Today Family Worship

Family Worship: Righeousness by Faith

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: J.D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), Eric & Marylyn Durant, Luis & Xenia Capote, Jill Morikone


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW015012A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello, I'm Shelly Quinn.
01:08 And I'm JD Quinn.
01:10 And we welcome you to 3ABN's Family Worship.
01:14 You know, we were just talking, it's been a rather hectic week
01:18 and isn't it wonderful to have the Sabbath?
01:21 How precious it is that God gave us the Sabbath,
01:24 so that we wouldn't work ourselves to death.
01:27 Oh, we're so glad
01:29 that you're joining us again this Sabbath.
01:31 And we have,
01:33 I believe an exciting topic for you tonight,
01:36 we're going to be talking about Righteousness by Faith.
01:39 Amen.
01:40 And before we begin
01:42 let me introduce our 3ABN family here.
01:46 We're gonna start with Eric.
01:48 Eric and Marilyn actually Durant
01:50 and these are husband and wife.
01:52 Eric, you are in an Engineering Department.
01:54 Yes, I am.
01:56 And you used to work with Boeing, is that correct?
01:57 I used to work with Boeing.
01:59 So we're very blessed to have you here.
02:01 It's been the best thing I ever done in my life.
02:04 Praise the Lord.
02:05 Praise the Lord.
02:07 And Marilyn, you are the assistant manager
02:09 of our Call Center Department.
02:11 Correct.
02:12 And you came to here with a nice resume
02:14 of management experience.
02:17 You know, we met Marilyn and Eric
02:20 when we were in Israel two years ago, wasn't it?
02:23 And it was, we didn't realize
02:25 that they were thinking about coming to 3ABN
02:27 and I think they were there to check us out.
02:30 But we had such a wonderful time with them
02:32 other than Marilyn having a little sick spill there but--
02:37 God blessed us anyway.
02:38 He blessed us. It was such a wonderful trip.
02:40 We talk about it to this day.
02:41 Wonderful. Amen
02:43 Well, we're very blessed to have you here.
02:45 And then on this side of me we have another precious couple
02:48 who are relatively newcomers to 3ABN.
02:52 And we've got our dear friend
02:54 Xenia Capote and her husband Luis Capote
02:58 and Xenia in our Accounting Department.
02:59 Yes, I am.
03:01 Louise you are the editor for Latino.
03:03 Latino. Correct.
03:04 The Latino Network I should say.
03:07 So we're very pleased to have you here.
03:09 It must be nice to be bilingual.
03:11 Oh, mercy.
03:13 Probably, even better would be trilingual.
03:15 That's true.
03:16 You know, but--
03:18 You know, sometimes we joke and say that,
03:20 you know, Texans,
03:22 if we knew English we'd be bilingual.
03:26 But I don't want to forget Summer Boyd,
03:28 who is on the piano over there
03:30 and she really being a minute man.
03:32 she stepped in to play for us
03:35 and we're just very, very blessed
03:38 to have her pray-- play
03:41 and speaking of prayer,
03:42 JD, would you like to have our opening prayer?
03:44 Most certainly.
03:47 Father, first of all,
03:48 we just come to You in the name if Jesus
03:50 and we thank You Lord for Your many blessings.
03:53 We thank You Lord for this past week,
03:55 we thank You Lord,
03:56 we had a vineyard to go to work in
03:59 and we love working in Your vineyard, Lord.
04:01 And Father, as we approach the Sabbath,
04:03 we just ask Lord that You continue to energies us,
04:08 lead, guide, direct us where You want us to go.
04:10 We thank you for this evening's program, Lord.
04:13 There is only one righteousness
04:15 and that comes from You, Lord.
04:17 And, so Father, we just ask that You would continue
04:20 to be with each one of us, be with our families, Lord.
04:24 We love You and we thank You
04:25 and give all praise and glory to You.
04:27 In the name of your Son, Jesus, amen.
04:29 Amen. Amen.
04:31 Amen. Amen.
04:32 Well, we love to start with the song,
04:34 and so if we're going to have the lyrics
04:37 on the screen for you, but if you want to join us,
04:41 and you want to use your Hymnals,
04:43 we are going to be singing Hymn 522 in Adventist Hymnal.
04:47 And it's one of my favorite songs,
04:49 "My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less."
05:02 My hope is built on
05:05 Nothing less Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
05:11 I dare not trust the sweetest frame
05:16 But wholly lean on Jesus' name
05:21 On Christ the solid rock I stand
05:25 All other ground is sinking sand
05:30 All other ground is sinking sand
05:36 When Darkness seems to veil His face
05:40 I rest on His unchanging grace
05:44 In every high and stormy gale
05:48 My anchor holds within the veil
05:53 On Christ the solid rock I stand
05:58 All other ground is sinking sand
06:03 All other ground is sinking sand
06:09 His oath, His covenant and blood
06:13 Support me in the whelming flood
06:18 When all around my soul gives way
06:22 He then is all my hope and stay
06:27 On Christ the solid rock I stand
06:31 All other ground is sinking sand
06:36 All other ground is sinking sand
06:43 When He shall come with trumpet sound
06:47 O may I then in Him be found
06:51 Clad in His righteousness alone
06:56 Faultless to stand before the throne
07:01 On Christ the solid rock I stand
07:05 All other ground is sinking sand
07:11 All other ground is sinking sand
07:17 Amen. Amen.
07:18 And you're sounding good there at home.
07:22 We love to make a joyful noise to the Lord.
07:24 You know, something that's interesting,
07:26 as you get older, have you noticed how many,
07:28 how much lower,
07:29 how many lower keys we have to go to?
07:32 So we're trying to find here,
07:34 a key that we can all sing in together.
07:39 Oh, mercy.
07:40 Okay, now what we love to do when we begin our programs
07:44 is have a prayer of praise
07:47 and we just going to do this in no particular order.
07:52 We're going to just pray
07:54 as God puts that thankfulness and praise on our heart.
07:58 Just pray back to the Lord
08:00 and we just encourage you to join us at home.
08:03 We will ask you to start, JD.
08:04 Amen.
08:06 Father, as we come to you again in the name of Jesus,
08:08 we thank You, Lord.
08:10 We thank You for this week's blessing,
08:11 we thank You for the last blessings.
08:13 And Father, we just ask
08:15 as specifically ask Lord to be with other families.
08:18 Father, we thank You for our brothers and sisters,
08:23 we thank You for our mothers and fathers.
08:25 We thank You for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
08:28 And Father, I just ask to be with each one of us
08:30 as we continue to go through lives,
08:33 events-- lives episodes Lord,
08:36 and just ask that You continue to be a lamp to our feet.
08:40 Yes. Amen.
08:42 Heavenly Father, we, we glorify You
08:45 and we thank You so much for family, for friends.
08:49 We thank You for 3ABN.
08:51 We thank You for the opportunity
08:53 to be the part of Your ministry
08:54 sharing this message all over the world.
08:56 It's the greatest blessing one can have
08:59 and blessing all come from You.
09:02 Amen.
09:03 Thank you for Your salvation.
09:05 Thank you for your Son that came to die for us.
09:08 In a special way we want to ask for those people
09:11 that are suffering persecution in Your name,
09:14 that You uphold them and give them the strength
09:17 and Your Spirit be with them.
09:20 Lord, we thank You for the Sabbath day.
09:23 We thank You for giving us this time
09:25 to reconnect with You.
09:28 We pray that we can share ourselves
09:35 and Your word with others
09:38 and that--
09:41 hopefully we can be an influence to those
09:44 that may not know You.
09:46 We thank You and we praise You, Lord.
09:49 Father, we're so glad to be here together
09:53 to be able to honor and glorify Your name.
09:57 After the difficulties of the week,
09:59 Lord, we can come and we can rest
10:01 and we can lean all of our troubles in You.
10:04 And Lord, You have shown us that You will give us the rest.
10:08 We thank You Lord for the individuals
10:10 that we get to share with as well,
10:12 those individuals that,
10:14 in their home they're, they are leaning on You, Lord
10:18 and they're experiencing your love
10:21 we ask for the Holy Spirit be poured upon us Lord
10:24 that we may rejoice and we may feel
10:28 that warm embrace of Your love and Your kindness.
10:31 Amen.
10:33 Father, we come to state you
10:36 just roll all of our burdens over on You,
10:39 to thank You Father that this Sabbath reminds us
10:43 that you're not only our Creator
10:45 but the one who recreates us in the image of Jesus,
10:49 that Lord, You are the one who sanctifies us
10:52 as you say in Exodus 31:13.
10:55 And Father, forgive us when we try to save ourselves.
10:59 We sometimes, Lord,
11:01 get into a performance mentality
11:03 and we forget it's all about relationship with You
11:06 and love with You.
11:08 And Lord, we come right now to ask for Your blessing
11:12 on everyone of our family members
11:15 who are watching by television.
11:18 Um, Lord whether there's someone
11:20 who's watching alone and has no family
11:23 let them feel like they're part of this family,
11:25 and they're welcome or whether Father,
11:27 there's a children in momma and daddy
11:30 that are sitting around watching this
11:33 or listening on the radio, Lord bless each person
11:37 who's participating in this worship.
11:40 And our prayer to You Father
11:41 is that we will be surrendered to You,
11:46 that You will lead us by the Holy Spirit
11:48 and make every thought, every word
11:50 that come from our mouth acceptable to You.
11:53 May our worship be acceptable to You.
11:55 Oh, Lord, You are worthy of worship.
11:57 And we thank You so much for this day.
12:00 In Jesus' name.
12:02 Amen. Amen.
12:03 Amen. Amen.
12:04 Well, the first song that we sang
12:07 is what I call like a praise song,
12:09 it's the song we singing about the Lord.
12:11 But now we have a prayer song to sing,
12:16 and this song is not in the hymnal
12:18 but the words will be on the screen.
12:21 And I'm sure that you heard this song,
12:23 probably many times before.
12:26 This comes from the Psalm,
12:29 and this is from the Psalm of David.
12:31 And we love this song.
12:33 So we are going to sing
12:35 "As The Deer Panteth For The Waters."
12:50 As the deer panteth for the water
12:55 So my soul longeth after You
13:02 You alone are my heart's desire
13:07 And I long to worship You
13:14 You alone are my strength, my shield
13:20 To You alone may my spirit yield
13:27 You alone are my heart's desire
13:33 And I long to worship you
13:40 You're my friend
13:42 And You are my brother
13:45 Even though You are a King
13:52 I love you more than any other
13:58 So much more than anything
14:05 You alone are my strength, my shield
14:10 To You alone may my spirit yield
14:18 You alone are my heart's desire
14:23 And I long to worship You
14:30 I want You more than gold or silver
14:36 Only You can satisfy
14:43 You alone are the real joy giver
14:48 And the apple of my eye
14:55 You alone are my strength, my shield
15:01 To You alone may my spirit yield
15:08 You alone are my heart's desire
15:14 And I long
15:16 To worship You
15:22 Amen. Amen.
15:24 Amen. Amen.
15:25 That's a beautiful, beautiful song.
15:27 Thank you, Jesus.
15:28 Amen. Amen.
15:29 Well, let's get into our study for the evening.
15:34 And we're going to the looking, taking our study
15:38 from Life Affirmation from scripture
15:40 and we're going to look at page 150.
15:44 While we turning there,
15:46 let me just explain what an Affirmation is.
15:50 An Affirmation is simply when you take the word of God
15:55 and affirm it over your life by praying it back to the Lord,
15:59 by speaking it over you life.
16:01 And what this tells is it let just God know
16:05 that you accept His Testimony
16:07 about who you are in Christ Jesus.
16:10 And there are three scriptures that I just love
16:12 Isaiah 55:11 says that,
16:14 "God's word does not return void
16:16 but accomplishes every purpose for which He sent it."
16:20 And Jeremiah 1:12 says that,
16:22 "God watches over His word to perform it."
16:25 So as we're praying it back,
16:28 He's watching over to perform it,
16:30 but Roman 4:17 says that,
16:33 "God is the God who gives life to the dead,
16:37 and calls things that are not as though they already were."
16:41 And that's exactly what we're doing.
16:42 Sometimes some scripture are hard to pray back
16:45 because you think "Oh, I'm not there yet, Lord."
16:48 But we're doing as God does, we're calling things
16:52 that are not as though they already were.
16:55 We're praying it back to the Lord and saying
16:58 "Father, I receive your Testimony
17:00 and I accept Your Testimony."
17:02 And you know, the thing about
17:04 speaking God's word over your life
17:06 is that it rewires your computer.
17:08 You know, Proverbs says that
17:10 "The power of the death and life
17:12 is the tongue."
17:13 And sometimes we speak
17:14 some pretty bad things about ourselves,
17:17 but if we speak God's word over our life,
17:20 then we know we're speaking truth and it's powerful.
17:24 So we're gonna be looking at Righteousness by Faith
17:28 and I read Affirmations
17:30 and I'm gonna let you all read the scriptures.
17:32 But this Affirmation
17:34 is based on all of the scriptures
17:37 that we're gonna be discussing tonight,
17:38 so let me read this.
17:40 "I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus.
17:45 God has imputed or credited Christ's righteousness to me.
17:50 Righteousness by faith
17:52 is the only righteousness that exists.
17:56 Christ's robe of righteousness does not cover sin
17:59 that I refuse to confess and forsake.
18:02 God also imparts Christ's righteousness to me.
18:06 He fills me with His righteousness
18:08 which develops Christ's character in me
18:11 and causes me to conduct myself
18:13 according to God's right way of doing things."
18:16 Right there,
18:18 that is the definition of righteousness, by the way.
18:20 It's just God's right way of doing things.
18:25 That's what righteousness is.
18:27 "Therefore, I take heed to avoid the risk
18:30 of thinking I stand firm
18:32 when I am really on the shaky ground.
18:34 I pay attention to my conduct
18:36 to insure I'm not fooling myself.
18:38 I take a daily spiritual inventory to make certain
18:42 that I do not become disqualified.
18:45 Having been made righteous, I now put it into practice
18:49 by following God's way of thinking and acting."
18:53 Again, there's the definition of righteousness,
18:56 "Following God's way of thinking and acting."
18:59 "I'm obeying His Commandments by His righteousness within me.
19:04 By His abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness,
19:08 I reign in life through Christ.
19:12 The fruit of righteousness in my life is peace.
19:16 The results righteousness has in my heart
19:19 is a calm assurance forever."
19:23 So that's the Affirmation.
19:25 Now we're going to unpack that.
19:27 I hope you have your Bibles.
19:28 Bring your Bibles with you to Family Worship every Sabbath
19:32 because this is something that you may want to underline
19:36 or just have a note
19:37 and right down these scriptures.
19:39 We're to look at Righteousness by Faith
19:44 and actually Marilyn, let's begin with you.
19:47 Why don't you take 2 Corinthians 5:21?
19:53 Okay.
19:54 "God made Him,
19:56 who had no sin to be sin for us,
19:59 so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God."
20:05 What do you think of that scripture?
20:07 Well, what an act of love.
20:09 Yes.
20:11 You know, to send Your Son that has no sin
20:16 and be here for us, so that we can live like Him.
20:21 So what do you think He means when He, when Paul says,
20:25 "He made Him, who knew no sin to be sin for us."
20:28 When did Jesus, Jesus was sinless.
20:31 When did He become sin for us?
20:33 At the cross. At the cross.
20:36 When all the sins of the world were laid on Christ.
20:40 And He did that so that Christ's perfect record
20:47 could be credited to us.
20:49 You know, if you think about a bank account
20:52 and over here, you know, you've got this deficit.
20:54 If you're trying to reconcile your bank account,
20:56 and you've got this deficit that there's nothing to cover.
21:00 Our sin debt was great,
21:02 there was no way
21:03 we could have paid the sin debt.
21:05 But what God did
21:07 when Christ reconciled us to Him.
21:10 The way we reconciled is His righteousness,
21:14 the imputed righteousness is like,
21:16 He filled up our bank account.
21:18 He credited His perfect acts of obedience,
21:22 His perfect life, everything that He did
21:25 was credited to us
21:26 and what that ended up--
21:29 The result of that is justification by faith.
21:33 It's like all that past,
21:35 all of that sins been wiped out.
21:37 Isn't that amazing?
21:39 Praise the Lord.
21:40 It's amazing when you really think about it.
21:43 All the thoughts that came through His mind at the cross
21:46 and through that cross, through all that time,
21:50 our name was the one that kept coming through.
21:54 If it was just for one of us, He would have done it.
21:57 You know, a lot of times we don't understand
21:58 what righteousness that God gives us,
22:01 but when we look at what He was willing to for us,
22:04 what He was willing to accomplish through His son
22:08 that we may be able to, to be like Christ
22:13 in a way through righteousness, it's mind boggling sometimes.
22:18 The joy that I feel sometimes whenever life may be difficult
22:23 or maybe I'm having a struggle,
22:25 all I have to just think is, what did Christ do for me?
22:28 Amen.
22:29 And how is that related to whatever instance
22:33 that I'm going through or whatever situation
22:35 that I'm going through.
22:36 And this verse pretty much lets you know
22:39 whatever iniquity, whatever things that you have
22:43 done in your life I've erased it all
22:45 and I've given you a clean slate.
22:47 Amen.
22:48 I thought He was really neat this morning.
22:50 Every Tuesday morning here at 3ABN
22:52 we have what we call Corporate Worship,
22:53 that's whenever everyone comes into one of our studios,
22:57 Studio B and together we have worship this morning.
23:00 Eric led out.
23:02 Had a fantastic topic, you know, Why Are We Here?
23:05 And then in closing you had the closing prayer.
23:08 And I know what I'm getting right to say,
23:09 but, boy, did it remind me that is,
23:12 Jesus is hanging on the cross, everyone of us,
23:16 every person on this earth went through His mind.
23:20 And, man, I just thought about,
23:22 boy, you talk about the latest computer,
23:24 how could that happen?
23:25 Because He was alive,
23:27 what four hours, five hours, you know.
23:29 But, boy, just that fast He was able to do that.
23:33 And everything was put into place.
23:36 I know what that young man is going to do.
23:38 Oh, I wish he wouldn't do that, but I love him anyway
23:41 and together we're gonna work this thing out.
23:44 But it was a great time.
23:45 Let me just use the question.
23:47 Why is it important
23:49 that we're standing in righteousness,
23:51 if we're gonna stand in front of God?
23:54 Do you remember what we said
23:56 when we're talking about the love of God that,
23:59 1 Thessalonians 3:12, 13 talks about
24:02 how God establishes us in holiness by His love.
24:06 His love is established in holiness.
24:09 His love, which is the essence of His being
24:13 is this burning love,
24:20 His divine love that, sin, it consume sin.
24:24 Sin can not stand in the presence of God.
24:27 So it's important
24:28 and we're gonna be talking about our righteousness,
24:32 not only the imputed righteousness
24:34 that credited to us,
24:36 but we're also gonna talk about
24:37 how Christ imparts His righteousness.
24:39 Without righteousness by faith
24:41 we couldn't stand in front of God.
24:43 Why don't you pray that Scripture back, Marilyn?
24:47 Lord, we thank You for making Him
24:50 who had no sin to be sin for us,
24:53 to give the ultimate act of love
24:56 and to give His life
24:59 so that we may surrender to Him and believe in Him
25:02 that we may have righteousness.
25:04 Amen. Amen.
25:05 Amen.
25:06 Okay, Eric, why don't you take 1 Corinthians 1:30?
25:11 "But it is from Him
25:13 that you have your life in Christ Jesus,
25:16 whom God made our righteousness
25:18 thus making us upright and putting us
25:20 in right standing with God."
25:24 When I read this verse, every time I can't help
25:28 but imagine Christ on the cross and what He gave for me
25:31 and what he gave for Marilyn and gave for my friends
25:34 and my family and the people that I love,
25:36 even the people that I don't know.
25:38 He gave it all for us
25:40 and sacrificed a bit of Himself on that cross
25:45 because He was no longer omnipotent.
25:51 He was-- I don't think he was, somehow He changed,
25:54 He transformed Himself on that cross
25:56 into not only human in God,
26:02 but in our eyes, we now know He loves us.
26:08 Before that there was always a question,
26:10 there was a controversy between Christ and Satan
26:14 and the angels had the question
26:16 and humanity had the question and the universe had a question
26:19 and God answered that.
26:21 Jesus on the cross,
26:23 where He was no longer
26:25 a question mark in anyone's eyes.
26:27 He transformed Himself into our Savior, our King.
26:31 And as the scripture says, it's in Him that we have life.
26:36 That we have no spiritual life,
26:38 no eternal life other than Christ Jesus.
26:40 But I love that the New Testament says,
26:43 "Christ is our righteousness."
26:45 Just as a moment we'll see that God was considered
26:50 their righteousness in the Old Testament.
26:52 Righteousness by faith
26:54 has always been the only kind of righteousness there is.
26:58 So you want to pray that one back please?
27:02 Dear heavenly Father,
27:03 thank You for our lives through Christ Jesus.
27:08 Thank You for erasing all the question marks
27:11 that anyone ever had,
27:13 be it angels or fallen-- un-fallen worlds
27:17 that You are Christ and You are the King
27:20 and You are the one that loves us.
27:23 You are our righteousness.
27:25 Watch over us, keep Your umbrella over us
27:28 and be merciful that we might stand one day
27:32 with You and the Father on the sea of glass.
27:34 Amen. Amen.
27:35 Amen. Amen.
27:37 Luis, you want to take Romans 9:30?
27:40 It says, "Gentiles, who did not pursue righteousness
27:45 have attained to righteousness,
27:48 even the righteousness of faith."
27:52 This shows me God's patience.
27:55 This shows me God's patience.
27:57 It says, you know,
27:59 even though you're not looking after me,
28:01 even though you're not seeking me,
28:04 do you know, I'm gonna make sure
28:05 that I will implant in your heart enough faith
28:09 that then I will change you.
28:12 I will change you into My character
28:14 which would be the righteousness of God.
28:17 So we can reveal
28:18 Christ's character in everybody.
28:20 But, what I like is that, He's trying to say that
28:25 righteousness will always be available to you.
28:30 Amen.
28:31 You just have to make sure that you believe
28:34 that you have the faith.
28:36 A lot of the times like you were mentioning earlier,
28:38 that individuals that do not elevate themselves,
28:41 individuals that look down on themselves,
28:44 they don't quite understand what it means to be righteous.
28:47 They don't quite understand
28:48 what it means to be loved by God so much
28:51 that He no longer is looking at us.
28:54 He's looking at Christ in us
28:57 and that's what I love about this particular part.
29:00 And He says, I'm going to make sure
29:02 that I open this for everyone to have availability
29:08 of accepting and enjoying my righteousness.
29:13 And do you think maybe that Paul,
29:14 since he's kind of picked out the gentiles here saying,
29:21 they weren't pursuing righteousness,
29:22 but they attain this righteousness by faith.
29:26 What would be the contrast of that?
29:29 Jews were seeking righteousness.
29:31 That's right.
29:33 They were trying to be righteous
29:37 by their own merit, by their own actions.
29:40 They were trying, even like with the Sabbath,
29:43 look at how many laws they added to the Sabbath,
29:46 trying to keep everything perfectly.
29:48 So here, they were trying to workout their own salvation
29:52 without faith in God for this.
29:55 And I think this is one of the things that,
29:57 to me, Paul is saying.
29:59 Hey, Jews, you've been trying so hard to be righteous.
30:04 Don't you know that the Bible says God is righteousness?
30:09 And yet, now here, your gentile brothers,
30:11 who you used to make fun off, they have come along.
30:15 They weren't even pursuing righteousness.
30:17 They received Christ as their Savior
30:20 and now they have been made righteous by faith.
30:22 Amen. I love it.
30:24 You know, Shelley, when I was an early Christian,
30:27 before I became a Seventh-day Adventist,
30:30 I still had an engineering mindset.
30:31 And the engineering mindset is, make it happen.
30:35 And I was always pursuing different paths
30:39 and doing the right things, not for the right reason,
30:42 but because I was trying to make something happen.
30:44 And it's funny that we have a discussion on faith
30:46 because I had all of the actions,
30:49 but I didn't have any of the faith.
30:52 Yeah. That is...
30:54 We could all, at someplace identify with that.
30:58 The Bible says that it's for the just and the unjust.
31:02 Yes.
31:04 So when he comes here it says gentiles,
31:06 but it's for the just and the unjust
31:08 because we can't be unjust within the church, you know.
31:13 You know, I love what Paul says
31:14 to the Galatians in Galatians 3:3
31:17 when he says, "You foolish, Galatians,
31:19 who's bewitched you
31:21 that you should not obey the truth,
31:23 before whose eyes Christ Jesus was clearly portrayed
31:26 among you is crucified.
31:27 I'm thinking of Colossians 3:3.
31:28 Anyway, He says, having begun in the spirit,
31:32 do you think that now you can be perfected in the flesh?
31:37 You can't be.
31:38 In Galatians here, if I could find it
31:40 and that's just how tired I am.
31:42 Galatians 3:3. No.
31:43 I'm trying to think of what... Where Paul says that,
31:47 if you try to be saved through works,
31:55 through obeying the law, you have become...
31:59 You've fallen from grace
32:00 and you are estranged from Christ.
32:02 So it's always righteousness by faith.
32:04 You want to pray that? We need to get on.
32:06 Our loving Father, we thank You
32:08 because You give us the opportunity.
32:09 Lord, that even though
32:11 we may not be seeking You by faith,
32:14 You're always gonna be tugging at our hearts.
32:16 We thank You, Lord, because You're showing us
32:18 that there is nothing that we can do of our own,
32:21 that it is You who's going to do the work in us
32:24 and it is through You who's going to fill us
32:26 with Your righteousness.
32:28 We thank You in Christ name, amen.
32:30 Amen. Amen.
32:31 J.D.
32:32 I'm gonna to Isaiah 64:6.
32:37 And this is an interesting, interesting scripture
32:41 because we are looking at what we can do good.
32:46 But this is saying that
32:48 "we are all like an unclean thing.
32:51 And all our righteousness are like filthy rags."
32:55 That will knock the wind out of your sails.
32:57 Yes.
32:58 You know, you jump in the shower every morning,
33:00 you get the soap out and you just scrub,
33:02 scrub, scrub, thinking that, oh, I'm coming out,
33:05 I'm like a, like I'm feeling good, I'm new.
33:09 And it's saying here, I don't care
33:10 where you are I'm your walk on this earth,
33:14 you are no more than like a filthy rag.
33:20 And don't you think that...
33:22 I mean, if you think about this, coming into...
33:24 The closer you get to the Lord, you know,
33:27 it's easy to not look at yourself as a sinner
33:30 when you are not close to God.
33:31 But the closer you get to God, the more,
33:35 in the brilliance of His unapproachable light,
33:38 the more you notice how dingy, you know, it's like,
33:42 you all, you women will identify with this.
33:46 You wash a sock and you think you may use Clorox
33:49 or I use hydrogen peroxide and vinegar in my wash.
33:52 And you think this is,
33:54 oh, I got the mud of this white sock,
33:56 it's looking good.
33:58 Then you put it into the sock door next to a new sock
34:01 and you're going, wow, this is dingy.
34:05 So no matter how much we do,
34:09 no matter how good we think we are,
34:10 compared to God,
34:12 our righteousness is like a filthy rag.
34:14 That's right.
34:16 That's... But what is perfectly white?
34:21 And that is the robe of Christ's righteousness.
34:23 Amen. And that is His gift to us.
34:26 So it really, we are all like an unclean thing
34:29 and all our righteous are like filthy rags.
34:31 Yes, we are.
34:33 But, we have the opportunity
34:38 to wear that robe of righteousness.
34:40 Amen. Amen.
34:42 Amen. So, amen.
34:43 That's the righteousness by faith.
34:44 Amen. Eric.
34:47 I'll pray that. Oh, I'm sorry.
34:49 Father, as we come together today in the name of Jesus,
34:52 we thank You for the robe of righteousness, dear Father.
34:55 For that your robe and Father, we know that bad begets bad
35:00 and we don't want to go there, Lord.
35:02 We want to turn it to all over to You
35:04 because it's you that empowers us,
35:06 it's You that infuses
35:07 Your inner strengthened into us
35:09 to be what we could be in the name of Jesus.
35:12 We thank You and we love You. Amen.
35:15 Amen. Okay.
35:17 Jeremiah 23:6.
35:20 "Now this is His name, the Lord our Righteousness."
35:25 Excuse me.
35:26 Where is that Book of Jeremiah found?
35:28 That's in the Old Testament, isn't it?
35:30 It is.
35:32 So what is it saying?
35:35 The Lord our Righteousness.
35:37 He's always.
35:38 It's always been righteousness by faith.
35:39 That's right.
35:41 You could never...
35:42 I mean, Isaiah is the one who said, you know,
35:44 that's the Old Testament too.
35:46 You know some people try to make it sound like
35:48 there was a different system in the Old Testament
35:52 that you worked for your salvation,
35:54 that you worked for your righteousness.
35:57 They are not studying the same I'm studying.
36:00 I mean, really, we've got to see
36:03 it's always been salvation by grace.
36:05 It's always been righteousness by faith.
36:08 Only kind of righteousness there is.
36:11 When I grew up, my mother gave me a Bible.
36:16 And had I not read that Bible,
36:19 I wouldn't have understood as time went on,
36:23 it's difficult to say it, but how filthy you are.
36:25 Yeah.
36:27 If you don't read that book, you can say well,
36:29 I have all my I is dotted and all my T is crossed
36:33 and everything is going well.
36:34 I'm okay everything is fine.
36:36 But you suddenly read that book
36:37 and you compare yourself to Jesus,
36:40 that's when you found out who you really are
36:43 and that's when the change begins to take place.
36:45 And that's when my search really began.
36:48 Amen.
36:50 Sometimes, as we're looking in the mirror,
36:51 we need to clean that mirror off
36:52 'cause the cleaner you get that mirror
36:54 the better image you see.
36:56 And then you see how handicapped you are.
36:59 Amen. Yes.
37:01 You know, when you were talking earlier,...
37:04 if you look at the rituals that we had to do,
37:06 that the Israel's had to do before,
37:07 to get their sins forgiven,
37:10 it was such a humbling experience.
37:12 You actually had to take a life yourself.
37:15 So if it's not by righteousness,
37:17 that it was all throughout, what was it?
37:21 Because a lot of times we look at,
37:22 oh, how hard that was.
37:24 How terrible it was that they actually had to put,
37:26 lay their hands on a lamb
37:27 and then take the poor lamb's life.
37:30 But it's actually a humbling experience
37:32 because you know
37:33 that everything was poor there.
37:36 You actually literally had to feel
37:39 how strong the forgiveness truly was.
37:41 And it's actually through righteousness
37:43 that we feel that.
37:44 It's God put in that in us it says, I love you so much
37:47 that even though you have to go through
37:48 this tough ritual, you can see
37:52 how the humility of the sacrifices
37:55 and how filthy you truly are.
37:59 And you know, something that we learned
38:00 when we were in Israel.
38:01 And I remember when we went to the homes
38:03 and we saw how they actually, part of the home
38:07 was were the lamb's were reared, remember?
38:10 And so you have got this little lamb
38:13 and you had to have,
38:14 you had to be without blemish and special.
38:16 So just imagine loving and caring
38:18 for this little lamb and then you recognize
38:22 that this lamb, when you sin,
38:24 that you got to give the life of that little lamb.
38:27 He has to be your substitute. That's right.
38:29 Well, I'll tell you that would certainly
38:31 make you think about...
38:33 I think it would be harder to hold on to a cherished sin
38:37 if you realize that you're constantly
38:39 having to sacrifice a life for that, yet,
38:42 that's what happened with Jesus.
38:44 It seems to me too.
38:45 Every time you sacrifice,
38:47 you have to put Christ before yourself.
38:48 Amen.
38:50 Because yourself, you don't want to do
38:51 that to that dear animal,
38:54 but when you do that you're putting Christ
38:55 before your personal feelings.
38:58 And that for me, I was always raised
39:01 "don't never surrender, don't never give up,
39:04 always push forward, don't give into anything."
39:08 And when I start reading my Bible, it said surrender.
39:11 Give up.
39:12 That's the only way you're gonna become
39:13 truly righteous and it changed my life.
39:16 J.D. found a great word the other day
39:17 that helped him...
39:19 Yes. I was talking about surrender.
39:22 And I had trouble with that word and that,
39:25 I guess I'm a typical guy.
39:28 You know, just I give up.
39:31 And maybe I was watching
39:32 too many black and white cowboys,
39:34 I don't know but the bad guy, you know, would give up.
39:37 But we brought up. I think Mitch Owen brought up.
39:39 He was reading it in...
39:41 He was reading, I think in one of Miss White's Books.
39:45 And it used the word consent.
39:49 Oh, man, I just changed it all with sudden, you know,
39:52 rather than saying, I surrender.
39:57 It's easier for me to say I consent.
39:59 Because I immediately with my interpretation
40:03 I sense the difference.
40:05 It's basically you're just giving God permission.
40:07 Either way you're giving God permission
40:09 to be in control of your life.
40:10 Yes. All right.
40:12 Well, we're gonna need to move on.
40:13 So you want to pray that, please?
40:15 Dear heavenly Father, thank You
40:16 for being our righteousness.
40:17 Thank You for leading to us a true surrender.
40:20 Please continue the work on our hearts and to guide us
40:23 to that faithful day, in Jesus' name.
40:26 Amen. Amen.
40:27 Okay, Xenia. Psalms 23:3.
40:31 "He restores my soul.
40:33 He leads me in the path of righteousness
40:36 for His name sake."
40:39 He restores my soul. I mean, that's really deep.
40:43 You know, it's like how renewed energy,
40:48 and renewed attitude, renewed everything,
40:52 being a new person in Christ.
40:55 And the interesting part it says here.
40:58 He leads me in the path of righteousness.
41:02 Which path is this?
41:05 As Christians
41:08 to be in the path of righteousness is to do,
41:11 to be about being what Christ wants us to be,
41:18 doing those things that He requires of us,
41:24 that He gave us in the Bible.
41:26 So He in a way is telling me
41:28 that the way I can be restored,
41:31 my soul can be new.
41:33 If I give in to the leading of God
41:36 to be and to do His will in my life.
41:39 Amen. Amen.
41:40 And to be led by the Holy Spirit.
41:42 Yeah.
41:43 You want to pray that one back for us please?
41:46 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much
41:48 for restoring our souls
41:51 and we ask You in a special way
41:53 that You continue to lead us in the path of righteousness,
41:57 so one day we can be with You in eternity.
42:01 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
42:03 Amen. Amen and amen.
42:05 Xenia, I think you've got the next one as well.
42:08 Haven't you? Isaiah 61:10.
42:11 I think it's the continuation of this of the previous verse.
42:16 Because it says, "My soul shall be joyful in God."
42:20 After we've been restored in God,
42:22 after we've been following His ways,
42:25 He's leading
42:27 His righteousness, there will be joy.
42:30 Amen.
42:31 We'll be so...
42:33 There will be joy to have a new life to be,
42:35 to be a new song in our hearts.
42:37 Amen.
42:38 And then He continues to say.
42:41 "For he has clothed me with the garments of salvation
42:46 and He has covered me in the robe of righteousness."
42:50 So in a way he's reiterating the same concept, both times.
42:55 We're getting new clothes.
42:58 Like, like you were mentioning before, you know,
43:00 it's like this white garments, where do we get them?
43:03 Well, here it is. This is where we get them.
43:06 We get them from God, the righteous person,
43:09 the righteous being that we ought to be like Him.
43:14 That's the way we obtain righteousness,
43:16 by doing and being and what He requires of us.
43:20 Yeah.
43:22 But we have to always put the emphasis on,
43:24 it's acquired by faith because it's God
43:27 who's working in us
43:29 to willing to do His good pleasure.
43:30 That's the imparted righteousness.
43:34 You know, in Ephesians chapter 3
43:36 he says that Christ lives in our heart through faith,
43:39 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
43:41 And, so, as the Holy Spirit is poured into us,
43:45 God works in us to line our will up with His will
43:48 and then to cause us to do His good things.
43:51 So I do want to point out once again.
43:54 Isaiah 61:10 is an Old Testament scripture,
43:57 talking about how God clothes you
43:59 with a garment of salvation,
44:01 it covers you with the robe of righteousness.
44:03 Why don't you pray that?
44:06 Dear Heavenly Father, we want to you thank you
44:08 so much for the garment of salvation,
44:11 for the robes of righteousness
44:13 that you bestow upon us.
44:15 We would only follow You.
44:18 Give us that joy, Lord,
44:19 that joy that only comes with You, from You,
44:23 by knowing You, in Jesus' name, amen.
44:26 Amen. Amen.
44:27 Amen.
44:28 Right. Eric.
44:30 Okay. 1 Corinthians 10:12.
44:33 "That him who think he stands take heed lest he fall."
44:37 And this goes back to what I was talking about before.
44:41 You think you're standing,
44:42 you have everything in place and lined up.
44:46 And praise the Lord, He sends that for all, that reminds you
44:51 exactly who you are, you're human.
44:56 You are not righteous except by my blood,
44:57 Christ said and that is so true.
45:00 I wrote down.
45:02 "Pride goes before destruction
45:03 and the hardy spirit before stumbling."
45:05 And that is something to be reminded of everyday.
45:09 Yeah. Yes.
45:12 Paul was certainly one who constantly checked on himself
45:19 to make sure that he was in.
45:22 And we should take...
45:23 We should put a finger on our spiritual pulse
45:26 from time to time, you know, and see
45:28 how much time are we spending in prayer?
45:30 How much time are we spending in Bible study?
45:31 How much do we really...
45:33 How is our, our relationship with the Lord advancing?
45:39 Do we really love Him
45:40 or are we forgetting our first love?
45:41 So...
45:43 He said He died daily, everyday.
45:45 You know, who He was, He died
45:48 so He can become who God wanted him to me everyday.
45:51 Yes.
45:52 This reminds me of the pastor's sermon
45:54 Trials and Temptations that, you know, a lot of times
45:58 we're thinking, oh, we got this
46:00 and then all of a sudden a trial comes in.
46:02 And you know, we need to rely on God and we need to say,
46:05 okay,Father, you know I was all confident yesterday,
46:08 I need to be confident again today, you know.
46:11 And this is where, where it's difficult sometimes, you know
46:15 and sometimes God needs to do those things for us.
46:17 He needs to bring us to a place
46:18 where we humble ourselves, where we say, "Okay.
46:21 Is it you or is it me?"
46:23 Because if it's you then my Father can't see you.
46:26 So let me come.
46:28 Let my righteousness be, fill You,
46:30 so my Father can bless you.
46:32 Amen. Amen.
46:34 That's exactly right. Okay.
46:38 Dear Heavenly Father, thank You
46:39 for being there when we fall.
46:41 Thank You for being a reminder of who Jesus is and who we are
46:45 and of His righteousness and of His saving grace.
46:48 Please continue to remind us every day and help us to die
46:51 to ourselves in Jesus' name, amen.
46:54 Amen. Amen.
46:55 Amen. Okay. J.D.
46:56 Yes.
46:58 This is Paul speaking in 1 Corinthians 9:27.
47:01 "I discipline my body and bring it into subjection,
47:04 lest, when I have preached to others,
47:07 I myself should become disqualified."
47:11 I know that there's a lot of athletes that are watching.
47:14 I know there's a lot of wanna be athletes
47:16 out there that are watching.
47:18 Probably the better athletes
47:19 are the one that disciplines themselves.
47:22 And they workout hard, they put the time in
47:27 and because as Paul is bringing out here
47:31 in this particular scripture, talking about the perfecting,
47:35 a perfect timing,
47:39 an event of that particular day
47:42 and that is dealing...
47:44 Mostly the people are thinking about racing.
47:48 Now some talk about boxing.
47:49 I don't know which it is,
47:51 but the principle is still the same.
47:53 So consequently he's saying, discipline yourself,
47:56 but don't just talk the talk, walk the talk.
48:00 Don't be the one that makeup the rules and then you sit
48:04 and kind of go, kind of chew a little bit
48:06 to go pass those rules to kind of get around.
48:09 So it says, hey, be all that you can be in Jesus.
48:13 That's what it's said because the last thing
48:16 that you want to be is whenever you,
48:19 whenever you set yourself up that you're the one
48:24 that's disqualified and you're the one
48:27 that dropping the flag to race.
48:30 In other words, he's saying
48:32 practice what you preach, right?
48:34 He's checking it out. Practice what you preach.
48:35 It's exactly right. Okay.
48:36 You want to pray that one, honey?
48:38 Yes Father, I thank You Lord,
48:39 that we can bring all things to You.
48:41 Father, don't let us get so caught up in ourselves
48:43 and establish the directions
48:47 and then be the chief of sinners.
48:50 Father, we want to turn it to all over to You
48:52 and allow You to work through us.
48:54 We thank You, Lord, that we can call upon
48:56 Your name, Amen.
48:58 Amen.
48:59 You know that...
49:00 Well, that scripture also, if he's worried
49:02 about being disqualified,
49:03 that shows it's not once saved always saved, doesn't it?
49:05 Exactly right. All right.
49:06 Xenia, you want to take 1 John 2:29.
49:09 1 John 2:29 says, "If you know that He is righteous,
49:15 you know that everyone
49:16 who practices righteousness is born of Him."
49:22 So the only way we can be born-again
49:25 is practicing His righteousness.
49:30 And like we said, you know,
49:32 we have to have that right relationship with God
49:36 in order to follow His righteousness.
49:41 And it's Him working in us. Yes.
49:43 You know, but this,
49:44 this is something in this scripture...
49:49 I love this scripture because a lot of people think
49:51 that once you've been saved,
49:54 you don't need to worry about obedience.
49:55 And if you talk about obedience,
49:57 that you're being legalistic.
49:59 But I believe that obedience is by grace.
50:01 That's right.
50:02 It's only as the Holy Spirit is working in us
50:05 that we can even obey God.
50:06 And right here He tells us. Hey, don't fool yourselves.
50:11 He's righteous if He's living in you.
50:14 You're gonna be practicing righteousness.
50:16 We don't obey to be saved,
50:19 but we obey because we are saved.
50:21 So if we've been born-again,
50:23 we're going to practice righteousness.
50:26 How do we practice righteousness?
50:28 It's said here at the beginning.
50:29 It's thinking and acting like God.
50:33 Amen. Amen.
50:34 And then, so... As He...
50:35 And the only way we know that is reading the scripture
50:37 because we don't know what perfect is.
50:40 We don't know what righteous is.
50:42 Only God is righteous. Amen.
50:45 Pray that back please.
50:49 Thank You heavenly Father,
50:51 where You have shown us Your righteousness,
50:55 help us to practice that in such a way
50:57 that we might be born-again in You.
51:00 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
51:01 Amen. Okay.
51:03 Psalms 85:13.
51:07 "Righteousness will go before Him,
51:11 and shall make His footsteps our pathway."
51:16 You know I've always looked back in my life...
51:18 I've moved up 23 times.
51:20 I've been four different countries,
51:21 five different states, two different provinces
51:24 in Canada and all the time I'm always marveled
51:28 at how my life was pre-moved to how God has shown me
51:35 that He has always set an opened doors for me.
51:39 And we forget those things sometimes.
51:41 And most of the times when we're going
51:42 through trials tribulations, we're saying, "Why me God?
51:45 Why me? Why now?
51:46 Why this? Why that?"
51:47 But then afterwards we look at this part.
51:49 It says, I've gone in-front.
51:51 I've gone before you and I have re-set the path,
51:54 all you have to do is just place your foot
51:57 where I have shown you and that is
51:59 what is so wonderful about this part.
52:01 We have to do nothing,
52:03 but just completely rely on Him and He will show us.
52:09 We don't have to guess.
52:10 We just have to just put,
52:12 like that, foot in the sand, the story.
52:15 It's so beautiful when it says,
52:17 I was carrying you when you only see one foot, you know.
52:21 And that's where we need to understand.
52:23 What this is trying to say is that,
52:26 take it easy because I've got it under control.
52:29 Amen. Absolutely.
52:30 It's almost like when you're on a path,
52:33 there's distractions to the left
52:35 and there's distractions to the right
52:37 and God says, don't go wandering off
52:38 after those distractions.
52:40 Stay on the path.
52:42 And I always try and remember that, that sort of analogy.
52:46 You know, and 1 John 2:6 says that "If we are in Christ,
52:49 we must walk as He walks."
52:50 So he's saying here that He will show us the way.
52:54 Do you want to...
52:55 We've only got a few minutes left
52:57 and I like to get to couple of more scriptures.
52:58 Would you like to pray that?
52:59 Our Loving Father,
53:01 I'm so thankful that You go before us.
53:04 I'm thankful that You give us the righteousness,
53:06 but You show us the way.
53:08 You guide us all the way through, Lord.
53:11 So God can see Your marvelous character in each one of us.
53:15 In Christ's name, amen.
53:17 Amen. Amen.
53:18 Marilyn. Okay.
53:20 1 John 3:7, 8.
53:25 "Little children, let no one deceive you.
53:28 He who practices righteousness is righteous,
53:32 just as He is righteous.
53:35 He who sins is of the devil.
53:37 For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
53:41 that He might destroy the works of the devil."
53:44 Now wait a minute.
53:45 I thought we were talking about righteousness by faith.
53:47 And here John saying,
53:49 don't be deceived, it's only
53:51 he who practices righteousness is righteous.
53:56 So is that still righteousness by faith?
54:00 Yes, it is.
54:01 Amen. It is.
54:02 It's only by faith that you can practice it.
54:04 Yes, It's by grace...
54:05 As God's working in us to will and to do.
54:08 Yes. That's right.
54:09 But once again, this shows that
54:13 obedience is the pathway to God's blessings, isn't it?
54:18 And,you know, there's always going to be people
54:20 that are trying to pull you in a different direction.
54:23 But it's up to us to stay on that narrow,
54:28 straight narrow path in order
54:30 to have that gift of eternal life with the Lord.
54:35 Amen. Yes.
54:36 Amen. Okay.
54:38 You want to pray that back please?
54:40 Lord, I pray that You will not let
54:44 any of us be deceived by the devil
54:47 and that you will continue to work in us
54:51 and lead us on the path of righteousness,
54:53 in your name I pray, amen.
54:54 Amen. Amen.
54:56 You know, we only have two minutes left
54:58 and you all were complaining
55:00 because I didn't take scripture.
55:01 So I'm gonna take too real quickly here.
55:03 These are two of my favorites
55:05 and one is Romans 5:17 it says,
55:09 "Those who receive abundance of grace
55:13 and of the gift of righteousness
55:15 will reign in life through Christ Jesus."
55:18 I love to pray that and say, Father, thank You
55:20 that You've given me an abundance of grace.
55:23 Thank You Father, that You've given me
55:25 the gift of righteousness.
55:27 And thank You that you cause me
55:30 to reign in life through Christ.
55:31 I love that scripture.
55:33 The other is Isaiah 32: 17 that says...
55:37 And I used to claim this is my life first.
55:40 "The work of righteousness will be peace,
55:43 the effect of righteousness,
55:45 quietness and assurance forever."
55:49 Amen.
55:50 And what a precious thing that righteousness...
55:53 And once again, if you've been joining us tonight,
55:55 I hope you're just getting a little glimpse
55:58 that righteousness is by faith.
56:01 There's nothing you can do,
56:02 but also grace doesn't release you from obedience
56:06 because we saw
56:07 that only those who practice righteousness are righteous.
56:11 So it's all by God's power.
56:13 But it's such a joy and such a blessing.
56:16 J.D., would you like to have our closing prayer?
56:18 We only have about a minute left.
56:21 I want to...
56:22 You will have our closing prayer.
56:24 Well, I have a closing thought.
56:25 Okay.
56:26 Father, we thank You once again,
56:28 Lord, that we can talk about You,
56:30 speak about You Lord,
56:31 and so that we can stand on Your promises.
56:35 We love You and we thank You
56:36 and give you all praise and glory
56:37 for what You do in our lives, may we be a blessing to others
56:41 in the name of Jesus, amen.
56:42 Amen. Amen.
56:43 Well, Marilyn and Eric,
56:46 thank you so much for joining us.
56:47 And for you two over here, for Xenia and Luis,
56:52 we're so grateful that you joined us as well.
56:55 And for those of you at home, we're just really,
56:58 really thankful you're part of our 3ABN family.
57:01 We want to give a special shout out to all
57:04 that are on the Go Evangelistic team.
57:06 But we pray that you have,
57:09 have a blessed Sabbath
57:11 or that you've had a blessed Sabbath
57:13 depending on when you are watching this program.
57:17 And just rely on Jesus' righteousness.
57:21 Just thank Him for His abundance of grace
57:24 and gift of righteousness.
57:26 And our prayer of you
57:27 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:30 the love of the Father and the fellowship
57:31 of the Holy Spirit will be with you always.
57:35 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2016-01-14