Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg and Jill Morikone (Host), Kenny and Chris Shelton, Tim Parton


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016033A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, family and friends.
01:08 Welcome to another 3ABN today family worship.
01:12 I don't know how your week has been
01:14 but I know for Jill and myself, and all of us here at 3ABN,
01:17 it's always busy spreading God's word around the world.
01:21 But it's always a blessing to come to the Sabbath hours
01:23 to gain that special rest,
01:25 and so it's a blessing to me with you for family worship,
01:28 but not only are we gathering together as family here
01:31 and you at home,
01:33 but it's also gathering especially with Jesus Christ.
01:35 Our Lord and Savior here
01:37 as we open up the Sabbath hours.
01:38 And it's special, isn't it to open with a family worship,
01:41 open the Sabbath?
01:42 It is, it's a privilege to open Sabbath with worship.
01:44 Spend time in the word of God
01:46 with each other as brothers and sisters and with you.
01:49 You are part of our 3ABN family.
01:51 And we are so glad to know that you've chosen to open up
01:54 these sacred hours with us together.
01:56 And we have part of our 3ABN family around the table here.
02:00 Over on this side is Brother Tim Parton,
02:03 and you are general manager
02:05 for the 3ABN praise and music channel.
02:07 Right, right and it's a wonderful privilege for me
02:10 to be here a part of this.
02:12 I love studying the word of God
02:14 but I love studying it with others too
02:16 because it's great how we as God's children
02:19 can share our experiences and our situations
02:23 through the word and life experiences with each other.
02:27 That's what it's about, community.
02:28 You know, I held this position at 3ABN as relatively new
02:31 but Tim you've been a part of 3ABN for a number of years.
02:34 Right, yeah, since the late 1900s, that's they say.
02:40 Wow! That seems like a long time.
02:41 Right, doesn't it though.
02:43 It sounds like a long time,
02:44 but yeah I was privileged to be a part of the recording studio,
02:47 the sound center.
02:48 Yes, you have.
02:50 And so I've done several projects
02:51 for different various groups and for Danny quite a bit.
02:55 So it's been great to have become part of the family,
02:58 just got and grafted in.
02:59 So I'm thrilled to be here today.
03:01 Well, we have to say we appreciate you
03:02 because Jill and I had the opportunity
03:04 to begin to travel with you a little bit
03:06 on different 3ABN events and we appreciate
03:08 your willingness to do anything.
03:10 That's a real, you know, a serving,
03:12 and that's what it's all about
03:14 because we're all in this thing together,
03:15 and we're here to spread God's word around the world.
03:18 So it's a blessing.
03:20 Jill and I appreciate your friendship working with you.
03:21 Thank you, I feel the same. Thank you very much.
03:23 And on this side we have Pastor Kenny and Chris Shelton,
03:27 and you are with Behold the Lamb Ministries,
03:29 but you're part of our 3ABN family,
03:32 and we appreciate both of you so much,
03:35 your heart for God and heart for His word
03:37 and for other people,
03:39 so it's a joy to have you both here.
03:40 It's good to be here.
03:41 Thank you for an opportunity once again
03:43 to study the word together.
03:44 We like that too.
03:46 Always study the word, right,
03:47 it helps to build us up and to encourage us
03:48 and we pray it will be a encouragement
03:50 to those at home too.
03:51 Actually as we were preparing for this study today,
03:55 I have already been blessed.
03:56 I mean truly been blessed.
03:58 I think it's a wonderful study,
04:00 it's something that we need to present,
04:02 and I just want to say that I've also traveled with Tim,
04:06 that's how we became buddies.
04:07 He was my partner right there.
04:09 I have to hush him because he just talk so much.
04:13 In the airplane...
04:17 We flew with Tim to London and he didn't ever talk.
04:20 You didn't know, he did it.
04:21 No, he was great though but it was nice,
04:24 I just like to tease him about that,
04:27 but now truly this has been already a real blessing
04:30 to study all these passages
04:32 and with things up for me today,
04:33 so I'm excited about this.
04:35 Yes, we are too.
04:36 We appreciate both of you very much.
04:38 We appreciate the counsel and the wisdom
04:39 that you pour into.
04:40 As young folk, it's always a blessing, you know,
04:42 because God has, you know, you guys have been
04:44 on the journey, you've been with 3ABN since the beginning
04:46 and you know, I tell you it's a lot of experience
04:48 that you have, so thank you again.
04:50 Lord is using you guys in a mighty way.
04:52 We'll praise the Lord for that.
04:53 We've come to love and appreciate you folks too.
04:54 Thank you for having us today.
04:56 What a blessing? Thank you. Yes.
04:57 So we've been talking about the topic.
04:59 What's the topic?
05:00 The topic is fear.
05:02 And this is a heavy topic,
05:04 but it's a topic that I think we face
05:06 as believers and non-believers.
05:08 As Christians whether you are in the church
05:10 or outside the church, we all face fear.
05:12 And we want to go to the word of God
05:14 and see how God wants us to do deal with fear.
05:17 How He wants to give us victory but before we do that...
05:20 Well, let, we should pray? We should before we can sing.
05:22 And then we got to have some music
05:23 and Tim is gonna run over to the piano and play for us.
05:25 Yeah, with Tim here, we got to have some music, right.
05:28 So we get to sing some songs in just a couple of minutes,
05:30 but Pastor Kenny would you mind to open in prayer for us.
05:33 Yes, let's pray.
05:34 Merciful Father in heaven,
05:35 truly we thank you for the opportunity
05:37 and privilege to be part of the family of God.
05:39 We thank you to talk about
05:41 the beginning of the Sabbath hours.
05:43 We thank you for the family worship.
05:44 Thankful for those who are listening,
05:46 those who are viewing,
05:47 those who will feel the touch of the spirit of the living God
05:50 as the ages of the bread of life as just is opened up
05:54 and that we receive it with thanksgiving in our hearts
05:55 and in our minds.
05:57 Open our minds, we may hear you still small voice.
06:00 Thank you for this privilege,
06:01 we thank you that Jesus died for us.
06:04 Thank you for Calvary,
06:05 Lord as we look at this topic of fear,
06:09 Lord we need to understand.
06:11 We need to know there is millions
06:13 who are going through this situation
06:15 and we just ask for divine guidance.
06:16 Bless us now, we pray to this and everything said,
06:19 everything done will only bring honor and glory
06:21 as we stand behind the cross of Calvary
06:23 in Jesus name.
06:25 Amen. Amen.
06:26 As we get ready to do the music here
06:29 at the piano just off to my right,
06:31 so Tim is heading over there to get close to the piano
06:33 and play the keys.
06:34 We have a wonderful song, a couple of songs.
06:36 The first one is "The Lord is My Light."
06:38 And we hope that you sing along.
06:39 Not just sit in the home and say wow!
06:41 They're singing a nice song.
06:42 But that you participate 'cause this is participation...
06:44 We need help. Yes.
06:45 Yeah, that's true.
06:48 To me it's making a joyful noise together.
06:51 With your brothers and sisters at home
06:53 and these two songs we chose because they deal with fear
06:56 and how God wants to bring us victory.
06:59 "The Lord is My Light."
07:07 The Lord is my light, then why should I fear?
07:13 By day and by night his presence is near
07:18 He is my salvation from sorrow and sin
07:24 This blessed persuasion the Spirit brings in
07:30 The Lord is my light, my joy and my song
07:36 By day and by night
07:39 He leads me along
07:42 The Lord is my light, my joy and my song
07:48 By day and by night
07:51 He leads me along
07:55 The Lord is my light, my all and in all
08:01 There is in his sight no darkness at all
08:07 He is my Redeemer, my Savior, and King
08:13 With saints and with angels
08:16 His praises I sing.
08:19 The Lord is my light, my joy and my song
08:25 By day and by night
08:28 He leads me along
08:31 The Lord is my light, my joy and my song
08:37 By day and by night
08:40 He leads me along
08:44 Amen. Amen.
08:45 What a song? Beautiful song.
08:47 We can almost really hear you guys singing at home.
08:49 I mean we can't quite but we can imagine it.
08:51 So thank you for joining us.
08:52 The Lord is my light, you know
08:54 my joy, my life, my song, isn't that great?
08:57 We've nothing to fear do we? No.
08:58 For the future. Amen.
09:00 Mr Tim, "A Shelter in the Time of Storm.
09:08 The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide
09:13 A Shelter in the time of storm
09:17 Secure whatever may betide
09:22 A Shelter in the time of storm
09:26 Mighty rock in a weary land
09:31 Cooling shade on the burning sand
09:35 Faithful God for the pilgrim band
09:40 A shelter in the time of storm
09:45 A shade by day, defense by night
09:50 A shelter in the time of storm
09:54 No fears alarm. No foes affright
09:58 A shelter in the time of storm
10:03 Mighty Rock in a weary land
10:07 Cooling shade on the burning sand
10:12 Faithful God for the pilgrim band
10:16 A shelter in the time of storm
10:20 One more time.
10:21 Mighty rock in a weary land
10:25 Cooling shade on the burning sand
10:30 Faithful God for the pilgrim band
10:35 A shelter in the time of storm
10:41 Amen.
10:44 When Tim Parton plays the piano, I want to sing.
10:47 I was gonna say the same thing. It means you want to sing.
10:50 We just thank you, Tim, that's a blessing.
10:53 Thank you, Tim.
10:55 Well, I'll reveal some secrets in a moment
10:58 as we get into this on discussion.
11:01 Boy, now you made me curious.
11:02 Well, so thank you for using your gift, you know,
11:06 one of your many gifts for the Lord.
11:07 We appreciate...
11:08 Amen. That's encouraging, isn't it?
11:10 But again God is our shelter, isn't He?
11:11 Yes, He is.
11:13 At time of storm and the thing is,
11:14 I have to say probably everybody...
11:16 don't you think goes through storm?
11:17 Oh, my yes. Multiple storms.
11:19 Yes, thank you, yes.
11:21 I know in my own life, you know, many storms
11:22 but the thing is to hang on to Jesus Christ.
11:24 We have nothing to fear, so you know,
11:26 it launches in our topic of fear.
11:28 So we are talking about fear tonight.
11:29 So what is if we start out like maybe
11:32 a definition or what is fear?
11:34 Anyone want to jump in, what is fear?
11:37 Chris?
11:39 It's an unpleasant emotion, it's being afraid of something
11:44 or someone that we think may hurt us or harm us
11:47 or may change our lives in some way
11:50 and somehow you know.
11:51 So it's something that...
11:53 It affects us not only spiritually
11:55 but it affects us neurologically, internally,
11:59 your whole body physically you'll feel it.
12:01 You'll feel it in your stomach, you'll feel it in your chest,
12:04 everywhere so fear can...
12:05 It's a real enemy, it can really grip us.
12:08 So, let me ask this question,
12:09 then I'm gonna put everyone on the spot
12:10 when we play we gonna raise your hand.
12:12 Everybody, I'm gonna ask Robert to go to take a Hawaii shot.
12:15 So how many of us have been afraid, raise your hand.
12:19 We all raise our hand here. Oh yes.
12:21 Oh yes. Two hands.
12:22 Two hands. It's true.
12:24 You at home, raise your hand, I'm sure.
12:26 You know, it's definitely something, Chris,
12:28 that all of us also started to face it.
12:31 But you know what, I was reminded when you ask
12:33 for the definition that as Christians we look,
12:35 it's two fold, you know what the fear the spiritual,
12:39 how we're to fear God and give glory to him,
12:42 and then there is the fear of the enemy.
12:45 And so I've always, you know, been reminded
12:47 and going over in time that you know devil,
12:50 he is a copycat, you know
12:52 as he would never come up with anything original,
12:54 so God ask us to fear him,
12:56 you know in that reverence and respect.
12:58 So that's one aspect ever so I know,
13:00 we're not just dwell no just fear that the devil is gonna
13:03 fear God, give glory to him,
13:04 and then on the other hand the devil say hmm,
13:06 okay I'll use the same word fear but I'll put it in them
13:09 to try to make them do something
13:11 they really don't want to do and I will, you know,
13:13 put a blight on his character.
13:15 I'm glad you brought that up because then really
13:18 there is actually, um, a good side of fear.
13:21 Could we say that? Absolutely.
13:23 It's the definition when
13:25 you look at the spiritual side of it and then you look
13:28 at the counterfeit fear of the devil,
13:30 the enemy because I know in my own life, lot of times,
13:33 the fear comes to everyone in a lot of different ways
13:37 and usually is when our faith might be weak,
13:41 going through difficult times and we've been struggling
13:43 maybe for days or weeks or months
13:45 and we're really low down spiritually
13:47 and the devil just tries to really work you over
13:49 and pretty soon we find, and we fear everything
13:53 and everybody because we just don't know what to expect.
13:56 Kind of almost become paranoid. Exactly.
13:58 I like what you said because the fear of the Lord
14:00 is the beginning of wisdom.
14:02 So you think then fear the Lord as far as reverence, worship,
14:07 all for God is a good thing.
14:09 As we think about fear,
14:11 you mentioned about the physical aspects
14:13 of what fear can do to us.
14:14 Do you think fear is chronic
14:17 or in some of our lives can fear be a chronic condition
14:20 or is fear one of those fighter flight like,
14:23 I go out to hang clothes on the line
14:24 and this really happened,
14:25 and there was a snake in the grass.
14:27 Okay, well that was an instant fear like...
14:29 Oh, there is a snake, right.
14:31 Then all of a sudden, okay, it's just a snake.
14:34 It's a black snake and it's not poisonous.
14:36 You know, I believe that fear can become our common reaction
14:42 to things just like you say out, it's a chronic,
14:45 it's just the way,
14:46 it's the first thing that we think of to do,
14:48 instead of trusting God for a situation,
14:51 for his outcome,
14:52 what we know we shouldn't worry about or fear,
14:57 that's just sometime the way we...
15:00 that's where we go to.
15:02 It also is our fighter flight,
15:04 I believe fighter flight is what God has put in us
15:07 to be afraid of the things that we should be afraid of.
15:10 Just like running toward the edge of the Grand Cannon,
15:12 just jump of the edge...
15:14 Oh, mercy. Fear of falling of the edge.
15:16 Right, but there are people
15:17 who won't leave their homes for fear,
15:20 there are different situations they don't put themselves into
15:24 because they are afraid of it even when it's...
15:27 Even if they have somebody that will help them go through it,
15:30 they don't want to put themselves in,
15:32 I mean, public speaking as I was mentioning
15:35 about playing the secret I was going to give,
15:38 those two songs we sang,
15:41 I didn't know either one of them,
15:43 and so I was over there thinking, okay,
15:46 they want me to play 'em, so I'm trying to read them
15:49 but they were too high for you the way in the key
15:52 that they're written, so I was transposing them
15:55 and I'm trying to think now how does this go
15:58 and then you want me to sing them as well
16:00 and so I'm like I'm still,
16:03 my body is still like, okay is that over yet.
16:06 I'm so, so I'm recovering
16:08 but so, and I know a lot of people that you know
16:12 due to their fear of public speaking or doing anything
16:17 that is outside of their comfort zone.
16:19 The fear right then and there if you've really been fearful,
16:24 you'd be unlike I would have been,
16:25 I don't know the song, I can't transpose it,
16:28 I can't change keys, no I'm not even gonna try it.
16:30 I didn't know I had that option.
16:32 I didn't know I had the choice if I...
16:35 I'm saying, it wasn't...
16:37 It was good, and what did you do when you go out,
16:39 was it to hang clothes?
16:41 What's the first thing you do when you went out
16:43 with the next batch next week to hang them up,
16:44 did you look down?
16:46 You kind of check the grass first.
16:48 Yeah, but it was a different fear maybe that,
16:50 you know what I'm saying, it was working cautious.
16:52 We can call healthy respect. Right. Thank you.
16:54 And I like that she pointed out chronic
16:56 because I believe that people, well, in times the past
16:59 we say they live on drama,
17:01 there always has to be something fearful,
17:03 something going on, some situation
17:06 and they're never at peace,
17:09 and I believe that we can actually get in a chronic rut
17:13 as it were, where we're giving into a fear,
17:17 and so I love what we're gonna do today because God,
17:20 in the word of God He addresses this
17:23 and He re-teaches us, you know,
17:24 through our walk with Him, He is always teaching,
17:27 He is always re-teaching us.
17:30 And so as we learn these wonderful principles,
17:32 His wonderful promises,
17:34 I think we can learn to claim them,
17:36 and that chronic fear will go away.
17:38 We may always be surprised and startled, you know,
17:43 and there is also a difference between
17:45 being nervous and fearful.
17:47 You know, there is a little difference there,
17:50 you know, if that was fear on the piano,
17:52 I sure wish I had that.
17:54 I wish I can do that but you see this,
17:58 it can be a crippling,
17:59 absolutely a crippling chronic condition
18:04 from many, many people.
18:06 And it's something that we need to change
18:08 because God is not pleased.
18:09 It actually represses the Holy Spirit.
18:12 He is not pleased with our fear.
18:14 Or I think Satan realizes that, you know,
18:16 he knows that God has a calling on our life and take it away.
18:18 Yeah.
18:20 So then he wants to strike fear in our own hearts to keep us
18:22 from doing what God is actually called us to do.
18:25 You know in my own life, you know,
18:26 talking about public speaking, I don't like to get upfront.
18:29 I don't at all, I don't like that,
18:31 but I know at times God calls me forward to do that,
18:34 and so you need to then say okay,
18:36 get thee behind me Satan,
18:38 God you called me to do this and I have nothing to fear.
18:42 God, you are with me.
18:43 I think I know the feeling of, you know,
18:45 I was talking about your knees smarting one against the other.
18:48 When I first started out,
18:50 it felt like any moment as it 18 or a 20
18:54 just trying to speak one, you know with my...
18:56 I thought people could hear them.
18:57 My legs will shake, they would shake.
18:59 Because they were shaking,
19:00 I felt like they might give away any moment,
19:01 and at the same time in my mind,
19:03 I'm saying, I'm not gonna able to do this again.
19:06 It's just not to me, it wasn't worth it
19:08 'cause it just, you know, you're just a nervous wreck.
19:10 But now I sense as you do what God has asked you to do
19:15 that they are still after all of these years there are still,
19:20 I'm gonna say this a fear, every time I get up to speak.
19:24 Not the nervous necessarily.
19:27 Not the nervous or shaky but the fear that I'm not...
19:30 I want to do what God wants me to do
19:33 and say what I need to say,
19:34 to me that's a different kind of a fear,
19:37 am I gonna be pleasing to him and he always says,
19:40 if you've heard my voice and what you've studied,
19:42 you're getting ready to make a mess of it,
19:44 but I'm gonna make it right in the ear of the people,
19:48 so there is a difference so...
19:50 Can I call that a concern.
19:52 Yeah, it's a concern to please God,
19:54 but to me it's all you say after all these years sure,
19:57 you don't get in, not as far as people
19:59 whether one or ten thousand it wouldn't matter,
20:02 but I do have that, that's what gonna go,
20:05 I become accountable.
20:06 You feel that, Tim, accountable.
20:08 Well, I think that's important because God calls us to that
20:10 'cause we are each accountable to God for the gifts
20:12 that he has given us and as we use them
20:14 and I just want to apologize, Tim.
20:16 Sorry we put you on the spot and make you play those songs.
20:19 I grew, I grew in that experience.
20:21 So we've grown.
20:22 I know to trust God, step right out there.
20:24 And so just you are aware, there were no edits,
20:26 he actually got up from here, went to the piano,
20:28 stop and came back so, yes, he did that live.
20:31 Thank you, Tim.
20:33 Let's go the word of God here sharing some experiences.
20:35 Let's go to the word of God.
20:37 So open your Bible too, get your Bible.
20:38 Let's go to Psalm 27 our first scripture
20:40 and then we just go through and see what we get through.
20:42 We're talking about who or what am I afraid off.
20:45 In Psalm 27:1,
20:48 whoever gets that first, you want to read that.
20:51 Kind of goes along with the song we sang.
20:54 Yeah, Psalm 27, Tim, you want to read that?
20:56 Yes, The Lord is my light and my salvation,
20:58 Whom shall I fear?
21:00 The Lord is the refuge and strong hold of my life,
21:03 Of whom shall I be afraid? What does that say to you?
21:07 Boy, there's a lot packed into that verse for sure.
21:10 Yeah, several times throughout the Psalms
21:13 the psalmist says the Lord is my light
21:15 and my salvation.
21:16 You know it's whom shall I fear,
21:18 whom shall I be afraid.
21:21 I mean, that...
21:24 I don't know that's whom shall I fear?
21:27 I fear no man, I mean, that pretty much says it
21:30 but it's difficult
21:33 when you're going through a physical situation,
21:36 you know, to know what to do with that.
21:41 You know how do I not fear a situation or dread situation.
21:46 I think we are coming to that
21:48 and maybe we'll come sooner than later
21:50 but there is a key,
21:52 there is a remedy and I found this...
21:56 Yeah, it quotes the principles in the Bible
21:59 and we're gonna be reading this as part of it
22:01 because you have faith in God,
22:04 and God is all consuming, all powerful.
22:07 He can take care of us.
22:08 He tells us not to fear those who can kill the body
22:11 but to fear him who can destroy the body and the soul.
22:16 You know, so in other words this house
22:17 that he has put me in temporarily,
22:19 if something were to happen to it,
22:21 he's gonna give me another vessel.
22:23 You know, so it's a beautiful theme,
22:25 but the remedy,
22:27 this is found in Faith I live by, it's page 156,
22:31 it says hope and courage are essential.
22:35 Hope and courage are essential to perfect service for God.
22:40 These are the fruit of faith.
22:42 I'm going on, I'm gonna skip down, here it says,
22:44 for the disheartened there is a sure remedy,
22:49 faith, prayer, work.
22:52 Faith and activity will impart assurance and satisfaction
22:55 that will increase day by day...
22:57 In the darkest days,
22:59 when appearances seem most forbidding,
23:03 fear not, have faith in God.
23:06 So that's part of what that is
23:08 and we have to learn to let go.
23:11 This has been a life long process for me,
23:14 it is a process.
23:16 I wanted to come in
23:19 'cause I even have a promise up here.
23:21 I can remember just crying on my knees
23:24 and thinking there is no hope, I've been to bad.
23:28 I've done too many things.
23:30 How can God forgive that, you see.
23:34 And I don't want to get too deep into it
23:36 but God what you know, what he is looking for contrite
23:40 and honest heart,
23:41 but at the same time
23:42 he doesn't want us to stay there.
23:45 He wants us to have hope, have faith in that salvation
23:49 and turn that into work
23:50 'cause as we're blessing others,
23:52 then we become blessed, and it's a process.
23:54 Brother Tim just put that into operation.
23:56 It just made so much more assist to me when you read that
23:58 because it took faith to do what you do,
24:01 but also it took work.
24:03 You stayed with it, faith and prayer
24:04 oh, Lord help me to get this thing right.
24:06 You just did all three things which help you
24:09 if this was a thing, and some people had fear,
24:11 was fearful but those three things in operation
24:14 and that's part, you just said it's strengthened you,
24:16 it encouraged you,
24:18 you'd be ready for the next time.
24:19 So faith, prayer and word.
24:22 So you had to put in operation
24:24 to get over this thing called fear in this area.
24:26 Yes. You know, that's beautiful.
24:29 That's good, Kenny, good application.
24:30 You put it there, wow.
24:31 Because I think we're afraid
24:34 and you brought this out Sister Chris, I like this.
24:36 We're afraid not just of playing the piano
24:39 or of messing up in front of people.
24:41 Now this Psalm says whom shall I fear,
24:44 I can be afraid of people.
24:45 What other people think of me?
24:48 Afraid of getting up in front, afraid of messing up,
24:52 afraid of not appearing good, but in the spiritual sense
24:56 I have faced this.
24:58 Afraid God can't forgive me, afraid that I'm not safe,
25:03 afraid that I'm not gonna go to heaven.
25:05 There is all kinds of things,
25:07 you know, in the spiritual sense too.
25:08 I love that.
25:09 And the enemy wants us to feel that way.
25:12 The enemy is the father of depression.
25:14 He brings about that depression,
25:16 he brings about that discouragement.
25:18 Let me read this paragraph,
25:19 this is also the Faith I Live By, in fact everything,
25:22 almost everything I'm gonna read here
25:23 if it's from Spirit of Prophecy,
25:25 it's from the Faith I Live By.
25:26 It says it is not God's will, it is not God's what?
25:30 His will that you should be distressful
25:34 or torture your soul.
25:36 See that's what we're talking about
25:38 because we felt tortured,
25:40 and we were bringing a lot of it on ourselves.
25:44 We torture our soul
25:45 with the fear that God will not accept you
25:48 because you are sinful and unworthy.
25:50 You can say, I know that I'm a sinner
25:53 and that this is the reason I need a savior.
25:57 That's the reason Christ came,
25:59 that's the reason all of heaven was opened up...
26:02 We need a savior.
26:04 So we need to come to the point where we recognize it
26:06 but God does not want us.
26:08 It's not his will that we continue to distress,
26:10 we torture our soul, he wants us to have faith,
26:13 he wants to believe to pray, faith, prayer and word.
26:18 So what you are saying is that a lot of our fear
26:20 is even self inflicted.
26:21 Oh, absolutely.
26:23 And therefore whenever you ask me again, when I read this,
26:25 it says, the Lord is my light and my salvation.
26:30 Worrying about if you are saved,
26:32 if the Lord is your salvation then he's got it.
26:36 He's got it under control,
26:38 and so if we get our eyes of our self
26:41 and inflicting that fear upon ourselves, well, Lord,
26:44 then I'm not saved but the Lord is my salvation.
26:48 Sealed, signed, that's it, it's done.
26:51 And so we have no reason to fear.
26:55 That's right.
26:56 We believe that Satan,
26:59 we know inflicts that fear upon us and he does,
27:02 but if we can just stand up and say,
27:05 my Lord is my salvation.
27:07 What you are reading it says, you know the Lord is my light,
27:09 it doesn't say the Lord is my darkness
27:11 and discouragement and the word is my light,
27:14 more it's bright and then salvation that's our saving,
27:17 you know strength, be afraid of nobody.
27:19 But you know the basis in bottom line
27:22 what I found out in my own life
27:25 that self number one has to die when it comes to us
27:29 because, Ken, when you get up to speak or whatever,
27:33 get Bible studies or instance.
27:35 Where you go to.
27:36 I refused at the younger age to give Bible study,
27:38 I felt I'm not doing
27:39 because I was afraid that somebody would ask me
27:42 a question pride that I couldn't answer.
27:45 And finally Lord say, Kenny,
27:46 there are so many things you can answer,
27:48 in fact you can only probably answer anything.
27:49 Right. But you know what?
27:50 Here's a good way,
27:52 here is what to do, I don't be honest.
27:54 Face it or somebody is gonna ask you a question,
27:56 you know what, I don't have the answer
27:57 but I know where to find it,
27:59 and then you go
28:00 and you go through the word of God and then you find.
28:02 There is nothing wrong with saying,
28:03 I don't know right now the answer
28:05 but I know exactly where I can find it.
28:07 Give me a little time, I'll find it,
28:08 I'll bring it back to you.
28:10 So when the self begin to die and pride begin to die,
28:13 it became easier, so the fear left.
28:17 Of course it was no longer I but Christ,
28:20 and I thought how wonderful that is
28:21 so part of this fear has to do with self,
28:24 self having to die.
28:27 Self is always involved,
28:29 I often say self is worst enemy.
28:31 Mine too. My biggest enemy.
28:33 I don't think anybody else but...
28:35 And we don't want to think that way
28:36 but really it is this idea just because I wanted to,
28:40 I want out me, me, my, I, so, yeah.
28:44 That's good. Go ahead.
28:45 Let's say we have a number of text here
28:47 so I know you want to address it.
28:49 So many fun verse to look at in the Bible.
28:52 Psalms 118.
28:53 118, I love what you said is return to Psalm 118,
28:56 Pastor Kenny, I love that
28:57 because it is about in my own experience
29:00 I have found that to be true.
29:01 It's about myself so when I'm afraid, I'm thinking,
29:04 I'm going to look bad or I don't want to get sick
29:08 or someone I love,
29:10 I don't want something to happen to them.
29:12 All of that stuff comes back to myself,
29:14 instead of looking to Jesus,
29:17 trusting that he is my heavenly father,
29:20 and that he will only bring what is good
29:23 and even if it's a bad situation,
29:26 Romans 8:28, he can turn it around for good.
29:31 I want to just bring this up actually at this point,
29:33 and I don't want to head off in some diversion,
29:35 but I'm thinking about, you know,
29:37 the text you just read in, it said whom shall I be afraid.
29:40 There also and I mean this part it's logical but you know,
29:43 if I get a knock in the middle of the night on my door,
29:46 someone banging and pounding like to break in my house
29:48 or something, you know, I have a healthy fear for that,
29:50 I'm not gonna say I have nobody
29:51 to be afraid of just open the door
29:53 and let somebody to come into my house.
29:54 So there is the logical, yes, part of that too...
29:56 So thank you for sharing that, sweet heart.
29:58 We need balance here.
30:00 You feel much safer now. Yeah, that's right.
30:01 I won't just open the door in the middle.
30:03 That's discernment. A discernment.
30:05 Thank you, that's a good word, discernment.
30:07 But it is startling, you know, and it can become...
30:12 And it can be, but you know the thing is what will happen
30:15 if something like that did happen,
30:17 first thing you would do, you would protect your wife...
30:21 And we should reach out to Lord in prayer too and say God...
30:23 Always.
30:24 We like, one time we went in the house we are in,
30:26 you know, sound asleep and we hear some talking.
30:31 Somehow in the very basement, the TV came on its own,
30:35 you know and it was talking it loud and I thought,
30:37 surely they're beating by breaking
30:39 they're not gonna be talking,
30:40 so I went out the bedroom door and it don't mean
30:43 'cause your good, it just goes through your mind really quick
30:45 and I'm not, I just simply said,
30:47 I said honey lock the door when I go out
30:50 and don't let anyone in.
30:52 You stay on the side, you have protection.
30:54 You lock the door and I'm going outside
30:57 and don't open unless I come back.
30:59 There but was a fear
31:02 but the fear overrode to say protect her,
31:04 then you go down and you face what needs to be face
31:07 so you know and God always helped us.
31:09 Lord help us to and we find a TV going on, who turned it.
31:15 Okay, so Psalms 118 text.
31:17 Now that you all brought some balance to what I said
31:19 Psalm 118:6, you want to read that, Pastor Kenny,
31:23 You have that Psalm 118:6?
31:25 I have 118:6, "The Lord is on my side, I will not fear.
31:31 What can man do unto me?
31:34 I mean that's beautiful, the Lord's on my side,
31:37 that gives each one of us courage to face everyday
31:41 when I get up to say, when you do the right thing,
31:43 the best you know how to do and those of you at home,
31:46 you're doing what you know is right,
31:49 the best of your ability,
31:50 you know that God has promised to be on your side,
31:53 he said I'll never leave you, I'll never forsake you,
31:55 you don't fear what man might do,
31:57 you don't fear what a man, how he is going to look
31:59 and what he is gonna say, what he is gonna do
32:00 because you are on the right side.
32:02 You're on God side and when you are on God side,
32:04 he takes responsibility for taking care of you
32:08 'cause we're basically look at are pretty helpless.
32:11 We need him, certainly gets the enemy and his foe,
32:14 but it says here, I say the Lord is on my side,
32:16 I will not fear, what can man do to me.
32:19 What can he really do.
32:21 He might take your life but you mentioned while ago so,
32:23 as long as you dedicate your life to Jesus Christ, you know,
32:25 the hereafter be wonderful to spend eternity with him.
32:27 That is a key point because really
32:29 there had been many martyrs.
32:31 Come on now history,
32:33 that have laid down their life for Jesus Christ.
32:34 The beautiful thing with that is, you know,
32:38 nothing God is still going to surround you
32:40 and he will protect you, nothing will happen to you
32:44 or to any of us as long as we're living up to the light
32:47 that he's given us.
32:49 And we're obeying and we're in that
32:52 wonderful continual relationship with him,
32:54 then he is there to protect us.
32:57 And nothing will happen unless it's his will.
33:00 So there are times where things do happen,
33:05 but he has allowed it to happen, you know,
33:08 if you are martyred then your book of life
33:12 is closed at that point,
33:13 you know, and he knows it just...
33:15 Be my life be a testimony.
33:16 Exactly, but one thing that come to my mind,
33:18 I was thinking back when you say
33:20 with the Lord on my side,
33:21 I will not fear, what can man do to me.
33:23 I remember going,
33:25 I was at Southern Missionary College
33:27 and that was about a six, six and half hour drive
33:30 when I was around 18 years old,
33:32 and one Sunday my car broke down
33:35 and we couldn't get it fixed
33:37 and so I was making this journey alone
33:40 and when you're, you know, 18 years old,
33:41 that seems like a long way by yourself,
33:44 but anyway it was getting dark and my mom finally said
33:46 take my car, so I did.
33:49 And this was a very dark night by the time
33:52 I hit Paducah, Kentucky, It was very dark,
33:55 and at one time I was out by myself no car,
33:57 so I hit the bright lights and the lights went out.
34:02 They just quit working and it was so,
34:04 you could not see I just, you know,
34:07 you just knew where the side of the road was,
34:10 there were no cell phones back then but we had a CB.
34:13 And of course I was at the point,
34:15 I was outside of Paducah,
34:17 so it was kind of coming and going, coming and going.
34:20 I finally heard a lady and she got on there,
34:23 she says you know, we'll send you some help,
34:25 and so I was still little bit fearful as it were
34:29 but I was praying,
34:30 I was praying and so I just ducked down in the seat
34:34 and I was waiting and pretty soon,
34:36 this truck pulled up in front of me and backed up,
34:39 I thought nobody said how am I gonna know who is here.
34:43 Are these the people that came to help, I don't know.
34:45 and this man got out and he was walking to the car
34:49 and I'm like Lord if this...
34:51 I have no idea, am I to open my door to this man
34:55 out here in the dark
34:57 and all of a sudden that man stopped.
35:00 He turned around he ran and he sped away.
35:05 No one knows apparently.
35:06 A few minutes later,
35:08 the lady came by on the other side of the interstate,
35:11 we see you, we're coming up behind you,
35:14 it's myself and my husband, we're here blah, blah, blah.
35:19 God has send an angel or something that man seen
35:23 and it tuned him away and we can tell you story
35:26 after story like this, but that what I'm saying
35:29 where unless God is finished with us...
35:33 Nothing to fear. Nothing to fear.
35:35 And that causes faith to arise and so for the person
35:38 who is afraid of doing something that they feel
35:42 God is calling them to do.
35:43 You know, talking about the martyrs,
35:45 to become a missionary but God, you know,
35:47 I'm putting my life on the line,
35:49 you know, I could die for this.
35:50 Well, there is that to be considered
35:53 but there is the peace that God I believe will give us
35:57 when we go into something that
35:59 He is totally enforcing us to do
36:02 and encouraging us to do
36:03 that He will give us the peace that says,
36:05 you know what, so be it.
36:07 If my life is what is expected of me,
36:10 then I am at peace with that and there will be no fear.
36:12 You know, there will be caution and there will be concern,
36:15 maybe especially from those around you.
36:17 But yeah, but it's the situation is like
36:20 you're saying the testimonies of knowing
36:22 where God has provided that safety...
36:24 Does that fit where...
36:26 it says we're in His hand and no man can take you out.
36:29 That fits, doesn't it in there?
36:31 When we're in His hand, no one can take you out,
36:34 unless you decide you want to get out.
36:36 And we don't fear of the future
36:38 unless we forget how He's led us in the past.
36:41 So these things come to mind and they help to encourage,
36:44 they bring faith, and of course we continue to pray.
36:47 When you talked about going to other countries,
36:49 we've been to other countries many times
36:52 and it's interesting because over the year
36:55 as I've learned about fear
36:57 and who the father of fear is and trusting in God.
37:02 I mean, we found ourselves in many situations
37:04 especially the driving situation.
37:07 I mean, to the point that only by God's grace did we not,
37:13 you know, have had on...yes.
37:15 One night, I can remember the guy apparently
37:18 he may have been drug,
37:19 I don't know but he was speeding through...
37:21 I think it was Dominican Republic,
37:23 and the lady that was with us,
37:25 we were just about to hit a truck
37:26 and she kind of screamed and put her head into mine
37:30 and, you know, but at the same time
37:32 believe it or not, I didn't have fear
37:34 because I knew,
37:35 I thought God's going to protect us.
37:37 He is gonna get us back
37:39 because He wasn't finished with us.
37:41 He had a purpose for our being there, you know, and...
37:44 It reminds me, I'm sorry.
37:46 It's kind of the same situation,
37:48 I don't want to talk too much here but it just reminds me
37:51 even as a young child
37:53 'cause my father was an alcoholic.
37:56 And there were times that as a child I was very fearful
38:00 because he was all over the road
38:03 and I can remember seeing the lights
38:05 just about to hit the car and I would do this
38:08 and think that was it.
38:10 And I looked back now
38:12 and I think only by the grace of God,
38:15 he stopped us, he saved us many times.
38:17 So that's very interesting what a testimony
38:21 to God's ability to turn what we've grown up in the fear,
38:27 whatever dysfunction...
38:29 Yes, around.
38:30 And that is a real work of God. Absolutely.
38:33 More than once he stopped,
38:34 he stopped us from going over precipice...
38:37 I mean all kinds of things and it's only by God...
38:41 only where the angels were there.
38:43 You know, so it's a beautiful thing to be in His hand,
38:46 in His keeping what can man do to you.
38:49 Yeah, it's encouraging, you know, to hear,
38:51 you know the testimony, the assurance
38:55 because that's an encouragement not only to you,
38:56 I can see that.
38:58 Boy, what an encouragement to me too to know
39:00 how God h as preserved and worked in peoples lives.
39:03 I was thinking Tim, it's really...
39:05 You know talking about missionaries,
39:06 you were talking about missionaries,
39:08 and really it comes down to surrender one's life
39:11 to Christ, doesn't it, you know,
39:12 'cause God's ask me to do this,
39:14 okay I'm taking my family,
39:15 I've had this before friends going out,
39:16 and even I, I hate to say I have a question,
39:18 boy are you sure?
39:20 You're kind of little baby,
39:21 you're going into a third world country.
39:23 You know, are you sure it's God talking to you.
39:25 I hate to say it but I have,
39:27 you know ask those questions but they feel called of God
39:30 and boy it's just to surrender 'cause when you surrender,
39:32 there's a lot of peace.
39:34 Amen.
39:35 I think of the story in the Bible
39:37 of Jesus in the storm,
39:39 the disciples were fearful, the waves were high
39:42 and the boat was about to sink
39:44 and Christ was sleeping in the boat.
39:48 Isn't that beautiful?
39:49 What a lesson for us, you know that storms of life.
39:51 That is a lesson.
39:53 We've become tornado ally in this area
39:56 but because of the peace that passes all understanding
40:00 and prayer, we have slept,
40:02 I have slept through many a storms,
40:04 the house is moving and you just don't know,
40:07 but I've been able.
40:09 Now years ago, I couldn't have done that.
40:10 But now I just feel safe in the arms of God
40:13 and there has been many a storms
40:15 that I've slept right through.
40:17 That's a beautiful point, Chris,
40:18 because I think that's how God grows us
40:21 as sons and daughters of Jesus or the King.
40:23 You think of the fear you lived in as a child
40:26 and what took place there and then how God say,
40:28 I'm gonna grow you and change you
40:30 and then now today,
40:32 oh, there is the fear of the tornado
40:33 or the storms or other fear
40:35 and how, now you can sleep through that where you didn't
40:37 and that's a testimony, the power of God,
40:40 the power of the word of God,
40:43 choosing to take our thoughts captive.
40:45 You know 2 Corinthians 10, "Casting down imaginations,
40:48 and every high thing that exalteth itself
40:50 against the knowledge of God,
40:51 and bringing into captivity every thought
40:54 to the obedience of Christ."
40:56 And I think God says, Jill, take those fearful thoughts,
40:59 take that anxiousness, take those thoughts about self,
41:03 about my own pride,
41:05 above whatever and take them captive to me
41:08 and I can change your life.
41:10 Amen. You were bursting.
41:12 I don't know, I believe,
41:13 I think the very way to do that is to get in the word
41:17 so much that's what we think.
41:19 You know, I think about the disciples,
41:22 had they had smart phones,
41:24 they would have been able to go to their weather app
41:26 and see that the storm would be coming through
41:28 at such time they could watch Doppler radar
41:31 and seeing that the storm was coming through,
41:34 let's yeah, let's wait,
41:35 let's put this off till tomorrow
41:36 at least in the day light where we can see
41:39 but, and today we do a lot of things,
41:42 we fear from the media,
41:45 fear from the knowledge that we find,
41:47 you know the things, the part of it
41:49 is helping us to know to be prepared
41:52 but a lot more of it
41:54 is just fear based information that we get.
41:59 Some people don't know that they are fearful.
42:00 This is what I found out, this is interesting.
42:03 I haven't thought of that.
42:04 They don't really know that they are
42:06 but when we face an experience like you're talking about,
42:09 you know, the storm, all of a sudden their unbelief
42:14 and their fear was exposed under test and trial,
42:19 it gets deep
42:20 because that's when we find out
42:22 who we really are is under test or when somebody challenges us
42:27 or you know we challenge our self with...
42:29 Yeah, the real person that comes out,
42:32 there is the danger there
42:34 and so and I'm thankful that God will reveal that
42:36 so that we can understand, you know, that...
42:39 I failed that. I failed that test a few times.
42:43 I like it, yeah because really
42:44 we need to take these circumstances
42:46 'cause I've had some moments where I'm afraid
42:48 so take them as a learning experience.
42:50 God, I didn't quite handle this right,
42:52 I should have been in your word more,
42:54 should have addressed it this way.
42:55 So I like that is a learning experience.
42:57 I've got to share this all with you.
42:59 This wasn't too many years ago
43:00 but finances were really, really bad
43:03 with the ministry and everything,
43:06 and I was literally shaking, I thought, you know,
43:09 I was just literally shaking and I wanted sympathy,
43:13 but what I got was you don't have faith.
43:18 And that was a hard thing to swallow
43:20 but it made me think, it made me pray more,
43:23 it made me dig more, and I've learned okay,
43:27 well, it looks like it's gonna fall, you know,
43:29 we're all test and tried but I've learned to have faith,
43:32 okay, Lord whatever you decide, then...
43:35 I kind of like the wording a little bit better is,
43:37 honey, we need more faith.
43:38 That's what I got.
43:41 I'm also wording a little bit different.
43:43 Maybe what we need is more
43:44 this faith to believe that God, you know.
43:46 I wish I had got that,
43:48 I was looking for little sympathy
43:49 but it was just like you don't have faith.
43:53 We're having a little discussion
43:54 here during family worship,
43:55 that's okay, it's okay to have discussion.
43:58 People have went through the same thing
43:59 there at home, that's attending this service tonight
44:02 and they're, Bible study, they are going through this,
44:05 they're going through the finances,
44:06 they're going through the difficult separation,
44:09 they're going through all kind of problems,
44:11 and sometime we say the wrong thing,
44:15 I meant to do the right thing,
44:18 but I think after hearing it several times,
44:20 I was trying to...
44:22 I guess I reminded him a few times.
44:23 Remind me to my drive.
44:25 Honey, I like your faith here.
44:26 We have faith to believe right, so no,
44:29 but they are still and people do need,
44:32 do we agree with this some...
44:33 We need sympathy,
44:34 there is times when we need to but not to the point
44:37 to where we continue to bask in our unbelief.
44:40 God is still leading exercise faith,
44:42 he is gonna work it all out.
44:43 If he chooses not to then give me faith to accept.
44:46 Amen, let's see if we can get another scripture.
44:49 I like Isaiah 43:1-3.
44:56 There are just so many promises in the Bible.
44:58 We encourage you to take your Bible
45:00 on a daily basis and study God's word.
45:03 Can't go wrong
45:04 because God promises his word will not return void.
45:08 Isaiah 43:1-3, Chris...
45:12 Okay, "But now, thus saith the Lord, that created the,
45:16 O Jacob, and He who formed the O Israel:
45:20 'Fear not, for I have redeemed the,
45:24 I have called the by this name, thou art mine."
45:27 We're His... That's specific, isn't it?
45:31 When Thou passes through the waters, I will be with the,
45:35 And through the rivers, thou shall not overflow the.
45:38 When thou walk through the fire,
45:40 thou shall not be burned,
45:41 Neither shall the flame kindle upon the...
45:44 When I read this earlier,
45:45 I thought about the children of Israel going through,
45:48 you know, the Red Sea,
45:50 going through different large rivers.
45:53 The three Hebrews Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego
45:57 thrown into the fiery furnace.
45:59 There is nothing,
46:00 there was not even a stench of smoke on them,
46:03 you know, because he is with them.
46:05 They were the His, for I am the Lord,
46:10 thy God the Holy one of Israel, thy savior,
46:14 I gave Egypt for a ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee."
46:19 Amen.
46:20 I like the beginning part especially because it says
46:21 fear not, I have redeemed you, I have called you by name.
46:25 You are mine because to meet him,
46:27 that's specific, you know that.
46:29 It says Tim, it's almost like we want to obviously reverence
46:33 God as who is as king
46:34 but it's almost like Tim how are you today.
46:36 You know, it's just that type of relationship
46:38 that he wants to have with each one of us.
46:41 Boy, isn't that something.
46:43 Because we're just a speck, the earth.
46:45 We think it's huge as a speck in the universe,
46:49 and I don't know where we are on the earth
46:50 but we are even smaller than that.
46:52 God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for each one of us.
46:55 That verse encourages me so much,
46:59 yeah, just redeemed us.
47:00 Call us by name.
47:02 You know what speaks to me in it, I like,
47:03 this is one of my favorite scriptures,
47:05 I like this whole thing,
47:06 but if you look at Isaiah 42 before as we come into it,
47:09 God's people have been accused of being deaf and blind,
47:13 breaking the covenant.
47:14 They were God's covenant people, right.
47:17 This is the children of Israel,
47:18 and they were being accused of breaking
47:20 the covenant stipulations.
47:22 And in spite of all that, it starts with
47:25 but now, it's like he is saying,
47:28 in spite of your unfaithfulness,
47:30 in spite of the fact that you turned your back on me.
47:33 Even now, I have redeemed you,
47:37 I have called you by my name and I love you,
47:40 and I don't know where you are tonight,
47:43 you might feel like I have wandered far from God.
47:46 And he says even now but now, I call you by name.
47:52 Amen. I love you, I redeemed you.
47:56 You don't have to be afraid.
48:00 What a God we serve.
48:01 You know, it's so beautiful when you said
48:02 because I was reading here in Testimonies
48:05 to Ministers 519 that said something,
48:07 God gives to humanity
48:10 something that He does not give to angels.
48:15 Think about that,
48:16 God gives humanity in his fallen condition,
48:19 his sinful condition, something that He doesn't give the angels
48:23 and that is just simply grace because let me read it,
48:27 it said God loves the sinless angels
48:29 who do his service, who are obedient to all his commands
48:32 but He does not give them grace,
48:34 they have never needed it, for they have never seen.
48:39 Grace is an attribute shown to undeserving human beings.
48:44 Our need is a qualification, which gives us the assurance
48:49 that we shall receive the gift, since we have such a need to
48:53 what you've brought out, we have such a need,
48:55 God knows we have a need
48:57 and he wants to give us those, that gift.
48:59 I thought how interesting, he gives us something that
49:01 he didn't give the perfect unfallen angels,
49:04 he gives to fallen man because we needed.
49:07 That's our only hope. Amen.
49:09 Oh, what a savior. Amen.
49:12 That's beautiful, I mean to think,
49:14 and how often some we talked about this in the beginning
49:17 because we felt like we were unredeemable
49:20 and how Christ he...
49:22 what if we treated one another.
49:24 If he treated us the way we treat one another.
49:28 You know, how often we've been
49:29 'cause you guys mentioned it so gracefully,
49:32 we being little older.
49:37 Experience, but you know, over the years,
49:42 I have found that even when people have fallen from grace
49:46 or they made mistakes in their ministry.
49:49 I think of one man that ended up committing suicide
49:52 because rather than his brothers and sisters
49:55 going to him and saying I'm here for you,
49:58 let's see what we can do to rectify this,
50:01 God still loves you.
50:02 He felt unloved,
50:04 he felt rejected of his brothers and sisters,
50:07 he ended up committing suicide.
50:10 I knew this, I knew this man,
50:12 and I knew what happened in his life,
50:14 and the Holy Spirit kept saying,
50:15 you need to call him and encourage him,
50:18 but the people that different ones I talk to,
50:19 oh, he made a mistake man, you got to stay away from him.
50:22 Holy Spirit said, you need to call him.
50:23 Well, I'm gonna do that, 'cause I knew him,
50:26 I did meetings and different things so on and so forth.
50:28 I put it off, until I found out that he killed himself.
50:32 Then I'm never really gotten over that aspect
50:34 because a word in due season.
50:37 The Holy Spirit may have changed everything
50:39 for this person and I put it off,
50:41 not that I didn't care,
50:43 I put it off so it shows maybe I didn't care enough,
50:45 I should have done it,
50:47 but what happens many times when a person falls,
50:50 when they are weak or they're fearful,
50:52 they do this, that's when they need help.
50:54 They do not need to be shun by me or you or anybody else.
50:57 That's when they need...
50:59 that doesn't mean you can donate,
51:00 oh, here's our brother...
51:02 you're there to help them, brother sister, we know you,
51:05 you made a choice that we love you,
51:07 what can we do for you,
51:08 is there anything we are here for you,
51:10 rather than or if I do this, it's gonna hurt the ministry,
51:12 it's gonna hurt my own personal,
51:14 I've heard that all my life and I'm gonna use the word,
51:16 I'm gonna say sick of it.
51:18 It makes me sick of my stomach
51:20 when I hear that Jesus would never say that,
51:23 he said I came to seek and save that which was lost,
51:26 and he said he came to cast out that fear.
51:28 Perfect love cast out all fear.
51:30 And that's what he wants to do
51:31 is to bring us back in that relationship.
51:33 Amen. Amen.
51:35 Now just a few minute left, we want to actually have prayer
51:37 because you know prayers big part of the worship.
51:40 Why don't you just enter for us in the scriptures Psalms 34:4,
51:44 Psalms 34:4 says and I sought the Lord..."
51:49 What did he do?
51:51 "And He heard me, and delivered me from" what?
51:54 "All of my fears."
51:58 Praise the Lord, right.
52:00 So we sought the Lord.
52:01 So we want to encourage you tonight
52:03 if you are struggling with fear.
52:05 Go to the word of God, go to the Lord Jesus Christ,
52:08 choose to take those thoughts captive,
52:10 and watch your faith grow.
52:12 And if you know someone else who's struggling with fear,
52:16 don't go to them and say what's your problem,
52:18 why are you in the word of God or not.
52:20 Encourage them in the Lord, encourage them to spend time
52:25 with the word of God, and pray for them
52:27 and that will make all the difference,
52:30 an eternal difference in their life and in their heart.
52:32 Standing by each other with a word of God.
52:34 Let's go the Lord in prayer,
52:36 and Brother Kenny you want to start.
52:37 Yes.
52:39 Those of you are at home pray with us please.
52:41 Merciful father in heaven again,
52:43 we thank you for loving us.
52:44 We thank you for the subject.
52:46 We thank you though there is so much more
52:48 that could be covered, but we know your Holy Spirit
52:50 has been speaking to the hearts of your children.
52:52 Lord, if something that we missed
52:54 or we didn't say right,
52:55 we pray the Holy Spirit is taken that.
52:57 It's hit the ears of those and the minds of those who are,
53:00 millions are suffering from this thing called fear.
53:04 The Bible addresses it in so many different ways,
53:07 the fearful, you know...
53:09 As we look at this word we know that it's real
53:11 and only you can give us victory.
53:13 Bless now we pray each one
53:14 who is chosen by the grace of God,
53:17 we're gonna pray, we're gonna have faith
53:18 and we're gonna work our way
53:19 right through it by the grace of God,
53:21 that victory is assured to each and every one.
53:23 Keep our eyes upon Jesus.
53:25 We thank you for hearing and answering prayer
53:26 in Jesus' name.
53:27 Amen. Amen.
53:29 Heavenly father as we continue this prayer,
53:32 we just thank you for your redemptive love
53:35 that you loved us so much that you came down
53:39 and you're lifting us up,
53:41 it's only through you that we can be saved.
53:44 And Father as our family at home
53:47 is listening and praying with us.
53:49 I know that there had been thoughts that have come up
53:51 in their minds about fears that they have,
53:55 fears they've experienced, fears they are holding on to.
53:59 And father you don't want us to hold on to these,
54:02 you want us to caste them out.
54:05 So Father, I pray in the name of Jesus
54:08 that you give them the strength right now
54:10 to lay those fears at the cross, the Calvary.
54:16 You said to take your yoke,
54:19 'cause your burden is easy and is light
54:23 and if we just let yoke up with you,
54:25 you'll carry us through no matter
54:28 what this world brings in our path.
54:31 We realize there is a time of trouble coming,
54:34 but we have faith to know that you will see us
54:38 through anything and everything.
54:40 Thank you Father for these promises in Jesus' name.
54:45 Amen.
54:46 Precious Lord, I want to address those
54:48 who are going through anxieties and fears of the unknown
54:53 in their lives, whether it's in a form of a disease,
54:56 and they don't know what's going to happen
54:58 in their near future.
54:59 They know what the science says,
55:01 they know what history has proven, but Father
55:06 I pray I want two promises that are in your word.
55:08 I'm praying that you will help us to cast all of our anxiety
55:13 there on you because you care for us.
55:16 Amen.
55:17 And Father, I pray that you will help us also to remember
55:19 not to be anxious about anything
55:21 but in every situation my prayer and petition
55:24 with thanks giving,
55:26 we are to present our request to you
55:28 because you care and love for us.
55:31 So we thank you for our hope and a future in Jesus' name.
55:34 Thank you, Lord. Amen.
55:37 Father, I just come in agreement
55:38 with my brothers and sisters.
55:40 Thank you Lord Jesus for the work
55:42 you want to do in our lives.
55:44 Thank you for redeeming us.
55:45 Thank you for the transforming grace of the Holy Spirit,
55:50 that's poured into our lives
55:52 and that you can change us from fear to faith,
55:55 from failure to victory.
55:57 Oh, Father, we claim that just now in Jesus name,
56:01 over our lives, over the lives of the people in this ministry,
56:05 in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are watching,
56:09 and we thank you for what you are going to do,
56:12 that you want to hear an answer the prayer of faith
56:14 in Jesus' name.
56:16 Amen.
56:18 Father in heaven, what a blessing and a privilege
56:19 it is to gather here and to worship you,
56:22 to open up the Sabbath.
56:24 I thank you for my brothers and sisters here Lord
56:26 that we can meet together around the table
56:28 and for those at home.
56:29 Father, on the topic of fear,
56:30 we know that perfect love cast out all fear,
56:33 and you don't want us to be afraid of our circumstances
56:35 and storms and things that are going on around us.
56:38 Father, you provided the way out, the way through,
56:41 and we want to surrender and commit our lives to you
56:45 and in Jesus' name and pray.
56:47 Amen.
56:50 What a blessing to share this family worship time
56:53 with each one of you our brothers and sisters.
56:55 Thank you brother Tim, Pastor Kenny and Sister Chris,
56:58 thank you for coming and for sharing.
57:01 Praise Jesus for the word of God
57:02 and thank you sweet heart.
57:04 Thank you. I appreciate, it's fun.
57:06 It's a blessing to spend time in the word of God.
57:09 We thank you for joining with us.
57:12 You are part of our 3ABN family.
57:14 We thank you for your prayers for this ministry
57:16 for your financial support of this ministry.
57:19 We needed now more than ever before as we move forward
57:22 spreading the gospel around the world.
57:24 Know that we love you at home, that we pray for you
57:28 and we hope that God will bless you
57:30 with this Sabbath,
57:32 with a wonderful time in his word
57:33 and in fellowship with your brothers and sisters.


Revised 2016-12-19