Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg & Jill Morikone (Host), Daniel & Valerie Morikone, Janelle Morikone


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017012A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today family worship.
01:11 Happy Sabbath. How is your week been?
01:14 I know here at 3ABN it's always busy.
01:17 But it's a good type of busy.
01:19 And I'm sure your week has been too.
01:21 And it's a blessing, isn't it,
01:22 to be able to open the Sabbath,
01:24 by of course, opening God's word,
01:26 so we hope that you're getting your Bibles ready,
01:28 and your pencil, and your pen ready,
01:31 so we can take notes but it's neat to study together
01:33 because we have family here I'm really excited about this,
01:36 I'll tell you in a moment, but you're our family at home
01:39 and we really, really appreciate your prayers
01:43 and financial support of the ministry of 3ABN
01:45 because we're a team,
01:47 and you know a team works together.
01:49 We work together for what?
01:51 One goal, and that goal is souls
01:53 for the kingdom of Jesus Christ,
01:54 so some of you have supported the ministry of 3ABN
01:58 for over 30 years.
02:00 Thank you so much.
02:01 Only in the kingdom of heaven will that impact
02:03 fully I believe be realized.
02:05 And some of you have just joined us
02:07 supporting, that's fine too because everything counts,
02:10 and of course the prayers mean so very much to us.
02:12 But I mentioned that I'm excited
02:14 because you're joining us as family but I have to say,
02:17 I'm really excited because, of course,
02:19 Jill, my wife as much as possible
02:23 we like to be on the set together,
02:25 together any time we're on the set,
02:26 we like to be together.
02:27 Well, I also have, my family is here,
02:29 they came in from different parts of the country
02:32 and they're here, and I have to say sweetie,
02:34 I want to introduce them really quick,
02:35 is that all right?
02:37 Yes, it's wonderful. We're excited.
02:38 And then we'll get going about what our topic is.
02:39 Yeah, we are.
02:41 I have to my right my mom and dad
02:42 Pastor Daniel and of course his wife, my mom, Valerie,
02:47 and it's so good to have both of you here.
02:49 It's a real blessing.
02:51 Tell us real quick because I could just talk
02:52 on and on about what you guys do
02:54 but tell me, Dad, and our viewers at home,
02:56 what you're currently doing,
02:57 where you're at, where you guys live.
02:58 I pastor about three churches there in Parkersburg,
03:02 and Spencer, and Toll Gate, West Virginia.
03:05 Yeah.
03:06 And then a little company in New Martinsville,
03:09 so that's been a real blessing in doing it.
03:11 And you've been pastoring in the...
03:14 That's the Mountain View Conference
03:15 for how many years.
03:17 It's going on 17 and we started in 2000
03:19 and so easy to remember, yeah.
03:21 And I'll tell you that West Virginia,
03:23 I mean home is now Illinois
03:25 because Jill and I have been married
03:26 for about 15 years so Illinois is home,
03:28 but I count West Virginia as home
03:30 because I really grew up there, wasn't born there
03:32 but grew up in West Virginia,
03:34 so my parent's ministry to the Appalachian people
03:37 for many years before he became a pastor,
03:39 and so it's been like 30 some years
03:41 in the West Virginia Conference,
03:42 but I know you guys are real blessing
03:45 there in the conference,
03:46 so it's a blessing to have you guys here.
03:47 And a real blessing if I can jump in,
03:49 a real blessing in our life as well,
03:51 you know, I just, I'm the...
03:54 What do you say the daughter-in-law, right,
03:55 but I just feel like they're mom and dad
03:58 and call them mom and dad and sis here
04:00 we will introduce her in a moment,
04:01 but it's just such a blessing
04:04 to feel like I'm part of the Morikone family too,
04:06 and they're just so godly mentors,
04:09 and we're just so excited
04:11 to introduce them to you at home.
04:12 Amen.
04:13 You say that quite well Morikone,
04:15 how did you...
04:16 Did your practice that?
04:18 I think I did, in the beginning it was like Marconi, you know,
04:20 trying to figure out how to pronounce it
04:21 and we even got mail addressed to macaroni once.
04:25 You don't have to say this concerning the family.
04:28 Well, I'll just say right now, yeah, we could anyway.
04:30 So, you know, usually sometimes maybe your first word
04:33 that you learned to spell might be cat as a child, C-A-T.
04:37 Well, I would always hear my parents
04:38 because to spell our last name is rather complicated,
04:42 and so I would hear my mom and dad always on the phone
04:44 when they're trying to,
04:46 you know, my name is Daniel or Valerie Morikone,
04:48 let me spell that, M-O-R-I-K-O-N-E.
04:52 And so I could write my letter, so I wrote my letters down,
04:54 I said, so what does exactly they're spelling,
04:56 they're like, that's your last name.
05:00 So my first word that I recollect
05:02 was not cat or goat or dad, it was Morikone,
05:05 M-O-R-I-K-O-N-E, anyway.
05:07 I had more difficult words. Yeah, that's true.
05:10 So, Mom, you also work
05:11 at the conference office there at Mountain View.
05:14 Tell us exactly what you do and your role there?
05:17 Yes, I enjoy my work at Mountain View Conference.
05:20 Yeah.
05:21 And I work full time, which is four days a week,
05:25 and I work as a secretary
05:27 doing designing and working editor,
05:29 communications of newsletter.
05:31 Yeah, the conference newsletter you put together, yeah.
05:33 The conference newsletter, called Sunrise.
05:35 I'm also women's ministries director for the conference.
05:38 And that's fun, I know it. That is a joy.
05:40 Yes, we were so privileged to have Jill come one time
05:42 and speak for our women
05:44 and that was real special treat.
05:46 And I might add that we are so blessed
05:47 to have you part of our family.
05:49 We were hoping that Greg wouldn't miss
05:51 his opportunity to ask you to be his wife
05:55 'cause he was little delaying that.
05:56 There's time to go long story to that
05:58 which we'll save for another day.
05:59 That's right.
06:01 I'm so blessed, you're a wonderful wife.
06:03 But I know you also teach Sabbath school at the...
06:06 Well, Dad mentioned, you know,
06:07 you guys have three churches and a company
06:09 but it's the Parkersburg Church.
06:11 Such a privilege.
06:12 You know, I had hung up my hat doing that,
06:14 I've done Sabbath school for years
06:16 and I gave away most of my stuff
06:18 and then there was a need, and I kind of,
06:21 oh, I didn't want to but then I,
06:24 the Lord pulled on my heartstrings
06:26 and I said, okay, and it is such a joy.
06:29 I love those little children, such an opportunity.
06:32 Yeah, amen.
06:33 And I'm biased, of course,
06:35 but I think Mom's a good teacher,
06:36 so, yeah, a good Sabbath school teacher too, Mom.
06:38 Yes and actually Dad is my assistant,
06:40 he hands out things.
06:42 It's great.
06:43 He helps the kids put things on the felt board
06:45 and yes, it's fun.
06:46 So it's interesting, Dad, so you preached the sermon also
06:47 because you're pastor but you also teach
06:49 the children Sabbath school.
06:50 Well, I just assist like Valerie said so.
06:52 It's fun picking up the things from the children, I say,
06:54 thank you, thank you
06:56 and so they won't squawk you know.
06:59 So you teach the little ones
07:00 and we're talking little ones who's squawking.
07:01 It's the little ones up to about age six, yeah.
07:04 Oh, that's great. Well, very good.
07:06 So my far left of course is,
07:09 you're going to hear me say, Sis...
07:11 Yes, brother. And, yeah, that's right.
07:14 This is my one and only sibling
07:17 and younger sister, yeah, Janelle.
07:20 And so tell us where you're from
07:21 and what you're doing currently?
07:22 Yeah, I live in California now so I'm in transplant there,
07:25 been there about two years.
07:27 I love it out there, fell in love with the area,
07:30 beautiful mountains
07:31 and not too far from the ocean either,
07:33 a couple hours from both.
07:36 I work in a little rural ER there.
07:38 And been there for in that ER for about a year now
07:42 and just really fell in love with that particular ER
07:46 and the people I work with and I'm a nurse there.
07:50 Yeah, so for a lot of us it's small, you know,
07:52 it's about 90 beds for the whole hospital
07:54 and we so we have to transfer a lot out
07:57 like the higher acuity patients
07:59 we transferred to nearby hospital,
08:01 but I just really enjoy it.
08:02 You know, I think the neat thing
08:04 of being a registered nurse is you're really,
08:06 it's a tremendous ministry
08:08 'cause you're touching people's lives
08:10 when they're in dire straits,
08:12 there's some type of medical emergency
08:14 that they're facing or the family too,
08:16 so it's a great, great ministry.
08:18 Yeah, I praise the Lord before I go in,
08:19 you know, the days I'm like,
08:21 you know, just give me somebody that,
08:22 you know, who I need to touch today
08:25 and so I pray to be a blessing and, yeah, it's really neat,
08:28 you know, a lot of days there's lots of opportunities
08:31 to just be able to maybe it's just in a small way.
08:33 You know, it's not like I'm, you know, evangelizing per se,
08:36 but just you know smiling,
08:38 just giving a little pat on the back,
08:39 give them a hug, you know, just listening to I found,
08:42 you know, just intently listening to them,
08:44 they open up and sense
08:46 that caring and praying for God.
08:48 Amen.
08:49 I don't have to say that I love my sister dearly,
08:51 we had, you know, we lived.
08:52 Yeah.
08:54 We have a lot of great memories growing up together,
08:56 and, of course, we lived way out
08:58 like I mentioned earlier in West Virginia
08:59 and so, sometimes my only playmate was my sister
09:01 and we have so many great memories of playing in mud
09:04 and climbing trees and hiking over mountains
09:07 and doing all kinds of crazy kids things together
09:10 that just a lot of great...
09:12 It's always fun to get together
09:14 and reminisce with mom and dad of course too.
09:16 Absolutely.
09:18 And, so, now she mentions she's in California.
09:20 Well, you know we get these great pictures from her.
09:22 She's skiing maybe up on in Lake Tahoe
09:26 or she goes to the ocean and I love it
09:29 here in Southern Illinois but...
09:32 The scenery is unmatchable, it's unbeatable out there.
09:36 That's right.
09:37 So we have lakes here and, but we can't really go skiing
09:41 and I can't really quite go to the ocean
09:43 so I don't know if there's the right jealous,
09:45 I don't know, is it right, but anyway,
09:48 it's like, wow, it's so beautiful.
09:50 Maybe I can eventually learn it over now.
09:53 Oh, my word, but anyway, it's great.
09:54 I know it's beautiful area.
09:56 The Lord has called you there and you're doing a great work
09:58 and, of course, we love you, and we're very proud of you
09:59 in what you're doing.
10:01 And we are so glad
10:03 that you as part of our 3ABN family are joining us
10:06 and getting to know our family, the Morikone family here.
10:08 Yeah, thank you for bearing with me on that,
10:10 it's fun, it's really a blessing.
10:11 It's a blessing to share it together.
10:12 We're really as a family. Amen.
10:14 And thank you again for joining us.
10:15 So we have a topic and we should have our prayer,
10:17 go to some music like we normally do.
10:19 Let's open in prayer. Sure.
10:20 And, Dad, would you mind to open up prayer for us
10:22 as we open the Sabbath and enter into God's holy day.
10:26 Father, we just are so thankful to You
10:30 for taking us through this week,
10:32 bringing us here to the Sabbath.
10:35 We just thank You for Your wonderful love
10:37 and care for each one of us,
10:38 all of the viewers here tonight.
10:41 A lot of them have different things
10:43 that have been happening in their lives,
10:44 we just thank You that Your Spirit
10:46 is there with them to comfort their hearts.
10:49 And they sense Your holy presence with them.
10:52 Father, thank You for blessing us now
10:55 as we worship together
10:56 You and recognize how much you care and love us,
11:00 in Jesus' name we pray.
11:02 Amen. Amen. Thank you.
11:04 Our topic this evening is peace.
11:07 And I think it's a topic that we all face,
11:10 we all need peace on a daily basis,
11:12 an hourly basis, moment by moment,
11:15 so we're gonna talk about what is peace.
11:16 We'll look at biblical examples of peace
11:18 or those who didn't have it,
11:20 and how you and I each one of us
11:23 can develop the peace that passes all understanding.
11:27 But before we jump into that and jump into the Word of God,
11:30 we have Summer Boyd with us and we could say,
11:32 she's another sister, we can say.
11:34 Yeah, you can say, she's like family,
11:35 she's actually a neighbor of us too.
11:36 She is.
11:38 And Summers's at the piano, she's gonna be playing for us
11:40 and we're gonna sing a couple of songs.
11:42 The first one, what a fellowship,
11:44 what a joy divine,
11:45 leaning on the everlasting arms.
11:48 Make sure, you're joining us.
11:49 The words will be on the bottom of the screen,
11:51 so let's sing along together.
11:52 Here we go.
11:53 What a fellowship, what a joy divine
11:58 Leaning on the everlasting arms
12:03 What a blessedness, what a peace is mine
12:08 Leaning on the everlasting arms
12:13 Leaning, we're leaning
12:17 Safe and secure from all alarms
12:22 Leaning, we're leaning
12:26 Leaning on the everlasting arms
12:32 O, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way
12:37 Leaning on the everlasting arms
12:41 O, how bright the path grows from day to day
12:46 Leaning on the everlasting arms
12:50 We're leaning, leaning
12:55 Safe and secure from all the alarms
13:00 Leaning, we're leaning
13:04 Leaning on the everlasting arms
13:08 It's the last verse.
13:10 What have I to dread, what have I to fear
13:15 Leaning on the everlasting arms
13:19 I have blessed peace with my Lord so near.
13:24 Leaning on the everlasting arms
13:29 Leaning, we're leaning
13:33 Safe and secure from all the alarms
13:38 Leaning, we're leaning
13:43 Leaning on the everlasting arms
13:49 No better place to be
13:51 than leaning on the arms of Jesus.
13:52 Yeah, absolutely.
13:54 Yeah, that's for sure, you can't go wrong with that,
13:56 and Jesus will never fail you, that's for sure.
13:57 Amen.
13:59 The next song is, peace, peace wonderful peace.
14:03 I think it's one of my favorite all time songs
14:06 because what God wants to do in our hearts and lives,
14:10 no matter what we're going through
14:11 that His peace can wash over us and keep us.
14:16 Let's go to that.
14:23 Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
14:30 Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm
14:37 In celestial-like strains it unceasingly falls
14:44 O'er my soul like an infinite calm
14:49 Here is the chorus, let's go.
14:52 Peace! Peace!
14:55 Wonderful Peace
14:58 Coming down from the Father above
15:05 Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
15:12 In fathomless billows of love
15:20 What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace
15:27 Buried deep in my innermost soul
15:34 So secure that no power can mine it away
15:41 While the years of eternity roll!
15:49 Peace! Peace!
15:52 Wonderful Peace
15:55 Coming down from the Father above
16:02 Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
16:09 In fathomless billows of love
16:16 Weary soul, without gladness or comfort or rest
16:23 Passing down the rough pathway of time
16:30 Make the Savior your friend ere the shadows grow dark
16:37 O accept of this peace so sublime
16:45 Peace! Peace!
16:48 Wonderful Peace
16:51 Coming down from the Father above
16:58 Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
17:05 In fathomless billows of love
17:13 Amen.
17:14 I really like that chorus too, you know that.
17:15 Me too. Well, what a blessing.
17:17 Thank you, Summer, very much
17:18 for accompanying us on the piano.
17:20 Peace, peace, wonderful peace, it was interesting,
17:22 if you notice in that verse that I know hopefully,
17:24 you all were singing too, with that, it says,
17:26 "Peace, peace wonderful peace" coming where?
17:28 Down.
17:30 Coming down from the Father of above.
17:32 You know, we can't really conjure up,
17:34 that's word, isn't it?
17:36 Conjure up peace, manufacture peace,
17:38 it comes from Jesus Christ above,
17:40 so yeah, well it's a great topic, peace.
17:42 It is peace, so as we get going,
17:44 we want to look at some Bible scriptures,
17:45 but first, if I were to ask you all a definition of peace,
17:49 if we were to just say, "what is peace?"
17:52 What would you say, what is peace?
17:55 I think, it's like a calmness in your soul,
17:57 like real down the very center of your heart,
18:00 the core of your being or something, there's calm,
18:04 you know, thinking medically disease is something
18:07 that's against your body like it's dis so against ease,
18:11 the ease so.
18:13 I think of peace, it's kind of similar, you know,
18:16 the opposite of disease or the opposite of dis-ease.
18:20 So, you are at ease, you know, just at a calm
18:25 but, but not just like outside, from the outside we can,
18:28 you know, put on a good front, you know, all is well, smile,
18:31 But internal...
18:32 But it's real down deep, yeah, in the very center of yourself.
18:36 Because that's a good point, because if you actually look,
18:37 I mean, we need, yes to discussing the definition
18:39 but, you know, when I think what is the opposite of peace,
18:42 it could be maybe being anxious,
18:46 boy, anxious, maybe a fearful, afraid maybe too,
18:52 so it would be a lack of that, would be what maybe peace is.
18:56 What you're saying is right, a deep inner most calm,
18:59 I think you used a word calm maybe,
19:01 I don't know, what do you think, Mom and Dad?
19:04 Well, we, of course, saying Mom and Dad together.
19:06 Yeah, your definition I did about what...
19:08 definition.
19:09 Well, it brings me joy, when I feel
19:11 like I have a complete surrender with the Lord
19:14 and that whatever comes I am at rest,
19:17 I am at peace,
19:18 and it just is very calming to me.
19:22 First of all that I'm not worrying
19:24 against the Holy Spirit speaking to my heart
19:26 that I know, I said, "Okay, Lord, here it is."
19:29 And I did that the other day was something
19:31 and I saw the Lord marvelously work
19:34 and I thought, ah! What a blessing,
19:35 I just gave it to God and said, God, you take care of this
19:39 and He did and I had, I have peace.
19:43 That's wonderful.
19:44 What do you think, Dad?
19:46 Well, you know, I was thinking
19:47 about that scripture in 2 Corinthians,
19:51 and I, kind of, it's in 2 Corinthians 1.
19:58 So hopefully you're turning your Bibles...
20:01 2 Corinthians 1:2-4,
20:08 it says,
20:09 "Grace be to you
20:12 and peace from God our Father,
20:15 and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
20:19 Blessed be God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
20:23 the Father of mercy and the God of all comfort."
20:29 So when I think of peace, somehow,
20:31 I think of comfort then he,
20:33 you know, there isn't any other source of comfort
20:36 when I read this scripture, He says,
20:37 He's the God of all comfort.
20:39 If a person is thinking,
20:40 they're getting comfort somewhere,
20:42 whether they are comfort it's coming actually from God.
20:44 He's the source of comfort in that text the way I look.
20:48 Verse 4 "Who comforteth to us,"
20:50 so there's that peace I'm thinking,
20:52 "comforted us in all of our tribulation."
20:55 How much tribulation? All of it.
20:57 Yeah, everything.
20:58 "That we may be able to comfort them
21:00 which are in any way any trouble by the Comfort
21:04 where with we ourselves are comforted of God."
21:07 So the way that I can comfort somebody else
21:10 is that I'm comforted by God is what I get out of there, so.
21:13 When I think of peace,
21:14 that's what I think of comforteth by God.
21:17 Yeah. Amen.
21:18 That's good definitions to share it.
21:21 Let's look at John 14 because to me this contrast
21:24 the world's peace versus Christ's peace.
21:27 John 14:27.
21:33 You have that, Sis? Yeah.
21:36 14:27.
21:39 Oh, that's a good verses.
21:40 "There's peace I live with you My peace
21:42 I give to you not as the world gives
21:44 do I give to you,
21:45 let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid."
21:49 So you notice it says not as the world gives
21:52 give I to you which to me indicates,
21:55 okay, then the world has some sort of measure of peace
21:58 or what the world would consider to be peace.
22:01 I don't know if I'm making sense.
22:02 That's what I wonder too. Okay.
22:03 So what would be the difference then
22:05 between peace in the world versus peace in Jesus?
22:10 You mean peace that the world gives you?
22:12 Gives. Thank you.
22:13 Yeah, because we want to have peace in this world with Jesus.
22:16 That's right.
22:17 Yeah, so that's a good, that's a good question.
22:19 Any thoughts on that?
22:21 You know what I used to colporteur,
22:23 and for those that don't know what that word is,
22:25 this means book hawker but it's a...
22:28 Spiritual books.
22:29 Yeah, yeah, selling spiritual books.
22:31 Selling books and it was Bibles
22:33 and Bible story books going door-to-door and I had...
22:39 Anyway I remember getting kind of discouraged sometimes
22:42 and knocking on the door, you know,
22:44 if someone might slam the door in your face or cuss you out
22:47 or all those things and I was not feeling
22:50 much peace or comfort
22:52 and I would use junk food to comfort myself.
22:55 I maybe stopped by one of these stores,
22:57 you know, when I get some junk food and eat that.
22:59 You know, the Holy Spirit,
23:01 God spoke to my heart and it's that,
23:04 you know, I want to comfort you,
23:06 so this same scripture here in John 14
23:08 Jesus was leaving His disciples.
23:11 And so He says to them, I'm going to give you.
23:15 In John 14:16, I will pray the Father
23:18 and He shall give you another comforter
23:22 that he may abide with you forever,
23:24 so I was thinking okay,
23:25 well, I'm using this junk food to comfort me,
23:29 to give me that peace that I'm lacking here,
23:32 so that's the worldly peace.
23:35 That's interesting.
23:38 You know, as I got into it that more
23:40 and the Holy Spirit would speak to my heart,
23:42 I was always driving from one home to the next
23:45 and thinking, wow, I am using
23:47 because you're saying to me Father
23:49 that you want to comfort me
23:51 because that must have been the disciples' greatest need
23:54 to be comforted
23:55 because he could have given them anything
23:58 and he chose to give them a comforter.
24:00 So I'm thinking, wow, that must be the greatest gift,
24:02 must be we all need that.
24:03 So I would go from home to home
24:05 and I would talk to the people and so much that was true,
24:08 you know, someone would be using
24:10 tobacco to comfort themselves,
24:12 they would be using food or pornography
24:15 or even the Satan is so sly
24:18 in figuring out a way to comfort
24:20 or give peace in a worldly way.
24:23 He even has a drink called
24:24 Southern Comfort to comfort someone,
24:30 so it's really a distraction rather than the true peace
24:34 or the true comfort
24:36 that God wants to give me any way.
24:37 And I shared that with so many people
24:39 that seem to be the case.
24:40 Yes, so really it's something that would, wouldn't know,
24:44 what do you think, Sis, that replaces God
24:46 that would be in the place of God
24:48 that gives peace?
24:49 I think one of the differences with different things
24:51 that we use to "comfort" ourselves
24:54 or distract ourselves or whatever
24:56 is that that will eventually be used up or...
25:01 It's true, comes to an end.
25:03 Yeah, it comes to an end. It's good point.
25:04 And I've heard the Satan said that,
25:07 you know, just like pleasure in and of itself
25:10 like without love,
25:12 maybe I'm getting off from the tangent here
25:13 but without love,
25:16 eventually pleasure no longer becomes pleasure,
25:18 you know, so if you like junk food or whatever,
25:22 you know, like what you're saying of that example.
25:24 You know, if I'm turning to that,
25:25 like food is good, we need food.
25:27 But if we're using it to like
25:29 try to replace something or try to fill our hearts,
25:33 certain part of our heart only God can feel,
25:35 then it's actually going to become
25:37 our greatest stressor and probably our greatest...
25:43 Yeah.
25:44 I don't know like
25:45 because if you're hating on that so much
25:47 eventually that will just cause our greatest havoc
25:52 if that make sense so,
25:53 you know, like some people that..
25:54 Would you be then really like the peace.
25:56 Yeah.
25:57 Like alcohol for example, you know, if,
25:59 you know, maybe some people say,
26:02 you know, drinking a little bit
26:03 may not be that big a deal or whatever
26:04 and for some it's not,
26:06 but then some people take it
26:07 to such extreme that eventually they,
26:11 you know, no longer can keep their job
26:13 and no longer can keep their family,
26:14 they no longer, you know,
26:15 their children disown, whatever.
26:17 You know, it takes them to
26:18 just some of the greatest pains of their life,
26:20 you know, what originally started out
26:22 as just kind of a fun thing or kind of just whatever,
26:25 eventually, it took them to a place
26:27 they never realized
26:28 that it would take them to, you know.
26:29 Yeah, that's a good point.
26:31 I like what you said, because it's almost like you said,
26:33 Dad, these things we used to comfort us,
26:36 maybe things not from Jesus.
26:38 So if we use that like he said to comfort us overtime
26:42 it no longer comforts us and it almost turns on us.
26:44 Yeah, you know, that's the opposite effect.
26:46 Yes. That's deep.
26:48 Yeah. Yeah.
26:50 So praise God, He wants to give us His peace.
26:53 You know, we don't have to try to self medicate
26:56 or self comfort or self,
26:59 okay, I'm going to try all these other things.
27:01 We can go and we can get Jesus peace.
27:03 Yeah. Amen, that's for sure.
27:05 You know, I was thinking too, you know, far as
27:08 we're all faced these circumstances on a daily basis
27:11 where it seems like, you know, I've got a plan,
27:13 I like things sort of planned out,
27:15 and all of a sudden a change of direction
27:18 can be sort of...
27:19 Now does that come from Mom or Dad
27:20 like you things planned there?
27:22 From me.
27:23 Yeah, Mom like things planned out.
27:24 Dad does it to a certain degree too.
27:26 But Mom...
27:28 He goes with the flow. He goes with the flow, yeah.
27:31 So, you know, the Lord is helping me to be because,
27:34 you know, in production you had to be just flexible and things
27:36 and just go with the flow
27:37 but still have some sort of plan as anyway.
27:40 So, you know, things seem just usually kind of go with it
27:42 and so that can cause stress as you're talking about it,
27:45 you know, Sis, too, sometimes,
27:47 you know, just life circumstances.
27:49 So I was thinking because you know when you're,
27:50 when we're talking about,
27:52 you know, you're from California
27:53 and you mentioned an interesting word,
27:55 you said transplant.
27:57 So when I think of transplant really which,
27:59 you know, she's meaning move,
28:00 you know, move from what she considered
28:02 home to make a new home,
28:04 so I'm sure, I mean I'm sure that.
28:06 I mean, I know, it's stressful
28:07 because this throws anytime something new,
28:09 you're in a new job, a new place to live,
28:11 new friends, you know, all that sort of stuff.
28:14 So how in that type of a circumstance did you,
28:17 you know, because there's people at home
28:19 that are just like that,
28:20 there's someone right now is thinking, man,
28:22 I'm just anxious,
28:24 I'm anxious about something that's coming up,
28:26 I don't know where I'm going,
28:27 I don't know what's going to happen.
28:28 And I know they're talking about peace,
28:31 but how did you handle
28:32 that type of circumstance for you
28:34 moving out to California?
28:36 Well, it's been a learning process,
28:37 I didn't realize how hard of an adjustment it would be, it's...
28:42 I think the older you get to,
28:43 like I don't know when I see myself,
28:44 when I was just in my early 20s or just starting out
28:47 like, I was more like all about,
28:49 it's making new friends
28:50 and I didn't really have any
28:52 strings attached anywhere or whatever.
28:55 You know, being a little older,
28:56 you know, moving all the way across country
28:57 I didn't realize what a big change that would be
28:59 and...
29:01 I lived about 15-20 minutes from my parents
29:04 was where I moved from at that point and so,
29:06 you know, some Friday evenings
29:08 or whatever just go over hang out,
29:09 you know, just, always know
29:11 that there was that family nearby
29:13 and that's kind of a comfort,
29:15 so I really didn't know anybody when I moved to California,
29:17 a couple girls I knew.
29:18 We had spent just a couple of weeks together
29:21 on a mission trip just a few weeks earlier
29:23 so I kind of knew them so, kind of,
29:25 they kind of helped me established
29:27 like little network of friends and,
29:29 but honestly looking back
29:30 like I probably didn't handled it the best way
29:32 but it's been a learning process
29:33 the last couple of years,
29:34 and so where God has me right now is learning that,
29:39 you know, it's that if I say the internal peace
29:42 like it's not the external, so even if I don't,
29:45 I mean which I do have a lot of friends
29:46 that I'm very blessed but.
29:48 Like let's say, you know,
29:50 maybe those friends aren't there all the time
29:51 or aren't able to,
29:53 you know, I don't have that constant person
29:56 that can be there for me whatever,
29:57 like I'm learning that it's the inside,
30:00 you know, like,
30:01 my realization of who God
30:04 really is like that he is love
30:07 like this not just this cliché of God is love
30:11 but that he really cares for me in my desires,
30:15 what makes me happy and,
30:16 and so that kind of pulls my heart
30:18 towards God in a closer way, like I can trust him,
30:21 I can feel safe with him so,
30:23 you know, even if I feel alone out there
30:26 or, you know, trying to,
30:28 you know continue to establish who I am there which,
30:32 you know, now it's a lot better,
30:34 you know, I've been there for several years but.
30:36 Yeah, just that, it's...
30:37 I don't know how to explain that.
30:39 It's like an inside thing
30:43 like that peace like God is showing
30:45 himself to me in a deeper way of that.
30:47 I'm safe Janelle, you can trust me,
30:49 you know, no matter what's going on around you.
30:51 So, you know, that's I think the key then for someone,
30:53 you know, 'cause in all of us,
30:54 you know, it could be little things like,
30:56 okay even just like, I'm currently in a job
30:57 and, you know, something's maybe
30:58 makes me a little bit anxious or, you know, not calm
31:01 but even like a big thing,
31:02 you know, like you're talking about too
31:04 is really having that,
31:05 I guess it goes back to relationship with Jesus Christ?
31:07 And realizing how much he loves us
31:09 and like you're saying how much he cares for us.
31:10 Yeah.
31:12 And how much he's interested
31:14 in the little things, right, Mom?
31:15 You know, in life 'cause sometimes we can think,
31:17 "Oh, God may not be interested in this,"
31:19 in this little stressor for me where I don't have peace,
31:22 "Oh, that's too small for God," but that's not true, is it?
31:25 No, it's not.
31:26 I had someone on the phone one time tell me,
31:28 I was working on probably a newsletter for the conference
31:32 in West Virginia
31:34 and had told them that I get really stressed
31:36 'cause there's dead lines.
31:38 Of course.
31:39 People are suppose to send you things
31:41 and maybe I don't have them or I'm trying to make it fit
31:43 and the person said, "Have you prayed over that?"
31:47 And I thought, ah.
31:48 It's almost kind of review, isn't it?
31:49 Yeah. But it was good.
31:51 My word, I have had that happened, yes, to me.
31:52 It was real good and it made me realize like you're saying,
31:54 even what we think are little things
31:55 are important to pray about
31:57 for the Lord to give us the peace.
31:59 Amen. We'll that's great.
32:00 Yeah, great advice for sure. It reminds me of Philippians 4.
32:04 You're talking about anxiousness
32:05 and talking about praying about the little things.
32:08 Philippians 4:6 and 7.
32:13 Galatians, Ephesians...
32:15 You got it, Mom? You want to read?
32:17 I do. That's versus 4-6?
32:21 We'll start with 4.
32:23 That's perfect, but we should read at least 7.
32:24 6 and 7? Yeah, whatever you wanna do.
32:26 And where's that again? All right.
32:27 Philippians 4:6 and 7. All right.
32:30 "Be anxious for nothing,
32:32 but in everything by prayer
32:33 and supplication, with thanksgiving,
32:36 let your requests be made known to God,
32:38 and the peace of God,
32:40 which surpasses all understanding,
32:42 will guard your hearts and minds
32:44 through Christ Jesus."
32:47 You know the word in the Greek
32:49 for understanding the peace of God
32:50 which surpasses all understanding is expectation.
32:54 So you think God's peace surpasses
32:56 even my expectation.
32:57 That's powerful.
32:59 So I could think,
33:00 "Okay, God's gonna give me a measure of peace,"
33:03 but the peace he can give me surpasses anything
33:08 above and beyond what I could even imagine.
33:11 Praise God. Yeah.
33:12 And it's said there it's the peace of God's
33:15 like we did in John 14:27, my peace,
33:17 I thought, what, that's a powerful peace,
33:20 perfect peace when it comes from above.
33:23 Amen. Yeah.
33:26 You're gonna say something?
33:27 I was just gonna ask you a personal question.
33:29 Oh, okay.
33:30 And maybe I shouldn't be asking personal questions on the set
33:32 and I didn't tell you what it was so...
33:34 Of course, this is family worship
33:36 so that we're all family and, you are too, so thank you.
33:38 So for Mom or Dad or whoever I was just wondering,
33:41 as a parent because, you know, Greg and I don't have kids,
33:44 but as a parent how do you work with your children
33:48 if they don't have peace?
33:49 You know, if they are anxious,
33:50 if they are struggling or stressed
33:52 or how do you work to teach them peace
33:54 or to instill in them peace?
33:56 So I don't know if that question makes sense.
34:00 That one's yours. It's got my name on it.
34:04 Yeah, 'cause there's a child
34:05 that's probably kind of difficult to see,
34:07 I guess maybe you can tell the small child
34:08 if they are really upset
34:10 which I guess could may be angry or something
34:12 but you can probably tell a child is distressed,
34:14 you know, maybe about a particular situation.
34:17 I remember if I can jump in one more time, my sister,
34:20 you know, has the four boys and so when one of them was...
34:23 They are a lot of fun.
34:24 They are a lot of fun, maybe 3-4,
34:27 I remember we were at the house
34:28 and he was just crying and saying,
34:30 "Jesus, help me be happy, Jesus, I wanna be happy."
34:35 And he's having a tantrum,
34:36 you know, and crying but he's crying out to Jesus,
34:39 "Jesus, help me be happy."
34:41 And I thought well, even kids know,
34:43 they don't have peace so they are struggling.
34:46 I'm sorry.
34:47 Well, I think something
34:49 that can bring calmness is a music
34:52 that would be singing about Jesus,
34:55 either it's instrumental, you play it on a,
34:58 what's it, CD's now,
35:00 used to be a tracks and cassettes years ago.
35:01 Yeah, computer files now, probably.
35:02 It's true, or singing it, you know, and I believe
35:05 that brings the presence of God near...
35:07 Amen.
35:08 When there's anxiousness in us, not the calmness.
35:10 Yes. Yeah, true.
35:14 I'm not a parent, but I was just thinking like
35:16 if I did have kids, like,
35:17 I think a lot of it has to do with the parents themselves
35:19 'cause if the parents calm then that really,
35:23 you know, 'cause the child may not even understand
35:25 who Jesus really is, you know, at a really young age.
35:26 So small.
35:28 But if they look at their parents there's,
35:30 you know, a type of,
35:31 I don't know, like, the God or whatever.
35:32 Representative.
35:34 Yeah, like they don't understand
35:35 who God really is.
35:37 So if their parents calm and at peace
35:38 then that really helps the child
35:39 I think to have that calm.
35:41 True. Yeah.
35:42 I think as a nurse in the ER, you know,
35:44 we're taught to be calm,
35:47 you know, like,
35:48 so if it's so chaotic in the ER,
35:50 you know, somebody is gasping for breath,
35:52 they can't breath, you know, they're panicking,
35:55 they are getting chest pain, crushing chest pain,
35:58 you know, that kind of thing.
36:00 Yeah, that's scary.
36:01 You know, yeah, it's very scary for them.
36:02 Very stressful for them and the family
36:04 to be watching their loved one.
36:05 Yeah, absolutely.
36:06 So can you imagine if the nurse and the doctors were like,
36:08 oh my goodness, oh my goodness, what's going on?
36:09 I don't know what to do,
36:11 you know, and they are like
36:12 that would just cause them great panic too,
36:13 like, they don't know what to do either.
36:15 Oh, my goodness, I thought
36:16 I came to place I'm supposed to...
36:17 Provide help. You know, help.
36:19 So, you know, even if, I mean, you know, as the nurse
36:21 it's a little stressful inside,
36:22 you know, especially when someone
36:24 is about to die or is dying or whatever.
36:27 You know, there is a anxiety in the heart
36:29 but you portray on the outside that all is well
36:32 'cause, you know, and I think the reason
36:34 that we can be calm as health providers
36:36 is that we know the solutions, so if they are gasping for air,
36:40 we know that we can, you know, intubate,
36:42 put a tube down the throat if we need to,
36:44 you know, we know there is a solution,
36:46 you know, so I think for,
36:48 I know you are talking about parents,
36:50 you know, like if the child is stressed out
36:52 about how their toy just got stolen
36:54 from their friend
36:55 or got taken away by their friend
36:57 and crying about it, you know,
36:58 the parent can look at it from
37:00 an adult perspective and be like,
37:02 you know, you'll live to see another day,
37:04 you know, it will be okay.
37:06 Yeah, you'll be fine.
37:07 I'm sure that friend will eventually give that toy back.
37:09 So, yeah.
37:10 Let me tell you one time I was in a hospital
37:12 and I had a nurse check on me and she did what she had to do,
37:16 and as soon as she look, she goes, "Oh, no."
37:19 And of course that brought terror to me.
37:22 Yeah. Oh, no, I must be dying.
37:25 So it's interesting, isn't it?
37:27 So in other words we actually have an effect on others
37:29 around us as to the...
37:34 I guess the peace that God can give to us.
37:36 Amen. Will that be true?
37:38 We can actually, we can't give the peace
37:41 but we can definitely be a vessel
37:42 through which God can talk to somebody else.
37:45 Would that be right? Absolutely.
37:46 Or to give them peace flow through to someone else.
37:49 Wow, boy, that's kind of deep. You know there's a great story.
37:52 Go ahead, Dad, you have something.
37:53 It reminds me of this Psalm 119:165.
37:57 Well, let's go to that here, so 119.
37:58 Psalm 119:165.
38:00 That's really long chapter, isn't it?
38:02 Yeah.
38:04 165 verses to that point. Yeah.
38:08 176 all together.
38:10 Psalm 119.
38:13 All right.
38:15 It says, "Great peace," what kind of peace?
38:19 Great peace. Yes.
38:21 "Have they which love thy law,"
38:26 you know, and Jesus,
38:29 he's the epitome of God's law so when we have Jesus,
38:32 'cause he is love and we have him in our hearts
38:36 when we're talking about that peace
38:37 for our kids or whomever,
38:39 "and nothing," what?
38:41 Nothing. Nothing at all.
38:43 "Nothing shall offend them." Yeah.
38:45 I thought, "Wow, nothing?"
38:47 So if ever I am feeling offended.
38:50 Yes.
38:52 And by the way the people that are the closest to you
38:54 sometimes can get under your skin, can't they?
38:55 Uh-huh.
38:57 Who you hang around with a lot and so forth,
38:59 so then I think, "Wow, if I am not feeling that peace,
39:03 if something's offending me
39:05 then I must not be close to Jesus, I need him."
39:09 You know, when I think of Jesus,
39:10 you know, he's drying on the cross
39:13 or people are spitting and pulling his beard,
39:15 all those terrible things,
39:16 you know, and yet he is praying.
39:18 "Father, forgive them." Yeah, amen.
39:22 So he had the father inside of him
39:25 so much he had that peace,
39:27 the love of God was inside Jesus
39:29 and nothing offended him that he was praying.
39:33 So anyway, if things are coming inside my life
39:35 and I'm feeling offended,
39:37 I first of all praise the Lord that, you know, okay,
39:40 now I can recognize
39:41 that I am not as close to you
39:44 as I want to be because I am offended.
39:46 Oh, Father forgive me, let me,
39:48 anyway that's a real help to me.
39:50 Oh, yeah.
39:51 No, that's great, Dad, yeah, that's a good text.
39:53 Psalm 119:165.
39:55 Yes. Yeah.
39:57 You know, these are, you know, it's neat,
39:58 isn't it opening God's word?
39:59 Highlight, I've got a number of markings in my Bible
40:01 and it seems like it's continually new things
40:04 or you've read something before
40:05 and has new meaning in it and it's neat
40:07 when you ask the Holy Spirit to open your mind.
40:08 Yes.
40:10 The Bible is full of treasure and sneaks.
40:12 Like, open a treasure chest, you're not sure
40:13 what you're gonna find everyday,
40:15 so I'm thinking of a story.
40:16 Yes.
40:18 Of Jesus, and if you wanna go to Matthew 8
40:23 and its Jesus in the Storm,
40:25 a well-known story
40:27 and I am thinking of the disciples
40:29 that was a really big storm for them.
40:31 Physical storm, I mean, the boat's tossing around,
40:33 but I'm thinking about all of us
40:36 when I think of a storm,
40:37 I think of it as a challenge in life
40:39 whatever you can, could be health, a trial,
40:43 could be health like cancer or somebody,
40:47 like, financial, I mean, many different things
40:49 that can be a storm, you know, in one's life,
40:53 and there's number of verses we can read.
40:55 Matthew 8, let's start with verse 23 and go to,
41:01 which we go to, maybe 27?
41:02 27. Yeah.
41:05 Dad, you wanna read that? Matthew 8:23 to 27.
41:09 "And when He was entered into a ship,
41:11 His disciples followed Him."
41:14 And behold, there arose a great tempest in the sea,
41:18 insomuch that the ship was covered with the waves,
41:21 but He was asleep.
41:23 And His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying,
41:27 "Lord, save us!
41:29 We perish!"
41:31 And He said unto them,
41:32 "Why are you afraid or fearful, O you of little faith?"
41:37 Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea,
41:41 and there was a great calm.
41:44 But the men marveled, saying, "What manner of man is this,
41:48 that even the winds and the sea obey Him?"
41:52 Yeah.
41:54 There's, there's a painting.
41:59 I think have you seen that, Sis, it's like,
42:00 I don't know if it was Harry Anderson or Nathan Greene
42:02 or maybe was someone else, there's a painting of,
42:06 it shows Jesus at the wheel,
42:08 I'm not really good with boating
42:10 but is it the wheel?
42:12 The helm, yeah, the big wheel that steers this boat,
42:15 the ship and there's like a,
42:17 it wasn't the disciples in this painting,
42:19 it would be like modern day family
42:21 and the waves are crashing over the boat.
42:24 Have you seen that painting? Yeah.
42:25 And there's Jesus, just calm.
42:26 A picture. Oh, okay.
42:28 Just calm, just like, you know, and there's the family,
42:29 I think there's like a dad and a mom and kids.
42:32 They're like, I think if I remember correctly,
42:34 they are all just, that they have
42:35 their hand on Jesus?
42:37 I think so, yeah.
42:38 Yeah, and what's he doing
42:39 when he's got his hand on that wheel?
42:42 He's guiding them through. Yeah.
42:44 Yeah, it doesn't show, you know,
42:45 the dad or whoever it could be, I mean, you know,
42:48 they are trying to, you know, and Jesus in the background,
42:51 you know, Jesus is at the wheel
42:54 and I think that's the important thing
42:56 because all of us face storms.
42:57 Yeah.
42:59 Trials, things were not really at peace
43:01 and it's really allowing God to be in control
43:05 and to realize that he'll get us through,
43:07 you know, that storm and give us,
43:08 really that's the peace because what does it say here,
43:11 that he was, what was Jesus?
43:12 At sleep. He was asleep.
43:14 And I think, yeah, why was he able to sleep?
43:16 Again I think back to, you know, he had, like,
43:20 what I was saying earlier as far as,
43:21 you know, being a nurse and knowing there's a solution
43:24 to this person's chest pain
43:26 or gas being flared or whatever.
43:28 Now, Jesus knew that there was an easy solution to this.
43:31 That's why he was able to sleep.
43:32 He knew that, you know, all he had to do is say,
43:34 "Stop," you know, stop, the wave stopped.
43:36 Oh, yeah.
43:38 You know, where as the humans in the boat were like,
43:41 they had no, you know, they didn't know the solution,
43:43 they didn't know, "What are we going to do, like,
43:45 we're going to drown, we're going to be killed,"
43:48 they had no answer, no solution, you know,
43:51 so I think that's where maybe the peace comes,
43:53 you know, because and that's where
43:55 the unpeace or unrest comes from
43:57 'cause we don't know the solution that's,
43:59 isn't that kind of true when I get anxious,
44:01 I don't know what am I supposed to do right now,
44:02 like I don't know the answer, you know,
44:04 I think I'm gonna fail this test
44:06 or I don't know how to whatever,
44:08 you know, whatever causes you anxiety,
44:10 you know, it's because you don't know the solution,
44:12 you don't know the answer.
44:14 And so when we can trust in the one
44:17 that has the answer to every single thing out there,
44:21 then that's when we can have that peace, I think so.
44:23 Yeah, that's great, Sis, yeah, well put.
44:25 It reminds me of, go ahead, Mom,
44:26 what you were saying at the beginning, Mom,
44:28 about that surrender because then if we surrender
44:31 and we know he has the solution,
44:33 what better place to be than surrendered and trusting him?
44:37 Go ahead, Mom, you had something.
44:38 Couple of things, but first let me say that,
44:39 when you talked about Jesus at the helm
44:43 and bringing us through,
44:44 you know, I have been guilty of trying to make things happen
44:48 the way I think it's supposed to happen,
44:50 and so I am taking over the wheel,
44:52 and there is no peace.
44:54 And then if it does come about the way
44:56 I thought was right then I think,
44:57 "Oh, am I second guessing the Lord?
45:00 He might have said totally different direction,
45:01 you know, for me to go."
45:03 Yeah, that's true.
45:04 And so I am learning to just say,
45:06 "Lord it's you I want,
45:08 I want whatever you bring
45:09 and not what I think is the best."
45:12 But back to Jesus in the boat in Psalms 4:8,
45:17 there's a really nice scripture there
45:20 in Psalms 4:8.
45:25 Let me get there. I'm almost there.
45:26 The pages are sticking together.
45:28 You said 4:8?
45:30 4:8. Okay.
45:31 Yes, "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep,"
45:34 and that made me think about Jesus in the boat,
45:36 "for you alone our Lord, make me dwell in safety."
45:39 Wow. Amen.
45:41 And then someone mentioned recently
45:42 about not sure what to do but I love,
45:45 I always love this story in 2 Chronicles 20,
45:48 Kay Kuzma is where I first
45:51 brought this story to my attention
45:53 that's made all the difference in the world to me
45:54 and I shared it with so many people,
45:57 but 2 Chronicles 20 in the Old Testament.
46:01 2 Chronicles 20?
46:03 20:12, "When we don't know what to do."
46:06 Yes.
46:07 It says, "Our eyes are upon," who?
46:08 You.
46:10 "You which is God or Jesus." Of course.
46:12 So that's my strength also is to say God,
46:15 I don't know what to do and I claim that so often.
46:18 Yes. That's great.
46:19 I like that 'cause there is Jehoshaphat
46:21 before the people and,
46:23 you know, they just all these enemies coming in
46:25 but our eyes are upon You.
46:27 Yeah.
46:28 The source, the solution to whatever I'm facing.
46:31 Oh, yeah.
46:33 If I can share a verse I like? Yes.
46:36 Romans 5:1, I like it,
46:42 it speaks to me.
46:44 Romans 5:1, "Therefore, having been justified by faith,
46:50 we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
46:54 So to me anytime I'm lacking in peace,
46:57 that means some how
46:58 I'm not in right relationship with God.
47:01 There's something going on in my relationship.
47:03 I think if there is ever anytime of maybe lack of peace
47:06 or tension in our relationship, what's wrong?
47:09 There's something between us. There's an issue.
47:11 There's something that we need to sit down
47:13 or communicated or pray about.
47:15 Maybe like a lack of communication or something.
47:17 Absolutely, pray about and bring that to God.
47:19 So, to me if there is lack of peace
47:22 in my walk with the God,
47:24 then some how there's something with me and Jesus
47:28 that needs to be reworked
47:30 or brought back into that unity,
47:33 that surrender that you mentioned.
47:35 I could share a little story about Greg.
47:36 Please.
47:37 There is no peace. About me?
47:39 Oh, boy.
47:40 I'm guessing he didn't have peace.
47:42 And so what happened? That's great.
47:43 We lived in Michigan
47:45 and I was making my homemade bread,
47:46 so I had my dough and Janelle either wasn't quite born
47:50 or she was just a little thing in the crib
47:53 and so Greg you were probably three.
47:55 Yes.
47:56 So you were at the table
47:57 and I was kneading the bread dough
47:59 and of course I set it wrong, I said don't eat this dough,
48:01 you know, I should have phrased it differently.
48:03 So I'm kneading it
48:04 and all of a sudden you disappeared.
48:06 Uh-oh.
48:07 And I thought,
48:09 "I bet he's taken some of this dough
48:10 and he's gonna eat it."
48:12 So I followed you and you were in the bedroom
48:15 with just your head
48:16 hiding under the bread chewing this bread.
48:20 Your whole rest of your body is sticking out.
48:22 Oh, my, oh, my. Busted.
48:24 So you had a little piece I'm just assuming.
48:25 I just been tolled on.
48:28 You didn't want to stay around me
48:29 'cause you knew you weren't supposed to do that.
48:31 Of course.
48:32 That made me think of Adam and Eve,
48:34 you know, they hid
48:35 because they did not have that relationship
48:36 that was unhampered.
48:38 Yeah, no, that's good. And they didn't have peace.
48:39 I honestly don't remember that but, yeah, of course.
48:43 Maybe it's blocked. Yeah, so traumatic.
48:45 Is that a blocked memory? No, it's not traumatic.
48:47 Yeah, it's not at all.
48:48 But, yeah, you know, you can see
48:49 obviously as a young child, didn't realize it was wrong
48:51 and then trying to enjoy something
48:53 that was maybe a fleeting pleasure of eating.
48:55 I guess raw dough bread, so, yeah, but...
48:59 Sounds marvelous.
49:01 Yeah, it kind of does, doesn't it?
49:02 But, yeah, you know, for as even the small child,
49:03 you know, I'm sure, you know,
49:05 you realize you are not doing right so,
49:06 yeah, trying to hide from God, yeah.
49:07 Yeah. A very good point so.
49:10 Oh, man, our time is running out in a hurry so just.
49:12 So how do we receive peace?
49:14 'Cause really that's I think really
49:15 what we are talking about would be what?
49:17 Just in summary would be to receive the true peace.
49:21 What would be your summary?
49:23 Maybe we could go around and everyone kind of share?
49:24 Yeah, that's good.
49:26 You know, I really think,
49:27 what comes to mind as I'm thinking about Abraham
49:29 and God asked him to go in a country
49:31 and didn't really know where he was going,
49:33 so I really correlate
49:35 peace with faith and faith with peace
49:37 because I have to have faith
49:39 that God is leading me
49:41 through this storm to some place
49:42 or through something.
49:44 I really have to have faith in God.
49:46 Yes.
49:47 So if I have faith in God,
49:48 you were talking about relationship,
49:50 you have to, in order to have faith in someone,
49:51 God being who we are talking about,
49:53 you have to know him.
49:54 Yes. And how do you know him?
49:56 You have to study his word and not just read his word
50:00 but study his word and ask for Holy Spirit to give insight.
50:03 So that's kind of maybe a summary for me.
50:06 Amen. Yeah.
50:07 Anyone else? Dad? What?
50:10 This last scripture that Jill had there in Romans
50:12 about being justified by faith.
50:17 You know, as a pastor a lot of people talk to you
50:19 and you sense that they don't have any peace
50:24 and this justified by faith.
50:26 Uh-huh.
50:28 You know, either I recognize
50:31 that Christ death for me justified me
50:37 or else I'm trying to justify myself.
50:40 It's good. Oh, yeah.
50:42 And if I'm trying to justify myself
50:44 for why I'm doing, what I'm doing,
50:45 or why I'm continuing to do whatever I'm doing
50:48 or the relationships that I have,
50:50 there's the problem, you know, all those things,
50:51 I'm justifying myself.
50:54 And if I am justifying myself
50:55 then Christ can't be my justifier.
50:58 Yes.
51:00 And so then there's no peace there.
51:02 You know, you're trying to juggle all this stuff
51:04 and then there's no,
51:05 and I can see it in the people's mind
51:07 and I try to bring that forth
51:09 but if a person recognizes that Jesus,
51:11 you know, no matter what I have ever done,
51:14 no matter what I'm doing currently, he can,
51:17 you know, I just give it over to him
51:19 and he would justify me before the Father.
51:20 Amen.
51:22 That's what he is doing right now
51:23 in the most holy place.
51:24 He is my justification so when I just,
51:27 like someone used the word surrender.
51:28 That's a great word.
51:30 If I just surrender and say God, and say,
51:31 "Oh, God, I'm so messed up,
51:34 you've said you're gonna justify me,
51:36 hear it I'm giving you just as I am
51:39 without any justification of my own self.
51:42 Here I am, as messed up as I am."
51:43 Amen.
51:44 You have been, so that's why. Amen.
51:46 Sis, you have something summary?
51:47 Yeah, well, I was just thinking for myself, like,
51:49 what personally God's helping me with is that,
51:52 you know, it's,
51:55 you know, I think like for me to be really honest
51:57 when I hear the word surrender it scares me,
52:00 like my heart just does flip-flops inside,
52:02 like, am I gonna surrender,
52:04 like, that is really scary for, for me,
52:08 you know, to think of surrendering
52:10 'cause you are kind of giving yourself away
52:11 or you're no longer able to be in control and how can I?
52:14 Kind of vulnerable.
52:15 Yeah, how can I trust somebody outside of myself?
52:17 Like, certain circumstances in life,
52:19 you kind of start learning not
52:22 or you think you can't trust outside of yourself
52:24 or something and so when I,
52:27 God is working with me in a kind of a different place
52:29 personally like it's,
52:31 I need to understand who Jesus really is,
52:35 like, he's not there,
52:36 "Surrender to me, Janelle, surrender to me."
52:39 Like, he just wants me to know his character
52:43 and actually when,
52:44 when he see I'm at unrest or not having peace,
52:47 you know, it's he's not like,
52:49 you know, "Janelle, you know better."
52:51 I mean, you know, you were raised Christian,
52:52 you were, you know, Christian schools
52:55 whatever, you know, it's,
52:56 you know, he wants to actually just show me him
53:00 and that he is true love.
53:01 He's just there saying,
53:02 you know, what do you really need,
53:05 I'm not here to condemn you.
53:06 Yeah, that's great, Sis.
53:07 I'm here to love you and just take you from where you are.
53:09 That's key.
53:10 That really is that God is there to love us and he's,
53:12 yeah, he's looking out
53:13 for our best interest, so caring.
53:15 Asks us, what do we need? What do you need?
53:18 We know that, know at home God loves you.
53:21 Yes.
53:22 You just come to him and he wants to accept you
53:23 and receive you and give you his peace
53:26 and develop that relationship with him.
53:28 We better spend some time in prayer.
53:30 Yeah, worship is all about prayer too.
53:32 So wee hope you joined us here in prayer,
53:33 let's, we've got about three minutes or so.
53:35 Let's, Mom, let's start with you.
53:36 Then we go to Dad and then you, Sis,
53:38 we'll just have a short prayer for our viewers at home
53:39 and for us here too.
53:41 We'll have the true peace from God.
53:42 So let's pray. Yes.
53:45 Our Father in heaven, we're so thankful
53:47 that we have you to share anything that's on our heart.
53:51 Nothing is too heavy for you to know about
53:54 and you don't cast us away.
53:56 You hug us close,
53:57 and Father I'm so thankful that you do give that peace
54:01 that passes all understanding as we surrender anything
54:04 and everything in our lives to you.
54:06 And, Lord, you love us so much
54:08 and I'm so grateful that you are our Father
54:11 and that you care about us
54:13 and we pray today then I pray today
54:15 that we will experience that peace
54:18 that only you can give in your name, amen.
54:19 Yes. Amen.
54:22 Father in heaven,
54:25 Lord, we are so thankful to recognize
54:27 that you are the God of all comfort,
54:31 you're the source of our comforts,
54:33 and we accept your comfort for out heart at peace
54:37 that I was said surpasses all understandings.
54:41 Thank you for comforting us
54:43 that we can have that privilege to comfort
54:45 those that we come in contact with in Jesus' name.
54:49 Amen.
54:51 Dearly heavenly Father, Lord, I just thank you so much
54:53 that you are just so patient with us,
54:55 so caring, so loving.
54:57 Lord that, you take us from where we are
55:01 and what certain terms
55:03 or certain things scare us maybe, like,
55:05 you can show us that surrender is actually a safe thing.
55:10 It's just, you know, confiding our hearts
55:12 and our precious loving Father that just asks us,
55:16 you know, where are you at my child,
55:17 what do you need, what do you need right now?
55:18 And thank you so much for being patient
55:22 and just loving us through it all, in Jesus' name.
55:24 Amen.
55:25 Father, as we continue in prayer,
55:27 we just thank you for the gift of Jesus.
55:30 We thank you for that
55:31 because of his sacrifice and because of his blood
55:34 we can be justified, made right with you.
55:39 And we thank you for that. We accept that just now.
55:42 We accept your forgiveness and your cleansing for us here
55:46 and for our brothers and sisters at home.
55:48 Lord, we just pray unitedly together right now
55:51 that you would pour your peace into our hearts and lives
55:55 and that we could get to know you as our best friend.
55:58 Yes.
55:59 Father, in heaven, Lord, it's a blessing
56:01 to be able to come to you at the end of a busy week
56:05 and, Lord, we want to lay our lives in your hands,
56:10 Lord, 100% of the time.
56:11 I know, it's hard, I know in my own life at times, Lord,
56:15 when I take things on my won strength,
56:16 but, Lord, true peace comes by following you
56:19 100% of the time
56:20 and trusting you and having faith in you.
56:23 And so, Father, I just pray
56:24 that someone's watching or listening on the radio,
56:27 Lord, and they are struggling with peace,
56:28 not sure what directions they should go
56:30 or in really dark circumstances followed that their faith
56:34 and trust would be in you.
56:36 In Jesus' name we pray, amen. Amen.
56:40 Wow, we have 50 some seconds left.
56:42 Thank you so much, Mom and Dad,
56:44 for joining us on Family Worship.
56:46 It's been a real privilege and thank you for being
56:48 the best mom and dad in the world.
56:49 Thank you.
56:51 Thank you too, Sis, for being on Family Worship.
56:52 Yeah, it's wonderful.
56:53 It's so nice to be together as family,
56:55 for being the best sis in the whole wide world.
56:56 You're the best brother for everyone out there.
56:57 It's amazing.
56:59 It's great, so thank you
57:00 and thank you for joining us at Family Worship.
57:02 It's a blessing to join with you everyday,
57:05 Family Worship, I know as we open the Sabbath.
57:07 Thank you for doing that that you do each and every day
57:10 and then week of course as we open the Sabbath here.
57:12 but we just pray that,
57:14 that you will accept Jesus Christ into your lives,
57:17 that you'll accept the peace that passes all understanding
57:21 that you will build relationship with Jesus Christ
57:24 by reading his word, opening it on a daily basis
57:27 because there are treasures in God's word for all of us
57:32 and we can learn something new from him everyday.
57:34 Thank you for joining us. God bless you.
57:35 Have a happy Sabbath. Amen.


Revised 2017-05-04