Today Family Worship

Completely Filled in Christ

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: JD & Shelley Quinn (Host), John & Idalia Dinzey, Luis Capote, Tim Parton


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW017001A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:08 I'm JD Quinn.
01:10 And we are so happy that you're joining us
01:12 for this Sabbath family worship
01:15 and it's just been a wonderful week
01:19 but it's been a tiring week.
01:20 Has it not?
01:21 It just seems like we keep getting busier and busier.
01:23 So it's always so wonderful at the time of the Sabbath
01:27 just to stop, breathe in
01:31 and just remember how totally dependent
01:33 we are upon the Lord for our gift of salvation.
01:36 So, it's something that's very special.
01:38 And tonight, what we're going to be talking about
01:41 is about being filled in Christ.
01:45 How we are completely filled in Christ.
01:48 And let me introduce those that are at our table.
01:51 I'm gonna start on this end.
01:52 We have Johnny Dinzey with us.
01:54 And, Johnny, you are the general manager
01:57 for the Latino network of 3ABN.
02:00 Yes. By God's grace and I'm happy to be here.
02:03 How many years?
02:04 27 years.
02:05 27. Wow.
02:07 Praise the Lord.
02:08 And next to you is your lovely wife
02:11 who is the assistant to the general manager,
02:15 to your husband.
02:17 That's right.
02:18 But you're also,
02:20 you do a lot of cooking programs
02:21 and you host a lot of programs with Johnny.
02:22 Yes.
02:24 And now you are speaking when you go out.
02:25 You all do a lot of traveling.
02:26 Yes. Yes.
02:28 You know the Lord has a sense of humor.
02:29 I say, Lord, why?
02:33 But I'm willing, you know.
02:35 And it's incredible how our own personal experiences
02:38 with the Lord blesses so many other people.
02:41 And we feel, well, I better not share this
02:45 because it's so personal.
02:46 But that's probably the Lord prompting your heart to share.
02:49 Absolutely.
02:50 Because there is someone in that crowd that
02:51 just needs that story or that experience.
02:54 I'll never forget we were at Eden Valley.
02:57 Yes.
02:58 And we were all there and we were all going
03:00 to the wellness center to try to just, you know,
03:02 regenerate our health and here are the Dinzey's.
03:06 And with the Dinzey's, with Johnny and Idalia,
03:10 there were their two sons.
03:11 Yes.
03:12 And I'll never forget, it was a Sabbath morning
03:14 and we were all participating in different ways,
03:16 and so you all had something to say,
03:18 and then the two boys,
03:21 they came up and played the guitar
03:23 and played the piano.
03:25 That touched my heart.
03:27 That inspired me
03:28 because that's what families are supposed to do things...
03:30 Amen.
03:31 Of all the family members.
03:33 Glory to God. Yeah.
03:34 And they both love the Lord today.
03:36 Amen. Yeah.
03:38 Amen. Praise the Lord.
03:39 God blessed you as parents for sure, yes.
03:40 Amen.
03:42 You're very good parents.
03:43 And then we have Luis Capote, who is 3ABN's program director.
03:47 Yes.
03:48 It is so good to be here.
03:50 Finally, it is like you said, it was a difficult week.
03:54 But we are so grateful that
03:56 God continues to work through us.
04:00 You know, I keep on getting phone calls from individuals,
04:02 how they are blessed from the programming,
04:04 how they are blessed from this particular program.
04:06 How they feel that they're part of us,
04:09 how we're one big family and they're so grateful,
04:13 and it's wonderful to be able to experience,
04:15 that is nerve wrecking
04:17 because there is so much responsibilities.
04:19 There is so many, you know,
04:21 they look at you sometimes
04:22 with a different set of eyes that you,
04:24 that you know, you know,
04:25 it's only through the Holy Spirit
04:27 that you're capable of working.
04:29 That's right.
04:30 But it has been absolute blessing
04:32 because the Holy Spirit is definitely in this place.
04:35 Amen. Amen.
04:36 And we are just very glad that
04:38 you and your wife are here with us Xenia.
04:40 And then we have Tim Parton, and Tim is the general manager
04:45 for the Praise Him music channel.
04:47 Right, right.
04:49 It's a pleasure for me to be here and among you
04:52 and I'm discussing this topic of the fullness of Christ
04:55 and already being able to see that fullness
04:57 seeping out of you in your lives
05:00 and that's where it's,
05:01 that's where we are is living our daily life
05:04 and that's where the world needs
05:06 to see the fullness of Christ.
05:07 Amen. Amen.
05:08 Seeping out of us by the way, He's moved and blessed us.
05:12 Amen. Amen.
05:14 I'm excited.
05:15 Well, we just want to,
05:17 if we could introduce each and everyone of you,
05:19 we would but just know you are part of the family,
05:22 and what we'd like to do on Sabbath
05:24 for Sabbath worship is,
05:26 for family worship is just get together
05:28 and discuss the scriptures
05:30 which is what we're going to be doing tonight.
05:31 But first let's start with a prayer of praise
05:36 and we'd just go around in no particular order
05:38 but JD, would you like to start us?
05:40 Most certainly.
05:41 Father, we come to You in the name of Jesus.
05:43 We thank You for this wonderful evening.
05:45 Dear father, an evening that we come together
05:48 and that we can talk about You.
05:50 Most specifically Lord,
05:51 the fullness of Christ that's available for each one of us.
05:55 And so, Father, I need to say thank You
05:58 as we're nearing the Sabbath time
06:00 and that we dedicate this time to You and for You.
06:04 Father, we thank You
06:06 for giving us the opportunity
06:07 to be able to return to You all the blessings
06:12 and then come to Your throne of grace
06:15 and to be able to give You thanks and praises,
06:17 Lord, because You are mighty, You are great,
06:20 You are powerful,
06:21 and You have done so much for us
06:23 and through us and we ask Lord that today,
06:26 we're no different that you so lift us Lord
06:29 to be able to glorify
06:31 and to be able to come to Your throne,
06:32 and to be able to call you Abba, Papa.
06:35 And I thank You Father for that opportunity.
06:37 Amen.
06:41 Oh, Lord, we praise You for who You are.
06:44 And we praise You because You are all powerful.
06:47 But more than that, we praise You for Your glory,
06:50 for Your infinitely perfect character,
06:54 and for Your holiness Lord,
06:56 and we just thank You that You are a God of love.
07:01 We thank You
07:03 that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing
07:06 in heavenly realms through Christ Jesus.
07:08 And, Father, we want to invite You
07:12 to be our special guest here tonight.
07:15 We ask that Your Holy Spirit will direct
07:19 and we pray that the words of our mouth
07:23 and the meditations of our heart
07:24 will be pleasing unto You.
07:26 So I pray, Father,
07:28 that You will empty our minds
07:30 of all the challenges of this week.
07:33 All the situations that have distracted our attention
07:37 and our focus in You.
07:39 So we thank You for the Sabbath hours
07:42 that we can rejoice in it, and draw closer to You,
07:46 and get to know You more.
07:50 God, we are reminded that the world is searching
07:54 for completeness and fullness
07:57 and looking in different tactics
07:59 and methods and trying to figure out
08:01 how to get it all done.
08:04 Lord, it's so relaxing knowing that we are complete in You.
08:08 You are everything we need and we want to rest in that
08:12 and continue to grow in the knowledge of that.
08:16 Yes. Amen.
08:18 And heavenly Father,
08:19 as we consider Your goodness and mercy.
08:23 Help us Lord to be drawn to You,
08:26 that we may enjoy all of the blessings
08:30 You have for us.
08:32 And thank You Father that in you,
08:34 we have peace.
08:36 Amen. Amen.
08:38 Thank you Father, in Jesus' name, amen.
08:40 Amen. Amen.
08:41 Okay.
08:42 Well, we're going to begin with a song.
08:44 So we'll have Tim is going to slip away
08:47 to the piano right now and he's such...
08:51 God has gifted him.
08:52 We're so blessed to have Tim with us.
08:55 We're going to sing one of my favorites
08:57 and I think all of us can say that at this table.
09:00 It's Fill My Cup Lord. It's no.
09:02 493 in the Seventh-day Adventist hymnal.
09:06 But the words should be on the screen,
09:07 so we want you to sing with us.
09:11 Not that we are all that greater singers
09:13 but we're going to make a joyful noise to the Lord.
09:16 So join in song with us now.
09:27 Like the Woman at the well
09:31 I was seeking
09:35 For things that could not satisfy
09:43 And then I heard my Savior speaking:
09:53 "Draw from My well that never shall run dry"
09:58 Fill my cup, Lord,
10:02 I lift it up Lord!
10:05 Come and quench
10:08 This thirsting of my soul
10:13 Bread of heaven feed me
10:17 Till I want no more
10:22 Fill my cup
10:24 Fill it up and make me whole!
10:31 So, my children,
10:33 If the things this world gave you
10:38 Leave hungers
10:41 That won't go away
10:46 My blessed Lord will come
10:50 And save you
10:53 If you kneel to Him
10:57 And humbly pray
11:02 Fill my cup, Lord
11:05 I lift it up Lord!
11:09 Come and quench
11:12 This thirsting of my soul
11:17 Bread of heaven feed me till
11:22 I want no more
11:27 Fill my cup
11:30 Fill it up and make me whole!
11:40 God bless.
11:41 You know, of course this comes from the story
11:44 in John Chapter 4 where the lady,
11:48 the woman at the well is talking with Jesus
11:52 and he tells her, He will give her water
11:56 that she'll never thirst again.
11:57 Amen.
11:59 And my favorite part is John Chapter 4, I think,
12:01 it's verse 10,
12:02 where He says to her
12:05 if only you knew the gift of God
12:09 and who it is that's speaking to you,
12:12 you would ask Him
12:14 and He would give you of this living water.
12:17 And in my sanctified imagination,
12:19 I see Jesus with His arms outstretched saying,
12:23 oh, woman, if only you knew,
12:26 I am the gift of God.
12:29 You know, and so I just love that song.
12:31 I love it. We too.
12:32 Well, what we're going to do, what I'd like to do first,
12:35 I'm not taking a scripture because I talk too much anyway.
12:38 So we're gonna let you all read the scriptures.
12:40 But what we've done is I strongly believe
12:45 that we should speak the word of God over us,
12:48 the power of death and life is in our tongue,
12:50 the Bible says.
12:52 And I think that there is time set,
12:54 we forget that all of God's promises are
12:56 ours in Christ Jesus.
12:58 And if we will learn to pray the scriptures over our lives,
13:03 over our children's lives,
13:04 speak the word of God into Gray and Eli's life,
13:08 as you speak, and I know you've done that.
13:10 Oh, yes.
13:11 You know, with Caleb and Samuel,
13:13 you speak the word of God into their life.
13:15 So what I've done is taken these,
13:17 I believe there is nine scriptures.
13:19 But let me read you as an affirmation,
13:21 just taking something from each one of these scriptures,
13:25 what you can say.
13:27 I'm gonna do it in the first person.
13:29 But what you can say to and it's amazing that
13:34 as you speak the word of God, it reprograms your brain.
13:38 Amen. Really powerful.
13:39 It is powerful.
13:41 It's alive and active.
13:43 So, and we're gonna give you all the scriptures
13:45 to support this because sometimes
13:47 the promises sound too good to be true.
13:50 In Christ, I'm complete.
13:53 I have received of His fullness.
13:55 I'm ever being filled with the spirit.
13:59 I'm filled with His love.
14:01 I'm filled with His word.
14:03 I am filled with the knowledge of His will.
14:07 I am filled with the humility of Jesus.
14:11 I am filled with fruits of righteousness.
14:14 I am filled with joy, peace and hope.
14:18 I'm filled with comfort. Amen.
14:21 We are completely filled in Christ, amen?
14:24 Amen.
14:25 So, Johnny, why don't you take our first scripture,
14:28 it's Colossians 2:9-10.
14:31 Why don't you read that
14:34 and just give us some of your thoughts.
14:36 Colossians 2: 9-10,
14:39 and we encourage you to get your Bibles at home
14:41 and follow along with us.
14:43 In Colossians 2: 9 and 10, we have the following words.
14:47 "For in him, dwell all the fullness
14:51 of the Godhead bodily
14:54 and ye are complete in him.
14:56 We're just the head of all principality and power.
15:01 Amen.
15:02 Well, I think, we can spend several days...
15:06 Yeah.
15:07 And that's the truth.
15:08 Talking about these words that are so full of meaning,
15:12 so rich that
15:16 we are not going to be able to fully
15:18 comprehend these things here.
15:20 When you talk about Jesus 'cause it says,
15:22 for in him dwelleth
15:24 and you think about the word dwelleth,
15:25 what does dwelleth mean?
15:27 Dwelleth means that you reside,
15:31 reside in and not on a temporary basis
15:34 but on a continuing basis.
15:37 It reminds me of Revelation 21
15:40 that says that God will dwell...
15:44 How beautiful. With us.
15:45 So this is something that is permanently in Christ.
15:48 In him dwelleth all the fullness of the deity
15:53 or Godhead bodily.
15:55 So in a bodily form,
15:57 you have all the fullness of God and Jesus.
16:00 So many scriptures come to mind as you know,
16:03 you think of these words.
16:04 When you see John 1.
16:08 In John 1, it says, in the beginning was the word
16:12 and the word was with God, and the word was God.
16:17 And later, it says,
16:19 and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
16:22 So now, here Paul is trying to help people understand
16:27 that this Jesus,
16:28 even though He look like everyone else,
16:30 in Him dwelleth all the fullness
16:33 of the Godhead bodily.
16:35 And I also think of Matthew 28,
16:38 when Jesus tells His disciples, all what?
16:43 All power and authority is given unto Me
16:45 in heaven and earth.
16:47 So the context of these verses is,
16:50 He's trying to help us understand
16:52 that we need not fear, we need not worry,
16:56 we need not doubt,
16:58 because in Him dwelleth
16:59 all the fullness of the Godhead bodily,
17:01 and notice the last parts of the verse
17:03 which are very powerful as well.
17:06 And you are complete in Him
17:08 who is this all powerful being,
17:12 and you are complete in Him
17:13 which is the head of all principality and power.
17:16 So whatever power principalities are,
17:18 is out there,
17:20 you can walk with assurance that His victory,
17:23 the victory that He had is ours.
17:27 And in Him, we do not have to fear.
17:31 That's why, when Paul was able to say,
17:34 I can do all things
17:37 through Christ who dwelleth in me.
17:39 Amen.
17:40 He had the assurance that
17:42 I don't have to depend on myself.
17:46 I can depend on Christ. Amen.
17:49 You know and what I like is, I'm reading now from the NIV.
17:53 Just as happened to be the scripture
17:54 I pulled for that one.
17:56 It says that we have been given,
17:59 it's a gift from God,
18:01 fullness in Christ.
18:03 So it's as Christ dwells in us, Ephesians 3:16-20
18:08 talks about how Christ dwells in us
18:10 through the power of the Holy Spirit.
18:12 See, sometimes,
18:14 sometimes don't you just feel little empty,
18:17 and you feel like, you're messing up or something.
18:20 But if you just know that,
18:24 Satan is trying to rob you of your identity in Christ.
18:26 That's true.
18:28 And all these negative thoughts are coming from him.
18:31 But if we go to the scripture, you can just say,
18:34 Father, thank You that I've been given fullness.
18:38 I've been made complete in Christ.
18:41 He is my righteousness.
18:43 He's my wisdom, my sanctification, he's my,
18:47 you know, redemption.
18:48 So that's why I think it's so important
18:51 that we speak the word of God over our lives.
18:55 I'd like to share an additional thought.
18:57 Sure.
18:59 Here is Goliath. Yeah.
19:03 He's got his full armor on.
19:07 He's got his...
19:08 And who is Goliath?
19:09 For somebody that maybe
19:11 tuning in that's never heard the story?
19:12 Goliath, the giant that challenged
19:14 the people of Israel to battle.
19:16 And he was this over nine foot tall individual.
19:20 I've seen some people
19:22 that are seven feet tall and I go,
19:24 wow, you are, you're a mountain to me.
19:29 But this guy is over nine feet tall
19:32 and he's challenging the people of Israel.
19:33 Now Goliath is a man of war, a warrior.
19:37 He's been trained, he knows how to fight.
19:39 And here comes David.
19:41 Why, he didn't even want to wear the armor
19:43 that Saul had.
19:45 And he's just the little shepherd boy, a young boy.
19:46 No armor, no sword,
19:49 no shield, but just a little staff,
19:55 a shepherd's staff
19:57 and he's got his little gear on the side with few stones.
20:01 And that's why when Goliath sees him,
20:04 am I a dog that you are coming to me with a stick?
20:06 You don't even have a sword to fight.
20:08 You're fighting with a stick.
20:09 In a real battle,
20:11 if you're coming to somebody with a sword,
20:12 even if he's your size,
20:15 you can take that staff he's got
20:17 and cut it up in pieces,
20:18 before he gets anything to you,
20:20 beside you have a shield to protect yourself with.
20:23 So David knows,
20:29 he has put himself completely in the hands of the Lord.
20:32 He's surrendered to the Lord.
20:34 David knows, you're coming to me
20:37 with a sword and with a spear
20:38 and with a shield,
20:40 but I'm coming to you in the strength of the Lord.
20:42 Amen. Yeah.
20:44 So for me, it's a physical, visible thing to realize,
20:49 wow, when Satan comes with whatever,
20:52 whatever, I'm coming,
20:54 I have the strength of the Lord.
20:55 In Him dwelleth
20:57 all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
20:58 You are completing,
20:59 he's got all power and authority.
21:01 So I should not fear.
21:02 I should not fear.
21:04 Greater is he who is in you
21:05 than he who is in the world, right?
21:07 Now, the first thing is catching my attention,
21:09 we started here as is that God is available.
21:13 Amen.
21:14 And, now, here little David was,
21:16 he knew that God was available because he's out there,
21:19 in his mind in wilderness,
21:21 fighting off bears
21:23 and lions to keep from the sheep.
21:24 Yes, that's right.
21:26 And he has defeated those and so he had in his mind,
21:28 he knew that God was available.
21:30 This was just another entity that was there.
21:33 Well, if I can sit here
21:34 and I can handle lions and bears,
21:36 I certainly can handle that, you know.
21:38 In the strength of the Lord
21:40 because he knew that God was available to come
21:43 at anytime and there is...
21:46 I know that there is people that call in quite often.
21:48 Is God real?
21:50 Yes, He's real.
21:51 But the first thing that I think that you have to,
21:56 you have to thank the Lord for is that He's available,
22:01 and then step out in faith and build on that.
22:03 Yes.
22:04 And then we'll come into the fullness.
22:07 Amen.
22:09 I think of owning it, you know.
22:12 We have to own God, He's our God.
22:15 Owning His promises is for me.
22:17 You know, it's just not text read,
22:20 it is real,
22:21 and then once we own it, then we can personalize it.
22:26 And I think that's what makes affirmation
22:28 so powerful is that,
22:29 you can read the same thing over and over
22:32 but when you start speaking it over your life and you pray it.
22:35 Oh, when you are praying God's promises over your life,
22:38 it becomes real.
22:40 You know, I told somebody once that, he say,
22:44 are you say that I have to fake it until I make it?
22:48 And I said, no, you faith it until you make it.
22:52 Amen, good job.
22:53 Faith it until you make it, if they ideal some.
22:56 Right, Luis, why don't you take John 1:16.
22:59 You know, Shelley, before I take that,
23:01 when you were reading your affirmation,
23:03 there is the part that I want to read back.
23:04 It says, I'm filled with the humility of Jesus.
23:07 Again, I'm thinking about being young
23:10 and thinking about being rich
23:11 and all of the things that
23:13 I want to do and all of the wonders.
23:14 And once you are filled with Christ's humility,
23:18 God changes your whole life around,
23:21 and now your values,
23:22 now the things that you want,
23:23 now the things that
23:25 you are desiring are completely changed.
23:27 You know, and now,
23:28 I'll go to the John 1:16 that says,
23:31 for out of his fullness, you know, abundance,
23:36 when he completely,
23:38 when you are completely filled with God,
23:41 the whole world changes, your whole attitude,
23:45 your whole way of thinking, your whole, you know,
23:48 your steps, every step you take,
23:51 every breath you take,
23:52 absolutely makes sense
23:54 because now it's not you operating.
23:56 It's like it says here.
23:58 "For out of his fullness, we have all received,
24:03 all has a share
24:05 and we were all supplied with one grace after another.
24:11 One spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing,
24:15 and even favor upon favor
24:17 and gifts, heaped upon gift."
24:22 Isn't that amazing?
24:23 Yes, and that's what individuals don't understand.
24:25 People don't understand.
24:27 When they talk, when you talk,
24:28 they talk to you
24:29 and they are right away talking about,
24:31 oh, you can't, you can't,
24:33 you can't, no.
24:34 Don't worry about the things that I can't do in your eyes.
24:37 Worry about the things that I can do
24:39 that God allows me to do, that God helps.
24:42 Once He fills me, once He is with me,
24:44 look at the amount of change that I can impart.
24:48 You know, yesterday, a couple of days ago,
24:52 Jorge was talking about an experience,
24:53 about a gentleman,
24:54 when he went to Guatemala,
24:56 that he's the elder of the church,
24:58 and he says, you know, two years ago,
25:00 I was the drunk,
25:02 I was actually using your church as a shelter.
25:05 And many churches had kicked me out
25:07 but your church took me in
25:09 and clothed me, and bathed me,
25:10 and now I'm the elder of the church.
25:12 That's what happens
25:13 when you're full with the spirit.
25:14 When you're full with the spirit,
25:16 you're gonna see somebody that's completely,
25:20 that the world has rejected
25:22 and you're going to see an absolute new life
25:26 because you are going to be out of his fullness.
25:29 And this is what is so powerful about this message
25:32 and it's just all powerful about the humility of Christ.
25:35 Once we are humbled with Christ,
25:37 it's just unbelievable the things
25:39 that we get to see.
25:41 Amen, and when you think about, he says here that,
25:43 we get grace upon grace, gift upon gift.
25:46 I think of the greatest gift of God's grace
25:50 is the gift of His Son Jesus Christ
25:52 we didn't deserve that.
25:54 So when, that's His greatest gift of grace,
25:58 then you think of the Holy Spirit.
26:00 Who deserves to have?
26:02 Who deserves to be the temple of the living God
26:05 and have the Holy Spirit live in?
26:07 And you think of the word which James 1:17 says,
26:10 when it's implanted in your heart,
26:12 has the power to save your soul
26:14 that God's revealing Himself to you,
26:16 so that you can fall in love with Him.
26:18 So that's gift upon gift, grace upon grace
26:22 and we can see that God's grace then gives us
26:26 the divine assistance
26:27 and the supernatural power for salvation.
26:30 We cannot save ourselves for certain,
26:34 and speaking of the Holy Spirit,
26:37 why don't you read to us from Ephesians 5:18?
26:41 Okay.
26:42 Out of Ephesians 5:18,
26:44 we are focusing on the second part
26:46 of the verse is,
26:47 "Ever be filled and stimulated with the Holy Spirit."
26:53 What can we say about how the Holy Spirit
26:55 moves us or speaks to us.
26:58 We are filled, we listen and we're blessed.
27:03 Because sometimes the Holy Spirit prompts us
27:06 and we don't follow through.
27:08 And then we are remorsing, we're like,
27:11 why didn't I listen to him?
27:13 That was the Holy Spirit, and then we find ourselves,
27:15 I'm sorry, Lord.
27:17 Please speak to me again.
27:19 I want You to speak to me and I want to do Your will.
27:23 So we see the blessing of being filled with the spirit
27:27 and being able to have that successful story, you know,
27:31 that change.
27:33 You know, I was watching some
27:35 history channel not too long ago,
27:37 I don't remember exactly what it was,
27:38 but it was talking about days of Oklahoma and the Dust Bowl,
27:42 when people were just leaving right and left
27:44 because they had sunk all of their last savings
27:47 into this piece of property
27:49 with the hope and ambitions of success.
27:52 And then here came Mother Nature, and boy,
27:56 just everything turned to dust.
27:58 And my brother and I went to the dust,
28:00 in the dust storm the other day, I mean,
28:01 you can't even see in front of you.
28:03 And the wells that they had spent
28:04 hours and hours digging,
28:08 they ran out of water.
28:10 And whenever I was looking at this, you know,
28:12 ever be filled and stimulate with the Holy Spirit,
28:14 I was thinking about that well
28:17 out in that front yard
28:18 that your life depend upon and it never runs dry.
28:23 Never runs dry.
28:25 There is always water in that well.
28:27 So it makes no difference,
28:28 you know, how hungry, you may be,
28:30 but there is always the water.
28:32 And that's what we are talking about here,
28:33 the Holy Spirit.
28:34 He's always available, always.
28:37 And we can't...
28:39 I mean the most important thing we can do each morning
28:41 as we wake up, because we're...
28:43 First of all, if you take this glass of water,
28:45 how much could you see, if you could see this,
28:47 I don't know if they can see it,
28:49 but right now it's about what, three quarters,
28:51 a little more than three quarters full.
28:53 So how much could I pour into this?
28:58 Maybe that much, right?
29:00 So, now it's half empty,
29:05 I can pour half of it,
29:08 fill it with something.
29:09 If I drink it all the way down,
29:14 which I can't do on the camera.
29:16 But my point is,
29:19 we have to be emptied of self to be filled with Holy Spirit.
29:23 And we can only be full of...
29:24 You know, one's talking about
29:26 being filled with the fullness of God.
29:28 It is as we empty ourselves up
29:31 and we can't even do that, it has to be God.
29:33 We have to just go to Him and say,
29:35 help me to yield, Lord,
29:37 help me to put to death
29:40 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
29:41 the misdeeds of my flesh.
29:43 But we can only be filled with the...
29:47 We get a personal dimension of His holiness,
29:49 but only to the degree
29:50 we are willing to yield self in self's way.
29:55 So we can only be as full of Him
29:57 as we are emptied of self.
29:59 Okay. Amen.
30:01 Tim, why don't you read, Romans 5:5, please?
30:04 Right, and again,
30:06 we're taking from the second half.
30:08 For God's love has been poured out in our hearts
30:10 through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.
30:15 I love the fact, just reading that again.
30:18 God's love has been poured out
30:21 in our hearts through the Holy Spirit
30:23 who has been given to us.
30:25 In each of these that we are reading,
30:29 it's all about abundance and there is no rationing,
30:34 I'm a minimalist.
30:36 I have very few things, this way I like it.
30:40 One reason is
30:42 because I have a very short attention span,
30:45 and if I have too many things, I forget where I put them.
30:48 I have...
30:50 Once if the car keys that goes right there every time
30:54 and I know where it is.
30:55 On occasions, I have misplaced it
30:57 and I have wasted so much time looking for things
31:01 because I had so many things,
31:02 and so I love the fact
31:05 that all of these verses are talking about
31:08 the best birthday, the best Christmas ever
31:11 that all the gifts, they are all full,
31:14 there is no rationing with God.
31:16 And so the fact that He says, He says He poured,
31:20 His love has been poured out.
31:22 Not just trickled out, right?
31:26 So His love has been poured out in our hearts,
31:31 not in our minds
31:34 because it's not just a mental thing,
31:38 it's an experience, His love,
31:40 I have experienced His love.
31:42 I don't know about your courting days
31:46 or your the days that you dated before you were married.
31:50 But was that, was what sealed the deal,
31:55 just the thought that JD loved you or just you know,
32:02 knowing in your mind,
32:03 you had it on a piece of paper and so,
32:05 well, that's good enough to live with
32:06 and good enough to marry him.
32:08 It was a heart and emotion of feeling.
32:12 And you know, our salvation even as much as
32:15 we have to know in our mind that Christ is our savior,
32:20 we have to know in our heart,
32:22 we have to have experience that,
32:24 and you know, that may be more of a charismatic thought,
32:30 you know, just because
32:31 some people would say, oh, that's,
32:33 you know, those are the feely, the touchy-feely people,
32:35 but it has to be.
32:37 God is certainly a touchy-feely person.
32:38 Absolutely.
32:40 And that's what He's saying, right.
32:41 So it's not just an intellectual thing.
32:44 It is an emotional
32:45 that God's love has been poured out in our hearts
32:47 through the Holy Spirit.
32:49 It was supernaturally.
32:50 Yeah.
32:52 I love the supernaturalness that is just, you know,
32:55 beyond me.
32:57 But the Holy Spirit has been given us.
32:59 And once again though, here we go.
33:02 It's through the power of the Holy Spirit.
33:04 He's not only the spirit of holiness,
33:06 God is love,
33:08 Holy Spirit is God, His will.
33:11 So He's the spirit of love,
33:14 so when the Holy Spirit is in our hearts,
33:16 somebody will ask me and I always answer the same.
33:19 How do you know,
33:20 if you're filled with the Holy Spirit?
33:21 If you are filled with the spirit of divine love,
33:26 that's self sacrificing love.
33:28 Somebody can have all the knowledge of the Bible,
33:32 and they may have their Th.D.,
33:34 but if they are not living a life of love...
33:39 See, I mean, to me,
33:42 that means, they don't have a Holy Spirit
33:43 because when the spirit is in your heart,
33:45 that divine love, the essence,
33:47 the character of God is going to be taking over.
33:50 And it's all a growth process.
33:52 We don't just, you know...
33:55 Now, I have seen a few people
33:57 who have just been so converted overnight
33:58 that you're like, who is this person?
34:01 Right, but for most of us, it's just a gradual thing that,
34:05 you know, as we learn to give up a little more,
34:08 moment by moment, amen.
34:11 But it is so beautiful.
34:12 I, I have to say...
34:14 Idalia said something interesting
34:15 and powerful to me that I guess,
34:19 I've never put in those words.
34:21 You have to own it.
34:24 And that's powerful when you think,
34:25 when you think about,
34:27 you start thinking about, you have to own it.
34:28 Oh, that is mine.
34:30 It belongs to me.
34:32 And it's yours because there are so many,
34:34 so many promises that are based on,
34:37 if you believe, if you are willing,
34:40 and so that's when you begin to own it
34:43 and say, that's me.
34:45 And these scriptures are talking to me.
34:46 God is saying this to me.
34:49 And that, I believe that will be helpful
34:53 to some people that are struggling with these,
34:56 with doubts and wondering if does God accept me,
34:59 will He really forgive me?
35:01 Will He really do what He's saying right here?
35:05 Absolutely.
35:07 What I like also is that
35:08 we're all at a different place in our life so,
35:11 maybe what's important to you in your level of maturity,
35:14 owning it could be different than mine.
35:16 Yes.
35:18 But he's saying, hey,
35:19 he's for everyone whether you're a teeny-weeny baby,
35:23 or you know, whether you're an old grandpa
35:26 in the Lord.
35:27 Here is how I like to say it.
35:29 Grace writes the check.
35:33 God, I mean, he just writes, faith takes it to the bank.
35:38 So if you're gonna own,
35:39 I mean God can sit here and offer us
35:41 all these gifts by grace.
35:43 The son, the spirit,
35:45 the word salvation, everything.
35:48 If we don't say, okay, I'm gonna own it,
35:53 I'm taking it to the bank, I'm gonna deposit it,
35:55 it's just kind of like, it's out there,
35:57 it's a check that's floating around.
35:59 That's right.
36:00 It's very interesting because when you're,
36:01 when you've mentioned that,
36:03 I just imagine the blessing
36:05 that God was giving to the people of Israel
36:06 every single day when they were out in the desert.
36:09 I'm gonna rain down manna for you,
36:13 bread, food to eat.
36:15 So the people say, wow,
36:16 look at all that food out there.
36:17 Man, that's wonderful.
36:19 And then they stay in their house.
36:21 Yeah.
36:22 And they don't go out to get it.
36:23 That's right. Yeah.
36:25 They're not filled, they're not satisfied,
36:26 they don't have the benefit,
36:27 the healthful benefits that God is providing for them.
36:30 But they have to go out and get it.
36:32 That's right.
36:33 And you know, you have,
36:35 you gave me a thought
36:36 because I had somebody who said to me once,
36:38 well, God has favorites.
36:39 You are one of his favorites and I said, no, the Bible says,
36:42 God's not a respecter of persons.
36:45 And so they, like you say they, if you could see the manna,
36:49 they were seeing God's blessings
36:51 and his workings in my life,
36:54 but they were sitting there saying,
36:55 it's not for me, it's not for me.
36:58 And that's not true,
36:59 that's contradictory to the word of God.
37:02 God promises, if you're in Jesus Christ,
37:04 if you've accepted Christ as your savior,
37:07 all of God's promises are yours.
37:10 2 Corinthians 1:1, yes and amen, so be it.
37:14 So in Christ Jesus...
37:15 But is a condition that many people are in
37:19 and that also neutralizes us.
37:21 Well, that's a great word, neutralizes.
37:23 And that's his goal to neutralize us
37:26 and not allow us to feel that we are deserving, you know.
37:33 God sent His Son, what a sacrifice.
37:36 I'm a parent and I'll tell you what?
37:42 Well, I donated a kidney once.
37:46 But...
37:47 It wasn't your son's kidney, was it?
37:49 It's not my son's life, you know.
37:51 So why would, why would,
37:55 any thoughts come to our minds
37:57 that we are not fit or we are not good enough
38:01 for all these wonderful blessings
38:04 and abundance that the Lord wants to pour into our lives.
38:07 Well, we are, we are His children.
38:10 So He has given us this opportunity
38:13 to draw closer to Him.
38:15 Remember there is a,
38:16 the great controversy, you know,
38:17 the good, the bad, God, the devil,
38:20 just fighting for our lives to give us...
38:24 Well, the Lord giving us salvation,
38:27 the utmost gift.
38:29 Amen.
38:30 That I can personally tell you,
38:31 if I don't speak and pray
38:33 God's word over my life for a period of time,
38:36 I will find myself saying things like, you know,
38:39 I am so worthless, I am this, I am that.
38:41 Yeah.
38:43 And then all of a sudden, you know,
38:44 you kind of feel like...
38:45 like this and it's oh, Lord, what's wrong with me?
38:48 What's wrong with me?
38:50 And He's like, well,
38:51 I can tell you what's wrong with you,
38:52 you're not, you know.
38:54 And when you get back in the word
38:56 and start claiming it,
38:58 it totally changes you,
39:02 it changes your mindset,
39:03 it changes your attitude all in Christ Jesus.
39:06 All right.
39:08 JD Quinn,
39:09 you want to take Colossians 1, 9-10.
39:11 Yeah.
39:13 I like this is because, you know, some people,
39:15 some people have an intimate relationship with the Lord.
39:18 They say that this is the complete prayer
39:21 and that's Colossians 1:9 and 10.
39:24 "Ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will
39:29 in all wisdom and understanding,
39:31 so that you will walk
39:32 in a manner worthy of the Lord."
39:34 It goes on, then it's in verse 10.
39:36 "Bearing fruit in every good work,
39:40 and increasing in the knowledge of God."
39:43 Amen.
39:44 Amen.
39:46 Number one, it doesn't get any better
39:47 if you can be filled with the knowledge of His will,
39:49 His will, not your will
39:51 because here we get into that controversy.
39:53 Yeah.
39:54 You know, his will
39:56 because now it's kind of like, you know,
39:58 thank you Lord for giving me that lamp to my feet,
40:01 so now as I'm walking through,
40:02 if I keep my eyes focused on that light,
40:04 I can see and not be in the darkness.
40:06 And so I'm following His will
40:09 and then it goes into using that word wisdom.
40:11 I love wisdom.
40:13 Especially spiritual wisdom.
40:15 Now, we're taking even a more mature step
40:19 and that is spiritual wisdom.
40:20 That's right.
40:21 Here again, he said,
40:23 one that's with your eyes, he's laying up,
40:26 you know, now as you're walking
40:27 and you have an understanding
40:29 so that you walk in a manner that's pleasing to Him.
40:31 Thank you Jesus.
40:33 Amen. Amen.
40:34 Now, it's using the word,
40:35 His will, His will, His will,
40:38 not my will, so if I start using my will,
40:41 then the blinders come on,
40:43 the, the sunglasses get real dark,
40:47 I lose glimpse of the lamp to my feet.
40:51 And then that's when you struggle,
40:52 that's when your well runs dry.
40:55 So, anyway I love that and anybody that,
40:59 whether you're just growing a tomato, you know,
41:02 which is a joy in itself,
41:04 just seeing that fruit finally show up.
41:07 There is nothing better than bearing fruit.
41:10 And if you can bear the fruit of the Lord,
41:13 in following His spiritual wisdom,
41:15 thank you Jesus.
41:16 Amen.
41:17 That just happened to me this past weekend in jail,
41:21 one of the cellmates asked me.
41:26 One of the cellmates asked me what is God's will for me?
41:31 You know, and it's interesting to be able to answer.
41:34 We told him, go to Daniel 2,
41:36 you know and then that will answer,
41:38 go read, you know,
41:40 how Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,
41:43 how they purposed in their heart,
41:45 Daniel as well.
41:47 How they purposed in their heart,
41:48 but God's will is for us like Shelley was telling,
41:51 empty yourself and fill,
41:54 get the Holy Spirit filled in you,
41:57 and then you just have to sit back
41:59 and allow him to do the work and that's so beautiful.
42:02 It's amazing because once you completely surrender to God,
42:07 you are in complete autopilot since then.
42:10 You don't have to do anything.
42:12 God continues and God does the work for you.
42:15 The only problem that comes is that
42:17 then self starts popping out and says, oh, look at me.
42:22 And then you start filling yourself with pride,
42:24 you start filling yourself with that,
42:26 and then God's no longer the main focus
42:30 and then other people are seeing,
42:31 wait a minute, yeah,
42:33 that's not what he's preaching
42:35 and what he's doing are two different things.
42:37 And those are where,
42:38 where you need to understand that
42:40 God's will is for you to be empty,
42:45 and the Holy Spirit to be completely in you.
42:48 You know, when you said that about the will of God,
42:51 I thought of 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says,
42:55 "This is the will of God."
42:57 If you're wondering what the will of God is
42:59 for you at home.
43:00 Your sanctification,
43:03 and what does sanctification mean?
43:06 It's synonymous with holiness, and it's kind of like,
43:11 we listen to those words and it's,
43:12 ooh, holiness, sanctification,
43:15 what does this mean?
43:16 It simply means to be completely separated from sin.
43:21 So God's will for our life is that
43:24 we would be separated from sin,
43:26 and only He can do that through His,
43:30 through Christ Jesus,
43:32 through His spirit, through His word.
43:34 It is God's job, He's the one that is...
43:38 I mean, salvation belongs to the Lord.
43:41 But that's what it's all about
43:43 so that we can walk in a manner that is worthy of the Lord,
43:48 and some people just literally beat themselves up
43:51 trying to be worthy of God,
43:54 trying to do things that, you know,
43:57 they're focusing on things on the outside,
43:59 when we only have to do is,
44:01 if they would consent like God have His way with them.
44:06 The Bible says, He's the one that's gonna do it.
44:08 Amen.
44:10 And we can ask the Lord to help us
44:11 to be willing to do His will.
44:13 Amen.
44:14 Be willing to do His will.
44:16 Tim, why don't you take Philippians 2
44:19 and we're just gonna look at verses 5 and 8.
44:23 Right, we're talking about,
44:24 I'm filled with the humility of Jesus,
44:27 and so Philippians 2:5 and 8 also say,
44:32 "Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
44:36 He humbled Himself
44:38 and became a obedient to the point of death,
44:41 even the death at the cross."
44:46 I don't even know that it's possible
44:48 for us to be there,
44:52 to go there to even understand to get it.
44:55 To...
44:56 You're right.
44:58 For us to be so committed to a cause,
45:02 to be so totally given
45:06 to anything that we would,
45:09 because it talks about in between the verses there,
45:12 it talks or maybe it's after about Christ doing that,
45:17 going to the death on the cross.
45:19 It says, that, you know, we might die for a good,
45:23 for a good guy, but no way we die for a dirty,
45:27 rotten scoundrel.
45:30 Somebody that we didn't know whether or not
45:32 they would ever even return their love to us,
45:37 but Christ humbled Himself,
45:41 humiliated Himself...
45:43 That's the word, humiliated.
45:46 To death on the cross.
45:48 And, so I think that,
45:51 the best that we can do goes back to verse 4
45:55 in that same chapter Philippians 2:4, that says,
45:59 "Let each of you esteem and look upon
46:01 and be concerned for not merely your own interests,
46:06 but also each for the interest of others."
46:08 And I think that's about as close as we can ever get to,
46:13 you know, the humility
46:16 because dying on the cross is above me and I don't...
46:20 You know, why don't you read, I don't know why I left out,
46:22 well for brevity sake in the book,
46:24 I left that up, but read verses 5-8.
46:27 Sure.
46:28 Because that gives us better context.
46:29 And I'm gonna read from the amplified version.
46:31 "Let the same attitude and purpose
46:33 and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus.
46:36 Let him be your example in humility.
46:39 Who although being essentially one with God
46:41 and in the form of God,
46:43 possessing the fullness of the attributes
46:45 which make God, God,
46:47 he did not think this equality with God.
46:51 He didn't think this equality was a thing to be
46:53 eagerly grasped or retained.
46:55 But stripping himself,
46:56 so as to assume the guise of a servant in that
46:59 He became like men and was born of a human being,
47:03 and born a human being."
47:05 In verse 8,
47:06 "And after He had appeared in human form,
47:08 He abased and humbled Himself still further,
47:11 and carried His obedience to the extreme death,
47:14 even the death at the cross.
47:17 Therefore God has highly exalted Him
47:20 and has freely bestowed on Him
47:23 the name that is above every name."
47:25 And again, you know,
47:27 this is, this is God doing this.
47:31 This is God becoming flesh and humbling Himself,
47:35 and so there again, you know,
47:36 this isn't something I can ever comprehend,
47:38 how some, how the great,
47:40 the creator of all the universe would put on skin
47:45 and lower Himself to,
47:48 to what I'd go through and be me
47:51 and experience what I go through,
47:53 and then above all that,
47:55 had Himself killed for to, to...
47:59 Paid my penance. Yeah.
48:02 Now, I can't, wouldn't you said that,
48:04 we can't go there.
48:06 No.
48:07 You know and I'm like,
48:08 can you imagine that the creator of the universe
48:12 was willing to come to die
48:15 such a horrendous death for you.
48:18 He would have done it for you unlike
48:20 when Idalia was talking about,
48:22 you've got to own it, you've got to own that as well.
48:25 If you were the only individual that was willing to accept,
48:28 to cash that check, He would have done it for you.
48:31 When you...
48:33 When you think about that,
48:34 there is goose bumps going through your body
48:37 because you can't quite comprehend
48:39 what an amazing God that is,
48:41 that when He fills you with the spirit
48:43 and when He tells you son,
48:46 He said, I am willing to do all of these,
48:50 to go through all of these pain because of you.
48:54 A lot of individuals like you were mentioning before.
48:57 We're talking to them and they think,
48:58 oh, you know, you're special.
49:00 No, we are not.
49:01 We're the only one that have understood the enormous,
49:05 you know, we can't go there
49:07 because it's so un, un...
49:11 I don't know, there is no word for it.
49:14 Yeah, there is no word for it.
49:16 It's unthinkable to understand that the creator,
49:19 the one that with His own hands formed us,
49:22 was willing to come to die for Luis.
49:26 You know, how Timothy Cox puts it,
49:28 and this really made me think.
49:29 He said in the order of creation...
49:32 Well, God is above creation but there is God,
49:34 then there is the angels and then there is the man,
49:37 animals and then insects.
49:39 So the creator
49:41 then just lower Himself to the position of an angel.
49:44 He lowered Himself,
49:46 a second one to the position of man.
49:47 That would be like man,
49:49 not lowering himself to be animal
49:52 but lowering himself to be an insect.
49:55 I mean, that kind of puts in perspective.
49:57 If you think like, okay,
49:59 I'm going to go down there and become a cockroach,
50:02 so that I can save the cockroaches.
50:05 Well, boy, I'll tell you, I mean, that kind,
50:07 at least for me,
50:08 it makes me really stop and think.
50:10 That's like the writer wrote for such a worm as I.
50:14 Amen. Amen.
50:16 But let me ask you...
50:17 Oh, go ahead, honey.
50:21 Our house was burning.
50:23 You have to make a decision quickly.
50:25 There is people that are screaming
50:27 and are you a hero or not?
50:30 Whatever that means?
50:32 You rush into the house
50:33 and try to save as many people as you can.
50:38 With the determination death or not,
50:44 I'm gonna give the best I can.
50:47 And so say that the fire captures you,
50:50 you save three people, four others die.
50:55 Now you go down the local newspaper,
50:57 you as a hero.
51:00 Now, let's take it, now,
51:01 let's go to where we cannot go.
51:05 There is billions of people that He died for.
51:11 Boy, that's where it becomes ingenious.
51:14 How did you do that?
51:16 Yeah.
51:18 And to me, that's what breaks my heart
51:20 because I can't get past
51:22 that four or five or six that unselfishly,
51:28 you made a determination in God's hand, you know,
51:31 I give my life.
51:32 You know JD,
51:34 you just hit a point where it's so amazing.
51:36 You're looking at a house is on fire
51:39 and most individuals on this earth are going for that
51:42 earthly possession and they're not grabbing that,
51:45 that is valuable which is, those who they love.
51:47 And that is what breaks my heart.
51:49 That is what breaks my heart
51:51 when I go and I try to help individuals,
51:52 that they are looking for their earthly possessions
51:55 and not understanding the value of what they,
51:57 what God is trying to impart upon them,
52:00 and the world may call them a hero,
52:04 but all they have is possessions.
52:06 That they're going to go away, you know.
52:09 And when we look at what we have, you know,
52:11 I always say this, you know,
52:14 because the enemy keeps on talking to me.
52:15 He says, well God, your God doesn't exist.
52:18 Okay, fine, that's not a problem.
52:20 Even if this whole was a game,
52:24 the blessings that I've gotten through my life
52:26 because of the savior that I believed in,
52:29 because of the God that I have is enough for me.
52:31 Heaven is the icing on the cake.
52:33 Amen.
52:34 Now the other said, the enemy,
52:36 the God rebuked me on that one day
52:37 because He said, wait a minute,
52:39 you need to understand that.
52:40 Yes, heaven might be the icing,
52:42 but if you don't want to be in My presence,
52:44 do you truly love Me?
52:46 So heaven has to be the cake but in the world,
52:50 in the concept of other individuals,
52:52 that's fine.
52:54 I don't care about the icing,
52:55 give me Jesus, give me God,
52:57 give me the spirit, fill me with that
52:59 because that's enough for me.
53:00 Amen. I want to make one point.
53:02 We're down to our last few minutes here.
53:03 I just want to make one point on this particular scripture.
53:06 We won't get any further.
53:08 But it really is a commandment.
53:10 When Paul is writing to the Philippians, he says,
53:12 "Let this mind be in you
53:15 which was also in Christ Jesus."
53:17 You know Paul said that
53:19 we've been given the mind of Christ
53:21 and we find it right here in this Bible.
53:24 We find his mind.
53:26 But when we think of humility,
53:30 you know, what do we think of?
53:32 This is something that Lord's been working in me over the,
53:35 while, I was recuperating from a recent surgery,
53:38 that the humility of Christ
53:42 was His total dependence upon God.
53:46 Here, He was co-equal with God.
53:51 He condescended to become a man but He got here,
53:56 He could have drawn on His own power at anytime.
54:00 But what did He say,
54:01 He said, I only do what the Father shows me to do.
54:05 I only speak what the Father tells me to speak and you know,
54:09 He was here to represent.
54:11 I mean, He's co-equal with God,
54:14 but He humbled Himself and became submissive to God.
54:18 And then you think about
54:20 the humility of the Holy Spirit.
54:22 The spirit does all things to bring glory to Christ.
54:26 Christ did everything to bring glory to God,
54:28 and then at the end, God's gonna give Him, you know,
54:32 put all things under His feet.
54:33 But we think of humility as, you know,
54:37 sometimes we think of humility as if somebody was like,
54:39 oh, well, no, you know,
54:41 I'm, I'm not special or anything.
54:42 And we think, oh, aren't they humble?
54:44 That's not what it's about.
54:46 Humility is about saying,
54:48 I am totally dependent upon God.
54:51 Anything good you see in my life is because of God.
54:55 I can't save myself, I can't do anything good.
54:58 I can't even bear good fruit apart from Him.
55:03 What is Jesus saying,
55:04 John 15:5, "Apart from me,
55:06 you can't do nada, nothing."
55:12 All right, we are already to the end of our time,
55:16 but we do want to end in prayer.
55:19 I hope that as we discuss some of these scriptures,
55:22 I just thank each one of you for your contribution
55:25 because you made me...
55:27 I love to get people together to talk about the Bible
55:30 because it really enriches and expands your own thinking.
55:34 But JD, why don't you have a closing player please,
55:38 and we'll just pray that
55:40 God will pour out His Holy Spirit on
55:43 all who call upon His name around the world
55:46 because we all need His spirit,
55:49 so that we can be filled with Christ in our heart by faith.
55:53 Amen.
55:54 And I just want to read, this is, I'm going into prayer,
55:56 Romans 15:30,
55:58 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace,
56:01 as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow
56:04 with hope or the power of the Holy Spirit."
56:06 Amen.
56:07 Father, as we come to You in the name of Jesus.
56:09 We once again, thank You Lord for You,
56:12 for Your magnificent ability to love, and Father,
56:18 I just ask Lord that it be tattooed on our heart,
56:21 how we can be more,
56:25 totally filled with You Lord
56:27 to help make a difference in other people's lives.
56:29 Father, people are hungry, people are thirsty, and Father,
56:33 we just want to do our part, and Father,
56:35 we know it's through the aid of the Holy Spirit,
56:37 so the prompting of the Holy Spirit.
56:39 Let us be adaptable, dear Father in following that,
56:44 that prompting that you put
56:46 and the unction of the Holy Spirit
56:47 to help make a difference in other people's lives,
56:50 Father, with joy in our heart.
56:52 And Father, I just ask Lord
56:54 that You will be with each person
56:56 as we keep our eyes focused on you Lord.
56:58 We are all looking for that one thing
57:00 and that's peace of God.
57:01 That calmness, that assurance,
57:03 assurance Lord that You are for,
57:06 You are who you say that you Are.
57:08 And Father, as we just dedicate our lives to you,
57:12 Father, that we allow You to work accordingly.
57:15 Father, we love You and we thank you.
57:17 Be with our loved ones, our families, Lord,
57:19 take care of each one of them.
57:20 Put a hedge protection around each one of our loved ones,
57:23 dear Father.
57:24 Around all those who call upon Your name.
57:27 We love You, give you praise and glory
57:29 in the name of Jesus.
57:31 Amen. Amen.
57:32 Once again, we want to thank you for joining us,
57:34 and may the grace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,
57:37 the love of the Father
57:39 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:40 be with you always.


Revised 2017-01-19