Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg & Jill Morikone (Host), Jason Bradley, John & Idalia Dinzey


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016036A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I wanna spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words Let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I wanna spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I wanna spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to another 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:12 Happy Sabbath to you,
01:13 hope that you've had a wonderful week.
01:15 Here at 3ABN, it's been a great week
01:18 and it's always a blessing to coming to the Sabbath hours.
01:22 Now every week's a great week, here at 3ABN,
01:25 hopefully in your life as well,
01:27 it doesn't mean that we have no challenges
01:30 or any types of struggles.
01:32 We've had a good week because God is good.
01:35 I like Psalms 118:24 and it says,
01:40 "This is the day which the Lord has made, we will..."
01:43 What? Rejoice.
01:45 "Rejoice and be glad in it."
01:48 For God is good, right? Amen.
01:49 We have a lot to be thankful for
01:51 and we just wanna thank you for joining us
01:53 as you do each and every day for the family worships
01:56 as we open the Sabbath hours
01:57 and we just appreciate your prayers and financial support
02:01 to the ministry of 3ABN,
02:03 because of you
02:05 and the Lord Jesus Christ, of course,
02:06 and your financial support and prayers
02:08 that this ministry continues to spread the gospel
02:11 around the world
02:12 and souls are being won to Jesus Christ.
02:15 Can't get any better than that, can we?
02:17 Amen.
02:18 That's right, that's why this ministry exists.
02:19 The verse you read, I think everyday is special
02:22 'cause God created each day... That's true.
02:23 But especially the Sabbath.
02:26 He set it apart as a holy day
02:28 that we can come apart and spend time with Him,
02:32 time in His word, time in worship
02:35 and time with our brothers and sisters,
02:37 that's you're at home,
02:39 and that's our brothers and sisters around the table.
02:41 And we wanna introduce them.
02:42 On my left is brother John Dinzey
02:44 and his wife, sister Adalia Dinzey.
02:46 And you both are such a blessing
02:48 to the ministry here,
02:50 such an integral part of the ministry.
02:51 I will second and third of that and fourth...
02:55 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
02:56 All glory to God. Amen.
02:57 Praise the Lord. God blesses inspite of us.
02:59 That's right. Amen.
03:01 We're grateful to the Lord for His,
03:02 the blessings and the opportunities
03:04 He gives us to be used by Him.
03:05 Amen. Yeah.
03:07 It is, isn't it? Amen.
03:08 I mean, when you think about the blessings
03:09 that you've been able to share...
03:11 Yes. God's love to other people.
03:12 Boy, it's a blessing. Overwhelming.
03:14 You and your family have been here for a number of years,
03:16 I don't wanna be disrespectful saying you're old
03:18 'cause you're not.
03:20 You came as a child.
03:23 You came as a child.
03:26 I have come to accept that I'm transitioning into that.
03:29 The transformation.
03:31 Yeah, I guess I went into...
03:33 That's the topic today, it's transformation.
03:35 That's true.
03:36 And life goes through changes too, right?
03:38 Yeah, that actually is our topic today,
03:39 it's transformation.
03:41 So that was good, Pastor John.
03:43 Actually, I remember one lady in Guatemala,
03:48 when we went last year to an evangelistic campaign
03:51 and she asked, "How old are you?"
03:53 And...
03:54 I said, "Well, I'm 57".
03:55 "You're 57?
03:57 Wow, well, you look really old on TV."
04:05 That does not make you feel...
04:07 I was fine with it. You know, it's...
04:09 I guess, I don't know.
04:10 I guess different TVs, they do different things.
04:14 So you have two wonderful sons that I know,
04:17 those that followed on 3ABN have seen them grow up
04:21 and I know they're...
04:22 Well, tell us what they're doing actually right now?
04:24 Your eldest is Samuel.
04:25 Well, we'll divide the task,
04:27 our eldest son is Samuel,
04:31 he is a student missionary in Micronesia.
04:33 Yeah, praise God.
04:35 And we're grateful to the Lord for...
04:37 What God is doing in his life. Amen.
04:39 He's being used by the Lord
04:40 and he has gone on several mission trips, started with,
04:43 when he was in the academy in Sunnydale Academy,
04:50 went on two trips to India to preach
04:52 and after that it was like he was just interested
04:55 in going on missionary trips.
04:57 Went with Maranatha several times
04:58 and now he's a student missionary for one year
05:01 and he's half way through.
05:02 Amen. In Pohnpei.
05:04 In Pohnpei, Micronesia. It's a small little place.
05:08 There in the... Up north of Australia
05:13 and kind of west, no, east of the Philippines
05:18 and those islands.
05:20 And he loves the Lord and...
05:23 Amen. Praise God.
05:24 The Lord has blessed them with the musical talent.
05:26 Yup. And that's great.
05:27 And we are grateful to the Lord for our children.
05:29 Amen. Maybe you can talk about Caleb.
05:31 Yeah, it's...
05:33 These boys, I'm very proud to be their mom.
05:37 Amen. I'm proud to call them my sons.
05:41 You know, life just happens, takes its courses
05:45 and we pray for our children, before we had children,
05:49 we prayed for other people's children.
05:51 Amen. That's good.
05:52 And now that we have children, we pray a lot for our children,
05:55 a lot for other people's children.
05:58 Caleb is our baby.
06:00 And Caleb used to introduce himself to his new buddies,
06:05 "Hi, I'm Caleb from Tiny Tots".
06:10 Because he was at Tiny Tots for years.
06:12 That's right.
06:13 And we still air some of those.
06:14 He's a little guy
06:16 but Caleb is a lot taller than me
06:17 and he's growing... Oh, me too.
06:20 So he's so cute.
06:21 But anyhow he has grown up to be a fine young man.
06:26 He is very talented in the music area.
06:30 Yes, he is. He is.
06:31 And he is a student
06:32 at the Great Lakes Academy in Michigan
06:36 and he works in the music department.
06:39 So he is really enjoying his time there at the academy.
06:43 So... Keeping his talents for God.
06:45 Amen.
06:46 Praise the Lord. Yes, exactly.
06:47 It's amazing.
06:49 To me, it's a beautiful testimony
06:50 because both of your sons,
06:51 I mean, they're gifted and they...
06:53 Whatever, but the important thing is
06:54 they use those gifts for Jesus.
06:56 And they have a heart and a desire to follow God
06:58 and that's a testimony to what God has done
07:00 in and through each one of you.
07:02 And, Brother Johnny, you look very young,
07:04 much younger than 57.
07:06 Mrs. Dinzey too.
07:07 And Mrs. Dinzey, I say we need to put that all day.
07:09 Thank you for your...
07:11 And on this side of the table is Jason Bradley
07:13 and we are so blessed to have you here as well, Jason.
07:16 And you've been here, is it two years now?
07:18 How long? Going on three.
07:20 It's great. Sure, he is.
07:21 Wow. Wow.
07:23 And I call you our neighbor, my neighbor
07:25 because your office and your mom's office
07:27 is right next door to mine.
07:28 That's right.
07:29 So as we go by each other's offices,
07:31 we'll say, "Hey, neighbor.
07:32 How're you doing, neighbor?"
07:34 That's a lot of fun working here, that's for sure,
07:36 but we appreciate you and how God has grown you
07:38 in just marvelous ways
07:40 and we're talking about the Dinzey sons.
07:42 They kind of have the "Mission bug",
07:43 if you wanna call that... Yes.
07:45 I'm kind of getting in the prison bug.
07:47 I don't know if you are too
07:48 and explain that a little bit...
07:50 It's for the ministry. Correct.
07:51 So explain what prison bug is? Oh, man.
07:52 I like to see you catching that bug.
07:54 Oh, I've got it. I caught it.
07:56 Amen.
07:58 The Prison Ministry is so amazing
08:00 because there are so many people
08:02 that are in there
08:03 whose families don't come visit them.
08:05 Who feel like they're lost and forgotten.
08:08 Yeah.
08:09 So it provides us with an opportunity to,
08:13 I guess, bring practical Christianity to them,
08:17 to share with them gifts both physical and spiritual.
08:21 So meeting their needs
08:23 and also ministering to their souls.
08:25 Yeah.
08:26 We went to a prison, all of us...
08:28 We had the opportunity, it was...
08:29 Not too long ago.
08:32 And it was absolutely amazing.
08:34 I mean, God really blessed
08:36 and the Holy Spirit was in there
08:37 working on those ladies' hearts,
08:39 that they were crying
08:40 and just seemed like they want a genuine transformation.
08:45 Amen. Amen.
08:46 That's a... It's a segway.
08:48 Good, segway,
08:49 because we're talking about transformation today.
08:51 That's what the Lord Jesus Christ
08:52 wants to do in your heart and our hearts
08:54 and the women we minister to at the prison,
08:57 before we get going on our topic,
08:59 we want to go to some music
09:01 and that means we get to introduce
09:03 our brother, Tim Parton at the piano.
09:05 Amen. He is such a blessing.
09:06 Tim, you are a blessing to the ministry here.
09:09 Tim has a heart for ministry, a heart for God
09:11 and his passion about sharing that with other people.
09:14 So, Tim, thank you for being here.
09:15 My privilege. Thanks.
09:17 Let's go to, 'Lord Prepare me to be a sanctuary.'
09:27 Okay, we want you to sing along with us
09:29 as we sing these praises to God.
09:31 Lord Prepare me
09:34 To be a sanctuary
09:39 Pure and holy
09:43 Tried and true
09:47 With thanksgiving
09:50 I'll be a living
09:55 Sanctuary
09:59 For You
10:03 Lead me on Lord
10:07 From temptation
10:11 Purify me
10:15 From within
10:19 Fill my heart with
10:22 Your Holy Spirit
10:27 Take away
10:31 All my sin
10:35 Lord Prepare me
10:38 To be a sanctuary
10:43 Pure and holy
10:47 Tried and true
10:51 With thanksgiving
10:54 I'll be a living
10:59 Sanctuary
11:03 For You
11:07 Praise His name.
11:08 He wants to make each one of us a sanctuary, the temple
11:13 where the Holy spirit can dwell in us.
11:15 And we just want to invite Him in.
11:17 So at home, we invite you to bow your heads,
11:20 this is really a prayer.
11:21 As called the next song,
11:23 'Lord Jesus, will you come into my heart?
11:26 Will you change me?
11:27 Will you transform me?
11:29 Will you make me into the image of you?
11:32 And once Jesus comes in,
11:34 He wants to shine out of our hearts.
11:38 That's right.
11:43 Into my heart
11:48 Into my heart
11:52 Come into my heart
11:57 Lord Jesus
12:02 Come in today
12:08 Come in to stay
12:13 Come into my heart
12:18 Lord Jesus
12:26 Out of my heart
12:31 Out of my heart
12:34 Shine out of my heart
12:39 Lord Jesus
12:44 Shine out today
12:48 Shine out always
12:53 Shine out of my heart
12:59 Lord Jesus
13:08 Pastor Johnny, let's open in prayer.
13:10 Yes.
13:13 Our loving heavenly Father, we want to thank you, Lord,
13:17 for the opportunity we have today
13:19 to invite you into our hearts.
13:22 We thank you, Lord, that the door of mercy is still open
13:25 and that you will knock at the door of our heart,
13:28 and we ask, Lord, that you will come in.
13:30 Thank you.
13:31 We pray that you will be with us
13:33 as we worship together
13:35 and we pray that you will be with everyone
13:37 that is joining us.
13:39 Wherever they may be, Lord, may you be there with them.
13:42 And we ask you for a blessing for all
13:44 and we ask it in the lovely and blessed name of Jesus.
13:48 Amen. Amen.
13:50 Amen.
13:51 We're having worship already.
13:52 My heart is blessed.
13:54 We worship through music, worship through prayer,
13:56 worship through study of the Word
13:58 so, get your Bibles and open up with us
14:01 as we talk about this topic of transformation.
14:04 As we launch into our topic of transformation,
14:08 what is transformation?
14:10 If I were to ask you, what is transformation?
14:13 What would you say, Jason?
14:14 I would say that it's a complete and thorough change
14:17 from the inside out
14:18 in terms of spiritual transformation.
14:23 Now it's interesting, you said from the inside out.
14:26 Yeah, just like to that... When we accept Christ.
14:28 That's right.
14:29 And then He changes us from the inside
14:31 and we manifest that on the outside.
14:33 Fantastic. Amen.
14:34 Have you ever tried the other method of transformation?
14:39 From the outside in.
14:40 Has anybody ever tried that? Oh, of course.
14:42 Like behavioral modification. Right.
14:44 Uh-huh, yes, I have.
14:48 Tried and failed. I would be lying if I...
14:50 Yeah, didn't work so well. Yes, it isn't.
14:52 But I think even as Christians a lot of times we think,
14:56 the outside-in is the method that we're supposed to do.
14:58 We're something, you know,
14:59 like, somehow, you read the Bible,
15:01 "Oh, I'm supposed to look like Jesus."
15:03 I don't know how to accomplish that.
15:05 Yes, yes.
15:06 And then maybe we get discouraged
15:07 'cause we think, "I don't know how to do that."
15:10 Sometimes when we are practicing our Christianity,
15:15 we want to be just like Jesus
15:17 but we seed like we're so imperfect.
15:20 But we have yet to understand to see us as Jesus sees us.
15:25 You know, sometimes we don't recognize the transformation
15:29 that's taking place in our lives.
15:31 I want to be a Christian,
15:33 I want to be a good faithful follower of Christ
15:37 but the obstacles, you know, one challenge after the other,
15:40 you may think it's against you
15:42 but eventually you look back and,
15:44 "Lord, thank you, that was such a blessing
15:45 because I was able to grow from that."
15:48 You know. Wow.
15:49 So eventually, you see this transformation
15:52 happening in your life
15:53 when you have the spiritual eyes on.
15:56 When we don't have the spiritual eyes on,
15:58 it seems like everything that's going on
16:00 is just against you.
16:01 Yes.
16:03 So it's a process. Go ahead, brother Johnny.
16:04 It is a process
16:06 and it's a marvelous, wonderful process
16:07 that we participate in.
16:10 We submit and allow the Lord to change us.
16:15 It's just a moulding process.
16:17 And it's very interesting,
16:18 I like one of the things that I see in the life of Peter
16:22 and I'll take you to the scene when he was denying Christ.
16:27 Yes.
16:28 And Jesus was being judged by the high priest
16:33 and the scribes and the Pharisees.
16:36 And there, several said, "You're one of them."
16:41 And at one point, he was said,
16:44 actually it's the last time they asked him,
16:47 "You are one of them because you talk like them."
16:50 Yeah.
16:51 And Peter, through the three and a half years
16:54 that he was with Jesus
16:56 may not have noticed that he was being transformed,
16:58 that his speech was changed.
17:01 He was a fisherman
17:02 and his words were prior to Christ very crude and,
17:06 but now he's talking differently.
17:09 And they say, "You're talking like Him."
17:10 And then he realized he's talking like Jesus,
17:12 so he changed.
17:13 He decided to go back to his former way of speaking.
17:17 And so we have that option to go back into the former way
17:21 but it's better to let Christ transform us.
17:25 Amen. And, you know what?
17:26 That's, adding on to that, I think where we fail is
17:29 when we try and do things in our strength.
17:32 Yes.
17:33 God's strength is made perfect in our weakness
17:36 but we have to recognize that we're weak
17:38 and we need God to change us.
17:41 Can I share something with you guys?
17:42 Please. Oh, yeah.
17:44 This comes from 'Steps to Christ' page 43.
17:47 'The whole heart must be yielded to God
17:49 or the change can never be wrought in us
17:51 by which we are to be restored to His likeness.
17:53 By nature, we are alienated from God.
17:56 God desires to heal us, to set us free.
17:59 But since this requires an entire transformation,
18:01 a renewing of our whole nature,
18:03 we must yield ourselves wholly to Him.'
18:07 So it's not like a partial thing.
18:10 It's not a only on Sabbath thing.
18:12 It's... Yes.
18:14 Gotta yield your whole heart to the Lord
18:16 and let Him work on you, in you and through you
18:20 to bring about that change
18:22 and by beholding, we become changed.
18:24 So what we're putting into our minds,
18:26 what we're focusing on and dwelling on,
18:29 that brings about that change.
18:31 If you're polluting your mind, it's just like you're gas tank.
18:34 If your gas tank takes 93 and you're putting 87
18:38 or what's the other one?
18:40 85. Oh, yeah. That's right.
18:42 In your gas tank, it's not gonna run very well.
18:45 You know, your life is not going to be running well.
18:49 So to speak if you're putting,
18:51 if you're polluting your mind with a bunch of filth.
18:54 Well, Ecclesiastes 3, you know,
18:56 to everything there is a season.
18:58 You know, we, everything transforms around us.
19:01 You know, sometimes,
19:03 we look at the word, transformation,
19:06 transformed in Christ
19:07 and for someone that is not as familiar
19:11 with the Christian terminology or...
19:14 Christianese. Yes.
19:16 How do I understand...
19:19 Yes. That I want the transformation?
19:22 How can I identify the transformation
19:24 that I need in my life?
19:26 I think that gradually we see how we are...
19:29 I remember when I got here to,
19:32 when I got married with John Dinzey in '94,
19:36 he was here in 86, 87, you started?
19:39 89. 89.
19:41 And I was fighting.
19:43 I said, "Lord, what am I doing here?
19:46 I don't like this place. These people are weird."
19:49 You know. "It's just...
19:51 I can't, I could not acclimate to,
19:53 from the country living
19:55 and bunch of people home schooling their kids.
19:59 Oh, my, I am in the wrong area, I married a wrong man, Lord.
20:03 What is happening?" You know.
20:05 Well, since I wasn't here at that time,
20:06 I wont take any offence to what you've said.
20:09 And since I was born in '86...
20:12 Oh, excuse me. Well, I didn't know.
20:15 I'm just giving you a hard time, go ahead.
20:19 Well...
20:21 It wasn't a fit for you...
20:23 It was not a fit and everybody,
20:26 it's just the whole culture thing.
20:28 It was shocking.
20:29 I came in from, well, I'm originally,
20:33 I was born and raised in Puerto Rico.
20:35 I moved into Chicago.
20:37 And then from there,
20:39 my mom was looking for a small community.
20:41 So we went to Zion working
20:43 and ended up in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
20:45 I was very active
20:46 in seven Hispanic Spanish-speaking churches,
20:49 so I've never been in a English congregation.
20:51 Yes, that's a change. So that was the change.
20:54 And you're like, "What am I doing here?"
20:56 And I was staying at home,
20:58 eventually I started volunteering at 3ABN,
21:01 but even volunteering here,
21:04 I would just look at the people here,
21:06 I mean, everyone, "Who are these people?
21:09 What are we doing here?
21:10 Is this God's plan for me to be here?"
21:12 So I don't know
21:14 when the transformation took place
21:18 but it was gradual.
21:20 And it was incredible when I found myself saying,
21:25 when I went back home,
21:26 "I can't wait to go back to Southern Illinois."
21:30 I mean, to visit family in Wisconsin in Chicago area.
21:34 I'm like, my heart is in Southern Illinois,
21:36 my heart is at 3ABN, you know,
21:39 and there's nothing I wouldn't do for the ministry.
21:42 And we have said, you know, as long as our roof is sure
21:46 and food on the table, we don't care
21:47 if we don't even get paid.
21:49 We'll just go to work for the Lord at 3ABN.
21:51 Amen.
21:52 So how does a person get from fighting these "demons"
21:58 because I wanna just this culture,
22:01 this environment...
22:02 You wanted to leave. Oh, yes.
22:04 I wanted to leave
22:06 and I was just battling it and I was praying,
22:08 "Lord, give me a heart for this ministry.
22:11 Let me see what this is all about
22:12 'cause I didn't get it".
22:14 But we're talking about transformation
22:17 on the outside and in the inside.
22:19 I think that we both, I think we need to make an effort
22:22 and our effort to show this is what I wanna try to do.
22:26 "Please, Lord, help my effort, you know.
22:28 And help me draw to you
22:30 and give me the transformation that I need."
22:31 And it came. Amen.
22:33 Now it's like, "Oh, I love this place".
22:35 Amen. And we love having you here.
22:37 That's a practical example of what Romans 12 says,
22:40 so let's turn there.
22:41 It reminds me of that when you were sharing that.
22:43 That was a great example because...
22:45 Oh, fantastic.
22:46 That's real life and we all experience real life.
22:49 Romans 12: 1 and 2.
22:53 "I beseech you therefore, brethren,
22:55 by the mercies of God,
22:56 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
22:59 holy, acceptable to God,
23:01 which is your reasonable service".
23:02 And then verse 2 has the word transformation.
23:05 If you're saying, "I don't know what this means."
23:07 "And do not be conformed to this world
23:09 but be transformed".
23:12 Now that we're transformed in the Greek, is metamorphs.
23:16 Metamorphist, it's where we get our English word
23:19 'metamorphist.'
23:20 So it literally means,
23:22 you think about the caterpillar.
23:23 That's right.
23:25 You know, the caterpillar crawling
23:27 and they're on the ground
23:28 and by no effort of their own in their mind can they say,
23:31 "I'm going to begin to fly", 'cause they can't.
23:34 All they do is crawl on their belly.
23:36 But through the power of God, you know, in the caterpillar,
23:40 they form that cocoon.
23:42 Chrysalis cocoon and then they break out.
23:46 And they are butterflies.
23:47 That is a complete revolution, a complete change.
23:51 So it's the same word that Paul used here,
23:53 "Do not be conformed to the world,
23:55 be transformed"
23:57 or a complete change like the metamorphist,
23:59 like the caterpillar.
24:00 "By the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good
24:05 and acceptable in perfect will of God."
24:06 In the New Living translation, renewing of your mind, it says,
24:10 "Be not confirmed to this world,
24:11 be transformed by changing the way you think".
24:16 A mind is a strong...
24:18 The mind...
24:19 Yes.
24:20 No, very true.
24:22 You know, in my Bible here, okay, right after transformed,
24:24 it says, "By the renewing of your mind".
24:27 I have a little note here, It's tough for me
24:29 to even read my own handwriting but I have in here,
24:31 sad is it, to read my own handwriting
24:34 but I have a word here...
24:35 We need reading glasses.
24:37 I will need glasses eventually but I have the little word
24:40 scribbled here that says, renovate,
24:42 which I have the opportunity
24:44 sometimes to doing some renovation on some houses,
24:46 which is really demolition as you call it.
24:49 On your off days...
24:50 That's true. That's true.
24:52 So, yeah, when I think of renovate,
24:54 I think of change.
24:55 Again, transformation, you take care of them,
24:58 something that may be falling apart
24:59 and having a lot of issues and you renovate it
25:02 and you make it something beautiful.
25:04 Something that does practical,
25:05 something you can use from something
25:07 that's basically nothing.
25:08 Something that's useful.
25:10 So to renovate or can I use the word remodel, maybe.
25:13 Yes.
25:14 I don't know, when I think of renovate,
25:15 I think almost of remodeling, as well.
25:17 But the thing is the remodeling process
25:20 isn't just on our own power.
25:21 Is it Pastor Johnny,
25:23 we have to rely upon...
25:24 The Lord.
25:25 And it was beautiful the way each one of us is talking
25:29 but there is this concept of helplessness.
25:35 The Lord's strength is made perfect in weakness.
25:38 When we recognize, understand that of our own, as Jesus says,
25:42 "Without me you can do nothing".
25:45 And so the opposite is true, with Him we can do all things.
25:50 He gives us the power.
25:51 And we provide the will for that to happen.
25:54 And this scripture that,
25:57 Romans 12:1 and 2 is marvelous
25:59 with the first song that we sang.
26:01 Yes. And notice the wording.
26:03 We've sang, 'Lord prepare me to be a Sanctuary,
26:06 pure and holy, tried and true.'
26:08 And this says, "I beseech you therefore,
26:09 brethren, by the mercies of God..."
26:11 Paul understood.
26:13 He understood that we need to submit to God.
26:16 "I beseech you",
26:17 is like, it's like, I'm begging you, please.
26:21 "Brethren, by the mercies of God,
26:23 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
26:26 holy, acceptable unto God, which is", it says,
26:29 "A reasonable service."
26:30 That's like the very least that you can do.
26:33 And this is a passage worthy of study
26:38 and contemplation asking the Lord to help us
26:40 but it is true.
26:42 We have a great need,
26:45 it's a vital need to have our minds
26:48 transformed by the renewing of your mind.
26:52 Because as time goes on, the life choices
26:57 that we make mould our mind into a certain way of thinking,
27:02 a certain way of speaking, a certain way of walking,
27:04 a certain way of eating.
27:06 And, of course, we inherit also,
27:09 hereditary tendencies whether for good or for evil.
27:12 Yeah.
27:14 And so by God's grace, we collaborate with Him,
27:16 be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
27:19 It's a process like we've been talking about.
27:21 But, and, you know, there are many a scriptures
27:24 that we can think of, Jesus said,
27:26 "If you want to follow me,
27:29 take up your cross daily".
27:31 Yes. So it's a daily process.
27:32 It's not one time,
27:34 "I'll take up the cross" and then never do it again.
27:35 Yeah.
27:37 It's a daily process
27:38 and we have to cooperate with the Lord
27:40 for our own benefit.
27:42 Go ahead, Ja.
27:44 I think we should take a look at where change comes from too
27:47 because, I mean, we're born with the propensity to sense.
27:50 So it's only through the Holy Spirit,
27:52 the convicting of the Holy Spirit
27:55 that we realize our need for change.
27:57 That's right.
27:59 Also I like what you're saying about, basically,
28:03 how we need to surrender and follow Christ.
28:09 Christ said that He doesn't do anything
28:12 without the Father.
28:13 That's right.
28:14 I forgot where that's found but He said,
28:16 He doesn't do anything without the Father.
28:17 Now Jesus is saying that
28:20 He doesn't do anything without the Father,
28:22 how are we, as mere mortals, as mere human beings,
28:27 gonna do anything without Christ?
28:29 Yeah. Yeah, that's right.
28:30 It's a good point.
28:32 You know, so I'm thinking then about transformation,
28:34 "Is transformation..."
28:37 I mean, obviously, it's a process,
28:38 but is it something that just takes place at a point,
28:41 okay, now I'm transformed,
28:43 because I think about the butterfly,
28:44 he's now transformed and he's a butterfly.
28:46 So, then, he's done, he's a butterfly,
28:48 there's no more transforming into anything else.
28:51 So as a Christian,
28:52 is there such a thing as a Christian butterfly that,
28:54 okay, now we've arrived and we're now this butterfly
28:57 that needs no more transforming,
28:59 we're talking about that.
29:00 So what do you...
29:02 We've talked about on a daily...
29:03 Something of that where you can start to fall apart
29:05 at a certain level.
29:07 No, no. But you're talking about daily.
29:08 Yes.
29:10 You know, we're talking about transforming.
29:11 So is transformation...
29:12 Okay, now I'm transformed but now it's a daily process
29:14 or is transforming a daily process in itself.
29:16 Sanctification is the worth of a life time.
29:18 That's right. So it's an ongoing process.
29:21 And as brother Johnny was saying,
29:23 like, the hardest thing is dying to self.
29:28 That's true.
29:29 And that is a daily struggle, second by second,
29:33 minute by minute, hour by hour, we have to die to self.
29:36 Self wants to rear up and poke its ugly head out.
29:40 You know, but we have to give it to God
29:42 and let Him work,
29:44 honest and innocent through us.
29:46 Yeah, excellent, well said.
29:47 Being submissive is the hardest things,
29:50 it's because we're just set in our own ways.
29:52 I have learned a lot from my children.
29:55 Sometimes, being a teacher and you too,
29:58 being a music teacher and all,
30:00 I'm sure you've learned lessons from the kids.
30:04 And it's incredible how you see,
30:07 how the Lord is using that child to see myself
30:12 or my faults and you have to be,
30:15 the word is 'humble' to accept that you're wrong
30:20 and accept that a child can correct you.
30:22 Yes.
30:23 Because the Lord will use a child to bring salvation.
30:26 So that is one lesson that I really thank the Lord
30:31 for the opportunity of working with the children.
30:32 Amen.
30:34 They reflect and they show you
30:36 what the areas that you'd need to...
30:37 And thanks for me. Yeah, growing.
30:39 Kids are pretty honest. Oh.
30:41 You're really honest.
30:43 Yes. That's true. I love it.
30:45 I like to say, you know,
30:48 I have never heard anybody express themselves,
30:51 "Look, there is a flying caterpillar."
30:53 Okay.
30:54 No, they call it a butterfly.
30:56 They only see the...
30:57 Right.
30:58 I believe the Lord has placed a nature,
31:00 things to help us understand spiritual things.
31:02 I agree.
31:04 And the transformation that takes place
31:05 in the caterpillar
31:07 that is a worm just on the ground
31:10 and you look at it and you're not attracted,
31:12 "Oh, this is such a beautiful little creature."
31:16 Very few children like to play with caterpillars.
31:18 They do.
31:19 But the caterpillar turns into a butterfly
31:21 by a process that the Lord makes happen.
31:25 Amen. Is it a painful process?
31:28 I have to talk to a caterpillar to find out.
31:32 But we see that the coming out of the cocoon is difficult
31:35 because, you know, if you try to help them...
31:36 Yes.
31:37 It's in the struggle that the wings become strong.
31:39 Oh, exactly. Yeah.
31:41 So that means in the process...
31:42 There is a process. There is pain.
31:44 I mean, there is...
31:47 Your children or co-workers or spouse
31:49 or God brings circumstances into your life that show you,
31:53 "Wow, my heart is not surrendered."
31:54 I see.
31:56 "My heart is still not like Jesus."
31:58 And so it grows us. Yes, yes. That's right.
32:00 I'm sorry, brother John. No, no, it's wonderful.
32:03 Each one of us, God works
32:07 at where we are to lead us to be like Jesus.
32:11 Yes.
32:12 One of the things I used to do when I was younger,
32:13 I used to listen to a lot of secular music.
32:16 Not the heavy rock things.
32:17 I know people have different taste.
32:19 I used to like the softer things.
32:23 However, I used to listen to it so much that I could,
32:29 when the song first starts, two or three notes, I can say,
32:32 "Oh, that's such and such a song.
32:34 And then one day, I'm in my car and the Lord said, the Lord,
32:39 it's like He spoke to me.
32:40 I'm not telling I heard an audible word
32:42 but I know He spoke to me and said something like this,
32:46 "Son, you listen to a lot of this
32:49 and it's not good for you."
32:52 And it was an immediate, "Yes, Lord.
32:55 I understand.
32:57 You're right."
32:58 And I turned off the radio and from that day I decided to,
33:01 I'm just gonna listen to Christian music.
33:03 Wow.
33:04 But it's a yielding process,
33:06 the Lord leads us to make decisions
33:08 along the way that we are transformed
33:11 by the renewing of your mind.
33:12 Of your mind. Yes.
33:13 I made a decision to allow the Lord to change my tastes.
33:18 And so I like to look at this verse
33:19 because we're talking about the butterfly,
33:24 it's now a butterfly, not a caterpillar anymore.
33:28 But for us, it's a daily process.
33:30 And this verse helps us to understand when it's done
33:33 because I don't think anyone can say, "That's it.
33:37 I'm all right."
33:38 That's right. No more, I'm perfect.
33:40 That's right. I agree a 100%.
33:42 That's right. And here's Philippians.
33:43 Oh, good. Philippians 1:6.
33:45 Oh, I like this one.
33:47 And the, notice...
33:48 Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians.
33:50 Yes. Chapter 1.
33:51 Chapter 1 and verse 6.
33:53 It says, "Being confident..."
33:56 I like the way it starts from the beginning.
33:57 "Of this very thing that He..."
33:59 that is Jesus Christ,
34:01 "Which have begun a good work in you
34:04 will perform it when until the day of Jesus Christ."
34:08 So this is the process that lasts until...
34:11 The day of Jesus Christ.
34:13 And it is at that moment
34:15 and that is described in I Corinthians 15,
34:20 it says that "We will all be..."
34:21 Be changed
34:22 "Changed..." In a moment.
34:24 "In a moment, in the blinking of an eye...
34:25 In the blinking of an eye.
34:27 At the last trump."
34:28 There's a time when you are settled
34:29 into the truth.
34:31 And, you know, you look at Revelation 22
34:32 where it says, "Let him," God makes that,
34:34 God makes that determination,
34:36 the time of grace closes, it says,
34:37 "Let him who is filthy be filthy still.
34:39 Let him who is holy be holy still."
34:42 So there's that process that the Lord is...
34:45 That, I'm making that person holy.
34:46 Yes.
34:47 And you are settled in that
34:49 but it's God that makes that happen.
34:50 Amen.
34:52 You said, something like, people don't say,
34:55 "Oh, there goes a flying caterpillar."
34:56 I love that. I love that. Me too.
34:58 Because looking at II Corinthians 5:17.
35:02 That's right. Wonderful.
35:04 It's a good verse.
35:05 "Therefore, if any man be in Christ,
35:08 he is a new creature."
35:10 That's right.
35:11 "Old things are passed away, behold,
35:13 all things are become new."
35:15 Amen. A new creature.
35:16 So it's not the, to say,
35:18 "It's not a flying caterpillar now.
35:20 It's a butterfly, you know." Amen.
35:23 So I love that. That's great.
35:25 In correlation with what you just said, Ja,
35:27 let's go to Ephesians, that reminds me of that.
35:29 It talks the same process,
35:30 the old has gone away and the new has come.
35:34 If you look at Ephesians 4, I think we're in 22 to 24.
35:39 And it's the same concept where we're putting off the old
35:42 and then putting on the new.
35:44 Amen.
35:45 "That you put off concerning your former conduct,
35:47 the old man which grows corrupt
35:50 according to the deceitful lusts
35:52 and be renewed..."
35:53 there is our word, "In the spirit of your mind
35:56 that you put on the new man
35:58 which was created according to God,
35:59 in true righteousness and holiness."
36:02 And to me, it takes II Corinthians 5
36:04 and it even expounds on it further,
36:06 instead of just saying,
36:07 "The old is gone, the new has come."
36:09 This explains a little bit of the process,
36:11 that verse in the middle,
36:12 "Be renewed in the spirit of your mind."
36:14 That process there. Amen.
36:16 Yeah, I think about the story of Saul to Paul.
36:21 I mean, that was dramatic, wasn't it?
36:22 Didn't you say the definition in the beginning,
36:25 it was a dramatic change, transformation.
36:27 Yes, sir, thorough complete change.
36:29 But I think about that, that was dramatic.
36:31 It was basically a direct turn around from his direction...
36:33 Yes.
36:34 You know, he was going to serving the Lord.
36:37 Yeah, I mean, with all of his heart.
36:39 You know, so that's dramatic for sure.
36:41 Nebuchadnezzar too.
36:43 King Nebuchadnezzar, he went from like,
36:45 one extreme to the other extreme.
36:47 It was, yeah.
36:49 But, you know, don't you think,
36:50 even though it is dramatic
36:51 that God by His spirit is leading ahead of time.
36:54 Yes.
36:55 You think of Nebuchadnezzar, he dramatically fell.
36:57 In that moment, God's voice came from heaven
37:00 and he was made like an ox and he ate the grass
37:03 but that was a process,
37:04 God had given him the warning a whole year before, saying,
37:07 humble your heart.
37:09 But he wouldn't. And he wouldn't listen.
37:10 So I think, day by day,
37:12 he hardened his heart against God.
37:14 He allowed pride to build up and then that was an instant,
37:18 in it the outward people, it looked instant.
37:22 And same thing with Saul.
37:23 Don't you think the Holy spirit was working on his heart
37:25 even when he's persecuting and killing Christians.
37:28 Well, I think he saw the stoning of Stephen.
37:29 The stoning of Steven.
37:30 The Bible gives us a little glimpse into that.
37:32 So outwardly, it might look instant
37:34 but the Holy spirit's been at work a long time.
37:36 Yeah. Yes.
37:37 And you wanna make sure you humble yourself.
37:39 You don't want to have to be...
37:41 You don't wanna have to experience God humbling you.
37:43 Humbling you.
37:44 'Cause it can be...
37:47 Quite intent.
37:49 That's true.
37:50 Do you think you wanna meet Saul
37:52 when he was in the persecuting stage?
37:53 No.
37:54 But it is a time that God's Holy spirit
38:00 is working on each person.
38:02 Leading them little by little to understand
38:06 and when we see the results,
38:08 it's for someone looking like, "Wow, look at the change."
38:13 Yes.
38:15 And Saul's conversion is dramatic
38:19 because of what he was.
38:21 Yes. That's right.
38:22 He says, he was exceedingly mad and he forced them to...
38:28 What's the word I'm looking for?
38:29 He forced them to confess that, you know, that God was,
38:33 that Jesus was not the Christ and things like that.
38:36 So when he was converted, they were like, "Wait a minute.
38:38 Isn't that..."
38:40 It was, it was something unbelievable.
38:42 But that's the power of God.
38:43 Amen. That's the power of God.
38:45 I remember when we went to, I went to visit in Wisconsin
38:49 and I went to a particular store.
38:51 And I was just doing, minding my own business
38:54 and just going on and somebody said, "Excuse me?"
39:00 I said, "Yes.
39:02 Did you study at such as school?"
39:03 "Yes."
39:05 "Are you so and so?"
39:07 Idalia Maria Rita, you know,
39:08 that is my maiden last name.
39:11 I said, "Yes, I am."
39:12 I did not recognize the person and she says, "Are you Idalia?
39:19 De Jesus?" I'm like, "Yes. Why?
39:22 Am I in trouble?"
39:24 "No, you're demeanor.
39:26 Everything has changed about you."
39:27 Praise the Lord.
39:28 "I don't know, where have you been,
39:30 what have you done."
39:31 I'm like, "Well, I gave my life to Christ."
39:34 "I got re-baptized in the church
39:36 and the Lord has transformed my life."
39:39 Yes.
39:40 I was like, and transforming here,
39:43 today, you know.
39:44 And I praise the Lord for that.
39:46 But I never saw myself
39:49 or imagined that somebody would see myself.
39:52 Well, yes, I was bad.
39:54 I mean, I used to get suspended from school
39:57 and fights and this and that.
39:59 Yes, anyway, and then,
40:02 somebody to just be impacted by the Christ in me,
40:07 you know, without me even realizing it.
40:09 So it's the Lord transforming us.
40:13 If we want to have it, we can have it.
40:16 Amen.
40:17 Right, so...
40:19 A lot of these verses that we read talk of decision,
40:23 you know, you read here
40:26 Ephesians 4 and 22.
40:30 It says that, it says, "That ye put off..."
40:34 it's a decision.
40:35 "And be renewed..."
40:37 that's a decision.
40:38 "And that ye put on the new man..."
40:39 another decision.
40:41 It's good.
40:42 John 3:16, "For God so loved the world
40:44 that He gave His only begotten son,
40:45 that whosever believeth..."
40:47 a decision to believe or not to believe.
40:48 Right.
40:50 "Let this light therefore, let your light..."
40:51 another decision.
40:52 So shine.
40:54 "So shine before men,
40:55 that they may see your good works..."
40:57 decision after decision needs to be made
40:58 in favor of being transformed.
41:00 Yes.
41:02 And when we do, we are happier by it.
41:05 You know, the decisions that we make
41:07 just like what you were mentioning,
41:10 in my home, when I was growing up,
41:12 it's funny because I used to love secular music.
41:16 And then all of a sudden I'm just playing the,
41:19 in my teenage years, out of all the years,
41:21 I started listening to Christian music.
41:22 Amen. Wow.
41:24 And my folks and my family continued listening to secular
41:27 and I was listening to Christian.
41:29 And all of a sudden, my parents noticed
41:33 the difference and then they stopped listening to secular
41:37 and started listening to the Christian music.
41:39 But all of a sudden,
41:41 I'm offered to be an assistant DJ, right?
41:46 At a radio station.
41:48 Not at a Christian...
41:49 Not at a Christian radio station.
41:50 In a secular radio station.
41:54 And, you know, I'd have to say I did take the job
41:58 but I didn't last long in it because it just,
42:01 my heart was no longer into the secular music.
42:04 Praise the Lord. It's not a mate.
42:07 And it's incredible how life takes its turns and curves
42:11 and the transformation comes without you even realizing it.
42:16 You know, like, I'm not into this anymore.
42:18 Yeah.
42:19 Well, go ahead. You know, okay.
42:20 Going to Ephesians 4, sweetie,
42:22 you've just read in Ephesians 4:22,
42:25 "That you put off concerning the former conversation
42:27 and the old man", you know, I was thinking, Pastor,
42:29 what you were saying, you've made a conscious decision.
42:32 Yes. Turn that radio off.
42:35 You know, my dad described when I was a child, he said,
42:37 "Think of having two paths," like dirt paths.
42:40 And he said, "If you go down the wrong path," as in the say,
42:43 choosing secular music or other things
42:45 that God doesn't want us to do
42:48 and you keep going down that path,
42:49 that path will become then a rut, you know,
42:51 because you'll kick out the dirt
42:52 and it'll get deeper and deeper.
42:54 But when you start choosing Jesus
42:56 and forget that path,
42:58 let's say this pick music for that,
43:00 the example you've brought up, yes.
43:02 And you decided to go down the path
43:04 that God wanted you to go,
43:06 then that path will become deeper and deeper
43:08 and the other one will start to fill in, you know,
43:09 the rains, so to speak and pretty soon
43:10 that path won't be there.
43:12 Grass will grow in
43:13 and it won't be a well used rut.
43:15 My dad said, "You want to get a rut",
43:16 you know, when you're in the right direction,
43:18 deep, you want to trench.
43:20 You want just a path, you want to trench.
43:22 So as it takes time,
43:23 that's that process that we're talking about
43:25 because sometimes things are just dramatic
43:27 for some people and for others, I know, even in my own life,
43:30 it's a decision like, no, and yes, for this.
43:35 And it's like, boy, both paths are fairly strong, you know.
43:37 But then after a while,
43:39 this one will become deeper and deeper
43:40 or this will become deeper and deeper for Christ.
43:43 You know, as I, you know, don't listen to the radio.
43:45 And then after a while passed, you've probably noticed
43:47 when you went into a store and some song came on,
43:48 you're like, "Boy, I don't even know who that is
43:50 or what that musical bizarre,
43:51 even the name of that song anymore?"
43:53 Do you know the way you've explained that
43:56 is marvelous
43:57 because what happens is that as we make these decisions,
44:02 these conscious yes, you're following the Lord,
44:05 you're choosing Jesus.
44:07 It will become as a natural to do good.
44:10 Yes.
44:12 As it was as natural to do evil in the past.
44:14 That's what God wants to do in each one of us.
44:16 It reminds of Galatians 6:9, you know,
44:19 "Whatsoever a man sows that shall he reap."
44:21 So if we sow to the flesh, we reap corruption.
44:25 If we sow to the spirit, we reap everlasting life
44:28 and that could sound a kind of,
44:30 "Oh, that's philosophical and I don't get that."
44:32 But in practical terms,
44:33 it's what we've been discussing.
44:35 If I choose, we're using example on music,
44:37 that secular music, if I choose that TV program
44:40 that has violence and sexual content
44:42 and whatever,
44:44 I'm going to develop the rut towards sin,
44:47 toward the pleasures of sin,
44:48 toward the passions of the world.
44:50 If I choose to spend time in the Word of God,
44:54 if I choose to share with Godly friends and family,
44:58 if I choose to pray and to surrender
45:01 and to choose Jesus way, that rut becomes deeper.
45:05 That's beautiful, what God wants to do.
45:07 It's right, absolutely.
45:09 We have the choice to choose life
45:11 or we can choose death.
45:12 Yeah.
45:14 We've all been sentenced to death
45:16 but Christ died in our place to pay death for us,
45:19 so that we don't have to experience that
45:21 but we have to make the choice, to serve Him.
45:25 Amen.
45:26 I just wanna encourage those
45:27 that are in prison that are watching,
45:31 that is your cocoon right now, you know, all of a sudden...
45:34 That's good.
45:35 I just feel the impression that, you are in a cocoon
45:38 because for whatever consequences
45:41 you ended up in prison
45:43 but you have the opportunity to focus,
45:47 you know, and God that loves you,
45:51 that forgives you,
45:52 that is willing to transform your life
45:55 into a peaceful plentiest life, right?
45:58 In Christ.
45:59 So I remember I'm going to Prison Ministries
46:02 every Sabbath, to visit a friend of ours
46:07 and the kids were babies and people will be like,
46:10 "Don't take the babies in there.
46:11 They're gonna think that it's okay to live in prison,
46:14 they're gonna think it's okay."
46:16 But, you know, they know that it's not okay
46:20 and it's your duty as an adult to bring into them,
46:24 it's okay to do good,
46:25 it doesn't matter how deep the people have gone,
46:28 there's always an opportunity to help people...
46:31 In their transformation process because Johnny has been part
46:36 of my transformation process in my life.
46:38 Amen, great.
46:40 You have been a transformation...
46:41 All of us do.
46:42 And, yes, exactly, and our family in Christ
46:44 because if we don't have the support of each other,
46:46 yes, the Lord will do His work with or without us
46:50 but how beautiful it is for God's children
46:53 just to pull together and see God's plans unfold
46:56 before our very eyes in your life, you know,
46:58 I think about your testimony and I always choke up.
47:01 Yes.
47:02 Praise the Lord for your transformation.
47:04 And you should have heard him share at prison,
47:06 same thing what God did and...
47:09 And where you were in, the transformation
47:11 that God sent in your life is incredible.
47:12 Yes, it's a miracle.
47:15 My mom, you know, sometimes we'll talk and she's like,
47:19 "Look at where you are today."
47:21 And she's like, you know,
47:24 "Not too long ago you didn't even,
47:26 you didn't want anything to do spiritual things.
47:28 When I talked to you about God,
47:29 you wouldn't be disrespectful
47:31 but you just didn't wanna hear about Him, like, you didn't..."
47:33 I didn't wanted...
47:35 I wasn't spiritual at the time,
47:36 like, I didn't wanna go to church,
47:38 I didn't wanna, I wanted to do what I wanted to do.
47:40 Yes.
47:41 And I saw where that lead
47:43 and that didn't lead in a positive direction
47:46 and I knew that, I was weak
47:49 and I couldn't depend on my own strength,
47:52 you know, I had to look to the Lord
47:54 and it was the Holy Spirit that really had been tugging
47:57 and pulling in my heart
47:59 and working on me and finally...
48:00 Amen.
48:02 Coming out here for that day of prayer was amazing.
48:04 Yeah, I remember that.
48:05 Because, Mr. Danny was saying,
48:06 Danny Shelton was saying that if you leave this place
48:10 and you can't get it out of your mind,
48:12 then this is where God would have you to be.
48:14 And I was working 70 hour work weeks.
48:17 And I went back to Atlanta
48:18 and I was just thinking 3ABN, 3ABN, 3ABN
48:22 and I'm like, but those are cornfield,
48:25 there is nothing there in a cornfield,
48:26 not a lot of good response.
48:28 We understand.
48:29 And but I was like, you know what?
48:31 I'm gonna stop fighting God as I had for all these years
48:34 and finally, surrendered.
48:36 Amen.
48:37 And that was the best decision that I've ever made.
48:39 Yes. Praise the Lord.
48:41 Best, because, I also...
48:43 It's like, I was talking to the ladies
48:46 about this at the prison,
48:48 is that God wants to restore us,
48:50 it's a law abiding citizens.
48:52 Yes.
48:53 And we just have to let Him like the,
48:57 how we're talking about perspective...
48:59 Yeah.
49:00 How we view God's laws like, the ten commandments,
49:04 I've used to look at it as a burden,
49:06 you mean, I can't watch all the best cartoons,
49:08 everything comes on on Saturday.
49:11 I can't do X, Y and Z.
49:14 But it's out of love that He gives us these laws
49:18 that's gonna help extend and prolong our lives,
49:20 that's gonna lead to a happier life,
49:23 that's gonna lead to eternal life...
49:26 And it's, yes, it's hedge of protection around us,
49:29 it's for our benefit.
49:30 You know, so, I mean, looking at it,
49:33 seeing it on this side, I would much rather be on this side...
49:37 Than the side I was on a while ago.
49:40 Amen. Praise the Lord.
49:42 Let's see if we can get one more Bible verse in,
49:44 let's go to Ezekiel 36.
49:46 Great.
49:48 And praise God for the transformation,
49:49 you know...
49:51 He wants to work in each one of our hearts and lives.
49:53 Ezekiel 36, and whoever gets there,
49:56 if you wanna read them.
49:57 Sure.
49:59 24 through 28.
50:01 Yes.
50:03 "'For I will take you from among the heathen
50:06 and gather you out of all countries,
50:09 and will bring you into your own land.
50:13 Then will I sprinkle clean water up on you,
50:16 and you shall be clean, from all your filthiness
50:20 and from all your idols will I cleanse you.
50:24 A new heart also will I give you,
50:26 a new spirit will I put within you,
50:30 and I will take away the stony heart
50:33 out of your flesh
50:36 and I will give you a heart of flesh.
50:39 And I will put my Spirit within you
50:42 and cause you to walk in my statutes,
50:46 and you shall keep my judgments and do them."
50:49 Amen.
50:50 I love that verse. Oh, yeah.
50:52 I don't know what it says to all of you
50:54 but to me it says, first of all,
50:55 God wants to take me out from where I was...
50:59 From the heathen, from the life of sin
51:02 and He says, "I wanna pull you out of that, Jill,
51:04 I wanna clean you."
51:06 Amen. "And sprinkle clean water.
51:08 I wanna purify you,
51:09 I wanna forgive you of your sins
51:12 and then I'm not gonna say,
51:14 'Okay, now you have to stumble along as a child,'
51:16 I'm going to put my Spirit in you,
51:19 take out that hard heart that's resistant to my way
51:23 and I'm gonna put in you a heart of flesh
51:25 and I will put my Spirit within you."
51:27 Amen.
51:28 It's a beautiful testimony
51:30 of what God wants to do in our lives.
51:31 He gave the ten commandments but then He didn't say,
51:33 "Okay, now keep them."
51:35 He said, "I will put them in your heart."
51:37 In your heart. Amen.
51:38 I think one of the key things that you mentioned,
51:40 Ja, was, the part of transformation
51:43 is really surrender to Jesus Christ,
51:44 that's the beginning.
51:46 Saying, "Okay, God, here I am." Yes.
51:48 "Make me into who you want me to be."
51:50 For me, to be willing, to be willing...
51:52 That's right. Yes.
51:54 Yeah, that's right.
51:56 It's just laying it all and giving it all
51:57 to Jesus Christ
51:58 and that's the beginning of transformation.
52:00 You know what are the steps, giving it all to Jesus Christ.
52:02 Well, our time is going quickly, isn't it?
52:04 This family worship's been great,
52:05 we like to spend some time in prayer.
52:07 Amen.
52:08 And, Pastor John, do you wanna start,
52:10 we'll just go around the circle?
52:11 Sure.
52:13 Our loving heavenly Father,
52:15 we want to thank you so much, Lord,
52:18 that as we enter into the Sabbath hours.
52:20 Yes.
52:21 Or as we are finishing,
52:23 we pray that you will help us to always remember
52:25 and that you have promised to always be with us
52:29 and never forsake us.
52:31 We thank you, Lord,
52:33 for the things that we have heard and shared,
52:36 we pray, Lord, that you will help us all
52:38 to choose to follow Jesus.
52:41 Yes.
52:42 We ask you, Father, to help us understand
52:43 even more of the wonderful things
52:46 you have to teach us.
52:47 Amen.
52:49 We pray, Father, for you to be
52:50 with each one of our listeners and viewers
52:52 and lead them in their lives, Father,
52:54 that they may taste and see that you're good.
52:56 Thank you.
52:57 We ask you for these things, in Jesus name.
52:59 Amen.
53:01 And, Lord, we thank you for your transforming power.
53:03 Amen.
53:05 Thank you, Father, for the hope we have in Christ,
53:07 help us to be willing to be willing to do your will
53:11 and have our hearts, "Here I am, Lord.
53:13 Change my heart."
53:15 And I pray, Father, that as you transform our lives,
53:19 others will be drawn to you.
53:21 Yes. Thank you. Amen.
53:24 Dear heavenly Father, we thank you so much
53:26 for second chance opportunities.
53:28 We thank you that you sent the Holy Spirit
53:30 to convict us of our need for change.
53:33 We thank you for transforming us
53:36 from the inside out
53:37 and bringing about genuine change
53:40 and that behavior of modification.
53:42 Lord, we thank you for your loving,
53:46 your love, your compassion, your mercy
53:49 and your desire to restore us
53:51 to law abiding citizens, Father.
53:53 I ask that whoever is watching this program,
53:56 our viewers, our listeners,
53:58 that they would want and have a strong desire
54:02 for that change, Lord,
54:03 that you would come into their lives
54:05 and that you would transform them
54:06 from the inside out as time is running out,
54:10 there is a sense of urgency,
54:12 our prophecy is being fulfilled.
54:14 That's right.
54:15 It's time to get right with you,
54:17 now there is no time to delay.
54:18 Yes.
54:19 So please be with them and transform them
54:21 and continue working
54:23 and refining our characters as well,
54:25 in Jesus name, amen.
54:27 Amen.
54:28 Father, I come in agreement
54:29 with my brothers and sisters here
54:31 and those at home and we thank you
54:33 for the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
54:35 We thank you for the blood of Jesus
54:38 to cleanse us from all of sin.
54:40 We thank you that you want to change us,
54:43 make us into the image of Jesus
54:45 and transform our lives, our hearts, our characters
54:49 so that Jesus could shine out to others.
54:53 We just pray for our brothers and sisters
54:55 at home right now and in our lives
54:58 that you would do a new thing and we thank you in Jesus name.
55:01 Amen.
55:03 Father in heaven, we're so grateful
55:04 for your transforming power
55:07 that you're so willing to give to each one of us.
55:11 I know today as we've been studying your Word
55:13 and on the topic of transformation,
55:15 that I have been convicted that many times
55:18 you've spoken to me and I have resisted so,
55:21 Lord, I just wanna again surrender my life to you...
55:23 That's right.
55:24 And when you're speaking that I would listen right away.
55:28 Amen.
55:29 We think of those that are at home that today
55:31 are just like, "Oh, God, I want my stony heart taken out."
55:34 That's right.
55:36 And I want Christ in my own heart
55:39 and so, Father, just we thank you
55:41 for the decisions that I know are being made.
55:43 Now for you so, Father, we're grateful
55:46 that you're so willing to provide
55:49 such wonderful things
55:50 to each one us and as you hear these cries of help,
55:51 Father, you listen...
55:53 Amen.
55:54 You will attend to each one
55:55 and in Jesus name we pray, amen.
55:57 Amen.
55:58 Thank you all so much for sharing.
56:00 Our time has gone quickly.
56:02 We just have a couple of moments.
56:03 We'll start with brother Johnny.
56:05 Would you like to each give us a closing thought?
56:07 I think I like to leave with the thought,
56:11 'Taste and see that the Lord is good.'
56:12 That the Lord is good. Amen.
56:14 Amen. Amen.
56:15 Well, "God is never too busy to turn to your needs
56:20 and God wants to transform your life."
56:22 Amen.
56:23 Fantastic. Ja?
56:25 "I will say that you've tried everything your way
56:27 and that didn't work, you know, so why not try Christ,
56:32 you have nothing to lose and everything to gain."
56:33 That's right. Amen. Praise the Lord.
56:35 Well said.
56:36 I like to pray the Bible also over on lives
56:40 and I think of Psalms 51:10,
56:43 I mean, there's multiple text in the Bible.
56:45 "Now create in me."
56:46 Amen. Create in you.
56:48 Amen.
56:49 "A clean heart, oh, God
56:52 and renew a right sprit within me."
56:55 Amen.
56:56 Praise God for the transforming work.
56:58 I like II Corinthians 3:18, we referenced it earlier.
57:01 We did.
57:02 "That by beholding, we become changed."
57:05 With open face, beholding the glory of the Lord.
57:08 So we wanna encourage you this week, everyday,
57:11 behold Jesus and by doing that
57:14 we would be transformed into His image.
57:16 Yeah, absolutely.
57:18 And we thank you for joining us
57:20 as you do each and everyday and for this family worship,
57:22 we hope that you have a wonderful Sabbath
57:25 and that as Jesus is in you...
57:26 Amen.
57:28 That as referenced earlier,
57:29 that you would shine out to others
57:30 and that you will be a powerful witness,
57:32 that we will be a powerful witness
57:33 for Jesus Christ.
57:34 That's right.
57:36 God bless and again, happy Sabbath.
57:37 Happy Sabbath. Sabbath.


Revised 2017-01-05