Today Family Worship

Making A Happy Home Part 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny Shelton (Host), Chris Shelton (Host), Greg & Jill Morikone, C.A. & Irma Murray


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016015A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people.
01:07 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Today Family Worship,
01:10 and happy Sabbath.
01:12 Happy Sabbath to all of our family at home,
01:15 happy Sabbath to all of you here.
01:16 That's right. Tonight we're--
01:18 This is almost a part two, right?
01:20 This is.
01:22 Because we are continuing a study
01:24 that we started out all of us together
01:26 and the title of that study is "Making a Happy Home'.
01:31 We had 18 questions, and we made it through two.
01:35 I have no idea
01:37 how many we might make it through tonight.
01:39 But you know the Lord is good. Yes.
01:40 If we make it through one, is because He is feeding us.
01:44 There is no doubt about it. Amen.
01:46 My name is Chris Shelton,
01:48 to my right is my lovely husband
01:50 Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:52 And then to his right
01:54 is Brother Greg and Sister Jill Morikone
01:57 Good to be here. Yes, I'm glad--
01:59 Open up God's word and share it.
02:00 Absolutely, and I know that
02:02 you are no stranger to anyone at home.
02:04 And of course, these folks to my left
02:06 are no strangers either,
02:08 Pastor C.A and his lovely wife Irma Murray.
02:12 Amen. We are happy to be here.
02:14 Wonderful, we're happy that you're here.
02:17 We are so happy, the Lord really blessed.
02:20 And we're gonna start out tonight,
02:22 hopefully we're gonna start out with the couple of songs
02:25 and our first song is entitled
02:27 'The Word of the Lord came saying'.
02:29 And on the piano we have wonderful family member,
02:32 and her name is E.T Everett.
02:34 She is going to be accompany us.
02:36 I hope you will sing with us at home.
02:38 Yes.
02:43 The word of the Lord came saying.
02:46 ''I am He''
02:48 The word of the Lord came saying
02:50 ''Follow Me''
02:53 The word of the Lord came saying.
02:55 ''Trust and see
02:57 I have come to give you life abundantly."
03:02 Don't fret about tomorrow, live for the Lord today
03:07 Don't let yourself be sorrowed
03:09 Praise Jesus come what may
03:12 Take the Master at His word
03:14 No matter what you've seen or heard
03:16 Just like the flowers and the birds, it's simple faith.
03:22 The word of the Lord came saying, ''I am He''
03:27 The word of the Lord came saying, ''Follow Me''
03:32 The word of the Lord came saying.
03:34 ''Trust and see
03:36 I have come to give you life abundantly"
03:41 Give thanks for what He's given
03:44 He is your livelihood A bountiful provision
03:48 Be glad for the Lord is good
03:51 You are living in His hand According to the Master plan
03:56 Why you say, ''can't,'' when God says, ''can''
03:58 Yes God is good.
04:00 Yes, He is good--
04:01 The word of the Lord came saying.
04:04 ''I am He'' The word of the Lord came saying,
04:09 ''Follow Me'' The word of the Lord came saying.
04:13 ''Trust and see
04:16 I have come to give you life abundantly"
04:20 I have come to give you life abundantly
04:26 Praise the Lord, hallelujah.
04:28 Wow. That's really in balance.
04:30 It's a catchy one, isn't it? Yes.
04:32 This Bible says, I am, he is the creator,
04:36 he is the redeemer, he is sustainer, he says follow me.
04:40 That's right.
04:41 Trust and see, isn't that beautiful?
04:43 Yes, it is right now.
04:44 Just trust me, just have faith, follow me
04:46 and I am gonna give you life.
04:48 That remind me, I said to Pastor C.A
04:50 you could be wrong, I said, you know,
04:52 I said the word of the Lord came saying,
04:53 it sound like Jeremiah the prophet.
04:54 It does.
04:56 You know, that was in the word of the Lord came so, you know.
04:58 Yes, amen.
04:59 And when the word of the Lord comes saying something,
05:01 we need to have ears to hear don't we?
05:04 I like that song, it's catchy, I hope you enjoyed it.
05:06 I hope you enjoyed it at home
05:07 when you sing right along with us.
05:09 We want you to have good Sabbath right along with us
05:10 to bring joy into your home.
05:12 You may have a tough week, bless your heart,
05:13 this gonna be a good time
05:15 we spend it together in the word.
05:16 And this next song, I am sure many of you grew up singing it,
05:20 'We are one in the Spirit'.
05:25 We are one in the Spirit
05:29 We are one in the Lord
05:32 We are one in the Spirit
05:36 We are one in the Lord
05:39 And we pray that all unity
05:43 may one day be restored
05:46 And they'll know we are Christians by our love
05:51 By our Love Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love
05:58 Yes, they will.
05:59 We will walk with each other
06:02 We will walk hand in hand
06:06 We will walk with each other
06:09 We will walk hand in hand
06:13 And together we'll spread the news
06:16 that God is in our land
06:19 And they'll know we are Christians by our love
06:24 By our Love Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love
06:31 Yes, they will.
06:33 All praise to the Father From whom all things come
06:40 And all praise to Christ Jesus, His only Son
06:46 And all praise to the Spirit who makes us one
06:53 And they'll know we are Christians by our love
06:58 By our Love
07:00 Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love
07:05 Yes, they will.
07:08 Praise the Lord.
07:09 Amen. Praise God.
07:11 Did they know that you are Christian by our love.
07:15 That's kind of a foundation
07:17 of what we're gonna talk about tonight.
07:18 Amen.
07:20 Making a family, a happy home
07:22 we need to be walking with each other.
07:24 Yes.
07:26 We need to be working with each other
07:27 and most importantly
07:29 we need to be praising
07:30 our heavenly Father with each other.
07:33 Amen.
07:34 And then the world certainly should know
07:36 that we are Christians by our love.
07:39 Yes.
07:40 We are gonna start with question number three.
07:43 All right, let's do.
07:45 And I hope you have your Bibles.
07:47 If you don't have your Bibles, get your Bibles out,
07:49 'cause we want you to look these verses
07:51 that mark them with us.
07:53 Question number three--
07:54 Gather the children around. Gather the children around.
07:56 Yeah. That's right.
07:57 Get little pencil and paper in, in this little quizzes.
08:00 Right, when we get done, make sure they're listening.
08:02 Yes. All right.
08:03 You know, I like that because, you know,
08:05 we grew up worship is fun.
08:06 Yes.
08:07 Mom and dad, it wasn't just like, now we read,
08:09 you know, it was very, you know, it's fun.
08:10 Worship was fun studying God's word.
08:12 That's what we find about and it's interesting,
08:14 so I liked what you said.
08:15 I told my wife just was pulling out,
08:17 she's getting ready to come here.
08:18 And I said, oh, I was thinking,
08:20 I woke up in the middle of night, like Lord said,
08:21 you take that little picture you have
08:23 of your dad sitting on the couch,
08:25 and my brother Danny was on one side
08:27 and I was on the other,
08:29 my other brother Ronnie was standing behind him
08:30 and I said that was a Friday night sundown worship service
08:36 that we were having there.
08:38 And I am sure didn't you have the picture
08:39 where my mother was there playing the piano,
08:41 and brother Tom they were playing,
08:42 the music and the singing
08:44 and I thought how nice that was
08:46 to be able to sit down with the family
08:48 and be able to pray together
08:50 and sing together and just share something.
08:52 Sweet memories.
08:54 Though I'd like to brought that picture,
08:55 maybe some other time.
08:56 That's good.
08:58 Yes, that's all wonderful points,
08:59 good memories, good bonding
09:01 but first of all we have to make an effort to do it.
09:04 We have to make an effort to set the time--
09:06 That's the good point. To make the plan.
09:08 True.
09:09 You don't just sit down and say what are we gonna do?
09:11 You know, but let's get some happy songs together.
09:14 And a lot of times when we have these family worships,
09:16 we bring in happy songs
09:18 that we might be singing with our kids.
09:19 Absolutely. You know, they're just--
09:21 Some of you might remember too, when you were growing up like,
09:24 you know, at home, getting close to sundown time.
09:27 And if you had an opportunity, I had a basketball in my hand,
09:30 I'll be doing something out there
09:31 and the backdoor would open and my mother would say,
09:34 Kenny, put the ball down, it's almost sundown,
09:37 it's time to get in and get ready for the Sabbath hours.
09:41 Everything would stop around the house,
09:43 it's almost sundown, you need to come in
09:45 and get prepared for the Sabbath.
09:46 So we heard that, you know, my mother calling
09:49 at the set of sun, I thought how wonderful that is,
09:51 those memories I'll never ever forget.
09:54 And I know that help to guide me
09:57 as well as each one of you had that experience
09:58 and I can still hear her calling.
10:00 Kenny put the ball down, let's get ready to meet Jesus.
10:03 Wow. Oh, how exciting.
10:04 See, that's a wonderful example.
10:06 Oh, wow.
10:07 You know, your mom and your parents set for you.
10:08 I remember as the child, Friday night, during the week
10:11 we would study our Sabbath school lesson,
10:13 just little kids we were, my mom would teach us.
10:16 And on Friday night, we got to teach mom and dad,
10:19 and so that was so fun for us.
10:21 My sister and I from four and five
10:23 would get up with the felts,
10:25 we teach the lesson
10:26 and mom and dad have heard it the thousand times,
10:28 but they would be so interested
10:30 and it got us in to the word of God.
10:32 I love that, and isn't a good idea?
10:35 All of these are wonderful ideas
10:36 that I hope you at home
10:38 are treasuring, writing down, taking notes
10:41 because were easy to forget these things,
10:43 but these are wonderful ideas.
10:45 The other morning we had our,
10:47 and we will get to question number three
10:48 I promise, but the other morning
10:52 we have our five year old grandson over,
10:54 and I already had my worship,
10:56 it is starting to get late and he got up and I said
10:58 what's time for you to have worship
11:00 and so we prayed together.
11:01 And I was, we have just moved recently,
11:04 and so I was thinking where are my little,
11:06 you know, children books.
11:08 Bible story books with all the beautiful color,
11:11 pictures and so and so, but--
11:12 Bring it on.
11:13 By the time I was even thinking about,
11:15 he had grabbed the tablet
11:16 because I've got Bible stories on the tablet.
11:18 I suppose that's okay,
11:19 why don't you go ahead and do it this morning.
11:21 But grandma want you after you finish
11:23 you come and tell me, what you learned,
11:25 you really have to listen.
11:27 So the first time he came down the steps he said,
11:29 grandma they had a picnic.
11:32 I said, oh, they had a picnic. Oh, wow.
11:34 I said, well, you know, what was at the picnic,
11:37 what did they do, you know, who fed them
11:40 and what did they eat, and so--
11:42 You send him back upstairs,
11:43 I know what you did and do it again.
11:44 He came back up, he had to go through the story again
11:47 and he said, well, there was boy there.
11:50 And he had two fish and five rolls of bread.
11:53 I said, well, how many people did he feed?
11:57 And he said, I don't know.
11:58 I said, well, honey, you need to go and find out.
12:00 So he went back upstairs, he turned back the story
12:04 and because it reads to him.
12:06 Yes.
12:07 And so he came back down, grandma, there were 5,000 men.
12:11 But I don't know how many other people there were.
12:15 Oh, what a beautiful, it was so neat.
12:18 Retry.
12:19 He's not gonna forget that so quickly.
12:21 He won't forget. And we can do that.
12:23 I love that because as you're learning,
12:25 you're going through the Sabbath school lesson
12:27 or whatever then they could come back
12:28 and teach us,
12:30 because in teaching us, then they learn.
12:32 So that's beautiful. Question number three.
12:35 Okay.
12:36 Who laid the foundation of the home?
12:39 And let's go to Genesis 2:8.
12:43 Genesis 2:8.
12:46 Who laid the foundation of the home?
12:48 You know, there's a lot of people in this world
12:51 that would not know the answer to that question.
12:53 Wow.
12:55 They just don't know the answer to that question.
12:57 So who has that verse and wants to read it for us.
13:00 ''The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden,
13:05 and there He put the man whom He had formed.''
13:08 Yes. Okay.
13:10 Do you want nine also, or just eight?
13:12 Just eight.
13:13 Well, if you just look at just eight,
13:16 and where did God put man.
13:19 In the garden
13:20 and there's their home at that time.
13:22 And at that time,
13:24 that garden had only been in existence for how long.
13:30 But, think about it. Yeah.
13:32 Think about it, God made provision.
13:34 He didn't start out in creation
13:36 making man and women and animals first.
13:39 He started out with the air and with the water
13:43 and the sunlight and the plants and everything that man needed,
13:48 and then he formed man out of the dust of the ground.
13:52 So he laid the foundation. Yeah, he did.
13:55 He started from the bottom up in the word.
13:57 I am glad Pastor CA had the right answer,
13:59 she'll send you back upstairs until you get.
14:06 You know, when I met him, what I really liked about it
14:09 is the garden was their home, right?
14:12 You put them in the garden that could equal home.
14:15 Now in other places in Genesis,
14:17 it says the Lord, God came to meet with man,
14:20 in the garden.
14:22 I remember right after sin,
14:23 God came and said, Adam where are you?
14:24 But He came to the garden,
14:26 so to me that says in a special way
14:29 God wants to be present in home.
14:31 I love that.
14:33 God wants to be in our home.
14:35 He put it in the home
14:36 but that's where God met with them.
14:37 Oh, yeah.
14:39 God makes signs calls.
14:41 Yeah. Oh, I like that.
14:42 Yeah, He makes signs calls. Yeah, He sure does.
14:44 That is such a good thought,
14:45 because our home should be an atmosphere of heaven.
14:50 That we have choices to make
14:52 in order for God to be able to come and to visit our home,
14:55 that's beautiful.
14:56 No, now to, I am sorry, you want to?
14:57 No, you go ahead.
14:59 To touch on the controversy. Move on.
15:01 Just touch on the controversy. Okay.
15:04 God who made the home,
15:08 also define the home.
15:12 He defined the situation. Yes.
15:14 And anything else, that is not what God defined
15:20 cannot be what God's talking about.
15:23 You're getting heavy, you're getting cautious.
15:25 Politically correct, you know,
15:26 I'm trying to massage this thing a little bit.
15:28 No, it's all right.
15:29 But God who created the family--
15:31 Gets to define the family. He does.
15:32 You know, a person who made it gets to define it.
15:34 And He has defined it as Adam and Eve in the garden.
15:39 And I don't know anywhere in this book,
15:42 where that's been altered.
15:43 That's what it is.
15:45 Not Adam and Steve?
15:46 Yeah, not Adam and no. Only Adam and Eve.
15:48 I just went little farther.
15:49 Some people are slow to get.
15:52 I like that. Thank you, pastor.
15:54 That's, it is true. It is very true.
15:55 And this is part of that foundation of the home,
15:59 because as we're examining our hearts
16:01 and our lives and our home situation,
16:04 we have to go back to the creator,
16:06 go back to how He laid it out for us.
16:10 And many times we find that our lives just don't match up.
16:14 And so when our lives don't match up,
16:16 there's a lot of people, they'll say,
16:17 well, you know, that's just a rivulet,
16:19 it just doesn't fit with today's society.
16:22 Is that the proper attitudes we're to have?
16:25 You know, one thing that I find that
16:28 when we come into the sacred hours,
16:32 sometimes we are so busy and thing has cut up with us,
16:38 because the enemy will always be trying that
16:41 to get us in.
16:43 So, but when you don't enter those hours
16:48 and even a little bit ahead of time-
16:52 as you call, it's just so beautiful
16:55 but when you don't, there is something missing.
16:59 I find that myself.
17:01 That kind of goes back to the preparation day.
17:05 And we need to guard the edges of the Sabbath.
17:09 We don't just rush in with the--
17:12 And we're exhausted,
17:13 we're too tired for family worship.
17:14 Like on Sabbath morning, I used to hear all the time
17:17 'cause you said you're prepared,
17:19 lay things out, good to go and you say things into,
17:22 something is missing on Sabbath,
17:23 it was always I want you.
17:26 You know, or you know,
17:28 'cause it wasn't done and mama said,
17:29 if we had him laid out the way
17:30 we should have things laid out and prepared,
17:33 it would be easy.
17:34 But because we didn't, there was contingent,
17:36 there was running late, probably words,
17:40 may be the belt, it might have come out,
17:43 teach a little lesson along way.
17:44 Well, let's just be honest about it,
17:45 because that was, that's the way it went
17:47 and Tom you got to church.
17:49 You need to redo, need some adjusting again
17:51 because, you know, the attitudes
17:53 and you really wasn't prepared.
17:55 So I think it's good, if we really learn it.
17:56 If we don't know these things
17:58 to prepare for the Sabbath to come in
18:00 and prepare for Sabbath morning,
18:01 just be ready first thing in the home right
18:03 and I'm already missing so on.
18:05 You know, 'cause that's true,
18:06 'cause I've actually rushed into the Sabbath,
18:08 unfortunately sometimes, and man I tell you, I mean God,
18:11 there's always a blessing by keeping God's Sabbath,
18:13 but it couldn't be, it could have been so much more
18:16 if I hadn't rushed into the Sabbath Friday night,
18:18 you know like, just like barely making,
18:20 you know, 'cause I haven't scheduled my day correctly,
18:22 and boy, it's rough.
18:24 And it doesn't, you know,
18:26 'cause the God wants you to be prepared in your heart,
18:27 you life every thing for the Sabbath.
18:29 When you think of the preparation,
18:33 you know, think about what God.
18:35 the whole week He prepared.
18:38 Now, because sometimes we think that it comes Friday
18:41 and we rush to prepare.
18:44 But actually, we had to be preparing
18:48 through the whole week.
18:49 'Cause that's what, you know,
18:51 the Lord did created all these things for our,
18:55 for the beauty, for the enjoyment,
18:57 for just to make it so special.
19:01 When we prepare the whole week,
19:04 we can see how much better it is
19:07 when we get to the hours of the Sabbath.
19:08 We're not out frazzled.
19:11 We're out and wondering what we're gonna eat
19:14 and what are we gonna wear and but that's not--
19:16 You know, the human's mind does not,
19:19 cannot come to a screeching halt.
19:20 If you go into a certain direction,
19:22 it takes time.
19:24 I remember, once we were--
19:25 We actually were gonna have some people over Sabbath.
19:26 I don't want to say, we forgot something,
19:28 so we have to run to the store.
19:29 And we were on the Sabbath,
19:30 it was, still sun was not down yet.
19:33 But in the store, you hear a song, and since--
19:37 by the time you get out of the store,
19:39 the sun is heading down.
19:40 So you get home,
19:41 and I think it's stumping in your brain,
19:43 because, you know,
19:44 you haven't allowed for adjustment time
19:46 to divorce yourself in a week,
19:48 and get into Sabbath frame of mind.
19:50 So what we always do--
19:53 Irma turns on the little computer,
19:54 her tablet, and we sing,
19:56 'cause you got to try
19:57 to for 100 percent flush the week away.
20:00 So that you get into mindset,
20:01 because your mind doesn't come to a screeching halt
20:04 and turn into a Sabbath mode.
20:05 You got to give it time to move into that in that direction,
20:08 'cause things are gonna pop in your mind.
20:10 "Oh man, I forgot to do the 3ABN."
20:11 Oh, you know, things will come in.
20:13 there are not bad things in and of themselves.
20:15 But they are not Sabbath things.
20:17 So you need some time to step back from the week
20:20 and enter into the Sabbath mindset.
20:21 And then a round about way,
20:23 you answered the question that I had asked while ago.
20:26 When we find that there are things
20:27 that are wrong in our lives
20:29 that don't fit with the scripture,
20:31 do we throw the scripture out,
20:33 or do we come and align with it,
20:34 and you just basically are entering it,
20:36 because we are to come and align with God.
20:39 He's preparing a people
20:41 to live eternally with Him in heaven.
20:44 So He's preparing us to live
20:46 in that beautiful heavenly home.
20:49 With smells and fragrances, just things around us, trees,
20:54 grass that shimmers like silver and gold.
20:56 Oh, I'm getting homesick really.
20:57 Come on now. Things that we've never seen.
20:59 You know, the little children with their wings flying up to--
21:01 Oh, well, oh, boy. It's just gonna be wonderful.
21:04 Sabbath-- It's a happy time.
21:06 Oh, if you've never read about Sabbath,
21:08 it's gonna be wonderful,
21:10 it's not like anything we've ever experienced.
21:12 That's right.
21:13 I think it's interesting too, it says,
21:15 who you know, you asked a question,
21:16 who laid the foundation of the home
21:17 and read Genesis 2:8, and it talks about it,
21:19 "God established or planted a garden."
21:21 I've have nothing against cities,
21:23 you know, or urban or whatever,
21:25 but it's interesting, God did a gardening,
21:27 he planted a garden.
21:29 That was their home.
21:30 Nature. Yes.
21:32 There's a lot be said about being out in nature,
21:33 and being in God's.
21:34 Oh, yeah, there is a blessing,
21:36 that's to me, that's another book.
21:37 So it's interesting that God put them there
21:39 and establish the home in the garden actually.
21:40 There's a bell going off
21:42 and my own brother C.A mentioned about,
21:44 it takes time, I won't say unwind at week,
21:48 but it's entering--
21:49 that's everyday of our life.
21:51 Yes.
21:52 And we know how that works on us.
21:53 So much more should we be preparing
21:55 for the Sabbath to empty it out,
21:56 because there's sometime you go to bed in the evening,
21:59 and you've got all these things,
22:00 you've been busy all day.
22:02 What they do, you're like--
22:03 they are going through your mind.
22:05 And you can never really fall into deep sleep,
22:07 I say, it's just there, it's not a restful type.
22:10 Mind still working and going, God says,
22:13 that's not what He wants on the Sabbath.
22:14 He wants us to have a good night rest
22:15 and be ready to meet Him on good Sabbath.
22:18 So clear those things out.
22:20 We know that it's bad during the week,
22:22 it's even worse on the Sabbath.
22:23 Yeah.
22:25 But let's see if we can get to question number four.
22:27 Oh, baby, it's all right.
22:29 And I think-- We can run along here.
22:30 Yeah, this is the second question.
22:31 Absolutely, yes.
22:33 Remember, watch it, watch me,
22:34 "Well, honey, remember this too,
22:36 I think it's in 1 Samuel, it talks about there in 2: 30.
22:39 It says "Those that honor God.
22:42 He will honor them."
22:44 I think He will honor.
22:45 So that's the thing.
22:46 If we honor Him, He will honor us.
22:48 We honor His Sabbath. Well, that's for sure.
22:50 He will ooh, honor us with His presence,
22:53 that we desperately need so.
22:55 You know, Pastor Kenny, you know,
22:57 you preach on the microphone to have a combination.
22:59 But you--
23:03 God will meet with us anytime, anywhere.
23:05 Any but the formal audience is Sabbath.
23:09 That's when you come into the presence in a formal,
23:11 you know that is an appointment that is made,
23:14 that is inviolate and unbreakable.
23:16 If you are running during the week
23:17 and you missed him during the week.
23:19 You go and catch him on Sabbath.
23:21 This is His promise to be there.
23:23 So if you tap to break, He's gonna be right there.
23:26 That's a formal audience that he,
23:27 that's the appointment that he will never miss.
23:30 He will always be there.
23:31 And if you don't know where to find Him,
23:32 you go and find Him on Sabbath.
23:34 And you will find Him on Sabbath.
23:35 And that leaves all of us, I'm sure, but it's like.
23:38 I won't say this in a right way,
23:39 all struck that a creator--
23:41 Yes.
23:42 Would want to meet with somebody like me
23:44 or maybe like any of you folks,
23:46 I don't want to go there, but with myself.
23:49 I stand amazed
23:50 that the God of this universe would say,
23:53 Kenny, I just love to spend the Sabbath hours with you.
23:55 I want to spend every day
23:56 certainly all the time in your guardian angels,
23:57 but Sabbath, I just, I need some special time.
24:00 And what He says,
24:01 "You need some special time with me?''
24:03 You know, I need the special time.
24:05 He's made the arrangements for it, so I stay--
24:07 I really, I stand in awe every time I think
24:10 that He would say, "I want to be with you."
24:12 And then to say, "You know, Kenny,
24:14 I want to spend eternity with you."
24:16 That just makes my mind, just lights up my life
24:17 because I can't figure it out to this day
24:20 other than that kind of love that He has for us.
24:22 He sees the finished product when I see a mess sometime.
24:25 But He sees beyond that my faults.
24:26 Isn't that something? Yes.
24:28 Beautiful. I thank God for that.
24:29 It gives me hope, it bring tears in my eyes.
24:31 And meetings like this
24:32 are spiritual dressing up for him.
24:35 'Cause He's not really concerned about your clothes.
24:37 He wants you to be spiritually ready.
24:38 And that's why a family worship is more important.
24:41 Because spiritually you're tidying up for Him.
24:44 You know, especially if you're getting ready
24:45 to come into His presence right
24:46 and you need that
24:48 after you've kind of been out there
24:49 in the world all week running to and fro,
24:50 and do what you got to do,
24:52 now it's time to get cleaned up.
24:53 You get ready to meet Jesus. Oh, wonderful.
24:56 Oh, I'm sorry, sister. That's okay.
24:57 Go ahead, go ahead. It's such a joy to--
25:00 I love what you're saying, just the God of the universe.
25:03 You know the creator God, yet He reaches down here,
25:06 sometimes I just get this mental picture, not a vision.
25:10 But like a mental picture of God
25:13 just like sitting on the bed in the morning,
25:15 saying, "I can't wait for you to wake up."
25:17 I can't wait--
25:21 to wake up, because- That's what it is.
25:22 I want to spend that time with you in My Word,
25:26 I want to speak to you.
25:27 And I think the Sabbath especially.
25:30 God just thinks 24 hours, you are my child
25:33 and He feels this, the same about each one of us.
25:37 And how there can be billions of people,
25:38 but He wants to spend individually
25:41 that day with each one of us, that's just an incredible God.
25:44 Maybe because He knows
25:45 what we're going to encounter for that day.
25:48 And He might be saying, "Kenny don't sleep in,
25:50 you really need this time with me
25:51 because you're going to be tested.
25:53 There's going to be some things thrown in your face today,
25:55 that if you don't spend some time with me,
25:56 you're not going to make it."
25:58 So he knows.
25:59 He does. So when--
26:00 You can feel that little nudge you say to wake up.
26:03 She will say, a lot of times, she get up early,
26:04 I get up maybe wee hours in the middle,
26:06 it appears, oh, you think, oh, it's good.
26:08 Doesn't make you anything other than,
26:10 the spirit sometime will say
26:11 you won't sleep two or three hours.
26:13 Holy Spirit will say get up Kenny, go and study.
26:15 Go read and so I answer the call.
26:18 Get up and study.
26:19 And you think, well,
26:21 I want to sleep a couple of hours.
26:22 But I'm fresh as a daisy. Yes.
26:23 Sun comes up, I'm still feeling good.
26:25 Because he's asked it for a reason,
26:26 I find out what that reason is, and maybe day or two down.
26:29 But it's always, get up and spend some time.
26:32 Amen. Amen.
26:34 I just do it.
26:35 I think that our God is so special
26:38 that I was reading earlier on, somebody has sent an email.
26:43 And it was talking about how all the religions
26:47 that have the different gods,
26:49 what they think of as being a God,
26:52 that they make whether there is a God.
26:55 And then I was thinking to myself,
27:00 you know,
27:02 even an intelligent mind you would think
27:05 that realize that God is a special God,
27:10 because none of these gods that they make
27:13 do the things for us.
27:14 That's right.
27:16 And vie for us like the real God does.
27:18 Amen.
27:20 And one of those is the Sabbath,
27:21 because it always amazes me how your mind immediately,
27:27 when the Sabbath hours are coming.
27:30 It just changes.
27:31 It doesn't matter the problems that you have
27:34 even when you are ill, even when you are ill,
27:37 it's just mind turns and it's immediately,
27:41 there is something special, the peace, and the--
27:45 that you can find immediately with God,
27:48 because He's the real God.
27:50 He is saving God. Amen, wow.
27:51 And He is calling you. Absolutely.
27:53 Even you too to be with Him. I'm hearing around this table.
27:56 Go ahead, honey.
27:58 That to make a happy home-- Yes.
28:00 We need to be teaching our little ones,
28:01 we need to be spending time,
28:03 we need to keep the Sabbath holy.
28:05 Amen.
28:07 Who said that question four well?
28:08 We will get to four, we will get to four.
28:12 Thank you.
28:14 But really it's a special thing.
28:16 I was thinking, you know, that
28:18 and I don't want to take all the time--
28:20 It's all right, you know.
28:21 When I was growing up, but you know,
28:23 when we came in to the Adventists faith,
28:25 I was already 10, 11, and I was the oldest one.
28:29 But I still remember though,
28:31 my father was not accepting the faith,
28:35 but my mother was so faithful. Yeah.
28:37 So faithful that regardless of my father
28:41 and sometimes he'll walk in the middle of us having.
28:45 He'll never forget.
28:46 I never forget how we grew up,
28:49 and how that time was so special.
28:52 Amen.
28:53 We do with it--
28:54 And with my children I think of--
28:57 We teach them at the same time that we are learning ourselves.
29:01 Yes.
29:03 Because it's--
29:04 they bring you to have that spirit
29:07 and that excitement.
29:08 Yes. And we need to prepare.
29:11 Some churches, they have activities all day long,
29:14 so you can be in a church
29:16 and they've got pathfinders there out,
29:18 you know, giving things to people in the neighborhood.
29:20 So they go all day long, say, you know,
29:23 around here most of our churches 12, 12:30
29:25 and they're done, they may have scholarship.
29:27 Not New York as it be.
29:28 No, they may have scholarship lunch,
29:31 that type of thing.
29:32 So as a family getting back to having a happy home,
29:37 we need to make Sabbath a happy time.
29:40 Because if the children, if all they hear is,
29:43 don't, no you can't do that today.
29:47 You know, I look at our little grandson
29:49 and he's just so excited about the Sabbath.
29:52 And if he is--
29:53 we're going down the road and he sees people out working,
29:55 He said, "Grandma,
29:56 they just don't know about the Sabbath."
29:59 They don't know about the Sabbath.
30:01 And every opportunity she gets,
30:03 it' really good as it gets into their ear.
30:06 Sabbath is a happy day.
30:10 That's good because that puts up that music
30:12 in their ear, and they begin to think it's a happy day
30:15 but when you have like you're talking about one parent
30:18 that wants to take maturity,
30:20 other one is may be stalling a little bit
30:22 and maybe not made that call.
30:23 Because I could have been six, seven years old
30:26 and I can still never forget.
30:28 Mother said, "Kids were going to church."
30:31 My dad just didn't want to go at that time.
30:33 And I remember, we went to church
30:35 and we came home.
30:36 He had the television on.
30:38 Blow some on, we're not trying to do that
30:40 just, just listen.
30:41 Because some don't understand the difference
30:42 what maybe Sabbath is what they do.
30:44 But it was interesting because we just thought,
30:45 well, we don't need the world brought in and so on.
30:48 I mean, little guy, I walked in the front row,
30:50 I looked dad had the TV on.
30:53 Well, I knew that was kind of a no, no
30:54 and The Lone Ranger was on.
30:56 Now see, I hadn't forget
30:57 what program was on and what goes on.
30:59 And then about the time my mother walked in
31:01 and she said, "Honey, please do not have that on today.
31:04 That will influence these boys to think
31:06 that's what they are to do,
31:07 so please for their sake would you turn it off."
31:10 He turned it off.
31:12 How interesting that, but see, all these years.
31:16 And the softness, not trying to be rash.
31:17 And it did, it works,
31:19 and she was saying for the children's sake
31:21 don't, don't let them see you do that.
31:24 I'm very grateful to my mother for that
31:26 because it's--
31:28 There are many broken homes.
31:30 There are many homes,
31:31 where one is following Christ and the other one is not.
31:36 And sometimes the differences are quite big
31:40 and but in encouraging to the parents
31:45 especially, those that are in Christ,
31:47 not to give up
31:49 and not to let that difference come
31:54 between your child, God, and you.
31:58 Because they will always remember that,
32:01 and that it will help them also to later on in life.
32:05 To understand what it is to be with Christ in those hours.
32:09 Yes, I think what we're finding more and more
32:11 is such a strong spiritual warfare.
32:16 You know all I know all of us here...
32:18 All of us here are talking to people
32:21 that are going through such heartache
32:23 and it's usually like I love what you said,
32:26 because that's so critical in making a happy home
32:29 and that is a soft answer, turneth away wrath.
32:33 Because generally when--
32:35 Yes, you know something like that,
32:37 even though she could have come in
32:39 with righteous indignation everywhere.
32:43 And just been very forceful,
32:44 you know, and how things would have changed.
32:49 Just one word can invite the enemy back in--
32:52 It wouldn't have worked for Shelton.
32:57 It's all right.
32:58 You're right, it was a soft answer
33:01 with love did it.
33:03 The other way would not have--
33:04 I'm gonna get through question four,
33:06 I don't know why you haven't got to.
33:07 We're gonna get to it I have tried...
33:09 I have tried, perhaps those of you had known Paul--
33:11 We are witnesses. Know that I have tried.
33:14 Number four, should instructions begin,
33:16 and we've talked about this somewhat already.
33:19 Should instructions be given at an early age in the home?
33:23 Well, let's look at Proverbs 22:6.
33:26 Let's see what the Bible says. Proverbs 22:6, who has that?
33:30 Mrs. Jill, you have that one?
33:32 "Train up a child in the way he should go,
33:36 And when he is old he will not depart from it."
33:40 Amen. So train up a child in the way.
33:42 It's talking about a child, it's talking about a young age.
33:47 So now let's go ahead
33:48 and let's look at 2 Timothy 3:15,
33:52 2 Timothy 3:15, And I love that promise
33:57 that we just read in Proverbs too.
34:04 2 Timothy 3:15, Brother Greg?
34:07 Sure, yup, it reads,
34:09 "And that from a child you have known the Holy Scriptures,
34:13 which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith
34:18 which is in Christ Jesus."
34:20 Amen. Absolutely.
34:23 Were talking about a divided home, right?
34:25 So, Timothy, Paul is writing to Timothy,
34:28 he grew up in a divided home.
34:30 True. His dad was a Greek.
34:32 His mom was Jewish and you think his mom Eunice
34:36 and grandma Lois taught him from a child the scriptures.
34:41 So that's just what we were talking about.
34:42 So, you know, even for those of you at home
34:45 maybe, maybe your mom or maybe your dad,
34:48 and your spouse is not walking with Jesus.
34:52 But yet, you can train.
34:54 You can reach out and train your little ones for Jesus.
34:58 Amen. Amen.
34:59 And there's hope, because Timothy grew up
35:01 to be a powerful witness for Jesus.
35:04 I love that, that's when their characters are being formed,
35:08 and they say so much of the characters
35:10 form before the age of three.
35:13 So we need to be praying you know,
35:15 mothers need to be praying
35:16 while that child is still in her womb.
35:19 And you know, even as the baby to have the right atmosphere,
35:23 the right things on in the home and the right teaching
35:27 at a very, very early age.
35:30 You know, I've had people say,
35:31 "Well, they're too young to come to church.
35:33 You know why? I can't keep them still."
35:35 That's when they need to be there.
35:36 Yes.
35:38 As, as a toddler as a baby in arms they need to be there
35:42 because that's when they're learning.
35:44 That's when they're hearing,
35:46 that's when they begin as he was mentioning earlier,
35:48 to sing those little songs about Jesus,
35:51 to know who He is.
35:52 And I've often mentioned this and, and it breaks my heart,
35:56 because a child two or three years old.
35:58 Once they begin to talk.
36:00 They can tell you every hero superman and batman.
36:03 And a girl can tell you every princes, that Disney has,
36:07 but how many heroes have faith?
36:09 Yes.
36:11 How many heroes have faith do they know?
36:14 Can they tell you? So we have a job.
36:17 And even if you don't have your own children,
36:18 you have a job with other children.
36:21 And those of you at home I encourage you,
36:24 I encourage you to turn the channel to different
36:27 in a different direction,
36:29 start teaching them about real heroes.
36:32 Amen.
36:33 Heroes of faith, that have done tremendous miracles.
36:36 The one that we talked about earlier,
36:37 where my grandson said, they were having a picnic.
36:40 Yes. I said, "Was that a miracle?"
36:43 Because two little fish and five loaves bread
36:47 could not feed over 5000.
36:50 Over, you're right. It could have been over 10,000.
36:53 Let's say it if every man had a wife with them,
36:55 and then they have some children with them.
36:57 That's right.
36:58 What a miracle, that's a superhero.
37:00 I think sure is.
37:01 That was real, so I encourage you
37:04 yes, yes, yes, we need to start early.
37:06 But, you know, you can,
37:07 you can run in difficulties with different children
37:09 because, they're different, they have a different mindset,
37:12 they have a different temperament.
37:14 You know, me,
37:15 I didn't necessarily want to sit and listen
37:17 to anything anybody as little one.
37:18 I was busy doing things, you know.
37:20 And so it took,
37:22 as I've already said they're out of correction.
37:24 To get me to want to sit, at least want to sit down
37:27 and to behave.
37:28 And so no one likes to talk about that now days,
37:30 but the Bible speaks about it, because you just,
37:32 it was talking about in Proverbs 22.
37:35 Talks about train up a child, but then in verse 15
37:39 the same chapter it says, this about children.
37:42 "Foolishness is bound up where?"
37:45 In the heart of a child
37:46 but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him."
37:50 And I said, well, how far does that go.
37:53 You know, the road across I looked at up,
37:54 you know what really said in there
37:56 in the written language.
37:57 It said stick, it talked about a branch,
38:00 for correcting a staff.
38:03 I'm thinking man some of those. And I thought right there.
38:06 Oh, I can remember
38:07 especially, make it I had a smart mouth.
38:10 I was always quick with the tongue
38:12 and never should be.
38:13 But I remember mom said, you know I did something
38:15 I knew was wrong, going to get it spanking or whipping.
38:18 The power of her was always go out
38:20 and cut me a limb, son.
38:21 Oh, boy when I cut the limb, you know, and I'd rather hurry
38:25 and get it over with before dad got home is always worse
38:27 because, I party act out during that I'd be getting another
38:30 when he got there anyway.
38:31 But she said, "You go out there,"
38:33 she said, you know, you knew the right from wrong,
38:34 you shouldn't have done this
38:36 and you knew what was going to happen?"
38:37 I said, "Yeah I did." She said "Go cut me a switch."
38:40 And then she said, "And don't bring me back
38:41 that little thing is gonna break, before I get done."
38:44 This way people talk back to you, you still with me?
38:47 You don't talk about--
38:48 And am I little smart, see, I needed extra help.
38:51 Some children do. Okay.
38:54 You know, you want to beat this old boy.
38:56 I'll bring you back something, you can beat me good with.
38:58 I went out there and I took a handsaw
39:00 and I cut about an inch
39:01 and have two inch around six foot long tree.
39:06 So it was like a ball bat about six feet long.
39:10 I knew what I was doing,
39:12 I'm gonna teach her lesson with this thing.
39:14 But I thought you know, what she's gonna teach me one,
39:16 but I'm ready for it.
39:17 Let her, let her have at it. That's my attitude bad.
39:20 I took it to her, I handed it to.
39:22 Because that's switch won't' gonna change me,
39:24 there might be something else in my life.
39:26 To change, I handed this great big old pole,
39:29 I said, "Have at it."
39:30 Well, if hadn't me I really had it you know.
39:32 Yeah.
39:34 And you know what. She broke my heart.
39:38 It won't gonna be as they say, the beaten the ball batting.
39:42 Yeah.
39:44 But she said, "Kenny, I simply wanted--"
39:47 She said, "I simply wanted to correct you, not kill you."
39:52 I thought what wisdom that even got through my poor--
39:55 Yeah.
39:56 I'm mostly almost like a devilish mind,
39:58 let's just call it like it is either Christ mind
40:00 or the enemy was controlling it.
40:02 I challenged her.
40:05 And I knew that more likely she would take that challenge
40:08 and beat me with a stick
40:09 till I don't know what was gonna happen,
40:10 I thought, you know, it's gonna be worth it,
40:12 I'm gonna teach her lesson and went along with that
40:14 and she broke my heart.
40:15 I never felt that way again.
40:17 She said, "Go out and cut a switch."
40:18 I made it work was switch was a good one,
40:20 they can work on it but not any more
40:21 because, she said, "Basically she love me.
40:24 I want to correct you, not kill you, son."
40:25 See that shepherd staff was not for correction,
40:27 that was for guidance.
40:29 He guided, he didn't beat the sheep with that,
40:32 that was what.
40:33 If they and you had the crook
40:34 in case they got into little crevice
40:36 or something to get him out
40:37 or you tapped them on like to guide them,
40:38 one for correction other things for correction.
40:40 But you didn't correct with that rod.
40:42 I went got it, I went and got one of those.
40:44 And that's what you know, Bible says, train up a child.
40:46 And it includes exhortation--
40:48 Thank you.
40:49 Correction, now we have time out,
40:51 okay you're going to close a timeout.
40:55 You know, and we were in somebody's house one day,
40:57 and we heard this child say something about an adult.
41:00 And Irma said, that came from an adult.
41:02 Just parroting what the person
41:05 that, that, it wasn't a child just thought she said,
41:07 "That came from the parents."
41:08 You know kind of thing.
41:10 So they're going to pick it up good or bad.
41:12 You might as well give them good
41:13 'cause they're gonna pick up something.
41:14 And whatever you give them,
41:16 so you might as well given them the word.
41:17 And it's not a guarantee
41:18 you know, the Bible says, train up a child.
41:20 It doesn't mean they'll never stray.
41:21 As long as that training is there
41:23 and it will not be long.
41:25 And it got something to come back to
41:27 because they've got the training,
41:29 they got the training.
41:30 We just need to pray that they come back to it.
41:33 The reason for all of this, I want to share.
41:36 Actually both of these quotes
41:38 that I love to share during this talk.
41:41 One is from Review and Herald
41:42 and this is March 30th from 1886,
41:45 the reason we need to teach our children
41:47 while they are so young,
41:49 and why they need this correction
41:50 is because in the purified earth,
41:52 now I'm quoting, "Will be no place for the rebellious,
41:58 disobedient the unthankful, ungrateful son or daughter."
42:03 And yet today, yet today, almost--
42:08 You know, if you take an observation
42:10 by profession I was a teacher.
42:13 I am a teacher.
42:14 And I think children have changed.
42:17 Yes. Oh, yes.
42:18 They have changed. The home has changed.
42:20 The home has changed.
42:22 And what's gonna happen and we were always taught,
42:25 let them work it out themselves,
42:27 and that doesn't fit with scripture.
42:29 No.
42:30 How many adults can work out a problem
42:32 without having guidelines?
42:34 We need moral absolutes that only God's word gives us.
42:37 Amen.
42:39 And so we need to give those moral absolutes to our children
42:42 because heaven will not be their home.
42:45 It's either heaven or hell. We have a choice.
42:49 And are you raising those babies for heaven?
42:51 Or are they going to be stubble for hell.
42:54 Now, that's tough
42:55 and going back to that rod of correction,
42:58 this is Review and Herald, February 8th 1912,
43:02 It says, "It is sometimes essential..."
43:05 Well in our home, it was essential a lot of times,
43:08 "To correct children.
43:10 When this is necessary--"
43:12 Now, this is a tough one parents.
43:15 "Do it in love."
43:17 That's right. That's key. That is key.
43:19 "Do it in love." I want to jump down here.
43:22 "Parents and children need the softening
43:25 subduing influence of the Holy Spirit of God
43:28 and if you can't do it in love right then separate yourself.
43:32 We often, often we do more provoke than to win.
43:37 Let your methods be a character that will create love.
43:41 Love begets love." That's right.
43:44 Good.
43:45 What do you want your child to grow up to be?
43:48 "Do not scold."
43:50 Now this is, it start stepping on toes
43:52 because we've messed up.
43:55 "Do not scold," but that's the good news,
43:57 we can redeem the time.
43:58 We can't go back, we can't change the past.
44:01 You can redeem the present, the time now.
44:04 "This will work counter to the results
44:07 which God desires to see accomplished
44:09 that is if you score.
44:11 An exhibition of passion on your part
44:14 will never cure your child's evil temper."
44:19 And in the kingdom there will be no more evil temper.
44:23 This is it. No more sin. This is it.
44:27 We've got one chance.
44:29 And that's why this, this message of a happy home
44:32 and raising our children is so vital in today's world.
44:37 And when you grow up, you're pleasing yourself really.
44:39 It's not--
44:41 There's nothing redemptive
44:43 about just getting in their child's face
44:45 and aggravate their poor child.
44:46 You know Bible says provoke onto your children--
44:47 That's right. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
44:49 And you can make worship.
44:51 You know, if you just throw something together
44:53 and don't plan for Friday night worship with their kids.
44:55 They're gonna be bored and they will sit there,
44:57 because you make them sit there.
44:59 But they're sitting there against their will
45:01 and it's not a joy.
45:02 And they're not looking forward for a Sabbath to come.
45:04 I envy all of you because I have no Sabbath memories.
45:07 I joined the church at ten on my own,
45:09 my parents were not Adventists.
45:11 And they didn't, they didn't stop me.
45:13 But they didn't do anything to particularly encourage,
45:16 you know, you want to go to church, well fine.
45:19 They're not doing that.
45:20 So on Friday's I had to come and walk past three TV's
45:23 and go in my room.
45:25 You know, on Sabbath in a fall,
45:27 passed three TV's everybody's watching football.
45:29 You know, and I'm in my room kind of thing
45:31 and I envy people who had Sabbath dinner,
45:34 have worship together because every now again,
45:36 I've got to go to somebody's house.
45:37 And I would just, and the kids are like.
45:39 "We don't like it."
45:40 But I was like, "Man, I wish I had that in my life."
45:42 I'm fighting baseball, and football, and hockey,
45:44 and everything else, you know.
45:45 And it's a wonderful thing
45:47 to be able to draw out a family together
45:48 and praise God and set the tone
45:50 for the incoming of the Sabbath.
45:52 And I just, I don't, I don't have that.
45:54 But I envy those who did.
45:56 But you're not alone, you sitting around the table.
45:58 I didn't grow up in a home that kept Sabbath.
46:00 My father never ever was converted.
46:03 And we lived in a very abusive situation growing up.
46:07 And so, I didn't have that either
46:09 and then when I did have to leave my home
46:12 to live with my grandparents for various reasons.
46:16 Even though they were Christians,
46:17 we really never sat and had a family worship.
46:20 I like you, I remember going to visit a home in Carbondale
46:25 with this family.
46:26 And the atmosphere was so different
46:29 and they had worship and I said the same thing.
46:33 Someday, I want a home like that.
46:35 Yeah. I want a home like that.
46:38 Amen.
46:39 Think about the influence that you both have now.
46:45 You know, you have a home like that.
46:47 Think about Pastor C.A and Irma in your hope.
46:50 And even if we can reach out to other people.
46:54 You know, Greg and I don't have kids
46:56 but we can reach out to other young people.
46:58 You know God calls each one of us
47:00 to reach out to someone
47:01 maybe who doesn't have that in the home,
47:03 who wishes for that.
47:05 And who, then we can reach out.
47:07 I wanted to just touch on the quote you read on love,
47:10 on the disciplining with love
47:12 and not, not with that harshness.
47:17 Yes.
47:19 I remember one time,
47:20 I am, I was going through a rebellious period in my life.
47:25 Oh, mercy. And I got a lot of spankings.
47:29 And they didn't work. No.
47:31 And I remember just being resistant angry,
47:36 talking back.
47:38 And I remember one time my mom she said,
47:41 "Jill, let's come in the bedroom."
47:43 And I thought here it comes. Oh, boy.
47:44 I'm getting it again.
47:46 I mean, I just know it's coming.
47:48 Oh, yeah, it's normal.
47:49 And she said, "I want to kneel down first."
47:51 Come on now. Amen.
47:53 And we knelt down. And she prayed.
47:56 She said, "God I have no identity with Jill.
48:00 I'm not getting her heart.
48:02 She's not walking in obedience, I don't know what to do."
48:05 Yeah.
48:06 She was just out there and I began to cry.
48:08 Well, absolutely, it break your heart.
48:10 And that worked more to soften that rebellion
48:15 and for me to say, "Okay, God,
48:17 I do want to choose even follow you than anything else.
48:20 Because I saw that Christianity works."
48:25 It was discipline but with love.
48:27 It was, it was different, wasn't it?
48:29 It's like getting in the club with your momma
48:31 and then mama broke my heart.
48:33 Same thing. What she is saying to you.
48:34 And one time my dad said this to me.
48:37 Broke my heart again, but it changed me
48:38 because I don't, I don't--
48:41 You really couldn't beat me hard enough
48:43 to make me do something.
48:44 Beat the devil out of the child.
48:46 Say, I had the devil in, because you couldn't,
48:47 I might say because you couldn't threaten me,
48:50 you couldn't, I didn't care what you did.
48:52 You said, "I hit you with a ball bat,"
48:53 I give you the ball bat and say go ahead.
48:55 That's, that's not normal, that's not right,
48:57 so I understand the enemy you know.
49:00 But I remember one time
49:01 and I'll just paraphrase my dad.
49:02 We were going somewhere, and he said something,
49:04 I said something.
49:05 We never allowed to recess.
49:07 Quickly I'd say something, he'd say, say son don't,
49:09 don't do it I was in the back seat of the car
49:11 would go and he said, "Son don't,
49:12 don't say another word."
49:15 And I had to say all right. He said you didn't hear me.
49:18 I don't want to hear all right, I don't want to hear okay.
49:20 Don't open your mouth again and I said okay.
49:26 And he said, I'm gonna tell you one more time,
49:28 do not make a grunt, don't make a sound,
49:31 don't do anything.
49:32 And I say well, if that's what you want.
49:34 I knew I was going to get to the back of the hand.
49:36 But instead that he grabbed the steering wheel,
49:38 and we're going to and both hands.
49:41 Trying to get--
49:44 he looked over my mom and he said,
49:47 "He's the dandiest kid I've ever seen."
49:54 Now think about it.
49:56 That, that's not what I wanted to hear from him.
49:59 I was in that sense I'm not mean but I was sassy.
50:04 I take that challenge.
50:05 But when he said that
50:07 because he's thinking of all the children
50:09 everybody of all the children he had met.
50:12 He said, "He's the dandiest kid that I've ever seen."
50:16 That--
50:18 Broke your heart. Yeah.
50:19 Yeah.
50:20 I sat back in the seat I had no more to say,
50:23 it broke my heart again.
50:25 It was a kindness.
50:26 You're talking about here with the love.
50:28 I'm thankful for the other two
50:29 because I got my attention from time to time.
50:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
50:33 And I was one that something really need it.
50:35 Some you can talk.
50:37 I wasn't that kind but I thank God,
50:38 he's merciful I thank God for godly parents
50:41 who stayed with the program for me.
50:44 One thing I do want to tell John to you,
50:47 we're actually starting to run out of time.
50:50 Basic crying, carrying on.
50:53 But one thing I do want to touch on
50:55 when we were talking about scolding.
50:57 You know, it's so easy, because we are what we feed on.
51:02 When we at most homes, have this box in their home
51:05 and I'm thankful that you have it on 3ABN
51:09 that often and it's on other channels
51:11 and so we're programmed,
51:12 we're programmed that this violent,
51:14 this rough character, this tough,
51:16 this rebellious spirit is good.
51:19 And so often that's what comes into our homes
51:23 between husband and wife, between mother and children,
51:27 father and children.
51:28 And what begins to happen when we feel that rage come up.
51:33 His father could have given into that rage
51:36 right there at that steering wheel.
51:38 When you feel the rage come up and you act on it,
51:45 you've just opened the door for the evil angels to come in.
51:49 Yeah, of course. You have opened the door.
51:52 Many people will say, "Well, I didn't mean to do it,"
51:55 but I was so angry and they hear voices
51:58 and they go and they murder, they do horrible things
52:02 because they allowed that rage to come in.
52:04 But what does that do even to that,
52:06 you're hitting on it to the children?
52:08 Yeah. They get the same spirit.
52:10 They think their response should be just like that--
52:13 The child has been beaten all his life,
52:14 how does he solve his problem?
52:16 He's gonna beat somebody else. Sure.
52:18 You find this pastor but they usually they're worse.
52:21 Like you say, however you might be
52:23 if you don't raise your children admonition
52:24 that they're going to be worse, they're going to do more things
52:26 and get worse down the line so, you know--
52:28 We have decisions to make, we had changes to make.
52:31 Oh, somebody pray for him. Because that's exactly right.
52:34 Down the line, it will become worse and worse and worse.
52:37 You know, you've often told me as we were rearing children
52:40 that our weaknesses will be magnified in our children.
52:44 So what we are weak on,
52:45 they will magnify that weakness and then you know.
52:49 When you want to go back and correct it,
52:51 by then that you can't bend them.
52:53 Yeah, there is some inspired counsel
52:54 that says that same thing why there're some parents
52:56 and the children just go like this all the time.
52:58 Because of the same, the same personality.
53:00 Yes. 'Cause of the same personality.
53:02 That's why and I want to just get this in,
53:03 Irma had the same experience. Come on.
53:05 Growing up in a non-Christian home,
53:07 I was so blessed when I baptized my parents.
53:10 Glory. Praise the Lord.
53:12 And you tease, I say, you do your show off,
53:13 because I baptize my dad one month before he died.
53:17 She, her father came to the Lord one week
53:19 before I thought you'll show off one week before.
53:22 And she was there, she was right there.
53:24 That kind of thing, and so it's a wonderful thing
53:27 that you can see them,
53:28 so I have the assurance they'll both be in the kingdom.
53:30 I didn't get the, the Sabbath dinners,
53:33 and all that kind of thing
53:34 but we will take care of that in heaven.
53:36 With that we want to gather around that big table right,
53:38 Jesus will be serving you.
53:40 Oh, how wonderful. Day that will be.
53:41 But, you know as I listen to I all of our experiences,
53:46 that not always were wonderful, you know, sometimes we're tough
53:51 I think of how, how merciful.
53:55 Come on now.
53:57 And how graceful is God to us, you know,
54:00 because look at where we are
54:03 and in spite of all those things that happened.
54:07 A father non-Christian, a mother a Christian,
54:09 their argument into that.
54:11 You know, my parents never argue in front of us.
54:16 And that has been a big blessing to us.
54:19 Because it was not until I was 15 years old
54:24 that I realized that my--
54:26 I knew that my parents fought
54:28 and had a big differences between them.
54:32 Because, my mother
54:33 but, but that was because of my mother, she promised
54:38 that she was not going to be arguing in front of us.
54:42 So we thought that our upbringing
54:44 was just the most beautiful.
54:47 It was somewhat that same way in our home
54:49 because, they just, my dad wants to,
54:52 you know mom would say so he just didn't want to
54:54 and she found out she didn't want to
54:56 because the impression that would make on us
54:58 and he would say something like,
55:00 "We'll talk about this later."
55:02 Yeah, that's good.
55:03 "Not with in front of the kids, we'll talk about this later."
55:05 I thought how interesting that is.
55:07 And even when it was time to give a spanking
55:09 because, we acted up on Sabbath, my dad would say,
55:12 "I'll see you after sundown."
55:15 Yeah, be careful with that, hold hands with it, hold...
55:18 I know exactly.
55:20 I don't want to get out of shape.
55:23 You know, my father will go and drink on Friday nights
55:27 and then he'll come home, and he will be sleeping.
55:30 He never got angry or mean or anything.
55:34 He will just sleep.
55:35 And my mother tells us,
55:36 she says, "He's tired, he's sleeping," always she say,
55:40 "Respect your dad, don't be noisy.
55:43 And there would be no noise and just let him to rest."
55:48 And it was until I was 15,
55:49 I realize that my father was resting
55:51 because he was drinking.
55:53 But that he and she would go that far.
55:57 And we have swiftly, swiftly come to the close.
56:00 It's come by fast. I want to give a resolve.
56:03 Because these are a lot of wonderful principles
56:05 that have been brought up
56:07 that we need to apply in our homes.
56:09 But a resolve that is found in Adventist home page,
56:11 about page 180 I believe.
56:13 Because many times
56:15 we look at one another and we want to say.
56:16 She made me do, he made do it, that and that.
56:19 We need to look at our self, at home I.
56:23 "I must guard my spirit, my actions, my words.
56:26 I must give time to personal culture
56:30 to training, and educating myself in right principles,
56:35 I must be an example to others.
56:38 I must meditate upon the word of God day and night
56:42 and bring it in to my practical life."
56:45 Brothers and sisters at home,
56:47 I pray that this has been a meaningful,
56:50 a spiritual awakening to say, you know, there's still hope.
56:55 There is still hope. We can do these changes.
56:58 We can make these changes in our home.
57:00 If the home is not happy, it can't be.
57:02 Christ has to be the center of that.
57:05 It can change.
57:06 Some people saying, it can't change,
57:09 it's been going on for too long.
57:10 No, Jesus can make a difference in your life.
57:12 He can change your home, He can change you,
57:14 He can change the wife, He change the children.
57:16 You can have a happy home.
57:18 So we're praying as we're,
57:20 you know, getting the issues out here
57:21 on the table and talking about them.
57:22 We pray that people have been drinking them in.
57:24 They'll continue to study, and we're glad
57:26 that they tune in for worship together.
57:28 We had a good time being in your home,
57:29 I hope you had a good time being with us,
57:31 and we love you, and we'll see you next time.


Revised 2016-05-12