Participants: C.A. & Irma Murray (Host), Jorge & Lynette Jaque
Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW016017A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:19 Removing pain 00:24 Lord, let my words 00:30 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:46 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Hello, and welcome to family worship. 01:09 Welcome to our home as it were. 01:11 And if you are beginning the Sabbath, 01:14 heading into the Sabbath on Friday night watching this, 01:17 or perhaps some of you are at the end of the Sabbath, 01:21 you're watching this on a Saturday evening 01:22 beginning the untried hours of the brand new week. 01:25 We wish for you a happy week. 01:27 And if you are watching it on Friday night, 01:29 we wish for you a happy Sabbath. 01:31 Whatever experiences yours, thank you for joining us. 01:34 I'm with my wife Irma, 01:36 and our good friends 01:37 the Jaque's, Lynette and Jorge 01:41 who spend a lot of time at our house. 01:44 And we spend a lot of time at their house. 01:46 Their house. 01:47 When we see them, we actually expect a smoothie, 01:49 but we're settling for water, because that's what we've got. 01:53 So we're praising the Lord for the water. 01:55 Because our bread and water is sure 01:57 unless we go to Jorge's 01:59 then our bread and smoothie is sure. 02:01 But we enjoy them so very, very much. 02:04 This program is kind of an eclectic blend of stuff, 02:09 that I'm calling 02:11 "Sermons From the Attic." 02:13 It's... 02:15 actually I found this stuff in my basement, 02:16 but Sermons on the Attic sounds 02:18 better than Sermons from the basement. 02:19 You know, it just sounds a better, a little better, 02:22 a little bettering. 02:23 Over the years, Irma knows, 02:25 we are both in our own ways kind of pack rattish. 02:30 She I think worse than I. 02:32 When I find sermon bits, cute sayings, witty things, 02:36 things that make you think, 02:37 I tend to file them in different folders. 02:39 And over the last couple of days, 02:41 we've been going through piles of stuff, 02:43 throwing out some things, keeping some things, 02:45 and I found some old things 02:46 that I used to use in prayer meeting 02:48 at my church as years ago, 02:49 that I thought we bring out including a child's book 02:51 that we're gonna read some. 02:53 Very heavy thoughts from child's book, 02:55 I think an adult wrote it under the guiles of the child. 02:58 But we found some stuff, so he said, 03:01 let's bring this for prayer meeting, 03:02 because it may be a blessing to you, 03:04 and it is going to be a blessing for us 03:07 we feel and are sure, 03:10 so Lynette and Jorge, good to have you here. 03:13 Thank you for having us. 03:14 And always good to have Irma by my side. 03:17 Somehow, you've grown my dear. 03:21 Cheating a little bit. Indeed yes, indeed. 03:23 That's a lovely pillow you're sitting on there. 03:25 Praise the Lord. Cheating in enhancing. 03:27 Enhancing. It's enhancing. 03:29 Thank you, Lynette. 03:31 We do have a good time with each other, 03:34 and the Murray's love the Jaque's very, very much. 03:36 Yes, we do. 03:37 And we feel they're great people. 03:39 Going to ask you to turn with me in your hymn note 03:41 should you have one and hopefully you will 03:44 have one or can grab one. 03:46 The words will appear, so you're not bereft of words, 03:50 but we want to go to 470, 03:52 there is indeed sunshine in my soul today. 03:55 And as we are here and were we to look outside, 03:58 we would indeed see sunshine. 04:00 We're going to do just three stanzas 04:02 one, two, and four 04:04 of the sunshine in my soul today, 470. 04:10 All right, here we go. 04:12 There's sunshine in my soul today 04:17 More glorious and bright 04:21 Than glows in any earthly sky 04:26 For Jesus is my light 04:31 O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine 04:36 When the peaceful, happy moments roll 04:41 When Jesus shows His smiling face 04:45 There is sunshine in my soul 04:49 And stanza number two. 04:50 There's music in my soul today 04:55 A carol to my King 05:00 And Jesus, listening, can hear 05:04 The songs I cannot sing 05:09 O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine 05:15 When the peaceful, happy moments roll 05:19 When Jesus shows His smiling face 05:24 There is sunshine in my soul 05:28 And that last stanza. 05:30 There is gladness in my soul today 05:34 And hope, and praise, and love 05:39 For blessings which He gives me now 05:44 For joys "laid up" above 05:49 O there's sunshine, blessed sunshine 05:54 When the peaceful, happy moments roll 05:59 When Jesus shows His smiling face 06:04 There is sunshine in my soul 06:10 When I was in college, and I was leading song service, 06:14 everybody knew sooner or later, 06:16 we're gonna sing there's sunshine in my soul today. 06:18 I think in the old hymnal with 608 06:21 or something like that, 06:22 but they would just put their finger there 06:24 'cause sooner or later they knew it was coming. 06:26 And I never disappointed them. 06:28 We always sang sunshine at least once. 06:30 And a couple of other songs were kind of my favorite. 06:32 Now we're gonna go to 152, one five two, 06:36 which is tell me the story of Jesus. 06:40 Years ago, actually, when I was in London, 06:43 we were home on a Friday evening, 06:45 and we decided to sing our way through the entire hymnal. 06:49 Just a bunch of us sitting around, 06:51 we sang from everything we knew, 06:52 all the way through. 06:53 It took us about three and a half hours or so, 06:57 but we got through everyone, there that we knew. 06:59 And which is most of them, 07:00 because we didn't sing all stanzas, 07:02 just one and done, you know, kind of thing. 07:03 Yeah. 07:04 So we're gonna do 152, which is 07:06 "Tell me the story of Jesus." 07:12 Here we go, and... 07:14 Tell me the story of Jesus 07:19 Write on my heart every word 07:25 Tell me the story most precious 07:30 Sweetest that ever was heard 07:35 Tell now the angels, in chorus 07:40 Sang as they welcomed His birth 07:45 Glory to God in the highest 07:50 Peace and good tidings to earth 07:56 Tell me the story of Jesus 08:01 Write on my heart every word 08:07 Tell me the story most precious 08:12 Sweetest that ever was heard 08:15 And the last stanza, number three. 08:17 Tell the cross where they nailed Him 08:23 Writing in anguish and pain 08:28 Tell of the grave where they laid Him 08:33 Tell how He liveth again 08:38 Love is that story so tender 08:43 Clearer than ever I see 08:49 Stay, let me weep while you whisper 08:54 Love paid the ransom for me 08:59 Tell me the story of Jesus 09:05 Write on my heart every word 09:10 Tell me the story most precious 09:15 Sweetest that ever was heard 09:21 Amen. 09:22 We did not introduce our 09:25 fifth guest or fifth person in the room 09:27 and that is Miss Summer Boyd, 09:29 who is playing on the piano, 09:31 and we thank you so very much Summer for joining us. 09:37 She said, you're very welcome as you couldn't hear. 09:39 All right. 09:40 Sing them over again to me 09:42 wonderful words of life, 09:44 286, 09:46 286. 09:58 Okay. Are we there? 09:59 We are. All ready, here we go. 10:02 All right, Summer, here we go. 10:04 Sing them over again to me wonderful words of life, and... 10:07 Sing them over again to me 10:11 Wonderful words of life 10:15 Let me more of their beauty see 10:19 Wonderful words of life 10:23 Words of life and beauty 10:27 Teach me faith and duty 10:31 Beautiful words, wonderful words 10:35 Wonderful words of life, 10:39 Beautiful words, wonderful words 10:43 Wonderful words of life 10:46 Second stanza. 10:47 Christ, the blessed One Gives to all 10:51 Wonderful words of life 10:54 Sinner, list to the loving call 10:58 Wonderful words of life 11:02 All so freely given 11:06 Wooing us to heaven 11:10 Beautiful words, wonderful words 11:14 Wonderful words of life 11:18 Beautiful words, wonderful words, 11:22 Wonderful words of life And number three. 11:26 Sweetly echo the gospel call 11:30 Wonderful words of life 11:34 Offer pardon and peace to all 11:38 Wonderful words of life 11:42 Jesus, only Savior 11:46 Sanctify forever 11:49 Beautiful words, wonderful words, 11:53 Wonderful words of life 11:57 Beautiful words, wonderful words, 12:01 Wonderful words of life 12:06 Amen. Amen. 12:08 Amen, and amen. Amen. 12:09 Let's have a short word of prayer 12:11 and then we'll kind of press on to 12:12 what we want to do for the evening. 12:14 Father God, again we do 12:15 thank you for the words of life, 12:17 for the loving call of life. 12:21 We thank you for the sunshine 12:22 that's in our hearts and in our souls. 12:24 We of course are thankful for Jesus, 12:26 the Author and Finisher of our faith. 12:28 The One who gave us the Sabbath, 12:31 and then gave us new life and then gives us all eternity. 12:35 We praise You now as we worship You. 12:37 We ask that You would be the honored guest. 12:40 So that everything that we do gives glory to You. 12:43 And we thank You Father in Jesus' name. 12:45 Amen. Amen. 12:47 Amen. 12:48 Found a little something some time ago. 12:50 And this is very old. 12:54 You can't really see it to see the words, 12:58 but holding it up the best I can. 13:01 It says 13:02 "How far am I willing to trust God 13:05 before I become afraid." 13:09 Now just take it, that you haven't seen this before, 13:11 I have. 13:12 I'll start at the far, Jorge, 13:14 what does that mean to you that question? 13:15 How far am I willing to trust God 13:18 before I become afraid? 13:20 It's an very interesting question, simple, 13:23 but it's very deep. 13:25 It is profound. It is profound. 13:27 Well, it depends in what situation I'm involved. 13:32 And usually we think, 13:34 "Okay, I'm gonna trust God, no matter what, 13:38 and I will trust the Lord under any circumstances. 13:44 Now the second part of the statement 13:46 is where I find more difficult to see myself. 13:53 How I can get, become afraid if I'm trusting in God. 13:58 So I guess, we need to discuss this, 14:00 because I'm trying to understand it 14:03 and make it myself one with it. 14:09 Any light, Lynnette. 14:11 Well, I was just thinking that sometimes 14:14 fear is his bravery with common sense. 14:19 God puts into us that ability 14:21 to feel the angst in a situation 14:24 and that's what keeps you from getting hit by the bus 14:26 or eaten by the lion. 14:28 Sounds a little simplistic, but it is deep, 14:32 it's a lot deeper than that for us. 14:36 Okay, your turn. 14:38 I am glad that you cleared that a little, 14:41 because I was like Jorge also, 14:44 thinking about that moment of becoming so afraid 14:49 after trusting the Lord. 14:52 I'm not sure that I... 14:55 that I'm there, that I can understand that very well. 14:58 I can understand definitely the trust thing. 15:02 You know, or even the willingness to... 15:04 Yeah. 15:06 But seems like strange to me that you will become 15:11 afraid after that. Afraid after trusting. 15:12 Yeah. After trusting. 15:14 But the question is how far? 15:15 Now I've had the advantage of having this 15:17 had this for over 20 years. 15:19 So I've had a little head start on this. 15:21 Yes, I think so. 15:22 Of course this has been, this has been 15:23 in the attic or better yet in the basement 15:25 for most of that time. 15:26 Because I haven't seen this in 15 years, 15:28 but I have a bunch of little Christian brain teaser 15:32 that I used to use with my youth group in New York. 15:35 And when I walk them through this, I was saying, 15:39 "How far am I willing to trust God before I become afraid?" 15:44 If I trust him totally, I'm not afraid, 15:47 but the fact that fear enters in, 15:49 it means that my trust has limits. 15:52 And my trust should be limitless. 15:54 So how far are am I willing to trust God 15:56 before I become afraid? 15:58 All right, at this point in our house, 16:00 the Murray household is... 16:02 we're not destitute of money, but we're low. 16:06 So now am I willing, 16:09 am I going to get really worried about that 16:11 or will I trust God that He can take care of that. 16:16 We have two significant bills coming, 16:20 that the Lord is going to have to provide the money for you. 16:23 So do I trust or do I fear. 16:27 And my fear 16:29 is directly inverse proportion to my trust. 16:34 I am saying that if I trust Him, 16:37 then I trust Him. 16:38 "Lord, You got it. 16:40 I've prayed, I've done the best I can, 16:42 I'm not using my tithe. 16:44 I'm not going to divert your money. 16:46 I'm trusting You to do 16:48 what You say you will do in Malachi. 16:50 So I'm not going to fear. 16:52 Or Lord... 16:55 We've got bills coming in, and you know Lord, you know. 16:57 So it's saying how far am I willing to trust Him 17:00 before my trust evaporates into fear. 17:04 And, yeah, and then it gives way to the fear. 17:07 Gives way to fear. 17:08 We are now going into the topic of faith. 17:13 What does having being a person of faith? 17:16 Yes. 17:17 You have faith. 17:19 Sometimes I find myself thinking, 17:24 Jesus was with disciples, 17:26 they were seeing Him every day, right? 17:28 But He has to tell them, even those people 17:31 that are constantly with Him for three years 17:34 walking, going places, and He has to tell them. 17:37 He had to tell them, 17:39 if you at least had faith as a mustard seed. 17:44 Yes. 17:45 You could say these mountains to move and they will move. 17:51 And then, but why the... 17:53 He say that, because of the same situation, 17:56 they were afraid. 17:58 It is a way why you are... 18:00 What are you afraid of? 18:02 Faith is everything. 18:04 Now... 18:06 There we'll go to the next part, 18:08 if faith my own doing, 18:11 or faith come from God to me, to enable me, 18:15 do not be afraid when I trust in Him. 18:19 If I guess that makes sense. 18:22 So it's a matter of faith, 18:25 I think that's a foundation of this trust in Him 18:29 without being afraid of anything. 18:32 There's an example in the Bible that I want to... 18:35 after we talk a little bit more. 18:37 I want to probably bring everybody an example 18:43 in the life of the King David and Mephibosheth, 18:47 Mephibosheth or... 18:49 Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth. 18:51 That word. Yeah, that word. 18:55 It's a very interesting... 18:57 We don't talk about it too much, 18:58 because first of all, the name is kind of tricky. 18:59 Right. 19:01 Yes, you know, 19:02 but then there is another aspect 19:04 of being trusting someone, 19:07 but at the same time being afraid 19:09 so let's continue the discussion 19:11 and we can come back to that. 19:12 Yeah, yeah, yeah. 19:14 I have thought about that many times, 19:16 because, you know, 19:19 it's so easy to say that I trust. 19:22 And we do trust to a point, 19:25 but then when I find myself worried, 19:29 or a little afraid 19:32 and then I realize, I said that, 19:34 I say, maybe I am not having the faith 19:37 that I'm supposed to have. 19:39 And I think it is that you said Jorge, 19:41 that we must get it from the Lord. 19:43 We can't master it ourselves. 19:45 We work at it, we, you know, we try to do our best, 19:50 but because the Lord Himself tells us to ask. 19:54 Yeah, yeah. For the faith that we lack. 19:56 See faith is one of those kind of interesting ideas 20:00 that you only know you have when it's tested. 20:03 How do you know you have faith 20:05 and how do you know you have a lot of faith? 20:07 Well, the only way you know is that when your faith is tested, 20:10 it shows up. 20:11 If it's never tested, you don't really know. 20:15 There's something in my garage now 20:16 that I was trying to move the other day, 20:18 I was trying to impress Irma, 20:19 and I can't move it, it's too heavy. 20:25 Well, I can't lift it, I can push it along the floor 20:28 and I really thought I had enough strength to move it. 20:33 We bought one of those kind of things on sale, 20:34 it's one of those little shed, you put on the yard... 20:36 You know, it comes in two boxes, 20:38 but they're about 450 pounds a piece. 20:41 So that is not coming off the ground, 20:44 so I'm pushing it a little by little. 20:46 And I got it, kind of to the sides of the garage, 20:47 it looks kind of neat, but I was trying to say, 20:49 "Hey, Boo, come and look, 20:51 I got this thing where I wanted." 20:52 But I realize maybe 20 years ago, 20:55 not today and not tomorrow. 20:57 So the only reason I know that I can't move it, 21:00 is 'cause I tried to move it 21:02 and I can't, I can't lift it. 21:04 So how do you know you've got faith? 21:07 When you're challenged and your faith gives way, 21:10 then you know you don't have enough faith, you know. 21:13 The only way you can really gauge it is test it. 21:17 And if it doesn't get tested, you can't gauge it 21:20 and the truth is, most of us don't want the test. 21:23 I'd rather not have to face this financial issue, 21:27 it's fine with me, but I got it. 21:29 So the only way is, is you're worried or trust God. 21:32 There's no in between. 21:35 You either lift or you can't, 21:37 I can't lift this so God's got to do. 21:38 Yeah. Yeah. 21:40 So it's interesting. 21:42 It is interesting because you have to... 21:46 but for me living a life of faith is a lifestyle. 21:50 It's a way... 21:52 It is something that you do everyday. 21:54 And when you talk about measuring your faith. 21:58 How do you miss your faith? 22:00 I don't think this way to say, 22:02 I mean theologians can come here 22:04 and say a lot of things about faith, 22:07 but I think nobody, nobody can measure it. 22:10 How you can say how much faith 22:12 I have in comparison to your faith. 22:14 So we both face it to the same circumstances. 22:17 How you face they said, 22:19 same thing, same day, same hour, same minute 22:22 you and me facing that same thing. 22:24 How you're going to react, 22:25 how am I gonna react, it's different. 22:26 Yeah. 22:28 And maybe your faith is bigger than me, 22:29 but at that very moment it's not. 22:32 So if things changes, what I... 22:34 helps me regarding this trusting 22:36 without being afraid of anything. 22:39 It caused me to think that it's a lifestyle. 22:42 It has to be something that you leave it to, 22:45 give it to God everyday. 22:48 And the only thing that helps you 22:51 to go through trials and tribulations 22:54 and being afraid as they're thinking now, 22:56 you know what, I know like Danny says, 22:59 I know the end of the book. 23:03 I know how the story ends. 23:05 So whatever happens to me now... 23:07 what we're saying... 23:08 for instance in my another example, silly example, 23:13 but when you are born, it's big stuff, 23:19 and dying is a big stuff, 23:24 anything in between, small stuff. 23:28 So in order to be practical, 23:32 your faith has to think in those terms. 23:35 Whatever happens, let it God take care of it. 23:39 What do you think? 23:42 I do, I really do. 23:43 It's, it' know, 23:45 I can't measure your faith. 23:47 You talk about something individual 23:49 between you and God, 23:51 it's got to be lifestyle, 23:52 because either your life is a life of faith 23:54 or you're like on off switch and you can't do that. 23:57 Because okay, today, it's two bills, 24:00 tomorrow it's a car, 24:01 next week it's your health, week after that, 24:04 it's the kids' school build... 24:05 you know there's always something 24:07 and unless it is your habit 24:09 to exercise faith in every situation, 24:12 you will be schizophonic. 24:13 You'll be just off the charts crazy. 24:16 Exactly, right. 24:17 Because everyday there's going to be something new. 24:18 Yes. 24:20 And you never get a chance to say, well, okay, today, 24:21 there is no problem with Cebas or Noelia. 24:23 There is no problem with the house. 24:24 There is no problem with the furnace. 24:26 The tires are not flat, 24:27 the car's going to start when I turn the engine. 24:29 Everything is going to be fine, not going to happen. 24:31 Every day is going to be something new. 24:32 That's why it's a lifestyle. Yes, yes. 24:33 Yeah, it's a lifestyle. Very true, very true. 24:36 I think that sometimes also 24:38 we are trying ourselves 24:44 to have that faith and that, 24:45 and what I have found sometimes is, 24:47 when you know, 24:49 I have surrender out to the Lord, and I say, 24:51 "Lord just give me peace of burden 24:53 and then I feel that the Lord is giving me peace. 24:57 And then all of a sudden I start wondering 25:00 if that's really faith, 25:02 or it's just that I just put it off my mind. 25:05 You know that's... 25:07 You see and then I have to go to Laura again. 25:10 And say Laura, "You know, I gave to you... 25:15 but I'm not feeling that, 25:17 I don't know if I'm really having faith, 25:19 so I'll give it to you again. 25:20 Yeah, over and over every day, 25:24 there are some things in my life 25:26 that I have to give over to God. 25:27 Sometimes several times during the span of an hour, 25:29 I'm that bad. 25:31 You know, He's peeling my hands off of it 25:33 time after time 25:35 and my mantra if you will, 25:38 pardon the use of that word is no rent free living. 25:42 The worries, the individuals that come into your life 25:45 that cause you that angst, that fear, 25:49 anxiety whatever you want to call it. 25:51 They cannot live in your head rent-free 25:53 and if you have to ask God to evict them. 25:54 Yes. 25:55 Every five minutes you need to do it. 25:57 Yes. Yes. 25:58 And that's the only thing that gets me through the day. 26:00 He knows when I am totally is passed out, 26:03 he has experienced a bit for the past 13 years. 26:06 Okay, okay, she's really agitated right now, 26:08 and you know. 26:10 I've been evicted a couple of times. 26:14 He puts up with me constantly, you know. 26:18 Okay, I can't talk to her now, looks like she's praying again. 26:22 Feel great, I wish just when we get over it, but... 26:26 Yeah, definitely... 26:28 Every week there's is going to be... 26:29 you know, there ought to be a T-shirt, 26:31 no rent free living. 26:33 Be a T-shirt really, 26:35 and I think Christians need to grasp and hold of that. 26:38 Sometimes you have to ask God, 26:40 "Would you please evict the devil out. 26:42 I'm saying, I can't force, so I can't get him out today 26:46 and Lord you're going to have to really just evict him, 26:48 because I don't want him here 26:49 and he's going to make a big mess 26:51 if he stays here any longer. 26:52 But he needs to get out." 26:54 Right, I've used, I've exhausted my stuff, 26:57 I need some help, precisely. 26:59 Because he's exhausting me, and I need to be using 27:00 this portion of my energy. 27:03 It needs to be cured toward, you know, serving my family, 27:06 and by that serving the Lord. 27:07 It just, it takes too much time to be worried and afraid. 27:11 Yeah, yeah. 27:12 Worry and anger 27:14 are the two most draining emotions. 27:16 Oh, yeah. 27:18 You know, someone does something to you, 27:19 and you're going to stay angry at them for years. 27:22 You know, that is so draining. 27:24 It is, yeah. 27:25 And it takes a lot of work, and you know, 27:29 to be angry every time. 27:30 I come down to hall, you're going to find... 27:32 you're going to duck into the bathroom, you know, 27:34 you're going to spend your life doing that kind of stuff, 27:37 that is a lot of work, you know. 27:38 Oh, yeah. 27:39 Be at peace, the Bible says 27:41 as far as possible with all mankind. 27:42 Plus, it makes your faith better, 27:44 your relationship with God better 27:46 where you're not looking, you know, 27:47 is he coming down the hall again, it's like, 27:49 "Hey..." 27:52 You know, that kind of stuff. That's too much work. 27:54 They say about anger was like, holding a grudge is like 27:57 drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. 27:59 Yeah, yeah. 28:01 Yes. 28:03 And it messes with your faith, 28:04 you gonna need to talk to the Lord, 28:05 and you got this knot in your chest, you know, 28:08 it's not good for your spiritual growth. 28:10 No. Yeah. 28:13 Again "Sermon From the Attic," 28:14 I found something. 28:16 This is an old friend of ours, and now this story, 28:19 this goes back to the late seventies. 28:20 So I've had this, 28:22 this is not the original piece of newspaper, 28:24 which I do have. 28:25 This is a copy that I run on with. 28:27 This is a friend of ours. 28:28 Irma met him just a couple of years ago 28:30 where we're in New York. 28:31 I've known him. 28:32 His name is Arturo Belial, came from Belize, 28:36 and this is a clipping from the New York Post Magazine. 28:40 It's called "Brooklyn tackles Hunter at C.U.N.Y., 28:43 that's City University of New York. 28:45 It's a, you know, part of a newspaper clipping. 28:48 But I'll read just a little bit of it, 28:50 so you can get a flavor of what's going on. 28:51 "When Brooklyn College meets Hunter in the semifinals 28:54 of the thirteenth Annual New York 28:57 City University tournament 28:59 tomorrow night at 8:30 in C.C.N.Y. 29:03 that City College of New York's home and gym. 29:05 Arturo Belial, that's his name. 29:08 Brooklyn six one junior playmaker will not be there. 29:11 I do what I believe in Arturo, a Seventh-day Adventist says, 29:15 that comes first 29:17 but Belial describes his religion 29:20 in which the Sabbath begins on sundown Friday as Christian. 29:24 We believe in Christ and the Ten Commandments, 29:28 liquor and tobacco are prohibited. 29:30 And so is Friday Night Fever. 29:33 It's about the late seventies on Saturday Night Fever, 29:35 of course it was big. 29:37 I'll be hanging out with my friends, 29:39 Belial says and I might have, am I want to party, 29:42 but I know I can't. 29:44 His coach says "Arturo was very sensitive and intelligent kid, 29:47 he's a ponderer, his only problem, 29:49 sometimes he thinks too much. 29:51 Belial's parents arrive in Brooklyn 29:55 from British Honduras nearly 30 years ago. 29:58 His father died when he was 11, 29:59 his mother raised two daughters, 30:02 one a graduate of Penn, 30:03 and the other student at Brooklyn. 30:06 Talks about him being a star. 30:07 Anyway the big game is being played on Friday night 30:11 and his team up until this time is undefeated. 30:15 And they are supposed to win this game, 30:18 but now the Seventh-day Adventist star, 30:20 basketball player cannot play. 30:22 And so later on the coach says, 30:24 "Well, can't you talk to your priest and get a pass, 30:27 you know for Friday?" 30:30 And Arturo had to explain to him, 30:33 "No, we don't get passes from our priests." 30:35 The passes have to come from God 30:37 and He's not giving any, so he let him know. 30:40 So, the team says we're going to get together 30:44 and we're going to win this one for Arty, 30:46 for Arturo, since he cannot play, 30:48 we're going to get together and win this for him. 30:51 And so they said, 30:55 "He'd probably be thinking about us while he's home." 30:57 He said, "No, I'll be in youth group at the church, 30:59 I'm not going to be thinking about this at all." 31:01 So the team said, "We will win it for him." 31:02 And it's a lovely story. 31:04 Well, this was in the Friday paper. 31:08 When the Saturday paper came out, 31:11 I don't have that one, but they lost, 31:13 and they lost bad. 31:17 And they say, when you make a pledge, 31:18 you're supposed to win it, you know, 31:19 but they didn't, they lost. 31:21 Well, one of their best players was not playing, 31:22 so they weren't at full strength. 31:23 But he said, 31:25 we've carried over this for years, 31:27 this is all 30, 40 years old. 31:29 He said, "No, I never really felt bad." 31:31 Because once you stand for the Lord, 31:33 in a sense feeling bad, 31:35 you know, if you're going to 31:37 shake your finger at God and feel bad, 31:38 then go ahead and do it, you know, 31:40 don't be proud that you stood for the Lord 31:42 and He's never regretted this. 31:44 Plus it got him a nice article in the paper 31:46 where he gets to stand up for his faith. 31:48 And even the coach says, he says, 31:50 "Maybe next year we'll try to change things 31:54 so that the big games are not on Friday." 31:56 We'll try to move them to some other, 31:57 you know some other day other than Friday. 32:01 And I remember, when I was young. 32:03 See, I kept this because if the truth been be told, 32:07 I broke my ankle playing basketball on Friday night. 32:10 And I've told Irma almost many times. 32:13 He was a little stronger than me... 32:15 More than once. 32:17 More than twice, same ankle two years in a row. 32:18 Then I got it in my head, 32:20 enough with the basketball on Friday night... 32:22 and I quit. 32:23 And my pastor said, you know, 32:24 "The Lord will let you break your ankle 32:26 to keep you from breaking your neck 32:27 or losing your soul." 32:29 So you know, I got the message 32:31 and I left a scholarship to go to Oakwood then College 32:36 and I've never regretted it, you know, no, 32:38 you don't regret standing up for your faith 32:40 and giving back to the Lord. 32:41 Amen. Yeah. That's it. Amen. 32:43 Yeah, it does what I say is, it's a lifestyle. 32:47 You start learning the lifestyle little by little. 32:50 God doesn't ask you to go through big acts of faith, 32:56 that's for other people who probably are ahead of me, 32:59 because God will not give you more than you can endure. 33:03 Yes. 33:04 I think, I truly believe in that. 33:06 Yeah, and Lynnette sometimes comes with some things 33:09 that really have taught me faith, really. 33:11 One day at the beginning, we had an expense 33:16 and it was the first time that I heard the phrase. 33:20 And we were not rich by any mean or never been. 33:24 And it was something that we need to pay. 33:27 She tell me, "It's only money." 33:31 And I said, 33:32 "It's not only money, it is money." 33:35 How articulate of me, I'm very sorry. 33:37 It's only money. Only money. 33:40 Yeah, but has not been the first time 33:43 that I heard this nor the last. 33:45 I mean it's not been the last time, 33:46 there are many times. 33:48 But then you know, it dawned me, really. 33:52 Why am I worrying so much about it? 33:55 God is in control 33:57 and what was only money was really only money, 33:59 because then we moved on. 34:01 And we solved the problem, and there came another one 34:05 and again it's only money. 34:09 It is, and where do I get it? 34:11 Well, somehow somewhere the money came 34:15 and we were able to move on. 34:17 And our tables turn periodically. 34:19 When I start biting my nails, he reminds me, 34:22 "Sweetie, it's only money." 34:24 I still kind of have a hard time to, 34:26 but I understand it now. 34:30 Because at the end of your life, 34:32 more than likely 34:34 that debt isn't going to be there anyway 34:37 and it doesn't really matter to your salvation, 34:42 it's only money. 34:44 Small stuff. 34:45 You know, 34:47 if God doesn't provide for you the entire amount, 34:49 He will provide a way for you to take care of it. 34:52 Right. Yeah. 34:54 Always does. 34:55 Never leave your spinning in the wind. 34:57 Yeah, it's so hard sometimes to see that 34:59 when you're in the vortex, 35:00 you know, you're there, to try to get that to step back 35:02 and get a little big picture, but yeah. 35:03 It is tough. 35:05 And I was gonna say, right, because it's a human reaction, 35:09 natural, normal reaction of being afraid. 35:13 It is. 35:14 So there is nothing wrong with that. 35:16 I don't think it's wrong to be afraid, you know. 35:20 Yeah, I'm going to let God run this one. 35:24 But, you know, I'm uneasy about it. 35:27 Yeah. 35:28 And God understand that. Yes. 35:30 Or if not ask Gideon, 35:34 when he was asking God several times, 35:37 now show me a different way, so I can trust you more. 35:40 And the next day he said, 35:41 "Yeah, but the thing of the, the fleas being in the wet. 35:45 Let's do it the other way around. 35:47 Right, flip it. Flip it. 35:48 Yeah, yeah. 35:50 And God patiently went out... 35:52 but God didn't tell him that 35:53 he has other things down the road 35:55 like going from 20,000 to 300, down to 300. 35:59 Right. 36:01 That required a faith on Gideon's part, 36:05 but he already has seen... 36:07 Yeah. 36:08 What God was able to do for him. 36:09 And that and we were talking about this the other day, 36:11 just laying in bed. 36:12 You know, you get over this hurdle. 36:13 That's not the end of hurdles, that's that hurdle. 36:15 And there's something else you've got to work on, 36:17 and each time the Lord is showing you 36:20 different aspects of your character. 36:21 For me if someone says, 36:23 "Hey man, let's go play basketball 36:25 on Friday night now." 36:26 "You kidding, why would I do that?" 36:28 You know, but I'm 40 plus years removed from that, 36:32 but there's other stuff, 36:33 you know that I still need to work on. 36:35 So the sanding process is always there 36:39 in some aspect of your life, 36:41 you're going to have to tidy something up. 36:44 And what maybe really a tough thing for you, 36:48 may not be a tough thing for me. 36:49 But what's so tough thing for me is like, 36:51 "Why you sweating over that, that's no big deal?" 36:52 Right, right. 36:54 You know because there's always something. 36:55 Well, Jorge said about that 36:58 God doesn't give you any more than you can bear 37:01 and it is true, because when you go over that, 37:06 and you know, you have known, not able to breath very well 37:11 and you give it to the Lord and then the Lord answers you, 37:15 then you get a breather. 37:16 Right. 37:18 You know regain that strength and then... 37:20 That's right. 37:21 It prepares you for the next time that is coming, 37:23 because we have the enemy 37:24 that is always bring you something. 37:27 If it was up to him, 37:29 we will never be able to have those rest for times. 37:32 Yeah. 37:33 And that's why we are celebrating the Sabbath. 37:38 Yes. 37:39 And when the God calls us to... Right. 37:41 To come and celebrate, because we need it. 37:45 Yeah. 37:46 And that is we're going to connect 37:48 in what you just said Irma 37:49 with what you read about this basketball player. 37:54 When Sabbath comes, you said, I was before come to 3ABN, 37:59 I was working for a bank, for a community bank. 38:02 And well, for me Sabbath was Sabbath, 38:06 and because we were working in the sales part of the bank, 38:13 other people were working on Sabbath said, 38:14 "You know man, there's money here, 38:16 that you can make more money... 38:18 I wasn't forced to do it to work on Sabbath. 38:22 But I say well, you know what, 38:25 Sabbath for me is the service that given, 38:28 I don't need to go to work. 38:30 It was more like me, 38:31 I don't need to make more money, 38:35 because for me my most valuable is to be with my family 38:39 and rest the Sabbath. 38:40 I'm not trying to put myself as an example, 38:42 but it was a feeling, 38:45 something that I felt in my heart, said, 38:47 "No, I don't care, you can do whatever you need to do." 38:50 I will rest that day. Yeah. 38:52 You know if you're burning the candle seven days a week. 38:55 You know, you never get a break, 38:56 you never get anything done, 38:57 and you never get to shut that brain down. 39:00 You know, you can see Sabbath as event... 39:02 I've got a friend and I think you've met him, 39:05 he is Korean friend in New York. 39:08 Hyun Shin, and I use him all the time. 39:11 He owns three dry cleaners that he owns. 39:16 He does his books for them all, 39:18 he does the receipts for all of them. 39:20 He does them every night, takes them in at night, 39:23 and then in the morning he opens up all three at 6 A.M. 39:26 So he's doing his daily receipts 39:28 for three businesses, 39:30 takes them to the bank, puts it in a night deposit, 39:33 close them all down, opens all three of them up, 39:36 then he has a family. 39:38 He has a two family house, that's his. 39:41 He and his wife and child live upstairs 39:45 and his brother and their family downstairs. 39:47 He is the cook for everybody. 39:49 So they come home from work and sit with their hands folded 39:52 waiting for him to come home and cook the meals. 39:55 So he cooks for them, he also has a degree, 39:57 he has degree to accounting, 39:58 he has a degree from the culinary institute. 40:00 So he cooks the meals 40:02 and they wait for him to cook the meals. 40:04 Okay, he is Presbyterian. 40:06 He's the head of the greeting crew 40:09 and the cooking crew at his 40:12 Korean Presbyterian Church. 40:14 So on Sundays, he cooks for the church, 40:17 about 450 members. 40:18 Wow. 40:19 And he's also part of the greeting crew. 40:21 And so he's up early Sunday morning, 40:25 out to the market to buy fresh stuff, 40:27 because he will not open a can, he doesn't do cans. 40:30 He just buys fresh food. 40:32 So he buys all this fresh, the Chinese food, 40:35 you know, and oriental food. 40:37 So he does all that cooking. 40:39 Then he stays with the group to clean up. 40:41 He's also in the choir. 40:44 He's got a beautiful singing voice. 40:46 So he stays for choir rehearsal, 40:48 then Sunday night he goes home, does his weekend books, 40:51 goes to bed and up Monday morning 6 A.M. 40:55 to open up all the stores again. 40:56 And I said, "Bill, man, you are going to die. 41:00 You can't run seven days a week like that." 41:02 And I start telling him about Sabbath 41:04 and his remark to me is that, "Lord knows that I'm happy 41:07 when I'm making money, and I'm making a lot of money." 41:10 I said, "Yeah, and your wife and your family 41:12 is going to spend it because you're going die. 41:14 You're going to kill yourself." 41:15 You can't run seven days a week like that, 41:17 your own books, you do accounting, cooking, 41:20 cleaning, singing, you can't, you can't do that. 41:24 And even in the cause of Christ that stuff you do on Sunday, 41:26 you're killing yourself. 41:27 And when I left him, he was on that merry-go-round, 41:30 kind of thing just going and going and going and going, 41:33 and never have a break. 41:34 I said that's why Sabbath was designed for... 41:36 Exactly. 41:38 To stop that kind of stuff, you know. 41:39 Yeah. 41:40 Because we're, I think about a year apart, 41:42 and if I get back to hearing him at this time, 41:44 I'd like to look him up and see him, 41:45 because we haven't talked in a little while. 41:47 But I'd like to see what kind of health he has 41:49 after 20 years of this stuff, because it's just too much, 41:53 yeah, it's way too much. 41:55 The Lord didn't want us... 41:56 Well, and also we are talking about our brothers and sisters, 42:00 Sabbath keepers. 42:02 Sometimes we are so busy on Sabbath doing good things 42:06 that don't rest the Sabbath 42:08 the way that God had intended in my opinion. 42:11 So it's a good way also to trust the Lord with our, 42:15 even if we get too busy, 42:17 it's also not really trusting the Lord. 42:20 Yeah, yeah. You know that is true. 42:22 That's another way to look at it. 42:24 Are you really trusting the Lord, 42:25 if you're trying to work your way 42:27 through everything. 42:28 Some things you've got to let go 42:29 and just let God handle it. 42:31 You know it will wait till tomorrow, 42:32 it will wait till after Sabbath, 42:33 it will wait for another time, 42:35 and the Lord will keep it that way. 42:36 Keep it still until I get back to it and address myself to it. 42:40 I like to look at, and when I was pastoring, 42:43 one of the things I collected a lot of the stuff 42:46 is to have our members kind of put legs on your faith, 42:50 you know, not just talk theory and use high standing words. 42:55 What happens when your wallet is empty, 42:57 and you got a bill staring in your face? 42:59 What happens when, you know, I can sneak in, 43:01 I can get this in on Sabbath, 43:04 or should I just wait and trust the Lord 43:05 that it will be okay until Sunday, you know. 43:07 How do you put legs on your own faith? 43:09 And God is gonna let your faith be tested. 43:11 There's no way really reason to think 43:13 that you're going to skate in 43:14 and never have some of the things tested 43:16 in your life. 43:17 So I used to like to have my memory, 43:19 let's face it now, because you're going to face it. 43:20 It's going to come, 43:22 and you're going to have to deal, 43:23 to deal with it. 43:24 So lessons from the addict 43:26 or from the basement if you prefer. 43:29 We were in sitting down and Irma was at the table, 43:32 and I was going through boxes 43:34 and I found in box that thing you have next to you Jorge, 43:36 it's some children stuff, and Irma said "Did I buy this?" 43:40 And just forget to get it to the grands. 43:42 And I said, "No, you didn't buy that. 43:44 Yes, I don't think that I did that. 43:45 Yeah, Jorge's holding. 43:47 I said, "No these are some things 43:48 I've had for a while. 43:50 We have some children's games and other things 43:51 that I used to use with my youth groups 43:54 and with young people that would come over. 43:56 And that's like a little kid's book 43:57 called "Dear God" 43:59 and it's a series of thought provoking statements 44:04 supposedly a child writing to God. 44:06 But if you look at the complexity of some-- 44:08 It is. 44:09 That I don't know, I don't know 44:11 if that child is about 35 years old, 44:14 because some of its kind of complex. 44:16 But it's also the thoughts of the young person to God. 44:18 So I asked each of us to take one of these, 44:21 and then kind of read it, 44:24 and then kind of say what it means to you, 44:26 so in the time that remains, 44:28 and our time is slipping by real fast. 44:30 We're going to try to run through it, 44:31 it doesn't have to be too long and too profound. 44:33 Just read what the little notice, 44:36 and then a little explanation 44:37 of what it says to you, Jorge, if you will. 44:39 Okay, I'm gonna start with a very first one, 44:42 it said, "Dear God, 44:43 if there is a meaning for every word, 44:45 is there a reason for everything." 44:47 This is not-- 44:49 It's profound. 44:52 "Dear God if there's a meaning for every word," 44:54 I'm reading again. 44:56 "Is there a reason for everything, 44:58 I have trouble understanding words 45:00 like life, death, and sleep. 45:03 Is there a reason for everything? 45:05 God's word says that, "There's a time, a purpose, 45:09 and a reason for everything. 45:10 A time to be born, a time to die, 45:12 a time to cry, time to laugh, 45:14 time to be silent, time to speak." 45:16 So this is of course based on what Solomon wrote there 45:22 in Ecclesiastes 3:1, it says, 45:26 "To everything there is a season, 45:28 and a time to every purpose under the heaven." 45:31 And I want to try this with what I said at the beginning. 45:34 There is big stuff in both ends of your life, 45:38 but then in between it's just things that happen, 45:42 but God is in control. 45:44 Amen, amen. 45:45 Yes. Very good. Yeah. 45:47 I'm gonna pass this around. Okay thank, Jacque. 45:50 Come to roost with me. 45:51 I'm trying to find, there we go. 45:54 This on is-- 45:56 Oh, that's not it. 45:57 Oh, oh, I'm sorry folks, I'm lost. 45:59 That's okay, take your time. Take your time. 46:02 It will come. 46:04 I think you're more towards the end. 46:07 I don't, actually recall. 46:09 I think this one was at-- 46:11 I just remember the wording differently, 46:12 this one says, "Dear God, 46:14 I'm all strung up with no where to go. 46:17 Tik-Tok Tik-Tok worry wastes time. 46:19 Worry is wrong thinking, and fearful feelings 46:22 that ties into our fearfulness. 46:25 Most things I fear, never happen, 46:27 I ask God to take away my trouble thoughts, 46:30 I ask God to fill my mind with pleasant dreams. 46:33 I stop worrying. 46:35 I started thinking happy thoughts, 46:36 and I remember God's promises to me, 46:39 God gives me perfect peace when I trust Him. 46:43 The Lord is with me always, the Lord is my helper. 46:46 Whom shall I fear? 46:48 God commands His angels to guard me, 46:50 these peaceful thoughts help me rest. 46:53 And this was taking its inspiration 46:55 from Psalm 31:14, 15. 46:58 "I trusted in the O Lord, I said, Thou art my God, 47:01 my times are in thy hand." 47:03 Nice. 47:05 Yeah, it's that like what I was saying earlier, 47:07 you know, every five minutes, if you have to ask the Lord, 47:10 help me clear this mess out of my mind, 47:14 so that I can focus on the things 47:15 you really want me to do. 47:17 That's up-- 47:19 all stressed up, and no place to go. 47:24 Okay. 47:25 I was reading the one about sharing, 47:30 and these pages are kind of big. 47:33 They move around. Yeah. 47:34 Yes. Okay. 47:39 Dear God, thank you for sharing with me, 47:42 when I share with you, 47:44 I share my loaves and fishes with others. 47:48 God gives me a thanksgiving feast. 47:50 If I give away, what I have, God gives me more than enough. 47:56 The Lord is an awesome God, 47:58 and He is the best friend to share with others. 48:01 I share my thoughts, feelings and troubles with God. 48:05 He gives me wisdom, He guides me with His spirit. 48:10 He teaches me through His word, 48:12 and He shows me how to live a good life. 48:15 I thank God for sharing with me, 48:18 whenever I share with Him. 48:20 And this was verse 2 Jeremiah, 48:25 "Call unto me, and I will answer thee, 48:28 and show the great mighty things, 48:31 which thou knows not." 48:32 Jeremiah 33:3 48:36 and this took me to-- 48:40 yesterday or the day before, 48:42 I got a phone call from a viewer, 48:47 and was asking for prayer, 48:50 precisely about being able to-- 48:53 how to share with God, 48:55 and she wanted us to pray for her. 48:58 So that she will be able to share with God, 49:01 the intimate things in that she had in her heart, 49:05 and to be able to listen to be assure 49:09 that God was hearing her prayer. 49:12 And He was answering her, 49:14 and reminded me of that phone call, 49:20 because it is true that sometimes it's hard to-- 49:24 We don't how to share with God. 49:26 We have to take God's word that He assures us, 49:31 that He's gonna listen to us no matter what. 49:34 And then that's what He was assuring Jeremiah also. 49:38 You just have to call me, and then I listen, 49:41 and I answer. 49:42 Yes. Amen. 49:44 Well, said. That's right. 49:45 I was looking at this last night, 49:47 if someone is going to take it, I was gonna take another, 49:50 but it's "Dear God, it sure is worth making effort 49:54 when we get results. 49:56 You know, that's reasoning from end to back. 49:59 But dear God, assure us, worth making effort, 50:01 when we get results. 50:02 Playing the piano, or singing a song, 50:04 hitting a baseball, or kicking the football. 50:07 It takes special skill to do anything. 50:10 Everybody has different abilities. 50:12 God gives everyone a different talent. 50:15 Every good gift is from God. 50:18 What is my talent? 50:19 What is my gift? 50:22 It is wonderful to discover a hidden talent or a gift. 50:26 I feel like God cheers, when I use my talent. 50:30 It feels great to receive encouragement 50:33 for using my gift. 50:35 Once in a while it feels good to hit a home run. 50:39 Afterwards rest and relaxation can be a gift from God. 50:45 And the companion text, 1 Corinthians 7:7, 50:49 "Every man have his proper gift of God, 50:53 one after this manner, and another after that." 50:59 The idea that your efforts can be worth something, 51:05 that you can have your little being 51:07 to put in the pot, you know, 51:08 to make the soup more complete. 51:10 It is a good feeling. 51:13 When we're here working at 3ABN, 51:15 and you do something, 51:17 and something turns out right, 51:19 and you know, you had a peace of that. 51:21 It does make you feel good to be part of the team, 51:25 and to know that your effort contributed to the success, 51:31 maybe even to the point that if you didn't do it, 51:33 it wouldn't have been as successful as it was. 51:36 And when people give you... 51:38 I'd never heard this, this especially 51:40 J.D uses it a lot. 51:42 Attaboy, when people give you "attaboy", 51:44 that's not a New York thing. 51:45 No. 51:46 No. 51:48 In New York, it's "You're the man," 51:49 you know, but "attaboy", 51:51 you know, but I understand the attaboy. 51:52 Attaboy is like, "Ay attaboy, you're doing a good job", 51:55 you know, kind of thing. 51:56 And attaboy can go a long way. 51:58 You can toil all night long, 52:01 and you know, you spend yourself, 52:03 and you get it done, and someone says, 52:05 "Jorge, Lynette, good job." 52:08 That's worth all of that, 52:10 or you could put in one hour extra time, 52:13 and nobody says anything. 52:14 Yeah. 52:15 And if you're like, 52:17 "I gave whole hour, man," nobody says. 52:18 You know, it's nice to get that attaboy. 52:19 You demand, you did a good job. 52:21 You know, praise the Lord for what you did, 52:25 and then, when you know that 52:31 We are working on a new project, 52:33 called "Calvary", 52:34 a new video project, CD project. 52:37 And I have it's called Step Outline. 52:40 Basically you start a song by yourself, 52:42 and the choir comes in later. 52:44 You know, were you there when they crucified my Lord? 52:46 Were you there when they crucified my Lord? 52:48 And that's it. 52:49 Well, Reggie took me over to the studio one evening, 52:53 and I told Irma, "Go home, 52:56 I don't know how long it will me 52:57 to sing that couple of lines." 52:59 Well, we worked on those lines from 5:30, 53:02 we trying to get home by 9 o'clock, 9:30. 53:04 That's long. 9:30. 53:06 Right. And he... 53:08 Reggie is a kind of guy, he's gonna beat you up, 53:12 but you don't know that you're beat up 53:13 until you look in the mirror, 53:15 and you see the welts, you know, 53:16 'cause he's looking to get some out of you, 53:19 and he's gonna stay on you till he gets it. 53:21 But he's encouraging you, He's like, 53:23 "We're almost there, that is great, 53:26 great, you really did good job, 53:27 and we need just a little bit more, 53:29 and you got it man, 53:30 you got it, we're almost there." 53:32 So you sing it again, and he'll say, 53:35 "Yeah, great, and I need just a little tiny bit more, 53:39 but you were right there. 53:40 We're so close, and you can do this man, you can..." 53:43 So three hours later, 53:45 "You just about got it, you're right there, 53:48 you know, you're almost there." 53:50 So I said, I came and said Irma, 53:53 "I said Boo, 53:54 I've never been through 53:56 a psychological session like that in my life." 53:57 That guy beat me to death, but I didn't know... 54:01 Yeah, I didn't know he was beating me, 54:02 till I look myself in the mirror, I said, 54:04 "You know, I've been in the fight, I think I lost." 54:07 But when we finished, he said, 54:09 "We got what we need", and it makes you feel so good. 54:15 He demanded a lot, and I was able to give him 54:19 what he wanted, you know. 54:21 Praise God for that. 54:24 So it sure is worth making effort, 54:26 when you get results, 54:27 when you can say, "We did it," 54:30 worth the effort. 54:31 And the cause of the Christ will be benefited thereby. 54:34 So I'm gonna hold on to this little book, 54:36 "Dear God," this is pretty old now, 54:39 but good stuff inside. 54:41 Sometimes even in the seemingly simplest things, 54:46 there can be some very profound thoughts. 54:51 And the good thing to know is that 54:52 God is with us through all of these things. 54:54 You're never alone. Amen. Yes. 54:55 You're never by yourself. 54:56 This is really, really, really good stuff, 54:59 and we will hold on to this. 55:01 So, no, Boo, you can't give it the grands, 55:04 'cause she was making a little packet even yesterday. 55:06 So we're gonna mail this out to the grand kids. 55:08 No, not this one, this one stays with the Murray's. 55:11 And we're gonna do that. 55:13 Well, we've got one more thing, 55:16 but I'm not going to go through it, 55:18 because it's gonna take a little too much time. 55:20 There is a great article that came out in the Review, 55:22 maybe in our next family worship, 55:26 we can go through this. 55:28 This is from a police officer in Brazil, 55:32 who got a DVD about the things of God. 55:35 An Adventist sent him a DVD, and he put it on the shelf 55:38 and he never bothered with it. 55:40 So one day, he said, you know, to his wife, 55:41 let's read this thing. 55:43 And from the time he began to read it, 55:45 strange things began to happen in their house. 55:47 Some demonic stuff, 55:48 even when they went to the Catholic Church, 55:50 the phone is ringing, 55:51 and there's no SIM card in the phone, 55:53 you know, the SIM card is what gives your number. 55:54 So the phone is ringing, and its not the phone is off, 55:57 there is no SIM card, and a battery, 55:58 why is the phone ringing in military service 55:59 where they are. 56:01 All kinds of weird things, punch line is that 56:03 they are members of the Adventist church now, 56:04 in the church and loving the Lord, 56:06 but some interesting things that we could talk about, 56:08 but are just some wonderful things. 56:10 And it shows how much God will go through 56:13 and allow it to happen just to get us, to get us saved. 56:15 Now I'm looking at the clock, I got a minute and eighteen, 56:17 I want to say one thing to you, 56:19 and I put this in a sermon just last week, 56:21 we were talking about faith. 56:24 And I want to say is, 56:25 when you got a decision to make, 56:27 do not ask Irma, Lynette, Jorge, 56:31 of what benefit it will be to you or loss. 56:37 Should I marry this person? 56:38 Should I use my tithe? 56:40 Should I tell a lie to get myself out of hot water? 56:44 That don't ask, is it going to be good for me, 56:48 is it going to be bad for me? 56:50 He says, the only question you to ask is, 56:52 is it in accordance with God's will. 56:55 And then, she says, 56:58 it actually gets kind of simple. 57:00 You're not agonizing, 57:01 "Should I spend my tithe money to get in or should I. 57:04 Oh, boy, should I tell a lie, should I just..." 57:09 No, just ask, is God going to be glorified? 57:12 And is it in accordance with His will. 57:15 And then it's God's job to see you through. 57:20 Because He says if you stand up for Me, 57:22 I will stand there for you. 57:24 So rather than dance with it, 57:28 trust God and see that God is true, 57:32 God is faithful, 57:33 and will add to your faith victory. 57:35 And it's right, bye-bye. 57:36 God bless, we will see you again soon. |
Revised 2016-05-26