Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016032A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship,
01:09 I'm Shelley Quinn. I'm JD Quinn.
01:11 And we're just so glad that you're joining us.
01:14 You know, we, when the Sabbath rolls around,
01:18 my first feeling is just kind of like...
01:21 Yes.
01:23 And all that stress comes rolling off from the weekend.
01:26 This has been rather stressful week,
01:30 and we hope that if you're joining us for this thing,
01:33 you'll find the same sweet relief
01:36 that we do as we get together to worship
01:39 and to pray to our Lord.
01:41 Let me introduce our guests, I'm going to begin on my right
01:45 and we have the lovely Jill Morikone.
01:48 Jill is such a talented person, you're a pianist,
01:52 you're wonderful writer, you're gifted teacher,
01:55 you are an incredible assistant to the president.
02:00 You're just a busy lady, aren't you?
02:03 Well, I don't know if I claim any of those,
02:04 the title I like to claim is just daughter of Jesus.
02:07 Amen.
02:08 You know, we're just daughters of the king
02:09 and it's a blessing or the sons of the king.
02:12 Pastor C.A said, wait a minute.
02:14 It's a blessing to be part of the team, you know,
02:17 at 3ABN and to be involved in ministry.
02:21 Praise God, and it's a blessing
02:22 to share family worship together.
02:24 Only way to know how many and I agree with you, Shelley,
02:27 we did know how multi-talented she was,
02:29 she was just a local piano teacher
02:31 for such a while, for a long while
02:33 and then as her gifts began to bloom and blossom,
02:36 she could do this and oh, she does that too.
02:38 Oh, she does that well too. Oh, she does that good too.
02:41 So now she is an integral part of everything that's happening
02:43 and she does everything well, she really does.
02:45 Amen.
02:47 Really happy you're here
02:48 in the family circle this evening
02:50 and we also have Pastor C.A Murray
02:52 and his wife Irma.
02:54 Irma, you're in our Latino, 3ABN Latino,
02:57 what is your exact role?
02:59 Well, right now
03:00 I'm having to help in a lot of different things.
03:03 Praise the Lord then I'm able to help,
03:06 but I do mostly producing, broadcast a producer,
03:12 and work with the marketing department.
03:15 Wonderful.
03:16 I'm like the de liaison, liaison between 3ABN
03:20 and our cable companies.
03:23 In English that's liaison. Liaison.
03:29 And that's not liaison.
03:33 And Pastor C.A you...
03:35 And he's not afraid of lying.
03:37 You are our GM general manager for the Proclaim channel.
03:40 Yes.
03:42 And also gifted speaker and we, host,
03:46 producer of the 3ABN today program,
03:48 we all wear multiple hats.
03:50 Indeed we do.
03:52 But...
03:53 I think that that's one thing
03:55 I've learned about self supporting ministries.
03:56 That's true.
03:57 Is that you have to wear a lot of hats.
04:01 But God equips you. Amen.
04:03 So I mean it's a big thank you, Jesus.
04:07 Well, tonight we're going to be talking about hope,
04:11 but not just any hope,
04:12 we're going to be discussing the blessed hope.
04:16 Amen.
04:17 That hope of everlasting life
04:19 in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
04:21 Amen.
04:23 But before we begin,
04:24 why don't we just start this Sabbath with a prayer,
04:27 and we're just,
04:28 why don't we just go around in a prayer of praise.
04:32 Let's just pray whatever praise is in your heart,
04:35 well, just take turns and pop around.
04:37 J.D you want to start?
04:39 Yes.
04:41 Father we come to You in the name of Jesus,
04:43 and we just want to thank You for Your many blessings Lord.
04:46 And Father, yes,
04:47 there are different issues in life it comes up,
04:50 but Father we don't worry
04:51 because You are the one that's in charge.
04:53 And so Father, I know for myself
04:56 I just consent, I just surrender to you
04:59 and I thank you Jesus that I'm able to do that.
05:03 And you're the one that empowers me
05:05 to be able to continue to go forward.
05:08 Amen. So Father, thank you.
05:12 Loving Father, we just praise You
05:15 and we are thankful for giving us this day
05:19 where we can trust in You.
05:23 And we can put all our work, and all our trials of the week
05:30 and to be able to relax and rejoice,
05:33 even though we know that Sunday coming all the problems,
05:37 and all the stresses will come again.
05:42 We can just look at that, and still be able to relax
05:46 and to enjoy being with you, with Your presence.
05:50 Thank you Father and bless us tonight
05:53 and bless all of our friends
05:56 that will be watching this program
05:59 in the precious name of Jesus.
06:01 Amen.
06:03 Gracious Father, we do praise You
06:04 and thank You, for being such a good and loving God,
06:08 for giving us the temple and time called the Sabbath,
06:11 a chance to turn off as it were the cares of the world
06:14 and repose in heavenly places even for that a while,
06:19 to see again and knew the faith of Jesus
06:21 to recommit our lives to Him.
06:23 And we thank You Father, that we can draw closer to You,
06:26 and have this special meeting time with You
06:29 during these sacred hours.
06:31 Fill us with Your spirit during this time, dear Father.
06:33 May our words, may the things that we discuss,
06:36 draw us somehow that much closer to You
06:40 as each day brings us closer to thee day,
06:43 and we will see You face to face
06:44 and we praise you Father for Christ,
06:47 we praise You Father for the family of God.
06:49 Amen.
06:50 We praise you Father for brothers and sisters
06:52 in the Lord,
06:53 who truly sometimes are even closer
06:55 than our natural siblings who walk the road we walk,
06:58 talk the talk we talk,
07:00 and live a lives are those who are saved by Christ Jesus,
07:03 so bless us dear Father, we praise You and we love You,
07:05 and we thank You, in Jesus name.
07:07 Amen.
07:09 Oh, Father, we just thank You right now for your Son Jesus
07:11 for the gift of salvation, You've freely extended to us.
07:16 We thank You that You are our provider
07:18 and our protector, and our defender,
07:22 and our sustainer,
07:24 and right now we just give you praise
07:26 for who You are and for what You have done
07:30 in our doing in our lives.
07:34 Father, we're just are so ever grateful to You for grace.
07:40 We're so thankful as Jill has said for Jesus
07:43 and the gift of salvation,
07:45 we're so thankful for Your Holy Spirit.
07:47 And Lord, we're very grateful to You
07:49 for the gift of your holy scriptures
07:51 that we may come to know You.
07:54 And thank You Lord that the Sabbath is a memorial
07:58 that You are our creator
08:00 and the one who recreates us in Christ Jesus.
08:02 That's right. Amen.
08:04 And thank You, Father,
08:05 that You have told us in Your word
08:07 that the Sabbath is a sign,
08:10 it's a sign of covenant keeping God,
08:13 it's a sign You said Lord that reminds us
08:17 You are the one who sanctifies us,
08:19 who sets us apart from evil.
08:21 And Lord, we come tonight
08:23 asking to be forgiven of our sins,
08:26 we come tonight asking on behalf of ourselves
08:29 and our brothers and sisters who are watching,
08:32 Lord, that you would by the power of Your spirit
08:35 in Your word, and Your love set us apart from evil,
08:39 Lord, set us apart to yourself,
08:41 and Lord thank You so much for all that You do,
08:47 in Jesus' holy name we pray, amen.
08:50 Amen. Amen.
08:52 God, you know, the prayer part just reminds you
08:55 as we're praying for these things
08:57 you just think about how gracious God is.
09:00 Amen.
09:01 Prayer, I think praise really, I think the reason He said,
09:05 enter my gates with thanksgiving
09:07 and into your courts with praise,
09:09 as it draws us into His presence.
09:11 That's right. I love that.
09:13 Well, we always like to start with a song
09:16 and you now the Bible says
09:20 make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
09:22 Now you know, as you get older something you'll notice
09:25 if you're one of our younger viewers,
09:27 you will find out that as you get older,
09:28 your voice lowers.
09:30 I used to be an alto, now I'm a tenor,
09:33 and finding we didn't get a chance
09:35 to practice in finding right key,
09:37 so we're in a key
09:38 that we're just going to make a joyful noise,
09:41 'cause we don't all sing in the same key, do we?
09:44 But it's hymn number 214, we have this hope
09:48 and the words would be on the screen so join us.
09:54 We have this hope
09:58 That burns within our hearts
10:03 Hope in the coming
10:06 Of the Lord
10:12 We have this faith
10:15 That Christ alone imparts
10:20 Faith in the promise
10:24 Of His Word
10:29 We believe the time is here
10:33 When the nations far and near
10:38 Shall awake, and shout and sing
10:42 Hallelujah!
10:45 Christ is King!
10:49 We have this hope
10:53 That burns within our hearts
10:58 Hope in the coming
11:02 Of the Lord.
11:07 Amen. Amen. Amen.
11:09 Thank you Jill for running over there
11:11 to play the piano for us.
11:12 You know, in the Greek the word hope,
11:16 if I use the word hope with you,
11:19 sometimes we'll say,
11:20 are you going to go on vacation this year?
11:22 Oh, I hope so.
11:23 It's kind of like, well, it may be, you know,
11:26 if we get a chance, may be it will be possible
11:29 but in the Greek the word hope meant eager expectation.
11:34 Amen.
11:35 So when it talks about hope it's saying we eagerly expect
11:40 what the word of God,
11:42 what He has promised us in His word,
11:44 that it is going to come true,
11:46 and we do have this hope of the coming of our Lord
11:49 because it is promised in the word of God.
11:52 Okay, well, let's look at our scriptures,
11:54 we really didn't have time
11:56 to think about this much, didn't we?
11:58 But, what I'm going to do,
12:00 I'll start off just by reading an affirmation.
12:02 And affirmation is when you just take the word of God
12:06 and pray it back to him basically.
12:08 And we're looking at two different scriptures
12:10 that this affirmation was built from.
12:13 It's just that you're agreeing with the Lord,
12:15 so let me just read
12:16 what the affirmation from Revelation 21:1-7,
12:20 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, here is what it says,
12:26 "When the new Jerusalem
12:27 comes down to the new recreated earth,
12:30 God will dwell with us
12:32 as He originally planned a creation.
12:35 He will make all things new,
12:37 never again will we suffer the pain of death,
12:40 sorrow, or crying,
12:42 He will satisfy our thirsty soul
12:45 with a fountain of the water of eternal life,
12:48 we will be His forever."
12:50 Amen.
12:52 "Joy upon joy God will reunite us with our loved ones
12:55 who have fallen asleep in Christ
12:57 and we will have eternity
12:59 to spend with those for whom our heartaches now.
13:04 If we're alive at His coming
13:06 we shall not precede into His presence without them
13:10 for at His coming at the coming of the Lord
13:14 he will shout his command,
13:16 and the dead in Christ will arise first.
13:19 Then we shall all be caught up together
13:22 to meet the Lord in the air,
13:24 and thus shall we always be with our Lord.
13:27 Hallelujah."
13:29 Amen.
13:30 So why don't we just see,
13:32 why don't you tackle Revelation 21:1-7,
13:35 if you'll just read that then we will just discuss it.
13:39 The Bible says, "Now I saw a new heaven
13:41 and a new earth, for the first heaven
13:44 and the first earth had passed away.
13:47 Then I, John,
13:49 saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,
13:52 coming down out of heaven from God,
13:54 And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying,
13:56 "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men,
13:59 and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people.
14:03 God Himself will be with them and be their God."
14:06 This is written in very affirmative language
14:08 by the way.
14:09 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
14:12 there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying.
14:16 There shall be no more pain,
14:18 for the former things have passed away."
14:21 Then He who sat on the throne said,
14:23 "Behold, I make all things new."
14:27 And He said to me,
14:28 "Write, for these words are true and faithful."
14:31 And He said to me, I will forgive, I'm sorry,
14:34 "I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely
14:38 to him who thirsts.
14:40 He who overcomes shall inherit all things,
14:44 and I will be his God and he shall be My son."
14:49 Hallelujah, one of my favorite passages in the Bible,
14:52 so give us your thoughts on this passage.
14:55 Well, you know, I have a sermon where I ask people,
14:59 close your eyes and think about heaven.
15:01 And then I said open your eyes. I remember that sermon.
15:02 And I say you're not really asked to do the impossible
15:05 because we have nothing to compare it to.
15:08 We are much more comfortable of thinking about the things
15:10 that won't be there
15:12 because we don't know precisely what will be there,
15:14 so we think about the negative things the pain,
15:17 the doctors, the eyeglasses, the canes,
15:19 the crutches, the cancer, ecchymosis,
15:21 those kinds of things and so when he says,
15:24 I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
15:26 my mind immediately goes to the stuff
15:28 that I hate that will not be there.
15:30 Amen.
15:31 You know, the stuff that bothers me that will...
15:33 I've had half dozen eye operations you know,
15:36 been blind and come back, and then blind again
15:38 and come back, and blind again and come back,
15:40 that kind of thing.
15:41 All that stuff will be gone.
15:43 I'm not a person who likes doctors,
15:44 Irma, you say, you know, you never get a checkup,
15:46 you never get a checkup, well, I don't.
15:48 If I could, if I got to avoid checkups,
15:49 you know, no doctors there, no sickness,
15:52 no pain, no side, and I'll quick end with this.
15:55 When we were younger,
15:56 I used to watch my father get out of bed
15:58 and sit on a side of bed for five,
16:00 sometimes 10 minutes and we were like,
16:03 "Daddy, why are you doing that?"
16:04 Come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, you know,
16:06 now I get up and you know, you sit on the side of the bed
16:09 to just make sure everything is still
16:10 where you kind of left it a night before,
16:11 you know, that won't be anymore.
16:15 We'll get up and roll, run
16:17 and not be worry or walk and not faint.
16:19 So I'm very comfortable
16:20 thinking about the things that will not be there.
16:23 And that is heaven enough for me, you know,
16:26 I don't know what will be there
16:28 but I sure know what won't be there
16:29 and that's why I've hope,
16:31 because all of these bad stuff simply won't be there,
16:33 new heaven, new earth.
16:35 Amen. Jill?
16:36 Praise God for what He wants to do in our lives.
16:39 You know, I remember as a teenager
16:41 sitting in the Sabbath school class
16:43 and I remember this precious older woman,
16:46 and now I think she is young,
16:48 but as a teenager you think most people are older.
16:51 She was probably in her 50s and to me 50s is young, right?
16:55 50s is young.
16:57 And now it is to me but at the time
16:59 I thought she was older
17:00 and she had gone prematurely gray,
17:01 she had beautiful white hair
17:03 and I remember her sitting there in class and her saying,
17:05 if there was no hope of heaven, would you want to go?
17:11 And I thought, no. Would you want to go?
17:14 Would you, I mean would you want to follow Jesus?
17:16 Think. Okay.
17:17 If there was no hope of heaven, would you want to follow Jesus?
17:21 We're talking about the blessed hope.
17:23 Thank you, Shelley, for that correction.
17:25 And I thought, no, because the religious state,
17:30 I was in as a teenager was the only reason
17:34 I'm trying to get to church,
17:36 I'm trying to do what I'm supposed to,
17:39 was a thought that this world is not all there is,
17:42 and that there is an eternity here after.
17:46 And now as I've grown,
17:49 I realize there is a lot of truth
17:51 in what she said too, because yes,
17:53 the blessed hope is beautiful as a Christian,
17:57 we have to look forward to spending eternity
18:00 with those who have already passed away,
18:02 with loved ones,
18:04 with not been separated by thousands of miles you know,
18:08 from family or friends being together,
18:11 the most important being with Jesus,
18:13 not having the pain and the sorrow
18:15 and all of that stuff,
18:16 but the beautiful thing she was bringing out
18:19 was that here today on this earth
18:22 I can have such an intimate walk with God,
18:27 that peace, that joy,
18:29 that I can begin to have the blessed hope
18:32 the heaven here on earth in my heart right now.
18:36 So what you're saying then
18:37 is you've come to the conclusion,
18:39 even if heaven were not to be,
18:42 it's worth walking with Jesus right now,
18:45 because of peace and everything you feel.
18:47 The heaven is just kind of a cherry on the sun, you know.
18:49 That's it. Yes. That's it. Yeah.
18:52 You know, I was thinking of the same things,
18:56 Jill was thinking in terms of age.
18:59 I still remember, yes, being a teenager
19:02 and when somebody says I'm 25, I'm 30,
19:06 I thought I will ever get there that it was just,
19:09 was just that those numbers were so far away,
19:13 but the most beautiful thing
19:17 is like I got baptized about 12 years old.
19:21 And so when my mother came into the faith
19:24 and we all started,
19:27 one of the things that always kept me
19:30 was that idea
19:32 that we have that privilege some day
19:38 to go to heaven and to see that nothing,
19:40 nothing will be like in this world,
19:43 everything will be so perfect,
19:45 and I would used to love to think
19:48 I will sit and look at the stars,
19:50 and imagine that how far they look,
19:54 you know, they're so bright, yet they are,
19:58 you can see the depth that you can
20:00 and when he talk about days and years
20:04 to be able to go that far.
20:07 It always keeps me and I remember something
20:11 that is always in my mind,
20:15 very often is when Sister White
20:18 had the vision of being in heaven
20:22 and she never wanted to come back.
20:23 Yes. Yeah.
20:25 She didn't want to come back, because it was so incredible,
20:29 and she couldn't even put it in words,
20:31 but just the fact
20:32 that she just hated to come back,
20:37 says, it's got to be we cannot imagine it
20:40 but it has to be something of, you know,
20:47 kind of we don't have words for it.
20:48 A blessed hope, is it not? Yes.
20:51 Now you've heard... Amen.
20:52 You know, neither has entered into the heart of man.
20:54 Well, God has prepared for those who love.
20:56 I know I have a brother,
20:58 I have my father who have passed away,
21:01 my grandparents, my two grandmothers
21:05 I didn't know my grandfathers but I knew them so well
21:11 that I'm longing to see them again.
21:14 Honey?
21:16 Whenever I read Revelation 21:1-7
21:21 my mind goes to the creator.
21:24 It seems like we go through the phases in life
21:29 and I have remember and don't discount this
21:32 because as Danny Shelton used to say
21:36 my best friend is the Holy Spirit,
21:38 so I want to make that perfectly clear.
21:40 But it seems like in this last three to four months,
21:43 boy, creator, creator, creator, God, God,
21:46 in just about everything that I look at,
21:49 the creator comes into my mind.
21:51 And as we read this here once again new heaven,
21:55 new earth, creator from God creator,
21:59 God Himself, creator, God will wipe away, creator.
22:04 Behold, I make all things new, creator.
22:07 You know, I will
22:10 freely to gave him who thirst, creator.
22:13 And when inherit all things, and I will be his God,
22:18 and he shall be my son, creator.
22:21 Amen.
22:23 So I just... That's great.
22:24 As everyday goes by,
22:26 it's kind of like who are you going to quote today,
22:30 and there is no second, creator.
22:35 And so it's just interesting
22:37 that as here we start reading here
22:39 what jumps off the page, creator, thank you Jesus.
22:43 Amen. That's powerful.
22:46 You know, for me when I think about this now,
22:50 most of you grow up Adventist, right?
22:52 All of you did I guess. I came at 11.
22:54 At 11.
22:55 Well, you know,
22:56 first of all my vision of heaven in growing up
23:00 was that it was kind of
23:02 like we were going to float around on clouds
23:05 and play harps
23:07 and it didn't sound that enticing.
23:13 It sounded better than going to hell.
23:16 And you know... Glory to God.
23:17 And the first couple times I was baptized it was to avoid,
23:22 it was like fire insurance, but when I look at this,
23:25 you know, I didn't really,
23:27 then there are so many Christians out there
23:29 who don't realize that the only time
23:31 that we're actually in heaven is during the thousand years
23:34 and then the new Jerusalem
23:35 comes down to a recreated earth.
23:38 This earth that has been destroyed,
23:40 it has become a lake of fire and then God,
23:44 it's cleansed and He recreates it
23:46 but to me what this speaks I mean, yes,
23:50 am I excited to think about my loved ones
23:54 that I'll get to spend eternity with, yes.
23:56 And I don't know
23:58 how anyone goes through the death of a child
24:01 or even the death of your spouse.
24:03 Yes. Yes.
24:04 And not have that blessed hope, if you didn't have that hope,
24:07 it would make it a million times worse.
24:09 But what I see here and what jumps out at me
24:13 is when it says I heard a loud voice from heaven sang,
24:16 this is after the holy city has come down.
24:19 God's going to make that His home.
24:22 And then He says, behold the tabernacle of God
24:26 is with men,
24:28 he will dwell with them and they shall be his people.
24:32 Yeah. That is covenant language.
24:36 He is a covenant making covenant keeping God
24:40 and it is always been, I will be your God,
24:43 you will be my people.
24:44 And we just always seems like we fall short of that,
24:47 but God has,
24:51 is finally the purpose of His covenant,
24:55 is finally being achieved here is because now, you know,
25:01 we've been through it all,
25:03 sin He says is never going to arise again,
25:05 that's why He could wipe away all the tears.
25:07 Amen.
25:09 But now we get to see Him face to face.
25:13 Yes.
25:14 You know, we're also excited to see our mothers
25:17 or brothers, whether sisters whatever
25:20 but I imagine
25:21 when we first raise from the grave,
25:25 what's going to be the most exciting thing?
25:27 Jesus. It's Jesus.
25:28 Exactly. Absolutely.
25:30 Your know. Yeah.
25:31 You know, every November since we go down to Panama
25:34 every December for Christmas, Irma's mom is 97.
25:38 Wow.
25:40 And of course you've been down there,
25:41 we kind of flip about mid, right after Thanksgiving,
25:44 we kind of flip into Panama mode,
25:46 you know, your brain starts to think from that mode.
25:48 And you've been down there, you've been,
25:50 so you know, that kind of thing.
25:52 You feel that way about heaven, you know,
25:54 it's like I want to get there, you know.
25:57 Everybody has a text that means something to them.
26:00 I want to just refer to one,
26:02 they call Hebrews 11 a faith chapter,
26:04 by faith, by faith, by faith, by faith.
26:07 And wonderful exploits of faith in that chapter
26:12 and it wasn't until fairly recently though
26:14 that my mind locked down
26:15 on the last two verses 39 and 40.
26:18 Because you can get so wrapped up
26:19 in these great exploits of faith and they should be
26:21 because they are fabulous,
26:23 but then the Bible says something else.
26:25 And 39, "All these, having obtained
26:27 a good testimony through faith..."
26:29 So their record is solid through exploits of faith.
26:32 "Did not receive the promise..."
26:34 You know they didn't get heaven just yet,
26:35 they didn't get finalize.
26:38 "God having provided something better for us,
26:43 that they should not be made perfect apart from us."
26:47 And that just excites me,
26:49 when you look at Moses and Abraham
26:51 and all these wonderful people of great faith,
26:55 God said, they didn't get it and they will not get it
26:58 one second before you get yours.
27:00 That excites me when that heaven has occur,
27:02 we all going together.
27:04 Moses made it there before we did.
27:05 Yeah, well, he's emerald, he's...
27:08 Yeah, he is in blesses ark
27:10 'cause when it talk about Moses getting into the Promised Land,
27:13 don't cherry cheers for Moses
27:14 because he is where we want to be.
27:16 But they, they...
27:18 God has said that they didn't get the promise.
27:20 They're going to get at the same time we get
27:22 as we all get it together.
27:24 And that's going to be so wonderful
27:25 that we'll be able among other things
27:27 to dialog with and fellowship
27:30 with these great people of faith
27:33 down through the centuries, many whose names,
27:35 most of those names are not even mentioned here.
27:37 We get to inhabit heaven with them.
27:40 What a wonderful place, Shelley, it's going to be.
27:43 You know, you talk about hope, expectation,
27:45 because it's hope is such an ethereal word,
27:48 you know, it's too light a word for what we have.
27:51 Eager expectation is much, much better
27:54 because it's something that it's real hope can be,
27:56 well, I hope I'll see you tomorrow,
27:58 I hope you know, he's more than hope.
28:00 We've watered it down. We have watered it down.
28:02 Yeah. Yeah.
28:04 I was reading some place where we're saying hope
28:06 is the indispensable quality of life.
28:10 That's true, without hope.
28:11 Without hope. Yes, truth.
28:13 You know, boy, what a statement
28:15 because I used to read lot of psychology articles
28:20 and they say that most people who try to commit suicide
28:25 the reason that they do is because they are hopeless,
28:28 and quite often if you can reach them at that moment
28:31 and reel them in, show them something,
28:33 give them hope, they'll...
28:35 I mean sometimes, you know,
28:36 like people who've been brought in
28:39 off the Golden Gate Bridge that somebody intervenes
28:43 and intercepts and they bring them
28:45 and within 24 hours they're non suicidal
28:49 because somehow it was just that they reach
28:52 that moment of feeling hopeless,
28:54 and so yes, hope is indispensable,
28:57 but what you just read in verse,
29:01 oh, I'll turn the page, oh, here it is.
29:03 It's 39 and 40. That was Hebrews, go on.
29:05 That was Hebrews 11:39 and 40,
29:07 what you've just read that,
29:08 God having provided something better for us,
29:10 that they should not be made perfect apart from us.
29:13 Jill, why don't you read 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17,
29:17 because that's perfectly ties in...
29:21 It does. It really does. With what the Bible says here.
29:26 This, I think this is one of my favorite scriptures.
29:28 I like this.
29:30 "But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren,
29:33 concerning those who have fallen asleep,
29:35 lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.
29:38 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again,
29:42 even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.
29:47 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord,
29:50 that we who are alive
29:51 and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means
29:55 precede those who are asleep.
29:57 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven
29:59 with a shout, with the voice of an archangel,
30:02 and with the trumpet of God.
30:04 And the dead in Christ will rise first.
30:07 Then we who are alive
30:08 and remain shall be caught up together with them
30:10 in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
30:13 And thus we shall always be with the Lord."
30:17 Hallelujah. There it is. Always.
30:21 So when you read that what just jumps out of you, Jill?
30:27 You know, this scripture means a lot to me personally,
30:32 my cousin died when she was 36.
30:39 She left behind a three and a five year old boy.
30:45 Young mother, whole life ahead, little kids.
30:50 And I think, we're gonna see her again.
30:53 Yes.
30:54 Not only us but those little boys,
30:57 as they grow up remain faithful to Jesus
31:00 are going to see their mother again.
31:05 And to me this verse is all about hope.
31:07 Not even in the sense of eager expectation
31:10 although it is eager expectation,
31:12 but to me this verse is abiding hope.
31:16 Is there such a thing as abiding hope
31:18 like a constant, steadfast, settled feeling in the heart
31:24 that I know Jesus is coming again.
31:26 I know we have the promise of everlasting life
31:29 of spending eternity with those that you love.
31:33 You know, I think of Greg and I when we first got married,
31:36 you have that super twitterpated like...
31:41 That's a good word twitterpated.
31:42 I really love you, I'm so over the top,
31:45 but as the longer you're married
31:47 and we've only been married 14 years,
31:48 but the longer you're married, the more it settles in
31:52 and there's still tremendous love,
31:55 but it's like a deep settled security,
31:59 commitment, contentment, peace, joy.
32:04 And to me the blessed hope is that.
32:06 Like this contentment,
32:07 the security knowing that my dad is coming back for me.
32:12 Jesus is coming back
32:13 and we have the hope of eternity forever together.
32:17 So that's what the blessed hope is,
32:19 is that your expectation that joyful assurance
32:23 that Jesus is coming again
32:25 and then if he comes again what will He do?
32:29 Or is it John 14:3 or...?
32:31 Yeah.
32:32 "Let not your heart be troubled..."
32:34 Yeah, "If I go to prepare a place for you,
32:36 I will come again..."
32:37 Yes.
32:38 So, you know that just all fits in there,
32:40 that we're all, it's right there.
32:43 And if you are mature in Christ,
32:46 if you have a mature relationship that's healthy.
32:49 So if you're healthy in Jesus, you know,
32:52 then you have that joyful assurance.
32:54 Amen.
32:55 Yes, I'm thinking of that, Jill, that you say
32:57 that even though we think about heaven
33:03 and that glorious day when we will go to heaven
33:06 and when everything will change to perfection and all that,
33:11 that we still can have that hope in here
33:13 for everything that happens to us.
33:16 When I think and you know
33:17 just recently with Angie losing her mother,
33:20 and then when I lost my father,
33:22 it was very painful but, but every time the pain came,
33:29 the hope that to see him again
33:31 and the joy that he had given his life to the Lord
33:34 and now no longer we were worried
33:38 about his salvation.
33:39 We didn't have that anymore, so that,
33:42 that to me it's like having heaven with us.
33:47 Christ with us will give you that assurance
33:50 and that, that hope, that excitement
33:54 but also that peaceful state of mind of spirit
34:00 to know that we are going to,
34:03 all these things is going to pass,
34:05 so therefore, all the pains, all the problems,
34:10 they're caught in probably we might have,
34:14 might feel the tenth of it,
34:17 the rest are taken away by you know that hope
34:20 that present with us.
34:22 You know, this is something,
34:24 the reason when we were asked last night to do this,
34:28 the reason that this top...
34:30 I think this topic just jumped into my mind
34:32 because it seems
34:33 that there's so many of you who have been calling
34:35 there's so much pain in the world right now.
34:38 We know so many of our brothers and sisters are hurting
34:42 because they've lost a mother,
34:44 they've lost a daughter, they've lost a spouse.
34:48 And I don't know how anyone goes through it,
34:51 without the hope of being,
34:54 without the hope of the resurrection
34:56 of being reunited, but you know on...
35:00 Well, I'll take my turn.
35:02 Let me get back to you
35:04 and I'll reserve a comment for a minute
35:06 but you expound on this for us please preacher man
35:09 1 Thessalonians 4.
35:11 What comes to my mind and I want to get on it,
35:15 I'll jump on this.
35:17 The truth is
35:19 sometimes even for Christians this life stinks.
35:22 Yep. Absolutely.
35:24 You know and there's no way to dress it up or spin it,
35:26 it's just stinky stuff happens.
35:29 I remember Elder Batch, first elder of the church,
35:34 the Advent Hope 87th Street, Manhattan.
35:36 The first day on the job, first elder of the church,
35:40 December, September 11th, 2001.
35:44 9/11, first day on the job never found his body,
35:47 never found his body.
35:49 And I remember when they had the memorial service
35:52 because there was nothing to have a funeral there
35:54 and the pastor even said, he said,
35:55 "Sometimes stuff happens it just doesn't make sense."
35:57 Yeah. Right.
35:59 You know doesn't, it just doesn't add up
36:00 first day on a job
36:02 and they never found his body, wife,
36:04 two kids left, you know, kind of thing.
36:07 And so, 1 Corinthians 15:17 comes to mind,
36:10 if in this world only, if this is his,
36:13 we are in trouble.
36:15 You know, it got to be something more than,
36:17 than this so if, if in this world
36:20 only we have hope,
36:22 we are of all people most pitiable, most miserable.
36:25 There's got to be something more to keep you going.
36:27 So how does his wife get up the next morning
36:31 and take care of those kids
36:32 and put one foot in front of the other
36:35 and get ready and get ready for the service
36:37 and then a couple of week go back to work
36:38 because she's got a family, because she's got,
36:40 she's got a blessed hope, she's got an eternal hope.
36:43 She's got to believe that there's more than just this.
36:47 And that's that, that's how you do it, Shelley,
36:49 because you, you latch on to something else.
36:52 There's something better than this.
36:53 There's a brighter day, weeping may endure for a night,
36:56 but joy is going to come in the morning.
36:58 That's what you hold on to,
37:00 so the Lord himself ascended to heaven with a shout."
37:04 Voice of the archangel and trumpet of God,
37:05 dead in Christ rise first,
37:07 then we which are alive and remain,
37:10 again that togetherness shall be caught up together
37:12 to meet them in the clouds,
37:15 and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
37:16 It's a fabulous, fabulous promise.
37:20 It is the promise of a grand reunion
37:24 that will go on for ever and ever and ever and ever.
37:27 You know getting old is getting old.
37:31 You know getting...
37:33 that's really, you got aches, you got pains, the idea,
37:37 I think just of the idea of that
37:39 you'll never get old,
37:41 that's about enough for me, you know,
37:43 you're not going to get old.
37:44 You're not going to get tired.
37:45 You know you move slower and slower
37:47 and slower and slower,
37:48 and some days you don't feel like moving at all
37:50 but you get up and move,
37:52 and one day you're going to get a brand new body.
37:55 And I don't know if we're really gonna fly.
37:57 I think we are because I want to, you know.
37:59 I want to be able to just fly.
38:02 I remember we were at the...
38:04 Star Trek kind of beaming, right.
38:05 Yeah, yeah the last time we went to Israel together,
38:07 we were in some place,
38:09 I think we went to Beit Shemesh up on that high mountain.
38:12 And you got up there so fast before everybody,
38:14 I said, "Where did Shelly get that energy."
38:15 Anyway standing up on top, you know I wish
38:18 if I just jumped off I could fly.
38:22 You had that thought?
38:23 I had that thought many times...
38:24 We're glad you didn't try it. Yeah.
38:26 I'm glad I didn't try, yeah. I resist.
38:27 That's great.
38:29 But I think that will be the most fun thing for me,
38:31 flying.
38:32 You know just leap off and just take off like a bird.
38:35 That is such an exciting thought.
38:37 That thought that God says
38:39 that there are many other worlds
38:41 that we have not seen yet
38:43 and to me the idea of going to visit those worlds
38:47 and to see people that,
38:50 you know, otherwise you would never have seen
38:53 unless we are in heaven with Jesus.
38:58 To me it's grand.
38:59 It seems to me like, you know, there's, a lot of questions.
39:02 The complexity of what you just ask him,
39:05 even to the point is our pet gonna be in heaven.
39:08 Now these are questions
39:09 that we just don't have answers to.
39:11 But he does say, you know,
39:13 that it will be better than anything
39:15 that we could ever imagine.
39:16 And so I think that is what you're saying C.A.,
39:19 I think that you will fly.
39:22 You know because it's better than anything
39:23 you could think of,
39:25 so, but I mean there's not a thus saith Lord
39:27 so we're just kind of thank you Jesus that perhaps...
39:33 You know for me personally this,
39:36 this is the passage once again
39:40 and I'm looking at this through...
39:42 look at this passage through different lens than you all
39:45 because you grew up in additional truth
39:48 that I didn't have at the time, but this passage was the one
39:53 that completely hung me up all the time.
39:57 I was taught, first of all
39:58 that when you die you went to heaven,
40:01 you know, it wasn't that you slept
40:04 or rested in the grave for the return.
40:08 I was taught that it was something
40:13 that there was a secret coming of the Lord
40:17 and so, you know, you'd get off on that...
40:19 then I'd come to 1 Thessalonians
40:20 and I read it and I get there and I think what do you mean
40:24 you don't want us to be ignorant
40:26 about those who have fallen asleep,
40:27 what you mean fallen asleep.
40:29 "Lest you sorrow as others have no hope."
40:32 And then I would read the part where it says that,
40:36 "We who are alive and remain at the coming of the Lord
40:39 will by no means precede those who are asleep."
40:44 Okay, I've got to understand what asleep means, you know.
40:48 Compared to...
40:50 wait you mean I don't know...
40:54 if I don't preceded them
40:55 that means they're not up there either.
40:58 Precisely, right, right.
41:00 So, so it's like wow, and then when it says,
41:03 "He's gonna come with the voice of an archangel
41:07 with a shout, with the trumpet."
41:09 How can you get a secret coming out of that, so,
41:11 you know, yeah that's loud coming,
41:14 "The dead in Christ will rise first,
41:15 then we who are alive and remain
41:17 will be caught up in the air with him."
41:20 So I remember that as I began really studying this passage,
41:24 then I had to do the study on the sleep.
41:26 That's when before I ever even watched 3ABN
41:30 how God taught me the truth
41:31 about what happen when you die, you know,
41:34 I mean and then like John 5:28, 29 were Jesus said,
41:39 "You know don't marvel at this, there's gonna come a day,
41:42 if you've never heard the voice of the Lord,
41:43 you will one day let me tell you,
41:45 because all who are in their graves
41:47 will hear his voice all.
41:49 Some will come forth to the John 5:28,
41:52 to the resurrection of righteousness others
41:55 and we know a thousand years later,
41:57 when you look into Revelation
41:58 to the resurrection of condemnation.
42:00 But the whole point is you could take this passage...
42:05 You got it, this is about a thorough exegesis
42:07 on the state of the dead as you can get.
42:09 Absolutely. You can get it all right here.
42:11 Absolutely. Yes, yes.
42:12 But now here's, here's something else
42:14 that I just want to throw in here,
42:16 because once I have studied all of this, you know,
42:19 we're all sitting here saying,
42:21 "Oh, I'm so glad
42:22 I'll get to see my momma who is a Christian.
42:24 My daddy gave his heart to the Lord."
42:26 What about relatives who never did.
42:28 Yes.
42:29 You know I know that my father was baptized.
42:31 My father was killed when he was only 30 years old.
42:35 And I know he was baptized.
42:39 But on, I was reading his obituary the other day
42:42 and it still,
42:43 he had been divorced from my mother for several years
42:46 and he was still listed as a church,
42:49 as a member of her church.
42:50 So he had obviously not joined another church
42:53 and the thought has occurred to me,
42:56 you know what if he's not there and see this is what I think
43:00 is that understanding the blessed hope,
43:02 if you put these two scriptures together
43:05 to know that in that second resurrection
43:08 when people come up
43:10 to the resurrection of condemnation,
43:13 this earth when God destroys sin
43:16 which means he'll have to destroy sinners...
43:18 Yes.
43:19 To destroy sin
43:20 and it's just the brightness of His coming
43:22 because His divine love destroys sin.
43:26 I mean it's when He says...
43:28 Can't stand in His presence.
43:29 Yeah, he says, "We can't stand..."
43:30 because our God is a consuming fire
43:33 and divine love if you stay...
43:35 you know if this is us and this is God,
43:38 you get in front of His divine love
43:39 and phew, is sin is destroyed and it's just sucked up
43:44 but it makes me feel so calm to know
43:49 that if my father did not accept Jesus
43:54 he will be eternally destroyed.
43:57 We have either...
43:59 we either have eternal life.
44:01 You know, "For God so loved the world,
44:02 He gave His only begotten Son
44:04 that He who should believe in Him
44:06 would have eternal life who should not perish."
44:09 So they're either going to perish
44:11 or have eternal life.
44:12 It gives me such comfort
44:13 to know that he would merely perish
44:17 and not, not be tormented.
44:20 That's why we can be happy in heaven.
44:22 That's why there's no more tears,
44:24 no more sorrow, you know...
44:26 And if there's the tear, that tear would be wiped away.
44:29 And that's why he can end this with
44:31 wherefore comfort one another with these words.
44:33 It is comforting to know, to think
44:35 that your loved one or someone you even knew
44:38 is writhing eternally in pain,
44:40 how in world can heaven be heaven
44:42 with that thought washing in the back of your mind.
44:45 And you know I have to say this because I know
44:47 that there's somebody that's watching tonight
44:48 and you're saying, what do you mean that,
44:50 you know, God had a,
44:51 I mean God's reputation has been attacked.
44:53 This whole idea of an eternal burning fire,
44:57 this idea was brought into the church
44:59 by a Tunisian who had,
45:03 he had been a pagan, philosopher
45:05 and then he converted to Christianity in 196 A.D.
45:08 His name was Tertullian.
45:10 He was a follower of Pluto who was a follower of Socrates
45:14 and they both taught Greek mythology
45:17 that this idea of an eternal burning fire
45:20 and so, so Tertullian
45:23 who became an ecclesiastical writer,
45:26 he takes the works of Plato
45:28 and introduces them into the church,
45:30 because for the first century
45:33 in three quarters of the second century,
45:35 all of the apostolic fathers,
45:37 all of the fathers of the church
45:38 taught that you either there was the way of life
45:42 and the way of death.
45:44 There was no eternal, I mean it was either eternal life
45:47 or eternal death.
45:48 So this whole idea that's been brought in
45:52 is unscriptural, and I challenge you,
45:54 if you don't agree with us
45:55 and you think those people are crazy.
45:57 I want you to do me a favor,
45:59 you just go and check it out in the Bible.
46:03 Oh, go ahead
46:05 If I can just jump back to something that you said,
46:07 because that, that thought has troubled me
46:09 sometimes just being honest
46:11 is what about the people who don't know
46:14 and love God who haven't made a decision,
46:17 who haven't made a commitment, what about family members
46:20 who right now are not walking with God,
46:24 and maybe they've had a choice to follow God
46:28 and they've chosen to walk away
46:30 and we know that it is never too late
46:32 to turn around and to come back.
46:34 So as long as probation lingers,
46:37 there is a chance,
46:38 there is the time for them to repent
46:39 and to the come back to God,
46:41 but that has troubled me because I think.
46:45 How do you know but to me and this is not theological,
46:48 this is just personal for my own heart,
46:50 so Pastor CA and Shelley,
46:52 and you theologians can correct,
46:53 but from my own heart,
46:55 it gives me comfort to know God is a righteous judge.
46:59 Amen. Amen.
47:00 He knows the end from the beginning,
47:03 He knows the inner workings of each one of our hearts,
47:06 and I believe when we get to the end and Jesus comes
47:10 and we'll be in heaven.
47:13 We will know at that point,
47:14 we can look at the record books,
47:16 and we will know at that point
47:18 they were given every opportunity
47:20 to accept Jesus and they chose to reject Him,
47:25 you know, that that's brings comfort to me
47:27 in my heart to know that.
47:28 And that they probably wouldn't be happy
47:29 if they were there.
47:31 And that's not theology, that's more of chronology
47:34 that's what family does.
47:35 You know God doeth all things well,
47:37 and ultimately we have to trust God
47:39 that God is not trying to keep anybody out,
47:41 He's trying to get everybody in,
47:42 so but He cannot go against our own will which is...
47:46 You know, was a time that it troubles me
47:49 also the fact that God, God is gonna chose,
47:54 you know, the sins of those who love ones
47:56 that would not be there.
47:59 I said, oh, I don't want to see those, you know that,
48:02 that's a terrible thing,
48:04 but when you think it in the character of God,
48:07 it is a hope because when he chose them.
48:13 We being sinners in the past and now we are perfect.
48:19 We have no sin.
48:21 We are gonna see how terrible that is,
48:24 and how terrible that is, and how important it is,
48:29 and how right and loving God is that He's showing us,
48:36 because even to that point He wants us to know who He is.
48:41 He wants us to see Him as a perfect God
48:44 and a loving God.
48:46 Otherwise, if you think of the other way,
48:50 if we never knew why,
48:53 those loved ones that perished,
48:58 it would not have been complete,
49:00 the perfection would not be complete because God can,
49:06 you know, take away all feelings of,
49:10 human feelings, human thought but...
49:12 The Bible says, He opens the books that...
49:14 That will not be complete, to me then it's not complete.
49:18 So that, that's the hope like you said
49:21 so that is a hope that they will not live forever.
49:25 Yes, that's right.
49:26 Because then also they will be there for evidence
49:30 and hope, there is no more hope,
49:32 but just wishing
49:34 that they would have been different come,
49:36 that is not love.
49:38 They will in ash the Bible says.
49:41 That's not a perfect. Amen.
49:42 Honey, do you have another thought?
49:44 No, not really, the one thing does catch my attention though
49:47 is the last sentence,
49:49 "And the dead in Christ will rise first,
49:51 then we who are alive
49:53 and remain shall be caught up together with him
49:55 in the clouds with the Lord."
49:58 And you know there is a teaching out there
50:00 that the there could be sightings of Jesus
50:03 in South Africa walking.
50:05 There are sightings over here that Jesus is walking.
50:09 Well, this makes it perfectly clear
50:11 in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, that whenever Jesus comes,
50:16 He's not going to put His feet on this ground.
50:18 We're going to meet Him in the air,
50:20 and I think that's something
50:22 that some somebody needs to hear because...
50:24 That's right.
50:25 They don't...
50:27 It's easy to get caught up and it's, you know,
50:29 we're told that it's even the elite could be deceived.
50:33 You know, when you know the truth
50:34 about the state of the dead,
50:36 when you know the truth about the word of God,
50:38 it demystifies
50:39 and demythologizes all of this craziness.
50:44 Satan has so woven this thing that he got people in bondages,
50:48 he got people in fear.
50:49 You know something goes bump in the night.
50:51 I was just telling a bunch of people in the Philippines,
50:53 I said if you, if you lost your wallet in the cemetery,
50:56 you went to funereal and you realize,
50:58 "Oh, I left my wallet to grave side,
51:00 and it's noon would you go to the cemetery and get it."
51:02 Of course, "He would" I said,
51:03 "Well, what if you didn't find that out
51:04 till 12 o'clock in the night,
51:06 how many will go to the cemetery
51:07 to get that wallet?"
51:09 They don't know but they go why.
51:10 Why would you go at 12 o'clock,
51:12 what's the difference between in 12 o'clock noon
51:14 and 12 o'clock night.
51:15 There's nobody in that cemetery
51:17 in the grave that's gonna harm me.
51:19 There may be a robber there but doesn't know what's there,
51:21 but in the back of our minds
51:23 we've bought into this Satanic lie
51:24 that the dead are not really dead, you know.
51:27 So why should you be afraid
51:29 when something goes bump in the night.
51:31 If you know the truth about, about the state of the dead,
51:35 it is comforting to know that that when you die you rest
51:39 until Christ comes back to get you.
51:41 He's not sending somebody,
51:42 he's not sending a butler or maid,
51:44 He's coming Himself, that's how much He loves you.
51:46 That's a comforting thought and the dead will remain dead
51:49 until the time of the executive judgment,
51:54 and then God will deal with sin and sinners
51:57 and then it will be done,
51:58 and then as we began this though,
52:00 there will be a new heaven and a new earth
52:03 and no more sin.
52:04 And so, let me read the affirmation one more time.
52:06 These two passages of scripture
52:09 that is taken from Revelation 21:1-7
52:13 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17,
52:17 "When the New Jerusalem comes down
52:19 to the new recreated earth, God will dwell with us
52:23 as he originally planned a creation.
52:25 He will make all things new and never again
52:28 will we suffer the pain of death, sorrow or cry.
52:32 He will satisfy our thirsty souls
52:34 with the fountain of the water of eternal life
52:37 and we will be His forever.
52:39 Joy upon joy,
52:40 God will reunite us with our loved ones
52:43 who have fallen asleep in Christ,
52:45 and we have eternity
52:47 to spend with those for whom our heartaches now,
52:51 if we're alive it is coming,
52:52 we won't proceed into His presence without them,
52:56 for the coming of the Lord, He will shout His command
52:59 and the dead in Christ will rise first,
53:01 then we will all be caught up together
53:04 to meet the Lord in the air
53:06 and thus we shall always be with the Lord."
53:09 Hallelujah. Amen.
53:10 Well, it is indeed blessed hope
53:13 and we hope we have eager expectation
53:17 that as you hear the word of the Lord
53:21 and maybe you've never heard these promises before,
53:23 we want you to look these up Revelation 21:1-7
53:28 and 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17, study those and you will find
53:34 that as you put God's word into your mind,
53:37 it will get implanted into your heart
53:39 and it will bring you that hope.
53:42 Let's, we have a few minutes left,
53:44 I think that we should close this time off
53:46 with some prayer.
53:48 Jill, you want to start? Sure.
53:50 Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus
53:52 and we thank You for the hope we have of eternal life
53:57 and not just for us ourselves Father about for our loved ones
54:01 and our neighbors and community.
54:04 Father, we thank You for the gift of salvation
54:07 and for this blessed hope
54:09 and we look forward to it with eager expectation.
54:12 I lift up our brothers and sisters
54:14 who are watching just now
54:16 and I pray for you to pour in your comfort,
54:20 the oil of your Holy Spirit
54:21 to someone whose heart is hurting,
54:24 that you would bring hope again
54:27 that you would remind our precious brothers and sisters
54:31 that weeping sometimes endures for the night,
54:35 but joy always comes in the morning.
54:38 We thank you for the promise of a new heaven
54:42 and a new earth.
54:44 Lord, you are Jehovah Shalom, the God of peace,
54:49 and we thank You Lord that Your hope overflows in us
54:54 that you just cause our hearts to bubble over with
54:57 hope and eager expectation all that you will do,
55:01 and Lord thank you so much
55:02 that You didn't leave us as orphans,
55:04 but that you sent Your Holy Spirit
55:06 to live in our hearts
55:08 and that You gave us Your word that we might know
55:14 what is going to happen in Jesus' name.
55:18 And Father, just as we come together on the Sabbath,
55:21 I just want to thank you once again Lord,
55:23 that we can call upon Your name.
55:25 And Father, it may be a sample issue,
55:27 just help me Jesus, and Father,
55:29 we know that You have ears and eyes to see.
55:32 We know that You love each one of us.
55:34 And Father, whether it's a daily walk
55:36 or whether Lord, we need crutches to get around.
55:40 Father, we know as we call upon You,
55:43 You're there.
55:45 So Father, we thank You, we love You
55:47 and of course, Lord, we give you all praise and glory.
55:50 Amen.
55:52 Heavenly Father, we so thankful Lord
55:55 that You have told us
55:57 that You don't want us to be ignorance
55:59 because that gives us the promise
56:02 and the assurance that when we search Your word,
56:06 You will teach us everything that we need to know
56:09 so that we will not be ignorance
56:11 and that we would not only would learn of you,
56:15 but would also learn to love You as do the serve
56:18 and we thank you Father in Jesus' name.
56:21 Amen.
56:22 Father God, we hear and understand
56:24 that this earth is waxen old like a garment
56:27 and we too are waxen old, but we've been given a promise
56:31 that we can be renewed each day in inner man.
56:35 But the promise is the hope
56:36 is that one day the outer garment
56:38 will be made new also.
56:40 This mortality will take on immortality.
56:42 And oh, Father,
56:44 we look forward with eager expectation
56:45 to that day when we shall see Jesus face
56:49 to blessed face and ascend with Him in the clouds
56:52 and then we will always be with the Lord,
56:54 no more parting, no more separation,
56:57 no more death and no more dying.
56:59 Oh, Father, may that hope boil us up,
57:03 may it give us eagle's wings to soar above sin
57:07 and to know that one day soon and very soon,
57:10 Jesus will come to take His children home.
57:13 Oh, Father, please come quickly,
57:16 we await Your coming here
57:17 and thank you dear Father in Jesus' name, amen.
57:19 Amen. Amen.
57:22 Well, well we're so grateful that you joined us tonight.
57:25 And our prayer for you is that the grace of our Lord
57:28 and Savior Jesus Christ, the love of the Father
57:31 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:33 will be with you now and always.
57:35 Bye-bye.


Revised 2016-11-28