Today Family Worship

Perfect Peace

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: JD Quinn (Host), Shelley Quinn (Host), CA Murray, Irma Murray, Tim Parton, Jason Bradley


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017009A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, we welcome you to 3ABN family worship.
01:10 I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:12 And I'm JD Quinn.
01:13 And the reason we're celebrating
01:14 is because this is the Sabbath
01:16 and we're celebrating the Lord of the Sabbath.
01:19 Exodus 31:13,
01:21 God says that the Sabbath is a sign
01:24 that He is the one who sanctifies us,
01:27 so you realize what that means.
01:29 The Sabbath is the sign
01:31 of the everlasting Gospel of Grace
01:34 and I don't know about you all but for me,
01:37 I grew up performing for the Lord,
01:40 you know, trying to be
01:42 the best little girl I could be,
01:43 trying to be a good young lady, and everything
01:47 and I finally got to the point
01:48 when I was doing it myself that I thought,
01:50 "Ok Lord, you demand too much."
01:53 And I actually walked away from God for a while.
01:55 And it was as the Lord taught me the truth about Grace
01:59 in His plan of salvation
02:01 that is just total dependence on Him
02:04 that He will meet back.
02:06 I mean, He chased me down really with his love
02:10 and now I from week to week,
02:14 you know, when it comes time for the Sabbath,
02:16 it's just like such a wonderful beautiful reminder
02:20 of why we can celebrate God's love
02:22 and that He's the one, salvation belongs to Him.
02:25 Amen.
02:27 Halleluiah. Amen.
02:28 We have got an exciting group with us tonight.
02:32 I'm going to start to my left
02:34 and we have CA and Irma Murray with us.
02:37 CA is the general manager for Proclaim,
02:40 Irma, you're with the 3ABN Latino.
02:44 We're well represented here when going around.
02:47 Then we have Jason Bradley
02:48 who is the assistant to the general manager
02:51 for our Dare to Dream channel
02:53 and Tim Parton who is the general manager
02:55 of Praise Him, our Music Channel.
02:58 And there are just a lot of exciting things going on
03:01 but we just want to welcome you as part of our family
03:05 and thank you so much
03:06 for being part of the 3ABN family
03:09 for lifting us up in prayer
03:11 and the work that God is doing here,
03:13 and for your support of the work.
03:15 We really do appreciate you.
03:17 It's wonderful to be able to bring the Sabbath
03:19 and with good friends.
03:20 Yes, it is.
03:22 And being able to separate, you know, the work we...
03:26 from getting into His Word full time
03:28 which is actually fantastic.
03:30 Amen.
03:32 Tonight, we're going to be talking about perfect peace,
03:36 will be our topic.
03:37 But before we begin on our topic
03:41 we know that you love music, we love to sing.
03:44 We may just be making joyful noise to the Lord
03:47 but we love to sing
03:49 and the song we're going to sing is
03:50 "It Is Well With My Soul."
03:52 Tim, tell us the story behind this song.
03:55 There's a wonderful story behind this song.
03:57 The gentleman who wrote the song,
03:58 his name was Horatio Spafford.
04:01 And he and his wife and four daughters
04:03 had decided to take a journey across the ocean
04:06 from America to Europe, across the Atlantic
04:09 and he had some business to take care of
04:11 which kept him from going with them
04:14 so he was going to take a leadership
04:15 so he sent his wife and daughters across.
04:17 This was back in 1873 and four days into the journey,
04:24 the ship that the wife and daughters were on
04:28 collided with another ship
04:31 and within just a matter of minutes
04:33 that ship sank,
04:35 the one that his wife and daughters were on,
04:38 and his wife managed to get away
04:42 on floating some debris
04:45 and a man in a row boat happened to find her
04:49 but the four daughters perished
04:52 and so she, his wife, sent a telegraph
04:56 back to her husband telling him what had happened.
05:00 And so he immediately took a ship
05:03 and went out and about the four days...
05:08 about the time he was over the area where they sank,
05:12 it is said that he wrote the lyrics to the song,
05:15 "It Is Well With My Soul."
05:17 And there were several events.
05:19 Actually, they had had a son
05:20 who had died of Pneumonia earlier
05:23 and they had lost a big part of their business
05:26 in the Chicago fire,
05:28 so it's just a testimony to their resilience
05:32 in God's power
05:33 and peace that He can bring.
05:35 The peace that transcends all understanding
05:37 While you're making your way to the piano,
05:39 we're just going to think about God's perfect peace.
05:45 You know, no one could write the words to this song
05:49 if they didn't know the Lord.
05:51 I mean, I don't know how many
05:52 when faces the death of a child,
05:54 if they don't know God, and I'm sure that Horatio had
05:58 the perfect peace that he would be reunited
06:01 and get to spend eternity
06:03 with his children later, you know.
06:05 So he wrote this beautiful song
06:07 and the words are going to be on the screen for you
06:11 to sing along with us.
06:12 Please do, just...
06:13 let's all make a joyful noise to the Lord.
06:26 When peace, like a river
06:31 Attendeth my way
06:36 When sorrows like sea billows roll.
06:43 Whatever my lot
06:47 Thou hast taught me to say
06:52 It is well
06:55 It is well with my soul
07:03 It is well
07:05 With my soul
07:12 It is well
07:15 It is well with my soul
07:23 My sin O the joy
07:27 Of this glorious thought
07:32 My sin, not in part but the whole
07:40 Is nailed to the cross
07:44 And I bear it no more
07:49 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord
07:54 O my soul
07:59 It is well
08:02 It is well with my soul.
08:07 It is well with my soul
08:09 It is well
08:12 It is well with my soul.
08:19 And Lord, haste the day
08:24 When my faith shall be sight
08:29 The clouds be rolled back as a scroll
08:37 The trump shall resound
08:41 And the Lord shall descend
08:46 Even so
08:49 It is well with my soul.
08:56 It is well, it is well
09:01 With my soul.
09:06 It is well, it is well
09:11 With my soul
09:22 Irma has said it.
09:24 I love this song but as you've said in the past,
09:26 when Tim is playing
09:28 it makes us feel like we can sing well.
09:34 That is such an amazing story
09:36 and it is such an amazing thought
09:40 that no matter what's going on,
09:42 God can be our comfort,
09:44 God is our assurance, our confidence,
09:46 our peace, our calmness, he is everything you see now.
09:50 Amen.
09:51 Well, I'm going to read to you
09:53 an affirmation from the scripture
09:55 that just simply means you're taking scripture
09:58 and you're either praying it over your life
10:01 or you're praying it back to God,
10:03 so let me read this to you
10:04 and then we're going to look at the scriptures
10:06 that support this.
10:08 This is the affirmation: I'm walking in constant peace,
10:12 His peace that guards my heart in all circumstances
10:16 and is beyond human understanding.
10:18 God keeps me in perfect peace because my mind
10:22 has a steadfast trust in his faithfulness.
10:24 Amen.
10:25 God is not the author of confusion.
10:27 When I begin to feel stressed and anxious,
10:29 I realize my eyes are not focused on my Lord.
10:33 I return my thoughts to Him
10:35 and place my complete trust in Him.
10:38 He restores my peace
10:40 causing me to overflow with hope
10:43 by the power of his Holy Spirit
10:46 and that's what these scriptures combine
10:49 that we're getting ready to look at.
10:51 That is the affirmation you can take from that that God
10:54 is the restorer of your peace,
10:57 as long as we keep our eyes focused on Him
11:00 trusting in Him.
11:01 And I believe that, Irma, you're going to kick things off
11:05 with the first scripture which is Philippians 4:6,7.
11:11 Six and seven...
11:13 Yes, Shelley, this is a verse
11:15 that has spoken to me many times
11:18 because I tend to worry a little bit,
11:21 you know, from time to time.
11:23 I worry about my husband, I worry about my grandchildren,
11:26 I am worried about my children,
11:29 sometimes I worry about myself too
11:31 and things and though I pray and give it to the Lord,
11:36 I need an assurance and sometimes
11:38 I need the power of the Holy Spirit
11:41 to keep me in peace.
11:43 And this verse, it says,
11:45 and I'm gonna read it out of this little paper
11:48 because it is easier for me to read taken the glasses.
11:51 In verse 6,
11:53 it says "Be careful for nothing,
11:56 but in everything by prayer and supplication
12:00 with thanksgiving
12:02 let your request be made known to God."
12:06 And verse seven says, "And the peace of God,
12:08 which passes all understanding,
12:11 shall keep your hearts and minds
12:14 through Jesus Christ."
12:16 Amen.
12:17 And so we have here,
12:21 looking a little bit unto the verse,
12:23 that in the King James Version says, "Be careful."
12:28 And the word, "be careful" in the Greek is morior,
12:35 and to me that sounded a little bit like death,
12:38 you know, kind of that dark place
12:41 but it means division or dividing.
12:46 It means like, it's almost like a split personality
12:52 because it just break things apart
12:55 and you're not together and...
12:57 It says, be careful for nothing,
13:00 be anxious for nothing
13:02 'cause that gives you the split personality.
13:04 Yes and I thought that was
13:06 this really good understanding of what that means
13:10 because yeah anxious, you know,
13:14 usually that's what you get
13:16 and you feel like the word anxious is just one thing.
13:19 But the other version of the Bible is saying that
13:23 it also means careful.
13:24 You know, sometimes perhaps we are not anxious totally
13:28 but we are really concerned
13:32 we haven't given everything to the Lord completely
13:35 and in James it says,
13:39 not to be the world minded, the world minded
13:43 in all things.
13:45 You know, we have to be careful of that.
13:47 The word minded is like you're not, you know,
13:51 you say you are with the Lord but then you're not,
13:54 so it's kind of like one foot in one place
13:56 and one foot in other.
13:58 And thinking of it my husband
14:03 has a very beautiful sermon
14:07 about "be focused" so to me this is, you know,
14:11 we have to focus in Christ,
14:14 keep that focus, don't, you know,
14:16 give it to the Lord
14:18 but don't keep going back and forth
14:21 and kind of rehearsing your mind the situation
14:25 but just focus that Christ,
14:28 you have given it to Him
14:30 and He is the one
14:31 who is going to give you the peace that you need.
14:34 And the result of keeping that mind in Christ
14:38 is the peace
14:39 that we cannot find it on anything in the world.
14:44 Amen.
14:45 Because that peace comes directly from the God.
14:48 I have sometimes answered the phone
14:52 and people have called me
14:54 because they have a some really difficult situation
14:58 and I have expressed this to them just, you know,
15:03 keep the mind in God
15:05 because we so easily go back and forth on our problem
15:11 but sometimes I've asked the question also well
15:13 but that means that you don't pray,
15:17 you pray once and you don't pray anymore.
15:20 I said, "No, I think that we...
15:21 yes, the Lord said we can continue praying
15:25 but we cannot continue also
15:27 more and more and thanking God
15:29 for what we haven't seen yet."
15:30 Yes, amen.
15:31 And because we have that peace in that belief
15:34 that he's going to answer the question to our problem.
15:39 Amen.
15:40 You know there are several things that you said.
15:42 Number one, quick rehearsing the problem essentialis
15:45 what you're saying
15:47 and I have sometimes shared this thought with people
15:51 who, you know,
15:54 peace is nothing more than worry bathed in prayer.
15:57 I mean, once you take...
15:59 we all worry, I mean, that's a natural thing.
16:01 Yes.
16:03 Once we bathe it in prayer that peace comes
16:05 but I've talked with people and I call it the God box
16:08 because if there is somebody that
16:09 just can't let go of something...
16:11 What I told them to do is
16:12 write out your problem on a piece of paper,
16:15 pray about it
16:17 and then go put it in the box that this is...
16:19 As long as it is in the box it's in God's hands
16:23 but now the minute you start worrying about it
16:25 again that means you have to go give the paper
16:27 and put it in your pocket
16:29 because as long as you're worrying about it
16:30 then you are... Not allowing God.
16:32 It's basically like
16:34 you've taken it back from the Lord.
16:36 You know, you're not laying it at his feet
16:38 and so there's been several people who said,
16:41 "That helped so much."
16:42 So I just want to encourage you at home
16:44 if there's just something you can't let go of,
16:47 pray about it, write it up,
16:49 pray about it, put it in that box,
16:51 and just remember that
16:52 every time you start worrying about it
16:53 you have to take it out and carry it around
16:55 because basically when you start worrying,
16:57 you've taken it out of the Lords hands.
16:59 Yes.
17:00 One of the gospel says,
17:01 "Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there."
17:06 Amen.
17:10 In the peace of God
17:12 does transcend all understanding.
17:14 I have a dear friend of mine, Elaine,
17:17 we were college roommates
17:19 and her daughter was I believe 11 years old.
17:24 They lived in New Mexico on a ranch
17:25 but they were having...
17:27 Out in the country they were having a race.
17:29 That was a kids' bicycle race
17:31 and they have closed off the highway
17:33 for this bicycle race.
17:35 Well, a drunk driver broke through the barricades
17:40 and hit her child and killed her immediately.
17:43 And she said...
17:45 When she got the news and she got there
17:48 and saw the crumpled body of her daughter,
17:50 she said that she was nearly hysterical
17:53 when someone, she said
17:55 she doesn't even know who it was,
17:56 but someone took me by the shoulders from behind
18:00 and prayed in my ear for the peace
18:03 that transcends all understanding.
18:05 And she said that as that prayer...
18:07 She said it was just like peace flooded her,
18:10 and she had a peace beyond understanding,
18:16 throughout the entire loss of this child.
18:18 I mean it was something that was supernatural
18:22 and I think that's what we're talking about.
18:26 Yes, you know, Shelley, there was a time in my life
18:28 also that I had this painful situation
18:33 and I would go to work
18:35 because I needed to go to work,
18:36 I could not just be taking days and just stay in home also
18:40 and it gets worse sometimes.
18:42 Sure.
18:43 It's just we need to, your mind is on the problem,
18:47 and I had a friend also who used to call me at work,
18:52 and she said to me,
18:53 "You don't have to say anything.
18:54 I'm just calling you to give you this promise."
18:57 And then she would pray with me
18:59 and I'll tell you that it was one moment
19:03 that she called me just at the right time
19:07 and after she read this promise to me,
19:11 I actually felt someone hugging me from the back.
19:17 Hugging me that I'd never forget that
19:19 because it was so surreal.
19:22 Amen.
19:23 And from then definitely it was a big change for me.
19:28 Amen. Yes.
19:30 Glory to God.
19:31 Obviously, that's what you needed at that time.
19:32 Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Yeah.
19:34 Claiming and rehearsing the promises of God,
19:36 there is an inherent strength.
19:38 Amen.
19:40 The Bible says, ask and keep on asking,
19:42 those words are in the, in the perfect tense,
19:45 which means keep on doing it.
19:46 Ask one time and forget about it.
19:47 But if you've got a burden,
19:49 then your request should be commensurate with your burden.
19:52 If you have a strong burden then keep on asking.
19:54 You know, if you want some real bad
19:55 like a child that wants a quarter,
19:56 can I get it now, can I get it now,
19:58 can I get it now, can I get it now?
20:00 And if you want salvation...
20:02 if you want peace it's there,
20:04 you got to work at it if you want it really bad
20:05 because it is worth the work.
20:07 Amen.
20:09 Oh, Jason, why don't you read Isaiah 26:3.
20:14 Sure, I really like this verse,
20:16 "You will keep Him in perfect peace,
20:18 whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You."
20:22 It's so important that if we want peace
20:24 we have to believe that God will give it to us,
20:26 you know, by beholding we become changed,
20:28 so when we behold Christ
20:30 we're claiming His promises, we're learning about Him,
20:34 we're taking on His characteristics.
20:38 I remember when my appendix ruptured
20:41 and I was out of the church then,
20:43 so the devil was trying to get me,
20:45 in my sense it wanted to take me out,
20:47 and my mom was really, really concerned about me,
20:50 and she was hysterical because she was in Dallas
20:53 and I was in Atlanta at that time.
20:55 And somebody called her and prayed with her
20:58 and she just felt it.
21:00 She got on the next flight and came out to be with me
21:02 but she just felt at peace.
21:04 And then I remember being in the hospital
21:06 I still, you know, while I was in the hospital,
21:07 I still didn't give my heart to the Lord
21:10 but I remember Doctor Crouton Bird
21:13 coming to pray with me.
21:14 I didn't even know him, you know,
21:16 he came and prayed with me, so every time I see him now
21:20 I still thank him as just an ongoing thing.
21:23 I just thank him for coming to pray with me
21:26 and it's just amazing that when we give stuff to God
21:31 and leave it there
21:33 that we're not trying to take the place of God,
21:36 we're not trying to play his role.
21:38 You know, a lot of times
21:39 when we take things into our own hands,
21:41 we just dig ourselves in a deeper hole.
21:43 I think the Bible says somewhere
21:46 that and I'm paraphrasing,
21:48 like stress and worry doesn't add one cubit
21:52 to the stature or something like that.
21:55 You're not going to extend or prolong your life
21:58 by worrying yourself.
22:01 You're gonna kill yourself a little bit faster.
22:04 Then, also, if I can share this one with you,
22:07 Proverbs 3:1,2.
22:10 "My son, forget not my law,
22:12 but let thine heart keep my commandments
22:15 for length of days, and long life, and peace,
22:18 shall they add to thee."
22:19 You know by keeping Gods commandments,
22:22 we're prolonging our life
22:24 because His commandments are meant to be a burden
22:26 but they are out of love.
22:27 They are but then they are the pathway to blessing but...
22:30 So basically, Isaiah 26:3 tells me that
22:34 "Perfect peace is conditional."
22:35 Amen.
22:37 Because there is two conditions there.
22:39 That we got to keep our mind focused on Him
22:43 and trusting in Him.
22:44 And I have to tell you one time,
22:46 one day I got up and I was praying this
22:48 as an affirmation and I was like,
22:50 "Father, thank you that you keep me perfect
22:53 in perfect peace.
22:54 Thank you that you keep my eyes focused on you.
22:56 Thank you for increasing my trust in you."
22:59 Well, JD was out of town
23:01 and about an hour later I got a phone call
23:03 and it was a bad phone call.
23:06 And I was for the next hour, wringing my hands, just pacing,
23:11 I was trying to get a hold of Him,
23:12 and I'm thinking, "What are we gonna do?
23:14 What are we gonna do?"
23:15 And suddenly this still small voice of the Lord
23:18 impressed this thought upon my mind and he said,
23:21 "Where are your eyes focused, on me or on the problem?"
23:26 And I said, "Father, forgive me.
23:29 Thank you that you're returning my focus to you.
23:32 Thank you that, you know, I do trust you Lord,
23:35 and I thank you that you're gonna give me
23:36 your perfect peace."
23:38 And it was like that, I had perfect peace.
23:40 And you know what,
23:42 within eight hours the Lord had the whole problem,
23:46 it was 8 to 12 hours
23:48 and the whole problem was worked out.
23:49 The thing that was about to give me a heart attack.
23:55 And you said, you pointed out that last part
23:58 because they trust in you, you know,
24:01 Hebrews 11:6 I think it is,
24:05 "Without faith it is impossible to please God."
24:07 Amen.
24:08 So if you don't trust in God
24:11 then basically it's almost like calling Him a liar.
24:15 You're not taking Him on His Word
24:17 1 John 5:10 and Luther 12 talks about that if we don't...
24:22 yeah specifically they call Him a liar.
24:24 Oh, JD, you've got John 14:27.
24:30 Yes.
24:31 First, I'm gonna read it to you.
24:33 Let me make the point that this is written in red,
24:37 so Jesus is speaking here.
24:39 And let me set the stage.
24:42 This is Judas.
24:45 Judas has been called and so Judas leaves.
24:50 It's in upper room.
24:54 Jesus is saying, whoever...
24:56 I'm going to dip this bread and whoever I give it to,
24:58 that's who is not on our team.
25:01 And so He handed it to Judas, Judas then left.
25:05 And at this particular time then Jesus speaks
25:11 and He is saying, "Peace I'll leave with you."
25:16 And the Amplified says, my own peace,
25:19 I have now given bequeath to you,
25:20 His peace because now the team is complete,
25:26 11 players that are on His side
25:29 and the betrayer is thrown out the window, okay?
25:33 So my own peace I give and bequeath to you.
25:36 Not as the world do I give to you,
25:38 so do not let your hearts be troubled
25:40 and neither let them be afraid.
25:42 Now that's John 14:27 and John 14:1 will go up here,
25:47 and this is the way
25:49 He's starting this conversation.
25:52 He's saying,
25:53 "Let not your heart be troubled."
25:55 He's talking to his 11 disciples there,
25:58 "Let not your hearts be troubled,
26:00 you believe in God."
26:02 Believe is a very very important key word here...
26:06 You believe in God, believe also in me.
26:09 And so then as we go through here,
26:12 "My peace I leave with you, my own peace."
26:14 Now, as I give to you
26:16 don't let your heart be troubled,
26:17 neither let it be afraid.
26:19 Then we go down here,
26:20 and we look in the middle in Chapter 14,
26:23 and that's where this is all coming from.
26:25 And He's beginning to use the word "say" in verse 12,
26:30 believe in me."
26:31 Take it down, believe in me,
26:34 believe in me, believe in me, believe in me,
26:38 and so this becomes the center stage.
26:42 "Let not your heart be troubled,
26:44 neither let it be afraid, believe in me."
26:48 And then He goes on to say that...
26:54 you think that you believe in me now
26:56 because of who I am and what you're seeing
26:59 but you just wait a few days
27:02 and then you truly will believe in me
27:05 because then you'll see that everything plays out is
27:09 as I have led you to believe.
27:12 So what he's saying here
27:15 and this is what he is saying to JD Quinn:
27:18 JD, if you don't want your heart to be troubled,
27:21 if you don't want to be fainthearted
27:23 believe in me, trust in me
27:26 and then those waters will split.
27:29 Amen.
27:30 You know, I will be there to assist you.
27:33 So it's very personal.
27:34 Yes, it is. Very personal.
27:36 And so I just thank that He says, "Listen,
27:39 peace I'll leave with you, JD,
27:41 peace I'll leave with you, Shelley.
27:43 My own peace, I'll give to each one of you
27:46 just believe in me.
27:47 Amen.
27:48 You know, I think that something that really struck me
27:52 and, CA, you might comment on this,
27:54 is that here He's just identified his betrayer
28:01 and He knows He's about to go to a trial.
28:05 He knows He's going to be crucified.
28:08 But yet, He is filled with perfect peace.
28:11 That's an amazing thing that Christ himself,
28:16 even in the midst of all this, He had peace.
28:18 Yeah.
28:20 I think one of the things that results in peace
28:22 is knowing your purpose and fulfilling that purpose
28:25 by maintaining your focus.
28:26 Amen. He knew why he had come.
28:28 He knew what his purpose was and when you know your purpose,
28:33 it allows you to deal with a lot of the...
28:36 may I use an unsanctified term, "mess"
28:39 that life turns and throws your away.
28:42 When you know your purpose, I know I'm here.
28:44 The road to heaven is not a straight line, you know,
28:47 lot of zigs and curves and stuff,
28:50 you know, you're heading in the right direction
28:51 but you're making up and down
28:53 and around and corner and stuff comes.
28:55 When you know your purpose
28:56 it allows you to negotiate all of that stuff
28:59 that you had to go through on the way to the kingdom.
29:01 He knew his purpose,
29:03 He knew He had come to die, He knew...
29:04 And there were times, you know, when it got a little hazy,
29:07 but He knew his purpose and He pushed through.
29:10 He set his face, the Bible says like a flint
29:12 to go to Jerusalem.
29:13 He knew he had to do that and when we set our purpose,
29:17 we know our purpose
29:18 and maintain our focus on Christ,
29:20 we can negotiate some of the stuff
29:21 because life is going to throw some stuff at you,
29:23 you got to know why you are here
29:25 and who you're following
29:26 or you will lose your mind and your soul
29:28 and everything else,
29:29 but having that focus on Jesus
29:32 allows you to negotiate the curves of life.
29:34 Amen.
29:35 I like that part in there where it says,
29:37 "My own peace I now give and bequeath to you
29:40 not as the world gives do I give to you."
29:43 So basically, that points out that the world...
29:45 What the world is giving is counterfeit,
29:48 what the world is giving is not genuine, true peace,
29:51 you know, to be able to go through the midst of trials,
29:55 to be persecuted,
29:56 to experience the shameful death
29:59 that Christ experienced,
30:00 and still be able to have peace.
30:04 The world can't even offer that at all.
30:06 What the world offers is Valium and wine and...
30:12 It's temporary then you wake up worst.
30:15 Yes, I was thinking also, can you imagine
30:18 the disciples looking at the face of Jesus
30:21 and Jesus is telling them this.
30:23 Yes.
30:24 And you think well,
30:28 that it was easy for them
30:31 because they were looking at Jesus there
30:33 but it was not.
30:35 You know, because when we see the story and how it goes.
30:37 They didn't even fully understand that this point...
30:39 Yes. They didn't...
30:41 That He was going to die.
30:43 So they believed that it was His word
30:47 and that He is saying this to you.
30:49 It is so helpful to think, you know,
30:53 God has sent not just the disciple
30:56 but to take it like you said,
30:57 like an affirmation to yourself in prayer to God
31:01 and give it to him what you have gone through.
31:04 And He will take this back,
31:06 remember that Judas just walked out
31:07 and then you go back...
31:09 We're talking about John 14 here.
31:11 We go back to the end of the chapter
31:12 in John 13:31,
31:16 Judas walks out
31:17 and then...
31:22 Jesus sits a little bit straighter in His chair
31:24 and then He says that,
31:26 "So when he had gone out..."
31:28 When Judas has gone out, Jesus says,
31:30 "Now, the Son of Man is glorified
31:34 and God is glorified in Him."
31:36 So it's kind of like, wow,
31:39 that's just an affirmation of who Jesus is
31:44 and so because
31:45 we're going back to this belief,
31:47 if I'm gonna follow CA,
31:49 I need to believe that CA is who he says he is.
31:52 If I've got any doubt well then I'm hesitant
31:56 and I'm not so loud so this is just another one.
31:59 We got rid of this issue right here guys,
32:02 and they don't know...
32:03 They thought that may be Judas was going to town
32:06 to get to buy some groceries for the feast.
32:08 I mean, that's how in dark they were.
32:11 The voice sits up,
32:13 "Now the Son of Man is glorified."
32:15 Amen.
32:16 And this is Jesus himself who needed
32:19 the assurance of His Father
32:21 and that point he had that peace
32:25 and he had to know,
32:28 I mean, we can't imagine what He had to go through
32:31 but for him that He is God also to know exactly.
32:36 But just think about this.
32:37 Here He is in perfect peace now.
32:38 He leaves here, he goes to the garden
32:40 and there was a struggle,
32:42 I mean, he went through an emotional struggle
32:44 into that point, you know,
32:46 asking if there is any way possible
32:47 to let cup pass for me.
32:49 So it shows us as we said earlier,
32:52 that it is this continuing in prayer,
32:56 it's continuing in yielding to the Lord
32:58 because He did come to that point of not my will
33:01 but thine be done.
33:02 Yeah.
33:04 So even Jesus who is walking in perfect peace
33:07 He is sweating drops of blood, you know...
33:09 Precisely. Right.
33:10 Then he come at the spot
33:12 because he's in trouble, you know, yeah.
33:14 Yeah. Okay.
33:15 Well, let's look at Isaiah 30:15
33:19 and I'm glad I ended up with this one
33:21 because this is one of my favorite verses.
33:25 Isaiah 30:15 says, "For thus said the Lord God,
33:29 the Holy One of Israel, in returning to me
33:33 and resting in me you shall be saved,
33:37 in quietness and in trusting confidence
33:41 shall be your strength."
33:42 So let me set this up,
33:45 God's people are, they've got a problem,
33:48 they've got the Assyrians that are ready to attack them
33:52 and God comes to them and says,
33:55 "Hey." I mean they had been, kind of,
33:57 straying in the wrong direction.
33:59 He says, "Return to me, rest in me,
34:02 I'm your salvation."
34:04 That's what he's saying
34:05 and then if you will quietly confidently trust in me,
34:10 I'll be your strength.
34:12 But what they did was
34:14 they refused to listen to the word of the Lord
34:17 and they turned instead...
34:18 Instead of listening to the truth,
34:21 they listened to an illusion of truth.
34:23 They turned to Egypt to try to save him
34:26 and, of course, we know what a disappointment that was
34:29 because there was trouble and defeat on every side,
34:32 but when God was speaking to them,
34:37 He was offering them this simple remedy...
34:40 "Return, repent,"
34:42 I mean, no matter how bad things are,
34:43 you can repent, return to me,
34:46 find your rest in me because I am your salvation
34:49 and it's something that only he can give us this peace,
34:53 this calmness, this strength.
34:55 We've got a weight on him
34:57 and he'll give us the strength to face our difficulties.
35:01 But the reason I love this,
35:04 I'm gonna take this kind of out of context a little.
35:07 I was claiming this verse as "my life verse"
35:14 that "in returning to me, resting in me,
35:16 you'll be saved in quietness
35:18 and in trusting confidence shall be your strength."
35:21 Of course, he finishes the verse saying,
35:24 "But you would not."
35:25 And I just left that part out.
35:27 Well, when I started celebrating God's holy day,
35:35 his Sabbath,
35:39 I remember on that very first Sabbath,
35:41 that the Lord said,
35:43 "Finally you're returning to me.
35:46 You're resting in me
35:49 and I will be your salvation."
35:51 And you know, to me this verse is just so very precious
35:56 because for someone
35:58 who has been all over this scale on grace.
36:02 You know, not knowing anything about God's grace,
36:05 taking it to the other extreme
36:07 where, you know, not understanding that
36:10 grace in power means to obey
36:13 and that obedience
36:14 is the pathway to God's blessings
36:15 which you were talking about earlier,
36:18 it was when I started spending this time with God,
36:22 just resting in this total assurance,
36:25 that he was the one, all he asked me to do
36:27 is to yield control to him,
36:30 to consent for him to do his way.
36:33 That's when God really did give me
36:37 the assurance of salvation
36:39 and so to me it's just a very special verse.
36:42 Praise the Lord.
36:44 That is fabulous.
36:45 It really is. Amen.
36:47 Well, thank that, CA, I want to talk about but, boy,
36:51 to me it's hard to beat through these words,
36:54 its quietness and confidence
36:56 because when you're having a...
36:58 when there's a lot of guilt in your life,
37:00 you're just continuously beating yourself up,
37:02 and it's just wonderful.
37:04 Just give me some quietness,
37:05 just let me have some of that assurance
37:07 that you're talking about.
37:08 Amen.
37:10 And so then all of a sudden, you know,
37:11 it's like that slate just becomes kind of clean
37:15 and so that's that quietness
37:17 and then you have that confidence.
37:19 Man, there is a lot of difference
37:20 when you can stand up a little taller
37:22 and have a skip in your step
37:24 and that's called confidence
37:26 and so whenever the slate is getting cleaner
37:30 because of your relationship with the Lord
37:34 and you have the confidence to go with that
37:37 and so now I do understand returning,
37:39 I do understand resting in the Lord.
37:41 Amen. Amen.
37:45 I think for some reason,
37:47 I just feel very impressed right now
37:49 to pray for someone who is watching
37:51 and Sam when I ask you to
37:53 but there's someone who's watching right now
37:56 who the reason you have no peace
37:58 it's not anything that's financial
38:01 or it's not what's going on around you.
38:04 It's what's going on inside of you because you have,
38:08 you feel like you have walked
38:10 too far away from God to return,
38:13 but we just want you to know that
38:15 the Lord is waiting for you with open arms.
38:19 You may be that prodigal child and he will...
38:22 if you will just turn begin to draw near to Him
38:26 He will run to you and embrace you
38:29 and He will be your salvation.
38:30 Could you pray for that person?
38:32 Gracious Father, it comes to our mind
38:35 now the words of James,
38:36 "Where does wars come from,
38:38 where does strife has comes from?
38:40 It comes from unsettled hearts and strife that is within us."
38:44 And Father for that soul out there
38:46 who is battling the battle with self,
38:49 who is dealing with internal turmoil,
38:53 O Father, help him to know
38:56 the peace that passes all understanding
38:59 is theirs for the asking,
39:00 that if they will but turn to Jesus
39:03 peace will flood their soul
39:05 that they've never experienced before.
39:07 Amen.
39:08 And that will be with them for ever
39:10 as they take hold of the unchanging hand of the Master.
39:12 O Father, whatever the problem is,
39:15 you have the answer.
39:16 You are the healer.
39:17 You are the one who can make calm out of chaos.
39:24 And, O Father, give them now peace within
39:27 and we thank you Father
39:28 because You have promised
39:30 to hear and answer the prayer of faith
39:31 in Jesus' name, amen.
39:33 Amen and amen.
39:36 All right, well, I think who's got our next scripture.
39:39 I believe that would be Tim Parton.
39:41 Yeah. Okay.
39:43 And I am going to James, the Book of James 3:18.
39:52 The New Kings James Version says,
39:54 "The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace,
39:57 by those who make peace."
39:59 I love the scriptures that we've been reading,
40:03 it says be anxious for nothing,
40:06 you keep your mind stayed on Christ,
40:09 let not your heart be troubled,
40:11 in returning to me and resting.
40:14 These are all verbs things that like you say
40:17 there is a requirement from us.
40:21 And a lot of times in your proclamation at the beginning
40:24 you said that God is not the author of confusion.
40:27 Whenever I begin to feel stressed and anxious,
40:29 I realize my eyes are not focused on my Lord.
40:32 Yes, amen.
40:35 It's easy to blame life and situations,
40:42 on our lack of peace but, you know,
40:44 there are a lot of times that we make bad decisions
40:48 and then we say why are things,
40:51 why is everything in chaos, you know,
40:52 why is my life in such distress and unpeaceful,
40:55 why can't I get any rest.
40:58 Well, that's when James comes along
41:00 in his practical way
41:02 and he's actually talking about wisdom
41:04 in this section in the end of chapter three.
41:08 But he concludes in verse 18
41:13 by saying the fruit of righteousness,
41:15 in other words, the result of righteousness,
41:17 of right living, is sown in peace.
41:21 So if you want peace, what do you got to sow?
41:25 You got to sow peace.
41:28 So that's the beautiful thing
41:30 and I know we've been talking up to this point
41:32 about the peace that comes from Christ
41:34 and from God that He supplies us
41:37 if we trust in him and do these things
41:40 but I think there comes a point in our lives
41:43 where we have to be practical and do make wise choices
41:48 and, you know, I know I'm not picking on anybody,
41:51 you know, for the things you've done.
41:54 But yeah, it helps us
41:56 if we can only look far enough down
42:00 it's just the simple fact that
42:01 all of our choices bring results.
42:04 Amen.
42:05 And so if you wanna live a life of peace,
42:09 sow a little peace.
42:11 When you said that you reminded me
42:13 of Romans 12:18, I just love Paul
42:16 and I love this particular verse.
42:18 He says, Romans 12:18 says, "If it is possible,
42:24 as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men."
42:29 Yes.
42:30 It is not always possible to be at peace with everyone,
42:34 but you're still supposed to sow peace
42:36 at your the end of it,
42:38 you've got to be the peacemaker.
42:40 Very much right.
42:41 Blessed are the peacemakers.
42:43 The fruit is righteousness. Amen.
42:46 Yeah, that the fruit of righteousness
42:48 is sown in peace by those who make peace.
42:50 So I encourage you, if you have, like you say,
42:53 if it's up to you, be peaceful in every situation.
42:57 And you know what?
42:58 It's kind of fun when you can...
43:03 like you say sometimes it's not
43:04 the easiest route to go,
43:06 it's not with the least resistance
43:10 even though it is peaceful,
43:11 you know, like God,
43:13 you would surely make that an easy thing
43:16 if we know that that's gonna be peace
43:18 the result is gonna be peace then it might be easy,
43:21 but it's not always easy
43:23 because there area lot of situations
43:24 on the news today and countries fighting
43:27 you think there's got to be an answer
43:29 that we could make it,
43:31 you know, that we could all just get...
43:32 Can't we all just get along. That's my story.
43:34 Yeah.
43:36 But you've got to work for peace.
43:39 Yes. You've got to...
43:41 There is intent and striving in making peace even,
43:45 in my opinion.
43:46 Well, you know, when Jesus said to love those who hate you,
43:50 bless those who persecute you,
43:52 and do good don't repay evil for evil
43:56 but do good unto those and he says in doing so
43:59 you're heaping burning coals upon their head.
44:01 Well, some people feel like that's retribution but it's not
44:06 because in Egypt there was the practice of
44:11 when people were in repentance
44:16 they would wear this head gear they had this plate,
44:19 and they would wear like a bowl of burning coals on their head,
44:24 and that was, you know, like we hear about
44:26 how the Jews would put
44:28 dust and ashes on them for repentance.
44:30 Well, this meant that
44:32 they were walking in repentance.
44:34 So what Jesus was saying is when you're sowing peace.
44:39 When someone's persecuting you but you're sowing peace,
44:42 you help bring them to repentance,
44:45 Isn't that neat? I mean,
44:47 that's really neat to understand
44:49 that, you know, it may not always be possible
44:53 but at least you've got the,
44:55 you know, you're introducing, you're interjecting,
44:58 or allowing God to intervene in the situation.
45:01 Yeah, and we can dispense fire with fire,
45:04 that's not gonna bring anybody to repentance.
45:06 That's just gonna create more fire.
45:07 Right. Yeah.
45:09 And that's the testimony that we give
45:11 that the Lord can work with that
45:14 because when it is not easy for you
45:17 to have that peace but once you get it,
45:20 it's supposed to show,
45:23 and it's supposed to help that other person
45:26 but then God has to work with other situation himself
45:31 so that gives us peace also
45:33 and assurance that just like he helped me
45:37 at some point, he's gonna help the other person
45:39 and that's also peaceful, I think.
45:41 That's great. Yeah.
45:43 It just occurred to me
45:44 that I didn't even include this on our list
45:46 but Galatians 5:22, it says,
45:49 "The fruit of the spirit," only one fruit
45:52 but there's nine dimensions.
45:53 It's like a multi-faceted diamond,
45:55 is "Love, joy, and peace,"
45:57 this is what we experience within,
46:00 "longsuffering, kindness, and goodness"
46:03 is what we're expressing to mankind,
46:06 "Faithfulness, gentleness"
46:08 or really that should be "humility,
46:10 the meekness, the faithfulness,
46:11 the gentleness and self-control"
46:14 is something that we exercise toward God
46:17 and that's just basically, saying that
46:19 we're going to be humble enough
46:22 to let God be in control if you will.
46:27 So it is part of the fruit of the spirit is peace
46:33 and it's, you know,
46:34 the joy of the Lord is our strength
46:36 when we're filled with his love
46:37 and we'll keep our eyes focused on him,
46:40 then we've got it.
46:42 Amen, it's like the orange
46:43 with all those segments inside.
46:44 You get orange,
46:46 you get all of those things with it.
46:47 Look at what happened to Peter
46:50 when he took his eyes off Jesus.
46:52 Oh, yeah. He started going down.
46:54 We start going down we may take our to Jesus...
46:57 Yes.
47:00 All right, CA, would you like to take Isaiah 32:17.
47:06 Isaiah 32:17, the fruit of righteousness will be peace.
47:10 The effect of righteousness will be quietness
47:13 and confidence for ever.
47:14 First, you are impressed by the affirmativeness,
47:18 can I invent the word,
47:20 the kind of language that is used here,
47:22 this is not if we...
47:24 This will result in this,
47:26 this will result in that
47:28 and to go back with something that Tim said,
47:31 if the cameras can get on these little glasses.
47:35 As we sit still everything sits still.
47:38 You know, if we leave something alone it sits still
47:40 and that is the way it is in nature.
47:42 But that is not the way it is with human beings.
47:47 If you leave human beings alone,
47:49 the result will be confusion.
47:51 Confusion...
47:53 Peace is not the default setting
47:55 for human beings.
47:56 You know, even if things are peaceful
47:58 we will find some way to mess it up
48:01 or, you know, we'll fight just the way we are.
48:03 Peace, as Tim alluded to, and you said this also Shelley,
48:06 is something you got to work at
48:08 because it is not natural for us to be at peace.
48:11 If I'm by myself, maybe I can get along
48:15 but once you bring another person in
48:17 there's got to be, you know, some confusion.
48:22 But the Bible says,
48:23 the fruit of righteousness will be peace.
48:28 The word for fruit here and some people say...
48:33 some translations say the word is para.
48:36 But it is not para like John 14:16.
48:40 This is peri in the Old Testament,
48:41 so this is peri in the Hebrew
48:44 but it means to cause to make.
48:48 So it's very, very definite
48:50 that the fruit of righteousness...
48:55 if you have righteousness in your life,
48:58 it will make peace in your life.
49:00 If you're in with Christ, if you're locked in with Christ
49:05 the default setting here is peace,
49:06 there's no way to get around that.
49:08 If you're walking with Jesus, you're gonna have peace.
49:11 It's not "if," it's not "maybe,"
49:13 if you have peace in your life,
49:15 it is because you found your way to Jesus Christ.
49:19 And that's the only way we get peace in our life
49:21 is if we walk with Christ.
49:24 I'm gonna read something real fast
49:25 and I don't know how much time I've got
49:26 but this is from the words of Ellen White,
49:31 the time will soon come
49:33 that we shall have to keep hold of the strong arm of Jehovah
49:36 for all these great signs and mighty wonders
49:38 that devil has designed to deceive God's people
49:42 and overthrow them.
49:43 Our minds must be stayed upon God,
49:46 that's the only way we get peace
49:48 and we must not fear the fear of the wicked,
49:53 that is, fear what they fear,
49:55 and reverence what they reverence,
49:57 but be bold and valiant for the truth.
50:00 Could our eyes be opened...
50:01 She talks about angels fighting this battle
50:03 for each and every soul.
50:05 So she is saying if you want peace,
50:08 if you want the ability to work your way through life,
50:12 you got to take hold the hand of Jesus
50:14 and never let it go
50:16 because peace is only guaranteed
50:18 to those who hold on to Christ.
50:19 The truth is, we all got brains,
50:23 you know, you look a life
50:25 and say, "I can work my way through that."
50:28 Well, there comes a point where you just run out of gas.
50:30 You don't have all the answers and you realize,
50:33 "I can't run this thing, I can't drive this bus
50:36 you know, I gotta find some help here."
50:40 And once you get Jesus, you can backseat drive.
50:45 You can say like, "Jesus, speed it up, slow it down,
50:47 make a left."
50:49 You got to get in the passenger seat
50:50 but you can, but you gonna crash.
50:54 You gotta strap in and let Christ drive
50:58 and wherever he takes you,
50:59 go along for a ride and trust him
51:01 and then you have peace.
51:03 When you get to the point where you say,
51:04 "If I perish, I perish."
51:05 Well then you're where God wants you to be,
51:08 you're trusting him and that's not easy.
51:12 We all know that not easy
51:14 but it's possible
51:16 and when you get there and you get that experience,
51:19 you would never want to lose it.
51:21 I was listening to you Shelly, I'll do this real quick,
51:25 when you came to the rest of the Sabbath
51:27 it reoriented...
51:29 I don't have to work anymore, I can just relax on Jesus.
51:31 For me it was the opposite.
51:33 I had an example of Adventism
51:36 that I coveted in and envied in the people
51:37 who live right across the street from me.
51:39 They said that they would come home,
51:40 and have Sabbath dinner,
51:42 and go to church and, you know, it just seems so inviting.
51:47 My house was chaos, you know, on weekends it is just chaos.
51:51 And the fact that they were people who had...
51:53 they dressed nice, and they looked nice
51:55 and they go to church, and carried their Bible,
51:57 and they come home and have this wonderful dinner,
51:58 I am really wanting that.
52:00 Then we went right across this town,
52:02 right across the street from where some other people
52:03 who had the same kind of activity.
52:06 Get up in the morning, jump in the car,
52:07 and disappear for the day.
52:08 I was like, "Where are you going,
52:10 you disappear on Sabbath."
52:11 And they say, "We go to Sabbath school,"
52:13 so I said to them next week take me
52:14 and then I stepped in an Adventist church
52:16 for the first time when I saw this thing happening.
52:19 People praying, people singing,
52:20 and for me it was like I want that for me.
52:22 Amen.
52:24 Yeah, I thought and saw that peace
52:25 and that may be the greatest gift
52:28 that God gives us now.
52:30 Amen.
52:31 The biggest gift is heaven, but right now peace.
52:34 The fact that I can walk through
52:36 the valley of the shadow of death
52:38 and fear no evil for thou art with me.
52:42 That's peace, yeah. Well said.
52:44 I just want to leave our viewers,
52:46 we're just nearly out of time.
52:47 I can't believe how fast this is going,
52:49 but I want to leave you with a promise
52:52 to hold on to Romans 15:13.
53:00 I use this...
53:02 I haven't sent Christmas cards out for sometime
53:05 because I've been too busy
53:07 but when I used to be in the practice,
53:10 I would always write this inside the card,
53:12 and here's what it says, Romans 15:13.
53:16 May the God of Hope
53:18 fill you with all joy and peace
53:22 as you trust in him,
53:24 this is a promise that he will, so that,
53:28 you know, this is your purpose statement,
53:30 so that you may overflow with hope
53:34 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
53:36 The hope in the English can be an uncertain expectation
53:40 but not hope in the Greek.
53:42 Amen.
53:43 Hope in the Greek meant that you had an eager
53:47 certain anticipation
53:49 in what Paul is writing to the Romans
53:52 is saying that,
53:53 this God of ours is the God of all hope
53:56 and He's gonna fill you with joy and peace.
53:59 As you trust in Him
54:01 and your heart's just gonna bubble over
54:05 with eager expectation of God's plan for your life
54:08 by the power of your Holy Spirit.
54:10 I love this verse. I love it.
54:12 Can I read something here?
54:14 Surely.
54:15 This is our handout.
54:17 This is our sheet today
54:20 and as I was looking through here
54:22 and I just like to go one, two, three, four,
54:24 working off taking these affirmations.
54:27 Number one, God is not the author of confusion.
54:30 Number two, that he will keep us
54:32 in that perfect peace.
54:33 With that perfect peace
54:34 your heart will not be troubled,
54:36 it will not be afraid
54:38 and you will have quietness and confidence forever.
54:41 Amen.
54:42 You know, that's just... I'll take it.
54:44 Amen.
54:47 I have it actually.
54:49 And just add the eager expectation
54:52 of joy and peace to that love.
54:54 Thank you, Jesus. Amen.
54:55 All right, I think that our time is almost all gone
54:59 and we need to end in prayer
55:00 so why don't we just have a couple of minutes.
55:03 Let's just go around the table.
55:04 Tim, why don't you start and just whatever the Lord lays
55:07 on your heart we'll each pray.
55:09 Father God, thank you
55:11 that you sent your son to die for me,
55:15 the Prince of Peace.
55:16 That I can have peace, I can walk in peace,
55:20 I'm blessed to be your child.
55:22 I pray Lord that you help me to walk in that
55:25 and to be as if it is possible for me
55:29 to always make peace with people
55:32 and make this life better for people
55:34 by showing them to you.
55:35 Amen.
55:37 Dear Heavenly Father I want to thank you
55:39 for the gift of true peace.
55:41 I want to ask that you would be with those
55:43 that are out there that are searching for peace
55:46 and they keep searching and searching
55:47 and looking in all the wrong places
55:49 and they're not gonna find it
55:51 until they come to realize that it only comes from you.
55:54 I ask that you would please send your holy spirit
55:56 to soften and subdue their hearts
55:58 and to lead them down the right path
56:00 to accept Jesus Christ as their savior.
56:03 We thank you for the blessings that you bestowed upon us
56:06 and we ask that you would be with all of the viewers
56:09 that are at home.
56:10 In Jesus name we pray, amen. Amen.
56:12 Father just thank you so much for always being with us,
56:17 that you never leave us or forsake us.
56:19 And Father we pray that you will help everyone
56:22 who is watching or listening to our words
56:25 and each one us at this table Father
56:27 to keep our mind focused on you.
56:30 And Lord when we lose that peace,
56:33 help us remember what the source is
56:36 and then when you give us that peace,
56:38 help us to sow peace.
56:40 Amen. Amen.
56:42 And Father as we come to you in the name of Jesus,
56:44 I thank you that we can give the Holy Spirit permission
56:47 to be in charge of our life,
56:49 and Father that we can choose to believe
56:51 and in believing dear Father,
56:53 we can actually have that confidence that quietness us
56:56 that we're all looking for Lord
56:58 so that we're not being beat up by the enemy
57:01 that we can have the assurance that you were present.
57:04 We love you and thank you.
57:05 In Jesus' name, amen.
57:07 Amen.
57:08 Father and God, I also want to thank you
57:12 for the privilege of having that peace.
57:15 We thank you Lord that your promise is our truth
57:17 and when you promised the disciple,
57:20 you are promising to all of us
57:22 and also to those that are out there
57:26 struggling with the chaos in their lives,
57:30 that we trust you
57:33 that you have a way to reach out to them.
57:36 And so thank you for the privilege
57:38 of finding peace in you
57:40 and accept it and be an example for the others too.
57:45 Father God comes to mind the song,
57:47 O, what peace we often forfeit,
57:49 Oh, what needless pain we bear,
57:51 all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!
57:54 So we come to you Father,
57:56 the giver of perfect peace, the Father of all peace.
58:00 We take it to you, we leave it with you
58:02 knowing that in exchange for our faith and our love
58:05 you will give us perfect peace
58:06 and for that we thank you in Jesus' name.
58:09 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2017-09-05