Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: C.A. & Irma Murray (Host), Annika Baker, Joel & Christine Baker, Jorge & Lynette Jaque


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW015006A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:05 Spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:27 Let my words
00:30 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:10 If you are watching on a Friday evening,
01:12 then we welcome you
01:13 to the sacred hours of the Sabbath.
01:15 If it is a Saturday evening then you are preparing
01:18 for the new week and we pray that God will be with you.
01:21 Either way, thank you for joining us.
01:22 We got a great family and a recent addition
01:27 to the family, we'll introduce in just a moment.
01:29 My wife Irma is to my right
01:31 and to her right are Jorge and Lynette Jaque.
01:36 We are very, very glad to have them with us yet again.
01:39 Glad to be here. They are part of the family.
01:42 And we got Joel and Christine Baker,
01:46 and Joel or Christine who wants to introduce
01:49 the recent addition to the family.
01:51 This is Annika Baker and she is about 10 weeks old.
01:55 All right.
01:57 And we have no idea how she is going to fare?
01:59 No idea. During this time?
02:02 So far so good.
02:03 And this is her first time on camera, I suspect?
02:06 Yeah. She's getting an early start.
02:08 Yeah, praise the Lord.
02:09 So if Joel makes a quick disappearance
02:11 or if Christine makes a quick exit,
02:14 we know that they were summoned by Annika
02:17 to do something else, but I think so far so good.
02:20 I'm excited because when I was younger,
02:23 I envied Adventists who grew up in the church
02:26 because I did not.
02:27 And we did not have obviously any kind of family worship.
02:31 My parents were what we call 'Holiday Methodists.'
02:36 Easter, Christmas, maybe Thanksgiving,
02:39 and that was about all that they did.
02:40 And I joined the church very, very early,
02:42 and I envied Adventists
02:44 who would sit down on Friday evenings
02:45 and sing and pray and we didn't have a chance
02:47 to do that.
02:49 In my house and before everybody was watching
02:50 football on their own TV, so I have to hibernate
02:53 in my own bedroom.
02:54 Just to try to keep the Sabbath in my own way.
02:57 So this is exciting for me and we are going to talk
02:59 a little about that because we get a chance to bring
03:02 the Sabbath in together with friends.
03:05 We have got some warm tea here and a lovely tea pot
03:09 to serve it in and we actually have real tea
03:12 and we are praising the Lord for that.
03:14 Maybe next time we'll have some cookies Lynette
03:15 with the tea.
03:19 We're gonna start off by doing some singing.
03:22 And we want to turn in our hymnals
03:26 to try to change the mood just a little bit to 340.
03:29 So would you join us please as we sing a song
03:34 that I think we all know, this is Jesus Saves.
03:36 We have heard the joyful sound, Jesus saves, Jesus saves.
03:41 We have four stanzas. We are going to sing them all.
03:42 Shall we sing together?
03:44 We have heard the joyful sound Jesus saves!
03:50 Jesus saves!
03:51 Spread the tidings all around Jesus saves!
03:57 Jesus saves!
03:59 Bear the news to every land Climb the steeps
04:04 And cross the waves
04:06 Onward 'tis our Lord's command
04:11 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
04:17 Waft it on the rolling tide Jesus saves,
04:22 Jesus saves
04:24 Tell to sinners far and wide Jesus saves!
04:30 Jesus saves!
04:31 Sing, ye islands of the sea
04:35 Echo back, ye ocean caves
04:39 Earth shall keep her jubilee
04:44 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
04:49 Sing above the battle's strife
04:52 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
04:56 By His death and endless life
05:00 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
05:04 Sing it softly thru the gloom
05:08 When the heart for mercy craves
05:12 Sing in triumph o'er the tomb
05:16 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
05:21 Give the winds a mighty voice
05:25 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
05:29 Let the nations now rejoice
05:32 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
05:36 Shout salvation full and free
05:40 Highest hills and deepest caves
05:44 This our song of victory
05:49 Jesus saves! Jesus saves!
05:55 I think Annika is going to be a singer.
05:58 I think she was trying to sing,
05:59 she came right in on a 'Jesus saves' part.
06:01 Praise the Lord. Tell her to keep that up, Joel.
06:04 Let's go to 311.
06:08 311, Earthly pleasures vainly call me,
06:12 I would be like Jesus.
06:18 Here we go.
06:20 Earthly pleasures vainly call me
06:24 I would be like Jesus;
06:29 Nothing worldly shall enthrall me
06:33 I would be like Jesus
06:38 Be like Jesus, this my song
06:42 In the home and in the throng
06:46 Be like Jesus, all day long!
06:52 I would be like Jesus
06:58 He has broken every fetter
07:02 I would be like Jesus
07:06 That my soul may serve Him better
07:11 I would be like Jesus
07:16 Be like Jesus, this my song
07:20 In the home and in the throng
07:25 Be like Jesus, all day long
07:30 I would be like Jesus
07:36 All the way from earth to glory
07:41 I would be like Jesus
07:45 Telling o'er and o'er the story
07:49 I would be like Jesus
07:55 Be like Jesus, this my song
07:59 In the home and in the throng
08:03 Be like Jesus, all day long
08:09 I would be like Jesus
08:15 That in Heaven
08:17 He may meet me I would be like Jesus
08:24 That His words "Well done" may greet me
08:28 I would be like Jesus
08:33 Be like Jesus, this my song
08:38 In the home and in the throng
08:42 Be like Jesus, all day long
08:48 I would be like Jesus
08:55 I think we'll hold that last song
08:56 for just a few minutes and take this opportunity
08:59 to thank Jill Morikone,
09:00 who is on the piano for joining us
09:03 and being part of the extended family
09:05 and playing for us.
09:07 God is so very, very good.
09:08 I want to give you all just a moment
09:12 because before we go to our reading,
09:14 I want you each to think about your favorite text.
09:17 I'll give you just a second to find it in the Bible
09:20 so that you can read from it.
09:22 I'm going to go to my newest favorite,
09:26 which is so new that I have not quite memorized it totally,
09:30 so I'm going to go to it
09:32 and it's in Hebrews Chapter 13 while you're all turning,
09:35 I had to bring my own big Bible.
09:37 My wife has this little tiny Bible
09:38 I can barely see the Bible,
09:40 little on the print but her eyes are
09:43 still good enough to be able to see that print.
09:45 But I'm going to Hebrews Chapter 13
09:47 and you are each looking and Joel's a little hands-down
09:50 because he's got baby in hand and we understand
09:53 if you are little slower than the rest of us.
09:56 She is doing good.
09:57 She is doing really, really great.
10:02 And we praise the Lord.
10:03 Jorge, you want to start there on the end?
10:05 Yes, this is a very brief verse,
10:10 Bible verse but it has a lot of meaning.
10:13 It helped me in many, many circumstances,
10:15 it's found in Romans 8:31 and it says,
10:23 "What shall we then say to these things?
10:26 If God before us, who can be against us?"
10:30 It's very... it's powerful in...
10:33 Amen.
10:34 Let me tell you it's just something that in my life
10:38 has played an important role in many circumstances
10:42 so I treasure this Bible verse.
10:44 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
10:45 Lynette?
10:48 Well, the verse that I have chosen
10:50 is actually verses 1 and 2 of Psalm 91.
10:53 This is a sort of our family favorite.
10:55 We taught the kids this when they were little
10:58 and whenever we come across it in our Bible readings,
11:01 it's always the...
11:02 just one of those fond things that we just lean on.
11:07 Psalm 91, "He who dwells in the secret place
11:10 of the most High shall abide
11:12 under the shadow of the Almighty.
11:14 I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge
11:16 and my fortress, my God in him will I trust."
11:21 Praise the Lord.
11:22 That is beautiful. It's been one of my special.
11:28 Yes, this passage is still very, very much.
11:31 The one I chose because I have used this many times in my life
11:38 and it's one that you'd find in Joshua 1:9
11:45 and I will read it for you because I get nervous
11:49 and I forget the Lord and he says,
11:52 "Haven't, have not I commanded thee
11:56 be strong on of a good courage,
11:59 be not afraid, never be thou
12:01 this made for the lord of thy God
12:04 is with thee withsoever that goest."
12:09 And it's been really special for me because
12:11 there are many times that I have been
12:15 afraid to do or for circumstances
12:21 and this was given to Joshua after Moses,
12:27 when Moses died and then Joshua
12:29 had to take the lead and as you know about his life,
12:35 he was not like Peter that who has all, he's like,
12:40 "I can do this and I will do it."
12:43 Joshua was not like that so he needed encouragement
12:46 from the Lord and the Lord knew then,
12:48 because it was a big responsibility
12:51 that he was given Joshua to cross the Jordan
12:54 with all these the multitude of people.
12:58 So at times when my life is being needing
13:02 of some encouragement,
13:04 the Lord has many times pointed me out to this,
13:08 to this verse.
13:10 Praise the Lord.
13:11 Christine, can you manage? Yes.
13:15 I chose one of my favorite texts
13:18 in Philippians 1:6,
13:23 and it says, "Being confident of this
13:25 very thing that He which had done a good work in you,
13:30 will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ."
13:33 And yeah, that has been a great encouragement for me
13:38 and is still today
13:40 because there's a lot of things in my life
13:44 I wish would change faster than they do
13:50 but the Lord is saying I'm not done with you,
13:52 I will continue to work with you
13:54 and I'm not giving up. I'm going to continue,
13:59 you know, to work with me and that is so encouraging.
14:04 Well done. Joel?
14:06 Can I read two? Okay. Okay.
14:08 Our walk with the Lord is a daily one so there is
14:11 always things where you know,
14:12 bringing to him and asking him for guidance
14:15 and direction, so these verses have been
14:18 an encouragement to me.
14:20 Micah chapter, oh what chapter? Last chapter 6.
14:26 There's a 7. Yes, 7, thank you, Christine.
14:29 Verse 7, "Therefore I will look into the Lord,
14:33 I will wait for the God of my salvation,
14:36 my God will hear me."
14:37 Sometimes He answers our prayers immediately,
14:39 sometimes it takes time.
14:42 And then the next verse is always been
14:43 a favorite of mine, "Rejoice not against me,
14:45 O mine enemy, when I fall,
14:48 I shall arise, when I sit in darkness,
14:50 the Lord shall be alight unto me."
14:56 What does that mean to you?
14:58 The second verse, yeah.
15:00 How many times have I fallen but within,
15:03 with Christ's help and His strength,
15:06 I have risen up again.
15:07 You know, He takes us through the same things
15:09 over and over and we learn from them and we can rise
15:13 again with Christ and when all around us
15:16 sometimes seems dark,
15:17 the Lord is always alight unto us.
15:19 Amen. Amen.
15:21 I want to ask you before I read mine.
15:23 How has having the baby changed your life?
15:26 I knew you of course before you got married,
15:28 you sat on this sat at this very table.
15:30 That's true.
15:31 Once you got married pre-baby and also pre-marriage
15:35 so now you are post-marriage and baby in hand.
15:39 How has that changed? What you are seeking to do?
15:41 How you live?
15:42 How has the baby impacted your walk with Christ,
15:45 your Christianity, your life?
15:47 Yeah, it definitely, it makes you see everything
15:49 and you know, you are told all this
15:51 before you have the baby.
15:52 We have a lot of friends here, you know,
15:54 and they tell you, you know,
15:55 this is going to change your life forever
15:56 and you know, it's always like, "Yeah, you know,
15:58 we know but we don't know exactly
16:00 how and of course we are experiencing it now,
16:02 but yeah, you definitely see things,
16:04 you see things differently
16:05 because you know now we are responsible
16:09 with the Lord's help for raising a young one
16:11 for Him and that's something
16:13 that I think Christine and I both feel we are...
16:14 we cannot do without the Lord's help,
16:16 so we're just...
16:17 You lean on Him more than you ever have before
16:19 and we are just at the beginning.
16:21 She is going to grow
16:22 and with her growth, it's going to,
16:24 you know, come all kinds of new stages in her life
16:26 that the Lord's going to be us to help her.
16:30 So yeah, it definitely changes and we are
16:32 right in the middle of experiencing that now.
16:34 You know, now we are still in the young part,
16:37 you know, getting past the up all nights
16:39 and all that stuff but...
16:42 But yeah, you definitely, you definitely,
16:45 you are leaning on the Lord in a whole new way,
16:48 in a new way, yeah.
16:50 Christine? Yeah, that's my experience too.
16:53 I was wondering how on earth am I going to be a mother,
16:57 how am I going to care for a little child
17:01 and I realized I cannot,
17:04 but holding on to the Lord's hand
17:08 and yeah, He has promised to be with me
17:13 and as the family but He has promised to be there
17:20 through it all and I'm holding onto Him
17:22 because I know I can't raise this child on my own.
17:26 Praise the Lord.
17:27 And so, one good thing about when they are so little
17:33 and you nurse, you have a lot of time to spend
17:38 reading and singing.
17:39 So I spent a lot of time
17:43 introducing her to the road of God
17:44 and to the songs that has meant a lot to me
17:48 through my life.
17:49 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
17:51 Now, we give you little behind the scenes thing here
17:54 because during the break,
17:56 the baby got little fussy and so we passed her down,
17:59 we airmailed her down
18:01 to Lynette and Lynette used a...
18:04 I don't want to say any wise old maneuver
18:06 but having, haven't had years of experience
18:09 at this thing,
18:10 you used a maneuver to get her to sleep.
18:12 Now your children are little bit older,
18:15 but of course what at this point
18:16 are you trying to do in raising them for Christ
18:19 and raise them at Christian home.
18:20 What are you or what you trying to instill
18:22 in Sebastian and William?
18:25 I think the most important thing
18:26 that we have tried to do is to instill in them
18:29 a reliance upon the Lord.
18:32 If something's going wrong,
18:33 if somebody is treating you poorly,
18:34 if you don't like what's happening in your life,
18:37 take it to the Lord.
18:39 Don't sit there and complain and moan and groan
18:42 and just go before the Lord and say,
18:45 "Lord, this is what's happening today.
18:48 I need to know how to do things with it."
18:51 And with Jorge, one thing that he tells them everyday
18:55 and I think we mentioned this the last time
18:56 when we were here for family worship is he tells them
19:00 as they go out the door, make someone happy
19:04 and just trying to share what they take in with others,
19:10 bring in that blessing and send it back out.
19:12 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.
19:14 Do you guys think the Lord is concerned with these
19:17 little things in our lives?
19:19 Of course, having a child is a big thing,
19:21 but the little things you try to teach everyday,
19:23 is God concerned about that kind of minutia.
19:25 Do you think He's really concerned about
19:27 those little things in your life?
19:28 Absolutely.
19:30 I think that's the only way that I...
19:32 me, personally can understand God.
19:35 If my God is not a God that does not understand my,
19:41 even my minutia like you say or little things in my life,
19:46 then He is not totally interested in me.
19:50 I understand...
19:53 God as saviors in Jesus Christ as entities
19:59 that they are interested
20:01 in everything that happens to you.
20:03 From the little things to the big things,
20:06 and that's the only way to relate to God
20:08 because you say, "Where our God is going?"
20:10 And it's interesting that because when you teach
20:13 to your little ones, their problems in comparison
20:18 to yours seems to be minutia.
20:20 Yes.
20:22 But you are interested in the little things
20:23 because that is what is forming their characters,
20:27 their personalities, little things
20:30 is significant things sometimes.
20:33 They are big problems to them
20:37 and so God sees us the same way.
20:39 It's part of what enables them to realize
20:40 just how deeply we love Him.
20:43 I mean, if you step your toe,
20:45 I want to know about it, you know and if you get
20:47 an A in a test, you know, things like that.
20:49 They, you have to have the whole package
20:50 because that's what makes you you.
20:54 Lynette, that is very powerful and I have
20:57 experienced that in my life too,
20:59 that there was a time that I thought to bring God
21:04 little silly things in our life,
21:09 it was just not important or your prayers
21:13 I thought it would have to be about big important,
21:17 serious things in your life,
21:19 but as I learned more and more that God does care
21:25 for little tiny things, little problems,
21:28 little things that you want.
21:31 All of those things that you think that it maybe
21:34 that's just for us, God has too much other things,
21:38 more important to think about it,
21:40 to take care of us.
21:42 My relationship with Him has changed,
21:47 has therefore it had been stronger.
21:50 And now, I am very comfortable to ask Him
21:54 about anything, just anything.
22:00 Today I don't feel really good Lord so,
22:03 you know You guide my day as you need to
22:05 or I didn't like this, I don't like this food
22:10 but You say it's really good for me,
22:12 so I am going to eat it and I'm going to try to learn
22:16 how to eat it because it's good for my health
22:21 and it's wonderful to be able to talk to the Lord
22:25 and to say this thing and know that
22:26 He's listening to these small things.
22:30 Yeah, we had some of that the other day
22:32 when we made a shake.
22:34 Did we call it a shake?
22:35 Because that's a nice name to give
22:36 to something that's green and brown
22:38 and all those kind of stuff.
22:39 You know it has garlic and everything else
22:40 and I was like, "Oh, Lord.
22:44 I am just doing this because I know it's good for me
22:46 and I know You care, so I'm going to drink this."
22:48 And beside I like to stay married but you know,
22:52 the little things in life which disturb you
22:54 and I do believe that everything
22:56 that touches you, touches God.
22:57 Everything that concerns you, disturbs God.
22:59 And everything that makes you happy or makes you sad,
23:02 He feels all those emotions with you,
23:03 He doesn't leave you out there by yourself.
23:05 It's interesting CA because when Jesus was here on earth,
23:11 at some point He had this multitude of people
23:15 listening to His preaching for so many hours
23:18 and there was a time to dismiss everybody
23:22 and He said to His disciples, "We need to feed them."
23:27 And the Bible says that He felt bad for them to be
23:31 sent home with empty stomachs and He was...
23:35 He could have said, "Hey, I am here.
23:37 They should have bring their food.
23:40 But I don't have... I am preaching to them.
23:43 I am giving them salvation." They have to do something.
23:47 But no He performed
23:49 one of the most amazing miracles,
23:52 in fact, so many thousands of people because...
23:54 You know not once but twice. Exactly.
23:57 Right from the point and this is important.
23:59 And you saw a little kid with a little bit of food
24:02 that He could get, so it seems like a simple,
24:06 so many times we go back to that.
24:08 And Jesus said also that we need to love each other
24:15 in the same way even he asks this question
24:19 how if our father comes...
24:21 if our child comes to his father
24:24 for a piece of bread, will the father give him
24:28 a rock instead?
24:29 So many more things that trivial things sometimes,
24:33 He was very much in tune with our needs.
24:37 Over and over again you see where the Bible says
24:39 that Christ was touched with compassion,
24:41 He had compassion on them, and being such a caring person,
24:45 imagine the ups and downs of His emotions
24:48 in dealing with people who are coming to Him constantly,
24:51 healing, healing people sick, people hungry,
24:54 people lame, people blind and your emotions are
24:56 tugged by all of these kinds of things and He was
24:58 a compassionate person.
25:00 So I think He feels that even in heaven
25:02 as He ministers before us.
25:03 Now, Joel, you have something?
25:04 No, I was just, you know we were talking about
25:06 the little things
25:07 and the little things that some,
25:09 you know, may seem little but that's what's present.
25:12 The little things are
25:13 what we are going through right now.
25:15 You know, so maybe I can't find something
25:16 that's dear to me,
25:18 that's the most important thing of my life
25:19 at this moment because that's what's present
25:21 and that's what the Lord cares about
25:22 and that's what He want us to take to Him
25:24 and it's the same as the child too.
25:26 You know that's the most...
25:27 you know whatever they are going through
25:29 at that moment if you are there you know, so yeah,
25:32 it's a good example.
25:33 Yeah, if you are building something
25:35 and you bang your finger with the hammer,
25:36 at that moment
25:37 there's nothing else in the world
25:39 that's the most important thing in here.
25:42 You know that's the most important thing
25:43 in your life.
25:45 My text is before we get is Romans, rather Hebrews 13,
25:50 5 and 6, "Let your conduct be without covetousness,
25:53 be content with such things as you have."
25:56 And I have really locked down on that
25:59 that what God gives you yours, God gives me mine,
26:04 why should I be jaundiced looking at
26:06 what God has given you?
26:07 I should be thankful looking at what God has given me.
26:10 So be content with such things as you have.
26:12 It makes your life easier, it make your life calmer,
26:15 keeps your hair black and less grey
26:17 and less wrinkles in your face.
26:19 If you are concerned about
26:20 what you and God are doing together,
26:22 I don't have to be concerned about Jorge and God
26:25 or what God has given Jorge,
26:27 he has given him gifts, Jorge is bilingual.
26:30 I'm one and a half lingual, you know and I would like
26:33 to speak Spanish as good as you speaks English.
26:36 So why should I be jaundiced
26:37 because Jorge has two languages,
26:38 I only have one.
26:40 And Irma has, she has like 3 and a half now,
26:41 she's studying Italian every night,
26:44 she's doing Italian kind of thing.
26:46 So she's got hers, I've got mine.
26:49 And it keeps you from being covetous because, you know,
26:51 God has given you some things also,
26:53 for he has said, for he himself has said,
26:55 here's that backup for your text,
26:57 "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
27:00 That's why you can be confident and comfortable
27:03 in what you have, because God has said,
27:06 "I'm not going to leave you, I'm not going to forsake you.
27:08 He's got his, but you got yours."
27:10 And it's part of that relationship.
27:13 So "We may say boldly, we may boldly say the Lord
27:17 is my helper."
27:18 Everybody can say that once you walk with him.
27:20 "I will not fear what can man do to me."
27:25 It's a powerful statement
27:26 that's being made here on Hebrews.
27:27 And of course Hebrews was written to assure
27:30 the Hebrew community that Jesus was the real deal
27:34 and you didn't need to go back into the old ways,
27:37 Christ has it all for you.
27:38 He's got all power and He can save you
27:40 if you just stay with Him,
27:41 He's going to take you all the way home.
27:43 And so that text has given me great, great courage,
27:45 Irma's text, actually the first text
27:47 I have ever memorized.
27:49 Joshua 1:9 "Have not I commanded thee?
27:51 Be strong and of a good courage,
27:52 be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed,
27:54 for the LORD thy God is
27:55 with thee whithersoever thou goest."
27:57 And I did all my memory from the Old King James,
28:00 so I can't even memorize the new King James stuff
28:02 from just, I got that old King James stuff
28:04 got in my head, but that was the one for me.
28:08 Joel, we got to put the spotlight on you
28:10 because we are talking about family worship.
28:12 You grew up in a mission field. Mm-hmm.
28:14 Give us just...
28:16 first of all tell us what countries you were in
28:18 and just some sense of worship and life
28:20 there as you came to know Lord,
28:23 and then I'm going to ask you this question.
28:24 At what point in your mind,
28:26 you kind of think about this now
28:28 do you remember Christ
28:29 becoming real to you for the first time.
28:31 At what point in your life did you connect the dots,
28:35 "Hey, Jesus loves me, I love Him," So, Joel,
28:39 little flavor of being in Africa growing up.
28:40 Mm-Hmm.
28:42 Yeah, I was raised in the church so my...
28:45 from my earliest memories, my parents in 19...
28:48 around 1984, '85 my parents got a call to the mission field
28:52 so I was a four year old and hopped on the plane,
28:55 and we went over to Ivory Coast first
28:57 and then we were there for a number of years
28:59 and then '89 and '90
29:02 we went to Rwanda and that was the second country
29:05 we were at, so I was raised in a unique place.
29:10 I guess for an American and but there was
29:12 other missionary children there too
29:13 and of course we interacted a lot with the local people
29:16 but I was taught French at an early age
29:21 and learned to go to church and go to Sabbath school
29:23 and sing songs in French but back to worship,
29:25 that was you know, I think long
29:28 before I can remember that family worship
29:30 was something that was very important to my parents
29:32 and I am so thankful for that because even when I was,
29:34 you know, so young I didn't know
29:36 what was happening,
29:37 they were still instilling songs
29:39 and different things in me
29:40 and so from my earliest memories in Africa
29:43 and then even when we came back,
29:44 we always had morning and evening worships together.
29:46 Dad would pick a different book,
29:48 of course the books got more serious
29:50 as I got older, but I'm very thankful
29:52 for that foundation that they laid
29:56 and also for the music part of it as well.
29:59 Singing was always something we did.
30:01 And of course and in Africa, you know, the missionaries,
30:04 this was very customary but on I remember growing up
30:08 especially in Ivory Coast, we would all get together
30:10 every Sabbath evening for vespers.
30:13 It was just...
30:14 it happened at the division office
30:16 or someone's house and it happened every week
30:18 and that really left an impact on me.
30:20 You know that and it was a really special time
30:23 to close the Sabbath, you know,
30:25 I mean, I'm sure we enjoy the activities after,
30:27 but I remember really enjoying that the songs service
30:31 and as the sun was setting and the hours was closing.
30:33 So I'm very thankful for what was instilled in me
30:37 as a young child and you know,
30:38 it almost naturally carries over.
30:41 You know we are carrying that on
30:43 without very instinctively with Annika
30:47 and already doing worships, you know,
30:50 and singing to her and so yeah, I'm very thankful.
30:54 I see the importance of what my parents did
30:56 in raising me and so that once,
30:58 you know, I want very much want to carry that over
31:00 because I want her to benefit from that too
31:02 and the peace that will give her, you know.
31:05 And I thank you, Joel.
31:07 Great memories of mission service
31:10 and I see you are passing it along to your daughter
31:14 and we all think you are doing a great job,
31:16 by the way, you and Christine.
31:17 Praise the Lord. You are doing a good job.
31:19 We asked you a question and the question dealt with
31:23 when you came to realize that you had a love for Christ
31:27 and Christ had love for you.
31:28 At what point basically
31:30 did you give your heart to the Lord?
31:31 Were you cognizant of the fact?
31:32 Do you connect the dots in effect
31:34 that you got a relationship with Jesus?
31:35 There was a God who loved you
31:37 and you had to love Him back at that point.
31:39 Let's start with Jorge.
31:40 The keyword there is a relationship for me
31:45 because in my life has been several instances in that
31:49 I believe that I realize at that point
31:54 on those different occasions
31:56 that I realize that I had a savior,
32:00 I have a God interested in me
32:02 and I tend to have a personal relationship
32:05 but there's and I'm...
32:08 I'm not really happy to say that this was very late
32:13 in my life and I wish I could say, "Oh, yeah.
32:18 When I was 12 years old or when I was 18
32:21 but it was not too long ago.
32:24 By that time I was a little bit in the wrong pathway
32:32 after a divorce situation.
32:35 My life went in totally the wrong direction
32:39 and it was nothing against the God,
32:42 nothing against my beliefs, it was just I didn't care.
32:47 And I kept going and going,
32:50 and then year after year after year,
32:52 there was a point that I felt this sense of emptiness
32:57 and the sense of loneliness
33:03 is so strong being in that situation.
33:08 I used to think about me is sometimes I feel so lonely
33:13 that I could touch my loneliness.
33:15 If I could describe it,
33:17 that's the way I can describe it.
33:19 I could touch it.
33:20 It was like something that so real to me
33:22 and I start thinking, "What am I doing?"
33:25 And at that point was
33:28 when I start thinking about God.
33:30 My nephew came to visit from Argentina in one time,
33:35 he said let's go to church.
33:36 I wasn't even going to church not because, again,
33:39 it was just, it didn't care.
33:43 So we went to church
33:44 and somebody was playing a violin
33:47 and giving an awesome testimony.
33:49 I said, "Wow, I'm missing something big in my life."
33:55 I may have had it all along,
33:57 but at that time I realized how much I had missed it.
34:03 So in other words I realized that before yes,
34:08 I probably had some encounters with God,
34:10 but then now not having God in my life made me feel
34:14 that I needed the most and that He was so real.
34:17 I don't know if it makes sense,
34:19 but for me it made a lot of sense.
34:21 Amen.
34:22 And I started little by little thinking
34:25 that I should come back,
34:26 God started throwing things on me.
34:30 And one day to the next, and this is a long story,
34:34 I met Lynette and that was like,
34:37 it was literally announcement to I won't pray.
34:42 So God threw Lynette at you. Right on him.
34:46 Not one...
34:47 Chase until he caught me. Right.
34:49 It was not a big long prayer, and I didn't see the skies
34:57 open wide and lights like some people
35:01 give this nice testimonies.
35:02 I wish I can have one of those, but I don't.
35:06 Mine are more simple, more I guess, more me.
35:09 I guess God taught you the way
35:12 you can understand better, so a simple prayer.
35:17 And next thing I'm dating this beautiful gal here,
35:23 lady and didn't rest, just get through.
35:27 But that was probably the time to answer your question,
35:31 so I take kids along but that when I realized
35:34 that God was in the business of saving me and taking me.
35:38 Lyn, I'm going to jump over you and go to Christine
35:40 and then come back to you.
35:42 Absolutely.
35:44 There's a methodology to where that is.
35:47 Well, I think I was about ten years old
35:53 and music has always
35:58 ministered to me in a special way,
36:00 and I was at a summer camp
36:04 and those summer camps are wonderful.
36:08 They are a lot of fun but also scary
36:15 if you are a shy person and but yeah,
36:22 it was during one of those summer camps
36:23 and we were singing and during that song
36:27 I remember I connected with the Lord and I like,
36:33 and that's where I gave my heart to Him,
36:39 that I remember.
36:40 I mean, that's one incident that I remember to this day.
36:45 Praise the Lord. Praise God. Amen.
36:47 Irma?
36:50 Well, my life also took a turn.
36:55 I got baptized when I was 12.
36:59 Before that about eight years so,
37:02 that's when my mother found the Adventist church.
37:06 She has already learned through the Bible
37:10 that there was a Sabbath,
37:12 but she never knew anyone about Sabbath.
37:16 So we found the church that worship on Sabbath.
37:21 So by 12 years old, I got baptized
37:25 because many of my friends in the church
37:29 they were all of my age,
37:30 they were all getting baptized and I said,
37:34 it's you know, it's time for me to baptize.
37:36 Didn't think of that too much of it was in my...
37:41 is it the time or spiritually I didn't really remember
37:45 thinking that this is the time.
37:48 I just felt that is why, everyone is baptizing,
37:50 so I'm going to be baptized.
37:52 And as a result of then, there it came a time
37:57 when it's lonely, I separated from the Lord
38:03 because I have things in my life
38:06 that I felt that they were temptations or things
38:13 that I knew that they were not really good
38:17 and but I have these wanting to do
38:21 and to do certain things.
38:22 I was very child so you know, growing up
38:25 and that was uncomfortable for me
38:29 that I wanted to be able to get out
38:31 so because of that I said, "Well, you know the, Lord says,
38:37 I'm supposed to do this and that and I'm not doing it
38:40 and I don't feel really strong on doing it."
38:47 But I kept doing the things because I believed
38:50 that there was God
38:52 and that He wanted me to do then.
38:54 So that not having that relationship with Him,
38:59 it just discouraged me and when I have my children,
39:05 I definitely guide them to be in church and to, you know,
39:12 raise them in the church and learning about the Lord
39:15 but because I didn't have that relationship,
39:18 things were more of mechanical.
39:22 Eventually we didn't go to church anymore
39:25 but it was not until
39:28 something really difficult in my life came
39:32 and I realized that again, you know, I said,
39:38 "If I'm going to, you know,
39:43 I be victorious of these things,
39:46 I have to have a relationship with the Lord so that's when,
39:49 then I asked the Lord to, you know,
39:52 bring in my life what I need
39:55 and take away what I don't need
39:57 and that I found first time
40:01 that I gained some victories very, very quickly.
40:06 And that is probably some 30 years ago.
40:10 Praise the Lord.
40:12 So it has not been like a long time,
40:13 it has not been for a good 20 years or so,
40:19 I know about the Lord and I knew
40:22 what was supposed to be right,
40:24 but the enemy was constantly sort of, you know,
40:28 take me one way, but the Lord was also not letting me
40:32 be happy in anything and I actually said to the Lord
40:36 when I fell, I said, "Lord, why don't you just let me
40:40 enjoy myself, just for a little bit,
40:43 just for a change."
40:45 And that's when this difficult thing came in my life
40:48 that He never allowed me to be happy in the world.
40:53 So then I came and that's been a total
40:58 different understanding of
41:00 what God wants for me in my life.
41:03 Praise the Lord. And it was good.
41:04 Yeah. Praise Him.
41:07 We guess I'd have to back up a little bit to
41:09 when I was just a little bit older than this one
41:12 by a few years.
41:15 I always knew that God existed and I don't know how,
41:18 I don't know who introduced me to that concept
41:21 or if the Lord just placed it there.
41:24 I always knew God existed and when I would have trials
41:27 as a young child, be in my room crying
41:31 and feeling like I was totally bereft
41:34 of comfort and understanding.
41:36 I would imagine that Jesus was sitting next to me on my bed
41:41 and He wanted to put His hand on my shoulder,
41:44 but there was something in between.
41:46 That comfort was there for me
41:50 but I didn't know how to get to it
41:52 and we fast-forward until high school
41:56 and I met a gal in,
42:00 actually I guess it was in junior high
42:01 when I first met my friend Lea.
42:04 Lea invited me to youth activity at her church
42:07 which was a Baptist church and so I went.
42:11 And I had at that point was kind of, I don't know,
42:16 I still knew God existed, but I just didn't know
42:18 how to get to Him and I was getting tired
42:21 and so I was little flakey, you know,
42:23 little bit odd at that point.
42:27 But they had a little closing vesper
42:32 at the end of this activity
42:33 and the pastor had us bow our heads
42:37 and he gave the first invitation
42:39 I'd ever heard,
42:41 and the way he gave it in my mind and in my heart,
42:46 I could feel a gate just tearing open
42:50 and heaven was right there and God was here.
42:53 Here's my hand, now is the time.
42:56 And I grabbed it, and I have hung on to it
42:59 through the ups and the downs and all the trails
43:04 that I have gone on in my life over the years.
43:07 Even been told by someone,
43:08 you are going to lose your faith through this trial.
43:11 And it just made me dig my heels and say,
43:13 "Watch me."
43:14 And that was, you know, 20 years ago at this point
43:18 and it's just that my faith in the Lord
43:20 as imperfect as I am is what I cling to the hardest.
43:23 Amen. Joel? Amen.
43:27 Yeah, we all learn of the Lord somehow,
43:30 whether we are raised in the church
43:32 and we go to you know,
43:33 church as a child or someone you know,
43:36 makes us aware or expresses to us some things
43:39 and we start to learn there.
43:42 You know, for me I remember when I was younger, you know,
43:44 you go to church, you hear the same things over and over,
43:47 you know, you have a problem, take it to Jesus,
43:50 that's just words until you start to do them
43:52 and I think it's a gradual thing
43:53 as a child starts to practice that on their own,
43:56 not that they are maybe not with their parents
43:58 right there coaching them,
44:00 but when they are really going through a problem
44:02 and they are alone or you know,
44:04 they are by themselves in their room
44:05 and they start that process and it's like, "Lord,
44:08 I can't find this toy or my friend really hurt
44:10 my feelings and they start, you know, just you know,
44:14 very timidly reaching out
44:16 and starting this relationship to God
44:18 and that's how I remember mine starting
44:20 and as through practical experiences
44:22 as a child, you know.
44:24 And I would look back a little bit later and say,
44:26 "The Lord did get me through that."
44:28 You know, he was there for me and so you grow you know,
44:31 it's such a gradual thing and but you are growing
44:34 and you are growing and, you know,
44:36 you come up through your schooling
44:39 and academy or high school and I remember in my early 20s,
44:45 you know I developed a relationship with Christ
44:48 and I knew how to be a "good Christian"
44:52 and but then, you know, I started to drift
44:55 and started to do things my way
44:57 and started leaving God out of the picture.
44:59 I wasn't going to Him anymore and saying,
45:00 "Lord, you know, I'm hurt by this
45:02 or I need Your help in this."
45:03 I'm starting it.
45:05 I went through this period
45:06 and I'm picking up a pattern here,
45:07 we often, you know, as we look at our life
45:09 and we are looking for this, you know,
45:10 the graph and we are looking for this spike
45:12 when things change, it's often connected to trial.
45:14 Yes.
45:16 And so I walked right into my trail
45:17 because I started walking away from God
45:19 and I started doing things,
45:21 you know, I wanted to do things my way for a change.
45:24 I distinctly, we kind of remember thinking
45:26 that like I'm tired of this way,
45:28 I want to do what all these other people
45:30 are having so much fun.
45:31 And so I went through this little time in my life
45:34 where I drifted and, you know, after that I look back
45:39 and I saw that anything
45:41 I did without God was taking my life downhill
45:44 and that was where it became real.
45:48 It's like in a whole new way,
45:49 "God, I want to hang on to You, because You know
45:52 what's best for my life and I just saw what I did
45:54 and it's terrible, it's messy."
45:57 And from that moment on and just asking the Lord
46:02 before everything Lord, what would You have me do?
46:05 I don't want to do it my will.
46:06 You know, that's when I met Christine,
46:07 I remember distinctly Lord, if she is not the one,
46:11 break it up right now.
46:12 And I met her like a week before,
46:13 I pray this prayer
46:15 but that's what I learned through that experience,
46:17 you know, so that's when it became real to me
46:20 and yeah, because the Lord...
46:22 I saw where I went on my own and I needed God.
46:26 I needed God. Oh, yeah.
46:27 Yeah. See my experience I had.
46:30 I gave my heart to the Lord at age 10,
46:33 I was baptized and I know
46:34 I had a relationship with the Lord.
46:36 At age 10, I know, my call into ministry came
46:39 at about 10 or 11, but my experience was
46:44 that there's this calling on your life,
46:48 that you can go through the mechanics
46:50 and do the churchly thing and not be in Christ.
46:54 Because I don't think I did anything particularly bad,
46:57 nothing that I could be arrested for.
47:00 I was in church and, you know, I...
47:03 It's no secret.
47:04 I played basketball, I was on scholarship,
47:07 broke my ankle twice playing on Sabbath, you know.
47:10 But even when we'd play on Sabbath
47:12 and go out and hang out in club,
47:15 I was always in church, Saturday morning.
47:18 You know, I would come in at 5 o'clock, sleep till 6,
47:22 studied my Sabbath lesson and go to church.
47:24 You know and I would complain, "I got to go to church."
47:27 And since I was the only Adventist in my family,
47:29 my mother said, "What are you complaining about?
47:31 You know, you don't want to go church, don't go."
47:33 "Ugh, I got to go."
47:34 You know it never occurred to me
47:36 that I could just stop going, you know.
47:38 Why are you... What are you...
47:40 You know I would hide my Bible in a paper bag
47:42 'cause I don't want my homies to see me
47:43 with my Bible on a bus.
47:45 But I would go.
47:46 And my mother would say, "Stop whining.
47:48 Either stay home or go to church
47:50 and be happy about it."
47:52 Because she was, you know
47:53 they were holiday Methodist, you know.
47:55 But no, I got to go, so I would go.
47:57 And then I would sing in a choir
47:58 and try rehearsal on Friday night
48:00 when we were in town, the basketball team.
48:03 And so you develop this jog, you know it's not a run,
48:07 it's not a walk, you just kind of jog it
48:08 along with Jesus.
48:10 Through college and I almost think,
48:14 I'm not sure, I almost think
48:17 that I entered the ministry jogging like that.
48:20 I was doing, you know, the Lord was kind to me,
48:24 my ministry progressed fast.
48:26 I didn't stay at any church longer than three years.
48:29 I never made three years at any church.
48:31 I got in church at...
48:34 I was the assistant pastor and then became senior pastor
48:36 of the church of 1,200 before I went to seminary.
48:38 I came back, started the church at 175.
48:42 By the time I left two and half years later,
48:43 it was 250.
48:45 They would turn me to a 350,
48:47 when I left a couple of years later,
48:48 it was in a 400.
48:50 They send me to a 400, I moved it up to 500
48:53 but never just moving, moving, moving, moving.
48:55 Next thing I know, I'm going to church
48:57 at 2,100 members, you know.
48:59 And I think it was at that church
49:01 that I really realized
49:03 you are just, you are jogging with Jesus,
49:06 you are not running.
49:09 And it was at that church that I think I really...
49:13 and the Lord was blessing my work,
49:15 as man counts blessing.
49:17 But I don't think in me I was where
49:18 Christ wanted me to be.
49:21 And it was that aphesis that I think
49:22 it really dawned upon me.
49:25 Then some other things that I went through trail also.
49:27 And, then Irma and I met and Irma will tell you,
49:31 I wasn't praying for any guy.
49:33 In fact I was praying Lord, I don't want any guy,
49:34 I don't want to be bothered by any guy.
49:35 And I was saying, "Lord,
49:37 if you got somebody there, you going to have to..."
49:39 He had girlfriends.
49:40 Yeah, I was never without someone who was,
49:44 you are a pastor, you have front people
49:45 that are looking at you.
49:46 You know, so I was not, it was not an issue
49:48 but sometimes you can have too much on the plate,
49:50 you know, the smorgasbord is too big and you don't know
49:53 how to make a decision.
49:55 And then Irma kind of snuck in.
49:58 But as I look back, Irma was good for me
50:04 and is good for me.
50:07 She is loyal, she is consecrated,
50:10 she has this linear sense of right and wrong
50:13 and I'm first of all, I'm proud of her,
50:19 I love her and she's...
50:22 You know God gives you as you said what you need,
50:24 you know, and I tell her because she says,
50:27 "I don't look so good today."
50:28 I said you know, "You look good everyday."
50:30 You know, I think she is a good looking person,
50:32 always have, always will.
50:34 But...
50:37 and I realized in her eyes, I'm not the easiest person
50:41 in the world to live with, I got some growing to do still,
50:45 but I thank God that we are doing it together,
50:47 so I think sometime early in the middle of my ministry,
50:50 God said your relationship is not strong enough,
50:53 make it stronger.
50:54 And I like to ask people because I think
50:57 it's that that makes us stronger in the Lord.
51:00 And as we look back at our lives,
51:02 sometimes it's only in retrospect
51:04 that we see the different spots
51:06 that God had brought us along the way in our lives.
51:09 Now before our time gets away, we've got some prayer requests
51:12 that we want to pray for and I want to read these
51:14 because we want you all
51:17 to just give a little time of prayer as we go
51:20 and there is a fairly long list.
51:22 We got David from Alberta, Canada.
51:26 Bound up by several addictions, cigarettes,
51:29 marijuana and caffeine,
51:30 that's pretty strong triumvirate,
51:34 cigarettes, marijuana and all very addictive,
51:36 all extremely addictive.
51:40 And the cares of this world are his only focus.
51:44 Please pray for a salvation on deliverance.
51:46 Sarah is in Arizona asking that we agree with her
51:49 in prayer as she witnesses to her doctor.
51:53 He is interested in the Bible.
51:55 She says she wants to witness to her doctor.
51:58 Florence in the Bahamas has found a lump in her neck,
52:02 who said doctors will be testing to determine
52:04 if its cancer and of course she is requesting prayer.
52:07 Gene is in Arizona praying for her daughter, Gale.
52:11 She was caught in a fire,
52:13 second to third degree burns over 50% of the body.
52:17 She has to make frequent trips back and forth to the hospital
52:22 and of course is in need of prayer.
52:23 Anytime you get burns, you know that they can be
52:25 very complex and a lot of stuff can happens
52:28 when the skin is opened up by burns.
52:30 Margery in Oklahoma is asking for prayer for her family,
52:34 multiple issues that she is combating.
52:38 Jennie in Mississippi called and request us
52:41 a special prayer for the Lord
52:42 to help control her blood pressure,
52:44 something that I had been fighting for years.
52:46 I know how that can be a challenge.
52:48 She is weak and has no energy.
52:50 Here's Jeanie in Nebraska
52:51 suffering from multiple health issues also,
52:55 as is her husband.
52:56 She loves the Lord with her whole heart
52:58 but because of health,
53:00 she sleeps only about one hour, a night out of four.
53:05 So she is awake a lot.
53:07 She is becoming very weak, losing her balance
53:10 and has to raise her grandson is asking for prayers
53:12 that God will strengthen her
53:14 so that she can see her grandson
53:17 graduate from high school.
53:19 Clyde and Helen in Illinois rejoicing and thanking God
53:24 for a good medical report so we can rejoice
53:26 as Clyde and Helen are here in Illinois.
53:29 All right, let's take a moment and whoever feels impressed
53:31 to just a sentences prayer, we put all this together
53:34 in a lump and pray for them, shall we pray?
53:40 Dear Heavenly Father,
53:41 we leave this request up to you Lord.
53:47 Please be with everyone of them and many others,
53:50 so many thousands, many millions of people
53:53 that are suffering, that's in need.
53:55 The world is coming to a very convoluted situations
53:58 where people are escaping their homelands
54:03 to find other horizons
54:05 and many, many bad things are happening
54:11 and we want You Lord to come soon
54:15 and many people who are not...
54:19 don't know You can be saved.
54:25 Heavenly Father, I'd like to lift up
54:27 all of our brothers and sisters
54:28 who are struggling with their health at this time,
54:31 especially those who are trying to raise children
54:34 and just to live their lives for You.
54:37 When our health fails us, sometimes that's all we see
54:41 and we don't see the bigger picture
54:42 because it's in the way.
54:44 Father God, I ask that You would restore their health,
54:47 help them with the things that are getting in the way,
54:50 and bring them unto a place where they can serve You
54:53 with their whole heart,
54:55 their whole body and their whole mind
54:57 in Your precious name.
55:00 Heavenly Father, we are so thankful
55:03 for Your promises to us.
55:06 We thank You Lord that we are able to reach out to You
55:10 and to know that You are going to answer us.
55:13 Even other times when we don't understand that,
55:16 You are there because You have promised to answer us
55:19 and to aid us in everything that we need assistance to.
55:25 We thank you for all these people
55:27 that have written and ask for a prayer.
55:30 We ask Father that in the name of Jesus that You visit them,
55:35 with power from the Holy Spirit,
55:38 for healing, for victory over
55:42 all these addictions and illnesses.
55:47 We thank You Lord that we can trust You,
55:50 you know, for our lives, for our healths,
55:55 whether be physical, mental or especially spiritual.
56:01 So we thank You Lord that in our humanity
56:05 and we are able Lord to reach out to You
56:09 and to know that You are there for us.
56:12 In Jesus' name, amen.
56:16 Dear Heavenly Father, Lord,
56:17 we thank You so much for Your love for us.
56:19 Lord, we lift up these brother and sisters,
56:22 Lord and the struggles
56:24 that they are going through, Lord,
56:26 and we ask that You be with them,
56:28 that You comfort them during this time.
56:30 And, Lord, these different situations can be replicated
56:34 all around the world, in our own church families
56:37 and we just ask Lord
56:39 that we be a light to those around us.
56:42 In Jesus' name. Amen. Amen.
56:45 Gracious Father, we thank You for the promise
56:47 that when we bow our heads and lift up our hearts,
56:50 there is a God in heaven who hears and is ready,
56:54 willing and able to answer.
56:55 We pray Mighty Father that You will bless
56:57 each of these requests, and you know each name,
57:00 you know each person, each mother, each father,
57:02 each child and we pray to You Father
57:05 that You would answer these requests
57:07 according to Your riches and glory,
57:09 particularly those Lord
57:10 who feel far from You, or who feel alone,
57:14 or whose spiritual life is sagging.
57:16 Lord, would you please give them
57:18 a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit,
57:21 that their spiritual lives may be strong,
57:24 and that their physical lives may be healthy even
57:26 as their spiritual lives prosper
57:29 and bless those Lord who need a healing touch from You.
57:32 We commend them to You, the God of all faith and love
57:35 and we thank You dear Father.
57:37 In Jesus' name, amen.


Revised 2015-10-08