Today Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: J. D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), C. A. Murray, Mollie Steenson, Jill Morikone


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016023A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:08 Hello, and welcome once again to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:12 We're so glad that you're joining us
01:14 from this blessed Sabbath, whether it's the beginning
01:16 or the end of the Sabbath for you,
01:17 we're just glad that you're joining us
01:19 for family worship because you are part of our family.
01:23 So I'm Shelley Quinn, this is...
01:25 J.D. Quinn.
01:27 And honey, why don't you introduce everybody else.
01:28 Well, of course, we've got C.A. Murray,
01:30 my precious friend over here.
01:32 We're missing his precious wife Irma.
01:34 But C.A. can handle it.
01:37 We've got Mollie Steenson, we miss her husband Hal.
01:40 And we've got Jill, and we miss her husband Greg.
01:44 Everybody is at a different place, you know.
01:46 But anyway, just...
01:48 we're all glad to be here to be able to take this time
01:50 on a Sabbath day to talk about Jesus.
01:53 Yes.
01:54 And we don't want to forget one of our special brothers
01:57 who is also joining us on the piano,
01:59 and that is Brother Tim Parton.
02:01 Thank you, Tim.
02:02 One of our special, special friends.
02:04 Yes, amen.
02:05 Well, tonight what we're going to be talking about
02:08 is God's will for our life.
02:11 And it's quite clear that God's will
02:14 in the Bible says it then.
02:16 His will for our life is sanctification.
02:19 So we're not going to be talking about necessarily
02:22 the root of sanctification
02:25 as much as the fruit of sanctification.
02:26 Amen.
02:27 But before we begin,
02:29 we always love to have an opening prayer J.D.
02:32 Would you open with prayer please.
02:34 Most certainly.
02:35 Father, as we come before you on the Sabbath day,
02:38 we come in your name, the name above all names,
02:40 and we thank You.
02:42 We thank You especially for today Lord,
02:43 today that You've given us the day that You've created.
02:46 And Father, as we gather around this table,
02:48 and we share the fruit that hopefully each one of us
02:54 are able to produce through you Lord.
02:56 We give you all praise and glory.
02:58 Thank You. Thank You.
03:00 Thank You for being who You are,
03:01 in the name of Jesus.
03:03 Amen. Amen.
03:05 Well, we always like to start with a song.
03:07 And aside from maybe brother Murray,
03:12 who's noted for his singing.
03:13 I don't think any one of the others of us
03:15 are noted for our singing.
03:20 But you know the Lord tells us to make a joyful noise
03:24 before Him.
03:26 And you know something.
03:27 I remember when I was a little girl,
03:28 sitting next to my grandfather in church.
03:30 And he was deaf, he wore...
03:33 Hearing aids. Hearing aids.
03:35 And my grandfather sang with all of his heart.
03:39 He could not carry a tune, but he was probably
03:43 one of the loudest in the church.
03:45 And everybody was always blessed by his singing,
03:48 because he made a joyful noise before the Lord.
03:51 So we are going to sing one of my most favorite songs.
03:56 And that is "My hope is built on nothing less,"
03:59 and this is hymn number 522 in the hymnal,
04:03 but the words will be on the screen so join us.
04:11 My hope is built on nothing less
04:15 Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
04:20 I dare not trust the sweetest frame
04:24 But wholly lean on Jesus' Name
04:29 On Christ the solid rock I stand
04:34 All other ground is sinking sand
04:39 All other ground
04:41 Is sinking sand
04:45 When Darkness veils His lovely face
04:49 I rest on His unchanging grace
04:55 In every high and stormy gale
04:59 My anchor holds within the veil
05:05 On Christ the solid rock I stand
05:09 All other ground is sinking sand
05:15 All other ground is sinking stand
05:22 When He shall come with trumpet sound
05:26 O may I then in Him be found!
05:31 Dressed in His righteousness alone
05:36 Faultless to stand before the throne
05:42 On Christ the solid rock I stand
05:46 All other ground is sinking sand
05:52 All other ground
05:55 Is sinking sand
05:59 Oh, how I love that song,
06:02 because we're counting and hoping,
06:03 and nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
06:07 And it says, dressed in His righteousness alone
06:10 will stand faultless before the throne of God.
06:13 Amen. Hallelujah.
06:14 Amen.
06:16 Well, what we always like to do is have a prayer of praise.
06:20 And this is kind of a chain prayer.
06:22 It's not a lengthy prayer.
06:23 We'll each maybe speak a sentence or two,
06:26 just as the spirit moves us.
06:29 And I'll begin, and then whoever feels like joining in,
06:33 just join in.
06:34 And at home, just lift up your praises before the Lord.
06:38 Our most glorious Heavenly Father,
06:40 we come before You this day to praise Your name,
06:43 because You are worthy of praise.
06:45 And Father, I thank you that You have blessed us
06:49 with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms.
06:52 And that Lord, You are our sufficiency.
06:55 I thank You that You have blessed us
06:57 with all the riches of heaven in Christ Jesus.
07:02 Amen.
07:03 Gracious Father, we do praise you.
07:04 We thank You for You're so worthy to be prayed.
07:06 Amen.
07:07 We thank You Lord for the evidences
07:09 of Your loving kindness and affection towards us.
07:12 Amen.
07:13 Over and over again, you show that You love us
07:15 with an everlasting love.
07:17 And out of that great love, you are pleased to bless us,
07:19 to carry us, to forgive us of our sins.
07:22 And we praise You Lord,
07:23 and we thank You for mercies without end.
07:27 Truly, You are worthy to be praised.
07:31 Father, we thank You that you Are our provider,
07:34 protector, and defender, and sustainer, and redeemer.
07:39 And Lord, we thank You as well that You are the one
07:42 who sanctifies us.
07:44 Yes.
07:46 And I thank You Father that You've given us this time
07:48 to come away on to You
07:51 to set aside time just to be with You.
07:53 And so Father, we give this time to You,
07:55 we ask You Lord to open up our hearts
07:59 and pour into our hearts those things
08:02 that You would have us learn today.
08:04 I pray in Jesus' name.
08:06 And Father also, I just want to thank You again
08:08 for the Sabbath day.
08:09 And Father, I think of our loved ones,
08:11 I think of our brothers, or sisters, or fathers,
08:15 or mothers, or aunts, or uncles,
08:16 our good friends, Lord.
08:18 And I just ask Lord that you continue
08:20 to direct Your arms around them.
08:21 And that they will allow the Holy Spirit to work
08:24 in their hearts, Lord.
08:26 Again, we thank You, we love You,
08:28 we give You all praise and glory in the name of Jesus.
08:31 Amen. Amen.
08:32 Amen, hallelujah.
08:35 Well, we're just all excited to be here, are we not?
08:38 Amen. Amen.
08:39 We're most excited that you could join us.
08:41 Let me do this, I'm kind of going to go out of order,
08:44 and I'll just tell you that 1 Thessalonians 4:3,
08:49 is the basis of knowing God's will for your life.
08:53 And the scripture says, this is the will of God,
08:57 your sanctification.
08:59 So let me just kind of do a quick review.
09:02 We've done family worships on righteousness by faith.
09:06 That's what sanctification is, is it not.
09:08 I mean, justification and sanctification.
09:11 And we're not going to so much talk about God's work.
09:15 How He achieves this.
09:18 Well, we're going to just focus on different scriptures.
09:20 Let me put it that way.
09:23 Justification is an act of God.
09:26 Justification takes just a moment
09:29 when you accept Christ as your savior.
09:32 You're converted and the blood of Jesus covers your sin
09:38 and justification changes your record.
09:43 It removes us from the guilt,
09:45 relieves us of the guilt of sin.
09:48 Sanctification is a work of God.
09:53 And sanctification takes a lifetime.
09:56 And what happens with sanctification is that,
09:59 it is Christ imparted righteousness
10:02 as He lives in our hearts by faith,
10:05 and the power of the Holy Spirit.
10:08 Sanctification changes what? Our character.
10:13 And it relieves us from the power of sin.
10:17 Amen.
10:19 So we're going to be talking today about God's will
10:22 for our life, our sanctification,
10:24 because Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
10:30 And I'm going to go ahead and pray this prayer.
10:34 We're looking at...
10:37 in life affirmations from scripture, number...
10:41 page 84.
10:42 Let me pray the prayer,
10:44 and then we're going to show you
10:46 how this prayer comes from scripture.
10:49 There's such...
10:50 Why is there such power in praying the word Mollie Sue?
10:53 Because God will watch over His work to perform.
10:57 Amen.
10:59 He says that in Jeremiah 1:12.
11:00 I'd watch over my word to perform.
11:02 And He calls those things that are not
11:04 as though they are ready.
11:05 Romans 4:17... So that's powerful.
11:07 Absolutely. God is...
11:08 Speaking of, I don't feel sanctified
11:10 or I know I'm in the process, but I'm not there yet.
11:13 But we can claim these promises over our life.
11:16 And the Word of God is quick and powering force.
11:19 Amen. It's a powerful.
11:21 Amen. It's living.
11:22 And you know, when we think about it,
11:23 the word sanctification, I like what you said.
11:26 And you were talking at worship one day,
11:27 and you said, "Sanctification is a church word.
11:30 You're not going to hear it in the Daily American.
11:33 You're not going to hear it in the Daily News,
11:36 nightly news, are you?
11:38 But, you know what, when the Lord said,
11:41 "Be holy, for I am holy."
11:44 What was he saying? He's telling of sanctification.
11:45 He was saying, be sanctified 'cause I am sanctified.
11:49 To be sanctified means to be set apart from sin.
11:54 And the way I think of this is, you know,
11:56 when the Bible says that God is a consuming fire.
12:00 He is...
12:02 it's because His essence of love.
12:04 Love consumes sin.
12:08 I mean, it's like love is, His love is so pure,
12:12 it's so perfect that sin cannot stand
12:16 in the presence of a holy God.
12:17 Because what happens is, you think of sin, when the...
12:22 in John Chapter...
12:25 what, my mind went blank, 15, first part right,
12:29 where he said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing."
12:31 So John 15 is talking about divine.
12:34 And Jesus says,
12:36 "Abide in me, I'll abide in you."
12:38 Well, when we quit abiding, what happens when a branch
12:43 gets pinched off from the vine?
12:44 Dies. It withers up.
12:47 So here, if you're a sinner, if you're not walking
12:50 in the will of God,
12:51 if you're this withered up branch,
12:53 and then suddenly the love of God just...
12:59 it just consumes sin.
13:01 He can't help it.
13:02 So the more we've got love in us,
13:04 the more we become like Him.
13:06 And it consumes the sin in our lives.
13:08 Good. Okay.
13:10 Just put a little tag on that.
13:12 You know, the Bible says, God executes judgment.
13:15 He gives mercy, but He is love, you know, 1 John 4, He is love.
13:19 So when you take God into you,
13:22 the default setting is cleansing
13:24 and burning away the thing that's unlike God.
13:25 Absolutely.
13:27 Because it's like, once the fire burns,
13:30 anything that is un-pure, it's going to go.
13:33 And once you have that love of God in you,
13:36 those impure aspects of your character
13:39 are burned away.
13:41 And all that is left is love, because only love can exist
13:43 in the presence of love.
13:45 Amen. So all sin is gone.
13:46 So sort of building on what you started.
13:48 Yeah, once God comes in there,
13:49 He is in there clearing and burning away.
13:51 It's like a little fire going in there that burns in you
13:54 until the day you see Christ face to face
13:56 or till the day you die.
13:57 Yeah.
13:58 So that's the sanctification process and it always works.
14:00 And something that the scripture says about love
14:01 is that love does something, love covers, covers what?
14:05 Oh, yeah. A multitude of sin.
14:07 So if love covers, what does the opposite of love do?
14:13 Exposes, exposes.
14:15 Who is the accuser of the brethren?
14:17 That's good.
14:18 See, diametrical opposition,
14:20 God covers, because He loves us.
14:23 The enemy exposes, because he hates us.
14:26 Yes. That's really good.
14:29 I was reading something, and it brought up, you know,
14:31 another word for sanctification is purification.
14:34 And then we're turning up... talking about this fire.
14:37 I remember we were harvesting grain.
14:39 And we had a pickup that should not have been out in the field.
14:43 And the muffler was so hot
14:45 that it caught that stubble on fire.
14:48 And we were harvesting
14:51 within the suburbs of Dallas, yes, it was.
14:56 And I mean, all of a sudden,
14:58 all that stubble there just caught fire.
15:01 And Bob, whenever I was reading about the sanctification,
15:04 he's reading about purification, consecration.
15:07 It made me think of that, because I mean, that fast.
15:10 We had a major fire.
15:12 And all of a sudden 911
15:14 is going up from all these homes
15:15 and everything.
15:17 And everybody's out there with their little water hoses.
15:19 I mean, it was dynamic.
15:23 But boy, I'll never forget the purification
15:25 it came from that 'cause you look back there,
15:27 and where that fire had consumed,
15:29 it was black.
15:31 There was nothing else left and it went that fast,
15:35 because of the stubble.
15:36 Yeah.
15:38 You know, what was once alive, now it's dead.
15:41 You know, when you think, I mean, actually,
15:43 sanctification and holiness are to be sanctified,
15:46 means to be made holy.
15:48 They're synonyms, and we don't have to be,
15:50 you know, so concerned about...
15:52 some people, you say, "Oh, be holy, because I am holy."
15:55 As God tells us, it makes us nervous to think,
15:58 I could ever be holy like God."
16:00 It just means,
16:01 God is separated from sin completely,
16:04 and He wants us separated from sin.
16:06 So it's proper to say, we have been saved.
16:11 That's what?
16:12 Justification, I'm sorry, yeah.
16:14 We are being saved... Sanctification.
16:17 And we will be saved, glorification.
16:20 Yeah. Hallelujah.
16:22 And it's all through the countenance in holiness.
16:24 Absolutely.
16:26 That's a noun, and a verb, and a gerund, it's all three.
16:28 And it's beautiful, because God's the one who does
16:29 all of that work.
16:30 Amen.
16:32 You know, He is the one who justifies us
16:33 through the blood of Jesus.
16:34 He is the one who does the sanctification process.
16:36 Now we have to let him in like Pastor Murray said,
16:39 when love is in us, when God is in us,
16:41 that's when the purification process happens,
16:44 so we have to make that choice.
16:46 Yeah.
16:47 And a daily, hourly, moment by moment choice
16:49 to make those choices for Jesus,
16:51 but then in the glorification it's all Him too.
16:53 Amen.
16:54 So we can never say, any of this process of salvation
16:57 I had a part in or I did.
17:00 Yes, we have a part, because we make a choice.
17:04 We choose to allow God to do that work in us,
17:06 choose to align our will in line with His.
17:09 You know, Shelley, we're going to get to your...
17:12 you hit on such a pregnant subject,
17:14 for one with a better term.
17:15 Martin Luther, bless his heart, never got to sanctification.
17:18 He stopped at justification.
17:20 And you can get in with justification, you know.
17:24 But you want to go further to live the sanctified life.
17:27 Christ made the statement in John14:30,
17:30 the princes of world cometh, and he has nothing in me.
17:33 Yes.
17:35 And that's the voice of a sanctified person.
17:38 So when you're saying that, Satan does nothing in here
17:40 that he can grab on to.
17:42 And I would like to be able to make that statement.
17:46 Amen.
17:47 Because the truth is, you can slip so easily, you know.
17:52 The lust of the eye, the pride of life.
17:54 You know, it is so easy to get turned around or turned aside
17:57 on your journey.
17:59 I know J.D. studied for his PhD in psychology.
18:02 And they say that in psychology,
18:06 men and women are...
18:08 I'm taking a second here,
18:09 but they're motivated by different things,
18:11 and different things can be their tripwire.
18:13 For women, they seem to be much more sensitive to sounds.
18:16 For men, it's sight.
18:18 You can be have your mind in heaven places,
18:21 and see something,
18:22 and right away your mind is over here,
18:24 you know.
18:26 I have a good friend,
18:27 or my associate pastor years ago.
18:28 He was saying, when they had their first baby,
18:30 it was ruining their intimate time together.
18:32 Because as his wife heard
18:34 from the other room, she was gone,
18:36 you know, they'd be having a less time together,
18:38 holding hands, you know, kind of cuddling in the bed.
18:40 And she heard just a peep, and she's gone you know.
18:42 It's like here I am, you know.
18:43 Yeah.
18:44 This child is ruining my life here.
18:46 Because she's very sensitive to sound, you know.
18:49 And it doesn't take much sometimes,
18:52 the devil dangle something in front of your eyes and.
18:55 Or give you some sort of provocation
18:56 and boom you're gone.
18:58 But Christ said, He's coming, and He's got nothing.
19:00 Yeah. Amen.
19:02 Nothing, nothing to attract me, there's no hook,
19:03 there's nothing you can dangle in front of my eyes.
19:05 And I read that, I say, "Lord, I'd love that to be me."
19:07 Amen. Amen.
19:09 I'd love to be able to say, he's got nothing in me.
19:11 But I know in my heart,
19:12 unless I'm surrendered all the time,
19:14 one little thing, and I'm gone, you're under it.
19:17 And even, you know, the Lord said,
19:19 I mean, Job said,
19:21 I've made a covenant with my eyes.
19:23 Yes, he had, yes. Not to lust after another one.
19:25 So, that's something that I think you have to do.
19:29 It's, you know, men very much by sight,
19:32 but a lot of women have the lust of the eye as well.
19:35 So we have to all make that covenant and be prepared
19:39 for what's going to happen.
19:41 Yes. Okay.
19:42 Well, we're going to pray this prayer,
19:44 you all have it in front of you.
19:45 We'll pray this prayer, I'll actually read it,
19:47 and it comes from scripture.
19:49 Then we're going to look at the scriptures
19:52 that this prayer comes from.
19:55 Holy and righteous Father, thank You for giving me
19:58 the mind of Christ through Your word,
20:01 and by the power of Your spirit
20:04 who gives me spiritual understanding and discernment.
20:07 Just as Jesus did nothing of His own initiative,
20:10 but sought to do Your will, so do I.
20:13 Cause my mind to be renewed by Your Word,
20:17 and fill me with knowledge of You
20:19 that I might walk worthy of Your calling.
20:23 Teach me Lord to do what is pleasing in Your sight
20:26 and lead me by Your Spirit.
20:29 Thank You for equipping me
20:31 in every good thing to do Your will.
20:34 I know my sanctification is Your will for my life.
20:38 You desire for me to be made holy.
20:40 Set apart for Your good purposes.
20:43 Oh, Lord, bless me in obeying Your Word.
20:47 You have entrusted me with the knowledge of Your will
20:51 as found written in the Bible.
20:53 I am required to prove myself faithful in practicing it.
20:58 I delight to do Your will Father.
21:00 Amen.
21:02 So that is such a precious prayer.
21:03 And I know that God is so pleased
21:06 when we pray like this.
21:07 But let's look at where this prayer came from.
21:12 It talks about having the mind of Christ.
21:15 Brother Murray, would you like to take our first scripture
21:18 1 Corinthians 2:14 and 16.
21:23 Okay, I'll read that, the Bible says,
21:25 "What the natural man
21:27 does not receive the things of the spirit of God,
21:30 for they are foolishness to Him nor can He know them,
21:34 because they are spiritually discerned."
21:36 And we go to 16, "He, who has known the mind of the Lord.
21:42 I'm sorry, for who has known the mind of the Lord
21:45 that He may instruct him, but we have the mind of Christ.
21:49 Amen. Expound on that a bit, brother.
21:52 Want to read just a little something
21:53 that Ellen White wrote in unpublished manuscript
21:59 in 1899.
22:01 She says, "The precious jewels of truth,
22:03 they're the highest value to the meek and lowly ones,
22:07 who believe in Christ are as foolishness to Him
22:10 who is wise in this world estimation.
22:13 But truth,
22:15 eternal truth is ever present with the true believer.
22:19 The Spirit is the appointed instructor
22:22 of such a soul his guide,
22:25 His continual strength and righteousness."
22:29 Then she goes on to talk about the law is an expression,
22:32 being an expression of God's idea for humanity.
22:35 The truth is, in this world,
22:37 we can be divided into several different camps.
22:40 But for these purposes,
22:41 you are either spiritual or carnal,
22:43 you're either moving under the aegis of the Holy Spirit
22:47 or you are moving in your own strength,
22:49 and in your own worldly wisdom.
22:51 Where worldly wisdom means nothing to the Lord.
22:54 And worldly wisdom is not enough
22:56 to discern the things of God.
22:59 Which is one reason why whenever you open the Bible,
23:01 you need to ask first for the mind of Christ.
23:04 So that the words make sense to you
23:06 and can be understood by you
23:08 and more than that can be put into practice.
23:10 So the natural man,
23:11 the man without the spirit does not accept,
23:13 cannot really understand,
23:15 which is why sometimes you say things
23:16 which make perfectly good sense to you as a Christian.
23:19 And someone's looking at you, like you just came
23:21 from the planet Mongo, you know what?
23:22 Right, right.
23:24 Yeah, because spiritual things are spiritually discerned.
23:27 When you say, I've got joy in my heart,
23:29 or this kind of thing doesn't bother me,
23:31 or I'm not tempted by that,
23:32 people are saying, why would you not?
23:34 I remember years ago, someone said, "Do you drink?"
23:36 I said, "No." "Well, why not?"
23:38 "Well, why would I?"
23:40 "Well, 'cause you're missing fun."
23:41 "Well, it's not fun for me." "Yeah, but everybody drinks."
23:44 "Well, I don't." "That didn't make any sense."
23:46 "It does to me," you know.
23:48 And you get into a circular kind of reasoning,
23:49 because everybody goes out on Friday night,
23:52 everybody drinks, everybody is--
23:53 "Well, no they don't."
23:55 And for a person who is used to that world,
23:57 a person who doesn't do that is,
23:59 "You're kind of strange."
24:00 Yeah.
24:02 Because spiritual things are spiritually discerned,
24:04 which is why, now when I do evangelism--
24:06 and we talked about this the other day.
24:08 Rather than going to prophecy,
24:10 and some of these other kind of difficult things,
24:11 you start with Jesus.
24:13 Because if they don't have Jesus,
24:14 they can't really get a hold on anything else,
24:16 because it starts and ends with Christ.
24:18 Amen.
24:19 And the Holy Spirit is instructor.
24:20 And, you know, when it says
24:22 that the natural man cannot understand.
24:24 I think the one caveat out there is that,
24:28 when the Holy Spirit is moving upon someone,
24:31 who is still in the natural form.
24:33 If he is trying to convict them of the sin,
24:35 give them godly so they can get the message of the cross.
24:39 Anybody can get that.
24:41 But beyond, I think beyond the message of the cross,
24:43 if you aren't a spiritual person,
24:45 you're not going to understand this word.
24:47 I look at this a little different.
24:48 You said when you open the word,
24:51 pray for the mind of Christ.
24:53 I prayed John 17:17, that God will sanctify me--
24:57 Through the truth. Through the truth.
24:59 Through His truth, His word is truth.
25:00 I look at this as the mind of Christ.
25:03 I think that, you know, this was Holy Spirit inspired,
25:08 it is the mind of Christ revealed to us,
25:10 and the more we've got in us,
25:13 the more we operate by the mind of Christ.
25:15 I agree. But like calls to like.
25:18 And so you want to be have that spirit,
25:20 I understand and I think, we're basically--
25:21 I want to say, two side of the same coin.
25:23 Because the truth is this, it will not make sense
25:27 unless you are functioning through at lens.
25:29 Absolutely not. That is spiritual.
25:31 Amen. Yeah.
25:33 Well, I've got the next scripture,
25:34 and that's John 5:30.
25:38 And Jesus is speaking here.
25:39 And He says, "I can do nothing on my own initiative."
25:44 You know what, I love this
25:46 that, when He was here on earth,
25:48 He only called upon His humanity.
25:52 He never called upon His divinity.
25:55 He said, "As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just,
26:00 because I do not seek my own will,
26:03 but the will of Him who sent me."
26:05 The reason this is included here
26:08 is because just as Jesus did nothing
26:11 as His own initiative, that's should be ours,
26:15 when we are sanctified is that we don't,
26:18 you know, He said in verse 19,
26:20 that He only did what He saw the Father do.
26:24 And he says, and I think,
26:26 one good thing about that when you think about.
26:28 If Jesus was only doing what He saw the father do,
26:31 then everything that Jesus did on earth,
26:35 lined up perfectly with His will
26:37 'cause he said in Chapter 6 of John, he said,
26:40 "I've come not to do My will, but to do His will.
26:43 That means everything Jesus did
26:46 was an expression of God's love.
26:49 Amen.
26:50 That was God's loving heart,
26:52 because it is from love that grace flows down to us.
26:56 So contextually,
26:59 when He is talking about judging,
27:02 He is talking here about the condemnation of sinners
27:06 in their final judgment.
27:08 So, you know, one other thing,
27:10 I thought that comes for me from the scripture,
27:13 is that He had just said here, before He says this in John 5.
27:20 He said, "Do not marvel at this for the hour is coming
27:22 in which those who are in their graves
27:24 will hear His voice and come forth.
27:26 Those who've done good to the resurrection of life,
27:29 those who've done evil
27:30 to the resurrection of condemnation.
27:33 So then He says, I can do nothing
27:36 except, you know--
27:39 that the Father is not doing and he says,
27:42 "As I hear, I judge, my judgment is righteous."
27:45 So don't you think that, given on, you know,
27:51 you know how much the messages
27:54 on the Garden of Gethsemane,
27:58 and the message on the trial of God
28:00 when we did our camp meeting moved me.
28:05 The reason God leaves everything to Christ to judge,
28:10 'cause Jesus became just exactly like us.
28:14 So who better could judge, He knows.
28:18 I mean that's where why He is so pitiable toward us
28:22 is 'cause He knows our weaknesses.
28:25 Doesn't that bear with you? It is, it is.
28:27 To me this verse gives me hope, because he says,
28:29 I do nothing of my own initiative, right.
28:32 Everything comes from the Father.
28:34 So if Jesus, when He walked this earth.
28:37 He walked not in His own strength.
28:40 Submitted and walked on the strength of His Father.
28:43 That means that you and I can have the same experience.
28:47 Absolutely. To me that's exciting.
28:49 Well, we don't have to do though.
28:51 I'm going to walk forward two steps,
28:53 and I'm going to fall back five.
28:55 I'm going to walk forward two,
28:56 and then I'm going to fall back six.
28:58 You know, keep slipping and falling into sin.
29:01 Of course, the Bible says, "If any man sin,
29:03 we have an advocate with the Father."
29:04 So Jesus does forgive them.
29:06 Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord for that.
29:08 But at the same time,
29:10 we can be connected to the same power source,
29:12 we can submit, and surrender to our Father
29:15 just like He did when He walked this earth.
29:18 And what I really--
29:19 to take that a little bit farther for us that are weak,
29:24 and that is your best friend, the Holy Spirit is there
29:28 to continue to nudge up to send up those red flags
29:33 whenever you do there to the left.
29:35 Man I just, as time goes by, I just become more dependent.
29:40 I just crave the Holy Spirit,
29:43 because that is a lamp to my feet.
29:47 Because man, it's hard to--
29:50 It's hard when you come to that T in the road,
29:52 and there's a question mark.
29:54 Absolutely.
29:55 You know, I was thinking about John 16:14.
29:58 What you said, Shelley, sparked something in my mind.
30:00 I believe in my heart that God could fully empathize
30:05 with the human experience from heaven,
30:07 because He is God.
30:09 But there are sometimes when God does something,
30:12 and you can see it's kind of a man focused thing.
30:16 There is no argument now that God cannot empathize
30:20 because God came down and walked.
30:23 So far those who are saying to God,
30:25 "You can't empathizes me from heaven."
30:27 Well, He can.
30:28 But that argument is now taken away,
30:30 because Christ came
30:32 and was tempted in all points of life as we are.
30:33 He walked a mile in our market. Precisely and without sin.
30:36 So now we have the Holy Spirit and Christ did nothing,
30:41 but through the will of
30:43 and with the impress of the Father.
30:47 And then He says, the Holy Spirit come
30:48 in John 16:14,
30:51 and He's not going to testify Himself,
30:52 what's he going to do?
30:54 He's going to testify. He's going to testify of me.
30:55 You know, so that the circle is closed.
30:57 And so when we put ourselves in Christ hands,
31:01 Christ is working with the Father,
31:03 the Holy Spirit is there to uplift Christ in your life.
31:06 And Christ now is judge, jury, and executioner dare I say.
31:13 And all of it's in your favor.
31:15 So you can kind of relax in Jesus,
31:17 'cause you know, He's on your side.
31:18 And everything is pointing towards magnifying Christ
31:21 in your life and lifting up Christ.
31:24 It just becomes the way, a way of life to you,
31:27 we are in the way.
31:29 And you don't have to stop and think about it.
31:31 You know, when I got up this morning,
31:33 I didn't say, "Jill, am I going to serve God today?"
31:37 No, it's my way of life. Amen.
31:38 It's the way I walk in.
31:40 In war. Yeah.
31:41 That's you're following that path of sanctification.
31:43 Something you said about when we fall.
31:48 This reminded me of this precious scripture promise,
31:51 I love this promise in Micah 7:8, it says,
31:57 "Do not rejoice over me and my enemy.
32:00 When I fall, I will arise, when I sit in darkness,
32:04 the Lord will be a light."
32:06 His word is a light to my path and the lamp for my feet so.
32:13 And there's people out there that are listening to this,
32:16 and they're wanting to make some changes.
32:19 Yeah.
32:20 I mean if the circle is unbroken,
32:23 if you can get, face--
32:25 If you can get the reality of His love for you.
32:28 And that He has your eternal interest in mind,
32:30 and everything that happens.
32:33 Well, then you take that step of faith,
32:37 and then, you know, it's like,
32:38 we said while ago, then, you know,
32:41 then the lamp that goes before your feet is there.
32:45 Yeah. I mean this is supernatural.
32:48 But He is supernatural. Amen.
32:51 Well, let's turn Mollie Sue Lu some Romans 12:2.
32:56 Well, first and foremost,
32:58 God is more interested in our sanctification
33:02 than we are interested in our sanctification.
33:04 Oh, absolutely.
33:06 Progressively, this would be my Molliegise
33:10 or Alabama is of what sanctify--
33:13 my Mollieism.
33:14 Sanctification is progressively becoming like Jesus.
33:17 Amen.
33:19 Gradually, see, it's not an overnight thing,
33:22 it's gradually becoming like Jesus,
33:24 or becoming holy.
33:25 And we just--
33:27 we hear that there's nothing holy about me,
33:31 it's a progressive walk, becoming conformed.
33:34 I like this, conformed to the image of Jesus.
33:37 And the scripture tells us, Romans 8:29,
33:42 for whom He did foreknow.
33:45 How many of you did it foreknow?
33:46 He did predestine. Amen.
33:48 He also predestined to be something,
33:50 to be conformed to the image of His Son
33:53 that He might be the first born among many born.
33:56 So that's our destination.
33:58 We've been predestined, C.A.,
34:00 to be conformed, to be sanctified.
34:04 It's a little at a time, a day at a time.
34:08 And sometimes we think, "Oh, look where I am,
34:11 I am not making any progress."
34:14 But look at where you were a year ago,
34:15 and you know what, sometimes all we might be able to say,
34:18 well, at least I'm headed in the right direction.
34:21 Maybe I haven't made any great strides,
34:23 but I'm headed in the right direction.
34:25 Now we're in Roman's 12:2,
34:28 but I want to read verse one as well.
34:30 "I beseech you therefore, brethren by the mercies of God
34:34 that you present your bodies a living sacrifice,
34:37 wholly acceptable to God,
34:39 which is only your reasonable service."
34:42 Yes. J.D.
34:43 And then the scripture,
34:45 and do not be conformed to this world.
34:47 But be transformed by the renewing of your mind
34:50 that you may prove.
34:52 I love that word.
34:53 What is that good and acceptable
34:55 and perfect will of God?
34:57 To be conformed to this world is to act as other men do.
35:02 So we don't want to be conformed to this world.
35:05 Heathen, who don't know God are conformed to this world,
35:09 in opposition to this,
35:11 the Apostle Paul exhorts us to be transformed.
35:15 That is to undergo a total change,
35:18 which will bring us into accordance with God's will.
35:22 Then he tells us how we're to do it.
35:24 How are we transformed?
35:26 It's by the renewing of your mind.
35:28 And I just want to make this statement.
35:31 The foundation of all transformation
35:35 of character or conduct
35:39 is the process of renewing your mind.
35:42 And what do you renew your mind with?
35:44 Word of God.
35:45 It's got to be the Word of God.
35:47 Our mind is our mental faculties
35:50 are reasoning, our understanding.
35:54 And this mind of ours is neutral.
35:57 Do you know your brain is just this blob?
35:59 And what you put in it is what it's conformed to.
36:03 And so this is to renew your mind.
36:06 You know what that tells us, that it was new at one time.
36:10 It's got messed up. It's being contaminated.
36:13 Now we're to renew our mind.
36:15 We renew it with the Word of God.
36:17 Watch you feet grows,
36:19 watch your starve dies as you feed on God's word.
36:23 The good food of God's word is coming.
36:27 You're going to become what you behold.
36:30 You can behold God's word,
36:32 and the scripture tells us in John.
36:35 In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God,
36:39 and the word was God.
36:41 Verse 14 says,
36:43 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us.
36:46 So the word became flesh.
36:48 Who became flesh and dwelt among us?
36:50 Well, that's Jesus.
36:51 So who is the word? Jesus is the word.
36:53 And so we've been predestined to be conformed to His image.
36:57 We take on His word,
36:58 we allow that word to change us into His very image
37:01 and likeness.
37:02 That's the process of sanctification,
37:05 step by step, a little at a time.
37:07 We are being conformed to the image of Christ.
37:10 We are to become like Christ. Amen.
37:12 And you know, remember, I remember,
37:14 I went back to college,
37:15 and was wanting to get a degree in computer science.
37:20 And I found out I'm too much of a people person
37:23 to spend all of my time in comp--
37:25 Can you say you did not seem like a computer science?
37:26 Oh, I love math, I love math,
37:28 and to me it was just a mathematical puzzle.
37:31 But anyway, the point is, you learn,
37:34 my mistake was I took four languages
37:36 in the same semester in the syntax.
37:38 I'd sometimes be in the computer lab
37:41 all night long, 'cause I'd put a colon,
37:43 in some languages, it took a colon,
37:44 others it was a semi colon.
37:46 And you would like, looking at this,
37:48 but our mind is the greatest computer that there is.
37:52 So if you have--
37:54 we had a saying, "Garbage in, garbage out."
37:57 If you didn't have the perfect thing going in
38:01 to program that computer,
38:02 it wasn't going to operate correctly.
38:05 But when we put the good Word of God,
38:08 we've heard so much that's bad.
38:10 But you put the good word of God in,
38:12 He reprograms us.
38:14 That's right. He renews our mind.
38:17 You know, Shelley, I think about,
38:19 I was raised
38:20 on the King James Version of the Bible.
38:21 Where y'all raced on the King James?
38:23 Oh, yeah.
38:24 To this day, that's what I quote,
38:25 when the scripture comes to me.
38:27 Well, there was a season for several years.
38:30 I got an amplified Bible, and I loved my amplified Bible.
38:34 I started studying the amplified,
38:36 reading all the scriptures and spent hours and hours
38:39 in the amplified Bible.
38:41 You know, what I started doing?
38:42 Quoting the amplified,
38:44 because what went in me is what came out of me.
38:48 Now that's in the positive.
38:49 The scripture went in, only scripture comes out.
38:52 In the negative, what you put in you,
38:55 what you feed on,
38:56 that's what's going to come out of you.
38:58 Out of the abundance of the mouth--
39:00 The heart speaks.
39:01 Or the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
39:04 All one or the other. Yeah.
39:06 You know the Romans 12:1, "To present your bodies,"
39:10 and that word really means to make available,
39:12 to make open, to open up the body.
39:16 It is you are what you eat.
39:17 And when we talk about surrendering to Christ,
39:20 it's not we can cut it demythologize,
39:22 that is not a complex intricate, it's just--
39:26 Just consenting.
39:28 Precisely, just consenting, just opening up and allow him.
39:32 If you take the lock off the door,
39:34 He'll come in, you know.
39:36 He's not, he know,
39:37 He's not going to kick the door down,
39:39 but if you just
39:40 take the lock off the door, He'll come in.
39:42 That's what it means to present yourself,
39:43 just make yourself available to Him.
39:45 How they do that?
39:46 Well, when the church door is open, go to church.
39:48 Yeah. Amen.
39:49 When it's time to pray, pray. Submit yourself to the Lord.
39:52 First thing in the morning, read your Bible,
39:54 study the Bible, and you will find your taste begin to change
39:58 almost imperceptibly.
39:59 Well, one time, somebody say, "You fly off."
40:01 Now you calm down for a second.
40:03 And you get this as Mollie said these gradual changes.
40:06 So you look back over the last two, you know,
40:07 two years ago I'd have just given you a piece of my mind.
40:11 But now I want to give you Jesus.
40:13 Because I got Jesus now, you know.
40:14 So you just present yourself for Him,
40:17 and He will do the rest.
40:18 God is so anxious to save. Amen.
40:20 So anxious to save.
40:22 If you just kind of get out of the way,
40:24 He'll do the work, you know, just don't fight Him,
40:26 and He'll save you.
40:28 And so He's going to cause us to be what He calls us to be,
40:30 so He will cause us to be renewed by.
40:33 Jill, why don't you take Colossians 1:9, and 10?
40:36 Can I make one comment on Romans--
40:38 Oh, absolutely.
40:39 I think Roman 12 is one of my favorite chapters
40:42 in all of the Bible.
40:43 I love that chapter.
40:44 In fact, when Mollie picked it, 'cause Shelley said,
40:47 "Okay, we each have our scripture picked."
40:48 I thought, "Mollie got Romans 12."
40:51 So praise the Lord.
40:56 That's great.
40:57 But I love it, if you look in the Greek,
40:59 Romans 12 to be not conformed to this world,
41:02 but be transformed.
41:03 In the Greek, transformed means metamorphosis.
41:05 Yes.
41:07 So you think about the metamorphosis process
41:09 of a caterpillar to the butterfly.
41:12 I remember, Greg and I, just I'll make this short.
41:15 On our front porch, there was a caterpillar,
41:18 and it was just forming its cocoon.
41:21 And Greg said, "Jilly, come look at this."
41:22 And we went out, and it was just forming
41:24 underneath the porch railing.
41:26 Chrysalis. The chrysalis.
41:27 And you could see that, and you can see it forming,
41:29 and then we waited sometime and on a Sabbath, it opened.
41:33 He said, "It's opening."
41:34 So we went out and we sat on the porch,
41:36 and we watched as it opened.
41:38 And the butterfly came out, and I just think
41:40 that's what God wants to do,
41:42 take us from crawling in the dirt in the junk,
41:45 all of that sin.
41:47 And he wants to transform us
41:50 through exactly what you all talked about,
41:52 the Word of God, putting back in.
41:54 And the power of the Holy Spirit.
41:55 My scripture is Colossians 1,
41:59 and this is a powerful scripture.
42:00 Colossians 1:9, and 10.
42:03 And it picked up here with ask,
42:05 but I want to go back to the beginning of the verse.
42:07 "For this reason, we also sense the day we heard it.
42:11 Do not cease to pray for you
42:14 and to ask that you may be filled."
42:18 To me that says,
42:20 we're not only to ask for ourselves.
42:22 Ask Lord Jesus, fill me,
42:25 with the knowledge of Your will.
42:26 And all wisdom and spiritual understanding,
42:29 but not only are we to ask,
42:31 we're to ask for our brothers and sisters,
42:33 we're to ask for the sanctification process,
42:36 the justification process to be worked out
42:39 in the lives of our brothers and sisters.
42:42 Not just ask for ourselves, but ask for others,
42:45 we're to be asked to be filled with the knowledge of His will,
42:48 and all wisdom and spiritual understanding
42:51 that you may walk worthy of the Lord.
42:55 That reminds me of Ephesians 4:1.
42:58 It says, Paul says as a prisoner of the gospel,
43:01 "I beseech you that you would walk worthy
43:03 of the calling with which you are called."
43:06 And that word walk worthy, and my maiden name was Penny.
43:11 And so, I can remember, you know,
43:13 when you kind of grow up, and you go out to college,
43:17 leaving home.
43:18 And I remember saying,
43:20 "Don't let the Penny name down, you know."
43:23 "Make the Penny name proud."
43:25 Yep. Yes.
43:26 And now, of course, I'm a Morikone.
43:28 But none of that matters, because we're all
43:31 sons and daughters of the Lord Jesus.
43:34 We are to walk worthy of Jesus Christ.
43:36 Said someone looks it, Pastor C.A. and says,
43:39 "He's a Christian,
43:41 I can see that he is a Christian."
43:43 He's made the name of God, you could say proud,
43:46 not that we can do that of ourselves.
43:48 But we asked to be filled with His wisdom
43:50 and spiritual understanding that we would walk worthy.
43:54 And I was just getting ready to ask you,
43:55 how do we walk worthy, you just answered that.
43:58 That's right. You have to.
44:00 And it's a prayer
44:01 that God's going to fill you with this.
44:03 Amen.
44:05 Pray, ask God to fill us with that,
44:06 that we would walk worthy, fully pleasing Him.
44:09 Being fruitful in every good work.
44:12 You talk, Shelley, about the vine
44:13 being disconnected, and how it dies, John 15,
44:16 and how God wants us to be connected to the vine,
44:19 so that He can fill us with his sap,
44:22 the Holy Spirit,
44:23 that we would be fruitful in every good work
44:25 and increasing in the knowledge of God.
44:28 So all we do is ask, ask to be filled.
44:31 And you know, this is a great scripture promise,
44:33 not only to pray, and say Lord, you know,
44:36 renew my mind, as if from yours,
44:38 and cause my mind to be renewed,
44:40 fill me with the knowledge of Your will.
44:42 But as you said Jill, this is a great--
44:44 I remember praying this so much over my sister every day.
44:48 And God honored that prayer that I would pray
44:51 that He would fill her with the knowledge of His will.
44:54 So God honors that prayer.
44:57 Mr. Quinn. Yes, ma'am.
44:59 Would you like to take Psalms 143:10.
45:02 Psalms 143:10, and I love this.
45:06 I love this scripture.
45:08 And we just got through asking in Colossians 1.
45:13 Now we're moving down here.
45:15 Let me read it real quick,
45:16 "Teach me to do your will for you are my God.
45:22 May your good spirit the Holy Spirit,
45:25 lead me on level ground."
45:28 Man, number one is that,
45:34 if you have anybody that you go up to and say,
45:36 "Hey, C.A. would you teach me this,
45:39 Mollie, would you teach me this."
45:41 You're subservient and you're looking up,
45:44 because they've got something that you want
45:46 or something that you respect.
45:48 And there's nothing better than--
45:50 because this is a capital Y.
45:52 Teach me to do your will.
45:54 This is not C.A.'s will, this is not Mollie's will,
45:57 this is God's will.
45:59 So David is going say, "Lord, teach me to do your will."
46:02 J.D. is coming.
46:04 "Lord, teach me your will for you're my God."
46:08 Got his priorities straight,
46:10 and then he is going on and says, "Oh, man, Lord,
46:13 can you let me have the Holy Spirit,
46:16 so that I'll be on that level ground.
46:18 Lord, I'm tired of going up the mountains,
46:21 carrying those backpacks,
46:22 I carry, then slide down
46:24 on the other side of the valley.
46:25 Took up, and there's another mountain.
46:27 I want level ground Lord, and I know,
46:30 if I keep my eyes focused on You,
46:31 that's what I'll have.
46:33 That's what I saw all right here.
46:34 Amen. I'm willing to be made willing.
46:36 Amen. Amen.
46:38 You know, teach me. That is so good.
46:40 Amen.
46:41 C.A. Thank you Jesus.
46:43 Well, and you know,
46:44 this is something that we should pray.
46:46 I mean, I think we pray this almost on a daily basis
46:48 is that the Lord would teach us to do His Will.
46:52 Something that I love that J.D. always add,
46:54 he'll say, Lord, increase our, you know,
46:59 I'll pray and say, increase our love, he'll say,
47:01 increase our humility, increase our courage,
47:04 increase our strength.
47:05 Our wisdom.
47:07 Our wisdom, but--
47:08 Discernment. Amen.
47:10 So this is something though
47:11 that God does make a level path for your feet,
47:15 when the Holy Spirit's leading you.
47:16 And all your obstacles become a stepping stones, don't they?
47:19 Amen. All right.
47:20 We are going to add into this mix
47:23 Hebrews 1:20, and 21.
47:27 Would you like to read that, Brother Murray?
47:29 Okay. Air our time slips away.
47:31 Hebrews 13:20, and 21.
47:32 "Now, may the God of peace
47:35 who brought up our Lord Jesus Christ
47:36 from the dead.
47:38 That great shepherd of the sheep
47:39 through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
47:41 make you complete in every good work to do His will.
47:45 Working in you,
47:46 what is well pleasing in this sight,
47:48 through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever.
47:51 Amen and Amen.
47:54 Just very quickly, you notice,
47:56 when the Bible talks about doing things
47:57 for with to the Lord.
47:59 It always talks about doing them completely.
48:02 You know, be filled with the spirit, not halfway,
48:05 be complete in his work.
48:06 One of the big things I was listening to,
48:08 something the other day on the television is,
48:10 why there's so much excess medication around now?
48:12 Because,
48:13 sick people tend not to finish their prescription
48:16 which I thought was interesting.
48:18 You know, you got a cold, and you get 12 tablets,
48:21 you take three and feel good,
48:23 and you just leave the other ones, you know.
48:24 And they say, you look at this, we have all these medications
48:26 that are uncompleted in our medicine chest,
48:30 but the sanctification process is completing the medication.
48:34 It's taking everything until--
48:36 Amen. That's great.
48:37 You know, today, I've got a temper,
48:39 so I pray and okay, I got the temper thing done.
48:42 I'm done now, you know,
48:43 but there's a whole bunch of other stuff,
48:45 you know, he does more medication to take.
48:46 And the Lord wants us to be complete in all of that.
48:50 One thing and then I'm done.
48:51 You know, the old teachers back in the Bible times,
48:53 the old stoics, the old teachers,
48:55 they always sat to teach.
48:57 You know, this standing up
48:58 before your class is a modern day thing.
49:00 But the old teachers always sat down,
49:02 they taught sitting down.
49:04 And that's because they wanted to be eye to eye.
49:06 You know, I'm with you, I'm part of you.
49:08 So they didn't stand up like teachers do.
49:09 Sit down and teach.
49:11 And Christ didn't try to teach us
49:14 standing from heaven, He came down.
49:16 Eye to eye, you know, in eye to eye.
49:18 So He taught eye to eye.
49:21 And that's what the Bible is saying,
49:22 these things are very possible, not very doable,
49:26 because Christ has done them.
49:28 Eye to eye, He came down to live just like you.
49:30 So we can put this into practice,
49:31 be filled with the spirit,
49:33 so you could do every good work for the Lord.
49:35 Not half, not partial, but with God,
49:37 it's all or nothing.
49:39 You've got to give it all.
49:40 But you know, what I love about this scripture is,
49:42 it's God that's equipping you, it says the God of peace
49:45 who equips you with every good thing,
49:48 and He' the one that's working in you
49:50 to willing to do and--
49:53 everything that's pleasing in His sight, so hallelujah.
49:56 We're standing on the Lord.
49:58 Okay, Jill, you want to take Luke 11:28.
50:02 Absolutely.
50:03 I want to take the one verse before,
50:05 so we kind of get the context here.
50:07 Luke 11:27 talks about Jesus speaking,
50:11 and a woman raised her voice and said,
50:12 "Blessed is the womb that bore you."
50:14 So in other words, your family is really blessed,
50:18 because she was the one who bore you.
50:21 Then verse 28, Jesus says, "But he said,
50:25 blessed rather are those who hear the Word of God
50:30 and obey and practice it."
50:33 So he's saying, those who hear and do God's word,
50:37 enter a relationship with Him
50:39 that's closer than even birth family.
50:42 You know, when you have family members who love God,
50:46 you can have a close bond with them.
50:48 But maybe if there's family members
50:49 who don't walk with God or don't know God,
50:52 you don't have that closer bond.
50:54 You could say, my brothers and sisters
50:56 around this table right here are closer to me
50:59 because of that bonding.
51:01 Yes. That's true. Yes.
51:02 And He says, blessed are those who hear the Word of God,
51:05 but we don't just hear it, you know,
51:06 the Bible says not to be hearers
51:08 only deceiving your own self.
51:10 We need to be a doer to walk in obedience,
51:14 to obey in practice.
51:15 And we know,
51:16 we don't walk in obedience of our own strength,
51:18 we don't just say, "I'm going to grit my teeth
51:20 and try harder."
51:21 It's that consenting, that surrender, that choice,
51:25 letting God fill us and work His obedience out.
51:28 And it shows us here.
51:29 I mean, He starts off by saying, blessed.
51:32 So it shows us that the pathway to obedience
51:35 is the pathway to blessing, isn't it?
51:37 Putting His word into practice.
51:39 All right J.D, 1 Corinthians 4:2,
51:43 our time is going quickly. Yes.
51:44 1 Corinthians 4:2,
51:46 I want to read it in the New King James,
51:48 and I'll read in the NIV.
51:50 "Moreover, it is required in stewards
51:53 that one be found faithful."
51:54 Steward being a good manager in life, okay.
51:57 A good manager,
51:59 because the Lord has matured you.
52:00 And then the--
52:02 in NIV, "Now it is required
52:05 that those who have been given a trust
52:08 must prove faithful to be trustworthy."
52:12 So it's just kind of in the middle making sense
52:15 to me that if you've been given a responsibility,
52:18 and if you're mature.
52:21 Well then, you will be faithful in the assignment
52:24 that's been given you.
52:25 Here and it's kind of saying here, you know,
52:27 we're required to prove ourselves faithful
52:28 in practicing the word.
52:30 That kind of-- That's exactly right--
52:31 You know, we've been given this word,
52:33 so we're required to prove ourselves.
52:35 And most often, you know,
52:36 you're very excited to be able to share something,
52:38 now you've been given that discernment,
52:40 and you're excited
52:41 and want to make a difference in peoples lives.
52:44 And when you see that word, prove it,
52:45 it presupposes that it's done in response to a test.
52:49 So the word prove stuck
52:51 and I mean that whatever is on the other side of that word
52:53 has been tested
52:54 and shown to be worthy of that designation.
52:57 So your faith, your love, your caring,
53:00 your walk with God will all be tested,
53:02 and you'll improve through trial and test,
53:04 just more faithful to God.
53:05 That's good. Amen.
53:07 Whenever I read that, I think, Lord Jesus,
53:08 I want to prove faithful.
53:10 You know, I don't want to be a Christian
53:12 that when the test comes, I fall.
53:14 You know, I want to prove faithful.
53:15 What do we want to hear in that day?
53:18 Well done. Well done.
53:19 Well done. Amen, amen.
53:21 Mollie Sue, our last scripture is Psalm 40:8.
53:24 And again, I want to read the one just preceding that.
53:27 Okay.
53:29 Psalms 40:7 says, "Then said I love.
53:32 I come in the volume of the book."
53:34 It is written of me, so who is that talking about?
53:37 Jesus.
53:38 It's talking about the Lord Jesus Christ.
53:40 Then it goes on to say,
53:41 now this would be Jesus talking,
53:43 "I delight to do your will of God,
53:47 your law is written in my heart."
53:49 So He says, I delight to do your will.
53:52 What was the will of God?
53:55 That He suffer, that He die on a cross,
53:58 that He receive that stripes.
54:03 That was the will of God, and He says,
54:06 "Not only will I do your will," but he says, "I delight."
54:11 How heroic!
54:13 What a heroic statement, knowing what was ahead of Him.
54:17 Jesus says, "I delight to do your will O God."
54:21 And He says, "You're always written in my heart."
54:24 What does that tell us?
54:26 That it wasn't just an external act
54:30 that He performed.
54:31 It was in His heart,
54:33 his obedience proceeded from His heart.
54:37 Is he delighted to do God's will?
54:38 He delighted to do God's will.
54:41 Now I am going to share something
54:43 that God miraculously imparted to Shelley Quinn.
54:47 And here's what the Lord imparted to you, Shelly.
54:52 He made the decision. He delighted to do God's will.
54:55 Where did He make it first?
54:56 In His deity, He made that decision in heaven.
55:00 In His humanity,
55:02 He made the same decision in Gethsemane,
55:05 in the Garden of Gethsemane.
55:07 He delighted to do the will of God,
55:10 which was to obtain our self--
55:11 So He walked the talk. Amen.
55:13 He truly walked and He did.
55:14 So let's close our eyes and pray this prayer,
55:18 because we're going to put
55:20 all of these scriptures together now,
55:22 and we're going to return to the Lord,
55:24 they will not return void.
55:26 But God will watch over His word performance
55:28 seeing the end from the beginning.
55:31 Holy and righteous Father,
55:32 we thank You for giving us the mind of Christ
55:35 through Your Word.
55:36 We thank You that we have the mind of Christ
55:39 by the power of Your Spirit
55:40 who gives a spiritual understanding
55:42 and discernment.
55:43 Lord, we thank You
55:45 that just as Jesus did nothing of His own initiative,
55:48 you were teaching us to seek Your will
55:51 and do nothing of our own initiative.
55:54 Oh, Lord, our prayer is that You will cause our minds
55:57 to be renewed by Your Word
55:58 and fill us with a knowledge of you
56:00 that we might walk worthy of Your calling.
56:05 Teach us so, Lord,
56:06 to do what is pleasing in Your sight,
56:08 lead us by Your Spirit.
56:10 Thank You Father,
56:11 for equipping us in every good thing to do your will.
56:15 We know that sanctification,
56:18 our sanctification is Your will for our lives.
56:21 You desire us to be made holy to set us apart from sin
56:25 for your good purposes.
56:27 Lord, bless us in obeying Your Word.
56:30 You have entrusted us with the knowledge of You will
56:32 as founded in the Bible.
56:34 Help us to prove ourselves faithful in practicing it.
56:37 Oh, Lord, cause us to delight to do Your will
56:40 in Jesus name.
56:41 Amen. Amen.
56:42 Amen.
56:44 Well, this has been--
56:45 it's always so much fun to get together
56:47 and just talk about the Scripture.
56:50 We have gone over a few things.
56:53 We could talk about sanctification from--
56:57 I mean every program we could talk about sanctification,
57:00 and never run out of anything to say
57:02 because, this is God's work of a lifetime in us.
57:06 C.A., thank you for joining us. Pleasure.
57:08 Mollie Sue, Jill, thank you all so much for being here.
57:13 Honey, it is always good to sit next to you.
57:17 It's always good.
57:18 And so, now our prayer for you
57:20 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:24 the love of the Father
57:25 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:27 will be with you on this Sabbath and always.
57:31 May God bless you. Amen and amen.
57:32 Amen.


Revised 2016-07-28