Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Greg & Jill Morikone (Host), John & Idalia Dinzey, Jason Bradley


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016009A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, friends and family.
01:09 Thank you so much for joining us
01:11 for 3ABN Family Worship.
01:13 Happy Sabbath to you.
01:14 Isn't it a blessing to be opening up
01:16 God's holy Sabbath here with,
01:17 it's always a blessing to have family worship, isn't it?
01:20 It's been a busy week here at 3ABN.
01:23 Jill and I of course always look forward to the Sabbath
01:25 and Friday night of course and the blessing that we know
01:28 that God has promised by keeping His Sabbath holy.
01:31 And I'm sure you had a busy week as well.
01:33 It's a blessing to just say...
01:37 Let the world's cares, I don't know,
01:40 just the busyness of life can be sometimes so consuming.
01:43 Even as ministry too, you know,
01:45 you can get so busy doing a good thing here to ministry.
01:46 It's a blessing to be with you.
01:48 Thank you for joining us as you do each and every day
01:51 for the family worships that I know you tune
01:53 into on Friday night.
01:54 It's a blessing.
01:56 And, Jill, who do we have with us here
01:57 because we got our family at home
01:58 that's viewing of course.
02:00 But we have some family here with us in our living room
02:02 if you want to call it that here at 3ABN.
02:04 Absolutely, it's always a joy to come into your home
02:07 and to share this time together,
02:09 to share this hour.
02:11 Today we are talking about peace
02:12 and what a joy it is to enter into God's peace
02:15 and to experience His peace.
02:17 And we have part of our 3ABN family here with us today.
02:21 On our right is Brother Jason Bradley.
02:24 And, Jay, it's such a joy to have you here.
02:26 I love having family worship with you guys.
02:29 It's pleasure to be here.
02:30 We love having family worship with you too.
02:31 And tell us for our friends at home
02:33 what do you do here at 3ABN.
02:34 What's your role at 3ABN?
02:36 I'm the assistant to the general manager of 3ABN's
02:39 Dare to Dream Network.
02:40 So sometimes it involves producing programs,
02:43 being on family worships
02:44 with Greg, Jill and the Dinzey's.
02:49 Sometimes it's traveling and go in the conventions
02:52 and representing the network.
02:53 Just whatever is needed.
02:56 Amen. Amen.
02:57 And, you know, recently we've seen
02:59 an extra smile on your face.
03:00 Yes, we have.
03:02 Tell us about-- And you know what--
03:03 Wonderful blessing God has brought in your life.
03:05 Oh, man, he blessed me with a wonderful godly woman
03:09 Tiffany Nasralla who is missing.
03:12 I need her right here next to me
03:13 so that I can have some peace.
03:17 Talking about our topic. Yeah.
03:18 And we can have family worship together.
03:21 It would be great if she could make it out here.
03:22 Now I know that actually just on a little side note
03:25 talking about worship but you and Tiffany
03:27 even though you are long distance
03:28 right now in your relationship
03:29 you still have some worship together, it's over the phone.
03:32 Yes. We have worship.
03:33 Every night we have prayer.
03:35 Every night and so it's wonderful
03:38 because we are building it on the foundation with Christ
03:42 as the central focus of our relationship.
03:43 And that is key? Yes.
03:45 That's key for any relationship.
03:46 Praise the Lord.
03:48 You know, having that worship together.
03:49 And on this side is Brother Johnny
03:51 and Idalia Dinzey.
03:52 And it's a joy to have you both.
03:54 Here we appreciate and love you both.
03:55 Well, that for sure.
03:57 And what you guys bring to the ministry of 3ABN.
03:59 Pastor Johnny, it seems like both of you guys
04:01 have been here forever.
04:04 When I came here which has been a number of years ago
04:06 you guys were already here quite a while at that point.
04:08 But tell us for those at home, I know most of them
04:10 are familiar with both of you and your family.
04:11 But tell us little bit about yourselves.
04:13 Well, I'm blessed to have been here since 1989.
04:17 And some people are saying I wasn't even born then.
04:21 I was just a little squat at that time.
04:25 But it has changed my life being at 3ABN.
04:28 I came as single but in 1994 got married
04:33 to this lovely young lady here Idalia Dinzey.
04:37 And it's been a blessing for our family
04:41 to be part of 3ABN family.
04:43 Amen. It's good.
04:44 And your two sons, Mrs. Dinzey, tell us about them?
04:47 Oh, they are very special boys.
04:50 And the Lord has blessed us to be able to raise these boys
04:54 in this environment of ministry.
04:56 What a blessing, isn't it?
04:58 It is a blessing because now we see the results
05:01 and sometimes we don't realize
05:02 that the how deeply the environment affects us
05:06 and I praise the Lord
05:08 and I would love to testify that.
05:10 Our children love, Samuel is involved in ministry,
05:14 Caleb too and they just love to be involved in godly things.
05:18 Amen.
05:19 That's a testimony to the environment here,
05:20 you're right.
05:22 But also to your parenting
05:23 and God has blessed both Brother Johnny and Idalia
05:25 with a heart for ministry
05:27 and a heart for the Lord Jesus Christ
05:29 and it's evident in the walk that you have
05:32 and the walk that your kids have as well.
05:34 So we are glad to have you here.
05:35 Praise God. Thank you.
05:37 So tell us real quick, your position in 3ABN?
05:38 Yes, at this time
05:40 I'm the general manager of 3ABN Latino
05:43 and it's a network that serves or preaches
05:47 to the Hispanic population of the world and Portuguese.
05:51 We have about an hour and half a day
05:54 of programming in Portuguese
05:56 and combining the amount of Spanish speaking people
06:01 and Portuguese speaking people in the world
06:04 as a first language there are over 600 million people.
06:07 So it's quite a job and we depending on the Lord
06:11 to bring the message to all those people.
06:13 Amen.
06:14 And you wife is administrative assistant
06:17 and you produce the Oye program.
06:19 Yes. And many other hats.
06:21 Whatever. I'm like Jason.
06:23 Whatever needs to be done here we are, no problem.
06:27 Amen, well, we always want to start our family worship
06:30 with music and at the piano
06:32 we are very privileged tonight to have Tim Parton with us.
06:36 That's just a real joy.
06:38 Tim is the general manager
06:41 of 3ABN's Praise Him Music Channel
06:43 and we are excited about the launching
06:45 of that brand new channel, 24/7 music.
06:48 Yeah, absolutely, that's exciting about this new,
06:52 yeah, channel that's the correct term
06:53 for this with music.
06:55 I know most people like music and of course we like music
06:58 here at 3ABN and worship, you know,
07:00 growing up in my home
07:01 and I'm sure you guys do, Dinzey's.
07:03 And music is important isn't it, Jay?
07:05 Definitely. And it's part of worship.
07:07 I mean, it's part of praising the Lord.
07:09 And so we've got some songs that we want to sing here
07:11 for family worship to start with
07:13 but before we do that,
07:14 you know, we always like to open in prayer.
07:15 And, Pastor Johnny, would you mind opening prayer
07:17 as we invite the Lord here be with us
07:19 during this worship time.
07:22 Our loving heavenly Father, we thank You so much, Lord,
07:26 that we can rest on Your holy Sabbath day.
07:30 We thank You, Lord, that You and Your great wisdom
07:34 has have separated a day
07:37 that You have sanctified and made holy
07:41 because had it not been for this surety
07:45 we would continue doing our own things,
07:48 going our own way.
07:50 But You have told us to remember
07:52 the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
07:55 And we thank You, Lord, for this moment
07:56 that we can rest from our labors
07:58 and the cares of the world and to come to You
08:02 and to worship You in spirit and in truth.
08:04 Lord, we pray for a blessing upon all that stop
08:06 to watch and listen and we pray that
08:10 as we sing together Your children would join us
08:14 and that as we share together
08:16 things that You have done for us
08:18 and we pray that Your children will also be blessed.
08:21 And we thank You for 3ABN that is bringing
08:24 the everlasting gospel to the whole world.
08:26 We pray that You will continue to use this ministry
08:29 and we pray that Your name will be glorified
08:31 in each and every program.
08:33 And we ask You for these blessings
08:36 in the mighty and blessed name of Jesus, amen.
08:40 Amen. Amen.
08:41 Amen.
08:42 The first song that we are going to sing
08:44 is "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"
08:46 and if you have the SDA hymnal it's hymn number 469
08:50 and of course we hope that you are not just viewing
08:51 but that you are participating that you bring in your Bibles
08:54 and bring in your hymnal.
08:56 And if you don't have a hymnal don't worry the song words
08:58 will be or the lyrics will be on the screen.
09:00 So let's sing "What a fellowship,
09:02 what a joy divine."
09:08 What a fellowship, what a joy divine
09:13 Leaning on the everlasting arms
09:17 What a blessedness, what a peace is mine
09:21 Leaning on the everlasting arms
09:26 Leaning on Jesus Leaning on Jesus
09:30 Safe and secure from all alarms.
09:34 Leaning on Jesus Leaning on Jesus
09:38 Leaning on the everlasting arms
09:42 Verse 2.
09:43 Oh, how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way
09:48 Leaning on the everlasting arms
09:51 O how bright the path grows from day to day
09:56 Leaning on the everlasting arms
10:00 Leaning on Jesus Leaning on Jesus
10:04 Safe and secure from all alarms
10:08 Leaning on Jesus Leaning on Jesus
10:12 Leaning on the everlasting arms
10:17 What have I to dread, what have I to fear
10:22 Leaning on the everlasting arms?
10:26 I have blessed peace with my Lord so near
10:30 Leaning on the everlasting arms
10:33 And the chorus
10:35 Leaning on Jesus Leaning on Jesus
10:38 Safe and secure from all alarms
10:42 Leaning on Jesus Leaning on Jesus
10:47 Leaning on the everlasting arms
10:53 Amen. Amen.
10:55 What a fun song.
10:56 Yeah, with Mr. Tim at the piano
10:58 I just wished want to sing all day.
11:01 Ready to sing all worship, wouldn't that be something?
11:03 Amen.
11:04 Thank you, Mr. Parton, we appreciate very much.
11:06 Did you notice those words? You know our topic is what?
11:08 What everyone, what's our topic?
11:10 Peace. Peace.
11:11 Did you notice that in the words?
11:12 Those of you at home see we had peace in the,
11:14 "What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
11:17 Leaning on the everlasting arms."
11:19 Somewhere I think in the last verse
11:21 did we have it there too?
11:22 I have blessed peace.
11:24 "I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
11:26 Leaning on the everlasting arms."
11:28 Amen. Praise God, right.
11:29 Boy, I tell you. What other song do we have?
11:31 "Wonderful Peace."
11:32 Since we are going along with the peace thing
11:34 I love this song.
11:35 Far away in the depths of my soul tonight is that peace.
11:38 Amen. Amen.
11:48 Far away in the depths
11:52 Of my spirit tonight
11:57 Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm
12:05 In celestial-like strains
12:09 It unceasingly falls
12:14 O'er my soul like an infinite calm
12:22 Chorus.
12:23 Peace! Peace!
12:27 Wonderful peace
12:31 Coming down from the Father above
12:39 Sweep over my spirit
12:44 Forever, I pray
12:49 In fathomless billows of love
12:56 Let's go to the last verse.
12:58 Weary soul, without gladness
13:03 Or comfort or rest
13:08 Passing down the rough pathway of time!
13:16 Make the Savior your friend
13:20 ere the shadows grow dark
13:25 O accept of this peace
13:29 so sublime
13:33 Here's our chorus.
13:35 Peace! Peace!
13:39 Wonderful peace
13:43 Coming down from the Father above
13:52 Sweep over my spirit
13:57 Forever, I pray
14:02 In fathomless billows of love
14:09 Let's sing that chorus one more time
14:11 Here we go.
14:12 Peace! Peace!
14:17 Wonderful peace
14:21 Coming down from the Father above
14:30 Sweep over my spirit
14:35 Forever, I pray
14:42 In fathomless billows
14:47 of love
14:54 Amen. Amen.
14:56 I think that is one of my favorite all time songs.
15:00 Yeah. Amen.
15:01 And tonight no matter what you're going through,
15:03 no matter what you're experiencing in life
15:06 it could be health, it could be loss of a loved one,
15:09 you could be facing financial struggles losing your home
15:13 or a job or whatever it is.
15:15 People could be talking about you
15:17 and you could be just hurting inside,
15:19 know that the Lord Jesus right now
15:22 He wants to bring you peace.
15:24 He wants to bring that peace that will sweep over your soul
15:28 and that's what we are gonna talk about here tonight
15:31 in our worship time.
15:32 Just how do we experience that peace
15:34 and learning to accept the peace
15:37 that God wants to give us, He offers it to us.
15:40 Yeah, because, you know, none of us
15:42 in this world are immune from trials or storms, right?
15:46 I mean, it affects all of us.
15:47 I mean, you at home it affects you too.
15:49 I mean, all of us and praise the Lord
15:51 for that wonderful peace that God can provide.
15:54 Before we head into-- thank you again, Mr. Tim.
15:55 We appreciate again the music you brought to the worship
15:58 those blessed many people.
16:00 So our topic is peace.
16:01 Amen. Absolutely.
16:03 So what is peace?
16:08 Peace is something that depending
16:10 I think under situation that you are going through.
16:14 I take it as a mother if my children are okay,
16:18 I'm at peace, you know,
16:20 because there are certain things that stir our hearts.
16:24 Yes, problems, financial, relationship,
16:28 everything alike stirs up our peace.
16:31 But depending on what we are facing that day,
16:35 for example, when my concerns with my kids.
16:38 If they are doing good I feel at peace.
16:40 Of course that the Lord gives me that peace
16:43 and I accept the peace
16:45 unless I choose to not accept that peace
16:49 because of my children's stake then I'll be in turmoils.
16:53 So it affects us in different ways
16:55 depending of our lifestyle and what obligations are.
16:58 So you are saying we can choose to accept peace?
17:00 Right. Okay.
17:02 I think but, you know, having faith in God
17:05 and giving situations to God, you gain peace.
17:09 So if you are worried and you are stressed out
17:12 and struggling, then you haven't really given it to God
17:15 because if you did, you would realize that
17:17 that's a weight off your shoulder
17:19 and that's one of the great things
17:21 about accepting Christ as your personal Savior
17:23 is the fact that you don't have to do everything on your own.
17:25 You don't have to feel like
17:27 you can do everything on your own
17:28 because you can't do everything on your own.
17:30 So, okay, so let me ask you this.
17:32 So you are talking about,
17:33 you know, kind of giving things to God is peace and trust.
17:35 Is it the same thing?
17:37 I mean, they are two different words.
17:38 Okay, so what you're thinking about that.
17:40 So I went to the dictionary, now we go to the Bible
17:42 obviously for, you know, our answers
17:44 but I went to the dictionary on the definition of peace.
17:46 So see what you think of this.
17:49 All right, it says here, this is from
17:50 I think it comes from Webster's.
17:52 It says, "A state of tranquility or quiet,
17:55 a freedom from civil disturbance."
17:57 People think of peace that way too.
17:59 Let's see, "Freedom from disquieting
18:01 or oppressive thoughts or emotions.
18:04 Harmony in personal relations."
18:08 Let's see here.
18:09 This one says, "Used interjectionally to ask
18:12 for silence or calm or a state
18:15 or period of mutual concord between governments.
18:18 A pact or an agreement."
18:20 I would say that peace
18:21 is the result of trusting in God.
18:25 Okay.
18:26 So, peace and trust aren't necessarily the same thing.
18:29 No. What do you think, Pastor?
18:31 I agree, I think they are related
18:32 and a byproduct or a product of trust in God brings peace
18:38 because, you know, that when God is in control
18:42 you can rest, you can be at peace.
18:44 There was a painting that somebody made
18:47 I don't know what inspired this.
18:49 I think there are, I don't know
18:51 if it is the same painting,
18:52 I think we used to have it in the lobby here.
18:53 Okay.
18:55 I don't know if it's still there actually
18:56 but this painting showed a storm, a raging storm
19:02 and there is a person holding the,
19:07 what do you call the--
19:08 The wheel? The wheel for the boat.
19:10 Yes. And it's Jesus.
19:13 And there are a few people holding on to Jesus
19:18 and they have a peaceful look on their face.
19:22 Even though the storm is raging
19:23 and there is lightning and it looks terrible
19:27 but because they are near to Jesus,
19:29 they have this peaceful look on their face.
19:33 And that's really where you can find peace.
19:35 It's in Jesus. In Jesus.
19:37 Yes.
19:38 You know, so how does one actually,
19:39 I'm gonna ask this question.
19:41 So how does someone get that type of peace
19:42 because I'm thinking of the disciples, boy,
19:45 is that, I think I actually may have it here.
19:47 Is it Mark 4, I'll be real quick.
19:50 In the sea.
19:53 In the storm. Make look at this real quick.
19:54 "And the storm came" Mark Chapter 4.
19:56 They were in the boat. Yes.
19:58 Mark Chapter 4, yeah verse 37
20:04 "And there arose a great storm of wind,
20:07 and the waves beat into the ship,
20:09 so that now it was basically full of water.
20:12 And he, Jesus, was in the back part of the ship,
20:15 or the boat, asleep on a pillow,
20:18 and they woke him, and said unto him,
20:19 Master, do you care not that we are about to die?
20:23 And Jesus arose, and He rebuked the wind,
20:25 and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.
20:28 And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
20:31 And he said unto them, Why were you so fearful?
20:34 How is it that you have no faith?"
20:36 So let me ask this question then anybody here,
20:38 so they were close to Jesus, as in physically close.
20:42 I mean, in the same boat but they had some problems.
20:45 To start with.
20:48 Go forward, yeah, Mrs. Dinzey.
20:51 You either know Him or you don't know Him,
20:54 you know, because they had the peace with them.
20:57 I mean, Jesus assured
21:00 that He was in control of everything
21:02 and He healed, heals,
21:03 He is the most powerful of powerful.
21:05 And they lack that faith.
21:08 You know, you were walking with Jesus
21:11 but you are not trusting Him.
21:13 You know, it's amazing they can side blind that.
21:16 Yes.
21:17 And I think that can translate into our everyday lives.
21:20 You know, how many storms do we go through that,
21:22 you know, we don't see the blessing at the end
21:24 but we need to trust in God
21:27 that there is a purpose or reason for our storms,
21:30 a reason for the things that we're going through
21:32 and that He will see us through.
21:34 You know, they were in the boat and they were dealing
21:36 with the physical elements the wind
21:38 and the water and stuff which can be very frightening
21:42 and He is resting peacefully over there
21:45 but, you know, having that faith in Christ
21:50 they were fine.
21:51 He just got up and said, "Peace, be still."
21:53 And everything is quiet. And everything, yeah.
21:55 You know what's amazing to me about that story
21:57 is that there was turmoil
21:59 and at the same time there was turmoil
22:01 and the disciples were in turmoil, He was at peace.
22:05 And then He spoke outwardly the peace
22:08 that He had already experienced in His heart
22:10 and that was experienced outwardly.
22:12 As in there was, the Bible says there was a great calm, right.
22:15 The waves became calm and the disciples hearts
22:18 were then at peace.
22:20 So whatever He felt inside
22:22 actually translated to something outside.
22:25 I think that we can all share the peace
22:29 that we feel with others around us.
22:32 Yes, we were created in His image
22:35 and we are longing to be just like Jesus.
22:38 But as I react to a situation
22:40 I can affect the reaction in others around me.
22:44 So Jesus being, I don't know what it would be like to walk
22:49 with Jesus, touch Him and, you know,
22:51 I may have been one of those that said,
22:53 "Jesus, aren't You worried about us?
22:56 You know, what are You doing?
22:57 We are gonna die here please do something, you know."
23:02 But or I may have been one of those that will just sit
23:05 and watch Jesus reveal His power, you know.
23:09 But as we respond for example, this morning
23:12 I woke up at three in the morning
23:14 and I was doing my chores
23:15 and doing things around the house.
23:18 And I just said I'm going to the store
23:20 because I was missing some items
23:23 and I couldn't find my wallet.
23:25 Oh. That's stressful.
23:27 And I could not find my wallet
23:29 and I always keep my wallet in a certain place so.
23:32 In your purse. In my purse.
23:35 And so but I remember grabbing the wallet inside,
23:39 I don't want to drag the whole purse with me into
23:42 wherever I was the day before and so I left the purse
23:46 and I carried the wallet
23:48 and I said, "Lord, I cannot find my wallet
23:51 and I'm not gonna get stressed over it.
23:53 I'm not gonna let this take my peace away."
23:56 But in other times in my life I would have freaked out.
24:00 I will be like, "Oh, no, I can't find that.
24:03 Wake him up or get the kids and not find the wallet.
24:06 I can't find the wallet."
24:08 So when it simply is a choice it boils down to a choice
24:12 whatever we are facing, you either let your peace go
24:18 or grab on to that peace of choice.
24:20 So I said, "Lord, You have to solve.
24:23 I'm not gonna stress."
24:24 And I found the purse in my purse.
24:27 I mean, the wallet in my purse right before I walked in here
24:31 and I looked at my purse and then I had not seen it
24:35 but now right before the program I found the wallet.
24:38 Well, praise the Lord. I like, "Well, thank You, Lord.
24:40 I know You had a solution."
24:42 And that's the testimony to the growth
24:44 God is doing in each one of us.
24:45 Exactly. Brother Johnny?
24:47 I would like to go back to the story
24:48 of the disciples in the boat because there are many lessons
24:51 we can learn from there.
24:52 We can probably spend the whole time
24:54 that is left here talking about
24:55 that particular moment in the disciples lives.
24:59 Who were in the boat?
25:00 The disciples were in the boat
25:02 and several of them were fishermen
25:04 much experienced how to handle storms.
25:06 So there are storms that are beyond
25:08 even the most experienced fishermen
25:12 because they don't know which way the waves
25:14 are gonna be turning, you can only do so much.
25:16 And they focused on the circumstances
25:19 which is what can happen to us.
25:21 If we focus on circumstances well, what's happening?
25:24 Oh, this terrible ordeal that we are going through
25:26 then we will not have peace.
25:29 Well, as they looked at the circumstances
25:30 they lost their peace, their trust was gone.
25:35 Only when they thought they were about to perish
25:39 did they realize, hey, wait a minute
25:41 Jesus is right here.
25:43 It's pretty sad, isn't it?
25:44 And in their desperation
25:46 they even addressed Him in a very,
25:48 I think I would call, you can say desperate
25:52 but also disrespectful.
25:54 "Master, do You not care that we perish?"
25:58 And of course He cared. Of course He cared.
25:59 Absolutely.
26:01 And so Jesus stands and as Sister Jill said
26:05 there was a calmness and peace in Him.
26:08 The circumstances did not affect His peace.
26:12 And so, today I had a very interesting
26:14 thought concerning that because
26:15 as I was thinking participating in the program
26:17 I thought about this particular story
26:20 and I can say a new thought came to my mind
26:23 that I had never considered.
26:24 When Jesus stands and He says to the angry sea "Peace..."
26:29 Be still.
26:31 He said, "Peace" but also "be still."
26:34 Interesting.
26:36 And immediately they obeyed.
26:39 The wind ceased, the storm calm
26:43 and there was great serenity
26:46 but the expression "Peace be still"
26:50 that He say to who?
26:52 The Bible says that He said to the storm
26:55 but this proclamation "Peace be still" was something
26:59 that can happen to the disciples as well.
27:01 Amen. Well, that's great.
27:02 That's beautiful. That is beautiful.
27:04 Because they accepted peace be still.
27:07 Oh, wait a minute I don't have to worry.
27:09 Hey see, Jesus is here.
27:11 And as I thought about this there is also
27:13 something interesting I don't know
27:15 if one of you were gonna share the same thing
27:16 and that is, that Jesus was all powerful.
27:20 Yes. Yes. Absolutely.
27:21 However in this situation and as He was on the human,
27:26 facing life as a human He faced this situation
27:29 as a human being
27:31 not as the almighty powerful Son of God.
27:35 He fully trusted in the heavenly Father
27:39 and it was in that trust that He had with the Father
27:42 that He was able to be at peace.
27:45 And so as we trust we can be at peace
27:50 no matter what the circumstances are.
27:52 And yes that's whatever our friends are facing
27:56 during this past week let it go.
27:59 This is the Sabbath day rest, rest and enjoy the peace.
28:03 And Jesus is pronouncing peace right now, "Peace be still."
28:07 Now because I'm going back to that painting, Pastor,
28:10 you are mentioning that you,
28:11 I don't know if it's still in the lobby
28:12 but anyway showed Jesus at the wheel in the boat
28:16 and there are people hanging on to Him you said.
28:17 Yes.
28:18 And you can see the wind and the waves
28:20 but there is peace on their faces.
28:22 What I take from that is okay, so in this story
28:25 they were just talking about the disciples
28:27 everything stopped, the storm and everything just.
28:30 But in this painting of, you know,
28:32 which I think is very real to what can happen
28:34 as well is that even, it doesn't mean
28:36 that our storms of life, man, just like that can stop
28:40 is that in the midst of the storm
28:42 I see what I like that painting that you describe
28:45 because Christ is with us yet there is peace
28:47 on the people's faces as they are hanging on to Jesus
28:50 but the waves are still roaring.
28:54 They say there is a nest also there
28:56 with a mother feeding her little baby birds
29:01 and they're at peace also in the storm.
29:05 In the storm.
29:06 Because-- go ahead. Yeah.
29:08 That's really the only way that we can get peace
29:10 in this world, it is to go to the Lord in prayer.
29:14 There are people that they do,
29:18 try to find peace a different way
29:20 but and even today you can see in society
29:25 what do people do that,
29:29 well, they put bolts on their houses,
29:32 they lock up their cars,
29:34 some put something on the steering wheel
29:36 so that people won't get in there,
29:38 won't be able to steer the wheel.
29:39 They have dogs to take care of thing.
29:42 Gates around their houses and in some community
29:44 like in Puerto Rico is where we have seen this mostly
29:47 they would say, when we go to visit some friends,
29:50 you go up to a gate and they say, "Who are you?"
29:54 Wow. Yes.
29:55 And they take down your license plate number
29:57 then we travel like two blocks and then turn to the right
30:02 and go several blocks and then eventually we go,
30:05 we turn again and now we are at another gate
30:08 with another guard.
30:11 So they have double security in that community
30:13 and finally again "Who are you?"
30:17 You go to some pretty high affluent places.
30:19 Well, that's what I'm saying.
30:21 Wow.
30:23 "Who are you and who are you here to see?"
30:26 So we have to tell them we are here to see so and so
30:28 where are they?
30:29 Do you know where they are?
30:31 And so then they contact the people
30:33 and they say "Well, there are some people
30:35 here they say and their name is so and so.
30:37 Would you give them permission to come in?"
30:40 "Yes, send them in through."
30:42 And so finally we get there
30:44 and guess what they have a door we knock on it.
30:48 And you have to knock or ring the bell.
30:49 And so people are looking for protection and peace,
30:53 you see because "In this world"
30:55 as Jesus said "you will have tribulation,
30:57 but be of good cheer.
30:58 I have overcome the world." Amen.
31:01 I think people look for peace not only in the sense
31:03 of security like locking buildings and doors
31:05 but don't you think people look for peace
31:08 or maybe the word is not peace
31:09 but an escape from reality
31:11 maybe with alcohol or drugs or movies.
31:15 You know, anything that would kind of pull us away
31:18 and say, "Okay, I just want to escape my life is stressful.
31:20 I don't want to think about it
31:21 and I want to go some place out."
31:23 Yeah. Yeah.
31:24 Let's look at John 14.
31:28 I love John 14, 15, 16
31:30 I think are some of my favorite chapters in the Bible.
31:32 Is it yours too?
31:34 Jay, you want to read John 14:27?
31:38 Sure. Let me get there.
31:40 We hope that you are turning in your Bibles
31:42 there at home it's great.
31:43 We can participate together
31:45 and have a Bible study here on peace.
31:46 This is John 14:27. Yes.
31:50 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you:
31:53 not as the world giveth, give I unto you.
31:56 Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
32:00 So do you think from that verse
32:01 is Jesus saying that peace is a gift?
32:04 Let's see. I think so.
32:06 I think so. "My peace I give unto you."
32:10 So I have a choice of receiving the gift
32:12 or rejecting the gift.
32:14 Wow. That's right.
32:16 I choose to accept the gift of peace.
32:21 Amen. Amen.
32:22 And it's a moment by moment truths
32:23 have you all experienced that?
32:25 Yes. Definitely.
32:26 Some time it seems like I gave this to you,
32:29 I gave whatever I'm struggling with or something
32:31 and then all of a sudden I take it right back.
32:34 You know, it's right back on my shoulders
32:36 and God says, "Do you really want to give it to me?"
32:39 You know it's that re-surrender of it.
32:42 One of the moments that I experienced true peace
32:48 and in such a way that I was like,
32:53 "Lord, thank You for this peace."
32:55 I found myself for almost two hours in an MRI machine or
33:02 and I was praying and I was saying, Lord,
33:07 I was about to donate my kidney.
33:09 I was doing the testings to see
33:12 if you are compatible or not and I've not shared this
33:17 but my brother who needed the kidney
33:21 he had not talked to me for 11 years.
33:23 So we received the call and my mom is frantic
33:27 on the phone crying
33:29 and saying "Pray for your brother."
33:31 I said, okay. "He is in the ER."
33:32 He can't, he's dragged himself into the ER
33:36 and it seems like both of his kidneys have shut down.
33:41 That's a dangerous situation to be in for him.
33:43 Exactly. Exactly.
33:46 And so I said, "Well, okay, mom, don't worry.
33:49 We are gonna be praying.
33:50 Don't worry he is gonna be fine."
33:52 Now of course my driver's license
33:57 I was an organ donor and I said anybody
34:00 that needs my organs will receive them.
34:03 So I didn't know that my brother
34:07 was going to need my organ.
34:09 But it had been 11 years since we had last talked.
34:13 So not that I did not try to have that
34:15 peace my brother and me.
34:18 We've talked, I did the Bible thing,
34:20 we did everything and thank God for a godly husband
34:26 that helped me to have that peace in those trials.
34:29 But when I was in the MRI machine
34:35 it gets lonely in there and you get nervous
34:38 and fear can overcome your thoughts.
34:42 And help you to have second thoughts,
34:45 "Am I really ready to give this?"
34:48 But I said, "Lord, if this is part of your plan
34:51 that You have created me because we are all wonderfully
34:54 and fearfully made I am trusting
34:57 in Your art work in my body
35:00 and I'm willing to do this but give me Your peace."
35:03 Amen. "Give me Your peace."
35:06 And so I said, I don't want to take any credit
35:09 I want to give you all the credit
35:11 and I have got to be a 100 percent compatible
35:13 to be able to donate it.
35:15 Not 50 percent because it would be up to me.
35:18 So I prayed and I tell you just this peace overcame
35:23 from head to toe and it was such a blessing
35:27 and it was such a high moment.
35:29 And of course I've had more moments like that
35:31 where the Lord just gives you that peace.
35:34 That's right. Amen.
35:36 Jay, I know you have some Bible text
35:37 you were looking up to on peace earlier?
35:40 Yes, Psalms 119:165.
35:44 Psalms 119.
35:46 Verse 165 and if you have your Bibles at home
35:49 turn there with us.
35:50 Well, one moment. All right.
35:53 We are little bit slow here to see Psalm.
35:54 Psalms 119 what?
35:56 Psalms 119:165.
35:58 165, okay. Yes.
36:00 Lot of verses in Psalms 119. Oh, it's a long chapter.
36:03 Yes, they are. All right.
36:06 "Great peace have they which love thy law,
36:08 and nothing shall offend them."
36:11 Amen. Wow.
36:12 Yeah. Now that's a great text.
36:13 What does that mean to you?
36:15 Well, the law of God is out of love.
36:19 It's out of love for us
36:21 and it's not meant to be a burden on our lives.
36:24 It's meant to take care of us.
36:27 For example the fourth commandment
36:28 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
36:30 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all your work."
36:33 And I mean, that day is a day
36:36 that we can rest and have peace.
36:39 We don't have to think about the worldly struggles
36:41 and the things that at your jobs
36:45 or wherever, whatever is going on
36:47 through the week, you can actually commune with God
36:50 and get some rest and go out in nature.
36:52 There are so many fun things that you can do on Sabbath.
36:55 That's right. Seventh day Sabbath.
36:58 Amen. That's right.
36:59 Yeah, that's a great text, isn't it?
37:00 "Great peace have they which love your law,
37:03 and nothing shall offend them."
37:04 What do you think about the offend part?
37:06 You know, every time I read that verse
37:08 and if I don't know, you know, people say stuff
37:11 and all of the sudden you feel like,
37:12 oh, I felt offended or, you now,
37:14 something bothers you and I think, "Okay, God
37:18 I don't love Your law like I should.
37:21 Okay, God, You are trying to show me something
37:23 in my own heart."
37:25 You know, we can focus on the other person.
37:27 But God says, "No, Jill, I want you to look at Me.
37:29 I mean, look at yourself and see what's going on
37:31 in your own heart and life."
37:33 You can't control other people but you can control
37:37 how you react to what other people said to you.
37:40 That's a good point. That is a good point.
37:42 Yeah, someone shared with me when I was a young person.
37:44 They said, only I meaning myself can make me mad.
37:48 He said, I mean whether you follow it. It's a choice.
37:50 There you go, come back to a choice.
37:52 Yeah, how I react to a situation that's true.
37:55 Yeah.
37:57 It's beautiful when you experience a peaceful Sabbath,
38:00 you know, and I think that what contributes
38:03 to our peaceful Sabbath it's our preparation
38:05 and our preparation begins Sunday.
38:08 And so gradually we prepare to have this encounter
38:13 with the Lord on the Sabbath hours.
38:16 So the peace that I can have everyday
38:20 somewhat in a delicate
38:23 and special way is different for Sabbath.
38:27 Now, that's great.
38:28 I mean, it's incredible how you disconnect
38:31 and you just want to be at church all day,
38:33 you sing, you do different activities.
38:36 Fellowship. Fellowship exactly.
38:37 Yeah. You are cooking.
38:39 We do. We love Mrs. Dinzey's cooking.
38:42 It's fabulous. I agree with.
38:45 Anytime we are ready. Praise the Lord.
38:47 You also think about,
38:49 you know, how we are talking about peace.
38:51 I mean, how much the stressing out about
38:54 situations actually solve anything.
38:56 Well, I tend to think it does
38:57 but it doesn't in special words.
38:59 Yeah, and it can make you physically sick.
39:03 Now that's a good point physically sick.
39:04 Now that a good point, that's true.
39:05 Because, you know, working here at 3ABN
39:07 I enjoy working at 3ABN a lot.
39:09 I mean, this is really a fun place to work.
39:11 I enjoy working in the production department
39:13 but there is always challenges
39:14 and just this past week I must have looked a little stressed
39:17 because I had one of my crew members coming
39:19 and say, "So how you're doing?"
39:21 I said, "Well, I think I'm okay."
39:23 "Well, hey, do you mind
39:25 if I just have a prayer with you?"
39:26 I was like oh, well.
39:27 And in their prayer they talked, oh, my,
39:29 it touched my heart.
39:30 I actually thought about,
39:32 I mean, I thought about obviously for a while.
39:33 Now but that actually was a huge encouragement.
39:36 You know, I don't really realize.
39:37 Sometimes I run around stressed out
39:38 doesn't really help being stressed out.
39:40 And so, you know, I get a little overwhelmed
39:42 with some things and so I just appreciate
39:43 that crew member doing that.
39:45 But then that's how we can actually
39:47 be a blessing for others too because we can see someone
39:49 maybe he is a little bit stressed.
39:51 And say, "Hey, just a minute.
39:53 Can I have prayer with you? Are you doing okay, Jay?
39:55 Well, let's have a prayer or Pastor John."
39:56 Wonderful. Praise the Lord.
39:58 Oh, yeah. Praise God for that.
39:59 That was a, I appreciate that this week that was a blessing.
40:02 Amen. Amen.
40:03 I will like to share an experience
40:06 that was very real to me.
40:09 When I was much younger and I was working in a company,
40:15 electronic company and-- well, I was in Chicago
40:18 I'm driving down the road and the clouds,
40:23 it was morning but it was dark
40:24 because of the clouds and there was thunder
40:27 and lightning and just as I was getting close
40:30 to this train overpass,
40:32 there was this loud thunder and then lightning
40:38 and for a moment I had this fear
40:42 and I think I could-- there are few times in my life
40:47 I can say the Lord talked to me and this is one of them
40:50 because it was so clear that He did.
40:52 He said, "Why are you fearful?
40:56 I'm with you." Amen.
40:58 And then I suddenly as that message came to me I said,
41:03 "Yes, Lord, why am I fearful?
41:06 You are with me."
41:07 And there was this calmness, a peace that came over me
41:11 that I said, wow, thank You, Lord, for that assurance
41:15 that You are with me."
41:16 And I think when we realize that His promises are true
41:19 Jesus said, I'm with you always even until the end of the world
41:23 we can take confidence in knowing that
41:26 He is with us and we could have that peace.
41:28 I will like to share a scripture that
41:30 my mother taught me when I was very, very little.
41:33 And so for many, many years before I went to bed
41:37 I would pray as I'm praying I would quote this psalm
41:41 and perhaps some of our viewers or listeners
41:44 are familiar with this.
41:47 And it says-- It's Psalms what?
41:51 Psalms 4, Psalms 4:8, I have a bilingual Bible,
41:56 I almost read in Spanish.
42:01 In Psalms 4:8 these are the wonderful words.
42:05 "I will both lay me down in peace,
42:09 and sleep, for thou, Lord,
42:11 only makest me to dwell in safety."
42:15 Amen. Wow.
42:16 So that has just has been so powerful in my life
42:19 and you know, when there had been times
42:22 when I was little, I was away from my mom
42:25 and I would remember that she told me,
42:26 remember to pray
42:28 and ask the Lord to be with you.
42:29 And I'll quote this psalm before I go to sleep
42:32 and I would rest peacefully.
42:34 I think about Jesus in the boat that we just talked about.
42:37 Amen. He was asleep.
42:39 Now He must have been very tired,
42:40 I mean, to sleep through a storm.
42:42 That boat must have been bobbing badly in the storm.
42:45 Yeah, for sure but He had peace.
42:47 Peace, that's right.
42:48 Amen. That's a wonderful testimony.
42:50 I think mine actually has to do with the poem.
42:53 If you don't mind I'll share.
42:54 It's not a real long poem but it's one that I love
42:57 and that we actually have framed sitting next
43:00 to our bed, it's right on the wall
43:02 there right by the bed and it's something I memorized
43:04 when I was young and just through the years
43:06 it has to do with trust in God and surrender.
43:09 And it says, "In acceptance lies peace,
43:13 O my heart be still.
43:15 Let your restless worries cease and accept His will.
43:20 Though this test is not my choice,
43:22 it is His therefore rejoice.
43:25 In His plan there cannot be anything to make me sad.
43:30 If this is His choice for me, I want to take it and be glad.
43:34 Make from it some lovely thing to the glory of my King.
43:38 Cease from sighs and murmuring, sing His loving grace,
43:42 this trial means my furthering to a wealthy place.
43:47 From my fears He'll give release,
43:49 in acceptance lies peace."
43:53 And to me that's it, when we know
43:56 and trust the Lord Jesus
43:58 we can put our faith in those promises.
44:00 The promises in His word we can claim them
44:02 and trust them and surrender and then re-surrender again
44:06 and watch as God works
44:07 His peace in our hearts and lives.
44:09 Yeah. Amen.
44:11 Well, now it's talking about, thinking about the topic
44:14 I said, "Lord, there are so many instances
44:16 in the Bible that we can share
44:18 but one that my mother always taught me was Psalms 23.
44:23 Oh, yeah.
44:24 The Psalms 23 is just so personal
44:28 and that covers every challenge or anything
44:31 that we have to face as children,
44:35 as adults, as the elderly, the widow, the poor.
44:39 So everyone has this piece on Psalms 23.
44:42 Everybody knows it by heart, right.
44:44 So I get it confused, you know, sometimes
44:47 I start off in English and then in Spanish
44:49 but I cannot say by memory but I will read it.
44:54 "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
44:59 He makes me to lie down in green pastures,
45:02 he leads me beside the still waters.
45:07 He restores my soul..."
45:10 Faithfully He does that I must say.
45:12 "He leads me in the path of righteousness
45:15 for his name's sake.
45:17 Yea, though I walk through the valley
45:19 of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil:
45:24 for thou art with me,
45:25 thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
45:29 Thou prepares the table before me
45:31 in the presence of mine enemies,
45:33 thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runs over.
45:39 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
45:43 all the days of my life,
45:45 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever."
45:49 This is full of promises and gives me comfort
45:53 and strength and trust and I enjoy the peace
45:57 that doesn't matter what I'm going through.
45:59 I think this covers it all. It does.
46:01 Oh, yeah. Absolutely.
46:03 God is with me and I should not have anything to fear.
46:06 But when I face something big and different I see
46:10 how I can't do it on my own.
46:12 I can't, I have to claim to the promise,
46:15 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
46:17 I have to say, the Lord is with me till the end of time
46:21 and I'm here to do what He calls me to do.
46:24 Amen.
46:25 Well, Jay, so you have something to share?
46:26 Yeah, I've had a couple of surgeries in my lifetime
46:30 and the one surgery was an emergency appendectomy,
46:36 my appendix had ruptured inside of me.
46:38 At that time I was out of the church so I wasn't,
46:41 I didn't have much peace, I didn't have any of that.
46:44 I remember Pastor Byrd coming to pray with me
46:46 and I didn't know him because I wasn't going
46:48 to church at the time
46:49 but he came and prayed with me.
46:51 Elder Carlton Byrd?
46:52 Yes. Oh, nice.
46:53 And, you know, prior to that I kind of thought
46:55 that I might die, you know, I wasn't sure
46:57 and after that prayer I felt at peace.
47:01 And then later on in life, I had two more surgeries
47:06 one is a result of that and then, anytime
47:11 that they put you to sleep you might not wake up.
47:13 There is a chance that you might not wake up.
47:15 But on this time I was in the church
47:19 and I had given my heart to the Lord.
47:20 So I was at peace.
47:22 So if I didn't wake up for any reason
47:25 when Christ comes back--
47:27 You're gonna wake up. I know, where I would be going.
47:29 And it was in the right direction.
47:32 Amen.
47:34 So after, you know, my mom had prayed with me
47:36 on both occasions and I was at peace.
47:40 So there is a difference in the peace you felt
47:41 when you were at in new Christ versus the surgery before?
47:44 Yes. Wow.
47:46 Because if I would have died at that time,
47:47 I would have gone in the wrong direction.
47:49 Well, praise the Lord for Pastor Carlton Byrd
47:51 for coming and then praying.
47:52 Isn't that neat you have the opportunity of doing
47:54 that with people that we see they may not feel that peace
47:58 that God wants us to have.
47:59 To pray for them, do something to encourage them.
48:02 Yeah, this has been a great topic actually.
48:04 Amen. And I feel encouraged.
48:05 It is.
48:06 I remember when we, well, when we travel
48:09 to promote 3ABN Latino, well, we promote 3ABN in general.
48:14 There is no way of just talking about 3ABN Latino.
48:17 Praise the Lord and we have what, nine networks now.
48:21 So it's incredible.
48:23 But we've gone to precincts and visited, you know,
48:26 some people, some viewers and it's a,
48:31 I don't know what it is but it's just the power of God
48:34 that brings peace to that person that is locked up.
48:38 But I'm locked up and there are so many viewers
48:40 that do watch from the precincts
48:42 but they find freedom in Christ.
48:45 And when before they had found that liberty,
48:50 they did not have peace and so they shared God's word,
48:55 God's promises in the hope with others
48:57 and people in the cells that they started
49:00 their own little congregation in the church.
49:02 So it doesn't matter where we are at, we can have that peace
49:06 and share the peace with the others.
49:08 And I think that's a good point because God calls,
49:11 God wants to give us peace
49:12 so that we can in turn extend not our peace
49:15 but His peace to other people.
49:19 And so that's why we want to encourage you tonight with
49:22 whatever you're going through surrender those challenges,
49:25 surrender that stress to the Lord Jesus.
49:28 Accept His peace which is a gift.
49:31 Choose to trust in Him and claim those promises
49:34 and then in turn witness to someone else about the peace
49:37 that you have experienced because I think as we share
49:40 we grow ourselves.
49:41 That's right. Yeah, absolutely.
49:43 That's right.
49:44 You know, some of the text here I hope
49:45 that you at home just quickly
49:47 because again this is encouragement,
49:48 you know, you read, study the Bible,
49:50 realize God's faithfulness.
49:52 Got Isaiah 26:3 says,
49:54 "You will keep him in perfect peace,
49:56 whose mind is stayed on you."
49:59 With John 14 we talked about that,
50:01 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you."
50:04 Jay, what was yours, Psalms 119.
50:07 Psalms 119:165.
50:10 That was a good one.
50:11 "Great peace have they which love thy law,
50:13 and nothing shall offend them."
50:15 I mean, that's a neat search, isn't, Pastor?
50:16 You could do at peace search.
50:18 Oh, yes, there are many. Psalms 4:8.
50:20 Many scriptures that are very powerful
50:23 and that one Isaiah 26:3, 4 is one of my favorites
50:28 and it tells you how you can get peace.
50:30 Amen.
50:32 "Thou" that's God "will keep him
50:34 in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee."
50:36 We have all the information we need to get peace
50:39 and Jesus offers it freely.
50:41 There is no fee. Praise the Lord.
50:44 You are not gonna get a bill.
50:46 Jesus says, "Peace I give unto you.
50:48 My peace give I unto you."
50:50 I would like to read one more
50:52 and this is found in Job 22:21, 22:21.
50:56 Job. Job 22:21.
50:58 I don't think of Job has been a pleasure of peace.
51:01 Well, this is Eliphaz, I call him Eliphaz talking--
51:04 Job 1-- I'm sorry.
51:06 Chapter 22 and verse 21.
51:08 Which really summarizes how you can get this.
51:12 Okay. That's good.
51:13 It says, "Acquaint now thyself with him,
51:19 and be at peace, thereby good shall come unto thee."
51:24 So that is another way that we can understand,
51:29 we can get peace.
51:30 Acquaint, you know, in Spanish it's a,
51:33 I like the word that is used in Spanish
51:37 because acquaint doesn't communicate
51:41 the word as well I think for some reason.
51:43 In Spanish it's amistad, that means become friends.
51:47 Be friend.
51:49 That is different than acquaint.
51:50 Become friends with God and you will find peace.
51:56 There is this wonderful song I'll just gonna read
51:59 the first stanza if you don't mind.
52:01 Yeah, then we will go to some prayers.
52:02 "What a friend we have in Jesus,
52:06 all our sins and grieves to bear!
52:08 What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer!
52:12 Oh, what peace we often forfeit,
52:15 oh, what needless pain we bear,
52:18 all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer!"
52:22 Amen.
52:23 And so the Lord is inviting us today to have peace
52:26 and I hope our viewers and listeners
52:28 will take advantage of that wonderful invitation.
52:30 Yeah, amen. Amen.
52:32 It's a great way to segue into some prayer.
52:34 I think a lot of people at home of course going through storms
52:37 may not have peace or whatever maybe we want
52:39 to remember of course you in prayer
52:41 remember us here at 3ABN
52:43 but, Brother Jay, let start with prayer
52:45 and we go round the circle here.
52:46 Sure.
52:47 Dear heavenly Father, we thank You for allowing us
52:50 to have this family worship together today.
52:52 Lord, we thank You for blessing us
52:54 with the opportunity to have peace if we trust in You.
52:58 We thank you for blessing us with your Seventh-day Sabbath
53:00 that we may rest and have peace
53:02 and reflect on and commune with You, Lord.
53:06 Thank You for all the wonderful gifts
53:08 You've given us Your grace and mercy.
53:11 And as our viewers at home are watching this program,
53:15 we ask that they will seek You and find that perfect peace.
53:19 In Jesus name we pray, amen.
53:21 Amen.
53:23 Heavenly Father, we thank You so much
53:27 because the invitation is to every one of us.
53:30 Yes, thank you.
53:31 Jesus says, "Peace I leave with you,
53:34 my peace give I unto you."
53:36 And, Lord, we pray that You will help us
53:37 to accept this peace we see Jesus
53:40 as it says in Revelation 3:20
53:42 "Standing at the door, and knocking in our heart."
53:45 And, Lord, we pray that You will help us
53:47 to open the door that He may come in.
53:50 We know there are many listening
53:52 that have faced difficult situations
53:55 and are facing great problems
53:58 that they know they cannot solve on their own.
54:01 We pray that as we have read in the scriptures
54:04 and as we have quoted poems and even the song,
54:08 "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."
54:10 We pray that You will help Your children to consider
54:14 what great peace they may have
54:16 as we allow Jesus to give us His peace.
54:19 In Jesus name, amen. Amen.
54:20 And, Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness.
54:24 Thank You for Your love and the way You manifest
54:28 Your power in each of our lives.
54:30 Thank You, Father, that You have spoken
54:34 and a few shall say it I shall believe it.
54:37 So I accept the peace the gift that You give us.
54:43 Help us to draw nearer to thee so that we may be ready
54:47 when You come in glory and receive You
54:50 and that we may spend all our Sabbaths
54:53 from Sabbath to Sabbath with You.
54:56 Thank You for Your love and care
54:57 in Jesus name, amen.
54:59 Oh, Father, I come in agreement with my brothers and sisters
55:03 and those of our brothers and sisters at home.
55:05 We thank You for Sabbath, we thank You right now
55:08 I think of Your promise in Philippians 4
55:11 that we don't have to be anxious for anything
55:14 but in everything with prayer
55:15 and supplication with thanksgiving.
55:18 Right now we lift up our request before You
55:21 and we know that Your peace, the peace of God
55:24 which passes all understanding.
55:27 You will keep and guard our hearts and minds
55:29 through Christ Jesus.
55:31 So, Lord, we pray in a special way
55:33 for our brothers and sisters right now at home
55:36 that we would reach out and accept You,
55:40 accept You as our personal Savior.
55:42 Acquaint ourselves with You, Father,
55:45 and learn and experience
55:47 the peace that You long to give.
55:49 We accept You just now
55:51 and we thank You in Jesus name, amen.
55:55 Father in heaven, Lord, we are so grateful
55:56 for how You have brought us through this past week
55:59 and we are thankful for Your protecting power for times
56:03 that we are aware of and I know many times too
56:04 our guardian angels have protected us
56:06 and we don't even know it.
56:08 Lord, we are so grateful for the study here on peace.
56:12 I know the times I go through the different storms of life
56:14 and I don't always have that peace
56:16 and I'm sorry, Father, for not having that.
56:18 But, Lord, thank You that we can again
56:20 just turn our hearts toward You and say, God, I trust you
56:23 and we want to have that peace that can only come from You.
56:27 And I know in the midst of the storms of life
56:29 that we can trust You.
56:31 So I pray for my brothers and sisters at home
56:33 whatever they are doing with it's neat
56:35 that we can just pray to You
56:36 and somehow You can hear all these prayers
56:38 thousands, millions
56:40 being prayers being offered up to You
56:41 and You hear each one.
56:43 You know best how to answer each one.
56:45 So, Father, we just want to again
56:47 just trust You with these storms
56:50 and these challenges that we face.
56:52 Father, again we thank You for Your love
56:54 and for Your Sabbath day.
56:55 In Jesus name I pray, amen. Amen.
56:59 Amen. Wow.
57:00 Time went fast. Thank you.
57:03 It was a blessing, Brother Jay and Brother Johnny and Idalia.
57:07 Thank you for joining family worship.
57:09 Absolutely. Thank you for the invite.
57:11 It's always a blessing to have worship together.
57:14 It's always a privilege and honor to be able to join
57:17 with you in family worship.
57:18 Thank you for studying with us on the topic of peace.
57:21 And again trust Jesus, He will never leave you,
57:24 He will never forsake you.
57:26 Place everything, your whole life in His hands
57:28 and of course we can trust Him with everything.
57:30 Again, thank you for joining us.
57:31 God bless you.
57:33 And have a wonderful happy Sabbath.


Revised 2016-04-21