Today Family Worship

Personal Testimony

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John and Angela Lomacang (Host), Eric and Marilyn Durant, Ryan St. Hillaire, Mayri Cruz


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016024A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, friends,
01:08 and welcome to Friday Evening Family Worship.
01:11 And as you know, I have my Tonto with me,
01:13 my wife, my wife Angela.
01:15 Oh, fine.
01:18 The Lone Ranger, some of the people, probably,
01:20 are too young to know who that is
01:21 but we're just hoping that somebody just caught that,
01:24 that symbolic reference.
01:26 Good to have you with me, honey.
01:27 Yeah. Good to be here.
01:28 Happy Sabbath. That's right.
01:30 I'm John Lomacang, and my wife is Angela.
01:32 And we have hosted Family Worship before,
01:34 but we are so pleased to come in to your home
01:38 to begin the Sabbath with you.
01:40 And we have a dynamic topic tonight.
01:43 It is leaving the past in the past,
01:45 how to get past those things
01:47 that have been carried in your life,
01:49 maybe for a year or five years,
01:51 or in some cases, for decades,
01:54 in some of your lives.
01:55 We know that there is complete freedom in Jesus
01:57 and we're gonna just talk about that tonight,
01:59 with the Word of God, and with our,
02:01 with our illustrious panel.
02:02 So, honey, there is somebody who just tuned,
02:04 don't know what you do for 3ABN.
02:06 Why don't you let them know?
02:07 Okay, well, I work for 3ABN Radio,
02:09 production assistant.
02:11 And I've been there over 10 years, I believe, yeah.
02:15 And it's a job that never thought I would do,
02:17 but I love my job.
02:19 I have great people I work with, great boss.
02:21 And so I'm truly blessed to be working at 3ABN Radio.
02:25 And I thank God for the opportunity,
02:27 as well as Danny Shelton and the staff here at 3ABN.
02:31 And we have some people.
02:32 Oh, we have couple people to my left.
02:36 Tell us who you are and what you do here at 3ABN?
02:38 My name is Eric and I'm one of the broadcast engineers
02:42 here at 3ABN.
02:44 I come from about 20 years of aerospace background.
02:48 And about three years ago,
02:50 I got a call from the Lord to come work here.
02:53 And me and my wife have been here
02:55 and we have definitely been blessed.
02:57 Amen.
02:58 Marilyn?
03:00 And I'm Marilyn and I work in the call center.
03:03 I'm the assistant manager.
03:04 And we've been here about two years.
03:06 And we're very blessed to be here and we enjoy it.
03:09 Okay.
03:10 Wonderful couple.
03:11 We have the older people to my right.
03:13 Actually no, the younger people to my right.
03:15 Let's start with this gentleman to the far right.
03:18 He has this incredible smile,
03:19 always busy, he's got great talents.
03:21 But tell us who you are and what you do you for 3ABN?
03:23 Actually, not for 3ABN alone, but about your ministry.
03:26 Sure.
03:27 My name is Ryan St. Hillaire
03:29 and I am the director of a ministry
03:32 called Unseen Media Group
03:33 and we work here, together with 3ABN
03:37 and we do training programs for young people
03:40 that are interested in learning media,
03:44 film, TV production skills,
03:46 as well as evangelism side by side.
03:49 Good to have you here, Ryan. You've been with us before.
03:51 Good to have you back. Thank you.
03:52 But we have somebody we have not had before.
03:54 And tell us who you are and what you do?
03:56 My name is Mayri and I work here at 3ABN.
04:00 It's been almost three years since I've been here
04:03 and mainly work in production, camera, makeup,
04:06 and whatever else is needed.
04:08 So, yeah...
04:09 And Mayri is bilingual? Yes.
04:11 Yeah, she has a Santa Biblia two-versioned Bible.
04:14 We're glad to have to here, Mayri.
04:16 Mayri's sometimes either behind the camera
04:18 or in front the camera.
04:19 She's either doing makeup, or so many, many skills,
04:22 and each of these persons at the table,
04:24 nobody at 3ABN does one thing.
04:26 If you only do one thing,
04:28 then you probably shouldn't come here
04:29 because we are people of multiple talents and abilities.
04:33 We got to sing some songs, and accompanying us
04:36 on the piano today is Summer Boyd
04:39 and we're gonna sing some songs from the hymnal
04:42 starting with the first one,
04:43 which we try to shape them around our program,
04:46 we're talking about the needs in each of our lives.
04:48 And the first one is I need Thee every hour,
04:51 the first and the last stanza.
04:59 I need Thee every hour.
05:03 Most gracious Lord,
05:07 No tender voice like Thine
05:11 can peace afford.
05:15 I need Thee, O I need Thee
05:20 Every hour I need Thee!
05:24 O bless me now
05:26 My Savior I come to Thee.
05:31 Last stanza.
05:33 I need Thee every hour.
05:37 Teach me Thy will.
05:41 And Thy rich promises
05:45 In me fulfill.
05:49 I need Thee, O I need Thee
05:54 Every hour I need Thee!
05:58 O bless me now, My Savior
06:02 I come to Thee
06:08 Amen. Amen.
06:09 Do we need Jesus? Yes, we do.
06:11 How frequently?
06:12 Frequently, everyday.
06:14 Every hour.
06:15 Every moment of every day as the song writer
06:18 put so wonderfully, every hour.
06:20 And when we have Him, each hour of our day,
06:23 moments, seconds, events,
06:26 it becomes a blessed assurance
06:28 that we are not in our day by ourselves,
06:31 462, Blessed assurance.
06:33 Many of you know that song very well.
06:34 Some of you probably know it by heart.
06:37 But we're gonna sing the first and last stanza,
06:39 462, Blessed assurance.
06:43 Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!
06:49 O, what a foretaste of glory divine!
06:55 Heir of salvation, purchase of God
07:01 Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood
07:07 This is my story, this is my song
07:13 Praising my Savior all the day long
07:19 This is my story, this is my song
07:25 Praising my Savior all the day long
07:29 Perfect submission, all is at rest
07:31 Perfect submission
07:34 All is at rest
07:37 I in my savior am happy and blest
07:44 Watching and waiting, looking above
07:49 Filled with His goodness, lost in His love
07:55 This is my story, this is my song
08:01 Praising my Savior all the day long
08:07 This is my story, this is my song
08:13 Praising my Savior all the day long.
08:20 Amen.
08:22 You know, if you stay on the ground level
08:24 in your Christian experience all the time,
08:26 you really never get to that goal.
08:29 And for those of you who've been Christians
08:31 for any length of time, may be even a year,
08:32 you know that you begin in one place
08:35 and you continue climbing, going higher and higher
08:37 toward the goal that Christ has for you,
08:40 which fits perfectly into this song,
08:41 I'm pressing on the upward way or higher ground,
08:44 as some of you know it,
08:45 625, we're gonna sing the first and last stanza.
08:48 And I like to...
08:49 As the title, I'm pressing on the upward way.
08:51 Amen. Okay.
08:56 I'm the pressing on the upward way
09:01 New heights I'm gaining every day
09:05 Still praying as I onward bound
09:09 Lord, plant my feet on higher ground
09:14 Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand
09:19 by faith, On heaven's tableland
09:23 A higher plane than I have found
09:27 Lord, plant my feet on higher ground
09:32 I want to scale the utmost height
09:37 And catch a gleam of glory bright
09:41 But still I'll pray till heaven I've found
09:46 Lord, lead me on to higher ground
09:51 Lord, lift me up, and I shall stand
09:55 by faith, On heaven's tableland
09:59 A higher plane than I have found
10:04 Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.
10:10 Amen. Wow, higher.
10:13 Are we any further in our walk with the Lord...
10:15 Absolutely.
10:17 Than when we first started? Eric?
10:18 Absolutely.
10:20 It's been a long road, but it's been a blessed road.
10:21 And one of the big praises I have for the Lord is
10:24 when I look back to where I was 20, 30 years ago
10:27 in New York City.
10:28 It's a huge blessing to see how far I've come
10:31 and I look forward to seeing where I go in the future.
10:35 I know as long as I keep my eyes on the Lord,
10:37 He's gonna lead me where I need to go.
10:38 And that's my main focus. Keep my eyes on Him.
10:41 That's right.
10:42 Before we get into our lesson, we're gonna have a prayer.
10:44 Ryan, would you have a prayer for us?
10:45 We're gonna open the Word of God
10:47 and we always believe it's a blessing
10:49 to have the Spirit of God lead us in prayer.
10:51 Let's pray.
10:53 Dear Heavenly Father, our God,
10:54 I just want to thank you for this opportunity
10:57 that You've given us to open your Word
10:59 and to spend some time
11:01 allowing You to speak to our hearts and our minds.
11:03 And I ask that You be present with us,
11:05 that your Holy Spirit would guide
11:07 all that we talk about and that this discussion
11:11 may be able to be blessing to us
11:13 and to many other people as well.
11:15 Thank you, God, for this opportunity again.
11:17 Be with us, in Jesus name we pray.
11:19 Amen. Amen.
11:21 Thank you, Ryan, thank you.
11:23 Now for those of you that are joining us.
11:25 And I know you have a Bible in a house.
11:27 I'd like to invite you to take your Bible
11:29 and we're gonna begin with a story.
11:30 Once again, repeating the title of our devotional is
11:35 "leaving the past in the past."
11:38 In other words, how to get past
11:41 the things that may be,
11:42 as I used the proverbial expression,
11:44 in your trailer truck.
11:46 A lot of us live our lives and when we're born
11:48 we have a little, we have a little red cart
11:52 that we carry with us.
11:53 You know, you ever see the little red wagons,
11:56 little kids love little red wagons.
11:57 But I would say, emotionally,
11:59 some of us go from the red wagon,
12:01 when we're little kids
12:03 to a double long trailer truck with our emotions,
12:06 our experiences, our hurts, our pains,
12:08 our failures, our successes,
12:11 and they intermingle to create within us
12:13 some kind of a storm that
12:14 in some cases we cannot get past our past.
12:17 We're gonna begin with a story today
12:19 that just I believe lays the foundation
12:21 to help us see how the Lord desires
12:23 for every one of us to get past our past.
12:25 And, honey, I'm gonna have you start with the story.
12:28 It's in John 5.
12:30 It's a very familiar story.
12:32 We're gonna look verses 5, 6 and 7.
12:36 And then we're gonna go back
12:38 and kind of analyze these to see
12:40 what the story is telling us.
12:42 It's a very familiar, a very familiar story,
12:44 one that we know very well, okay.
12:47 All right, John 5:5 says,
12:50 "Now a certain man was there,
12:53 who had an infirmity 38 years.
12:56 When Jesus saw him lying there,
12:59 and knew that he already had been
13:01 in that condition a long time,
13:04 He said to him,
13:06 'Do you want to be made well?'
13:09 The sick man answered Him,
13:11 'Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool
13:15 when the water is stirred up, but while I am coming,
13:19 another steps down before me.'
13:23 Jesus said to him, 'Rise, take up your bed and walk.'
13:29 " And verse nine.
13:31 And verse nine.
13:32 "And immediately, the man was made well,
13:36 took up his bed, and walked.
13:39 And that day was the Sabbath."
13:41 Wow.
13:43 How fitting a story that... Yes.
13:45 As we talk about Family Worship,
13:46 the Sabbath is beginning.
13:47 Who doesn't want to leave their burdens of the week
13:49 behind them before the Sabbath comes?
13:51 That's right. Amen.
13:52 Because the Sabbath is a day of...
13:54 Rest. Okay.
13:55 And so we're gonna talk about how to do that,
13:57 not just what happened this week,
13:59 but more specifically, we're gonna dig deeply
14:01 into the fiber of your character and understand
14:03 that there are some of you carrying things
14:05 that have been around too long, now let's...
14:07 How many years, Mayri, was this man in that condition?
14:11 Thirty-eight.
14:12 Wow. That's long time.
14:14 Yeah. That's a long time.
14:15 I mean, just...
14:16 Do you know of people...
14:18 Let's not name any names.
14:19 But in some cases, there are people that we know
14:22 that just seems like, is he ever gone change
14:24 or is she ever gonna get past that.
14:26 And they carry these things along.
14:28 And that 38 years is a long time.
14:31 And what was he doing?
14:32 Let's go through that story again.
14:34 What was he doing?
14:35 According to verse 6.
14:38 He was laying there, by the pool.
14:41 He was just laying there, just...
14:44 He wasn't doing anything.
14:46 He wasn't going anywhere.
14:48 What I think is interesting about this story every time
14:52 I read this, right here, this,
14:54 the question that Jesus asks him,
14:56 "wilt thou be made whole?"
14:58 And it seems like a silly question.
15:00 You see a guy that's sick,
15:01 that's laying there at the side of the pool,
15:03 and somebody is gonna come and ask him,
15:05 "Do you want to made better?"
15:07 It seems like, you know, duh, that's a stupid question.
15:10 But as soon as Jesus answers or asks him that question,
15:15 his response is, listen to my problem,
15:18 take a moment and listen to my problem,
15:20 listen to my situation, why I'm here,
15:22 I want to tell you my story.
15:24 And he is trying to get sympathy from Jesus.
15:28 But then Jesus responds, and He tells him,
15:31 hey, rise up, take up your bed and walk.
15:35 He calls him to action.
15:36 And when he follows that,
15:38 then he's made well and he is healed.
15:41 It's funny, because what Ryan said is right.
15:43 He made an excuse, he said,
15:44 I try to get into the pool, but when I go,
15:47 someone always gets in before me.
15:48 So he's making excuses, like Ryan said.
15:51 And it sounds to me like,
15:53 he has just given up, he is pretty much.
15:55 And Jesus said, really, I think knew
15:58 He needed to ask him that question,
15:59 because by, you know, what we read,
16:01 been there for 38 years, and he's just laying there.
16:03 That sounds to me like he just gave up
16:05 and he's like, forget it.
16:06 There's no hope.
16:08 Well, In Desire of Ages, I have the remnant Bible.
16:11 And it says about verse 8.
16:13 "Jesus had given the lame man no assurance of divine help.
16:18 The man might have stopped to doubt
16:22 and lost his one chance of healing,
16:25 but he believed Christ's word.
16:28 And in acting upon it, he received strength."
16:31 Wow.
16:32 Acted upon it.
16:34 So, say that again.
16:35 He acted upon it. He did something.
16:37 That's the cool part is that
16:38 he didn't stay there in that place,
16:40 yes, he started, you know,
16:42 complaining and talking about his problem,
16:43 but he didn't stay there.
16:45 When Jesus gave him the command, he followed it.
16:48 And it's interesting because, you know,
16:50 some of us fall into that place where we just want to get
16:52 other people's compassion and their pity.
16:55 We want attention and we'd rather have a pity party
16:58 and than no party at all.
16:59 Yeah.
17:00 You know. That's a good one.
17:02 And so, we are always trying to play our little violin,
17:06 trying to get sympathy, and some people,
17:08 some of us just stay there.
17:10 But in this story, you know, he didn't stay there.
17:12 He followed Jesus' words.
17:14 He responded to it.
17:15 And as a result, he got the healing that he really wanted.
17:18 Yeah, Marilyn, anything on that one?
17:21 Well, I agree with what Ryan said.
17:23 Sometimes we do want that pity party.
17:26 But can you imagine if we got past that
17:29 feeling sorry for ourselves?
17:31 How great it would be if we just allowed our self
17:35 to move forward and not stay in the same situation?
17:39 It's kind of like flowing water or still water.
17:43 Still water, if it stays there too long,
17:44 it becomes stagnant and polluted.
17:47 You have to keep moving.
17:49 And Christ said, I'm the water, keep moving with me.
17:51 Yeah. That's right.
17:53 And so the great question, I would say,
17:56 the million dollar question, or the life changing question,
17:59 is do you want to be made well.
18:02 That's a question we want to ask you because,
18:04 you know, this man had his...
18:06 I put together what I call symptoms.
18:09 He had symptoms of a 38-year burden.
18:13 And there are some people that might think,
18:15 I've heard people as, you know, I'm a pastor,
18:17 I've heard people say, you know,
18:18 sometimes testimonies we have either at communion service
18:22 or they're people that will come to church and say,
18:24 they would repeat what happened when they were a kid.
18:26 And I will look at them and I'm thinking,
18:28 you've got to at least be 40, maybe 50, maybe 60,
18:32 you've got to be well up in years
18:34 and you're still telling me what happened when you were,
18:37 you know, when was that.
18:41 Listen to this. I'll put this down.
18:43 They blame others for their inability to get better.
18:46 There's a guy that always gets in front of me
18:47 every time I try to get to the pool.
18:50 It's always somebody else's fault.
18:52 And then they repeat the same sob story.
18:54 I think you talked about that, over and over and over again.
18:57 Always telling me that 'poor me' stories.
18:59 I like the way that Ryan illustrated, the violin.
19:01 Could you come to my pity party?
19:04 Make excuses for lack of progress.
19:05 I just can't do it.
19:07 Mayri brought that out.
19:08 He just, okay, Lord, here's my story,
19:11 this is really what's happening in my life,
19:12 and if you understand this,
19:14 you'll know exactly why I'm still sitting here,
19:16 stuck in the emotional pool, lying on the bed of failure.
19:19 But then Jesus comes and says you can do something about it.
19:23 What else?
19:25 Let's look at another one because
19:26 verse 8 and 9 is a key verse in that...
19:29 What happened?
19:30 When did he get past his infirmities?
19:34 When he listened to Jesus
19:35 and he took up his bed and walked.
19:38 Yeah, it says immediately.
19:40 Immediately, as he responded to that,
19:42 immediately, the man was made whole
19:45 and took up his bed and he walked.
19:47 There is a quote that says, before His biddings,
19:49 God biddings, are enablings.
19:51 With His command comes the power to do that.
19:54 And it's just awesome, you know,
19:56 'cause like I was saying, he had given up.
19:57 He was just laying there.
19:58 He was just making all these excuses about
20:00 how he can't overcome the past and just,
20:02 you know, all these reasons why he can't.
20:04 And then Jesus just said, get up,
20:06 take up your bed and walk.
20:08 And then, you know, obviously, you know,
20:09 he's been sick, he can't do that,
20:11 but God, you know, he took that step,
20:14 he started getting up. And he believed God.
20:16 And then he got the power to get up
20:19 and he was made well.
20:21 One of the things that I noticed
20:22 about people that haven't given it to the Lord is that
20:25 the end result it's always bitterness.
20:27 Yeah.
20:28 They're really, really bitter.
20:30 And some of them are loving people and kind people,
20:32 but there is a bitterness in there
20:33 that kind of eats away at them.
20:35 And just by that example,
20:37 we should all know, give it to the Lord.
20:39 He'll take it.
20:40 Have you met somebody
20:42 that was bitter and loving at the same time?
20:43 Wow.
20:45 Usually goes back and forth,
20:46 but the bitterness is there, yeah.
20:48 But on the front. Yeah.
20:50 And then sometimes it goes... Say that again.
20:52 Sometimes they have a lot of pain,
20:54 but they don't know how to get rid of that pain it seems.
20:57 Well, what do people with a lot of pain usually do?
20:59 Hurt other people. Right.
21:01 Or they're always talking about their pain.
21:04 That's the thing.
21:05 And I think an interesting point
21:07 in what we're talking about is
21:09 the man responded to Jesus' command.
21:12 You know, he was struggling on his own
21:13 for so many years to overcome this problem,
21:16 the only way that he knew how to.
21:18 And I think a lot of times in life when, you know,
21:20 I've experiences, I've had things
21:22 that I've wrestled with for years,
21:24 trying to find my own way to overcome them,
21:26 trying to be strong enough, trying to be, you know,
21:30 powerful enough to not go back
21:31 and doing the things that I keep falling in.
21:34 And Jesus is saying to us
21:37 through this and through, you know, His word.
21:40 If you give me your whole heart and you follow the direction
21:43 that I'm leading you in
21:45 and stop trying to fight this thing on your own,
21:47 He'll give us the healing that we want.
21:49 Amen.
21:50 You know, and I think it's important to remember that
21:52 as we move in collaboration with the command of Christ,
21:56 that's when healing is found.
21:58 It's not just about moving,
22:00 but it's about moving in the direction
22:01 that He leads us in.
22:04 And I've been on the opposite end of gossip.
22:07 I think a lot of us have been there.
22:09 And it's some kind of like
22:10 a character assassination sort of gossip.
22:14 And I found that the individual who actually called me,
22:17 five years later, he apologized because he became a Christian.
22:20 And to this day, I don't know
22:21 how he found my phone number or anything.
22:23 But I guess it was in him so much
22:24 that he had to find my phone number and he apologized.
22:27 He left the voice message on my phone.
22:29 And the thing that's interesting about it is,
22:32 he was gossiping, he told me,
22:33 because he was so upset with himself inside,
22:38 he had to bring some else down that he respected
22:41 so that could feel better about himself.
22:44 And he held on to this for a long period of time.
22:46 And he finally became a Christian,
22:48 not our denomination with another denomination,
22:50 gave his heart to the Lord.
22:51 And he obviously repented about it.
22:53 Praise the Lord. Yeah.
22:55 That's cool.
22:56 So there is a way to get past the past.
22:57 Yes. Yeah.
22:59 And usually, when you get past the past,
23:00 you realize, I have to go over the road
23:01 and try to ask for reconciliation from those
23:04 that I've hurt along the way.
23:06 Now we know it's impossible to cover all the ground,
23:08 but the Lord sometimes bring conviction to us
23:11 as to who we need to go to and fix that.
23:14 You know the Lord says,
23:16 leave your sacrifice at the altar,
23:17 go fix it, and then come back.
23:19 Before you come back and worship.
23:21 Exactly, because some of would rather just say,
23:23 Lord, you deal with it.
23:24 He says, no, no, leave your sacrifice here,
23:27 go fix it, and then come back.
23:29 Amen, Amen.
23:30 Look at I Corinthians 13:11, let's look at this,
23:34 because this is another text that talks about
23:38 what happens when you become an adult.
23:41 Sometimes people are ageing chronologically,
23:44 but they are still infants mentally.
23:47 This is a very powerful text here.
23:51 Let me see, maybe I'll have Marilyn.
23:53 I want you to read that. I Corinthians 13:11.
23:56 This is a very interesting observation that Paul makes.
23:59 "When I was a child, I spake as a child,
24:02 I understood as a child, I thought as a child,
24:05 but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
24:08 Well, look at the all the patterns,
24:10 look at what happens.
24:12 What are some of the things,
24:13 when I was child, how did I speak?
24:15 As a child.
24:16 And then what else, understood, and then what else, thought.
24:20 So look at the three patterns.
24:23 Some people are adults but speak as children,
24:26 you see what's the connection here?
24:27 They have to put away their childish things.
24:30 What else do they...
24:31 What else still stays with them,
24:33 not only the way they speak, but what else?
24:35 The way they understand and think.
24:37 The way they understand
24:38 and then also the way they think.
24:42 And I'm, kind of, being the point guy here,
24:47 the way they think, the way they understand.
24:49 So if I say something to you
24:52 and you hear it through the window
24:53 of your childhood experiences, you might misunderstand me.
24:56 Oh, easily. Okay.
24:58 Yeah, I could say, why did he say that to me?
25:02 And it's something innocent.
25:04 That has happened to us in ministry, hasn't it?
25:07 Total misunderstanding, and we're like,
25:09 where did they get that from?
25:11 You know, so we could relate, can't we?
25:14 Oh, have you ever had that happen to you,
25:17 somebody's upset with you, why, what did I say.
25:21 And they say you walked right past me and I know you saw me.
25:24 Something like that. Yeah.
25:26 I know you saw me, but you always do that
25:28 and you're just like, it goes from,
25:30 first, it goes from, first of all, I didn't see you,
25:32 to you always you do that, and you feel defenseless.
25:36 I wasn't even thinking about that?
25:38 But many years ago,
25:39 that happened to me in New York,
25:41 well, New York, yeah,
25:42 and because I have tunnel vision,
25:45 sometimes I'm just like,
25:46 I don't see people, when I'm focused.
25:50 And I was on the bus and when I'm on a bus
25:53 I'm just focusing what I need to do.
25:56 I didn't see my friend sitting there.
25:59 And she says to me,
26:01 the next couple of weeks later, so what was going on,
26:04 she said, Angie, you never said hi to me on the bus.
26:07 I said, I didn't even see you. And I honestly didn't.
26:11 So I told her I'm so sorry.
26:13 I really was, because sometimes
26:15 I could get so focused in something.
26:18 And that's what happens, you know, so go ahead...
26:22 I kind of look at this verse 11
26:25 as a challenge too, because it says,
26:28 when I became a man, I put away childish things.
26:30 In other words, if you don't put away childish things,
26:33 you're not gonna be a man.
26:35 So it's kind of a challenge to men and women
26:37 that you have to put it away to grow up.
26:39 Yeah.
26:41 That's a very good point.
26:42 You got to grow up somewhere along the way.
26:44 Right, Right.
26:45 And, but the other thing that...
26:47 I mean, there's so much in this one verse,
26:48 I have to put my preachers mind to rest,
26:51 because it just becomes, it's an extrajudicial text.
26:56 You have to stop thinking the way you did
26:59 when you were little.
27:01 That's why some parents...
27:04 We were raised with...
27:06 Maybe some of you had.
27:08 What do parents say to their children,
27:09 children are to be seen and what?
27:12 Not heard.
27:14 Have you ever had that, in some homes,
27:17 it's more of a point of don't say anything.
27:21 There's adult speaking, shut up, go to your room.
27:23 What happens is sometimes children grow up
27:25 with this inability to communicate.
27:27 Yeah.
27:28 And they're in a big crowd and they're like,
27:29 they want to say something and they just can't, you know.
27:34 And they are still living there understanding as a child,
27:38 they're thinking as a child, and then they speak as a child,
27:42 and then they got this, can I, can I say something.
27:46 You know, they're like afraid to break into the moment,
27:49 whereas the other kids on the other side say,
27:51 they break, you know, they need training,
27:53 they break right into adults' conversation.
27:54 So you're saying that parents play a part too
27:56 in how the child develops when it comes to this.
28:00 Well, what do you guys think?
28:01 I believe so.
28:04 I believe so.
28:05 Wow, so in order to be able to be effective...
28:08 Now this is not a whole counseling program,
28:10 but in order to be effective,
28:12 there are some things we have to do.
28:13 Let's look at Philippians.
28:15 There are some things we have to do because,
28:16 you know, if your past,
28:18 if you take ownership of what you are,
28:21 then you don't have to be stay there.
28:22 You have to realize that there's a better place to be,
28:26 than when you were six years old
28:29 or eight years old, or a teenager.
28:31 And if you're an adult, 20, 30, 40, 50,
28:34 there's something that
28:35 the Lord sees that you may not see.
28:37 And let's see.
28:38 Would like to read Philippians 3: 13-14?
28:40 I can read. Okay, Mayri.
28:41 "Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended,
28:45 but this one thing I do, forgetting those things
28:47 which are behind and reaching forth
28:50 on to those things which are before.
28:52 I press toward the mark
28:54 for the prize of the high calling of God
28:56 in Christ Jesus."
28:57 Okay, so interpretation.
29:00 Stop looking to the past and press forward,
29:05 looking to God, He's ahead of us
29:07 and He wants us to look to Him and not keep looking back.
29:10 Okay.
29:12 Just to kind of qualify this a little bit,
29:17 for me, in my experience,
29:18 I realized there are two things that we really
29:21 tend to drag with us from the past into the present.
29:24 And those are, number one,
29:28 things that we've done that have either hurt ourselves
29:30 or other people, you know,
29:32 we carry the guilt with us, the shame with us,
29:34 whatever else may be associated with that.
29:37 Or things that other people have done to hurt us.
29:40 And we tend to drag those things along with us
29:44 our entire lives sometimes
29:46 and we continue to think about them,
29:49 allow them to control us, allow them to effect us
29:52 in different ways
29:53 and forgetting about those things.
29:58 You know, when we're reading here in Philippians,
30:00 it says we're forgetting about the past and moving forward.
30:03 That doesn't mean ignoring what has happened in the past.
30:06 Right.
30:08 That means taking those things, making them right,
30:11 allowing God to heal us,
30:13 and then moving forward
30:14 and not continuing to drag those things
30:16 behind us in the dirt.
30:18 You know... That's right,
30:19 'cause you can't change what you've done in the past,
30:21 you can't change that. Yeah...
30:23 But you could ask for forgiveness,
30:25 you can ask the person for forgiveness.
30:27 You can ask, of course, the Lord.
30:30 And you can't tell somebody
30:31 who's been struggling with the hurt.
30:33 You know, if something has happened
30:35 to them in the past that has hurt them,
30:36 you can't tell them just forget about that,
30:39 you'll get over it.
30:40 You know, just move on, that's old, it's,
30:42 you know, past or whatever
30:44 because,
30:46 you know, it may be in the past but it still hurts.
30:49 It's like, you know, if I decide
30:51 I'm gonna go and punch somebody and knock him out,
30:54 and they get a bruise from it,
30:56 and they're willing to forgive me,
30:58 they still have the evidence,
30:59 they still have the bruise that they're carrying with them
31:02 and they have to deal with that.
31:04 You know, they may have forgiven,
31:06 they may have left that behind,
31:08 but they still have to deal with the consequences
31:10 of what the past has done to them.
31:12 Okay.
31:13 And we have to press forward with the right goals.
31:15 Okay.
31:16 Because I know a lot of people,
31:18 they use other goals like their career achievements
31:21 and things like that as a supplement.
31:23 And this says in verse 14,
31:25 I press forward the goal for the prize
31:29 of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
31:33 So it's saying press forward with a goal towards Christ.
31:35 That's how the healing comes... Amen.
31:37 The advancements in your career and the making money
31:40 and things like that, those don't heal that wound.
31:42 They don't take away the bitterness.
31:44 It's only Christ
31:45 that can take away the bitterness.
31:46 Something what helped me
31:49 the way thinking about a certain way
31:50 I would think about,
31:52 you know, like, we talk about bitterness,
31:54 resentment, hurts from the past,
31:55 or things like that,
31:57 I think of it, literally,
31:58 like you're carrying around, a garbage bag.
32:00 Yeah.
32:02 It weighs you down and it stinks,
32:03 everybody else can smell it.
32:04 And...
32:07 Yeah, and you don't want to live like that,
32:08 nobody wants to live like that.
32:10 And I know none of us are guiltless,
32:11 we've experienced that at some point,
32:13 but you know, with God helping us
32:15 to press forward and leave our burdens,
32:18 you know, at the cross and just be healed from that,
32:20 and you know, when you think about that way,
32:22 it's like, "Ooh...yeah, that's really..."
32:23 Wow!
32:25 That opens a whole picture in my head,
32:26 your attitude stands.
32:28 Because you're carrying on your past.
32:29 Why do you... Well, Pastor, do you think
32:31 that taking ownership
32:34 can help you to move forward as well?
32:36 Of course.
32:37 That's a very good thing,
32:38 you know, unless you recognize where you are,
32:42 you cannot recognize
32:43 that you need to be someplace else.
32:46 Forgetting those...
32:47 That's a very good point because...
32:49 Taking ownership.
32:50 The story with a man at the pool,
32:53 he recognized where he was.
32:56 It had been 38 years with this infirmity,
32:58 he recognized, "Here I am."
33:00 I always, in the story,
33:02 the thing that always gets me is,
33:03 the Lord said take up your bed,
33:06 fold up that mat of excuses,
33:08 or may be his bed was such so identified with him
33:11 that people when they saw him walking there,
33:13 I recognize that bed but I don't recognize that guy.
33:17 And so, but yes,
33:18 taking ownership...
33:20 Yes.
33:21 I think Ryan talked about that, taking ownership.
33:24 But something I want to amplify is that,
33:27 okay, you may hit somebody
33:29 and they'll have that, the evidence of it,
33:32 but that sometimes that scar will heal,
33:35 but the emotional pain could go a lot deeper,
33:38 or like it,
33:39 like you've seen those terrible doggie commercials.
33:42 You know where they...
33:43 you know, dogs have been abused.
33:45 Oh, yes. Yes.
33:46 Oh, yes.
33:47 It's the hardest thing to look.
33:49 And they have two little puppy, two little dogs,
33:51 so of course you feel bad.
33:52 I'll be thanking...
33:54 Can I add something-- Sure.
33:55 to what Mayri said?
33:57 The perfume of life,
33:58 sometimes, we use the perfume of life
34:00 to cover up that garbage bag, to hide it away,
34:03 but the garbage bag is still there.
34:04 Yes.
34:06 And then, like you said a lot of people,
34:08 they carry that
34:09 and they're the little shaking dog on the inside
34:12 and I found, to my life also,
34:14 that it's only through Jesus Christ
34:16 that can heal that wound in there, yeah.
34:19 What direction does this text tell us we can go,
34:21 when we... Up.
34:23 Forward. Forward.
34:24 Go forward.
34:26 Go upward, go... Pressing on the upward way...
34:27 Exactly, for reaching forward, pressing upward.
34:31 You see, isn't that wonderful?
34:32 Rather than reaching backward, pressing downward.
34:35 You see, some people... Oh, yes.
34:37 Years ago, my wife knows this,
34:38 I always talked about the rearview mirror,
34:41 it's smaller than the windshield.
34:43 And so the reason for that, as the Lord says,
34:46 look at the road, drive, go forward.
34:49 He said it to the Israelites in Exodus 14,
34:51 "Go forward."
34:52 And so what we're saying to many of you
34:54 that are watching the program or if you are in this category,
34:58 we're saying the Lord's future is better than your past.
35:02 Amen.
35:04 Trade your downward spiral for the upward call.
35:07 That's right.
35:08 Trade your reverse gear for a forward gear.
35:11 Don't stand on your failures.
35:13 Failures press toward the goals the Lord has for you.
35:16 It's like a big weight lifted when you let go.
35:20 Have you ever had people say that?
35:22 It's like a weight lifted.
35:23 I said that.
35:25 It's, if you take a deep breath and you go...
35:27 Yes. Finally.
35:29 When you finally give it to him,
35:31 when you finally give it to him.
35:32 Yes.
35:33 What usually prevents a person from dealing with an issue?
35:36 They are not honest with themselves.
35:37 Yeah. Okay, that's one...
35:39 They deny it
35:40 and until you're honest with yourself,
35:41 you don't reach out for that healing
35:43 and you know, God,
35:45 Christ reaches out with his hand
35:46 and you say "Well, I'm just fine.
35:47 I don't need to take your hand.
35:49 I'm doing just well, everything, I'm making money,
35:51 everything's going great, my career is just fine,
35:53 I don't need to reach out."
35:54 And inside you need to reach out
35:56 and you have to acknowledge
35:58 that there problem exists, to do that.
36:00 What else prevents us from going forward sometime?
36:02 I was gonna say fear.
36:04 I know, for me, with struggles that I've had,
36:06 sometimes,
36:08 yeah, you don't just either don't want to face it
36:09 or may be you're just so used to living that way
36:13 that the thought of not living like that,
36:14 it's like what am I gonna do with myself,
36:16 I don't have anything to think about,
36:18 you know whatever but, you know sometimes,
36:20 fear is definitely a huge factor.
36:21 They are...
36:23 And I think we also get in our comfort zone,
36:26 you know, its hard to get out of,
36:28 step out beyond what's around you.
36:32 And once you do that, you realize it's not as fearful
36:35 but you have to be willing to accept God's help.
36:39 Okay, what else?
36:41 Anything you could think of, hon?
36:43 Well, look at the familiar places,
36:45 I think, that I'm gonna combine what Mayri said
36:47 and what Marylin said, fear.
36:49 Fear says to you, you can't, you can't get past us.
36:52 What you're gonna do
36:53 when you stop thinking in that way?
36:55 What you're gonna say to people
36:57 when they say you how you're doing?
36:59 In the past, you used to say you,
37:00 you could tell them all your war stories,
37:02 but now you got to lay them down.
37:04 And what you're gonna say now?
37:05 And the fear of getting away from those,
37:09 the familiar place, the place that surrounds you...
37:11 Which is not true,
37:13 those are lies that Satan tells us...
37:15 Of course. Yeah.
37:16 Because we're so familiar with those things,
37:18 so comfortable
37:19 telling our war stories and our,
37:21 you know, starting our different
37:23 pity parties here and there
37:24 and we're wondering who am I gonna be,
37:27 if I'm not telling these stories anymore,
37:28 we don't realize that
37:30 God has a better story to write for us.
37:31 Amen.
37:33 He has more incredible things that he can give us
37:34 that can be our stories for the future.
37:36 Amen.
37:37 And you know sometimes,
37:39 the devil is so creative at keeping us in those places
37:42 and makes us feel like, what we've got right now
37:44 is the most valuable thing that we can have
37:46 and we're afraid to let go off it,
37:49 but God has something so much better for us.
37:51 So our thoughts are all road blocked,
37:52 look at Jeremiah.
37:54 Let me see, who hasn't read yet?
37:57 Eric, look at Jeremiah 29: 11, this is something else,
38:00 because you know, when you think about thoughts,
38:01 I think what Marylin and Mayri said
38:03 and what we're talking about here
38:05 and sometimes your thoughts is the greatest roadblock,
38:07 so what we're gonna suggest in this text
38:09 is get rid of your thoughts and accept the thoughts
38:11 that Jesus has for you.
38:13 So try to replace the way you think.
38:16 Jeremiah 29:11, you have that, Eric?
38:19 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you,
38:21 says the Lord,
38:22 thoughts of peace and not of evil,
38:25 to give you a future and a hope."
38:27 Wow. Amen.
38:29 I know the thoughts.
38:30 And see,
38:31 in some occasions
38:33 Jesus would say to those who were in the crowd,
38:35 mostly religious leaders, he says,
38:38 "Why think ye so,"
38:39 I mean why are you thinking like that,
38:41 and sometimes,
38:42 can you ever look at people sometimes,
38:43 in a close communication
38:46 and you're saying something
38:48 and they're going like,
38:51 they say don't think that.
38:53 Right.
38:54 Do you ever feel like saying that sometimes?
38:56 Exactly.
38:57 Can you help me?
38:59 Why are you thinking like that,
39:00 just come in and give me a hand,
39:02 they don't say a single word
39:03 because you could see their facial encounter...
39:05 Right.
39:06 Starts developing, I know, what they are thinking.
39:09 Yeah.
39:10 Can you lend some money?
39:13 Go ahead.
39:14 I had a verse that goes along with what
39:16 this last verse we've read Isaiah 55,
39:19 and I guess start with verse 7,
39:21 "Let the wicked forsake his way,
39:23 and the unrighteous man his thoughts.
39:25 Let him return to the Lord,
39:27 and He will have mercy on him.
39:29 And to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.
39:30 "For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
39:33 neither are your ways My ways," says the Lord.
39:35 "For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
39:37 so are My ways higher than your ways,
39:39 and My thoughts than your thoughts."
39:41 Wow.
39:42 I'm so glad
39:43 God doesn't think the way that we do.
39:45 Because if he did, I'd be in a lot...
39:47 All of us, to all of us. You know, John,
39:49 they have a thing called some...
39:50 Also I was in the military in the past
39:53 and they have this thing called PTSD,
39:56 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
39:58 It's when you have an experience with the past
40:00 that you can't get rid of, it's a disorder.
40:03 And Christ Jesus is the great physician,
40:06 He can heal that.
40:08 And we need to keep that in mind.
40:10 You know, it's amazing
40:11 that they often refer to that...
40:12 I've heard that a lot in the military terms,
40:15 but is it something everybody has?
40:16 I mean... It's something...
40:18 Who face traumatic experiences
40:20 and they can't get that traumatic experience
40:22 out of their heart, out of their mind,
40:24 and it's a burden,
40:26 it's a weight on them through their entire lives.
40:27 Wow.
40:28 And there is coping mechanisms for that,
40:30 but I submit that the greatest coping mechanism
40:33 is the Lord Jesus Christ.
40:35 Yes. Yeah.
40:36 It's worth, it works, He works.
40:37 God is the main healer.
40:39 And He also gives us other,
40:41 you know, doctors and counselors
40:43 and even, thinking of that,
40:45 I think of, like, therapy animals.
40:47 You know, that's really cool,
40:49 just how that's used by God
40:50 is the one that we need to go to
40:52 and he will show us the way to find healing.
40:54 Amplify the therapy animals.
40:55 Somebody might not know what you mean by that.
40:56 Oh, just like having either like a dog,
40:59 like a service dog
41:01 or, you know, a cat or they use different animal,
41:03 horses sometimes just to,
41:05 you know, it helps clam the person down a lot of times
41:08 and just having like a companion there with you,
41:11 just to help with,
41:13 you know, keeping you stable and emotionally.
41:16 Now when we think about
41:19 where we are and where God wants us to be.
41:20 Do you think that when you were born, honey,
41:22 the Lord, He knew what you had...
41:24 Of course, He knew all of us.
41:26 He has a plan for each life. I always say that to people.
41:30 The Lord has a plan for you.
41:31 Jeremiah. Let's go to Jeremiah.
41:33 I want you to read this one. Jeremiah 1:5.
41:35 It's in our syllabus,
41:36 but we could go ahead and look at this together
41:39 because a lot of times people don't realize that
41:42 before you are born,
41:45 the circumstances of your birth,
41:46 and I think I'm a classic example of that
41:48 having been abandoned by my mom and dad
41:50 at three months old.
41:52 Somebody once told me, they said, John,
41:54 according to your past experiences
41:56 you should be a train wreck
41:58 or you should be mentally, you know, confused.
42:01 And I literally hadn't gone to the place in my youth years,
42:06 when they were turbulent experiences, like,
42:08 the one who was giving me,
42:10 the lady that was raising me died
42:12 when I was only 12 years old.
42:14 And the man that was raising me
42:15 kind of just loss his perspective,
42:16 he just...
42:18 My wife has died,
42:19 people marry at 30 something years.
42:21 I don't have any more future, I'm done.
42:23 And I just kind a got to the place where it says,
42:24 either I'm gonna fail, I'm gonna sink,
42:26 or I'm gonna make it.
42:27 And but this text,
42:29 I didn't know this text at that time,
42:30 but Jeremiah 1:5. Look at that.
42:31 I think you should read it.
42:33 Okay. Because of your situation.
42:35 All right, let me read it. Yeah.
42:37 "Before I formed you in the womb,
42:41 I knew you."
42:42 Ain't that powerful? Powerful.
42:45 "Before you were born, I sanctified you,
42:49 I ordained you a prophet to the nations."
42:52 Another word for prophet is preacher.
42:55 You know, just speaking...
42:56 That's why I said you should read this.
42:58 Wow, that's a powerful text.
43:00 I mean, that's a powerful text. It is.
43:02 "Before I formed you in your mother."
43:04 And, you know, honey, you know the story very well.
43:06 When I finally met my mom,
43:08 you know she said to me, she said, "If I raised you,
43:11 you wouldn't be what you are today."
43:14 So the Lord saw in some of our instances,
43:16 and so there is a point to have at the story,
43:18 because some people may say, I was abandoned by my mom.
43:20 Yeah.
43:22 My dad left me,
43:23 I don't know who my parents are.
43:25 And they put that trailer truck behind them
43:26 and they dragged and they...
43:28 And some people they never meet who their folks are.
43:31 And so I'm saying,
43:33 who your folks are should not hinder
43:38 who your God is.
43:39 Amen.
43:41 See. Amen.
43:42 So does this apply to everyone?
43:44 Oh, it sure it does.
43:46 The Lord has a... Well, Jeremiah 29:11, right?
43:49 Does he have a future and hope for you?
43:50 It's right.
43:52 All of us. Yeah.
43:53 So, he says before I formed you.
43:55 So if you're thinking about that thought,
43:56 very importantly, today,
43:58 if you're thinking about that thought,
43:59 the Lord had a plan for my wife,
44:01 for me, for Mayri, for Ryan,
44:03 for Eric, for Marylin, before we were born.
44:05 So we're not here at 3ABN.
44:08 Are we here coincidentally? No.
44:10 Does the Lord know you're gonna be here,
44:11 aerospace man.
44:13 He knew, I didn't know it, but He knew.
44:15 Yeah.
44:17 And Ryan, this was...
44:18 His media name is amazing.
44:20 This was unseen by you.
44:22 Yeah.
44:24 Yes, it was.
44:25 Unseen Media, Unseen Media executive.
44:27 Yeah, but God knew. But God knew.
44:29 Mayri, what about you ending up here?
44:32 Oh, yeah, that's quiet a story.
44:34 I definitely don't have a doubt that it was God's doing, yeah.
44:37 I wouldn't have chosen to be here, yeah.
44:40 Honey, what about you?
44:41 I would never pick the Mid-West to live.
44:44 I actually wouldn't.
44:45 We always say that
44:47 because we lived in California for so many years
44:49 and then we move to the Mid-West.
44:52 We moved to Missouri,
44:54 and I'm like,
44:56 I want to go back to California.
44:58 But I know the Lord put us here.
45:01 I know that beyond a shadow of a doubt.
45:02 Don't you?
45:04 And what you're doing now,
45:05 would you have ever thought of doing
45:06 what you're doing now? No, never.
45:08 What are you doing now again?
45:09 Edit, right, audio editor, I edit.
45:13 I never thought I would be an audio editor
45:15 in a million years.
45:16 So I know that's God.
45:18 I never liked that.
45:19 I had no desire to do that.
45:22 Should I tell them the story? Go ahead.
45:23 I used to try to...
45:25 I used to try to tell her about audio editing
45:26 when we lived in California.
45:28 Honey, look at my computer.
45:30 A WAV file.
45:31 You know what a WAV file was for my wife?
45:34 A wave file. Bye.
45:37 But now she's like, she could look at a WAV file,
45:40 God has not only...
45:41 But here's what He does, He doesn't only call us.
45:44 What else does He do?
45:46 He doesn't just call us.
45:47 What else does He... Qualifies.
45:48 He qualifies us.
45:50 Marylin,
45:52 did you know you're gonna be here?
45:54 No. Assistant manager.
45:55 No, not at all. And I agree with you.
45:58 This is not coming form the East Coast
46:01 and the Northwest.
46:03 This is a different environment.
46:05 And I think, I tell everyone this.
46:08 I don't think it was for Eric.
46:10 I think the Lord brought us here for me.
46:12 Wow.
46:14 So, using Eric.
46:18 Now we want to know more about that story.
46:19 Yeah.
46:21 Well, I've just received so many blessings
46:23 from being here and growing in my spiritual walk.
46:26 And...
46:29 just the growth that I've received coming here,
46:33 I think it was more so for me than.
46:35 She is a different person.
46:37 She is definitely a different person.
46:39 She has absolutely grown her spiritual walk.
46:42 And I want to say I'm proud of Marylin,
46:44 but it was Jesus working through Marylin that did it.
46:47 Yes. So, yes.
46:49 It's awesome.
46:51 You know, the text I want you to read, Marylin,
46:53 is Ephesians 5:10 'cause this fits you.
46:55 I mean, after you just told me that.
46:57 Ephesians 5:10
46:58 it's under our point number seven.
47:03 You know,
47:04 but Ephesians 5:10 is the text there
47:06 and of our syllabus, point number seven.
47:08 Okay,
47:09 "For we are his workmanship,
47:12 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
47:14 which God prepared before hand that we should walk in them."
47:18 Okay.
47:19 So did you know you were gonna be walking in
47:21 before you got here?
47:22 I didn't, but now I do.
47:24 He knew. But the Lord knew.
47:26 Yes He did. He knew. That's right.
47:27 Oh, I have a question I want to throw in here.
47:31 Okay.
47:32 Change the direction a little bit
47:34 but we're talking about how God is always with us.
47:36 And we're giving stories
47:38 that how God has led us in the past,
47:39 bring us to the point where we are right now.
47:43 And we don't realize that until we look back
47:46 and we can see God's hand.
47:48 But I think one of the reasons
47:50 why a lot of people drag their past
47:54 with them many times
47:55 is because we ask the question,
47:58 well, where was God when...
48:01 And then fill in the blank.
48:03 You know because we all go through experiences
48:05 where it's like why would God have allowed me
48:08 to go through this or that or whatever that may be.
48:13 And, you know,
48:15 if God really is with us every step of the way...
48:19 Can I speak on that? Sure.
48:21 Because one of my favorite stories.
48:23 And I mean it's in the top three stories
48:26 in the Bible is the story of Joseph
48:28 where God allowed him.
48:30 He didn't make him go to prison.
48:32 He allowed him to go to prison, suffer what he went through,
48:36 slavery in prison
48:37 so that he could save Israel in the end.
48:39 And at the time,
48:41 Joseph didn't know that was his purpose
48:43 but God took a bad circumstance
48:46 and allowed it to play its course
48:47 so that He could do the greater good.
48:49 So sometimes we end up in a situation,
48:52 we're like, I didn't bring this upon myself,
48:54 why Lord, why are you doing this?
48:56 Like you said,
48:57 and it is because God has a greater role for us.
48:59 We just have to be faithful
49:01 so that we can fulfill that role.
49:03 Some of us fall away during that.
49:05 If we stand with it, stand faithful,
49:06 and keep our eyes on the Lord, it reveals itself in the end.
49:09 You know, Joseph became...
49:12 Yeah, I love Joseph.
49:13 And you have a sermon from pits to palaces.
49:15 Wow. And that's about Joseph.
49:17 And he's my favorite character,
49:19 one of my favorite in the Bible.
49:20 What happened when we read the end of the story...
49:22 Oh! We cried.
49:24 Oh, we when...
49:25 we were reading in Genesis when he died.
49:28 Oh, I said Joseph.
49:29 We were driving to Paradise, California in the car
49:31 and Angie was reading Genesis and she said...
49:34 And I said, you okay, honey?
49:35 She said, oh, I just look forward
49:36 to meeting Joseph,
49:38 what a life, what a story.
49:39 And she was shedding tears.
49:41 And so,
49:43 like, there is another man in my life, Joseph.
49:47 Coming from Paradise or going to Paradise?
49:48 Going to paradise.
49:50 To Paradise, California to be specific.
49:53 But that's true and thank you for that example,
49:55 because, as Ryan pointed out, and that's a very good question
49:58 because there's somebody watching the program
50:00 that might say, well, where was God?
50:01 Yeah.
50:03 Where was God in my,
50:04 where was God in my betrayal, my family betrayal.
50:06 That's how it started out.
50:08 Where is God in my sibling jealousy.
50:10 Yeah. Look at all the components.
50:12 What else can you see in the story of Joseph?
50:13 Sibling jealousy, sibling rivalry,
50:16 family betrayal...
50:18 Attempted murder.
50:20 Attempted murder, falsely accused,
50:21 what else attempted...
50:22 Attempted murder.
50:24 What else?
50:26 That's it.
50:27 No, there is more. Feelings of abandonment.
50:30 Abandonment. That's right.
50:32 Why's this happening to me,
50:33 what have I done to bring this on myself.
50:36 All right. Yeah.
50:38 When you do all the right things
50:39 and all the wrong things happened to you.
50:41 Why do bad things happen to good people,
50:44 what else?
50:46 Such an honest man, remember...
50:49 Was that Potiphar's wife? That's right.
50:51 He was in a situation
50:52 where the devil wanted to take him even further down.
50:54 Yes. Tried to break him.
50:55 Tried to break him,
50:57 tried to get him to compromise his moral stand
50:58 with Potiphar's wife.
51:00 And he said... What did he say?
51:02 How can I do this great wickedness
51:03 and sin against God.
51:04 Right.
51:06 So he recognized at that point God was with him.
51:09 Yeah, just one more thing,
51:11 just to drive this a little bit deeper
51:12 because we talk about God uses these experiences
51:15 to bring about his purposes, right?
51:19 And somebody may be thinking, well,
51:20 does that mean that each of us are slaves to God's purpose?
51:24 Does that mean that we can only do
51:26 what God wants us to do?
51:28 We can't do what we want to do.
51:30 And it's a different way of thinking
51:32 but I have had people ask that question before.
51:34 And--
51:35 I kind of have an answer but I want to...
51:38 We can do what we will, it's our choice.
51:42 But the difference is the great majority of times
51:45 if not always if we don't do God's will,
51:48 we fall away to some degree,
51:50 especially when we're faced with this great trial,
51:52 if we don't keep our eyes on the Lord
51:54 and have him lead us through that trail
51:56 to the greater success
51:57 and to the greater glory of God,
51:59 we fall away in the bad direction.
52:01 So we have a choice
52:03 whether to go in God's direction
52:04 or the bad direction.
52:05 That's what it sums up to in the end.
52:07 Sometimes we don't realize that that is what the choice is.
52:09 Right.
52:10 I think a lot of times we look at God's purpose
52:12 and we look at surrender to God as something that's scary,
52:15 like, what's gonna happen if I give up everything
52:18 and I surrender myself to God's purpose.
52:19 I don't want to give up this and that
52:21 and all these things that I love right now.
52:24 And we don't realize
52:25 that God wants to give us is actually something
52:28 that is gonna give us some more of fulfillment,
52:30 more peace, more happiness.
52:32 And that's an experience that because a lot of us,
52:37 we don't have that experience
52:38 and we don't share that experience
52:39 with other people,
52:41 we stay back in the pity party zone,
52:44 we're not passing these things on.
52:45 And so when we talk about surrender to God,
52:47 it becomes a scary thing
52:48 when really it's the most incredible experience
52:51 that you could ever have in your life because...
52:53 Amen.
52:54 You get taken to a place
52:56 where you get to see God working on your behalf
52:57 on a day to day basis, working miracles, doing things,
53:00 accomplishing things for you and for the people
53:03 that you never could have done by yourself.
53:06 And there is nothing more incredible.
53:08 Now there is a text I want to read
53:09 because a lot of times people think that
53:11 I'm ashamed about what happened to me.
53:12 Honey, I want you to read this since you gave me the last one,
53:14 2 Timothy 1:12.
53:16 This text is powerful
53:17 because a lot of times people said, I'm so ashamed,
53:21 they take on such burden of what they went through,
53:24 they forget the blessing of God.
53:26 And so get rid of the shame because the text shows you...
53:30 2 Timothy 1: 12.
53:32 This is a beautiful passage.
53:34 "For this reason,
53:35 I also suffer these things, nevertheless,
53:38 I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed
53:43 and I am persuaded that he is able to keep
53:46 what I have committed to him until that day."
53:49 Wow, isn't that powerful? Powerful.
53:51 Shame, people go through shame,
53:54 they said, oh,
53:55 I feel so ashamed to talk about this.
53:58 The Lord may have allowed you, Job, Joseph,
54:02 how many other characters in the Bible do we find
54:04 that have gone through difficulties?
54:05 Job. Job.
54:06 Pastor C.D. Brooks said if the devil only knew
54:09 how many people would be encouraged
54:11 by the story of Job,
54:12 he we would have left Job alone.
54:13 Yes.
54:16 It thought that to be true.
54:18 I want to get another one in there.
54:19 Mayri, Isaiah 61:1-3.
54:24 Isaiah 61: 1-3.
54:26 Because we're talking about
54:27 not only just getting past the past,
54:29 but what does Lord have in store for you.
54:31 If you're committed to him, he'll keep it.
54:33 Don't be ashamed about what you've been through,
54:34 but if you commit your present and your future to him,
54:37 He will be able to keep it.
54:38 Isaiah 61: 1-3,
54:40 "The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
54:43 because the Lord has anointed me
54:45 to preach good tidings unto the meek,
54:47 He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted,
54:50 to proclaim liberty to the captives,
54:52 and the opening of the prison to them that are bound
54:55 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,
54:57 and the day of vengeance of our God
54:59 to comfort all that mourn
55:01 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion,
55:03 to give unto them beauty for ashes,
55:05 the oil of joy for mourning,
55:07 the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness
55:10 that they might be called trees of righteousness,
55:13 the planting of the Lord, that He might be glorified."
55:16 There is so much in that passage.
55:17 One of the things that I want to bring out,
55:19 not only does God take away the past
55:20 and give you beauty,
55:21 but he says let me deal,
55:23 let me be the one
55:24 to take care of those who did wrong to you.
55:26 Amen.
55:27 The vengeance,
55:28 the day of vengeance of our God.
55:30 He says, let Me fight that battle.
55:33 I'll take away your ashes and give you beauty,
55:36 I'll give oil.
55:37 Ain't that wonderful? Let's trade.
55:38 Let's trade. Excellent trade.
55:40 And He doesn't minimize our pain.
55:41 And we definitely don't want anyone just think that,
55:43 you know, whatever you've gone through is like,
55:44 oh, that's not a big deal, just get over it.
55:46 Exactly.
55:47 God knows our pain and He knows how deep it can be,
55:50 but he wants us...
55:51 He doesn't want us to live in that
55:52 for the rest of our lives.
55:54 Anything else, Eric?
55:55 I've never met anyone that regretted coming to Jesus.
55:58 Never. Wow.
56:00 Never, of all the people...
56:01 And I like to talk to people a lot.
56:03 And I've never heard anyone saying I regret it.
56:06 That's what I have to say about that.
56:08 Anything, honey?
56:09 No, God is faithful. That's all I know.
56:11 He's faithful.
56:13 So whatever you are going through,
56:14 or me or you, any of us here,
56:16 He's faithful to take us through it.
56:18 Remember what you always say?
56:20 You're going through... That's right.
56:22 If you're going through it, keep going through it,
56:25 and come out the other end
56:26 into the plan that God has for you.
56:28 I want to kind of bring our time together,
56:30 wind it up on this text Romans 8:38-39.
56:34 This is a commitment text that says to you
56:36 it's not where you are but where God can keep you.
56:39 You have to persuaded though,
56:40 he says, "For I am persuaded,
56:42 that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,
56:46 nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height,
56:49 nor depth, nor any other created thing,
56:52 shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
56:56 which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
56:57 Amen.
56:59 Wow, did this program go too quickly?
57:00 Yes. Very fast. Very quickly.
57:02 So can we get past our past? Yes.
57:05 Through whom? Through Christ Jesus.
57:07 Friends, I tell you.
57:09 There's goal out there that God has for every one of us.
57:11 We've seen it,
57:13 it's continuing to unfold in all of our lives.
57:16 We want to say to you that God has a goal for you.
57:18 Amen.
57:19 An upward call, a forward motion.
57:22 He wants to take you off of your bed
57:23 and give you the ability to walk in his freedom.
57:26 So trust the Lord with your life
57:27 and the day is going to come
57:29 when you'll see the God that delivered you
57:31 and you'll glorify Him.
57:32 God be with you till we see you again.
57:35 Happy Sabbath. Amen.


Revised 2016-08-04