Participants: J. D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), John & Idalia Dinzey, Luis Capote, Tim Parton
Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW017003A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:06 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn, 01:08 and we are so glad that you are joining us tonight 01:11 for 3ABN's Family Worship. 01:14 This is a special time to us, for all of us. 01:17 And let me go ahead, since I'm saying all of this, 01:19 I'll go around the table and introduce everyone. 01:22 We have with us Johnny and Idalia Dinzey. 01:25 Johnny is the general manager for 3ABN Latino 01:28 and his beautiful wife is his special assistant. 01:32 I agree. 01:34 And in all ways, isn't she? 01:36 That's right. That's right. 01:38 And then next to me this handsome man, 01:40 I have the privilege to be married to him. 01:43 Amen. Thank you. 01:44 JD, we're glad that you're here. 01:46 I'm probably turning red. 01:49 Luis Capote, who is our program director. 01:52 Thank you. 01:53 And then we have with us, Brother Tim Parton, 01:56 who is the general manager for the Praise Him channel. 01:58 Yes, ma'am. Amen. 01:59 And we are so thankful that you are joining us as well 02:03 'cause you're the rest of the family. 02:05 We just invite you to come to the table, 02:07 get your bibles out. 02:09 We are going to take this time to worship the Lord in music 02:15 and to worship Him by studying His word. 02:18 You know, for me, 02:20 someone actually called me and said 02:24 you're worshiping the Sabbath, shame on you. 02:27 We don't worship the Sabbath. 02:29 God is the one who sanctified the Sabbath and blessed it. 02:32 And I look at it as a temple in time. 02:37 What other day of the week, if we didn't have the Sabbath, 02:40 when could we spend the entire day 02:42 focusing on the Lord? 02:44 When would we, I should say. Mm-hm, right. 02:46 Focusing on the Lord, worshiping the Lord. 02:49 And the beauty of the Sabbath to me 02:52 is that God says in the word 02:55 not only is it a memorial of God as our creator. 03:00 But He tells us in Exodus 31:13 it is a sign, 03:04 the Sabbath is a sign 03:06 that He is the one who sanctifies us. 03:09 So we come to him in total surrender 03:12 just remembering that salvation belongs to God. 03:16 There is nothing that we can do to save ourself. 03:18 Right. It is by grace. 03:20 Hallelujah. Amen. 03:22 So just want to start this time off with some prayer. 03:27 Tonight we're gonna be talking about, 03:29 "Humility comes before honor." 03:32 And the last time this little group was together, 03:34 these family members, same ones, 03:37 we were talking about the fullness of Christ, 03:40 being filled with His humility was part of it. 03:43 So it just seemed nice to kind of continue in that vein 03:50 and I'll tell you why in just a moment. 03:52 But let's begin with prayer. 03:54 And why don't we just go around and have a prayer of praise? 03:59 JD, we'll let you start. Okay. 04:00 Then just jump in as the Lord... 04:02 Just something you want to praise God for. 04:05 Amen. 04:08 Heavenly Father, as we come to you 04:10 in the name of your precious son, Jesus. 04:11 We thank you for this opportunity, Lord. 04:14 We thank you for this opportunity to have the Sabbath 04:18 and to take a few minutes and a few hours, 04:20 dear Father, to be able to rest in your name. 04:24 Father, we just ask in the name of Jesus 04:26 that you will just be with us as we talk about humility, 04:30 when we think about humility, mention the word humility, 04:33 of course, Jesus, comes in our forethought. 04:36 So, Father, we just ask, Lord, 04:38 that you will just 04:40 use that humility, dear Father, in each one of us 04:44 so that we can be all that we can be in your name. 04:47 Amen. 04:48 Father, as we go through our busy schedule, our busy week, 04:53 it's so wonderful to know 04:55 that you are always by our side. 04:58 When we look at the sacrifice that you gave at the cross, 05:03 we can only humble ourselves, 05:05 Lord, that creator of the earth, 05:09 the universe was willing, 05:12 Lord, to shed his blood for each one of us. 05:15 Yes. 05:16 And that experience, Lord, 05:18 when you get us to that level of humility, 05:20 when you get us to that level of understanding 05:22 that when we are in your presence, 05:25 we need to be in an awe moment, 05:28 understanding that you want to communicate, 05:33 you want to spend 05:35 every single moment by our sides 05:37 and to be able to know our good sides, 05:39 our good moments, 05:41 and our bad moments 05:42 that we maybe able to come on a moment like today 05:46 to worship you 05:47 and to give you all the honor and all the glory. 05:49 Yes. 05:51 Precious Father, I just want to thank you 05:53 for being mindful of man. 05:55 Amen. 05:56 That we in our low estate 05:59 that you would even consider us. 06:02 But you have blessed us with great thoughts toward us. 06:06 And I pray, Lord, that as we study humility, 06:09 you will help us to remember to be mindful of each other 06:13 and to love each other and to care for each other 06:16 as your word tells us to do, 06:18 to love you and to love our fellow man. 06:21 So I just thank you that you care for us 06:24 and I bless your name today. 06:26 Thank you, father god, 06:28 for your love for each and one of us. 06:31 Thank you, father, for your faithfulness. 06:34 Thank you, father, for another week. 06:36 You've blessed us with abundantly. 06:38 Thank you, Lord, for the moments 06:40 that we take to speak with you, 06:43 not only speak with you but to hear you. 06:45 Help us to listen to your every word 06:49 and help us to be willing to do your will. 06:51 Amen. Amen. 06:53 And heavenly father, 06:55 we just want to thank you for your mercy. 06:59 Your mercy, that is beyond our comprehension. 07:02 We thank you that you consider us. 07:06 We read what is man that thou are mindful of Him. 07:10 We thank you Lord for being mindful. 07:12 Yeah. Of us. 07:13 Yes. Thank you. 07:15 And father we praise you for who you are, 07:18 for your character of love and humility 07:23 that you are the example. 07:25 We thank you father 07:26 that you are the one who saves us 07:32 and we pray in the name of Jesus that tonight 07:35 help us each and everyone of us, 07:37 those are at this table 07:39 and those who are sitting in other tables 07:41 and watching us or listening to us. 07:44 We ask in the name of Jesus, 07:45 Lord, that you would give us the gift of humility 07:49 that you would Lord work in our hearts 07:53 and give us a teachable spirit. 07:56 And, father, 07:57 reveal yourself to us and you will to us. 08:01 Amen. In these words. 08:02 In Jesus' name. Amen. 08:04 Amen. Amen. 08:06 Well we always like to start with a song. 08:09 Amen. 08:10 And because that puts our hearts 08:13 in an attitude of worship. 08:14 You know, that's what music is all about. 08:17 It is to kind of a soul or break up the fallow grounds 08:22 so that we'll be ready to receive the seed, 08:24 it's kind of the ploughing if you will. 08:27 And what we are going to sing right now 08:28 is one of my favourite songs, 08:30 it is number 567 08:32 in the Seventh-Day Adventist hymnal. 08:34 We are going to put those words on the screen for you. 08:38 But before we start singing I want to say this one thing, 08:42 this song is a prayer that has been set to music. 08:48 So it's not a song that we sing, 08:51 as we look around and smile at each other 08:53 because we're talking about the Lord. 08:55 This is a song we are singing directly to the Lord. 09:00 So sing that song with us, 09:02 pray with us in this musical piece. 09:16 Have Thy own way, Lord! 09:22 Have Thine own way 09:26 Thou art the Potter 09:31 I am the clay 09:36 Mold me and make me 09:41 After Thy will 09:46 While I am waiting 09:51 Yielded and still 09:56 Have Thine own way, Lord! 10:01 Have Thine own way 10:06 Search me and try me, 10:11 Savior, today 10:16 Wash me just now, Lord. 10:21 Wash me just now 10:26 As in Thy presence 10:31 Humbly I bow 10:36 Have Thy own way, Lord! 10:41 Have Thine own way 10:46 Wounded and weary 10:51 Help me, I pray 10:56 Power, all power 11:01 Surely is Thine 11:06 Touch me and heal me, 11:11 Savior divine 11:17 Have Thine own way, Lord! 11:22 Have Thine own way 11:27 Hold o'er my being 11:32 Absolute sway 11:37 Fill with Thy Spirit 11:43 Till all shall see 11:48 Christ only, always, 11:54 Living in me 12:01 Amen. Amen. 12:03 I don't know if there are any more words 12:06 that are words that are more apt, 12:09 appropriate to what we are doing today. 12:12 We just want to thank, Tim, 12:15 for silently slipping off to the piano 12:18 and playing that for us. 12:20 I did that very humbly. You did that very humbly. 12:24 I just tried to be appropriate. Amen. 12:28 As you know, 12:29 I always like to pray the word back to the Lord. 12:33 So I'm gonna start with an affirmation 12:36 that just means we're affirming gods word by... 12:38 It's a paraphrase 12:39 actually of what these scriptures say. 12:43 And so let me just start with this affirmation, 12:45 the first part is just 12:47 I'm affirming and saying something, 12:49 but the second part is like a prayer and it says, 12:52 "I know humility comes before honor, 12:55 so I humble myself before the Lord. 12:58 I treasure the day of small beginnings. 13:01 If I'm faithful with regard to small things, 13:04 God will trust me with more. 13:06 God will exalt me in his perfect timing. 13:10 Father, by your grace, 13:12 I will be clothed with humility" 13:14 Notice that "By your grace 13:17 I will be clothed with humility, 13:20 humbling myself under your mighty hand. 13:23 Thank you, Father, 13:24 for making Jesus Christ my wisdom from you. 13:28 Thank you, for the gift of humility 13:31 that comes from wisdom." 13:33 Amen. 13:34 So let's kind of backup a little, 13:37 we talked about this last time when we were together. 13:40 What is humility? 13:42 Or let me ask this, 13:43 what is the opposite of humility? 13:47 Can you think of some words? Pride. 13:49 Pride, is the opposite of humility. 13:52 So what is pride? 13:56 I've got. Sorry, go... 13:57 No, you go right ahead. 13:58 Well, not that I know, but I do hopefully. 14:01 Self-satisfaction. 14:02 That's the number one word I was looking for, 14:06 is self-satisfaction. 14:08 Go ahead. 14:10 Self-sufficiency, self-reliance 14:12 any of those hyphenated words that start with self. 14:14 Self. Yes. 14:15 So it's more than just arrogance and conceit, 14:21 pride is relying on yourself. 14:24 So then, if we were look at the flip side 14:26 then, at the polar opposite of pride, 14:29 what is humility then? 14:32 It is to be totally dependent on God. 14:34 God's satisfaction. God's efficiency. 14:38 Amen. 14:39 So, you know, Jesus Christ, 14:41 we know that in Philippians 2:5-7, 14:43 it says like this mind being you 14:45 that was also in Christ 14:48 and it talks about Him humbling Himself. 14:51 And going to the cross. Amen. 14:53 So He was our example in humility 14:56 and to me I think that humility is the number one 15:01 Christian virtue that we need to... 15:05 This is something on which we should concentrate. 15:07 We need to talk about it more 15:10 and it's something that we need to pray about. 15:12 Because if the devils original sin was pride, 15:18 that's one thing we should be avoiding at all cost, right? 15:20 Certainly. 15:22 Fine, so let's get into some of these scriptures. 15:25 And we're just gonna talk about how God feels about pride 15:29 and what happens when we don't listen. 15:34 All right. Idalia, ladies first. 15:36 Okay. Well, proverbs chapter 16:18. 15:40 Proverbs 16:18. 15:42 Yeah. Okay. 15:43 I'm reading from NIV and it says, 15:46 "Pride goes before destruction, 15:49 a haughty spirit before a fall." 15:53 Before we go any further, 15:55 I know there is a lot of people around here 15:57 what is haughty mean? 15:59 Can we describe haughty? Haughty? 16:00 Hard minded? Hard minded? 16:02 Well, I look for it in the dictionary, it said, 16:04 unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself 16:08 better than other people. 16:10 Hard minded. 16:12 So pride goes before destruction 16:14 then some one this hard minded, 16:17 if they have that spirit also goes before a fall. 16:21 But don't you think 16:22 that pride blinds people to their own faults. 16:25 Yeah. Yeah. 16:27 I mean, if you're proud you don't recognise your own, 16:30 you know, the problems that you are having. 16:32 So the very things 16:33 that because of your pride, you're not recognising 16:36 or the things that become the stumbling blocks. 16:39 Sometimes we're just in denial and say, "No way," "Not me." 16:44 You know, and it's a conviction of the heart, 16:47 you know, I think that, I mean, 16:50 humility is a topic that I don't know 16:55 because I'm too proud, 16:56 you know, and I'm like, 16:58 I'm always praying Lord make me humble. 17:00 Amen. 17:01 Because it's not easy to wash somebody's dirty feet, 17:05 for example, you know, it's not easy... 17:07 And I'm talking about the communion service, 17:11 I'm not talking about that when you washes others feet 17:15 but sometimes people need us to wash their feet 17:18 because they have no other way, you see. 17:21 And so we forget that we maybe here one day, 17:25 I mean, we maybe up here one day, 17:26 but someday 17:28 because of circumstances in life, 17:30 we may end up in the same condition 17:32 or worse condition as somebody else. 17:34 So I definitely, I say, Lord, please teach me to be humble. 17:37 Amen. 17:39 Yes, by contemplating the cross, 17:40 Jesus on the cross, what humility is that? 17:43 When He came down, left a thrown, 17:45 for being with his father 17:47 to give everything up for me, a sinner. 17:48 Amen. 17:50 So there is a lot to learn and lean on Jesus 17:53 because He was our perfect example. 17:56 So how do we accomplish that? By beholding we become changed. 17:59 Amen. Amen. 18:01 So can you think of an example in the bible, 18:04 where proverb 16:18 18:07 "Pride came before the destruction, 18:09 a haughty spirit before a fall." 18:12 Who're you thinking of? 18:14 Well, I thought of Samson. That's a good one. 18:16 I mean, that's who I first thought about. 18:19 My thought was Nebuchadnezzar. Exactly. 18:21 You know, who thought He was so high and mighty 18:25 and that everything He did, this is what I built, 18:27 and I did, until God 18:29 struck him with insanity for seven years. 18:31 In the same hour, right? Right. Yeah. 18:33 We went from... 18:34 And so he went from denying God to, 18:37 you know, after seven years of insanity. 18:39 I mean, it was his pride that caused the fall, 18:42 his haughty spirit. 18:44 And then he turned back, or he turned to the Lord. 18:47 So... 18:48 Does Lord's wife fall into that... 18:49 I would say... 18:51 When she was thrown into salt. That's interesting. 18:54 Where she was definitely told, not to look back. 18:56 So... Yeah. 18:58 But that's where my heart is, 18:59 you know, what I'm saying, how hard it was. 19:02 So... It's okay. 19:03 You know, it's interesting 19:04 because I think 19:06 everyone struggles 19:07 with some degree of self, 19:10 bringing self to the... 19:12 You're right. 19:13 And the devil is making suggestions, 19:16 you know, if somebody says something, 19:19 there he is whispering to somebody. 19:21 Who does he think he is, who does he think he is, 19:23 and he thinks he's better than you, look at... 19:26 And they are not taking you in to account. 19:28 So all these suggestions, 19:29 that's why the wisdom of Lord says to us, 19:33 be slow to speak, swither. 19:37 You know, and I think what you're saying is right 19:39 because pride, like, 19:42 sometimes old people 19:45 it is their pride to keep them from listening to young people. 19:48 Yes. 19:49 Young people it's their pride to keep them 19:51 from listening from old people. 19:52 Parents. So, yeah. 19:54 You're right. 19:55 I mean we're all filled with pride it's just. 19:57 Johnny, I want you take James 4 in verse 10. 20:02 We've got it in the amplified version here, 20:05 which I think is an interesting, 20:08 I love amplified 20:09 and this is a very interesting verse. 20:12 I think I will read it in both. Okay. 20:14 So we can see the amplified version says, 20:18 "Humble yourselves" and then it says, 20:21 "Feeling very insignificant 20:23 in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. 20:27 He will lift you up and make your lives significant." 20:31 So in the King James Version it says, 20:34 "Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord 20:37 and He shall lift you up." 20:41 And, so, here, in this scripture, 20:46 we are being instructed too humble ourselves. 20:49 Sometimes we pray, "Lord humble me." 20:52 But at the same time, 20:53 it seems like it's a decision... 20:55 Sure. Absolute. 20:57 To humble ourselves 20:58 and that's why there are many places in the bible 21:00 where the language of the bible is, "Do this". 21:04 And this is the benefit, "Do this." 21:06 That's why you see, I think somebody quoted, 21:09 "Let this mind be in you, 21:10 which was also in Christ Jesus." 21:12 And so many of these scriptures says, 21:15 you have to make a decision, husbands, love your wives. 21:19 I have to decide to love my wife. 21:21 And so all these wonderful scriptures are there for us 21:24 to help us understand 21:25 that we have to make a decision. 21:27 And when we open that door, yes, I really need to do this. 21:30 The Lord says, "Good, 21:32 now you're ready for me 21:33 to give you the power to do it." 21:35 Yeah. 21:37 This is an amazing promise 21:38 because first of all it's telling you, 21:40 you are the one that has to do the work. 21:42 I can't do it for you, you have to humble yourself. 21:45 But then it tells you, I will do something, 21:48 if you do it, 21:49 I will do something, I will exalt you. 21:51 I will bring you, 21:52 so you can come and give me glory. 21:56 But what happens most of the time is, 21:58 yes, we humble ourselves then God exalts us, 22:02 then once we get to that exaltation level 22:05 then we feel back, 22:07 our pride comes back 22:08 and then is when God comes in 22:11 and He humbles us to the point where He says 22:14 okay, you can handle, 22:17 you know, that level of exaltation. 22:19 And most of the time we have to, 22:22 when we pray like 22:23 when Idalia was talking about Lord please humble me, 22:25 I'm so scared 22:26 because that's when trials and tribulations 22:28 are going to come into your life. 22:30 So we have to be careful when you pray, 22:32 certain prayers in your life 22:34 because what you're really asking God 22:39 is to pass me through the coal 22:42 so then I can be purified at the other end. 22:46 And the reason why I feel that God is telling us 22:49 that we need to learn how to be humble 22:52 is because 22:54 it is only through a complete surrender 22:57 that we're truly going to understand 22:59 what humility even is. 23:01 You know, I see it a little differently 23:03 and maybe it's because I don't pray, Lord, humble me. 23:07 I think that is, what you said that's kind of frightening. 23:11 But I pray, Lord, increase my humility, 23:14 increase the mind of Christ in me. 23:16 Then I'm not gonna... 23:17 It is just a matter of recognising my self-worth, 23:22 comes from god 23:24 that it's something that if 23:30 I recognise my total dependence upon him 23:32 and I see this as a gift for great humility, 23:35 is something that when I say, 23:37 "Lord, let that mind work in me, 23:40 give me the humility of Jesus." 23:43 Then I see that, you know, really we can't even, 23:47 to humble ourselves just means to say, 23:49 okay, Lord, I know 23:51 that you're so much more wise than me, 23:55 you're so much more powerful than me, 23:56 you know the end from the beginning. 23:59 And so, Lord, 24:01 I want to follow your will, help me. 24:02 But I can't even surrender... 24:05 One of my favourite 24:08 Sister White quotes is this, 24:10 she said, 24:11 "Lord, take my heart but I can't give it." 24:14 Amen. That's right. 24:15 We... See, we can't even really surrender without his power. 24:22 So but the beauty of it is, when we do humble ourselves, 24:27 when we say, "Oh Lord, I'm nothing." 24:31 Then He does lift us up in Christ 24:35 and He gives us that self-worth 24:37 at least that's the way how to look at it. 24:38 This old scripture, I would like to share 24:40 that goes along with this one. 24:42 It was interesting for me to look up the word humble 24:45 here in James 2: 4 24:48 because when I first read the Greek definition 24:51 it was like, de-press, you know, to take the air out. 24:54 Bow down. 24:56 And so de-press yourself not to be depressed by, 24:59 depress yourself of self. 25:01 Yeah. Yeah. 25:02 And here is the other scripture 25:03 that I would like to read to you from Jesus, 25:06 He said in Luke 14:11, 25:09 "For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased, 25:13 in another word of abase means to be." 25:16 Humble. 25:18 To be depressed, 25:19 it will take the air out of you. 25:21 Yeah. There you go. 25:22 "And he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." 25:26 Kind of an accompanied scripture to this, 25:28 the idea of humbling yourself 25:30 to recognise God is all powerful. 25:33 He created me, He is above me. Absolutely. 25:36 And there is much, much for us to learn. 25:39 You know, and I looked up the word exalt 25:41 because I think that's an interesting word 25:43 and lot of people don't know what that word means. 25:46 And in the Greek it's "Hupsoo" H.U.P.S.O.O, 25:52 but it's pronounced hupsoo. 25:54 And it means to lift something up to a higher location. 25:58 So it's interesting to me 25:59 that as you come before the Lord 26:01 with your face bowed down to him saying, 26:04 "Lord, not my word but yours be done." 26:07 Then He lifts you up like it talks about it's a same word 26:10 like Moses lifted up the serpent 26:12 and the devil Christ was lifted up on the cross. 26:16 It means to be lifted up, Christ, 26:18 was exalted and it has to be 26:23 the exaltation has to come 26:25 from someone greater than us. 26:26 That's Right. 26:27 So when we are willing to do God's will 26:30 and that's what, you know, that's what I tell him is, 26:31 Lord, I'm willing to do your will 26:33 and make me willing to do your will. 26:35 You know, I'm willing to become willy. 26:37 Right. Right. 26:38 There is a story that goes with this. 26:39 Yeah. There is a story. 26:41 And it's interesting because I heard the story 26:44 five years before I met the person. 26:47 And the story is about a person 26:49 that he was asked to preach 26:52 on a Wednesday night prayer meeting. 26:54 And interestingly enough, I heard Pastor Dan Jarrard 26:57 explain this about himself he used to be on 3ABN. 27:00 And he said that when he was invited, 27:02 he had been hoping to be asked. 27:04 And when he was invited to preach on Wednesday 27:05 "Good, I'm gonna let the church have it." 27:07 You know, he prepared himself, 27:09 he got all his scriptures ready. 27:11 And he felt that he was ready to preach a powerful sermon. 27:16 And so when he went up there he was going up to the pulpit 27:20 and when he was finally announced and went up, 27:25 he panicked, he got nervous, and he stumbled, 27:27 he couldn't speak the words 27:30 that he wanted to speak out 27:32 and he said he was completely embarrassed. 27:35 And so now he is stepping down, 27:38 you know, with his head down 27:41 and then an elderly lady, people were shaking him, 27:43 saying, "Thank you, 27:44 what a wonderful message, thank you." 27:46 And an elderly lady says, "Young man, 27:49 if you would have gone up, the way you came down?" 27:53 Oh, wow. Oh, that is great. 27:55 You would have come down, the way you went up. 27:58 Amen. Yes. 27:59 And so humble ourselves in the side of the Lord, 28:02 He will lift us up. 28:03 Amen. 28:04 I interviewed Ysis Espana 28:06 that she is a very, very 28:10 well known Spanish artist and she sings. 28:14 And she is a Cuban lady. 28:16 Used to work in the Texas Conference by the way. 28:18 That's right. In the Texas Conference. 28:20 I had the privilege 28:21 of spending an hour with her in an interview 28:24 and she is just has to sweetest, 28:27 humble, spirit. 28:29 There is no place in the Spanish world 28:31 that she could go and no one knows her. 28:34 And I said, "How can you be so humble?" 28:37 I mean, you have so many accomplishments, so well known. 28:42 How can you handle that? How can you do that? 28:45 She says, you know, my mom once told me it's best to be humble 28:49 then for God to have to humble you. 28:51 Amen. 28:52 You know, and she says, 28:54 "What I have is not mine, what I have is God given. 28:57 God gave me a voice and I use it for His glory." 29:00 Amen. 29:02 And she lives a life of service she and her husband of years. 29:06 But she reaches to heights of the young and the old. 29:09 There is no separation of ages when, 29:13 you know, how to try minister to everyone. 29:16 Well, she pulls everyone of all ages 29:18 and the testimony that she shares is wonderful. 29:21 So I will take that with me, 29:24 you know, everywhere I go 29:25 and from time to time I do remember her words. 29:28 And, of course I ask the, Lord, to help me to be humble 29:31 because our nature is to "Me first, me and me." 29:36 I mean, we are born and we scream 29:39 because we want to be fed, me it's a me world. 29:42 But, you know, I think as long as we remember 29:44 humility is total dependence up on Him. 29:47 It kind of takes all of that arrogance 29:49 and because that's what she is learned, 29:52 humility is total dependence upon God. 29:54 Amen. 29:55 And that takes the arrogance and conceit out of us 29:57 because we realise nothing we have, 30:00 everything we have is what He has given. 30:02 Luis would you please read Zechariah 4:10. 30:07 Zechariah 4:10, 30:10 "Who with reason despises the day of small things" 30:15 You know, it's interesting this aspect if many of us, 30:18 God, asked us to do a specific task. 30:22 And we're seldom satisfied with that task. 30:25 We're constantly looking for, 30:28 "Oh Lord, I can do what Tim Parton can do 30:31 or I can do what, you know, Molly can do." 30:34 I can do what everybody else 30:36 but what God has asked you to do. 30:39 The interesting aspect of is that if we understand 30:43 that we are in an internship. 30:47 If you look at individuals that go in an internship, 30:50 those who humble themselves 30:52 and learn from the one that's teaching 30:54 or the one that are going to come out on the other hand 30:56 and learn with much more skills. 31:00 But what happens to us young people when we're young, 31:03 we go on an internship, we know it. 31:05 We come in here and all we have so many ways 31:08 to fixing by the time we finish the school, 31:10 we have learned nothing. 31:12 It's the same thing with the humility. 31:14 We are in internship with Christ, 31:16 we need to reflect Christ, 31:17 Christ is teaching us how to be like Him. 31:20 Amen. But what do we constantly do? 31:22 We're constantly telling God, God, we need to do it this way. 31:26 Christ, we need to, you need show us this way. 31:29 So when Christ is telling us to do something small 31:32 in our part 31:33 but can have such an impact in throughout eternity, 31:38 we say, "Oh, no, that's not good enough for us, Lord." 31:41 So once we understand that every part of our lives, 31:46 everything that God gives us to do is for a purpose. 31:51 And what we are to do is empty self 31:54 Yes. 31:55 Because it is not self that's going 31:57 to ultimately reach heaven. 32:00 It is Christ in us 32:01 who is going to help us to reach heaven. 32:03 And then is when we're going to say, 32:05 once we empty self 32:07 and we learn the more that we understand, 32:09 the more that we are in close relationship with God 32:14 then is when we truly are going to understand. 32:17 That's what it says, "If you humble yourself, 32:19 then you'll be exalted." 32:20 Why? 32:21 Because other people are going to want what you have, 32:24 other people are going to look at you 32:25 and are going to say, 32:26 "Boy, look at pastor Dinzey." 32:28 You know, when I went home that my mom says, 32:31 Oh, can you tell me about Idalia? 32:33 Can you tell me about Pastor Dinzey? 32:35 Oh, they're such humble, they're so wonderful people, 32:37 they're so great. 32:38 You know, it's like because they see them, 32:40 they see what they, what they sacrifice, 32:42 they see all that they give for the Lord 32:44 and they want that. 32:46 And that's for us, we look out and say, 32:48 That's our purpose. 32:50 You have no idea who we are please don't look, 32:51 don't look at us, look at Jesus, 32:53 you know, and that's the way that it works. 32:56 Because once you fill yourselves 32:59 it is something that individuals crave and need. 33:02 Amen. 33:04 You know... It's good. 33:05 That's excellent and when we think, 33:08 I mean, this scripture has 33:09 a lot of personnel meaning to me 33:11 about despising the things of small beginnings 33:14 because God has to, 33:17 you have to except the assignment 33:19 that God has given you. 33:20 That's right. 33:22 And go out and be faithful in that assignment 33:23 and then He blesses it and I think 33:24 He gets to where He can trust you and it grows. 33:27 But when you think about the scripture in "Zechariah" 33:30 what was happening here? 33:31 They were rebuilding the temple. 33:34 And the Jews is, especially the older generation of Jews 33:39 were mourning and lamenting, 33:40 Holy way it's not going to be, 33:43 you know, as large and magnificent 33:48 as Solomon's temple. 33:49 It was their pride, 33:51 I mean, here God was trying to reinstate the temple 33:56 and the temple worship, the sacrificial system and all. 33:59 And instead of looking at 34:02 what a blessing the small beginning was, 34:06 the blessing from God's hands, they were like, 34:09 something like, what you said, you know, 34:10 its you're not satisfied with what God is offering. 34:14 But when we, when we say, "Okay, Lord I'll do that, 34:19 I'll be faithful in this." 34:20 He blesses and then it usually grows 34:22 and I think that kind of goes into your scripture, 34:25 doesn't it, in Luke 16. 34:26 Yeah. 34:27 Boy this is a... 34:30 As I'm just sitting here listening to all this, 34:32 I'm just saying how complex pride is because man, 34:36 every door that we're opening here 34:39 you can see how you could stumble. 34:43 The first thing that caught my attention 34:45 is that pride is progressive, 34:48 life is progressive and if you didn't get, 34:51 if you don't start some real teaching 34:53 about pride early in life, 34:55 boy, you can get caught up in this thing real, 34:57 real quick 34:58 and you can stumble and just accidentally 35:00 and have your think that you have 35:02 your heart right with the Lord. 35:05 Where I'm going today is Luke 16:10 35:08 and really it goes through 13 35:10 because here the complexity of this 35:13 and in 25 words or less it's saying that, 35:16 at least the word that I'm interpreting this is that, 35:19 "Can you be faithful in little? Can you be faithful and much? 35:23 What is the distinction? 35:26 What is He that is the least is the most. 35:29 I mean, this is just... 35:32 You wanna read those scriptures for us, Luke 16:10-13 35:34 I can read the scriptures. 35:37 I could probably talk about it easier. 35:41 But I'm being an obedient husband. 35:45 Being a humble husband. 35:46 It'll probably make more sense. 35:48 Luke 16. 35:49 Yeah, Luke 16:10-13 35:54 Okay. 35:55 "He who is faithful and what is least 35:58 is faithful also in much. 36:01 And He who is unjust 36:02 and what is least is unjust also as much." 36:05 My goodness. 36:08 "Therefore, 36:10 therefore if you have not been faithful 36:12 and the unrighteous mammon, 36:15 being riches, 36:16 who will commit to your trust of true riches?" 36:19 Thank you, Jesus. 36:21 The answer is Jesus. Amen. 36:23 "And if you have not been faithful 36:24 in that which is another man's, 36:26 who will give you what is your own?" 36:29 And then 13, "No servant can serve two masters." 36:32 Oh, boy, if you hear nothing else here 36:35 that there is just A and B. 36:37 That's right. 36:38 "Either he will hate the one and love the other, 36:40 or he else he will be loyal to the one despise the other. 36:43 You cannot serve God and mammon." 36:48 God is a gift and mammon is an enemy. 36:53 It's just that simple. 36:56 Can you have riches, financial riches? 37:01 You bet! 37:02 Who gives you those financial riches? 37:04 God does. 37:05 If they are going to be long lasting, Jesus. 37:08 Amen. 37:09 How will you use those riches, to further his kingdom. 37:12 Those that probably over here on the least side, 37:16 they come up every day wondering 37:18 point fingers at someone else. 37:20 Why not me? 37:21 I'm as good as he is. 37:23 There is that nasty five little word again, pride. 37:26 Pride. 37:27 Boy it's just so progressing you get caught up here. 37:30 So easy, so who is on first place? 37:34 I don't know 37:36 but I do know 37:37 that at least in my simple mind 37:40 it's right or wrong, good or bad, God or Satan. 37:45 I know what side I want to be in. 37:48 Amen. And on that's God. 37:49 That's right. 37:51 And then what I have learned 37:53 is that, what I have learned 37:56 is that, what you feed grows. 38:00 Absolutely. That's right. 38:02 And so what's important to you? 38:06 So would you, would you say that like in context here, 38:09 he is talking about money, 38:11 he is talking about 38:13 other people's money being a good steward. 38:15 So to be faithful in little things 38:19 you've got to be honest in every small detail, 38:22 your integrity. 38:23 God can... 38:25 If you can't be faithful in using, like, 38:28 for example, we work at 3ABN, 38:30 you know, to take home pens from 3ABN 38:33 or office supplies is a sin. 38:37 I mean from-- Mercy. 38:38 There is one in my purse. 38:40 This is free gift. Yeah. 38:41 But what I'm saying is. Right. 38:43 God what's us to be faithful in the little things so that. 38:48 That's right. 38:50 And if we are He can trust us and know that He can give us 38:53 more that we can be, 38:55 you know, if you're faithful with the little things, 38:56 improve yourself to god then He knows 38:58 that He can trust you. 38:59 With more. 39:01 If you're looking around for cameras 39:03 and slipping that pen into your pocket, 39:06 there is an issue here. 39:07 Definitely. 39:09 You know, and to me this is interesting 39:15 and this is as real as it can be. 39:17 John Dinzey is been there, how long, Johnny? 39:20 27 years. 27 years. 39:22 And Johnny when he came here 27 years ago, 39:25 all he knew was just one thing. 39:27 I wanna serve Jesus. Amen. 39:29 And I don't know but I would imagine, 39:31 you probably clean the toilets too, 39:34 probably one of your responsibilities in life 39:36 because there was hardly anybody in here. 39:38 Today, he is general manager of a worldwide ministry. 39:41 Amen. 39:43 Now that is taking, Johnny, if you do these little things, 39:46 I'm not complaining about it. 39:49 He is not sent here, 39:51 you can be general manager someday, 39:52 because of his love for the Lord. 39:54 That's right. 39:55 And I think this is the way it works. 39:57 Yes. 39:58 The rewarder, the creator of the universe 40:00 is sitting here and says, 40:01 "Hey, if I can trust you with little things, 40:04 you can be trusted with big things." 40:06 Amen. 40:07 You know, you mentioned something about 40:08 that pride is cultivated in your thoughts, 40:11 I mean, your humility, your thought 40:14 and it reminded me of an experience 40:17 that I had with my children. 40:20 Parenthood can be very humbling. 40:23 I don't know, if you parents at home agree with me 40:26 but onetime we attended a function 40:32 and one of our sons had to do a special music. 40:36 And the Lord has blessed our children 40:39 with the gift of music interpretation 40:41 and but I say close my eyes and I'm like, 40:45 "Lord, help me to support my children, 40:49 help my children to grow in music ministry." 40:54 I was very happy with his performance, 40:58 I noticed a key or two that were off 41:01 but no one else knew. 41:04 But the applause and yelling and everything carrying on 41:08 and the demeanour in my child's face, 41:14 Lord have mercy. 41:16 And he comes to me and... 41:18 Well, mom... 41:20 And I say son, "I heard those keys that were off." 41:23 And he said, "Thanks mom, 41:24 thank you for helping me stay humble." 41:27 And I said, "Son, 41:29 the process does not matter, 41:31 you know, it's the spirit in which you do things." 41:34 Amen. Okay. 41:35 We are lifting the Lord high. 41:38 You cannot want to be lifted higher than the Lord. 41:41 Amen. 41:43 There is an imbalance and there is sin 41:44 and there is room for perdition, really. 41:49 My heart was sad because I told him that. 41:54 Of course, I didn't tell him until weeks later 41:58 but if we do not... 42:02 Are real with our children, 42:03 we ourselves as parents could be 42:05 the very tool that Satan will use to trap our own, 42:10 you know. 42:12 Could easily be stone block. 42:13 You know, I believe that... 42:16 Well, yeah, because when you say that 42:18 I'm thinking of the number of teachers 42:20 and psychologists who say, 42:22 that we raised up a generation of kids 42:24 that, you know, there is no losers, 42:26 they all win, that are always being, 42:29 they've been taught, parents have been taught 42:32 and I think affirmation is important. 42:34 Yes. Yes. 42:35 I think encouragement is important. 42:36 But if there is only that we... 42:40 There is a generation of kids who believe 42:44 that there are entitled to everything 42:46 that they are the best of anything, 42:47 that they do no wrong 42:49 and there is, 42:51 they've been raised up to be prideful 42:55 rather than to have humility. 42:57 So I think it's a very important role of parents 42:59 and, honey, thank you, for starting that conversation. 43:02 As you're saying that that Moses story comes to mind. 43:07 Do you think God wanted to punish Moses 43:11 for when he struck the stone out of pride, 43:15 out of anger? 43:17 You know, and those are the things 43:18 if you look at the way that God had to discipline Moses, 43:22 one that had walked so long with him, 43:25 one that had been with him. 43:26 For one simple moment 43:28 that Moses went away from humility 43:32 and without warning exalted himself above God, 43:37 you have to understand that the responsibilities 43:39 that we have are so much greater 43:42 than just any moment that you may have a child 43:47 and have to tell him, I'm sorry, 43:49 but I've got to tell you the way it is. 43:50 Yeah. 43:52 God has shown us the example. 43:54 The only way that we are going to bring up a child in the way 43:58 of God is by being an example, 44:01 and by helping them to understand, 44:05 look, I'm the spiritual leader, 44:08 I'm the individual that I have to mould you 44:12 and is the same applies to us. 44:14 Christ is saying the same thing, 44:16 "I'm your ultimate spiritual leader." 44:20 Amen. 44:22 And because of that I need you to understand 44:24 that the humility has to come from you. 44:26 Yes, I could help you humble yourself 44:29 but it needs to come from you 44:31 in order for you to understand 44:33 what great gift it is to be able to reflect me 44:38 on everything that you do. 44:40 And I want to just take a second 44:41 because some people may not be familiar 44:44 with the story of Moses 44:45 and, you know, this just shows us 44:48 that sometimes the smallest things that we do 44:51 in disobedience to the Lord 44:53 really give people wrong impressions 44:58 because the spirit of the rock that followed them 45:01 was Jesus Christ. 45:03 At the very beginning, the Lord said, 45:06 strike the rock, here 45:07 they've got no water for the millions of people. 45:09 Strike the rock the water will gush out. 45:12 It was the spiritual rock, Christ Jesus, 45:15 He was to be crucified once 45:17 and this was a symbolic of him being crucified, 45:20 that's why the Lord told Moses the next time, 45:25 speak to the rock. 45:27 And instead he got up there 45:30 and in that moment of pride and haughtiness 45:32 and "I'll show you," He struck it again. 45:35 Well, so it seems, 45:37 I remember the first time I read that story 45:39 and thought, I mean, 45:40 Moses didn't get go into the promise land 45:42 because he did that? 45:43 I thought it almost seemed harsh. 45:46 Right. Yeah. 45:47 but then you understand the symbolism and see... 45:52 I think sometimes 45:55 that we do little things in presenting the gospel, 45:58 we can make it... 46:01 For example, if you are trying to present the gospel 46:04 in such a way that, 46:05 if you don't do this, this and this 46:07 and this which are what we have determined, 46:12 then, you know, God can't save you. 46:14 Right. 46:15 And so I wonder how God looks at us and says, 46:19 "Oh, why do you mess up my good news like you do." 46:23 Yeah. Don't you think? 46:24 Because it's only through Christ. 46:25 That's right. Yeah. 46:27 All right. 46:28 Well, Tim you wanna take, first, Peter 5-7 46:30 Well, for those of you 46:32 who are watching and think 46:34 that this is all scripted and... 46:36 It's not. It's not. 46:38 But it is so God scripted. Amen. 46:41 Because the way you are talking, 46:44 because the world looks at humility 46:47 as being some woa is me! 46:50 thing that, you know, Mother Teresa, 46:53 weakness that you have to give up everything 46:56 and sell it all. 46:58 But the fact that this is something God 47:03 because He is the great parent, 47:05 the great Father, 47:06 He loves us so much that He wants this for us. 47:09 Amen. 47:10 This isn't some commandment for us 47:12 to keep that will never be able to make 47:14 and so he is-- you can't do this, 47:17 I've got you snowed. 47:19 He loves us so much that He knows 47:21 this is what's right for us. 47:23 And so sorry, that I get excited about that 47:26 but it leads to this verse in 1 Peter 5-7 47:32 The New King James Version says, 47:33 "Yes, all of you be submissive one to another 47:36 and be clothed with humility, 47:38 for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." 47:42 Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God 47:46 that He may exalt you in due time, 47:48 casting all of your care upon him 47:50 for He cares for you. 47:52 So we've already talked about several of those things. 47:54 And so when I saw this scripture I'm thinking, 47:58 okay, I see that God resists the proud. 48:01 Some versions say, God opposes the proud. 48:06 Of all things, I want God to be for me, 48:10 I don't want him to be against me. 48:11 So I don't need an opposition, I've got enough friends, 48:15 so called "Friends" who oppose me, 48:17 or who resist me. 48:18 So I need God not to resist me. 48:21 So I get that. 48:23 I'm going to work on not being proud 48:25 and He give grace to the humble, I need grace. 48:28 But then when it gets to the last part, 48:32 what does casting all your care upon him 48:35 for He cares for you? 48:37 There are several times in the proverbs 48:38 where it says, if you will do this, 48:41 you get this but if you don't do this, 48:42 you get this. 48:44 And sometimes it's like 48:45 comparing apples to motor parts. 48:47 You know, I mean, I don't see what the connection is. 48:50 And it is like that here 48:52 what does that He may exalt you in due time 48:55 casting all your care upon Him? 48:57 But when you see that... 49:01 In fact, I was studying this and just real briefly, 49:04 I want to go run back to Isaiah 51:12-13. 49:09 Isaiah 51:12-13. 49:12 God says, "I, even I, am He who comforts you." 49:17 Amen. 49:18 "Who are you that you should be afraid of man, 49:20 who shall die 49:23 and of a son of man 49:25 who shall be made as grass," 49:27 As destructible as grass. 49:28 That you should forgot the Lord your Maker 49:30 who stretched forth the heavens 49:32 and laid the foundations of the earth. 49:34 And fear continual everyday 49:36 because of the theory of the oppressor. 49:38 You can read that. 49:40 I encourage you to read Isaiah 51:12-13. 49:44 But God is basically saying, why are you... 49:48 Why would you set yourself up to be afraid? 49:51 Why would you set yourself up to be 49:58 where it says casting all your care upon him 50:01 and your anxiety that's often the word 50:04 care is interchanged for anxiety. 50:06 Why would you be afraid? 50:10 Why wouldn't you trust me enough? 50:12 And that trust comes from that being proud, 50:15 when you're too proud, you know, 50:17 they say that as men won't ask for directions 50:21 because we're too proud. 50:23 But why would you set yourself up for that? 50:25 Why? 50:27 And God says, you know, this isn't about you, 50:30 you know, me embarrassing you 50:31 and or humiliating you to be humble. 50:34 He is saying, 50:36 if you will humble yourself by casting your cares upon me, 50:40 by casting your anxiety upon me. 50:42 I've got this all under control. 50:44 Amen. 50:45 But you have to be humble enough 50:47 to just let Him to have it. 50:49 So not self-sufficient and all the things 50:51 that we started out with. 50:52 So pride worries about our circumstances 50:55 because we don't accept the Gods in control. 50:58 I mean, even when you think about worry 51:00 that's kind of an issue of pride, isn't it? 51:01 Right. Right. 51:03 Exactly. 51:04 Because we've got all of His promises 51:06 and that's excellent. 51:07 What I take, I just want to hit this before 51:10 we're gonna skip down Johnny to you next on proverbs 11:2. 51:14 But what I love about this scripture is that 51:17 it says in 1 Peter 5 and that's verse, 51:20 I've taken the verses out. So it's 5-7. 51:23 So anyway that he says, 51:26 "God resist the pride but gives grace to the humble." 51:32 What is grace? 51:34 It is the power of God into salvation, 51:36 when you think about it. 51:37 That's right. 51:39 His greatest gifts of Christ, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, 51:42 the word, so there is power in grace 51:47 when you are willing to bow before the Lord and say, 51:51 "Lord, I... 51:54 I mean kind of like a Solomon, 51:56 I'm just a child, I don't know 51:58 how to rule your people give me wisdom". 52:01 You know, when you're humble like that 52:04 God was so pleased with his humility, 52:06 He not only gave him wisdom, 52:08 He made him the richest, the wealthiest. 52:11 So it's his idea that as we humble ourselves 52:15 God gives us grace, gives us the power, 52:17 and that's how He exalts us. 52:20 But as you said earlier, Luis, 52:23 once God starts and you see this with tela-evangelist, 52:27 there is some tela-evangelist 52:29 who have started just with honesty and integrity, 52:35 and humility, 52:36 and then as they became more and more popular, 52:39 and more and more popular. 52:40 Got to believe in all of the accolades 52:43 that they are really setting cool. 52:45 And what happened? 52:47 God, humbled them. 52:48 That's right. 52:50 But then, you know, 52:51 and I think of a particular somebody 52:54 who always appears to be humble to me 52:56 was Billy Graham. 52:57 And I say that because of this, 53:01 I read the story that when he started his ministry 53:05 there was a very wealthy millionaire. 53:08 And this is back in the day when that was like 53:11 being a billionaire today. 53:12 Who came to him and said, 53:15 I will fund your entire ministry, 53:19 you don't have to be worry about raising... 53:22 Boy, how many people would just be like, woohoo! 53:25 you know, what did he said, 53:29 "I have to pray about this." 53:31 And he came back the next day, 53:32 you know, what he told this man? 53:34 And I mean, they're struggling to get started. 53:36 Right. 53:38 With his ministry and he told this man, 53:41 "The Lord has shown me 53:42 that it's going to be the little widows, 53:45 the little ladies that's in $5 and $10 dollars 53:48 that's what it's going to support this ministry. 53:50 Amen. 53:51 And to me what humility that you would turn down 53:55 all the money you need to depend... 53:57 That's humility. 53:58 His total dependence upon God He trust. 54:00 Yeah. 54:02 So, okay, we're running out of time, 54:04 we're not going to get to all of his. 54:05 Yes, yes, yes, I know. 54:07 Johnny can you do proverbs 11:2 very quickly. 54:11 Proverbs 11:2 says, 54:13 "When pride cometh then, cometh shame, 54:16 with the lowly is wisdom." 54:19 And I used the word lowly here 54:21 but the word lowly is a Hebrew word 54:25 that is used here that means humble as well 54:29 and it is used in other places 54:32 you can look at this up very easily. 54:34 It is used in other places, where it is translated humble. 54:37 So with the humble there is wisdom. 54:41 We've mentioned pride a lot, 54:43 so I'm going to read this from Evangelism, 54:45 the book Evangelism by Ellen G. White, 54:47 102, it says, 54:49 "Love of self, pride, and self-sufficiency 54:54 lie at the foundation of the greatest trials 54:57 in this court 54:58 that have ever existed in the religious world." 55:01 So if you want some trouble, then fill yourself with pride. 55:05 Amen. 55:07 But if you want the blessing of the Lord, 55:08 if you want wisdom, if you want grace 55:10 and the Lord to lift you up when that time is needed 55:12 then humble yourselves in the side of the Lord 55:15 and He is going to be your strength. 55:17 And it turned back to right there, 55:19 in proverbs 11:2, 55:21 just want to add this quickly proverbs 9:10. 55:27 It says, because we just read that the, 55:30 with humility is wisdom. 55:33 Proverbs 9:10 says, the fear of the Lord, 55:36 it's talking about standing in awe of God, 55:38 is the beginning of wisdom. 55:40 Praise the Lord. Amen. 55:41 And the knowledge of the Holy one 55:43 is understanding. 55:45 Praise God. 55:46 So when we think about it Jesus Christ, 55:48 the Bible says, is our wisdom from our God. 55:50 And pride, makes somebody self-sufficient. 55:55 We think we're wiser than the Lord 55:57 but when we humble ourselves before the Lord. 56:00 Yes. 56:01 Then our job is to bow down and just say, 56:05 okay, God, I know that it's not enough, 56:08 I'm not enough for me, 56:10 you know, the end from the beginning, 56:12 I want you to guide my life. 56:14 I want to do what's pleasing to you. 56:16 That's humility, that's what humility is all about. 56:20 And I can't believe our time is all gone. 56:22 We don't even have time but for a short prayer 56:25 just want to thank you each one of you 56:27 for being with us. 56:29 Thank you for having us. 56:30 And we need to pray, 56:31 honey why don't you say a short prayer that 56:34 and pray that god will increase our humility. 56:38 Fathers we come to you in the name of Jesus. 56:40 Once again, we want to thank you 56:41 for your many valuable gifts, Lord, life itself. 56:45 And Father we are all searching for that 56:48 being empty to self filled with you. 56:50 And so Father we do ask you for the gift of humbleness 56:53 so that we will be all that we can be in the name of Jesus. 56:57 Amen. Amen. 56:59 We want to thank each one of you for joining us 57:03 and we hope that you've learned 57:04 a little something. 57:06 I know, that every day we, 57:09 I'm gonna a take a conjecture here, 57:13 we all exhibit pride in someway everyday 57:15 because we're not always 57:17 totally dependent upon the Lords, 57:18 this is something God what's to change in us. 57:21 But our prayer for you 57:23 is that the fellowship of, excuse me, 57:26 the grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 57:29 the love of the Father 57:30 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit 57:31 will be with you always. 57:33 And that God will exalt you in the due time. 57:37 Amen. Amen. 57:38 Amen. |
Revised 2017-02-05