Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny and Chris Shelton (Host), C. A. Murray & Jill Morikone


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016021A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN's family worship,
01:10 and happy Sabbath.
01:12 I m Chris Shelton along with my husband
01:14 Pastor Kenny Shelton
01:16 and we have some of your most favorite I am sure,
01:20 family members of the 3ABN
01:21 that are gonna be worshipping with all of us tonight.
01:23 I am so excited.
01:24 Yeah, they are some of our favorite,
01:25 they are some of our favorite.
01:27 Oh, absolutely, absolutely.
01:28 You know what years ago,
01:30 this is my brother, my own flesh and blood brother,
01:32 he finally immediate he is little bit jealous
01:35 because I get so close to my Church family.
01:38 But you know when you're in this Spirit of the Lord,
01:40 there's just a bond there.
01:42 And you can't help but love.
01:43 Sometimes we share things with one another
01:46 that we can't share
01:48 with our own biological you know family.
01:50 So it's always good.
01:52 But over to my right is pastor CA Murray.
01:57 CA Murray, and I don't know all of his accolade,
02:00 and I don't even have time to list all of them
02:02 everything that he's done..
02:04 Just a very short sentence.
02:05 He loves Jesus.
02:07 That's the most important thing is that he loves Jesus.
02:10 And then to my left is a wonderful sister,
02:13 Sister Jill Morikone,
02:15 and station's general manager is to her left,
02:19 so we all have to behave ourselves
02:20 because Sister Mollie Steenson is here.
02:24 And with her distinguished manner
02:26 she will let us know
02:27 if we get out of line, I'm so sure.
02:30 I am not the boss, I am just bossy,
02:32 I don't have that all the time.
02:35 I tell you what, if we all had bossy bosses like you
02:38 we would all think we're already in heaven,
02:40 so that's a beautiful thing.
02:42 She has been a blessing
02:43 and she's is a tremendous miracle.
02:45 I just have to say it
02:46 because God has just worked miracles in her life
02:49 and she's still here with us.
02:51 And I am sure you told this many times.
02:53 Many times.
02:54 How wonderful our savior is to keep her here.
02:57 Amen.
02:58 You know as a erring human beings
03:00 we're all walking that walk, that process of sanctification.
03:04 And often we have noble aspirations
03:07 that we're gonna walk the walk of a Christian,
03:09 we're gonna talk the talk of a Christian.
03:12 And our today's topic is What Fruit?
03:15 What fruit are we really sharing with other people
03:18 when we're walking, we we're talking?
03:20 I want to share just a little sentence
03:22 from Conflicting Encourage,
03:24 page, well, page 10, and it's verse 3.
03:28 It says, "No truth does the Bible more clearly teach
03:32 than what we do is the result of what we are.
03:38 To a great degree, the experiences of life
03:41 is the fruition of our own thoughts and deeds."
03:44 So we're gonna kind of get into that
03:46 and see how that deals with the fruit of the spirit.
03:50 And you know, Jesus, he wants us to come as we are.
03:54 He wants us to come.
03:56 And in this world when we come as we are,
03:58 Sister Molly, Sister Jill, Brother CA,
04:00 my husband Pastor Kenny, we gather so much baggage.
04:04 Yes, we do.
04:05 You know, I think the pilgrim's progress,
04:06 when he can barely walk,
04:08 he's got all this things that he's carrying.
04:09 Yes.
04:11 And often people think,
04:12 well, I can't come to the Lord
04:14 until I get rid of this baggage.
04:15 So we're gonna talk
04:17 a little bit about all these things.
04:18 But I praise God, Jesus says,
04:20 you know, he wants us to come as we are.
04:23 And I, we're gonna start up by singing a couple of songs.
04:27 Yes.
04:28 And on the piano we have Sister Marilyn Hawk,
04:32 and she's gonna be playing for us.
04:34 And the first song that we're gonna sing is that,
04:36 I've Got A River Of Life.
04:37 So I want to hear you sing really loud at home,
04:40 you need to drown yourself.
04:41 I've Got A River Of Life.
04:54 I've got a river of life
04:56 Flowing out of me
05:00 Makes the lame to walk, and the blind to see
05:05 Opens prison doors, sets the captives free
05:10 I've got a river of life flowing out of me
05:14 Spring up, O well, within my soul
05:19 Spring up, O well,
05:22 And make me whole
05:24 Spring up, O well,
05:27 And give to me
05:30 That life abundantly
05:35 One more time
05:36 I've got a river of life flowing out of me!
05:41 Makes the lame to walk, and the blind to see.
05:46 Opens prison doors, sets the captives free!
05:51 I've got a river of life flowing out of me!
05:55 Spring up, O well,
05:58 Within my soul!
06:00 Spring up, O well,
06:03 And make me whole!
06:05 Spring up, O well,
06:08 And give to me.
06:11 That life abundantly
06:17 Praise the Lord.
06:18 That river of life flowing, it should be flowing out of us.
06:21 Our cups need to be so filled with all these spirit,
06:24 that when we meet people, when we are at Walmart,
06:27 wherever we night be that it's just flowing out.
06:30 You know, we were at the lake,
06:31 you mentioned, we were at the lake,
06:33 and is it Jacob?
06:36 I think it was Jacob, is that Peter's son,
06:38 Jacob in My Sin...
06:40 Caleb. Caleb.
06:42 And it was so sweet.
06:44 We were under a shelter, and another family came up
06:46 and they have a lot of stuff in their van.
06:48 And he's just a young, what, 16 years old,
06:50 I think now.
06:52 And Caleb spoke up in the man would just bringing some stuff,
06:55 and said, "May I help you?"
06:57 I mean, how often do you hear a teenager asking a stranger,
07:00 "May I help you?"
07:01 And the man let him helped him.
07:03 But that's flowing out of us. Amen.
07:05 This next song that we're gonna sing
07:06 is Blessings Are Refreshing.
07:08 And Sister Marilyn, that is on the piano
07:11 also is the author of this song.
07:13 We have taken it all over the world, haven't we?
07:15 Yes.
07:16 It's been in Africa's, in Salvador, Philippines.
07:21 I know it's been translated into other languages
07:23 and we just had the request to take it back to Arizona.
07:27 So we're looking forward to that.
07:31 Amen.
07:41 Blessings are refreshing
07:45 Along this pilgrim way
07:49 Blessings are refreshing
07:53 they help us day by day
07:57 God is our joy and comfort
08:00 such a mighty God is He
08:04 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
08:08 the three all live in me
08:14 As we look back through our lives
08:18 We can plainly see
08:22 How that God has helped us
08:25 through times of tragedies
08:30 How he works is a mystery
08:34 His wonders to perform
08:38 Day by day He leads the way
08:42 From evening until mom
08:48 Blessings are refreshing
08:51 Along this pilgrim way
08:55 Blessings are refreshing
08:59 They help us day by day
09:03 God is our joy and comfort
09:07 Such a mighty God is He
09:11 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
09:15 The three all live in me
09:21 Whatsoever things are lovely
09:25 Whatsoever things are true
09:29 Think on these, the Lord has said
09:33 This is right for you and me
09:37 The Bible tells us how to live
09:42 our lives for Him each day
09:45 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
09:49 Will bless us on our way
09:55 We need to count our blessings
09:59 each and every day
10:03 We'll find there are so many.
10:07 He sends along the way
10:11 Friends and loved ones play a part
10:15 to make out lives complete
10:20 Oh, bless the tie that binds us
10:24 in one big family
10:30 Blessings are refreshing
10:34 Along this pilgrim way
10:38 Blessings are refreshing;
10:42 They help us day by day
10:46 God is our joy and comfort
10:50 Such a mighty God is He
10:54 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
10:58 the three all live in me
11:04 Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
11:08 The three all live in me
11:20 Amen.
11:21 I mean, that is a sermon within itself
11:23 as you go through those verses.
11:25 But where would we be
11:26 without those Blessings Are Refreshing.
11:29 Let's bow our heads
11:30 and let's ask the Lord to be with us
11:32 as we begin this study together.
11:36 Merciful Father in heaven,
11:37 we truly thank you for the privilege of prayer.
11:39 Thank you that we can call you our father.
11:41 Amen
11:42 What a privilege opened the pages of this beautiful,
11:44 wonderful, perfect book,
11:46 that we can read that the words that are there,
11:49 we can drink them, and take them,
11:51 and they will change us and mould us into your image.
11:54 How desperately we need the power of the Holy Spirit.
11:57 Lord, we just can't understand
11:59 spiritual things without the Spirit.
12:01 So I pray you'd will shower that precious, lovely,
12:04 Holy Spirit upon each one.
12:06 Not just around this table, but around the world,
12:09 those who are tuning in, those who are viewing,
12:11 those who are at home.
12:12 There's some right now
12:13 hungering and thirsting after righteousness.
12:15 They been pointed to the well,
12:17 but they have not the courage in which to go to the well.
12:19 They know they need to drink, but some have that cup,
12:23 spiritual cup in their hand
12:24 but they're afraid to take that drink.
12:26 And so I pray
12:27 that your Holy Spirit will anoint the words
12:29 that will be spoken today,
12:31 that will be no longer be I,
12:32 but the Christ that lives in us and it will go to that water,
12:35 that free water, will drink it.
12:37 Oh, Father, I pray that each one will be fill today.
12:39 Bless now.
12:40 We pray, not our will but thine be done.
12:43 Oh, we need to hear your voice, please speak to us.
12:46 And everyone that's at home may decisions be made now,
12:48 not just for today but for eternity,
12:51 and how we long to meet these sweet individuals,
12:53 help us to be faithful till the end.
12:56 And then the study will see there's some choices
12:58 that need to be made.
13:00 And I thank you for the power you give us to make that choice
13:02 and to keep that.
13:03 We pray in Jesus' holy precious name.
13:05 Amen. Amen.
13:07 Thank Lord. Amen.
13:10 You know, honey, when you was talking about this subject,
13:13 you said What Fruit?
13:15 That it start out with a question,
13:17 Brother CA, what fruit?
13:18 And I thought, Oh, well,
13:19 this is just kind of what fruit.
13:21 We've talked about the fruits of the spirit.
13:22 But the moment I looked at the deeper it got.
13:26 The more I began to study and read
13:28 it began to get so deep.
13:29 And I thought you know, this will touch
13:31 every individual that will stay by their set right now.
13:35 It touched me as I read,
13:37 it gave me hope and it gave me encouragement.
13:40 Our prayer that will give you hope and encouragement
13:42 today because it's deeper than just fruit.
13:44 You can say it real quick, what are the fruits,
13:46 boom, and go home.
13:47 Right. This is deep.
13:48 No.
13:50 And God wants us to dig deep in the word,
13:51 so I pray that each one of us will discuss this,
13:53 we'll see some things.
13:54 May be we've seen but we have acted on it,
13:55 we're gonna act on those today.
13:57 Well, we actually have several questions
13:58 that we're gonna go through.
14:00 Okay. And we might get one or two.
14:02 If we get to that second line of the of the impress.
14:05 All right.
14:06 But you know, as we're on those walk
14:07 of sanctification and as people,
14:10 you know, as we're changing inside
14:12 and they're looking and they are saying,
14:13 you know, really what's different about
14:15 Sister Jill since she's been a Christian
14:16 versus when she wasn't?
14:18 Is there really any different fruit?
14:19 You know a lot of times people throw up their hands
14:21 and they just say, "Is there any hope?
14:23 Is there any hope?"
14:24 Because we get discouraged in ourselves.
14:26 But we're going to start out with the question.
14:28 And question number one,
14:30 and we were even talking a little bit
14:32 before we started here,
14:33 and I think everybody's been blessed
14:34 to come from a little different angles.
14:36 I think it's going to be really good.
14:38 Because I know even within our own church
14:40 we have had people stumble over these things.
14:44 And unfortunately, fall away from the truth.
14:47 So let's look at number one, it says,
14:49 "Is it true,
14:51 God made us who we are, is it true?
14:55 Therefore, what choice do we really have?
14:58 Some people appear to be made "good"
15:01 while others seem to have no choice,
15:03 they are just been bent evil."
15:06 So did God make people who they are?
15:08 In other words, did he make some good,
15:10 did he make some bad, may be some in between?
15:14 You've heard the song, The Good Old Boys.
15:17 I know President Kennedy said years ago
15:18 The Good Old Boys are not going to make it to heaven.
15:21 You may be a good old boy in this earth.
15:23 I get myself in trouble sometimes.
15:24 It's all right, it's all right.
15:26 But you may not make it the kingdom.
15:27 It's all right, stir the pot little bit.
15:29 But in other words,
15:30 are we, basically are we predestined?
15:31 Oh, mercy.
15:33 You know, what do you guys think.
15:35 We, there is predestination, we have been predestined
15:38 to be conformed to the image of Christ.
15:40 That's the only area I can find in the word
15:43 for that word is used concerning us.
15:46 And that being conformed to the image of Christ,
15:50 that's your personal choice,
15:53 and that comes from your free will,
15:56 and it has nothing to do
15:58 with what anybody else says or does about you.
16:00 That is something that only you can do.
16:03 You hear what you said, you kind of mix the two.
16:05 You said, predestined, but it's your personal choice.
16:07 Absolutely.
16:08 See, there's some people that believe if you're predestined
16:11 you have no personal choice.
16:12 And I've actually talked to a dear, dear lady
16:15 and she says, "I had no choice.
16:18 God called me, that's it, I'm saying.
16:20 Others have had no choice.
16:22 God didn't call them
16:24 and if it weren't for those bad people
16:27 we would really..." these her words,
16:28 "We wouldn't really understand
16:29 you know, what the devil is all about."
16:31 I find that, I don't know, it's not difficult,
16:34 I don't know if someone else can relate that,
16:36 when you say in my experience, I have no choice.
16:40 I find it different, certainly foreign to scripture.
16:43 But I like what you said because very few people,
16:45 even an Adventism will say, predestination is scriptural,
16:49 it is scriptural as long...
16:50 If you only look at what that word say,
16:53 "to be conformed to the image of Christ."
16:55 Yes.
16:56 And God gave us free choice, so you can't,
17:00 you know, how can you compare the two and come out saying,
17:04 "No, I don't have free choice."
17:05 You do have free choice.
17:07 But the only time I can find,
17:09 the only thing I can find that we are predestined to do
17:12 is to become into his image and his likeness.
17:16 Would you say, Pastor CA, when you there, as long...
17:19 predestined as long as we maintain
17:22 a certain relationship to God?
17:25 Does that make sense?
17:26 And it's, what's predestined is,
17:27 if I get on 149 and head west I am going to West Frankfurt.
17:30 You know, that's true,
17:32 and unless something disturbs me
17:35 or dissuade me or changes my direction,
17:37 that I keep going west, I'm going to West Frankfurt.
17:39 So there are certain courses of action
17:43 that result in certain results.
17:44 Yes.
17:45 That's pretty determine,
17:47 that if you do certain things,
17:49 certain things are going to happen
17:50 because of those things.
17:52 Now, unless God intervenes and changes
17:55 certain courses lead to certain ends.
17:57 But you decide which road, I can go east,
17:59 I go west on west, you know, on 149.
18:02 I make that determination.
18:03 But if I decide to go west,
18:05 I'm going to West Frankfurt, no other way.
18:07 If I go east I go someplace else,
18:09 but west is West Frankfurt.
18:10 And that's what we got to understand.
18:12 I could make that choice,
18:13 but once you make a certain set of choices
18:16 those choices lead you to certain ends.
18:18 And if you want to change the end,
18:20 change the choices,
18:21 and God has always left that up to us.
18:23 I think there's no confusion here.
18:25 Did you have something, go ahead, Sister Jill.
18:26 I was just going to share one of my favorite passages
18:29 because there are several that deal with choice,
18:32 but I like this one from Joshua.
18:33 Joshua 24:15.
18:35 Yes. Love it.
18:37 "And if it seems evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose."
18:42 Choose, we have a choice.
18:44 You see, even though you're talking about we're predestined
18:46 you still had the choice in there.
18:48 So that's a balance,
18:50 and perhaps, it's even looking at a different
18:53 definition of the word
18:54 than what people are used to thinking of it as.
18:57 "Choose for this day whom ye will serve,
19:01 whether the Gods which your fathers served
19:04 that were on the other side of the flood
19:06 or the Gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell.
19:10 But..."
19:11 I love this, "But as for me and my house,
19:16 we will serve the Lord."
19:18 As for me and my house,
19:20 that's what we want for everybody.
19:22 Sister Jill, does it make sense
19:24 that the way that we were raised
19:26 a lot of times makes a little difference
19:28 in sometimes choice that we make?
19:30 One, I want to give you quick illustration, you come...
19:32 My mother had a like a little plaque
19:35 and she did little needle work,
19:37 call it whatever, embroidery or crochet.
19:39 I don't know what it is, but in the letters
19:42 it's said, 'As for me and my house.'
19:44 I still have that, that we will serve the Lord.
19:47 And I've seen that as a little child,
19:49 on the wall always there,
19:52 and I thought, 'As for me and my house,
19:54 we will serve the Lord.'
19:56 And it always stuck.
19:57 Do you find things like that in,
19:58 like in your life and things that's big?
20:00 Oh, yes. Absolutely, I think so.
20:01 I think the Bible says train up a child
20:03 in the way he should go,
20:04 and when he is old he will not depart from it.
20:06 I, going back to what Pastor CA just mentioned,
20:09 if you go east on 149 or west on 149,
20:12 it reminds me of Galatians 6.
20:14 The Bible says, "Do not be deceived
20:16 God is not mock,
20:17 whenever man sows that shall he also reap."
20:20 We can reap the flash, corruption
20:23 or of the spirit life everlasting.
20:26 And I think those choices that are made in the home,
20:30 parents, the choices they have as for me and my house,
20:34 we will serve the Lord.
20:35 Those choices reap consequences.
20:38 Whether I choose to go east or west,
20:40 I'm going to eventually reap corruption
20:44 or life everlasting
20:46 based on what those choices are.
20:49 We make a choice for God.
20:51 But then, tomorrow morning
20:52 I got to make the same choice for God.
20:54 Thank you.
20:55 When we were home we had little help.
20:58 Yes.
20:59 Making choices.
21:00 We need it as young people.
21:02 Go ahead, I want to put that in because that's important,
21:04 because lot of time you are three or four
21:06 or five years old and you ask the child,
21:08 "What do you want to do?"
21:10 We had help with those choices,
21:11 and I was thankful with Godly parents.
21:13 And I think we need to have help in the right direction.
21:16 We were just at some meetings in Ohio.
21:19 Pastor Sizemore from Missouri,
21:21 he's got a couple churches, I think, in Missouri,
21:24 and he gave a testimony,
21:26 and I hope I relate this accurately.
21:28 But he was a call porters for many years.
21:31 And he had a card from a lady and he said that
21:33 you know, as a call porters, my mother was a call porters,
21:35 and I was so blessed to be able to go with her sometimes.
21:37 But he, we didn't do what he did,
21:39 he could actually look at the writing,
21:41 kind of tell if it was a woman,
21:42 and may be they might be able to get the books,
21:44 type of things you know.
21:46 And he looked at this and he said,
21:47 well, they had loopy handwriting.
21:49 So he could tell it was a woman's card.
21:51 So he went to this home and the lady was there,
21:54 she was so excited, "Oh, I'm so glad that you're here,
21:57 come on in."
21:58 And so he was there
22:00 and you know, he realized it was just him and her,
22:03 then pretty soon she heard her husband come,
22:06 she's like, "Oh, no my husband's here."
22:10 And he thought...
22:11 He thought, oh-oh.
22:13 You know, because it is just the man,
22:14 he doesn't know him from Adam
22:16 or that he's a Christian or what he's doing
22:17 or what he's presenting to this lady.
22:19 And for those of you that don't know,
22:22 those that are call porters,
22:24 they take bible story books and they go house to house
22:27 in order to try to sell them and to share those.
22:30 In fact, now I love it
22:32 because many times if a person can't afford it,
22:34 they have something to give them.
22:36 And years ago we didn't always have that,
22:38 and that was something that was hard to do
22:40 is to walk away and not leave something.
22:43 But anyway,
22:45 the man came in and he began to yell
22:48 and say expletives,
22:49 and he wanted him out of there.
22:52 And as he was leaving or getting up to leave,
22:55 she told him, she says, "Oh, I'm so sorry,
22:58 my husband was raised a Seventh-day Adventist."
23:00 Oh, wow.
23:01 Easy now.
23:03 Yeah. What fruit?
23:06 What fruit?
23:07 What choices, how are we giving our children these choices?
23:13 You know, and I was waiting for him to say,
23:15 oh, I was able to have an open door with this,
23:17 but it never happened.
23:19 You know, what fruit, as any Christian,
23:21 Seventh-day Adventists, any Christian,
23:23 you know, what type of example of heaven
23:26 are we giving to our children and those around us?
23:28 Our husbands, our wives, brothers, sisters.
23:32 As we look on and we read more,
23:34 we'll talk a little bit more about that.
23:36 But I thought that was heavy.
23:37 You know, before we leave this subject,
23:40 even in our desire to be like the Lord,
23:44 it's very difficult sometimes to divorce
23:46 yourself from who you are.
23:49 Which is why, that and all things
23:50 we must be surround to the Lord.
23:52 You know because your question ask,
23:54 did God make us who we are?
23:57 God made a perfect man
23:59 and when God finishes his creation he said,
24:01 everything was good,
24:02 it was suited for the intent that it was created.
24:06 But the first chapter of Romans
24:10 takes pains to say that we've kind of messed that up.
24:13 You know, we can didn't remember God,
24:15 we certainly didn't glorify God,
24:17 and we change the truth of God into a lie.
24:20 So if you go back to Psalms 51,
24:22 David be moans the fact,
24:23 I am bored in sing and shape and iniquity.
24:25 So I'm not what God made, there's a lot of chances.
24:28 You look at Adam, look at me.
24:30 Very little resemblance, he's taller, better looking,
24:32 you know, just go down the list.
24:34 So I'm not what God,
24:35 I've deteriorated unless I make a decision.
24:39 It's what Mollie was talking about.
24:40 A choice to turn to what's God,
24:42 the default setting is corruption.
24:43 I think Jill said that's so beautifully
24:45 that if I do nothing, I've bent myself to hell,
24:48 I have.
24:50 God is a positive decision.
24:51 I've got to say to the Lord, I accept you,
24:53 and then we begin to work together.
24:55 But if I do nothing,
24:56 I remain in my corrupt state.
24:58 And the wages of sin is death.
25:00 Now that is, that's determined,
25:02 that the wages of sin is death.
25:03 If Christ would have got around that, he would have,
25:07 but he couldn't because the wages of sin is death,
25:08 Christ had to die.
25:10 So now the gift of God is eternal life.
25:12 But if I stay at the wages of sin,
25:14 the equal sign says dead,
25:16 and there's no way to get around that,
25:18 unless I positively accept Christ.
25:19 And that's what we preach so hard and teach so hard,
25:22 and that's why 3ABN exists,
25:23 and that's why we come together to do worship
25:25 because we got to let the people know
25:27 if you do nothing,
25:28 you've already decided for Satan.
25:29 You have to make a positive decision,
25:31 you got to choose, as you just stated.
25:33 Is there other, I mean is there other words,
25:36 what I find in scripture when people tries to deny
25:39 that there's choices to be made.
25:40 You know, I read scripture, I see we have to be willing,
25:45 we need to be obedient, work, watch, pray, struggle, fight.
25:51 You know you see all these words, commit.
25:53 Then I ran across this little thing
25:56 in Spirit of Prophecy 5T345.
25:58 I just have to read this,
25:59 this is very interesting.
26:01 When it said this,
26:02 I got little like hair on the back of my neck stood up
26:05 because to me, when I read the Bible
26:07 there's nothing impossible with God.
26:09 I mean, I was brought up that way,
26:10 I believe it with my whole heart.
26:12 That's not big, it's not, it's just...
26:13 That's the way it is in a Christian's life.
26:16 And I read this right here
26:18 dealing with the subject matter,
26:19 it says, "No one,
26:22 not even God,
26:25 can carry us to heaven
26:28 unless we make
26:29 the necessary effort on our part."
26:33 Just what you were saying.
26:35 I'm getting goosebumps right now,
26:36 until we make that commitment,
26:39 that effort, fight that good fight of faith
26:43 God can't overrule what he set up,
26:46 the conditions of salvation.
26:48 And that's going on for what Pastor CA just said.
26:51 And I believe we have to be,
26:53 make a cognizant no effort to do that.
26:56 You know, I think when we feel hopeless many time
26:59 is because we've made that decision
27:01 and all of a sudden it's Sabbath morning
27:04 and you go down and everything is in disarray,
27:06 nobody's ready.
27:09 You're laughing.
27:10 Hello, has anybody ever lost it?
27:14 That's right. Has anybody ever lost it?
27:16 You see, and I believe with that, that man
27:19 that told Pastor Sizemore, the wife, she told him,
27:22 that he was raised an Adventist,
27:24 you know, it could be that you know, on Sabbath morning,
27:26 "You get there, blah, blah, blah,"
27:28 and then you go to church
27:29 and "Hello, brothers and sisters, how are you?
27:32 Oh, want a blessed day."
27:33 And it's just been horrible all morning.
27:36 You know, you may have lost it over somebody
27:38 rolling the toothpaste separate,
27:39 I don't know.
27:40 So what happens there, what about our fruits?
27:43 We know we were determined but we fall.
27:45 Something turned that child's heart in the other way,
27:49 that man's heart.
27:51 You know the question,
27:54 "If we're created this why, is there anything,
27:57 what can we do about it?
27:58 Do we have any choice?"
28:00 And I just wanted to look at Satan, can we do that?
28:03 Yes.
28:04 So tell me how he was created.
28:07 Perfect.
28:08 In all ways.
28:10 Okay, what was his end?
28:12 He's the great adversary, is he not?
28:14 Yes, he is. Yes, he is.
28:15 So who made that choice for him?
28:18 He did.
28:20 He had to have made that choice.
28:22 And if you know,
28:25 he made the choice in the wrong direction.
28:28 But we, thank God, born in sin and inequity,
28:32 where we not?
28:34 Make the right choice.
28:35 Amen.
28:37 And what is our eternal destiny then?
28:39 Again, we've been predestined,
28:43 our destiny has been that we would be
28:45 in the image and likeness of God
28:47 because of what Christ brought out for us at Calvary.
28:50 Amen.
28:51 Same thing you were talking about in the Garden of Eden.
28:53 Yes.
28:54 You know, I try to explain to someone
28:56 who believes in predestination, not scripturally so.
28:59 And I said, "Well is that, was that not a choice?
29:04 You know what's offered, and didn't you had to the..."
29:07 Oh, no, God know, he predestined,
29:09 he knew it was going to happen so it just happened.
29:10 She had no choice.
29:11 I said, I just can not believe that.
29:13 She did have a choice.
29:14 You know, and I've said a few times,
29:16 when I get to heaven I want to have a talk with her.
29:19 She messed things up pretty bad, didn't' she.
29:21 And you know what,
29:23 and then I want to talk to Adam then.
29:25 Because if he had chosen,
29:27 if he had chosen to stay there and choose God,
29:31 this mess wouldn't be here.
29:32 I believe that. They weren't.
29:33 There just one remain faithful
29:35 everything would have continued on.
29:37 Oh, I am getting goosebumps.
29:38 So we need to have, we'd be so happy when we get there.
29:41 He'd be talking to us, "I wonder why you're here."
29:43 Yes.
29:45 This is why we can never get past the first question,
29:46 but I want to do just...
29:50 Romans 7:18,
29:52 Paul is saying that, "I know that in me,
29:54 that in my flesh dweleth no good today."
29:56 So there's nothing good in there.
29:58 And I think it goes back to Molly's point.
30:01 What's predestined is the way,
30:06 the way to salvation is pre-determined,
30:09 it's pretty done,
30:10 you just got to choose to walk in it.
30:12 But in your flesh there's nothing good.
30:14 But it doesn't end there,
30:15 because once you make that turn to Christ,
30:17 Christ works his way in you, with you, for you, to you,
30:20 through you to what he's asking you to do.
30:23 Amen. What hope.
30:24 There is hope, there is hope, because if he does say,
30:27 dwells no good thing in this, that's just, you know, just...
30:30 And when God looks at us
30:31 what does he look at us through?
30:33 He looks at us through that mercy, CA, doe she not?
30:36 And what us, who, there is no good thing,
30:38 our hearts are wicked, exceedingly wicked.
30:41 But when God looks at us,
30:43 if we've made Jesus Christ the Lord of our life,
30:45 Pastor Kenny, he looks at us
30:47 through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.
30:49 And the blood speaks better things than the blood of...
30:52 That's right.
30:53 It cries out mercy, have mercy on us.
30:57 And we stand before God
30:59 with that, with mercy applied...
31:01 Don't you want to feel like
31:03 that you're more than an odds,
31:08 this one makes it, that will doesn't,
31:09 there's no choice, you're predestined,
31:11 you're nothing more than a chance?
31:13 Right.
31:14 I don't believe that and the Bible does not,
31:16 so you're born with a price, the king of the universe,
31:20 so you're special.
31:21 Who so ever will.
31:23 Because doctor don't push you around for good or for ill,
31:25 you know, he's not going to going to push you around.
31:28 And I think that's why this,
31:29 that statement is so powerful and arresting,
31:33 that if you don't choose as mighty as God is,
31:36 he can't, you know, he can't do for you
31:39 what you don't want done for you.
31:41 Because you just don't want to go to heaven,
31:43 well, he's won't take you.
31:44 Well, with this thought in this platform,
31:46 and hold your thought,
31:47 because I'm sure they will still play a part.
31:49 Let's look at question number two,
31:51 because this throws people,
31:53 this throws people who are grounded,
31:55 who feel like they understand that we do have a choice,
31:59 but when they begin to read some of these verses in Exodus,
32:03 it's a little confusing.
32:06 So let's look at the second question.
32:07 It says, "Doesn't the Bible say
32:10 that God hardened Pharaoh's heart?
32:13 Doesn't that prove that some are born to be lost?"
32:18 So let's continue on, what do you think?
32:20 Does it say that.
32:21 Oh, go ahead, read, somebody read Exodus 7:3.
32:24 But you know, think about it when you do this,
32:25 because we've been talking about,
32:28 when you have predestination, and election,
32:30 lot of people say, well, this is a election.
32:33 And I like to think in terms of this,
32:35 don't turn to hog the time
32:37 but I'm just, it's so interesting,
32:38 you say election,
32:40 make sure you're calling election is sure.
32:42 And one man explained it one time, even I got it,
32:45 I finally got it.
32:47 He said, it's just simple,
32:49 you may have read this somewhere.
32:50 He said, "It's God votes for you,
32:55 and the devil votes against you,
32:58 and when you cast your vote,
33:00 that's the way it's going to be."
33:01 Amen. Oh, that' good.
33:03 I just jumped and shout.
33:05 See, how that make sense?
33:07 I make the deciding determination
33:09 of where I'm going to spend eternity,
33:11 I am the deciding vote.
33:13 Isn't that simple. I really like it.
33:15 Well, I tell you, I get goosebumps again.
33:19 People think it's so exci...
33:20 That is so simple, and so sweet,
33:23 and so wonderful.
33:24 I said, God ho I've kind of missed that
33:26 because I know I had a vote.
33:27 Yeah, you're the tiebreaker.
33:29 Tiebreaker.
33:30 Okay, I just had to get that out.
33:32 I like that.
33:33 You know this whole concept of choice,
33:36 just being honest with you, is actually painful for me,
33:39 not for me personally
33:41 but because I have family members.
33:43 Oh, yes.
33:44 That say, "God made me this way."
33:47 I hear that.
33:49 "God made me this way, and my sin,
33:52 and what's going on in my life, I can't change it.
33:56 God would have made me different
33:57 if he hadn't wanted this.
33:59 I don't have any choice."
34:01 It's grieving.
34:02 But I love what you said, because God cast the vote,
34:05 and yes, Satan wants our soul too.
34:09 But we have to make a choice. Amen.
34:11 Say, God, I know I can't change myself,
34:14 but I want to cast my vote on your side,
34:16 I want to make that choice.
34:18 Because you think about Pharaoh,
34:19 you asked about Pharaoh.
34:21 If we say no to God
34:23 and we cast out vote on Satan's side,
34:25 that hardens my heart.
34:28 And the next time God calls for my heart
34:30 and I cast my vote on Satan's side again
34:33 my heart becomes hard again,
34:36 and again, and again.
34:38 But if I don't do that
34:39 and if every time God calls for my vote.
34:41 I cast it on God's side, it become soft and pliable.
34:46 And he says what, Ezekiel 36,
34:48 "A new heart also will I give you,
34:51 and the new spirit will I put within you,
34:53 and I'm going to take away that harden soul."
34:55 That hard heart, those dispositions,
34:58 predispositions whatever to sin,
35:00 and I'm going to give you a heart of flesh.
35:03 Praise God.
35:05 So you hear what she's saying, don't you?
35:07 She's already explaining it.
35:08 It does say, and I'll just read it,
35:10 I would add somebody.
35:11 But it say, there are several verses there,
35:13 it says, "And I will harden..." this is Exodus 7:3,
35:16 "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart,
35:18 and multiply my signs and wonders
35:21 in the land of Egypt."
35:22 So but what Jill is saying
35:24 is because of the choices that Pharaoh made,
35:28 Pharaoh's heart was harder.
35:30 Now how do we know that to be true?
35:32 Is there a verse?
35:33 I just have to go because, and jump in,
35:36 even though we always say, well, and this says,
35:38 his heart was hard, God hardened his heart.
35:40 But if we just read the next chapter, Chapter 8:32,
35:44 it says, Pharoah hardened his own heart.
35:47 And 15. That makes it clear.
35:49 In case people say, well, now it's the God did,
35:50 he harden his heart so he could never...
35:52 He hardened his own heart.
35:54 Again, you said, by the choices that he made.
35:57 You know two things,
35:59 and you can get a clue long before that
36:01 in the very first chapter of the Book of Exodus.
36:05 God only has one way of dealing with,
36:08 "He that loveth not, not in our God for God is love."
36:11 Come on. That's God, period.
36:13 He does nothing else, he can do no more,
36:14 he can do no less.
36:16 That's what he does.
36:17 Now depending on the material that, that love shining on,
36:20 determine what's going to happen,
36:22 and there's an old adage.
36:23 If it's ice, that love will melt it.
36:26 If it's like mud brick, it will harden it.
36:29 So it's the material.
36:30 If you look at, there's a thing in Bible study
36:34 called the Law First Mention.
36:36 Basically, how the Bible introduces a person
36:38 kind of gives you an idea how God sees that person.
36:41 So you look at the first time a person is mentioned.
36:43 Well, the first in the very first chapter,
36:46 in verse 15,
36:48 Pharaoh is giving an order to Hebrew midwives,
36:52 if it's a boy kill him, if it's a girl let them live.
36:56 Now what kind of heart make that kind of order?
36:59 That's pretty clear.
37:01 So we know what we're dealing with,
37:02 this is before we even talk about God and Pharaoh.
37:04 We're dealing with a person
37:05 who has no problem snuffing out loud.
37:08 So you got a heart that's damage, that is flawed.
37:11 Yeah, so this heart is already hard,
37:13 this is he person who's got evil intent.
37:16 So now you add God to it,
37:19 you add the love of God to it.
37:20 You ever, you know, we'll do it real quick.
37:21 You ever get mad, and want to be mad for a while?
37:23 Oh, yeah.
37:25 You know, sometimes you just want to be mad.
37:26 Okay.
37:27 I just want to stew in this for a while.
37:29 I just want to just you know.
37:30 Someone's like, you know, give me a second,
37:31 I just want to kind of be mad for a little while.
37:34 Yeah, you know, you just want to,
37:35 I want to kind of just process this.
37:36 Okay.
37:38 Well, we've got a guy here who,
37:42 even when he, when God is introduced to him,
37:44 he says, "Okay, well, first of all, who is this God?
37:47 That I, I am the king of this place,
37:49 I am running the show, who is God
37:51 that I should change anything I'm doing?"
37:54 So you got a hard heart already.
37:56 Is that same--
37:58 Right.
37:59 Exact same mindset.
38:00 So now the love of God is not going to soften that,
38:04 it's going to tick him off because he wants to be mad,
38:07 he wants to be evil.
38:08 And the more you, the more love you put on it
38:10 just gonna aggravate, don't love me,
38:12 I don't want to, I want to be what I am.
38:14 And that's what we're looking at,
38:15 we got a guy who will give an order,
38:17 kill male babies, kill them.
38:19 You dealing with a hard heart
38:21 long before God come in the picture.
38:22 So the very same message
38:25 that hardens someone's heart
38:27 softens someone else's.
38:29 Precisely. That's it.
38:30 Because of the heart. Because of the heart.
38:32 Because the message is the same,
38:33 it's the heart.
38:34 As you talked about, what was it,
38:38 the sun melts,
38:40 talk about the wax.
38:42 Yeah. But what does it do?
38:43 It hardens the clay.
38:44 Same stuff,
38:46 it's what it does on the difference of heart.
38:48 That's why you say,
38:49 "One of your children is really good,
38:50 the other one is really bad."
38:52 That was part of what we're talking,
38:53 you talking here about
38:54 it seems like one is more receptive
38:56 to the spirit and the other is not.
38:58 How did one turn out this way
38:59 and how did the other turn that way
39:01 when they had the same parent parents,
39:03 they had the same Holy Spirit speaking to them?
39:07 It's always come back to the heart, wouldn't it?
39:09 The choices.
39:10 Okay, somebody...
39:12 You know, I was speaking with a friend of mine
39:13 who's a teacher as well.
39:15 We were in college together and she's still working.
39:17 And she was sharing about
39:19 the principle that they have at a local junior high.
39:22 And she was talking about that if the students
39:26 do not do well on the grades
39:29 that the principal is responsible.
39:32 Oh, wow.
39:33 And the principal's response
39:34 because the principal has to be sure that those teachers
39:37 know what they're teaching and how they teach
39:40 and they're getting the message across.
39:41 Okay?
39:43 So that is her job, she's responsible.
39:45 So in view of this,
39:47 do you ever feel that the prophets themselves
39:49 say things the way that they do,
39:50 because they realize ultimately
39:52 the responsibility goes back to God,
39:55 the sovereignty goes back to God?
39:58 Interesting.
39:59 In this situation
40:02 God did set up the circumstances
40:05 for Pharaoh to say no.
40:08 He sent Moses
40:10 to tell Pharaoh to set the children of Israel free.
40:14 Now had God not sent Moses to do that,
40:17 Pharaoh wouldn't have hardened his heart and said, "No."
40:20 So God, so we did set up those circumstances
40:23 and the situation
40:25 where Pharaoh would stand up and say, "No."
40:27 But God didn't hardness heart, he just set of circumstances.
40:31 Yeah. What God will do?
40:32 God will put you in a corner, make you decide.
40:34 That decision... Yeah, test of faith.
40:36 Oh, yeah, he make you decide.
40:38 Praise God for that.
40:39 Some will accept, some will harden.
40:41 Yeah, that's the thing.
40:42 The heart is the issue. It is the issue.
40:44 My sister has four boys
40:46 and they are as different as night and day.
40:48 And one of them, I just remember,
40:49 being at her house, and he was probably four.
40:52 And she corrected him
40:54 and said, "No, you can't..." whatever,
40:55 "get down from the table unless this is..." whatever.
40:58 And so he got upset,
41:00 and so she said, "Go to your room."
41:02 And so he had a little tantrum
41:04 and started going to go into his room.
41:06 And then all of a sudden I heard this,
41:08 "Jesus," tears running down his face,
41:11 "Jesus, help me be happy. Jesus, help me."
41:14 And I thought that was a heart that was reaching out,
41:18 that was asking, right?
41:21 And then on the flipside
41:22 you know, you see others who says,
41:24 "I don't care. I don't want God.
41:25 I want..." what did you say Pastor CA,
41:26 "hold on to it a while.
41:28 I just want to hang on to my stuff," you know.
41:30 So the heart is different.
41:32 Absolutely. Yeah.
41:33 And people are definitely looking at the fruits.
41:36 You know as you're talking,
41:37 I was thinking about a situation you had told me
41:40 about of someone coming in,
41:42 they were talking about a set of children,
41:44 and they had the same parents,
41:45 and the same type of upbringing,
41:47 but they were not all the same.
41:49 And so as an outsider looking in they are like,
41:51 you know, why are they so different,
41:53 why are they different then you.
41:55 You see, because the parents, they were Christians,
41:57 they were trying to live and dress and do,
42:00 you know, the will of God
42:01 and yet, the children didn't seem to care.
42:05 And so they're looking and saying,
42:07 you know, why are they so different?
42:09 So it's interesting, it's the heart.
42:12 I know even in our own family.
42:14 He's reminded because sometimes I will grieve thinking,
42:17 oh, may be I could have done this different,
42:19 I could have done that different,
42:20 I could have spent more time here.
42:22 And he said, well, what about Cain and Abel.
42:26 Somebody think about that one.
42:28 Same parents.
42:30 Absolutely. That helps.
42:31 All the glory, all the you know...
42:33 I have a legion of stories where you have two children,
42:36 same parents, same upbringing, and I don't want to pastor now,
42:40 he's going to retire this year.
42:42 Pastered all his life and just a couple weeks ago
42:44 I found out from someone else
42:46 that his brother is the leading drug king in a certain city.
42:50 I mean, you know you've got one
42:51 who's been Adventist Pastor his whole life,
42:52 now there is a leading drug dealer in there.
42:55 Same parent, you know, same parents.
42:58 And you wonder how.
42:59 And you know, you do your best but ultimately,
43:02 to come to God it's an individual thing.
43:05 And you can't say, my mother, my father,
43:06 my grandparents, you know.
43:08 It's on you. It's on you.
43:10 And going back to that choice,
43:12 going back to where I am looking, Job 4:8,
43:15 just real quickly, Job 4:8.
43:17 It says, "They that plow iniquity
43:20 and sow wickedness reap the same."
43:24 So therefore, what we are sowing,
43:27 we going to reap.
43:28 So if in our homes,
43:30 where it should be a place of heaven,
43:32 and we are sowing seeds of strive,
43:35 and anger, and yelling, and... in the name of Jesus,
43:40 we're going to reap wild fruit.
43:42 Yes.
43:43 You know, no matter how hard we try.
43:45 And now I think with Pharaoh,
43:48 as you explained, our Pastor CA,
43:49 may be he was the one that was explaining,
43:51 very early on he was sowing seeds of wickedness,
43:56 seeds of iniquity.
43:57 How may, I can't even imagine telling anybody to kill a baby.
44:02 I know. A baby.
44:04 I know.
44:05 Even the animal kingdom, if they see a human baby,
44:09 they are tender hearted, and we think of them
44:11 as not having the intelligence that we have.
44:13 But they were just showing
44:15 not too long ago were a gorilla,
44:16 they were replaying a tape where a baby had fallen in,
44:19 and this gorilla picks up
44:21 to try to comfort and hold the baby,
44:23 because it had fallen in at a zoo.
44:26 Amazing.
44:28 And you know what's amazing to me
44:29 is God in His sovereignty.
44:31 He looks down on all of us
44:33 and whether we have chosen to follow God,
44:35 like you said the Adventist pastor,
44:36 his whole life serve to God,
44:38 or whether, or the drug Lord, right.
44:42 God still, even while there is breath in our body,
44:47 he reaches out and he says, "Return, come back to me.
44:52 I think Ezekiel 18 is one of my favorite scriptures."
44:55 He says, "Repent and turn from your transgressions
44:57 for why should you die, oh, house of Israel."
45:01 And I just want to appeal to you today,
45:03 we're asking make a choice for Jesus.
45:05 Yes.
45:07 No matter what you've done in your life,
45:09 no matter how far you've traveled down
45:11 that path to hell,
45:13 no matter what you've done,
45:14 God says, you can still make a choice,
45:17 come back to me.
45:19 Don't die, don't linger, come back to God.
45:22 And there are some things
45:24 that bite down on you pretty hard.
45:25 Well...
45:26 You know, you pick them up along the way
45:28 or you're predispose or it's in the genes,
45:30 you don't know how.
45:31 That you're going to have to...
45:33 I mean, the kingdom of God, something's violence,
45:34 something you got to fight your way through.
45:36 It's just is not going to be easy.
45:38 You just have something that's a little tougher
45:40 than what some people have, but you can be successful,
45:44 you can fight your way through.
45:45 And you get heaven fighting alongside.
45:47 That's right.
45:49 Isn't that beautiful.
45:50 You know the thing, sometime we don't realize
45:52 it's easy to look at someone else.
45:54 I've heard this said and people said there some time
45:57 some of us are working on patients,
46:00 as people who's working on temper.
46:03 They're trying to gain the victory over temper.
46:05 And I remember reading the Spirit of Prophecy one time
46:07 because I've always been kind of quick myself
46:08 and I'll always tried to commit those aspects to God,
46:11 and he's been working you know, been still working
46:14 and still working about...
46:15 But those, sometime we're just not understanding
46:18 because you mention the word here,
46:19 erring human beings,
46:21 we're working on sanctification,
46:22 preparation for heaven.
46:23 We do not realize how difficult it is for some people
46:27 what they are tested with.
46:28 You talk about baggage, you talk about born with
46:30 or what they have,
46:32 you know, developed over the years such as temper.
46:36 And I know as reading the Spirit of Prophecy
46:37 one time, it says, we will never,
46:39 if our characters are not,
46:41 other words, we're kind of laid back and easy,
46:43 kind of come and go and we can take.
46:45 We have no idea what that person
46:48 who's trying to fight this thing of the enemy,
46:51 goes through every day.
46:52 If we did, we'd have a little bit more mercy
46:54 on the erring individual who wants to get it right,
46:58 who's striving to get it right.
47:00 And sometimes we take our eyes off of Christ, so.
47:03 I've read this, I thought how interesting it is
47:05 because this is our Christian duty.
47:07 I found this is my Christian duty,
47:09 and I found that in fact Testimonies 345,
47:13 and it's talking about this about our model.
47:15 "It does not become one
47:16 to pronounce sentence upon others
47:19 and look to himself as a model man."
47:21 And since you do that sometime, we should never do it,
47:24 but sometime Christ is our model, imitate him.
47:28 Notice, we are not to condemn others,
47:31 we should love one another.
47:32 This is simple, and pray for one another, notice.
47:35 When we see one err from the truth
47:38 then we, notice, then we may weep
47:41 over him as Christ wept over Jerusalem.
47:45 And of course, Galatians 6 and James 5,
47:47 we can look at it.
47:48 And I weep over this situation,
47:52 the real life situation.
47:55 I had a good friend in the ministry
48:00 and he made a wrong choice, he made a wrong choice.
48:05 But he was heavy duty,
48:06 there's books out in the market with this man's name on it,
48:09 and there are some good books, and I knew him personally.
48:13 And he made a wrong choice and a lot of his friends,
48:18 especially those in the ministry
48:21 want to separate from him
48:22 because they didn't want to be caught,
48:24 as it were may be association with a sinner.
48:26 And how wrong that is.
48:28 And I thought about this man several different times
48:30 and try to call and get a number
48:32 and I never did do it, and just say,
48:34 we love you, appreciate you.
48:36 anything we can do to help?
48:38 Not to let him warn what is wrong, we understand,
48:40 that's not the issue.
48:41 We're here, that's what, that's what you do to erring,
48:43 and sometimes we don't do that.
48:45 And so, but I never did.
48:46 And about a year later I found out
48:49 that because of the condemnation
48:51 of those who supposed to love him,
48:53 no one came to his side, no one say, we're here for you,
48:55 bro, you know, we'll pray for you.
48:57 He took a gun and he blew his brains out in the closet.
49:01 That's it, that's putting it bluntly,
49:02 but that's exactly... I wept over that
49:04 because I said, I had an opportunity,
49:07 I felt that I needed to call
49:09 and to say, "Can I pray with you
49:11 or is there something I can do for you as a brother?"
49:14 And I fail to do that and I've never forgotten that,
49:18 that's all in my mind constantly,
49:20 when those who...
49:22 It gets to be too heavy some time
49:24 and when you err, you need somebody.
49:27 Lord have mercy, you need somebody.
49:29 Not to try to justify it but just to say,
49:31 we love you, what can we do for you.
49:33 We're going to be praying for you.
49:34 To restore them. He killed himself.
49:37 That's the right fruit, that's the fruit of the spirit.
49:40 Bit Pastor Kenny,
49:41 I bet you don't do that if there's a next time.
49:43 No. No.
49:44 And all you can do is say, "God, we're sorry for that."
49:47 You know, I did talk to his wife and so on later,
49:49 but that was after the fact.
49:51 And it's just, but what he said was
49:54 all the people who I stood with and I did meetings with
49:57 and I did, everyone left me.
50:01 So I'm going encourage just don't leave.
50:02 Not to do that, yeah.
50:03 The opposite of what Christ did,
50:05 we left him.
50:07 And he emptied heaven for us, he came and got us.
50:10 He's pulling us out of the fire,
50:12 he's pulling us out of the mud.
50:14 And I'm going to,
50:15 we just running out of time so quickly.
50:18 But I'm going to combine
50:19 question three and question four
50:21 because we need to touch on this.
50:22 Sister Jill touched on it a little bit.
50:25 But putting all of this back together.
50:28 The question three is talking about
50:30 Jesus wants us to come as we are
50:32 and yet, we come, as you mention,
50:34 with worldly baggage.
50:36 Look at question four, it says,
50:37 "How can coming to Christ help a hurting soul?"
50:42 You know as I listening to Pastor Doug one night
50:44 and a young man called in and he said,
50:47 "You know my family and friends,
50:49 they keep saying I need to accept Jesus.
50:50 Who is he?"
50:53 How can coming to Christ help a hurting soul?
50:57 I forget that sometimes, I forget that there's people.
51:00 And I shouldn't.
51:01 I forget that there's people that don't know who he is,
51:05 living in this country,
51:06 with everything that's going on.
51:08 We have to approach every subject in my opinion
51:12 as though there's somebody who does not know
51:14 what you're talking about.
51:15 So you can't get, I never do,
51:18 but get so deep that the people just have never heard this,
51:22 can't understand it any more.
51:23 So how does it help a hurting soul to come to him?
51:26 That's a good question.
51:28 It occurs to me that even those
51:29 who once had a relationship with Jesus,
51:31 when they are hurt or hurting,
51:33 the on the vision is usually pretty cloudy.
51:36 I've done, throughout my ministry
51:37 when I think someone has fallen into grievous sin,
51:41 they've done something that's big, and public,
51:42 and embracing and you know, reputation destroying.
51:46 When I get them,
51:48 the first question I ask them is "Who is Jesus?"
51:51 Because we need to reestablish,
51:52 who is Jesus to you at this point.
51:54 Because they are usually under condemnation,
51:56 a lot of self condemnation.
51:58 So one of my first question is just who is God,
52:00 who is Jesus to you at this point?
52:03 And knew they got away through a lot of stuff,
52:05 you know, a lot of weight
52:07 before they can get to who Christ is for them.
52:11 But finding out who Jesus is
52:13 makes all the difference in the world,
52:14 you are healing, you know.
52:16 But you think He's condemning you,
52:18 you're not, you're going to kind of shy away.
52:20 But if you still think he's a loving Lord,
52:21 well, then we got some place to build on.
52:23 Because a hurting soul, they are way down,
52:27 their sin oppress, they realize they've done wrong,
52:32 and they need a savior.
52:34 That's right.
52:35 And they need a Lord, they need the blood of Jesus,
52:39 they need to have the peace.
52:41 They don't have any peace outside of Jesus.
52:44 So when we come to him and we get to know who he is,
52:47 he's saving us from ourselves, he's saying us from our sins,
52:52 he's pulling us out of the fire.
52:54 He knows the end of the story.
52:56 He understands that sin,
52:58 that the payment of sin is death.
53:02 And he loves us so much
53:05 that he wants to take that death for us.
53:07 Does he not encourage us, in Isaiah 1:18,
53:11 "Though your sins be the..." "Scarlet."
53:13 See, we need to hear it, someone slips and falls.
53:17 "Though your sins are like scarlet,
53:18 so I washed them whiter than snow."
53:20 Then I read the Spirit of Prophecy,
53:22 it say, there's no,
53:23 there is no sin that God cannot forgive.
53:26 Amen.
53:28 You can't get dirty enough, you can't get down far enough,
53:30 you can't get out of sight enough, you can't do...
53:33 He's proved that in scripture over and over,
53:35 when we look at the men and women of God
53:36 and how they slip so far, you just say,
53:38 how could he?
53:39 Because he loves us, because he has pity on us,
53:41 because he, you know he puts forth efforts
53:44 to win us and he will never...
53:46 Listen, now hear,
53:47 He will never cease to work on you,
53:49 even though you forgetting, you've grown cold,
53:53 unpardonable sin, He still working on you.
53:56 That's how much he care for you.
53:58 Prayer God will never ever not answer "Save me.
54:01 Oh, save me."
54:03 I've got a scripture in Psalms 38:4,
54:05 it says, "For my iniquities have gone over my head,
54:09 like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me."
54:12 Do you remember
54:14 when you asked Jesus Christ to be the Lord to your life
54:17 and the burden of your sins rolled off of you.
54:19 See, some people were so young and didn't have
54:22 that weightiness of sin, some of us weren't so young,
54:26 and we had that weightiness of sin,
54:28 and all the joy that flood your soul
54:32 to quote lines from Psalm but they are true lines.
54:35 And you stand before God then
54:38 with that burden rolled off of you
54:39 and it's all because of Christ.
54:43 You know usually, there are some people
54:45 who are so harden their sense,
54:46 they really don't see themselves.
54:48 But usually, when a person has messed up,
54:50 they know, you know, they know.
54:53 And they feel they would have continuation.
54:54 I'm looking at Isaiah 42:3,
54:57 a bruised reed and smoking flax.
54:59 You know when you come to the Lord broken,
55:01 and bruised, and under that weight of sin
55:03 that you were talking about, the Lord doesn't...
55:05 you know he's not, that's not,
55:07 you know, he's not doing that.
55:09 He's exact opposite.
55:10 Because you know, you know you've messed up
55:12 and you feel far away.
55:13 And the devil is saying, "See, I told you, I told you."
55:16 You can't go back. Right, you can't go back.
55:17 And again, you coming back again with that thing.
55:21 So you know, and so God is not going to break you,
55:23 he's not going to, you know, he's not there to crush you.
55:26 He's there to say, come my child, I love you.
55:28 You don't like that kind of treatment,
55:30 as you're going through these things.
55:32 I had a shop teacher in the seventh grade.
55:34 You took a test and you missed may be one or two,
55:37 everyone you missed below that you got a swat.
55:40 In front of the whole class you got a pat.
55:42 You know what, I hated that class.
55:45 You know what I was saying?
55:46 It was the way back,
55:48 it could be taught in different way
55:49 but that there was a,
55:51 I don't realize there's a penalty.
55:52 But it's the way that it was conducted.
55:54 You already was sad may be cause you didn't pass it anyway
55:57 and you needed some help to do the,
56:00 it was a shop class to build health,
56:02 but it wasn't, it was a punishment
56:03 and you get beat.
56:05 So Christ, he works out this different.
56:06 I am so proud of him.
56:08 How can't you love a Lord,
56:09 why won't you come to Lord that do that?
56:10 That's right.
56:12 Praise God.
56:13 And I'm so thankful that he does not treat us
56:16 the way we treat one another.
56:18 He is calling us in love.
56:20 And everything, everything needs to be shrouded in love,
56:24 without love it's a sounding symbol,
56:27 it's nothing, it's a tinkling buzz.
56:29 We have one minute left. Yes.
56:30 Parting thought, parting thought
56:32 that you might have, just something
56:33 just hitting your mind right now.
56:35 John 6:37. Okay.
56:37 I love that, "Whoever comes to me,
56:39 I will never cast them."
56:43 Anything at you?
56:44 Jesus loves you and he has died for you,
56:49 parting thought, come on to him,
56:51 he will change your life.
56:53 Amen. Pastor.
56:54 Joshua 1:9, same thing Hebrews 13:5-6,
56:56 "The Lord will never leave you, not forsake you,
56:58 so you can boldly say,
57:00 'God is your helper'"
57:02 Hallelujah.
57:03 We want to have a short prayer for the people.
57:05 I'll pray they've been blessed. Would you pray as we close now.
57:07 Okay, sure.
57:09 Most gracious Heavenly Father,
57:10 we thank you that we've seen a little bit more of you.
57:13 A little bit more of your love,
57:15 a little bit more of our part in this walk of salvation.
57:20 Thank you, Father, for your blood,
57:22 thank you for calling us as your children,
57:24 thank you for the second, third, fourth, fifth,
57:26 sixth, seventh, eighth, and so on chains
57:29 that are fruit of the spirit may brightly represent Jesus.
57:32 In Christ's name we pray.
57:34 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2016-07-11