Jesus' name. Amen.
04:23 Amen. Amen.
04:25 Sister Yvonne, I think you're gonna lead us
04:27 in a song to begin with, right?
04:29 Oh, sure. Sure.
04:30 And let's sing, "We're marching to Zion."
04:32 I like that. Okay.
04:34 Come, we that love the Lord
04:39 And let our joys be known
04:44 Join in a song with sweet accord
04:49 Join in a song with sweet accord
04:54 And thus surround the throne
04:59 And thus surround the throne
05:03 We're marching to Zion
05:08 Beautiful, beautiful Zion
05:13 We're marching upward to Zion
05:18 The beautiful city of God
05:23 Amen. Amen.
05:24 That will be pretty good if we practice it a few times.
05:27 All right. I love that song.
05:29 Thank you. Isn't that great?
05:30 We're marching to Zion
05:32 and really that's kind of a good foundation
05:35 of what we're talking about this evening.
05:38 The object of God's tenderness care.
05:41 And, you know, it's been a long,
05:42 it's been at least three and a half to four months
05:44 since we have been with our 3ABN family,
05:47 doing a family worship.
05:49 And I can't express enough how grateful and thankful
05:53 that we are to be here tonight.
05:55 Amen.
05:56 And...
05:57 Well, why have you, if I can ask,
05:59 why has it been so long?
06:01 Why have we been away for so long?
06:02 If anybody knows, Danny, you know,
06:04 'cause you were right with us,
06:06 but we went down to Florida and me and Pastor Kenny...
06:11 For Christmas vacation, right?
06:13 Yeah, just for a few days, get a little bit of a break
06:15 and we met his family and we ended up talking,
06:19 this gentleman here next to me to get to the ER
06:23 and once he did, they kept him.
06:25 You had a hard time convincing me,
06:27 but brother did and he convinced me.
06:29 I did. I couldn't do it.
06:31 So I was on the phone, "Danny, Danny."
06:35 He knew what to say. Well, we...
06:36 It's very sad.
06:37 I know, you know, you know your family very well, right?
06:39 So, Chris said I can't get him to go to the ER.
06:43 He is having some trouble breathing
06:44 and some, what have you, so I went in and he's like,
06:47 "Oh, I'm fine. I'm like that this."
06:49 I think Bruce will probably testify this,
06:52 I don't know anybody in this world
06:53 I've ever met that's tougher than this guy
06:55 is what I'm saying, that absolutely,
06:57 when it comes to strength of doing anything
07:00 or set his mind to accomplishing something,
07:03 or doing something, or not giving up,
07:05 and never says, no.
07:07 No matter if you said, at 3:00 in the morning,
07:08 "Hey, Kenny, can you come and help me do whatever?"
07:11 He is gonna be there and then, you know, and apologize
07:14 it took him five minutes to get there, you know,
07:17 but he would not go,
07:19 he was not gonna go to the doctor,
07:22 so Chris said, "Maybe you can do something."
07:24 So I went up and he was lying in bed,
07:26 which is rare to see him lying down.
07:27 Right.
07:29 He was really tired and weak and so I said, Tammy, I said,
07:31 "Well, Kenny, you need to go to the ER,"
07:33 "Ah, no, I'll be fine," he says, "I'm fine."
07:36 And I said, "Well, I really, really think you ought to go."
07:38 "Oh, no. Let's wait and we'll see."
07:41 So I said, "Damn" exactly what I said
07:43 "What would he say to me?"
07:45 So I said, "If the shoe is on the other foot
07:48 and I was lying there and you were standing here,
07:52 what would you tell me I should do?"
07:54 And he said, "Well, I guess I better get my clothes on."
07:57 Exactly.
07:59 That's what finally, finally got him motivated to go
08:03 and you are absolutely correct
08:05 because it was at the end of October
08:07 and I should tell everybody what happened.
08:09 He ended up having a bypass surgery.
08:13 What we had found out during a heart cath
08:16 is that one of his arteries had completely closed off
08:19 and that occurred at the end of October,
08:22 so November, December, I continued to see him
08:26 getting weaker and weaker but, you know,
08:28 if he was here doing a program, you never saw it,
08:31 God took control,
08:32 he did the Sabbath school programs,
08:34 you've never ever seen it,
08:36 but every evening his heart would go
08:38 into this irregular rhythm
08:40 and he was having all kinds of signs,
08:43 but he kept it a secret, even from me for many weeks
08:47 and finally, when he told me,
08:49 we started here before we left for Florida,
08:51 but they just were taking their time,
08:53 acted like it was no big deal.
08:56 Of course, after we've come back
08:57 after two months, they're like,
08:59 "Well, now, did you have those symptoms?
09:00 Was that happening when you were here?"
09:01 And I'm like, "Yes, he did."
09:03 It's only a miracle, go ahead.
09:05 God had us where we needed to be.
09:07 Yes.
09:09 Where we needed to be
09:10 for the most optimal care possible for him.
09:12 Amen.
09:14 That was a top, now both hospitals,
09:16 he's only got VA insurance,
09:18 'cause he was a veteran in the Vietnam war.
09:21 He was a medic,
09:22 taking care of people who were injured
09:24 and did an awfully good job is my understanding
09:27 and when he went into the VA,
09:31 it was beyond their capacity to help him.
09:33 So they gave us an option of two hospitals,
09:35 one being the Florida hospital and we said,
09:38 "You know, he is an Adventist pastor."
09:41 So that doctor, he came back in a few hours, he said,
09:44 I used that, I told him you're an Adventist pastor.
09:46 He said...
09:48 Because the Florida hospital is a Seventh-day hospital.
09:49 Yes, is an Adventist hospital.
09:51 Absolutely. Thank you.
09:53 Yes, there is probably people that don't realize that.
09:56 In Florida alone,
09:58 the Adventist health system is huge.
10:00 If you go to Tampa,
10:01 they own numbers of hospitals in one city,
10:03 but I think there's something like
10:05 44,000 Floridians
10:08 work for Adventist health system
10:11 and Brother Des Cummings is the president
10:14 and what a wonderful guy
10:16 and was so helpful during this time.
10:18 We called him and wonderful to have friends
10:22 and to somebody say, "Hey, what are we doing?"
10:24 And for his help.
10:25 So, Des, if you're watching, thank you.
10:27 And sent his assistant, Audrey,
10:30 I can't think of her last name right now,
10:32 but she was absolutely awesome as well.
10:34 In fact, I've spoken to her
10:36 even after we've been home a few times by text
10:39 and she says, she's still praying,
10:41 so we can say, hi to Audrey as well.
10:43 Absolutely.
10:44 And so many, many people,
10:46 but I don't know how much
10:48 we want to actually focus on this
10:50 but it does fit in because during this process,
10:54 we did experience God's generous care.
10:57 Absolutely. Amen.
10:58 Over and over. Over and over answered prayer.
11:01 We never had, we never had a feeling
11:05 that God would take the experience from him,
11:09 but we were always impressed
11:10 that He was there walking with us, every step...
11:14 It was divine providence
11:16 and I just thought as were talking here,
11:18 in our whole lives,
11:21 we've never really taken a vacation together.
11:24 We're close, we're even neighbors,
11:25 we live together
11:27 but never actually taken a vacation together,
11:29 so we're actually just family
11:31 with Reggie and Lady Love and some friends,
11:33 we literally just rented a great big house
11:36 for like a week,
11:37 I think it's gonna be close to a week,
11:38 we said, let's just go down.
11:40 It's over Christmas, we'll go to Florida.
11:42 And we didn't really go anywhere,
11:44 we didn't do the Disney World thing,
11:45 we're just being together and they had a little game room
11:49 and stuff there for the kids, and, I mean,
11:51 it's just a wonderful time and didn't have much to do.
11:54 We actually had taken a motor home
11:55 that somebody had donated to 3ABN,
11:58 we drove it down to leave it to a dealer,
12:00 so they can sell it there easier
12:01 and we can especially in the wintertime,
12:03 but this just being there together
12:06 at the same time and this happening,
12:09 that's not coincidence, it's divine providence.
12:13 It may be even the scheduling and it was,
12:15 scheduling of the date to be down there.
12:18 I think it's scheduled day, you know, like, can you go...?
12:22 Could have been any other time
12:23 but that specific date and the time,
12:25 it just seemed like it all...
12:27 God had a plan in there and He worked it out.
12:29 It was good and I think probably for three months,
12:34 I think I got a phone call from Danny every day.
12:37 Yeah.
12:38 That's pretty good.
12:40 And everyday he called so...
12:42 And maybe sometime a couple of days
12:44 and while I was in the hospital,
12:46 he was busy back
12:49 and forth trying to make arrangements,
12:50 make everything easy as he could,
12:51 so that's just, that's the way he does.
12:53 Made it hard on the nursing personnel sometimes.
12:57 Of course, it's your family, so you think,
12:59 boy, you want someone there 24/7,
13:01 you know, how, how you do,
13:02 so you get there but what a great organization!
13:07 I'm really glad you were there and,
13:10 so the Lord had His hand on this whole thing.
13:11 Amen.
13:12 But one thing I do wanna bring out
13:14 'cause we're talking about God's love today,
13:16 is we're thankful, we can all say,
13:19 Praise the Lord
13:20 that Kenny made it through God loves Him,
13:23 God loves us, he made it through
13:25 but what if he hadn't, and what if tomorrow...
13:28 And it could very easily happen to me
13:29 and I'm not just saying that,
13:31 we all know, Man that is born of a woman
13:32 is of few days and full of trouble
13:34 He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut low.
13:36 What if it happens to me and I died?
13:38 Does that mean God loved me any less?
13:40 Does He love you?
13:41 We still should be here if it's me that dies,
13:44 you all still should be here having family worship,
13:46 praising the Lord 'cause, you know,
13:49 the Bible says basically,
13:50 "Blessed are those who die in the Lord."
13:53 Okay, you know, so, I'm just saying that
13:56 because so many people base God's love and,
13:59 "Oh, well, you know, my dad's still alive,
14:01 he is there so, well, praise God, He loves me."
14:04 But what happens when Dad dies?
14:06 Does that mean God doesn't love you?
14:08 Does that mean He, you know, what does it mean,
14:10 no, it absolutely,
14:12 how He loves us
14:14 is that He loves us enough that no matter what happens,
14:17 devil is out to steal, killing, and to destroy,
14:19 so he can rob us of our, our home, I always say,
14:22 our cars, he can rob us of our properties,
14:25 of our finances, rob us even of our health,
14:28 but he can't rob us of our eternity
14:31 with the Lord Jesus Christ,
14:32 because our soul belongs to God
14:34 and so as long as we're willing,
14:36 so whether how long I live or don't live on this earth
14:40 or what I go through or don't,
14:42 has nothing to do with how much God loves me.
14:44 The very fact He can take, would take sinful,
14:48 frail human agents like ourselves and say,
14:50 "You know what?
14:51 I'm gonna make a way for you.
14:53 I'm gonna make a plan of salvation.
14:55 A price has to be paid
14:57 and I'm willing to pay that price
14:58 with My Son and the Son, of course,
15:00 agreeing in the Holy Spirit."
15:02 To do that is an amazing thing that we don't deserve
15:06 and it's called the blessed hope
15:07 that we have.
15:09 So had you gone to sleep and now woke up in the Lord,
15:12 we still should.
15:14 If we really love Jesus,
15:15 we still should be here having a family worship,
15:18 when that happens to me,
15:21 I insist that you be here and still have family worship
15:24 and you praise the Lord
15:26 'cause that has nothing to do with a lack of God's love
15:29 or where was God when we need Him.
15:31 You know, precious in the sight of the Lord
15:35 are the deaths of His saints,
15:36 so let's don't judge how much God loves us by,
15:39 you know, 'cause we feel good today
15:41 and we don't tomorrow but something just happened
15:45 and because God's love is everlasting.
15:47 I know a couple that were in their 80s
15:49 and one passed away,
15:52 and the other one was so angry, and said,
15:55 "Why, why me?
15:57 Why, why us?"
15:58 And I said, "Why not?"
16:00 There you go. Okay.
16:01 Look how blessed, you had 60 years of marriage.
16:05 That's correct. How people can say that?
16:07 You know.
16:08 Not that you are not gonna miss that person terribly and,
16:13 you know, mourn for that person,
16:14 we understand that,
16:16 but it was, you know,
16:17 why did God allow this to happen?
16:19 And I'm saying, "But why not?"
16:21 This is life, life and death.
16:24 This is what sin has caused. That's a good point.
16:26 And you got to look at the blessings
16:28 of how many years you had together
16:30 but when people say, "Why me?"
16:32 I always say, "Why not?"
16:34 Yeah. Exactly.
16:36 We are going to go through things,
16:38 but one of my favorite verses is Isaiah 43
16:43 and I'll read it from the New King James.
16:46 It says, "Fear not for I have redeemed you.
16:48 I have called you by your name.
16:50 You are mine.
16:51 When you pass through the waters,
16:52 I will be with you and through the rivers,
16:55 they shall not overflow you.
16:57 When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burnt,
17:00 nor shall the flame scorch you, for I am the Lord, your God,
17:04 the Holy One of Israel, your Savior."
17:07 So the Bible doesn't say, "if," you pass through,
17:11 but, "when" you pass through.
17:13 So we know we're gonna pass through some things.
17:16 We've got to go through some things but when we do,
17:21 He promises He'll be with us and we saw,
17:24 we saw that and what you guys went through.
17:27 We saw Him hold you up.
17:29 Sister Chris was, you know,
17:31 by Pastor Kenny's side constantly.
17:34 Day and night. Day and night.
17:36 I mean, it was just, it was a blessing.
17:39 We had to fight from keeping to feel worse for her than you.
17:44 'Cause she was getting no sleep whatsoever,
17:47 at least, they had you sedated,
17:49 you know, for a while but this poor woman,
17:51 she was literally,
17:52 day and night wouldn't leave the room.
17:53 Yeah, I've said that.
17:55 I think she went through more than I did,
17:56 you know, more it been, about it does,
17:58 You know, they realized more what's happening, going on.
18:00 Remember, I got so tore up at one point that I said,
18:03 "Move him out of the bed, and put me in."
18:06 You know, and it's a good chance
18:07 since, you know, that Tammy came
18:10 all the way down to Florida, you know,
18:12 and different ones in the family, her daughter,
18:15 and children all came, different ones
18:16 and then all the prayers
18:18 and the support of 3ABN family is unbelievable.
18:23 Whom you're talking to?
18:25 I'm talking to you right now, you know,
18:26 and many of them will never know
18:28 that you've called, that you've prayed,
18:30 but I felt like it was the answer to prayer.
18:33 It's that simple.
18:35 And time and time again, in the wee hours,
18:37 when your kids sleep at night and different things happen
18:41 and constantly be reminded, interesting, I'd hear they say,
18:44 "You shall not die,
18:46 but live to proclaim the gospel." That's right.
18:48 And I thought, you know, what a beautiful thought.
18:51 Yes.
18:52 It is just an encouragement
18:53 when you're seeing like the roofs coming in.
18:55 Yes. Yes.
18:56 You're not gonna die, but you're gonna live
18:58 to proclaim the gospel.
18:59 So I feel that since...
19:01 Really you had that voice after much prayer as well
19:05 because there was times that we were grieving
19:08 we didn't know if the Lord was finished with us or not.
19:10 Well, there are so many complications,
19:12 It seem like one complication after another
19:15 and it's not to say that we weren't scared,
19:17 of course, we were scared,
19:19 we were afraid, you know,
19:20 but we knew that he was in God's hands.
19:23 Thank God for that.
19:24 What I saw was, when I think of that,
19:26 were they object of God's love
19:30 and I really saw that exemplified
19:32 in Chris for Kenny.
19:33 Kenny didn't know it, a lot of the times,
19:35 especially right after surgery, you know what that's like,
19:38 but we saw that in Chris and Yvonne and I said,
19:42 because this woman was there too,
19:44 she was there 'cause you guys were so close.
19:46 She wanted to be there for you and so she was there too
19:50 and spent a long time but to see that,
19:52 and we would talk about it, we'd say,
19:54 "Look at the love that she has."
19:56 And so, it's just a sample of the earthly of God's
20:00 we're the object of God's love.
20:01 I mean, to think about that human agents,
20:03 so we saw love poured out.
20:06 She was loving you when you didn't even know it.
20:08 That's true. You know what I'm saying?
20:10 And that's what God does with us all the time.
20:12 And I'm sure certainly I didn't deserve it,
20:13 probably grouchy at certain times,
20:15 and not feeling well and kind of like in your mind,
20:18 you know, I don't know all about that
20:20 but she still was there, met every need and, yeah,
20:24 I'm very thankful for that.
20:26 I have to say I am so thankful
20:29 because if we ever get back to this,
20:32 we're actually talking about God's church on earth
20:35 and we're all grafted in and really,
20:38 I'm grafted into this family,
20:41 but I couldn't have asked for a better, you know,
20:45 I really didn't bring you here for our story,
20:49 but I brought you here
20:51 because this is the first time back
20:52 and I just wanted family close
20:54 and I couldn't ask for a better family
20:57 and the times that I was the lowest,
20:59 a lot of times, Danny would start to pray
21:01 and I kid you not,
21:03 you would just feel the Spirit of God come in
21:06 and we would all calm down
21:08 and it was just such a blessing to have family.
21:12 I really consider you as my family, you know,
21:17 and it feels like I've always been here
21:18 and I just love each and every one of you
21:20 very, very much,
21:22 and all of you at home that were praying
21:24 and the Lord did, He didn't take the trial away,
21:27 but He has seen us through it.
21:29 I want to give one example.
21:31 I know you guys have heard it to the point
21:32 you're probably so tired of it
21:34 but it was just so awesome.
21:36 Okay, we all need to hear your testimony.
21:39 You know, before we left the VA
21:42 and the doctor came in and he said,
21:44 "I've called them, you know, Florida Hospital,"
21:47 he said, "But I'll let you know.
21:48 It could be a week, it could be three or four days
21:50 before they even have an opening
21:52 because they're so busy."
21:54 They're the number one hospital in the state of Florida
21:57 for cardiac care
21:59 and the fifth in the nation,
22:00 so people are wanting to get into that hospital.
22:03 In fact, after we got there, a lady,
22:05 one of the workers said, "Miracles happen here."
22:08 So I thought how neat that they felt that way,
22:11 that that's a testimony to the hospital
22:13 and it was a miracle that we were there.
22:16 He didn't have insurance to be in that hospital
22:18 but because we were in Florida and that Florida VA,
22:24 they transferred us and the VA took care of that.
22:29 That was God's providence just in that bit
22:33 because we couldn't have been to that great hospital
22:36 had it not been for where we were
22:37 at that particular time.
22:39 True.
22:40 And then that night...
22:42 The size of that hospital bill
22:43 would have given you a heart attack.
22:44 Ooh.
22:46 Yes. Yes. Yes.
22:48 If you recovered, and then you saw the bill,
22:50 and down you go, and that would be it.
22:52 Right.
22:53 But I know that evening,
22:55 it was about 1:00 in the morning
22:57 and the nurse came in and she says,
22:58 "You've bet the odds,
22:59 they're sending an ambulance for you."
23:02 And we weren't expecting it for days,
23:04 so we weren't quite ready, so I'm getting up
23:06 and trying to get things together
23:07 and she comes in five minutes,
23:09 literally five minutes later and says,
23:11 "I was wrong. The ambulance is here."
23:13 And so, in the middle of the night,
23:16 and we were going to downtown Orlando
23:18 and I'm from a city, so I've got this city center
23:21 and I wasn't really comfortable being out there,
23:24 but I was trying to get directions
23:26 and it was quite an ordeal and finally, Kenny,
23:28 they had him on the stretcher
23:29 and he looked at the ambulance driver
23:31 and he said, "Couldn't she just follow you?"
23:33 And he said, "Yes."
23:35 And they're not supposed to take our bags,
23:36 one of them was so kind,
23:38 reached out and grabbed a suitcase,
23:39 one reached out and grabbed a bag, said,
23:41 "Meet us around front..."
23:42 Not getting any names but somebody helped.
23:44 Somebody helped. With an angel.
23:46 And so anyway, he said,
23:48 "Meet us at the front of the hospital."
23:50 So I go around to the front,
23:51 but on my way out of that hospital,
23:53 in the middle of the night,
23:55 I'm going out to that parking lot,
23:56 and I just, I've been talking to the Lord the whole time
23:59 and I said, "God, please send an extra angel if I need it."
24:04 So I went in, got to my car, and I sat around front,
24:07 an ambulance came by and I thought,
24:09 "Well, this time..."
24:10 And I, you know, hopefully, this is the only one
24:12 and took me a while before I could get up to see him,
24:16 they had the lights on
24:17 and I finally got it close enough to know
24:19 that that was him in the back and just by the look,
24:23 the thought went through my mind,
24:24 he's having a Bible study, and I found out later
24:27 that he was having a Bible study
24:28 in the ambulance with the guy at the back.
24:31 So anyway, we get to the hospital,
24:33 I stayed right behind them.
24:37 I stayed right behind them and followed them,
24:39 passed through all of the toll booths,
24:41 Florida has toll booths everywhere.
24:44 And so anyway, everything was dark,
24:47 I hadn't been to Florida hospital
24:48 since the '80s
24:50 so I didn't know my way around
24:51 and there was a lot of construction
24:53 and they started going what looked like down
24:55 under the hospital,
24:56 at least there was underground level.
24:58 And the guy stopped which put me
25:00 in the middle of the road and I pulled up and he says,
25:03 "Ma'am, you're gonna have to go up
25:05 to the next block, make a right,
25:06 make a right, make a right,
25:08 go back to that parking garage."
25:09 And I was like, "Ooh, okay."
25:12 I'm all by myself out here, two o'clock in the morning.
25:14 I go in there, nobody's there, man in the booth
25:17 and there's this man walking around
25:19 and you could tell he wasn't going to a car
25:22 and so I sat in the car, I said,
25:23 "Lord, I don't know if I should get out or not."
25:27 And I waited a few minutes and I just kept praying
25:29 and finally I thought, "I've got to try now."
25:31 And I grabbed my bags
25:33 and I started out and it was so dark,
25:34 I couldn't tell where the front of the hospital was
25:37 and during the day, after we were there,
25:39 where you're seeing all these buildings,
25:41 I didn't know where to go and so I said,
25:43 "Lord, where should I go?"
25:45 And I thought, "Go back to where they let Kenny off.
25:48 There's got to be a door down there somewhere."
25:50 And that's what I did, and started walking,
25:54 and it was so dark, and I started walking,
25:55 at that point, feels like I'm in grass,
25:57 that's how dark it was where I was at, at that time.
25:59 But I made it across and I thought,
26:01 "Surely there's a door."
26:02 I go downstairs
26:04 and it's just this big two panel door
26:07 and it wouldn't open and I, I said,
26:10 "Lord, what should I do now?"
26:13 And I saw, I said, "Should I knock it?"
26:14 And it started to rain...
26:16 As you don't know what's happening to him...
26:17 No.
26:19 And all you want to do is get in the...
26:20 Get in, I wanted to get in, off the street,
26:21 I love some of the details out,
26:23 but I was not comfortable out there on the street.
26:27 And I didn't know where to go
26:28 and so I just had this very uncomfortable feeling
26:31 about me and so I said,
26:34 "Lord, should I knock?"
26:35 And I saw these ladies in the foreground
26:38 and then this gentleman closer to me
26:41 and he picked up his badge
26:43 like he was gonna go in a side door,
26:44 but he turned around
26:46 and he started walking to the glass door,
26:48 he opened the first one,
26:50 then he, he would open the second
26:52 and walk past me real quick and says, "You're welcome."
26:55 I never had the opportunity to say, thank you.
26:59 He never said, "Can I help you?"
27:02 And I had this feeling come over me,
27:04 what just happened?
27:06 And I started to turn and I had this thought,
27:09 "No, look for Kenny."
27:11 So, I mean, I was literally,
27:13 I wanted to see what just happened,
27:14 I was gonna say, you know,
27:16 'cause it just was such a feeling around me
27:19 and I started in,
27:20 I don't think those women ever saw me
27:22 until I was in the hallway
27:24 and they said, "Can we help you?"
27:27 And I told, I said,
27:28 "Well, they just brought my husband
27:29 in here by ambulance."
27:31 And she said, "You can't be here.
27:33 You're not supposed to be in this part of the hospital.
27:36 You go through that wood door and get up to security."
27:39 I didn't mind 'cause I was off the street,
27:41 security sounded real good to me at that time.
27:44 And when I told him, he had the same feeling
27:47 and what he just whispered,
27:49 he said, "He knew you were thankful."
27:51 And we both thought that was an angel
27:54 and when I told Des, Des Cummings.
27:58 Yeah.
27:59 When I told his assistant, she got shivers, she said,
28:02 "That was God."
28:03 Another nurse felt the same way.
28:05 At that hospital everything shuts down at night,
28:08 they should have never let me in
28:10 without questioning,
28:12 how would he know I'm thankful,
28:13 he didn't know who I was or what I was doing there,
28:17 except by the grace of God
28:19 that God had sent him there to let me in,
28:22 and little things kept happening...
28:24 And so thankful that there's such security,
28:26 you're in the middle of a city.
28:27 Yes, yes.
28:29 So to have that kind of security,
28:30 well, sometimes it might be inconvenient to us,
28:33 it's great to know when you're there,
28:34 and not anybody's coming and going,
28:36 there's a, in the cities, there's also a lot of crime,
28:39 to have that and then somehow you,
28:41 the Lord opened up, literally, opened up the door for you.
28:44 It was like, you hear the stories
28:46 about the God's people
28:48 where He opened a passageway through a...
28:50 That's how I felt, like what just took place?
28:54 And for him not to say, "May I help you?
28:57 Or tell me where to go."
29:00 You think the Lord allows sometimes those things,
29:03 little things because sometimes,
29:05 just you're looking for something to grab on to,
29:07 just some little straw
29:09 and maybe he allows little things,
29:11 somebody watching so, that's no big deal, you know,
29:14 that's no big deal, well, to you, at that time,
29:16 that was a huge deal.
29:18 And so I think sometimes the Lord allows us
29:21 these little things,
29:22 just because He knows we need it and, and...
29:25 And we've seen that all the way.
29:27 The object of God's tenderous care,
29:29 there were little things that He kept answering
29:32 throughout this whole ordeal, you know, and that same garage,
29:37 Tammy and one of our daughters Missie was there
29:40 and it was about two or three days later,
29:41 that same garage I was afraid to get out,
29:43 and they had it surrounded by police,
29:45 helicopters over it, looking for a murderer,
29:48 so, I mean, it's just, it's a beautiful area
29:51 but it's kind of a rough area.
29:53 City, there's a million people, you know, and that's,
29:56 that's what you run into.
29:57 Danny, in all these things, we think about
30:00 faith has to be exercised.
30:01 Yes.
30:02 You know, even, even if I'm going into the hospital
30:06 and I'm into the ambulance,
30:08 it's caused her and I to be separated.
30:10 Yeah.
30:11 And I knew she was by herself at that point in time.
30:14 She's going to have to fight to get here, to get there,
30:17 there's no one to help her and I kept thinking, I need to,
30:21 I need to help her, I don't need help.
30:22 I need to help her get where she needs to go.
30:25 How is she going to get in the hospital?
30:26 How is she going to follow?
30:28 How is she going...
30:29 This is all going through my mind,
30:30 is I'm wanting to help her
30:32 and then she's wanting to help me
30:34 and so, you know, through it all,
30:35 I just, Lord had said, "Kenny, I'll take care of her."
30:38 You know, don't, don't worry about that aspect of it,
30:41 you know, you have been praying,
30:43 asked for the angels of heaven to take care of,
30:45 there's things that need to be taken care of right now,
30:47 but don't you worry about her, she will get here,
30:50 all will be well."
30:51 Absolutely.
30:53 So I was thankful for that and so I had to grasp that
30:55 by faith, not by sight, not by things that went on,
30:59 but by faith just, just say, "Okay, Lord,
31:01 I trust that You're gonna, You're gonna do that."
31:03 Absolutely
31:05 Those experiences are just what you just said,
31:07 they encourage us.
31:08 Oh, yes.
31:09 We were recently watching a program about Navy SEALS,
31:12 and the first thought that came to my mind is,
31:14 "Boy, if I was ever taken captive,
31:16 I would hope that Navy SEALS would..."
31:18 And I thought, "No, I'd rather have God's angels."
31:22 There you go.
31:24 Walk out.
31:25 This is how He has taken care of His people in the past,
31:28 and He's promised He's gonna take care of us in the future.
31:31 Our needs will be met if we have faith and we trust,
31:36 you know, when we need a door open,
31:37 He will open it
31:39 and we don't have to worry about
31:40 all the things that happen when Navy SEALS arrive.
31:43 We can walk through the crowd and they don't even see.
31:46 That people might too and for the viewers at home,
31:49 say, well, Kenny is picture of healthy,
31:51 weight is good, he eats great,
31:54 I mean, exercises, you know, and, you know,
31:58 how does this thing happen?
32:00 And someone said to me once,
32:02 "You should choose your parents wisely."
32:04 So a lot of this has to do, you know, with heredity,
32:09 our father was disabled with a heart attack
32:11 at 36 years old, died at 51,
32:14 we've had some aunts that died early,
32:17 Uncle Buds had open heart surgery, you know,
32:19 brother Tom has had open heart surgery
32:22 and in our family, there's a lot of that,
32:24 11 years or so ago, 11 years ago,
32:26 now I had a stent, put in a heart stent
32:29 but praise the Lord, I still play basketball
32:31 every Tuesday night when I can,
32:32 I'm out there running and feel blessed,
32:34 so it's not so,
32:36 they said, when Kenny came in, Yvonne, they said,
32:39 when we saw your tests and saw you, it doesn't fit,
32:43 we expected to see a 300-pound smoker, you know,
32:48 and what happens is,
32:50 this is the world that we live in
32:52 and a lot of things are beyond our control
32:54 but stress and heredity, you know,
32:57 but my thing is I have no doubt in my mind
33:00 that either one of us would have been,
33:03 both of us would have been dead a long time ago
33:06 had we not tried to take care of ourselves
33:08 and don't smoke and drink
33:09 and, you know, try, try to live a Christian life
33:12 where you have the great peace,
33:13 have they which love thy law.
33:14 And so, though we've been through a lot,
33:17 so we give God the credit for that and, Tammy,
33:20 you've had problems too,
33:21 all of us in our family literally,
33:23 but, you know, hey, you live with those things
33:26 and you praise God that every day is a gift
33:29 and, you know, we've seen, we have seen over and over
33:32 because Tammy said so many things
33:35 that went wrong.
33:37 Only about one, I think one out of a hundred people
33:40 during the angioplasty have a stroke,
33:43 you had a stroke.
33:44 Well, we have in our family,
33:46 we try to make light of a lot of things
33:48 and, you know, but take things with a great resolve and say,
33:53 "Hey, that's just life the way it is."
33:54 So Kenny is, when the doctor come to see him,
33:57 he said, "I don't know which one am I talking to."
33:59 He was seeing what, three?
34:01 No, there's two guys there and I was seeing four.
34:03 Yeah, there was two guys there and you saw four,
34:05 so he says to them in that shape,
34:06 kind of, you know, even jesting about that
34:09 which is not funny but is the improvement
34:11 because your eye, literally,
34:13 wasn't following one, and wouldn't follow,
34:16 it was droopy and look at the improvement on this,
34:18 if I hadn't be, if I wasn't, wasn't telling it right now,
34:22 people wouldn't know,
34:24 but though the improvement that we've seen
34:26 has absolutely been incredible, but I told him,
34:29 I said, "Hey, Ken, look on the good part of it."
34:31 As I said, "You go through that Bible reading
34:33 in a year's time,
34:35 you can do it in four months as you see three.
34:37 I said, you can do, you can... You can do in three.
34:40 You can do.
34:42 That was so twisted. Is that cold?
34:45 Our sense of humor is little bit warmer.
34:48 Sometimes, we need that to get us through,
34:51 you can see he's still struggling but,
34:53 but we do see improvement and, you know...
34:55 Yeah.
34:57 That was probably the time I was so upset,
34:59 the worst in hospital, it's a good hospital,
35:02 please don't take it wrong
35:03 but at this time we're in the hospital,
35:05 I saw him for just a few seconds
35:08 and his eyes were not talking together,
35:10 both of them were moving and they kept telling me
35:13 he was tired, it's the anesthesia,
35:15 he's just tired and this went on for hours
35:18 and I finally found it a little bit more stern,
35:22 they said, this could be neurological
35:24 or, you know, it could be vascular,
35:26 what if he's had a stroke
35:27 and they finally sent somebody in there
35:29 and I stood him at the end of the bed, I said,
35:30 "Watch," You know,
35:32 'cause they're quivering as much,
35:33 but you could tell they weren't tracking together
35:36 and then they started running,
35:38 but we were right there in the hospital
35:41 and they missed the four-hour window
35:43 to give him the blood thinner...
35:46 Yes, for, you know,
35:47 in case it had been a blood clot.
35:48 Well, one nurse came and said, "Well, it was too dangerous
35:51 because he would have bled out."
35:53 But we know that it has been done,
35:55 we weren't given that opportunity.
35:57 But one thing that crossed my mind later is,
36:00 here we are, all of us are praying, right?
36:03 We're having faith in God and it finally came to my mind,
36:07 if God's in control, He closed their minds
36:10 because maybe it was a piece of plaque
36:13 and maybe they wouldn't have been able
36:15 to stop the bleeding and we may have lost him.
36:18 Yeah, absolutely.
36:19 So that gave me peace. Oh, yeah.
36:21 So God was in control even in that situation...
36:24 And, you know, and we have to learn,
36:26 I think somebody mentioned it right here,
36:28 Tammy, I was talking about you.
36:30 Every time I want to say something,
36:32 you know, there's times you get a little bit frustrated
36:36 'cause you want to do little early yet,
36:38 and maybe you do it just like, "Oh, boy."
36:40 And the Lord always reminds me, "Kenny, what could have been?"
36:44 That sounds odd, but every time,
36:46 I can't say and I've never said why?
36:48 I mean, didn't make you a good person,
36:50 but I just realized from scripture,
36:52 you don't say, why me?
36:53 Again, why not me?
36:55 And then the other point is, I can't,
36:57 "Kenny, what could have been?"
36:59 Other words, "I protected you from things,
37:01 what the enemy want to take your sight.
37:04 He wants to paralyze you. He wanted to kill you."
37:07 As he does many, many others and not just me,
37:10 so that people need to realize that's what he does
37:12 as you say often, that's what he does,
37:14 the devil can kill, steal, and destroy.
37:17 But, but through it all, God says, as he did Job,
37:20 you can go this far and that's it.
37:23 I had a good sense and the feeling of faith,
37:27 then I sensed that from time to time,
37:29 you're going so far, you keep knocking
37:31 because, you know, you can't get the fluid,
37:33 you know, in your lungs and you've got,
37:35 now you've got pneumonia.
37:36 Now you had a stroke, but through it all,
37:39 He's gonna somehow, gonna take care of that,
37:41 He's gonna do it, we just have to endure
37:43 because God said,
37:44 "I've set a wall
37:46 and this as far is you're gonna go."
37:48 That's so beautiful to know that God's in charge,
37:51 the enemy can't do any more than what God allows him to do,
37:54 so like you said, we praise Him if it's been the other outcome,
37:58 I often say, if something happens
38:00 and I pass away,
38:01 have a good double fellowship lunch
38:03 at church or something...
38:04 Yeah, yeah. Have a good time.
38:06 If we die in the Lord, there's nothing,
38:08 what better is it really if you think about your life
38:10 is still clear in Hm.
38:12 There's people who had left
38:13 and I realized those kind of things,
38:15 but I think God, He's done,
38:16 there's a reason why we're here,
38:18 there's a reason why things may stay
38:20 and they may not, and they might.
38:22 So I have hope everyday, things maybe change,
38:25 things will get better and so on so forth, but if not,
38:28 that's what I want to kind of, thankful,
38:30 to be able to come and do a program or two
38:31 because every day I put it off, it's like Lord will say,
38:34 "Kenny, you've wasted another day."
38:36 You know, not as so good as you did there,
38:38 so you're so good.
38:40 It's another day that's went down,
38:42 you'll never have it again, do something positive for me.
38:45 And so that's the sense of peace
38:48 and the reality of the day
38:50 when you get done and you're able to,
38:52 be able to do the work with 3ABN,
38:53 do different things and reach people,
38:55 there's a, there's a sense of peace inside.
38:59 You know, that song says,
39:00 "I wonder have I done my best for Jesus."
39:02 Oh, if I'm not doing anything, because,
39:04 well, I'll wait till I feel better,
39:06 I may never feel better, in that sense.
39:08 Wait till I get healed.
39:09 I may never, do it now,
39:11 get back in the swing of things and they say,
39:13 "Well, can you read." I said, Well, sometimes I can.
39:15 I may have to move my head, I may have to, but it's okay,
39:18 I'm not ashamed of that, you get through,
39:20 the Holy Spirit will help us so, you know,
39:22 I'm encouraging those of you at home, get involved,
39:24 don't wait till this is all lined out
39:27 and everything is working good.
39:28 Do something for Jesus,
39:29 you'll find peace and you'll find His healing
39:31 and all the time you're trying to heal someone else.
39:33 And He'll give you the strength to meet that challenge.
39:36 Amen.
39:37 Because we, we had the privilege
39:39 of coming to hear your first sermons
39:41 since you got out of the hospital,
39:43 and you started out and it was good
39:47 and the more you were preaching,
39:50 the more strength you got.
39:52 It was the Lord gave you what you needed.
39:55 Well, the saints were praying. Yes, that's true.
39:59 I said that day, I'm so thankful, you guys,
40:02 that was nice, to be a family support,
40:05 that's nice.
40:06 Had a lot of other things to do, but you still did it.
40:09 But I said that, that Sabbath
40:10 and it's been three or four weeks ago.
40:13 I said, they got up saying the opening song,
40:15 and well, you know,
40:16 and I opened the songbook and like, "Say again."
40:19 I'm looking at the songbook and I'm getting
40:21 where I can usually see
40:22 and I have, there's three songbooks,
40:25 there's three pages, seriously, there's three pages there
40:27 and I said, "Lord, what in this world..."
40:29 And you are up...
40:30 I'm up, that was the song, yeah,
40:32 I'm getting ready and I'm trying to, and I said,
40:33 there's three pages of this song here.
40:36 What is the enemy trying to do? And I said, you know what?
40:38 In the name of Jesus, I rebuke that,
40:40 that may happen during this song,
40:41 but it's not going to happen
40:43 from this time to give the word of God.
40:44 Amen.
40:46 Then I just closed it up and I said,
40:47 "It's not going to be that way" and it wasn't that way.
40:49 That's right. And I praise God. That was...
40:50 Yeah. I said, he'll try the very last,
40:53 at the very, you know,
40:55 that he'll try to write to the very end
40:57 but he can't be successful,
40:58 you know, he cannot be successful.
41:00 The enemy cannot be...
41:01 If you press forward in faith.
41:02 Being in ministry, we've sensed
41:04 a lot of attacks over the years,
41:06 you know, financial and this and that
41:08 and different things that have happened,
41:10 but I think 3ABN and Behold, The Lamb,
41:14 we sensed that it's just being ramped up,
41:17 which shows us that we are at the end of time
41:22 because the enemy is truly seeking those
41:25 whom he may devour
41:26 and since January, since we were gone,
41:28 we lost our camera operators
41:30 that we used for Behold, The Lamb presents here
41:33 and now, you and us, are both losing brother Joseph,
41:37 and he's our editor, and he keeps our YouTube
41:40 and all these things going and, you know,
41:43 so the enemy is really working
41:46 but by God's grace, we have to stay positive,
41:49 do what we can, where we can and when we can.
41:54 Yvonne, Chris put on speakerphone the other day,
41:57 so Kenny could hear 'cause as our dad said,
42:00 "You laugh sometimes to keep from crying, right?"
42:03 I told, she was telling me he mowed
42:05 and he did some wheat eating and I said,
42:07 "Well, I think the orgy
42:08 is just gonna make it after all."
42:14 Maybe a little zig-zag on the mow,
42:18 but eventually, it all got mowed.
42:19 It was moving or everything was moving so much...
42:21 That's the other beauty of it, he only,
42:23 he only really mowed a third of the yard.
42:25 It's all green so.
42:27 The beauty is he didn't mowed the yard
42:29 but the thought he mowed it off.
42:31 You know, it was a blessing, like I say,
42:32 "Oh, man, right here."
42:34 Then I say, "Oh, what a blessing,"
42:36 to be able to set on it and to do something.
42:38 So you look at the positive
42:39 and I realized what we're talking about here,
42:41 it has not been the program and I've often said...
42:43 It's God's interest in...
42:46 I wanted to read 'cause He says,
42:48 "If I be, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me."
42:51 So it's lifting up the name of Jesus,
42:53 not talking about individuals, millions have been through it
42:56 and worse and they've not made it,
42:58 so it's not just about it,
42:59 but I think each one of you brought it very nicely,
43:01 we're giving God the praise, the honor, and the glory,
43:04 He's in charge, He set things up
43:06 and it worked the way He wants it to work
43:08 and that's the way it's going to be and I'm thankful to that.
43:10 Absolutely, absolutely, the one point
43:13 and this may be switching the subject a little bit,
43:16 but the one point is about,
43:19 you know, why aren't there more Christians today?
43:22 People say, "Well, you know, these people,
43:24 their trust in God,"
43:26 you know, and you may be watching,
43:29 maybe you're not a Christian, at home,
43:30 you're watching your neighbors and, you know,
43:32 and I always say and when we grew up, our folks said,
43:35 "Now our neighbors are watching you."
43:37 And, you know, so we want to be
43:39 a good influence on these neighbors,
43:40 but I've wondered before,
43:42 why aren't there more Christians?
43:44 And our church friends
43:45 and why not more Seventh-day Adventist Christians?
43:47 And the sad part is people look at us
43:51 and I believe that the reason, you know,
43:53 I always say that, we say,
43:55 well, we're waiting on Jesus to come back, when really,
43:57 He's waiting on His people
43:59 to prefect His character within our lives
44:02 so that He can come back for a victorious church
44:05 and that's what He wants to do.
44:09 But we get so caught up in the things around us,
44:12 as we're the object of His love and tender care,
44:15 we should show that to those around us
44:18 if we represent Him.
44:20 And I know over the years, I've been unkind to people,
44:23 I've been that way, we grew up in a church
44:26 that was very, you know,
44:28 say judgmental basically of somebody,
44:31 you know, we had members, we call it "Our church"
44:34 and if somebody, somebody say, well, I saw...
44:37 That person hadn't been to church in several months
44:39 and when somebody said,
44:40 they saw him smoking, well, it's a little group,
44:42 we tend to get together and say, well, you know what?
44:44 We need to take their names off these books, like what,
44:47 you know, what does that do?
44:49 And sometimes we, we don't know what people go through,
44:52 we have no idea, you don't know what I've been through
44:54 and I don't know what you've been through
44:56 and so we spend so much time
44:58 judging each other or listening to gossip
45:00 and listening to all of this, that how can, how can God,
45:04 I'm amazed He uses any of us honestly,
45:07 if I ever want to throw up my hands,
45:09 it's usually and not,
45:10 when you said, my dad, you said,
45:12 I just want to throw up my hands, you know,
45:13 when we throw up your hands, would be when you look at,
45:16 at what we have,
45:18 there is nothing hard about reading the Bible
45:22 and understanding the gospel
45:24 and even doctrines would then,
45:26 to say the Seventh-day Adventist church,
45:28 we talked about a little bit before,
45:30 but there's nothing hard about understanding the Bible,
45:34 from Genesis to Revelation,
45:35 when it talks about the Sabbath,
45:37 it's referring to the seventh day of the week.
45:38 That's right.
45:40 And hardly any Bible scholars will tell you,
45:43 they try to tell you that Sunday or Friday
45:45 or any other day is the Sabbath
45:47 because if there are Bible scholars,
45:49 then they know it and they studied it
45:51 well enough to know,
45:53 now there's all kinds of reasons
45:54 why I don't think I should keep it,
45:56 but really the doctrines of it, when you see it,
45:59 and when the Bible says,
46:00 you know, that the people are sleeping,
46:02 you know, "Lazarus come forth,"
46:04 you know, "he was sleeping"
46:05 Jesus said, that's not hard to understand, really,
46:08 I mean, that's very simple.
46:09 So you think, well, maybe people just don't,
46:12 we and I've heard this expression growing up,
46:14 well, I guess people just don't want the truth.
46:16 You know, they do want the truth
46:18 but if they don't see it in us, because Jesus is the truth,
46:22 and if they don't see the love and the care and the tenderness
46:26 we're talking about towards others,
46:28 it doesn't make any difference what you believe or what they,
46:31 you go to church or whether somebody dies
46:33 and goes straight to heaven or hell or whether they sleep.
46:35 So what I would encourage today,
46:37 'cause in my own life,
46:38 I have to deal with it all the time,
46:40 it is as I get older,
46:41 you know, we only have one round through this,
46:44 it's I'm sorry for the years
46:47 that I've been judgmental of the people
46:49 when number of years ago, 13 years ago,
46:52 we don't talk about it much,
46:53 but I went through a very public personal situation,
46:57 a divorce.
46:59 Well, people have written about it,
47:00 thousands of people have written,
47:02 books have been written,
47:03 everything, people don't even know me,
47:05 they have no idea what I went through
47:07 and yet somebody says this or that
47:10 and they pick it up and they believe it.
47:12 I get letters, 13 years later from people saying
47:16 and these are church people,
47:17 "Shame on you 'cause you did such and such."
47:19 And I have to think about it and say,
47:22 "I've never met the person, they don't know me.
47:23 Where did they hear that?"
47:25 so I've been guilty in the past,
47:28 so you hear something yourself,
47:29 oh, well, this, I heard this and that,
47:31 now it's made me so sensitive to that,
47:34 that I heard on the news the other night,
47:36 some politician,
47:37 they were accusing him of something
47:38 and years ago, Kenny, I would have said,
47:40 "Well, that's terrible."
47:41 And I said, you know what?
47:43 He may not be guilty of that at all
47:44 because one faction is against him
47:46 and you can build up all this you want to,
47:49 but what I would encourage
47:51 each and every one of us is simply to love,
47:55 when we love Jesus, it will show,
47:57 He says, "If I be lifted up" that's not just giving
48:00 you Bible scriptures, said, look what Revelation 13 means,
48:03 Revelation 14, it means, when you have someone in need,
48:06 a friend, a neighbor, or worse, an enemy, that's in need,
48:10 that you're there for them, that you say,
48:12 "Lord, help me to be a witness.
48:14 Help me to be a blessing to these people."
48:17 And that's what people see, they'll be drawn to the Jesus
48:20 'cause if they look at us, they see frail human agents,
48:23 we have nothing good to offer
48:25 and I'm talking about myself as well,
48:27 but if I'm, if I keep my eyes and my thoughts
48:31 and my life's mission is serving the Lord,
48:34 then Jesus shines out, He'll shine out of you
48:37 and shine out of me and, people,
48:39 that's what they'll be drawn to is to Jesus
48:41 and so, if I can encourage anybody
48:45 from my own life lessons of making
48:48 so many mistakes, is don't judge people,
48:50 you have no idea what they're going through.
48:53 Your eyes can deceive you, our hearts are deceitful,
48:56 nothing's more deceitful than our own hearts
48:58 and justifying what we're doing
49:00 but if we simply love one another
49:02 and that's why to me, there's, you can take it,
49:07 I mean, talk about it over and over and over,
49:10 you can dissect it, you can go through it,
49:12 and you can understand all the prophecies
49:14 and you can understand all of this
49:16 but it boils down to one thing, Jesus loves me this I know,
49:19 speaking of that, my guitar's here,
49:22 Jesus loves me this I know
49:24 and I think that's really the answer, right?
49:26 Yeah. It is.
49:27 And so folks at home, maybe just sing this with us.
49:30 We'll do real simple
49:32 because the gospel is simple, right?
49:34 Amen.
49:35 Jesus loves me this I know
49:40 For the Bible tells me so
49:45 Little ones to Him belong
49:50 They are weak but He is strong
49:55 Yes Jesus loves me
50:00 Yes Jesus loves me
50:05 Yes Jesus loves me
50:09 The Bible tells me so
50:14 It's a universal language.
50:16 Music they say is but the love of God,
50:18 I mean, what else can you say but Jesus loves me,
50:21 this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
50:23 That's all you need to know today.
50:25 And we have people that's in prison,
50:27 people incarcerated,
50:29 and Brian Hamilton here heads a prison ministry,
50:32 and Richard Bland has been here for so many years,
50:35 and they say, we're going to prison
50:37 and believe it or not, right here
50:38 in the United States of America,
50:40 there are people and they are in their 20s and 30s,
50:42 never read the Bible, never heard the word of God
50:45 unless it were used in vain
50:47 and all they really need to understand is
50:49 Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
50:54 Doesn't that make it a world of difference?
50:57 So if we can remember that ourselves
50:59 and then share that with those around us,
51:02 let others see Jesus in us,
51:05 so and while I say that again, I have to be very careful,
51:10 I realized my mistakes more and more all the time.
51:13 Yes.
51:14 But if I could, if I could do what I've done in 1984,
51:18 when I felt the Lord said, "Build a television station
51:21 that would reach the world."
51:22 We had no idea, Kenny, what was going to,
51:24 over the next 32, almost 33 years would happen,
51:28 but the things that have happened
51:30 I never dreamed they would.
51:31 When we were carpenters, people really liked us,
51:34 the same like we didn't have any enemies, Kenny and I,
51:37 you know, we're well like in town
51:39 I'm sure we had some, but we played ball all over,
51:41 we didn't care if it's blue shoes,
51:43 whether basketball, softball, no matter what,
51:45 we got along with the other teams,
51:47 oh, we tried to beat each other and, and but after it's over,
51:50 we liked each other
51:52 and probably if you said around town those Shelton boys,
51:54 "Yeah, they're good guys, you know."
51:56 And we say that about all of our friends
51:58 whether it's the Ramseys or, you know, the Hopkins,
52:00 or whoever, they're great guys but when we got into ministry,
52:05 I never saw the devil really working on my life
52:09 to go to the ministry.
52:10 Once we got in ministry and dedicated, all of a sudden,
52:13 I saw people that
52:14 I thought we were friends don't like anymore
52:18 and it took me years to figure out
52:20 what have we done wrong?
52:21 All we're doing is in ministry
52:23 and it occurred to me the devil hates
52:25 as long as we're living for our self
52:28 and just living then, then the devil leaves you alone.
52:31 But when you get serious and you commit your life,
52:35 like we've done and what you have done,
52:37 the devil hates you.
52:39 He hates you because every week he hates it when you're on,
52:42 on Behold, The Lamb, on 3ABN or when you're out preaching
52:46 and he hates everyone and he hates you,
52:49 because he's out to steal, kill, and to destroy.
52:52 Jesus said, "I've come to give you life
52:54 and give it more abundantly."
52:55 So today, encouragement is just remember,
52:58 if you're ever in doubt, Jesus loves me this I know,
53:01 for the Bible tells me so.
53:04 That's a start and then say,
53:05 "Lord, what would you have me to do?"
53:07 The gospel is simple, we come and go, you come,
53:10 it's all about stop and go, the devil says, stop,
53:12 and the Lord says, go, "Go ye and to all the world."
53:15 Ellen White says, "Our greatest asset is
53:17 our own personal testimony of what God has done for us."
53:21 Yvonne has an incredible testimony.
53:23 Someday, we may been encouraging her,
53:26 girl, you gotta write a book about it,
53:28 'cause where God has brought her from
53:31 and in the world's eyes, she's been very successful.
53:35 But she doesn't look like that,
53:36 she just sees it as a path the Lord took her on to,
53:40 get her where she is now at Dare to Dream.
53:42 This is much more important so,
53:44 I encourage everybody to look at your own personal testimony
53:47 where God has brought you,
53:48 that's all you have to know, we always say, you know,
53:50 I have called the cemetery and with, well, I mean,
53:53 seminary, seminary to preach
53:56 but, but really, don't get ready
53:59 and, well, I'm not ready,
54:01 soon as you give your heart to the Lord
54:03 and you go forward and give testimony
54:06 and God will bless you in ways and, and He will reach,
54:09 Jesus begins to reflect at you,
54:10 no one can argue with your own personal testimony.
54:13 I don't care, nobody in the world can tell me,
54:15 well, God isn't in control of your life or 3ABN.
54:19 I've seen it over and over and over,
54:21 till it can't be a coincidence, it happens too often,
54:23 so I've talked enough,
54:25 but I just want to encourage people
54:27 and closing here,
54:28 Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
54:30 Maybe we just, maybe go around the table.
54:32 Bruce, you have just a word you want to say,
54:34 and, Tammy, have a word,
54:35 and, Chris, and it'll be nice to go out singing
54:37 "Jesus Loves Me."
54:40 Yeah, just a quick word.
54:41 A thought that comes to my mind is
54:43 even what you was going through,
54:45 all the people that you was actually witnessing to
54:47 at that time.
54:49 I'm afraid it was. Sure. Yeah.
54:51 I was thinking while ago that's how we treat people,
54:55 how we help others, what we do.
54:57 You know, one thing, we're all good to say,
54:59 "Well, I'll pray for you."
55:01 Somebody tells you a problem, "Well, I'll pray for you."
55:02 You can do more, you can do more than prayer.
55:05 You can physically help that person,
55:08 there's things that you can do to help that person,
55:10 it's kind of so easy to say, "Oh, okay, I'll pray."
55:14 Well, that's important to pray,
55:16 but let's see what we can do too to help.
55:18 If John is hungry, don't say, "I'll pray for you."
55:21 Give him an apple. Amen.
55:22 And what we've done is we've summed up
55:25 the living church, the living church
55:27 that's fully reflecting the love of God
55:31 and there is no boundary once you deny yourself,
55:34 you talked about denying self
55:36 and allowing the Spirit of God to come in,
55:38 there's no boundaries to what He can do through you.
55:40 Amen, sister Yvonne, word of encouragement.
55:43 Danny, if you'll do that song, would just go out singing.
55:45 I don't think there's anything wrong with that
55:46 after you have a word.
55:48 No matter what you're going through,
55:49 know that God is in control,
55:51 He's not going to give you more than you can bear,
55:54 He's not going to let the enemy overtake you,
55:57 you are in His hand
55:58 and nothing can pluck you from His hand.
56:00 Amen. Amen.
56:02 Beautiful promise. Praise the Lord.
56:03 Praise the Lord. So don't be discouraged.
56:04 The Bible says that,
56:06 "All who live godly shall suffer persecution."
56:09 So if you're going through things today,
56:11 just say, "Praise the Lord."
56:13 May Chang used to say,
56:14 one time I was really pouring my heart out to her,
56:17 this happened to me and this happened,
56:18 and she said, "Oh, that's so wonderful,
56:20 you are receiving the Jesus' treatment.
56:23 I really want to get my life in line
56:24 so I can receive the Jesus."
56:26 And I was felling sorry for myself, I'm like what?
56:29 And she says, she says,
56:30 "No, what a blessing to receive."
56:33 We don't deserve the Jesus' treatment
56:35 but look what happened to him on this earth,
56:37 so we should be thankful for what she says,
56:39 so don't be discouraged, no matter what,
56:42 Jesus loves you, He died for you,
56:44 He made a plan of salvation for you,
56:46 He's coming back very soon.
56:48 So maybe at home,
56:49 if you maybe haven't been singing in a long time,
56:51 you don't feel like it or you say,
56:53 "Well, I can't carry tune."
56:54 Who cares, right?
56:57 God loves to have praises of His people,
56:59 so you're gonna go out singing this old song.
57:00 Here we go, ready?
57:02 Jesus loves me this I know
57:07 For the Bible tells me so
57:12 Little ones to Him belong
57:17 They are weak but He is strong
57:22 Yes, Jesus loves me
57:27 Yes, Jesus loves me
57:32 Yes, Jesus loves me
57:37 The Bible tells me so
57:42 The Bible
57:44 Tells me so
57:49 Happy Sabbath.
57:50 Amen.


Revised 2017-05-04