Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: J. D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), John & Angie Lomacang, Kenny & Chris Shelton


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016007A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, and we welcome you to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:11 I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:13 I'm JD Quinn.
01:14 And it is our pleasure
01:15 to spend these Sabbath hours with you. Amen.
01:17 We hope that wherever you are around the world,
01:20 whether you are welcoming in the Sabbath
01:22 or maybe it is already Sabbath
01:24 that you will get your Bibles out and join us.
01:26 Tonight we are going to be talking about
01:29 assurance of hope and assurance of salvation.
01:34 Which, how many people do we talk to
01:36 that don't seem to have assurance of either?
01:39 It is absolutely amazing that there are some people
01:41 that just cannot understand that God loves him so much
01:46 and that there is the assurance of salvation.
01:49 The Bible makes it perfectly clear.
01:51 And we are not talking about one saved always saved.
01:53 So stay tune
01:55 because we know that you can't walk away.
01:57 But let me introduce our 3ABN family here
02:01 who we love very much
02:03 and I'm gonna start to my right,
02:04 we have Pastor John Lomacang.
02:06 Good to be here.
02:07 And, Pastor, you are our pastor so that makes it special.
02:11 Great privilege. Yes.
02:13 And you are also the director of?
02:16 World Evangelism.
02:17 World Evangelism for 3ABN.
02:19 We are getting ready to do
02:20 an evangelistic series in London
02:22 and we are excited about that.
02:23 Thanks a lot.
02:25 And then we have your beautiful wife Angela.
02:27 Hello. It's good to be here.
02:29 Tell us what you do at 3ABN.
02:31 Okay, I work at 3ABN Radio and I do what,
02:36 radio editing, production and things like that.
02:38 You know, what I love about 3ABN
02:40 is there so many couples who work here together.
02:44 You know, married couples and family members.
02:46 I think the Babb family,
02:48 we got the whole family working.
02:49 That's true. The Poling family.
02:51 The Poling family but that makes it wonderful.
02:54 Into my left
02:55 I have my dear sister Chris and Chris Shelton.
02:59 And, Chris, you
03:00 and your precious husband Pastor Kenny Shelton
03:05 are with Behold the Lamb Ministries.
03:06 Yes.
03:08 And that is your ministry I should say.
03:09 You are with it, you founded that ministry.
03:12 So we are so glad
03:13 that you are here with us tonight.
03:14 Amen. Good to be here.
03:16 Praise the Lord. Amen.
03:18 We are gonna have some fun. Yes.
03:20 But, JD, why don't you start with just a prayer?
03:23 Father, we thank You so much, Lord,
03:25 for this, for the opportunity to be able to celebrate
03:29 this time together on Your Sabbath evening.
03:31 Lord, we give you praise and glory.
03:34 Father, also I just ask that You be with us
03:36 as we go around this table
03:37 and we talk about assurance, Lord,
03:40 about a gift that You've given each one of us.
03:43 Be with us, anoint our minds, our mouths
03:45 and more important, Lord, there are people
03:47 that are very hungry and very thirsty for this word
03:49 and we're just asking in the name of Jesus
03:51 that they are attentive.
03:54 Lord, they maybe talking directly to one person,
03:57 thousand people or million people, Lord.
04:00 We give You all that You deserve
04:02 and only You, Lord.
04:04 In the name of Jesus, amen.
04:05 Amen. Amen.
04:07 Well, we have one more member
04:08 that we want to introduce as well,
04:10 she is not at the table with us but she is,
04:12 we are gonna be singing some songs,
04:14 the words will be on the screen for you to follow along.
04:18 But that's Jill Morikone
04:20 my precious sister over there behind the piano.
04:22 And Jill is administrative assistant
04:25 to Danny Shelton.
04:26 She also wears a lot of hats around here.
04:29 Danny, Danny can keep an army of people.
04:31 He can.
04:32 Absolutely.
04:34 And some.
04:35 And Jill has a program on 3ABN Heart Lift
04:38 and she is also a fantastic pianist.
04:40 So, we are glad she uses her gifts
04:43 for the glory of the Lord.
04:45 So, let's begin.
04:46 We are going to sing a song called "Trust and Obey"
04:49 one of my favorites.
04:51 Amen. Amen. Amen.
04:57 When we walk with the Lord
05:01 In the light of His Word
05:04 What a glory He sheds on our way!
05:10 While we do His good will
05:14 He abides with us still
05:17 And with all who will trust and obey
05:24 Trust and obey
05:27 For there's no other way
05:31 To be happy in Jesus
05:35 But to trust and obey
05:40 But we never can prove
05:44 The delights of His love
05:48 Until all on the altar we lay
05:54 For the favor He shows
05:57 And the joy He bestows
06:01 Are for them who will trust and obey
06:07 Trust and obey
06:11 For there's no other way
06:14 To be happy in Jesus
06:19 But to trust and obey
06:24 Amen. Amen.
06:26 And trust is the foundation for faith.
06:29 So that's why it is so important
06:31 that we trust in the Lord
06:33 with all of our heart and not our own understanding.
06:36 You know, one thing I've noticed
06:37 that I know about you all
06:39 that the older I get the lower I sing
06:41 and finding a key
06:43 in which we can all sing is a challenge.
06:45 But we are going to sing another song
06:47 one of my most favorites
06:50 and this is entitled
06:52 "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less"
06:54 hymn number 522 in your hymnal.
06:57 Amen. Amen.
07:00 My hope is built on nothing less
07:04 Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
07:08 I dare not trust the sweetest frame
07:12 But wholly lean on Jesus' Name
07:16 On Christ the solid Rock I stand
07:21 All other ground is sinking sand
07:25 All other ground is sinking sand
07:31 When He shall come with trumpet sound
07:35 Oh, may I then in Him be found
07:39 Dressed in His righteousness alone
07:43 Faultless to stand before the throne
07:47 On Christ the solid Rock I stand
07:52 All other ground is sinking sand
07:56 All other ground is sinking sand
08:02 Hallelujah. Amen.
08:03 Amen. Thank you, Jesus.
08:04 And that's why when we are standing on Christ,
08:09 on His righteousness
08:11 we can have assurance of hope because it is written
08:14 we can have assurance of salvation
08:16 because it is written.
08:18 So what we are going to do tonight
08:21 is we are talking about--
08:24 first we will begin with assurance of hope
08:27 and we are going to be doing this
08:29 as affirmations from scripture.
08:32 I would like to read just a little paragraph
08:34 and these, these words are all taken from scripture
08:38 and they are something
08:40 that we can confess over our life
08:42 or that we can pray back to the Lord.
08:44 Here is what it says.
08:46 "I'm sure of what I hoped for
08:48 and certain the things I do not yet see will happen.
08:52 It is written and God watches over His word
08:56 to see, assure that it is fulfilled.
08:59 Trust is a foundation for my hope and faith.
09:03 I trust God completely and put my hope in His word
09:06 eagerly anticipating the fulfillment of His promises
09:10 in my life.
09:11 Nothing can sway me from the truth.
09:14 My soul is well anchored.
09:16 I live by faith
09:18 which is my title deed to God's promise.
09:23 My faith is made operative by my actions of obedience.
09:27 Obedience is a pathway to God's blessings
09:31 when I do His will I receive the promise."
09:35 Now every one of those statements
09:37 is backed up by the scripture.
09:39 That's right.
09:41 And as we've kind of decided who is gonna do what
09:43 I'll start with the fist scripture,
09:45 one of my favorites.
09:47 This is a scripture from Hebrews 11
09:50 and this is something,
09:52 sometimes that people try to say
09:54 is the definition for faith.
09:56 I'll say it's just part of faith
09:58 as how I will get it
10:02 and here's what the Bible says.
10:04 I'm actually going to read from the Amplified Version.
10:08 "Faith is the assurance it is the confirmation,
10:13 the title deed" In Greek, that's hupostasis
10:16 and it was a written document
10:19 that how they transacted business.
10:21 It's like if I'm giving you a home
10:23 and I write over the title,
10:25 sign over the title deed to you,
10:26 it belongs to you
10:28 whether you've ever seen it or not.
10:29 Well, we still do that.
10:30 We still have today. Yeah, we do.
10:32 Real estate you give a title deed basically.
10:35 Absolutely.
10:36 So faith is our title deed, that's that written,
10:40 "Of the things that we hope for,
10:42 being the proof of things we do not see
10:46 and the conviction of their reality."
10:49 Now, I like this little statement
10:51 that translators added.
10:55 "Faith perceiving as real fact
10:58 what is not revealed to the senses."
11:02 Isn't that true, John, when we've got that faith?
11:06 The fact of what is not revealed to the senses
11:09 and really it's saying I remember a story years ago
11:13 where they talked about
11:15 how important it is to have faith.
11:16 Where father
11:18 put his young child on the, you know,
11:20 we have different size dresses in our home,
11:22 the family one and the taller one
11:24 I forgot what they call it.
11:26 But he said-- What's it called?
11:28 Okay.
11:30 Obviously, boy, it's not English.
11:34 But he said to his child jump
11:38 and they said
11:40 when babies are young and when they are,
11:43 when you have not disappointed them
11:46 they will jump without reservation.
11:48 But the moment they get disappointed,
11:50 they feel apprehensive and hesitant.
11:51 That's right.
11:53 And so the title deeds you're talking about is,
11:55 the Lord is saying to us as our heavenly Father,
11:57 jump, I guarantee you I'll catch you.
12:00 So, that's another way I think about it.
12:02 The guarantee we have that I'll catch you
12:04 and then He won't disappoint us.
12:05 Amen.
12:07 You know what I say? He won't drop us.
12:08 Amen. Amen.
12:10 Grace writes the check, faith takes it to the bank.
12:15 You know, you can have
12:16 all of these gifts God's given us,
12:18 all of His promises are ours in Christ Jesus
12:21 but you can have them even as head knowledge
12:24 but if you don't put it into application.
12:27 If there is not deeds of action behind it
12:29 you are never gonna know because it is by faith
12:33 that you actually draw on those promises.
12:37 Chris, why don't you do Jeremiah 1:12?
12:41 Okay.
12:42 And, you know, what you were talking about too
12:44 I think that's something that we have to continue
12:46 to learn with the faith and that title deed
12:51 because we have to believe
12:53 and so much of our actually receiving these blessings
12:58 depends on how much we believe
13:00 and you find that over and over.
13:02 So this is something Lord continues to teach us
13:05 and we're gonna look at a little bit of that
13:07 here in Jeremiah 1:12
13:08 and this is the Amplified Version as well.
13:11 It says, "Then the Lord said to me,
13:14 'You have seen well, for I am alert and active,
13:17 watching over My word to perform it.'
13:21 "See, here God was calling Jeremiah
13:22 to be a prophet
13:24 and Jeremiah said, I'm too young.
13:25 I'm a child I can't do this.
13:29 And He touched his mouth, He put His words in his mouth
13:32 and He began to show him things
13:33 and He says, "What do you see, Jeremiah?"
13:36 And He told him, he told God what he was seeing
13:39 and He says, you see well
13:41 because he was revealing to him in symbols
13:44 what he was about to do prophetically.
13:48 And I think as we look at this
13:50 we need to be looking at God's word
13:52 whether it's the prophecies and what a time we live in.
13:55 We get to look back. Oh, yes.
13:58 Our faith should be built so strong,
14:00 so much stronger than these people
14:02 because we can look back and see where
14:04 God has fulfilled those promises.
14:06 And so we can say yes,
14:08 what I see that and what a promise.
14:10 He says, I'm alert, I'm active.
14:12 He's not given up on us.
14:14 He will never leave us.
14:15 He is not leave us out there floundering
14:17 and He is watching over His word.
14:20 The one thing that we are talking about,
14:22 that the enemy is trying so hard to throw out
14:26 is the Word of God.
14:27 He says he's watching over and he will perform it.
14:30 And you at home, you can take it to the bank.
14:33 Amen.
14:34 It's your title deed
14:37 and it's such a blessing.
14:38 So I mean, that's probably a verse
14:40 that many people read over
14:42 and they don't think much about it
14:43 but when you begin to put it into perspective
14:47 as we are doing here,
14:49 it says so much to each and every one of us.
14:51 And you know He said in Isaiah 55:11
14:54 that "My word does not return void
14:56 but it accomplishes for every purpose
14:58 for which I sent it."
15:00 This is why I think one thing
15:02 is we return the Word of the Lord to Him.
15:05 It builds our faith. Amen.
15:07 If we are praying and we are saying,
15:08 "Oh, Father, thank You.
15:10 I claim this promise.
15:12 Thank You that You are alert and active.
15:15 You're watching over Your word to perform it."
15:17 That is so faith building.
15:20 So it is something
15:21 that the Lord wants us to truly accept.
15:25 And I know you grew a whole lot when you started doing this.
15:29 Amen.
15:30 Most certainly
15:32 because it does open up that avenue of communication.
15:34 It does give you that confidence that,
15:36 if that child jumps off that he will be caught.
15:39 And the more you get into the word,
15:42 the more truthful it becomes
15:44 because now you are staying on His promises.
15:46 Excellent. Made so.
15:47 And, you know, I forgot to say this
15:49 when I first started.
15:50 You know, what the word hope means in the Greek?
15:54 When we say hope nowadays,
15:56 if I say, Kenny, are you all come to church this Sabbath?
16:00 I'll hope so.
16:02 I'll hope that I can make it."
16:04 That doesn't give us certainty
16:07 but in the Bible, in the Greek
16:10 the word hope means eager expectation.
16:15 Amen. Right.
16:16 So we can have eager expectation
16:20 because all of God's promises are
16:21 as we need to stake our claim by faith
16:25 and know that He is gonna watch over His word to perform it.
16:28 So that's what so exciting.
16:31 Angie, why don't you read Habakkuk 2?
16:34 Oh, John.
16:35 Oh, that's there is John.
16:37 John, Habakkuk 2:2, 3.
16:40 Okay, Habakkuk 2,
16:41 "Then the Lord answered me, and said,
16:45 Write the vision, and make it plain on tablets,
16:47 that he may run who reads it.
16:50 For the vision is yet for an appointed time,
16:53 but at the end it will speak, and it will not lie,
16:57 though it tarry, wait for it,
16:59 because it will surely come, it will not tarry."
17:02 Amen.
17:04 When you talked about the introduction
17:05 of the topic assurance
17:06 that a lot of people don't have,
17:08 what this says to me
17:09 is the Lord is saying to those who have been waiting
17:12 for the fulfillment of the vision.
17:16 I think of the apostles, I think of the disciples,
17:19 one of the things that actuated their passion
17:21 for the work is
17:22 they could not wait for the promise
17:24 the Lord had made to be fulfilled.
17:25 When He said, I will come again and they ignited the world,
17:29 they set the world on fire.
17:30 One of things that, with that said,
17:33 one of the things that we hold on to is
17:36 when He says, "This gospel of the kingdom
17:38 will be preached in all the world,
17:40 when it's done, then the end will come."
17:42 If we really believe the vision,
17:44 we will be busy
17:45 to hasten the coming of the Lord
17:47 that is we'll be so busy as the apostles were
17:50 because we so believe the vision
17:52 that we are going to do our part
17:55 knowing that if the work, if the gospel
17:56 doesn't get to the remainder of the world
17:58 then He says, okay, I can't return.
18:00 But it says here the assurance, it will not tarry.
18:04 In other words, it's not gonna, it's not going to be delayed.
18:07 It's not going to be postponed.
18:09 It's not gonna be disappointing.
18:11 It may appear that way but it's not going to be.
18:14 So wait for it, it will speak.
18:17 It is assured it will not lie.
18:20 And so this idea of waiting, somebody once said,
18:23 it wouldn't be bad to wait if it didn't take time.
18:26 Well, you know, waiting takes time
18:28 but the beauty of waiting for the Lord
18:30 is he says, I'm not lying, My word will not lie.
18:33 It's plain, I wrote it down.
18:36 In this part I guess it says, that those who read it may run.
18:40 Now this is very amazing when you think about that
18:42 because in Bible times when kings wrote a message
18:46 he had a runner.
18:48 Yes, they did.
18:49 That carried the message and they declared the message.
18:51 And in sometimes some of the ways you saw
18:54 that the king had a message
18:55 it would be introduced with the... the king
18:59 and then they would un-scroll unroll the scroll
19:01 and read the message that the king had penned.
19:04 Well, that's what it says in essence being said,
19:06 I wrote it.
19:07 Take this message to everyone you can,
19:10 run with it because it's true.
19:13 So if you believe something is true
19:14 you run with it.
19:16 And so there is a man, boy, I tell you,
19:18 he's running everywhere with that statement.
19:20 So the promises of God we can hold on to it.
19:23 We can run with it
19:24 and we can proclaim it with all assurance
19:26 that is going to come to the pass
19:28 and it will not lie.
19:29 That's right. Amen.
19:30 One thing that you do, Honey, is you always encourage people
19:34 to write God's promise on 3x5 cards
19:38 and to explain what you do there
19:40 because it's good.
19:41 Well, what I believe is,
19:43 is that everybody has a different issue
19:45 and through the aid of the Holy Spirit
19:46 you are giving the promises
19:48 and I think that everyone wants a ministry
19:51 that loves the Lord
19:52 and the ministry can be great, it can be small
19:55 but I'll guarantee you that the Lord will--
19:57 there's other people who got the same issue
19:59 that you may have
20:01 and you've taken those promises
20:03 then the Lord by divine appointment
20:05 will bring those people to you.
20:07 Sometimes I know the answer but let me call Pastor John.
20:12 But why don't you take a 3x5 card?
20:15 Why don't you write these down
20:16 and then whenever that divine appointment comes,
20:20 the card will be there inside your purse or whatever,
20:22 you can pull them out and share with them.
20:25 And so, now you're being reinforced
20:28 because the Holy Spirit is working through you.
20:30 And so then the message just goes out.
20:32 Amen. Oh, yes.
20:34 You know, so, and it really
20:37 and people, people are excited to be able to do that.
20:43 Yes. Amen.
20:45 And, you know, some of the faith
20:46 that you are talking about here and writing those things down
20:49 what helps us fortify our minds and our heart.
20:51 But I remember I put it this way,
20:53 faith was developed at a early age
20:57 even through the, I won't say the promise of my dad.
21:00 If when we went to town and there's little children
21:04 you go in the store
21:05 and there's lot of difference now as today.
21:07 But he always said to me
21:09 "If we ever get separated you can be assured
21:15 I will not leave this place until I found you."
21:19 Amen. Wow.
21:20 "I will look until I find you."
21:22 Amen.
21:24 Somehow my mind right
21:25 then, I get goose bumps now I think about it.
21:29 The assurance was there.
21:30 I could bank on that.
21:33 Just as a human being said that,
21:35 mere human being but it was my dad.
21:38 Dad said I'm not going to leave you.
21:41 I will look for you. Amen.
21:43 I will come and get you.
21:45 I will search for you and you can always hang on that
21:48 and I always hung on that.
21:49 And I felt an assurance
21:51 that if something happen he is going to be there.
21:53 He is going to keep looking till he finds me.
21:55 I can think spiritual lessons
21:58 as sometime we wander way out there
22:01 and we have a God
22:03 and I'm thankful by faith that He searched.
22:06 He said, "I'm gonna search to you
22:07 until I find you."
22:09 And then He asked for us to search for Him
22:11 with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind
22:14 and then we will find Him.
22:16 Amen.
22:17 So, it's coming together by faith.
22:19 The promises that you're talking about
22:21 that help establish,
22:22 I think it's important
22:24 for our people who are watching.
22:25 In the home you're having worship with us now.
22:27 Your children are seated there.
22:29 Encourage them with those thoughts
22:31 even as a human Mom and Dad,
22:33 the faith, they grasp that faith
22:36 they will begin to grasp
22:37 but believe it they see it, they understand it
22:40 and they will begin to apply spiritually too
22:42 to the Word of God it will help them to grow.
22:43 It did me.
22:45 And you know something you just said
22:46 a thought occurred to me.
22:48 Sometimes I think parents are too quick
22:53 to gratify every desire of their children.
22:56 Delayed gratification,
22:58 there is something about saying,
23:00 okay, we are going to do such and such.
23:03 Let's say you're gonna get an ice cream cone
23:05 but we are gonna do this after we have gone shopping,
23:09 we are gonna have your treat but not before.
23:12 There is not gonna be whatever but when you tell a child
23:16 that there is something coming up
23:17 and then you fulfill it you, you create in them
23:22 that eager expectation of your word.
23:26 And see this is what God, I'll tell you, you know,
23:28 when people are brand new Christians
23:31 isn't it amazing
23:32 how their prayers, their simplest prayers
23:34 are just answered, answered, answered,
23:36 and it's like God showing.
23:38 Now as we grow they don't always answer that fast
23:42 but you begin to have eager expectation
23:45 that God is a God of His word
23:47 and His word is for the appointed time
23:50 and He is watching over His word to perform it
23:53 and you can claim it.
23:55 Hallelujah. Amen.
23:57 And that's why you made a point that I want to build on.
24:00 Sometimes we pray
24:01 and it's not fulfilled right away.
24:04 I was talking to somebody and I was saying to them,
24:06 'cause here we're bringing that point out,
24:07 why is that I'm praying
24:09 my prayers don't seem to be answered?
24:10 And I have been a Christian for so long,
24:12 the Lord is testing you to see whether or not
24:14 you are with Him for just what He response to
24:17 or if you still believe Him when He is silent.
24:20 So sometimes God is silent
24:22 but His silence doesn't equate to His absence.
24:24 That's right.
24:25 And so we have to sometimes wait,
24:27 there is a text says,
24:28 "Wait, wait for a point of time.
24:30 Why would I answer a prayer
24:32 that you don't need answered till tomorrow."
24:34 So God sometimes will stretch you to the point
24:36 where you get to that place and say now step off in faith.
24:39 Yes.
24:40 But the other part of that is that
24:42 sometimes God's answer is no.
24:43 If you're praying for a motorcycle
24:45 and God can see, He sees the end from the beginning
24:48 and He knows that motorcycle is gonna end up
24:50 and wrapped around tree.
24:51 He may just tell you, no. Right.
24:53 What you're gonna say, Honey?
24:54 To every sincere prayer, an answer will come.
24:57 It may not come just as we think
24:59 that it should come,
25:00 but it will always come for our eternal benefit...
25:03 Okay. At the right time.
25:05 And, Angie, why don't you do Hebrews 6:18, 19.
25:10 Okay.
25:11 It says, "This hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
25:17 both sure and steadfast
25:20 and which enters the presence behind the veil,
25:24 where the forerunner has entered for us,
25:28 even Jesus having become a high priest forever
25:32 according to the order of Melchizedek."
25:35 Okay, so verse 18, read 18.
25:37 Did you read that one 18 and 19?
25:39 Oh, 18? Yeah, 18 and 19.
25:40 Oh, I'm sorry. That's okay.
25:42 "That by two immutable things
25:45 in which it is impossible for God to lie,
25:49 we might have strong consolation
25:52 who have fled for refuge
25:54 to lay hold of the hope set before us."
25:58 And then it goes on to say,
26:00 "This hope we have as an anchor."
26:01 Amen. Yeah.
26:03 So when He is saying we take hold of hope.
26:09 Yes.
26:10 How do we take hold of hope?
26:12 If hope is eager expectation and what God is gonna do
26:15 how can I take hold of hope?
26:18 Somebody watching today is wondering,
26:20 how can I have that eager expectation.
26:23 I think it always goes back.
26:25 Now, you guys have given
26:26 a lot of wonderful examples already
26:29 but it always goes back to the time
26:31 that we spend with God.
26:32 That's it.
26:34 You got and people need to begin to spend time
26:37 each and every day and it gives you the hope.
26:40 And He begins to communicate with you in your heart
26:44 and your mind becomes like the mind of Christ.
26:46 This is it.
26:47 And I always tell people "little word, little faith."
26:50 That's right.
26:52 And little faith means you have no hope.
26:54 And an anchor, you wonder what is an anchor?
26:58 A boat has an anchor
26:59 and it drops to the bottom, yes.
27:02 And I looked up that word what is an anchor?
27:04 It said, "Device made of metal is strong.
27:08 It connects to the vessel, okay,
27:10 and it goes to the bottom of the water, the bed.
27:13 And it prevents the craft from drifting
27:16 due to wind or tide."
27:18 So what does the scripture say? What is our anchor?
27:21 We have an anchor of the soul, both sure--
27:23 But it says, we have this hope.
27:27 So it is, the word hope.
27:30 When we had eager anticipation in God's word being fulfilled
27:36 that is what keeps us from drifting.
27:38 We can wait, no, it's for the appointed time.
27:41 I love it.
27:43 That's not I like that whole idea of, it's heavy.
27:46 I've seen anchors where we were in Hawaii
27:48 not too long ago and there was this big anchor
27:49 from one of the ships that had sunk from World War,
27:53 you know, the bombing of the Pearl Harbor
27:54 but they were able to savage one of the anchors.
27:57 And it's displayed there.
27:59 We just tapped on it
28:01 how heavy this is and that anchor is,
28:03 it has to be of such weight that it has to hold
28:06 that multiple tonnage vessel from moving
28:10 and I thought, "Well, unless that anchor is lifted
28:13 that vessel is not going anywhere."
28:14 And I looked at the size of that anchor
28:17 compared to this structural size of that vessel
28:19 and I think, "This anchor can stop that vessel?"
28:22 And it's not just the weight of the anchor
28:24 but what it's made of.
28:25 And so our anchor is the Word of God.
28:27 Our anchor is hope.
28:28 Our anchor is the promises of God.
28:30 It's not just the weight of the word
28:32 but it's what it's made of it.
28:33 It's made of assurance.
28:35 And it prevents you from drifting.
28:36 I like that. Yes.
28:37 I want to add to it because, you know,
28:39 we've been in a lot of smaller boats too
28:41 that used anchors and it's not always the size
28:44 but it's what is grabbing on to.
28:46 It's got to grab deep
28:48 just like our roots need to grab deep.
28:51 And isn't that beautiful
28:52 because we live in such a world
28:54 where there is so much chaos, so much heartache.
28:57 You know, people don't know, I thought back
29:00 to the people that I was in high school with
29:02 and so many of them committed suicide.
29:06 You know, they died early and I thought,
29:08 I was just thinking about this last night and I thought,
29:10 you know, the enemy had their young minds so early
29:14 because they didn't have an anchor,
29:15 they didn't have hope.
29:17 They didn't have hope. And they drifted.
29:18 Didn't not have the hope. That's it.
29:20 That hope, that anchor
29:21 and if we put our hope in the Word of God.
29:24 If we are putting that every day
29:25 into our mind, into our heart
29:28 then He keeps us from blowing around.
29:30 And I've been in storms and it's no fun to be in a boat
29:34 that's not anchored, let me tell you.
29:35 You're scared to death.
29:37 And it's blown by the winds into which direction.
29:38 But your point is so well taken because
29:41 what gives somebody a suicidal thought
29:45 is lack of hope.
29:46 It's when they get to the point they feel hopeless
29:48 that's when they want to check out.
29:50 But the point that I have,
29:51 I mean, some serious sermon material
29:53 that keeps you from drifting.
29:55 That's the main thing
29:56 and if you do find yourself drifting
29:59 well, then you know that you need to get into the word.
30:03 And so intellectually you know that you,
30:06 "Oh, I need to get back into the word."
30:08 And it's so important again because of the people
30:10 that 3ABN is reaching and this is, you know,
30:12 that we are talking to have worship in the home.
30:14 Still always goes back my opinion,
30:17 In the home where the children
30:19 and mom and dad, and they were sitting around
30:22 and I have to go back again and say,
30:24 "I can't remember a time,
30:26 this helped me in my Christian experience."
30:28 My dad always kept his word.
30:32 Never one time though I can remember
30:34 that he ever went back on a promise.
30:36 Amen.
30:37 Any promise he made,
30:39 he did his best to make sure he fulfilled that,
30:41 helped me to understand my Father's promises.
30:43 Amen.
30:45 Every time he went back and he went back and he say,
30:47 and that was when, you know, you boys weren't good at church
30:52 and you're gonna get a spanking, whipping.
30:55 He usually said after sundown.
30:57 You're gonna get a spanking. You could count on it.
31:00 You could count on if he said, you know,
31:02 or you won't spend the night with somebody.
31:04 When you came back home Sunday evening
31:07 you met him at the door.
31:08 He had the belt in his hand.
31:10 He fulfilled the promise.
31:12 That may sound little bit odd that is exactly
31:14 how I understood and begin to relate it
31:17 with my heavenly Father,
31:18 He always fulfill, He is always there.
31:20 He keeps His word and my dad always did it
31:23 and I'm always thankful for that.
31:24 Kenny, you are on a role so why don't you do James 2:17.
31:27 Okay, 2:17.
31:31 It says, "Even so faith,
31:33 if it hath not works, is dead, being alone."
31:37 Though how interesting so many discussions on this
31:41 but if you notice that faith and it really,
31:43 literally here means,
31:44 here in the original language it means the faith.
31:47 It's talking about the faith.
31:49 Faith without works is dead.
31:51 Faith without works is just-- Someone mentioned it.
31:54 What's works? Yeah.
31:55 Deeds and action of obedience. Deeds and actions.
31:58 But he is talking about faith without works here is,
32:00 which someone mentioned a while ago
32:02 is just an intellectual knowledge of the truths,
32:06 the doctrines, the teachings, you have those
32:09 but unless there is the fruits,
32:11 lest there is a work that's correspond with that,
32:13 it is a dead faith.
32:15 It's literally here says, it's being dead, being dead.
32:18 That means it's lifeless.
32:20 Dead, dead plant
32:24 doesn't bear fruit, doesn't at all.
32:26 I like what the Amplified says, it says,
32:28 "It's destitute of power."
32:31 It's inoperative.
32:32 So if we, if we say we have faith in God's word
32:37 but we don't act on that.
32:39 See, that's why I said,
32:41 part of the definition of faith is actions of obedience.
32:44 So without that what difference does it make?
32:48 Exactly. Destitute.
32:49 It's destitute, you know,
32:50 James makes it real clear here when you look at.
32:52 Says, faith without, notice faith without works
32:55 but he is not really comparing, he is talking about
32:58 a genuine faith with a dead faith.
33:01 So comparison there is a genuine,
33:03 we say genuine faith
33:04 and then there is this dead faith
33:06 that many sad to say Christians have today.
33:10 They believe there is a God,
33:12 they believe in the teachings
33:13 but your life doesn't correspond with that
33:16 in their works, in their love
33:17 for their fellow man and their love for God.
33:20 So it becomes dead and unacceptable to God.
33:23 It's like perceivable faith.
33:24 Yeah.
33:26 It looks like it because
33:27 it's all dressed up in Christian things
33:30 but it's really not anchored.
33:32 And when the storms come, you will discover
33:34 that your perceivable faith is empty.
33:36 It's destitute, it's inoperative.
33:38 There is nothing to it.
33:40 And so there are so many of it.
33:41 That's why we have to remember
33:42 that faith is not just singing songs
33:44 and studying your Sabbath school lesson.
33:45 Come on now.
33:47 It is a full relationship. Amen.
33:48 You know, when Peter talks about
33:50 that a few had virtue and knowledge and wisdom
33:52 and he began the building block of Christianity
33:56 is something that so many of us have to keep in mind.
33:58 It's not just one thing, not even a gift,
34:01 it's not even the ability to speak or sing
34:03 but it's that relationship first
34:05 and then it goes all way back
34:06 to the substance of things hope for.
34:09 If you really believe someone is there,
34:11 think of the young people today
34:12 and I want to add a component here quickly
34:14 to something JD said.
34:16 Young people text a lot
34:17 because they know the person is there.
34:19 So, if we believe the Lord is there,
34:20 we keep that active relationship going with Him.
34:22 Amen. Amen.
34:23 So, JD, why don't you do Hebrews 10:36?
34:26 I think this is important too. Yeah.
34:28 And, you know, this is just basically
34:31 here we just talked about it does not have works.
34:33 Now we are talking about in Hebrews 10:36,
34:36 "When you have done the will of God,"
34:39 when, key words when.
34:41 "When you have done the will of God you will"
34:44 strong word there,
34:45 "you will receive what he has promised."
34:47 Amen.
34:49 And so there, I mean, a perfect example here,
34:53 is in our backyard right now.
34:56 Whenever we move to this place
34:58 I put out seven peach trees,
35:00 two apricot trees, an apple tree.
35:03 Man, I got one of the best peach tree crops there is.
35:06 I've got two apricot trees.
35:08 I've got two apricot trees that are absolutely beautiful.
35:13 The trunk is this size and I've got three apricots
35:17 over the last five years where I'm getting
35:19 hundreds and hundreds of peaches.
35:22 Now and going back to faith it does not have works.
35:26 I'm making a decision on those apricot trees.
35:29 Beautiful, fluffy, the most beautiful leaves
35:34 but I'm not getting a thing out of it.
35:36 So now I'm making and say, but here it says,
35:39 "When you have done the will"
35:40 and so I'm sitting here having this little battle within
35:42 because they are so pretty good but they got no fruit
35:45 but they are so pretty, Jesus, they got no fruit.
35:48 That's right. Yeah.
35:49 So now, whenever you've done the will of God.
35:53 Does this mean, Lord,
35:54 I need to grasp something back into this apricot tree
35:57 so I'm gonna have fruit?
35:59 What am I gonna do, Lord?
36:00 Oh, wow.
36:02 And I want to point out one thing here very quickly
36:04 because I think I've got two.
36:06 We bit off too much,
36:07 we could have probably spent the whole time.
36:09 That's true. Come on.
36:10 But on Hebrews 10:36
36:13 the version that you were reading there is from the NIV.
36:15 I just want to read it to you from the King James says,
36:19 "For you have need of endurance,
36:20 so that after you have done the will of God,
36:25 you will receive the promise."
36:26 Come on. Yes.
36:27 There are so many people
36:29 who believe that they are going to get God's promises
36:31 without walking in obedience.
36:33 Right.
36:34 But obedience is the pathway to God's blessings.
36:38 His blessings come as, I mean, His love is unconditional
36:43 but all of His promises are conditional.
36:46 You do this, I'll do this.
36:48 You do this, I'll do that. Right.
36:50 And I think we need to go back
36:52 when we were talking about prayer.
36:53 We talked about, you said, people coming into the faith,
36:56 how their prayers are answered very quickly
36:58 and you expounded on it.
37:00 And I thought of this verse but I didn't mention it.
37:03 But see, I think a lot of times
37:05 as we are growing as a Christian, you know,
37:07 the Lord begins to test us, show us things
37:09 and if we turn our back, you know,
37:12 we have the faith but not the works.
37:14 You know, we are not being obedient
37:16 I think even our prayer life
37:17 we are not gonna receive those promises.
37:19 He can't answer those prayers
37:21 because we are not living up to the will of the Lord.
37:24 And back to James 2:17, that one is I think
37:29 that is such a simple verse but so critical.
37:31 Oh, mercy.
37:33 So critical in today's society, people will say,
37:35 I had the faith I'm saved.
37:37 It's okay, I have the faith.
37:38 I don't have to do that.
37:40 I don't have to go there. I don't have to--
37:41 Just mercy.
37:42 Man, it's all done away with but I believe and I receive.
37:44 Oh, mercy.
37:45 You know, and I deal with those people a lot
37:47 and I love those people but they are just so stuck
37:51 and, you know, with just one part of it.
37:54 They don't have it.
37:55 And that's why we want to get to.
37:56 Why do, how can we have assurance of salvation?
37:58 Yes.
38:00 So let's, I'm gonna read an affirmation
38:02 and then we want to get into these
38:03 because I really want to get as many of these done
38:06 as we can to show that
38:09 we can have that not the assurance of hope,
38:12 that eager expectation of what God,
38:15 we can have assurance of salvation
38:17 but there are even, I'll say conditions on that.
38:20 Would you agree?
38:21 Let's read the affirmation says,
38:23 "I abide in Christ keeping His commandments.
38:26 I know He abides in me by His spirit."
38:29 These all come from scripture.
38:31 "Therefore, because I'm abiding in Christ
38:34 keeping His commandments and His spirit is in me,
38:37 therefore I have assurance of salvation.
38:40 God has given me eternal life found only in His Son.
38:43 No one can snatch me from His hand.
38:45 The Lord preserves me from evil making me complete in Him,
38:49 I'm saved by grace through faith
38:53 being fully persuaded
38:54 that God is able to keep me by His power."
38:57 John, why don't you do 1 John 3:24.
39:01 "Now he who keeps His commandments
39:06 abides in Him, and He in him.
39:09 And by this we know that He abides in us,
39:13 by the Spirit whom He has given us."
39:15 Amen.
39:16 So you know the Lord abides and this comes back to
39:22 I think it's Acts 5:29 where the apostle says,
39:28 "God has given His spirit to those who obey Him."
39:30 Yes. Yes.
39:31 Yeah.
39:33 So often we pray for this, we pray for the spirit
39:35 but we don't want to be obedient.
39:36 Right. Yes.
39:38 And obedience is a condition that's what I'm talking about.
39:40 So the Lord says, let's use an example a classic one.
39:43 "If you love Me keep my commandments."
39:44 I do love You but I'm not doing that
39:48 and we give all our conditions and our reasons why it's not--
39:50 We have grace. We have grace.
39:52 We have grace, is we are done away with.
39:53 We are in the new covenant.
39:55 We are in new dispensation.
39:56 We add our conditions to God's command and He says,
39:59 but there is so much I want to do for you
40:02 and on the heels of that He cannot actively
40:05 and this is a very powerful point.
40:07 When we intentionally
40:09 turn away from a command of God,
40:11 I remember the scripture
40:13 and we talked about this on a program we did together.
40:17 "He that turneth his ear from hearing the law,
40:19 even his prayer is an abomination."
40:22 Amen. Yeah.
40:23 So God is saying, wait a minute, wait a minute,
40:24 and let's put that back in the context but parent now,
40:26 parent to children.
40:27 You talked about your dad.
40:29 Now, I use Kenny's dad
40:30 because I've heard so much knowing Kenny and Danny
40:32 and his brother Ronny and the list goes on and on.
40:35 But I doubt your dad will honor your request
40:39 if you're recalcitrant and disobedient
40:42 just because you asked him.
40:43 Would he say,
40:44 "Sure, Kenny, you want the car keys, no problem.
40:46 You haven't done your homework,
40:48 you haven't done any house work,
40:49 you don't listen to me but here are the car keys."
40:51 Did that happen in your house? There was conditions.
40:53 Man, and you had to follow them, the conditions
40:57 and if you messed upon one, you didn't get the keys.
40:59 Right, and it was not, it was not just
41:01 because you're my son, it is what I'm talking about.
41:03 Sometimes we claim son ship and daughter ship
41:06 and we cry "Abba! Father"
41:08 but we have to cry Abba, Father,
41:09 in the context of speak
41:11 oh, Lord for your servant listens.
41:13 Yes. That's right.
41:14 And how does, I mean, just look at that scripture 1 John,
41:16 "He who keeps His" I mean,
41:19 to have salvation we have to be abiding in Christ.
41:21 That's right.
41:22 So right here He says in 1 John 3:24,
41:25 "He who keeps His commandments abides in Him."
41:29 So, if we are not keeping His commandments,
41:31 we are not abiding.
41:33 And you know it's like, it's the,
41:34 "I'm the vine, you're the branches."
41:37 We were grafted in and He says,
41:40 "By this we know that He abides in us,
41:42 by the Spirit He gives us."
41:43 Yes.
41:44 So the SAP, I call it
41:46 the Spirit Anointing Power, the SAP.
41:48 We have to be abiding in the vine,
41:51 keeping His commandments
41:53 and like you said in Acts 5:29,
41:59 when He says,
42:02 "That the spirit is given to those who obey Him."
42:04 When we accept Christ as our Savior,
42:06 we get the measure of the spirit.
42:08 But we are not going, you know,
42:10 we can quench and resist the spirit of God,
42:13 we can grieve the spirit of God and it's only,
42:16 I mean, we can only obey with the spirit of God
42:18 but we have to have that attitude that guide me,
42:21 fill me and it's a day by day thing.
42:23 Yes, it is. Let me correct something.
42:25 Was that Acts 5:29 "As we ought to obey God rather than men."
42:28 But verse 32, "He gives His spirit to those who obey Him."
42:31 Amen. Correct.
42:33 And also just real quick
42:34 and also the "B" part of that sentence,
42:37 "He who keeps my commandments abides in Him"
42:39 but more importantly is that His and Him.
42:43 That's so good. So there is that reciprocation.
42:45 Yeah. Amen.
42:46 It's not a one way street. A hand and glove.
42:48 Yeah.
42:49 This is you can't separate the two.
42:51 Now, I really I'm anxious to get to this scripture
42:52 because I've had people tell me before.
42:55 I know, especially, well, I've just had some people say,
42:59 "Well, you can't have assurance of salvation."
43:02 And I just want to, if you ever felt like that
43:05 I want you to open your Bible to 1 John 5
43:08 we're gonna read verses 11 and 13.
43:12 Here's how you can have assurance of salvation.
43:17 1 John 5:11-13, and John writes,
43:24 "This is the testimony that God has given us eternal life,
43:30 and this life is in His Son.
43:33 He who has the Son has life,"
43:39 has this eternal life
43:41 "he who does not have the Son does not have the life.
43:47 These things I have written to you
43:48 who believe in the name of the Son of God,
43:51 that you may know that you have eternal life."
43:56 That's right. Praise the Lord.
43:57 So, we have to have a son,
44:00 how do we know we have the son?
44:02 You just read it earlier.
44:04 The spirit confirms that.
44:06 We're abiding in Christ.
44:08 If we are keeping His commandments
44:09 we abide in Him, He in us, we have Him.
44:13 But, you know, I'm not open there but 1 John 5:10,
44:18 I love this because it says that
44:21 "If we don't accept the testimony of God,
44:24 we're regarding Him as a liar.
44:25 Oh, yes.
44:27 Now I want to ask you a question,
44:28 have you ever read a promise
44:31 in God's word that sounds too good to be true
44:33 and you think, oh, surely not for me?
44:36 Not me.
44:37 You know, I mean, God may mean this for everybody else
44:40 but He can't possibly mean it for me.
44:43 If we are not accepting what God says
44:45 about who we are in Christ,
44:47 if we are not accepting this, this word
44:50 if you can't accept the fact
44:51 that you can have eternal salvation,
44:53 you're calling God a liar.
44:55 Wow.
44:57 An assurance of eternal salvation.
44:58 That's what the enemy is out to do
45:00 because he wants to discourage.
45:03 He wants you to be depressed.
45:04 He wants you to feel like those are for other people
45:07 but they can't apply to you
45:08 because you're just not good enough,
45:10 and you can never be good enough.
45:13 Yeah. Let's amplify that for a moment.
45:14 You can't be good enough, that's the fact.
45:17 We have to keep in mind, I think,
45:19 I don't know if you read this text
45:20 but I think it's perfectly
45:21 where Ephesians 2:8, 9 fits into.
45:23 Go ahead and read that real quick,
45:24 because that fits in perfectly right now.
45:26 Ephesians 2, this perfectly fits into that context.
45:28 Okay.
45:29 Ephesians 2:8, 9 says,
45:30 "For by grace you have been saved through faith,
45:35 and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God,
45:39 not of works, lest anyone should boast.
45:43 For we are His workmanship,
45:46 created in Christ Jesus for good works,
45:50 which God prepared before hand that we should walk in them."
45:55 And it's a gift.
45:56 Have you ever received a gift before?
45:59 You have to accept it, don't you?
46:01 We have to accept. Amen.
46:02 You have to receive. Amen.
46:03 Yes, receive it.
46:05 I receive gifts.
46:06 If I don't receive it then I don't want it.
46:09 But you have to receive what God has for you.
46:12 He has a gift for us and it says that,
46:15 it says it here. And go ahead.
46:17 And the gift, the gift cost something
46:19 but doesn't cost you anything.
46:21 They want you to respond to the price
46:24 that I paid for that.
46:25 I love, you know, it's not Christmas we know that
46:27 but birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas people just love,
46:30 sometimes somebody will send you a gift inadvertently.
46:33 You know, you don't call, you don't call them up and say,
46:35 "How much does this cost?"
46:37 That's an insult. It is.
46:40 You know, what do you mean how much does it cost?
46:43 What's the point? Just receive it, enjoy it.
46:46 Forget about the cause and then you open and say,
46:48 "Oh, this must have cost you a whole lot.
46:50 I don't feel, I don't know if I could accept this."
46:53 You have to accept that I purchased it, it's for you
46:55 and I'm not gonna take it back.
46:56 Well, you did that for me.
46:58 You bought me a gift and I said,
46:59 "John, how much was this?"
47:01 Yes, you did that.
47:03 I said, "Honey, you're worth every penny of it.
47:05 I'm not taking it back, don't even ask me.
47:09 This can't be-- oh, no, I can't.
47:11 No, no, Honey." He is such a good.
47:12 How do you, how do you, how do you, how do you look at
47:15 when people say, they say to be an Christian
47:18 is gonna cost you because we realize the cost at Calvary
47:21 but yet in this life being a Christian
47:24 can it cost you and what does it cost you?
47:28 You know, what it costs you and I like that.
47:31 There's a scripture in Matthew says,
47:33 when a person is building house
47:35 hasn't counted the cost, can't finish it.
47:39 The way that I look at the cost because people often say,
47:42 "What do I have to give up?"
47:44 Go ahead now, here's getting deep.
47:45 All right. I say, okay.
47:47 Okay, I saw a picture this is so cute,
47:48 my wife showed this to me on Facebook.
47:51 Artist concept, a little girl with a teddy bear,
47:55 little small teddy bear and Jesus was saying to her,
47:58 give me, come on give me that teddy bear.
48:01 And she said, no but I love it so much.
48:04 But she didn't know behind his back
48:06 he had a super huge teddy bear for her.
48:10 Yes.
48:11 And sometimes the Lord wants to test us He says,
48:12 "You think what you have given up is something.
48:14 You wait till I replace it."
48:16 Yes.
48:17 So it's not what we are giving up at all
48:18 but it's what is being replaced by what we have.
48:21 And so He is able to do what?
48:24 "Exceedingly, abundantly
48:28 above all that we can ask or think."
48:31 Oh, that's big. That's huge.
48:33 That covers all the basis. Thank you.
48:34 Amen.
48:35 You can't even think what I can do for you.
48:37 So when I say to people,
48:38 "You ain't giving them nothing."
48:40 Let me tell you what the benefits are.
48:42 You know, I say this real quickly.
48:44 As a Christian I'm not only a pastor
48:46 but I sell life insurance and fire insurance
48:49 and a retirement plan that's out of this world.
48:51 That's right.
48:52 Okay, so those are the benefits.
48:54 We don't serve God either though
48:55 for what we are receiving.
48:57 No. That's right.
48:58 We serve Him because we love Him.
49:00 We love Him.
49:01 And He never asks us to give up anything that's good for us.
49:03 It's always those things
49:05 that can hurt us or hurt others.
49:07 He's so good, He looks inside the heart and the mind.
49:10 He knows where we are at and He ask us
49:12 graciously, loving and kindly,
49:14 Kenny, you need to get rid of this
49:16 because it will hurt you
49:17 and I don't want you to get hurt.
49:18 But there is one more thing,
49:20 Kenny, and we want to finish these scriptures.
49:21 Sometimes He asks you to give up something
49:24 that is good for you just to see if you're willing.
49:27 Like Abraham.
49:29 Like Abraham and his son. Thank you.
49:30 Said, come on are you willing to sacrifice your son?
49:32 I'll do it Lord if that's what you're asking.
49:35 Abraham, Abraham. Yeah.
49:36 He wants to see if we are willing.
49:38 That's right. And then it's okay.
49:39 You're willing to give it up, you can keep it.
49:40 Wonderful. Praise the Lord. Yes.
49:42 Boy, so many, so many directions we could go.
49:45 Now back to the faith, there needs to be
49:47 a balance of everything we've talked about.
49:49 What you're talking about the little teddy bear
49:51 and the big teddy bear I feel like
49:52 I've been living
49:54 that the last several weeks and months.
49:56 And I don't want to say too much,
50:00 I could but, you know, for 26 years we've lived
50:04 in a very beautiful part of Southern Illinois.
50:06 I said, it's a closest to Tennessee
50:08 without leaving the state.
50:10 You know, waterfalls, ponds,
50:12 just you name it, just gorgeous.
50:14 And then my husband and his brother
50:17 I call them the boys, you know,
50:19 I said the boys had this idea
50:22 and for us to move closer to 3ABN
50:25 and to shorten that drive.
50:27 And that was really tough because I thought well,
50:31 we've done this drive for 26 years why change it now?
50:36 Oh, boy.
50:37 And in a way--
50:39 And I like where I met. I love my little teddy bear.
50:41 You know, I like and I don't want to give...
50:45 But let me move here little quicker here
50:47 because after a lot of things that were happening
50:50 I didn't sleep night very well at all
50:52 and I spent about a hour and half
50:54 that next morning praying
50:55 and I know that God speaks to us through His word.
50:58 And I said, God, would You please.
51:00 Nothing I've prayed about
51:01 has been answered the way I've asked it.
51:03 I said, would You please speak to me, Lord?
51:06 And the first verse I opened up was Deuteronomy 30:16
51:10 which kind of fits with everything
51:11 we've been talking about.
51:12 It says, "In that I command thee this day to love the Lord"
51:16 everything has to be loved.
51:18 Everything, every truth.
51:20 "Thy God, to walk in his ways," We've been talking about that,
51:24 faith without works is dead.
51:26 Prayers can't be answered.
51:28 "And to keep his commandments
51:30 and his statutes and his judgments,
51:32 that thou mayest live and multiply" and here it goes
51:35 "and the Lord thy God shall bless thee
51:39 in the land whither thou goest to possess it."
51:43 Amen.
51:44 And of course I began to cry.
51:46 Yeah. I understand that.
51:48 Because I knew right then, I knew right then
51:51 God was telling me this is My will
51:54 and I will bless you
51:56 and if nothing else I feel like
51:58 I have been blessed by so many people here
52:02 that I just feel.
52:03 You're gonna love it.
52:05 You're gonna. Blessed assurance.
52:06 Amen. So--
52:08 To bring that assurance into them.
52:09 Absolutely.
52:10 Okay, so let's look at this
52:12 because I want to get to a couple more scriptures.
52:13 We only have a few minutes left here but,
52:16 but so the Bible is telling us in 1 John
52:21 that if we keep His commandments,
52:23 we abide in Christ, Christ abides in us.
52:25 We know it by the spirit is with us.
52:27 And then John goes on to tell us
52:29 we can have complete assurance of salvation.
52:32 If we have the Son, you have eternal life.
52:35 If you don't have the Son, you don't.
52:36 That's right.
52:38 Now we just saw what you were reading,
52:40 salvation is a gift.
52:42 It is by grace.
52:43 Now, you know, it's interesting that Hebrews 5:9 says,
52:46 "Having been perfected,
52:48 He" Christ" became the author
52:50 of eternal salvation to all who obey Him."
52:53 Obey. Now wait a minute.
52:55 Okay, but salvation is a gift there's no doubt,
52:59 there is nothing we can do to earn,
53:01 there is nothing that we could
53:03 ever do to be good enough to merit this.
53:07 But I want to tie in real quickly
53:09 Hebrews 13:20, 21
53:12 because God's plan has always been the everlasting covenant
53:19 has been that it would be Him substituting Himself for us
53:25 the righteousness of Christ.
53:27 The righteousness of God
53:30 being is what's going to perfect us.
53:33 So read Hebrews 13:20, 21,
53:35 Okay, 20 and 21, Hebrews 13 says,
53:38 "Now the God of peace,
53:40 that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,
53:43 that great shepherd of the sheep,
53:45 through the blood of the everlasting covenant,
53:48 make you perfect
53:49 in every good work to do his will,
53:52 working in you that
53:54 which is well pleasing in his sight,
53:56 through Jesus Christ,
53:58 to whom be glory for ever and ever.
53:59 Amen." So who is doing the work here?
54:02 Yeah. God is doing. That's right.
54:03 Yeah, He says, He is doing the work
54:05 and I love the way it started out.
54:07 It said, the God of peace. That's right.
54:10 What a wonderful that is you see the God of peace here
54:13 because the Lord said
54:14 He is going to bless His people.
54:16 You know, peace, He is going to give them peace.
54:18 And I thought what is this?
54:19 Peace to me is like tranquility
54:21 and really that's what the word really means
54:23 but even it expands beyond that here.
54:27 He said, "I'm God of peace."
54:28 In other words, I'm going to give you peace.
54:30 In original language means safety.
54:32 I'm gonna give you safety.
54:33 I'm gonna give you tranquility.
54:36 I'm going to give you security.
54:38 I'm gonna prosper you
54:41 if you will hear and be obedient
54:43 and keep His commandments, walk in faith and not by sight.
54:47 He's promised to meet
54:48 all the needs of our life every day
54:50 with us go before, go behind us,
54:52 go on each side of us.
54:54 Angels to be doubled around us to take care of us,
54:56 see to me that gives me goose bumps
54:59 to realize so insignificant as an individual.
55:02 So unworthy as I am,
55:05 I will just put it that way that He said,
55:07 "I will be with you always, Kenny, even to the end."
55:09 Wow. Amen.
55:10 He made that promise
55:12 "I'll never leave you and I'll never forsake you."
55:13 Amen. Amen.
55:15 And the promise is He said, and I'm going to do this.
55:16 Notice it's through the blood,
55:20 the covenant being ratified by the blood of Jesus Christ
55:24 not of animals and bulls and ghost
55:26 but the blood of Jesus Christ.
55:28 Hebrews 9, read more about that.
55:29 It's just, it's wonderful but it's quick thought,
55:32 He said, it's going to make you perfect
55:34 is what I read in my Bible to make you perfect.
55:37 To me, I read and I thought He is gonna make you perfect
55:39 and you can go a lot of different directions
55:41 because you mentioned the vine and the branches
55:44 and if I'm attached to that the vine
55:48 and I'm receiving all the nourishment,
55:49 I become like Him.
55:51 Not partially like Him, I become completely
55:53 because I'm taking all of my nourishments from Him.
55:56 So if I say I'm attached and I've done this,
56:00 I'm not really attached.
56:01 So that's kind of buy own salt.
56:03 We only have a minute left. Oh, glory.
56:05 So, we are going to get little break.
56:07 We can preach, uh. Let's go on with it.
56:08 Let me ask you this one question,
56:11 how many of you have assurance of hope?
56:14 Praise the Lord. Amen.
56:15 So we have either anticipation
56:17 and we hope for those of you at home
56:20 that you have assurance of hope
56:22 that you have eager expectation.
56:25 God is watching over His word to perform
56:27 and all of His promises are yours in Christ Jesus.
56:30 Here's a trickier question.
56:32 How many of you have assurance of salvation?
56:34 Oh, praise the Lord. absolutely.
56:36 Absolutely. Absolutely.
56:39 And our prayer is for you at home
56:42 1 John 5:11-13
56:46 that you will also have assurance of salvation
56:49 it is written that if you have the son,
56:53 if you are abiding in Him, you can have that assurance.
56:56 Amen. Well, we are out of time.
56:58 I cannot believe how rapidly this went.
57:01 Yes.
57:03 We are not even gonna get to pray now
57:04 but we are gonna be praying for you when we finish.
57:08 I just want to thank you, John and Angie,
57:10 thank you so much for coming.
57:12 And Kenny and Chris, thank you so much.
57:13 It's, you know, our blessing.
57:15 Thank you for sharing. Absolutely.
57:16 We could have had two hours on this
57:18 very easily.
57:20 I've learned, when I get the script together not to do,
57:23 that is not to be quite so ambitious.
57:27 But anyway our prayer for you is that
57:30 the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:32 the love of the father
57:33 and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
57:35 will be with you this Sabbath and always.
57:37 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2016-04-04