Participants: Jill Morikone (Host), Mollie Steenson, Shelley Quinn, Dee Hilderbrand
Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW017008A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:27 Let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:06 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN today Family Worship. 01:10 My name is Jill Morikone. 01:12 And we just want to wish you happy Sabbath. 01:14 Thank you for spending 01:15 these opening hours of the Sabbath with us 01:17 as we sit around the table and share with you 01:20 at home as part of our 3ABN family. 01:23 You may have noticed that Greg wasn't sitting beside me. 01:25 And any time I'm not sitting on Family Worship with Greg, 01:28 I feel incomplete 01:30 but we are having ladies Family Worship here. 01:34 And we are sharing a sisters together at the table. 01:38 And we're so blessed that you are joining us as well. 01:41 So I want to introduce our family at this time. 01:43 Sitting on my left is Shelley Quinn, 01:45 and it's just a joy and blessing 01:46 to have you here, Shelley. 01:48 No, it's always a joy to be here with you. 01:50 And next to Shelley is Dee Hilderbrand. 01:52 And, Dee, we work in the same office together? 01:54 Yes, we do. And it's a joy to have you. 01:56 I know you're not always in front of the camera, 01:58 but tell us what your role is here at 3ABN? 02:00 I do the scheduling. 02:02 So I'm working with the studio scheduling 02:04 and I work with the crew scheduling. 02:06 So that's kind of part time now 02:10 and it seems to be working out quite well. 02:13 We're not sure 02:14 we like the part time thing going on here 02:16 but we are blessed. 02:17 Dee is a blessing here and Shelley is a blessing here. 02:20 And sitting on my right here is Mollie Steenson. 02:23 And, Mollie, it's always a privilege to share 02:24 and do Family Worship and to share with you. 02:27 It's a joy to be here with this group of ladies. 02:31 And I say about Dee, as long as she keeps all of her work done, 02:34 she can retire if she wants to. 02:37 You just got to keep the work done, Dee. 02:38 Well, that's working out 02:40 because I've watched God take some of, 02:43 distribute some of my work. 02:45 3ABN didn't do that but God did. 02:48 Yeah. He's in charge. 02:50 And it's wonderful to watch Him work. 02:52 Amen. 02:53 And it's just exciting to see God work at 3ABN. 02:56 You know you see how God graces and gifts 02:58 each one of the people who are called to ministry. 03:00 I could look around this table and know 03:02 that God has graced and gift 03:04 each one of you women for the job 03:06 that He has called you to do. 03:07 And I could say each one of you have mentored me. 03:11 I'm the kid on the block, I guess you can say, 03:13 but each one of you have mentored me 03:15 and helped me grow in Jesus. 03:17 And mentorship, older godly women to younger women 03:20 is a wonderful thing. 03:22 You know, but I do want to mention that our topic tonight 03:24 is not just for women. 03:26 This is a topic that men need to hear as well. 03:30 Every breathing, living need to hear. 03:32 Amen. Amen. It is a great topic. 03:34 We're talking about the topic of self-control. 03:38 And Greg and I were discussing this just the other night 03:41 that I thought God couldn't you have had us pick a topic 03:44 that maybe I'm getting some good victory. 03:46 And this is a topic that God wants each one of us 03:50 to grow and to learn, 03:52 and to learn how to surrender to Him, 03:55 and how to let Him control us in our lives. 03:57 So we want to encourage you to have your Bibles and pens 04:01 and share along with us on the topic of self-control. 04:04 But before we do that, 04:05 we're going to have a word of prayer 04:07 and then go to our music. 04:08 Shelley, would you open up in prayer? 04:10 Absolutely. 04:11 Our most gracious loving heavenly Father, 04:13 we come today to thank You for this Sabbath 04:16 that reminds us. 04:17 Lord, You said it is a sign 04:19 that You were the one who sanctifies us. 04:23 And, Lord, we ask in the name of Jesus 04:25 that You will send Your Holy Spirit now 04:28 to be our teacher to guide our conversation. 04:31 We thank You and praise You for the gift of Your Spirit, 04:35 the gift of Your Son 04:36 most especially in Your Word, Lord. 04:39 And now, Lord, as our brothers and sisters 04:42 who are watching, 04:44 watching and listening to this program. 04:46 I pray that we will all have ears to hear 04:48 what the Holy Spirit has to say, Father. 04:51 And help us to walk yielded to you 04:55 in Jesus' name, amen. 04:56 Amen. 04:58 We have at the piano, Tim Parton. 05:00 And he is our brother in Jesus, 05:02 and we're so blessed by Tim's ministry here at 3ABN. 05:06 And I know that if you're all familiar with 3ABN, 05:08 you're familiar with him and his heart for God. 05:10 And so thank you, Tim, for being here with us. 05:12 And that's all we're going to do, 05:14 the words will come up on the screen for you. 05:16 It's perfect that fits with our theme of self-control, 05:20 "Have Thine own way Lord! Have Thine own way"! 05:34 Have Thy own way Lord! 05:39 Have Thine own way! 05:45 Thou art the Potter 05:50 I am the clay 05:55 Mold me and make me 06:01 After Thy will 06:06 While I am waiting 06:11 Yielded and still 06:17 Have Thine own way, Lord! 06:22 Have Thine own way! 06:27 Search me and try me 06:33 Master, today! 06:38 Whiter than snow, Lord 06:44 Wash me just now 06:49 As in Thy presence 06:54 Humbly I bow 07:00 Have Thine own way, Lord! 07:05 Have Thine own way! 07:10 Hold o'er my being 07:16 Absolute sway! 07:21 Fill with Thy Spirit 07:27 Till all shall see 07:32 Christ only, always 07:38 Living in me! 07:45 Amen. Amen. 07:47 I know that's our prayer here at the table. 07:50 I know for you at home as well, Lord, have Your own way. 07:54 Work out Your own will and way in my heart and in my life. 07:58 So we're so glad that you were joining us 08:02 for 3ABN Family Worship. 08:03 We're talking today about self-control. 08:06 And as we jump into the topic 08:08 before we discuss it and talk about 08:10 biblical examples of people who exercised self-control 08:14 or maybe didn't exercised self-control. 08:17 And we'll talk about scriptures, in the Word of God, 08:19 how we can develop self-control 08:22 or really how the Lord can develop self-control 08:25 in our hearts and lives. 08:27 Before we do any of that, 08:28 let's look at the fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5, 08:31 kind of a foundational scripture as we get going. 08:33 And, Mollie, you want to read that for us, 08:35 Galatians 5:22 and 23. 08:38 Okay. 08:39 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 08:42 long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 08:48 gentleness, self-control. 08:50 Against such things there is no law." 08:52 So what is if I were to ask you ladies 08:55 maybe a definition of self-control? 08:57 What would come to your mind? 08:59 It can be a biblical definition or one from the dictionary 09:02 or one from hard-won experience. 09:03 What would you say self-control is? 09:05 Well, self-control, the ability to control oneself 09:10 your feelings, your emotions or your actions. 09:14 Your ability to control yourself. 09:16 Okay. 09:18 And I think of it is, you know, in particularly 09:20 with in context with the scripture of the vine 09:25 and the branch and the fruit being developed. 09:27 And that is a part of the fruit of the Spirit is self-control. 09:31 It is to, its Christ character being worked out in me 09:36 as the Holy Spirit teaches me 09:38 not to fulfill the lusts of the flesh 09:41 and the lust of the eyes. 09:43 So self-control is something 09:46 that I have nothing of without the Spirit of God really. 09:49 Amen. Amen. Dee, any thoughts? 09:52 That's how I feel is it that is one of my greatest weaknesses. 09:57 I don't feel like I have self-control without the Lord 10:01 because self just gets in the way. 10:04 Self centeredness gets in the way, 10:06 and so there's no self-control without the Lord. 10:10 Can I make a point? Yeah, please. 10:11 It's interesting because in the previous scripture 10:14 beginning with verse 19, 10:15 he's talking about the works of the flesh. 10:19 And, you know, it's interesting to me 10:20 that I think that he started when he's listing the fruit. 10:25 He starts with the love which is the essence of God. 10:28 That's the root of it all. 10:31 But I think he ended with self-control on purpose 10:34 and is an emphasis because all of the works of the flesh 10:39 reflect a lack of self-control. 10:42 So it's kind of like, 10:44 he's talked about all of these things that are, 10:48 you know, the adultery, fornication, 10:50 uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry sorcery, hatred contentions, 10:53 jealousies, outburst of wrath, you know, it goes on and on, 10:56 envy drunkenness, M&Ms, peanuts, no. 11:02 It covers everything. 11:03 With women around the table, 11:05 you know that's got to come in, right? 11:06 But it's something that it seems like 11:10 by ending with self-control. 11:13 Don't all of the works of the flesh 11:16 reflect a lack of self-control? 11:18 And that's just what's natural, like what you said, Dee, 11:21 there is, there's no real self-control 11:24 without the Holy Spirit working in our life. 11:27 I agree with you, Shelley, 'cause if you look at them, 11:29 these are all either sensual passions or selfish passions 11:35 or wanting my own way. 11:36 And to me self-control is just 11:38 my own self getting in the way, right. 11:41 My own passions, my attitude, my action, 11:44 all of that getting in the way of what God wants to do. 11:46 Our carnal nature, our fallen nature. 11:50 Yeah. Absolutely. 11:52 Well, let's look at 11:53 some biblical examples of self-control. 11:56 Let's start with... 11:57 To me this is the best one, Jesus. 11:59 Let's look at that. 12:01 I don't think we'll get to all of these 12:02 but we're looking at Jesus. 12:04 Now He exhibited self-control 12:05 in many different areas of His life. 12:07 But the one we're looking at 12:09 specifically is in Matthew, the temptations of Jesus. 12:12 Matthew 4. 12:16 Matthew 4:1-11. Matthew 4:1-11. 12:23 So, Mollie, you want to, 12:25 I know we'd probably won't read the whole thing. 12:27 But you want to give us a summary 12:29 of what the temptations are, 12:30 what Jesus experienced there 12:31 and which ones do you think went with self-control? 12:34 Or do you think all of the temptations dealt with that? 12:36 I know, I'm kind of putting you on the spot here. 12:38 Well, Jesus had just been coming from His baptism. 12:45 And what happened to Jesus at the baptism. 12:47 The Holy Spirit descended as a dove and God spoke. 12:51 What did He say? 12:53 This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. 12:56 And then the scripture says 12:59 that Jesus was led into the wilderness by whom? 13:03 The Holy Spirit. 13:05 But the Holy Sprit led Jesus into the wilderness 13:08 there to be tempted, tested and tried, 13:12 40 days and 40 nights by the devil. 13:16 And, you know, something that we have learned in the garden. 13:21 Going back to the garden, 13:23 Eve was tempted, tested and tried, 13:26 and she failed. 13:28 But in the three areas, the same three areas 13:31 that we see here in Matthew that Jesus overcame 13:35 and which were lust of the flesh, 13:38 lust of the eyes, pride of life. 13:41 Were those all temptations of the flesh? 13:43 Of course, they are. 13:45 Eve failed, Jesus however was victorious 13:50 in every single one of these temptations 13:53 that came His way, every area He was tested, 13:56 and how did He overcome? 14:00 Through His Father. The Word of God. 14:02 It is written, it is written 14:04 which is the same way you can overcome, 14:07 we can't overcome any other way 14:09 than through the power of God 14:11 working in our lives through the power of His Word. 14:14 Amen. Amen. That's beautiful. 14:15 You think going 40 days without food. 14:20 And I think one of my battles 14:22 would be self-control with food. 14:24 Right, you think oh, I want this sweet treat 14:26 or oh, I like this. 14:28 And yet He went 40 days with no food. 14:32 And yet at the end of that 40 days, 14:35 He was able to stand that test for self-control. 14:38 That's amazing to me. Shelley? 14:40 The first thing that the enemy did come 14:42 and test him with was, turned the stones into bread. 14:47 And what did the Satan test Eve with? 14:50 Eat this apple. 14:51 Eat this fruit, it's good. Eat the fruit. 14:54 The lust of the flesh, those appetites of ours. 14:57 You know, I think that I feel like 14:59 God has given me a lot of control in many areas. 15:02 But, and I'm not an overeater. 15:05 But sometimes I get on these little kicks, 15:10 and especially if I'm really working hard 15:12 and really pushing myself a lot. 15:16 Chocolate is a temptation to me. 15:19 Chocolate covered peanut. 15:20 M&M's peanuts are just a real temptation to me. 15:23 They give me a little energy if you will. 15:26 But in Romans 13:14, Paul said, "Put on the Lord Jesus Christ 15:31 and make no provision for the flesh." 15:33 So typically it is very rare that I will buy them 15:38 because I know, I mean, and so to me that's the area, 15:41 that's where the Lord gives me 15:43 self-control is not making the purchase. 15:46 Now, however, if somebody gives me some... 15:50 Like a good friend. 15:51 Like my good friends, when they give me some. 15:54 You know, that is something 15:56 that I still need to pray to overcome 15:57 because I will sit. 15:59 If you put a bowl of M&M's peanuts in front of me 16:02 before the afternoon is over they all be gone. 16:04 But if you didn't have them there, 16:06 you wouldn't go out and purchase some. 16:08 Yes. That reminded me of something. 16:10 Some years ago, now, I don't know 16:12 if you all ever played video games. 16:15 My children had a video game 16:18 until I'll just tell myself, it was called Tetris. 16:22 It was a challenge and I love a good challenge. 16:26 And I would play Tetris 16:28 and it was my children's game they never liked it. 16:30 So they didn't bother they end it up with, 16:32 that was Jeremy's actually. 16:34 And I realized I would find spare time 16:38 to get to go play with that video game 16:41 and I did not like what that was doing to my time, 16:45 I was kind of pulled drawn to 16:47 you know what I did, Hal laughed about this. 16:50 I took that Tetris game out into the garage 16:53 and I got a hammer and I beat it up. 16:55 Amen! Amen! 16:56 That's powerful one. My children didn't care. 16:59 They didn't like it anyway. 17:00 But I realized I can't overcome this thing 17:05 sitting by my television, 17:06 you played it on the television. 17:08 But if I just smashed it to smithereens, 17:10 hey, I won't gonna go to buy another one. 17:12 And, you know, that's kind of the same way 17:14 what I was doing for some time 17:16 when I would be writing a book for the Lord. 17:18 And then at the end of that, I would get myself, 17:22 you know, I'd be maybe 11 o'clock at night. 17:24 I'd give myself a reward 17:26 and play some kind of a game on my computer. 17:28 But it was robbing me of sleep 17:30 'cause it maybe 11 o'clock at night, 17:32 when I would do this. 17:33 And suddenly I'm up to, 17:34 you know, one game turns into three, turns into ten. 17:38 And I just took all the games off my computer 17:40 because I thought I started developing a pattern 17:43 and it was not one of self-control, 17:45 so make no provision for the flesh. 17:48 I just took it off from my computer. 17:49 Go ahead, Dee. 17:51 Satan, see Satan just keeps trying different little things 17:54 because each individual is tempted by something different. 17:58 None of us fall in the same area. 18:01 So Satan is constantly throwing things at us 18:04 to see, where is your weakness, 18:06 how can I tempt you? 18:08 And I think many times we fall into this 18:12 not having self-control before we realize it. 18:16 And then all of a sudden, we look and say, 18:17 oh, we're spending time here or we're doing this. 18:20 We don't recognize it as something that is, 18:24 that we're out of control until it's too late. 18:27 Then Satan is hoping that we will not have the self will 18:32 or the self power to go take a hammer to it 18:34 or not purchase it. 18:36 So he's going to constantly find our weakness, 18:40 then it takes the Holy Spirit to impress. 18:43 You had to be impressed by the Holy Spirit 18:44 that that's what you needed to go and do. 18:47 I know that there are certain things 18:50 that if I go purchase or buy I'm sunk, 18:53 I'm not going to use self-control in the house. 18:57 I'm like you. 18:58 I have to make my list and stick to it 19:00 when it comes to food. 19:01 But that happens to other things too 19:04 till he finds our little hot button 19:08 of no self-control. 19:10 That's so true. 19:11 I love the scripture you used there, Shelley. 19:13 Romans 13:14, make no provision for the flesh 19:16 to fulfill the lust there of, 19:17 because in my own experience, 19:19 I experienced the same thing. 19:21 And I think as you said, if we have it there 19:24 readily available in the cupboard, 19:27 or in my experience it was when I was a teenager, 19:30 I became hooked on romance novels. 19:32 And then when Greg and I first got married there 19:36 that I thought, okay, I'm going to throw the books out, 19:38 because if they're in the home 19:40 that's constantly pulling me back. 19:43 And you think I'm strong in Jesus 19:45 but then a weak moment comes 19:47 and it's staring you in the face. 19:48 And in our experience, my experience 19:51 when we first got married, we had the little 13 inch TV. 19:54 You know with a rabbit ear antenna 19:56 and it's kind of fuzzy but excuse me, 19:58 we got maybe I don't know, 20:00 how many channels locally are there? 20:01 Four or five. Five. 20:03 Just a few channels but I discovered soap operas. 20:09 And it was like a romance novel come to life. 20:12 You know all that infidelity and high drama 20:15 and all that stuff that is ungodly 20:18 that does not go with Philippines 20:20 for a whatsoever things are pure and lovely, 20:22 think on those things. 20:24 And so in our experience, Greg and I sat down and talked 20:27 and decided to throw out the TV 20:31 or get rid of the rabbit ears. 20:33 We have 3ABN with a satellite dish 20:36 but we don't get local TV. 20:38 And the reason for that is because I know I'm weak. 20:42 I know if I went back to that, it's going to come right back. 20:46 So kind of your illustration... 20:47 You took your hammer. 20:49 I took my hammer 20:50 and that was just simply getting rid of the rabbit ears. 20:52 So that then I'm not fulfilling that lust of the flesh. 20:54 It won't be there to like hold me in a weaker moment. 20:56 Amen. Amen. 20:58 I had to, I got rid of my library... 20:59 I didn't get rid of my library card, 21:01 I let it expire, 21:02 because I switched from reading novels 21:06 to reading Christian literature, 21:10 it's just another, you see other side of the coin. 21:13 You steal time 21:14 that you should be doing something else 21:16 is still an addiction. 21:17 And we just try to re-label it, 21:19 that it's okay if it's Christian literature. 21:22 And still we have to identify 21:25 and then make no way for that temptation 21:30 because if it's right in front of us... 21:33 And the point is 21:34 the point is that 21:36 reading Christian literature is not wrong. 21:38 But if it is consuming for some of us 21:40 when we have something that consumes our time. 21:44 And, you know, when we're not exercising self-control 21:47 that's when we just get rid of that, right? 21:49 You see that's why I was saying, 21:51 each person has their own... 21:53 You're right, there's nothing wrong 21:55 with Christian literature. 21:57 And it's okay for some people. Right. 21:59 Just like M&Ms are okay for some people. 22:02 My husband could have eaten a handful and walked away. 22:04 That's JD, he can eat four and walk away. 22:06 So each person has to recognize 22:11 what Satan finds to addict them 22:17 without the self-control. 22:18 Let's look at another biblical example. 22:20 We'll turn to the story of Joseph. 22:22 I think Joseph, Shelley, 22:24 is one of my favorite characters in the Word of God. 22:27 We're going to turn to Genesis 39. 22:30 And there's so much in the story of Joseph, 22:32 but we're going look specifically at 22:35 Potiphar's wife coming at him. 22:37 And this would be a temptation. 22:39 I guess to the lust of the flesh, Mollie, 22:40 or it would be the lust of the eyes? 22:42 Lust of, yeah, both. 22:43 Both. Maybe both. 22:44 I don't know. 22:46 More, maybe more lust of the flesh. 22:47 Lust of the flesh. 22:48 Okay, so, Shelley, we won't take the time 22:50 to read that whole chapter, 22:51 but you want to give us a brief synopsis of what took place. 22:55 Well, what happens in Genesis 39 22:58 is that here Joseph has come out of prison. 23:01 He is now the steward for the home of Potiphar, 23:05 he has been put in the top position. 23:08 He came out of slavery, he hasn't gone to prison yet. 23:10 Oh, excuse me. 23:12 Yeah, out of slavery. Sorry. 23:13 Thank you, thank you, out of slavery. 23:15 He is the top administrator for the household of Potiphar. 23:21 And Potiphar's wife is thinking, 23:24 Joseph looks pretty good. 23:26 So she's constantly after him. 23:28 And he says to her, 23:31 you know, your husband's given me 23:33 everything under my control except you basically. 23:36 And so as she is trying to seduce him into an affair, 23:41 he flees from her. 23:42 She's grabbing his coat. 23:44 He flees from her. 23:45 He said, "I cannot do this. 23:47 How can I do this against God?" 23:51 I mean, again so he can't do it against Potiphar 23:52 but he knew that it was as a sin of adultery. 23:57 So you know that I imagine 24:01 that she was probably a pretty woman. 24:04 I think if Potiphar was so wealthy, 24:05 he probably had chosen a fairly, lovely lass. 24:09 And he just used exercise self-control. 24:16 And so that was a beautiful story. 24:18 And he did it. 24:20 Not, he didn't say, 24:22 I don't want to sin against Potiphar... 24:25 Yeah, I don't want to sin against God. 24:26 He was faultiness on inside of him 24:28 which was his relationship with God 24:32 and the power of God, it worked in him 24:35 that gave him the impetus to overcome in that situation 24:39 because a young man, a willing woman that's situation, 24:45 you know, fit for failure. 24:47 But because of his character makeup, 24:50 he stood strong. 24:52 Amen. Amen. 24:53 He made his decision prior to this ugly issue. 24:55 Absolutely. That's a good point. 24:58 He had the relationship in the solid ground. 25:02 And I doubt if she came at him just once. 25:04 Or she came at him... 25:06 The Bible says, she said, day after, what does this say? 25:10 Verse say, he refused. 25:13 Verse 10, so what was it she spoke to Joseph day by day. 25:16 So that means 25:17 this is a consistent temptation in his face. 25:19 Right, trying to wear him down. 25:21 But he determined in his heart and mind 25:23 and he had to have kept the relationship 25:25 with the Lord strong, 25:27 because he did that through, 25:29 he did that through not just self-control on his own 25:33 but through the relationship he had already established. 25:37 You know what I love about this scripture to me, 25:38 it's one of the points that it proves 25:40 that the Ten Commandments were well-known before, 25:45 you know, God taught them to Abraham 25:47 and Abraham taught them to his children 25:49 and it's something that God... 25:52 They knew God's commandments. 25:54 And this is before God wrote them on stone. 25:57 So they knew adultery was wrong. 25:58 And the decision that Joseph may cost him something. 26:02 Oh, boy, did it cost him everything. 26:05 He ended up in prison for it. 26:06 And so you think, okay, I'm making a choice for God. 26:09 I'm making a stand to honor God and the principles 26:13 and my relationship with God 26:15 above any other temptation or sin. 26:18 And yet he was thrown in prison 26:20 because of the choice and the stance 26:22 that he made, you are right. 26:23 I talk to my young adults all the time about. 26:28 In classes we're talking about things 26:30 is that if you're going to have self-control, 26:33 you have to make these decisions 26:34 prior to the temptation coming at you. 26:39 And you also have to be prepared. 26:41 You have to have that relationship prior too 26:43 and make your decision prior too. 26:45 Amen. 26:46 But Satan is going to still keep trying 26:49 to find that weak spot, that weak point. 26:53 So it is a ongoing battle. 26:57 And you may think that you are not subject to something 27:02 but you don't, you don't always know. 27:04 If a man think he stand take heed lest he fall. 27:09 But you know when you think about it as young people, 27:13 you may make a decision in your heart. 27:15 I mean, this is an amazing example 27:17 because he was a virile young man. 27:19 You may make a decision in your heart, 27:21 I'm not going to sin against God. 27:23 But if you put yourself, 27:25 see I think he was very careful to avoid getting in that place 27:30 where she could corner him in that day 27:32 that she actually grabs hold of his coat. 27:34 He flees. 27:35 So for younger people 27:37 or don't have to be younger people, 27:39 if you're just of the dating age, 27:40 you know, you might determine in your heart, 27:43 I'm never going to, you know, have sex before marriage. 27:48 But then if you put yourself in a position 27:50 where you're constantly alone with the one that you're dating 27:53 or that you're kissing and you're carrying on, 27:56 you know, hormones kick into action 27:58 and that decision that you made can just suddenly seem it's... 28:05 You can't walk on Satan's ground. 28:08 That's it, that's it. 28:09 You cannot put the M&Ms on the shelf 28:11 right in front of your eyes 28:13 and say, I'm not gonna eat them. 28:14 It goes back to Romans 13:14, making provision for the flesh 28:18 or not making provision for the flesh, 28:21 because that's what makes all the difference 28:23 is those decisions ahead of time. 28:25 Those decisions not to put yourself in that position 28:28 or in that dangerous thing. 28:30 I know in my own experience, 28:31 there have been times when I have felt weak. 28:34 You know, from a human perspective, 28:37 but if I get on my knees 28:39 and if I pray and ask God about it, 28:41 you know, what's happening, I have placed myself 28:45 somehow in some area on the enemy's territory. 28:50 And he has more access to my life. 28:53 It could be just simply making provision for the flesh 28:56 in whatever area I'm weakened. 28:58 And then it makes it easier to give in to that. 29:01 So you... Boy, the way you said that... 29:03 I don't know if I'm making that. 29:04 Yeah, you were in that position before you got in, 29:07 when you're on your knees before the Lord, 29:10 now, He is removing you from that place. 29:12 Yes, He's saying, Jill, this is where you were, 29:14 this is why the temptation was so strong in your life. 29:18 This is why you felt like, you can't overcome 29:21 because I'd go before God and say, 29:22 I'm so weak and why is it so hard. 29:25 Because I had already 29:27 previously placed myself in a position, 29:30 where it sort of broke down that wall, 29:33 and Satan had easier access to come in. 29:36 So I think if we never get to the place 29:38 of the breaking down of the wall, 29:40 so much better, 29:41 and if the wall is broken down, 29:43 don't be discouraged because God says, 29:45 "If we confess our sins, 29:47 He is faithful and just to forgive us 29:50 and that cleanses from all unrighteousness." 29:52 So no matter where you are right now 29:55 in this battle for self-control, 29:57 God says, "I forgive you, I cleanse you, 30:00 and I want you to enable you to walk new with me today." 30:03 Yeah, he's a repairer of the breach. 30:06 I was thinking... 30:10 With our young people, when my children were... 30:13 When Dee Dee, my oldest daughter, 30:14 when she was 13, 14, 15, 30:16 the youth group taught the young people 30:21 that where holding hands leads to. 30:24 And they were, 30:26 you know, specific about the beginning of a relationship 30:29 and they taught dating, group dating, 30:31 you never go out. 30:33 So they were trained, so there was that training up, 30:37 and I think about that 30:39 so strongly we teach our young people of, 30:43 you know, refraining until marriage and so forth, 30:47 which is, you know, vitally important. 30:49 I think about the calls 30:51 that we have got in our pastoral department. 30:53 Oh, boy. 30:54 From people, they were in their 70s and 80s, 30:58 they aren't doing what they did 31:00 back when they were 16 or 17. 31:03 They are giving in to temptation. 31:06 And uh... There is no age limit 31:10 on when we need to be in right relationship with God 31:13 and obedient to His word, 31:15 and exercise, you know, we're saying self-control, 31:20 but it's Christ control. 31:21 That's right. That's right. 31:23 It is the fruit of the Spirit, exactly. 31:25 And knowing, when you said 31:27 something about young people dating, 31:29 I'm thinking, I'm widowed, I could date, 31:31 actually I did date briefly and it was interesting, 31:35 I said to this person "I have never dated as a Christian," 31:39 so we need to set and I was in my 60s. 31:42 So it's like we need to set our boundaries right now, 31:45 what is acceptable and what is not. 31:48 And I think that is affective in every area of our life 31:53 is setting the boundaries 31:55 whether it's food, 31:58 or what we eat, or what we drink, 32:00 or constantly setting boundaries 32:03 and not beating ourselves up when we fail, 32:06 because when we stumble and fall... 32:10 And also the Word tells us, 32:12 "God always gives us an escape, if we turn to Him." 32:14 Yes. Amen. 32:16 And so, often we don't turn to it, 32:19 but then there is still that path of forgiveness, 32:22 because that is our path of forgiveness. 32:25 Amen. 32:26 Let's turn to John 15, 32:28 I know, we have some more biblical examples, 32:29 but I want to make sure we get to some scriptures, 32:32 for how God can develop His control in us. 32:34 And I like what you said, Mollie, Christ control, 32:37 because self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, 32:40 but it has nothing to do with me 32:42 exercising control, or me gritting my teeth 32:45 has everything to do with me surrendering. 32:48 My self, my life, my appetites, passions, 32:52 desires to the control of the Lord Jesus Christ. 32:55 So you referenced this at the beginning, Shelley, 32:57 John 15, abiding in the vine. 33:00 And, let me turn there, I'm not even there. 33:03 Dee, you want to read the first, 33:05 I'm not sure how many verses because I'm... 33:06 Well, in the very beginning, it says... 33:08 Okay, you want to read the first five verses? 33:10 "I'm the true vine 33:11 and my father is of vine dresser. 33:14 Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, 33:17 He takes away 33:18 and every branch that bears fruit, 33:20 He prunes that it may bear more fruit." 33:24 Okay, and in 4 it says, "Abide in Me, and I in you. 33:30 As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself 33:32 unless it abides in the vine, 33:34 neither can you unless you abide in Me." 33:37 And one more verse. 33:38 "I am the vine, you are the branches. 33:41 He who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit, 33:46 for without me you can do nothing." 33:48 Amen. 33:49 What does that verse say to you, Dee? 33:52 Well, when I first became a Christian, 33:55 I was smoking, and after I became a Christian 33:59 it was still struggle. 34:02 I quit, I was baptized 34:05 and it came back after me again. 34:07 So here I am, crying and praying 34:10 and smoking all at the same time, 34:12 it was such a struggle. 34:15 And I couldn't overcome and I just felt so discouraged 34:21 and I was so weak. 34:23 But something happened in my life, 34:25 it was a horrible time in my life, I was... 34:29 Something awful happened. 34:31 And all of a sudden, three days later 34:34 as I was going through this emotional turmoil, 34:39 I realized I'm not smoking. 34:44 Oh, wow! 34:46 And I didn't go through with... 34:47 It was just a miracle where all of a sudden, 34:51 because when there was no place else to go, 34:53 I went to God, I just buried myself in Him 34:57 and when I wasn't trying to quit smoking, 35:00 God miraculously just took it from me. 35:03 Amen. Amen. 35:04 It is not something you could ever tempt me with, 35:06 and it's not something that I could ever say, 35:09 "Oh, I quit smoking." 35:10 Right. 35:12 And I'm not a non... 35:13 I am not an ex-smoker, I am a non smoker. 35:17 Amen. Amen. 35:18 There isn't even the desire anything in me now, 35:21 I know he doesn't always do that for everyone, 35:23 but I think he does different. 35:25 He does a miracle in every life when we allow Him to. 35:29 So I give Him all the glory, 35:30 it was Christ's control that did it, 35:34 and it's my miracle that I hang on to 35:36 knowing that He will do whatever He needs for me 35:41 if I allow it. 35:44 That's great... 35:46 And being in the vine. Go ahead, Shelley. 35:47 I was just going to say that what struck me 35:49 as you were talking about this is, 35:51 it's a progressive walk, 35:52 because, you know, there's nine things 35:55 that are listed as the fruit of the Spirit. 35:58 It's not nine fruits of the Spirit, 36:00 it is the fruit of the Spirit, 36:02 but this is something that as we... 36:06 You know, you can only be filled 36:08 with the Holy Spirit to the degree 36:09 you're emptied of self. 36:11 Amen. Right? 36:12 So as we continue to walk 36:14 and try to walk in obedience to what we know, 36:17 then we give up a little more of self, 36:20 we are dying to self, 36:21 the Holy Spirit is working in us, 36:23 and the more we go, this is how, 36:25 self-control isn't just something 36:27 that we develop 36:29 or that the Holy Spirit develops in us, 36:32 as he's developing the character of Christ. 36:34 It doesn't just happen overnight. 36:37 It's something that progressively goes forward. 36:41 And I know even now can't you see 36:43 in the last few years, 36:44 I can see areas in which I know I've grown 36:47 in areas of self-control that I didn't have before. 36:50 Amen. 36:52 But he had to reveal it to you to. 36:53 See, I thought when I quit smoking 36:55 and did all these outward things, 36:56 well, I practically had arrived. 36:59 But the minute you get rid of the outward stuff 37:02 that is not Christ like. 37:04 He turns a spirit inward and it is... 37:09 I am not sure, 37:10 He always reveals something new. 37:12 Every time we have victory through the Holy Spirit 37:16 and Christ's control over something, 37:20 He reveals something else, 37:22 He allows things to happen to us 37:24 so that we recognize, oh, I don't have control here. 37:30 I need to submit, 37:32 commit this particular area or this issue to Him 37:35 and have Christ centered control over this. 37:38 Isn't that the graciousness of God though? 37:40 It used to discourage me like, "Look, there is something else, 37:45 but then I thought this is a blessing." 37:47 You look at it as God loves me, 37:50 and He wants to show me something that's in my life, 37:53 that's a beautiful thing. 37:55 If God showing us stuff, I love that. 37:58 I like John 15, 37:59 because it reminds me that of myself, 38:02 I can't do nothing apart from the vine 38:05 or disconnected from the vine. 38:07 You know, Greg, I'll try to share this quickly. 38:10 He grew up in West Virginia, and they had a grapevine swing, 38:14 that they cut the grape vine, 38:16 you know, how they start at the base 38:17 and they grow up and they wrap around a tree. 38:19 And so, they cut it off at the base 38:21 and then they made it into a swing, 38:23 so they jump on it 38:24 and they'd swing out over the valley 38:26 and come back to the little mountainside. 38:28 And this worked for some time, until one day they had company. 38:32 And Greg says they jumped on, 38:35 this is how the grapevine swing works. 38:37 They jumped on, went over the valley, 38:38 everything went great, then the friend got on 38:41 and he jumped on 38:42 and went out over the valley and it broke. 38:45 Because, and he, I think he landed on a tree stumper 38:48 or something, but he was okay. 38:49 So praise the Lord, 38:51 but it just reminds me of this passage, 38:53 because it looked good for a while. 38:55 So we can disconnect from our source from the sap, 38:59 from Jesus Christ, 39:01 the Holy Spirit flowing into us, 39:02 we can disconnect. 39:04 And for some time, we look like we're still okay, 39:07 and we still even function within the church body, 39:11 within, whatever, but there comes a time 39:13 when that disconnection becomes apparent, 39:16 because the sap of Jesus is no longer flowing. 39:18 Absolutely. 39:19 So I think as we talk about Christ's control, 39:22 it is His life flowing in and through us. 39:27 Otherwise, we can't do anything, 39:29 we're just dry and brittle and we break, you know. 39:31 Amen. 39:33 You mentioned, Shelley, surrender to self. 39:34 So let's look at a verse about that. 39:36 I like that emptying self. 39:37 Let's look at Galatians 2:20. 39:43 Oh, I like this one. 39:44 And I don't want to run past too fast 39:47 that part where God loves us so much 39:50 that He continues to work in us, 39:53 work in us, work in us, so you're right, 39:55 don't ever feel discouraged 39:57 because God is never going to give up on you. 39:59 That's right. Thank you, Dee. 40:01 Who wants to read that Galatians 2:20? 40:05 "I have been crucified with Christ, 40:07 it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, 40:11 and the life which I now live in the flesh, 40:13 I live by faith in the Son of God, 40:16 who loved me and gave Himself for me." 40:20 So someone might be saying, 40:22 what does it mean to be crucified with Christ? 40:25 I don't even understand that concept. 40:27 So anyone want to tackle that. 40:29 What does that even mean that, it's not me that's living, 40:32 but it's Christ that's living in me? 40:34 I think of... 40:35 You know, Acts 13... 40:37 Excuse me, Romans 13. Okay. 40:40 I think it's Romans 13, let me see. 40:42 We're all looking... No, Romans 8:13. 40:44 Okay, Romans 8:13. Yes. 40:46 You know, when we come to the Lord, 40:50 what God asks of us, He has a plan for our life, 40:52 He just simply ask that we yield to His plan. 40:55 He will not, when we're talking about Christ's control, 40:58 Christ never comes in and just takes over us. 41:00 He's developing in us this ability 41:04 for the self-control, 41:05 but when we say, "Okay, Lord, 41:11 I'm going to yield myself to you, 41:13 have Your own way, Lord, 41:14 I know You've got a plan for my life 41:16 that's better than the one that I've got." 41:19 Then when the idea of being crucified is 41:22 the idea of being dead to self. 41:24 And the only way that can happen is 41:26 if we look at Romans 8:13, and if I can find it, 41:30 Romans 8:13, where it says, 41:33 "If you live according to the flesh, will die, 41:35 but if by the Spirit 41:38 you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live." 41:42 So, when Paul is saying, "It's no longer I who live," 41:45 he was just totally surrendered to God. 41:48 He was giving full consent, saying Lord, 41:50 "Use me as You want, do what You want, 41:53 I'm now, you know, 41:54 I'm dead to self and alive to Christ." 41:58 Amen. Amen. 41:59 But that still are working, because I've asked the Lord, 42:03 please just fix this. 42:05 I mean, it's like I surrender, please fix this. 42:09 Don't let me do this or don't let me get impatient, 42:12 don't let me get upset, you know but He is a gentleman, 42:17 He will not force the will. 42:22 It's growing in the Spirit 42:24 and allowing His Spirit to develop in. 42:26 So you're saying, I want, you're making a choice, 42:29 I die to Your will and Your Spirit, 42:33 but again is something that we have to practice, 42:36 we die to my will, yes. 42:38 You have to practice that, and let it become a habit 42:44 because Jesus will not force you. 42:48 I thought you were going to say something. 42:49 Yeah, I was thinking the same thing, 42:51 you really look like you're ready to talk, Mollie, 42:52 it looks like you're bursting. 42:54 Now, I appreciate what you're saying. 42:56 Jesus never forces over and this is about, 43:00 you know, we're looking at self-control, self, 43:03 and we don't want self. 43:05 We want Jesus control, but we are taught from 43:09 how young to be in control, to be in charge, 43:13 and so, see it's contrary to our upbringing. 43:17 Absolutely. 43:18 To yield control to anybody else 43:23 including God, and so... 43:25 I kind of thought of it 43:27 as the other side of self-control. 43:30 We do want to have self control. 43:32 It is good when, by an act of our will 43:35 we choose not to do something, that's, that's self control 43:40 and we realize as Christians 43:42 that it's God prompting and helping 43:45 and strengthening us, 43:46 but if you are so in control, you can be so in control. 43:51 I knew a lady once 43:53 and Hal taught a strong sermon on sin 43:58 and crucifying the deeds of the flesh 44:00 and she came up afterwards and she told him. 44:05 That sermon wasn't for me tonight 44:07 because I've looked at my life and there is no sin in my life. 44:12 Bless her heart. Oh, mercy. 44:13 She was a little myopic. 44:15 She came and I mean, it was no time 44:19 until she fell into sins of the flesh, 44:24 she had an affair and then just openly proclaimed 44:30 that this was God putting her together with, you know, 44:33 and the reason was she was so in control, 44:37 she didn't smoke, she didn't drink. 44:40 By an act of her will, she didn't curse. 44:43 By an act of her will, she didn't do, Dee, 44:45 you were talking about him earlier, 44:47 the sins that stink. 44:49 She had got rid of all of the sins that stink, 44:52 but on the inside she had pride and haughtiness 44:57 and pride goes before destruction, 45:00 like haughtiness, did I get that backwards, 45:02 I mean, haughtiness before a fall. 45:04 I might have got that backwards, 45:06 but the point being, 45:07 if that's in your life, God will deal with it, 45:09 if you don't allow God to prune you, 45:12 deal with those areas. 45:14 He'll cut your tree down. 45:16 And so... Like Daniel. 45:17 Not Daniel, but the tree of the Nebuchadnezzar, 45:20 the vision Daniel interpreted, you got that right, yeah. 45:23 So the point being with her, it took a while, 45:26 it took maybe a year before she came back around and says, 45:29 "I am the chiefest of sinners, thank God, 45:32 by the power of a Spirit, 45:33 he drew her out of darkness and he drew her back into life, 45:37 but she was again the other side of self-control, 45:40 so in control that you don't yield to God 45:43 and allow Him to do the working that He needs to do within you. 45:47 But, you know, sometimes would... 45:49 I'm sorry, go ahead. 45:50 God will reveal in us 45:51 what He needs to work on if we allow Him to. 45:53 Yes. Yes. 45:54 But I was just going to say is that, 45:56 if you grew up in a really dysfunctional environment 45:59 in which I did, and I know, I know you did as well, 46:03 in probably more of a dysfunction here, 46:06 but the thing is when you grow up 46:08 in a very dysfunctional environment, 46:10 you learn to be very independent 46:14 and you learn to put this barrier up around you... 46:17 I don't need anybody, I can take care of myself. 46:20 You're going to do it. 46:22 And so, as you said it is contrary to our human nature 46:26 once we've learned to be independent to surrender, 46:29 but what we don't recognize is all that pain has made us, 46:33 we become prideful as this woman was, 46:36 thinking that we're in control that what we've got it handles, 46:40 whereas humility is surrendering to God's will, 46:44 that's what humility is all about. 46:46 It's just surrounding to God's will 46:49 and He's got the better plan, 46:50 He's got the power and He will give it to us. 46:53 Amen. That's beautiful. 46:55 To me... One of the... 46:56 Go ahead, please. 46:57 One of the worst things I ever said 46:59 before I was a Christian is I said to someone, 47:02 "I've never had anything break me. 47:07 I will not be broken." Yeah. 47:09 And I was referring to worldly things, 47:13 it's like I've never come up 47:14 against something I couldn't handle. 47:16 Well, praise God, I came up against God and He broke me, 47:21 but He breaks you to heal you. 47:24 Yes. 47:27 Praise God that He will break you 47:29 and now I choose to yield 47:32 because that's where the healing is, 47:34 that's where the power is, His will, 47:37 He has a better plan for my life 47:39 than I could possibly dream of. 47:40 Amen. And He never gives up on us. 47:43 I was thinking of that verse as you were talking, Dee, 47:45 and now I'm not sure I can find it, 47:47 it talks about a bruised reed He will not break, 47:50 and the smoking flax He will not quench." 47:53 This also comes from the Lord of hosts 47:54 who is marvelous and working something about that and... 47:57 Isaiah, is it? Okay. 47:59 So it's beautiful to me 48:00 because that's what God wants to do in our lives, 48:03 whether we come from a hard, 48:05 I can do it myself background 48:07 or a broken past or somewhere in between God says, 48:10 "No matter where we are, 48:12 He will work in our lives to redeem us." 48:16 He never breaks destructively. He loved me before He broke me. 48:19 That's right. It's always redemptively. 48:21 May I take just a quick second to tell the story, 48:23 because we heard this when we were in Israel 48:27 that the shepherd there when they've got the flock, 48:30 the shepherd will take a little lamb 48:33 and break its leg on purpose 48:34 and then put that lamb around his neck and the lamb 48:39 while the whole time the lamb is healing, 48:40 the shepherd's loving on the lamb, 48:42 the shepherd has him, 48:44 you know, he's getting close, they know the scent, 48:47 the lamb knows his voice. 48:49 Well, the lamb grows up to be a leader 48:52 and he always stays close to the shepherd. 48:56 And I think that's a beautiful picture of what 48:59 when God breaks us of something, 49:02 what He does is He draws us in closely, 49:06 He loves on us, He lets us get familiar with His voice, 49:10 and as you said anytime 49:11 we're being broken of something, 49:13 it is for redemptive purpose. 49:15 It's so that we will learn to stay close to him, 49:18 and it's just a beautiful thing. 49:19 Amen. That's a beautiful story. 49:21 I don't remember that story, 49:22 we were only there once in Israel, 49:24 but that's a beautiful story. 49:25 Let's look at... 49:26 I think we have time for one more scripture, 49:28 let's look at 1 Corinthians 6. 49:31 1 Corinthians 6. 49:33 And we'll look at 19 and 20. 49:39 1 Corinthians 6:19 and 20. 49:43 Now this is all in the section on sexual immortality. 49:46 So really we could say this is the lust of the flesh for sure, 49:49 but I think it applies to anything. 49:52 Verse 19, "Do you not know 49:54 your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, 49:58 who is in you, whom you have from God 50:00 and you are not your own, 50:03 for you are bought with a price. 50:05 Therefore glorify God in your body 50:08 and in your spirit which are God's." 50:10 You know, in the Greek the word for temple is naos, N-A-O-S. 50:14 It was in their pagan culture, it was a sacred, 50:17 innermost sacred dwelling place for the God. 50:20 Little G, but in this case, 50:23 it's a dwelling place for the Lord Jesus Christ. 50:26 So dwell within our hearts 50:29 with the power of the Holy Spirit, 50:31 and I think as Christ comes in, He changes us. 50:36 You can't have Jesus dwelling in your heart without Him 50:41 gaining access to those broken, those hurt places, 50:44 those places that need more self-control 50:47 and then Him putting His hand over 50:49 and working to develop His character in us. 50:52 Can I say one thing that the Lord's really convicting me of 50:55 though is that M&M's peanuts aside which, 50:58 that's a very rare thing but... 51:01 Where I'm not exercising self-control 51:04 is in my work schedule. 51:06 You can be working for the Lord and you can overwork, 51:11 I mean to the point 51:13 where you're not getting the exercise you need, 51:15 where you're not treating your body as the temple. 51:17 So when we're talking about self-control and, 51:21 you know, it could be some, 51:23 some people may have a problem with anger. 51:25 Angry outbursts, or some people may 51:28 just have a quick temper that flares up. 51:31 You know, sometimes I'll hear people say, 51:33 well, that's just because I'm choleric, and I'll say, 51:36 "No, God doesn't accept that 'cause when you are... 51:39 'Cause you're out of control. You're out of control. 51:41 Yes, right. It's right. 51:44 But there's a lot of areas for self control 51:46 and that's why we always need to be looking at the Lord. 51:48 You can work so hard for the Lord 51:50 that you forget the Lord in your own life. 51:52 That's true too. That's sad, many, many people. 51:56 Aren't we just kind of talking about yielding to God... 51:59 Absolutely. 52:00 Willing to His will, you know, my prayer I pray. 52:02 The choice. 52:03 But before I'd do anything, I prayed it 52:06 before I came out here, 52:07 "Oh, Father, in my inability be my ability, 52:11 in my weakness be made strong. 52:13 In my insufficiency, be my all sufficiency. 52:17 Yielding to God I can do all things, 52:20 but it's only through Christ, as He strengthens me, 52:24 as I'm in Him and He's in me. 52:27 So self-control, I don't want to have self-control, 52:31 I want to have Christ control. 52:33 But it is the fruit of the spirit is, 52:35 is part of the fruit is that he works, 52:39 the Holy Spirit works out that character of Christ in us 52:42 and it is Christ control, 52:44 but it's exercise manifested in our life as self-control. 52:47 But don't you find yourself needing to yield. 52:50 It's a necessity to yield on a daily... 52:54 Day by day. 52:55 Second by second. Moment by moment. 52:57 That's how we need to lift each other up 52:59 so that no one feels like 53:00 they're the only one struggling. 53:02 Our brothers and sisters 53:04 we all need to know as God's children 53:06 that we all struggle with self-control 53:10 so that no one feels alone or... 53:13 And we hope that you don't feel alone that, 53:15 you know, around this table we pray for you 53:18 and that God is on your side 53:21 and that day by day as we yield more to His control, 53:24 allow His life giving sap to flow into us and through us, 53:29 He can develop within us His control. 53:31 We want to spend just a couple moments here 53:33 at the closing time in prayer. 53:36 Prayer for you at home, 53:37 whatever the Lord puts on each one of your hearts 53:40 and we'll start with Mollie, I guess, 53:41 and just go around the circle. 53:43 Okay. 53:44 Holy Father, I do come before You 53:45 in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ 53:47 and I praise You and I thank You, Lord, 53:49 for Your grace and for Your mercy 53:51 that those mercies are renewed every morning. 53:54 And, Father, I bring before You every person 53:58 that is listening, that's watching. 54:02 Father, I just stand in before Your throne of grace and ask, 54:05 Lord, that You would touch them, 54:07 that You would draw them. 54:08 Father, fill them with Your holy presence, 54:11 fill us all, Lord, even at this table, 54:13 fill us with Your holy presence, Lord. 54:16 Father, we yield to You that You would take our characters, 54:20 conform us to Your image and Your likeness is our prayer 54:24 in Jesus' name. 54:25 Amen. Thank you. 54:27 Oh, Father, I just ask that 54:29 each one of Your sons and daughters 54:31 will feel Your love, Father, 54:33 that You want to help them 54:35 to be self-control with Christ control 54:42 and don't let any of us feel alone, 54:44 let us feel as one with You, Father, 54:47 that we're all together working and we just thank You, Father, 54:51 for the blessings that You give us 54:53 and this the love, Father, 54:55 I just know Your love and I want 54:58 each one of my brothers and sisters 54:59 to feel that love, Father, 55:01 that You will be there with them 55:02 and help them, don't be discouraged. 55:04 Thank you. 55:06 Father, I thank You that 55:07 Your plan of salvation is total dependence upon You. 55:10 I thank You that You are the God 55:11 who saves us and sanctifies us and that, 55:14 Lord, that Jesus Christ lives in our heart, 55:17 by the power of Your Holy Spirit. 55:20 Lord, we pray in the name of Jesus that You will... 55:24 We just say, take our hearts for we can't give them glory. 55:28 Oh, Father, we want to yield to You 55:32 and I pray that You will, 55:34 Lord, increase our humility, 55:36 where we recognize our total dependence upon You. 55:40 And, Father, I pray that for someone 55:42 who is watching, who is in Christ, 55:44 who's struggling with something that they will remember, 55:47 You said there is therefore now no condemnation for those 55:51 who walk according to the spirit. 55:53 So just let them know, Lord, 55:55 that You are working out Your will 55:59 in their moment by moment. 56:01 It's just a matter of turning to You 56:04 and I thank You the Holy Spirit 56:06 really when we do fall, 56:08 he brings us to your feet 56:10 that we can just say forgive me, 56:12 cleanses of all unrighteousness, 56:14 but I thank You, Father, 56:16 that we are continuing to grow 56:19 in the fullness of stature of Christ in Jesus' name. 56:23 And, Father, as we continue in prayer, 56:25 we thank You for the gift of Jesus. 56:27 We thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit 56:30 and that You want to work in us and through us 56:33 for Your good pleasure. 56:35 Right now, I lift up my brothers and sisters 56:37 who may be feel broken, struggling with things. 56:41 And, Lord, we ask for Your deliverance, 56:43 we ask for Your healing, we ask for Your comfort, 56:47 we ask for Your peace 56:49 and that You could reveal Yourself 56:51 to them in a very special way. 56:52 We thank You 56:53 for what You are going to do in the precious, 56:56 in the holy name of Jesus. 56:58 Amen. Amen and amen. 57:00 Thank you, Mollie, and Shelley, and Dee, 57:03 for sharing your heart with our 3ABN family at home. 57:07 Thank you, Jill, for having us. 57:08 It's been a blessing to share together, 57:10 and we thank you for joining us. 57:12 Know that, at 3ABN, we love you. 57:15 That we pray for you, and that most importantly, 57:18 the Lord, Jesus Christ is on your side. 57:20 He has made a plan of salvation for you, so accept Him. 57:23 If you have not done that, accept Him just now. 57:26 Have a wonderful Sabbath. We'll see you next time. 57:29 Bye-bye. Bye-bye. |
Revised 2017-09-05