Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016020A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:06 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today Family Worship.
01:10 My name is Jill Morikone,
01:11 and I'm so glad that you have joined us.
01:14 We just want to say happy Sabbath.
01:16 I hope that you had a good week
01:18 that you grew in your walk with the Lord Jesus.
01:22 I know this week 3ABN was busy
01:24 and I'm so glad its Friday night.
01:26 We can sit down
01:28 and spend this hour with the word of God,
01:30 with you as our 3ABN family at home,
01:33 and with the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:35 Now, I feel little strange tonight
01:37 because usually with Family Worship,
01:39 if Greg and I are hosting,
01:40 it would be Greg and I together,
01:41 but tonight, we decided to bring the ladies.
01:44 We're having a family worship with women of God,
01:48 who are dear to my heart.
01:49 And we'll start on this side, we have Mollie Steenson.
01:51 Mollie, you are our vice president,
01:53 general manager at 3ABN.
01:55 And the thing I love the most about you
01:57 is that you have a walk with God.
01:59 You know, a genuine walk with God.
02:01 And Mollie is the real deal.
02:03 And I'm so thankful you're here with us this evening.
02:05 Thank you. It is a joy to be here.
02:08 And to open this Sabbath in God's word
02:12 and to share what the Lord has placed in our hearts.
02:15 Thank you for inviting me to be a part
02:18 and thanks all of you for joining us.
02:21 Amen, that's right.
02:22 We're gonna share sisters and Jesus,
02:24 and I'm excited about this.
02:26 Sitting next to me is my sister Daria Hibbler.
02:28 And Daria, you are the youngest member
02:31 around this table.
02:33 And this is a joy
02:34 because I think Family Worship is all different ages.
02:37 You know, my husband Greg and I don't have kids,
02:39 but we can have family worship together.
02:41 Mollie is a mother, a wife, a grandmother,
02:45 and that's a precious thing.
02:47 But Daria, you are single right now.
02:49 Yes, I'm 20, and I'm single.
02:52 And I'm so happy to be here too,
02:53 and with all these people who are like my family, so.
02:56 Amen.
02:58 So, tell me you're in school right now, right?
02:59 Yes, I' am going to be a junior in college
03:02 at Southern Adventist University.
03:04 Amen, that's--
03:05 What are you taking? Communications.
03:07 Oh, that's wonderful.
03:08 You will be good at that absolutely.
03:10 Daria has just a heart for God
03:12 and she's a precious sister in Jesus.
03:14 And we are so glad she's here this evening.
03:15 She's working in pastoral department
03:18 here for this summer at 3ABN.
03:19 And at the far end, last but not least,
03:22 is our precious Sister Chris Shelton,
03:24 and you are the wife of Pastor Kenny Shelton.
03:27 And are you vice president at Behold the Lamb?
03:29 I'm vice president and office manager.
03:32 We wear lots of hats. I'm director sometimes.
03:35 I do graphic work, I do all kinds of thing.
03:38 By profession, I was a teacher. Okay.
03:40 We did have a school for several years,
03:42 and I taught in the public school
03:43 just a little while,
03:45 but then the Lord moved me into ministry
03:46 and that's where I've stayed.
03:48 So, anyway.
03:49 And Daria has been a little holding back here,
03:53 she's planning on doing some mission work this next year.
03:57 She told me she may leave next month, and I thought,
04:00 well, it might be like a month or more we trip or something,
04:03 but it's gonna be a whole year long.
04:05 Wow. And where are you going? Colombia.
04:08 I'll be working at the Adventist University
04:10 there, teaching kids ESL, like English teaching.
04:13 So it's exciting, I'm excited.
04:17 It's always exciting to us when our young people grow up
04:20 and go out to serve God,
04:23 but Daria, something that we want you to know
04:25 is that we want you back here with us
04:28 when the Lord leads and directs.
04:30 Yes, ma'am, I'll be back.
04:32 Amen. That's wonderful.
04:33 Well, I'm excited about the program this evening.
04:35 We're taking about heaven.
04:37 Boy, what a promise
04:39 to look forward to the second coming of Jesus,
04:42 spending eternity with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
04:45 We're talking about The promise of Heaven
04:47 as well as preparation for heaven.
04:49 But before we get into our music
04:52 and our Bible study,
04:53 let us open up with the word of pray.
04:55 Father, we just come before you in the name of Jesus.
04:57 We thank you for Sabbath.
04:59 Thank you for the privilege of coming apart
05:02 as your sons and daughters
05:04 and spending this time with you.
05:06 We thank you that you have sanctified
05:08 and set the Sabbath apart as a Holy Day.
05:12 Lord, we ask that you would take our hearts,
05:14 that you would teach us,
05:15 show us want you want to teach us from your word,
05:19 give us ears that want to hear
05:21 and we want to receive and we thank you.
05:24 In the precious and Holy name of Jesus, Amen.
05:26 Amen.
05:28 We're gonna start with couple songs about heaven,
05:30 and we want to encourage you to sing at home
05:32 because none of us feel like good singers here on the table.
05:36 So please sing at home.
05:38 The first song is When We All Get To Heaven.
05:41 We have Summer Boyd on the piano
05:43 and I love to hear Summer playing.
05:45 And thank you so much, Summer,
05:46 for playing for us this evening.
05:53 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
05:58 Sing His mercy and His grace
06:02 In the mansions bright and blessed
06:06 He'll prepare for us a place
06:09 When we all get to heaven
06:14 What a day of rejoicing that will be
06:18 When we all see Jesus
06:22 We'll sing and shout the victory
06:27 Let us than be true and faithful
06:31 Trusting, serving every day
06:35 Just one glimpse of Him in glory
06:39 Will the toils of life repay
06:43 When we all get to heaven
06:47 What a day of rejoicing that will be
06:51 When we all see Jesus
06:55 We'll sing and shout the victory
07:00 Onward to the prize before us
07:04 Soon His beauty we'll behold
07:08 Soon the pearly gates will open
07:12 We shall tread the streets of gold
07:16 When we all get to heaven
07:20 What a day of rejoicing that will be
07:25 When we all see Jesus
07:29 We'll sing and shout the victory.
07:34 Amen.
07:35 I love that song, "When we all get to heaven
07:39 What a day of rejoicing that will be."
07:42 You know that song, it will be worth it all.
07:45 "When we see Jesus," all the trails,
07:47 all the junk and the stuff we go through here below
07:51 will be over,
07:53 forever will be in that heaven and the earth made new.
07:56 So, praise the Lord.
07:57 We can't even imagine. I know.
07:59 We can't even imagine
08:01 the joy of walking into those pearly gates
08:04 or just even the trip there
08:07 is just far beyond on our imagine.
08:08 Oh, it gives you goosebumps to think about.
08:10 What Glory. What Glory. That's right.
08:13 Eye has not seen, nor ear has heard,
08:15 nether has entered into the heart of men
08:16 the things God has prepared for those who love him.
08:20 So praise the Lord.
08:21 One more song here this evening
08:23 before we dive into our Bible study,
08:26 Mansion Over The Hilltop.
08:28 I'm satisfied with just the cottage below
08:30 because I know I have a mansion over the hilltop.
08:32 Yes.
08:39 I'm satisfied with
08:43 Just a cottage below
08:47 A little silver
08:50 And little gold
08:54 But in that city
08:58 Where the ransomed will shine
09:02 I want a gold one
09:05 that's silver lined
09:09 I've got a mansion
09:13 Just over the hilltop
09:17 In that bright land where
09:21 we'll never grow old
09:25 And somebody yonder
09:28 We will never more wander
09:32 But walk on streets
09:35 That are purest gold
09:40 Don't think me poor
09:43 Or deserted or lonely
09:48 I'm not discouraged
09:52 I'm heaven bound
09:56 I'm just a pilgrim
10:00 In search of a city
10:04 I want a mansion
10:08 A harp and a crown
10:12 I've got a mansion
10:16 Just over the hilltop
10:20 In that bright land where
10:24 We'll never grow old
10:28 And somebody yonder
10:31 We will never more wander
10:35 But walk on streets
10:38 That are purest gold
10:45 Amen. We'll never grow old there.
10:49 Thanks the Lord. Yes.
10:51 I'm so excited. Praise the Lord.
10:53 What a promise, the promise of heaven.
10:56 And as we start this evening,
10:58 we wanted to go around the table
10:59 and each share, as we begin,
11:01 our favorite promise from the Bible
11:04 that deals with heaven.
11:05 And Mollie, let's start with you.
11:07 What would be one of your?
11:08 And it doesn't have to be your top favorite,
11:10 but one of your favorites.
11:11 Well, I've always liked Revelation 21:4 and God--
11:15 You wanna turn to that? Yeah. Let's turn there.
11:16 Let's turn to that.
11:17 And I think Chris' is Revelation 21:1 through 3,
11:22 so you need to just stay there in Revelation.
11:25 "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes,
11:30 there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying.
11:34 There shall be no more pain,
11:36 for the former things have passed away."
11:39 Look forward to that, don't you, Chris?
11:41 Absolutely, absolutely.
11:43 And why does that promise particularly impact you?
11:45 It tells us what it's going to be like in heaven,
11:48 and here in this earth, there is pain, there is sorrow,
11:52 there are tears.
11:54 But we need not to dwell on this,
11:57 this life is so temporal and this isn't all there is.
12:01 I think sometimes
12:03 that we can become so discouraged
12:06 when we forget that this isn't all there is.
12:09 We have an eternity in the very presence of God.
12:12 when I think on that
12:14 it takes my mind out of this earth realm,
12:17 out of where the pain and the growing old
12:21 and the eggs in the pans are,
12:23 it puts me into the very presence
12:25 of almighty God.
12:26 Amen.
12:27 I remember hearing once a woman, and she was speaking,
12:29 I don't remember who it was, but I just remember she shared,
12:32 she was going through some trails
12:33 and difficulties in her life.
12:35 And she said, "God, I'm struggling here,"
12:37 and it was like she heard Him say,
12:39 just in her mind, she heard him say,
12:42 "Can you not--"
12:43 if a day with the Lord is a thousand years,
12:46 "Can you not, my daughter, just hang on an half an hour."
12:50 You know, in the light of eternity
12:53 what is this earth, or the pains, or the struggles,
12:56 or the things we go through?
12:58 It's over, life is a vapor.
12:59 It's over in a moment,
13:00 but we have that eternity with Jesus Christ.
13:04 We just can't be shortsighted
13:06 with God to see the whole picture
13:09 and know that this isn't all there is.
13:11 Yes. Amen.
13:13 That gives us hope. It does.
13:14 Gives us something to look forward to,
13:16 because if this is all that there is,
13:18 many of us give up.
13:20 You know, what is there to live for?
13:22 And I can remember time in my life
13:24 where I felt like that way.
13:26 I did, I really felt that way.
13:28 But praise God for focusing my eyes somewhere else.
13:32 And we focus in, you know, on this pilgrim's pathway
13:36 where we're focusing in on heaven.
13:37 Yes.
13:39 And have all these things change.
13:41 You know, it broke my heart
13:43 and I don't want to date anything,
13:44 but just recently I had heard about a 2-year-old boy
13:48 walking along with his family,
13:50 they were on vacation in Disney's, you know.
13:53 So they were thinking this is a happy time.
13:56 And suddenly an alligator comes up
13:58 and snatches that child from the parents.
14:02 It broke my heart, I don't know them,
14:05 but it made me sick.
14:06 And I thought some day, someday we're not gonna--
14:09 We can swim with those alligators.
14:13 But you know, this stuff is gonna be gone.
14:17 Can you imagine the pain that those parents are in,
14:20 the agony that they are in.
14:22 In just an instant their whole life has changed.
14:25 Absolutely. And I prayed for them.
14:27 I thought, Lord, I hope they have Jesus.
14:30 'Cause how do you ever walk through anything like that
14:33 without Christ in your heart.
14:35 And the father had laceration.
14:36 Can you imagine, he tried so hard.
14:39 And you tried so hard to save your son and you can't.
14:42 Yeah, absolutely.
14:44 That's just-- That is--
14:45 And Greg and I were just talking about it the other day
14:47 and, to think Greg said, "The family probably saved,"
14:51 you know, I mean this is an exciting vacation for them.
14:54 They were from the Midwest, and they had saved
14:56 and they had done all, you know,
14:58 so excited doing this vacation, and then what happened?
15:02 Praise the Lord.
15:04 We pray that they have either,
15:07 I don't know if they are Christians,
15:08 but that they have that hope
15:10 or that someone will show them that hope
15:12 that this life is not all there is,
15:15 and that someday
15:17 they can be reunited with their precious son.
15:19 Absolutely.
15:20 Now, yours was in the same,
15:22 wasn't it Sister Chris, in the same chapter?
15:23 Yes, it is, and you know, I like what you said,
15:26 it didn't have to necessarily be your most favorite
15:28 because I really don't have a most favorite.
15:31 But this is one that I like to share.
15:33 We do a lot of evangelism, we go to different churches.
15:36 And many times this is one that the Lord lays on my heart
15:40 at the right time.
15:41 And I probably would have gone ahead to read verse 4 too,
15:45 but when I was preparing it, it was just 1 through 3.
15:48 You see the Holy Spirit is good,
15:49 how he knows these things.
15:51 "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,
15:54 for the first heaven and the first earth
15:56 were passed away
15:58 and there was no more sea and I, John,
16:01 saw the holy city, New Jerusalem,
16:04 coming down from God, out of heaven,
16:06 prepared as a bride adorned for her husband."
16:09 He is finally going to have his church.
16:12 He is gonna have the church married with him.
16:15 "And I heard a great voice of heaven saying,
16:18 'Behold, the tabernacle--'"
16:20 Listen to this, "The tabernacle of God is with men."
16:24 Now, we see through a glass darkly,
16:27 but God is going to dwell with us.
16:30 And when you stop and think about that the only,
16:33 only world in the whole universe
16:35 is that we know of,
16:37 there seems to be more than one.
16:39 And here we are sitting, we are--
16:41 I think of how feeble--
16:42 We were talking about how tall
16:44 and you're the shortest person in your family,
16:46 and I'm only about 5'2" which I'm really short.
16:50 And we're going to grow up like calves in a stall.
16:53 We're so little, we're so feeble
16:55 to what God intended for us to be,
16:57 and He's going to dwell with us someday, someday.
17:02 "And they shall be His people
17:04 and God Himself shall be with them."
17:07 Oh, wow. "And be their God."
17:10 Amen.
17:11 That's my favorite part,
17:12 about the whole promise is God will be with them.
17:15 You know, here on this earth below,
17:17 sometimes, we go through junk and stuff,
17:19 and you say, "God, I know you're there,
17:21 but I can't see you.
17:22 God, I'm reaching out after you,
17:24 but I just can't feel you."
17:26 I hear on this earth, we have to reach out by faith.
17:29 But when we cross the other side,
17:31 when Jesus comes,
17:34 and we will be there absolutely.
17:36 We'll spend eternity with our best friend.
17:40 Absolutely. He is all in all. Amen.
17:42 No more sin, no more affects of sin.
17:46 You know, what the only thing, in my understanding,
17:50 that will be even a reminder of the sin
17:54 that happened on this earth
17:56 is gonna be the nail scar on hands,
17:59 and He will be with us forever in eternity.
18:02 And that to me is such an encouragement.
18:05 So, it gives us so much hope.
18:08 We've got a future and a hope, way past this earth.
18:13 Amen. Amen. Daria, what about your's?
18:17 So my verse was Philippians 3:20.
18:24 Let me just jump over there, Galatians, Ephesians,
18:27 Philippians, Philippians what?
18:28 3:20. Okay.
18:30 And it says, "For our citizenship is in heaven,
18:35 from whence also look for the Savior,
18:37 the Lord Jesus Christ."
18:39 So what I really, really like about this verse
18:42 is the word citizenship.
18:44 It reminds me of you belong somewhere,
18:46 you belong in a certain city.
18:48 And so when I think of citizenship,
18:50 I think of going home, going home to your country
18:53 or something like that.
18:55 And so, citizenship as in citizenship in heaven
18:58 is even like you're going home, like, it reminds me,
19:01 this is not where I'm supposed to stay.
19:03 This, awful around us,
19:06 and all the bad things that are going around in the world,
19:09 it is like, this is not my home
19:10 because my home is in heaven with the Lord.
19:12 So I really like that verse because citizenship,
19:15 citizenship in heaven.
19:17 Oh, I just, I really like it. Amen.
19:19 That's powerful, citizenship.
19:22 We've been transformed or conveyed
19:24 out of the kingdom of darkness.
19:26 Where are we now?
19:27 Kingdom of God's dear son
19:30 where we will have an eternity in His very presence.
19:33 And how true that that is
19:35 because the more we grow up in Christ,
19:38 the more we learn, the more we study,
19:40 you begin to see how that the enemy
19:42 has his hand in everything, whether it's our food,
19:46 our dress or we listen to, you know,
19:48 his hand is in everything, your friends to deceive us.
19:52 And as we are separated from those things as Christ,
19:57 by His Grace, doing that wonderful heart surgery,
20:00 this world is no longer our home,
20:03 we feel out of place.
20:05 I mean, even with your family many times
20:08 because they know that you used to may be participate
20:12 or may be listen to or watch, and so to go back amongst them
20:16 when they haven't changed, you feel out of place.
20:19 This world is not our home,
20:21 but He's preparing a world that is,
20:23 and that is so exciting.
20:25 Amen. Can I ask you, Daria?
20:27 I was just thinking when you said that, Chris.
20:29 Not all your family are serving the Adventists.
20:32 Correct. So how do you handle that?
20:36 How do you deal with that?
20:37 When you are saying,
20:38 "I want my citizenship here in heaven,"
20:40 but they might be citizens here, down below.
20:43 So how do you handle that?
20:46 Well, at first,
20:48 they weren't too accepting of us becoming Adventist,
20:52 so it's kind of hard,
20:53 but then as we started to show them
20:55 that we're pretty normal still,
20:57 but we just have Jesus in our lives now,
20:59 they've become more accepting.
21:00 So it's not as hard when they weren't,
21:03 but, just tried to live a life, I just tried to live a life
21:07 so they can see Jesus in me
21:10 and so they can may be, want to, you know,
21:13 get to know Jesus more
21:15 because they have seen how much He's worked in my life
21:16 and changed my life.
21:18 Amen. I believe that.
21:19 That's beautiful because, I mean, I think, and Mollie,
21:22 you have some of the same experience too,
21:24 but I just think, at home?
21:26 You might be saying, but I'm worshipping alone.
21:28 I'm joining this family circle right now,
21:31 but my family doesn't believe in the Sabbath
21:33 or my family is not doing that.
21:35 Don't be discouraged.
21:36 Continue to share Jesus, like Daria mentioned.
21:40 Mollie is dying over here.
21:42 I can see you are anxious to talk.
21:44 When Hal and I first came out of darkness and into life,
21:47 we, you know, we weren't serving God by any means,
21:52 but the family just left us and accepted us like we were
21:55 and some attended church and some didn't,
21:57 but when it seems like when Hal and I
22:00 made Jesus Christ the Lord of our life,
22:02 we got born again, born again.
22:04 I mean, we were headed in this direction
22:06 and now we're headed in the complete--
22:08 and we took it serious
22:10 and we thought if the Bible says it,
22:11 you will have to do it
22:13 and so I can remember some of Hal's family saying,
22:18 "Leave them alone. It'll pass over."
22:21 Just, it will pass over,
22:23 and we tell them not only did it pass over,
22:27 it Pentecost it's on the tabernacle.
22:30 We are still serving God and still think we should do it
22:34 with all of our heart, but I want you to know
22:36 that this family of ours', both sides,
22:38 my side and his side of the family,
22:40 they love us, they respect us,
22:42 and they appreciate our work with God.
22:45 When they need prayer, they call us
22:47 and when we go through times of needing prayer,
22:50 and Hal and I both have, they'll call us
22:53 and let us know we're praying for you.
22:55 So, they--
22:56 you know, loving and accepting people,
22:58 just like they are.
22:59 That's the important thing
23:01 because knowing that God is the only one
23:03 that can change our life
23:04 and so that's been part of the beauty
23:09 of being in a family like my sister's.
23:11 There are some things that that I believe
23:14 that they don't and so here's what we've determined.
23:17 We just won't talk about those things,
23:20 you know, let our light shine
23:21 and the Lord chooses to open a door
23:25 to speak we will, but if not,
23:27 we love and accept people like they are.
23:30 Amen. Amen. Well, my promise is John 14.
23:34 I have many that I like,
23:35 but I think this is one of the first ones
23:37 I memorized as a kid, I think, is John 14.
23:43 Let me just jump over there. Verses one through three.
23:47 John 14, the Bible says,
23:48 "Let not your heart be troubled,
23:51 you believe in God, believe also in Me.
23:53 In My Father's house are many mansions,
23:57 if it were not so, I would have told you.
24:00 I go to prepare a place for you.
24:02 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
24:04 I will come again and receive you to onto Myself,
24:10 that where I am, there you may be also."
24:12 And I think, this took place
24:14 right before Jesus' crucifixion, right?
24:17 This is right after the last supper,
24:18 John 13, he washed the disciple's feet.
24:22 And we're in these couple chapters here,
24:24 I think, these are my favorite chapters
24:25 in the book of John 14, 15, 16, 17, where Jesus says
24:29 like his final words to his disciples
24:31 before he goes to the cross.
24:33 And one of those was that, "Don't be afraid."
24:37 Don't be afraid here in this world below
24:41 because I'm coming again,
24:43 and because I'm preparing for you a better place.
24:47 Not this world, not what's going on.
24:49 He knew they were going to see the cross,
24:51 they would be discouraged, and they would be,
24:54 it's the death of all their hopes
24:56 and their dreams,
24:57 but don't be discouraged, I'm going to come again.
25:00 Don't be discouraged.
25:02 This world, we see down here, is not all there is.
25:05 There's a better place.
25:06 You know, there are a lot of places in God's word
25:08 for it's written in red,
25:10 promises from the Lord Jesus Christ himself,
25:13 and you know those promises are going to be fulfilled.
25:16 I know another place in John, where it says,
25:19 "Father, that they will all be one as you and I are one."
25:23 By this, we may know that you're my disciples
25:27 if you have love for another.
25:30 So, we look at these promises that Jesus made,
25:33 number one, he's preparing a place for us,
25:36 and if he's preparing a place for us,
25:37 what's he gonna do?
25:39 Come and take us to him.
25:41 You know that if Jesus made that promise,
25:43 it is gonna happen.
25:45 That's right. Sister Chris.
25:46 Well, I was just thinking too, you know, just in that,
25:48 "Don't be afraid, let not your heart be troubled."
25:52 It teaches, we have so much that we have yet to learn.
25:56 Because you think of the disciples
25:58 that He was speaking to,
25:59 not only do they see His crucifixion
26:02 and wonder, I'm sure they wondered,
26:04 was all this in vain?
26:05 Are we wrong?
26:07 You know, could He not have been the Messiah
26:10 we thought He was?
26:11 But then think of what happened in their lives,
26:15 and just even looking at the sting of death differently.
26:19 Heaven looks at death differently than what we do.
26:22 You know, we just need to be prepared.
26:25 And so, there's just so much there,
26:27 even in our homes, we're all ladies here,
26:31 and so many of us ladies may be not you yet Daria.
26:34 You probably did from your daddy.
26:36 But, you know, a lot of times,
26:37 we draw our strength from our husband,
26:39 we draw strength from our men,
26:40 and there's times that we are alone,
26:43 and you feel vulnerable.
26:45 And there's been many times, I've claimed Psalms 34:7 that,
26:49 "The angel of the Lord encamp around about us and deliver us"
26:54 because we live in a world
26:55 that's unlike anything we've ever imagined in our lifetime,
26:59 this is so different.
27:01 And so Jesus says, "Let not your heart be troubled.
27:04 Don't fear, trust in him. I've got angels.
27:08 One angel so mighty, they can deliver you
27:11 and He has many a times" and I praise God for that.
27:15 So even in his words there are such promises
27:18 and things that I'm thinking
27:19 we still have yet to learn as his people.
27:22 Amen.
27:24 You were mentioning preparation
27:25 and that kind of segues us into the next,
27:27 we talked about the promise to heaven.
27:29 But what about preparation?
27:32 What if someone at home is saying,
27:33 "How do I know if I'm going to be there?"
27:35 I don't, I want to go to heaven,
27:37 but I don't think I'm good enough, right?
27:41 I don't know,
27:42 if these promises, I can trust them.
27:44 How do I know if I'm going to be there?
27:46 What is the preparation? Anyone want to jump in?
27:50 Well, you always have to go to the word.
27:53 But in looking at this,
27:58 I looked at the disciples
28:01 and they ask a question of Jesus
28:07 and the question that they ask of Jesus is,
28:10 "What do we get?"
28:12 You know, what do we get?
28:13 I kind of want you to take us there and look,
28:16 spring from that to preparation.
28:17 Do you have a scripture that?
28:19 Yes, go to Matthew 19, what we're looking at is,
28:25 the rich young ruler.
28:26 Remember the rich young ruler that came to Jesus,
28:29 and what was his question?
28:32 "What you must I do to be saved?"
28:35 Inherit eternal life, be saved.
28:37 And, if, you know,
28:39 your salvation is the single most valuable thing that--
28:44 that is something that you are not casual with,
28:46 your salvation,
28:48 your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
28:50 You want nothing to separate you
28:53 from the love of God
28:54 because that determines your eternity.
28:57 So he asks Jesus, "What must I do to be saved?"
28:59 And Jesus told him--
29:01 He told him, you know, "Keep these commandments."
29:04 And what was the rich young ruler's response to that was?
29:08 "You know, I've done this since my birth.
29:11 I've always--
29:13 All my life I've done this."
29:15 And Jesus said, "Oh, you know what, that's good.
29:18 Now, sell all that you have
29:22 and give to the poor and come follow me."
29:25 And what did the rich young ruler do?
29:28 He went away in sorrowful. He went away sorrowful. Why?
29:31 Because, he had great will
29:35 and Jesus turned to His disciples
29:39 and He said, "You know, it's harder for a rich man
29:42 to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel
29:48 to go into the eye of the needle."
29:51 And so the disciples were saying,
29:54 "Man, if he can't be saved, this rich man,
29:57 who obviously is serving God, who can be saved?"
30:00 And Jesus had told the rich young ruler,
30:03 "Sell all that you had and come and follow me.
30:07 Give it to the poor and come and follow Me."
30:09 So here is Peter.
30:10 Peter speaks up in that verse 27.
30:13 Now, always Peter is gonna be the one
30:16 that is going to step out, isn't he?
30:20 He reminds me of me sometimes and Pater answered
30:25 and said on to him, "Behold,"
30:27 now, he's talking about the disciples,
30:31 "We have forsaken all.
30:34 Now, you told this rich young ruler,
30:35 he needed to forsake all and we follow thee,
30:40 what shall we have therefore."
30:42 And you know what he would say,
30:43 "Hey, Jesus, we've done everything
30:47 You've told that rich young ruler to do,
30:50 to have eternal life,
30:52 and we've done it so what do we get?"
30:55 You know, what do we get?
30:56 What, and I thought about that
30:59 because I'm kind of presenting it
31:00 like may be Peter did something that he shouldn't have done.
31:04 But don't we do that?
31:06 Because when I think about this promise of eternity
31:09 in the presence of God
31:11 and knowing that our eternal destination,
31:15 knowing the results of our salvation,
31:17 the results of following Jesus
31:20 is an eternity in the presence of God.
31:23 That is quite a deterrent, Jill, to seeing.
31:27 There could be an opportunity where you think,
31:29 oh, you are so--
31:31 somebody is enticing you, you're being lured away,
31:34 you are being tempted to do something.
31:37 And you know that if you do, you are going to--
31:41 There's gonna be separation from you and God.
31:44 And because we know that our eternal destiny
31:48 is in the presence of God.
31:49 Heaven is our future home.
31:51 We know that Heaven is our home.
31:53 Then, that will give us joy to share of the gospel.
31:59 We've got something to share and it will also deter us,
32:03 stop us, from being tempted or being drawn away
32:09 when we're tempted.
32:10 It gives us, just knowing that Heaven is our home.
32:15 That to me is part of that preparation
32:19 and preparing to be--
32:21 is to know what our future holds.
32:23 See, the disciples were saying, "What we get?"
32:26 We get an eternity in God's presence.
32:31 That's what you get
32:32 for doing all that God has called you to do,
32:35 and that is what you get for this bridal preparation,
32:39 let us call it.
32:40 And you ask the question, how do you prepare to be you--
32:45 I'm gonna start with just this,
32:48 spend time in God's words, spend time with God.
32:53 You become what you behold and the more you spend,
32:57 the more time you spend in God's presence,
32:59 the more of His likeness, and character,
33:02 and attribute you will receive that fits you
33:05 or prepares you to spend an eternity in heaven.
33:09 Amen. Amen.
33:10 I think that has to be, well, of course,
33:12 may be the first part, depending on your age.
33:15 If you're a child in the home, you're just being taught.
33:18 Just spend that quality time with Jesus
33:20 and we, as parents need to be teaching our children
33:23 each and every day.
33:24 And I know I look back
33:26 and I think how many times I failed.
33:27 How many times that the enemy had the victory over there?
33:31 But I encourage you,
33:33 don't neglect the time to have family worship at home.
33:37 And you know, recently,
33:38 we just had a wonderful convocation
33:41 and I had so many people come up and tell us,
33:43 how wonderful,
33:45 how important this Family Worship is.
33:48 I remember one gentleman saying,
33:49 "You know, we often neglect to do it ourselves,
33:53 so this is great that you're coming in
33:55 and you're doing it with us."
33:57 But I encourage everybody to make this a habit,
34:02 to make a commitment to spend that time with Jesus.
34:05 We're also told that unless we are doing this, Daria,
34:09 unless we are making Him first and foremost,
34:12 we're not going to make it to the kingdom.
34:14 We won't make heaven. Heaven will not be our home.
34:18 You know, and going back to what you--
34:20 I love the way you portrayed the story
34:22 because you put it in a perspective,
34:24 I had never quite looked at before,
34:27 as with Peter and I was thinking that my mind,
34:29 you know, even our motives
34:32 we are not to be trying to get to heaven for the riches,
34:35 for the mansions fill with gold,
34:37 the streets of gold.
34:38 It's not for the money, it's all about love.
34:42 It's all about Jesus.
34:43 And you're not gonna to love him
34:45 until you get to know him.
34:48 I'm trying to stop,
34:50 but one of the things she said is loving each other.
34:53 You see, Jesus is what you do unto the least of these,
34:55 my brethren than you do unto me.
34:58 And as Christ's disciples,
34:59 he's teaching us over and over to love one another.
35:03 He loves the sinner, He hates the sin.
35:07 And yet we're so often in our piety
35:09 as Pharisees and Scribes, they have sinned,
35:13 we must stay away from them.
35:15 And yet, Jesus, what did he do? He walks right into their home.
35:19 He says, "I'm gonna go eat with you today."
35:23 You know, and they were asking,
35:25 how can he go into a sinner's home?
35:28 He came to seek and save that which was lost,
35:31 and all we have to do is sin one time
35:33 and we are what?
35:34 Lost, without repentance.
35:37 So we are all under that penalty.
35:40 So I just think it's so important
35:42 that we spend time with Him.
35:43 And what a test a faith that the rich young ruler had?
35:48 He thought, he had everything, all his ducks in a row,
35:50 as it were, and he had such a test of faith.
35:53 And I know you can't out give God.
35:56 See, he was obviously rich, he was young,
36:00 and he was a ruler,
36:01 and he obviously had spent time in God's word
36:06 because he says, "You know, I have done all of these things
36:09 for my whole life."
36:10 But see, Jesus always goes for the root of the problem,
36:17 and on the surface even the disciples were shocked
36:20 when Jesus said that it is hard for a rich person
36:24 to enter the Kingdom of God,
36:27 but Jesus didn't look at all of the surface
36:31 of all with this young man,
36:33 this rich young ruler did and had.
36:35 He looked into his heart,
36:37 there was a stumbling block in his heart and Jesus went
36:41 and put His finger on the stumbling block.
36:44 And you know, I don't know if Sister White addresses this,
36:47 I've never known that she did,
36:49 but it appears as though the rich young ruler
36:52 walked away in the same condition
36:54 he came to Jesus.
36:55 What did she say?
36:57 Yeah, she says, He turned away sorrowful,
36:58 because he had many possessions.
37:00 And I don't think, I can't speak to that
37:03 whether he ever came back,
37:04 but I know at least at that point he had walked away.
37:07 I like what you said, and you brought out motives.
37:12 That really struck me
37:13 when you just talked about that, Mollie.
37:14 Because the motive,
37:16 he was doing the outward trappings, you could say.
37:19 He was doing what he thought he was supposed to,
37:22 but Christ knew his heart and got right to the point
37:26 that he loved certain possessions,
37:30 certain things in his life more than he loved God.
37:34 Like, that was his idol, that was his--
37:36 what was in his heart,
37:37 and I think that's what when Peter says,
37:39 "Hey, we've done this.
37:42 We've done all of this stuff, God,
37:44 don't you think what are we going to get?"
37:46 That shows motive is not right either at that point.
37:48 And how many times have I done the same thing?
37:52 Have I had a motive
37:53 for something that was not pleasing to God?
37:56 I like what you said, Chris, because all have sinned
37:59 and come short of the glory of God.
38:01 We know the wages of sin is death,
38:03 but the gift of Christ, the gift of God is eternal life
38:08 through Jesus Christ our Lord and that is the first key,
38:12 is actually just to recognize.
38:14 And we can't even recognize our sin
38:15 without the Holy Spirit.
38:17 It is the Holy Spirit who draws us to repentance,
38:19 but the Holy Spirit convicts us,
38:22 shows us our need of a savior, shows us our sin,
38:25 and then we just reach out and say, "I accept,
38:29 I accept the gift of salvation."
38:33 You know, I'm thinking when people come to us,
38:36 and we share our faith, they're gonna ask that,
38:41 "What do I get?
38:42 What is it going to profit me
38:44 to quit doing all that I'm doing?
38:47 I'm going to stop doing all these things that I love to do.
38:51 I love to smoke, and do drugs, and drink alcohol,
38:55 and go dancing on Friday night.
38:58 You know, I love to do that and you wanting me
39:01 to give all of this is up, why do I get?"
39:03 Well, that is where we need to know
39:07 the benefits of our salvation.
39:10 We need to know what we're teaching on here,
39:14 what heaven really is?
39:16 And we need to know all the joy
39:18 when the burden of our sin is rolled away.
39:21 We need to be thoroughly educated
39:27 and aware of all that is part and parcel,
39:30 all that comes with, what do we get?
39:32 With the answer to that question,
39:34 what do you get?
39:35 I remember, when I was probably
39:37 just a little younger than you, Daria,
39:38 may be 18 years old, I guess
39:40 and I remember sitting in adult Sabbath school class
39:42 and there was a precious woman, I thought she was old,
39:46 but she was probably not even 60.
39:49 Her hair had turned prematurely--
39:50 Really young.
39:51 Really young, that's right, prematurely white.
39:53 She had beautiful white hair.
39:55 But now that I think about it,
39:57 I'm sure she was in her late 50's.
40:00 And I remember we were having some discussion about heaven
40:03 and I remember she said, "If there would be no heaven,
40:07 would you want to go?
40:09 And I thought absolutely not
40:12 because would I want to follow Jesus if there is no heaven?
40:17 No. And the grave is all there is.
40:19 That's right.
40:20 That was where I was in my walk
40:22 because I thought the only reason
40:26 I'm even sort of giving up these things of the world
40:30 is because there's a hope a hereafter.
40:33 And she said, "Even if the grave was all there was,
40:36 even if there was no hope of heaven,
40:39 I would still follow Jesus because the peace,
40:44 the freedom from guilt, condemnation,
40:47 the burden of sin off my back, the joy of His salvation,
40:51 the peace that passes all understanding,
40:55 that is worth everything.
40:57 And even if there was no heaven,
40:59 I would still follow Jesus."
41:01 I've often asked myself that question over the years
41:04 and I've come to the same conclusion
41:07 because you have no peace without him,
41:10 there is no tranquility.
41:12 Another thing that you said, she is wanting to jump in here,
41:14 bless your heart, I love that Spirit.
41:16 But I've got about something else
41:18 as she said getting to the root.
41:21 And how often many of us even you at home,
41:24 how often have you felt Christ come in
41:27 and touch the root of thing that we are holding on to,
41:31 we don't want to let go.
41:32 Is this really sin, Lord?
41:34 Are you sure, are you sure I've got to let it go?
41:37 And you know, back in the day,
41:39 I didn't smoke or drink but I did like to go dancing.
41:44 And I remember somebody finally coming to me
41:46 from the church and saying, "Don't you know that's wrong?"
41:48 I'm like, "How in the world could that be wrong?"
41:51 And they had nothing within our own denomination to give me,
41:54 they gave me something from somebody else's denomination,
41:57 but I did read it,
41:59 and I did begin to understand, but you know,
42:01 that was just a beginning.
42:03 And Daria, I'm gonna pick on you
42:04 because before we started talking you said,
42:07 what age was old?
42:12 What was that again, Daria?
42:13 Thirty. Thirty.
42:15 You know, I will never want to go back
42:18 because the Lord has had to hit the route, different route,
42:21 every time you think you've got the ladder,
42:23 you're up at the top and he shows you another route,
42:27 another one, we've got to pull up and pull out.
42:31 Now Bible is a two-edged sword.
42:33 And I don't want to go back.
42:34 I was thinking, even this morning,
42:36 I'm always learning, always learning,
42:38 even about the Sabbath.
42:40 We're sitting here for a Sabbath worship, Daria.
42:42 I'm always still learning new truths.
42:45 And I just can't even imagine going back and going through,
42:49 and I can think back
42:51 to when I was probably about your age in early 20's,
42:54 how the Lord tried to show me things,
42:56 and I would say, they're just fanatical, Sister Mollie,
43:00 they're just fanatical, that can't be of the devil.
43:05 And now that I'm past 30,
43:08 I see that a lot of things really are
43:10 and I wish I had listened to Him.
43:14 God does require us to walk in the light
43:16 that keep the shining on us.
43:19 And I take great comfort in the fact
43:21 that he doesn't require me to walk in the light
43:24 that He is shining on somebody else.
43:27 God deals with us, at our pace.
43:31 And, Daria, you are young, but I have seen such growth,
43:36 and such a touch God brought in your life.
43:38 How long have you been a Christian?
43:41 Christian?
43:44 I don't know, maybe 10 years, but Adventist, six years.
43:47 Wow. Yes.
43:49 I think I gave officially in the--
43:53 but before I came into the Adventist Church,
43:55 excuse me, I gave my life to Lord
43:58 my sophomore year in high school,
44:01 and then the next year as when we became--
44:03 Excuse me, when I became Adventist.
44:05 So, Christian?
44:07 I don't know, I've always gone to church my whole life
44:09 as a child and everything.
44:10 And it was never stood out to me,
44:13 I mean, I knew about Jesus but I didn't know Jesus.
44:16 So coming into the Adventist Church
44:19 and having such godly women like you to look up to is
44:22 I think that has a lot to do with my growth
44:26 from you ladies guiding me and teaching me in
44:30 and it's a real blessing.
44:32 What a blessing of mentors.
44:34 You know, you brought up a very good point
44:36 to have those mentors.
44:37 Let's turn to Colossians 3, I like Colossians 3.
44:40 And to me, as we live daily, as we wait for heaven,
44:47 as we live out Christianity.
44:50 To me, this is just a beautiful thing
44:51 to keep the mind on Christ.
44:54 Daria, you want to start here picking up, Colossians 3:1.
44:59 Okay.
45:01 And if you want to read two or three, whatever.
45:02 Okay.
45:04 "If you then be risen with Christ,
45:05 seek those things which are above,
45:07 where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
45:10 Set your affection on things above,
45:12 not on things on the earth.
45:14 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God."
45:17 That's powerful. Amen.
45:20 Because, I think and I see, jumping in here,
45:22 I think that as we're waiting for heaven,
45:26 as we're waiting for the second coming,
45:29 as we're walking the Christian walk here below
45:32 the things that jump out to me in this verse
45:34 is to keep on my mind focused on heavenly things,
45:39 not things of the earth.
45:41 Whether it's discouraging things,
45:42 whether it's the things of the devil, whatever it is,
45:46 keep in my mind focused on Jesus,
45:49 on those things above because I am dead,
45:52 dead to the things of the world,
45:53 dead to the old life.
45:55 And the thing is as you were talking, Chris,
45:57 it's progressive because what last week I was alive to,
46:02 now this week God says,
46:04 "You don't need to be dead to that."
46:05 Now, that has to die. Oh, wow, God, yes.
46:10 He showing me going deeper into my life and say,
46:13 "Okay, right here, here's something else,
46:15 I want you to set your affections anew on me
46:17 and be dead to this."
46:20 Oh, there's just so many things.
46:22 I want to pick on Daria I little bit more
46:24 because when you were talking to her
46:27 and what she witnesses to me and she was saying,
46:31 she was so thankful that she had older ones like us
46:35 to look up and to mentor her.
46:37 But I look at you and I say,
46:40 I wish more young people had a heart and wanted live,
46:45 you know, live for Jesus,
46:47 that they wanted to set their affection on things above
46:50 because not many young people
46:51 that are 19 or 20 years of age say don't.
46:54 And that's about the time that I can think back,
46:56 even with our own children, you know,
46:59 that now even the ones that are still going to church
47:04 a lot of times
47:06 because they have adopted more things of the world,
47:09 if I even tried to--
47:11 And I have to be so cautious, sister Mollie,
47:14 just like you said, you have to be so cautious,
47:16 you know when to speak, you ask God for an open door.
47:20 You ask him for an open door,
47:21 and when I have that little-bitty crack sometimes,
47:23 I try and love to take it because, you know,
47:26 they come to an age like you are
47:28 where they don't which one to listen to mummy
47:31 or listen to daddy anymore.
47:33 And I've had them tell me, "Mom, I don't want to hear it."
47:36 They don't want to be convicted.
47:38 You know, it reminds me of my grandma,
47:40 on my dad's side, she could not read.
47:43 And she went to Forestville Baptist Church
47:46 in North Carolina and she would ask questions as I was older,
47:51 you know, about the Sabbath in our church,
47:53 and I was going to Southern Missionary College,
47:55 it's now Southern University and I came back and I said,
47:58 "Grandma, I could get you these little cassettes
48:00 and you can listen to the Bible on tape."
48:03 She didn't want it.
48:04 She didn't want--
48:06 She thought if she listened to it
48:07 she'd be accountable for it.
48:10 There's truth in that. Yes.
48:12 We will be accountable--
48:13 There is truth, but we're also accountable
48:15 for what we have opportunity to learn and we choose not to.
48:19 You know, we just need to wake up
48:23 and this last verse that she read,
48:26 "You are dead in Christ,"
48:27 just give me three days with no Bible study,
48:29 no prayer and all of a sudden I start hearing songs
48:32 I hadn't thought of in years.
48:34 I start having thoughts,
48:36 thought were just gone from my life.
48:39 You know, we have to stay connected.
48:41 We have to be plugged in
48:43 and we've got to get plugged into the right route
48:45 that vine of Jesus Christ.
48:48 So, Daria, if I can ask you in your walk with God,
48:53 I mean, you're busy, you're a college student,
48:55 now going on some missionary for a year.
48:57 How do you find time for God's word?
49:01 Get up really early. Amen.
49:04 So I find that getting up early for me,
49:07 it's such a peace,
49:09 about getting up early before everyone else gets up
49:11 and you have that time
49:12 and you just feel the presence of God moving over you
49:15 and sometimes He wakes you up before your alarm goes up.
49:19 So it's really good.
49:20 I think that's my biggest thing,
49:22 is waking up early and putting on the full armour of God,
49:26 reading my Bible, praying with Him,
49:28 because that's really the only thing
49:30 that gets me through the day
49:31 and praying in the middle of the day,
49:33 praying during the set right now, you know.
49:35 So, I think constant prayer, constant prayer
49:40 and most importantly getting up in the morning
49:42 and putting on the full armour of God
49:43 because I read that it's very dangerous not to,
49:47 very dangerous because if you forget your armour
49:50 or if you forget, even one piece of your armour,
49:52 your sword or your shield, the Satan can attack you.
49:58 You know, he can get to you some way, you know,
50:00 but it's really important to.
50:03 Amen. Amen.
50:05 That's powerful.
50:07 I love it. I love that too.
50:08 Getting up, waking up, letting God wake you up.
50:11 Have you ladies experienced that?
50:12 Oh, yes. Aah.
50:14 And sometimes, I remember asking God,
50:16 will you wake me up in the morning?
50:18 And then he woke me up, and I rolled over
50:21 and I want to wake.
50:22 When God wakes you up, you are wide awake
50:24 and if the alarm wakes me up I'm usually very tired
50:26 and so when God wakes you up and wide awake
50:28 and I remember rolling over and looking at the time
50:30 and it said 3:43, I think
50:37 and I thought God that's too early.
50:41 Oh, that's too early.
50:42 I'm going to be very tired today.
50:44 I'm going to sleep and so I said no,
50:48 to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
50:50 I went back to sleep, the alarm rang,
50:53 I was exhausted.
50:55 I felt it and that day was extra like trials,
51:00 you know, the fiery darts of Satan.
51:02 I did not have the armour on, like I should have
51:05 and I just felt God saying
51:07 that's why I tried to wake you up early.
51:09 I knew what the day was going to entail.
51:12 I knew you needed extra time in my word
51:15 and extra time in prayer
51:17 and I was like, I want to sleep instead.
51:20 So when God wakes you up, get up.
51:24 Let me just kind of give you a scenario in my house,
51:30 early in the morning.
51:31 God will wake me up and I say "Get up, Mollie"
51:36 and something in me says,
51:37 "No, I don't want to, it's cold."
51:39 Your liver have tounges, what you're saying.
51:40 Yes. Oh, yes.
51:42 Okay, I know that's a spirit in the flesh
51:46 and here who wins?
51:47 The one I tell to win. That's right.
51:49 And so, if I say, "Okay flesh,
51:52 I am crucifying the deeds of the flesh.
51:54 My spirit is willing, it's you that's weaken,
51:57 I will get up.
51:58 I will spend time with God this morning
52:00 and then I get up into it."
52:01 But there's also the flesh that says, "No.
52:04 It's too cold and you're tired and go back to sleep."
52:06 And so you make the choice.
52:10 Whatever you say, if you tell yourself,
52:14 get up and spend time in God's Word,
52:17 you will reap the rewards from that,
52:21 but if you submit to the desires of the flesh,
52:26 you suffer the consequences.
52:28 There's the difference.
52:29 You want to reap the rewards, Chris?
52:32 Or you want to suffer the consequence?
52:34 You get to make that decision. A single day.
52:37 What a powerful study. Thank you, ladies, so much.
52:40 We want to go to prayer, but before we do that,
52:42 let's go around the table and I'll have you each share,
52:44 like a thought, some sort of closing thought
52:47 and then we'll go out with prayer.
52:48 Chris, you want to start?
52:50 1 Corinthians 2:9,
52:52 "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
52:55 neither have entered into the heart of man
52:57 the things which God has prepared for them
53:01 that love Him."
53:02 Amen. Love him.
53:04 He wants us to love him.
53:06 Yeah, powerful, thank you. Daria.
53:09 Love God and love people.
53:11 It's important that we take people with us,
53:14 to have and, we have to go out in sharing the word
53:16 and we have to share the gospel with other people
53:18 so they can go too and experience heaven
53:21 like we will experience it.
53:22 So I think that's really important.
53:23 Amen, that's powerful. Mollie. Wise person win souls.
53:28 You have to remember that--
53:29 You know, I want to just, maybe,
53:31 reiterate something I said earlier.
53:33 Don't be shortsighted.
53:35 This isn't all there is. This is our training ground.
53:40 This is the time that we perfect our character.
53:45 This is the time that we allow God to do a work within us.
53:49 The only thing that you can take
53:51 into the presence of almighty God is what?
53:54 Character. It's your character.
53:56 So don't be shortsighted,
53:57 don't think this is all there is.
54:00 Use this time wisely. Redeem the time.
54:04 Use your time wisely so that in that day,
54:07 you will stand in the presence of God
54:10 with clean hands and a pure heart.
54:11 Amen.
54:13 On that note, let's go to the Lord and pray.
54:15 We know you have requests.
54:17 We know those things burdens on your heart.
54:19 So know that at 3ABN,
54:21 we are lifting them up before the Lord.
54:22 You lift them up there in your living room
54:24 or in your prison cell
54:26 or wherever you're watching just now.
54:28 And Mollie, you want to start
54:29 and we will just go around the table.
54:31 Holy Father, I come before you in the name of Jesus,
54:34 praising you and thanking you, Almighty God,
54:36 for this time that we've had to share your work.
54:40 Father, I pray now for everyone that heard your word,
54:44 if that word would be planted deep within our hearts,
54:47 father, and that by the power of your spirit,
54:49 you will seal this word in our heart
54:51 that this word will take root in it,
54:53 it will grow and it will produce
54:55 that we will be not conformed to this world
54:57 but transform by the renewing of our mind.
55:01 So, Father, we give ourselves to you
55:03 and thank you for the power that is at work within us
55:06 through your word.
55:08 Thank you, Lord.
55:09 Father, we just come before you in the name of Jesus,
55:12 and we thank you for the promise
55:14 that this life is not all there is,
55:16 and Lord Jesus, we want to accept you
55:19 as our Savior.
55:20 Lord, we want daily to spend that time in your word
55:24 and when you show us stuff
55:26 that we would crucify the old man
55:28 and that we would say, "Yes, Jesus.
55:30 I want to follow you."
55:32 And Lord, I ask daily
55:34 that we would reach out to others
55:36 and point them to you and we thank you.
55:38 Amen.
55:40 Lord, I pray that you give us the desire
55:42 to want to read your word,
55:44 the desire to praise you each and every morning Lord.
55:47 I pray that you help us to get up,
55:49 give us the strength each and every day
55:51 to get on our knees and pray to you, Lord.
55:53 I pray that you give us the hearts to want to go out
55:57 and share your word, and to love people.
55:59 Give us the hearts to love people
56:01 and to treat them
56:02 like you would want us to treat them, Lord.
56:04 Thank you so much for these ladies around this table.
56:07 Thank you for this worship. Thank you for family.
56:10 Thank you so much for everything
56:11 that you do in our lives and we love you.
56:14 Most gracious Heavenly Father,
56:15 as we continue this prayer.
56:18 It's just overwhelming to think that you looked down
56:22 and you first loved us.
56:23 Amen. Thank you.
56:25 You emptied all heaven, all of heaven.
56:29 We talked about the rich young ruler,
56:31 and he didn't want to give up his life savings,
56:36 and yet, you gave up everything in Jesus.
56:39 God you loved us enough that you said, you know,
56:42 I want them to be in the kingdom with me.
56:45 I want them to enjoy the riches of heaven.
56:48 I want them to understand what it's like to be in a place
56:52 where there is no more death, there is no more sin,
56:55 there is no more cancer, there is no more illness,
56:59 or any sort any way, any possible thing
57:04 that tears these temples down.
57:06 Thank you Father.
57:07 Again, you want us to realize
57:09 what it is to be in a presence of a Holy God,
57:12 to be able to travel to other planets
57:15 and understand what Heaven is all about.
57:18 God, we look forward to those mansions.
57:21 We look forward to seeing what pure gold is,
57:24 but most importantly,
57:25 we look forward to seeing our Heavenly Father.
57:29 Thank you. Thanks, Jesus.
57:31 Amen. Happy Sabbath.
57:34 Thank you so much for joining us, ladies.
57:36 Thank you for joining us at home.
57:38 Bye-bye.


Revised 2016-07-11