Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. & Irma Murray (Host), Mollie Steenson, Jorge & Lynette Jaque


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016012A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and we welcome you to 3ABN Today family worship.
01:12 And whether you are watching this on a Friday evening
01:15 which is entering into the Sabbath
01:17 or on a Saturday evening
01:19 and you're preparing for a new week.
01:22 We do thank you for joining us,
01:24 and for allowing us to be with you
01:26 and coming into your homes.
01:28 We have our international cast here
01:30 and what's interesting is just a few days ago,
01:33 we actually were in your house for Sabbath.
01:37 So this is not make believe,
01:39 this is something we've rehearsed
01:40 in your house many times.
01:42 Absolutely.
01:43 Over the years, and we know, we know,
01:46 Jorge has the best shake maker,
01:50 the best smoothy maker and guacamole maker at 3ABN.
01:54 I learn from the best. Indeed.
01:57 So he has perfected,
01:59 be there with Lynnette's tutelage
02:01 or without he has perfected shaking and guacamole.
02:05 So we want to welcome you, guys.
02:08 Yes, indeed, one of his many charms and many skills.
02:10 My wife Irma is by my side.
02:12 Moe, good to be happy here. Yes, good to be here, Honey.
02:14 And we have Xenia Capote with us this evening.
02:18 Thank you. Praise the Lord.
02:20 Good to have you here. Well, thank you.
02:21 And we sat at your table
02:22 but she also has a skill in the kitchen.
02:25 And she's very, very good.
02:27 So everybody here, expect me has a great skill.
02:32 Well, you got to know your limitations,
02:33 I'm good at worship but not good in kitchen.
02:35 Well, I'm good in the kitchen, washing the dishes,
02:38 and taking out the garbage, and I eat fairly well,
02:41 I'm told here, so I can do that.
02:43 So thank you for being with us today.
02:47 Today's program we're gonna center
02:48 on in worship today.
02:51 I know it was the Lord.
02:52 If we had a working title,
02:54 we would call it I know it was the Lord.
02:56 Because there are times in our life, lord and ladies,
03:00 when something happened or you go through an experience
03:02 and you realize that had to be God.
03:06 That had to be divine insertion into our life.
03:09 That had to be the Lord putting Himself into my life
03:12 and doing something for my good and His glory.
03:16 And I think we all can think about those times,
03:18 we've got a couple readings
03:19 but, I also want you to come from your hearts,
03:22 because all of us have those times,
03:23 we should have those times.
03:25 And I had one as Irma and I had one as recent as last evening,
03:32 two evenings ago,
03:34 and that's why I have this little object lesson,
03:35 I'm just gonna hold this up,
03:36 and ask for the camera to get as close
03:38 to this as you possibly can.
03:40 So that you know what this is.
03:42 It's a circuit breaker
03:44 and it is a burnt out circuit breaker
03:46 and if you look like right here at this part.
03:49 This is the paper,
03:50 it's blackened and this is all burnt away.
03:52 And when the electrician came on yesterday evening,
03:55 he said, this could have been a major fire in your house.
04:00 On Sunday evening, Irma was washing her hair
04:02 and I was just plugging in the vacuum cleaner.
04:05 Vacuuming is my thing,
04:06 that's another one of my skills.
04:09 I vacuum really, really well.
04:12 And I thought it was a vacuum cleaner that did it,
04:14 but as I plugged it in the house went black.
04:17 And I heard this loud thud coming from the garage
04:20 because our breaker boxes is in the garage.
04:23 And of course, we were in total darkness.
04:25 Oh, in fact, you were just gone downstairs.
04:28 So she was in a basement... Do the laundry.
04:31 To do laundry and she was starting went,
04:34 went there downstairs in total pitch blackness downstairs,
04:37 so now I got to feel my way to find a flashlight.
04:39 And then try to find her, you know staple it
04:41 'cause you can't see where you're going.
04:43 So we go downstairs and we get Irma up
04:45 and, you know, you light some candles
04:46 and we were out for 24 hours just about.
04:50 But when the electrician came he said,
04:51 "This could have been a major fire."
04:53 This could have been quite severe
04:55 and God blessed us, it was not a...
04:59 It shut off instead of blowing up.
05:02 So there are times when you just say thank God,
05:05 you know, because when the electrician says,
05:07 man, this could have been a mess.
05:10 You want to thank him for this.
05:11 So little things happen all the time,
05:13 that we need to have gratitude and thank God
05:14 for these little blessings that He gives us,
05:17 and that's what we're gonna be talking about today.
05:19 Those times in our lives, I know my wife has got several.
05:22 I assume we all do.
05:23 In fact, I know you do.
05:26 Because God blesses us so many times,
05:27 and we are told in a prophetic writings
05:30 that sometimes we had to sit back
05:32 and recount those things that God does for us,
05:35 because first of all it gives you encourage,
05:37 encouragement that the same God
05:38 who got you through that one
05:40 will get you through the next one.
05:42 So that when trouble comes your way,
05:44 you have a history with God that you can recite
05:46 and recount in your mind, because you know
05:48 that God has gotten you through and kept you.
05:51 And those are just the ones that we know.
05:52 I think only in heaven will we know
05:54 the many, many times that God has blessed us,
05:56 and kept us, and saved us, and helped us
05:58 that we weren't even aware off.
06:00 And we'll be able to look back and say,
06:02 "Yeah, that was the Lord.
06:03 And didn't occur to me at that time."
06:05 So that's what we're gonna talk about today,
06:07 and that's gonna be the focus of our worship.
06:09 And we hope as we're talking that
06:11 you are recounting in your life
06:13 those times when God blessed you,
06:15 and touched you,
06:16 and inserted Himself in your life.
06:19 I was just thinking of the text in Acts
06:21 where Paul was talking with Sadducees.
06:23 Sadducees didn't believe in angels.
06:25 They didn't believe in miracles,
06:27 they didn't believe in divine intervention.
06:30 You know, if your pastor doesn't believe in angels,
06:33 and doesn't believe in miracles,
06:35 and doesn't believe in divine intervention,
06:38 that's a sad guy.
06:39 Maybe that's why they were Sadducees,
06:41 'cause they said, he is a sad guy.
06:43 If he didn't believe in angels or miracles,
06:46 then why you pray you know
06:47 or the fact that God can put Himself into your life,
06:50 but the Sadducees were like that,
06:51 they were the religion elite,
06:55 yet they didn't believe in miracles,
06:56 didn't believe in angels,
06:58 and didn't believe in divine intervention.
06:59 They were sad you see, quite sad,
07:01 because they didn't believe in that.
07:03 So, we know that God is here and God is able.
07:05 So, before we go into our worship time together,
07:09 we want to do some songs to sort of set the stage,
07:13 and the first one is 334,
07:16 that is Come thou Fount of every Blessing.
07:20 And we want to sing that together 334,
07:23 join us if you will, 334, Come thou Fount, here we go.
07:28 Come, thou Fount of every blessing
07:33 Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
07:39 Streams of mercy, never ceasing
07:44 Call for songs of loudest praise
07:50 Teach me ever to adore Thee
07:55 May I still Thy goodness prove
08:01 While the hope of endless glory
08:06 Fills my heart with joy and love
08:12 Here I raise my Ebenezer
08:17 Hither by Thy help I've come
08:23 And I hope, by Thy good pleasure
08:28 Safely to arrive at home
08:34 Jesus sought me when a stranger
08:39 Wandering from the fold of God
08:45 He to rescue me from danger
08:51 Interposed His precious blood
08:55 Now, that third stanza.
08:57 O to grace how great a debtor
09:02 Daily I'm constrained to be
09:08 Let Thy goodness, like a fetter
09:13 Bind me closer still to Thee
09:19 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
09:25 Prone to leave the God I love
09:30 Here's my heart O, take and seal it
09:36 Seal it for Thy courts above
09:41 Very good.
09:43 And turning over quickly to 537,
09:46 He leaded me.
09:47 When we have worship at our house,
09:49 my wife has a hymn note on her pad.
09:53 And it has whole orchestra and piano with it,
09:55 so it sounds like we just import an orchestra
09:57 into the living room you know, it's really, really nice.
10:00 And then when we go to Panama,
10:02 her sister has it also on her little tablet.
10:05 And with the four, five people in the orchestra,
10:08 it's really, really great, it sounds like
10:09 we're at Carnegie Hall or something
10:12 in New York City.
10:14 So I've got kind of accustomed of having an orchestra with me.
10:16 537, He leaded me, and singing.
10:23 He leaded me O blessed thought
10:28 O words with heavenly comfort fraught
10:35 Whate'er I do, where'er I be
10:42 Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me
10:49 He leadeth me He leadeth me
10:54 By His own hand He leadeth me
11:01 His faithful follower I would be
11:06 For by His hand He leadeth me
11:11 And that second stanza.
11:13 Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom
11:19 Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom
11:25 By waters still, o'er troubled sea
11:32 Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me
11:39 He leadeth me He leadeth me
11:44 By His own hand He leadeth me
11:51 His faithful follower I would be
11:57 For by His hand He leadeth me
12:02 Lord, I would clasp...
12:03 Lord, I would clasp my hand in Thine
12:09 Nor ever murmur nor repine
12:16 Content, whatever lot I see
12:22 Since 'tis my God that leadeth me
12:30 He leadeth me He leadeth me
12:35 By His own hand He leadeth me
12:42 His faithful follower I would be
12:47 For by His hand He leadeth me
12:55 And when my task on earth is done
13:00 When, by Thy grace, the victory's won
13:07 E'en death's cold wave I will not flee
13:14 Since God through Jordan leadeth me
13:21 He leadeth me He leadeth me
13:27 By His own hand He leadeth me
13:33 His faithful follower I would be
13:39 For by His hand He leadeth me
13:47 That bespeaks we're gonna talk about today
13:49 that God does lead us faithfully by his hand.
13:54 Our last song is 304, 304,
13:57 304, Faith of our father.
14:07 Here we go.
14:08 Faith of our fathers living still
14:16 In spite of dungeon, fire and sword
14:23 O how our hearts beat high with joy
14:30 Whene'er we hear that glorious word
14:38 Faith of our fathers! holy faith!
14:45 We will be true to thee till death
14:53 Our fathers, chained in prisons dark
15:01 Were still in heart and conscience free
15:09 How sweet would be their children's fate
15:16 If they, like them, could die for thee!
15:24 Faith of our fathers!
15:28 Holy faith!
15:31 We will be true to thee till death
15:40 Faith of our fathers!
15:44 We will love
15:48 Both friend and foe in all our strife
15:55 And preach thee, too, as love knows how
16:03 By kindly words and virtuous life
16:10 Faith of our fathers!
16:14 Holy faith!
16:18 We will be true to thee till death!
16:25 Amen.
16:27 Before we go into our prayer time.
16:30 I'm gonna ask if there are any special prayer requests,
16:33 and I know my wife has one for her brother-in-law.
16:37 And I need to let you into what I found
16:40 one things of being married to a Latino
16:44 is you find a lot of really interesting things
16:46 about how the Latino culture functions.
16:51 And one of the things that I found is that,
16:53 if you do something
16:54 early in your life and get a nickname.
16:57 That stays with you till you die.
16:59 Is that not so, Xenia? Jorge?
17:01 Absolutely. Oh, yeah.
17:03 So you get a nickname
17:04 and that you can be an old man
17:06 if it's something you did maybe in grade school.
17:08 They will call you by that name.
17:10 I just realized after close to 20 years.
17:15 No, since early '90s, that my brother-in-law.
17:19 His name is Louis,
17:22 because I've also heard, always heard Lucho.
17:24 I thought that was his official name
17:26 and I've never called him anything else.
17:28 Well, he's in the hospital and has a little thing that
17:31 my wife's gonna talk about and there some I heard Louis.
17:34 And I had to ask her, "Who is Louis?"
17:37 You know, because he's always been Lucho to me.
17:39 So I've got one brother-in-law Louis.
17:42 I've got another brother-in-law, Louis,
17:45 and I've got a third brother-in-law
17:46 who is just her brother, Louis.
17:50 Oh, we've got Louis, Louis, Louis.
17:52 But I didn't know his name was Louis,
17:54 I thought it was Lucho.
17:55 Well, you get the name and it kind of sticks with you.
17:57 But we want to pray for him because...
18:00 He just had a catheterization, I don't know, in fact,
18:03 I can't say that very well.
18:05 Catheterization, yes. Yes.
18:09 He has a very serious heart problem
18:15 and he's actually candidate for a new heart transplant.
18:20 But they are trying to do everything
18:22 they can to see if that they can help him
18:25 with that happen to go that far.
18:28 And so, he just had that procedure
18:31 and he has quite a bit of blockage in his everywhere.
18:40 So we're just praying
18:41 and see that things goes go well,
18:45 and they can help him.
18:47 Yeah. Before they got to that.
18:48 Kind of a jolly fun guy,
18:50 out of the church for many years,
18:52 came back a couple years ago.
18:54 And they're back in the Lord, he and his wife, your sister.
18:56 Yes. Baby sister as it were.
18:58 My baby sister. And so we're praying for them.
19:00 Jorge, special request?
19:01 Well, talking about brothers.
19:03 My brother's name is not Louis.
19:08 You can change it, it's okay.
19:11 His name is Carlos.
19:13 Well, he is going through some health issues
19:16 and well, I don't know if you will like me
19:20 after you make it but probably come up with,
19:23 it's something that we'll be bringing a boy in,
19:27 and I like to pray for him
19:30 and have it as a prayer request for his health.
19:36 Any body else, Xenia?
19:37 I think we need to remember
19:39 our family members and friends.
19:41 For some reason are no longer in the church,
19:44 or don't know the Lord yet.
19:47 The Lord will lead them, so yeah.
19:49 Yeah.
19:50 I think we can all think of individuals
19:51 we'd like to see a little,
19:54 not little, a lot closer God who are not in church.
19:56 Lynette, anything special?
19:59 Actually what Xenia touched on this in always on my heart.
20:04 So definitely that. Yeah.
20:08 Perhaps you have some also
20:10 and as we come to the Lord in prayer,
20:11 we want you to join us and lift up to the Lord
20:14 those names that are on your heart.
20:16 And, Jorge, I would ask if you would lead us in prayer please.
20:19 Sure.
20:20 Dear heavenly Father, thank you, Lord,
20:22 for allowing us to be here, celebrating this, this time,
20:29 this moment of entering your Sabbath and rejoicing
20:34 because, we know that these hours are special,
20:38 and we want you to be special in our lives
20:41 as well as in the lives of our friends,
20:44 viewers that are watching this program.
20:47 Help them also Lord to see the beauty of the Sabbath rest
20:53 and this quiet times with you.
20:56 And also Lord, we think You for Your love and care for us.
21:01 And especially Lord,
21:03 we ask You for those in our families
21:07 and that are going through some special needs in their,
21:12 especially in their health, that we ask you for Louis,
21:16 for Lucho and Irma's brother
21:20 is going through this heart issues too,
21:24 you know his not only his heart but his whole body.
21:30 You know him, you made him, you know Lord,
21:32 how to heal him
21:34 and we ask you Lord to lift him up to you,
21:37 so he can also receive peace in his heart
21:41 and feel that you are comforting him
21:44 and also not only that.
21:46 If you will, you will restore his health.
21:49 Also Lord, we ask for our family members
21:54 that have not been.
21:57 Due for a while
21:59 and they are coming back to you
22:00 or those who still don't know You
22:04 or don't have a relationship with you Lord.
22:06 We lift them up to you.
22:08 Yes.
22:09 Lord to be with them, to touch their hearts
22:12 and we have many family member
22:15 in our midst that they need to know You Lord,
22:20 and they, also they need to know
22:22 that you are soon to come back for us.
22:27 Thank you for all Your blessings
22:30 so far for giving us the family to pray for,
22:34 for giving us our viewers,
22:37 viewing family that is watching this program.
22:40 Bless every one of them and give them
22:44 Lord, peace in their heart and hope.
22:48 And especial Lord, if they need healing
22:51 and restoration in the physical life,
22:54 Lord, Lord present Yourself in a mighty way so they can,
23:00 they can know that you love them eternally.
23:04 Thank you Lord for these moments
23:05 that we are sharing here as the family, in our family,
23:08 there is family worship, in Jesus' name we thank you.
23:11 Amen. Amen, and, amen.
23:13 You know, that nickname thing comes in handy.
23:15 You wonder how we keep all the poppies separate.
23:18 Well, Louis Correra, Coria, we call Lucho, Luis Getta,
23:24 we call Poppy, and Louis Ballasos,
23:27 we call Oscar.
23:29 So there's no problem, it kind of all works out.
23:33 And we don't get anybody confused.
23:35 But as we are saying God is good.
23:37 Now, I like to put it in each time
23:39 I worship a little practical time.
23:40 When I was pasturing,
23:42 we used to have at my church lock ins
23:46 where we'd bring the young people
23:47 in for a Saturday night.
23:49 And we lock the doors at 11 o'clock
23:51 and they had to stay in church till 6 a.m.
23:54 in the morning.
23:55 And we sang, we prayed, we worship,
23:57 and of course to keep young people up all night long,
24:00 you had to have the program moving pretty fast,
24:02 there was no downtime.
24:03 I decided after about two or three,
24:05 we gave them one hour of sleep from 3 o'clock to 4 o'clock.
24:09 They got one hour and they were looking forward
24:11 to that one hour, you know, they got their one hour.
24:14 Then we had a seasonal prayer
24:15 because if you had a long seasonal prayer
24:17 about 2 o'clock in the morning,
24:18 when after you said amen.
24:20 You're the only one saying amen,
24:21 because everybody else is out.
24:23 So I realize, have the seasonal prayer
24:25 after a nap time so they could...
24:27 But one of the things we did with that, with that,
24:30 when we had maybe sometimes 50, 60, 70
24:33 as much as 100 young people there
24:34 locked in all night for two reasons.
24:36 One, you can't let them go home
24:37 in the middle of the night in New York City.
24:39 So once they come at 11 o'clock
24:40 they stay in that building until, until morning settle in,
24:45 and then we had breakfast for them in the morning
24:46 and it was kind of fun, it was a spiritual exercise.
24:48 And so we prayed our way through the night.
24:50 But we went through these little exercises,
24:52 we did one of these when last we met together.
24:54 And I have another one before we go into our time of sharing.
24:58 This one is called, "Home by Tens,"
24:59 I'm going to read this and I want you guys
25:01 to kind of respond to this because I think,
25:04 and I know you all agree that
25:05 that your religion are repractical.
25:08 There's a God consciousness that comes into your life.
25:12 But that God consciousness ought to show itself
25:15 in every day things in your life.
25:17 How you deal with your neighbors?
25:18 How you deal it on the job?
25:20 How you deal when you get into trouble?
25:21 How you deal when you're driving your car,
25:23 and somebody cuts you off?
25:24 You know, all of those things, your faith ought to show itself
25:27 in how your life is conducted.
25:29 So listen to this, and then I want you to respond.
25:32 This is Home by Ten.
25:35 "Susan and Tina are having a great time at church
25:38 at the local youth group social."
25:40 So we are talking about church people.
25:42 "After the social,
25:44 the two girls are spending the night
25:46 together at Tina's..."
25:47 Okay Susan and Tina spend a night together at Tina's.
25:50 All right.
25:52 "While waiting to watch a film,
25:54 Susan remembers that her mother,
25:56 Mrs. Clark told her to be back from the social by 10 pm.
26:03 Her mother has always been very strict.
26:07 Susan announces to the group
26:09 that she can't stay for the film
26:11 because she won't...
26:12 Because it won't be over until 10:30."
26:15 Okay.
26:17 "A few of her friends are annoyed.
26:19 They argue that Susan's mother will never know
26:22 if Susan stays out a few minutes late
26:25 because Susan is spending the night at Tina's.
26:30 Susan finally agrees with them.
26:32 She makes Tina promise
26:34 not to say a word to Susan's mother,
26:37 Mrs. Clark about having stayed out late.
26:41 The two girls then stay for the movie.
26:44 After which they arrive at Tina's house about 10:55.
26:50 Susan and Tina visit for a while,
26:53 then go to sleep forgetting that they stayed out past
26:56 Susan's curfew."
26:58 Okay.
26:59 Now, "The next day the two girls are getting ready
27:01 to go shopping the phone rings.
27:03 Tina answers, and it is and is surprised
27:05 by the voice of Susan's mother, "This is Clark wants to know
27:09 if the girls had a fun evening."
27:11 Tina tells her that they had a wonderful time.
27:15 As the conversation is ending Mrs. Clark asked
27:18 what time the girls arrived home?
27:21 All right.
27:23 "Tina thinks for a second and remembers
27:25 the promise she made to her best friend Susan.
27:29 Tina decides to keep her promise
27:31 and defend her friend after all.
27:34 Mrs. Clark is too strict.
27:37 She tells Mrs. Clark
27:39 that they came home around 10 p.m.
27:42 Tina's mother, Mrs. Smith
27:45 overhears the phone conversation.
27:47 She knows what time the girls really arrived home.
27:51 Mrs. Smith decides it is not her business
27:55 and stays out of the situation rather than talk to the girls
27:59 or call Mrs. Clark with the truth."
28:02 Okay.
28:03 Who is at fault?
28:05 And when I do this to the young people,
28:08 we always rank them from best to worst,
28:10 Tina, Susan, Mrs. Clark, their friends or Mrs. Smith.
28:13 So you've got two young people
28:18 who deceived their parents.
28:22 And you've got a parent
28:24 who is complicit in that deception.
28:29 So walk me through it, what do you think?
28:33 Well, again I think I said this in the past, sin is sin.
28:39 You can't really rank it.
28:40 It's all the same thing.
28:42 But the young lady
28:44 who was supposed to be home by 10, is that Susan?
28:46 Yes.
28:48 Okay, Susan has the ultimate burden here.
28:52 She knows the rules that her mother
28:54 has placed her under
28:55 and her mother has placed her under these rules
28:57 presumably to keep her safe
29:00 and to help her learn boundaries.
29:03 So Miss Susan is at the head of the class in this.
29:06 She is the one
29:08 who had all the responsibility in this case.
29:12 And it is tough with peer pressure.
29:14 I understand that having, having slipped up on
29:17 this in the past in my own life,
29:19 I can totally understand
29:21 when everybody says they will never know.
29:24 And they never did know until now.
29:25 Hi, mother.
29:27 But, anyway that's, that's my take on it
29:32 is it's just, it's Susan, and you can trickle it down
29:35 if you want to but...
29:38 Moe, what would you think? I agree totally too.
29:41 I think that the same,
29:44 you know, having that experience.
29:46 I know that the responsibilities on Susan.
29:49 Yes.
29:52 The mother is,
29:54 it sounds to be a little strict but still...
29:58 You never know the reasons behind
30:00 the crazy rules that we as parents.
30:02 Susan was dull and Susan was...
30:06 In the beginning she did well
30:07 because she was going through girl
30:10 with the mother's request, but then, things happen.
30:16 Xenia, what do you think?
30:18 I believe that Moe, wants to, she committed and she stayed.
30:23 Now, after the conversation Mrs. Smith heard
30:27 that she should sit the girls down
30:29 and say, why did you say her or have a talk with them.
30:33 You know, she shouldn't just be quiet,
30:34 maybe not call Mrs. Clarke but at least talk to the girls.
30:38 So that they can complete her.
30:41 Now I think that lady second in line in the scale of...
30:45 Complicity. Complicity.
30:46 And in doing things the wrong way
30:49 because she's the adult of middle of a situation,
30:54 and she didn't say anything.
30:55 So when you keep silence
31:00 in front of a situation that is wrong.
31:03 It's almost worst than the person who is,
31:08 who is committing the... well, say the crime.
31:13 It's almost to be accessory to a crime.
31:15 It's almost be in the as bad as the crime itself.
31:21 Here's my question, which is better and why?
31:24 What if Mrs. Smith had just gotten on the phone
31:26 after the girls talk.
31:28 And said, "You know, your daughters are lying to you.
31:30 They came in here at 10."
31:32 You know, and told and told the truth
31:33 because, she knew what time they came.
31:34 Would that be better
31:36 or it would be better to talk to the girls.
31:37 What do you think is a better action?
31:39 Talk to the mother?
31:41 Mother to mother or talk to the girls?
31:44 I think, I would do both personally.
31:46 Yeah.
31:47 I would set the young ladies down
31:49 and I would say, "Look, this is not cool.
31:50 If you know this was your rule that you're under,
31:52 you needed to tell me that."
31:54 And then, you know, I will be talking to your mother.
31:57 And the rest is between you and your mom.
31:59 Right.
32:00 Well, because the lady Miss, Miss,
32:03 no, no they weren't that, that...
32:06 I've lost.
32:07 Clark, Well, Clark is Susan's mother
32:09 and Smith is a mother of Tina.
32:11 Tina's mother that's where I'm going,
32:13 Tina's mother has a very big responsibility.
32:17 What if something happened?
32:19 And of course, she was ignorant of that arrangement
32:23 maybe not, maybe she knew
32:25 that Susan had to be back at certain time.
32:29 Look at this argument I would say she didn't know.
32:32 Well, let's take she didn't know
32:33 but, when she found out, she should have thought,
32:37 hey, what if something happened?
32:40 And I'm just doing part of this cover up.
32:45 Yeah.
32:46 What if the girls had gotten into something
32:47 and didn't tell either mother.
32:49 And they got in late
32:50 and then Tina's mother is complicit
32:53 because she knows what time they got in.
32:55 And two...
32:57 Those of you who have children know,
32:59 you don't always raise all of your children
33:02 the exact same way, because of certain tendencies
33:05 that this child has that this child does not.
33:08 I grew up with a... Not grew up.
33:12 While I was pasturing,
33:13 I had a very close friend who adopted a young girl
33:16 that was found in a garbage can.
33:18 Someone had just left her in the garage,
33:20 she worked at the hospital.
33:21 And she adopted this girl.
33:22 Well, the girl turned out to be brilliant, just brilliant,
33:25 sails through Andrews University, brilliant.
33:27 Reading the New York Times,
33:30 Sunday paper 750,000 words on Sunday morning
33:33 at age maybe seven or ten.
33:35 But her natural child
33:38 was one that she had to kind of sit on
33:40 because he was just, he was a tough guy.
33:42 So this girl, you tell her do that.
33:45 She does it to the F degree. No problem.
33:47 The boy, if you don't stay right on this case,
33:50 you know, he's gonna kind of goof off.
33:53 So you don't raise it to the same,
33:54 because one, you can trust with a lot of freedom,
33:56 because they're self-motivated.
33:57 The other you've got to push.
33:59 You know, like a dead cell that doesn't run anymore.
34:01 So maybe she's bringing this girl home at 10 o'clock,
34:03 because she knows she has a tendency
34:05 to get herself into hot water.
34:07 So now, this other mother who is aiding and abetting
34:11 that negativity, so you know,
34:13 honesty is the best policy, wouldn't you think?
34:15 And she is not giving respect to Mrs. Clark
34:21 who had put the rules on her daughter.
34:24 Well, you've got four.
34:25 If that happened, would you want to know?
34:27 Oh, yes. Yeah.
34:29 And believe me, there would be repercussions.
34:32 That's, that's the one thing we've always tried to do
34:36 especially with the two younger ones I have.
34:38 I have multiple children for those who don't know
34:40 I have children ranging in ages from age 30 on down to age 8.
34:46 Don't ask...
34:49 Anyway with the two younger ones,
34:51 we have tried to talk to them almost as adults,
34:55 we don't baby talk our children.
34:57 And it's like honesty is the best policy
34:59 even if you blew it and you know you've blown it.
35:03 Please tell me
35:04 because it will be so much worse for you,
35:06 if I find out from someone else.
35:08 So and it seems to be working fairly well,
35:11 they're still a little hesitant,
35:12 because who wouldn't the tingling bottom,
35:14 and the uncertainty of the situation.
35:17 A lot of times they end up getting discipled
35:20 rather than punished, disciplined.
35:23 And you have, we have one behind the camera there.
35:26 We do. Taken...
35:29 Yeah.
35:30 Be now witness of that.
35:34 Xenia, you have one in college,
35:36 would you want to know if your daughter was out
35:38 and this kind of thing is going on,
35:40 would you want the parents to tell to you?
35:42 I would like to know these things.
35:44 But just taking out a little farther, her friend.
35:50 When you go through...
35:51 When you're a teenager or you're going with a friend
35:53 to a party or staying or whatever,
35:56 I mean, you count a lot on your friends
35:58 and what kind of support did that friend give Susan
36:01 when she knew her mother was.
36:03 She knew the rules.
36:05 When they started pressuring her,
36:07 she should have supported her, you know, and said something
36:10 but instead of supporting her friend,
36:13 she pushed her the other way.
36:15 The other way, yeah. Yes.
36:16 She was on the same team
36:18 with the peer pressure or is it.
36:19 Right, right.
36:20 Oh, yeah, come on, we'll stay, I want to see the movie,
36:22 I want to see the movie.
36:23 Yeah.
36:25 We need to be conscious about too
36:26 because sometimes we have kids that are home or whatever.
36:30 And they say something
36:31 or they don't want me to eat this,
36:33 or they don't want me to do that
36:35 or they don't want me to watch that
36:36 and we push them.
36:37 And we shouldn't do that because they have the reasons,
36:40 so we should respect them.
36:43 And there's another thing too.
36:44 Communication here that is probably is missing.
36:48 First, the story said that Mrs. Clark was strict always
36:55 wasn't like every now and then.
36:57 She was a conduct that she kept always the same.
37:02 But at the same time
37:04 she put trust on her daughter to go,
37:06 and sleep over with a friend and on top of that,
37:13 the friend went to another friend
37:14 so she was trusting her daughter, was a trust.
37:17 But it was a lack of communication
37:19 on her daughter's part
37:21 because she could have said, hey, let's call my mom.
37:24 Maybe, it's okay, yeah, I can't she said,
37:27 "She told me 10 o'clock but maybe she will be flexible.
37:31 Why don't we call her."
37:32 So that part of the communication
37:34 is missing there.
37:35 She could have called her mother and say,
37:38 "Mom, they are watching this movie here,
37:42 can I stay an extra half hour."
37:44 Yeah.
37:46 And it's a church social, you're not at a club.
37:47 Yeah.
37:49 You know, you're not out. Right.
37:50 You know, and I think
37:51 you would have respected a call like that,
37:53 would you not?
37:54 Oh, absolutely and many times I have been called with,
37:55 you know, "Hey, mom, can I?"
37:57 And it's like, well, all right, fine,
37:58 as long as I know where you're going to be afterward.
38:00 Yeah.
38:01 As long as everything is all lined up.
38:02 Yeah.
38:04 Will you respect a call like that?
38:05 Oh, absolutely.
38:06 And had expected it several times
38:09 when, you know, my children growing up.
38:12 And another thing that I that I see here too
38:17 is that Mrs. Clark probably had a good report
38:23 on Tina and the mother.
38:26 And she trusted her to go over there.
38:28 So after this that trust is broken
38:34 and now you cannot trust.
38:37 You have to rebuild that trust.
38:38 You have to rebuild that.
38:40 And that's the consequences of, you know, children when they,
38:46 you know, they try to stray, step out and do their own.
38:50 They don't think.
38:51 Thinking that parents are not going
38:53 to know about it.
38:54 Taking, taking the sly route rather than the honest route,
38:58 you know that their phone call would have solved a lot.
39:00 Would have solved a lot of, a lot of thing.
39:02 And now, Mrs. Clark actually is in the dark.
39:05 There's no mechanism for her to ever know
39:07 except that once you begin doing this kind of thing,
39:11 then it's a little easier to go a little further,
39:13 go a little further, go a little further.
39:14 And then you look back,
39:16 and well, remember that time that we didn't call that one.
39:19 So I think we all agree that the major onus is on,
39:23 is on Susan.
39:25 Had Susan done the right thing
39:27 then this, this trail of things would have never taken place
39:30 as Susan just stirred up.
39:32 But having said that,
39:34 peer pressure is an incredibly strong thing.
39:38 It's much stronger than when we were young,
39:40 and it's much more insidious.
39:43 So you need Christ in every aspect of your life.
39:46 Now I want to get away from that
39:47 before our time gets away from us,
39:49 and move on to something else.
39:51 But I want us each to take a moment
39:54 because I talked about my little,
39:55 my little circuit breaker deal here.
39:59 And, you know, this one, I was trying to,
40:00 you know, I was in the garage
40:02 trying to put this thing back on
40:04 and it wouldn't click and the...
40:06 It's falling apart.
40:08 And it's falling apart even before, yeah.
40:10 When the electricity, electrician came,
40:12 he got it to click on and as it clicked on,
40:14 you could see the, the, the
40:15 and it clicked this up right back off,
40:17 he said, "I was just trying to see,"
40:18 and I was trying to put it on in the dark,
40:20 I said, "This thing won't work."
40:22 And the Lord was keeping me
40:23 from putting this thing back on,
40:24 because this could have been a major, major, something
40:27 so I'm thankful to the Lord.
40:28 But I want to give you a chance,
40:30 before we move to our last little thing here.
40:32 Times in your life when you know
40:34 that God put his hand in that.
40:36 What happened was of the Lord.
40:38 Anybody?
40:39 But I can think of his protection,
40:42 you know, and traveling.
40:45 One time we've taken a trip, a long trip.
40:49 Well, you're just driving along, whatever.
40:51 And we were following the truck.
40:54 Well, you know,
40:57 the tools they used to take the wheels out?
41:01 The lug nut, the wrench lug nut.
41:03 Okay.
41:04 That came off flying of the truck.
41:07 And I saw that thing flying on the air
41:09 and he was calling to me, you know, it's just like.
41:12 What are you thinking of.
41:14 But he didn't break the glass. Praise the Lord.
41:17 It didn't break the glass.
41:18 I don't know the way it landed,
41:20 it just didn't break the glass and it just flew off.
41:22 He just stuck his hand right between...
41:23 It's like you stop on the side of the road,
41:25 and you sit there you know,
41:27 "I shouldn't be here right now."
41:28 Yeah. Yes, absolutely.
41:30 Praise the Lord. Praise God, yeah.
41:32 You know, it's little things like that
41:33 and you reflect back,
41:35 what turned out to be just a story
41:37 could have been a major incident, you know.
41:40 But it's another story of how good God is.
41:42 Anyone else?
41:44 Well, I...
41:46 Just continuing in the same line
41:47 of tires flying high.
41:51 I had this... The situation by myself.
41:55 In Buenos Aires, Argentina, in one of the big,
41:58 very busy avenues or corridors there in the city.
42:05 And it was three in the afternoon,
42:09 very much a rush hour.
42:11 And all of the sudden this car start making a noise.
42:16 The car that I was driving.
42:19 And there was I said, "What is that noise?
42:21 And then, then, yeah, we identify there was second
42:24 on that direction of the, the front right passenger
42:30 from tire and it was, in the next minute
42:35 or so it was getting worse and worse and worse and worsen.
42:38 And there's a cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck.
42:40 And then... And I was going fast.
42:44 You know, what I, what do I do,
42:45 I was in almost the central lane.
42:49 And there was nor up median nor not up I mean.
42:51 It was a median, but not, not like something else,
42:54 so I had to stop 'cause the car just went to a stop
42:58 and I had cars passing me on this side,
43:01 cars passing me on the other side.
43:03 The ones that are right behind me
43:05 went to a very sudden stop and I was looking in my mirror
43:09 how they were trying to avoid me.
43:12 What happened to us.
43:14 That I had this car taken to the mechanic
43:17 to do something on my front brakes
43:20 and they didn't put the tire...
43:22 All the pieces back.
43:24 All the pieces I mean the bolts were loose.
43:27 I lost out of the five or so, I had one left.
43:33 Oh!
43:35 One, and there were gone, there were...
43:38 The tier was, it wasn't a big, was rather a small car,
43:42 it wasn't a big car but.
43:44 One more time and I will be spinning
43:46 or doing whatever moves in the middle of that
43:49 very busy street and then I was sitting there,
43:52 waiting for help and somebody took out
43:55 and get me out of there.
43:57 Again this guy put the tire in that,
44:01 put that bolt backend and we pushed the car away
44:06 in just making a big, big mess out of the traffic.
44:11 But I was thinking wow, that was a very close call.
44:17 And I was thinking, I'm thinking back while Lord,
44:21 really, you really wanted something out of me.
44:25 Because, if I would have been killed by another car
44:31 or whatever.
44:33 I wouldn't be here, I would have,
44:34 so many things that happened after that,
44:37 that I know that God had a plan for me.
44:39 Amen, amen, amen.
44:43 Moe, Lynnette, anyone.
44:46 Lynnette?
44:48 I like it now, that's the first time
44:49 I've heard that story.
44:52 After 13 years of marriage, he's always surprising me.
44:58 Well, we've touched on protection and travel.
45:03 There's also spiritual protection.
45:05 Yes.
45:07 And when...
45:10 I just suddenly had about five or six examples
45:12 just come flying together and they're all jammed here.
45:16 Lord, I'm going to pick the simplest one.
45:18 When we first were married, I was not an Adventist.
45:23 I was still going to a church that was very evangelical.
45:27 In fact, we were going to both.
45:30 We would go to church on Sabbath,
45:33 and the church on Sunday, you know.
45:35 But I still had a lot of questions,
45:37 lots of questions, lots of questions.
45:39 And he sat me down in front of, I don't know one,
45:42 one of the Adventist channels.
45:45 When Doug Batchelor was on,
45:46 and he went off and did his thing
45:48 and I was just listening to Doug Batchelor.
45:50 And one after another, he answered all my questions
45:54 from the Bible saying, okay.
45:56 You don't need this anymore, they got you back to me.
45:59 Here's the truth.
46:01 This is where you need to be.
46:04 And it was, it was a major turning point,
46:08 we stopped going to church on Sunday
46:10 and we continue to...
46:12 I had to learn how to keep the Sabbath
46:14 because Saturday was always a work day,
46:15 so I was fidgety a lot.
46:17 But we started keeping
46:19 the Sabbath completely as a family.
46:21 Amen.
46:22 And it was a long road getting there,
46:26 but God was protecting me the whole way.
46:29 Praise the Lord.
46:32 I have a feel also situations were I know that the Lord
46:37 has had firsthand on this situation
46:41 and one was very, very recent, while I was in Panama.
46:48 I was driving and I had my brother
46:50 next to me, my mother, and my little nephew.
46:54 Yeah, her brother Louis. My brother Louis...
46:59 Were in back and my brother's wife was sitting there.
47:05 And we were following my brother-in-law Louis Oscar.
47:11 And, and I...
47:13 He had said to me, I said, just follow me and...
47:17 Because I didn't know that area very well
47:19 and it was very dark, it was very late at night
47:21 we have just finished a service in, in the mountains.
47:27 They had a pathfinder convention.
47:32 So I'm driving finding, you know I'm following him.
47:37 Then my brother says to me all of a sudden,
47:40 "Why are you following Oscar?"
47:43 You know, it was just so quick in my mind just spin
47:50 and I thought to myself, "Oh, I guess
47:53 I don't need to follow him anymore."
47:55 So I did a quick turn,
47:58 and I went unto this the right end road
48:03 and when I get on going on that road.
48:08 All of a sudden I realize that I'm going in an incoming
48:14 against incoming traffic.
48:16 But just like that too also
48:19 there was two fire trucks
48:25 that they just stop like,
48:29 I don't know how they stop so fast.
48:31 But one stop this way, and the other one this way
48:33 and then there was that whole bunch of traffic
48:37 coming behind them.
48:39 And I know for sure that that was the hand of the Lord
48:44 because it was so quick and so fast.
48:48 When that bunch of other cars were coming
48:51 that it would not have been any room for me to move
48:54 because, it was the highway.
48:56 And then it was just the channel for you know,
49:01 the water whatever under rug,
49:02 there was no shoulder for me to go.
49:06 And, so I stop and then I never saw anybody
49:11 in the any of the truck except for that one guy
49:14 that walked over to me.
49:16 And he says, "Wow" he says, "You would have been
49:19 in a disastrous situation here.
49:23 I said, "I'm glad that I was here."
49:27 And he says, "Just go back."
49:28 You know, back up,
49:30 and then take on the other road.
49:32 And so I know that that was because everything happened,
49:37 I had all these you know, my family in the car,
49:40 it would have been terrible.
49:41 Same like you, this is my first hearing of that.
49:46 I did not know that.
49:47 It seems like I have said that so many times
49:49 to so many people.
49:50 Yeah, but not to me. I'm so sorry.
49:52 You go to Panama anymore.
49:54 What happens is sometimes you forget about these things--
49:58 I was listening to Xenia telling that,
50:01 and I was like, "Oh, my goodness.
50:02 It happened, something kind of related happened
50:06 to me also back...
50:07 So you forget those things.
50:09 And it's so back in the past when the world was young...
50:14 Yeah, Yeah.
50:16 I guess that does prove, you know what,
50:18 see I was saying before that it's good to recall
50:21 these things from time to time.
50:23 Because sometimes it happens
50:26 and you realize God's hands right there.
50:29 But then at times goes and you kind of forget.
50:34 I'll tell you a quick story, it's kind of funny
50:35 but it's all, as I look back on the dangers
50:37 and I want to go through this really
50:38 before our time gets away.
50:40 When I was pastoring
50:41 at the Bethel Church in Brooklyn,
50:42 it's the same church that I was
50:44 Pastor Lomacang's pastor and Angie.
50:46 There was a fellow there who had a sister
50:48 who was working in a house of prostitution.
50:53 And he wanted to go
50:54 and rescue his sister from this house.
50:57 And so, he said, "Pastor,
50:59 we have to go and get my sister."
51:02 And, you know, you're young
51:03 and you don't have a sense of your mortality.
51:05 I said, "Okay, we'll go get her."
51:07 So we're ready, and we dressed up like ninjas
51:10 you know, black hat, black shirt, black jacket.
51:13 You know black things around our face
51:14 you know kind of thing, we dressed up like ninjas.
51:16 And he called his sister
51:18 because this is before cell phone
51:19 and he called her in a phone and he said,
51:21 "We're coming to get you out of there."
51:22 And she said, "If that guys sees you, he will kill you."
51:26 He said, "Nobody's gonna kill us,
51:28 you know, Lord is taking caring of us."
51:29 So we snuck in and she, she came out the window
51:35 and she was a little light person
51:37 and she hung down, and we caught her,
51:40 and we ran out of the yard.
51:41 And the guy slept through the whole thing.
51:46 And it wasn't, you know,
51:47 he slept through the whole thing.
51:48 And as I look back, because we had to go off
51:50 the street up an alley around the back of the alley the arch.
51:54 And this girl jumps out of a window
51:56 and we capture, you know,
51:57 and she wasn't a big gum, may be a 105 pounds.
52:01 But you know, we've got two guys,
52:02 she jumped from the second storey
52:03 and we caught her you know, "Okay, jump!"
52:08 No, noise and you know there was...
52:10 She did make some noise.
52:12 But he slept through the whole thing.
52:14 And as I look back, it had to be the Lord,
52:16 because we're running through the alleys.
52:18 And we got her and when I left New York,
52:21 she was a member of the Adventist church.
52:23 But we rescued her
52:24 and I don't know if I would that now.
52:28 Lord might be so bold, but I did do it once,
52:31 we rescued her.
52:32 True story and we saved her...
52:34 Amen.
52:35 And we praise the Lord for that.
52:37 Yeah, yeah. Now, we only got a few minutes.
52:39 I want to run through this really, really fast.
52:41 And then try to get your response
52:42 and we have to close with this because this is a true story.
52:45 You talk about the Lord putting His hand.
52:46 I'm gonna try to read it quickly.
52:48 It's called Narrow Escape.
52:49 "Were at 1991, in the Midwest Major Metropolitan area,
52:53 a five week evangelistic seminar has been held.
52:56 More than 50 converts are led into the Adventist lifestyle.
52:59 One of these individuals was Larry.
53:02 A young college age man, who had not known
53:04 the Seventh-day Adventist faith.
53:06 One of the most profound impacts
53:08 on Larry's life was the health message.
53:10 Its influence would later save his life."
53:12 Now get this.
53:13 "During ten years, following his baptism,
53:15 his life took many turns that led him
53:17 in and out of the church.
53:19 However, some of his Adventist lifestyle habits never faded."
53:22 Something's you hold on to.
53:24 I remember when I left the church
53:25 for a while still wouldn't eat pork.
53:26 Playing basketball on Sabbath but I wouldn't eat ham, okay.
53:29 You know these kind of things.
53:30 "But by the early 1990s,
53:32 Larry had settled into a steady job,
53:33 managing an apartment building in the heart of the city.
53:36 One of the tenants in Larry's building
53:38 was an intelligent soft-spoken man
53:40 who owned a computer.
53:41 Larry was invited to use a computer from time to time
53:43 and frequently visited this tenant's apartment.
53:47 On each occasion, the tenant would offer Larry a beverage
53:51 that the Adventist laws are frowned on."
53:53 So he wanted to drink something
53:55 but he knew he shouldn't do that.
53:56 "Larry's conviction about health
53:57 caused him to decline the drink."
53:59 Now, he's not in church, but that lifestyle stuff
54:01 is still in his heart, okay.
54:03 "One day, Larry, observes the man
54:05 on the street near the apartment complex.
54:07 He had a scow and seemed respondent.
54:09 Larry passed it off, as a youthful mood swing,
54:12 later when he watched the evening news,
54:15 it became clear why he was depressed.
54:17 The police were closing in on him.
54:20 The city was Milwaukee,
54:22 and the tenant was Jeffrey Dahmer."
54:24 Do you remember that name?
54:26 "Jeffrey Dahmer was a notorious serial killer
54:29 who gained control over his victim
54:31 by drugging their drinks."
54:34 You see, "Larry shuddered when he thought
54:36 he had escaped the fate of others
54:38 because he like Daniel of old refused to drink
54:41 that which was forbidden.
54:43 How many young people, young and old have lost their lives
54:46 because they left the avenues of appetite unguarded.
54:51 How many victims partook of the king's drinks
54:54 and the elixir of day?
54:55 Today, Larry gives God the glory for allowing him
54:58 to be exposed to the Adventist lifestyle
55:01 unlike addictive substances being filled with the Spirit
55:05 has no negative side effects.
55:06 And the Spirit does indeed satisfy."
55:10 Any responses, any thought on that.
55:11 In the last two minutes we've got real quick.
55:14 That is interesting that what is highlighted,
55:16 several times in stories that even so this person
55:20 was walking away from the church
55:24 and away from God.
55:27 Still God was calling him.
55:29 Because by remembering those things,
55:31 means that God was trying to bring him back.
55:35 Yeah, it gave God an avenue to protect this kid.
55:38 Yeah.
55:39 Because he was holding on to the vestiges of his faith,
55:42 you know, he wasn't in church, he is in and out, in and out.
55:45 But some of that stuff sticks with you.
55:46 And that's what the Bible says train up a child,
55:48 you know, you're telling your children
55:49 don't do this, be honest.
55:51 And even if they, they maybe stray a little bit,
55:53 those things that are in their heart
55:55 that you planted there are still there
55:57 because Holy Spirit brings them back in time.
55:59 And that's what saved his life.
56:00 Yeah, it's very, very powerful.
56:02 This shows again that the Lord does intervene in our lives
56:06 and God is concerned about everything that touches us,
56:09 touches Him.
56:12 Everything that concerns us, concerns Him.
56:14 And if we would give Him a chance,
56:16 He will keep us, He will protect us,
56:18 He will save us.
56:19 You've got many incidences with both Kevin and Becky
56:23 where your prayers have seen them through.
56:26 Xenia, I suspect the same with you.
56:27 You know, you pray for your child.
56:29 You don't know, because you sent him
56:30 out into the world, you pray for them.
56:32 And once they close the door
56:34 and particularly when they get car age.
56:36 You know, when they get that cars like, "Oh, boy."
56:40 Once they start driving is over now,
56:43 you know, it's just,
56:44 Lord I've done the best I can, I can't, I can't control.
56:47 I can encourage, I can pray
56:48 but I cannot control them anymore.
56:50 Your child is away at school, I'm sure you trust that
56:52 they're doing, she's doing the right thing.
56:53 Yes. Yeah. Yeah.
56:54 We praise the Lord for that. Amen.
56:56 Lords and lady, or lord and ladies,
56:59 thank you so very, very much for being with us
57:02 for family worship and for sharing with us
57:05 the way the Lord has blessed in your life.
57:08 I want to encourage all of you to keep on serving the Lord.
57:12 Even at those times, when it seems dark.
57:13 Particularly if you're praying for loved ones
57:15 who seemed to be going your own way.
57:17 Ellen White does say this,
57:19 "That God accepts your faith in their behalf."
57:21 Your faith cannot save them, but it can keep them
57:24 from danger as God answers your prayer.
57:27 He inserts Himself in their lives,
57:29 and you will find the blessings that He can do
57:31 for you with you to you and through you.
57:33 Bye-bye, we'll see you again soon.
57:34 God bless.


Revised 2016-05-12