Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John & Angela Lomacang (Host), Luis & Xenia Capote, Donald Owen, Katrina Lubinski


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017006A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to Friday night family worship.
01:10 I am on board and my co-pilot is with me.
01:13 Angela, good to have you here, honey.
01:14 Yeah, it's always good to be here on Friday nights with you
01:17 and to have family worship.
01:19 And you know, everywhere we go, people say what?
01:22 They love family worship.
01:23 That's right.
01:24 It's a blessing, isn't it, honey?
01:26 And it's good for us too,
01:27 because it's not only a program that 3ABN is providing,
01:30 but it is a time for us to also remember
01:33 that the family is only as strong
01:36 as its component of worship.
01:38 The family that worships together stays together.
01:41 And we've got a family here today.
01:42 Yes, we do. We got a family over here.
01:44 We're going to start by introducing...
01:45 Well, are we going to say happy Sabbath?
01:47 Hey, happy Sabbath. Happy Sabbath.
01:50 Happy sabado.
01:51 Yeah, he's getting Latino on me...
01:53 Yeah, yeah.
01:55 This person over here, but that's okay.
01:57 Honey, why don't you go ahead and start by...
01:58 Well, let's start over to our far left and introduce...
02:02 He's not a stranger, he's been on our Friday worship.
02:05 I'm glad, I'm not a stranger.
02:07 Actually, I'm Donald Owen
02:08 and I actually work in a production department,
02:10 I'm kind of what they call on call.
02:12 But I also work at the church on personal ministries.
02:14 We go in a community.
02:16 We do lots of things, giving out books, distributing books,
02:18 and we also work with addiction recovery group
02:22 in the community.
02:23 And we've been doing that for three years,
02:24 and it's been very successful
02:26 so, helping people in the community
02:27 overcome a lot of addictions.
02:29 Well, good to have you, Donald.
02:31 And...
02:32 Katrina Lubinski. Yes.
02:35 Tell us what you do now?
02:36 Who you are for those of us who may not have known you before?
02:40 Well, I'm originally from the Chicago area
02:43 and I moved to Southern Illinois.
02:47 And I originally graduated from Andrews University
02:51 with my masters in youth and young adult ministry.
02:53 Okay.
02:55 But currently, I am doing literature evangelism
02:57 and Bible work for the surrounding area.
02:59 Okay, well, good to have you here.
03:01 And also she's a singer.
03:03 Very good singer. Beautiful singer.
03:04 She sings at our church, she sings at many churches.
03:08 Beautiful voice and she's a blessing to our church.
03:10 Good to have you here, Katrina.
03:12 Good to be here.
03:13 And two other people that are not strangers.
03:15 No.
03:16 First of all, my bodyguard, Luis.
03:19 I do rant him out in English and Spanish.
03:23 Good to have you here, Luis.
03:24 It's good to be here, pastor.
03:25 Yes, tell the audience that may not know you, what you do?
03:28 And where are you from? Well, I'm originally from Cuba.
03:32 Currently doing the program manager
03:36 and that entails all nine of our programs
03:41 or nine of our channels
03:42 even though the ninth one is not up and running yet
03:44 which is the Praise channel.
03:48 But we're excited that God through all the challenges,
03:54 He manifests Himself in an amazing way.
03:56 That's right. And it's good to be here.
04:00 It's good to be able to worship on Sabbath
04:04 and to be able to let our viewers know
04:07 that we are their family.
04:09 That's right.
04:10 You know, they are an extended family of ourselves
04:12 and we love spending this time with them.
04:14 Okay, good to have you.
04:15 And to your right is somebody I know you know very well.
04:19 My lovely wife, Xenia.
04:21 Yes, I'm Xenia Capote
04:23 and I work here at the finance department
04:26 and I've been enjoying people's calls
04:31 and talking about the worship service
04:34 and how they like to join us
04:38 and they feel part of our family
04:40 when we sit around the table and sing songs and talk,
04:44 and they really enjoy that.
04:46 Yes, they do. Are you Cuban also?
04:48 No, ma'am.
04:51 I'm from El Salvador.
04:52 El Salvador. El Salvador.
04:54 El Salvador.
04:56 And you're supposed to say happy Sabbath
04:57 in a different way.
04:58 Feliz Sabado. Yes.
05:01 Wow.
05:02 As you know, we also enjoy music.
05:05 And I'm going to give Sister Xenia a chance
05:08 to make a way to the piano
05:09 because today our topic is about intercessory prayer.
05:13 Now, we talked earlier and we said,
05:14 "If we do a topic on love, that's like the whole Bible."
05:18 If we say the love of God, that's the whole Bible.
05:21 But we narrowed down to love the Lord, your God
05:23 with all your heart, that's the first four commandments,
05:25 love your neighbor as yourself.
05:27 But today, instead of saying,
05:28 we're going to do a topic on prayer.
05:30 We're going to do one on what, honey?
05:31 Intercessory prayers.
05:33 Wow, and that is... Which is...
05:35 Standing in the gap in so many different ways.
05:40 Who are you praying for?
05:42 Who's praying for you?
05:44 Are you praying for someone?
05:46 Is someone praying for you?
05:48 Is the church praying for you?
05:49 Are you praying for the church?
05:51 Who should you pray for?
05:52 And why should you pray for them?
05:54 Are you praying for the pastor?
05:55 Thank you.
05:57 That's right, we need prayer. Yes. Amen.
05:59 And, so we're going to talk about that today,
06:01 because I know that many of you watching,
06:03 I would say, all you watching can right away think of someone
06:06 that you need to pray for.
06:08 And this program, we're going to walk through the Bible
06:09 and see the many examples.
06:11 And even in experiences and testimonies
06:13 of what it means to pray
06:15 and how God really honors those who remember others in prayer.
06:20 You know, it's easy to say,
06:21 "Lord, I need, Lord, I need, Lord, I need,"
06:24 but it's something altogether different.
06:26 And you'll find out from scripture,
06:27 how God wants to bless us
06:29 when we think outside of ourselves for someone else.
06:32 But we're going to begin with a song
06:34 that I know that you all know.
06:35 If you have a hymnal at home, it's 478,
06:38 "Sweet Hour of Prayer",
06:40 but it's such a familiar hymn, honey.
06:42 Very, many people know it.
06:43 Let's sing this song together,
06:44 and we'll sing all three stanzas,
06:46 Sweet Hour of Prayer.
06:56 Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer
07:02 That calls me from a world of care
07:08 And bids me at my Father's throne
07:14 Make all my wants and wishes known!
07:21 In seasons of distress and grief
07:26 My soul has often found relief
07:33 And of escaped the tempters snare
07:39 By thy return sweet hour of prayer
07:46 Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer
07:53 Thy wings shall my petition bear
08:00 To Him whose truth and faithfulness
08:07 Engage the waiting soul to bless
08:14 And since He bids me seek His face
08:20 Believe His word
08:24 And trust His grace
08:28 I'll cast on Him my every care
08:35 And wait for thee
08:38 Sweet hour of prayer
08:44 Sweet hour of prayer Sweet hour of prayer
08:50 May I thy consolation share
08:57 Till from Mount Pisgah's lofty height
09:04 I view my home
09:07 And take my flight
09:11 In my immortal flesh I'll rise
09:18 To seize the everlasting prize
09:24 I love this.
09:26 And shout while passing through the air
09:32 Fare-well, fare-well
09:36 Sweet hour of prayer!
09:41 Beautiful.
09:43 Isn't that wonderful? Yeah.
09:45 I picture that verse,
09:46 "And shout while passing through the air."
09:48 Farewell... Farewell.
09:50 Sin, trials, tribulations, farewell.
09:52 Praise God. Praise the Lord.
09:53 All the heartaches. Over sickness.
09:55 Oh, wow, how long?
09:56 Over sickness, over death, over suffering.
10:00 And next song... Is...
10:02 "As we come to you and pray," page 671.
10:06 And the words are, "Now dear Lord, as we pray,
10:09 take our hearts and minds far away
10:13 from the press of the world all around
10:17 to your throne where grace does abound.
10:21 May our lives..."
10:23 "Be transformed by Your love.
10:25 May our souls be refreshed from above.
10:27 At this moment, let people everywhere including you.
10:31 Join us now as we come to your prayer."
10:33 It's a single chorus, we'll repeat it twice.
10:36 What a wonderful song.
10:38 I've heard this in churches many times.
10:42 Now dear Lord, as we pray
10:47 Take our hearts and minds far away
10:54 From the press of the world all around
11:00 To Your throne where grace does abound
11:06 May our lives be transform'd by Your love
11:12 May our souls be refreshed from above
11:19 At this moment let people everywhere
11:26 Join us now as we come to You in prayer.
11:32 One more time.
11:34 Now dear Lord, as we pray
11:40 Take our hearts and minds far away
11:47 From the press of the world all around
11:54 To Your throne where grace does abound
12:01 May our lives be transform'd
12:05 By Your love
12:08 May our souls be refreshed
12:12 From above
12:16 At this moment
12:19 Let people everywhere
12:24 Join us now
12:26 As we come to You in prayer
12:33 Honey, would you pray for me? Sure, let's bow our heads.
12:36 Our kind and gracious heavenly Father,
12:39 we come to You in the name of Jesus,
12:41 no other name.
12:43 And we thank You and praise You
12:45 for this blessed Sabbath evening
12:47 that is upon us.
12:49 Lord, take our minds, our hearts far away.
12:52 Let us not think of the things and worries of this world,
12:56 the pressures of this world
12:59 and the struggles of this world.
13:01 Help our minds be transformed by Your love.
13:05 So, Lord, we ask that You will come into this place,
13:08 go through the television waves and speak to each heart
13:11 as they are watching and listening
13:14 to these wonderful words of life,
13:16 intercessory prayer.
13:18 So, Lord, we thank You for this opportunity.
13:22 Open our hearts
13:23 and, Lord, please accept our praise to You.
13:26 Now we thank You in the worthy and most precious name
13:30 of our Jesus, amen.
13:32 Amen. Amen.
13:33 Thank you, honey, for that heartfelt prayer.
13:36 Thank you so much.
13:37 You know, prayer, how can you talk about prayer and not pray?
13:39 Yeah. Yeah.
13:41 And all of our programs are wrapped in prayer
13:45 from the beginning to the end.
13:47 I am glad to have this panel with us.
13:49 I am too.
13:50 Katrina, it's the first time with us.
13:52 Glad to have you here, I'm glad you can make that.
13:53 But Donald and Xenia, or Xenia, which one?
13:57 Xenia. Xenia, the right accent.
13:59 And Luis, he is very much involved in prison ministry.
14:04 And he goes and speaks
14:05 to the Spanish population in prison.
14:08 And he has wonderful audience.
14:10 Praise God for that ministry.
14:11 And your wife also, you both reach out in a beautiful way.
14:13 He preaches, he sings. Yeah.
14:15 He doesn't need a microphone when we sing at church.
14:18 I made a mistake of giving him a microphone one day.
14:19 Yeah.
14:22 I said, "The microphone is for amplification
14:24 which you do not need."
14:26 Nope.
14:27 I love this guy, great gentleman.
14:28 And Donald and his wife are so on the battlefield for the Lord
14:32 in so many ways, witnessing and reaching out into...
14:34 It's a lot of fun and passion. It's a lot of fun.
14:36 And it's a passion that you both had.
14:37 Yes...
14:38 Oh, it's awesome, it's just... Reaching out.
14:40 What you see, you know, the results of the fruit,
14:42 it's just been incredible story.
14:44 If God gives you a door, you've got to step through it,
14:45 just before it's not too late for yourself.
14:47 And do it on all your might.
14:48 Exactly. Amen.
14:50 And, Katrina, we've seen Katrina through the years grow
14:53 and moving to different areas of ministry
14:55 and we thank the Lord for your dedication
14:57 to get that degree.
14:59 And now, you're putting it to use to build God's kingdom.
15:01 Yes, right. Praise the Lord for that.
15:03 And, honey, boy,
15:04 it's been a long time we've grown together.
15:06 And that's why I decided not to color my hair.
15:08 I want people to see I've been around a while.
15:12 You used to be jet black.
15:14 Used to be jet black with help of just for men.
15:17 Not anymore.
15:18 Now, I'm going to glow just for God.
15:20 Amen.
15:21 Let's just go ahead and launch into the topic.
15:22 Now intercessory prayer, once we were in Zimbabwe,
15:26 and then the next year, we went to Zambia.
15:29 And what was interesting about that we were with Maranatha,
15:33 and we had a chance to cross in from one country to the other.
15:38 And although they were just not so far apart,
15:41 just a bridge's length on the Victoria...
15:44 I think it's Victoria Bridge?
15:45 Yeah, I think so.
15:47 Just a bridge's length from one country to the other.
15:51 And so when you leave one country,
15:52 you go through the border and then you're on the bridge,
15:54 they call it, "No man's land."
15:56 Meaning you're not anywhere, you're not in any country
15:59 till you get to the other border.
16:01 And I thought, "Wow!
16:02 You could be on earth in the middle of two countries
16:05 and you are in no man's land.
16:06 Wow, that's incredible.
16:08 And I thought, "How many people
16:09 are in no man's land in their lives
16:12 because we are not becoming the bridge
16:14 between their trial and their blessing.
16:17 And so today, we're going to look at
16:19 how we can become the bridge between where they are
16:23 in their difficulties of life and where they could be,
16:26 if somebody would just pause and pray for them.
16:29 Because I'm sure, we could share some stories.
16:31 I mean there are times that we don't even feel like praying.
16:34 And sometimes when I feel that way, my wife will pray,
16:36 when she doesn't feel like it, I would pray,
16:38 and we don't just have this
16:39 general don't feel like praying...
16:41 No, no, no.
16:42 But trails and challenges do come.
16:44 And sometimes you say, "Oh!
16:47 Honey, would you pray for us."
16:49 And she says the same thing, "Would you pray,"
16:50 and we hold each other's hands
16:52 and we bridge the gap for each other.
16:54 I'm sure you've done that as husband and wife.
16:56 Oh, yes, many times.
16:57 You know, when you chose this topic,
17:00 I go back to the prison ministry
17:02 and that's all and just started prayer.
17:04 Oh, that's right.
17:05 You know, they're not with their families,
17:07 they're constantly praying.
17:08 And it's beautiful to see when the miracle starts coming back
17:12 and when we pray for a particular child
17:15 or a family member,
17:17 and their prayers are answered and that encourages the group.
17:21 That's beautiful.
17:22 And when we talk about prayer, it's so amazing,
17:28 because it's the way that we can communicate with God.
17:30 It's our direct connection to Him.
17:32 And sometimes, when you are first starting
17:35 to have a relationship with God,
17:37 when you're first starting,
17:39 you open the Bible for the first time,
17:41 and some people when they tell you,
17:42 "I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do."
17:45 And when you see them just talking like a friend.
17:50 You know, and it's so beautiful
17:51 because in that particular setting,
17:56 they need to rely on each other,
17:58 they need to form friendships real quickly.
18:01 And then, they realize
18:03 how magnificent the friendships are,
18:07 like we are with Christ.
18:09 And when they see us coming in,
18:12 you know, Bryan, and Dan, and myself, we go on Sunday.
18:17 When they see us coming in
18:18 and they see the love that we have of God,
18:21 then they want, they thirst for that.
18:25 And it's beautiful because as they see the power of God,
18:30 then more and more requests are coming in.
18:32 And that's what word encourages me.
18:35 Amen.
18:36 And let us go out.
18:39 You know, we always have an outline with us
18:41 whenever we do this topic.
18:42 It just kind of keeps us on track.
18:44 But there is an example in Ezekiel 22.
18:49 Ezekiel 22:30-31.
18:51 And as I talked about the gap, you know,
18:53 the bridge between where we are and where we can be
18:57 between our trials and tribulations,
18:58 between our dark moments and our bright moments
19:01 where God breaks in.
19:03 I like to have my wife, honey, read this first one for us.
19:07 Ezekiel 22:30 and 31,
19:12 because this is saying how God...
19:14 Well, read and we'll explain it afterwards.
19:16 "So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall,
19:22 and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land,
19:26 that I should not destroy it, but I found no one.
19:31 Therefore, I have poured out My indignation on them.
19:35 I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath,
19:40 and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads,
19:45 says the Lord God."
19:47 So if somebody... it's kind of amazing.
19:50 How did I pick this scripture?
19:51 I know. You might build wall.
19:56 Build a wall.
19:57 It's such a political pun now in our community.
19:58 Yeah.
20:00 But the point that I want to make it,
20:01 somebody to stand in the gap.
20:03 If someone were willing to stand in the gap,
20:06 then the Lord would, as I read it,
20:09 He would have withheld His indignation,
20:11 but He said, "There's no one standing in the gap.
20:15 There's no one really standing in the gap."
20:18 And can you think of examples
20:20 and I always like to open it up for us to share stories.
20:22 Some of you might think of examples
20:24 where somebody said, "You know, last week,
20:27 I just was wishing that somebody was there for me."
20:32 I didn't get a phone call,
20:34 I was at the lowest point of my life.
20:37 I felt like my world was going to fall apart
20:38 and there was no one there for me.
20:41 And so when we think about this text,
20:43 in what ways can we be, can we stand in the gap?
20:47 Let's start with our family.
20:49 Yeah, everyone.
20:50 There's someone in their family that doesn't know the Lord,
20:54 or have a very weak relationship with the Lord.
20:57 Can you think of any in my family?
20:59 Oh, yeah, and mine.
21:01 Yeah, I have siblings I pray for all the time
21:04 and, you know, everyday we pray for your sister,
21:07 and her family,
21:08 and your brother, and their families.
21:11 And it's constant, you've been praying for your sister
21:14 all our married life.
21:16 Since she was 16. Yeah.
21:17 And we didn't see the impact of that
21:19 until one day she called and said,
21:21 "God has been so good to me."
21:23 Xenia? Well, we think of the Bible.
21:25 Job, he says that he prayed for his family,
21:29 each of his children by name, you know.
21:32 You know for me, my parents have been my interceders.
21:38 And they have prayed for me
21:40 and if it wasn't for them praying for me,
21:43 I wouldn't be the person that I am today,
21:46 and where I am today.
21:48 I know that there were many times where I've been in...
21:53 My parents would pray for me while I'm driving on the road
21:55 that the Lord would protect me.
21:56 And I remember an incident in 2010,
22:00 I was driving home from church,
22:03 and I had just accepted the call,
22:06 the pastor has spoken on the prodigal son,
22:08 I had just rededicated my life to Christ.
22:11 And I was driving home from church,
22:13 and it was icy and very slippery.
22:18 And all I remember is waking up in the hospital bed.
22:24 And my pastor at the time was there at the bed,
22:27 and the nurses came to the room and said,
22:30 "Young lady, you were very lucky.
22:32 You were in a car accident with a bus."
22:35 And the school bus had actually rolled,
22:39 it was on top of me, I'm on driver side.
22:42 They had to use the Jaws of Life to get me out of the car.
22:45 And I walked out of the accident
22:49 with no broken bones, no scratches, nothing.
22:52 And I remember, we went to the scene of the car,
22:56 and afterwards we looked at the car and the seat,
22:59 the driver's seat where I had been driving had broken
23:03 and that was reclined back.
23:04 And I believe the Lord broke my seat.
23:07 If it hadn't been broken,
23:08 the bus would have hit me head on...
23:10 Wow!
23:11 And my life would have been taken out.
23:13 Oh! Wow!
23:14 So the devil is as roaring lion,
23:15 seeking who he may devour
23:17 and all of us who are on God side are a target
23:20 and the devil knows that.
23:21 And so, if it's not for us interceding and praying
23:24 for those around us, then, you know,
23:26 we would not be where we are today.
23:28 That's right. That's right.
23:30 Amen, Amen.
23:31 Boy, that's...
23:32 What a story!
23:34 Yeah, when you think back, you think,
23:35 wow, my life was spared because, as you said,
23:37 when you leave the house, your parents pray for you.
23:40 I remember years ago, I won't mention his name,
23:42 but there was a couple that we know very well
23:44 in Fairfield, California,
23:46 and the husband who had not yet become a member of our church,
23:50 you know, we tried to speak.
23:51 He said...
23:53 he woke up one night and the bed was empty.
23:57 And he wondered where his wife was,
23:59 and he peeked into living room, and he saw her there praying.
24:02 And he knew that she was praying for him,
24:05 and she had said to us,
24:08 "Don't leave this church until you baptize my husband."
24:11 That was amazing, remember that?
24:13 Should I say the name?
24:14 They have unusual first...
24:16 I'll just say the first name, Lewis and Clark.
24:18 Who do you think of? Superman, right?
24:22 Yeah, we call him Clark.
24:23 And it was amazing, so...
24:25 and praise the Lord.
24:27 Before we left, he was baptized.
24:29 Yes. Yes, he was.
24:30 But he called me into his home one day
24:32 and he said, "I want to tell you something
24:33 that my wife doesn't even know."
24:35 He told me his struggle.
24:37 He said, "When you came to visit us once,
24:39 behind that portable bar was a whole lot of alcohol.
24:42 She doesn't even know, there's none there anymore.
24:44 I got rid of all of it.
24:45 He told me, how there're many nights he woke up
24:47 and she was praying for him, interceding for him.
24:50 And she was on her knees, he saw her and he said...
24:53 he couldn't understand it until one day,
24:55 he could not find his keys to his vehicle,
24:58 and he was going to be late, lived, worked
25:00 all in San Francisco and he lived a good ways away.
25:03 Finally found his keys, rushed out of the door,
25:06 and he said, had he left earlier,
25:09 there was a multiple car pile out there.
25:11 And he said, "I would have been at that spot at that time."
25:15 And he says, "From then on,
25:17 I never questioned God when difficulty arose.
25:20 He wants me to leave late for a reason."
25:23 But his wife was praying for him.
25:25 And the Lord does something on our behalf
25:27 when we pray for people.
25:28 Now this is a huge scripture, let's go to the next one.
25:30 I'm going to have...
25:32 I'm going to have Donald read Job 42:10,
25:35 because who can you think of that had more trials than Job.
25:39 Now, you might say, "Well, I do."
25:42 And you could very well be in that category to some degree.
25:46 But how did Job's trials become resolved?
25:53 I'm going to have Donald read Job 42:10.
25:57 Verse 10.
25:58 It says there, "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job,
26:02 when he prayed for his friends:
26:06 also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before."
26:09 That's incredible to me that,
26:11 here's Job through all these trials and tests, you know,
26:14 and it comes to his mind that all he does is
26:16 pray for these friends who were actually
26:18 trying to turn him away from God.
26:19 And here he is, he's pleading and praying on their behalf
26:22 and look what God does for him.
26:24 His heart was with his friends, you know,
26:25 you could tell he loved his friends.
26:27 I mean, you're going through all this
26:28 and they're trying to condemn you and come at you
26:29 and here you're praying for those people.
26:31 It's good to pray for those that hurt you, yes.
26:32 Sing for your enemies.
26:34 Now that you've mention that,
26:36 in the Ellen G White's writings,
26:39 she has a book about prayer.
26:41 Yes.
26:43 In the chapter of intercessory prayer,
26:46 there is a quote that says,
26:48 "Let us pray not only for ourselves
26:52 but for those who have hurt us and are continuing to hurt us."
26:58 So right now, we're mentioning, you know,
27:00 that it's not only for the people
27:03 we love that we pray,
27:05 but we have to pray for our enemies
27:08 or people that hurt us, because that, in a sense
27:11 Job's friends were hurting him, you know.
27:14 And he could tell, he didn't know how to tell them,
27:18 but he could pray for them because they were his friends.
27:22 But there's other people that might not be our friends
27:25 and are hurting us.
27:26 And it's better to leave them in the hands of the Lord
27:28 than take it into your own hands.
27:30 Yes. Oh, man.
27:31 Exactly. That's very true.
27:33 You know, this past week, two weeks ago,
27:35 when I was at the prison ministry,
27:38 one of the guys said, "Hey, I want to be baptized.
27:40 I want to become an Adventist."
27:42 And he says, "What do I do on the Sabbath?"
27:46 And I said, they said, "What is that you do?"
27:48 Well, I go to church. I spend time with God.
27:51 And as we look at this, when we start praying for others,
27:55 when we make a list of individuals that are in need,
27:58 when we look at the need that is in the community,
28:01 in our home, in our country, and we write all that down,
28:07 you can be praying for hours.
28:08 It's like that story you told us in the sermon,
28:11 that gentleman that told his servant,
28:13 "Please, wake me up, you know,
28:15 get me out of my prayer in about 15 minutes."
28:18 And then two hours went by
28:19 and she saw that he was still fervent in his prayer
28:23 and then she said, "Oh, no.
28:25 I have to tell him."
28:27 And she touches him and says, "Master, it's up."
28:29 And he says, "Oh, how quickly 15 minutes go
28:32 in the presence of God."
28:34 When you start understanding the power,
28:38 A, the power of prayer
28:39 and you start understanding what God expects from you,
28:42 and you start praying for others
28:44 and you start seeing result,
28:46 you don't have enough time to pray.
28:47 No, you don't. That's true.
28:49 Does it go by fast?
28:51 When you start praying,
28:52 especially when you have a prayer book,
28:54 I have names too, but the Lord will put,
28:56 bring to mind those people that you need to pray for.
29:00 Some people you don't want to pray for.
29:02 As you says, you know, you have to pray for them.
29:06 It's actually good for you too
29:08 to actually pray for those that hurt you.
29:12 That's good and despitefully use you, the Bible says.
29:15 Yeah, there was a quote that I actually read out
29:17 of Steps to Christ, and you're hitting right on it.
29:20 It's important why we get out and do work.
29:23 It says, "When men take themselves out of social life,
29:26 away from the sphere of Christian duty
29:28 and cross bearing,
29:30 when they cease to work earnestly for the Master,
29:32 who worked earnestly for them,
29:33 they lose the subject matter of prayer
29:35 and have no incentive to devotion.
29:38 Their prayers become personal and selfish.
29:42 They cannot pray in regard to the wants of humanity
29:44 or the up-building of Christ's kingdom,
29:46 pleading for strength wherewith to work."
29:49 So they start becoming internally focused
29:52 on their prayer.
29:53 If you're not interceding on people's behalf
29:55 or getting involved in the community and...
29:57 very important.
29:58 There's a quote.
29:59 I want to ask Katrina.
30:02 On the syllabus here, there's a couple of quotes here.
30:04 I want you to share it with our audience.
30:06 It's about some wonderful quotes.
30:07 We did a week of prayer on prayer.
30:10 That was a blessing. Oh, it was powerful.
30:12 Was it powerful? Amen.
30:13 Don't want to stop.
30:14 It was so good, you know.
30:16 And this wasn't the general one
30:18 that was being done on the general conference level
30:21 but, well, the suggestion came at our board meeting.
30:24 And we said, "You know, for our church to understand
30:25 where we're going to be moving in the New Year,
30:27 we need to come before the Lord in prayer,
30:29 intercessory prayer, even counterfeit prayer.
30:32 Things that will counteract...
30:35 so many different avenues of prayer
30:36 and these are some of the quotations
30:38 that came out of the chapter.
30:40 In the book, "Prayer", about intercessory prayer.
30:43 I'm going to have Katrina read those for us.
30:44 Sure.
30:46 "There are those all around you who have woes,
30:49 who need words of sympathy, love, and tenderness,
30:53 and our humble, pitying prayers."
30:55 Now, there are those of us around us that...
30:58 Mocked by everyday.
31:00 Even in our families.
31:01 Yeah.
31:04 That's why sometimes it's good when people put on Facebook...
31:08 What? Pray for me.
31:09 Yes.
31:11 And Angie is mentioning, "Oh, do you know
31:12 who had put on Facebook that they need prayer?"
31:14 Let's use Facebook in the right way.
31:17 Not putting on your junk and your gossip
31:20 and say, "Is there anyone..."
31:23 I will challenge you, if you are Facebook user,
31:25 chances are somebody watching ears,
31:27 or somebody listening ears, just put on there,
31:30 "Are there any of you that have prayer requests?"
31:32 Yes, we've done that. Please put it.
31:34 We did that apparently, didn't we?
31:36 And as we were taking our local prayers, what were you doing?
31:39 I was on Facebook getting prayer requests from people
31:42 and I was putting it in my prayer book.
31:44 Lots of people. Lot of people need prayer.
31:46 Yeah.
31:47 But when we become self-me-focus,
31:49 we forget about praying for people.
31:51 Continue that quotation.
31:53 "There are souls who have lost their courage;
31:55 speak to them, pray for them.
31:58 There are those who need the bread of life.
32:00 Read to them from the Word of God.
32:02 There is a soul sickness no balm can reach,
32:06 no medicine can heal.
32:08 Pray for those, and bring them to Jesus Christ.
32:11 And in all your work, Christ will be present
32:13 to make impressions upon human hearts."
32:16 So when we pray for them
32:18 and bring them into the presence of God,
32:19 all of a sudden, he could now press upon.
32:21 It's like taking a sick man to the doctor.
32:24 Doctor can't do anything from the distance,
32:27 but we bring them to God in prayer.
32:28 So he can work actively.
32:30 You know, pastor, about two or three months ago,
32:33 Xenia was impressed to send Step to Christ
32:35 to all of our town.
32:38 And we received three cards from them back.
32:41 One of those card said, "well, we want prayer."
32:45 And we went this past weekend and we visited them.
32:48 The first lady, Holly is her name,
32:51 she has diabetes.
32:54 And we prayed for her.
32:57 She gave us the opportunity to pray with her.
33:00 The second home, the one that asked for prayer,
33:02 there was nobody there anymore.
33:04 You know, so there must have been
33:06 something serious that happened
33:07 and we were so distraught
33:09 that we weren't able to get to her on time.
33:13 The third family that we went to visit, they were telling us,
33:17 "Oh, our parents passed away, this is their home,
33:20 we're only here on the weekends."
33:23 And we said, "Can we pray for you?"
33:25 And they says, "Oh, don't bother.
33:27 We already prayed with our meal."
33:29 And it's just, it's amazing when you look at,
33:33 when you're trying to work for God,
33:35 when you're trying to do even within your community,
33:38 there's always going to be different response.
33:41 There's going to be individuals that have the need,
33:44 and you are able to help them
33:45 and give them assurance right away.
33:47 There are some that just are not present, you know,
33:51 and there are some that just reject, you know,
33:54 that communication with God altogether.
33:57 And this passages here pretty much tell us,
34:00 we need not forget about the individuals around us,
34:05 because even those who are not present, we can pray for them,
34:09 because God knows where they are.
34:12 God is aware of their situation.
34:15 And if we truly believe,
34:18 and this is the part that I liked with Matthew 8:8.
34:22 And it's about the centurion, and it says,
34:26 "The centurion answered and said, "Lord,
34:29 I am not worthy that You should come under my roof.
34:33 But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed."
34:37 Wow. Wow.
34:38 What power!
34:40 You know, if we can come to God with this assurance,
34:43 imagine the things we are able to do.
34:45 In that simplicity of faith,
34:48 not asking God to do something great like Naaman.
34:52 He had all these gifts to give to those
34:55 who would come to contingency.
34:56 Let me give you all these things.
34:58 And it was amazing when the servant said,
35:02 "So what does he want me to do?"
35:04 He said, "Go, wash.
35:06 Go, take a bath."
35:08 He's like, "I am...
35:10 Do you know who I am? I'm Naaman."
35:12 But on the other side, we know the story how it ended,
35:14 he finally humbled himself.
35:16 But here's the centurion...
35:17 It's like telling Donald Trump, "Go, wash."
35:20 You know, a president, any president
35:23 since he's our president.
35:24 Right. "Go, wash in this dirty river."
35:27 "What? Me?" And it's a humbling thing.
35:29 "Excuse me, who do you think you are?"
35:33 She said that we're grand.
35:37 But it's amazing.
35:39 We are in the midst of a nation
35:41 that needs a lot of intercessory prayer.
35:44 But look at another example, let's look at Moses.
35:47 Who didn't read yet?
35:48 I'm going to have my brother Luis read that for us,
35:51 the second example about Moses and intercessory prayer.
35:55 Yeah, it's Exodus 32:11 to 12.
35:59 It says, "Then Moses pleaded with the Lord his God,
36:03 and said: "Lord, why does Your wrath burn hot
36:07 against Your people
36:09 whom You have brought out of the land of Egypt
36:12 with great power and with a mighty hand?"
36:16 Keep going. Just further, one more.
36:18 "Why should the Egyptians speak, and say,
36:21 'He brought them out to harm them,
36:25 to kill them in the mountains,
36:27 and to consume them from the face of the earth'?
36:32 Turn from Your fierce wrath,
36:35 and relent from the harm of Your people."
36:40 And so Moses is interceding.
36:42 Moses, in this example is like Christ.
36:45 He's an advocate. He's an advocate.
36:46 He said, "Lord, I know there are bunch of misfits
36:51 and this is a horrible journey.
36:53 They've been pleading to get out,
36:55 now they're out, but look how they're acting.
36:57 Lord, if you get rid of them now,
37:00 all the surrounding nations are going to say,
37:02 "Hmm, He just brought them out to kill them.""
37:05 The power of intercessory prayer,
37:06 and I had the privilege of working in pastoral
37:09 for a few weeks.
37:10 And I had a lady frantically who had called in,
37:13 and sure is concerned about her daughter.
37:14 Actually, she told me that
37:16 her daughter was demonically possessed.
37:18 Wouldn't let her mother see the three grandchildren
37:22 so that afternoon I pray with her on the phone.
37:25 The very next day, I believe was Mitch,
37:27 we got a very exciting woman on the phone.
37:29 She said, "She want to speak to me."
37:30 She says, "You'll not believe what happened
37:33 after you prayed with me,
37:34 my daughter instantly gave me a phone call.
37:37 And she said, "Come on over, you can see the grandchildren."
37:40 She wants to take her kids to Christian school.
37:42 She's going back to church."
37:43 Amen. This is incredible.
37:46 She said, "I just thank you so much."
37:47 And I'm like, "I didn't do a thing."
37:48 "Fervent prayer of a righteous man or woman availeth much."
37:51 The power of intercessory prayer,
37:54 we are kind of foolish if we don't use that.
37:56 You know, God has given us that tool.
37:57 And this example that Luis just read,
38:00 but, honey, read the next passage
38:01 right below that Psalms 106:23,
38:04 because this is exactly what happened.
38:06 Look at how David, the Psalmist reflex back
38:09 on what happened here.
38:11 "Therefore He said that He would destroy them,
38:14 had not Moses His chosen one stood before Him in the breach,
38:20 to turn away His wrath, lest He destroy them."
38:24 What did Moses do?
38:25 Stand in the breach. Stand in the breach.
38:26 Another word for the gap.
38:28 In the gap, yeah. Moses said.
38:30 And have you ever had anybody stand in the gap for you?
38:33 You know, one of my favorite example of this is when,
38:36 I believe Solomon in 2 Chronicles 7:14
38:39 prayed, if my people who are called by...
38:41 When the Lord said,
38:43 "If My people who are called by My name
38:45 will humble themselves and turn from the wicked ways."
38:48 Then He would hear from heaven and heal their land.
38:51 That's right.
38:52 That's a tremendous example of intercessory prayer,
38:55 but it has two major words.
38:56 What's the first word? If and then.
38:58 Then.
39:00 If My people, then.
39:01 So the intercessory act is not just something
39:03 that somebody does in you r behalf,
39:05 but it's something that you have to participate with.
39:08 Solomon, the prayer,
39:10 but then there's something you need to do,
39:12 turn and then I'll hear, forgive and heal.
39:17 And there are so many people that want to pray,
39:19 and I want to add this, there are so many people that say,
39:21 "Pray for me."
39:23 But I remember, I won't mention his name
39:25 but one of your family members called
39:26 and said, "I need prayer."
39:29 And I said, "What you need to also do
39:30 is make right decisions."
39:33 Right?
39:34 I mean, you keep getting your hand bitten,
39:36 because you keep putting it through the fence of the dog.
39:38 Don't pray that your dog bite will heal,
39:41 stop putting your hand through the fence as an illustration.
39:44 And that's what happens often times.
39:46 But there are other times that people abound.
39:49 Who didn't read the scripture yet?
39:51 Sister, Xenia, look at the third scripture
39:53 here in Acts 12:5.
39:56 It says, "Peter was therefore kept in prison,
40:00 but constant prayer was offered to God for him by the church."
40:05 Who's praying for Peter when he was in prison?
40:07 The church. The church.
40:09 And what kind of prayer was it?
40:10 Constant. Constant.
40:12 Constant.
40:13 Can't give up.
40:14 I heard one person once say,
40:16 "Why do we have to keep mentioning,
40:18 praying over and over?
40:20 God already knows what we need."
40:23 What kind of prayer did they have?
40:24 Importunate prayer. Uh, say that word.
40:26 Importunate prayer.
40:28 We learned that and that is not letting go,
40:31 persistent with God, persevering with God.
40:35 Importunate prayer.
40:36 Importunate prayer, we learned that.
40:38 That's not a word we use today,
40:39 but now I'm going to start using it.
40:40 Yeah.
40:42 But when you looked it up,
40:43 it said praying almost to the point of...
40:46 Nagging.
40:48 Yeah.
40:50 It's almost like nagging the Lord.
40:52 And what example, remember the example, the unjust judge.
40:56 Remember the story in the Bible where the widow...
40:58 She's praying and the unjust judge finally breaks down
41:01 and hears her prayer.
41:03 Well, let me make a comparison.
41:05 God is not an unjust judge. No, no.
41:07 When we wondered why do we have to pray in an importunate way.
41:11 What we discovered is importunate prayer
41:14 brings us to the point where we start changing.
41:18 Our first prayer may have been,
41:20 "Lord, I really need a job in Jesus' name.
41:24 Lord, I really need a job."
41:28 Third prayer, "Father in heaven,
41:29 tell me what I'm doing wrong that I'm not getting this job."
41:32 Fourth prayer, "Lord, is this the job
41:34 that I'm really knocking against the wall
41:36 that You don't want me to have."
41:38 Fifth prayer, "Father, lead me to some place else."
41:40 I mean, we're changing because we are saying, "Lord, help me.
41:44 Speak to me."
41:46 And you don't have to have a prayer warrior.
41:47 Do you have with you, honey?
41:49 Yeah, it says importunate means,
41:51 urgent or persistent in solicitation,
41:56 sometimes annoyingly so.
41:58 Annoyingly. Wow!
42:00 So for those of you may listen to this program
42:01 and watch the program, somebody might say,
42:03 "Well, my prayer hadn't been answered."
42:04 "When did you pray?" "I prayed last week."
42:06 Yeah.
42:07 How many times did you pray?
42:09 Let's repeat together.
42:10 Ask and it shall be... Given.
42:12 Seek and you will... Find.
42:14 Knock and the door will be... Opened.
42:15 That's importunate.
42:17 Don't just ask but seek in...
42:19 Don't let go of the arm of God.
42:21 Seek and you'll find.
42:23 But you can't let go of the arm of God, right?
42:25 Too soon. Too soon.
42:27 You remember that devotion? Yes.
42:29 We had this devotion that blew us away.
42:31 Yeah.
42:33 Which said, the reason why God hadn't blessed them,
42:35 they let go of the arm of the Lord too soon.
42:39 You know what, it reminds me
42:40 of the upper room experience with the disciples,
42:43 how long were they're there praying and praying
42:45 and they prayed and they said, "Lord,"
42:47 and it wasn't until they were in what, unison.
42:50 It wasn't until,
42:51 and sometimes that's what happens in our lives.
42:55 We were so accustomed to asking God
42:58 for things that we constantly, that's all we do.
43:01 All day long, "God, please. God, please."
43:03 But we truly do not get to the point
43:06 in which we understand what our prayer truly means.
43:10 And God has to dig down to the point
43:14 where we truly understand, "Okay, yes.
43:16 You have already prayed.
43:18 Yes, I understand that... your need.
43:21 Yes, now I understand there's desperation."
43:23 And then, "Yes, now I know you surrendered yourself."
43:27 And it's not until you fully surrender yourself
43:31 that God can answer the prayer you're asking for.
43:32 There you go. Perfect.
43:34 You know, the Lord just gave me an illustration
43:37 I've never used before, so you know this is true.
43:40 Where do you find diamonds?
43:42 Are they on the surface? No.
43:43 Deep down.
43:44 Where do you find them?
43:46 Bottom, bottom of the ocean.
43:48 And where else? Under the mountains.
43:50 Under the mountains.
43:52 You had do to what? You got to dig.
43:54 You got to dig deep.
43:56 Sometimes, we might be saying,
43:57 "Lord, bring out the beauty in my life."
44:00 And he say, "I am,
44:01 but there's so much coal and rust I got to get through.
44:04 Give me sometime."
44:06 And there're some of us in situations
44:07 where the Lord is breaking off all the hard surface,
44:11 dig away the dirt, breaking through the coal,
44:13 is this is it yet?
44:14 No, I'm not there yet.
44:16 And he's trying to refine us so that one day,
44:17 our glory will be seen for His glory.
44:20 Amen. Exactly.
44:21 And so, yes.
44:22 I feel that a lot of times,
44:24 we just concentrate in one aspect of prayer.
44:28 Ask, ask, ask, ask.
44:30 But in the other side,
44:32 there has to be somebody we're asking for.
44:35 So we don't always have to be the one praying,
44:38 there could be other people praying for us.
44:41 So there needs to be two sides where we can always be asking,
44:45 "Pray for me, pray for me, pray for me."
44:47 I also need to go and pray for others,
44:50 and intercede for other.
44:52 So it goes both ways.
44:54 In order for my spiritual life to grow.
44:58 Yes.
44:59 Wow.
45:00 Katrina, there's a Job 16:21.
45:03 It's on our syllabus under number four,
45:05 you can go there or you can turn to the text.
45:07 You let right into it,
45:09 that's why I jumped over the next reference
45:10 because you led into it so wonderful, Sister Xenia, there.
45:13 This is an amazing text.
45:14 Look at Job 16:21.
45:17 How the Lord brings that very point out, what it means to.
45:21 Just stop praying for ourselves but look at what it says.
45:23 It says, "Oh, that one might plead for a man with God,
45:26 as a man pleads for his neighbor!"
45:29 Wow!
45:30 So all that one might plead for a man with God.
45:37 Have you ever done that for somebody?
45:38 Yes.
45:40 We have been praying that prayer,
45:43 it's give me souls or I die.
45:48 Wow.
45:49 It's a quote. That's right.
45:51 It is a quote, but it's a heartfelt quote
45:53 that many missionaries and many people
45:56 on the battlefield I pray for.
45:57 Some have even modified that,
45:59 "Lord, give me this city or I die."
46:02 And...
46:03 Like you told the story, during the week of prayer of the man,
46:07 somebody prayed for the people in the phonebook.
46:09 Oh, what an illustration.
46:11 We heard that stories, it's a powerful testimony.
46:12 Yes, this is true story.
46:14 Where one lady thought, when they were talking about
46:16 all the gifts in church, one lady said,
46:18 "Pastor, I don't have any gifts."
46:20 He said, "Everyone has a gift."
46:22 He said, "Can you pray?"
46:24 "I can pray."
46:26 Lord challenged her to open the phonebook
46:28 and she prayed for 100 people.
46:30 She kept praying for them for years.
46:32 I think about three or four years later,
46:34 there was a baptism, a big evangelistic series held,
46:37 and 99...
46:38 She went to this here and she heard these names and thought,
46:41 "Where have I heard these names before?"
46:43 These are the people she was praying for every day.
46:45 And when she found out 99 out of 100 of them were baptized.
46:51 And all she did was intercede for them everyday.
46:54 And this is not an illustration,
46:55 this is an actual event.
46:56 And so we have instances like that
46:58 where people would break through...
47:01 the song "Someone is praying for you,"
47:04 written by Lanny Wolfe has that very story behind it.
47:08 A lady who is in the mission field,
47:09 who had been through a tremendous tragedy,
47:11 couldn't pray for herself, someone in the United States
47:13 in the upper northeast was praying that same time,
47:16 that same day when she couldn't pray.
47:18 And it was not until they met.
47:20 And she shared the story at a big church that she said,
47:23 "What time of day was it?"
47:25 She said, "I woke up at 2:30 in the morning
47:26 and pray for you."
47:28 And then he wrote the song, "Someone is praying for you."
47:31 Another example I want to bring out is...
47:34 Wow! Let's go to number six.
47:38 Let's go to number six.
47:40 This is a very interesting one.
47:42 And we're going to look at Lamentations 2:19.
47:46 And, honey, would you read that one for us?
47:47 Sure. Lamentations 2:19.
47:50 "Arise, cry out in the night..."
47:54 Wow.
47:55 "At the beginning of the watches,
47:58 Pour out your heart like water before the face of the Lord.
48:04 Lift your hands toward Him
48:08 for the life of your young children,
48:11 who faint from hunger at the head of every street."
48:16 What kind of prayer is this?
48:19 Isn't that a moving text? Yeah.
48:21 I must confess, I have read the Bible,
48:24 I've never read that text.
48:26 It's when you begin to research these texts out.
48:28 That's a powerful prayer of a parent.
48:31 You know, sometimes we think that
48:32 prayer need to be this elaborate conversation
48:35 and I'm thinking about Hacksaw Ridge
48:37 that one day that he saved all those people.
48:40 His prayer was simple, "Lord, one more.
48:42 Lord, one more."
48:43 That's all he would say.
48:45 He didn't say anything else but, "Lord, give me one more."
48:48 Sometimes our prayers, they don't need to be...
48:52 you don't need to spend hours upon hours,
48:54 you can just say the simple prayer of one word, "Help".
49:00 You know, and those are the part
49:01 that individuals don't understand.
49:04 When you don't know what to pray,
49:07 use the simplest prayer, "Help".
49:11 And that, those are, sometimes, it's a most powerful word
49:15 that you can come to the Lord with.
49:17 Lord, help us.
49:18 Help me. Lord, help me.
49:20 What did Peter prayed?
49:22 Lord, save me. Lord, save me.
49:23 Save me. Wow, wow!
49:24 I also like the fact that...
49:26 I think Ellen White wrote, she said that,
49:27 "prayer is not us bringing God down to us,
49:30 but us being lifted up.
49:32 Amen.
49:33 But I don't want to get past this scripture
49:34 because it specifically mentioned,
49:36 there are those of you praying for your children.
49:38 Yes.
49:39 Your children, how many parents or family members
49:42 watching this program are saying...
49:44 And notice how this text is so...
49:48 this text illustrates a person who is in there with God.
49:53 Arise, cry out in the night,
49:56 at the beginning of the watches.
49:58 You know, in the Hebrew time,
50:00 they were eight watches to the day.
50:01 Each watch was three hours long.
50:04 In the New Testament there were four watches.
50:07 Each one was six hours long. Six fours are twenty four.
50:10 And so when Jesus is crucified, he was at the second watch.
50:13 The first watch of the day was 6:00 am.
50:16 Second watch was at noon. Third watch was at 6:00 pm.
50:19 Fourth watch was at midnight.
50:20 And so here in the Old Testament,
50:22 at the beginning of the watches,
50:24 so when it was beginning, become dark at night.
50:27 It says, "Arise, pour your heart out like water
50:30 before the face of the God.
50:31 Lift up your hands toward Him for the life of your children,
50:33 Lord, please save my children
50:36 who faint from hunger at the head of every street."
50:38 There's a song that you sing about that, it's called,
50:41 "Just be there.
50:42 Cradle in my arms, I held you," in so many funerals, parents...
50:48 Well, many parents say they want that song sung
50:51 at their funeral, because they know
50:53 that their children will be at their funeral.
50:57 Talking about how a parent raise that child,
51:00 cradle in my arms, I held you,
51:02 I loved you with each moment passing by,
51:04 sharing joy, pain.
51:06 I can't believe it's time to say good bye.
51:09 I'm not a parent, but I have friends who are parents
51:12 and I know that, you know,
51:15 sometimes they may get discouraged in their duties,
51:20 but their job, the job of a parent,
51:23 the job of a mother is more important than evangelist,
51:30 public evangelist.
51:31 Yes.
51:33 Pastor. A preacher, pastor, yes.
51:35 Ellen White said that.
51:37 You know, on Fridays, Donald and his family,
51:42 we get together and we're studying the Great Controversy.
51:45 And this past Friday, Donald was talking to us
51:48 about God waking him up at
51:49 around 3 o'clock in the morning.
51:51 Donald, can you share with us, what you shared with us?
51:53 You like me to, okay.
51:55 Yeah, 3 o'clock, he seems to do that sometimes.
51:57 3 o'clock in the morning,
51:58 he showed me a vision of Martin Luther
52:01 which is a 500 year of the Reformation this year.
52:04 But he shared with me, Martin Luther
52:05 tacking the 95 theses on the door in Wittenburg.
52:09 He said, "Now I tack something far greater on a tree.
52:12 And it was my son." Wow.
52:14 It was the declaration of My love to the world.
52:17 It's a declaration as, you know,
52:18 the declaration of what Martin Luther did on the door.
52:21 But something far greater was tacked to tree
52:23 and that was Jesus Christ and that's we can pray too.
52:26 You know, it's obviously, 1 John 2:1, says
52:29 we have Jesus who is the advocate so,
52:31 and the Lord just gave it to me at three in the morning.
52:33 Wow. What a wonderful illustration.
52:34 Wakes me up that time...
52:36 So really you look at this verse, and it says,
52:37 "Arise, cry out in the night."
52:40 And a lot of times that's when God wakes us up
52:42 to be able to let us know sudden, you know,
52:45 those are the moments when it's so quiet.
52:47 There's such a solitude and that's the part of time
52:50 when God can really get to the bottom of our heart
52:53 and change us.
52:55 Speak, Xenia.
52:56 Yeah, in the book of Child Guidance, it says,
53:00 "There is great strength and blessing
53:03 in praying together in our families
53:06 with and for our children."
53:08 With and for our children.
53:10 So that is one of our duties to pray for our children,
53:15 and I remember that when my child was young,
53:19 one of the mothers of the church
53:22 came to me and said to me,
53:25 "Your ministry right now as a mother is your child.
53:31 It's your duty to pray for her.
53:35 And, you know, it's not to be out there with everyone else
53:39 but to be at the home with the kids.
53:41 "Train up the child in the way they should go."
53:44 Boy, you know, I'm just...
53:45 this isn't double program
53:47 but I want to go to point number five on here
53:48 because this is very important one.
53:50 Isaiah 59:1 and Isaiah 59:16.
53:54 The reason why this is really important is because
53:57 sometimes we want the Lord to do something,
53:59 but he says, "But I want you to do something."
54:02 Now I haven't hear you read one in a little while.
54:04 So read this for us, Luis, verse 1 and then verse 16.
54:08 Okay, so Isaiah 59:1.
54:10 It says, "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened,
54:14 that it cannot save, nor His ear heavy,
54:17 that it cannot hear."
54:19 Okay, so he said, "Is there anything He can't do?
54:21 Is His arms too short?
54:23 Is His ears heavy?"
54:24 No, there's no problem with Him.
54:25 But what is the issue, look at verse 16.
54:27 Verse 16, "He saw that there was no man,
54:32 and wondered that there was no intercessor.
54:36 Therefore His own arm brought salvation for Him,
54:41 and His own righteousness, it sustained Him."
54:45 Now this is a powerful prophecy.
54:47 At the most trying time of the life of Christ,
54:51 no one was interceding for Him.
54:54 And He says, "There's no intercessor."
54:58 Now we know in the story, His father was there
55:00 enshrouded in the darkness of that day of crucifixion.
55:03 But the thing that startled me was in all of it,
55:06 we have just a few minutes here to talk about this
55:08 but what's the greatest thing that God has calling us to do
55:11 is intercede Him behalf of our family.
55:13 Oh, you have a big family.
55:15 And I do intercede.
55:17 We pray, we pray.
55:19 By name. You have a big family.
55:21 Pray for them, how? By name.
55:23 You have a family.
55:25 Pray for them by name. By name.
55:27 But here it is.
55:28 God wondered that there was no intercessors,
55:30 so instead of just saying, "Pray today," in our program,
55:33 we're saying, "Become an intercessor."
55:36 Intercessory prayer at a time when the world,
55:40 and the church, and the pastors,
55:42 and the leaders, and our community,
55:44 and our new administration in the White House,
55:47 we all need to be people that are
55:50 between the person in this gap and the person in that gap.
55:54 Stand in the middle.
55:56 You know, pastor when Jesus needed His friends most,
56:00 His disciples were scattered, you know, and we are saying,
56:05 "God is asking us, 'You need to pray,"'
56:07 but when Jesus needed it the most,
56:11 all of the individuals in Him, He had bestowed so much love
56:16 were all looking backwards,
56:18 were all looking away from Christ.
56:19 Yes.
56:21 And this is what so beautiful about this type of prayer that
56:23 when we're praying for someone else,
56:25 we're no longer focusing on our selves,
56:28 we're focusing on God and His mighty power.
56:31 Yes. Wow.
56:33 And I want to hit this one real quickly before we all are done,
56:35 because we didn't mention Jesus as an intercessor yet.
56:39 I left it for the end of the program.
56:42 It's not on the syllabus,
56:43 so if you turn very quickly to Luke 22,
56:46 and Jesus is speaking on our behalf and listen to this.
56:50 He said to Peter, Luke 22:31,
56:53 "And the Lord said, "Simon, Simon!
56:54 Indeed, Satan has asked for you,
56:57 that he may sift you as wheat.
56:59 But I have prayed for you,
57:00 that your faith should not fail,
57:01 and when you have returned," or when you have converted,
57:04 "Strengthen the brethren."
57:06 You know, today, if can leave a message with you,
57:08 there are many people that need Jesus
57:09 that are not yet converted.
57:11 And you must know that Christ is praying in your behalf.
57:15 Amen. Amen.
57:16 And He's calling us to pray on somebody else's behalf.
57:20 Xenia, Luis, Donald, Katrina, Angie,
57:24 we are all committing ourselves to praying for someone
57:27 and we are praying for you.
57:29 Pray for us until we see you again.
57:32 Amen.


Revised 2017-02-24