Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny & Chris Shelton (Host), Greg & Jill Morikone, JD & Shelley Quinn


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016005A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:39 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:06 Hello, and welcome to today's family worship.
01:09 Happy Sabbath to those of you at home.
01:11 Happy Sabbath to those of you here.
01:13 Amen.
01:14 We want to welcome our family at home
01:15 and we have a wonderful family sitting here on the table.
01:18 My name is Chris Shelton
01:20 and this is my fabulous husband Pastor Kenney Shelton.
01:23 Thank you.
01:24 And to my left is Sister Shelley
01:26 and her fabulous husband JD Quinn.
01:30 And then to our right is Sister Jill
01:32 and her fabulous husband.
01:34 They might as well, they all are fabulous.
01:36 Okay. We're blessed.
01:38 We're the fabulous three. That's right.
01:40 So what a blessing to be with you this evening
01:44 as we bring in the Sabbath
01:45 and we are gonna open our program today
01:47 with a couple songs.
01:49 "I've Got a River of Life" is the first one
01:51 and we welcome you to join in with us.
01:52 Amen.
01:54 And we have another family almost forgot
01:56 Sister Marlene Hoss.
01:58 She's been part of our extended family for over 30 years.
02:01 We love her. Amen.
02:03 She has played-- She can play that.
02:04 Oh, yes. Oh, she's been such a blessing.
02:06 She is such a blessing. Yes.
02:08 So we're gonna sing "I've Got a River of Life."
02:10 Yes.
02:25 I've got a river of life flowing out of me!
02:30 Makes the lame to walk, and the blind to see
02:36 Opens prison doors, sets the captives free!
02:41 I've got a river of life flowing out of me!
02:46 Spring up, O well, within my soul!
02:51 Spring up, O well, and make me whole!
02:56 Spring up, O well, and give to me
03:02 That life abundantly
03:08 I've got a river of life flowing out of me!
03:14 Makes the lame to walk, and the blind to see
03:19 Opens prison doors, sets the captives free!
03:25 I've got a river of life flowing out of me!
03:29 Spring up, O well, within my soul!
03:35 Spring up, O well, and make me whole!
03:40 Spring up, O well, and give to me
03:45 That life abundantly
03:51 Praise God. Amen.
03:53 What a great song. Yes.
03:55 We need that river of life
03:57 springing up in all of our hearts.
03:59 Amen. We are in trouble if it's not.
04:00 That's right.
04:01 Is that right, we have to have that Jesus living inside of us.
04:03 Thank you Jesus.
04:05 Excitement to us as I sing this I picture myself
04:08 He is singing this all captive free.
04:10 Amen. Amen.
04:12 The devil is trying to put us in captivity
04:14 because of Jesus Christ we are set free.
04:16 That's why we are excited.
04:17 That to me that's just such excitement to know
04:19 we can have Jesus in our hearts itself.
04:21 And what a testimony even in the beginning
04:24 because it makes the lame to walk and the blind to see.
04:27 There is no sickness in the presence of God's spirit.
04:29 Amen.
04:30 So we want that life abundantly.
04:32 And the next song that we are going to sing
04:35 is entitled "This World Is Not My Home"
04:38 and I know many of us are feeling
04:40 that more and more each and every day.
04:42 "This World Is Not My Home" join us please.
04:45 Amen.
04:59 This world is not my home I'm just a-passing through
05:05 My treasures are laid up Somewhere beyond the blue
05:11 The angels beckon me From heaven's open door
05:16 And I can't feel at home In this world anymore
05:24 Oh Lord, you know I have no friend like you
05:30 If heaven's not my home Then Lord what will I do
05:35 The angels beckon me From heaven's open door
05:41 And I can't feel at home In this world anymore
05:49 They're all expecting me And that's one thing I know
05:55 My Savior pardoned me And now I onward go
06:01 I know He'll take me through Though I am week and poor
06:07 And I can't feel at home In this world anymore
06:14 Oh Lord, you know I have no friend like you
06:20 If heaven's not my home Then Lord what will I do
06:26 The angels beckon me From heaven's open door
06:31 And I can't feel at home In this world anymore
06:38 Good news. Good news.
06:39 Just over in Glory Land We'll live eternally
06:46 The Saints on every hand Are shouting victory
06:52 Their songs of sweetest praise Drift back from Heaven's shore
06:57 And I can't feel at home In this world anymore
07:05 Oh Lord, you know I have no friend like you
07:11 If heaven's not my home Then Lord what will I do
07:16 The angels beckon me From heaven's open door
07:22 And I can't feel at home In this world anymore
07:28 I can't feel at home In this world anymore
07:35 Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.
07:38 Amen. Amen.
07:40 I'm not feeling at home here anymore.
07:42 Amen. Amen.
07:43 That's right, this world is not my home, praise God for that.
07:46 He is preparing the people to be separated from the world
07:49 and the things of the world.
07:51 And I think it's so important to come together
07:52 for family worship that we can sing praises.
07:55 Folks at home, we know that we are not singers
07:58 but I sure had some of you.
07:59 I'm sure we are not, of course not.
08:01 We love to make a joyful noise to the Lord.
08:03 That's us.
08:04 And we pray that it's inspired through the spirit
08:07 people were singing along, I know the angels were.
08:09 Amen.
08:10 This will make a joyful noise and they were happy.
08:12 So we are happy to be here.
08:13 We are happy to be able to sing
08:15 and to look into the word of God here.
08:16 Amen.
08:18 And I think it's about time for prayer.
08:19 Amen. Isn't it, we need to pray?
08:20 Amen.
08:22 We want to sing, we were singing and praying
08:23 and it's always wonderful to know
08:25 that so many I know requests come in here at 3ABN,
08:28 you know, dozens and hundreds and thousands of people
08:30 and every person seems like,
08:33 of course every family has needs.
08:35 Yes.
08:36 There's something going on in their life,
08:38 it's traumatic many times since they've lost loved ones.
08:41 They've got people who are sick.
08:43 I think things that in their life
08:45 that needs to change and only God can do that.
08:47 We rely up on that, I know we do here at 3ABN for prayer.
08:51 So when people call in we want you to know
08:53 that your prayer request is so important.
08:55 You have such wonderful people here
08:57 that's gonna care right along and pray right along with you.
08:58 That's right.
09:00 I think that's awesome
09:01 because, you know, our hearts have to be one
09:03 and as often thought and I said to myself
09:05 and one time I think we had worship together
09:07 that we have to love one other the way Jesus loves us.
09:11 And so when someone is hurting, we hurt with them.
09:13 When they cry we cry with them.
09:15 When they are joyous, we are joyous with them.
09:17 And so, we have a list of the lot of folks
09:19 that has some different needs and we are gonna lift them up.
09:22 Thankful that our heavenly Father
09:23 knows the need of everyone.
09:26 Amen. And what's best.
09:27 That's right. Yes.
09:28 And see, I'm praying for healing for everything and everybody
09:30 but God knows what's best and I'm so thankful
09:33 and at the end we can say "not our will but thine be done."
09:36 Amen.
09:37 So, why don't we just pray
09:39 and we will be in agreement here at church, church family
09:40 that God is going to do something great
09:42 and as He does these things that are great
09:45 people gonna be calling 3ABN
09:47 and they are gonna say God has done great things.
09:49 Amen. Let's pray, shall we together?
09:51 That's right. Yes.
09:53 Most kind loving heavenly Father,
09:54 privilege we have to come to thee.
09:56 So thankful that You said in Your word
09:58 that we may come boldly to the throne room of God.
10:01 We may find help in our time of need
10:03 and some say, "Well, I don't have a need."
10:04 I have a need every day, 24/7 I tell you.
10:07 I need the Savior, I need Your spirit,
10:09 I need Your guidance, I need Your love,
10:11 I need Your encouragement,
10:12 I need Your strength, need Your mind.
10:14 And so, Lord, today we are coming
10:16 against the old enemy in the name of Jesus.
10:19 We are thinking about those folks that have called
10:22 and those who bless their hearts
10:23 they haven't had the courage to call.
10:25 They may be ashamed,
10:26 there may be something going on in their life
10:28 and realize when they call they don't have to go into detail.
10:31 That once You will take those calls they are listening
10:33 and they are going to pray but God know.
10:36 He knows those needs
10:37 and so we are going to pray and in faith
10:40 where only two or three agree
10:41 or touch upon anything, it is so.
10:43 And so we lift these precious, precious individuals to You.
10:47 These are Your children. Yes, Father.
10:48 You know them better than they know themselves.
10:51 You know what they are in need of and so I pray now that
10:54 since You're the great physician, the great healer
10:56 and again I pause, I thank You for doctors and hospitals.
11:00 I thank You for all the good things that You have,
11:02 You have given to us to help us along our way
11:04 but I never want to forget the great physician,
11:07 the great healer
11:08 and I just pray in a special way now
11:10 You will come and You will touch every individual.
11:13 You will touch this program.
11:15 You will meet the needs of hearts
11:17 that are tuning in, some maybe for the very first time.
11:21 They may be thinking suicide,
11:22 they maybe thinking this is their worst night
11:24 like in the world, that's it.
11:26 They don't want to live anymore.
11:27 They just want to get out of this world.
11:29 Lord, I pray You would touch them right now.
11:31 Their eyes may be turned toward heaven.
11:32 They may see Jesus in a wonderful way,
11:35 receive a freshness in Your spirit.
11:37 Bless this program we pray,
11:39 Holy Spirit take possession of each of our hearts
11:41 and our minds and our lives.
11:42 Lord, I'm afraid myself,
11:44 I wouldn't want to say anything, would be offensive
11:45 if I hurt anyone
11:47 but I want to be a spokesman for You and each one here does.
11:49 So impress us now we pray with high spirit.
11:52 We thank You, we praise You and those that are at home,
11:54 those viewing, listening, watching
11:56 their hearts may be turned toward heaven.
11:58 This would be a wonderful worship service.
12:00 I'm gonna thank You in advance for what You're going to do.
12:03 In Jesus' name we thank You and we praise You.
12:05 Amen and amen.
12:06 Amen. Amen.
12:07 You know, it tells us
12:09 and I think this is very important
12:10 especially for people that are watching.
12:12 I know it is in my life,
12:13 where every sincere prayer will be answered,
12:16 every sincere prayer.
12:17 It may not be answered just as you think it should be
12:20 or at your time, but it's always for your eternal benefit.
12:24 Amen. Amen.
12:25 So, please don't forget that, God loves you.
12:28 Every sincere prayer, key word, sincere.
12:33 So, amen.
12:34 I know, Jesus is a contrary heart.
12:36 Amen. Amen.
12:37 There is no hope without our Father.
12:39 Amen. Amen.
12:40 He is the hope.
12:41 Amen. Amen.
12:43 We're gonna be talking about Him.
12:44 I was gonna say, thinking about the prayer
12:46 because this is the neat thing,
12:47 you know, when Christ was on this earth
12:48 walking amongst us as human beings here
12:50 that it shows to me that Christ was interested
12:53 in those little details of people's life
12:54 because sometimes can be like well, God is such a big God
12:57 does He really care about.
12:58 I mean, it could be well, we think as something simple
13:00 but God cares, He knows and in Matthew it talks about
13:03 He notices when a sparrow falls to the ground.
13:05 So we are much more important than that.
13:07 So anyway, when we like you're mentioning,
13:09 everyone is mentioning now lifting these things up to God
13:11 He hears and He answers according to His will.
13:12 Praise Lord.
13:14 You know, Sister Marlene
13:15 that played the piano bless her heart,
13:17 I wish she could give this testimony
13:19 but you mentioned the small things
13:20 I know we all probably could come up with small things
13:22 that God has answered to us.
13:25 But last week she was testifying on Sabbath at church
13:28 and she said, you know,
13:30 she said, "The Lord is just so good."
13:32 She said, "I live out in the country
13:34 and I've had this beaver dam"
13:36 and she said, "It was bothering me.
13:38 It was really starting to hurt the pound
13:40 and so on and so forth."
13:41 She said, "I started praying
13:43 that God would send somebody to help
13:44 I didn't know what to do about it."
13:46 As she said, "It was about two or three days later
13:48 some guy in a truck came by her house,
13:50 stop, came to the door.
13:52 She is almost afraid to answer the door
13:54 and he says, "Ma'am I notice you have a beaver problem.
13:57 I'm a beaver man."
14:00 And I said of all things who is it,
14:02 you know, I don't even know that occupation existed
14:05 especially in southern Illinois.
14:08 But he answered that prayer
14:09 and she realized it was her Father taking care of her
14:13 because she now lives alone.
14:15 Isn't that awesome?
14:17 And you know that it does, it builds faith.
14:18 Doesn't it?
14:19 It builds faith for her but also for me
14:21 because I'm hearing what God is doing and that's beautiful.
14:23 Yes, it is.
14:24 Oh, she was so-- and it touched her heart
14:26 because we realized
14:27 how He takes care of each and everyone of us.
14:29 He is a light for my path
14:32 that's where we're gonna start with today
14:34 and our opening text is found in Psalms 119:105
14:39 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet,
14:42 and a light unto my path."
14:45 Now we understand what a lamp is
14:47 and what a light but when we're looking in
14:49 and we're talking about a light for my path.
14:52 In the Bible what do you think the word light means?
14:55 I know a lot of you probably know here
14:58 but there may be somebody listening that,
15:00 you know, why is the Bible talk about light?
15:02 What does that mean?
15:04 Light is the-- darkness is the absence of light,
15:08 so light expels darkness and light means to know truth,
15:13 to know Christ, to know the way
15:17 because God has clearly, He has given us.
15:22 You know, what I love about God is He's so loving.
15:25 If you live near a highway
15:26 you're not gonna send your children out
15:29 to play in the backyard.
15:32 If you don't have fence up around the yard,
15:34 you are not gonna put little children out there
15:35 that don't know.
15:37 So God gives us His word, His commandments
15:40 and He fences in a safe path.
15:43 And so He gives us light,
15:45 so that we are not gonna stumble around in the darkness.
15:47 Amen.
15:48 I mean the word just says
15:50 He is-- Jesus is the light of the world.
15:53 We sing all the songs.
15:54 Jesus, He is lighting our way.
15:56 He is going before us which He promised to do.
15:58 Yes.
15:59 So I love that light because we don't have the light.
16:01 You mentioned we walk in...
16:02 Darkness. It reminds me of a story.
16:05 I was eight-years-old
16:06 we went to Carlsbad Caverns, the New Mexico
16:09 and go down into the depths,
16:13 the bowels of the earth,
16:14 you know, and we got a guide.
16:15 He got his little lamp on his hat
16:17 and we are going in for,
16:19 we are following and we would look at stalagmites
16:21 And whatever the mites this mites that, mite you know
16:25 and then he says, "Now I want to show you something
16:29 that you will never forget rest of your life.
16:31 Let's all stand and be very still."
16:34 And the lights turned out.
16:35 Yes. Yeah.
16:37 You couldn't, it was a scary, eerie feeling.
16:43 Yes.
16:45 Now, it's in here that the word is the light
16:48 and now why do we need light if we can't see?
16:52 And whenever you turn that light back on,
16:56 oh, my goodness our little hearts
16:58 just pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat,
17:00 because now we could see.
17:02 So I think that there is a unity,
17:04 there is harmony between being able to see with the light
17:07 that He gave us, otherwise it would be still without void.
17:10 I mean-- Right.
17:12 You know, something I was saying when you mentioned that
17:13 because I, when I first got out service
17:16 I worked at Waltonville 6 coal mine.
17:19 It was about thousand feet straight down.
17:21 You know, I experienced that too
17:24 and I'm gonna use this,
17:26 I think we all can understand it,
17:28 we went through the same thing
17:29 and I always did, you can't see.
17:31 It's like absence of light thousand feet.
17:34 You can't see anything.
17:36 You can do this, no matter how close you get,
17:38 you touch your nose you still don't see it.
17:41 And I got to think, "You know what, Kenny,
17:43 you are useless without light."
17:45 Amen.
17:47 And then spiritual lesson on that we are useless
17:49 without light because we cannot see.
17:52 We don't know the direction
17:54 and when you are thousand feet down
17:56 and maybe a mile or two in all these places
18:00 you need light to guide your feet
18:02 and make sure you step on the right path.
18:04 And so, I'm so thankful for that passages.
18:06 I'm sure it's helped me in illustration that you gave.
18:09 And I experience when the light came, "Hey, Lord."
18:12 Hallelujah.
18:14 Hallelujah, oh, can I see now.
18:15 I know where to put my feet.
18:17 I know how to get out of this place.
18:18 Yeah. And you got direction. Yes.
18:20 But, you know, sometimes when you are in that total darkness
18:22 and then you walk into the light
18:24 or the light comes sometimes it hurts.
18:26 You know your eyes will hurt at first because the contrast,
18:30 and I think that's the way the word is sometimes
18:32 is that you're picking up the word
18:34 and you're studying and you thinking
18:35 you're walking along this path
18:37 and all of a sudden you have greater light
18:39 and it's like, "Oh, Lord, this hurts.
18:42 Forgive me because now I see something
18:45 that I didn't realize I was doing."
18:48 And so it can hurt at first till you get adjusted to it
18:51 and then you're loving it.
18:53 Oh, absolutely.
18:54 And so many people are stumbling in the darkness.
18:57 I'm gonna read on, it says-- Let Jill give us some--
18:59 Oh, Jill, do you have something?
19:01 One of my, I was just thinking about different scripture.
19:03 One of my favorite scripture is 2 Corinthians 4.
19:05 It says, verse 6,
19:07 "For God, who commanded the light
19:09 to shine out of darkness,
19:10 and shine in our hearts,
19:13 that the light of the gospel of the knowledge
19:16 of the glory of Jesus Christ would be in us.
19:18 And we have this treasure in earthen vessels,"
19:20 jars of clay each one of us simply jars of clay
19:24 "that the excellency of the power may be of God,
19:26 and not of us."
19:27 And when I think about that, I think of the Word of God
19:29 being the light, Jesus being the light.
19:31 Amen. Amen.
19:32 He says, I want to pour this light into us, each one of us.
19:35 He wants to pour His light into you that we can go out
19:39 and share Jesus with the dark world.
19:41 People in the cave, the coal mine who don't know God.
19:46 People, people are dying,
19:48 they're in such sorrow and distress
19:51 because this world is really darkening.
19:53 Can you imagine just we probably look
19:56 like the cave to heaven.
19:57 We look that dark. There you know it.
19:59 And God has given us such a gift in His son
20:03 and in the Word of God.
20:04 This Word of God is how He communicates with us
20:08 and how we communicate with Him.
20:09 Praise the Lord. Yes.
20:10 It is wonderful and we all need it.
20:12 And one thing I thought was so appropriate
20:15 about this lesson
20:16 if we ever get through it is because,
20:19 is because the world as a whole
20:22 they are beginning to throw the light out.
20:25 They are throwing the Bible out.
20:28 They are ministers and I don't remember the name
20:32 but I know just a few years ago
20:33 there was one that made the news
20:35 because he took his Bible
20:36 and he threw at a cross at church.
20:39 We don't need that anymore.
20:41 You see, what's--
20:42 That happened in my sister's church actually.
20:43 There you go.
20:45 The pastor said, somebody had twisted the truth,
20:49 he had been such a great teacher of the truth
20:52 and one day somebody said there were a prophet
20:54 and they kind of twisted his mind
20:56 hence they convinced him that this Bible was dead letters
20:59 and he actually threw the Bible
21:02 and he said, we don't need these dead letters anymore.
21:04 We're just going to follow the spirit.
21:06 Well, spirit wrote these words.
21:07 And, you know what, his church,
21:09 when he had started this church
21:10 there were like 200 people it had gone to several thousand
21:15 and within 18 months
21:18 of him doing this he was down to maybe 30 people.
21:22 The church just started splintering apart.
21:25 Yes.
21:26 The really concerning thing
21:28 is they say we're gonna follow the spirit
21:31 but we have to realize
21:33 because the Bible so good to tell us
21:34 there is more than one spirit as well.
21:36 Amen. Amen.
21:37 And if they are not following,
21:39 if it's not up to the law unto the testimony
21:41 there is a different spirit
21:43 that is leading and guiding them.
21:45 And sometime we forget
21:47 what you've talked about here is interesting
21:48 because we say, well, they say that they are on the word out
21:51 and, you know, the people are still reading,
21:53 they are still listening sure there are some people
21:55 but, you know, I know from an experience onetime myself
21:58 and through there is that somebody was counsel
22:01 and then talk.
22:02 So best thing to do is open the pages and let Jesus speak.
22:06 Amen. Amen.
22:07 And when we read the passage of scripture
22:09 it made this person angry to this point.
22:13 You know, haven't got over yet in the sense now mad
22:15 but it hurt me inside.
22:17 They reached down on my Bible and they got that page
22:20 and they ripped it out of the word.
22:22 They watered up like this and hit me in the face with it.
22:25 Oh, wow. Wow.
22:26 Now we had to pray for patience at that point in time
22:29 but the thing that bothered me
22:31 more than hit in the face with the Word of God
22:33 because we all need to be hit in the face
22:34 as we are sometime to wake us up.
22:37 But he did not want to hear what the word,
22:40 what Jesus was saying to him
22:41 and they usually blame the messenger.
22:44 Sure. You know.
22:45 So, I'm just saying there are people like that in the world
22:47 but we need to be praying for them.
22:49 Maybe somebody out there
22:50 that we are talking to the night, that's turning in
22:52 you've had kind of a dislike for the Word of God.
22:54 I'm gonna encourage you to taste and see.
22:56 Amen. That He is good.
22:58 I mean, He is really good
22:59 but you're not gonna know until you taste.
23:00 Amen. That's true.
23:02 So I like that a lot in my path, I need that.
23:03 Amen. We need to get back.
23:05 I'm gonna jump down to the third paragraph.
23:08 It says, "The Bible is the great standard
23:10 of right and wrong,"
23:12 and we just talked about them throwing it at.
23:14 You don't know what's right and wrong
23:16 and people are actually, they are coming up
23:19 with new translations of the Bible
23:21 to fit their lifestyle.
23:23 And what we have to learn is we're looking into that light,
23:27 into that mirror to see who we really are
23:29 and that is us that needs to do the changing.
23:33 And you mentioned that sometimes it hurts
23:36 because it's a two edge sword.
23:37 We have to allow.
23:39 If we began to fall in love with Jesus,
23:41 we'll allow that great physician to come in
23:43 and do the heart surgery
23:45 and eventually it stops hurting.
23:47 It becomes joyous and you don't want to go back to the world.
23:51 You just don't.
23:53 You know, without the Word of God
23:56 you don't even know that you're a sinner.
23:58 And so it's-- if you don't know you're a sinner
24:02 you don't know your need for a Savior.
24:04 So the word is something that Jesus prayed
24:08 "Sanctify them by Your truth.
24:10 Your word is truth."
24:12 The word is alive and active as Hebrew says
24:15 and it's something that as it works in our heart
24:20 we become, you know, Hebrews 1:3 says that,
24:25 "Jesus upholds and propels
24:28 and maintains the universe by the Word of God."
24:32 He by the mighty Word of God and it's a powerful,
24:38 it's a dynamite kind of power.
24:40 And so this is the word that is power,
24:43 I think 2 Corinthians 10:5
24:46 when he was talking about the weapons
24:49 of our warfare are not carnal,
24:51 they are mighty to the pulling down on strongholds.
24:54 See we don't know what the devil schemes are
24:56 against us till you get into the word.
24:59 And if you can't recognize the devil schemes,
25:01 you don't realize what's holding you back
25:03 and once this word gets in your heart
25:05 oh, my goodness He will just,
25:08 He cuts us free from the chord that binds us.
25:11 Yeah, that's right. Yes.
25:12 Praise the Lord.
25:14 So let me ask this question
25:15 because I think lot of people have this question
25:17 and I think that we're right here
25:19 reminding for those threads of gold right now, okay.
25:23 You come to a "T" on the road
25:27 and you need to make a decision.
25:30 That's right.
25:31 Now, what do you do to make a decision?
25:35 I mean, do you, you got to draw on something.
25:38 I mean, is it intuitively or I have always gone right
25:43 and I've always paid penalty for going right.
25:45 I mean, what would a person do
25:47 if they came to a "T" on the road
25:50 and they need to make a decision.
25:53 You know, if we are honest in heart,
25:56 I believe we will search the scriptures
25:57 to see what it would say.
26:00 You know, I said on many boards,
26:02 school boards, church boards
26:04 and when I finally went to a local church here
26:09 because some of the boards they would always say,
26:11 "Well, this school is doing this and this"
26:13 by profession I was a teacher, so I was familiar with it.
26:16 and with this, you know, the city is doing this
26:19 and I think we should do it this way
26:21 because this lawyer does it this way.
26:23 And I finally went to a church,
26:26 another Adventist church and this other Adventist church
26:31 and this other Adventist pastor that's sitting next to me--
26:34 Oh, honey, be merciful.
26:35 They would go back, if we had a question
26:40 always go back to the Word of God to get the answer.
26:43 Amen. It's there.
26:44 It's there. It's there.
26:45 It is there.
26:47 And the world needs that answer.
26:48 They need that. Amen.
26:49 And, you know, I think that you can,
26:51 there are situations that maybe someone is listening today
26:55 that maybe haven't got into the word yet,
26:58 but if you will give the Lord permission,
27:00 the Lord, He certainly has ears to hear
27:03 and He has eyes to see.
27:04 So if you come to a "T" or a crossroad
27:08 or something that you say help.
27:10 Say, Lord, I give you permission of being in charge.
27:12 Impress upon my mind through the aid of the Holy Spirit.
27:15 Holy Spirit to guide me
27:19 and you will be shocked
27:21 that how the Lord intercedes in your behalf.
27:24 Psalms 119:130 says,
27:27 "The entrance of Your word brings light"
27:30 it's like when you were there and you light in that darkness
27:33 and you light that little match or something,
27:36 just even a little light but it says
27:38 and "It brings understanding to the simple."
27:41 So that's why if we get into the word
27:44 we can gain the understanding that we need.
27:46 Amen. Amen.
27:47 I like what it says here. I'm sorry.
27:49 Go ahead. Go ahead.
27:50 Yeah, in this third paragraph it says "The Bible is a chart,
27:54 showing us the waymarks of truth."
27:55 I like this.
27:57 "Those who are acquainted with this chart
28:00 will be enabled to tread with certainty"
28:03 I like that word certainty.
28:04 You were just talking about "T road."
28:06 "Certainty in the path of duty,
28:08 wherever they may be called to go."
28:10 So the key is there to become familiar with it,
28:12 then you will know with certainty the way to go.
28:15 That's key.
28:16 I like that because we need-- It takes some effort.
28:18 Yeah, we need to be grounded.
28:20 God is looking for a people that are grounded
28:23 in truth and righteous because we get so confused.
28:27 You see all the different churches,
28:29 you hear all the different testimonies
28:31 and you are asking yourself what's right, you know.
28:34 Yeah. Amen.
28:35 What is right?
28:37 So I love that with certainty.
28:38 If I could share a personal testimony?
28:40 Amen. I love the Word of God.
28:42 You know, it shows you what you are doing right
28:45 and then it also shows you where the sin is in your life.
28:48 And sometimes that kind of rubs me the wrong way.
28:51 It kind of hurts a little.
28:52 I don't know if you all have experienced that.
28:55 One time I remember I was doing dishes at the kitchen sink
28:58 and I love to putting up scriptures
29:01 that I'm working, I'm memorizing.
29:02 I'll put it up at the kitchen sink, I put it--
29:04 Greg doesn't like this as much
29:06 but I put it up on the dashboard in the car.
29:08 So as I'm driving
29:10 I think I want to put the Word of God in my mind.
29:13 I want to memorize it.
29:14 I put it there by the bedside table.
29:17 You know, when we are going to bed
29:19 we can focus on that Word of God.
29:20 Amen.
29:21 And so this one time I was working on Hebrews 12
29:24 and it says "Follow peace with all men, and holiness,
29:27 without which no one shall see the Lord."
29:31 And I remember I was scrubbing plates,
29:33 working on that scripture and in my mind I thought
29:36 "Thank You, Jesus,
29:38 that I'm at peace with my brothers and sisters."
29:41 Do you know what the truth was?
29:42 I wasn't.
29:44 Go on. I wasn't.
29:45 There was bitterness,
29:47 un-forgiveness in my heart against a certain person.
29:51 But it was buried so deeply
29:52 I had done what I thought was a Christian thing.
29:54 I didn't gossip about the person
29:56 I thought well, I'm gonna pray for them
29:59 and I'll do the good thing.
30:01 But it was in my heart and I couldn't even sense it.
30:04 This had been lingering for months.
30:07 And so I'm reading that scripture,
30:09 follow peace, thank You, Lord Jesus,
30:11 and I'm following peace.
30:12 And then the next verse just jolted me.
30:15 It says, "Looking diligently
30:17 lest any man fail of the grace of Christ,
30:20 lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you,
30:24 and thereby many people be defiled" the God suggest.
30:28 You are holding on to bitterness.
30:30 You are holding on to a spirit of un-forgiveness.
30:33 And if you hang on to this it's gonna affect yourself,
30:36 your salvation, your marriage, your ministry.
30:41 Jill, I'm caught in right now please, will you give it to me?
30:44 Will you let me take it?
30:46 And so I think that's what God wants to do
30:49 when we open up the Word of God,
30:51 He says, I want to show you your heart.
30:54 I want to show you what's going on inside
30:56 and I want to change you.
30:57 Amen. Yeah.
30:59 You know, it kind of reminds me,
31:00 I love the way you're doing, your--
31:04 "The Bible is a chart, showing us the waymarks"
31:06 see that's a waymark that's going in there.
31:09 You know, it goes by they just kind of keep coming up down.
31:13 I grew up in Central Texas and I traveled all the time,
31:18 all the time but when you always get on the Interstate
31:21 as time went by because that was the quickest way.
31:24 My marker is 330.
31:26 My marker is 330.
31:27 I don't care if I was my marker is 700
31:30 or my marker is zero I know where 330
31:33 was because that's where I cut off to go home.
31:35 Well.
31:37 So that was one of those waymarks,
31:38 you know, and you are taking it
31:40 where we are supposed to take it
31:42 is from a spiritual aspect that those little things they saw
31:47 but you kind of know where you are
31:50 and you know when you are getting close.
31:51 And what is-- Kenny just, Pastor Kenny
31:54 just brought it while ago you know, the SOS Pads.
31:58 Mercy.
31:59 Sometimes, you know,
32:00 I mean, those goes back when I was a kid.
32:02 I guess it had been around sets dirt anyway, you know.
32:07 But sometimes we got to get those OSOS pads
32:10 and then get in there in just clear up those.
32:13 But, boy, once those waymarks are tattooed in your mind
32:16 and they are to really guide you.
32:19 Amen. Amen.
32:20 Praise the Lord. Get those, yes.
32:21 I cannot help but love that.
32:23 Cannot help but love that, God loves us so much
32:27 and the Bible says that His children will hear His voice.
32:31 And by digging into the word,
32:33 by letting Him put His word in our hearts, in our minds,
32:36 we begin to hear Him more and hear His voice
32:39 and know which waymark we should take.
32:42 And you know mentioned that's the way home.
32:44 Amen. Amen.
32:46 It makes me want to cry because that's what God wants to do.
32:49 That's exactly right.
32:50 He's given us all these things
32:51 because He says I want my children
32:53 to know the way home.
32:56 And it can be clear.
32:57 We can know the will of God in our lives
33:00 when we spend time on our knees and praying it.
33:02 But little word and maybe it's a second paragraph
33:05 talking about reading the Bible and following it.
33:08 It has to do with our prosperity.
33:10 Yes. Absolutely.
33:11 Even in this life, I thought how interesting,
33:14 many people are not, we are not talking about prosperity.
33:16 We have all these things here
33:18 but the wellbeing of us, God taking care of us,
33:21 supplying all of our needs, health,
33:22 any area that we look in has to do.
33:25 It said, "Vital bearing on our prosperity
33:27 in all the relations of life."
33:29 So I thought about that for a moment.
33:30 I thought, I got the Testimony series out.
33:33 Three Testimony, I jot this down in my notes,
33:35 I thought 395
33:37 because we always think about well, you know, prosperity.
33:39 We can rob God in a lot of different ways.
33:43 We've taken tithes and offering we did rob,
33:45 but this says, I like this, it says,
33:46 "When they rob God in tithes
33:48 and it is an offering they were made to realize
33:51 that they were not only robbing Him
33:54 but themselves for He limited His blessings."
33:59 And then, it talks about
34:01 "In just he gave proportionate as they gave to him back."
34:05 So prosperity, we give back what He ask.
34:09 He has promised to prosper us in this life
34:11 not necessarily all the financial things
34:12 but is life not about that--
34:14 that paints on the Bible
34:17 and following what God has said in His word
34:19 and quit fighting it.
34:20 Amen. Let it do its scrubbing.
34:23 Let it do the things that sometime I think,
34:25 you know, all of our life
34:26 it touched the cord, sometime we can
34:30 because of our lukewarmers hide things, you know,
34:32 and not really realize that's how lukewarm.
34:35 I'm talking about you and talking about myself.
34:36 No, I'm talking about me too.
34:38 That they have been covered and we've approached it,
34:39 we've talked about it, we've prayed about it
34:41 and we think after 10 or 15 years
34:43 this is taking is all good.
34:45 But then certain point in our life
34:46 God is still working on us wanting to get thing.
34:49 He will bring it back.
34:50 Yes. Yes.
34:52 He will bring it back,
34:53 you know, just illustration after illustration
34:56 of a man one time that we were digging a footing.
35:00 It's our time okay, dig a footing
35:02 and anyway it rained it was bad
35:05 so the Odum's concrete truck came
35:07 and they poured concrete
35:09 and they buried the truck, you know,
35:11 seven yards of concrete is buried
35:12 and then they can't get it out.
35:14 And so anyway the man
35:15 who actually owned the house he was there
35:16 and he called one of the neighbors
35:18 and live not far.
35:19 He had a wrecker.
35:20 Well, wrecker help,
35:22 well, he ended up burying another cement truck
35:23 and I'm seeing they are pulling everybody out.
35:24 Well, the bottom line was the wrecker man at that time
35:26 wanted $20 well, I never heard of it.
35:29 He never said to me and I thought the owner of the house
35:31 had called him so that he would pay the bill.
35:34 So I walked into another supplier
35:36 and was instructed by something.
35:37 The man come out to me and say,
35:38 "Well, I hear, you are thief and a liar.
35:40 You didn't pay."
35:41 And I said, "Pay who what?"
35:43 Well, you didn't pay so and so because he came out
35:44 and this is going over town that you're robbing."
35:47 And I said, "Oh, man.
35:49 Well, who did it?"
35:50 And they told me and now I said, "Well, at that time
35:52 In point I said, well, I'll just go his door
35:54 and we will just talk this thing out."
35:56 And so it was out of purging 15 so I did.
35:59 I jumped.
36:01 It had to with the personal thing, maybe the pride.
36:03 I thought I paid my bills,
36:04 I didn't do it and he is accusing of doing theft.
36:06 I didn't want that so I went out there knocking on his door
36:08 and I say, if you have anything
36:10 that you want to take care of you take care of it through me.
36:14 You should at least, I should--
36:16 it maybe in a sense that but I did it,
36:19 it wasn't a Christ like spirit.
36:20 Yes.
36:22 I let that go for years literally years
36:24 because I thought I'm getting right back,
36:26 I'm telling him I'm glad to pay as you made it norm
36:28 but you did the wrong thing
36:30 and don't you ever do that again the other time.
36:32 And several years went by
36:34 and I was praying one morning said,
36:35 "Lord, You need to make things right.
36:38 You let me know what it is.
36:39 I was actually on the backhoe again
36:40 digging some, I was putting in the septic laterals
36:44 and I was just digging.
36:45 We had three other guys working there
36:46 and I grab and go in and try going in
36:49 and I'm talking to the Lord when I'm digging this thing
36:51 I hear and something happening over in my mind.
36:53 They said, "Remember how you talked to that guy?"
36:56 And I said, "Yeah, but I took care of that."
36:59 He said, "No, you didn't.
37:00 You took care of it in a wrong way."
37:03 You know I said to my mind "What you want me to do?
37:04 I'm busy here, I've got guys here, you know,
37:06 in your mind, you're trying to make excuses."
37:07 Lord said,
37:08 "I want you to go right now apologize to that man."
37:12 I looked at the guys and I said,
37:14 "Always do the best you can. I've got to leave."
37:15 That morning I was way out
37:17 from this end of town was and I went to this.
37:19 Anyhow, I went knocked on the door.
37:21 This is interesting that man.
37:23 I've seen him past many times where he lived and I lived.
37:27 I've always thought man, I thought,
37:28 you go and just kind of tell him how I felt about it.
37:30 I still be a friend. Things be good."
37:31 He would never wave.
37:33 I thought well, be that what he wants to be.
37:34 Way it is.
37:36 I'm doing my part, "Hey, how are you doing every time?"
37:38 So years went by, I went knocked on his door.
37:43 He came to the door, he looked at me and he said,
37:46 "After all this years-- he said "What do you want?"
37:48 My heart sank
37:50 because I felt the spirit said go and talk to this man,
37:51 make it right.
37:53 What do you want?
37:54 And I said, "I want to come to apologize for something.
37:59 I said, you probably don't know who I am."
38:00 He said, "I haven't forgotten for a day who you are."
38:03 And well, oh, mercy me.
38:07 He held that in himself he wouldn't wave,
38:08 he want nothing do with it,
38:10 you know, so I said, I came to apologize for what I did,
38:15 and how I acted and what I said.
38:17 I professed to be a Christian at that time
38:19 and that was not Christ like
38:21 and I ask that you would forgive me of that.
38:24 He just looked at me he said, "You're serious?"
38:27 I said, "Yeah.
38:29 I quit work and my work, and I came here
38:30 because God said, to come here
38:32 and take are of this issue so I can have some peace."
38:34 I thought that kind of had taken care of it.
38:37 You're serious?
38:38 I said, yes, I'm serious.
38:40 He said, how serious are you?
38:41 I said, what do you mean.
38:43 What else, what do I need to do?
38:45 You tell me what I need to do I will do it
38:47 because I don't want.
38:49 He said, well, prove it to me.
38:52 I said, how do you want me to prove it to you.
38:53 See it's hard for his mind to grasp.
38:56 I don't think he was churchgoer whatever
38:58 and I was supposed to be and wasn't.
38:59 So anyway he said, well, I know you got a trailer.
39:01 I know was parked at your house big 16 foot trailer
39:04 you can haul back every thing on.
39:05 He said, I want to use that trailer
39:08 and I'm not gonna give you a dime for it.
39:11 Can I use it?
39:12 I said, absolutely.
39:14 I mean for nothing? I said, absolutely.
39:16 Can I come and get anytime I want?
39:17 I said, better than that you don't even have to ask.
39:20 Anytime you want that trailers that are you back up to,
39:22 you take that trailer and you use it as long as you want.
39:25 At least I know where it's at.
39:26 He looked to me and said I didn't want the trailer.
39:29 I wanted to know that it was real
39:31 and to me real is to action.
39:33 Amen. Praise the Lord.
39:35 Anyway it was the thing was taking care of
39:37 and I felt so much better, it had been years.
39:39 Took it longer than I thought, Honey, but even with that,
39:41 it did my heart so much good
39:45 to get that which I was taking care of it for long time.
39:48 We don't often realize
39:50 the importance of loving our neighbors.
39:52 I know, that's true.
39:54 And the scripture you quoted
39:56 I mean it bears upon our eternal salvation
40:01 and many times we don't have that love for our neighbors
40:04 and I learned in the past
40:06 that when we don't have it, we can ask God for His love.
40:09 Absolutely. And our hearts will change.
40:11 You can't give it if you don't have it.
40:12 That's right. That's right.
40:14 Did you have something for that, JD?
40:16 Oh, no, I was just, I was just sitting here and just looking
40:18 because number one that,
40:23 thank You Jesus, that You were listening.
40:25 Yeah.
40:26 Because there's such a goldmine in each one of us
40:29 that we are just listening
40:30 and it comes down to this and this is,
40:32 this James 4:8 it's one of my favorite text.
40:35 Okay.
40:36 James 4:8, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
40:43 Whenever I came up through
40:45 our Seventh-day Adventist schools and loved it.
40:49 I mean, that's just where
40:50 I made all my friends and everything.
40:52 But somehow the other
40:54 the day I guess that that particular scripture was given
40:57 I got it backward.
40:59 Well.
41:01 I got it that you prove yourself to me God
41:06 and then once You prove Yourself to me
41:09 then I'll buy into it and we will be good partners.
41:12 Now, how that happened I don't have any idea
41:16 and the sad thing about it is
41:18 and talking about kind of what you were talking about,
41:20 well, until I came here to 3ABN 11 years ago
41:24 and I was looking at this
41:26 did I get those priorities straight?
41:28 Amen.
41:30 Now that's sad but it doesn't make you
41:32 a bad person or anything.
41:34 It's just a misinterpretation or something
41:36 that you put on the back shelf.
41:38 But please listen, draw near to God
41:41 and then, remember he is the Creator.
41:44 Yes.
41:46 You know, I had put myself into that creative position
41:48 that okay, I'm cool, let's see what you can do for me, God,
41:54 and say we want to be business partners or whatever.
41:56 Yes.
41:57 And, man, that's heresy. Yeah, absolutely.
42:01 I mean, that's about as bad as you can get,
42:03 you know, so thank You Jesus, that one day I saw that
42:10 and I actually read it
42:12 and it just jumped off of the page.
42:14 And boy, lots of repenting, lots of repenting.
42:17 I like what you said.
42:19 I saw it and I actually read it.
42:22 If nothing else tonight
42:24 I hope this will encourage our study partners at home,
42:28 get the Bibles out and actually read them.
42:32 Amen. Read them.
42:33 As Sister Jill said, put them to memory.
42:36 Put the little notes all over till you got it.
42:39 I love that.
42:40 You know, and we are so fortunate
42:42 we have all these little technological things.
42:46 You know, a lot of times I won't turn the Bible app
42:48 we were talking about before.
42:50 I will turn that on and let it read to me.
42:52 Amen.
42:53 So while I'm getting ready in the morning
42:55 I'm doing other things
42:56 I'm still hearing the Word of God
42:59 and it makes an imprint on my heart and it changes us.
43:03 You know, the world is full of inequity
43:06 and we don't know what's right and what's wrong
43:09 without that guide, without that map,
43:11 without that light to pierce the darkness of sin.
43:15 Now, Sister Shelley, when I read this one here
43:17 and I'm sure you can comment.
43:18 It says, "When faith
43:20 in God's word is lost, the soul"
43:23 well, we have been talking about "has no guide,
43:25 no safeguard."
43:27 That's why our youth today and even us, right,
43:30 we get our self into some trouble
43:32 because the natural heart, right,
43:34 it wants to do what it wants to do
43:35 is rejecting the only guide that we have
43:38 when faith in God's word is lost.
43:40 Amen.
43:41 How far can that go?
43:43 And, you know, what I always teach
43:45 is little word little faith.
43:49 Yes.
43:50 The word is what builds our faith
43:52 and 2 Corinthians 1:20 says that,
43:54 "All of God's promises are ours, yes,
43:56 and amen in Christ Jesus."
43:59 And of course, Isaiah 55:11 says that,
44:04 "His word does not return void,
44:06 but it accomplishes every purpose for which He sent it."
44:09 Jeremiah 1:12 says,
44:10 "That He is watching over His word to perform it."
44:13 And Romans 4:17 says that "God is the God
44:16 who gives life to the dead and calls things are not
44:19 as though they already were."
44:21 So one thing that I teach is that
44:24 if you want to increase your faith get into the word,
44:28 pray the word and that is so powerful.
44:33 See now, Jill, I don't like to memorize
44:36 but what I do is I pray the word
44:39 and I'll pray the scriptures like,
44:41 I mean, it's not, I don't put my name in it,
44:43 I won't say, oh, Shelley, is a new creation in Christ Jesus,
44:47 the old is gone, the new has come.
44:49 Because that to me is it doesn't sound,
44:54 it sounds phony.
44:56 It sounds like I'm talking about somebody else.
44:58 I'm sitting there praying the scripture saying,
45:00 "Thank You, Father God,
45:01 that I'm a new creature in Christ Jesus.
45:05 That the old is gone, the new has come."
45:07 Amen. That true.
45:08 And as we pray the script
45:09 I will, I will quote the scripture reference
45:12 and that's what helps me remember the reference.
45:14 But it's important that we
45:18 and I believe that meditating on the word,
45:23 memorizing the word is excellent
45:25 but we know that the Pharisees
45:27 had the entire Pentateuch memorized.
45:31 Didn't do them any good. No.
45:32 So that's one thing
45:34 that we need to pray those scriptures,
45:36 take them and put them into practice
45:38 because Isaiah 40:10 God says,
45:43 "I am the God who knows the end from the beginning.
45:45 Who makes known what is yet to come."
45:48 And we can't know,
45:52 it's not that I'm just worried about knowing what my sins are
45:57 and how to correct them,
45:58 I don't know who I am in Christ Jesus
46:00 till I come to this word and then, you know,
46:04 we've all got this identity crisis
46:06 and there are so many people in the church
46:08 that use verbal camouflage and, you know, you ask them,
46:12 "How are you? Happy Sabbath."
46:13 And "Oh, I'm fine" and inside they are dying.
46:17 And I confess that I've done that for so many years.
46:21 You know, I'm not gonna jump up and tell somebody my problem
46:24 but the point is you can take that to God,
46:28 understand who you are in Christ
46:30 and as you confess the word over your mouth
46:34 because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
46:38 So as you are confessing God's word over your life
46:42 what happens is it does builds your faith.
46:45 Absolutely. Amen.
46:46 Praise the Lord. And so you become.
46:48 Yes. You know.
46:49 And as you become.
46:50 Awesome. Amen.
46:52 Now the word is good
46:53 and we need each and everyone anything
46:55 that works in our life
46:56 and I love what she is talking about
46:58 because I love your book.
46:59 We did on our, one of our family worships
47:02 we did the affirmations of faith and she gave me a book
47:06 and I encourage anybody to get that book
47:08 because all it is, is the scripture.
47:10 And the one thing that you learned,
47:12 she touched on that all of us are somewhat touching.
47:14 Now you touched on it, certainty.
47:17 You know, God is teaching us not to have doubt.
47:21 Amen.
47:23 Belief in His word is so vitally important to have your prayers,
47:27 to have those, those wonderful precious promises
47:31 applied to our lives.
47:33 You know, a lot of times once you,
47:34 you come to that point you stop saying,
47:36 "Oh, Lord, please, please, please it's-- thank you."
47:40 That's right. Amen.
47:43 You know, it reminds me a lot of times
47:45 he will say he goes because sometimes, you know,
47:48 in ministry there is need
47:50 and sometimes the answer to those needs
47:52 can be at the post office.
47:55 And a lot of times you will come back and say,
47:57 "Well, there was just such and such,
47:59 he said but he will stop and say, thank you, Lord,
48:02 because that must be all we need to do."
48:05 That's faith. Amen.
48:06 Yes. That's faith.
48:08 And we have to have faith in our Savior,
48:10 an undying faith.
48:12 Because what we are finding out
48:13 and one reason we need this life, our path
48:16 is because truth has become error in today's society.
48:19 That's right.
48:21 Yes. Yes.
48:22 In God's character being aligned.
48:24 Absolutely. Absolutely.
48:25 Error has become truth.
48:28 And something I heard somebody say,
48:30 may be it was you earlier this says "I feel.
48:32 I feel."
48:33 And that's why sometimes you mentioned that it hurts
48:36 because the Bible begins to cut at the eye I feel and I think--
48:41 Oh, mercy.
48:42 We must be careful with this now.
48:44 You know, and so many of our loved ones
48:46 that you want to share this light with
48:48 then you want to help them with the truth.
48:50 You want to lead them to a closer walk with Jesus.
48:54 And what you hear, "Yeah, but I feel."
49:00 I think the word that cuts
49:02 is the word we need to study more.
49:03 Amen.
49:05 You know, and when you're reading,
49:06 when you're studying and if something cuts,
49:08 if something feels oh, that pierced me a little bit
49:11 that's where we need to start.
49:12 I mean, that says, "Okay, Jill,
49:14 that's where you need to be focused."
49:15 Amen. Yeah.
49:17 Because when you read, right, when you read the word
49:18 when you're studying for something everybody hear it,
49:21 you know, I've learned over the years
49:23 that when I'm saying, it's for me first.
49:25 Absolutely.
49:26 You know, people always say, well, it is,
49:27 I really believe what I read and what I'm studying
49:31 God is trying to still get my attention.
49:33 He wants to point things out to me
49:36 and when it becomes alive and real
49:37 and when I really take it in not just for knowledge
49:39 but for the heart
49:41 because the words know, it's just words
49:43 until we take it in then it begins to change us.
49:46 And if you didn't believe that and you got up
49:48 and were to teach that would be so hypocritical.
49:50 Oh, absolutely.
49:51 I mean, you got to anytime you're looking at it
49:53 and as Jill said,
49:54 "You know, that's where you need to really study out
49:57 because, you know, it may hurt at first
50:00 but oh, man, he applies the balm in Gilead
50:03 as He shows you the way through
50:04 and He brings you out of that darkness.
50:06 It's wonderful.
50:07 You get something good. Oh, no, you go ahead.
50:09 Well, you touched earlier I think on the scripture taste
50:11 and see that the Lord is good.
50:13 You know, this example has brought up many times
50:14 but when you are eating something,
50:16 you're tasting it, it becomes a part of you.
50:17 Absolutely.
50:19 You know, basically by taking God's word into our own lives
50:21 and tasting and seeing.
50:23 It's not just like memorizing scripture,
50:25 just to memorize something
50:26 we can memorize all kinds of things
50:28 but actually make it a part of you.
50:29 Do you want more? I do.
50:31 You see, momma makes something pretty good, you know.
50:34 She might make home very chilly
50:36 and I say, "Oh, this is really good."
50:38 She got a big pot
50:39 but all of sudden I become worried
50:40 that she can never duplicate it again.
50:43 Do you think you can make this again just like this?
50:46 The word is good.
50:47 Oh, Lord, we want more of it and duplicates and I like it
50:50 because I think it's been alluded to
50:52 I know it's been called the Bible is the textbook
50:55 it's for all people at all places and all times.
50:59 It meets every need of every soul.
51:02 It's the best book in the any of the colleges, any schools
51:05 you have books of learning
51:06 the Bible is the highest of all of it.
51:09 Amen. Can I share it?
51:10 Oh, go ahead I just...
51:11 Well, I just, I just, it's very important to me
51:15 that it's the Holy Spirit that does all of this.
51:19 Amen. Thank you.
51:20 It's the Holy Spirit that does the convicting.
51:23 Amen. Yes.
51:24 It's the Holy Spirit
51:26 so if you do taste that it doesn't taste good.
51:28 It's not right for your body.
51:30 If you do get into the poison ivy,
51:32 and you get an itch real quick.
51:34 I mean, that's the reality is
51:37 you better do something about it.
51:38 You're just not gonna say, "Oh, boy, I love this.
51:40 I want to go do this every day."
51:42 Yeah, you are looking and it's the Holy Spirit
51:45 that's got that remedy for everything.
51:48 That's the greatest gift that we have on this earth.
51:50 Jesus says, "Sorry, guys, I've got to leave.
51:53 But, man, I can't do as good
51:55 as what's you're gonna be receiving
51:57 that is the Holy Spirit."
51:58 Then the great thing is that
52:00 it is good for Peter, James, and John
52:02 it's just as good for the fab three
52:04 here at this table.
52:07 So obviously just,
52:10 the Holy Spirit is our comforter.
52:13 Amen. Amen.
52:14 And so, that's what you determine quickly
52:17 whether it's good enough to eat
52:19 and whether it's gonna rest right and everything.
52:21 You know, I think that is a key because, I'm sorry, Shelley.
52:23 But when as we open God's word
52:25 is to pray just like we did today.
52:26 Absolutely. Absolutely.
52:28 "Lord, please lead me into all the truth."
52:30 And I pray in the morning, Lord, show me something
52:31 that I can use for today
52:33 because I could read the same scripture tomorrow
52:34 and see something totally different.
52:36 The same scripture which is the Holy Spirit
52:38 bringing that to you what we need for that day.
52:40 And you can't do that in math, 2+2 is always 4.
52:43 That's right.
52:44 You see, you can't talk about the Battle of Gettysburg
52:47 because the end result's always the same.
52:49 But the Holy Spirit and taken the word
52:52 that's right here as you mature,
52:54 as you go from milk to meat, okay, you see it differently.
52:58 That's good. That's good.
52:59 And so you grow accordingly.
53:01 So if you're reading the passage
53:02 and it says the same thing to you every day,
53:04 every day the same thing that something is,
53:07 is something is wrong, dreadfully wrong.
53:10 It means someone is not growing.
53:12 They have to get passed that point--
53:14 Let's use ourselves, Honey, for example.
53:16 Tell it right here right now.
53:18 Say this is what we're having
53:19 because sometimes you will say over the years,
53:21 well, Honey, that's not how you felt ten years ago.
53:25 And I said, you know, because of God's word he enlightens
53:29 and things and so we do.
53:31 A Christian will change as the word,
53:34 the Holy Spirit brings us to light.
53:36 We want to follow the light even we have to say,
53:39 "Oh, man, I was wrong before
53:41 but thank you, God, that you point it out.
53:43 By your grace and strength I'll walk in that light.
53:47 So I would gloat rather and I've said many times,
53:49 if I say something is wrong,
53:52 I'm willing to get up just as public deal
53:55 and say, I said this I didn't understand it
53:58 now I think that the studying have come to this point.
54:01 And I think we should because error is not going to help us.
54:05 Truth is what sanctifies as you mentioned a while ago
54:07 and prepares us for heaven.
54:08 And, you know, Jesus said in John 6:63
54:11 "Only the spirit brings life,
54:12 the words that I speak to you are spirit in life."
54:14 That's right.
54:16 And as you said, Greg, we want to always pray
54:19 because if you're reading the same thing over and over,
54:22 if you are just reading the,
54:23 you know, the compulsory chapter a night or something
54:27 you just surface reading.
54:29 You can pray for the Holy Spirit
54:31 then this life comes to you.
54:33 But real quick because my last words for the program,
54:36 I had, I've created what you call it?
54:40 Anyway for what do you call?
54:43 But for Bible, B-I-B-L-E?
54:45 Acronym. Acronym, thank you.
54:46 That just, I had a brain freeze.
54:48 It's all right.
54:49 For B-I-B-L-E, best instructions by loves example.
54:54 Well, that's good. Yeah, that's a fact.
54:56 Yeah. That's fun.
54:57 Say that one more time.
54:59 Best instructions by loves example.
55:01 That is beautiful.
55:03 And especially in today's society,
55:05 you know, 1 Peter reminds us
55:07 that the devil is going around as a roaring lion.
55:09 Oh, he's doing.
55:10 He is out to destroy this book.
55:14 He is out to destroy those who cherish this book.
55:18 He is out to destroy our hope and the light
55:21 that this book gives us
55:23 and we need more than ever
55:25 to get back to a primitive godliness,
55:28 a primitive godliness to fully focus in on our Creator,
55:32 our Sustainer, our Redeemer
55:35 because time is at hand.
55:36 Amen.
55:38 We have what, a couple of minutes.
55:39 Something just quickly on your mind we go
55:41 because we want to pray right as we finish up here.
55:43 That's right.
55:44 And once again so just maybe a quick thought
55:46 that each one may have.
55:47 Sure, something real quick that just has struck me
55:49 to that when Christ was in the Garden of Gethsemane
55:51 He was saying, Father, not My will,
55:53 Your will be done and this is a beautiful thing.
55:55 God sent an angel of strength to be there
55:57 and strengthen himself.
55:58 So we pray to God, Lord, show me your will.
56:00 He is there to give us strength, so we're positive.
56:02 Amen.
56:03 My thought would be the surrender.
56:05 You know, we want to approach the word with prayer
56:08 and, well, you know,
56:09 the anointing of the Holy Spirit
56:10 but to surrender.
56:12 Just surrender to what the Holy Spirit
56:13 is showing you in God's word.
56:14 Amen. Be willing to walk in it.
56:16 Man, wonderful, wonderful. Good. Go ahead, Honey.
56:17 Well, my thought would be just take time every day.
56:20 You know, we talk about in our homes
56:22 that we don't eat the physical food
56:24 till we had the spiritual food.
56:25 And I challenge each and every one
56:26 of our study partners to do the very same.
56:30 We need to take time with Jesus.
56:32 I just praise God as Peter wrote that
56:35 "He has brought me out of darkness
56:37 into His marvelous light."
56:38 Amen.
56:40 And I just want, to me it's just thank You, Jesus,
56:43 and I just ask Lord in the name of Jesus
56:46 that you will increase my wisdom,
56:51 my humility, my courage and my faith.
56:54 Isn't that wonderful.
56:55 We prayer every day Lord, help us to know what truth is,
56:57 help us to love the truth, help us to live the truth
57:00 and that's Jesus in our hearts and in our lives.
57:04 We need to have closing prayer.
57:05 It's been good, thank you.
57:06 Oh, how wonderful and all of those who at home
57:08 I know they have been opening their Bible,
57:10 they have been praying
57:11 and they have been singing along with us.
57:13 We pray it's been a real blessing.
57:14 We need to close with prayer.
57:15 Brother JD, how about you.
57:17 Would you just pray as we close out?
57:18 Father, we thank You for this wonderful day.
57:21 We give You our praise and glory.
57:22 Yes.
57:24 Father, I just ask Lord that the food
57:25 that we've been fed today that it will be,
57:28 that it will indeed fill whoever is looking, looking
57:32 and that is hunger and thirsty for Your word.
57:35 Father, we love You and we thank You
57:36 and give You our praise and glory
57:38 in the name of Jesus, amen.


Revised 2016-03-28