3ABN Today

Salt on the Hill

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY220049A

00:04 I want to spend my life
00:09 mending broken people.
00:15 I want to spend my life
00:20 removing pain.
00:26 Lord, let my words
00:31 heal a heart that hurts.
00:36 I want to spend my life
00:42 mending broken people...
00:47 I want to spend my life
00:52 mending broken people.
01:05 Hello and welcome to another 3ABN Today program.
01:09 I'm Jason Bradley, & I'm so glad
01:11 that you decided to tune in.
01:12 Once again we have a power- packed hour in store for you.
01:17 We are going to be talking about SALT on the Hill.
01:21 And you're probably saying: "Well, OK, I still don't know
01:23 what you're going to be talking about. " That's why you have
01:25 to stay tuned to find out.
01:27 Before I introduce my guests to you
01:30 I want to share this scripture with you
01:32 and maybe it will help give you a little hint
01:35 of what we'll be talking about.
01:37 It's taken from Matthew ch. 5 beginning at verse 13.
01:42 "You are the salt of the earth.
01:45 But if the salt loses its flavor
01:47 how shall it be seasoned?
01:49 It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out
01:52 and trampled underfoot by men.
01:54 You are the light of the world.
01:56 A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. "
02:01 My guests are not hiding their light.
02:04 They haven't lost their savor.
02:07 And God is multiplying their efforts in a mighty way
02:11 to reach the community. I have here with me
02:14 Eric Camarillo, president of SALT Outreach.
02:17 It's great to have you here. Yes, no. Thanks for havin' us.
02:20 Yes sir! Then we've got
02:22 Pastor Wilfredo Montalvo.
02:26 Did I say it right? You have accent too!
02:28 I'm workin' on it... I'm workin' on it.
02:30 It's great to have you here, too.
02:31 And you're the SALT Outreach pastor. Yes sir.
02:33 And then we have Blessings Winn.
02:37 And Blessings, you've been on before - yes -
02:39 but now you're here in another capacity.
02:42 And we're going to dive into that as well.
02:44 You're the SALT Outpost Director - yes - of the Hill.
02:49 Of the Hill, yes. Pleasant Hill Adventist Church, yep.
02:52 Yes. Beautiful! Beautiful!
02:53 Well before we dive into your stories,
02:56 backgrounds, all of that stuff
02:58 we're going to be blessed in song. ET Everett
03:01 will be playing I Will Serve Thee.
03:04 And that's so appropriate for this occasion.
03:07 Let's take a look.
07:14 Wow! That's a beautiful, beautiful song.
07:16 I Will Serve Thee.
07:18 Eric, you've been here before several times - I have -
07:23 and there are always great things going on with SALT.
07:27 But for our viewers and listeners that may have
07:31 not been introduced to you
07:33 share a little bit about your background.
07:34 Yeah, so... Yeah, I love coming here by the way.
07:38 It's always a blessing to be here at 3ABN.
07:42 And when I first became...
07:46 I mean I grew up as a Catholic.
07:49 I was raised just kind of going through the motions:
07:52 going to church on Sunday once in a while.
07:54 Not necessarily believing in a God.
07:57 You know, sometimes I will sometimes I won't
08:00 depending on if it was convenient for me or not.
08:03 You know, and one day
08:06 I was just going through a downtime.
08:08 I flipped through a Bible and the words in red
08:11 caught my attention. And the most red I saw was
08:14 in the Sermon on the Mount: Matthew 5, 6, and 7.
08:16 And I started to read that and I started to feel
08:19 a sense of comfort I had never felt before.
08:22 Um-hmm. And when that happened
08:25 I just couldn't stop... I couldn't put the Bible down.
08:27 I just kept reading and reading.
08:29 And eventually, I called up some friends I knew were Christian
08:32 and did some Bible studies with them
08:36 so I could learn more.
08:37 School to church. Walked in. Said: "I want to be baptized. "
08:41 The next thing you know I'm a SDA Christian.
08:43 So that's... Wow! Praise God!
08:45 Now you said the words in red.
08:47 Now for someone who may have never picked up a Bible
08:50 what are the words in red? Whose words are those?
08:52 Yeah. So the words you know in some Bibles they put
08:55 Jesus' words in red in the Bible.
08:58 And I didn't know that. You know, I'm just looking.
09:00 I'm like: "Why are there red words?
09:01 Is this a warning or something? "
09:03 We see red words we're like: "What? "
09:06 So... But I saw the most red in those three chapters.
09:11 It was like pages of red.
09:12 And I'm like: "I need to see what this is about. "
09:15 And yeah, next thing you know
09:17 my life changed you know.
09:19 It's been a blessing... yeah. Amen!
09:22 Pastor Wilfredo, what about you?
09:24 So I came from a Puerto Rican background; lot of siblings.
09:27 Four older brothers; one younger sister.
09:29 And my grandfather was a minster for an Adventist church.
09:32 And my father... Kind of growing up there was
09:34 in church and out of church
09:37 in church... kind of back and forth. Um-hmm.
09:38 And I definitely would say growing up it was more of like
09:41 raised in church but not really raised in Christ.
09:44 Unpack that. And so the unpacking of that
09:48 is pretty much I went through the list of things
09:50 like "Hey, we go to church on Saturday.
09:53 On Sabbath you've got to do this here. "
09:55 "If you don't do this, then you don't go out
09:57 for the rest of the week. " So it was kind of like forced.
09:59 It was no relationship. OK.
10:01 Really it was kind of like: "This is it"
10:02 and nothing is explained.
10:04 You know: "Why did we get rid of the TV? "
10:06 "Don't worry about it... this is it. "
10:08 "Why don't we eat meat? " You know?
10:09 So there was nothing that was really like: "OK. "
10:11 For me, nothing was ever truly explained.
10:14 Nothing was truly based on like relationship.
10:17 So it was easy for me to pack and leave -
10:20 yes - because I was never leaving a person...
10:22 I was just leaving a church. Um-hmm.
10:25 And so for years I kind of did my own thing.
10:28 Went out into the world trying to find meaning
10:32 and satisfaction in any and everything.
10:34 And I remember one time kind of just hitting a low point
10:38 moving away, moving to Massachusetts, and hitting
10:42 a low point and realizing "Like man, I'm doing everything
10:46 I want and I'm not satisfied.
10:49 And if this is life then this is meaningless. "
10:54 Yeah. And at that moment I was kind of like well
10:57 I feel like God was beginning to lay down the foundation
11:00 you know to come back to Him.
11:02 To respond to Him, 'cause I feel like He's calling everybody.
11:06 And one day I moved back to Florida.
11:09 Started working with my family again in construction.
11:12 And my older brother asked me: "Do you want to go to heaven? "
11:15 And I was like: "Man, that is such a dumb question
11:18 because I know I'm not going if it exists how I'm living. "
11:22 But because he asked that question it began to...
11:26 to get the wheels turning. Um-hmm.
11:28 And I was like: "Man, what do I really know about the Bible? "
11:30 You know, I grew up with this kind of rocky rough
11:35 relationship with church and what they've taught me.
11:37 "Let me look into it. " And when I began to study
11:39 it was like man! We had a conversation about it
11:44 for like 8 hours. I didn't know much about the Bible
11:46 but we had a conversation and I felt that weightlessness.
11:50 I just felt full. I felt "let me dive into this. "
11:54 Yeah. That search started a journey of me going to Oakwood
11:58 getting a bachelor's in theology
12:00 and stepping out. It's been ten years now walking with the Lord.
12:05 Praise God! So that void was filled.
12:07 You found what you were missing.
12:08 And that was a thought- provoking question that
12:12 your brother asked you - yeah,
12:14 definitely - and led you to the Lord. That's amazing.
12:17 And Blessings, I want to come to you now.
12:19 Tell us a little bit about your background.
12:21 Yeah, sure. I grew up Seventh-day Adventist
12:23 and had two older siblings that were living with me.
12:26 And they were a little bit more
12:30 on the adventurous side
12:32 and not necessarily abiding by
12:35 the rules of the SDA faith.
12:37 And so I was able to see what a life like that would lead to.
12:41 And so I adhered to the rules: Sabbath and all those things.
12:45 But then when I finally got my own freedom
12:47 and I went to college I started to become wooed by the world.
12:50 Hmm. And I ended up going to a Catholic university.
12:54 Had a full ride... a chemistry scholarship.
12:57 And I thought: "I'm going to be a doctor.
12:59 I don't have to worry about anything
13:02 because my life is already planned for me for the next
13:04 10 to 13 years in terms of education. "
13:08 And along that route I started to let go
13:11 of a lot of the principles and the things that I was
13:13 raised with. And in a lot of ways I started to adulterate
13:19 the religion that I was given
13:21 accepting theologies that weren't necessarily Biblical
13:24 but that allowed me to have the lifestyle that I wanted.
13:28 So letting go of Sabbath and just becoming more worldly
13:32 in general. Um-hmm. And I became very successful
13:36 you know using the patterns that they tell you.
13:38 You do X and you get Y. You do X you get Y.
13:42 Um-hmm. And then I launched into Hollywood
13:44 you know and worked with A Band Apart...
13:48 which is now a defunct company.
13:50 But they were responsible for really great movies
13:52 at the time like The Mexican, Usual Suspects.
13:56 And I worked in a commercial and new big video department.
13:59 Um-hmm. And I enjoyed that.
14:01 But again, started to get even more pulled away.
14:05 And then got married. Lived a baseball-wife life
14:11 so to speak for 12 years.
14:14 Had kids and of course I introduced them to
14:16 the Bible and had them studying. Kind of like Wil said.
14:19 You give them this metric-type of list of what they should have
14:24 and what they should know
14:26 but are they actually, living in Christ?
14:27 Is Jesus actually the Lord over their lives
14:30 or our lives? And I couldn't really say that with my case.
14:35 And then when my father died
14:36 I started searching in the world for answers
14:39 instead of going to the "Good Book. "
14:40 Um-hmm. And found myself kind of in spiritualism
14:44 and things that weren't really aligned with God.
14:48 And in the end COVID was really what broke me.
14:52 You know? Really? Yeah, so
14:54 COVID - that isolation - and realizing that regardless of
14:58 what I had attained...
15:00 I had everything: the cars, the house,
15:02 the diamonds, you name it, the social life,
15:07 the perfect picket fence with the two kids.
15:09 You know, all of those status quos. Um-hmm.
15:12 But none of those things were really
15:19 filling the void so to speak.
15:21 Yes, my family is important to me.
15:23 Yes, I love them without a doubt beyond anything.
15:26 BUT there was something missing. Yeah.
15:29 And so I was corrupted by fear and then eventually
15:34 started to have anxiety - um-hmm - and restlessness.
15:37 And I couldn't even enjoy all the things that I had.
15:40 And when God stripped all those things away
15:42 I really saw the value of material things
15:44 including the body.
15:46 And I just prayed relentlessly and begged God
15:52 "help me; restore me. " And He did!
15:55 And not only did He take away my fear
15:57 but He gave me faith - Amen! and I've never looked back.
16:02 You know, I started like Wil started to search the Bible
16:06 and like Eric and really diving in and finding out the truth
16:11 for myself... which is something that many of us don't do.
16:15 And when I did that you know God was speaking to me
16:20 and He led me to Matthew 24...
16:22 24, 45 through 50
16:25 which talks about His legacy, Jesus' legacy
16:28 that He's left behind. He said:
16:30 "You know, the poor will always be with you.
16:32 I will only be here a short while and these
16:34 are things that you need to be concentrating on.
16:37 And what you don't do for them is equally what you've done
16:40 to Me. " So... here I am.
16:43 Praise God! That's a powerful testimony!
16:46 And you know I think it really speaks to
16:49 those that are seeking the things of this world.
16:51 Who are really dedicating their lives to attaining those
16:55 things they're going to realize that's an empty lifestyle
16:59 and that there's a void that only Christ can fill.
17:03 Amen. Absolutely. You know, it's so interesting
17:06 just reflecting on all of our testimonies.
17:10 Obviously the common theme was we picked up the Bible.
17:13 We started reading it. We started really experiencing
17:17 God through His Word you know.
17:20 And that's just a beautiful thing, man.
17:22 His words have so much power to transform and to just
17:27 fill those voids in our hearts.
17:31 So yeah, I just want to encourage anyone that might be
17:33 watching today: like, pick up the Bible. Read it.
17:37 It changed our lives and can change your life too.
17:41 So... Absolutely.
17:43 Let's talk about how SALT is changing lives,
17:46 how God is using SALT to change lives.
17:48 How did SALT get started?
17:51 So SALT Outreach... when we started it was...
17:54 was something that we felt a strong impression -
17:58 um-hmm - to create something that brought young adults
18:02 together. Not just for the sake
18:04 of getting together but to do service...
18:07 various service projects in the community.
18:10 To really be the hands and feet, right?
18:12 Not only... To act out the things
18:15 that God is asking us to do.
18:17 And so... so that's how it started.
18:21 One of the outreach projects we had in the beginning was
18:23 with the unsheltered... people experiencing homelessness.
18:27 And that started with just two people feeding fifteen.
18:32 And you know it started to grow from there
18:35 where it grew to hundreds of people feeding 200 to 300 people
18:39 bi-weekly. Um-hmm. And we decided to survey
18:45 our friends. Because I think that's where when it comes to
18:49 serving people experiencing homelessness
18:51 we always... food is always a given, right?
18:54 Everyone needs food. That's just a basic necessity.
18:57 That's a great place to start
18:59 but that's just it: it's a starting place you know.
19:02 From there we surveyed the community
19:06 and we found out that clothing & hygiene was another big need.
19:09 So we fundraised about $4,000 for a clothing trailer.
19:13 Wow! We call that our change trailer. 2016.
19:16 So we launched that to distribute clothing
19:18 and hygiene products.
19:19 Then we said: "OK, this survey thing is working. "
19:21 Right? We're not just... And that's something I want to
19:24 emphasize is instead of assuming the need for somebody
19:28 just ask them. Right?
19:30 Do surveys. Ask and study that need for yourself.
19:33 So we continued the studying and the surveys
19:37 and we found out that over half of them were looking for work.
19:40 That some of those people hadn't showered in up to 3 mos.
19:44 and on average hadn't showered in 3-7 days.
19:47 Wow! And so that's when we fundraised about $40,000
19:50 at that time in 2018 for a shower trailer.
19:52 Hmm. So and then from there
19:56 our mobile drop-in center started
19:58 once a month then twice a month.
20:01 And it just kept kind of growing from there, yeah.
20:03 That's incredible to see the growth of SALT
20:07 because you've been coming on.
20:09 You've been on 3ABN Today. You've been on Urban Report.
20:12 So like we've been seeing the growth and all of that.
20:15 You needed a shower trailer.
20:17 Boom! You got the shower trailer.
20:18 You needed a change trailer. You got that.
20:21 And so just seeing how God has been growing every...
20:24 every step of the way.
20:27 Since you got SALT started
20:30 and everything transitioning into the pandemic
20:33 how did SALT function
20:35 through that time? Yeah, so...
20:37 so a lot of things changed during the pandemic, right?
20:40 So we were operating 2-3 times a month during that time.
20:44 And when the pandemic hit all the organizations
20:48 serving the unsheltered they closed down.
20:52 And so there was one that was doing food in the evenings
20:56 still and trying to navigate how to do this
20:59 in this new COVID/post-COVID world, right?
21:04 Um-hmm. And so what we ended up doing
21:07 is we have some relationships we were creating with the city
21:09 of Orlando. And they actually that year - in 2020-
21:13 gave us about $200,000- wow -
21:17 to change our operation from operating 3 days a month
21:20 to three days a week.
21:22 And on top of that we raised an additional $160,000
21:25 so that year was about $360,000.
21:28 And some of those donations came from 3ABN viewers.
21:31 So that was... that has been a huge blessing.
21:33 And then from there, we started a case management program.
21:37 And we added storage services.
21:40 We fundraised for a laundry trailer about $90,000.
21:44 We ended up growing to in 2021 five days a week.
21:48 Now we're seeing 200 people a day experiencing homelessness
21:53 and we're serving them with 12 different services.
21:55 It's pretty crazy and it just continues to rise... the need.
21:59 Yeah, it's amazing because they can depend on you.
22:03 They know that SALT is going to be there
22:05 and going to be consistent... and that's important.
22:08 So what is SALT currently, doing now?
22:11 So with SALT up till now
22:13 we actually are serving about 200... upwards of 250 people
22:19 per day at our spot in downtown Orlando.
22:21 So we have our shower trailer doing showers.
22:24 Our laundry trailer doing laundry.
22:26 We're doing storage services, charging stations,
22:30 food, haircuts, hygiene products.
22:32 We're doing case management, mental health counseling.
22:36 So every basic need that someone might need
22:39 experiencing homelessness we're that front door.
22:42 They come to us first
22:44 and with our mental health counselors and our case managers
22:46 they get them to the next place they need to go
22:49 if it's another organization or whatever
22:52 to eventually help them to end their homelessness.
22:54 So we've seen last year about 3 in 4 people
22:58 took the next step toward ending their homelessness
23:01 and one in five transition to shelter housing
23:04 after working with our case management team.
23:06 Wow! So since the start of the pandemic
23:08 we've actually seen about 1,000 people
23:13 end their homelessness that we have been involved in serving.
23:17 So we just launched a bridge housing program
23:20 which is offering shelter to people through hotels. Um-hmm.
23:22 And our case managers are actually stationed in one of the
23:25 rooms in the hotel. And they're providing all three meals,
23:28 coaching them through their housing plans
23:31 and so hopefully in a month or two they can get out of there
23:33 and into housing of their own.
23:35 And then we just opened an administrative office.
23:37 So we have our HR and our data person
23:40 and you know our accounting person
23:43 all in that administrative office.
23:45 It's helping with that. So a lot has changed and grown
23:48 over the years. And so we have to have a quick video of that
23:52 I'd like to show just to kind of give a visual
23:54 of what's been going on. Absolutely. Let's take a look
23:56 at that video right now.
26:16 Wow! That's incredible. You guys are really really
26:20 meeting the needs. And I can only imagine how many
26:23 moving parts are involved with making that happen.
26:27 A ton... a ton of stuff. We have thirty...
26:29 I mean we started all-volunteer in 2020
26:31 and now we have 35 staff members.
26:34 That's a lot of resources.
26:37 But we need to grow with the need.
26:40 You know, there's such a big need out there.
26:41 And not only this physical
26:44 need that we meet but we actually had brought on Wilfredo
26:47 last year to help meet the spiritual need
26:49 of the unsheltered. 'Cause it's so easy to get
26:51 bogged down with logistics. Um-hmm.
26:53 And so we wanted to bring people in intentionally.
26:57 He and Gerard both are outreach pastors for the organization.
27:02 So not only are they the pastors for the
27:04 unsheltered but also for our staff and that kind of thing.
27:07 I'll let him talk a little bit more about that.
27:09 Yeah, it's really been an experience
27:11 pastoring in a very different capacity.
27:14 And more than just that but one thing I've realized, too,
27:17 is you're redefining what a pastor looks like -
27:19 um-hmm - to a lot of people.
27:22 I've had moments where
27:23 I'm cleaning the shower
27:25 getting it ready for the next homebound to come in.
27:27 And someone will be like: "Oh! I'm sorry. "
27:32 "Hey, how're you doing? I'm the pastor. I'm just
27:33 cleaning. Hey, I'm getting ready for you. "
27:36 I remember one time someone said: "Oh, you're a pastor.
27:37 You're having Bible studies today. " I'm like: "Yeah. "
27:39 And the guy just looked at me like "You're a pastor? "
27:43 I was like: "Yeah. " He's like: "What are you doing out here? "
27:46 I'm like: "What do you mean? "
27:47 Like: "You're cleaning. What are you doing out here? "
27:49 This is it. "And where's your church? "
27:53 I'm like: "You're here. "
27:54 "This is... I'm YOUR pastor. "
27:58 And so we are re-defining what a pastor looks like.
28:01 Many times some of our homebound friends don't have
28:04 the capability or accessibility to get into a church.
28:08 Sometimes they're not welcomed. Just being honest.
28:12 And then being able to actually
28:13 sit down and have like man
28:16 you know: sit down, pray, talk,
28:19 ask questions about the Bible
28:22 and kind of facilitate and create a space
28:24 you know is what we do.
28:26 We started out with one Bible study a week
28:28 last year when we first came.
28:30 The second family that we visited it was for
28:33 2 Bible studies a week. Um-hmm.
28:34 And now we're doing Bible studies every day
28:36 Monday through Thursday
28:38 and trying to plug into churches to come.
28:41 That's the other thing I try to do as well
28:42 is try to link in with churches that are in the area.
28:45 Try to get them to come out and volunteer
28:47 or come do a worship, come do a study.
28:50 And it's been truly a blessing.
28:54 One of the things that really sticks out in my mind is
28:56 just building relationships. Um-hmm.
28:59 You can't be like... For you to be relevant
29:04 you need to be present. Yes.
29:05 And if you're not present, it doesn't matter -
29:08 that's right - what you have to say
29:10 it's never going to fit or stick.
29:12 And so one of the biggest things - and you mentioned it -
29:15 is the fact that we are there every day. Um-hmm.
29:17 So we're there. Unless there's some catastrophe.
29:21 It may be a catastrophe... we'll still be there
29:23 'cause we've got shower trailers you know. So, uh,
29:25 being there every day, talking every day,
29:28 learning the names - yes - hearing the stories.
29:31 I've seen the change in some of our homebound friends
29:36 where one day like: "Hey listen man, I want to go to church
29:41 but I just don't feel comfortable enough to go. "
29:44 So: "Cool, I going to go with you then. "
29:45 You know? "I'll meet you. I'll pick you up and we'll go. "
29:49 And I remember going and I went with
29:52 shorts, a tie-dye shirt, and some clogs.
29:55 And when I picked him up he was like: "Man!
29:57 I was so worried about what people would think
30:00 about how I was dressed. " Yes.
30:02 "But looking at you... "
30:05 And I'm like: "I know. " And I did it purposely.
30:08 So we walked into the church. We sat down
30:12 and we got some looks. I got most of them.
30:15 And that's fine.
30:17 But we actually got to have a worship experience
30:19 you know in him coming to the church.
30:20 And that little push was enough for him to be like:
30:22 "You know what? I'm going to come back. "
30:24 I like the fact that you're implementing Christ's method
30:28 of evangelism. And that's His method right there.
30:31 SALT is embodying that
30:34 and I think that's so powerful
30:35 and so many souls are being won.
30:37 Speaking of souls being won
30:39 for Christ, what is
30:41 the S.O.S. weekend? What is that?
30:44 So S.O.S. is something that also the meaning of it
30:48 is Season of Service.
30:50 And this is something that me & Eric were discussing last year
30:53 and it's amazing to see it coming to fruition.
30:55 It's where we go to a church
30:58 and we kind of develop a very custom plan
31:02 with that church. OK. And so I come in
31:05 speaking, preaching... pretty much talking about
31:08 the reasons why we should be out in the community.
31:10 Um-hmm. Right? Christ's hands and feet in the church
31:13 and in this world.
31:15 It's kind of based on Matthew 24 and 25.
31:18 And then what Eric does is
31:20 is you know he goes into let's say a particular county that
31:25 the church is in. And so we then research that county
31:27 and find the data as to how best to take the next step
31:32 to develop you know... either develop
31:36 a homeless ministry or take it to the next level
31:38 if it's already there.
31:40 So it's trying to find a way to fill in the gaps
31:42 and kind of give a special plan for the church
31:44 that we're going to - OK - to just move forward with it.
31:48 Now would this be like a SALT Outpost?
31:53 Or what is a SALT Outpost?
31:55 So the S.O.S. weekend kind of happens before the Outpost.
32:00 So the weekend is more of an introduction.
32:02 More of a "let's create a plan" with you.
32:05 Let's figure this thing out together.
32:06 in your area to duplicate what we're doing where you are.
32:11 The Outpost is more of ongoing support.
32:14 It's more of a... it's really a branch of SALT -
32:17 um-hmm - that is now officially started there.
32:20 The S.O.S. weekend is an event
32:23 where the Outpost is almost like a franchise
32:24 or another arm of the organization
32:29 but in a different area.
32:30 And so that's... what's really exciting about this
32:34 having gone to Blessing's church. Yeah, that was our first
32:37 S.O.S. weekend actually. And it was such a blessing.
32:41 I was thinking maybe we can show a quick video
32:45 of how that event went. Yeah.
32:46 We'll have maybe Blessing talk a little bit more about that.
32:49 That'd be wonderful. Let's check that out right now.
32:52 S.O.S. is a Season of Service
32:54 and it's pretty much reaching out to other communities,
32:57 other churches in-state/out of state
32:59 really just that are wanting to partner up with SALT
33:03 and start something like SALT in their community
33:05 to help their community.
33:07 This is a practical way. It gives us a place to start.
33:12 So I think that's a beautiful ministry to look at
33:15 and that we can definitely model what our church wants to do
33:18 here in this local community and in Contra Costa County
33:22 and have great success with the ministry of the Lord
33:25 in helping people.
33:27 I just praise God that SALT already has the template
33:30 and a working model
33:33 for the things that we want to do. And what I've learned
33:36 is that we don't have to re-invent the wheel.
33:39 I think one of the key things: let's just do it.
33:42 Just try it. It doesn't hurt to try;
33:44 it doesn't hurt to do it. Just do it
33:47 and learn from those experiences.
33:48 And we are just so grateful for SALT that has given us that
33:52 platform to be able to just go right in it
33:56 with something behind our back.
33:58 Just thinking about we don't know what we're doing
34:00 but God does, and we're just going to trust Him with that.
34:05 Individually we can make little changes
34:07 but if you want to change this whole situation for the people
34:09 then we have to act as a group, as an organization.
34:12 So I think acting collectively
34:16 is what I learned today.
34:18 So my thoughts on the outcome of this trip
34:20 are actually extremely positive.
34:23 Coming in seeing the hearts... I feel like God was already
34:27 working in the people's hearts.
34:30 There was already a sense of wanting to do something
34:33 for the community... just not knowing how to start it.
34:36 And so coming in it was really just sharing a testimony,
34:40 sharing the stories, sharing how we could build
34:43 something like SALT here.
34:46 And the outcome was, man, I think when Eric was preaching
34:49 he shared the questions of like: "Who wants to be committed
34:53 to this? Who wants to stand up and be a part of this? "
34:55 Seeing the whole church stand was #1 amazing.
34:59 But them coming Sunday morning which was like the real test
35:02 coming Sunday morning and seeing the whole room full!
35:05 Right? The whole table was full
35:08 of people that are willing and committed to be a part of it
35:11 was definitely a success for me in my eyes.
35:15 We have learned so much. First of all, we are excited
35:18 about the enthusiasm of our community to do something
35:21 in the greater community. We've learned that
35:24 SALT Outreach really has a template for us to follow.
35:29 We don't have to re-invent the wheel.
35:30 We can partner up with them
35:33 and be mentored, be taught,
35:36 be shown what is the best way
35:40 to reach the unsheltered in our community.
35:44 So the S.O.S. Weekends we started mainly because
35:47 we got so many churches outside of the state of Florida
35:51 that were requesting to learn how to duplicate SALT Outreach
35:55 in their church. And so we realized
35:58 that many times it's just a small group of people
36:02 that maybe have that interest.
36:03 But we developed the S.O.S. Weekend so that we can come out
36:06 and empower the whole church to be a part of that
36:09 and to really catch the same vision
36:13 as that small group so that together the church can
36:16 come together, combine their resources
36:19 and their experience to duplicate this in their city.
36:25 So we will come; we will do a series of messages,
36:28 seminars, and even a workshop
36:31 to help go through the practical next steps
36:34 for them to start it and start impacting the unsheltered
36:38 in their community.
36:43 Wow! That's awesome. Blessings, it looks like
36:45 that weekend was very impactful for you.
36:48 Where does your passion stem from for the unsheltered?
36:53 So I grew up in Berkeley, CA.
36:56 And if anyone has been there before they know that
36:59 Berkeley is not
37:01 somewhere that is a stranger to homelessness.
37:04 Um-hmm. And growing up
37:06 my mother used to actually take people in off the street.
37:09 Oh wow! And they would stay with us for a period of time.
37:12 Some people would stay for three months.
37:13 Some for two years.
37:15 And she would also have political refugees from
37:17 her country come into our home as well.
37:20 And every weekend we would make enough food
37:23 so that we would be able to go out and help people
37:25 who you know didn't have. Um-hmm.
37:28 And it's not that necessarily we had a lot
37:31 but it didn't matter. We showed up in the ways that we could.
37:34 Um-hmm. So definitely my passion started there.
37:37 And then as a teenager, I got involved in what was called
37:40 The Ambassador Program in Berkeley. Um-hmm.
37:43 And it was a bunch of teenagers who worked with grassroots
37:45 organizers who were looking after the community.
37:48 And so there's a park up on Telegraph Ave. which is
37:53 near the university - UC Berkeley -
37:55 and it has always been kind of the "watering hole"
37:59 for the unsheltered people in our community.
38:02 And at times that area would become tense.
38:05 And so they would have us get to know these people
38:09 You know, be on a first-name basis with them.
38:12 Be able to just be present
38:15 and make them feel like they were ordinary citizens
38:17 and not these outcasts. Um-hmm.
38:19 And that was a great experience for us:
38:22 being a part of the community,
38:23 being able to liaise between the needs of the homeless
38:27 and also the needs of the city
38:29 and the programs that they were running.
38:31 And as a young adult showing up for volunteering.
38:36 And then finally when I was married and able to give
38:39 monetarily I was definitely supporting a lot of the
38:42 different community services that were out there.
38:45 Um-hmm. And during the time of COVID
38:47 one of our favorites... I won't name them because
38:50 I don't want to shame them... OK... we were giving
38:52 monetarily and making these big COSTCO runs
38:57 and dropping food off with my kids. Um-hmm.
38:59 And one day I approached a staff member and I said:
39:01 "I just want to be able to do more.
39:03 You know, I see the line of people. Can I help? "
39:05 And they ended up refusing me for medical reasons
39:09 unfair practices which is... Again, I'm not going to
39:12 shame them on that. Yeah.
39:13 But you know, a lot of times when God closes a door
39:16 He's opening another one. And so we shouldn't get stuck
39:19 looking at that door shutting in our face.
39:21 We should be relieved that He had the grace to shut that door
39:25 so that we can go in the path that's going to work for us.
39:27 So I started praying and I just said: "God,
39:31 show me a place that's going to accept not only my money
39:35 but my service. " Hmm. And I continued with that prayer.
39:38 And at this time... this was around the 2nd year of COVID...
39:43 we found out that Granite Bay had just opened up
39:46 and Pastor Doug was holding services, you know.
39:49 And so my family and I we would do a 4-hr. round trip
39:52 all the way to Sacramento.
39:54 And we did this for seven months straight.
39:56 And one day after potluck one guy says to me, Tom,
39:59 he says: "Hey, have you ever heard of Pleasant Hill SDA? "
40:03 And I said: "Tell me more. "
40:05 And he says: "Well I love it!
40:06 I sometimes do the reverse commute. You know,
40:08 I think you'd really enjoy it. They have a great pastor. "
40:11 And at that time my husband had said to me:
40:14 "If you would go to a closer church, I would be able to
40:17 join you more. " So I'm listening. I'm saying:
40:19 "God, what are You saying? "
40:21 I'm hearing this. "OK, I'm going to step out on faith.
40:23 I'm going to go. "
40:25 So that very next Sabbath I showed up with my family
40:28 and Pr. Mitch Williams himself
40:32 showed me around and sat me down
40:35 next to a woman. And unbeknownst to me
40:38 this was the Community Services Leader
40:41 at the time, the Director: Gertie Warnick.
40:45 And I opened up the bulletin and I looked over
40:49 and I said: "Is this you? " And she said: "Yes. "
40:51 I said: "I'll be there. " So I started volunteering.
40:54 And then I opened the right side of the bulletin
40:57 and Pastor Lomacang' s face was on there. Wow!
41:00 So if you heard my testimony that I gave here at 3ABN
41:04 you'll know that during the first year of COVID
41:07 we worshiped solely online with Thompsonville church.
41:12 And I had reached out to him but apparently, I'd gotten
41:15 a defunct e-mail and so I never heard from him.
41:17 And then all of a sudden God's providing the opportunity
41:21 for me to come face-to-face with him.
41:23 So that did happen. Um-hmm.
41:24 And we got in touch and started e-mailing
41:26 and I shared with him my passion and how I wanted to help
41:29 and how it was equally met by Gertie Warnick
41:32 and other members of the church.
41:36 And he said: "Well, I've got just the guy for you. "
41:38 And this is how Eric came into my life. Praise God!
41:43 And so God was answering all these prayers
41:46 all at once. You know, the request for a closer church.
41:49 The request for an avenue to actually execute
41:54 a more powerful ministry to the homeless.
41:56 And so I called him and vetted him.
41:59 Unbeknownst to him, I'm asking all these questions.
42:01 They're in Florida so I don't know too much about them yet.
42:05 And I just loved what he said.
42:08 And he said to me: "Your timing is impeccable.
42:11 We get so many calls from so many different churches
42:15 wanting to know how they can have what we're doing
42:18 in their own city. "
42:20 And he goes: "And we've just finished literally
42:23 an S.O.S. Weekend plan
42:26 and we'd love for you to be our first pilot program
42:30 out of state. " And I'm thinking:
42:32 "Lord, if You're not speaking! " Right? "Providential. "
42:36 God's timing is amazing because imagine if Pastor Lomacang
42:39 would have received your e-mail earlier -
42:41 exactly - things could have gone differently.
42:43 You never know... so that's incredible.
42:45 So what has been going on with the SALT Outpost since then?
42:50 Yeah, so because of the S.O.S.
42:53 it definitely gave us more direction.
42:54 They were able to take all the data from our particular area
42:59 and put it in from their side and matriculate all this
43:03 information for us so that we could be more intentional
43:06 and directed you know. Understanding the demographic,
43:09 understanding the need,
43:11 and then also supplying us with access to their databases
43:15 and their surveys. And honestly, when I looked at
43:17 their surveys I was like: "I would have never thought
43:19 of any of this stuff. Thank goodness!
43:21 You know, thank God I don't have to re-invent the wheel. "
43:23 Um-hmm. And so it's just a powerful tool,
43:26 it's a powerful ministry that they've already gone through
43:30 all the bells and whistles, jumps and hoops
43:33 and everything you can imagine
43:35 to create a functioning service, a ministry that works.
43:38 Yes... absolutely.
43:40 You know, there was somebody named Joseph
43:43 that you talked to and kind of interviewed a little bit.
43:47 We have that video. I'd like to take a look at that right now.
43:53 How you doing? My name is Joseph Williams
43:56 and I'm from Oakland, CA.
43:59 Right now God blessed me with a place right there on
44:02 30th and Telegraph.
44:04 Before that, I stayed in my car for two years.
44:07 I helped people and I used to wonder
44:10 why was I here? But God blessed me.
44:13 I got tired while I was out here
44:17 and I read my Bible and He took me to the book of Job
44:20 and He said: "I made you. "
44:23 There's a reason you're still here. " And I see the reason
44:27 I'm here: to help people.
44:29 And so with that I just say "Keep up the good work
44:33 and help people. Go to the byways and highways. "
44:35 I'm out.
44:39 Wow! Is there anything you want to add, Blessings, to that video
44:43 that we just saw? Yeah. So because of S.O.S. Weekend
44:46 what we learned is that you have to understand the need.
44:49 You can't just show up and serve.
44:51 I mean, you COULD...
44:52 but it's just not as effective.
44:53 And so what my partner
44:55 Sherry and I, who's now the
44:57 assistant director for our SALT Outreach at the Hill,
45:02 what we did is we went out and started to do
45:04 recognizance. And so we canvassed different areas
45:08 and we found some encampments.
45:09 And we actually started to make friendships with the people
45:12 who live there. Hmm. And we were able to ask them:
45:15 "What are your needs? How can we be of service to you? "
45:18 And surprisingly it wasn't just-food
45:21 which is like you said earlier. It's the go-to.
45:24 It's not just food. There's other real tangible things
45:27 that they need in order to survive
45:29 and things that you don't necessarily think of.
45:32 You know, toilet paper.
45:34 Yes. Went to COSTCO; got some
45:36 you know the bulk-size Kirkland brand toilet paper rolls.
45:41 They asked for jeans, T-shirts. Very specific needs.
45:45 One gentleman said: "You know, my granddaughter
45:48 who's 8 and her mother are moving in with me. "
45:51 And it just broke my heart.
45:53 And when I looked into what he had to offer
45:55 it was literally a tarp and a door.
45:57 So he says: "Could you get me a tent big enough for 8 people? "
46:01 Wow! And we provided that.
46:02 So these are some of the things that you find out
46:05 by being intentional... and getting to know the people.
46:08 So what is the vision for SALT in the Bay Area?
46:12 So we want to replicate what has been happening in Orlando.
46:16 You know, the need in the Bay Area is really great
46:21 and it's growing day by day.
46:23 When you think about the Baby Boomers and them living
46:26 off of Social Security... On average they make $1,600/mo.
46:29 Now the average rent in our area is $2,300
46:33 and that's just for one person maybe a studio apartment.
46:36 But the requirements to actually, secure an apartment
46:39 of this nature: you have to make three times
46:43 the rental fee. Now that's virtually impossible.
46:47 Most people in the Bay Area are paying half of their income
46:50 in rent, and besides those people there are
46:54 many that are living in their cars 'cause they can't afford
46:56 the rent. Um-hmm. So homelessness is growing
47:00 because of the Baby Boomers and it's growing because of
47:03 the COVID pandemic and the strain that's been caused
47:06 you know economically. And it's also growing because
47:09 the housing rates just keep going up.
47:11 There's not enough low-income housing. Yeah.
47:14 $2,300 a month! Whoo! That's pricey!
47:19 What would you say is the biggest need
47:21 for the SALT Outpost on the Hill? Yes, so we currently
47:25 at our Community Services we have essentially the food,
47:30 the pantry services, the clothing services,
47:33 we even have a bathroom that they can use.
47:36 But of course, this is selective. This is a little bit
47:39 too privy. It services those who can get to us
47:42 and we live in a suburb
47:44 and it's pretty difficult to get to.
47:46 We have gentlemen who have prosthetic legs
47:50 and they walk many miles to come to have our service.
47:54 And what we would desire and need greatly
47:57 actually is to become mobile
47:59 to actually have a drop-in center.
48:01 So right now we're doing a fundraiser for a shower trailer
48:05 and it would have 6 bathrooms and 6 showers
48:08 and also be accessible for the handicapped.
48:12 And we would want to launch within six months -
48:16 um-hmm - to be able to go to these encampments,
48:19 go to the people to help them, you know?
48:23 Most of them like I said aren't working
48:24 and they maybe see 1 shower a month.
48:27 Wow! They may be see... they chase the other services
48:30 It's not guaranteed, you know?
48:33 Yeah. The unsheltered ministry in the Bay Area
48:37 is just as important as the unsheltered ministry
48:40 in Orlando. And we need to have more of these unsheltered
48:43 ministries - right - taking place: the SALT Outposts.
48:48 I want to see that everywhere. I love it. That's the vision.
48:51 Absolutely. And we have a video and I want to go to that...
48:55 that video right now.
50:29 Wow. I definitely want to see you guys get that
50:33 shower trailer. I see that you have to raise $90,000
50:36 for the shower trailer. How much has been raised so far?
50:38 Yeah. So God has through two private donors
50:42 has raised $30,000 toward that trailer already.
50:45 Wow! Praise God! We're a third of the way there.
50:47 That's crazy 'cause with inflation
50:51 and the supply chain the cost of trailers is going up and up.
50:54 When we first fundraised for a trailer here on 3ABN
50:56 the 3ABN viewers actually raised
50:59 90% of those funds almost. Wow! Praise God!
51:03 You know, it was only $40,000
51:06 and now we're looking at almost double that price.
51:09 So we really need support of the community,
51:12 3ABN viewers, to really make this a reality here.
51:16 So California... there's a huge need there
51:18 and we all can be a part of that you know? Yeah, absolutely.
51:23 And you know I just kind of want to claim it in faith
51:26 that it IS going to happen. Amen.
51:29 And I want you to come back, Blessings,
51:31 and I want you guys to come back
51:33 because I want us to talk about this day
51:36 when we were talking about raising the funds for the shower
51:40 trailer and then I want to find out what happened
51:43 as a result of getting that.
51:46 I don't want you to go anywhere.
51:47 We're going to take a brief break,
51:49 get a little address roll newsbreak
51:51 and we'll be right back.


Revised 2023-04-18