Today Family Worship

Famiy Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C. A. & Irma Murray (Host), Jaque Family


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW016002A

00:02 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:19 Removing pain
00:24 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:46 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:08 Hello, and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:11 And we welcome you to our family this night
01:14 whether you are at the beginning of the Sabbath,
01:16 getting ready to enter into the sacred Sabbath hours
01:19 or if you've just gone through the Sabbath
01:21 and getting ready to enter
01:23 the vicissitudes of a brand new week.
01:25 We pray that God has been with you and indeed,
01:28 we'll be with you
01:29 as you spend a little time together with the Lord.
01:32 I'm in the company of my wife, Irma.
01:33 Irma, good to have you here.
01:35 Good to be here.
01:36 And our smoothie partners, this is the Jaque family
01:41 and we actually do have worship with them
01:43 and we have smoothies with them.
01:45 I don't know if brother,
01:46 Jorge is the best smoothie maker in the world
01:49 because I've not had everybody's,
01:50 but he's the best smoothie maker I know.
01:53 And he in concert with his wife Lynette,
01:56 are excellent smoothie makers.
01:58 So if you're ever in Southern Illinois,
02:00 you must go to the Jaque home and demand of them a smoothie
02:04 because they are excellent smoothie makers,
02:07 worth the trip on its own just to have them.
02:09 And Novelia is with them also.
02:12 Good to have you guys here.
02:13 Thank you. Yes.
02:14 Thank you. Thank you.
02:16 And if they can find the Jaques
02:17 because they live way into the country.
02:19 Yeah, they are out of Illinois, yeah.
02:20 It's beautiful up there though.
02:21 Yes.
02:23 So we're having worship time together
02:26 and we invite you to join us
02:27 and we pray that God will bless you,
02:29 we'll spend just an hour
02:30 to get the talking of the things of God.
02:32 We want to talk today about how to make your religion real.
02:38 It is one thing to worship to the Lord on Friday night
02:41 or Saturday evening or in church on Sabbath,
02:43 but it is another thing also to take that,
02:46 that experience with you throughout the week.
02:48 So that the power that God has
02:50 keeps you each and every day of your life
02:52 in the decisions that you make in your life.
02:54 You know, guys, I was thinking that
02:56 sometimes we mistake worship for Walmart.
03:01 We think that coming to church or going to worship
03:03 is something you get from God.
03:06 But I'm convinced that
03:09 if you bring something to the worship experience,
03:12 then you'll take something back.
03:13 It's not-- worship is not consumerism,
03:16 but if you bring the right spirit,
03:17 if you bring joy in your heart,
03:19 then you'll take from that, from that experience,
03:23 joy and a blessing,
03:24 but if you come just looking to consume,
03:27 you may go away disappointed.
03:29 That's true.
03:31 It's giving, it's like anything in life.
03:34 You are blessed when you give
03:36 more than you, when you receive.
03:39 And it's interesting because in a worship environment
03:43 and in a spiritual sitting, sometimes we think,
03:46 "Okay, well, I'm gonna go to church to receive blessings,
03:49 to sit there and listen to the sermons
03:51 and listen to people talking to me,
03:52 going to Sabbath school, etcetera.
03:55 But it's very important to keep in mind
03:59 what you just said, it's important to share because
04:01 that blesses others and by blessing others
04:04 we receive blessings.
04:05 Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Absolutely.
04:07 Yes, I like God because
04:10 many times you have an idea or even a conviction.
04:14 And then sometimes you have even questions
04:17 and when you share with others in a group.
04:18 Yeah, even your questions can be a blessing for others.
04:20 Yes, it can be answered
04:22 without even asking the question.
04:24 The Lord blesses us and because He teaches us.
04:27 Right. Yeah.
04:29 It's can also instigate among your fellow,
04:32 if you ask that question and they like, wow.
04:36 Or I have the same, I have the same--
04:38 The same question.
04:39 Problem or the same question. Yeah, precisely.
04:41 Because I thought it was just me, right.
04:43 And the truth is you can't beat God giving
04:45 no matter how you try.
04:47 So if you give God a little prayer,
04:48 a little praise, a little joy
04:50 He gives you so much more in response
04:53 because He is waiting to bless you.
04:56 You know, I used to tell people,
04:58 never say I'm gonna go to church to get filled
05:01 because what happens during the six days when you're empty?
05:04 You know, what's your life like when you're empty?
05:06 If you just tank up on Sabbath and run down during the week
05:09 you're, kind of, your religion is kind of like this,
05:11 you know, you're up and down and up and down,
05:12 but you want to get up there
05:14 and kind of stay up there, don't you?
05:15 So that you have something to hold you during the week
05:17 and we're gonna talk about that today because
05:19 we've got some life lessons.
05:20 What you get on Sabbath
05:23 ought to keep you till next Sabbath,
05:24 so that you're not running up and down
05:26 and tanking up and going dry,
05:27 tanking up and going dry,
05:28 and tanking up and going dry.
05:30 I want to read something from Ellen White, from 2014,
05:34 rather 2015's Morning Watch and she says,
05:40 "Family worship not to be neglected.
05:45 We should be much happier
05:46 and more useful in our home life
05:49 and social intercourse
05:51 if they were governed
05:53 by the principles of Christian religion
05:55 and illustrated the meekness and simplicity of Christ.
05:58 Let visitors see that we try to make to all around us happy
06:02 by our cheerfulness, sympathy, and love."
06:04 That's what we're gonna talk about.
06:06 When you, when you are happy, first of all,
06:07 it makes you nicer to be around.
06:09 You know, people want to be around you
06:11 when you're happy.
06:12 And then that cheerfulness spreads out to others
06:15 and then it comes back to you.
06:19 "While we endeavor to secure
06:20 the comfort and happiness of our guests,
06:22 let us not overlook our obligation to God.
06:25 The hour of prayer should not be neglected
06:27 for any consideration."
06:29 So prayer ought to be upfront,
06:30 don't let anything push that apart, aside.
06:33 "At an early hour in the evening,
06:35 when you can pray unhurriedly and understandingly,
06:37 present your supplications and raise our voices in happy,
06:41 grateful praise."
06:42 I always tell people in-- when I was pastoring,
06:46 prayer doesn't have to be the last thing you do at night.
06:49 You know, some people say,
06:50 "I got to pray last thing at night
06:52 so that you get to bed, your mind is on sleep.
06:56 So, you know, you're there trying to function
06:58 and you're trying to talk to the Lord and it's like,
07:01 dear Jesus, so you throw up this, kind of, half-hearted--
07:05 You give God your leftovers.
07:07 Precisely, exactly.
07:08 You're giving him, kind of, the leftovers of the day.
07:10 So if you push that a little earlier into the evening,
07:14 when you can take sometime with the Lord,
07:17 you can have a more refreshing--
07:20 I'll tell you a quick story.
07:21 We had a friend, well, you know him,
07:24 I'd better not call his name.
07:25 But when we're in college, we had rented this apartment.
07:29 All of us, you know, had our own room.
07:31 And we'd all go into one room,
07:33 have prayer then go back to our rooms and go to sleep.
07:35 Three bedroom apartment, and our friend, myself,
07:38 and my best friend, and another friend,
07:40 we were praying altogether,
07:41 we finished and we noticed
07:43 that our other friend was still praying.
07:45 So we tip-toed out of the room, you know, to go our room.
07:48 And about 2 o'clock in the morning,
07:49 I got up to go to the restroom,
07:51 but I noticed the light was still on.
07:52 So I went and looked in the room
07:54 and there he was still in that position, you know.
07:57 And so I called my other buddy, I said,
08:00 "Come and look at this."
08:01 So we made a big noise and he said,
08:07 "Amen."
08:09 And then he got up and got in bed.
08:12 So we said, "Hey, man,
08:15 you've been praying for the last three hours?"
08:18 He said, "Yeah, I had a burden."
08:19 Well, his burden was sleep, it was sound asleep.
08:23 And so sometimes that happens
08:25 if you wait till last thing at night.
08:27 I don't think God is offended
08:29 if you push it a little bit earlier,
08:30 obviously, that's what Ellen White is saying.
08:32 Move it up a little early in the evening,
08:34 so you can spend sometime with the Lord.
08:35 And it doesn't necessarily have to be
08:37 the last thing you do before you close your eyes
08:39 because that prayer, it'll keep through the night.
08:41 And you can give God the product of a fresh mind
08:44 and not a mind that's really thinking about going to bed
08:46 and going to sleep.
08:48 That's interesting because we just,
08:51 last night we had this discussion at home.
08:53 I said, "We need to move this family worship
08:56 a little bit earlier in the evening.
08:58 So we can enjoy it more."
09:00 And we like to sing and talk and the things like that
09:03 and then sometimes when it gets too late,
09:06 we don't enjoy having to cut it short.
09:09 Yeah, yeah. It's true.
09:11 At that point you're just thinking about going to sleep,
09:16 and so your mind closes--
09:20 I want these kids in bed.
09:22 Yes. That's it.
09:24 See that's the thing. It's been a long day.
09:25 Yeah, it's been a long day.
09:26 When we were dating,
09:28 we used to talk to each other on the phone
09:29 because we lived 100 or 150 miles apart.
09:31 And we'd always try to make the last thing
09:33 before we say good night, prayer
09:34 and many times,
09:37 she will pray or I will pray and it's like amen, hello.
09:43 Amen.
09:44 Hello and you click,
09:46 and the next morning you compensate,
09:47 "Did you kind of leave me last night?
09:48 Yeah, I did.
09:50 That kind of thing, because your mind is tired
09:53 and your prayers reflect that, you know, that fatigue.
09:56 So let me just, a little bit more
09:57 and then we'll move on.
09:59 So I repeat, "At an hour,
10:01 at an early hour of the evening,
10:03 when you can pray unhurriedly and understandingly,
10:06 present your supplications
10:08 and raise your voices in happy, grateful praise.
10:11 Let all who visit Christians see
10:14 that the hour of prayer is the most sacred,
10:16 the most precious,
10:17 and the happiest hour of the day.
10:19 Such an example will not be without affect.
10:22 These seasons of devotion exert a refining,
10:24 elevating influence upon all who participate in them."
10:28 So prayer meeting in the home lifts your spirits
10:33 and refines you and makes noble in Christ.
10:36 "Right thoughts and new and better desires
10:38 will be awakened in the heart of the most careless.
10:42 The hour of prayer brings a peace and rest,
10:45 and rest grateful to the very spirit,
10:48 for the atmosphere of a Christian home
10:51 is that of peace and restfulness.
10:54 In every act, the Christian should seek
10:57 to represent his master
10:59 to make his service appear attractive."
11:01 Now we're gonna comeback to that in little bit
11:03 and some little things we have coming.
11:05 "But in every act," she says,
11:07 "The Christian should seek to represent his master
11:10 and make his service appear attractive."
11:12 Here you go.
11:13 "Nine-tenths of the trials and perplexities
11:16 that so many worry over are either imaginary,
11:21 or brought upon themselves by their own wrong course."
11:24 That's a little slap on the wrist.
11:27 "Nine-tenths of the trials and perplexities
11:31 that so many worry over are either imaginary,"
11:34 so they don't exist, "
11:35 or are brought upon themselves by their own wrong course."
11:41 So sometimes, we put ourselves in hot water,
11:44 you know, and we want to blame the Lord.
11:47 "They should cease to talk of these trials,
11:49 and cease to magnify them."
11:51 You know the more you go over things,
11:52 the bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger it gets.
11:55 "The Christian should commit every worriment,
11:58 every disturbing thing to God."
12:01 Either say, sometimes tough to do, amen, yeah.
12:04 Yes, it is. Absolutely.
12:06 But we can do it because the Lord said we can.
12:08 And he's waiting to take those trusts.
12:10 "Nothing is too small
12:11 for our compassionate Savior to notice,
12:13 nothing is too great for him to carry."
12:15 I think every Christian ought to remember that,
12:17 everything that touches you, touches Christ,
12:19 everything hurts you, hurts Him,
12:20 nothing is too small and nothing is too big, amen.
12:24 Amen.
12:25 Yeah, that reminds that I'd say God is love.
12:29 So it's not that He has love for us, He is love--
12:32 It's our impatience that makes it difficult
12:35 to commit these things because
12:37 we want that microwave satisfaction,
12:40 we want 20 seconds and bam!
12:42 It's there.
12:43 And when it takes years you get depressed
12:46 and you start wallowing in your own self pity
12:49 and it makes you a duller Christian
12:51 and no one wants to be around you.
12:53 That is so very, very true.
12:55 You know, it's easy to just think, well,
12:57 God is not hearing me.
12:59 You know, this is my third time with this prayer,
13:01 you know, how many times I got to ask this prayer?
13:03 And sometimes we,
13:04 we short change our blessing because
13:05 we don't stick with it,
13:07 you know, stay with the Lord.
13:08 He may not want to give you
13:10 an instant hot chocolate kind of answer,
13:12 He may want you to stay in
13:13 and work with that a little while.
13:14 You know, you got, you got instant oatmeal
13:16 then you got that long cook stuff
13:18 that takes five minutes.
13:19 The instant is quick, but there's no nutrition,
13:22 you know, you need that long kind of thing.
13:24 So you need to kind of stick in there with Him.
13:26 Just a little bit more then we're done.
13:27 "Let us set our hearts and homes in order,
13:30 let us teach our children
13:31 the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,
13:34 and let us, by a cheerful, happy, well-ordered life,
13:38 express our gratitude and love to Him
13:41 who giveth us richly all things to enjoy.
13:45 But above all things, let us fix our thoughts
13:49 and affections of our hearts on the dear Savior
13:52 who suffered for guilty man,
13:53 and thus opened Heaven for us."
13:55 Last paragraph, "Love to Jesus cannot be hidden,"
13:59 agree?
14:00 Yeah, if you love Him it's gonna leak out,
14:02 it's gonna come out.
14:04 "But will make itself seen and felt.
14:07 It exerts a wondrous power.
14:10 It makes the timid bold, the slothful diligent,
14:15 the ignorant wise.
14:16 It makes the stammering tongue eloquent,
14:19 it rouses the dormant intellect into new life and vigor.
14:23 It makes the desponding hopeful, the gloomy joyous.
14:27 Love to Christ will lead its possessor to accept
14:30 responsibilities and cares for his sake,
14:33 and to bear them in his strength."
14:38 So love for Christ does a lot for us
14:40 and spending the time in worship to Him
14:42 fortifies our soul.
14:43 So to neglect worship is really, kind of,
14:46 just not like putting, trying to run your car
14:49 or putting gas in your tank.
14:50 That if you,
14:52 if you want to go somewhere, you need to tank up.
14:55 And we praise the Lord for that.
14:57 Let's go our hymnal just now.
14:59 "There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing"
15:00 is hymn 195 in our hymnal
15:03 and we ask you to join with us
15:04 as we sing the first and last stanzas
15:07 of this great hymn of the church,
15:09 "There Shall Be Showers Of Blessing."
15:12 Here we go.
15:14 There shall be showers of blessing
15:19 This is the promise of love
15:23 There shall be seasons refreshing
15:27 Sent from the Savior above
15:31 Showers of blessing
15:35 Showers of blessing we need
15:39 Mercy drops round us are falling
15:43 But for the showers we plead
15:48 There shall be showers of blessing
15:52 Oh, that today they might fall
15:56 Now as to God we're confessing
16:00 Now as on Jesus we call
16:04 Showers of blessing
16:09 Showers of blessing we need
16:13 Mercy drops round us are falling
16:17 But for the showers we plead
16:22 Let's go quickly to, I think it's 470 and indeed it is 470.
16:29 "There's Sunshine In My Soul Today,"
16:31 moving from "The showers of blessing,"
16:33 to the sunshine of Christ's love.
16:35 We're gonna sing stanzas one and four,
16:38 "There's Sunshine In My Soul Today."
16:41 There is sunshine in my soul today
16:46 More glorious and bright
16:50 Than glows in any earthly sky
16:55 For Jesus is my light
17:00 Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine
17:05 When the peaceful happy moments roll
17:10 When Jesus shows His smiling face
17:15 There is sunshine in the soul
17:18 I want there is gladness.
17:20 There is gladness in my soul today
17:25 And hope and praise and love
17:29 For blessings which he gives me now
17:34 For joys "laid up" above
17:39 Oh, there's sunshine, blessed sunshine
17:44 When the peaceful happy moments roll
17:49 When Jesus shows His smiling face
17:54 There is sunshine in the soul
18:01 And our last song is "Redeemed"
18:04 338, 338.
18:09 And you'll know that there are two redeem, redeems,
18:12 redeemed in our hymnal 337 is redeemed
18:16 and 338 is they sort of alternate version
18:20 that is actually much newer,
18:23 the word they're both by Fanny Crosby,
18:25 but in about the mid 1960s or so,
18:28 this new version came out and many of us like,
18:31 it is very, very beautiful.
18:33 "Redeemed How I Love Proclaim It."
18:35 All three stanzas, 338.
18:39 Redeemed, how I love to proclaim it
18:44 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
18:49 Redeemed through His infinite mercy
18:53 His child, and forever, I am
18:58 Redeemed, redeemed
19:02 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
19:07 Redeemed how I love proclaim it
19:11 His child, and forever, I am
19:16 I think of my blessed Redeemer
19:21 I think of Him all the day long
19:25 I sing, for I cannot be silent
19:30 His love is the theme of my song
19:34 Redeemed, redeemed
19:39 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
19:43 Redeemed how I love proclaim it
19:48 His child, and forever, I am
19:53 I know I shall see in His beauty
19:57 The King in whose law I delight
20:02 Who lovingly guardeth my footsteps
20:07 And giveth me songs in the night
20:11 Redeemed, redeemed
20:16 Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
20:20 Redeemed how I love proclaim it
20:25 His child, and forever, I am.
20:31 That song always makes me sway in my seat.
20:33 I'm not quite sure why.
20:35 It kind of makes you look back and forth.
20:40 It's a beautiful song. It is.
20:42 It is a beautiful song.
20:43 And that arrangement is very nice.
20:45 It's very beautiful.
20:47 Guys, have you ever had to make
20:49 a tough moral decision in your life
20:52 and wondered what was the right decision to do?
20:55 Many times. Absolutely.
20:57 Many times, many times. Many times. Yes.
20:58 Sometimes far too many times and we think about,
21:01 but the Spirit of prophecy, Ellen White tells us
21:05 that we can get so close to Christ
21:08 in our, in our living, in our life
21:10 that when we make these decisions,
21:12 we're sort of outworking Christ's will in our lives.
21:17 And I've always wanted that kind of relationship
21:20 because I--many times,
21:21 I'm sure you have to struggle with stuff sometimes,
21:24 Lord, what should I do?
21:25 And you almost want say,
21:27 "Okay, Lord, come in, sit down next to me
21:29 and tell me exactly how to get through this."
21:31 You know, but he doesn't do that.
21:33 He says, "Pray and read
21:35 and use a tools I've given you."
21:37 But sometimes we get some decisions in life
21:39 that are, kind of, tough
21:41 and yet as Christians
21:43 we've got to submit them to the Lord.
21:45 And you got to just make a decision, you know.
21:48 And so today we're gonna look at some, some decisions
21:51 that people made and I want to discuss them
21:54 because these are the kind of the things
21:56 that can sort of come down upon you in any life
22:00 and hopefully we have enough Jesus
22:02 and enough Holy Spirit in our lives
22:04 to make the right decisions, all right?
22:05 You've got those papers, I'm gonna read them,
22:07 then I want to get your input on these.
22:10 We've used these-- I've used these
22:11 in past for some of my youth meetings,
22:13 but these are life decisions
22:16 and, you know, this idea of filling up on Sabbath
22:20 and emptying out during the week.
22:22 Well, if these decisions come at your empty stage,
22:25 you can, kind of, make some wrong moves
22:26 and some wrong decisions.
22:27 So let's go into them.
22:29 First one, we call keep it to yourself.
22:31 Chuck didn't have the money.
22:35 It would be another six months
22:37 before he couldn't afford to buy that new stereo.
22:40 He couldn't believe the prices, even on sale,
22:45 he couldn't afford the stereo system that he wanted.
22:48 Chuck's mother had given him some money
22:50 for his birthday to buy a stereo.
22:52 She agreed with Chuck's reasons for wanting to buy a stereo.
22:57 Chuck wanted to listen to Christian music,
23:00 but there wasn't much of it on the radio.
23:02 I guess, nowadays we probably want a computer
23:04 to play the stuff on, you know, the download stuff,
23:06 but this is a stereo.
23:08 If Chuck had a stereo,
23:10 he could listen to some Christian records.
23:12 His mother thought it was a great idea.
23:15 Now Christian record, of course,
23:17 that CDs now or MP3.
23:20 I may have to update this a little bit,
23:22 but you get the point.
23:23 One afternoon Bob, a friend of Chuck,
23:26 stopped by the house,
23:28 when Chuck explained his dilemma
23:30 Bob's eyes lit up,
23:32 a friend of Bob's had several stereo systems
23:36 that he was selling and they were cheap.
23:39 The boys went to look at the stereos,
23:41 Chuck couldn't decide whether to buy one or not,
23:44 to buy one or not.
23:45 He told Bob's friend that he would be back later.
23:48 When Chuck was alone again with Bob,
23:51 he asks where Bob thought his friend
23:53 had really gotten those stereos.
23:56 Bob said, he believed
23:58 it was best not to ask questions.
24:02 What you don't know won't hurt you
24:05 was Bob's philosophy.
24:07 Besides what could happen to them,
24:10 if the stereos were stolen it wasn't Bob,
24:14 Bob's or Chuck's fault.
24:16 They were innocent customers.
24:20 Chuck went to his mom for advice
24:22 he explained that he really wanted a stereo,
24:25 but couldn't afford to buy a new one.
24:28 He told her that Bob's friend had a stereo
24:30 that would be perfect
24:32 and was cheap enough for him to afford.
24:35 Chuck's mother told him to do
24:37 what he believed was best for him.
24:39 Now of course, he didn't tell his mother the whole story.
24:42 Chuck decided to buy the stereo from Bob's friend.
24:46 It sounded great
24:48 and Bob believed he did the right thing.
24:52 Now he had a stereo to listen to Christian music.
24:54 Now we justify things,
24:56 I'm listen to the Christian music,
24:57 you know, so it's okay, it's Christian music.
24:58 Sounds familiar.
25:02 Okay, to earn some money to buy records,
25:04 Chuck decided to get odd jobs around the neighborhood.
25:07 One day while cleaning the neighbor's garage,
25:10 Chuck overheard a phone conversation.
25:13 Apparently, the neighbor
25:15 had been robbed the night before.
25:19 The thief had taken his stereo and television.
25:22 Say, I've had this happened, I came in one day
25:24 all of my TVs, all of my stereos,
25:26 computers, everything was gone, so it does happen.
25:30 When the neighbor got off the phone
25:32 he told Chuck about the robbery.
25:35 The police had told the neighbor
25:36 that robberies of this sort were going on
25:40 for the past several months.
25:42 The police had not been able to catch the thief.
25:45 The neighbor asked Chuck
25:47 if he had any clues about the robberies.
25:50 Chuck didn't know how to respond.
25:52 Interesting.
25:54 Should he go to the police about Bob's friend,
25:57 should he say something to the neighbor?
26:00 Chuck finally decided that Bob was right,
26:04 what you don't know won't hurt you.
26:07 Chuck said nothing and kept the stereo.
26:12 All right, ladies and gentleman,
26:15 let's walk through this.
26:19 You know, this asks
26:21 that you rank the people from best to worst.
26:23 I don't know if we want to rank from best to worst,
26:25 but we do want to take a look at Chuck.
26:28 I'll be giving-- Jorge, what do you think?
26:30 It's interesting story
26:32 because, he has radio for options
26:38 that different people here
26:40 should have made different decision.
26:43 It's interesting when you think
26:46 that because you are not directly involved in something,
26:51 it's not your fault.
26:53 Aha. Yes.
26:55 And we tend to say
26:57 well, sort of a typical answer
27:02 what you don't know-- What was it?
27:04 What you don't know won't hurt you.
27:06 Yeah, hurt you.
27:08 I was watching the weather channel
27:13 and they were interviewing people
27:15 because in winter time when snow falls, it keeps on--
27:21 And when you keep your car outside,
27:23 not in the garage,
27:25 that car sometimes get a lot of snow
27:27 on the top, on the roof.
27:29 And when the weather gets colder
27:33 that snow freezes and it gets, coverts into ice.
27:38 And what happens is
27:40 sometimes cars are in the driving,
27:42 drivers are going on the roads, freeways, highways,
27:47 and those chunks of ice will fall
27:50 and will hit the drivers.
27:51 Right. Yes.
27:53 And it's about--
27:54 And it's interesting because it in a way is not my fault.
27:58 They were interviewing this guy,
27:59 he said, the people were there,
28:02 he said, "You know, do you know that you could
28:04 cause a lot of damage on another car?"
28:06 And he sounds, I didn't put the ice,
28:09 I didn't put the snow on my roof.
28:11 So it is my responsibility
28:15 even for things that I didn't cause,
28:18 but it is my responsibility to say something.
28:22 Or stand for what is--
28:24 That's what I tell my kids every morning,
28:26 "Stand for what is right,
28:29 do something that makes a difference."
28:32 And so I think, in this case of course,
28:37 Chuck took the wrong direction
28:40 and led the wrong path on his decisions.
28:45 Because yes, we are responsible even for things
28:48 that other people if we know about it.
28:53 And I think that decision is tough.
28:56 It can be tough
28:57 because if you take the right decision
29:02 and to take it the-- what really you should do,
29:06 you're going effect more than one people.
29:09 You know, you're gonna be embarrassed,
29:11 you're going to be-- Your mother is going to be,
29:14 if he's really young kid,
29:16 and worry about what the mother is going to say
29:18 because he didn't tell the whole story to the mother.
29:23 Then his friend Bob obviously, he knew something
29:28 because he tells Chuck that, you know.
29:32 What you don't know won't hurt you.
29:34 Don't worry about it,
29:36 just don't say anything, just buy it.
29:38 Nobody's gonna know. Nobody's gonna know.
29:42 Yeah, what about taking counsel from, from friends?
29:46 You know, 'cause he was--
29:47 Chuck may have been a little wavering,
29:49 but he, kind of, listened to Bob's friend--
29:52 but don't worry about it, you know, kind of thing.
29:55 You know you are responsible
29:57 for the counseling you take from people.
29:58 Yeah. Yeah.
30:00 Exactly, that's a good point. Yes, yes.
30:01 I mean, even, even when we take advice from somebody,
30:05 be careful because it may not be the right advice.
30:10 So he tells his mother,
30:12 he doesn't tell his mother the whole story.
30:15 And, and you know, the Lord, many times,
30:18 will put you in a position where you got to make a choice.
30:22 You know, and there are several times,
30:25 one, the person that was robbed asked him,
30:30 you know anything about, have you anything about--Look,
30:33 so now you got to lie.
30:35 You know, you've moved, moved it from
30:37 not, just not saying anything
30:39 to actually telling -- because you do know.
30:42 Irma, have you heard anything?
30:44 No, I don't know.
30:45 Or even just a strong suspicion.
30:47 I mean you need to divulge these things.
30:49 Yeah, yeah.
30:51 And then the police are saying
30:53 a lot of people are being robbed.
30:55 So there is this bunch of stereos, you know, there.
31:01 So he knows, but, you know, how many times do we,
31:05 you know, well, I'm gonna listen a Christian music.
31:08 So we justify it because I'm gonna do something good,
31:11 I'm gonna, you know,
31:13 I'm listening to the Christian music.
31:14 So you know, I have a stolen stereo,
31:16 but I'm listening to Christian music,
31:18 that kind of sanitizes the whole thing.
31:19 Yeah. And it really doesn't.
31:24 Exactly. Precisely, yeah, yeah.
31:26 All right, well, now
31:32 it becomes a legal issue also
31:35 and then he is lying about something that happens--
31:40 from something that apparently was, an innocent --
31:46 he was in that fault because he didn't--
31:48 But now he's being asked and he said no,
31:50 that makes even-- now he's in trouble.
31:53 Yes, yes.
31:55 And that's--
31:56 How about if you think that,
31:59 well, I know, I don't want to get these guys in trouble,
32:04 maybe I should go and tell them to face up,
32:08 would that relieve him from the responsibility?
32:15 I would think that it would not because in this case,
32:19 poor old Chuck is still in possession
32:20 of the stolen goods.
32:22 And he's trying to, like we said,
32:24 sanitize it by spreading, you know, Christian dust on it,
32:28 you know, make it a good thing.
32:29 And my wonderment with this particular story is
32:33 how can he sleep at night
32:35 knowing that he has been a party to this?
32:38 I think the guilt alone would drive me nuts.
32:43 I couldn't, I couldn't go--
32:44 Yeah. Right.
32:45 And to be so far from God that you're buffered
32:49 from the conviction of the Holy Spirit
32:52 when you've made misstep is frightening concept.
32:56 It makes me remember when I was in school
32:59 and I was probably like, Noelia's age
33:02 and was a time that, you know,
33:06 the kids will copy from each other
33:08 when they're doing a test so that they get good grade.
33:11 And now I was very worried
33:14 that I had not been able to study enough.
33:16 And I so worried
33:18 that I was going to get bad, a bad grade.
33:22 And a friend of mine says, "Oh, don't worry,
33:24 you just sit next to me
33:26 and, you know, you can just look."
33:29 And oh, boy, I'm so thankful that I could not do it
33:33 because I was so nervous, I was so nervous
33:36 and I said, "You know,
33:38 if I try, I will probably get caught right away."
33:42 So just relaxed and do my job.
33:45 And so I was glad I made that decision,
33:48 but, you know, sometimes you are faced with decisions
33:52 that are very difficult to make.
33:55 And because you think of all the--
33:58 Let me ask you a question.
33:59 Did you get a good grade or did you do bad?
34:02 No, I got a good grade, praise the Lord.
34:04 I was almost hoping that you'd say that you did bad,
34:06 I'll tell why.
34:08 It's because it botches my point,
34:09 because sometimes you do right and suffer for it.
34:13 You know, you suffer for it, but still right is worth doing.
34:16 You know now praise the Lord you got a good grade.
34:18 Yeah I did, I was very happy then I figured that--
34:20 But had you gotten a bad grade, it still was worth it
34:23 because you did the right thing.
34:24 Yeah, now, Noelia, what do you think about this?
34:29 Well, it really
34:34 doesn't make any sense.
34:40 I know.
34:42 It's tough.
34:43 Did Chuck do the right thing or the wrong thing?
34:45 Put yourself in Chuck's place. He did the wrong thing.
34:47 He did the wrong thing. Yeah.
34:49 Did you find times in school
34:51 that kids are doing something wrong
34:54 and you find yourself also
34:55 that should I say or should I not say?
34:59 Thank God because--
35:00 Yeah lucky, she goes to a Christian school,
35:02 everybody does perfectly.
35:03 Praise the Lord.
35:06 I really think that what you just said a minute ago
35:10 was very important to highlight even doing the right thing.
35:15 It's not gonna really make you have better outcome
35:21 and whatever you're doing, even, doing right--
35:25 Sometimes we say, I'm gonna do the right thing,
35:26 even If I lose money.
35:28 We'll do the right thing even, even if
35:33 I will have something that is not positive in my life
35:37 but, but at least I'm gonna have a peace of mind.
35:39 Yeah. Yes, that's the true.
35:41 That is something that we really need to think.
35:46 Peace of mind is priceless.
35:48 It is. it is.
35:50 I think, I also--
35:53 Comes to my mind that this is one of the trials
35:57 that the Lord puts in our path also to strengthen us
36:01 because once you've made the right decision,
36:04 you not have peace, you have joy,
36:06 and then it's so much easier for the next time
36:09 to stand for the, for the right to do.
36:14 And then it also is the opposite
36:18 if you give in then you're weakened
36:21 for the next time also.
36:22 It's much easier to--
36:24 Become a slippery slope.
36:25 Yeah, exactly.
36:27 What if he loses Bob as a friend?
36:30 Those are things to consider.
36:33 Well, I don't think
36:34 Bob was a friend in the first place.
36:35 Yes, that's true.
36:37 When you--
36:39 It's like your friend, like Irma's that "friend"
36:43 that say, just look what I'm--Really in reality,
36:48 she or he wasn't really be a friend.
36:53 He was enticing you to do something wrong.
36:57 It's that we have to look at that aspect and say,
37:01 is he really now my friend?
37:03 If you are trying-- that I can do something wrong
37:07 and then you're not my friend.
37:09 And Chuck is the Christian,
37:12 there is nowhere that show Bob was a Christian.
37:14 Chuck is a Christian.
37:16 So he's taking his cues
37:18 from a person who has no God consciousness.
37:20 So you got to be very, very careful
37:22 when you're taking advice from somebody
37:23 who doesn't believe in the Lord.
37:25 And you know, at the back end, and then we're gonna go
37:27 go to our next one in just a moment.
37:29 It says, "Chuck didn't know what to do.
37:35 Chuck didn't know how to respond."
37:37 Now why did he not know how to respond?
37:39 Because he's been compromising all along.
37:41 So you get to the point
37:43 where you're actually confuse, babe.
37:44 You know, Chuck, he listened to his friend,
37:48 what you don't know won't hurt you.
37:51 So now when you're, when you're at the point
37:53 where you need to make a decision for Christ,
37:55 you don't know how to respond
37:57 because you've been caving all along.
37:59 And had he stood at the very beginning,
38:02 he'd have known how to respond,
38:03 just keep on going the way you're going.
38:05 But now he's confused, I don't know what to say.
38:06 Should I not? Should I not? Should I not? Should I not?
38:08 And that's the way sin is.
38:10 You don't, as the rule, dive into the pit all at once
38:13 you, kind of, just work your way down to the pit.
38:15 Stop waiting in.
38:16 Precisely, you're waiting one step at the time.
38:18 It's another thing that is very common these days,
38:22 is everybody is doing it.
38:24 Yeah. What?
38:25 What's your problem? Everybody does it.
38:29 Yeah, and we're doing it.
38:31 So again, we were told by Ellen White
38:36 that every day ought to be submitted to the Lord.
38:39 Take yourself to the Lord every day for that day
38:43 and He will give you strength to make these decisions.
38:45 Because again, you make these little decisions,
38:47 you make these little-- Oh, next time, I need a TV set,
38:50 I'll go back to this guy and get a TV set now.
38:52 You know, and once you begin making these decisions,
38:57 it becomes easier to make these type of decisions
38:58 as you well said.
39:00 Okay, so Chuck needs to--
39:05 He's gonna lose a friend if he does right.
39:07 We know that.
39:08 But maybe it wasn't-- as you said, Jorge,
39:10 it wasn't a real friend in the first place.
39:12 And there's a song we used to sing,
39:14 oh, the best friend to have is Jesus.
39:16 And you can't have
39:18 these kinds of friends and Christ the same.
39:19 Ellen White says, "Righteousness is right doing."
39:22 Not right thinking, not right talking, right doing.
39:25 And Chuck didn't do right.
39:26 Agree, Noelia?
39:28 Amen. Okay, okay.
39:30 All right, I think we have time for one more.
39:33 Look at my time. Yes, we do.
39:34 'The food store robbery.'
39:38 The automobile factory where Ed has worked
39:41 for the past 10 years is experiencing hard times
39:46 because of a recession
39:48 and is forced to lay off a number of employees.
39:52 Management has left the responsibility
39:55 to each of the plant managers.
39:57 Ed's plant manager has been protecting his job
40:00 for a long time
40:02 and has always been worried that Ed might get his job.
40:06 He lays off Ed to remove this threat. Okay.
40:12 Ed cannot find the job anywhere,
40:14 for 18 months of unsuccessful job hunting
40:18 is unemployment runs out and Ed is forced to sell his--
40:23 To sell his insurance,
40:25 so his family can have food and have--
40:29 And make the house payments.
40:31 When that money runs out,
40:33 Ed and Hilda discuss the possibility
40:37 of applying for welfare.
40:39 Hilda will not hear of it.
40:41 She considers it degrading and a sign of failure.
40:44 In fact, Hilda considers Ed a failure
40:49 and constantly nags him
40:51 to do something about their situation.
40:53 Have mercy. She threatens to leave him.
40:57 One evening,
40:59 one of Ed's children is playing in the street.
41:01 The child has been warned many times
41:03 to stay out of the street.
41:05 A stolen car driven by a 19-year-old runaway
41:08 runs into Ed's child seriously injuring him.
41:13 The child requires hospitalization
41:15 and the bills will be enormous.
41:19 Of course, the runaway does not have an insurance
41:22 or money.
41:23 In desperation,
41:25 Ed goes to the bank to apply for a loan.
41:27 Ed does have good credit, but the bank refuses the loan.
41:32 The banker has involved the bank's money
41:35 in a number of questionable investments
41:37 and has over extended the bank's loan limit.
41:41 Ed explains the situation to Hilda.
41:43 She explodes into a rage
41:45 and hysterically threatens to leave
41:47 and calls Ed a failure and a no-good
41:50 who doesn't care about his children and his wife.
41:54 She gives him an ultimatum
41:56 to be gone when she returns and stomps out of the house.
42:00 Distraught and confused, Ed robs the local food store.
42:04 When his wife returns,
42:05 he shows her the money and explains
42:07 that a close friend loaned it to them.
42:10 The use of the money-- I'm sorry.
42:12 They use the money to purchase food
42:14 and clothing for the children,
42:16 but within a day Ed is arrested by the police.
42:19 He explains, "All I wanted to do was feed my family."
42:23 After discussions with the city officials,
42:26 the prosecutor decided to drop the case
42:28 if Ed will pay back the money
42:30 and seek counseling with the welfare department.
42:33 But the store owner is a strong law and order advocate
42:36 and refuses to drop the charges.
42:38 He believes that Ed is a thief and ought to be punished.
42:41 Ed is forced to go to trail and he pleads--
42:44 Where he pleads guilty and is sentenced by the judge.
42:49 Which person is most responsible
42:51 for the robbery of the food store?
42:54 Then of course, we are asked to rank the characters.
42:56 Okay, so let's read what that question.
42:59 Which person is most responsible?
43:03 Well--
43:04 Is it the boss who fired Ed just protect his own job?
43:08 Is it Ed's nagging wife?
43:10 Is it the manager?
43:17 Who is responsible for Ed's action?
43:19 It's pretty clear.
43:22 It's good old Eduardo himself.
43:25 Yes. Yeah.
43:26 Because he had--
43:28 I don't know if Ed's a Christian in this
43:31 or not.
43:33 Let's assume that he is.
43:35 He would know right from wrong to begin with.
43:37 And if your wife is that unsupportive
43:42 then you need to turn to the Lord
43:46 and his examples, I mean, Job comes to mind
43:50 when I read about the nagging wife,
43:51 it's like he obstructing his guns
43:54 even when they hurt real bad.
43:57 But no, it's--
43:59 You have choice in all matters.
44:03 No matter how awful or good they may be,
44:06 you have that choice and the ultimate deal
44:11 ultimate responsibility is yours.
44:14 That's true.
44:15 That's true, I was watching a program.
44:21 This is the second time I mention
44:22 that I've been watching a program on TV,
44:25 so doesn't mean that I'm glued to the TV.
44:28 But it's true, few years ago, I was quite,
44:32 I'd say, over 10, 12 years ago,
44:37 there was a documentary title,
44:40 the title was "The Blame Game"
44:43 forgot this TV anchor that was a very--
44:47 He himself as a success story.
44:50 But anyway their documentary was about people
44:53 who always have an excuse to do wrong.
44:59 And it was called "The Blame Game."
45:02 And The Blame Game is so popular.
45:05 I did it because I didn't have any other choice.
45:10 And it caused from,
45:12 yeah, even the welfare situation
45:15 that is mentioned here is--
45:19 I have nothing to say about that,
45:20 but many people say,
45:21 "Well, I'm gonna just go welfare
45:25 and it's not my fault."
45:27 And I'm -- unemployment until the last bit of money
45:31 and then the government need to help me sort of thing.
45:37 Other blame games like that,
45:39 and this one is I think it's the perfect example.
45:43 Ed, like Lynette said, had a choice
45:49 and the choice to do the right thing.
45:52 So I basically, yeah,
45:53 even we can sound a little bit--
45:56 Unsympathetic.
45:59 Unsympathetic and, yeah, but it's true.
46:03 It is true. It's a game that we play.
46:08 Well, the Bible tells us that we do what Satan do
46:14 and Satan made Adam and Eve, you know, she blame.
46:18 Yeah,
46:20 she took the apple first he blame then--
46:25 Yeah. Adam blame Eve.
46:28 And we do this all the time too
46:31 because it is in the human nature
46:34 to take the responsibility and say, wow,
46:36 when you hear something, you know, you're responsible.
46:40 David in the Bible, said the Lord
46:43 that he was a man of His own heart.
46:47 And when you look at his life and all the things that he did,
46:50 you can say to yourself,
46:52 you know, yourself, "Oh, I will never do such things,
46:55 that was just terrible."
46:57 But God was not looking at what he did.
47:02 He was looking at his reasons and the purpose,
47:07 but when David faced it, he never,
47:13 you know, shied from it, he--
47:14 He never pointed fingers. He never pointed finger.
47:17 And then the Bible tells that very clear.
47:19 And that's a really good example for us
47:23 and I think that he goes very well with this example.
47:27 Was Ed a victim? Yes.
47:30 Was he a victim?
47:31 Well, was in a way, was a victim of the economy.
47:35 It's not his fault
47:37 that his company's doing not so good,
47:42 but being a victim doesn't justify.
47:47 There you go. That's where I'm going.
47:48 Because it doesn't justify developing a victim mentality.
47:53 Now economy went bad, that happens.
47:58 His boss trying to protect his own job
48:01 got rid of Ed first because Ed was a threat.
48:04 So he was the victim of someone else's fear
48:07 and manipulation.
48:09 So He's put in this situation through no fault of his own.
48:13 Now sometimes we say,
48:15 well, it wasn't my fault that I'm here.
48:18 Now I got to do the best I can."
48:21 But that's the time
48:22 when you have to trust in the Lord.
48:24 He didn't put himself in that situation,
48:27 but he found himself in that situation.
48:29 And now you really have the lean on the Lord
48:32 to get you out of a situation that is not of your making.
48:35 You know, he was just put there.
48:38 He's got a spouse who's non-supportive.
48:41 And, you know,
48:43 sometimes you have differences of opinion,
48:45 you have a non-supportive of spouse,
48:48 but none of that can be used as justification
48:52 for robbing a store.
48:54 And praise the Lord, the judge cut him some slack,
48:59 but the store owner wasn't willing to do so.
49:01 You know, maybe he'd been robbed before,
49:03 maybe he's tired of being a victim himself of people...
49:05 I'm putting my foot down on this.
49:07 An example of him. Yes. Make an example of him.
49:10 So he doesn't relent.
49:15 I think, you know, they say, what I do with my money--
49:19 Show me a person that owes you money,
49:20 I'll show you the kind of person he is.
49:22 When your money is running out, and you got kids to feed,
49:27 and a mortgage to pay, and car notes,
49:31 and you don't have any cash
49:34 that really squeezed your faith.
49:36 Oh, absolutely.
49:37 You know, it squeezes your faith.
49:38 I've had people come to me
49:40 when I was pastoring with every itemized bill
49:44 and say, I can't, I can't pay tithe.
49:47 Here is my rent. Here is my car note.
49:50 Here is food.
49:51 Here is putting my son in the Adventist school.
49:54 There's no money left for God.
49:58 And when you look at the numbers,
50:01 she's right, there is no money left for God.
50:04 But what do you do?
50:07 You know, do you say God comes first
50:12 and then I push these things down
50:13 or do I look at what's in front of me and say,
50:16 there's just no way God can be put into that thing, you know.
50:20 It's tough.
50:22 That brings us to a whole new different subject
50:26 and it has to do with faith.
50:27 Yes. Yes.
50:28 What do we do with faith or what do we do without faith?
50:34 And it's easy to say-- But don't you have faith in God
50:40 that He's gonna bless you?
50:42 But the person who is going through the issues
50:44 and the problems is the one who--
50:47 But at the same time, you know, it is faith.
50:49 It is. Yeah.
50:51 And God promised that there's no place in the Bible
50:56 that I can find that God has not fulfilled His promises.
51:01 So if He tells you, do this, somehow, somewhat
51:05 He is gonna come at the end with a solution to the problem.
51:09 That's the thing.
51:11 So there is a difference between a person
51:13 who exercises or uses the faith
51:16 that God gives us all to solve issues,
51:21 and the issue of not having it.
51:24 Because it is very easy to become the Robin Hood
51:28 type of syndrome, I say.
51:29 Yeah. Yeah.
51:31 Yeah, rob the rich to feed the poor.
51:32 To feed the poor. Yeah.
51:34 No, the Bible is clear-- that's the point now.
51:39 We need to go back to what is the basic,
51:41 the fundamentals of our lives, we need to go back and say,
51:46 "Oh, we're here in this world for a reason.
51:48 God put us here, therefore there's--
51:51 He must have answer."
51:54 It's always encouraging to me read
51:57 in The Book of Joshua.
52:02 When he is talking to, at the end of the book saying,
52:08 there's just one verse that it says to the people of Israel,
52:14 "Not even one of the great promises
52:19 that God made has not been fulfilled."
52:22 All of them were fulfilled.
52:26 So and then that's one example.
52:29 There're so many thousands and thousands of examples.
52:30 Yeah, and you got to move faith to faith.
52:33 You know, you start out with little faith,
52:34 but if you never exercise the muscles you have,
52:37 you never get stronger muscles.
52:38 You got to, you got to step out.
52:40 This is the tough situation, when you have no money
52:43 and you got a mortgage coming up,
52:45 and you don't what to be on the street,
52:47 and the kids have no food.
52:50 That's the time when you-- If you got anything,
52:53 it's gonna come to the surface, you now.
52:54 It's really tough.
52:56 And you may end up in the street.
52:57 And you may end up in the street.
53:00 But God has not forgotten about you,
53:02 you know, and loves you still.
53:04 It's really, really tough when it comes down
53:07 to the last couple of pennies.
53:08 The answers are not always--
53:10 The solutions are not always instant,
53:12 like we were talking about it earlier.
53:14 You can't have this microwave Christianity
53:17 where it just is, instantly answered your prayers
53:20 and your solutions come quickly.
53:23 Sometimes you have to go through,
53:26 you know, you hit rock bottom, well, guess what?
53:28 You're just on the ledge.
53:29 You're gonna go a little deeper.
53:31 And God is still with you,
53:32 but you're gonna have to work at it.
53:35 It's not gonna be easy,
53:36 it's not gonna be handed to you on a silver platter.
53:39 This is, this is--
53:40 this is a growing, God has plan for us.
53:44 Getting to heaven is not-- No one said it would be easy,
53:48 but the Lord said it is possible.
53:50 You know, when you look at the crossing--
53:52 And I think we're coming down to our last few minutes.
53:54 If you look at the children of Israel
53:55 when they cross the Red sea, they went over on dry land.
53:59 The Lord dried it up for them, no problem.
54:02 When they were going into the Canaan land,
54:06 crossing the Jordan, He didn't dry it up for them.
54:09 He said, "You need to get in there and get wet,
54:12 get your feet wet then I will stop the flow."
54:15 So it's little more faith, the river's dry,
54:19 you're walking on the sandy beach
54:20 through the water, no problem.
54:22 Now the river saw flowing, He says,
54:24 "Get in there and get wet, then the miracle come."
54:26 So now He is increasing their faith, you see?
54:29 And it's that way in our lives.
54:31 You take this little baby step, and then you get the strength
54:33 to take another baby step.
54:35 But if never have that first step,
54:37 if you never lift that first weight,
54:39 you'll never be able to take the increased weight.
54:41 And the increased weight is coming.
54:43 And you kind of feel sorry for a guy like this,
54:45 but each of us has these kinds of baby steps to make
54:49 from faith to faith, from glory to glory,
54:52 from strength to strength.
54:53 Yeah. Yeah.
54:55 For that reason, the Lord is giving us all these,
54:58 not rules, but guidance for us,
55:01 because He knows we are gonna encounter
55:04 all these problems.
55:07 So we, as long as we are with Him
55:10 and we want to follow, we have nothing to worry.
55:15 Nothing to fear. Don't fear.
55:17 Indeed.
55:19 And as we said, and both of these stories
55:21 have the aspect of that you may suffer for your faith,
55:27 you don't get a pass on suffering,
55:29 but Christ is right there with you
55:31 and you do not suffer alone.
55:34 He told Joshua, Joshua 1:9 on the first verse
55:37 I've ever committed memory
55:38 "Have not I commanded thee?
55:40 Be strong and of a good courage.
55:41 Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed
55:44 for the Lord thy God is with thee
55:46 whithersoever thou goest"
55:48 So where ever you go, whatever you're going to do,
55:50 you're not going through it alone.
55:51 And that's the thing to keep in your memory.
55:53 Some of you have forgotten the only one,
55:54 no one else has ever had this.
55:56 I am the first one in the history of the planet,
55:58 you know, and Christ doesn't know.
55:59 We've seen this before, you know,
56:01 and we've dealt with this before
56:02 and we can deal with that again.
56:03 And that is the point also, keep the big picture in mind.
56:09 Yes.
56:10 You always think not just this particular moment
56:14 or situation that I am going through.
56:16 Think, think back, how God to care of you.
56:20 Yeah. Yeah.
56:21 That is the great point, Jorge.
56:23 Keep the big picture in mind.
56:25 The same God who brought you here
56:27 will get you home.
56:28 This is no time to jump ship.
56:30 Stay in the ship because the ship
56:31 is going through into harbor
56:34 and we thank you for that.
56:37 So some good stuff, some interesting life lessons
56:41 that tell us, you need to take the name of the Jesus with you
56:44 every day because your faith will be tested
56:46 and challenged and tried every single day.
56:49 Amen? Amen.
56:51 Yeah, we praise the Lord for that.
56:55 Jorge Jaque, Lynette Jaque, Noelia Jaque,
56:58 Irma Murray, C. A. Murray here.
57:00 We're gonna close with prayer and hopefully,
57:02 we've said something that will encourage you,
57:05 that gives you some strength to go through the Sabbath
57:07 and go through the week, to hold on to Jesus Christ
57:10 because you're faith will be tested.
57:11 But you can be a victor and an overcomer
57:16 if you keep your hand in the hand of Jesus.
57:18 There is no way He will ever fail you,
57:20 there is no way He will ever leave you
57:22 nor forsake you.
57:23 The companion text for Joshua 1:9
57:26 is Hebrews 13: 5, 6 which repeats that statement,
57:30 God will never leave, He will never forsake you,
57:33 He is always by your side.
57:34 Have a good week in Jesus.


Revised 2016-02-11