Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. Murray (Host), Dee Casper, Eric & Marilyn Durant, Lynette Jaque


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017005A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:10 My name is CA Murray,
01:12 and we welcome you to our worship time together,
01:15 whether this is being shown on a Friday evening
01:19 and you are just entering into the precincts of the Sabbath,
01:23 or on Saturday evening and you are getting ready
01:26 for the vicissitudes of a brand new week.
01:29 We welcome you to this worship experience
01:32 and of rejoice that are tending
01:35 to worshipping God on the Sabbath day
01:37 and what the Sabbath does to prepare us
01:40 for what the week has for us.
01:42 So we welcome you,
01:43 and we thank you for being with us.
01:45 I want to introduce you to our 3ABN family.
01:48 My wife is not here today,
01:50 she is producing and could not be here.
01:54 And I have to say the same for Lynette Jaque's husband Jorge,
01:58 who I think is running to and fro on the earth
01:59 or preparing to do so.
02:01 Indeed, once more.
02:04 So we are flying solo as it were,
02:06 so I put her next to me on today's program.
02:09 But Jorge is really with us and we miss him too, is it not?
02:13 We do very much, so... And do, we do.
02:14 Okay, we'll go to my far left and say hello to Dee Casper.
02:18 Dee, good to have you here, man.
02:20 Pleasure to be here, thank you. Yeah, yeah.
02:21 Dee is a face we're seeing a little bit more on 3ABN.
02:24 We liked Dee a lot, Dee is a cool guy.
02:25 Yeah.
02:27 And spiritual young man
02:28 and full of the fire and love of the Lord
02:30 and has a lot to say for the Lord.
02:32 And we are glad to have him here.
02:34 Then we have Mr. and Mrs. Eric and Marilyn Durant.
02:39 Hello. Hello.
02:40 Yeah, Eric of the engineering department.
02:43 Broadcast Engineer.
02:44 Broadcast Engineer Department, doing a fine job.
02:47 Eric's a cool guy, we like Eric.
02:49 Yeah, and Marilyn from the call center...
02:51 That's right. I guess Assistant Manager.
02:52 Assistant Manager. Yeah, Amen.
02:54 Yeah. Thank you.
02:56 And a very sweet person,
02:57 and you guys were married how long?
02:59 It'll be 11 years in March.
03:01 In March? Yeah.
03:03 And we've been at 3ABN for three years...
03:05 Three years. This month.
03:06 Amen, amen, amen. Isn't that longer?
03:09 It's been a... That's a good thing.
03:10 Yeah.
03:12 It's been a blessing.
03:14 Every week, Marilyn comes over
03:15 'cause we have to do some things
03:17 as we produce our Thursday night program.
03:19 Well, not as much as before. Right.
03:21 But still because she is in charge of the people
03:24 who are there along with Jonathan Babb who stay
03:26 and answer the phones and do all that kind of stuff
03:28 and send messages through, and we thank you for your work.
03:31 Oh, you are welcome.
03:32 Yeah, and we thank the broadcast guys
03:33 'cause we couldn't do this without them.
03:35 And it's sad because whenever we call you,
03:37 you know, we have a problem.
03:39 We don't call just to say, "Hi."
03:41 We don't call to see how you're doing.
03:44 When your phone rings,
03:45 there's gonna be a problem on the other end,
03:47 so he's a problem solver, and we thank you.
03:50 And we thank you, Lynette,
03:51 because your husband has to travel awful lot.
03:53 Awful lot, especially this calendar year...
03:56 It's just coming and coming,
03:58 and that's a blessing though from the Lord.
03:59 I mean, there is the ability to travel like that
04:02 and to serve the Lord as he does.
04:05 He's my soldier and I keep the home lights burning.
04:07 Amen, indeed you do.
04:09 And a faithful job you do with two fairly young ones,
04:13 Sebastian is how old?
04:14 Sebastian will be nine this year.
04:16 Wow.
04:17 Water has passed under the bridge.
04:19 Indeed. Noah, will be 12.
04:20 And Noah will be 12.
04:21 Yeah, they are sneaking off on us actually.
04:23 We won't talk about the other two.
04:25 Yeah, they are two others, who are in the room,
04:29 you know, as we speak.
04:30 Yes. But we're happy for that.
04:32 And, Dee, fairly new, I say fairly new to Adventism...
04:37 Yeah.
04:38 But has come a long way really, really fast.
04:40 Praise the Lord, yeah,
04:41 I was baptized in 2010, December 2010.
04:46 But an Arise Graduate.
04:47 Yes. Yeah.
04:49 Yes. Yeah.
04:50 And yeah, been in ministry ever since.
04:52 Yeah, praise the Lord. It's been a privilege.
04:53 And it's been the thing that's kept me honest I think.
04:56 You know, the ministry right when they baptized...
04:59 Well, that's the thing, get baptized,
05:01 out of the shallow in, tossed them into deep in
05:03 and then watch them swim.
05:04 I think that's the way to do it.
05:06 Amen.
05:07 Today, we're gonna talk about tracing.
05:09 Ellen White makes a lot of statements
05:11 about tracing the hand of God.
05:15 She says that, "When we look back over our lives,
05:18 we ought to see particularly
05:20 if we've been walking with the Lord,
05:24 a pattern of divine interposition
05:29 where God has inserted Himself in your life
05:31 and you want to see the tracing
05:33 of the hand of God in your life."
05:35 And she says that does a number of things.
05:38 One, when you see that God has been with you
05:41 through the years, it makes you thankful.
05:43 Amen. Amen, yes.
05:44 You know, unless you are very thankful.
05:46 Two, it makes you grateful.
05:51 Three, it makes you bold.
05:53 You know that God has been with you,
05:55 and He is gonna be with you like He has been with you.
05:57 So it makes you bold.
05:59 So you step out and you do some stuff, you know,
06:01 and maybe you wouldn't do if you didn't have that assurance
06:03 that God is going to be with you,
06:04 'cause sometimes God calls us
06:06 to do something with and you're just like,
06:08 "You really want me to do that?"
06:10 Yes. God bless us, yeah.
06:12 Yeah. And I'll be with you.
06:14 Particularly, I had a, we moved into a house several years ago,
06:17 and the Lord told me, go over and talk to that neighbor.
06:20 And I said, "I don't want to talk to the neighbor,"
06:23 'cause he, first of all, he had a Confederate flag
06:26 which kind of gave me the willies.
06:29 And look it son, you did go out and talk
06:31 and he was a nicest guy
06:32 once I got off the nerve, you know.
06:34 So knowing that God is with you makes you bold.
06:36 You know, it makes you bold, it increases your faith, amen.
06:40 Amen.
06:42 And it makes you content with what you have and who you are.
06:47 Yeah. Amen.
06:48 So I don't have to be jealous of Eric or Dee or Lynette
06:52 because, okay, you have Jesus but I got Jesus too.
06:56 Amen. You know, amen.
06:57 He says, "I would never leave you nor forsake you."
06:59 So he never leaves Dee, He never leaves Lynette,
07:01 He never leaves Eric and never leaves Marilyn,
07:04 and He also never leaves me.
07:05 So I don't have to be jealous of
07:08 what you're going through,
07:09 well, he's got everything, and I don't have anything.
07:12 Hold down, you got Jesus.
07:13 Yeah. So you have all you need.
07:15 Everything.
07:16 And you never know that Jesus is all you need
07:18 until Jesus is all you got.
07:19 So you don't have to be jealous of anybody.
07:23 So contemplating, going back
07:27 and tracing the outline of the hand of Jesus
07:31 gives us some peace and some encouragement.
07:33 So we're gonna talk about that,
07:35 we're gonna look at Christ in our lives.
07:36 We're gonna recount some of these things,
07:38 and I'm gonna go move forward and look at something that
07:40 we have in the Word of God.
07:42 Let's go to our song,
07:43 now we're going to sing A Cappella today.
07:46 All of our pianists are doing other things
07:49 and that's okay because in the average home
07:51 you don't have a pianist.
07:52 And this is true.
07:53 Some homes don't have a piano,
07:55 so you just sing for the Lord you make a joyful noise.
07:57 So if you hear a little something
07:59 that assaults your year,
08:01 chalk it up to a joyful noise
08:04 because we are making a joyful noise to the Lord.
08:06 We are singing, Hymn 286
08:10 in the Adventist hymnal
08:11 Wonderful Words of Life,
08:13 and we're going to ask Justin hit the note D, I'm sorry G.
08:18 There you go, and then we'll press on.
08:20 Sing them over again to me Wonderful Words of Life,
08:23 let's go.
08:24 Sing them over again to me,
08:28 Wonderful words of life
08:33 Let me more of their beauty see,
08:37 Wonderful words of life.
08:41 Words of life and beauty
08:45 Teach me faith and duty Beautiful words,
08:51 wonderful words, Wonderful words of life,
08:57 Beautiful words, wonderful words,
09:01 Wonderful words of life.
09:05 Christ, the blessed One,
09:07 gives to all Wonderful words of life.
09:13 Sinner, list to the loving call,
09:17 Wonderful words of life.
09:21 All so freely given,
09:25 Wooing us to heaven
09:29 Beautiful words, wonderful words,
09:33 Wonderful words of life, Beautiful words,
09:39 wonderful words, Wonderful words of life.
09:44 And the last stanza.
09:45 Sweetly echo the Gospel call,
09:49 Wonderful words of life
09:53 Offer pardon and peace to all,
09:57 Wonderful words of life.
10:01 Jesus, only Savior,
10:05 Sanctify forever.
10:09 Beautiful words, wonderful words,
10:13 Wonderful words of life,
10:17 Beautiful words, wonderful words,
10:21 Wonderful words of life.
10:25 Amen and amen.
10:27 Amen.
10:28 In looking up the word trace on last evening,
10:32 I found that there are no less than
10:38 29 definitions for the word trace.
10:44 And I'll run through some of them quickly,
10:46 but while I'm doing this,
10:48 I want each of you to take out your sheet of paper,
10:51 we each have some paper here,
10:52 and we're going to do a little exercise.
10:55 We should need to have a pencil.
10:57 We're going to trace our hand.
10:58 Okay. We're gonna trace a hand.
11:00 And while you're tracing,
11:02 I'm going to read these definitions.
11:04 And if while you're tracing,
11:06 you hear anyone that sort of jumps out at you,
11:10 just stop and make a comment on it
11:12 because some of these really parallel
11:15 what we are doing with the Lord and others are,
11:19 but there are 29 different definitions,
11:20 so let me read and while you guys are tracing.
11:26 The first definition for trace,
11:29 trace, trace, here we go.
11:35 Not now, trace, "A surviving mark
11:38 or sign or evidence of the former existence influence
11:42 or action of some agent or event."
11:46 A surviving mark or sign and...
11:49 There's a sort of a spiritual application to that too
11:51 that there is this mark or sign or evidence
11:56 of the existence of God in our lives.
11:58 Two, "A barely-designable indicator
12:02 or evidence of some quantity,
12:04 or quality, or characteristic, or expression,
12:07 etcetera such as a trace of anger in his tone."
12:11 You know, you can you can see it.
12:12 And when we look at what you've traced,
12:17 the thing about your hand is
12:19 you don't see all of the veins
12:23 and all of the other things, you just see the outline.
12:28 And it occurs to me that, you know,
12:32 when God is leading us through things,
12:34 He doesn't always fill in all the blanks.
12:37 You just see the trace, you know,
12:40 and I think if you filled in all the blanks,
12:42 it wouldn't call for any faith.
12:43 If He told you everything that was going to happen...
12:45 Right.
12:46 You wouldn't have to exercise any faith.
12:49 But in the outline you know that God is there
12:54 and you know that God is working.
12:56 Three, "An extremely small amount
12:58 of some chemical component..."
13:00 Like a trace of copper.
13:02 Four, "Footprints left by an animal."
13:06 Five, "A track left by a person or an animal,
13:11 like the trace of her skates on the ice."
13:13 And that's a little closer to the spiritual application,
13:15 you know, we can see
13:16 the footprints of God in our lives.
13:20 In meteorology, or in whether,
13:22 it's precipitation less than 0.005 inches,
13:27 a trace of rain.
13:29 That's right.
13:30 Seven, "A trail or path especially,
13:33 through some wild-open territory
13:35 made by the passage of people, animals, or vehicles."
13:40 That's, I like that one right there
13:42 because life is, life is a wilderness.
13:47 Life has trials, struggles.
13:50 I mean, Marilyn, we've been through our trials
13:51 and our struggles.
13:53 And when you follow the Lord, He lays out that path.
13:57 And when you deviate from that path
13:59 is when you end up wandering off into that wilderness
14:02 where you don't wanna be.
14:04 So I've learned through my life
14:06 and with Marilyn that stay on the path,
14:10 the word is the path, the word is the truth.
14:12 And as long as you don't deviate from that path,
14:14 it doesn't matter what wilderness you're in,
14:17 you're on God's path, and you'll be just fine.
14:19 Yeah, yeah, like Abraham looking for a city.
14:21 Lord does not always tell you where the end is going to be.
14:24 He says just launch out.
14:27 I mean, when I was coming to 3ABN,
14:29 I came for the visit,
14:30 and I was convicted
14:32 that I needed to leave New York after 30 years.
14:34 You know, you get comfortable with the place for 30 years,
14:37 and I didn't really, I met Danny,
14:40 and we had done a couple things together
14:42 but I started knowing him at Southern Illinois,
14:45 and it's like, "Lord, do you really want me to come here?"
14:49 And I set out seven fleeces, seven.
14:53 And I figured if the Lord to answer all seven, I said,
14:55 "Lord, I need all seven
14:56 in order just like I asked them."
15:00 And well, the Lord gave me all seven.
15:05 All seven and at last one was that I said,
15:07 "Lord, I don't have to convince Irma."
15:09 When I talk to her about it,
15:11 I don't want have to massage her into it,
15:13 she's got to be open to it.
15:15 So when I went back to New York,
15:16 she said, "Did they offer you a job?"
15:18 I said, "Yeah". "Are you going?"
15:20 "I think I want to." "Okay."
15:23 Check, you know,
15:25 that kind of thing, and all seven.
15:29 I wanted to like the people,
15:32 I knew there was going to be a cut in pay
15:33 because of the, it wasn't denominational scale
15:38 but I wanted to, I didn't want to come and say,
15:40 "Well, can we need a couple dollars more."
15:41 I didn't want to have to dicker over pay.
15:43 So I said, when they get the figure,
15:45 I don't want to figure to assault me.
15:47 You know, so they gave me a figure,
15:50 and it didn't assault me, you know,
15:52 so the Lord has really taken care of,
15:54 and I had to like the head guy
15:56 and Dan and I clicked right away.
15:57 C.A., we didn't have seven we had three.
15:59 Right.
16:02 We were headed to Texas, we were headed the Texas,
16:05 and I prayed to the Lord
16:07 because we went through some trials previously,
16:08 and we were heading to Texas.
16:10 I prayed the Lord, I said, "Lord, if there is something
16:12 You want us to do,
16:15 let it be known and make it direct."
16:17 So I, you know, I won't get confused
16:19 by make it known.
16:21 The next morning I saw email from Moses Primo.
16:24 He said, "We'd like for you to come work at 3ABN,"
16:27 and we came out here we took a look around
16:29 and we were still headed to Texas.
16:31 And I said, "Lord, is this really
16:34 what you want us to do?"
16:36 And 45 minutes later,
16:39 Moses Primo called on the phone,
16:41 and I still resisted, Marilyn, me, we resisted.
16:45 And about a week later I prayed another prayer.
16:49 "Lord, it's West Frankfort, there's nothing out there.
16:52 If this is what you really want let me know."
16:55 And within the hour, Moses Primo called again.
16:58 Lord said, let me make a plan. Yeah, yeah.
17:01 That was three times and three times is enough.
17:04 So he came out here it's been a blessing ever since.
17:06 Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
17:08 I think, you know,
17:09 I don't think God is in any way disturbed or upset
17:12 when you said, "Lord, I need it,
17:14 I'm not that bright, I need a plan."
17:16 Right.
17:17 You know, don't suggest, I mean,
17:19 I need it handwriting on the wall, "Go", you know.
17:24 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:25 That pretty though sometimes is not a matter of
17:27 that we don't know,
17:28 it's that we don't want to know.
17:30 And my situation of coming back to Illinois
17:32 is somewhat like that
17:34 because where I was in Tennessee,
17:35 I was a Bible worker, I was an elder
17:37 and was teaching at a local academy.
17:39 So I had everything I could want
17:40 as far as the involvements.
17:42 And I absolutely loved it, I was having access,
17:44 people were being baptized,
17:45 it was the best year I had with my students.
17:47 I really didn't want to leave what I was doing
17:49 but God made it clear to go home,
17:51 but I didn't know what that looked like
17:53 cause I'm from here, I'm one of the few
17:55 local Yorkers around here.
17:56 Yeah.
17:57 That was in a transplant, and I just wasn't so sure.
18:00 Unseen Media Group who are people that I knew,
18:02 a good friend of mine started that ministry,
18:04 the other person, not Ryan but the other one, has been.
18:07 And so I thought, "Well, they're going back to Illinois,
18:09 they are going to go establish their ministry in Illinois."
18:12 And I just kind of had this sense
18:13 that God maybe leading
18:15 but I just, I wasn't quite ready for that.
18:17 And I just kept getting this conviction of sense that
18:19 God is asking me to move in that direction.
18:21 And I went to my cousin's funeral,
18:25 my cousin committed suicide two years ago in the spring.
18:28 And while I was in Atlanta,
18:30 I had never seen so many
18:31 Illinois license plates in my life,
18:34 they were everywhere,
18:35 they were just swarming me for every island,
18:37 I just kept thinking, Illinois, Illinois, Illinois, I was like,
18:39 "Oh, Jeez."
18:40 And so I finally committed on that drive home,
18:42 fine, I'll go,
18:44 but I have no idea what it's going to look like.
18:46 And so I called a local pastor Tom Ferguson and said,
18:49 "Hey, I'm coming back into the area
18:51 and not really sure what I'm going to doing
18:53 but I just want to let you know
18:54 what needs to the church have, I've done Bible work
18:56 and it's kind of put some things out there.
18:59 And by the end of the conversation, I said,
19:00 "So let me get this straight,
19:02 you're moving to Illinois but you don't have a job,
19:05 like you don't have any way to provide for yourself,
19:07 you have no idea what are you going to be doing?"
19:08 And I said, "Yes, that's correct."
19:10 And he said, "Well, I'll be praying for you."
19:14 But then I talked to Tom Mann
19:16 who was working at 3ABN at that time.
19:17 I said, "Tom, what do you think?
19:19 You know the area pretty well,
19:20 you preach at a lot of the churches,
19:22 what do you think?"
19:23 He said, "Why don't you to make a resume for me?"
19:24 I hadn't updated my resume in a while,
19:26 I made a resume Thursday night.
19:27 Friday morning I talked to Ben, and I asked Ben,
19:29 "What are your biggest needs, man?"
19:30 Like he called me out of the blue
19:31 and I don't get to hear from Ben a lot,
19:33 so it was really good to hear from, I said,
19:34 "What are your biggest need for the ministry
19:36 and what can I be praying for?"
19:37 And one of the things he asked me was
19:39 would I be willing to be a consultant for the ministry?
19:40 I Said, "Yeah, no problem."
19:42 And I will be near, if you need,
19:43 you know, things whatever no problem.
19:44 And I said, "Well, let me talk to you and Ryan,
19:47 like I want to know what your needs are
19:49 and better understand
19:50 'cause I had never worked with a lot of people,
19:52 where working get some stuff together.
19:53 And coming Sunday I talk to Ryan and Ben,
19:56 and Ryan had mentioned the fact that one of the biggest needs
20:00 is someone to teach their Bible classes
20:02 and to do preaching the stuff for the ministry.
20:04 I thought, "Well, that's kind of what I do."
20:07 So in my mind, I'm not even thinking of working there,
20:09 and I'm thinking, "Well, I'll live
20:10 somewhere in Southern Illinois
20:11 and I can help you out in every once in a while."
20:13 And so I said, well, you know he said,
20:15 "Let me send you a job description."
20:16 Okay.
20:17 He sends me a job description Monday morning
20:19 and it's literally the exact same thing as the resume
20:22 I just made for Tom Mann on Thursday.
20:24 To a T like everything,
20:26 you might as well just taking a picture of me
20:29 and put that on the job description.
20:31 And I thought, you got to be kidding.
20:32 And then well, I think my friend Jesus
20:35 is up to something.
20:36 And from there it just all kind of fell into place.
20:39 And yeah, so sometimes God works in ways
20:42 that it's not so much that you
20:44 want confirmation but it just drops
20:46 and you have to make it abundantly clear
20:47 that this is where you're going.
20:50 And I'm very glad that God did what he did
20:52 but at the time I was a little more concerned
20:54 but I am glad He did what he did.
20:57 And I think, I think that the Lord
21:00 does not have a problem with you saying,
21:03 "Lord, I want to do your will.
21:06 I'm committed, I'm on board.
21:07 Just show me, show me plainly."
21:09 I think that is the prayer that he wanted.
21:11 Now since Eric and you gave those testimonies,
21:15 tell me what that has done
21:18 in being able to trace God's moving in your life
21:21 for your faith and your confidence in him.
21:24 It wasn't because
21:26 I'd had previous experiences of faithfulness with God,
21:28 I knew it was foully to play games
21:31 with Him with this decision.
21:32 I knew better and that's why I gave him, and I said,
21:35 "Lord, I know you better than that.
21:36 Everywhere that you've led me in the past
21:38 you have faithfully provided for me.
21:40 You've done things I never could have asked for,
21:42 it was far beyond what I would have asked for myself.
21:44 I know better. And I'm sorry."
21:46 That was what really brought me to my knees to come back.
21:49 So I actually leading into this that I already knew
21:51 from previous experiences that would be the case.
21:53 And when we've gone through
21:55 financial difficulties as a ministry here,
21:57 I've always known that this is what God wanted me,
22:01 and I'm not changing my mind because I knew.
22:04 So I think on the before and on the after side
22:06 that was something I always knew
22:07 that God was so clear that this is what he wanted
22:10 and he hasn't said anything else
22:12 that I'm committed to being fully here
22:14 until he says something else.
22:16 I'm not looking for anything else.
22:17 I'm just here and that's kind of the way this works for me
22:20 but it's been very, very good
22:21 to have the previous instances of God
22:23 faithfulness that gave me that boldness
22:24 that you're talking about
22:26 and that humility to know better.
22:27 I know him better than that,
22:29 and I shouldn't be running from him,
22:30 and I'm sorry.
22:31 Amen. And I'm going.
22:33 That's exactly right.
22:34 So many times in my life the words come through,
22:36 time and time again.
22:38 You wonder you look around you say,
22:39 "Where are you, God?
22:41 Why am I going through this?"
22:42 The Lord comes through
22:43 happens again and again and again.
22:45 Eventually when the Lord calls upon you directly
22:47 to do something totally out of the ordinary,
22:50 something that you absolutely would not do,
22:53 you have faith that he's not going to drop you now.
22:55 You've been faithful up to this point.
22:57 So you step out in faith,
22:59 and He blesses to this day, I'm shocked.
23:02 I'm saying, "How do we survive on the money
23:05 that we make now compared to what we used to make?"
23:08 We don't know how we do it but we live better,
23:10 we're happy, we're comfortable
23:12 the Lord had supplied our every need,
23:14 we're not struggling, and we stepped out on faith.
23:18 So if something were to happen in the future
23:20 where the Lord said, "I want you to go to Tasmania",
23:24 we would just go.
23:26 "Okay, Lord, if that's what you want,
23:28 that's what we do."
23:29 Marilyn might be a bit of a challenge
23:31 to convince her to go with me to Tasmania
23:33 but we would go and we would do it
23:35 and I'm sure the Lord would bless.
23:37 Well, I have to say, honestly,
23:38 when we came to Illinois,
23:41 I thought it was Eric being called
23:45 and little did I know when Molly called and said,
23:49 "Do you want to work?"
23:51 I thought, "Okay, yeah, I'll come and work for 3ABN."
23:55 But now I realize that
23:58 we weren't coming here just for Eric
24:00 but we were coming here for me.
24:01 And what a blessing it has been.
24:04 I feel honored and privileged that
24:06 God has chosen me to work for ministry to spread his word.
24:12 And so I see Him every day,
24:17 and I see how He works in my life
24:19 and the changes that have been made in my life
24:22 as a faithful servant,
24:25 and I am just grateful for that.
24:27 Like you said, C.A.,
24:29 the Lord provides you for want of nothing.
24:32 We have everything that we need right now,
24:35 and it's all because of the Lord.
24:36 Praise the Lord.
24:38 It occurs to me there are two things that really work
24:41 and test your faith.
24:42 One is sickness, and the other is finances.
24:47 I mean the rubber meets the road
24:49 at health or lack thereof
24:52 and cash that's 'cause you know what,
24:54 you were an engineer for a large company,
24:56 you are a pilot, I mean you got an impressive resume.
24:59 So you had to decide
25:01 'cause they're not going to pay me what I was making.
25:05 So we've got to step down. So that's cash.
25:08 You're still young enough and everybody is in good health
25:11 and healthy enough, you know,
25:13 so the thing is that it's money,
25:14 it's about money.
25:16 Can we live on
25:17 what we're going to make at 3ABN,
25:19 which is nowhere near
25:21 what I could pull down in my...
25:22 You are an engineer, I mean, that's,
25:24 you can pocket some decent cash.
25:26 And what's amazing is I defaulted back to the Bible.
25:28 Yeah.
25:29 I said, the children of Israel stepped out into the desert
25:34 and they're saying, "Where is my food gonna come from,
25:36 it's the desert."
25:37 And the Lord supplied the manna,
25:40 He supplied the water, He protected them.
25:43 And because I was studious in studying the Bible
25:46 prior to being called out,
25:48 I knew that the Lord provided to them,
25:51 and throughout the Bible
25:53 the Lord had provided to the patriarchs
25:54 and the prophets.
25:55 He has provided to me and my wife
25:57 when we went through trials, we're going to step out
26:00 and we're gonna go to West Frankfurt,
26:01 and He's blessed.
26:03 Amen, Amen, and the clothes didn't wear out, you know.
26:06 Yeah. Clothes and the shoes.
26:07 Yeah.
26:08 And there's your blessing, you know.
26:10 We have to go to Walmart every day
26:11 or dealers or wherever we shop...
26:13 Because Lord is taking care of our clothes.
26:15 So this tracing of the hand of God in your life
26:20 does fortify you, you know, it gives you strength and all.
26:23 Now let's hold of our pictures,
26:24 I don't know because I should have
26:26 given you magic markers to look at our hands.
26:28 I don't know, can you see this?
26:29 I think that the tracing may be too light
26:32 and it probably should be given you something a little heavy.
26:34 But again, you see the outline of the hand of God
26:38 of your own hand without the everything being filled in,
26:42 so you trust that this is your hand
26:44 because you know the outline of it
26:46 without all the filling in.
26:49 Ellen White says and I've got a couple readings
26:50 that I want you guys to respond to.
26:53 This is something we hear at 3ABN a lot
26:55 but I wanted to put down the exact reference.
26:58 Where she says, "We have nothing to fear
27:00 for the future except
27:01 as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us
27:05 and His teaching in our passage."
27:07 We leave out that teaching sometimes
27:09 because He doesn't just lead you blind,
27:11 if you talk about the leap of faith.
27:12 Well, it's not a blind leap.
27:15 When you leave, the Lord actually tells you
27:17 where you're gonna land, you know.
27:18 He mandated that spot
27:20 but He tells you that the landing
27:21 will be a safe one.
27:23 You know, you are not going to break your kneecaps
27:24 or your ankles, you will land safely.
27:27 So we have nothing to fear for the future except
27:30 we forget where He's let us
27:32 and His teaching in the past history,
27:35 which presupposes, like you said, Eric,
27:37 that we have studied the teaching,
27:40 so we know the teaching.
27:41 And that's why Bible study is so important
27:43 because you don't even know the promises you have,
27:46 it's like having money in a bank
27:48 and don't have the pin, you know.
27:50 You got to have a pin to access,
27:52 you know, your money.
27:53 There are promises there that you can claim
27:55 but you've got to study to know those promises.
27:58 So that when you get in a jam, you know the promise is
28:00 as you know the Lord is with you, okay.
28:02 In Acts 7, it tells the story of Abraham
28:06 and Stephen is recounting the history of Israel.
28:09 And he mentions in verse 3, how,
28:13 I just want to start in verse 1 that says,
28:15 "Then the High Priests said these things so and he said,
28:18 'Brethren and fathers, listen,
28:19 The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham
28:21 when he was in Mesopotamia,
28:23 before he dwelt in Haran, and he said to him,
28:25 "Get out of your country and from your relatives,
28:28 and come to a land that I will show you."
28:31 '" But the idea of come kind of implies
28:33 that God is already there, right?
28:36 If I asked you to come over to my house for lunch,
28:39 that would imply that I know where it is
28:40 and I'm going to be there.
28:42 And I appreciate that about the call
28:44 that God gave to Abraham
28:45 because it's a land that I will show you.
28:47 You don't know where but you know that I am there,
28:49 and that's enough.
28:51 And when you talk about the teachings of the passage,
28:54 that was one that was really helpful for me too,
28:58 when walking through some of those decisions
28:59 I've had to make.
29:00 Praise the Lord, I think before the Lord asked us to go,
29:04 He always asked us to come.
29:07 "Come to me and then go, come and learn and then go,
29:10 sit at my feet and then go."
29:12 So there's always this "Come and go".
29:14 They tend to go hand in hand.
29:18 Got something else I want you to respond to it.
29:20 Ellen White says this, "What lessons of humility
29:24 and faith may we not learn
29:27 as we trace the dealings of God with these creatures?
29:30 The Lord can do but little for the children of men
29:34 because they are so full of pride and vainglory."
29:37 So she says to me
29:40 that in tracing the outline of the hand of God,
29:44 there are many, many lessons to be learned
29:46 if we get ourselves out of the way.
29:48 You know, the thing that's holding us back,
29:50 the thing that is stifling our growth
29:54 and our experience is itself,
29:56 and we can learn so much if we open our eyes
30:01 to see what God has to do for us
30:05 and do through us, you agree?
30:07 Well, the Bible said that Satan had an I problem.
30:11 "I this" and "I that," and I always think about
30:14 that when I start thinking about myself
30:16 before I think about others
30:18 because I know just from the past,
30:22 when you get in the way of God's will
30:24 is when the problems come.
30:26 Yeah.
30:27 And you're not happy, it doesn't matter
30:29 what else you're provided with to your own efforts,
30:32 you're not happy
30:34 until you're doing the Lord's will.
30:35 But you're not doing the Lord's will
30:36 if you're serving yourself before you serve Him.
30:40 You know, the happiest I have ever been is been
30:42 when I have been fully invested in the people around me.
30:45 You know, as a Bible worker or doing other work,
30:47 that was the happiest I could ever be because I was,
30:49 my whole day was based around being of service
30:51 to other people,
30:53 and it's, that's, yeah, 100%.
30:56 You know, I think the Lord is willing to fill us
30:59 to capacity and we determine by our response
31:04 to what that capacity is.
31:08 You know, you're in control of how close to God
31:11 you can get.
31:13 He wants to be very, very close.
31:16 And if you really want to be very, very close,
31:19 that's precisely what He wants.
31:20 He wants to direct your steps,
31:22 He wants to give you good things,
31:23 He wants to give you food for your labor,
31:25 He wants you to have joy in your life,
31:27 and that to a great extent is in your control, you know.
31:31 If you put in the time, and listen, and obey, and walk,
31:35 and pray, and surrender, and submit, and commit,
31:38 there's no limit.
31:40 She says to the usefulness of one,
31:42 who laying self-aside,
31:44 you know, makes room for the working the Holy Spirit
31:45 upon his heart.
31:47 You can have as much Jesus as you can hold,
31:51 and you can expand your capacity by spending time
31:54 with him and talking about him.
31:56 The word is surrender. The word indeed is surrender.
31:59 Yeah, the secret is always been surrender.
32:06 Here's the one, "The thorny path of duty
32:11 becomes easier to follow
32:14 when we trace His divine footsteps before us."
32:22 That goes back to something we talked about
32:23 just a little bit ago.
32:25 The path that Christ calls us to walk is not always easy.
32:30 In fact, it really is never easy.
32:34 If not, it's possible.
32:37 And if it were easy, I always tell Irma say,
32:40 you know, if it's easy, you could buy at Walmart.
32:43 You know, if it's cheap, you can get it at Walmart.
32:44 So it's not easy 'cause you can't get it at Walmart.
32:47 And we have to put up with a lot of,
32:49 what was the word you used, Lynette?
32:51 Detritus. Detritus or detritus.
32:54 Potato, potato.
32:55 We have to put up with a lot of stuff in this life.
32:59 Sometimes, it means dealing with people
33:03 who you'd rather not deal with or,
33:07 you know, because the truth is everybody
33:08 is not gonna like you.
33:10 I'll tell you a quick story.
33:11 When I was pastoring in New York,
33:12 in my third church,
33:15 I had a woman who came to me and she said,
33:18 "Pastor, I need to talk with you".
33:19 I said, "Okay".
33:21 We went to the office and she said,
33:23 "Pastor, for some reason, I don't like you."
33:25 Oh.
33:27 She said, "I just, I just don't like you.
33:29 I just got nothing about you I like."
33:31 And in fact, she said, "Well, even when I think of you,
33:34 I just, I just,
33:40 I'm sorry, I just,
33:41 I'm trying to like you but I just,
33:43 I just don't like you.
33:44 I just, you haven't done anything to me,
33:46 I just, ooh..."
33:47 She went, "Ooh, I just don't like you.
33:49 I just don't like you."
33:51 Now, praise the Lord, I only had that happen once.
33:56 Once is enough, I only had that happen for once
33:58 but it did happen.
34:00 So now I got to determine
34:01 what my response to this woman is going to be?
34:03 You know, because it'd be easy to say,
34:06 "Well, I don't like you either."
34:08 Yeah. Right.
34:10 You know, so what, "I don't like you,
34:12 you don't like me, so what?"
34:14 And yet, I said, "Lord,
34:16 you're gonna have to help me
34:18 get a break through with this woman."
34:22 Because she could not articulate anything,
34:25 I hadn't done anything, and she just,
34:26 "I don't like you."
34:28 And sometimes, you're put in situations
34:29 where you're dealing with people whose ways
34:32 or whose approach to life is
34:35 just kind of antithetical to yours.
34:37 And yet, the Lord says, "You got to love them too."
34:40 And you have to, you have to love them
34:43 so well that they don't know whether you like them or not.
34:47 They assume you do because the way you love them.
34:50 And so before I left that church,
34:53 we became pretty good friends.
34:55 You know, we became decent friends, yeah.
34:59 I like the word stuff.
35:01 Yeah.
35:02 Stuff, any time stuff starts happening,
35:05 I look at it like it's a chisel.
35:07 Uh-huh.
35:08 And I'm granite, some people are wax,
35:11 some people are sandstone.
35:15 Yeah.
35:16 I'm granite and the chisel hurts.
35:18 Yeah.
35:20 But God has hidden that chisel and it's shaping you,
35:22 it's shaping your character.
35:24 And you can look back on who you were in the beginning,
35:26 you were just a rock and now you have a form
35:30 and God is just chiseling the way at you.
35:31 So any time stuff happens, I say, here comes a chisel.
35:34 Yeah, yeah.
35:35 Here it comes, it's going to hurt
35:37 but it's shaping me to who God wants me to be.
35:39 I had a similar story when I was working
35:41 at Heritage Academy,
35:43 and I lived on campus at that stage.
35:44 And my doorbell rang, it was in the afternoon
35:46 I was doing some studies I think, and opened the door,
35:48 and it's one of the students, and their response
35:51 when I opened the door was,
35:53 "I just have to tell you I can't do this anymore,
35:54 I hate you.
35:57 I hate you, I just can't stand you."
35:59 And I said, "Come inside."
36:03 So we went on in my back porch,
36:04 and I just let her go, just tell me everything,
36:06 like everything that's on your heart
36:08 just let it all out there.
36:09 And when she laid it out there,
36:11 I could see pretty quickly
36:12 that there was a big misunderstanding.
36:13 And so we just kind of walked through it together,
36:16 and by the end of it, she felt a lot better,
36:19 and I certainly felt a lot better
36:20 because it was no longer "I hate you".
36:22 But about an hour or so after we'd gone through that,
36:25 kind of work through it, things are fine,
36:27 there was misunderstand on her end.
36:28 I was misunderstood, and we worked through it all.
36:30 And by the end of the school year,
36:32 she came up to me,
36:33 and she has this sixth love language,
36:35 it's called physical force, so when she showed a boy
36:37 that she liked him, she start shoving him
36:38 and punching him and doing things like that.
36:40 That's how she, tough country girl, you know,
36:42 how she showed her love to people,
36:44 and she kind of gave me a bit of a shove and then said,
36:45 "You know what, you're my favorite."
36:48 And we sat together at GYC and we're at the seminars,
36:50 and she still happens to like me
36:52 but yeah, sometimes stuff comes against you,
36:54 you just don't know what to do with it.
36:56 Precisely.
36:57 You just think when it's that strong
36:58 and that hard, you think, "Oh, man.
37:00 Lord, what are you up to?"
37:01 But I learned a lot about communication,
37:03 and I learned also a lot about how first impressions matter
37:07 and the impressions that she was getting from the way
37:10 which I presented myself when I first got there,
37:11 which isn't the way I would do it now,
37:14 I realize I need to be more wise in how I begin,
37:18 you know, intriguing the situations.
37:20 So God always has ways of taking these difficulties
37:23 and using them as a learning opportunity.
37:25 When he says, you are in this teachings,
37:27 it's not just the inspired writings.
37:28 I think that the lessons that God wanted to teach us
37:31 through the things that we went through,
37:32 I think that we gain terrific benefit from it too.
37:37 Well said, and I think, you know,
37:39 Ellen White says that, "Every..."
37:41 Oh, I can't remember the exact wording
37:43 but I'll sort of paraphrase.
37:45 Every challenge in our life is the chance for,
37:48 it's a demand for, a call for self-examination.
37:52 If you are at odds with the person,
37:54 since you cannot change them, the best thing to do is to say,
37:58 "Lord, okay, what can I do for me
38:02 to try to make the situation better?"
38:04 And many times, the Lord will leave you
38:05 in that situation
38:07 because He wants you to self-examine.
38:08 You know, it's like, "Okay, Lord, I want out."
38:10 And He says, "No, stick in there
38:12 because you can see something about yourself."
38:14 And there's, and you know, when you get married,
38:17 all of us who've been married know that
38:20 if you've been married more than one day,
38:25 you know, that marriage offers you
38:28 many opportunities for self-examination.
38:31 Indeed. Amen.
38:34 It does, and it's supposed to be that way.
38:38 You can, it's fairly easy to see the flaws
38:42 in your partner
38:44 but it takes a little more introspection
38:46 to see the flaws in you and the same with your partner.
38:50 So marriage does offer you the opportunity and, Dee,
38:53 you will find this out
38:54 one day that you've got to look at yourself.
38:57 And if you're gonna stay happy with another person,
38:59 you realize the sun does not rise and set on you.
39:02 And that this person is trying to make their way to heaven
39:05 like you're trying to make your way to heaven.
39:07 And hopefully, you're going together hand in hand.
39:09 Yes.
39:10 That's the part of the growth process.
39:12 I was at a wedding, in a wedding
39:13 with some friends of mine and Dr. Alan Parker was the one
39:15 who was giving the ceremony, and he said,
39:18 "When two become one, that one isn't you."
39:20 And... Yeah.
39:22 I realized, I'll need to remember that.
39:24 That's very good.
39:26 That's fair.
39:27 Yeah, that one is not you. Yeah.
39:29 I like that, I may have to write that down,
39:32 "The two becoming one."
39:36 Let me just go through this one here from Advent Home.
39:40 She's talking about parents and children, Lynette,
39:44 she says that, "We need to point out
39:45 the beautiful flowers and the lofty trees
39:48 in whose leaves we can trace the work
39:52 and love of God."
39:53 That even in nature we see outline,
39:57 the tracings of the love of God
39:59 and the work we had in our lives, so it's there.
40:02 And I know, you spend time in nature with your kids
40:04 and you guys get out and do stuff.
40:06 Toss them out the door and follow them, yeah,
40:09 keeping busy and active.
40:12 Yeah, I think we came over one day
40:13 and they had just come in from the walk or someplace.
40:15 Everybody's laughing and puffing,
40:16 it was embarrassing, but you guys kind of power walk
40:19 kind of thing,
40:20 but you can see the hand of God in nature and...
40:24 There's a science called fractals,
40:27 and fractals are no matter how much you reduce it down,
40:29 it's just as beautiful as when it started out.
40:33 Yes.
40:34 And there's a lot that...
40:36 Scientists have found out there's a lot of fractals
40:38 in nature
40:40 when you look at a leaf and you reduce it down,
40:41 you reduce it down, it's just as beautiful
40:43 no matter how much you reduce it down
40:45 as when you begin.
40:46 And God is a wonderful God, He's a creator,
40:50 and I don't know it's one of the things,
40:52 nature is one of the things that converted me over
40:54 how you can have engineering
40:57 which is what nature is without an engineer.
41:00 It doesn't make sense. Yeah, yeah.
41:02 If you have a design,
41:04 there must be a master designer.
41:06 Amen.
41:07 What's the, there's a word for that,
41:08 oh, teleology, that has to be sufficiency
41:11 to get that done.
41:12 If you have a car, a car didn't get there by itself,
41:15 somebody had to put that car together.
41:16 You know, there has to be a reason
41:18 for the existence of that car.
41:19 So you've got a world that is complex and intricate,
41:23 somebody even more complex and more intricate
41:25 had to design that kind of thing.
41:28 And again in looking at the world and tracing that,
41:31 it does fortify you in your belief
41:36 and you are gonna understand that God is with you.
41:38 Now I want you to take a moment and think in your minds
41:40 because I'm gonna ask you to give me a testimony,
41:42 and we've done this a little before.
41:44 But other than coming here, a time in your life
41:46 when you saw the hand of God working
41:48 and you know it was God.
41:50 You've given some testimonies that we've heard in worship
41:54 in your flying experience that, you know,
41:56 it was the hand of God.
41:57 But, Dee, think back.
41:58 Lynette, think back, maybe even before
42:00 you came to Southern Illinois, and you've been here,
42:03 how long, you and Jorge?
42:04 Nine years. Nine years?
42:05 Oh, time gets away. It has been nine years?
42:08 It's gonna be nine years in the month of June.
42:09 Praise the Lord. And you guys have?
42:11 Three. Three years.
42:12 Three years, and we're in our 12.
42:14 We came in 2005.
42:17 Dee, you've been on campus, two years?
42:20 August, 2015, so about an year and a half.
42:22 A year and a half, okay, okay, but prior to that,
42:26 a time in your life when you trace,
42:28 you saw the outline of the hand of God.
42:31 I'm gonna bring up the flying story
42:34 because it's really the pivotal moment in my life
42:37 that changed me.
42:39 Prior to this moment, I don't wanna say
42:42 that religion was a fairy tale or mythology
42:46 but it almost was, you know.
42:48 I didn't really...
42:50 It wasn't a firm commitment in any way shape
42:52 or form with me.
42:54 And my father gave me some money to go to school,
42:58 two years worth of money to go to college,
43:00 and I ran off to California with that money
43:04 because I wanted to fly airplanes.
43:06 And part of becoming a pilot is that
43:09 they have a requirement
43:11 that you're going along cross-country flight,
43:13 and I just decided that my flight was gonna be
43:15 from Venice to Laughlin in Nevada.
43:19 And you fly out over the Mojave Desert,
43:20 it's about 4.5-hour flight in the Cessna 172.
43:25 And I took off that morning bright
43:26 and clear beautiful.
43:28 We checked the weather, everything was fine,
43:29 me and the instructor, I got to Laughlin, Nevada,
43:34 walked around the terminal a little bit,
43:35 pop back on the airplane and headed back home.
43:38 Got a little bit lost.
43:40 And I didn't know the reason why I got lost is
43:43 because there was a storm, a thunderstorm building up
43:46 over San Fernando Valley
43:47 which is where Venice airport's located.
43:50 So I figured out where I was, you know,
43:52 you turn a little dials, navigational aids,
43:54 figure out where I was, took up a heading for home
43:56 and I ran right into the thunderstorm.
43:59 Now this is the new pilot, maybe 80 hours,
44:01 80, 90 hours of flight experience flying by myself,
44:05 flying into a thunderstorm, approaching the airport,
44:08 I remember ducking down, I kept reducing altitude
44:11 'cause I had to stay below the cloud tops
44:13 and the cloud tops just kept coming down.
44:14 So I'm flying between two mountains in the cloud top,
44:17 into the valley.
44:19 And the wind shear was horrible,
44:21 updrafts, downdrafts,
44:23 wind shear trying to flip my airplane up and down.
44:25 For about 15 minutes,
44:27 I'm just fighting with this airplane.
44:28 I'm not praying yet because I'm not really
44:30 that much of a believer at this point.
44:33 And I call up the airport, tell them where I am at,
44:37 they basically said, "Are you sure
44:38 you want to land here,
44:39 we have airplanes trying to land, big jets,
44:41 they can't land, are you sure?"
44:42 I look at my fuel gauge, my fuel gauge is in the red
44:44 because I was lost for a while
44:46 which means I had about 20 to 25 minutes worth of fuel
44:49 and Venice is in the mountains, there's mountains all around.
44:52 Got to land at this airport.
44:54 I turned base the final, wind shear was just the worst
44:58 I've ever been, I flew 4.5 years
44:59 after that commercially,
45:01 never been in such horrible turbulence
45:03 before in my life,
45:04 probably because I was flying a really small airplane.
45:06 That was probably part of the factor.
45:09 I turned final trial line up with the runway,
45:12 not lining up very well, going up and down and way up.
45:16 I said, "Lord,
45:18 please help me land this airplane."
45:20 And as soon as the last syllable
45:21 came out of my mouth,
45:23 the air went completely and totally quiet.
45:27 It was like a dead calm, an unusual,
45:30 shouldn't be this calm, it just happened.
45:34 Landed the airplane,
45:35 could have landed there with two fingers
45:37 on the yoke.
45:38 That's a good end of the story.
45:40 My whole flight school came out,
45:41 the whole flight school came out, and they said,
45:42 "We heard you on the radio coming in
45:44 and now we want to see you land."
45:46 I figured they want to see me crash.
45:47 Crash.
45:50 My instructor was very unhappy said,
45:52 "You should have divert to another airport."
45:54 And like I said in my testimony,
45:56 I never told anybody
45:57 who landed that airplane for me.
46:00 And it was the Lord. Amen.
46:01 And then after that point, I knew that there was a God,
46:04 I just had to get to know Him.
46:06 And this was '89, 1990.
46:09 So it was a long time ago,
46:11 and it took me a while to find the Lord
46:12 in the Sabbath troop
46:14 but once I found it, I found it, got baptized,
46:16 and it's been a blessing ever since,
46:18 God is real.
46:20 Yeah.
46:23 You know, if someone were to ask me,
46:24 "How do you know God is real?"
46:26 My response would be two words, "Sit down."
46:29 'Cause I'm going to start talking,
46:30 I'm just gonna start telling stories like,
46:32 there's this deal like my experience
46:34 is not just an academic venture,
46:37 mine is primarily an experiential venture
46:39 of the faithfulness of God
46:41 from stem to stern in my experience.
46:42 I moved to Tennessee and didn't have a vehicle.
46:46 And this little girl,
46:49 I'll try to make this as brief as I can,
46:50 but there's a little girl
46:52 who was a staff kid at Heritage Academy.
46:54 And I rode my bike
46:55 over to the other side of the gorge
46:57 where they were located.
46:58 And she said, "Mr. Dee, how come you don't have a car?"
46:59 I said, "Well, sweetie, I don't have enough money.
47:01 Cars cost money, I just don't have enough."
47:03 She's like 6 at this stage
47:05 and this story is on
47:06 the 100 Days of Prayer website, the full story.
47:08 But so she, "I have something for you."
47:12 She goes to a room and she comes back
47:13 with a couple of markers and a piece of paper like this.
47:16 And she starts drawing some mysterious object
47:19 and she folds it handed to me says,
47:20 "I want to give this to you".
47:22 "So, well thank you, Anna".
47:23 And I go home, and I open it and inside is 26 cents.
47:28 This girl is fully convinced of the fact
47:30 that Mr. Dee needs money for a car,
47:32 and I have money,
47:33 and she thought that would be enough to buy a car.
47:34 Yeah.
47:36 And so I post that story on Facebook,
47:37 that's what she supposed to do when kids do cute things.
47:40 And a school teacher for a local church school,
47:43 that I wasn't attending that church
47:44 but I preached there a couple times,
47:46 saw it and wanted to do something
47:47 but then forgot.
47:49 And some time goes by, during a week prayer
47:51 at this particular grade school
47:53 and she wasn't there the first part of the week
47:54 because she,
47:56 one of her children had just had a baby,
47:57 so she had a new grand kid, she was gonna go see the kid.
48:00 So she comes on Friday and she came to say,
48:02 "You don't have a car?"
48:03 I Said, "No, ma'am, I don't".
48:05 And she said, "Well, look, someone gave me this car,
48:07 and my son-in-law gave me his car,
48:10 and so I don't know what's wrong with it,
48:13 it won't start, I took it to Dollar General,
48:14 it just wouldn't start.
48:15 I don't know if it needs a alternator
48:17 or whatever but you can just have it,
48:18 if you want to sell it, if you want to fix it
48:20 and drive it, do it whatever you want."
48:21 I said, "Really?"
48:22 And she said, "Yeah, you can just have it
48:24 'cause someone gave it to me,
48:25 and I just want to give it to you."
48:26 I thought wow.
48:28 A friend of mine, so I go to the Atlanta area
48:29 where my mom is for the weekend
48:30 around Thanksgiving time.
48:32 And while I'm there,
48:33 the mechanic for the school calls and says, "Hey, Dee."
48:35 I said, "Yeah".
48:36 He says, "God has really blessed you".
48:37 I said, "Why's that, J?"
48:39 And he said,
48:40 "There's absolutely nothing wrong with this car."
48:42 He said, "All of it is that,
48:43 there's two cables that come together
48:45 and go over the positive terminal
48:46 on the battery,
48:47 they just seem to be flux and soldered,
48:49 that'll costs you like $6."
48:51 And he says, "It has a new alternator in it,
48:54 the tires are new, the brakes are in great shape,
48:56 there's nothing wrong with this car."
48:58 And I used that car for two, for two years,
49:01 I think for the times I had it.
49:03 And whenever where I wanted to go it went,
49:05 it never had an issue, it was fuel efficient,
49:06 got to see family, did ministry with it.
49:08 And because I had I was able to do Bible work in Tennessee.
49:11 And I was able to give that car away twice
49:14 since then, and God's providing me
49:16 something far better than I could ever deserve.
49:18 But just the kindness and the girl prayed,
49:21 she didn't just give a car, she prayed.
49:23 And when that little girl pray, she gets answers.
49:25 She's 10 now and she cried when she saw the new car
49:27 that was afforded in answer to her prayer but...
49:29 Praise God.
49:30 Stories like that of the faithfulness of God
49:32 to provide the needs,
49:33 I'd even know I had yet
49:35 'cause I didn't know I would be a Bible worker then
49:36 but that car was the reason why I could be a Bible worker
49:39 and it's because of her benevolence.
49:40 Praise the God.
49:41 But I've seen tens of thousands of dollars
49:43 with the financial miracles.
49:44 And so when I get into financial straits,
49:47 I've come to realize, you know what,
49:49 I know Him well enough,
49:51 He's gonna provide somehow, and He always does.
49:53 He does. Amen.
49:54 Praise the God. Praise the God.
49:55 It's amazing.
49:57 Yeah, well, anything pop up in your mind?
50:01 Kind of.
50:03 I was praying on the way here
50:06 and was thinking, "Oh, Lord.
50:09 I'm not a mover and a shaker,
50:11 I'm not a powerhouse that people know,
50:15 nobody knows my name.
50:17 I'm just behind the scenes.
50:20 Can I trace your hand in my life?"
50:23 Which is a really dumb question to ask God
50:27 but I guess what I want to
50:29 put out there is that even if you're doing
50:32 what I'm doing and I'm doing it for the second time in my life.
50:35 I had two younger kids one of whom is behind
50:38 one of these cameras, the other one's in the booth,
50:41 went to work for a brief while and had a career
50:44 and then I had my second set of kids...
50:45 Yeah.
50:47 And I'm home with them again, I'm a dinosaur again,
50:49 I'm a stay home mom.
50:52 And it's sometimes hard for young mothers especially
50:57 when they're sitting, they're surrounded by
50:58 the detritus of childhood as it were
51:03 to realize that God's hand is still on your life.
51:06 And I know I can look back and see
51:08 who I was when I first became a Christian
51:10 as a young 15-year-old bubblehead
51:13 to see where I am now,
51:14 it's like I am not the same person.
51:16 And God has brought me through many things,
51:20 even if it's just subtle, it's like a quiet storm almost,
51:23 just going through these things
51:24 and realizing that God is slowly molding me.
51:27 It's okay, I haven't left you,
51:29 you know, you're doing a very traditional role
51:33 which is frowned upon in today's society,
51:35 and it's easy to discount myself.
51:38 But God is very much evident in my life.
51:40 Amen.
51:42 From start to finish at this point.
51:43 Praise the lord, praise the lord.
51:44 It's just amazing.
51:46 Yeah, and this is the second stage,
51:47 you are doing a great job with that, too.
51:49 Praise God, it's all the Lord, that's ain't me.
51:53 Well, quickly and just a couple things
51:56 that when I had that the six bypass surgery
51:58 a couple years ago,
51:59 but years ago,
52:01 I was pastoring
52:02 and I was teaching about faith and trust in God.
52:06 And one of my members called me to the house Sabbath afternoon,
52:09 and she said, "Pastor,
52:10 why don't you pray for my daughter?"
52:13 So I said, "Okay, fine."
52:14 Till I went in and saw the girl
52:15 and, I mean, she looked one step away from death.
52:19 And I said I think you need to take her to the hospital.
52:21 She said, "No, no, you pray, and she'll be fine."
52:26 And I'm like,
52:30 "I'll pray but then let's get in a car
52:33 and take this girl to the hospital."
52:34 Because her breathing was very shallow,
52:36 no color in the skin, and just lying just, just out.
52:41 And so I said, "Let's pray and then go to..."
52:45 She said, "No, Pastor, you just pray
52:47 and she'll be fine."
52:49 That's a lot of pressure on me and well,
52:51 it's not on God
52:52 but she's filtering this through me.
52:55 And I'm saying, "Okay, I'm gonna pray
52:56 but we need to go."
52:58 And she said, "No, no, you pray, she'll be fine."
53:01 So you talk about praying, I was like, "Lord, please."
53:07 Because she's not gonna take it,
53:08 you got to work something out here.
53:10 And so I prayed,
53:13 I don't know how long we prayed,
53:14 and then I encouraged her,
53:17 I'm going to church
53:19 and I'm just going to stay in the church in the afternoon,
53:21 it's walking distance,
53:22 she was right around the corner from the church.
53:25 "You let me know if anything happens,
53:27 and I'm ready to go to the hospital right away."
53:30 Father's out of home, she's a single mother,
53:32 older son, this younger daughter,
53:34 I guess about 14.
53:36 She didn't have transportation,
53:37 so I said, "I'll be right there.
53:39 Call the church," you know, I'm right there.
53:41 And at church praying and just hour,
53:44 hour and a half goes by,
53:46 it's between worship service and what we call
53:48 "A wide Meeting" at the time, MV meeting,
53:50 you know, afternoon service.
53:52 So I'm just sitting, I don't want to go home,
53:54 I'm just kind of sitting and rocking,
53:55 this was before I was even married.
53:57 Lord, I don't know what's going to happen
53:58 'cause the girl looks so bad.
53:59 About two hours later,
54:03 the mother burst into door with her daughter in tow,
54:07 and she says, "You'll never guess,
54:09 once you left, everything changed."
54:12 And she had this plastic bag with her,
54:15 and she says, "My daughter threw this up."
54:19 And she'd opened this bag
54:20 and the stuff ran all over my desk.
54:23 And in it was this black thing, like a black rope,
54:26 like a thick black rope,
54:28 it looks like a snake about maybe that long,
54:31 and she says, "She brought this up."
54:33 And it smelled awful,
54:35 and I was like, "Praise the Lord."
54:40 And she was so happy, so excited,
54:43 and I said, I just, I thank the Lord all that,
54:45 you know, I said, because I really thought
54:47 that girl was gonna die that night
54:49 because she looked like it.
54:50 And I saw the hand of God,
54:51 it strengthened the mother's faith,
54:54 it strengthened the older son's faith,
54:57 and she had a sister who was not attending church
55:00 who began attending church.
55:02 So this was not just for me, though a lot of layers to this,
55:07 you know, a lot of nuance to the story.
55:09 And a lot of people were impressed
55:11 to come to the Lord through that experience.
55:15 But, man, it really,
55:17 it kind of stretched me a little bit
55:19 because I really thought
55:20 we were gonna have some problems
55:21 but she believed
55:23 and, you know, sometimes the Lord
55:24 will strengthen your faith through somebody else's faith.
55:26 Yeah. That's right.
55:28 And it wonderful, C.A., with each experience,
55:30 you love the Lord even more.
55:31 Yes.
55:33 It just works out that way. With each experience, you glow.
55:36 Yeah.
55:37 You know with love, so... Yeah, yeah.
55:39 We don't want to pray for trials and tribulations
55:41 but you come out better on the other side,
55:43 if you keep your eyes on Him.
55:44 Well said, well said,
55:46 and so I go back to our initial list
55:49 that when you trace the hand of God in your life,
55:51 it makes you thankful.
55:53 True? That's true.
55:54 Yeah, it makes you grateful.
55:56 Yeah, it does, it makes you bolder in Him,
56:00 you know, He got me this far, I know he can get me home.
56:03 As you all said, I know that Cessna 142,
56:06 there are the smallest Cessna 150 with the two...
56:08 It was the 172... Yeah.
56:10 It's an aluminum kite. Right, yeah.
56:12 That's a cliche, yeah.
56:14 oh, I know that plane.
56:16 Yeah, that smashes off real good, Lord bless you.
56:21 It increases your faith, it makes you content,
56:25 you know, all of your experiences,
56:28 your experience, Dee,
56:29 your experience, your experience,
56:32 they are personal affirmations of God's love for you.
56:36 So that when you are called to go forward in future
56:38 as you well said,
56:40 "If I got to go to Tasmania or Tanzania
56:42 or East Cucamonga, I'll go
56:45 because God got me to West Frankfurt."
56:48 Yeah.
56:50 So He can get me through,
56:51 He can find me in East Cucamonga
56:52 just like He found me in West Frankfurt.
56:54 Praise the Lord. Amen.
56:56 So it makes you bold for the Lord.
56:58 And as she well said,
57:00 "It makes the thorny path of duty easier to follow,"
57:04 because you know you've got things to do
57:06 but you can do so
57:07 because you have the assurance that the same God
57:10 who has gotten you this far will get you all the way home.
57:14 So when you're in doubt,
57:16 trace the hand of God in your life,
57:19 it will give you strength and confidence
57:21 that God will see you through.
57:22 Bye, bye, and God bless.


Revised 2017-02-21