Participants: J. D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), John & Idalia Dinzey, Luis Capote, Tim Parton
Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW017007A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I wanna spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I wanna spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I wanna spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship. 01:10 I'm Shelley Quinn. I am J.D. 01:12 And we are so glad that you are joining us, 01:15 sincerely, this is a special time for us, 01:18 because we get to get together 01:20 with our 3ABN family and with you. 01:23 And to worship the Lord 01:25 as we have this Sabbath evening worship 01:29 and we just truly enjoy it. 01:30 Let me introduce very quickly our guest here, 01:34 we have John and Idalia Dinzey. 01:36 Amen. 01:37 He being the General Manager for the 3ABN Latino, 01:41 she being the assistant 01:43 to the general manager in all ways. 01:44 And we just thank you all so much for being here. 01:48 And then next to me, I have Luis Capote, 01:50 who is our program... 01:53 Program... What is it? 01:55 Program Manager, Program Director. 01:56 Program manager. You're the one that works with the schedule. 01:58 Correct. I know 'cause I work with you. 02:02 Know you by name. Yes. 02:04 And then we have Tim Parton, 02:06 who is the General Manager for Praise Him channel, 02:10 we're really excited about some of the new things 02:13 you're doing and the programs. 02:15 Praise the Lord for that. Yeah. 02:16 We're just glad you're part of our family. 02:19 What we're going to be talking about 02:21 this evening is Revive Us. 02:24 We're gonna look to the Lord and ask Him to revive us. 02:29 You know, sometimes we can get in the heat of battle 02:33 and you just nearly feel like you're gonna faint 02:35 and you need to be revived with a refreshing from the Lord 02:38 and that's what we're gonna look at tonight. 02:40 Amen. Amen. 02:41 But let's start with a prayer of praise. 02:45 And, J.D., I'm gonna ask you to start, 02:47 if we just think about something 02:49 you want to praise God for 02:50 and we'll just go around, no particular order, 02:53 just whoever feels led. 02:54 Amen. 02:56 Father, as we come before you in the name of Jesus, 02:58 I just wanna praise your name, give you all glory, Lord, 03:02 and I just, specially for myself, 03:04 for my wife, for my family, dear Father, 03:06 I just thank you for the good health 03:08 that you're giving each one of us. 03:11 Lord, I thank you for the Sabbath day. 03:14 With a busy week, Lord, 03:16 there's a time where we can come 03:17 and we can just lay it all at your feet 03:20 and you can give us that peace and that joy 03:23 that only comes through you. 03:25 I thank you, Father, 03:26 and I praise you for you are God, 03:29 you're a mighty God, transforming God. 03:32 Amen. 03:33 And I thank you and praise you, Lord, 03:35 for your goodness and mercy to us 03:37 and we thank you that your mercy, it says, 03:39 "As far as the east is from the west, 03:41 as high as heaven is from the earth." 03:43 And, Lord, I thank you for that personal relationship 03:46 that every day, throughout the week, 03:48 that you have given me the privilege to serve you, 03:52 and to love you, and to know you 03:53 on a personal basis. 03:54 Amen. 03:56 Father, I just never tire of thanking you 03:58 for your great grace 04:00 and your greatest gifts of grace, for Jesus Christ, 04:03 our Lord and Savior, 04:05 and for the Holy Spirit, and your word, 04:07 and we ask as we come to your word 04:10 that you will send your Holy Spirit to stir our hearts. 04:16 Father, give us ears to hear what the Holy Spirit has to say 04:20 and I pray for every viewer, every listener of this program, 04:24 Lord, that you would pour out your Holy Spirit 04:27 on each and every one of us. 04:29 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen. 04:30 Amen. Amen. 04:32 Well, we are going to do a song. 04:34 Tim Parton is going to play for us 04:36 on the piano and this song is one of my favorites. 04:40 It's Revive Us Again and when we think about it, 04:44 this is a song that we're actually singing to the Lord. 04:49 The words are written out as a prayer, 04:51 so those words would be on the screen 04:54 and we invite you, sing out with gusto. 05:04 We praise Thee, O God! 05:07 For the Son of Thy love. 05:09 For Jesus who died And is now gone above. 05:15 Hallelujah! Thine the glory. 05:18 Hallelujah, Amen. 05:20 Hallelujah! 05:22 Thine the glory Revive us again. 05:26 We praise Thee, O God! 05:29 For Thy Spirit of light Who hath shown us our Savior 05:34 And scattered our night. 05:37 Hallelujah! Thine the glory. 05:40 Hallelujah, Amen. Hallelujah! 05:44 Thine the glory Revive us again. 05:48 All glory and praise To the Lamb that was slain 05:54 Who hath borne all our sins And hath cleansed every stain 05:59 Hallelujah! Thine the glory. 06:02 Hallelujah, Amen. 06:05 Hallelujah! 06:06 Thine the glory Revive us again. 06:11 All glory and praise To the God of all grace 06:16 Who hast brought us And sought us 06:19 And guided our ways. 06:22 Hallelujah! Thine the glory. 06:25 Hallelujah, Amen. 06:27 Hallelujah! 06:29 Thine the glory Revive us again. 06:33 Revive us again Fill each heart with Thy love 06:38 May each soul be rekindled With fire from above. 06:44 Hallelujah! Thine the glory. 06:47 Hallelujah, Amen. 06:49 Hallelujah! 06:51 Thine the glory Revive us again. 06:57 Amen. Amen. 06:59 Hallelujah! Hallelujah! 07:01 Wow. And how we need that revival? 07:04 Amen. 07:05 Well, what we're going to look at, 07:06 I'm going to, I don't know 07:08 if I should take the time but I will. 07:09 We've got 12 scriptures 07:11 that we want to share with you tonight 07:15 and I hope we get to all of them. 07:16 But what I'm going to do first is 07:18 I'm taking the scriptures of God 07:22 and now I'm gonna pray them back to the Lord 07:25 and then you will see the supporting scriptures 07:27 in just a moment. 07:29 So here is, we call this an affirmation from scripture 07:33 and here's what is written. 07:36 All based on scripture. 07:38 Oh, Father, how did this happen? 07:40 How did I become careless 07:42 and calloused about things that concern You most? 07:45 I don't want to store up wrath 07:46 for the day of your righteous judgment, 07:48 cause me to examine my ways and turn back fully to you. 07:53 I've stumbled in the sin of self-satisfaction. 07:58 My priorities are upside down. 07:59 I have forsaken you as my first love. 08:03 Forgive me, Lord, 08:04 take away my iniquity 08:06 and receive me graciously, I pray. 08:08 My soul is laid low. 08:10 Revive me in keeping with your word, in your tender love, 08:13 according to Your promise. 08:15 I pray for Your mercy and salvation, 08:17 that I may rejoice in You again. 08:20 Cause me to seek You in prayer, and in the word, 08:23 and hear Your voice of unfailing love in the morning. 08:26 Cause me to know the way in which I should stand, 08:29 deliver me from the enemy of my soul, 08:31 teach me to do your will, lead me in your ways, 08:35 revive me for the sake of Your name and righteousness, 08:39 bring my soul out of trouble. 08:41 Father, abolish my apathy. 08:44 Create in me a clean heart. 08:46 Renew a steadfast spirit within me. 08:48 Do not cast me away from Your presence. 08:51 Do not take your precious Holy Spirit from me. 08:54 Restore to me the joy of Your salvation 08:56 and uphold me by Your spirit. 08:58 Then I will share the good news of Your love 09:00 and mercy with others, 09:02 and sinners will turn to You for salvation. 09:05 Holy and righteous Father, keep Your hand upon me, 09:08 revive me, breathe Your life into me, 09:13 and I will call upon Your name. 09:15 Restore me, Lord God Almighty. 09:18 Cause Your face to shine upon me in favor 09:22 and I will be saved. 09:23 Amen. Amen and amen. 09:25 Beautiful. 09:27 That affirmation is taken from 12 scriptures 09:30 and I'd like us to look at each one of those scriptures. 09:34 Have all of us, I assume, been in that place 09:38 where you know that you need God 09:40 to breathe on you again. 09:41 Almost at... 09:42 Or revive you. Yes. 09:44 Even when you're in full-time ministry, 09:45 you can get so busy doing good things that, 09:47 especially, you're in full-time ministry. 09:50 Yeah. 09:51 So this is something that, it's such a serious topic 09:54 and we know that if we've all faced this, 09:57 we trust that you have faced it as well. 09:59 But the good news is, 10:01 all you have to do is cry out to the Lord 10:03 and say, "Revive me." 10:05 And He is anxious to do that very thing. 10:07 Shelley, that's interesting, that you would say, you know, 10:10 speaking from your stance, being in the ministry. 10:13 I would say to any of us 10:15 who have been Christians for a certain amount of time, 10:18 a longer amount of time, 10:20 how easy it is to get in the place where we need revival 10:26 because we get in a groove of thinking 10:29 that we've got it all down. 10:31 We've got, we know, even, 10:32 because even if we're for a relationship with Christ, 10:35 and we're reading the word, 10:36 we're doing all the right things. 10:37 That's true. 10:39 Romans 2:5, which is one of the first scriptures 10:43 in that prayer that you... 10:46 The paragraph that you read. 10:49 First of all, I'll read that scripture. 10:51 It says, Romans 2:5, 10:53 "But in accordance with your hardness 10:56 and your impenitent heart 10:57 you are treasuring up for yourself wrath 11:00 in the day of wrath 11:01 and revelation of the righteous judgment of God." 11:04 Paul is talking to the Romans. 11:07 In the first chapter, 11:08 the chapter prior to chapter two, 11:13 he has been talking about how he is not ashamed of Christ 11:17 and then he goes into talking about the people like him, 11:21 starting in verse 18, 11:23 he starts talking about God's holy wrath indignation 11:26 and indignation are revealed against all the men, 11:31 who in their wickedness repressed the truth 11:34 and then you can read verses 18 through 32 11:39 where he's talking about, they and them, 11:40 and all the sins that they commit 11:43 and it's just, kind of, gets into really dark. 11:48 In chapter two, he turns around 11:52 and starts talking to the Romans. 11:55 And he's saying to, to the saints, 11:59 to the Christians. 12:00 He's saying, "To you though, 12:03 you have no excuse if you judge..." 12:06 Yes. 12:07 "Those who are sinning." 12:11 And so in verse five it says that your callous stubbornness, 12:15 those, that impenitence of heart, 12:17 you who are storing up wrath and indignation for yourself 12:20 on the day of wrath and judgment, 12:21 by judging those who sin. 12:25 Which only tells me that revival is for me, 12:28 for personal, it makes it personal. 12:31 I am not to go judging everyone else who is sinning, 12:38 whenever I listen, when I read the word of God, 12:40 when I listen to sermons, I am to use a rake, 12:44 and rake in these words, 12:47 it's not a shovel to shovel on somebody else's problems. 12:51 It's for me to assess my life, to assess where I am in Christ, 12:56 the pronouns in chapter one talk about, they and them, 13:00 talking about the sins and the sinners. 13:03 But in chapter two, 13:04 it says, "To you who are judging that's..." 13:10 It's just, that's what it's saying, 13:11 "But in accordance with your hardness 13:13 and your impenitent heart..." 13:17 So I've got to just constantly be praying, 13:20 God, revive me to... 13:24 What do you say? 13:26 Keep me from constantly being judgmental 13:28 of everyone else's sin. 13:31 Let me look at the mirror, the man in the mirror, 13:33 that's who, that's who I'm responsible for. 13:36 I want to, you know, 13:37 share the love of Christ with everybody 13:38 but it's me who I've got to, 13:41 I've got to live. 13:43 I've got to answer for myself. 13:45 That's... 13:46 And God in His kindness leads me to repentance, 13:50 in verse four of that same chapter, 13:52 right before five, the last part of it, 13:55 "Are you unmindful 13:56 or actually ignorant of the fact 13:57 that God's kindness is intended to lead you to repent." 14:01 So, so this is a, kind of, interesting place to start 14:04 when we talk about, Revive me, oh, Lord. 14:07 It's, it's at a place of realizing, 14:10 "Okay, this is about me. 14:12 I've got to, you know, 14:13 get my eyes off of everybody else's sin. 14:15 I've got to figure out where I am with Christ." 14:17 When you think about it, 14:18 what is the root of being judgmental? 14:22 It's pride. Right. 14:23 You know, and that's just the opposite. 14:25 I mean, that's, that's the original sin. 14:26 So that's why we've got to be humble enough to come 14:30 before the Lord and ask Him to grant us repentance, 14:34 to revive us. 14:36 So that's an excellent, excellent starting place. 14:40 Yes. 14:41 I can see how we can... 14:43 It's easy to see somebody else's sins 14:46 and feel good about ourselves. 14:48 Well, I am not doing that, you know, I am better. 14:52 I'm not that bad into sin, right? 14:55 So unfortunately, we get into that mentality, 14:58 but God is so merciful and if we should suscept, 15:02 that gift of kindness, 15:04 you know, from God and put it into practice. 15:07 He tells us to, let us search out 15:09 and examine our ways and turn back to the Lord 15:12 as it is in Lamentations 3:40, 15:16 "Let us search out and examine our ways." 15:19 You know, we're so busy searching 15:21 and examining somebody else's life. 15:23 It's time for us to get busy and for me, to search, 15:28 oh, I didn't examine my life, 15:31 just like we were mentioning earlier, 15:33 we get so involved in ministry, we have so many engagements. 15:38 But the time alone with Christ is the most sweet moment 15:42 that we can take in during the day. 15:44 And it's easy to just "think" that we're okay. 15:49 But in reality, 15:51 we need to make a self-evaluation. 15:54 I think it's every day because we're asked to, 15:57 you know, late, take up the cross everyday, right? 16:01 So one time the Lord said to me 16:03 and when I say that, you know what I'm talking about, 16:06 the still small voice of the Lord, 16:07 the Holy Spirit pressed this thought upon me. 16:10 Because I know I was going in the right direction 16:12 and that's what He said, 16:13 "You're headed in the right direction, 16:15 but you're looking over your shoulder." 16:17 And He said, "Turn full face to me, child." 16:20 And sometimes, you know, this is something 16:23 that He doesn't want just our service. 16:27 God wants this, He wants to turn our face, 16:31 full face to Him 16:32 where there's that real intimacy of relationship 16:36 and if you lose the intimacy of relationship, 16:39 you need revival or you're not. 16:42 You know, it's like a runner. 16:43 They don't look sideways, they don't look to the back. 16:46 They don't. 16:47 And we are in a race, 16:48 you know, so we're heaven-bound, 16:51 so we cannot look back, we cannot look to the sides. 16:55 Yes, we must pray for our brethren, 16:57 for our families. 16:58 We have to pray for our own souls 17:00 to be able to finish the race. 17:01 Amen. 17:03 You know, when, when God is trying to work with us 17:06 and we actually feel, 17:08 when He's reviving us from whatever issue 17:12 that we're going through, 17:13 I was born an Adventist, fourth generation Adventist, 17:16 so it's difficult to actually see that in my life, 17:21 but now that I'm in prison ministry, 17:23 when I see the awakening of the inmates, 17:27 when I see their change, when I see how, 17:31 how they completely have turned around 17:35 their thought process, 17:36 what they wanted before, now they don't, 17:38 now they're focusing on Jesus. 17:41 This is beautiful to see, 17:42 it's hard to see sometimes in us 17:44 because we think we're, we're in the ministry, 17:47 we're teaching, we're preaching, 17:48 we're doing all of these things, 17:50 we're hitting the right way, Lord. 17:52 So when God is trying to, to revive us. 17:55 Well, we think, "Oh, well, you know, 17:57 that's just part of the course." 17:59 But when we are seeing in others, 18:01 when you are, Shelley, 18:03 or when you are preaching and you see these individuals, 18:06 you make the altar call, and you see individuals coming, 18:09 and you see their life being revived, being renewed. 18:13 How does that make you feel? 18:15 It's incredible. 18:16 Isn't it amazing? It is. 18:17 You know... 18:19 But I always feel like, I, when I make an altar call, 18:20 that I ought to be down there too. 18:22 That's good. 18:23 You know, I want to say one thing. 18:25 You were not born an Adventist, 18:27 you were born into an Adventist family, 18:30 because I hear people say that so many times 18:33 and, and God doesn't have grandchildren, 18:36 He only has children. 18:37 So the point is you became an Adventist Christian 18:41 as you were rooted in these teachings 18:46 throughout your childhood which is just incredible. 18:49 Well, J.D. 18:52 I don't know why I have this one 18:55 but then again I do know why, 18:57 because we don't talk about a period of my life 19:00 and that's talking about a backslider, 19:02 we're going to go to Proverbs 14:14. 19:05 "The backslider in heart." 19:07 Wow! 19:08 The heart, your mind, they're tied in there together, 19:10 will be filled with His own ways. 19:12 His own ways. 19:13 You're just very selfish. Don't know how you...? 19:16 You go from Christianity, 19:18 having, growing up in a Christian home, 19:20 loving the Lord, and then, 19:23 here you're underneath that category 19:25 called a backslider. 19:27 But then as I think about it, it's because you're selfish. 19:31 Verses, now Proverbs is written by a very wise man, 19:35 now just this sounds like a wise man writing this, 19:38 "The backslider in heart 19:40 will be filled with His own ways, 19:42 but a good man will be satisfied from above." 19:46 Wow! Who's above? 19:48 Jesus is above. 19:50 So here you have that opportunity, are we satisfied? 19:53 Are we dissatisfied? 19:55 Here again, is it dark? Or is it light? 19:58 And thank you, Jesus, being... 20:05 Now I am a backslider again, backsliding toward Jesus. 20:11 You know, and I can tell you which one I prefer. 20:14 Amen. Amen. 20:15 Because I know, one, you have joy in your heart. 20:19 The other, you have condemnation in your heart. 20:21 Always wondering what's wrong because it just wouldn't fit 20:25 and so I would imagine most people that you talk to, 20:28 they've been on the right track 20:30 and then they found them on the wrong track, 20:32 right track, wrong track, 20:34 and I just speak from my own heart. 20:38 There's only one heart, one heart, 20:40 and that's just, boy, you put it perfectly. 20:42 I never thought about this. 20:44 Boy, when you're running that race, man, 20:45 you've got your eyes focused on winning. 20:48 Amen. 20:49 And backsliding, you looking over your shoulder 20:52 to see who's chasing you, I know, so thank you, Jesus. 20:56 I thank you, Jesus, that I got a chance 20:59 to look into my own life on this scripture. 21:01 But, you know, but I... I'm sorry. 21:03 I do appreciate someone with the Spirit of heaven 21:07 to put their arm around me and say, "You know, Idalia. 21:11 I noticed, may I pray for you? 21:13 You know, I wanna help you." 21:16 We're not judging 21:17 but we are nurturing each other. 21:21 Now, you can try to nurture someone with the wrong spirit. 21:25 Like, "You know, Idalia. 21:28 Let me tell you how it is, you know, I've been... 21:30 You know, what you need to do is you need to read the Bible, 21:33 you need to do this, you need to do that." 21:35 When a simple," Idalia, may I pray it with you?" 21:38 You know, I feel something that you're going through and... 21:42 And that just, I don't feel that you're judging me 21:45 but that the Lord is using you, 21:47 because we don't realize that we're backsliding. 21:50 We don't realize that we are leaving our first love, 21:53 you know, and it's like we need to work together, 21:57 we're a team, right? 21:59 So... 22:00 I say that, the Christian walk, 22:02 have you ever seen kids running up and down the escalator? 22:04 Oh, yes. 22:06 Okay, so we do agree. 22:07 We do agree... 22:10 The trend of the world is going down. 22:13 So, and the Christian walk, 22:14 it's like when you see a child walking up the down escalator 22:18 but if, if you stop, 22:22 if you're walking up the down escalator 22:24 and you stop progressing, 22:26 stop going forward, what happens? 22:28 You go down. 22:29 So that's the secret I think in, 22:34 to prevent backsliding 22:36 is we have to constantly be going toward the Lord. 22:40 We can't, if you stop trying to connect with God, 22:44 if you stop progressing, 22:47 you're gonna go back, backwards, 22:50 that's just the bottom line. 22:51 And if you taste it, 22:53 if you've tasted the Christian life, 22:56 you know the Holy Spirit 22:59 will certainly remind you all day long. 23:01 Yes. 23:02 And, you know, and so I just, I just, 23:06 I'm learning more all the time of, 23:08 of what a gift the Holy Spirit is 'cause it does, kind of, 23:12 keeps you inside those parameters, 23:13 those red flags, 23:14 they just go up on every, 23:16 kind of, skew a little bit and... 23:17 That's why the importance of having that 23:20 personal relationship with Christ... 23:21 Every day, it is revival I grew up in, in revivals, 23:27 it was like once a week. 23:28 Once a year, a week long event, 23:31 revival is everyday, I need, I need a daily vitamin, 23:35 that's why it's called daily vitamin, 23:37 you know, and then you can, maybe, 23:38 if you have to have some more supplements for other things, 23:40 to build things. 23:42 But a daily resurgence, and renewing, and restoring, 23:46 that's, that's what, 23:48 that's why it is important to have it every day. 23:51 I think it's important even, you know, to mention that, 23:55 yes, we, we have hectic schedules. 23:57 There are some single fathers out there 24:00 trying to make braids on their little girl's hair, 24:02 trying to rush out the door to get to the, 24:04 to the school in time, to get to work on time, 24:07 but that they, they need to know that even this song 24:11 that we sang at the beginning of this program, 24:14 it was so uplifting to my spirit, you know, 24:17 Revive Us Again, and yours, I'm gonna sing all day, 24:20 "Hallelujah, Thine the glory," 24:22 and you're gonna continue that praise 24:24 and it's gonna help you. 24:25 So if you don't have time to sit down 24:27 with the Lord for five minutes, 24:29 please don't feel that 24:31 the Lord is not gonna take that moment 24:33 to connect with you, and you connect with Him. 24:36 So, guys, let's read. 24:39 Let's see Revelation 2:4, 24:41 It says, "Nevertheless I have this against you, 24:45 that you have left your first love." 24:49 Who's speaking here? 24:50 My goodness, I tell you, 24:52 we have got to self-evaluate our lives, 24:56 we don't realize 24:57 when we are leaving that first love 24:59 because everything becomes so a routine, 25:01 everything is expected and you just do things 25:04 because this is the day you do this, 25:05 this is where you go then and, you know, so, we do need to... 25:10 This goes back to what you said. 25:12 Those of us who are in ministry, 25:15 all the ministries, where they are 25:16 to the church of Ephesians, 25:18 and the, they were doing all the right things 25:21 and all their activities, 25:22 you know, they were really working at, it looked, 25:25 "Look busy, Jesus is coming." 25:27 You know, it's what they, kind of their motto. 25:28 Amen. 25:30 But He says, "Where is your love?" 25:31 It's just routine. 25:33 Right, right, and so we can, we can be doing it, 25:37 but what's our motive for doing it? 25:38 But, and, you know, we remember, 25:40 when you have that first love experience with Jesus. 25:44 I mean, He was all you wanted to talk about, 25:46 you wanted to share Him with others. 25:48 You were so, and you couldn't wait to get into the word, 25:52 prayer was such a joy and sometimes, 25:56 and I do believe that being a Christian, 25:59 it's like a three-legged stool, you've got prayer, 26:02 you've got the word, and you've got service, 26:04 and without any one of those three, 26:06 you're gonna flop. 26:08 But if you let, 26:11 everything you're doing being service 26:14 and you forget your first love, 26:17 that He's the reason you're doing it. 26:19 If you don't stay in the word, stay in prayer with Him, 26:23 then suddenly, it becomes dry as the hills... 26:26 Right. 26:27 Can you imagine sitting on a, a one-legged stool? 26:31 I mean, you've got to use your two legs to balance. 26:34 That's right. 26:35 And how tiring that gets, just like you're saying. 26:38 Yes, yes. I'm exhausted. 26:39 Well, because I've been relying on my own strength 26:41 to stay balanced, 26:43 but it's, if you use those three legs, 26:45 that's you state, that's, God's got it all figured out. 26:49 Amen, hallelujah! 26:55 It's very interesting, I think, for some people. 27:00 It's almost like how can that be 27:02 that you're involved in ministry and, 27:05 you know, you're not connected to the Lord? 27:07 It's interesting. 27:08 I remember many years ago, 27:10 when I was a teenager and I had the, 27:12 I was given the opportunity to do a youth program. 27:15 And you have to prepare the whole thing 27:17 and I decided that day, to talk about how rain happens. 27:23 And we, I mean, I really studied this thing, 27:27 how rain happens? 27:28 And how the moisture goes up into the air and, 27:31 and little specks of dust 27:33 get attached to the water molecules 27:35 and, and then eventually they fall, 27:37 and give people different parts, 27:39 and they shared all these things. 27:41 And then after it was all over, 27:44 the Lord said something to me that I said, I said, "Wow! 27:50 You're right, Lord." 27:51 And this is what He said, you know, 27:52 I didn't hear an audible voice 27:54 but I know the Lord talked to me. 27:55 He said, "Where was I in all of your explanation?" 27:59 See we've got, I got caught up in the mechanics 28:02 of all the scientific explanation of how rain occurs, 28:06 but God was out of it. 28:08 Mercy. And I felt, "Wow!" 28:10 And I really said, "Thank you, Lord. 28:13 Forgive me, forgive me." 28:15 And I said, "I will, by your grace, 28:17 never allow this to happen again." 28:19 And as we sang this song, Revive Us, O Lord. 28:23 Thine is the glory. 28:24 And all these things that... 28:26 So when we're involved in ministry, 28:28 if we forget the Lord of ministry, 28:33 we can't get this connected 28:34 even though we're involved in ministries. 28:36 So as we were talking about backsliding. 28:39 How does one backslide, you know, how does that happen? 28:43 What's the process? 28:45 Little by little, these things happen to us. 28:47 They say that you can, if you put a frog in... 28:50 What do they say, honey? 28:52 If you put a frog in... 28:53 Cold water in the pot. 28:56 In the pot, what happens? 28:57 He gradually, he'll turn on the heat 29:01 and he gradually cooks up, he doesn't even know... 29:03 Yeah, he won't jump out of the water. 29:05 So slowly this thing can happen to you but, you know, 29:08 I believe the Lord is 29:10 constantly trying to draw our attention 29:12 but if we get caught up in, 29:14 self in what we are doing, 29:17 we lose sight of the Lord. 29:18 Amen and amen. 29:19 Well, you know, so these first five scripts 29:24 or four scriptures that we've looked at, 29:27 are talking about our self-examination. 29:30 But I love Hosea 14:1 and 2 29:33 because this is, kind of, the turning point. 29:37 And Hosea 14:1, 2 says this, 29:42 "Return to the Lord your God, 29:44 for you've stumbled because of your inequity. 29:47 Take words with you, and return to the Lord. 29:51 Say to Him, 'Take away all iniquity, 29:54 receive us graciously, 29:55 for we will offer the sacrifices of our lips." 29:59 Take words with you, you know, what He's saying here is when, 30:05 when we recognize that we are backsliding, 30:10 we need to stop and we need to confess our sin, 30:13 we need to go before the Lord, take those words with you 30:16 and confess your sin because when we confess our sin, 30:20 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin 30:23 and cleanse us of all unrighteousness, 30:25 He says in I John 1:9. 30:27 So confession is the clearinghouse 30:30 of the conscience 30:32 and that's, once you've confessed your sin, 30:35 then you can ask God, 30:39 and I encourage people to pray for this. 30:42 Don't just confess your sins but Acts 5:32 says that, 30:49 "Repentance is a gift of God." 30:52 And so ask God to forgive you of your sins. 30:58 Let's see there, Acts 5:31 or 32, 31:00 but ask God to forgive you of your sin 31:02 and then to grant you repentance 31:05 'cause we can't change ourselves, 31:06 we've got to let God turn us around. 31:11 So, Johnny, why don't you read one? 31:15 Yes, there is one of the scriptures 31:18 that we have selected. 31:20 It is Psalm 119:25, Psalm 119:25 says, 31:26 "My soul clings to the dust. 31:31 Revive me according to your word." 31:35 And I, I have to picture this as I read it. 31:39 My soul clings to the dust, I mean, 31:41 how can you cling to the dust? 31:44 You can't really grab fully, 31:47 but this brings to me a picture of a person 31:52 that is pleading with the Lord. 31:55 Laid low, huh? 31:57 Laid so low, that's as low as you can get, you know. 32:01 It's, it's an extreme condition, 32:03 you're on the ground, 32:05 you're clinging to the dust, and then it says, 32:09 "Revive me according to thy word. 32:11 Bring me back to life." 32:12 There's a scripture that says in Genesis, 32:15 "For you are dust and unto dust you will return." 32:18 And this person spiritually is asking, 32:20 "Lord, don't let me die spiritually. 32:24 Revive me, now bring me back up." 32:28 And so this, this is a prayer 32:30 that I believe God loves to answer. 32:32 Now consider the condition of somebody in the dust like this 32:38 and pleading with God and I bring to that, 32:41 Isaiah 1, that says, "Though your sin be a scarlet, 32:44 though they be as crimson, they'll be as white as wool 32:46 and as white as snow." 32:48 To me, this is a prayer that God loves to answer 32:50 because He's constantly saying, 32:52 "Come unto me, and I will give you rest." 32:54 Amen. 32:55 And, you know, the rest of that scripture, it says that, 32:58 "Though I cling to the dust, revive me by your word." 33:00 And it makes me think of Psalm 107: 20 that says, 33:06 the psalmist said, 33:07 "He sent His word and healed them, 33:10 and delivered them from their destruction." 33:13 So it is, as sometimes, 33:15 if I get so busy with administrative things 33:19 that I don't get to do a deep Bible study for a few days 33:22 and then suddenly you get into that deep Bible study 33:25 and you're praying 33:26 the word back to the Lord and all, 33:28 it's just like... 33:31 Oh, fresh air, you know, and it does revive you. 33:34 You'll have the promises, the Lord's, 33:36 the word is not going to return void. 33:39 You know, there is life in God's word 33:42 and I'm recalling a conversation 33:44 I had with one of our viewers 33:46 suffering from acute depression, 33:48 just so down and out, and this is the first time 33:53 I ever sing to a caller on the phone. 33:58 And I said, 33:59 "Lord, surely you're not impressing me 34:01 to sing to this person." 34:03 And she was too choked up in her tears 34:07 and so focused in the wrong, 34:10 and the bad, and the negative, and the sad, 34:13 and she couldn't really get that word out. 34:17 So, and the Lord just impressed me to sing, I'm like, 34:21 "Okay, Lord, surely but, okay, if it's You, it's gonna work." 34:26 You know, so I sang to the lady and she's sobbing on the phone. 34:31 I sang it again, it's a little chorus. 34:34 I sang it again and she started singing with me 34:37 and I said, "You know, God's word is life. 34:40 God's word is hope, God's word is just strength. 34:45 So I'm not a theologian or anything 34:48 but I love the Lord and I've been where you're at. 34:51 I can identify with you. 34:52 You know, challenges come in our lives 34:54 in different packages, sizes, colors, and shapes, you know." 34:57 So I sang to her and then we read Psalm 103, you know, 35:02 and we focused, "He who takes your life out of the hole," 35:07 you know, you find yourself in that deep hole of depression, 35:10 and negativity, and attacks, and, and it's just amazing 35:13 how the Lord just, His words just guides you to another text 35:18 or another praise and the praises are prayers so, 35:23 and those are all as important. 35:25 So it's a blessing to share God's word 35:28 because it's not only life 35:30 to the people you're sharing it with, 35:32 but to your soul, too. 35:33 Amen. Amen Amen and amen. 35:36 And what's, what's amazing is how He guides us. 35:40 Exactly. 35:41 It's just a great story. Fantastic. 35:43 You know, it's interesting because in the same chapter, 35:46 Psalms 119: 88, 89, 35:50 "Revive me according to Your loving kindness." 35:54 How amazing that is? 35:56 That God is not going to... 35:58 When you are in desperation, 36:01 when you will have all things happening to you, 36:04 God in His loving kindness is the one 36:06 that is going to understand first, 36:10 and then respond second, 36:12 before you even ask third which is so amazing. 36:14 But then, " Revive us in Your loving kindness... 36:16 So that I may keep the testimony of your mouth. 36:20 For ever, O Lord, your word is settled in heaven." 36:24 Amen. Amen. 36:26 Amazing. 36:27 It's so wonderful that His, 36:30 God understands 36:33 that we constantly, 36:37 on a daily basis, are needing to cling to Him, 36:41 like that verse that the pastor was talking about. 36:44 There are times where we are walking all upright, 36:47 everything is wonderful and, and we think we're having, 36:50 even in those times, God still needs to revive us. 36:53 And that's when we really realize when we're thinking, 36:56 "Lord, but I was, I was preaching, 36:58 I was teaching, 36:59 I was doing all of these things. 37:01 But yet, what, where did I go wrong?" 37:04 And this is what's so beautiful about God, 37:07 that whether you are on the dirt 37:09 which you have, you are dead spiritually, 37:12 God comes and does, wakes you up, 37:16 or whether you are, you think that you've got all settled. 37:19 And God has to let you know. 37:21 "Shelley, J.D, Pastor, hold on for a second." 37:26 Like He was talking about when He talked about water, 37:29 He says, "Wait a minute. 37:31 You forgot... 37:33 You said, the chemistry but you forgot the chemist." 37:36 You know, and that's where it's so important 37:39 and this is what this is talking about, 37:40 with loving kindness. 37:43 You know, I don't know this for a fact, 37:45 but I would, I would be pretty certain 37:48 that the word there for loving kindness is, Hesed, 37:51 in the Hebrew, H-E-S-E-D which, you know, 37:54 we talk about agape love, 37:56 there is even a love that's even more beautiful. 38:00 And that is hesed and that's what it's 38:02 all throughout the old testament. 38:04 It is the covenant love and it is, it's, it's usually 38:10 translated loving kindness or mercy. 38:13 But what it means is the strength 38:16 of a committed steadfast love and see this is what we see, 38:22 it's used over 240 times in the old testament, 38:25 hesed and it's God's love. 38:29 When you see Him, you know, 38:31 sending His prophets to tell them. 38:32 This is what's gonna happen to, this is what... 38:34 All these bad things, if you don't turn around. 38:37 And they didn't, they didn't listen to the prophets. 38:40 God let them suffer the consequences 38:42 of their actions 38:43 but then in hesed love 38:45 according to His loving kindness, 38:49 this loyal love, He revived them again. 38:52 Amen. Hallelujah. 38:54 It's easy to understand that we need revival 38:56 when we are on the dirt but it's not easy to understand 39:00 that we need revival 39:01 when we are working on God's level, 39:03 when we are trying to do God's work 39:05 and that's when this comes in, He does it with what? 39:08 Loving kindness. 39:09 He doesn't come and tell, "You know, Luis." 39:12 Slaps you over the face 39:13 and this is what is so interesting, what's so amazing. 39:16 When we're talking about revival, that, 39:19 maybe, the viewer out there is saying, 39:21 "Oh, you guys got it. 39:22 You don't have to worry about it. 39:24 You don't understand the trouble." 39:25 Like Idalia was talking, you're sobbing, you're dying, 39:27 you're miserable, things are falling apart on your life 39:30 and you're saying, "Oh, but look at Luis, 39:31 he's just, he's always smiling, never has a problem. 39:35 You know, he's just wonderful." 39:36 And God has to constantly be reviving me 39:38 because I may not outwardly let you know 39:42 how inwardly dead I am spiritually. 39:44 Amen. That's right. 39:46 By the way that is the word Chesed there in Psalm 119:88, 39:50 all the verses that we're sharing, 39:52 the experiences were sharing, 39:54 our experiences of sincerity that the person wants revival, 40:01 we're not talking about the lip service 40:03 that some people do 40:05 because we remember the words of Jesus 40:07 to the people, He said, 40:08 "These people honor me with their lips, 40:10 but their heart is far from me." 40:11 Yes, yes. We're not talking about that. 40:13 We're talking about the sincere desire to be revived, 40:16 the sincere desire to come back from a backsliden condition. 40:21 A person recognizes that the Lord is calling them 40:24 and they know, they know 40:26 they don't have that peace with God 40:28 and they're looking for it, they're on the ground. 40:30 They're pleading with God, 40:32 "Forgive me for what I have done." 40:34 So this is what we're talking about. 40:36 The person that really wants to be with... 40:38 But, you know, I like what Tim said earlier that 40:40 and I do believe that, that in the heat of the day, 40:45 we can all get where we feel parched, 40:49 I mean, you know, I know that I will say, 40:51 I haven't had a day off in over 30 some odd days. 40:54 I mean, just work, work, work, work, work. 40:56 My life is out of balance right now, 40:58 that three-legged stool is truly out of balance 41:01 but, but there can be that, 41:07 it's day by day but you need to come to the Lord and say, 41:10 "You know, I need you to revive me 41:13 according to Your word, according to Your spirit. 41:15 Fill me with Your spirit." 41:17 Because we cannot go on our own energy. 41:21 That's right. And sometimes we try. 41:23 And I suggest that there are some that say 41:27 it is impossible for me to be revived. 41:30 It sounds good but I don't know 41:33 if that will really happen for me. 41:35 But then again I'm reminded of, 41:37 "If you just had the size of a mustard seed of faith." 41:40 So whatever little faith that we may cling to, 41:43 whatever little shed of light that we may see, 41:47 to cling to that, 41:48 because it will grow, you know, 41:51 and God will manifest His power in our lives 41:54 in such a unique and personal way 41:57 that we will be like, 41:58 "Yes, this is the Lord speaking to me. 42:00 This is the way, "Oh, yes, with my forehead up high. 42:05 Well, I just want to say to anybody that thinks that 42:08 perhaps the Lord couldn't forgive you, 42:10 if you're not familiar 42:11 with the old testament character of Manasseh. 42:14 I ask that you would study him, 42:16 he was one of the most wicked kings 42:19 who turned his back on the Lord, 42:20 and took his people along with him, 42:23 and he was taken off with a hook in his nose 42:26 as a prisoner at war, and he cried out to the Lord 42:30 from that dark place, and God not only restored him, 42:34 this God of grace always, even in the old testament, 42:38 He not only restored him, He restored the kingdom to him. 42:41 So, all right, John Dinzey. 42:44 Oh, no, Tim, it's your turn. 42:46 Let me just finish up in Psalm 119. 42:48 This will be the last scripture we read from Psalm 119, 42:51 "Behold, I long for your precepts." 42:55 This is verses 40 and 41. 42:58 "Behold, I long for your precepts. 43:00 In your righteousness, give me renewed life. 43:03 Let your mercy and loving kindness..." 43:05 There, that is again. 43:06 "Come also to me, O Lord, 43:08 even Your salvation according to Your promise." 43:12 This whole chapter, 43:14 it's like one of the longest chapters in the Psalms, 43:18 the longest Psalm. 43:19 This is a prayer, David's prayer journal. 43:22 So how many of us that need reviving 43:25 don't keep a prayer journal? 43:27 And here, here David is keeping a prayer journal 43:29 and even asking Him, you know, 43:31 in the middle of this long Psalm, 43:34 "I long for your precepts." 43:37 What do you long for? 43:40 I didn't long for dark chocolate 43:42 until I had tasted it. 43:45 So when I deprived myself of dark chocolate, 43:51 I get hungry for it again. 43:53 You know, I think, "Oh, man, that was so good one time." 43:55 It's because I've tasted and seen that the Lord is good 43:58 and then when I may step away or get too busy... 44:01 Amen. 44:02 That's when I think, "Oh, man, 44:03 remember that fresh of breath air 44:05 that His word gave me." 44:06 That's when I long for Your precepts. 44:09 When, you know, in the hospital, 44:10 they use the initials DNR, Do Not Resuscitate, 44:16 and it saddens me whenever I see that 44:18 but, you know, everybody has their reasons 44:20 for not wanting to be resuscitated. 44:21 Yes. 44:22 But personally, I don't wanna die. 44:25 So I can't imagine not being given that opportunity 44:28 to live again if I was, you know, 44:30 if I were to die from whatever situation and... 44:34 So I can't imagine putting DNR above my, above my bed. 44:37 In this situation, in my spiritual life, 44:40 I don't ever want that DNR, I want to be resuscitated. 44:44 "So I long for Your precepts. 44:47 In Your righteousness, God, give me renewed life." 44:51 I want to live the healthiest relationship with You I can. 44:54 And let Your mercy and loving kindness come to me again. 44:57 Those are things that only God... 44:59 He shows us that mercy and loving kindness 45:01 in that relationship, 45:02 so that we can have it in this relationship, 45:05 so even in Your salvation, or even Your salvation, 45:08 God, according to Your promise. 45:11 John Dinzey, I think you're still in the Psalms. 45:15 So much in the Psalms, 45:16 I think now the rest of our scriptures are in the Psalms. 45:19 Well, here in Psalms 85:6, 7, you have these words, 45:25 "Will ye not revive us again, 45:27 and that Your people may rejoice in You. 45:29 Show us Your mercy, Lord, and grant us your salvation." 45:34 Again, this is a pouring out of the heart, 45:38 a pouring out of the heart asking for the Lord 45:41 to revive us again. 45:44 What does revive mean? 45:46 I mean, you're practically dead. 45:47 You want to be brought back to life again. 45:50 Now, what is the reason for this that we may rejoice 45:54 and really rejoice in His salvation? 45:57 You know, you think of many things, 45:58 like Psalms 51 45:59 where David is pouring out his heart to the Lord, 46:02 "Restore unto me the joy of salvation." 46:05 I want to go a little further 46:06 because we're talking about clinging to the dust. 46:09 In Ezekiel 37, and as soon as 46:12 I mentioned Ezekiel, Ezekiel 37. 46:15 There is a very wise prophet and I call him a wise prophet 46:20 because he answered the Lord correctly. 46:24 It says, verse 31, 37:1, 2 and 3, 46:26 "The hand of the Lord was carried upon me 46:28 and carried me out in the Spirit of the Lord, 46:31 and set me down in the midst of the valley 46:33 which was full of bones, and caused me to pass by them, 46:36 run above them. 46:37 Behold, there were very many in the open valley and lo, 46:40 they were very dry and He said unto me, 46:42 'Son of man, can these bones live?' 46:44 And I answered, "O Lord, Thou knowest." 46:47 So he answered right. 46:48 The Lord, He knew. 46:51 But just very briefly here. 46:53 This is the condition that sometimes we may get into, 46:57 dry bones, you look at them, there's no life in them. 47:00 But God says, "I can bring life back into you." 47:02 I can put skin on you, and flesh on you 47:04 and put my breath in you and you can be revived." 47:07 And so that's why we need to approach the Lord. 47:10 And how often do we need to approach the Lord? 47:12 Well, how often do you need to drink water? 47:14 How often do you need to eat? 47:16 You need to come to the Lord everyday. 47:17 And the next, the next scripture 47:19 we'll look at is a passage from Psalm 143:8-11 47:24 and this is actually something that I try to pray. 47:28 I used to pray this scripture every day over my life, 47:32 for over 12 years, and now I don't do it every day 47:35 but I, kind of, a paraphrase of this. 47:38 So let's, let's look at Psalm 143:8-11. 47:43 "Cause me to hear your loving kindness in the morning," 47:46 Again hesed, "For in you do I trust; 47:51 cause me to know the way in which I should walk," 47:55 You know, the Christian virtue 47:59 we don't talk enough about is humility 48:03 and it is prideful for us to think 48:05 that we can control our own life 48:07 and figure out our own life. 48:09 This is this an act of humility, 48:11 when you come before the Lord and say, 48:13 "Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, 48:16 or not my will but Yours be done." 48:18 "For I lift up my soul to you. 48:21 Deliver me, O Lord, from my enemies." 48:24 Particularly the one that's going around 48:25 like a roaring lion. 48:28 "In You I take shelter. 48:30 Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. 48:34 Your Spirit is good." 48:37 Just pray to be filled with the Spirit 48:39 and know that God is anxious 48:41 to all these things, then he says, 48:44 "Lead me in the land of uprightness." 48:48 That's the righteousness of Christ 48:50 being imputed and imparted to us, 48:53 thinking that, righteousness just means 48:56 that we're right in standing with God, 48:58 it's right doing according to God's way. 49:01 So, "Lead me in the land of uprightness. 49:04 Revive me, O Lord, for Your name's sake! 49:08 For Your righteousness sake, bring my soul out of trouble." 49:13 And this is something that morning by morning, 49:16 I would pray and, you know, there would be times that, 49:19 you talked about that still small voice of the Lord, 49:22 that when you think about any man that starts a journey, 49:26 if you started one step this way 49:28 or one step this way, 49:29 it's gonna be a completely different path 49:31 and if you're going 49:32 in the straight narrow path, right? 49:34 And so sometimes, the Lord would just impress upon you 49:37 as you start to step off. 49:39 "Uh-uh-uh, let me lead you by My Spirit. 49:42 I will... 49:43 You know, let Me show you what My will is for you today." 49:45 So to me that's such a beautiful promise, 49:48 that's Psalm 143:8-11 and it's a prayer. 49:53 It is a, it is a prayer and it's all about God. 49:56 Amen. 49:58 There's nothing I can do, God, 49:59 I need Your loving kindness, I need, in You do I trust. 50:03 And look, just count all the times, 50:04 it's You and nothing I can do. 50:08 So if you, if, if anyone needed us, 50:13 if any of us needed someone to do CPR, 50:16 there's got to be somebody else around, 50:18 you know, you can't do CPR yourself, 50:21 that's my point. 50:22 Sorry. But we need God. 50:25 It's God we're praying, and so I love, you're right. 50:28 I love this scripture because it's... 50:30 It's our relying on Him realizing it. 50:32 And, you know, the humility in Philippians 2:5-7 50:36 where it says, "Let this mind be in You, 50:38 that was in Christ Jesus." 50:41 He humbled Himself into the point 50:42 of obedience of death on the cross. 50:45 You know, He never spoke a word, 50:48 He said that the Father didn't tell Him to speak. 50:50 He only did what the Father told Him to do. 50:52 So His humility 50:55 was to be completely dependent upon, on God. 51:00 That's what we are to be. 51:02 We are to develop that same mindset 51:04 because God's plan of salvation is absolute, 51:08 total dependence upon Him. 51:10 There's nothing we can do to save ourselves, 51:13 we have to be totally dependent upon Him 51:15 and be co-operating. 51:17 Let's get back to that quickly, to that point, 51:19 where that you made about if you feel like 51:21 you've gone too far to be restored, 51:23 you've got no choice. 51:25 Because there's nothing you can do anyway. 51:27 It's our God that can restore you, 51:29 so just give it over to Him. 51:31 Amen. And that is true. 51:34 We've received calls here, where Pastor J.D. knows, 51:36 you receive calls here where people think, 51:38 "I don't think the Lord can forgive me." 51:41 That happens. 51:42 People come to that situation 51:44 or they think they have sin so much, 51:46 that they have become a greater sinner than God is saying. 51:49 I think that's pride, isn't it? 51:52 We think our sins are greater than our God. 51:55 This is really, really quite interesting 51:57 'cause I, once again, 51:58 have a wonderful, wonderful promise here. 52:01 Psalms 51:10-13 and listen to His promises, 52:05 then I'll tell a quick story we have to create. 52:08 We're going to the great physician, 52:10 the great physician, we're talking about CPR now. 52:13 "Create in me a clean heart, O God, 52:16 renew a steadfast spirit within me. 52:18 Do not cast me away from your presence, Lord. 52:20 Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. 52:23 Restore to me the joy of your salvation 52:25 and uphold me by your generous Spirit." 52:28 And then, "Then I will teach the sinners, 52:32 I will teach the transgressors your ways," 52:34 kept away, "Your ways, Lord, 52:37 and sinners shall be converted to You for Your salvation." 52:41 You know, what, what a wonderful, if you, here, 52:44 I wanna, I wanna create in within you. 52:45 I'm gonna give you. 52:47 I'm gonna give you I'm gonna give you. 52:48 Thank you, Jesus, 52:50 and then because You're giving me, 52:51 then I'm gonna be able to do something, 52:52 you know, because one thing that... 52:55 It tells us in I John 1:9, that He will cleanse us, 52:58 you know, but at the same time, 53:01 any time that He will cleanse us, 53:02 if we truly are making that step across, 53:05 then He's gonna give us that new heart He's talking about. 53:07 Amen. Amen. 53:08 And real quick, you know, 53:10 I just got my assignment the other day 53:11 and I'm on the phone, I received a call, 53:13 not 30 seconds from whenever I got this print out 53:16 and I'm not gonna use the real name. 53:17 I'm just gonna say, David called, and he says, 53:20 "Oh, can you please help me 53:22 because I feel like I'm losing touch with the Holy Spirit?" 53:26 I'm sitting here. 53:28 The name of this is, Revive me, O Lord. 53:30 Oh, thank you, Jesus. 53:32 Now let me give you a couple of scriptures that... 53:36 I'm in just, here, I'm talking about just... 53:39 And, I mean, oh, oh, oh, thank you, Jesus. 53:43 Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. 53:45 And so, you know, God is real. 53:48 God is real. 53:49 His timing is perfect. 53:51 And this is what He wants to do. 53:54 He says, "I understand you. 53:56 I understand, you know, that whether you're walking at me 53:59 or whether you're backsliding, I am here. 54:02 Two, I created you once. 54:03 I can create you again, I can create you again 54:06 if it takes that, when are you gonna learn? 54:09 You know, I will never leave you, 54:11 I will never forsake you. 54:13 So thank you, Jesus. 54:15 You know, we have time for our last scripture 54:17 but it's gonna have to be rather fast. 54:18 Well, actually, before we go there, 54:20 I have to put a little part here where it says, 54:21 "Do not cast me away from Your presence." 54:24 And I always had issues with that. 54:26 Because God never, has never, 54:29 we're never without God's presence 54:31 but it wasn't until one year that God, 54:34 I felt that His presence wasn't with me, 54:36 that I could identify what He's going through in that time 54:38 and there's gonna be times where we find ourselves 54:42 that we don't have that connection with God, 54:47 but we can plead to Him and He's gonna revive us again 54:49 and now that relationship is gonna be so much greater. 54:52 Quickly Psalms 18: 17,19, it says, 54:55 "Let your hand be upon the man of your right hand, 54:59 upon the son of man, 55:01 whom You have made strong for Yourself, 55:04 then will we not depart from You. 55:07 Receive us, give us life." 55:09 Revive us. 55:10 "Revive us, give us life. 55:11 And we will call upon Your name. 55:14 Restore us, O Lord, God of hosts, 55:17 cause Your face to shine. 55:19 Impressment, approval, and favor on us 55:22 and we shall be saved." 55:24 Cause Your face to shine. Amen. 55:26 Amazing. Praise the Lord. 55:28 So we are just right down to the, to the wire. 55:32 I wish we had, we could spend several programs on this 55:36 but we hope that you see that God wants to revive us, 55:41 He's just waiting for us to turn to Him 55:43 and so I'm gonna ask, J.D., 55:45 if you would have our closing prayer 55:47 while I'll hold hands as our family, here we go. 55:51 Father, as we come to You again in the name of Jesus, 55:54 thank you for Your promises, Lord. 55:56 And, Father, we do, sometimes we come to you, 55:59 dear Father, and we feel like we just may not be up to par, 56:03 but, Father, as we just turn it over to You, 56:05 You are the creator, You are the problem solver, 56:08 let us not forget that, dear Father. 56:10 And, Father, just continue to be there 56:13 and shine on us with Your mercy, Your grace, Lord, 56:16 Your wonderful gifts for salvation. 56:19 So, Father, we thank You that we have this Sabbath 56:21 to able to worship You. 56:23 Thank You for good friends, 56:24 thank You for brothers and sisters in Christ. 56:27 We love You and thank You, in the name of Jesus, amen. 56:29 Amen. Amen. 56:31 Well, what I wanted to say is just one closing thought. 56:35 We were talking about, with our face in the dust 56:38 that you're just nearly dead and need revival. 56:40 But, you know, sometimes people think 56:42 they just need smelling salts and so, so, it's, 56:45 it's just we need, all of us need to, 56:50 if we are forgetting our first love in any way, 56:54 we need to revive. 56:55 Amen. Amen. 56:56 And that first love is Jesus Christ. 56:59 We love Him because He first loved us, in fact, 57:01 He came and He died for us. 57:04 And if you have not made Christ your savior, 57:06 we want to invite you to ask Him 57:10 to come into your heart, 57:11 to put His Holy Spirit in your heart, 57:12 and see what He will do for you. 57:14 Well, our time is all gone. 57:17 Just thank you, guys, we love you 57:18 each and everyone so much. 57:19 Thank you. 57:21 And we love those of you at home. 57:22 Our prayer for you 57:24 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, 57:27 the love of the Father, 57:28 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 57:30 will be with you today and always. 57:34 Amen. God bless. 57:35 God bless. |
Revised 2017-03-02