Participants: Brian Hamilton (Host), Dan & Iris Giguere, Grace Yost, Terry Marshall
Series Code: TDYFW
Program Code: TDYFW015004A
00:01 I want to spend my life
00:07 Mending broken people 00:12 I want to spend my life 00:18 Removing pain 00:23 Lord, let my words 00:29 Heal a heart that hurts 00:34 I want to spend my life 00:40 Mending broken people 00:45 I want to spend my life 00:51 Mending broken people 01:07 Welcome to 3ABN Family Worship. 01:12 Now 3ABN today has been airing for a number of years 01:16 but 3ABN Family Worship is something new 01:19 that we are experimenting with 01:22 and we usually have our programs 01:26 all planned out ahead of time 01:27 and the sets design for each program 01:31 but this particular program 3ABN Family Worship 01:35 we are just experimenting on the go with it. 01:40 We are trying out different furniture layouts, 01:44 we have different ideas for what to do 01:48 as part of our family worship. 01:50 It's going to a whole different variety each time 01:54 and we would like to have some feedback from you folk, 01:59 as you listen to or watch 3ABN Family Worship. 02:04 Share some of your ideas with us. 02:06 Tell us what you like, tell us what you don't like 02:09 about how we conduct our family worship. 02:12 But before we get started in worship together 02:18 I want to share two or three of our goals 02:21 for our family worship. 02:23 One is that we want to highlight the Sabbath. 02:27 And so our family worships are going to be Friday evening 02:31 and Sabbath evening. 02:33 Friday evening we are looking forward to 02:35 and welcoming the Sabbath and Sabbath evening 02:39 we are bidding the Sabbath a fond farewell. 02:45 So we want to highlight and focus on the blessing 02:49 of the Sabbath through our family worship. 02:52 Secondly we want to model family worship. 02:56 Many families today have are so busy, 02:59 so full of activity and other things 03:02 that they don't take the time for family worship 03:05 for the bonding and the fellowship 03:09 that takes place in a family worship setting. 03:12 So part of our goal is to model family worship. 03:16 And thirdly in our 3ABN Family Worships 03:20 we are going to be introducing you to a wider ranger 03:23 of our 3ABN family 03:25 and this particular program is no exception. 03:29 I would like to introduce our family by reading a text 03:33 and the text that I want to share with you 03:35 is found in Mark Chapter 3 03:39 and the last few verses of chapter 3. 03:41 Mark 3:31 let me just share the setting first. 03:46 Jesus has been doing ministry and He has become 03:51 and an embarrassment to His older brothers, 03:55 probably His half brothers. 03:58 And some of the local leadership in their community 04:03 are embarrassed about what Jesus is doing or saying. 04:07 And so they talk Jesus' mother into coming along with them 04:12 to try to cry out to Jesus and share some words of wisdom 04:18 with Him as to how to conduct Himself. 04:20 And that's the background for this text 04:23 and I'm gonna read Mark 3:31 it says, 04:26 "Then His brothers and His mother came, 04:30 and standing outside they sent for Him, to call Him. 04:36 And a multitude was sitting around Him 04:38 "that is around Jesus" and they said to Him, 04:41 'Look, Your mother and Your brothers are outside 04:45 ''looking for you" seeking You.' 04:48 And He answered them, saying, 04:51 'Who is My brother my mother, who is My brothers?' 04:55 And He looked around in a circle at those 04:57 who sat about with Him, and said, 05:00 'Here are My mother, here My brothers! 05:04 For whoever does the will of God 05:06 is My brother, My sister or My mother.' 05:12 Normally when we think of family worship 05:14 we think of mom and dad, 05:15 we think of the children may be grandpa and grandma, 05:18 uncles and aunts, cousins and a family worship setting 05:22 or may be we thing of our local church family. 05:26 But Jesus is saying we can have a wider circle 05:30 for our family and our family today 05:33 at 3ABN's Family Worship is our personal ministry family 05:39 that I would like to introduce you to. 05:41 Sitting farthest from me is Terry Marshall. 05:46 Terry, say hi. 05:48 Good evening. Good evening. 05:49 Good morning I should say. 05:51 Well, or could be afternoon but it is probably evening 05:54 and we are having our family worship 05:56 I think this is airing Friday evening and Sabbath evening. 05:59 Terry, you got a little accent there 06:01 tell us where that comes from. 06:03 Comes from a little island called Bermuda 06:05 in center of the Atlantic. 06:07 Okay. 06:08 Yeah, we enjoy Terry's accent 06:12 and appreciate Terry is part of our team. 06:15 Sitting next to Terry is Grace Yost. 06:17 Grace, you and your husband Don 06:20 how long ago did you move here to 3ABN? 06:24 Twelve and half years ago. Okay. 06:26 That was retirement, right. Right. 06:28 Okay. So you retired to go to work at 3ABN. 06:31 Correct. Okay. 06:33 Don works in our mechanic shop. 06:36 He heads up the mechanic and grounds. 06:38 And then what do you do, Grace? 06:41 I'm in charge of the correspondence 06:44 in pastoral ministries department 06:46 but it's turned into a prison ministry department 06:50 because probably 95 of the letters 06:54 that we handle are from inmates. 06:59 Okay. Well, thank you, Grace. 07:00 Sitting next to Grace is Giguere. 07:04 Introduce yourselves and tell us how long ago 07:08 you moved here and what you are doing. 07:11 Well, I'm Dan and we moved here six years ago, 07:15 retired and came up here to help. 07:19 Wanted to get involve and do something for the Lord. 07:24 After wasting 47 years of my life 07:26 I figure the few years that I have, 07:30 that I could do something 07:31 with I wanted to put it to the Lord's work 07:34 and I couldn't think of a better place to do it. 07:37 Okay. Iris. 07:38 And I'm-- I work in-- I have a jail ministry 07:43 that I'm kind of leading with Brian. 07:47 Going into the jail to bring Jesus to the ladies there 07:51 to share with them what Jesus means to us 07:54 and what He can mean to them. 07:56 Okay. Very good. 07:58 And sitting next to me is my lovely wife, 08:02 better half and she is Diane. 08:06 Diane, what part do you play here at 3ABN and... 08:11 Well, I work in the planned giving department as secretary 08:15 and then I help with the prison ministry 08:19 going in the jail 08:21 with Iris's group and then also into the prisons, 08:25 three prisons that we work with here. 08:28 We appreciate having our pianist with us today 08:33 but she is also involved in prison ministry 08:36 and I'm talking about Jill Morikone 08:39 who is sitting to my left and Jill participates with Iris 08:45 and they go in to our local country jail 08:48 and do ministry to the ladies there. 08:52 Now we have one member of our team 08:55 who is not here with us on the set 09:00 and partly is because number one, 09:03 we can't put seven people on the set in a circle 09:07 and still get all the cameras to do the right things. 09:10 So Bob Eads is on the wrong side 09:13 of the camera today and there is a picture of Bob. 09:17 Bob is very important part of our prison ministry. 09:20 He joins our team weekly to go into our local prisons 09:26 in this area. 09:28 So welcome to 3ABN Family Worship. 09:33 Let's began by a word of prayer and, Dan, 09:36 would you lead us in prayer. 09:40 Heavenly Father, we are grateful to be able 09:44 to represent You when we go out into these institutions 09:50 to represent You to these men here 09:52 encourage them in their walk with You. 09:56 Now we pray that You will be with us, 09:58 Your Holy Spirit will lead us that we glorify You 10:02 in all that we say and do this morning. 10:05 We pray in the precious name of Your son Jesus Christ, 10:09 Amen. Amen. 10:11 As we go in each week to hold the services 10:18 in the various prisons or institutions 10:21 that we are privileged to be, able to be a part of, 10:24 one of the things that Terry, 10:27 Terry Marshal likes to challenge the guys 10:30 with is what, Terry, 10:33 what do you challenge them with? 10:35 Memorizing scripture especially 10:38 if we say we are Christians and we believe 10:41 in Ten Commandments. 10:42 I think we should know them right off the top of our heads. 10:44 And so I challenge them to memorize 10:47 and I gave them a couple of weeks or a month 10:49 whatever time it takes 10:51 but we've had some good responses 10:54 and I'm very thankful for that 10:55 and I'm gonna keep challenging them 10:57 because I think especially us as 10:59 Seventh-day Adventist Christians 11:01 I think we should know at least 11:03 the fourth commandment by heart, 11:05 right off the top of our heads, right. 11:07 And I think it is important if we are gonna say 11:09 that we believe in the Ten Commandments 11:11 that we should memorize them 11:13 and know them and carry them with us. 11:15 Even if we don't have our Bibles 11:16 we should have them in our minds and in our hearts. 11:19 Yeah, so we've had a number of the guys stand up 11:24 and recite them and we-- 11:28 you challenged them to do some other text as well. 11:30 What's one of the other text that you challenged them to do? 11:34 Well, when I first stated with memorization, 11:37 you know, it was 1 Corinthians 2:9 11:39 it says "As it is written, 'Eye has not seen, 11:42 nor ear heard, neither has entered 11:44 into the heart of man the things that God has 11:46 prepared for them that love Him.' 11:48 "You know, and memorization takes time 11:51 and specially with somebody like myself 11:53 which had not much education 11:55 I have to go over and over and over and over, right. 11:58 If you want anything good you must practice 12:02 and God has given me a lot of text 12:04 that I can bring off the top of my head 12:05 when I'm talking to people in certain situations 12:08 and hospitals and stuff. 12:10 I'm just amazed 12:11 what God does by bringing those things back 12:13 that I can share in the any time 12:15 that I need to share them. 12:17 Is there one that you want to share with us 12:19 in our worship service that you have memorized? 12:22 Well, I've memorized the Sabbath commandment 12:25 and that's been a long time ago, right. 12:27 It says, you know, and I think it's very, 12:31 very important for each one of us 12:33 that believe in the Sabbath 12:35 to memorize the Sabbath commandment, right. 12:38 And I knew most of you knew it 12:39 so I don't need to go on with it 12:42 but I think that's important for us 12:44 because that's what we stand for,right. 12:46 "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 12:47 Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work 12:50 but the Sabbath is the Sabbath of the Lord thy 12:52 God, in it thou shalt not do any work, 12:54 thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, 12:56 nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, 12:57 nor thy stranger that is within thy gates. 12:59 For in six days He made the heavens and earth, 13:03 the sea, and all that in them is, 13:04 and rested the seventh day, wherefore the Lord blessed 13:07 the Sabbath day, and hallowed it." 13:09 You know, sometimes you may get 13:11 a low word in here in your own place 13:13 but God will bless if you take the time to memorize. 13:17 Thank you, Terry. 13:19 We appreciate you sharing that with us. 13:22 Grace, we get caught you, you're correspondence 13:24 from men and women who are incarcerated 13:28 and maybe you have some testimonies 13:31 or some of their correspondence that you could share with us 13:36 at this time. 13:39 I actually have three testimonies this morning 13:42 from the inmates letters 13:45 and the first one I'm gonna share with you 13:50 is one that's actually testimony of an inmate 13:55 but it also fits many, many, many other inmates. 14:01 It begins, "Thanks for all the love and prayers. 14:05 The first day I received spiritual food from 3ABN 14:10 I felt a powerful connection. 14:14 I thank Jesus and God every day for blessing me 14:18 with a new family. 14:20 Thank you so much. 14:23 I love you all so much. 14:25 I have so much to do that I wish I had done sooner. 14:31 I have a story to share with you. 14:35 I've been called crazy, put down, 14:38 made to feel worthless and abused in many ways 14:44 both emotionally and physically. 14:47 My younger life consisted of moving 14:49 from one foster home to another. 14:53 At one point and time I lived with a godly Seventh-day 14:56 Adventist couple who showed me Jesus by their love for me. 15:02 They gave me a foundation to build upon. 15:06 Here in the detention center I study hard and long all day 15:11 and try to help others but I get moody fast 15:16 and stop for a while to revamp. 15:19 One day recently I ask God what is wrong with me. 15:25 He told me nothing is wrong you need My help. 15:30 In return I said, here I'm take me 15:35 and do Your will in my life. 15:39 He then told me to put my trust in Him. 15:43 I almost fell on the floor when I receive such a powerful 15:47 and vivid response from God. 15:50 I knew without a doubt that it was God speaking to me. 15:56 Oh, it was not audible 15:58 but it came into my mind so clearly. 16:02 I had been reading a book and the book unfolded 16:06 to a section called earmarks position. 16:11 It referred to John 8:44 which one centers 16:16 about the devil and how he is a liar and the father of lies. 16:21 As I read more it hit me hard. 16:24 I felt as if I would pass out as my life passed 16:29 before my eyes. 16:31 Here I'm in my life hating myself 16:35 and others for not listening to me. 16:38 But I was under the control of the devil by the holds 16:42 he had had on me due to my past dysfunctional lives. 16:48 Check this out, 16:50 I've been dealing with a radical personality, 16:55 antisocial behavior, spiritual warfare, 17:00 a tendency toward self-destruction, 17:04 a preoccupation with death. 17:08 Most of my life I suffered with these adversities. 17:12 I cried out for Lord telling Him 17:15 that I no longer wanted to live 17:17 the hell I had been through ever again. 17:20 Help me please, what must I do. 17:24 Then another strong impression or several strong impressions 17:29 came to me. 17:32 One, recite scripture, two, pray and fast, 17:38 three, be laid, four, prepare your own heart, 17:44 five, anoint with oil, and six, invoke 17:49 Jesus' name. 17:52 Faithfully I'm following God's plan laid out 17:57 above each and everyday. 18:00 After being in the word everyday 18:04 I've never felt better in my life 18:08 Praise Jesus, God is so good 18:11 I can hardly wait until I get out of jail. 18:15 I need now see why I have been in here so long. 18:21 God wanted to fix me and now I want to share to the world 18:28 the things God the Father, Jesus as Son, 18:33 the Holy Spirit and even my guardian 18:37 angels did to save my life. 18:41 Now I want to assist in saving others. 18:45 Oh, and I think I might get out of jail soon than 2018. 18:51 I've got some new papers on my charges 18:54 not enough to convict me. 18:57 So instead of 2018 it could be sooner. 19:01 I feel like it could be sooner so pray for me. 19:05 I'm ready to help someone but first I want to be 19:09 re-baptized and then try to save my family life 19:13 so we can go to heaven together. 19:16 Please pray. 19:17 I have a lot more to tell because I want the world 19:21 to know about heaven." 19:24 Amen. Well, thank you, Grace. 19:25 If we will come back to some more letters here 19:28 in just a second this is so typical of people 19:34 that we meet on a weekly basis, 19:36 their backgrounds are just so tragic 19:41 and yet God is doing a work in their life to mend them 19:45 and restore them 19:47 and this letter is just typifies that. 19:52 Iris, 19:54 you go in to the Benton County 20:00 or Franklin County Jail in Benton. 20:06 What's-- where do you meet in there, 20:09 what's it like when you go in there 20:11 and I understand the ladies like to sing 20:14 tell us a little bit about that. 20:16 Our ladies love to sing. They enjoy that. 20:19 They have special songs that they like to request every week 20:22 but going into there we have a little small room 20:25 and it's quite small. 20:26 Like an attorney room or something. 20:28 Yeah, it is whether your attorney meets 20:29 with his client at that time 20:31 so it's not very big and we will pile 20:33 as many as nine ladies in there besides 20:35 those of us that go in and it's interesting 20:41 and jail is so different than prison 20:43 because we don't know how many times we are going 20:46 to see each of these ladies. 20:47 So when we go in we have to stop and think, 20:50 I've got to tell them about Jesus 20:52 that's the most important thing and help them to see that. 20:55 He can help them through this time in their lives 20:58 and help them to change. 20:59 One of their favorite songs is a song called "Sanctuary." 21:02 They love that song. 21:03 Every time we go in they want to sing that song. 21:06 There's others also but that is one of their favorite songs. 21:10 Well, why don't we try to do that together? 21:13 Let's sing the song "Sanctuary." 21:22 Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary 21:30 Pure and holy, 21:34 Tried and true 21:38 With thanksgiving, 21:42 I'll be a living 21:46 Sanctuary for You 21:55 It is you, Lord 21:59 Who came to save 22:03 The heart and soul 22:07 Of every man 22:12 It is you Lord 22:15 Who knows my weakness 22:20 Who gives me strength 22:23 With thine own hand 22:29 Lord prepare me 22:32 To be a sanctuary 22:37 Pure and Holy, 22:41 Tried and true 22:46 With thanksgiving 22:49 I'll be a living 22:54 Sanctuary for you 23:03 Lead Me on Lord 23:07 From temptation 23:11 Purify me 23:16 From within 23:20 Fill my heart with 23:24 Your Holy Spirit 23:29 Take away all my sin 23:37 Lord prepare me 23:41 To be a sanctuary 23:46 Pure and holy, 23:49 tried and true 23:54 With thanksgiving, 23:58 I'll be a living 24:02 Sanctuary for You 24:12 Amen. 24:13 So this is one of the ladies favorite ones. 24:15 One of their favorite, yes. 24:17 All right. 24:19 Grace, you have another letter that you could share with us. 24:23 Yes, I do. 24:26 This one was addressed to me personally. 24:32 "Thank you so much for expediting my Bible. 24:36 I love it. 24:38 I separated all the pages the first day I had it. 24:43 The next day I circled all the verses in the New Testament 24:48 of when Jesus was speaking in red. 24:52 Thank you also for the calendar. 24:55 How did you know I love cats and dogs? 24:59 I had one of each when I got arrested. 25:03 My dog kept running away, I guess she was looking for me. 25:08 In the end the pound picked her up. 25:12 I miss her a lot. 25:14 My grandma said, my cat quit coming around 25:17 after a couple months of me being gone. 25:21 So I don't think it was by accident 25:24 that God laid it on your heart 25:26 to send me that particular calendar, thanks. 25:30 I like to stop here and say it was the last calendar 25:34 that I had so it was truly a God thing. 25:40 It was nice also that you made the letter you sent personal. 25:44 It touched me that you would care for a complete stranger 25:49 and I know it is only because of your love of God 25:53 that is shining through. 25:55 I'm still here." 25:58 He had previously told me he was getting ready to move 26:01 to a faith base camp and he was very excited about that. 26:05 "I'm so ready to get to faith base camp. 26:09 The devil is running ramped here causing so much animosity 26:15 between not only inmates but with the officers too. 26:20 I witness the trauma helicopter come 26:23 and evac at least 10 people 26:27 in just the six months that I've been here. 26:31 I guess all prisons are dangerous though. 26:34 The Lord answers my prayers everyday. 26:37 I'm here as he keeps me safe and provides for my needs. 26:42 He is also keeping my family safe and providing for them. 26:46 God is good all the time. 26:50 Yes, Mrs. Yost, 26:51 if it's possible to find an extra Bible dictionary 26:55 I could sure use one in aiding me in my studies. 27:00 I don't know why I'm still here other than it is all in God's 27:04 perfect will and timing. 27:07 My mail will follow me up to 30 days after I transfer 27:12 to the faith base camp. 27:15 Thank you for the warfare prayer, 27:17 I'm sure it will help me defeat those demons 27:20 and lustful spirits. 27:22 It gets easier every day but it is still a battle 27:27 I can't somebody must fight. 27:30 We live in an instant world 27:32 where we expect things to happen right away, 27:35 giving up times 27:37 when the blessing was almost reached. 27:40 Never know and what it would have been 27:42 like forgiving up too quickly. 27:45 So I will keep praying and keep waiting for the day 27:48 God decides I've had enough and gives me the power 27:53 to get through it. 27:54 If it's possible to keep me on your mailing list 27:58 could you make a note to send me the next calendar 28:02 also anyone you may know 28:05 who needs someone to communicate with 28:08 I'd be happy to write them once in a while. 28:11 Thank you again, God bless you in all you do, 28:15 your friend in Christ." 28:18 Now Grace, amen. 28:20 He mentions the Bible, tell us a little bit about, 28:24 about what we do for inmates. 28:29 Well, I guess probably four, five years ago 28:33 I filled in on a prison ministry program 28:38 that was going to be aired on 3ABN 28:42 and they pulled me at the last minute 28:44 because somebody that was supposed 28:46 to appear there couldn't get there. 28:50 And during the last part of the program 28:55 I was asked if there was anything I want to say 28:58 about prison ministry. 29:00 Well, I had no intention of talking 29:02 about studying Bibles 29:03 but all of the sudden that's what I was talking about 29:07 because over and over 29:08 the inmates had requested study Bibles 29:12 and we had no study Bibles. 29:14 And I have been praying a long time 29:17 so I made a plea for funds for study Bibles. 29:24 In making that plea I got several telephone calls 29:27 and most of them was from elderly ladies 29:30 that said, oh, I have so many study Bibles 29:34 would you like one or would you like two. 29:37 My children keep giving them to me because they don't know 29:40 what to give me. 29:42 So as those Bibles would come in 29:45 I would send them out to the ones 29:47 that I felt the most needy 29:50 but that wasn't really the answer to our solution. 29:55 They would air that program 29:56 and we get a few more responses. 29:59 But after a while when they aired the program 30:02 we got a $5,000 donation 30:07 to give us the use of to buy study Bibles. 30:14 And so that started our program 30:16 and it is just grown and grown tremendously 30:20 and just recently we got another donation for $7,500. 30:27 So it is so important the donations that we receive 30:31 because that helps our ministry growing larger and larger. 30:35 Oh, thank you, Grace. 30:36 Yes, we share an Andrews, 30:39 a particular version of the Andrews study Bible 30:42 with each inmate that would request 30:47 a Bible or a study Bible 30:49 and they have been a real blessing 30:51 and I see stacks of them in the mail 30:53 almost at least almost daily. 30:57 So I know that they are being asked for and I appreciate it. 31:02 We were introduced to a song that at least 31:09 Diane and I had never heard before 31:11 I don't know about any of the rest of the team 31:14 and Terry, you are the one-- you and Kathy introduced 31:20 that song to us. 31:21 What's the name of it? 31:23 Tell us a little bit about background of that. 31:26 Well, you know, I wish he was here to tell you 31:30 because all the music in our family came from her 31:35 and of course it's not easy for me 31:37 to even talk about death 31:38 but she introduced this song to me in Bermuda 31:42 when we started-- Kathy was a type of person 31:44 that never like to heap out. 31:46 On the Sabbath she doesn't want to go home, sit on the chair. 31:49 She wanted to be doing something so she started-- 31:52 everywhere she went, here since I've been here 31:55 and Missouri was just me and my family 31:58 that used to go to the restaurant right 32:00 and this is where the song, 32:02 she brought this song from Bermuda 32:03 and the rest of hymns that we used to sing it, 32:05 you know, like a theme song, 32:07 you know, when we started and I was sort of surprised 32:11 you guys being raised Adventist and never heard that song 32:14 when I mentioned it to you but using it in prison 32:16 you were all for it because, you know, you said I've been 32:20 all through Adventist stop 32:22 and never heard this song before, right. 32:24 So actually it was heard and introduced it to me 32:26 back in Bermuda doing the rest of the ministries 32:29 and, you know, and hospital ministry 32:32 and I'm just so thankful. 32:34 Last night when you asked for the words 32:36 that I went the whole heart of music stuff 32:39 and start looking I said, man, 32:40 because I gave mine to the prisoners, right, 32:43 and I found it eventually 32:45 and she had a couple of laminated, you know, 32:47 with the words on it, right. 32:49 And so, you know, it's all kinds of songs, 32:51 you know, and she and my son and my daughter could tell you 32:55 she wasn't much of a singer but in the end, you know, 32:58 she had I mean, don't talk about DVDs and stuff 33:01 she just had a, you know, 33:03 she used to come every week with a new song. 33:05 Maybe our viewers if I could share, 33:10 Kathy and terry came together 33:13 and they would share music in our present services weekly 33:18 and Kathy particularly love music. 33:22 You have a daughter that's very gifted in music 33:26 and this is a song 33:28 that Kathy and Terry would sing together. 33:31 Kathy passed away, 33:33 just been little over a year ago 33:35 and we miss Kathy, 33:37 we look forward to the resurrection 33:39 when we will be reunited. 33:40 But the song is "There is a Highway to Heaven." 33:45 And so we are going to sing this as part of our worship 33:49 this evening. 33:55 There's a highway to heaven 34:00 None can walk up there but the pure in heart 34:05 There's a highway to heaven 34:10 I am walking up the King's Highway 34:15 My way gets brighter, my load gets lighter 34:20 Walking up the King's Highway 34:25 There's joy in knowing with Him I'm going 34:30 Walking up the King's Highway 34:35 There's a highway to heaven 34:40 None can walk up there but the pure in heart 34:45 There's a highway to heaven 34:50 I am walking up the King's Highway 34:55 Don't have to worry, don't have to hurry 35:00 Walking up the King's Highway 35:05 Christ walks beside me, angels to guide me 35:10 Walking up the King's Highway 35:14 There's a highway to heaven 35:20 None can walk up there but the pure in heart 35:25 There's a highway to heaven 35:30 I am walking up the King's Highway 35:35 If you're not walking, start while I'm talking 35:40 Walking up the King's Highway 35:45 There'll be a blessing you'll be possessing 35:50 Walking up the King's Highway 35:55 There's a highway to heaven 36:00 None can walk up there but the pure in heart 36:05 There's a highway to heaven 36:10 I am walking up the King's Highway 36:17 Well, that's a lively song and we enjoy it. 36:22 The guys really sing out heartily 36:24 when we, when we sing that song. 36:27 And each time when we sing it we remember Kathy 36:29 as we sing that. 36:32 Thank you for-- Terry, for introducing that to us. 36:36 Grace, do you have another letter? 36:38 Yes, I just happen to have one, another one. 36:41 But she is always full of letters, so... 36:46 "Dear, brothers and sisters. 36:49 Greetings to you, brothers and sisters, 36:51 of the Seventh-day Adventist church. 36:53 I'm a true believer in Christ Jesus our Lord 36:57 but for many years have studied the word 37:01 and have sort after knowledge and understanding 37:04 but until I came across some of your literature 37:09 I was somewhat if not holy walking in darkness. 37:14 I have had true revelation from your books 37:18 what I've had the opportunity to read 37:22 and would really be grateful to read more. 37:26 Well, that always thrills us when they tell us that. 37:29 I began reading from "Christ's Object Lessons" 37:33 but the book belong to another brother 37:36 and he had to move to another part of the jail 37:39 and I was unable to finish. 37:42 If you could send me a copy of it 37:45 and the next one on the list in the back 37:48 "Ministry of Healing" 37:49 I believe I would have plenty of material to cover 37:53 as "Christ's Object Lessons" is the very broad book 37:57 with beautiful lessons in it. 38:00 I think I would do much growth with them 38:03 and the Holy Spirit is my guide. 38:06 Well, I pray God's blessing on you, 38:09 please send these 38:10 and any other materials that pertain 38:13 to the Seventh-day Adventist church. 38:15 With peace and love and good will 38:18 from your brother in Christ." 38:20 And he adds a PS. 38:22 "My brother and friend 38:23 who moved to another part of the prison 38:26 please keep him in your prayers 38:29 because he is the one that introduced this one to us." 38:33 Wow, that's neat. 38:35 Dan and Iris, you've been in prison ministry before 3ABN 38:40 what prompted you to get into the ministry 38:44 and how that happened. 38:45 Share a little testimony with us of 38:47 how you got involved in prison ministry. 38:50 Well, we got involved in Texas. 38:55 Now is that a Texas accent that you have? 38:58 It's probably a broken Texas accent. 39:01 I'm from Quebec, Canada with the race. 39:03 Okay. 39:05 So it's a Quebec accent with the Texas flavor. 39:07 Amen. 39:09 I live most of my life in south Texas 39:12 but, but I got to involve in county jail in Texas 39:19 while we were there and then by watching 3ABN 39:24 if some of you are familiar with paper sunshine 39:28 you know down from Fort Wayne, Indiana, 39:34 that had written to us-- 39:37 he had this ministry where you send letter, 39:40 you get letter from the prisoner 39:42 and he match someone that want to write to him. 39:46 And I got involved with that 39:48 and went to visit this young man 39:52 at Gageville, Texas. 39:55 Gageville is nothing but prison, 40:00 Texas prison not federal. 40:03 And then after we came up here to Thompsonville 40:07 and working at 3ABN 40:10 we got involved again-- you know, you started it 40:13 and filled right in and we love it. 40:16 And what makes it enjoyable is when we see change lives 40:24 and we all remember this man I don't mind mentioned him 40:28 because he would agree for me to mention his name, Raymond 40:35 and Raymond has been such a blessing 40:39 to see the life changing that happened to him 40:42 by meeting the Lord. 40:45 First he was not interested but when he finally 40:50 gave his life to the Lord 40:52 what a blessing and what a change that's been. 40:56 He came just for the air-conditioning 40:57 as far as that incident. 40:59 At first. At first. 41:00 Just for the air conditioning, you know, and yes, that's-- 41:05 Brian, maybe they don't know that 41:07 in the sales they don't have air conditioning. 41:10 So the first night that he came, 41:12 he came and sat in the last row in the back 41:15 and never said a word. 41:17 But what a changed man he is today. 41:19 Yeah. Amen. Amen. 41:21 So Iris, how did you get involved? 41:24 Well, the first time I got involved was 41:27 when we were living in Granite Shoals, Texas 41:29 and Dan had gotten involved in the county jail 41:33 but I hadn't at that point and then we had this gentleman, 41:38 a guy that was in the jail there 41:41 and he has us to go visit his girlfriend and her baby 41:48 and to talk to her. 41:50 And so we did that 41:51 and that's when I got involved in the jail there 41:54 because it just, you know, 41:56 you needed to minister to the women also. 41:59 Okay. 42:00 And then when we did a gift bag at Thanksgiving time 42:05 at the country jail right here at 3ABN 42:09 and after we had passed the gift bags 42:11 around to all those who are incarcerated 42:14 there at the country jail 42:16 I asked the lieutenant if they needed any ministry. 42:22 If we could help them out with any ministry 42:24 and he said, well, the men are covered with two services 42:28 but we don't have any services for the ladies. 42:31 And so that's where I came to you Iris, 42:34 and I said can you pull a team of women together to go in 42:39 and minister to the ladies. 42:41 Oh, yes. I love it. 42:42 I mean, it's such a blessing. 42:44 You go in there to bless the ladies 42:46 but when you see their hearts, 42:48 you know, it's just so neat to see them. 42:52 You know, we may not see the seeds, 42:54 we may not-- we are planting the seed 42:56 we may not see the harvest 42:58 because we don't see them 42:59 for a long periods of time most of them. 43:01 But God will water that seed and take care of it. 43:04 You know, we are told in Matthew 43:07 that we are to visit those in prison 43:11 and when we visit them we are visiting-- 43:14 we are visiting Jesus, we are spending time with Jesus 43:17 and it's just, 43:18 just seeing these ladies come alive, 43:21 you know, that call-- 43:23 there is a statement jailhouse religion 43:27 and some of that I'm sure is true 43:28 but we, it's not our business to decide what that, 43:31 when that is what but to just plant the seed, 43:35 to tell them about the Jesus we love, 43:37 to share with them what He has done in our lives 43:40 and what, you know, 43:41 where He has brought us through. 43:44 Dan, you look like you were going to add to that. 43:47 Well, not all seed germinate the same. 43:51 I think that giant sequoia 43:53 it takes it far to make that seed to germinate. 43:57 Yeah. 43:58 So, you know, we-- 44:00 and the Lord say that 44:02 we have to go through the far, you know. 44:06 More than one of inmate has expressed to us 44:09 how the going to prison 44:14 has been their Savior, it saved them. 44:17 It stopped them in their tracks, 44:19 made them reevaluate their life. 44:22 They have been introduced to Jesus 44:23 somewhere in the process there in prison 44:26 and now they are on a whole new track 44:28 and that's been-- we've heard that repeatedly. 44:32 As part of family worship 44:34 we always want to spend time in prayer 44:37 and so I wonder if there is some prayer request 44:40 that Diane, you want to... 44:43 Yes, I have some here. 44:47 Please pray earnestly for Michael from Illinois. 44:51 He is having multiple heart issues 44:53 and is in need of a heart transplant. 44:57 Sherry in Tennessee 44:59 has learned her father has suffered a stroke. 45:02 He is already in the early stages 45:05 of Alzheimer's disease. 45:08 She is praying since God knows the end from the beginning. 45:11 She is trusting her daddy into God's loving hands. 45:16 Maybe Grace has some. 45:18 This is from one of our inmates 45:21 and by the way we are not using their correct names 45:26 because we want to protect their identity. 45:30 Bob request prayer for his son and himself 45:35 so that when he gets home later this year 45:38 his life starts on the right path 45:41 he has chosen. 45:43 He request the Bible so that he may learn more 45:47 about the path he has chosen. 45:52 Shauna in Texas is facing radiation 45:56 and preparing for chemotherapy next week 45:59 so we would like to pray for her. 46:02 And then a caller from Australia 46:05 ask prayer for her mother 46:07 that is currently in the hospital 46:09 and praying that her mother 46:11 will recover soon and return home. 46:16 Jaime prays for strength to become a man, 46:20 knowledge to do and live as he is supposed to be 46:24 a good father, son, brother and uncle. 46:30 Please pray for all our souls in my community in Kentucky. 46:36 I also need prayer for forgiveness 46:38 of all I've harmed 46:41 and that my family is safe and happy. 46:46 Linda in Tennessee is suffering from congestive heart failure 46:51 and has a hole in her heart 46:53 that will need surgical intervention. 46:57 She has delayed the surgery to help her grandson 47:00 that has juvenile diabetes. 47:03 And then Barbara in Oregon 47:06 is combating muscular dystrophy. 47:09 She is in need of our prayers. 47:13 Stacy would like prayer for her children 47:17 and to receive spiritual health to become closer to God 47:23 and help to get through trouble times. 47:28 Vincent would like prayers for both his children. 47:32 His son is living a terrible life 47:34 and his daughter wants to study 47:36 and needs help with finances and also with her visa. 47:42 Also prayer for Wallace's mom 47:46 who gets results from her biopsy soon. 47:50 Pray for healing 47:51 and that God in His infinite mercy 47:53 will take her fears away. 47:57 Kathy request prayer for the health and safety 48:01 of her children, family and friends 48:04 and that God sends His laborers into their path. 48:10 She request help from the Holy Spirit 48:12 with her attitude 48:14 and to have a better friendship with her children's father. 48:18 And the Holy Spirit just prompted me to ask prayer 48:23 for my daughter. 48:24 She is 45-years-old and she is dealing 48:28 with life threatening challenges 48:32 and I just ask for your prayers. 48:34 It will be greatly appreciated. 48:40 Diane, you want to explain 48:41 how we are going to conduct our prayer? 48:45 Okay, we thought we would do a popcorn prayer 48:49 and that's where somebody leads 48:51 and then says a couple sentences 48:54 and then whoever else wants to pray 48:56 though just popup and say one or two sentences 49:00 and then somebody else and... 49:03 and then I'll lead and then Brian will close. 49:06 Okay. 49:11 Dear heavenly Father, we are most grateful 49:14 for You providing the Sabbath for us. 49:19 And tonight as we come in celebration 49:22 of the Sabbath 49:24 we thank You for this holy Sabbath day. 49:30 Father, I want to thank You for the opportunity 49:36 to work in Your vineyard. 49:39 I have no special attributes to give to this ministry 49:44 but through the Holy Spirit 49:45 You have used me through the years 49:48 and I want to ask You 49:49 dear Lord, to anoint each one of us to Your service 49:54 that we might be might witnesses in Your name, 49:57 not for our honor and glory but for Yours. 50:03 Father God, 50:05 we thank You tonight that You have called us 50:09 to be Your representatives in the different facilities 50:13 that we go to. 50:15 Lord, but I go through these facilities 50:18 I hear sister Grace Yost his name mentioned 50:22 many, many times 50:24 and for I pray in a special way 50:26 for her daughter as she has requested. 50:29 May Your Holy Spirit go by her physical health and help her. 50:35 Father, I want to thank You just, 50:40 just because You love me and You love each one of us. 50:44 I want to thank You, Father, that You have given us 50:48 the right to choose to walk with You, 50:50 the right to serve You to accept Jesus as our Savior 50:54 and Lord of our lives. 50:56 Thank You, Father, 50:57 for loving us so very, very much. 51:02 Heavenly Father, we, we long to leave this old sinful world 51:09 and to be in heaven with You 51:12 but help us not to be selfish 51:15 and help us to be the witness for You 51:18 that we should be 51:19 that we can help others in their walk 51:23 and we pray that so much suffering around us 51:27 and we lift these people to You and we ask that, 51:31 you know, to lean 51:32 that You will done on earth as it is in heaven. 51:37 And we long for that day 51:38 when You will come in the cloud to call us home. 51:44 Lord, I just want to lift up these prayer requests 51:47 that Grace and I have read off. 51:49 Some of them with health issues 51:52 and children that they are concerned about 51:58 and we also think of our prisoners 52:00 who always have prayer request too 52:04 that they feel so helpless being in prison 52:08 and they cannot help with their family situations. 52:12 We just lift up each one of them 52:16 and we are confident that You will be their for them 52:19 and that You will give them the peace 52:23 that knowing that You are in charge. 52:28 Father in heaven, thank You so much that You left heaven, 52:34 Jesus, to come show us the love of God, 52:39 the love of God how rich and pure, 52:42 how measureless. 52:46 We want to thank You for accepting our worship. 52:52 We want to life up each request to You. 52:57 We want You, dear heavenly Father, 52:59 to bring comfort to those lonely men and women 53:03 who are incarcerated 53:05 and to their families 53:07 who are separated from their loved ones. 53:11 We thank You that we can bring our burdens and cares to You 53:16 and You are not so busy running this universe 53:18 that You don't have time for us here on planet earth. 53:23 Thank You and we bring these requests 53:26 and our praises to You 53:27 in the loving name of Jesus our Savior, amen. 53:31 Amen. Amen. 53:33 Right, our time is flying by. 53:35 I thought we would, we would have more time to do 53:39 some more other things 53:40 but we do have a closing song that we want to sing 53:46 and maybe we can do that "When We All Get To Heaven." 53:56 Sing the wondrous love of Jesus 54:00 Sing His mercy and His grace 54:05 In the mansions bright and blessed 54:09 He'll prepare for us a place 54:13 When we all get to heaven 54:18 What a day of rejoicing that will be! 54:23 When we all see Jesus 54:27 We'll sing and shout the victory! 54:32 While we walk the pilgrim pathway 54:37 Clouds will overspread the sky 54:42 But when travlin days are over 54:47 Not a shadow not a sigh 54:50 When we all get to heaven 54:55 What a day of rejoicing that will be! 55:00 When we all see Jesus 55:04 We'll sing and shout the victory! 55:10 Let us then be true and faithful 55:14 Trusting, serving every day 55:19 Just one glimpse of Him in glory 55:23 Will the toils of life repay 55:27 When we all get to heaven 55:32 What a day of rejoicing that will be! 55:37 When we all see Jesus 55:41 We'll sing and shout the victory! 55:47 Onward to the prize before us! 55:51 Soon His beauty we'll behold 55:56 Soon the pearly gates will open 56:01 We shall tread the streets of gold 56:05 When we all get to heaven 56:09 What a day of rejoicing that will be! 56:14 When we all see Jesus 56:19 We'll sing and shout the victory! 56:26 Amen. 56:30 Friends, we've just been blessed 56:33 that you have been able to join us 56:35 in our family worship either bringing in the Sabbath 56:41 or bidding the Sabbath farewell. 56:45 We would as our closing praying to recite this-- 56:50 the first stanza of the song, "Day Is Dying in the West." 56:55 And let's just say that 56:58 the words of that song as our, as our prayer. 57:03 Day is dying in the west 57:07 Heaven is touching earth with rest 57:11 Wait and worship while the night 57:15 Sets the evening lamps alight 57:18 Through all the sky 57:21 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts! 57:28 Heaven and earth are full of thee! 57:32 Heaven and earth are praising thee 57:36 O Lord most high! |
Revised 2015-11-02