Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John and Angela Lomacang (Host), Dee Casper, Luis Capote, Lecia Marr-Bromley


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016034A

00:01 I want to spend my life Spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I wanna spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words Let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I wanna spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I wanna spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and happy Sabbath
01:09 and welcome to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:11 We are so thankful that we have this opportunity
01:15 to come into your home on the Sabbath
01:16 and have worship with you.
01:18 Good.
01:19 What an exciting thing to do, isn't it?
01:20 I think it's exciting, yes.
01:22 And, you know, as we hear back from you folks at home,
01:24 it sounds like many of you have been blessed by it too.
01:27 I know we are always blessed as we sit around this table.
01:30 And we have some 3ABN family with us.
01:32 To my left, is brother Greg
01:34 and his lovely wife, Jill Morikone.
01:37 Good to be here.
01:38 It's always a blessing to spend time with you
01:39 at family worship.
01:41 Oh, merci.
01:42 And then, of course, to my right, Pastor Kenny
01:44 and I'm Chris Shelton by the way.
01:45 That's the way.
01:46 And then over to our right is sister Mollie Steenson.
01:49 And, Mollie Steenson,
01:50 we are always on our best behavior
01:52 every time you're here.
01:53 That's right. We promise.
01:55 Just be yourself
01:56 which is usually really good behavior I must say.
02:01 Well, the Lord is good, the Lord is good.
02:03 Amen.
02:05 You know, today our theme is entitled, 'God is love.'
02:09 And as I was praying for something yesterday,
02:11 it just seemed like the Lord led me to this.
02:14 And there had been so many things going on
02:17 even in our own family and around the world.
02:20 Yes. That's true.
02:22 You know, around the world,
02:23 I had trouble even going to sleep last night
02:25 because there was an evangelist that put on our Facebook
02:28 about a war that has started in Uganda
02:30 and they took graphic pictures.
02:32 Oh, my. And I was just so heart broken.
02:34 Yeah.
02:36 And I laid there and I prayed for a few hours
02:38 and then you've got all these fires
02:40 and more earthquakes around the world
02:43 that is doing such terrible damage.
02:46 You have people that are fighting diseases
02:49 and loss of life everywhere we turn
02:51 and we realize
02:53 that as the time grows closer to Christ's second coming,
02:56 that these things are gonna continue to increase.
02:57 Yeah. Right.
02:59 So these promises...
03:01 And going back and reminding us that God is love...
03:04 Yes. Is essential. Yes, it is.
03:05 It's essential
03:07 because we are not gonna make it through
03:09 these dark days
03:10 and these dark hours without those promises.
03:12 I think we're together,
03:14 I know God's gonna do something good
03:16 and we're gonna bring some promises
03:17 that we can hold on to today.
03:19 Yeah, we can encourage the folks
03:20 that when these things happen,
03:21 we all know this, we're seeing in the world.
03:23 Oh, yeah.
03:24 It tells us that Christ is coming but Jesus said,
03:27 "Lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh,
03:31 " That has always given me encouragement and hope.
03:34 That's right.
03:35 And strength because I'm thinking,
03:36 "Oh, look at this.
03:38 Oh, Lord, what's going on?"
03:39 Jesus said, "Lift up your head, Kenny..."
03:41 Amen. "I'm coming soon.
03:42 I'm gonna cut this short in righteousness.
03:43 I'm gonna take you home to spend eternity."
03:45 So it's an encouraging thing.
03:47 It is and I'm thinking about we, who know,
03:50 like Danny is always saying,
03:51 "We've read the end of the book..."
03:53 Yeah. That's right.
03:54 "We know how things are going to wind up"
03:55 Yes.
03:57 But there are so many that don't.
03:58 That's right.
04:00 And so you have this wonderful opportunity here
04:02 as we do see things getting,
04:04 waxing worse and worse to share with those
04:08 that don't know the truth.
04:09 They don't have the truth as you do.
04:11 Share with them the good news
04:13 and the love of the Lord, Jesus Christ.
04:15 Yes, amen. Amen. That's it, Mollie.
04:17 God gives us, it's a responsibility.
04:18 Right.
04:20 You know, to know the Word of God,
04:21 to have that knowledge comes with a responsibility.
04:24 Absolutely.
04:26 So as we see the earthquakes and the fires
04:27 and the escalation of end time events.
04:29 Yes, it is.
04:30 That shows us that Jesus is coming soon.
04:32 Not only do I personally need to be more
04:35 in the Word of God and in prayer
04:37 but God calls each one us
04:38 to reach out to our brothers and sisters...
04:40 That's true. Yes, yes.
04:42 To our neighbors, to our family and to share the Word of God
04:44 where there's still time.
04:45 Oh, amen. Good point.
04:47 And hopefully, this will encourage people
04:48 to open the Word of God.
04:50 You know, my heart aches many times
04:51 because I meet so many Christians
04:54 that are not studiers.
04:55 True.
04:56 And I'm telling you,
04:58 we will be deceived as these things unfold,
05:01 as the scroll rolls away.
05:02 Yes.
05:04 If we're not studiers of the Word of God.
05:05 It's true.
05:06 Brother Greg, you had something, just woman hour...
05:08 You know...
05:09 I wanna hear it. Okay. Yes.
05:11 Well, I like this topic, 'God is love'
05:13 because, you know, satan is there to show
05:15 God as a tyrant in all of these terrible things.
05:18 So it's, you know, he takes what God truly is
05:21 and distorts it and makes God as the terrible person.
05:23 Oh, yes.
05:24 So studying, 'God is Love,' I like this topic.
05:26 Amen. It says, God is love.
05:28 He loves each one of us
05:29 that He sent His only begotten son.
05:30 So we're gonna dig into that a...
05:32 Yes. Good. Amen.
05:33 Little bit deeper and see
05:34 if we can prove that hypothesis for you.
05:36 Yeah, all right.
05:37 We wanna see if we can prove that.
05:39 Yes. Okay.
05:40 Good scientist likes to get in and prove a hypothesis.
05:41 That's right. Let's do that.
05:43 But before we do and you might have noticed
05:45 I didn't introduce the piano player.
05:47 We're running short of one person here today,
05:49 so we're gonna sing A cappella, just one song with you.
05:52 And, you know, this is a good, I worked at youth camps
05:56 and I've taught Sabbath school from every age to adult.
05:59 And this is a good one we used to,
06:01 even in our church school we sang this a lot.
06:04 As we were practicing before we came on air,
06:07 we were all doing our little hand motions
06:08 and we may do that,
06:10 so if you wanna do that with us,
06:11 the kids wanna do that, join in.
06:13 I'll try, I might mess it up.
06:14 That's okay.
06:16 I'm usually one behind, that's okay.
06:18 We may mess up a lot without that piano.
06:20 'His banner over me is love.'
06:23 Amen.
06:24 He brought me to His banqueting table,
06:28 His banner over me is love.
06:32 He brought me to His banqueting table,
06:36 His banner over me is love.
06:40 He brought me to His banqueting table,
06:44 His banner over me is love.
06:48 His banner over me is love.
06:54 He lifted me up into heavenly places,
06:58 His banner over me is love.
07:02 He lifted me up into heavenly places,
07:06 His banner over me is love.
07:10 He lifted me up into heavenly places,
07:14 His banner over me is love.
07:18 His banner over me is love.
07:24 Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
07:29 His banner over me is love.
07:33 Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
07:36 His banner over me is love.
07:41 Jesus is the rock of my salvation,
07:44 His banner over me is love.
07:48 His banner over me is love.
07:54 Yes, it is.
07:55 Praise the Lord. Amen.
07:56 I like that one. Amen.
07:58 Pastor Kenny, would you lead us in prayer?
07:59 Yes.
08:01 All right, for those of you who are viewing or listening,
08:03 let's pray together, shall we?
08:05 Merciful Father in heaven, we thank you
08:06 for thy beginning hours of the Sabbath.
08:09 We thank you for your love.
08:11 We thank you for being with us, providing all of our needs.
08:15 And, Lord, as we come together as one big family,
08:17 we pray that your Holy Spirit will lead, guide,
08:20 reign in each of our hearts and lives.
08:22 Open our minds and our ears and our hearts
08:24 as we study your Word, the subject, God Is Love.
08:28 It's a subject that many people do not understand
08:31 as simple as it may sound.
08:32 We pray your Holy Spirit
08:34 now will illuminate these beautiful truths
08:36 that we may all fall in love with Jesus again.
08:39 We thank you for hearing, for answering prayer
08:41 and thank you for every viewer,
08:43 thank you for every person who's watching,
08:44 every person who wants to really know more
08:47 about 'God Is Love,'
08:49 may our hearts be in tune now and may we hear Jesus speak.
08:52 In His name we pray and for His sake, Amen.
08:54 Amen. Amen.
08:56 His banner over me is love. Beautiful.
08:58 I'm gonna read just a little paragraph
09:01 that comes from a compilation entitled,
09:03 'Christ Triumphant.'
09:05 And it actually encapsulates Isaiah 57:15,
09:11 Habakkuk 3:6 and James 1:17.
09:14 See if you can pick out those pieces of scripture.
09:17 It reads, "His nature, His law is love.
09:22 It ever has been and ever will be
09:25 the high and lofty one that inhabited eternity,
09:28 whose ways are everlasting, changeth not.
09:32 With Him is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
09:36 Amen.
09:37 So we have one that is the same yesterday,
09:40 today and forever.
09:42 And it says here that even His law is love.
09:45 Yeah.
09:47 So, folks, what do you think?
09:48 What do you think?
09:49 Do you know what I looked up those three scriptures,
09:51 when I was going through and reading it
09:52 and in the scripture in Isaiah,
09:55 if I can just read just a little more than that.
09:57 Yes. Sure. That really spoke to me.
09:59 The scripture from Isaiah, you read here,
10:01 "The high and lofty one that inhabits eternity,
10:03 " That's from the Isaiah scripture.
10:05 Yes. But if you look at Isaiah 57.
10:08 It says verse 15 and it says what you had just read,
10:11 that says, "The high and lofty one
10:13 who inhabits eternity,
10:14 whose name is Holy,
10:16 I dwell in the high and holy place..."
10:19 But I love the next part.
10:20 Who does He dwell with?
10:22 "With him who has a contrite and a humble spirit..."
10:27 Yes.
10:28 "To revive the spirit of the humble
10:30 and revive the heart of the contrite one."
10:32 So to me this is, God wants to dwell with us
10:36 but if I'm full in myself, in my pride,
10:40 arrogance, selfishness,
10:42 self sufficiency, how can I receive God?
10:46 Yes. How can I receive who He is?
10:49 So I loved that
10:51 because it connected God being high and lifted up and,
10:54 like the vision Isaiah had...
10:55 Yes, that's right.
10:56 Of God high and on the throne, lifted up.
10:58 Him being high and holy with us as humble children.
11:02 Amen. Suppliance. Yes.
11:03 Dependent on our father. I liked that connection.
11:05 Oh, yeah, awesome. Beautiful thinking.
11:07 I think as we rightly divide the Word of God,
11:09 God is calling us back...
11:10 Yes. To being a humble people.
11:12 Yes.
11:13 A contrite heart to be earnest...
11:15 Amen. Forthright, sincere.
11:18 Oh, yes.
11:19 Pleading with God. Amen.
11:21 That's what He's looking for, a broken heart.
11:22 Yeah, that's it.
11:24 Broken with the sin of this world and change.
11:26 You know, and I think also with what you just read,
11:29 that's one reason
11:30 we have so many different interpretations
11:32 because we're not reading in the spirit.
11:35 We're not reading with a humble contrite heart,
11:38 we're just kind of reading to just be reading
11:41 and maybe gleaning things
11:43 and making it sound like something
11:44 in one place and something else in another
11:46 rather than letting the Bible work together as a whole.
11:49 Yes.
11:51 I jotted down three things
11:52 I thought at least was interesting to me
11:53 as I read through and maybe simple to some
11:57 but it hit a note for me.
11:59 And I jotted them down 'cause we say, God is love.
12:03 I'm glad He just didn't leave it there...
12:04 Yeah.
12:06 Words 'cause a lot of times when words are spoken,
12:08 people don't pay attention to them and so I jotted down.
12:11 He wanted us to know, "He loves us."
12:15 Amen. You know, God is love.
12:17 He wants us to know that He loves us
12:20 and then so He wanted to, what did He do?
12:21 He wanted to demonstrate. Yeah.
12:24 That kind of His love,
12:25 His character so that would be holy,
12:28 just and good and mercy and so on and so forth
12:30 and then that wasn't quite enough.
12:33 He was willing to come down here to this earth,
12:36 so that we would believe, another opportunity because,
12:40 you know, message can be sent from heaven to earth
12:42 as it's been through prophets
12:43 and so on, so forth, the Word, people read it.
12:46 But He said, "I know they're gonna read it,
12:47 but many, there's things they need to know,
12:50 they need to know.
12:52 I need to demonstrate it for them
12:53 so they can understand it
12:55 and then over that, I'm gonna send Jesus.
12:57 Jesus is going to come down and die on the cross,
12:59 so they can understand what love is about."
13:01 Amen.
13:02 Let me just add this to what he just said
13:04 and see what you guys think.
13:05 And this is part of, it's in that same book,
13:08 Christ Triumphant,
13:10 because as we look back in the Old Testament,
13:14 many times people say, "Well, you know,
13:16 Christ must not have been a part of the Old Testament."
13:19 It reads so differently, you know,
13:21 than what they feel like the New Testament reads.
13:24 But listen to this paragraph, Spirit of Prophecy.
13:28 I'll just, I'll back up,
13:29 I'll read a little bit more even,
13:30 it says, "Every manifestation of creative power,
13:33 " we know that Christ was there,
13:34 the Word was in the beginning with God.
13:36 "The Holy Spirit was there
13:38 as an expression of His infinite love."
13:40 Yeah.
13:41 It never changes, He will...
13:43 As we begin to study that,
13:45 He will never ever stop loving you.
13:47 Amen.
13:49 Even if we don't make it to the kingdom.
13:50 That's right. He's never gonna forget us.
13:53 Ain't that deep? That is deep.
13:55 Yeah, it is. Wow. That is deep.
13:57 "The sovereignty of God involves fullness of blessing
14:01 to all created beings.
14:03 The history, the history..."
14:05 The Old and the New Testament history.
14:07 Yes.
14:08 "Of the great conflict between good and evil
14:10 from the time it first began in heaven."
14:13 See we're...
14:15 This even goes back. Oh, yeah.
14:16 Because this war started in heaven.
14:19 "To the final overthrow of rebellion
14:22 and the total eradication of sin
14:25 is also a demonstration of God's unchanging love."
14:30 Praise the Lord. Yes.
14:31 We don't often think of it that way, Sister Mollie.
14:34 It's true.
14:36 You know, I was thinking,
14:37 the scripture is so full of God is Love.
14:42 Oh, yeah.
14:43 And I'll read 1 John 4:9-11,
14:48 let me just read those.
14:50 And then I want to look at it
14:51 from maybe from another perspective.
14:54 "This is how God showed His love among us.
14:57 He sent His one and only Son into the world,
15:00 that we might live through Him.
15:02 This is love.
15:04 Not that we loved God,
15:06 but that He loved us and sent His son
15:08 as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."
15:10 Amen.
15:11 "Dear friends, since God so loved us,
15:14 we also ought to love one another."
15:17 And do you all recall some years ago,
15:21 that Dwight Nelson
15:23 did spring camp meeting for 3ABN.
15:26 I do. Okay.
15:27 The title of his, one of his sermons
15:30 and I think he carried this thing
15:32 throughout the camp meeting, was the 11th commandment.
15:35 Yeah.
15:36 Remember that, the 11th commandment.
15:38 Oh, yeah. I do, I do. Okay.
15:39 That's John 13:34-35, a new commandment.
15:44 And if He's given us a new commandment however,
15:47 if you read the Word of God,
15:48 there's a whole lot of commandments in there.
15:49 Oh, mercy, yes.
15:51 But he labelled this one the 11th,
15:53 "A new commandment I give to you..."
15:56 And this is Jesus speaking. Wow.
15:58 Now He's given them a new commandment
16:00 and who's He speaking to?
16:01 He's speaking to the select of the elect, is He not?
16:04 He's talking to, to His disciples.
16:08 That's who He's talking to and it's right before,
16:12 He's giving them His parting words,
16:15 right before He's gonna go to the cross
16:18 and He's even trying to tell them
16:19 that He's going to the cross
16:21 but they just can't quite get this.
16:22 But He says, "I'm gonna give you a new commandment."
16:25 And it was simply this, "That you love one another.
16:28 As I have loved you, that you also love one another.
16:32 By this will..."
16:33 All men...
16:34 "All men know that you're my disciples,
16:36 if you love one another."
16:38 So we're here these guys that hung out with Him
16:40 or would you love to have their opportunity...
16:42 Oh, merci.
16:44 To be around Him,
16:45 to experience this love we're talking about today.
16:48 Yeah.
16:50 Firsthand right from Him and He's saying to them,
16:53 "Guys, I want you all to love each other."
16:55 Yes. Yeah.
16:56 To be imitators, what does the scripture say?
16:58 "The imitators of God as dear children."
17:02 Amen. So as a dear child.
17:03 Beautiful. Yes. That's right.
17:05 Oh, wow.
17:06 You know, it's incredible to me because Jesus, like you said,
17:08 calls us to love each other and, you know what?
17:11 If he said, "Okay, outwardly keep the commandments."
17:14 I could do that maybe, outwardly,
17:16 in my own strength, right?
17:18 I'm not talking the spirit or the commandments,
17:20 I could never do that but the outwardly, okay,
17:22 I won't go out and physically murder someone.
17:25 I won't steal, I won't like...
17:27 But can I love someone
17:30 as Jesus calls us to love each other?
17:32 No. Absolutely not.
17:34 So to me what God calls us to do
17:37 only can be done through the anointing
17:39 and power of His Holy Spirit.
17:41 Through Him, pouring His love and life into me
17:44 and transforming us so that we can...
17:45 That's true. Yes.
17:47 In turn love someone else,
17:48 'cause what He called them to do is really supernatural.
17:51 To love other people is supernatural.
17:53 Yes, it is.
17:54 But God can implant within us His love.
17:56 Amen.
17:58 Even as that, "We'd love our enemies,
17:59 to do good to those who despitefully use us,
18:03 who persecute us."
18:04 And I know we did a study on who is my neighbor
18:07 and after that...
18:09 Oh, yeah. Yeah, looking out.
18:10 After that, it was unbelievable
18:12 because it really affects our salvation.
18:15 How we treat the least of these my brother
18:17 and we do it unto Christ.
18:19 And that doesn't matter where we are,
18:22 what store or what someone's done to us,
18:25 that person that doesn't smell good,
18:27 doesn't look good, that's, you know,
18:29 just maybe not even quite out there
18:31 and you're passing by.
18:33 How do you treat that person? We're called to love.
18:35 Yes. Yeah. To love.
18:36 And you can't love it if you don't have it.
18:38 No. That's it.
18:39 You got to fill up the cup.
18:41 You can't do it on your own.
18:42 This writer says, "The love abroad of God..."
18:44 Is what? Shed abroad.
18:46 "Shed abroad in our heart by the Holy Spirit
18:47 which is given unto us."
18:49 So we're without excuse. Amen.
18:51 The God has placed His love in our,
18:53 it's what we do with it, how we use it
18:55 and if we're obedient to His commandments.
18:57 Have you heard a lot of excuses
18:59 of why somebody is not your neighbor?
19:00 Well, I don't, you know...
19:02 Yes, I have.
19:03 But, you know, what I read in 'Spirit of Prophecy'
19:05 is very interesting.
19:06 It says, "Every person who has a need
19:08 is your neighbor."
19:10 That's right.
19:11 And that's every person in the world...
19:12 Yeah. Is our neighbor.
19:14 So it's not just next door we're talking about,
19:15 it's around the world, to have that.
19:16 And there's something I wanna read
19:18 I thought was interesting,
19:19 what was just been talked about here.
19:22 The very first thing it said,
19:23 "If you talk about love and I thought
19:25 how interesting it is, how deep it can go.
19:27 And I thought love is..."
19:29 I found in Desire of Ages, page 117 said this,
19:31 "He," talking about Jesus,
19:33 "Jesus took the nature of man
19:36 with the possibility of yielding to temptation."
19:38 Yeah.
19:40 Now again you can talk about the love of God
19:41 and you did a lot of passage and thing,
19:44 then you can get a little deeper into it
19:46 when you talk about what really is love.
19:48 Correct.
19:49 To say how Jesus loved us, think about this,
19:53 He took the nature of fallen nature of man.
19:57 And what did He do?
19:58 He's like, with the possibility of sinning,
20:00 with the possibility of never going back again.
20:03 That's right.
20:04 He gave the sceptres back to His Father
20:07 and He came down here and I get goose bumps
20:10 when I think about that to say, look what He did.
20:13 That is just such what love that is for each of us...
20:17 Who were His enemies,
20:20 who, you know, despitefully used Him
20:22 but to me that just shows what love really, really is.
20:25 Yeah.
20:26 You know, it says, "Heaven came down
20:28 and glory filled my soul."
20:30 You know. He laid aside.
20:31 Yes. All of that.
20:33 All of His regalness.
20:37 He laid it all aside and it says,
20:39 "That man is created
20:41 a little lower than the angels."
20:43 And so He didn't just come down one step...
20:45 Yeah.
20:46 He came down two steps,
20:49 He came down to our level so He could lift us up to Him,
20:52 that is love.
20:54 Yes. Amen. That's love.
20:55 And I, you know, we can't even imagine.
20:57 Yeah.
20:58 While He had the possibility of living, to be omnipresent.
21:03 Oh, but to think about it, we'll get to find out someday.
21:07 Yes. Oh, Hallelujah.
21:09 Yeah, look at now...
21:10 But right now we're seeing through a glass darkly.
21:12 So we're trying to piece this together and say,
21:14 "Well, God gave that up."
21:16 You know, I think the only way we can fully relate to it is
21:19 how many of us are willing to die for someone
21:22 that we don't really know.
21:24 Yeah, wow.
21:25 That, you know...
21:26 For someone that's an enemy. Yes.
21:28 Right.
21:29 'Cause while we didn't even love Him,
21:30 He cried and died for us. Yes. Yes.
21:32 You know, even on the cross He's saying,
21:33 "Father, forgive them."
21:35 That is love.
21:36 That is the same God in the New Testament
21:39 that we can find if we search in the Old Testament,
21:42 the same one.
21:44 And so this is all, He's trying to eradicate
21:46 all of these things to put us back...
21:48 Amen.
21:49 In proper perspective
21:51 and what you said that what the eleventh commandment.
21:54 Remind me of what Christ said, where He hung, you know,
21:57 the first four, to love thy neighbor as thy...
22:00 Or to love the Lord thy God with all your heart
22:03 and thy neighbor as thyself,
22:04 so the first four and the last six.
22:06 Amen. That's right. Hangs all ten on there.
22:08 And it brings us back to I Corinthians,
22:11 I love this, 13.
22:12 Amen. Oh, my. You've gotta go there.
22:14 That's where I've got my Bible put to.
22:15 All right. So I Corinthians 13.
22:17 Yeah.
22:18 And we can go through every one of these
22:20 if we want to because the first one says,
22:23 "Though I speak with the tongues
22:24 of men and of angels."
22:27 We have no idea.
22:29 I mean, have you ever heard angels speak?
22:31 Not that I'm aware of. That's true.
22:33 Not that I'm aware and if they did,
22:34 they spoke English.
22:37 All right.
22:38 But we don't know the language, "But if we have not charity..."
22:41 Which we realize that means love,
22:43 if we have not love,
22:45 "I become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal."
22:49 We're just a noise maker.
22:50 My.
22:52 So with everything we're talking about here
22:54 whether it be the eleventh commandment
22:55 or all the commandments hanging on love.
22:57 If we are just keeping it out of,
23:00 thus sayeth the Lord and we're just hammering on it
23:02 and it's just the way, like you said,
23:04 I can maybe do this on my own
23:06 without the love of God, we're just making noise.
23:08 That's right. Amen.
23:10 We're not filled with the Spirit of God.
23:11 No.
23:12 What other one is in there, this is full of a lot of...
23:14 Oh, is this...
23:15 Yeah, sure. Amen.
23:17 My favorite part is, I don't know
23:19 if you wanna jump that far...
23:20 Let's... We will jump.
23:21 But verses 4-8 is my favorite part
23:23 of I Corinthians 13.
23:24 Come on, walk us through it.
23:26 I have this seven character,
23:27 I have written in the margin of my Bible,
23:29 the seven characteristics of love.
23:30 Yes.
23:31 And the eight attitudes that are foreign to love
23:34 'cause you notice it says, love is this.
23:36 That's the characteristics of love.
23:38 And then love is not or love does not do these things.
23:41 Yes. That's right.
23:43 And those were like the attitudes
23:44 that are foreign to love
23:45 and I remember taking this and I need to do this again,
23:48 'cause it's been a little while since I did this
23:50 but I took every day, a different attribute.
23:53 Okay.
23:54 And so say the first one of verse 4,
23:56 "Love suffers long."
23:57 Wow.
23:58 So I would say in the morning, "God, give me your patience."
24:01 Yes.
24:02 "Enable me to suffer long even if it's actually suffering,
24:06 even if there's pain."
24:08 Mercy.
24:09 "Help me today in the situations
24:11 that I'm facing, to walk this out."
24:13 Amen.
24:15 You know, and I can't do that of my own but, Lord Jesus,
24:18 give me that and then the next day, it is kind.
24:21 It suffers long and is kind. Yes, it is, yeah.
24:23 "Oh, Father, give me your kindness."
24:24 Amen.
24:26 "For my neighbors, for those you come in contact with,
24:28 for those you talk with on the phone."
24:30 Amen. "Give me your kindness."
24:31 Love does not envy.
24:33 Now that's an attitude foreign to love.
24:34 Yes, come on, come on. Yeah.
24:36 Love does not envy,
24:37 envy is an attitude foreign to love.
24:39 Love does not pride in itself,
24:42 so pride is an attitude foreign to love.
24:44 Yes. Yes.
24:46 Love is not puffed up, that's pride again.
24:48 Does not behave rudely.
24:50 That's foreign to love. Have mercy.
24:53 Thinks no evil. Right.
24:55 How many times as you go throughout the day
24:56 and this situation arises...
24:58 Oh, we judge each other.
24:59 And instantly I think...
25:00 Oh, be careful, man. "Oh, they must have done this."
25:02 You don't know that. No. No, you don't.
25:04 No, that is evil surmising. Evil surmising.
25:07 Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am.
25:09 Oh, my. Yes.
25:10 So I don't wanna mean to hog the time and keep going.
25:12 No, keep going, go on. Love thinks no evil.
25:15 Does not rejoice in iniquity but rejoices in the truth
25:19 and I think it does not rejoice in iniquity,
25:21 not only false doctrines and false teachings
25:23 but it doesn't rejoice
25:25 when my brothers and sisters stumble.
25:27 You know, you don't rejoice and see an iniquity
25:29 in some one else.
25:30 No, no, that's right. It rejoices in the truth.
25:33 Bears all things.
25:34 These are those characteristics of love.
25:36 Believes all things.
25:38 Hopes all things and endures all things, love never fails.
25:43 Wow. That's deep.
25:45 Yeah, that's real deep.
25:47 You know, Brother Greg, one of the passages
25:50 was I John 4:16, I think it was on...
25:53 Just saying, "God is love."
25:55 And you're thinking, "God is love.
25:56 How does that reveal?
25:58 How do we..."
25:59 And I jotted some of it down, it said,
26:01 "All that man needs to know or can know of God is revealed
26:05 through Jesus Christ."
26:07 Yeah, amen.
26:08 Everything that we need to know about God has been revealed
26:11 through Jesus Christ
26:13 because that's who He came to represent on this earth.
26:15 And I think reflex.
26:16 Yes, and I think what she just walked us through...
26:19 Yes. Is what Christ reflected.
26:20 Amen.
26:21 You know, as you're sitting here,
26:23 I mean, there's no better lesson
26:24 that we could give anybody than right here.
26:28 If every family would adopt these principles.
26:31 Yes. Oh, wow.
26:32 What a different world we would have.
26:34 What a different world, it would not be the same.
26:37 But can't we really just decide, maybe, Greg,
26:40 you can help me and, Mollie, anybody wants to come in.
26:42 Can we just really decide, okay, I've read them,
26:45 I've got them now.
26:46 No, no, it's a Word.
26:48 I've got it and it's gonna work,
26:49 I don't have to worry about it anymore
26:50 because I'm just gonna implement these in my life
26:53 and it's gonna work, will it?
26:54 You pray about it. I am listening to Jill.
26:57 I can remember when everyday, I would read this,
27:01 only it would be,
27:03 Mollie suffers long and is kind.
27:06 Mollie doesn't envy.
27:08 I would personalize this to myself
27:11 to put it and during that time,
27:13 yeah, I walked more closely to this.
27:15 Amen.
27:17 But when you get away from the Word,
27:19 then it becomes dimmer.
27:21 That's why it's vitally important for us
27:22 to stay in this Word, Greg.
27:24 That's right.
27:25 All the time and whatever you are,
27:28 you're in in the Word.
27:29 That's the part that is going to be emanating from you.
27:32 That's right.
27:33 And so I was just thinking and I don't want to just say,
27:36 "Oh, God, I'm gonna start doing that again.
27:38 It's got by the power of your Spirit."
27:40 Yes, yes.
27:41 "Please quicken me and enable me
27:42 to spend the time in the Word
27:44 as you have shown me in the past to do."
27:46 Yeah, I like studying the life of Christ,
27:49 while He was here on this earth too
27:50 because even if...
27:52 'Cause He wasn't treated always the best.
27:55 Was He? Or was He? No. He wasn't.
27:57 Seems like He got crucified.
27:58 Yeah, that's exactly.
28:00 You know, and yet He loved.
28:01 He did. Yeah.
28:02 To the very end. To the very end.
28:05 And the same people over and over again
28:08 because sometimes, you know, we're hurt,
28:09 but, man, when you're hurt by somebody
28:10 over and over and over again, it's hard.
28:14 That's when to me is
28:16 when the rubber hits the road for me like,
28:17 "Oh, God, I don't really want to love them."
28:20 Yes. And that's hard.
28:22 Being honest.
28:23 When it gets to the point but, you know,
28:24 when you study Christ, again like Mollie said,
28:27 He was crucified.
28:29 That's, you know, He was killed.
28:31 Yeah, is it important for like...
28:32 It's come to the point like fruits of the Spirit,
28:35 we're talking about love, we're talking about all these,
28:37 you know, as I went over there and I've said it many times,
28:40 I keep saying, I went over the fruits of the Spirit
28:43 and I failed every one of the test.
28:44 Oh, yeah, me too. Me too.
28:45 I mean, when I looked at it, I never gloried and said,
28:47 "Oh, I've got this one.
28:48 I've got..."
28:49 Everyone I looked at was with a heart with tears.
28:52 I failed and I realized
28:54 as I read the Spirit of Prophecy,
28:55 as I read the Word of God, if I fail in one aspect of it,
29:00 heaven will never be my home.
29:02 You know, I'm saying, "Oh, Lord,
29:03 I failed in everyone miserable."
29:05 But the good news is we come to Him,
29:07 we recognize first that what?
29:09 We failed miserably. That's right.
29:10 That's right.
29:11 I'm just going to accept and I'm going to do it.
29:13 No, I failed miserably on all of these
29:14 but I want these in my life.
29:16 Amen.
29:17 I want them growing inside of me,
29:18 I want to grow every day and I want to be like you
29:22 and I guarantee He'll work some tremendous miracles.
29:24 Go ahead.
29:26 Well, I wanna just add on to that
29:27 because that goes back then to me to the love of God
29:30 because, okay, so I'm failing,
29:32 I know I am, you know, as we're studying this already,
29:34 I'm convicted, you know.
29:35 And so that's where then I can reach out to God and say,
29:38 "You know, you love me
29:39 even though I'm just a miserable sinner."
29:40 Yes.
29:42 I don't have to worry that, "Okay, God's given up on me
29:44 because I failed Him multiple times."
29:46 You know, I know that people fail me multiple times
29:48 but when I'm failing God...
29:49 Yes.
29:50 I know that God still loves me and you know that's great hope
29:52 because you said, good news.
29:53 You know, the good thing...
29:54 We need hope.
29:56 Yeah, maybe talked about this one time
29:58 before about how interesting it is.
30:00 And this is exactly,
30:01 at least to me it's a good example,
30:03 is that Christ, He understood His disciples.
30:06 Yeah.
30:07 Judas, we talked about before, right?
30:09 He knew he was a traitor, He knew what he was going do
30:11 but notice what 'Desire of Ages' says,
30:14 it says that, "Jesus purposely kept Judas
30:17 close by His side,
30:19 so he could counteract the damage that he was doing,
30:22 plus give him opportunity
30:24 to repent and turn back to Him."
30:28 Jesus would not let him go, knowing what he was doing,
30:31 how the end result, the whole business
30:33 but He wouldn't let him go.
30:35 Amen. That's beautiful.
30:36 Now that's real love, 'cause we have the tendency,
30:38 we know somebody is gonna pull a shenanigan...
30:39 We wanna throw him out.
30:40 We throw him out before they throw us out.
30:43 Or you wanna expose it.
30:44 Thank you. Right?
30:45 You wanna say, "Okay,
30:47 everybody see what Judas is doing,
30:48 I want you all to know what Judas is doing."
30:50 That's the human... That's a human, right?
30:51 Yes, yes. That's right. That's right.
30:52 Right. That's human.
30:54 Go ahead.
30:55 I'm just thinking of the scripture
30:56 based on what you said is that,
30:58 love does something, covers, love covers.
31:01 Love covers what?
31:02 The multitude of sin. Yes.
31:04 Okay, if love covers, what is the opposite of love?
31:07 So it would be the accuser of the brethren
31:09 is what I think.
31:10 Yes, it would.
31:11 If love covers... Wow.
31:13 And that means not that you cover it up to hide it...
31:17 No, no, that's different. But you pray.
31:19 Cover it with prayer and then as the accuser of the brethren,
31:22 it goes around exposing.
31:23 Oh, yes.
31:25 So if you're in a situation
31:26 where somebody's always wanting to tell you,
31:28 like this a little titbit gossip.
31:30 Oh, no, no.
31:31 To uncover people's nakedness.
31:33 Yes. Yes. Their sinfulness.
31:35 Then you recognize what camp you're falling into.
31:37 Are you falling into the camp of,
31:39 God is love and love covers the multitude of sin
31:43 or is the accuser of the brethren
31:45 that goes about exposing everything they can expose?
31:48 Isn't that clear?
31:50 One of two camps, this is gonna fall into.
31:51 Isn't that clear?
31:52 I mean, you've made this so clear
31:54 and the Bible is so clear on that issue
31:55 and yet when someone comes up with some juicy gossip,
31:58 that's like we can't just...
31:59 We can't say, no.
32:01 We can't say, we wanted to, yeah, what was that?
32:04 I know... Oh, let's...
32:05 Yes, yes. We know when we're doing it.
32:07 It's wrong to even listen.
32:09 I'm telling you this and we'll pray about it.
32:10 We know that it's wrong but yet we go ahead
32:12 because we love the juicy gossip,
32:14 which is the devil.
32:15 That's absolutely right. Which is the enemy side.
32:17 So, you know, God help us, one thing we do,
32:20 wanna try to do is when someone comes up
32:21 and says something,
32:23 now this may not work for those of you at home.
32:24 It helps to, it works in my life.
32:27 They'll come and they'll say,
32:28 "Well, did you hear about so-and-so?"
32:29 I said, "You know what?
32:31 I really love brother so-and-so or sister,
32:32 they are such a sweet person."
32:34 I've heard him do this. And that'll stop them.
32:35 You know what?
32:36 I said, "They're such a person, they... Well, they don't do."
32:38 I said, "Everything I've seen them do is good.
32:40 My relationship with them is good
32:41 and we love that person, we want them in the kingdom."
32:43 Pretty soon, they're about to face,
32:45 they're somewhere else.
32:46 They're looking for somebody else to talk to.
32:48 That will lend an ear.
32:49 If you don't lend an ear, there can't be any gossip,
32:50 so be careful.
32:52 The scripture says, "We are to guard our heart
32:53 with all vigilance and above all that we guard,
32:56 for out of it flow, the issues of life."
33:00 What are the two ways that things can get into your heart?
33:02 Yes.
33:03 Now think about this, there's only two ways
33:05 things can get into your heart.
33:07 What you see and what you hear.
33:09 And there scripture that tells you
33:11 to put a guard over your ears and guard over your eyes.
33:12 Amen, yes. Lord, have mercy.
33:14 So when somebody comes to, and what they're doing is
33:17 they're dumping garbage into you
33:20 and once you hear something,
33:22 even if you know it's not the truth,
33:23 you still have to deal with it.
33:25 That's right. That's right.
33:26 And so guard your heart. Seriously.
33:27 Don't let your heart become a garbage dump for gossip
33:32 and for goodness sakes, when it comes on television,
33:34 if you're not watching 3ABN, turn that channel.
33:37 Thank you. Thank you, I did it, all right.
33:39 I got it now.
33:41 But you know, one thing I love
33:42 about all these attributes of love
33:43 is that we don't have to acquire these on our own
33:47 and the way I learned this was, I was in my 20s
33:50 and I had a neighbor
33:51 and she was not very kind, she...
33:54 You mentioned earlier,
33:55 somebody comes up to you several times,
33:57 how hard it is...
33:58 It is.
34:00 And it was that way in my heart and I thought,
34:01 "Lord, I don't like her."
34:04 Well, now.
34:05 I don't like her but I knew that that was wrong.
34:07 Yeah. That's right.
34:08 And so I made it a matter of prayer
34:11 with these beautiful promises in the Word of God,
34:14 that God is a God of love
34:16 and we're to love our neighbors
34:18 and I said, "Lord, I don't have it,
34:21 I don't have it with her anymore."
34:23 I said, "Father, will you give it to me?
34:26 Give me your love."
34:28 Yes.
34:29 That's where it made a difference.
34:30 Amen.
34:32 Everything I tried was useless.
34:34 If I try all these things that you're talking about
34:36 with the enemy versus with Christ.
34:39 You know, my mind is always gonna go,
34:41 "I heard, I thought..."
34:42 But when Christ comes in,
34:43 He's such a wonderful physician.
34:46 Amen.
34:47 He changes our thought patterns
34:49 and He can give you His love for your enemies.
34:53 So how did it work out?
34:55 It ended up...
34:56 I wanna get to the bottom of this thing.
34:58 Everything turned around.
34:59 I knew it would. Everything.
35:01 I knew it would. You know why?
35:02 And I was able to love her
35:04 and I was able to help her and her son.
35:06 You said because the Bible has told you that...
35:08 It was because of Christ.
35:09 Christ Object Lesson, 147 said,
35:12 "God stands behind every promise
35:14 that He ever made"
35:15 Amen. Man, I love that.
35:16 I mean, the Bible's clear on, spirit prophecy is clear,
35:18 every promise He stands behind.
35:19 Yes, we just have to learn to claim them.
35:21 Amen. Claim them and go for it, yeah.
35:23 Amen. It's so exciting to me.
35:24 The Word of God is so powerful. It is.
35:27 Because the promises in the Word,
35:29 we can call those things
35:31 that are not as though they already are.
35:33 Amen.
35:34 And so even if I read this and I say,
35:36 "God, I don't possess this love"
35:37 Yeah.
35:39 "But I'm claiming this promise right here over my life."
35:42 You think about, in the Hebrews 4:12,
35:44 the "Word of God is living, alive,
35:46 quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword
35:49 and it pierces even to the dividing asunder
35:52 of the joints and marrow and soul and spirit
35:54 and is a discern of the thoughts
35:55 and intents of the heart."
35:57 And I think the Word of God has that life giving power.
36:02 So the same power when God, Jesus at the beginning said,
36:06 "Let there be light.
36:09 Instantly the light appeared,
36:10 the same power that spoke the world into existence
36:13 and there are the plants and animals
36:15 and air and all of that is right here...
36:18 Amen.
36:19 In front of us, the same power.
36:21 So when you and I
36:24 claim the promises from the word of God,
36:27 that same power is at work in our hearts and lives
36:30 to change us.
36:31 So like you said, "God give me that love.
36:33 Claim those promises
36:35 and God can change us by the power of spirit.
36:37 You got to plug in. Amen.
36:38 Take time to plug in.
36:40 Desire of Ages, I think page 22 talks about to know God
36:46 is to love God, think about it.
36:49 What is only by love is love awakened.
36:52 That's right. Right.
36:53 It is, somebody shows you that kind of love,
36:55 it awakens something inside you,
36:57 you didn't may be know even existed.
36:58 But to know him,
37:00 that's why plenty of people don't know God.
37:01 They don't know that kind of love.
37:03 But then you say what?
37:05 Look to Jesus. Amen.
37:06 Wow, there is that kind of love,
37:07 'cause that's God in the flesh.
37:09 Amen. It's wonderful. Go ahead.
37:11 I believe it's the Desire of Ages too,
37:12 I know it's very near the front,
37:14 I wish I had my Desire of Ages 'cause I know where to find it,
37:17 where it says, if there is a law of heaven and earth,
37:20 the law of the universe, what is that?
37:22 Self sacrificing love.
37:24 Self sacrificing love, which only Christ, you know,
37:27 he is the one that has given us that example.
37:30 He is the epitome of self sacrificing love.
37:32 Amen.
37:34 God's law is a law of love in Romans 13:10.
37:39 It's a law of love.
37:41 Everything is governed by what? Love.
37:44 As we look at in that, that framework of love,
37:49 it's no longer dos and don'ts.
37:50 That's right.
37:52 You know, as we came up especially like on Sabbath,
37:54 you know, lot of times, you know,
37:56 I can't wait for sundown 'cause I'm going to go here,
37:58 I'm going to do that, you know, we don't realize seriously
38:03 until we really are plugged in.
38:06 And the older I became, the more I was just like.
38:08 Even in college I was just so happy
38:11 for Sabbath to get here,
38:13 because I, no matter how much pressure I have,
38:14 I put it away.
38:16 Thank you. Put it aside.
38:17 Amen.
38:19 You know, God promises if we put him first,
38:20 he's going to add all these other things unto us.
38:23 And so I claimed that even back then,
38:26 and it's just beautiful as we plug in
38:29 how these things begin to change
38:30 and suddenly it's not thou shalt not it's,
38:33 I love you so much, please don't do this,
38:35 it's going to hurt you.
38:37 We begin to see it in the right light...
38:39 Right. You know.
38:41 Amen, wow.
38:42 To me that's just very, very positive...
38:43 It is.
38:45 When we look from scriptures Spirit of Prophecy
38:46 and we just study, it helps me to realize.
38:49 Again you say, we talk about before about Calvary.
38:52 How do we really know
38:54 because the world that we live in
38:55 is everything is love, love, love.
38:57 We went to all this time, love, love, love.
39:00 The world doesn't know what love is.
39:01 If you don't know God,
39:03 if you're not born again Christian,
39:04 you don't know what love really is,
39:06 is really all about.
39:07 And so as we study it, we look at Calvary.
39:10 Calvary proves
39:11 what real true love is all about,
39:13 so that's why we need to study those closing moments,
39:16 that's why we need to study Calvary,
39:18 because then we can learn what real love is
39:20 and you mentioned self sacrifice.
39:21 Self sacrifice.
39:23 Everything has to do,
39:24 this work will not be finished Sister Mollie
39:26 until they're self sacrificing going on.
39:29 That's in those who are at home,
39:30 those who are giving to the calls
39:31 to get this gospel around the world.
39:33 Yeah.
39:34 We give a little here, we think we give our share,
39:36 but it will not close until it's self sacrifice.
39:39 Selfless we just give, you know, give,
39:42 they say give till it huts
39:44 that God will bless and so we live,
39:45 but you can only do that if you have the love of Christ.
39:48 In fact, when you read scripture you realize,
39:50 you can't even have a healthy life
39:53 especially spiritual life unless you know God,
39:55 unless you know about love.
39:57 That's right. You just can't have it.
39:59 You know, I looked up some of the attributes
40:02 or names of God.
40:03 I thought that would tie right in with the love of God
40:07 and I kind of wanted to maybe put a little spin on this...
40:10 Okay.
40:11 I only looked up the Omni words concerning God.
40:15 There is a list this long that define who God is.
40:18 But I just did the Omni.
40:20 Omnipotent, somebody tell me what Omnipotent means?
40:24 Infinite power, all power.
40:26 Omniscient, perfect knowledge.
40:29 Omnipresent, everywhere all the time.
40:32 Now think of this.
40:33 Would you want an omnipotent God,
40:36 one who possesses infinite power
40:38 or an omniscient God,
40:40 perfect complete knowledge or an omnipresent God,
40:44 one that's everywhere all the time who isn't love.
40:47 Think about it.
40:48 Would you want a God that has all of these,
40:51 these are just three of the attributes
40:53 but he's not full of love.
40:55 How would you respond to an omnipotent, omniscient,
40:59 omnipresent God who had evil at working in him.
41:02 What would this world be?
41:04 Terrifying. I think it would be terrifying.
41:07 Yeah, sure would. I think it would be terrifying.
41:08 So we can thank God for him being a God of love.
41:13 Then I would be worshiping...
41:14 And he's not just love God, God is love.
41:17 That's right, that goes deep.
41:18 Yeah, it does.
41:19 I think we taste.
41:21 Yeah. You know that terror.
41:22 We see that, you know,
41:24 as we talked in the very beginning
41:26 some of these things that are happening,
41:27 stabbings and people running cars
41:30 into other people
41:32 because of ISIS and this Muslim conflict
41:35 that we seem to be going through here
41:37 in the whole world, it's not just the US
41:39 but we're feeling it here more than we used to.
41:42 And so we are getting a taste
41:44 of what a dictator without love would be like.
41:48 Can you imagine?
41:49 Yeah, I mean what people saw on the internet,
41:52 what little we saw on the news of good people
41:57 being beheaded of men
42:00 and all those children taken as slaves.
42:03 We don't realize just like I mentioned
42:06 that war that has brought you know,
42:08 broke out in Africa and those pictures just broke,
42:12 I thought how horrific.
42:15 Yeah.
42:17 You know, and here we are, we're separated for a time.
42:20 But we're also told that
42:21 there is coming a time of trouble
42:23 that we can't even imagine,
42:24 so you look at these things and we're going to taste
42:27 what it would be like without God's presence.
42:30 We're going to taste that.
42:32 I would never ever, I don't want that...
42:33 Just like in the news where they...
42:35 And I'm not trying to criticize or judge these young people,
42:38 they may be 18 and 16, but you know,
42:40 they just couldn't take care of their newborn baby,
42:43 so they put it in the trash.
42:46 And you know, and they might justify
42:48 and you might say...
42:49 My thought is if Christ is a head of our home,
42:54 if he is a center of our joy and happiness,
42:56 we can never do that,
42:58 you know, again not trying to be judgmental
42:59 but it shows that one spirit or the other is leading.
43:03 The enemy says, go ahead and get rid of.
43:04 Jesus says keep it.
43:06 I found something over here I thought was interesting.
43:08 This is the Counsels on Steward, it says here,
43:11 "He has linked us to Himself by all these tokens,
43:15 " talking about heaven and earth."
43:16 Everything in heaven and earth,
43:17 he's linked us together with each.
43:19 "He watches over us with more tenderness
43:21 than does a mother over an afflicted child."
43:25 Amen. Wow.
43:26 You can't hardly get a mother away from the child
43:27 that's sick.
43:29 She's is right there until they get well,
43:30 and that's how his eye is on us.
43:33 And I thought this gives me encouragement
43:35 to know that his eyes on the spirit,
43:38 and I know that he's watching me.
43:40 And we just heard on the news recently
43:42 to where this baby, was it a car accident?
43:45 And the baby was thrown like 30 feet in the air
43:48 and it was during this
43:49 and they didn't know where the baby was,
43:51 so they went out looking for the baby
43:53 and when they got to the baby it was still in the car seat,
43:56 had just a little scratch here
43:57 and it was just so happy to see.
43:59 Just it wasn't smiling and haven't they said,
44:01 we couldn't find it because he wasn't screaming,
44:03 he wasn't crying, he's just...
44:04 That had to be an angel. Yeah.
44:05 Had to be an angel.
44:07 Itty-bitty old scratch and he was just gooey and gung,
44:08 and I said, oh how...
44:09 What a miracle.
44:11 And even on the news they say, oh,
44:12 there must have been some kind of divine intervention
44:14 and something must have...
44:16 God is intervening for his people.
44:17 God to give an opportunity to show his love.
44:19 People could see that God's taking care of us.
44:21 He does. That's exactly, yeah.
44:22 You know, you just see that I was thinking
44:23 what you've mentioned at the beginning sweetheart
44:25 about how Satan wants to misrepresent
44:27 the character of God.
44:29 And you'll see these wars and these pestilence and famine
44:33 and difficulty and Satan wants us to think
44:37 God caused that.
44:39 You know how when you have a tornado come through
44:40 and the insurance says that was an act of God.
44:44 Oh, I can understand it. That was not an act of God.
44:46 But Satan has so twisted God's character
44:51 that when we see something and not everybody
44:54 but many times you say, "Oh, God allowed that?
44:59 Oh, God did that?"
45:01 Instead of putting the blame
45:03 where it belongs verily on Satan.
45:06 He is the father of lies.
45:07 He originated all of that sin and suffering
45:11 and sickness and death and pain and all of that stuff,
45:14 and thinking that God is the love.
45:17 Amen. Yeah, God is love.
45:19 Isn't that one of the reasons Christ came.
45:21 Yes.
45:22 When the disciples said,
45:24 you know, would you show us the Father?
45:27 And you know, you can just almost feel the tears
45:29 well up in his eyes
45:31 when he says, "Have I not been with you?"
45:33 Yeah.
45:34 Long enough that you've not seen.
45:36 Seen me.
45:37 Well, I think it shows that God of love
45:39 that he's let this great controversy,
45:41 this good and evil work itself out
45:42 because you get...
45:43 He's trying to eradicate it.
45:45 Do you know that, and like Mollie mentioned,
45:46 like Danny has mentioned we know the end of the book.
45:47 Yes. So you know Christ has won.
45:49 But yeah, lot of times people ask that question,
45:51 well, a good love, he would just stopped it all
45:54 and that would have been it
45:55 but that's not because we have choice.
45:57 Amen.
45:58 It has to work itself out so that is God is showing
46:00 that love by allowing that.
46:02 Yes. Very good, yes.
46:03 I just have to jump in on that too because I remember...
46:08 You know, God shows himself to be love
46:11 even in those trying times.
46:13 I'm thinking about when my mom died.
46:15 Yep, well.
46:18 She had been on life support
46:20 and on a tube and it's a long story
46:22 but anyway they had pumped her body
46:25 so full of prednisone that when they put her,
46:27 they took her off
46:28 and put her on a breathing tube,
46:29 in a eating tube that her tummy just split open and they said,
46:34 there is nothing we can do.
46:36 And I remember going in taking the kids with me
46:40 and we read the 23 Psalms to her
46:42 and we stayed in the room
46:44 and as she was losing consciousness
46:48 we began to sing.
46:50 Amen. Amen.
46:52 And it was as if I kid you not,
46:54 the Spirit of God was there
46:56 and I felt like if I just did this,
46:59 there would be an angel that would just touch the hand.
47:03 He was so close, people going by for hours,
47:06 they felt the difference in that room in the hospital
47:10 and they told us about it.
47:11 And we sang for hours
47:13 because every time we stop singing,
47:16 her breathing became very labored
47:19 but once we sang she would clam down
47:22 and it was just so peaceful,
47:25 and afterwards I know that the dead know not anything
47:28 so I'm not advocating that in any form or fashion
47:31 that I would be driving around
47:33 and I would just start falling, I want my mom.
47:37 And for some reason I'd go out to the graveyard
47:40 and every time I went there, I had a peace,
47:43 and I thought I don't understand this,
47:45 why am I getting peace here, she doesn't know anything.
47:48 And after about three or four times doing this
47:50 I was at my morning devotion,
47:53 and I was reading where the angel of the Lord
47:56 stands guard of the grave of those that are his children,
48:00 and all of a sudden
48:01 as if the Holy Spirit spoke to my spirit and said,
48:04 this is why you have a peace
48:08 when you go out there was the presence of the angel.
48:09 Praise God.
48:11 So I'm looking forward to see my mom at some day.
48:12 Amen.
48:14 Because that was it, it was a love
48:17 in a time of great sorrow.
48:19 And it was a peace like the Bible says
48:21 that passes all understanding, we don't understand God's love.
48:24 No.
48:26 We don't understand how when, you know, they're crucifying,
48:28 he can say, Father, forgive, we don't understand that.
48:32 So it's his love and his mercy, it's beyond our understanding,
48:36 his peace that passes all understanding.
48:39 So through those times he promises,
48:41 it's like that poem two footprints in them.
48:44 That's right.
48:45 And when you see the one he's carrying us.
48:48 You know, I think about Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane.
48:50 Even he was saying,
48:51 Father, I really didn't want to go through
48:53 but your will be done.
48:54 Yes.
48:56 You know, that was a hard trying time
48:57 for Jesus here going to the Garden of Gethsemane.
48:59 And I like what Luke says,
49:01 that an angel of the Lord came and strengthened him.
49:05 Amen. Yes.
49:06 Great.
49:08 So we will go through times of trouble in this earth.
49:12 But God is there like you're saying,
49:13 to strengthen us.
49:15 And that's love there too, isn't it?
49:16 Yes. Yes, it is.
49:18 How hosted the martyrs sing
49:20 as they were being burned to death...
49:21 Yeah. You're right. On the stake.
49:23 God gave them the strength.
49:24 Whenever the pain was too great,
49:27 he stepped in and he took it.
49:29 Amen.
49:30 So whenever alone we may die.
49:33 That's correct.
49:34 But we're never, we're never without this love
49:36 that we're talking.
49:38 And we have that great hope of eternal life.
49:39 Yes, amen.
49:40 It's great. It's exciting.
49:42 It sure is.
49:43 I remember that story of, and I can't remember
49:45 so may be I shouldn't repeat it,
49:46 whether it was Huss or Jerome,
49:48 it was one of the ones who was martyred.
49:50 And one of the founders
49:52 you could say at the beginning of the protestant reformation.
49:54 And I remember the story of him holding his hand out,
49:56 do you remember that to the candle?
49:58 He was in jail, and he knew, and he knew
50:03 probably I'm going to be burned at the stake
50:05 and I don't know if I can handle it.
50:08 And so we put his hand out and then he jumped back,
50:11 I can't take it. It was too hard.
50:12 And then at that point it seems like
50:14 he might have said no he recanted
50:16 and then he said no, no matter what,
50:19 I'm going with Jesus and then when died
50:22 and he was burned at the stake, he sang.
50:25 And you think somehow God and his mercy gave him grace.
50:30 Yes. Gave him strength.
50:32 He does.
50:33 I mean, we can't ask him
50:34 but in heaven I want to ask him.
50:36 Yeah. Yes.
50:37 What that was like? What do you experience?
50:39 But that's just the love of God reaching at that moment.
50:43 Like you say the stoning of Stephen,
50:45 but just different ones that martyred.
50:46 You know, Father, forgive them you know,
50:48 what many of them recount it, they don't know what they're,
50:51 you know, they don't know what they're doing.
50:52 It's love of God.
50:54 It has to be
50:55 because someone hit you with a stone,
50:57 if there is a stone around you go,
50:58 if you're not converted you're going to pick it up
51:00 and going to go land him, right one on pretty good.
51:03 I'd get one in both hands. Good.
51:06 And there might be a time when you'd think you know,
51:10 if I confess this sin he'll be faithful
51:12 and just to forgive me.
51:13 That's right.
51:15 No, I'm not advocating that or anything.
51:16 No, that's right.
51:18 Christ within the hope of glory isn't that,
51:20 what it's all about.
51:21 Amen.
51:22 And that's all I know of myself
51:24 and some of that may be at home,
51:25 we need Christ within
51:27 and then he helps us to love the unlovely again
51:30 as been mentioned here,
51:31 that can grow in us and I think that's something
51:33 you kind of brought back to each one,
51:35 we need to be praying for that...
51:36 Yes.
51:37 That we can love the way that Christ love,
51:40 then once again you know, our mission for us,
51:42 Spirit of Prophecy, once again
51:44 unless we love people the way Christ loved people
51:47 heaven will never be our home.
51:49 I said, man, I failed again.
51:51 Yeah.
51:52 You know, but I say now, I need to go back to him.
51:55 Amen.
51:56 Maybe counting too much on myself looking to me
51:59 and my feelings and my emotions
52:00 rather than say let Christ in
52:02 because he loves everybody just the same,
52:05 no respecter of persons.
52:06 I have to learn all those lessons
52:08 and I'm still learning them.
52:10 Praise God for that, but for that love that we need
52:12 which again you talk about the basis of everything.
52:15 Amen.
52:16 One of the greatest expressions of God's love
52:20 one of them is 1 John 1:9
52:23 where Kenny like you were saying, we failed.
52:26 And we do fail and we realize
52:28 I'm not living where I should be living,
52:30 but we can't come before our heavenly Father
52:34 and confess our sins, repent turn from it.
52:37 If we confess our sins he's faithful
52:40 and just to forgive us.
52:41 Forgive us.
52:43 And then he goes one step further,
52:44 Kenny, then he cleanses us.
52:45 Yes.
52:47 And if we're cleansed from all sin,
52:48 what does that make us.
52:49 If you're cleansed from all unrighteousness,
52:51 then you're the righteousness of God in Christ.
52:53 That's right.
52:55 You're covered by that blood and that's the pure love of God
52:59 that would take us rank even sinners
53:01 that we can be even in our best of times
53:05 and he'll forgive us and he'll cleanse us,
53:07 and he'll stand us back up.
53:09 And the word we don't like to use sometime
53:12 because it frightens most people at that moment,
53:15 you're perfect...
53:16 At that moment. At that moment.
53:17 Now you may go, you know, but that moment
53:19 because we have to believe that we're
53:21 because he said, all sin is forgiven,
53:23 if everything is eradicated out of the life,
53:25 we're new creature in Christ at that moment.
53:26 Amen.
53:28 We stand perfect
53:29 because we stand in Christ Jesus, he's perfect.
53:31 That's right, he is.
53:32 But a few minutes later we may mess up again
53:35 but hey, there is no end to his grace and mercy.
53:37 Amen.
53:38 Thank Lord. Thank the Lord.
53:39 Amen.
53:41 1 John 2:5 says, "But who so keepeth his word",
53:44 and when you were talking
53:45 you're giving different portions of the scripture,
53:48 all of this works together as one.
53:50 It's not just love, love, love, without knowledge,
53:54 without repentance, without humbleness, obedience.
53:57 "But whoso keepeth his word..."
54:00 Thank you.
54:01 "In him verily is the love of God perfected:
54:04 hereby know..."
54:06 it is 1 John 2:5.
54:11 "Hereby know we that we are in him."
54:15 And I like Romans 8:39 it says, "Nor height nor depth,
54:19 or any other creature
54:21 shall be able to separate us from the love of God
54:25 which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
54:28 We may burn at the stake.
54:29 We don't know what we're going to,
54:31 what's going to happen.
54:32 But those ashes are those
54:34 whatever parts are going to be left,
54:36 he's never gonna forsake us.
54:37 Amen.
54:38 When that trumpet sounds...
54:40 Oh, glory. That's right.
54:41 Look out.
54:42 There's going to be graves that are opened up.
54:44 There would be some shouting going on.
54:45 And there is going to be shouting.
54:47 Amen. We're starting to feel it.
54:48 Wow, it will pierce the dead.
54:50 He will not forget his children,
54:52 though we have to ask him into our hearts.
54:54 Amen.
54:55 We have to want him there,
54:57 we have to want the love and then he says,
54:59 I want to give it to you, it's a free gift.
55:00 Amen.
55:02 So the thing is to just start right now.
55:03 Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me,
55:05 and know my thoughts:
55:07 See if there be any evil way in me,
55:09 and lead me in the path that's everlasting.'
55:10 Amen.
55:11 We can have a cleansing
55:15 and heart purification
55:19 that will put us in that relationship
55:21 with the Lord even now.
55:24 Oh, glory.
55:25 Because someone you know may say,
55:26 well, I don't have God's love in my heart.
55:28 I know that right now
55:29 but you can start right now, right?
55:30 Amen.
55:32 God give me your love...
55:33 Amen. Because I need it.
55:35 Talk to the people there, we got a couple minutes left
55:36 because somebody is listening now.
55:37 I needed it in my life.
55:39 So you can become discourage and say,
55:40 well, I don't have God's love, forget it.
55:42 But no, God says you can start right now, start fresh.
55:45 Say God, give me your love, and that's the thing
55:46 because there are people that like you said
55:49 are unlovable it seems like, but God loves them.
55:51 Yes. So I have to love him too.
55:53 Isn't that part of what the Sabbath is all about,
55:56 we come together and worship.
55:58 We're starting afresh, we're eating a fresh food,
56:01 fresh bread, the bread of life.
56:02 Oh, yes.
56:03 So as brother Greg just said, you can do it right now.
56:06 Amen.
56:08 You can ask Jesus into your heart.
56:09 You can reexamine many scriptures,
56:12 just type the word love in a search engine
56:16 for the Bible and pull them up
56:18 because they'll refresh the wonderful promises.
56:21 The whole Bible will come up.
56:23 There is no Bible is going to come up
56:24 that is just love on one page to the other
56:27 if you really just look forward.
56:28 And Sister Jill,
56:29 a closing thought one minute left.
56:31 Love is not an attribute of God,
56:33 it is his essence,
56:34 it is his character who he is his love.
56:37 Amen, praise the Lord.
56:39 So we know that there are several out there right now.
56:41 I think they're making decision.
56:43 We have to believe that by faith.
56:44 Yes.
56:45 They've fallen away or maybe they've never come to Christ.
56:47 Here is the time to do it. That's right.
56:49 We're going to invite you to pray,
56:50 we're going to pray for you right now in closing.
56:52 Honey, you want to have a closing prayer?
56:53 Sure.
56:54 Let's pray because somebody is going to accept Jesus.
56:56 Okay. Amen.
56:57 Heavenly Father, as we close this time together,
57:00 we thank you for reminding us of your love.
57:02 Yes.
57:04 And Father, I just pray that
57:05 those who are listening at home,
57:07 who are studying with us,
57:09 that they will reach heaven with their prayers.
57:12 And so Father fill us with that love.
57:14 Fill us with the love for our neighbors,
57:17 please forgive us for we have failed thee over and over
57:20 and help us to dig into the attributes of love
57:24 in 1 Corinthians 13 to find out what it's all about
57:28 and to know you and to draw to taste
57:31 a little bit of the heaven each and everyday.
57:33 We pray this in Jesus' name.
57:35 Thank you, Lord.
57:36 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2017-01-05