Today Family Worship

Family Worship

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: J. D. & Shelley Quinn (Host), Eric & Marilyn Durant, Luis & Xenia Capote


Series Code: TDYFW

Program Code: TDYFW015005A

00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Removing pain
00:23 Lord, let my words
00:29 Heal a heart that hurts
00:34 I want to spend my life
00:40 Mending broken people
00:45 I want to spend my life
00:51 Mending broken people
01:07 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Family Worship.
01:10 Wherever you are joining us from around the world
01:13 that should be the Sabbath hours
01:15 and we are here to worship with you
01:17 and you know something, this is very special to me.
01:21 J.D., you grew up having family worship, I never did.
01:25 So I love family worship
01:27 and let me just introduce ourselves
01:29 going around the table very quickly.
01:30 I'm Shelley Quinn. And of course J.D.
01:33 And I am blessed to be this man's wife.
01:37 And then we have on the far end, Luis Capote.
01:40 My name is Luis Capote.
01:42 And, Luis, you are the in editing
01:44 for our Latino here at 3ABN.
01:46 That is correct.
01:47 We are glad you are with us. Thank you.
01:49 And then your beautiful wife, Xenia
01:50 and Xenia is with accounting.
01:52 Yes, I am. And we are glad to have--
01:54 how long have y'all been at 3ABN?
01:56 I've been about three months. Three months.
01:58 So you are kind of the babies, the newbies in our family.
02:01 We sure we are.
02:02 Okay. And then we--
02:04 And I just want to say real quick
02:05 that what a welcome you are.
02:07 You know, both of you just bring so much joy
02:09 and happiness and, you know, you just light up the room.
02:12 Thank you. Well, this is a gift.
02:14 Thank you.
02:15 And then we have Eric Durant
02:17 and Eric is in our engineering department.
02:19 Yes, I am.
02:20 And Marilyn, your beautiful wife
02:22 and she is the assistant manager
02:24 of our call center and we met Eric and Marilyn
02:28 when we were in Israel.
02:29 That's exactly right.
02:31 We just fell in love with them immediately.
02:32 Amen. It was a wonderful trip.
02:34 And, you know, we realize
02:35 that many of you sitting at home
02:37 may not have family with you.
02:40 God puts the lonely into families
02:42 and that's why we are here to do family worship with you
02:44 or maybe your whole family is gathered
02:46 around the television right now.
02:48 And we are just so glad that you are
02:50 because we want to spend this time bringing honor
02:53 and glory to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
02:56 Honey, would you like to open in prayer?
02:57 Almost certainly.
03:00 Father, we just come to You in the name of Jesus
03:02 and we just thank You from the depths of our heart,
03:05 Lord, that we have the opportunity
03:07 to spend this time with the Creator of the universe.
03:10 And not only the Creator of the universe,
03:12 Lord, but with our special friends here
03:14 and our special friends whether they are listening
03:17 or whether they are watching.
03:19 We just give You our praise and glory.
03:21 We just asking, Lord, that You be with us
03:23 as we take this time to honor You,
03:25 Lord, and talk about the topic of love.
03:29 How much better it get in that, Lord,
03:30 because You are love.
03:32 So thank You again. Bless us.
03:35 Give You praise and glory in the name of Jesus.
03:37 Amen. Amen.
03:40 Well, we are going to make a joyful noise into the Lord.
03:44 If you have your hymnals we are going to sing
03:47 hymn number 432, "Shall We Gather at the River?"
03:51 Amen.
03:56 Shall we gather at the river
04:00 Where bright angel feet have trod
04:05 With its crystal tide forever
04:09 Flowing by the throne of God?
04:14 Yes, we'll gather at the river
04:19 The beautiful, the beautiful river
04:24 Gather with the saints at the river
04:28 That flows by the throne of God
04:33 On the margin of the river
04:37 Washing up its silver spray
04:42 We will walk and worship ever
04:46 All the happy golden day
04:51 Yes, we'll gather at the river
04:56 The beautiful, the beautiful river
05:01 Gather with the saints at the river
05:05 That flows by the throne of God
05:10 Ere we reach the shining river
05:15 Lay we every burdens down
05:19 Grace our spirits will deliver
05:23 And provide a robe and crown
05:29 Yes, we'll gather at the river
05:33 The beautiful, the beautiful river
05:38 Gather with the saints a t the river
05:42 That flows by the throne of God
05:48 Soon we'll reach the shining river
05:52 Soon our pilgrimage will cease
05:57 Soon our happy hearts will quiver
06:01 With the melody of peace
06:06 Yes, we'll gather at the river
06:11 The beautiful, the beautiful river
06:15 Gather with the saints at the river
06:19 That flows by the throne of God
06:25 Oh, Amen.
06:26 And I forgot to introduce another member of our family
06:30 and that is Summer Boyd, who is joining us on the piano.
06:34 And, Summer, we just thank you so much.
06:36 She's a little off there but not off on the key
06:39 but off in the distance and we are just glad
06:41 that Summer's with us.
06:43 Amen.
06:44 All right, what we would like to do next
06:47 is we are going to have a prayer of praise
06:51 and we are just going to do this in prayer sentences.
06:55 We are all gonna participate just as led by the Holy Spirit.
06:58 So I'll begin and then
06:59 and then as the Holy Spirit impresses you,
07:02 something that you would like to praise God for,
07:06 then you just join in.
07:08 Let's begin.
07:09 Heavenly Father, we come once again
07:11 in the name of Jesus and, Lord,
07:13 how we thank You for this Sabbath day.
07:16 We thank You, Father,
07:17 that it is a memorial to remind us
07:19 that You are not only our Creator
07:23 but the one who recreates us in the image of Jesus.
07:27 And we thank You, Father, that this Sabbath
07:30 is a sign for us to remember
07:32 that You are the one who sanctifies us.
07:35 And, Father, You tell us to rejoice
07:37 always pray without ceasing.
07:39 And so, Father, here we are together,
07:41 together with our brothers and sisters in Christ
07:43 and we want to just share this special time,
07:48 Lord, with You, because this is about You.
07:51 It's Your time.
07:52 Our appreciation, Lord,
07:54 that You have given us this time to separate ourselves
07:56 from the daily activities of the week.
07:59 So Father, we love You, we thank You.
08:03 As we gather together, Lord, in Your special Sabbath day
08:07 we ask in a special way hat You remind us
08:10 of the beautiful things that You created for us,
08:13 in the Heavens, in nature,
08:16 and even though the world is falling apart around us,
08:19 be it for any reason You still created
08:23 those beautiful things for us to enjoy and remember You.
08:27 Amen.
08:29 Lord, as we're gonna talk about love today
08:36 its in awe that we come to Your presence.
08:40 It is with humility
08:41 that we come in this wonderful day
08:45 to be able to give back a little bit of the joy,
08:50 of the love that You give to us every day.
08:53 We thank You for Your presence in our lives
08:56 and we thank You for Your presence
08:58 in this ministry and we thank You,
09:01 Lord, for all the things that You do on a daily basis
09:07 to enrich us, to make us
09:09 and to bring us closer to Your throne.
09:12 And, Father, we thank You and we praise You
09:15 for Your wonderful Sabbath,
09:17 for our families, for our friends.
09:21 We thank You for Your Son and for the truth.
09:25 We thank You for leading us to the dark days,
09:28 just shinning Your light upon us, to uplifting us
09:32 and we thank You for everything, Father.
09:37 Dear, Heavenly Father,
09:39 I thank You for being the rock of my salvation.
09:41 Amen. Amen.
09:42 I am so thankful for the many blessings
09:44 that You have bestowed upon me.
09:46 Please help me to live
09:48 according to Your will and not my own.
09:51 And, Father, we just do come into Your gates
09:55 with thanks giving in our hearts.
09:57 We enter Your courts with praise,
09:59 for You are worthy to be praised.
10:01 And we thank You, Father, for the gift of Your Son,
10:05 Jesus Christ, for the gift of the Holy Spirit
10:09 and the gift of Your word.
10:10 The three greatest gifts of grace.
10:12 How we thank You and praise You, Father,
10:14 for Your plan of salvation.
10:17 In Jesus' holy name we pray.
10:19 Amen. Amen.
10:21 Now the next song that we are going to sing
10:24 is number 292 in the hymnals and this song is,
10:30 you know, I consider praise songs
10:32 something like what we just read a while ago.
10:35 I mean, sang while ago,
10:36 the songs that we are talking about the Lord
10:39 but this is a true song of worship
10:41 because it is a prayer said to music.
10:44 So we are going to sing "Jesus, I Come."
10:54 Out of my bondage
10:58 Sorrows and night
11:01 Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come
11:08 Into Thy freedom gladness and light
11:15 Jesus, I come to Thee
11:22 Out of my sickness into Thy health
11:29 Out of my want and into Thy wealth
11:36 Out of my sin and into Thyself
11:42 Jesus, I come to Thee
11:49 Out of my shameful failure and loss
11:56 Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come
12:03 Into the glorious gain of Thy cross
12:10 Jesus, I come to Thee
12:17 Out of earth's sorrows into Thy balm
12:24 Out of life's storm and into Thy calm
12:31 Out of distress to jubilant psalm
12:37 Jesus, I come to Thee
12:44 Out of unrest and arrogant pride
12:51 Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come
12:58 Into Thy blessed will to abide
13:05 Jesus, I come to Thee
13:12 Out of myself to dwell in Thy love
13:19 Out of despair into raptures above
13:25 Upward for aye on wings like a dove
13:32 Jesus, I come to Thee
13:39 Out of the fear and dread of the tomb
13:46 Jesus, I come! Jesus, I come
13:53 Into the joy and light of Thy home
14:00 Jesus, I come to Thee
14:07 Out of the depths of ruin untold
14:14 Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold
14:21 Ever Thy glorious face to behold
14:28 Jesus, I come to Thee
14:34 Oh, Amen. Lord Jesus, we come to You.
14:38 This was a brand new song.
14:39 I heard it for the first time I think two Sabbaths ago
14:44 and it was new to me, I know it was new to many of you
14:47 but aren't these the most beautiful words.
14:48 Amen, amen. I love it.
14:51 Okay, what we are going to do for our time of the message,
14:56 getting into the scriptures
14:58 is we have all got live affirmations
15:00 from scripture from us and we are going to do
15:04 affirmations about the love of God.
15:08 And let me just explain very briefly
15:12 what an affirmation is.
15:14 An affirmation simply when how many promises
15:17 of God are ours in Christ Jesus?
15:20 All of them, right, 2 Corinthians 1:20.
15:22 An affirmation is just taking God at His word.
15:26 We are claiming His promise
15:29 and we either we pray it back to Him,
15:31 we speak it over our life, its just saying,
15:33 "Yes, Lord we agree with Your word."
15:36 And I want to read you an affirmation
15:38 then we are going to look at these scriptures
15:42 that go with this affirmation.
15:44 And this is a prayer basically.
15:46 It's praying the Word of God back to Him
15:48 so let's look at this.
15:50 We are on page 111, The love of God.
15:54 "Heavenly Father, You have loved me
15:56 and drawn me with Your everlasting love.
15:58 Help me to understand Your heart
16:01 that overflows with love.
16:03 I want to grasp how wide and long and high and deep
16:06 is Your limitless love for me.
16:09 Because of Your all inclusive love
16:12 You don't want anyone to perish.
16:14 That's why You sent Your only begotten Son
16:17 to give eternal life to all who receive Him.
16:20 Loving Father, You demonstrated Your unearned,
16:22 undeserved love by sending Jesus to die for us
16:27 while we were still sinners.
16:29 And by Your grace You have made us alive in Christ.
16:32 Salvation is Your gift to us.
16:35 You recreated us and prepared a good path
16:38 in which we should walk.
16:39 Precious Lord, please help us to understand Your love
16:43 that surpasses human knowledge."
16:46 You know, I had found that at least we know
16:50 that when we travel
16:52 and when you get all these prayer calls
16:54 in the pastoral department there are many people
16:57 who just don't know how to let God love them.
17:00 Did anybody here ever have that problem
17:02 with just accepting God as love in His love?
17:07 For me, it was thinking that God was gonna burn us forever
17:10 that made me afraid of God
17:12 but then just feelings of unworthiness
17:15 and we are going to look now at these scriptures,
17:18 what the Bible says about God's love for us
17:21 and we are going to discuss those scriptures
17:23 and we will pray them back.
17:25 And I will start just to give you an example.
17:28 I love Jeremiah 31:3,
17:32 this is talking about God's everlasting love
17:36 and He says, "Yes, I have loved you
17:39 with an everlasting love, therefore with loving kindness,
17:46 I have drawn you."
17:48 Anybody here ever experienced that drawing of the Lord?
17:51 Did any of you ever kind of walk away from God
17:54 and find that He drew you back?
17:56 Absolutely.
17:58 Yeah, you go through life
17:59 and sometimes this trail and error
18:02 but you find out that even when you make those errors
18:06 the Lord is with you because He leads you out
18:09 if you keep your eyes on Him He carries you through it,
18:12 even through the pains and through the struggles
18:15 and my life is a testimony for that
18:17 and I know Marilyn's life is that way also.
18:19 And that's what draws you to Him.
18:21 He sticks with you all the way.
18:22 Amen.
18:24 This is a fantastic scripture, Jeremiah 31:3.
18:28 I wish that I had thought to use this yesterday,
18:31 I had a precious lady called in yesterday
18:33 and she was lost, she was murmuring,
18:35 she was crying, her heart was breaking.
18:38 And she was saying, "I want to do
18:40 what Jesus has called me to do but I don't hear from Him."
18:43 As it turned out, to make a long story short,
18:46 she never prayed a prayer in her life.
18:47 Oh.
18:49 And I say is, listen-- I'll just called her name Jane.
18:52 I say listen, Jane, today would be a great time
18:54 to have your first prayer.
18:56 And so it got real quiet and so I thought well,
18:59 perhaps she didn't understand that I was asking her to pray.
19:02 I thought she was waiting for me to pray.
19:04 And so, Jane, how special this would have been
19:08 if we could have just said, Jane,
19:10 because she had a Bible in front of her,
19:12 just turn to Jeremiah 31:3
19:15 and then just say this and pray it back.
19:18 And we are going to do that in a little bit.
19:20 But wow, how special this but because the Holy Spirit
19:24 is there drawing us.
19:27 Wooing us.
19:28 And He just says, "I love you." Amen.
19:30 You know, someone said to me well,
19:32 God was speaking to Jeremiah in this scripture
19:36 so how can you take that and apply it personally?
19:39 Well, because God says, "I am the Lord, I change not."
19:43 And this Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.
19:46 And we know that 1 John 4:8, 16 says,
19:50 "God is love." He can't help.
19:53 I mean, that is His essence, so He cannot help but love us
19:58 with His everlasting love no matter what.
20:00 So let's pray that back to the Lord.
20:02 Father, I thank You that You have loved us
20:06 with an everlasting love.
20:07 I thank You, Father, that this is love
20:10 that You give to everyone and because of this love
20:14 You have drawn us with loving kindness.
20:17 And, Lord, there is even someone today that's watching.
20:21 Just chase them down by Your love, Father.
20:23 Let them be overcome and surrender to Your love.
20:26 In Jesus' name.
20:27 I'll do one more
20:29 and then we are going to start going around.
20:30 Ephesians 3:17-19 if you have your Bibles that home,
20:34 Ephesians 3:17-19 and I love this.
20:39 Paul writes to the Ephesians saying,
20:41 "I pray that you being rooted and established" in what?
20:46 "In love and the love of God may have power"
20:50 and that's that dunamis, dynamite power.
20:52 "Together with all of the saints,
20:54 to grasp how wide and long and high and deep
20:58 is the love of Christ and to know this love
21:02 that surpasses knowledge."
21:04 This everlasting love is limitless.
21:07 We can't-- you know, it's so hard for us.
21:10 The more I study about God's character
21:13 and His essence being love,
21:15 the more I realize how little I know.
21:18 You know, we just-- I don't think as human beings
21:21 we can totally understand how-- who God is
21:24 but He is doing everything He can to reveal Himself to us
21:28 and this limitless love,
21:30 if you will understand that God loves you
21:34 and then God by the power of His Spirit,
21:36 Romans 5:5 says, He pours into our hearts
21:40 and then by the power of the Holy Spirit,
21:42 we will be able to start grasping this wonderful love.
21:46 So just to pray Ephesians 3:17, 19
21:49 back to the Lord, I would just say,
21:51 "Father, thank You that You have rooted
21:55 and established us in love.
21:57 Thank You, Father, that You have given us
21:59 the power of the Holy Spirit
22:01 and that together with all the saints
22:02 You are teaching us to grasp,
22:05 to let hold how wide and deep and high
22:08 is the love of Christ,
22:10 so that we may know this love that surpasses knowledge."
22:14 Amen. Amen.
22:15 And-
22:18 I was wondering, what a testimony this was.
22:23 Amen.
22:24 Because He was talking to the efficient church
22:27 and He was talking to the members.
22:28 Its like you have experienced this love in your lives.
22:33 People should be able to see it around you
22:35 and that's the same thing He is telling us, you know.
22:37 We are here and we have experienced this,
22:40 we are experiencing this here in this worship,
22:43 people when we get out of here,
22:46 they should be able to see this love
22:47 and feel it to the point that they want this love.
22:51 And what you are saying is we need
22:52 to be a channel of His love, to reflect His love to others.
22:56 And that is what will bring people to Christ.
22:59 And what caught my attention is being rooted
23:02 and established in love and I just think about,
23:05 most of us in Southern Illinois anyway
23:07 because we get such a wonderful rain
23:09 annual rainfall.
23:10 We all have our tomato plants, we all have our peppers,
23:13 we all have our little gardens
23:15 and I have learned that all plants
23:20 have different root systems.
23:22 Some go vertically down.
23:24 You need a deeper pot
23:26 or you need to cultivate that land where it goes deep,
23:29 others just go horizontal.
23:31 But the main thing is, is that you cultivate the soil
23:35 accordingly to the plant that you have
23:37 and then take the step further.
23:40 If you do you are working
23:41 and you truly are rooted properly
23:44 then you are established in love.
23:46 Then you are opening up the avenue for harvest.
23:50 And this is where it said,
23:52 "Then you will have that Holy Spirit,
23:53 power that dunamis power and then your--
23:57 those tomatoes are gonna be great those souls,
23:59 those brothers and sisters that you are speaking with.
24:01 The fruit. Amen. Amen.
24:03 Marilyn, why don't you do the next one?
24:05 Okay, 2 Peter 3:9, "The Lord is patient with you,
24:10 not wanting anyone to perish
24:13 but everyone to come to repent."
24:15 That's an inclusive one, isn't it?
24:17 Yes. Yes, it is.
24:19 How-- somebody share an experience of your own
24:24 where you have recognized how patient God is either
24:27 with you or with someone else that perhaps
24:30 we've overlooked.
24:32 It's an everyday struggle for God.
24:34 You know, it's an everyday, you wake up in the morning
24:37 and you want to you do your morning worships,
24:40 do your singing and you have to keep that song
24:42 in you heart a whole all the time.
24:45 You know, like when we were a pathfinder
24:46 keep a song in your heart because if you don't,
24:50 if you overlook it,
24:52 if you are not in the presence of God
24:55 then you are not able to fully understand
24:58 what He truly brings to the table.
25:01 You know, when you look at verses
25:02 like this the patience that He has for everyone of us.
25:07 How many of us do not struggle with something in our lives
25:11 that we say to ourselves everyday,
25:12 "Lord, please help me with this."
25:15 And God is patient enough to tell you,
25:17 brother, I love you, sister, I love you.
25:19 Sister, I will be with you all the time.
25:21 And it's so encouraging to know
25:24 that we serve a God that no matter where we go,
25:29 no matter what we do, no matter where our mind is,
25:32 He is constantly gonna tugging on our heart
25:34 and our mind is gonna be telling,
25:36 "I need you back. I want you back.
25:38 I want to fill you with my love."
25:40 Not all of us have perfect family experiences.
25:44 So a lot of us equate our love to what our father gave us,
25:47 to what our sister or siblings gave us.
25:50 So its so difficult to truly comprehend
25:54 that love that full-- that energy that God
25:59 wants to bestow upon us
26:01 and it's not until we are constantly plugged onto Him,
26:06 that we are truly going to understand,
26:09 "Okay, Lord, I get it now. I feel Your love."
26:12 You know what I like the most about 2 Peter 3:9?
26:15 It's almost the desperation in it from God.
26:17 He's saying I'm patient with you,
26:19 not wanting anyone to perish.
26:21 He is desperate for us to come back home.
26:24 That's that everlasting limitless,
26:26 all inclusive love, He is desperate for you.
26:30 If you are not walking with the Lord right now,
26:32 trust me, God is waiting for you.
26:35 He is desperate for you and I love the part that says
26:39 He doesn't want anyone to perish.
26:42 He doesn't want anyone, you know,
26:44 the gift of eternal life we receive
26:46 as 1 Corinthians 15:57 says when Jesus returns again,
26:50 then this mortality puts on immortality.
26:54 He wants everyone to live forever with Him,
26:56 that's why He created us.
26:58 But it says that He wants everyone
27:00 to come to repentance, to give you that Godly sorrow
27:04 and its God, even repentance turning away
27:07 from sin is the act of God.
27:10 I mean, it's a gift.
27:12 Acts 5:32 says that repentance is a gift from God.
27:16 Let me say one more thing. Oh, God--
27:17 Now let me put this back but it just hit me
27:20 that I wanted-- I can think how it hit me.
27:23 God's love, you know, consumes sin.
27:29 Amen.
27:31 God's love is a holy self sacrificing love
27:35 and when we are filled with God's love
27:38 that consumes sin in our life.
27:40 That's why no one can stand in to the face of a holy God
27:46 who isn't covered with the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
27:49 Why don't you pray that back, Marilyn?
27:52 Lord, I am so thankful for Your patience.
27:55 Without Your love and Your ability to keep me
28:00 on the right path and not to stray.
28:03 Lord, I am so thankful for the love.
28:06 In your name I pray, amen.
28:07 Amen. Amen.
28:09 Luis, why don't you take the next one?
28:11 This verse, we all know John 3:16,
28:16 it's probably our favorites
28:18 but there is such a huge message in this.
28:20 "For God so loved the world
28:23 that He gave His only begotten Son,
28:26 that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish,
28:31 but have eternal life."
28:32 Amen.
28:34 This morning I woke up and I was thinking,
28:36 I was thinking about what we were gonna talk today
28:39 and what we were gonna do and I went back to when Jesus,
28:43 His last moments on Earth, when He told the disciples,
28:46 "Come pray with me" and He went to pray.
28:49 And I remember, I'm reminded of the tears of blood
28:51 that came from His cheek because of the separation
28:55 that He was gonna have from His Father.
28:57 Yes. Amen.
28:59 You know, a lot of times we take that for granted.
29:01 We don't look at the separation
29:03 that we have between us and Jesus.
29:05 And Christ looks here, "I love you so much.
29:09 I love you so much
29:10 that I am willing to be apart from my Father
29:15 in order for your sins to be forgiven."
29:18 That really touched me this morning
29:20 when I look at that will i look at individuals
29:22 and when I look when you are struggling,
29:25 when you are having a difficult time,
29:27 when families do not love you when you are,
29:29 you know, there's nothing happening in your life.
29:31 You could be assured that there is a God in Heaven
29:36 that loved you so much.
29:37 Amen.
29:39 That loved you, cared for you so much
29:41 that He was willing to deny the presence of His Son
29:45 and for Him to die in the most wretches way
29:47 which is the cross for you.
29:50 Amen.
29:51 Not for everybody, He did it for Eric,
29:54 He did it for J.D., He did for me.
29:58 He did it for each one of us and when I look at God,
30:02 I can't comprehend that love sometimes.
30:04 I can't comprehend how You can love us so much
30:07 to lay Your life for somebody that doesn't even care,
30:12 doesn't even speak or speak ill of You.
30:14 You'd still died one the cross for you.
30:16 So even if you are sinning right now
30:20 and you don't have Christ in your heart
30:24 Christ is telling you by this,
30:26 "I still love you and I will wait for you..."
30:32 Forever. "Forever."
30:33 Amen.
30:35 And of course, we've all heard this but 1 John 4:8
30:38 and as well as 4:16 tells us that God is love.
30:43 You know, sometimes people are looking
30:44 for that particular scripture and that's 1 John 4:8,
30:47 God is love so this is who He is.
30:50 Love is the controlling force in the divine government.
30:54 That is the epitome of who He is
30:59 and He is saying here, He has so loved
31:01 that He gave His one--
31:02 Boy, you just presented just perfectly, Luis.
31:05 Yes.
31:06 And, you know, what I love about this scripture as well,
31:09 it's another example of His all inclusive love
31:13 is that "God so loved the world that He gave"
31:18 in Romans 5:8 says that He sent--
31:21 He demonstrated His love for us in His
31:23 that He sent His Son to die for us
31:26 while we were yet sinners.
31:27 So He gave His only begotten Son
31:31 and Jesus Christ is God's greatest gift of grace.
31:36 I mean, when we talk about grace
31:39 it is not a license to sin, when we remember that Christ
31:43 is the greatest gift He has ever given to us.
31:45 So that's wonderful.
31:47 I love the fact that He doesn't limit Himself by anything.
31:50 He says whosoever, it doesn't matter what race, what color,
31:54 what background, where you have been,
31:56 He just cares about who you are
31:57 and where you are going and I love that about.
32:00 Amen. Amen.
32:02 Luis, you want to pray that one back?
32:05 Our loving Father,
32:08 it is so wonderful to come to Your throne.
32:11 It is so wonderful to hear these words
32:13 from You that You say whosoever
32:15 I will give you everlasting life.
32:19 Lord, You were willing to give Your Son for us,
32:22 help us to be willing to give our life for You.
32:27 In Christ's name, amen.
32:28 Amen. Lovely.
32:30 J.D., why don't you take
32:33 this one is going to be Ephesians 2:4-10
32:38 and this is the unearned, undeserved love.
32:43 And this is a wonderful topic here
32:46 because we are talking about God's grace.
32:49 We are talking that He gave His only Son for us
32:54 and now we are gonna take another step further.
32:56 "God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love,"
33:01 remember we were saying it
33:02 that's the controlling force in the divine government.
33:06 "Because of His great love with which He loved us,
33:09 even when we were dead in sin
33:11 and transgressions," past tense.
33:14 So He has loved us in spite of that.
33:17 We did what we did yesterday. You know, He is blinking.
33:22 "By grace you have been saved," for by grace
33:25 you have been saved through faith
33:27 and that not of yourself because it's a gift of God.
33:31 "Not a results of works,
33:35 that no one could boast," can boast.
33:38 "For we are his workmanship" in other words
33:42 we are God's spiritual recreation.
33:45 "Spiritually recreated in Christ Jesus for good works,
33:50 which God prepared beforehand
33:54 so that we would walk with Him and in them."
33:58 He is saying about-- talking about beforehand,
34:02 you know, this is whenever we say it
34:05 dealing with before creation it was planned
34:09 by God the Father, God the Son,
34:11 it was planned that those saved by grace
34:15 would have good works as a result
34:17 of their love for Jesus.
34:20 Oh, that's, you know, when we think about John 14:15,
34:27 Jesus said, "If you love Me, keep My commitments."
34:30 When you are filled with His holy love
34:32 as God pours His love into you,
34:34 that the Holy Spirit into you--
34:37 we don't obey to be safe but we were saved by grace,
34:40 this is so clear here.
34:42 We don't deserve His love or saved by grace
34:46 but when that love is in our heart
34:48 we want to walk, you know, in obedience to Him
34:52 and obedience is the greatest expression,
34:55 highest expression of worship.
34:57 Here I see something very interesting.
34:59 How-- no matter what you have done
35:02 in your life, God loves you.
35:05 Amen. Amen.
35:06 I have heard so many people
35:08 and sometimes you feel that inside.
35:10 I did this terrible thing,
35:12 you know, may be committed murder
35:14 or whatever terrible thing you did
35:16 and you think, "But God can't love anymore."
35:19 But it says here that He can. Amen.
35:22 No matter where you are you feel that God,
35:25 you have no love, nobody loves you
35:27 but it says here God loves you
35:29 no matter what you did.
35:31 How undeserving you are.
35:33 It almost seems like sometimes that life-- we're like clay
35:37 and God molds us.
35:39 And life kind of hardens you after a while
35:42 and you end up like a statue.
35:45 And then God has to come in and break that statue
35:48 down to powder again and mould the clay back
35:50 and shape you into new who you need to be.
35:53 And we had to be broken. That's right.
35:56 We had to be broken to come to the Lord.
35:58 Amen. That's right.
35:59 But it says here
36:00 "For by grace you have been saved through faith."
36:02 In other words, that's grace on God's part,
36:05 but there has to be faith on man's part.
36:07 Amen. Amen.
36:09 So there is the cooperating with each other.
36:11 You want to pray that back? I certainly would love to.
36:15 Father, as we come to You in the name of Jesus,
36:16 we want to thank You for Your great love.
36:19 We want to thank You, Lord,
36:21 that in spite of who we have been,
36:23 in spite of the warts that we may have,
36:26 the dirt that we may have, Lord,
36:28 that You intercede in our behalf.
36:32 We thank You, Lord, for Your grace.
36:34 So, Father, we just give You all praise
36:38 for being who You are
36:40 and Father we just as we read Your word,
36:45 we just ask, Lord, that it be enveloped into us
36:49 and not only, Father, do we hear this
36:52 but that we choose to do something about it
36:54 and allow You to work in us.
36:57 We love You and thank You.
36:58 Amen. Amen.
37:00 All right, so we have looked at so far
37:03 and the love of God that it is everlasting,
37:05 it is limitless, all inclusive and unearned, undeserved.
37:10 Now we are going to look at His Fatherly love,
37:13 His disciplinary love, a forgiving love,
37:17 and a protecting love, one that's inseparable love.
37:22 So I am going to read 1 John Chapter 3--
37:26 actually, Luis, why don't you do 1 John 3:1.
37:31 "Behold what matter of love
37:33 the Father has bestowed on to us,
37:36 that we shall be called children of God."
37:40 Amen. I can't file Him that.
37:45 You know, I look back in my life,
37:48 I was born in a communist country.
37:50 We had all this struggles and my parents,
37:53 how they were Catholic and they had their struggles
37:57 and then they heard this message
37:58 and I was born on a Friday and I say Sabbath,
38:01 I was at church.
38:02 So I've been at church all my life.
38:04 So but I here stories, I hear stories like Eric's,
38:08 I hear stories around the,
38:10 you know, my work and I see how God has done for them
38:13 and it's like, it says, behold what matters
38:16 the love the Father has for you,
38:19 for each one of us.
38:21 I have been blessed that
38:22 I have followed God's way all of my life.
38:26 I never had to struggle.
38:27 I never had to worry about not being in His presence.
38:32 Praise the Lord.
38:34 You know, so I'm grateful for that
38:36 but then at the same time I look at individuals
38:39 that have been in the depths of their life
38:42 and life has not done them well and Christ,
38:46 the glimpse of Christ comes into their life
38:48 and now they are pastors, they are individuals
38:50 that are given their whole life to God
38:53 and when I read this right here,
38:55 He bestowed it onto us. He gave it to us.
38:58 He has constantly working in our behalf.
39:01 There is nothing we can do. There is nothing we need to do.
39:05 God is saying, "I will do a great job through you,
39:10 just humble yourself and allow the spirit
39:12 to work in your life."
39:14 Amen, why don't you pray that one back, Luis?
39:17 Our, loving Father, we are so grateful
39:21 that You bestow on us Your love no matter what.
39:26 Behold what mattered the love the Father has given onto us.
39:33 Humble us, Lord,
39:34 to truly understand what that means in our lives.
39:39 And we give You praise and we give You honor
39:41 and we give You worship because You are the one
39:45 that is doing the work in us,
39:48 so through us others can see your power.
39:51 In Christ's name, amen. Amen.
39:54 Now we are going to take a look at Hebrews 12:6-10.
39:58 Well, actually I don't think that's all,
40:00 we are going to look it in a little bit of that.
40:02 J.D., why don't you do this because, you know,
40:04 God is the perfect Father
40:06 and here's something that I found.
40:07 You know, a parent knows
40:10 when a child needs loving assurance
40:12 or when they need discipline.
40:13 Well, God is never going to discipline you
40:17 when you are just insecure and need loving assurance.
40:20 He is gonna come down and He's swoops
40:21 sometimes when I think, what's going on,
40:25 you know, with sin wise God, reassures me with His love.
40:28 Then there's other times that I'm feeling pretty good
40:30 about myself and He disciplines me.
40:33 So He is the perfect Father. He knows when to do that.
40:35 J.D.?
40:36 Yes, Hebrews 12:6-10,
40:40 "The Lord corrects and disciplines
40:43 everyone, everyone whom He loves.
40:47 He disciplines us for our certain good
40:49 that we may become partakers in His own holiness."
40:52 Amen.
40:54 Obviously there is in order for us
40:57 to form our character properly in His eyes,
40:59 so that we can be better brothers and sisters in Christ.
41:03 There is that avenue for correcting
41:06 and all who have children know,
41:09 you know, this hurts me more than it hurts you.
41:11 I heard that once, I heard it a thousand times.
41:13 Yes, we all did.
41:15 I don't know about Father but understood that exactly
41:17 but then so it is right here.
41:20 Whenever something doesn't go just exactly
41:22 and I have a trial, I know that I am being corrected.
41:26 And now as you mature into Christianity,
41:29 you begin to, "That's okay, Lord,
41:31 I'm gonna get through this because I know You love me
41:34 and that You're never gonna forsake me."
41:36 Amen.
41:37 And, you know, I actually pray for God's discipline.
41:40 And people, that's what most people would go, "oh."
41:43 But you something, He is going to discipline me
41:46 one way or the other.
41:47 So He is this loving parent.
41:49 How does a parent usually first start?
41:51 They will give you a word of correction
41:53 and it's in a soft voice.
41:55 And if you don't follow it, it gets a little bit louder
41:58 and a little bit louder
41:59 and then if you don't follow it,
42:00 you might get some kind of chastisement.
42:03 So I pray that He will correct me
42:06 and discipline me and give me an ear
42:07 to hear when He is.
42:09 Well, you know, Shelley, I can testify to that
42:11 because there was a time
42:13 when I was doing something wrong
42:15 and the Lord was talking to me
42:17 saying, "Marilyn, correct yourself.
42:19 Correct yourself."
42:20 And I wasn't listening.
42:22 And then it was a drastic step that He took with me to say,
42:28 "I was talking to you and you didn't listen
42:30 and now this is how I am going to correct you."
42:34 So, that's the Lord talks to you.
42:38 And praise God for His discipline.
42:39 Honey, why don't you pray that back?
42:41 Amen. Amen.
42:43 Father, we just come to You once again and we thank You,
42:45 Lord, for You being there to correct us.
42:52 Father, none of us like pain, none of us like trails
42:56 but we just ask, Lord, that You--
42:59 we welcome You
43:00 because we know it's for our good.
43:03 We thank You.
43:05 In the name of Jesus, amen. Amen.
43:06 Okay, Marilyn, why don't you take Isaiah 43:25
43:11 about God's forgiving love?
43:14 "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions
43:21 for My own sake, and I will not remember your sins."
43:26 What a blessing.
43:27 Amen. What a blessing.
43:30 And you know something, when He says that
43:32 He does it for His own sake, how painful it is for a parent
43:36 to watch a child do something wrong
43:38 and when they forgive him
43:40 and finally they just have to try
43:41 not to even think about it because it hurts
43:43 God to think about it, right, amen.
43:46 And then, Eric, 1 John 1:9 again on forgiving love.
43:51 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful
43:53 and just to forgive us our sins
43:56 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
44:00 And Isaiah 4:1-4--
44:03 Well, let's just stop there for a second.
44:05 Let's pray back.
44:06 Let's talk about how,
44:09 what a great promise 1 John 1:9 is
44:13 because, you know, this is--
44:15 confession is the clearing house of the conscious.
44:17 Amen. It's Cleansing.
44:19 It's cleansing. It is.
44:20 When we come, not only does He forgive us
44:22 but what does He do?
44:24 He cleanses us of all unrighteousness.
44:27 How precious.
44:29 He says, no matter where you have been,
44:31 no matter what you have done,
44:32 if you come to Me with sincerity,
44:36 He is gonna forgive you
44:37 and He will never ever hold it against you.
44:40 So just pray that scripture back to Him.
44:43 Heavenly Father, thank You so much for Your forgiveness.
44:47 Thank You for forgetting my past.
44:51 Thank You for not holding those things against me
44:55 and for hearing my sincere prayers.
44:58 For they cleanse my heart, they have cleansed my life.
45:02 In Jesus' name, amen.
45:04 Amen. Amen.
45:06 Yeah, go ahead, Eric, and take Isaiah 43
45:08 and this is on God's protective love.
45:11 Isaiah 43:1-4.
45:14 "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you,
45:17 I have called you by name.
45:19 You are mine!
45:21 When you passed through the waters,
45:23 I'll be with you and through the rivers,
45:27 and they will not overflow you.
45:29 And when you walk through the fire,
45:32 you will not be scorched, nor will the flame burn you.
45:37 For I am the Lord your God,
45:39 the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.
45:41 Since you are precious in My sight,
45:44 since you are honored and I love you."
45:48 That is such a powerful verse.
45:52 Can I share a little quick story?
45:53 This is a fantastic story that happened to me probably,
45:56 probably about seven-years-old.
45:58 We had an old '49 Ford truck
46:01 and we were going through this little river
46:04 and it had been raining, the water was rushing by.
46:08 I would guess, it might have been four foot deep
46:12 and we were in a truck, bobtail truck
46:14 and my dad and I were going back home
46:18 and we come to the rushing river
46:20 and it scared me, says, "Daddy, what are we gonna do?
46:23 We are gonna turn around?"
46:24 He says, "No, son, we are gonna go through this."
46:27 Well, I believed my dad.
46:29 And we start that black bobtail truck,
46:31 you know, through there and everything
46:33 and we got to the other side.
46:35 And he said, "Son, this is a great lesson for you"
46:39 and He gave us a scripture.
46:42 "Do not fear
46:43 because there are rivers of life that's gonna come by,
46:46 that's gonna sweep hard and you need use your head.
46:48 I know that we could get through
46:50 this because I have done it before."
46:52 And as you study the Bible,
46:54 you know, is that water and fire,
46:55 they are both purifying agents
46:57 and I was just thinking here as we heard this,
47:01 that is we are going on the other side
47:03 the truck was cleaned.
47:05 You know that water did wash that truck off
47:08 and so thank You, Jesus, for this promise.
47:11 I was thinking that, you know, when you read a verse like this
47:15 you can't help but reflect on your own life
47:19 and the times in the past where you looked around
47:21 and you said, "Where are you, God?"
47:24 You know, "why am I going through this?
47:25 I didn't do anything to deserve this.
47:27 What's going on?"
47:29 And then when He carries you all the way through it,
47:31 in the end you say, "Okay, I see You were there"
47:35 and that's what this verse reminds me of.
47:38 You want to pray that one back?
47:41 Dear, Heavenly Father,
47:42 thank You for reliving our fears
47:46 that when we come to You, we know that You have got it.
47:50 We know that You will carry us through the flames
47:51 and through the fires and through the storms
47:53 and even though at times when we look around
47:56 and it seems like You are not there,
47:58 we know because of our past experience
48:00 in Your word that You are there.
48:03 Please continue to be merciful and patient with us
48:05 when we struggle and continue to be our guiding hand.
48:09 In Jesus' name, amen.
48:11 Amen. Amen.
48:13 Okay, Xenia, Romans 8:39,
48:15 and this is about God's inseparable love.
48:19 "Nothing shall be able to separate us
48:23 from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus."
48:27 I mean nothing and what else is there?
48:32 You know it is that? Nothing.
48:35 And sometimes we put so many obstacles
48:37 in front of ourselves.
48:38 We put them but those things don't keep us away from God.
48:43 God will find you no matter where you are.
48:45 Amen.
48:46 You might be homeless, under a bridge,
48:48 or whatever God will find you.
48:50 Amen.
48:51 Xenia, you want to pray that back to the Lord?
48:54 Thank You, Lord, that there is nothing that You--
48:57 that can keep You from us.
48:59 You will find us no matter how deep we have gone
49:02 then You will bring us back with Your love.
49:05 Amen. Amen.
49:08 And then I will take the final one
49:10 and this is one of my favorites Zephaniah 3:17
49:14 and this is about God's fatherly love.
49:16 It says, "He will quiet you with His love,
49:19 He will rejoice over you with singing."
49:22 Singing. Amen.
49:23 I grew up thinking of
49:25 I had a love affair with Jesus Christ,
49:27 didn't know much about the Holy Spirit
49:29 but my picture of God, the Father was a very stern,
49:32 it had been painted for me a very stern picture.
49:36 And I always thought of God just kind of watching me
49:38 ready to zap me if I did something wrong.
49:41 That was my picture.
49:42 And I remember when God healed me
49:45 from vertigo and told me to rejoice
49:49 and I had just done this study on rejoice
49:53 and if you looked at the transliteration
49:55 it's essentially-- in the Hebrew rejoice means
49:59 to twirl about in a circle.
50:01 Here I have just gotten over vertigo
50:03 and the Lord saying rejoice, right.
50:04 So I am thinking, Lord, surely
50:06 you don't want me to twirl around.
50:08 And as I did this scripture came to my mind.
50:11 "He will quiet you with His love,
50:14 He will rejoice over you with singing."
50:18 That wasn't my picture of God up there, you know,
50:23 I didn't realize that He was up there celebrating me,
50:29 that He was rejoicing, that He could be dancing around
50:33 and singing only for us.
50:35 Hoping wonderfully hear Him sing one day.
50:36 Oh, my goodness. Oh, yes. I want to.
50:40 I am gonna pray all of these back very briefly
50:44 for all the promises that we just read in this page
50:47 and just close your eyes, please.
50:49 Abba, in fatherly love You have given us Your name
50:53 and made us Your children.
50:55 And we know that Your fatherly devotion
50:58 is demonstrated by Your disciplinary love.
51:02 You discipline us for our eternal benefit.
51:05 Oh, Father, You are a perfect Father
51:07 and we trust You completely to train us
51:11 in Your way of righteousness and we pray for Your correction
51:14 and Your loving discipline.
51:16 You love us with a forgiving love,
51:18 blotting out the sins that we confessed to You.
51:21 Your love is protective over us,
51:23 for we are precious in Your sight
51:26 and Your love is inseparable.
51:28 Nothing can separate us form Your love.
51:30 Thank You, Father, for quieting us
51:33 with Your love and rejoicing over us with singing.
51:36 Loving Father, please help us to understand
51:40 that Your love truly surpasses human knowledge.
51:44 In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
51:46 Well, boy, our time is going quickly
51:49 but do you feel like you have learned a little something
51:51 or even if it wasn't learning we have just focused
51:57 more on the love of God
51:59 and so that we can know how wonderful He is.
52:03 Honey, I think you've got some prayer requests, haven't you?
52:07 Yes, what we would like to do on this Sabbath worship,
52:10 there are many people that are fighting major battles in life.
52:14 And we-- people share these, these pains with us
52:19 and so we normally try to record a few
52:22 and so I'd like to just share.
52:25 Would you like for me to pass these around or you should?
52:27 No, just go ahead and read as we just said it.
52:29 Okay, okay.
52:31 Number one is, this is for Cindy.
52:35 And Jeff in Oklahoma is requesting special prayer
52:38 for his precious wife, Cindy.
52:40 She is fighting the results of a stroke in her brain.
52:44 And not only she dealing that
52:45 but then on top of that she has stage four cancer.
52:48 So we certainly left up for Cindy.
52:51 Janice in South Dakota has broken her wrist
52:53 in a fall, then had surgery.
52:56 She is now in physical therapy but has less than 50%
52:59 usage of her wrist.
53:01 She is asking for the Lord's intervention
53:03 to obtain more flexibility in that wrist.
53:07 Ester in California is requesting special prayer
53:09 from the containment of the fires
53:11 in Northern California, Oregon in Washington.
53:14 The residual smoke that continues
53:16 to saturate the area makes breathing difficult.
53:19 Something we don't think about.
53:21 Darlene called 3ABN prayer line
53:23 before she went in for open heart surgery.
53:26 She called back with a praise
53:27 that the surgery was successful
53:29 and that she had very little pain
53:32 but she asks for God's continual blessing.
53:34 Amen.
53:35 Terry in Texas is feeling weak.
53:38 She is experiencing shortness of breath and nose
53:40 that she is anemic.
53:42 Please pray earnestly.
53:45 Lenore in Washington is facing surgery in both eyes.
53:48 She is anxious over this
53:50 but asks for God's peace to cover here.
53:53 Two more.
53:54 Please pray for Mary in Canada,
53:56 who is requesting special prayer
53:57 for her circulation to improve.
54:00 She fears the worst.
54:02 Well, we covered that today, didn't we?
54:05 Linda in Tennessee is suffering with CHF,
54:08 has a pacemaker and two holes in her heart
54:11 that will need surgery to correct.
54:13 She is asking that God will be foremost in her life.
54:16 Amen.
54:17 Should say a prayer over these people.
54:19 Oh, boy.
54:20 Father, as we come again to you once again.
54:23 Father, You are the creator, You are the great physician.
54:26 All good and perfect things come from You.
54:29 Father, You are the one who has the plan for our life
54:31 and so, Father, as we just lift up each of these requests,
54:34 we just say help.
54:36 Father, You know how dissect, You know how to intercede,
54:39 You know how to comfort people's hearts.
54:42 Be with the families involved here, Lord.
54:44 And, Father, once again we lift them up to You
54:47 and just ask, Lord, that You will handle it
54:48 according to Your will for Your glory.
54:51 We know that You love each one of us, Lord,
54:53 and that You have something special for us.
54:56 And so as You handle this, Lord,
54:58 just give us the wisdom and the comfort
55:00 to know that You were working in our behalf.
55:03 We love You and we thank You in the name of Jesus, amen.
55:06 Amen. Amen.
55:08 Well, I have to say that this hour has gone by very rapidly.
55:12 And just want to thank each one of you,
55:14 Eric and Marilyn, and Luis and Xenia.
55:18 We thank you for joining J.D. and I in this Family Worship.
55:21 We are glad you are part of our family.
55:23 Oh, we love you, Shelley. Yeah, we love you guys too.
55:25 And I just would like to share
55:28 for those of you at home this thought.
55:31 You know, the Bible says in Mark 12:30, 31,
55:35 Jesus said that, this is the greatest commandment
55:38 that we love the Lord with all of our heart,
55:42 with all of our soul, with all of our mind
55:44 and with all of our strength
55:46 and that's not possible to do in our humanity.
55:50 That's right.
55:52 But Romans 5:5 says that God will pour out
55:55 His love into our hearts
55:57 by the power of the Holy Spirit,
55:59 then we can fulfill that greatest commandment
56:03 and then we will learn to love our neighbors
56:08 as we love ourselves and that's an unselfish,
56:11 self-sacrificing kind of love that God is asking for.
56:15 And so our prayer for you at home
56:17 is that you will benefit from these scriptures,
56:22 delve on these scriptures.
56:23 Let God's love permeate your heart.
56:27 Just let Him envelope you in love.
56:31 Honey, did you have a closing thought?
56:32 Well, I just go back to this and I mentioned this earlier.
56:35 "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
56:38 and in everything, give thanks for Jesus,
56:43 because this is the will of God in your life."
56:46 He is the one that has the plan
56:48 so if we would just allow Him through the aid
56:51 of the Holy Spirit to impress us
56:54 and then take those marching orders and go forward.
56:58 Amen.
57:00 Just know that each one of us love you
57:02 and we appreciate you
57:03 and we appreciate all that you do for 3ABN.
57:06 Oh, absolutely.
57:07 We thank you so much for your prayers
57:09 and financial support of this ministry
57:12 and our prayer for each one of you at home
57:15 is that the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
57:18 the love of the Father
57:20 and the fellowship of the Holy Sprit
57:22 will be with you always.
57:24 Thank you so much for joining us
57:27 for worship and we pray that you are having
57:30 or have had a blessed Sabbath.
57:33 Amen. Amen.


Revised 2015-10-08