Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: J. D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), Mollie Steenson, Greg & Jill Morikone


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016019A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:10 We wish you a very happy Sabbath,
01:13 and we're so glad that we're getting to share
01:15 this time with you too.
01:17 Get into the word of God and to worship our Lord.
01:20 I'm Shelley Quinn. I'm J.D. Quinn.
01:22 And we're just thrilled to be here.
01:25 Let me introduce very quickly who...
01:27 the 3ABN family that's with us today.
01:30 First we have my very dear friend
01:32 Mollie Sue Steenson,
01:34 who is the vice-president and general manager of 3ABN.
01:38 And part of this family that gets to come together,
01:41 thank you Lord, and welcoming the Sabbath,
01:44 and just be a part together of worshipping our Lord.
01:47 Amen. Amen.
01:49 It's such a privilege.
01:50 And then we have someone
01:52 who's like a spiritual daughter to me,
01:54 and that is Jill Morikone, and Jill as with her husband
01:58 Greg Morikone, who is...
01:59 You are the production manager at 3ABN,
02:02 and Jill is the assistant to our president Danny Shelton.
02:06 And we're just thrilled to have you all here too.
02:08 Thank you.
02:09 It's a blessing to be joining for family worship, you know,
02:11 after the busy week.
02:12 I mean 3ABN is good, it's a good type of busy,
02:14 but boy, it's sure is a blessing
02:16 to have a Sabbath hours, isn't it?
02:17 Amen. And boy...
02:18 Praise the Lord,
02:20 that He gave us those Sabbath hours,
02:21 so that we can relax.
02:22 But we also want to remember to introduce someone
02:26 that is with us, who is behind the piano.
02:28 And that is Summer Boyd.
02:30 And Summer is such a blessing to 3ABN.
02:33 And such a wonderful pianist,
02:36 we're just thrilled to have her here.
02:37 Now one thing that I would like to say, you know,
02:40 it's wonderful when you can sit around a table,
02:42 and you can talk about Jesus
02:44 with your like minded brothers and sisters.
02:46 Amen. Yes, that's right.
02:48 I know that I talk to people quite often and they say,
02:52 "Oh, I wish that I had someone that believed like
02:54 I do that I can talk to, and talk freely,
02:57 and this is an opportunity
02:59 for what we're gonna review tonight
03:01 is that we can grow together.
03:03 And we can try to exchange ideas,
03:05 but work and focus off of His word.
03:08 Amen. Amen.
03:09 And our topic for this study is going to be
03:12 "Walking in the power of God,"
03:14 so we want you to just join with us,
03:18 get your Bibles out,
03:19 but first let's open with prayer.
03:21 Yeah, let's do.
03:22 Father, as we come together this Sabbath day,
03:25 we just want to thank you Lord
03:27 for Your mighty gift of life itself,
03:31 and second of all Lord, for Your plan of salvation.
03:35 And we just ask Lord as, as we sit around
03:38 and we visit and hug each other's neck,
03:41 we just ask Lord,
03:43 that You will just impress upon our hearts,
03:46 what You want us to learn.
03:47 Yes.
03:48 And Father that we can take what You give us
03:51 to help make a difference in other people's lives.
03:53 Amen. That's right.
03:54 Father, this is not about any one of us,
03:56 this is about you Lord.
03:58 And Father we thank You for the opportunity.
04:01 We ask this in the name of Jesus.
04:02 Amen. Amen.
04:04 But we always like to open with the song,
04:06 and none of us here are just what you would call,
04:09 they don't let us have a microphone and get out...
04:12 caught on the stage.
04:14 They haven't asked us to do solos lately.
04:17 Travel with the bus.
04:18 Yeah.
04:20 But, you know the Lord, it doesn't matter to Him
04:23 what we sound like,
04:24 He said, just make a joyful noise to the Lord.
04:27 So we're going to sing number 537 in the hymnal,
04:31 but the words will also be on the screen.
04:33 So sing with us, don't just sit and watch us sing,
04:36 that's boring.
04:38 Sing to the Lord,
04:39 and this song is titled "He leadeth me."
04:42 Amen.
04:48 He leadeth me! O blessed thought!
04:53 O words with heavenly comfort fraught!
05:00 Whatever I do, where're I be
05:06 Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me
05:13 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
05:18 By His own hand He leadeth me
05:25 His faithful follower I would be
05:30 For by His hand He leadeth me
05:36 Verse three.
05:37 Lord, I would clasp my hand in Thine
05:42 Nor ever murmur nor repine
05:49 Content, whatever lot I see
05:55 Since 'tis my God that leadeth me
06:02 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
06:07 By His own hand He leadeth me
06:13 His faithful follower I would be
06:19 For by His hand He leadeth me
06:26 And when my task on earth I done
06:31 When, by Thy grace, the victory's won
06:37 E'en death's cold wave I will not flee
06:44 Since God through Jordan leadeth me
06:50 He leadeth me, He leadeth me
06:56 By His own hand He leadeth me
07:02 His faithful follower I would be
07:08 For by His hand
07:10 He leadeth me
07:15 Amen. Amen.
07:16 I love that song.
07:17 When, by Thy grace, the victory's won,
07:20 and it is only by grace.
07:23 And we're gonna find out little more about that tonight
07:25 actually as we talk about
07:27 walking in the power of God's spirit.
07:30 Amen.
07:32 Now, what we'd like to do right now,
07:34 we just can't pray too much,
07:36 let's have a prayer of thanksgiving.
07:37 Yes.
07:39 And we'll just kind of go around,
07:40 doesn't have to be a long prayer,
07:42 not in any particular order.
07:43 Okay.
07:45 Who would like to start,
07:46 we're just gonna pray to the Lord.
07:48 Jill, you want to start? Sure.
07:49 Oh, Father, we come before You in the name of Jesus,
07:51 and we praise You.
07:53 We praise You for who You are,
07:54 that You're God, that You're on the throne,
07:57 that You've saved us by the blood of Jesus.
08:00 And we thank You for that gift.
08:02 Amen.
08:03 Father in heaven, thank You so much for this week
08:05 that You have brought us through
08:07 for Your guiding us,
08:08 it's the song I was talking about.
08:09 Father, we want to put our trust in You.
08:11 Yes. Amen.
08:13 And Father, I just want to thank You
08:14 for our precious families.
08:16 Yeah.
08:17 Father, those who are in love with You,
08:19 those who are still searching Lord,
08:21 we just ask in the name of Jesus,
08:22 that they will allow the Holy Spirit
08:24 to touch their heart.
08:25 Thank you.
08:27 And they will follow Your lead.
08:28 And I thank You Father for Your grace and Your mercy
08:30 and Your goodness is renewed every morning.
08:32 Thank Your Father,
08:34 we can just commit our lives into Your hands,
08:36 and know that You'll safely take care of this
08:38 in Jesus name.
08:40 Yes.
08:41 And Father we just thank You for Your plan of salvation.
08:44 We thank You Father
08:45 that You sent Your son to die for us,
08:48 while we were yet sinners.
08:49 We thank You Father
08:51 for the gift of Your Holy Spirit,
08:53 and Your word Lord.
08:54 And we're so grateful to You Father,
08:57 that salvation belongs to You.
08:59 For we know,
09:00 we could never save ourselves in Jesus name.
09:03 Amen. Amen.
09:05 Amen.
09:06 All right, well, let's just hop right into this.
09:08 What we're gonna be doing is, this is
09:12 "Walking in the power of God's spirit,"
09:15 and we're taking this.
09:17 We're going to turn scriptures into life affirmation,
09:22 and what I mean by that is,
09:24 when we are taking God's promises,
09:27 and we speak them over our life,
09:29 we pray them back to God.
09:31 And what I'm going to do is read to you
09:34 an affirmation from scripture.
09:37 And then we're going to look at the all of the scriptures
09:41 that actually support that,
09:43 so you'll understand where we got this.
09:45 Here is our affirmation.
09:48 I'm walking in the power of God's spirit.
09:51 Everything my Father requires of me,
09:54 He empowers me to accomplish.
09:57 He continues to equip me and strengthen me,
10:02 as I cooperate with Him,
10:04 He works in me to desire His will,
10:08 and to do His will.
10:10 I trust Him to cause me to be
10:13 all that He has called me to be.
10:17 I can't perfect my walk by my flesh,
10:20 I need His power to overcome my weakness.
10:24 I start with the spirit and continue by the spirit.
10:29 I'll not deny the spirit's power.
10:32 So now what we're going to do
10:34 is, look at the scriptures that support this affirmation.
10:39 There's something that, the Bible says,
10:41 "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word."
10:45 And there is something that is so powerful,
10:48 when we speak God's word over our life, for you,
10:51 you know, we speak God's word into our children's life,
10:54 praying over them, and claiming those promises.
10:58 Because it rewires this computer up here,
11:00 it really does get to us.
11:02 You know, I think not to interrupt you there,
11:05 I think this book,
11:06 "Life Affirmations From Scripture,"
11:08 was pivotal in transformational
11:10 in my own prayer life, and in my own walk with God.
11:13 Because I used to think, I enjoyed praying, and I did.
11:17 And I would come before God, and I would pray,
11:19 and I know that the Holy Spirit makes intersession for us
11:22 when we pray with growing inside
11:23 cannot be uttered, and I know that,
11:25 but I was just praying my own thoughts,
11:28 if that makes sense.
11:29 My own understanding, but when I understood,
11:32 that we can open up the word of God,
11:35 and pray God's word back to Him.
11:37 There is life-giving power in the word of God.
11:39 It revolutionized my walk with Jesus and my prayer life.
11:43 So this is powerful, what we are doing here.
11:45 Yeah, we're taking this word,
11:47 which is a living word of force.
11:48 The word of God is quick,
11:50 what's that word "quick" means alive,
11:52 living powerful, sharper than any two edged sword.
11:55 I just looked it up, Henry Ford.
11:56 And that's the power of this word.
11:58 It is.
12:00 It's not that we're not praying something
12:02 into our lives, or into our children's life,
12:05 that is not filled with life.
12:08 Amen.
12:09 We're putting into their lives, into their spirit,
12:11 a life producing--
12:13 words that have life producing potential.
12:15 Amen.
12:16 They are life creating as they go forth.
12:18 This is a quick powerful word, and it won't return void.
12:22 Amen. Amen.
12:23 Even to accomplish that thing
12:24 which God designs for it to accomplish.
12:26 And just, since we're taking that moment
12:28 to talk about this
12:30 "Life Affirmations From Scripture,"
12:31 was something that the Lord worked in me
12:33 so many years ago, when I was very, very sick.
12:36 But I had been praying His promises,
12:38 and still not feeling the faith
12:40 until He led me to the three scriptures,
12:42 Isaiah 55:11,
12:44 that says, His word is not return to void.
12:47 That's right.
12:48 He says, but it accomplishes every purpose
12:51 for which He sent it.
12:52 And Jeremiah 1:12,
12:54 God says, You're right, you sing correctly
12:57 'cause I'm watching over my word to perform it.
13:00 In Romans 4:17, it says, God who gives life to the dead,
13:05 and calls things that are not as though they already were.
13:10 So that's what we're doing,
13:11 when we pray God's promises back,
13:14 we're claiming--
13:16 See God calls things are not as though they already were,
13:19 because He knows the end from the beginning.
13:21 But this is His testimony about us.
13:24 So as we pray that back,
13:26 His word is returning to Him, not void,
13:29 because he's watching over his word to perform it.
13:31 You know, before you start,
13:33 I thought of the something long time ago,
13:34 whenever you started doing this,
13:36 how did it applied to me from the practical standpoint.
13:40 And all of a sudden, as I was talking with someone,
13:43 this just started coming out of my mouth.
13:45 I love the way the Holy Spirit guides us.
13:47 And all of a sudden here you got little Johnny,
13:51 he's going to have his eighth birthday coming up,
13:53 and he was wanting a bicycle, and he says,
13:55 "Oh, mommy, daddy, can I have a bicycle?"
13:57 And he says, "Well, I don't know Johnny,
13:59 you gonna have to kind of step up the plate a little bit,
14:02 and you need to work on cleaning your room,
14:04 helping with the bringing the groceries
14:06 in etcetera, etcetera."
14:07 The morning came, morning came, it is his birthday,
14:11 all he couldn't run,
14:13 because he'd been making his bed,
14:14 he'd been cleaning up everything,
14:16 and sure enough,
14:17 he walked into living room, his eyes got so big,
14:20 'cause there was this beautiful red bike.
14:22 And he couldn't wait to get out there on that.
14:24 Yeah.
14:25 And so mom and daddy says,
14:27 "Listen, Johnny, there are few things
14:29 that you gonna have to know before you go out there,
14:31 that you can only ride this bicycle
14:33 on the sidewalk,
14:35 you cannot get out there on that street.
14:37 There's people coming up and down,
14:38 and accidents happen.
14:40 Do you hear Johnny, please tell me that you hear."
14:42 "Oh, yes mommy, yes mommy, I hear, I hear.
14:45 That afternoon, after school, he goes out, gets on his bike,
14:48 goes out there, meets his friends.
14:51 They want to dart out on the street immediately.
14:53 He says, "No, wait a minute, I can't do that,
14:55 mommy says, we got to stay on the street.
14:58 Sidewalk. Sidewalk.
14:59 I mean on the sidewalk, thank you.
15:02 Mommy would stand the door open, he was,
15:04 oh, how proud she was that Johnny had listen to her.
15:09 And had said the same words back to them.
15:11 And all of a sudden, that made sense to me,
15:13 whenever we give the words back to Him.
15:18 Oh, I just see that God looks down,
15:20 "Oh, thank you J.D. that you were listening--
15:22 And you accepted my testimony.
15:24 And that you've given it back to me.
15:25 Yes.
15:27 And so that-- That's practical.
15:28 That is very practical and, it's a win-win.
15:32 Sure it's. Johnny wins, mommy wins.
15:35 J.D. wins, God wins.
15:37 Amen. Amen.
15:39 One more scripture, Joshua 1:8, don't you love that.
15:43 This book of law,
15:44 shall not depart out of your mouth.
15:48 But you shall meditate on it day and night,
15:50 that you may observe to do
15:52 according to all that's written there in.
15:54 For then you will make your way prosperous,
15:56 and you will have good success.
15:58 The whole purpose of the word
16:00 is for us to meditate on it day and night,
16:03 and it to change us.
16:04 Amen.
16:05 And he said, he mentioned like this.
16:07 Then we will make our way prosperous,
16:08 and be successful.
16:09 Amen. Amen.
16:11 But what we're gonna do now,
16:12 is we're going to start on our study,
16:13 Walking in the Power of God's Spirit.
16:16 And our first scripture is Ephesians 3:16,
16:22 Ephesians 3:16 I will read this,
16:25 this is coming out of the NIV.
16:27 There are several, but I chose that for this book,
16:29 because it made more practical sense.
16:34 I pray that out of his glorious riches,
16:38 he may strengthen you with power
16:41 through his spirit in your inner being.
16:45 Paul here is praying for the Ephesians,
16:48 and what does he say,
16:50 he's praying that out of God's glorious riches.
16:54 You know, God has unlimited resources,
16:58 unlimited power, unlimited everything.
17:02 Not out of us, but out of His glorious riches.
17:05 He, God, may strengthen you,
17:10 you, you, me, you at home with power.
17:15 And that word in the Greek is Dunamis.
17:18 It's dynamite power. Amen.
17:20 But how, through his spirit in your inner being.
17:26 It is only as we open up our heart to God.
17:30 And day by day we need to do this.
17:32 We need to pray, and say, you know, I tell people,
17:35 you've heard that American Express commercial
17:38 that says, "Don't leave home without it."
17:40 Well, I'll tell him, "Don't leave home without Him."
17:43 The first thing we need to do in the morning,
17:45 is pray to be filled afresh, with the spirit of God
17:49 because we were converted by God's spirit.
17:53 But to continue in our Christian walk,
17:56 we can only continue by the spirit of God.
18:00 So to me, this is a scripture, that--
18:03 and I love the whole, you know, he goes on here to say,
18:07 as you go on in Ephesians,
18:09 that Christ dwells in our heart through faith.
18:12 And that we become rooted and grounded,
18:14 and Paul say,
18:15 "Big rooted and grounded and love,
18:17 so that you can understand the height, and the width,
18:19 and the depth, and the length of God's love,
18:22 and to now to Him who's able to do it measurably
18:25 more than what you could ask or think to Him be the praise.
18:28 Amen.
18:29 I like what it says,
18:31 I pray that I have His glorious riches,
18:33 He may strengthen you.
18:34 So not only does God ask us, to come before Him,
18:36 like you mentioned,
18:37 every morning, it asked to be filled with spirit,
18:39 ask for that power.
18:41 To walk out the Christian walk,
18:43 God calls us to pray for other people.
18:45 Amen.
18:46 Not to pray for other people just,
18:47 God I ask that you bless J.D. and give him a good day today.
18:50 Father he needs power, the Holy Spirit from on high.
18:54 Amen.
18:56 So we can actually ask
18:57 for the Holy Spirit's anointing God's power
19:01 to work in the lives of other people.
19:02 Amen. Amen.
19:04 And you know something that we do.
19:06 I pray every morning and every night,
19:07 at least twice a day,
19:09 praying that God will pour out His spirit on all
19:14 who call upon His name.
19:15 There are those who are calling upon His name
19:18 who don't know Jesus Christ.
19:21 There are those who call upon His name
19:23 who are of their monotheistic religions,
19:28 they believe in God.
19:29 But they haven't learned about His sons.
19:32 So I'm just pouring,
19:34 praying that God pours out His Holy Spirit,
19:36 that way each person can be lead by God integrated truth.
19:41 You know, I like this too, 'cause it's amazing,
19:43 you know, I have an imagination ark,
19:44 and it's amazing
19:45 where you can think about all kinds of things,
19:47 imagine all sorts of stuff, excuse me.
19:49 I like this, it says,
19:50 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably
19:54 more than we can ask or imagine.
19:57 I mean, you know,
19:58 you can imagine all sorts of things.
19:59 But God is able to do more than we can even imagine,
20:02 take care of us more than we can even fathom.
20:04 Yes, amen.
20:05 He's got it all in control, comes back to faith
20:07 in my opinion that you know, okay, just trust God,
20:10 He's got it, He will take care of it,
20:12 and trust Him.
20:13 And it's in relation too are measured by
20:15 or to the extent that His power,
20:18 is it work within us.
20:19 Yeah. Yeah, and it's not our power.
20:21 And who make that decision,
20:22 how much powers it work within me?
20:23 Just as much as I will allow Him to put within me.
20:25 That's right.
20:26 He they hungers and thirst after righteousness
20:28 will be filled.
20:30 So it rest on me,
20:31 so He is going to work effectually within me,
20:35 according to the power
20:36 that I have allowed to be imparted into me.
20:38 Yes.
20:40 You know, that's a great point,
20:41 'cause I can't just sit back here in my chair and say,
20:42 "Okay, you said you're gonna do more than I can think of,
20:45 and you just stay here and dream and dream."
20:47 We have to do something about it.
20:49 That's right. Okay, yeah, that's well said.
20:51 And there's a lot of people that do sit in their chair,
20:54 and if it doesn't go just their way,
20:56 well then God's at fault.
20:57 Correct. You know, God died.
20:59 I knew that, there are some issues with him.
21:03 But boy, whenever he comes down to capital, like capital H-I-S,
21:08 we are talking about here, the creator of all.
21:11 Yep. He spoke.
21:14 It was done. Yes, sir.
21:16 And that's who owns the cattle on a thousand mountains.
21:23 That's who, it just says right here,
21:25 I know Shelley, just let me say this,
21:27 because this is powerful.
21:28 And Psalms 51,
21:30 I was looking at the owning the cattle
21:33 on a thousand hills.
21:34 Psalms 50:1.
21:35 Yes. Okay.
21:37 And I thought, wow, that's fantastic,
21:39 but then it goes up here in verse 1, Psalms 50:1,
21:43 "The mighty one the Lord has spoken,
21:45 and called the earth from the rising of the sun
21:48 towards going down."
21:50 Amen.
21:52 He is capital T-H-E. Oh, yeah.
21:56 The One. That's right.
21:57 So, that's whose glorious riches
22:00 that he is willing to share.
22:02 Amen.
22:03 So I'm going to simply now pray back Ephesians 3:16
22:09 to our Lord.
22:11 Heavenly Father, I thank You,
22:14 that it is out of Your glorious riches,
22:16 that You strengthen us with power,
22:19 through Your Holy Spirit in our inner being.
22:23 Help us to open up our heart to You Lord,
22:26 and to receive Your power.
22:28 We pray that You will pour Your Holy Spirit into us,
22:32 and into all who call upon Your name,
22:35 in Jesus' name, amen.
22:36 Amen. Wow.
22:38 Mollie Sue?
22:39 Hebrews 13:20, 21.
22:46 It says, "May the God of peace equip--"
22:48 And I'm gonna stop there with that word equip.
22:51 Do you recall when Shelley said earlier,
22:54 that it's like American Express that old commercial,
22:57 "Don't leave home without it."
23:00 Well, Jesus gave us one of those in Acts 1:4,
23:03 He told us not to leave home, He told the--
23:06 Don't leave home without this.
23:07 Let me read this to you.
23:08 And being a symbol together with Him,
23:10 he commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem,
23:13 but to wait for the promise of the Father,
23:15 which He said, you have heard from me."
23:17 Do you know what that promise was,
23:18 it was the infilling of the Holy Spirit.
23:20 That's Acts 1:8.
23:22 And this is in red, this is something Jesus said.
23:24 But you shall receive power. Amen.
23:27 When the Holy Spirit has come upon you,
23:29 and you shall be witnesses to me
23:31 in Jerusalem and Judah and Samaria
23:33 unto the ends of the world.
23:35 So he said, he told them,
23:36 "Don't leave Jerusalem without it,
23:39 because there is that power that we walk in.
23:42 So here in Hebrews 13:20 and 21,
23:45 "May the God of peace equip you--"
23:48 How does He equip you?
23:49 With the power of that Holy Spirit.
23:51 "Equip you with everything good
23:54 for doing His will, and may he work in us
23:58 what is pleasing to Him through Jesus Christ."
24:02 So I love this scripture equipping,
24:04 that equipping, the equipping of the saints.
24:07 We don't equip ourselves. That's right.
24:09 Only He can equip us,
24:10 and He's given us everything necessary
24:13 through His word, through the power of His word,
24:15 through the power of the infilling
24:16 of His Holy Spirit.
24:17 But where does it start, that equipping starts
24:20 when we realize our need for a savior.
24:21 Amen.
24:23 When we say,
24:24 "Oh, mighty God, I am wretched and lost,
24:28 and what I need is a savior,"
24:30 and Shelley then begins that equipping process.
24:32 Absolutely.
24:34 You know, in the New King James Version, it says,
24:37 "May the God of peace make you perfect
24:41 with everything good."
24:42 And the reason I chose NIV equip you,
24:46 is because some people have such a visceral reaction
24:51 to the word perfect or perfection,
24:54 when you're talking about that.
24:55 But that's what he's saying is,
24:57 and it's God who's doing the action.
24:59 Amen.
25:00 It's not us, we can't do the will of God.
25:02 That's right.
25:03 If we're not equipped by God with His Spirit.
25:05 Yeah, He equips us, and the word perfect,
25:08 I know there are people that shy away from that word,
25:12 but in my understanding of that word,
25:14 it just means mature.
25:15 Yes.
25:17 Don't we all want to mature? Yes.
25:18 Make us mature, it's a maturing process
25:20 and it's as we allow him to do that maturing process,
25:26 we've been called to be the sons of God.
25:29 Amen.
25:31 But don't yet appear what we shall be,
25:33 but we do know the theories that work,
25:35 that is going on within us, but it's a process.
25:38 Since beloved now are you the sons of God.
25:41 And as we mature, we mature into that full stature.
25:45 Yes.
25:47 I like what you said as far as process,
25:48 'cause I think that's key,
25:49 'cause an oak tree doesn't go from an acorn
25:51 to a full grown hundred foot oak tree
25:53 one day to the next.
25:54 It's a process to that maturity.
25:56 And I think that sometimes, you know,
25:57 we can get maybe impatient or wherever we think we're at,
25:59 we look at somebody else and say,
26:01 "Oh, man, they should be mature by now."
26:02 Yeah. But it's a process.
26:04 It's a daily process.
26:05 Is that becoming as many as received Him
26:07 to them gave you the power to do what?
26:09 Become.
26:10 To become is that becoming process.
26:12 That's right. Yes.
26:14 But, you know, it is one thing what you said is
26:16 we shouldn't be judgmental, we shouldn't be looking,
26:19 but there is a problem
26:20 if somebody's been in the church 20 or 30 years
26:23 and they're still in diapers.
26:25 That's true, they're still drinking the milk.
26:26 They should be the meat of the word.
26:28 Yeah, they're still,
26:29 if they are only getting the milk of the word still,
26:31 I mean, there is a maturing process.
26:33 And I think God wants us to cooperate with Him.
26:35 But I think that, you know, it brings a proportional there.
26:38 I love that word immeasurably, proportionally.
26:40 Yes.
26:41 Because some people,
26:43 they do mature more rapidly than others.
26:46 Sure.
26:47 And as we talked about while ago,
26:49 then that will be the amount of maturity,
26:52 and that will determine how they are equipped.
26:55 Yes.
26:57 And, you know,
26:58 we're looking at from a babe to a full grown man.
27:02 How in the natural, because you--
27:04 the spiritual and the natural,
27:06 they can be compared one to the other, how.
27:09 In the natural how does a baby mature,
27:12 is through the food that it takes in.
27:13 Sure.
27:14 And what is our food, or what is our spiritual food?
27:16 Is this very word, Shelley, that we're looking at today
27:19 and studying and seeing how to apply it to our lives
27:22 and how to pray it back to God.
27:24 Amen. And it become affective in us.
27:25 Amen. Amen.
27:26 Mollie, why don't you pray that scripture
27:28 back to the Lord.
27:29 Okay, Holy Father, we praise You
27:30 and we thank You for the power of Your spirit,
27:34 that is at work within us to equip us Lord,
27:38 to do every good work, and to do Your will.
27:42 Father we commend our lives into Your hands,
27:44 we give ourselves to You.
27:46 And we ask Lord, that you would do
27:49 what is pleasing to You in our lives, in Jesus name.
27:52 Praise God. Amen.
27:54 Amen. Amen.
27:55 Jill, would you like to take Philippians 2:12 and 13.
27:57 I would.
27:59 I think this is one of my favorite scriptures.
28:02 I like this one very much.
28:04 And to be honest, in my--
28:06 not that I'm the hundred year old tree,
28:09 I'm just a little sapling,
28:11 but I'm not an acorn anymore, thank you Jesus.
28:13 Praise God. Amen.
28:14 So I'm a growing sapling, but in my acorn days,
28:18 this scripture used to terrify me.
28:19 Me too.
28:21 The beginning of it,
28:22 it says, Philippians 2:12, 13.
28:25 "Therefore, my beloved as you've always obeyed,
28:29 work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,"
28:35 and if you stop there,
28:37 I did have a lot of fear and trembling
28:39 'cause if you stop at that point,
28:41 I thought I'll work out my own salvation,
28:44 God, I thought it was by grace, you're are saved through faith
28:48 and that not of yourselves.
28:49 It is the gift of God,
28:51 not of works, lest any man should boast.
28:53 So that, this scripture used to confuse me,
28:55 work out your own salvation.
28:57 In the Greek, now, Shelley, you can correct me,
29:00 because she's the resident Bible expert here.
29:03 But to me, when I studied, it work out your own salvation,
29:06 it means to carry to completion.
29:08 It's the same word you were just talking about Mollie,
29:11 that maturing processing, the perfection,
29:14 work out your own salvation.
29:16 God wants to carry to completion.
29:18 It says with fear and trembling.
29:20 I have the Andrews Study Bible and at the bottom here,
29:23 it says, with humility--
29:27 Not trusting in yourself. That's right.
29:28 With respectful obedience--
29:30 Yes. And insincerity.
29:32 But then the next verse is my favorite.
29:34 Amen.
29:36 It says fore--
29:37 Amen.
29:39 Therefore, it is God who works in you,
29:41 both you at home, us around the table,
29:43 each one of us.
29:44 Amen.
29:46 He works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
29:50 And in the Greek, the will means the wish, desire
29:53 and the do means power, the aid that He wants to give us.
29:58 So God saying,
30:00 "I know you can't work out salvation yourself,
30:03 but if you come before me in humility,
30:05 in submission and willingness to let me,
30:09 I will give you the desire to be victorious.
30:12 I will give you the desire to follow me, to follow my way,
30:16 and I'm going to give you the power,
30:19 because I know you don't have it yourself."
30:20 You know, Jill, my experience was exactly the same as yours.
30:23 I would read Philippians 2:12
30:25 and I cannot tell you how many years
30:27 I tried to perfect my flesh in my own strength
30:31 to work out my salvation.
30:34 But what actually helped me, I was maybe 21 years old
30:38 when I got my first amplified Bible.
30:41 And the way it says there
30:43 is work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
30:46 But then it goes on to say, but not in your own strength,
30:50 for it is God who works in you too willing to do.
30:54 And what I found is that when we,
30:58 how He changes our will is,
31:01 when we're willing to surrender to Him
31:03 and say, Lord, I'm willing to be made willing,.
31:06 you know, change my desires.
31:08 And that's his first act,
31:12 is He lines our will up with His,
31:15 but even when you get that desire, if you just,
31:18 as you were talking about earlier,
31:20 if you're just sitting back and you're reclined in chair
31:22 and not doing anything.
31:23 God can't work in you to act.
31:25 It takes a step of faith, and as you step out in faith,
31:29 then the power of the Holy Spirit shows up.
31:31 Amen. And God works in us to act.
31:35 Amen.
31:37 Jill, why don't you pray that back.
31:39 Father, we come before You, we thank You
31:42 that we are Your sons and daughters.
31:44 We thank You Lord Jesus
31:46 that You want to work your salvation
31:49 into each one of us.
31:50 We give you permission to do that.
31:52 Thank You that You are a God
31:53 that You are the one who is working in us just now
31:57 to give us the desire,
31:59 to line up our will, our desire with Yours.
32:02 And thank You for giving us the power
32:05 to walk this Christian life in Jesus name.
32:09 Amen. Amen.
32:11 Well, now we're going back to Mollie,
32:13 you guys are going to do one, two,
32:14 but you each chose your own scriptures.
32:17 That's right, yes. All right, Mollie.
32:19 Well, I've got Galatians 3:3, "Are you so foolish--"
32:24 Boy, how to start a scripture.
32:27 "Are you so foolish having begun in the spirit
32:31 are you now being made perfect by the flesh."
32:33 And I just want to take you back
32:36 to when you first made Jesus Christ
32:39 the Lord of your life.
32:40 How many of you remember that, all the joy of your salvation.
32:43 Yes.
32:44 So excited, you had found the creator of the universe
32:48 and you found that He loved you.
32:50 Amen.
32:51 He loved you so much, He died for you,
32:52 the joy of your salvation.
32:54 We were so quick to repent, remember that,
32:58 Jill, we could even have a bad thought and we would say,
33:02 "Oh, God forgive me," because we were close to God.
33:05 We had that--
33:07 Again, it's the joy of our salvation,
33:09 that we first sense when we--
33:12 the newness, the freshness.
33:14 Oh, and having the burden of our sin rolled away.
33:17 And we're standing before the Lord.
33:20 I like to say like little just loving God,
33:23 and ready to do anything He would have us to do.
33:27 We are so close to Him and so willing.
33:29 And we spend time in the word
33:31 and we don't know how to do much.
33:34 We've got zeal,
33:35 we've got more zeal than we know what to do with,
33:38 not to wits worth of wisdom, but, oh, we love the Lord.
33:41 Yeah. The joy of our salvation.
33:44 We began in the spirit.
33:46 Did Jill begin in the spirit?
33:47 Oh, we began in the spirit.
33:49 And then, Mark talks about the cares of this world,
33:55 that start mounting up on us.
33:58 And we start looking at the situations,
34:03 we start looking at the circumstances.
34:05 We get so busy, we start doing this,
34:08 we get real busy for God sometimes
34:11 at the sake of our relationship with God.
34:14 And if you're not careful,
34:17 if we don't keep ourselves in that freshness
34:23 and that place with God, where we're sensitive to Him.
34:26 And the drawing of His spirit,
34:29 then we're going to find us falling into that area
34:33 where He's had begun in the flesh
34:35 are now you may perfect,
34:37 or began in the spirit are now you may perfect
34:40 by the flesh, start relying on our flesh.
34:42 Start instead of being sensitive to the spirit,
34:46 and I know
34:47 none of y'all at this table have ever done this.
34:50 When God by the power of His Spirit convicts you
34:53 there's something you're doing is wrong.
34:55 I thought you're having is wrong in action,
34:57 and you start justifying it.
35:00 And you start rationalizing it. Oh, yeah.
35:02 You've just changed
35:03 from that sensitivity to the spirit,
35:05 and you've morphed yourself
35:07 into the rationalizations of the flesh.
35:11 Oh, Lord, let us repent of that.
35:13 Amen.
35:14 Yeah, you know, when you think about--
35:17 I mean this scripture,
35:18 God spoke so clearly to me one day in prayer,
35:21 because I was trying to learn how to surrender to Him,
35:25 and I just confess,
35:26 and I don't know about those of you at home.
35:29 But I've tried so many years
35:32 trying to perfect my walk in the flesh,
35:34 not relying on the spirit.
35:36 You know, if only I could study more,
35:37 if I could do pray more.
35:39 To do more.
35:40 If I could more, do more, do more.
35:41 And so, as I am praying, the Lord gave me
35:46 'cause I was praying 1 John 2:6,
35:48 that those who are in Christ must walk as He walked.
35:53 And I realized, "Boy, I don't," and I'm just upset before God.
35:57 And so I'm just really seeking Him,
36:00 and suddenly God gave me this picture
36:03 in my mind.
36:05 And there was a little bitty sugar ant
36:07 next to this huge elephant,
36:10 millions of times bigger than that little sugar ant.
36:12 And here's what the Lord impressed upon my mind,
36:15 this thought.
36:16 Shelley, your greatest strength
36:18 is like that of this little sugar ant
36:23 in comparison mine is like the elephant.
36:27 And it's like how do you think
36:29 that you can perfect your Christian walk
36:31 in that little strength,
36:33 when all I ask of you is to be yoked with me
36:37 and rely on my power.
36:40 That totally, boy,
36:41 that visual totally changed my Christian walk.
36:45 Amen. And God showed me that.
36:47 That's an incredible.
36:49 Yeah, it is. It is.
36:50 And God gets all the glory, it's not for me,
36:52 He spoke that clearly to me
36:53 just to impress that thought upon my mind,
36:56 but you think of this little bitty sugar ant,
36:58 this huge elephant.
37:00 And all of a sudden if the ant is yoked with the elephant,
37:03 who is carrying the weight?
37:04 The elephant. Oh, absolutely.
37:06 Yeah.
37:07 So see, it's not that,
37:08 if I can eat more strict vegan diet
37:12 or and I'm not there's wonderful things
37:14 about the vegan diet,
37:17 but that's not going to save you.
37:19 No, it's right.
37:20 And all of these things that we try to do in the flesh--
37:23 I mean that's what when He was riding to the Galatians,
37:26 they had Judaizers coming there trying to get them to,
37:30 not only believe in Christ,
37:31 but to do all of these other things, you know,
37:33 like being circumcised and all of this.
37:36 And Paul saying to him,
37:37 "You foolish Galatians,
37:40 you gonna try to perfect your walk in the flesh.
37:42 All we need to do is rely on the Holy Spirit
37:44 and then God gives us the power to walk in obedience."
37:47 Yeah. Yeah.
37:49 I know many times that, you know,
37:51 trying to break it down,
37:52 that if you feel the Holy Spirit is there
37:56 to send up the red lights or whatever.
37:58 You know, their lives get amber in your life, you know,
38:01 wait a minute here.
38:03 And do I run this red light, or do I stop.
38:05 I've board many times, it says,
38:07 "Oh Lord, thank you Jesus, but increase my faith.
38:11 Because I don't want to get over here
38:14 where I'm trying to be perfect in the flesh,"
38:17 because you know if you've lived enough years,
38:19 you know that itself,
38:20 you'll flunk out there real quick.
38:22 That's true.
38:23 Mollie, you want to pray that back?
38:25 Okay, I thought Jill had an answer coming.
38:27 Oh, I was just going to say, you know, in my own walk,
38:31 I believe that I want to begin in the spirit.
38:33 And I believe that I'm walking in the spirit,
38:35 but it's amazing that just every day
38:38 throughout the day circumstances can arise
38:41 and all of a sudden I'm switching.
38:42 Yes. Amen.
38:44 And I'm thinking, I'm walking in the flesh now,
38:46 and I thought I began in the spirit,
38:48 and I did begin in the spirit.
38:50 And I want to walk with the spirit, in the spirit,
38:53 and all of a sudden something happens,
38:55 and my flesh comes, and I make a response
38:59 out of the natural heart of Jill.
39:00 Yes.
39:01 Instead of submitting to the power of the elephant
39:04 and I don't mean that in a disrespectful way.
39:05 No.
39:07 But allowing God to pour His spirit into me.
39:09 So I think this verse, right here
39:11 is a moment by moment battle.
39:12 Yeah, it is.
39:14 And how do we get from the flesh to the Spirit,
39:16 God forgive me.
39:17 Yes. And what does He do?
39:19 He forgives us. He'll forgive.
39:20 And we're back in right relationship with Him.
39:21 You know, Mollie, you were mentioning about
39:23 as far as trying to justify,
39:24 like when the Holy Spirit speaks to us.
39:26 This happened to me recently within our work in production,
39:28 I had several staff members that I had said some things to,
39:31 and boy I feel conviction from the Holy Spirit.
39:33 I should not have said that to them, you know.
39:35 And so anyway,
39:36 I wrestled with this through the rest of that day,
39:38 trying to justify what I had said to them,
39:40 like I was good, it was accurate,
39:42 you know everything.
39:43 But it was the spirit how I said it.
39:45 Yeah.
39:46 So anyway, the rest of the day through the night,
39:47 you know I obviously slept, but it was not that well.
39:50 And anyway, I said,
39:51 "Okay, God, I got to go to these
39:52 several staff members and crew members and say,
39:55 you know, I'm sorry, you know I messed up and so."
39:56 Praise God.
39:58 Man, as soon as I made that,
39:59 you know said yes to Holy Spirit.
40:00 Amen. Ease.
40:02 I felt much better, even though
40:03 I hadn't said anything to the staff members
40:04 or the crew members yet,
40:06 and of course you know I did.
40:07 But it's funny how sometimes you can wrestle with that,
40:09 and just say,
40:10 "No, Holy Spirit no, I know I was right.
40:13 That was true, and but it was not the spirit you how you said
40:15 it was not correct and so."
40:17 Greg just wait till you are our age,
40:19 and you're thinking how can we not learn that lesson,
40:21 'cause we still go through,
40:23 don't you still do some struggling.
40:24 Well, I'm disappointed in myself,
40:25 'cause this was recent, you know,
40:27 it was like, "Oh my gosh."
40:28 Yeah, but what I'm saying is, at your age, you know,
40:29 you add the number of years of difference between you and us.
40:34 And you would think that we would finally learn
40:36 that as soon as the Holy Spirit impresses us,
40:40 that we would respond immediately
40:41 because He's always right.
40:43 And that's all He's-- Thank You Jesus.
40:45 It's all where you get the peace,
40:47 but there's still the times that you sit and you struggle
40:50 for that 24 hour period or something.
40:52 Oh, yeah, it's terrible.
40:53 Lord, why didn't I just respond?
40:55 And then you wonder why I struggled for so long,
40:57 I should have just said yes to the Holy Spirit right there.
40:59 Yeah, yeah. Well, it's a hard lesson.
41:01 And hopefully as years go by, you will do it more quickly.
41:03 Yeah, amen.
41:05 Because the older you get, the less you won't hassles.
41:07 Yeah.
41:08 Not just the physical hassles of everyday life,
41:10 but you know just, you just want to be cleaned up.
41:15 Amen. That's right.
41:17 Amen. Be cleaned up.
41:18 So how to pray this, Galatians 3:3, pray,
41:21 "Yes, God, we're foolish."
41:22 I think that's how I start this.
41:24 Amen. No, good.
41:25 Holy Father, we do recognize that we do walk in foolishness,
41:30 and we ask You to forgive us of that.
41:31 And Father, now we speak over our lives
41:34 that we know we began in the spirit,
41:36 because we began by accepting You as our Lord and our Savior.
41:39 Amen.
41:40 We ask now, oh Father that you would draw us
41:44 and continue to convict us
41:46 by the power of Your spirit that we will not,
41:51 as we began in the Spirit,
41:52 now try to perfect our salvation through the flesh.
41:54 Yes.
41:55 But Holy God, we will by the power of Your spirit
41:59 continue to grow in your nurturing your admonition,
42:02 and we thank You for it in Jesus name.
42:05 Amen. Amen.
42:06 Amen. Amen.
42:08 All right.
42:09 Well, we're back to, Jill.
42:11 You boys are going to get a chance here...
42:12 All right, Jill, let's...
42:14 We're doing okay. Oh, one of my favorites.
42:15 Mine too.
42:17 2 Corinthians 12:9,
42:19 and this is in the midst of Paul's discussion praying,
42:22 asking God to remove his thorn in the flesh,
42:25 and then God answers with this, the scripture.
42:27 2 Corinthians 12:9, this is from an NIV.
42:30 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power..."
42:37 King James says strength, but I like power a better,
42:39 because in the Greek, that is power.
42:41 It is definitely power. It is dunamis.
42:42 "For my power, is made perfect in weakness."
42:46 And you know,
42:48 many times we wake up and we feel strong in Jesus.
42:51 You know, I've spent my time with God
42:53 and I'm feeling strong, but I'm just being honest.
42:56 Some days I wake up, and I feel weak.
42:59 And I say God, "I can't even face this day
43:03 or I can't go apologize like you asked me to
43:06 or I can't do what you've called me to do today,
43:10 God I'm weak."
43:12 But He says, my grace is sufficient,
43:16 My power it's made perfect.
43:18 And I think when we realize we are weak,
43:22 and that's when God can pour in His power
43:24 and that's when He can use us most effectively.
43:28 What I really, what catches my word in the scriptures,
43:32 the word sufficient,
43:35 because I think that
43:37 we all know what a speed bump is.
43:40 Yes, I've hit them.
43:41 So we go down, and we hit a speed bump.
43:45 And, boy, that speed bump can disrupt us.
43:48 Yes, it sure does.
43:49 Call Jesus.
43:51 He hears us.
43:53 "It's all right J.D., my grace is sufficient.
43:57 But then there's those days
43:59 where you run across a Pikes Peak.
44:02 If you don't know where Pikes Peak is,
44:03 it's one of the highest peaks areas
44:05 in Colorad in the United States.
44:07 No longer a speed bump, Pike's Peak and you say,
44:11 "No way, Lord,"
44:13 but he uses the same terminology.
44:14 Yes, he does. It's good. It's good.
44:16 That's all right J.D.
44:18 My grace is sufficient.
44:21 And, oh, we talk about the God that owns all the cattle.
44:26 Yep.
44:28 Realizes the rising and the setting of the sun,
44:31 He says, "Sufficient I can give you..."
44:34 Amen.
44:36 "My grace."
44:37 Amen.
44:38 And you know, if we think about grace,
44:40 sometimes at least for me, I used to kind of have this
44:44 ethereal idea of what grace was.
44:47 But if you think it's God's unmerited favor,
44:49 His unearned, undeserved gifts that He gives to us.
44:55 What are His three greatest gifts?
44:57 For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son,
45:02 but whosoever believed in Him would not perish
45:04 but have everlasting life.
45:06 So Christ Jesus is His greatest gift.
45:09 Amen.
45:10 And then you've already read it, Acts 1:8.
45:13 When he said wait for the promise from on high,
45:15 the gift of the Holy Spirit and then the gift of this word.
45:20 Amen.
45:22 This living active word.
45:24 So if you look at those
45:25 as the three greatest gifts of grace,
45:29 all of a sudden you've got to understand
45:32 the gifts to understand the effects of grace.
45:36 And now you can see that grace is Christ,
45:39 the Holy Spirit and His Word.
45:42 That's why it's sufficient for us,
45:44 that's how His powers made perfect in our weakness.
45:47 Amen.
45:48 Okay, we still have a couple more to go to, so,
45:50 Jill, pray that one back please.
45:52 Father, we thank You.
45:53 We thank You for Your grace.
45:56 We thank You that Your grace is sufficient
45:59 in every time of our need.
46:01 When we need it God, Your grace is there.
46:03 We thank You that Your power
46:06 is made perfect in our weakness.
46:09 And we accept Your power just now, in Jesus' name.
46:12 Amen. Amen. Amen.
46:14 Thank you, Jill, for praying it that way,
46:16 for saying we accept it,
46:17 because someone at home needs to hear this right now.
46:20 You may be feeling weak, you may be feeling like
46:23 "Oh, Lord, this has been, you know,
46:25 what's wrong with me, Lord?
46:26 How could I blow it so badly this week?"
46:29 But all you have to do as Mollie said earlier is
46:32 pray and repent, He will forgive you.
46:34 And then pray for the Holy Spirit,
46:37 and open your heart and say,
46:39 Lord, we accept it, we receive it.
46:42 I received this from you now.
46:44 Amen. Amen.
46:45 J.D., it's your turn.
46:47 One boy, one of the boys...
46:50 We've had fun commenting that...
46:51 Boy, we have. This is good study.
46:54 I love this.
46:55 I love the scripture because
46:57 I've learned a number of things about myself whenever I...
47:01 and that's Philippians 4:13.
47:03 We're familiar with for Philippians 4:13, because,
47:06 you know, I can do all things through Christ
47:08 who strengthens me.
47:10 We all interpret
47:11 and we all decipher information differently.
47:14 Now, that's from the King James,
47:16 and the New King James.
47:17 But let me read it to you
47:19 in the translation of the amplified.
47:22 "I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me."
47:27 I am ready for anything,
47:29 I'm equal to anything through Him
47:32 who infuses His inner strength into me."
47:37 I can see that because when I do hit that speed bump,
47:41 when I do see Pike's Peak.
47:43 "Oh, Lord."
47:47 I don't need that little sugar ant.
47:49 Yeah.
47:50 I need God to represent here as the elephant, you know.
47:54 And I can hear him say,
47:57 "Okay, my son, I will empower you."
48:00 Amen.
48:01 That's what we're talking about here,
48:03 the walking in the spirit of God's power.
48:06 I will empower you, I will infuse the inner strength
48:10 that you need at that particular time,
48:13 so that you can handle this particular situation.
48:16 So thank you Jesus.
48:18 Yeah, I can't begin to tell you
48:20 how many times I've been up against something
48:22 or had to do something.
48:25 Like occasionally Pastor Lomacang
48:27 will ask me to teach at church, to fill the pulpit.
48:31 And I just, and I feel so inadequate about doing that,
48:35 and I except, and then
48:37 I just fuss it myself for weeks before him saying,
48:41 just call him and tell him no, you know, and I,
48:43 how many times I've had to say to myself, I can't do this.
48:48 But through Christ, I can do all things.
48:50 I can do this,
48:52 but it's only through Christ as He strengthens me.
48:55 I can get through this day,
48:57 no matter what's coming against me,
48:59 but it's only through Christ as He strengthens me.
49:02 And so we can go up against Pikes Peak,
49:06 immeasurable odds when we realize, boy,
49:10 I can't do it, I can't do it,
49:12 but through Him as He strengthens me,
49:15 I really can, I can do all things
49:17 but only as He strengthens me.
49:19 Amen. Amen, Thank You Jesus.
49:21 That's what God wants to do.
49:22 You know, you think, no matter what we face,
49:24 it could be a cancer diagnosis, you know,
49:26 it could be a marriage falling apart.
49:29 It could be, your kids have walked away from Jesus.
49:33 It could be something we think is simple,
49:35 but it's very difficult as
49:37 going and asking forgiveness like Greg shared.
49:40 It could be any number, or speaking for, you know,
49:43 in front of a crowd if that's not your natural thing.
49:45 Whatever it is, we can do all things.
49:48 Only through Him. Through Christ, as He empowers.
49:51 Yes. Amen.
49:52 You know, lot of times you may look, I'm sorry, Mollie.
49:54 No, I just said that's beautiful.
49:55 Okay, because a lot of times
49:56 we may look at something ahead of us like Pikes Peak,
49:58 you can see that off in the distance,
50:00 sometimes you could see an obstacle in the distance,
50:02 and you're like, "Oh my goodness, let's see,
50:04 I don't have enough fuel in my gas tank.
50:05 I don't think my gear ratio
50:06 is good enough to get up this hill.
50:08 I don't even know if my little bitty,
50:10 little car will even make it up Pike's Peak."
50:11 But, you know, it's interesting when you get to that point,
50:14 that's when God actually can give you the power,
50:16 'cause you can look where you currently are and say,
50:17 "Oh my, see the last days are coming up, the final days.
50:20 I don't know that I can even go through that."
50:22 But as we prepare ourselves, get fuel in the tank,
50:24 make sure our little car is ready to go.
50:26 God gives us the power at that point,
50:28 'cause I've been backpacking before
50:29 and you look up that mountain
50:31 and you see all those switchbacks.
50:32 And you're like, "I don't think I can make it,"
50:34 but step by step pretty soon
50:36 you're at the top of Pikes Peak.
50:38 So I think that's the key.
50:39 I want to just put a little addendum.
50:41 Please.
50:42 To after I've been through the weeks of,
50:44 I can't do this only through You as You strengthen me.
50:47 I don't, and it doesn't matter like Jill was saying
50:48 what that situation is.
50:50 The times I've walked off of the platform or whatever,
50:55 and just God was there.
50:58 He empowered me and strengthened me.
51:01 Amen.
51:02 I'm so glad, I did that, I'm so glad, I didn't quit,
51:04 I'm so glad I have relied on Him.
51:07 Because now I feel victorious in Him,
51:10 because He did strengthen me.
51:12 And that prepares you for the next battle,
51:14 you know because we look back and...
51:15 Amen.
51:17 You know this is biblical, he says,
51:18 let's back and see where those altars are, and remember.
51:21 Amen.
51:22 Amen. Amen.
51:24 Jill or J.D?
51:25 Oh, J.D., yes.
51:27 Oh, Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus,
51:29 we just want to thank You Lord that You are there.
51:31 Amen.
51:32 That You are the rock, Lord that we can call upon you
51:35 at any time and knowing
51:36 that You have ears to hear and eyes to see.
51:38 And that You will empower us to get past the obstacle,
51:41 that perhaps is in our way.
51:43 Father that You will infuse, You're gonna strengthened us.
51:45 Yes, absolutely.
51:47 So that we can accomplish,
51:49 and fulfill our destiny on this earth
51:50 according to Your plan, Lord.
51:53 We love You, and we thank you again.
51:54 Amen.
51:56 Amen. Amen.
51:57 Well, Greg, we got 2 Timothy 3:1-5 for you.
52:03 Okay.
52:04 And this comes from the NIV.
52:06 I like this translation here, how this text is described.
52:09 So 2 Timothy 3:1-5.
52:12 It says, "There will be terrible times
52:15 in the last days..."
52:17 Then it goes on to describe this.
52:19 "People will be lovers of themselves,
52:22 proud, unholy, unforgiving without self-control.
52:27 Lovers of pleasure, rather than lovers of God..."
52:31 Serious.
52:32 Then this last part.
52:34 "Having a form of Godliness, but denying its power,
52:39 have nothing to do with him."
52:41 Yeah.
52:42 Serious text, obviously we're in the last days,
52:45 I believe that, without a shadow of a doubt.
52:46 Yes.
52:47 You know, and when I pick this text, you know,
52:50 when I was reading it, you know, you look at yourself.
52:54 You know I don't want to be a lover of the world
52:55 that's for sure, but you know, I do find aspects of the world.
52:59 I'm not a perfect person in my own life.
53:01 You know, so I see things in there, and I'm like,
53:02 "Dear God, please take those things from my life,
53:05 because that's not what I want to be.
53:07 I, you know, there's things maybe that I are little idols
53:10 sort of speaking, you enjoy this.
53:12 And I know I shouldn't like, you know, like, for example,
53:16 it may be nothing big, but may be just
53:18 how much time I give to God.
53:20 Like you're saying, you don't want to just stay
53:21 in the milk of the word, you should be progressing.
53:23 So it's like, "God, I should give you
53:24 more time than I should."
53:26 You know, things like that, 'cause I don't want to be,
53:30 I guess a bad influence, because this last part.
53:32 Having a form of Godliness, someone can look a certain way,
53:35 like I think in these wax museums,
53:37 where they have a look alike of something.
53:39 Oh, that's good.
53:40 Man, it looks realistic, does it?
53:41 That's good.
53:43 It looks like, if there was a wax,
53:44 there is nothing like that of me,
53:45 but there's a wax with wax image of me,
53:48 would that be the correct term.
53:49 I guess. Yeah.
53:50 But it's not me and there's no power,
53:52 it can't walk, can't talk.
53:53 So I don't want to have a form of Godliness,
53:56 but deny the power, the power is who?
53:58 Jesus. God.
53:59 God's the one that has the power.
54:01 The Holy Spirit. Amen.
54:02 So we can look at Christian, but we don't.
54:05 Go to church, every Sabbath.
54:06 You can, you can say all the right things,
54:08 you can do all the right things,
54:10 like you're saying vegan,
54:11 nothing against vegan, whatever.
54:12 But it doesn't save you,
54:14 it's not the power that's in you.
54:15 It's Jesus Christ that's the power in you.
54:16 So it's to me, this text is a daily passage for me.
54:20 We're in the last days.
54:21 Man, I can be sucked off into the world easily,
54:23 any of us can be so.
54:24 Yeah. Yeah.
54:26 Anyway that's my prayer.
54:28 Amen.
54:29 So I think the only way to pray that one back is to pray that,
54:33 we will never deny that power.
54:36 Yes.
54:37 And, you know, it's interesting that when he says,
54:40 have nothing to do with these people who are
54:43 so ungrateful, unholy without loving,
54:45 unforgiving, slanderous, brutal,
54:47 not lovers of the good, the treacherous.
54:50 I think that we have to be careful,
54:53 bad company corrupts good morals the Bible says.
54:55 That's true.
54:57 So we do have to be careful and pray for those people.
55:00 Absolutely.
55:01 But we shouldn't make them our constant running companions,
55:05 because we become what we behold.
55:07 Absolutely.
55:08 So, Greg, you want to pray.
55:10 Sure.
55:11 Father in heaven, we do realize that we are in the last days.
55:14 And we do want to be careful with the company,
55:16 and the things of the world that we spend our time with.
55:20 And Lord, doing, I just pray that in our own lives though,
55:23 that we would look in our own lives,
55:25 because it's easy, the devil is so slick, so subtle,
55:30 that we don't even realize
55:31 that we can being sucked into the world.
55:33 So, Father, we want to have, not just look like Christians
55:36 and say the right things, do the right things.
55:38 We want to actually have you in us.
55:41 So the things that are coming out of us are true and right
55:44 and it's the true power that is in us.
55:47 So, Father, we're thankful that You are so willing,
55:50 for we just want to accept that right now, that the power,
55:52 your power in us can work mighty things,
55:54 and in Jesus name we pray.
55:56 Amen.
55:57 Amen. Amen.
55:59 And I really appreciated your,
56:01 the idea of the wax model, that's amazing.
56:02 That's really good.
56:04 So let me pray this affirmation back,
56:06 we spoke at first,
56:07 let me pray it back to the Lord now.
56:09 Father, we thank you that we are walking in your power
56:13 and that everything You require of us,
56:15 Lord, You empower us to accomplish.
56:17 Thank You that You equip in us.
56:19 Thank You that You strengthen us,
56:20 and you'll complete this good work You've begun in us.
56:23 Thank You, Father, that as we cooperate with You.
56:25 You'll work in us to willing to do your good pleasure.
56:28 And that You causes to be all that You've called us to be.
56:32 Father, help us always to remember that
56:34 we cannot perfect our walk by the flesh,
56:36 that we need Your power to overcome our weakness.
56:38 Amen.
56:40 And thank You Father,
56:41 that we started with the spirit,
56:43 help us to always continue by the spirit.
56:44 Amen.
56:46 And never to deny the spirit's power in Jesus name.
56:49 Amen. Amen.
56:51 Well, I can't believe how fast this went.
56:53 Thank you so much for joining us.
56:55 Thank you for having us.
56:57 And we want to thank you at home for joining us.
56:59 J.D., you want to have a closing prayer?
57:02 Yes.
57:03 Father as we come to You again, we just want to thank You Lord,
57:05 that we can call upon Your name.
57:07 And Father, that we can be confident
57:09 that you do hear our plea.
57:10 Amen.
57:11 And Father, that you are there to work in us,
57:15 so that we can be all that we could be in Your name.
57:18 Again, we love You and thank You in Jesus' name.
57:19 Amen.
57:21 Amen. Amen.
57:22 Thank you so much.
57:24 And just for those of you at home,
57:25 remember that the Sabbath in Exodus 31:13, God says,
57:28 it is a sign that
57:30 He is the one who is sanctifying us.
57:33 Thank you so much for joining us
57:34 and we'll see you again hopefully next time.
57:36 God bless. Amen.
57:38 God bless.


Revised 2016-06-02