3ABN Today

Another Chance

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: TDY

Program Code: TDY210046A

00:01 As you're well aware,
00:02 we're living in unprecedented times.
00:05 Join us now for Today special program.
00:12 I want to spend my life
00:18 Mending broken people
00:23 I want to spend my life
00:29 Removing pain
00:34 Lord, let my words
00:39 Heal a heart that hurts
00:44 I want to spend my life
00:50 Mending broken people
00:55 I want to spend my life
01:00 Mending broken people
01:15 Hello, I'm Shelley Quinn.
01:16 I'm JD Quinn.
01:17 And we are so glad that you have joined us
01:19 for 3ABN Today.
01:21 We have this hour, a powerful testimony.
01:24 Amen.
01:26 A testimony...
01:27 This is not really...
01:29 What all this is to do today is to lift Jesus high
01:34 so that He can draw all unto Himself.
01:36 Because we have a testimony of a young man
01:39 who was going down the wrong path,
01:41 and God got his attention.
01:44 The scripture it reminds me of is Psalm 129:4.
01:50 Psalm 129:4 says,
01:53 "The Lord is righteous.
01:56 He has cut in pieces the cord of the wicked."
02:00 Whatever is binding you today,
02:04 know that God can cut you free.
02:07 Amen.
02:08 So you want to introduce our special guest?
02:10 I would certainly. This is Chris Lane.
02:12 Chris is a big guy.
02:15 Good looking guy,
02:17 but the Lord is just working all over him.
02:20 And so tell us a little bit about yourself, Chris.
02:23 Introduce yourself to the people
02:25 that want to know who you are.
02:29 Well, and before...
02:30 We don't want to go into your history yet,
02:32 because we got to have music.
02:33 But you're... What are you currently doing?
02:35 Tell us that.
02:37 So currently, I'm working as a Bible worker
02:38 in Wildwood, Georgia.
02:40 Okay, wonderful.
02:42 And you have an amazing testimony.
02:45 Well, praise the Lord.
02:47 And He does get all the glory, doesn't He?
02:50 But before that, we need to do a music.
02:53 Most certainly.
02:54 And it's our pastor, Pastor John Lomacang,
02:57 and he's going to be singing, "I Will Go."
03:29 Give me ears to hear your Spirit
03:34 Give me feet to follow through
03:40 Give me hands to touch the hurting
03:46 And the faith to follow you
03:56 Give me grace to be a servant
04:02 Give me mercy for the lost
04:07 Give me passion for your glory
04:13 Give me passion
04:16 For the cross
04:19 And I will go where there are no easy roads
04:25 Leave the comfort that I know
04:31 I will go
04:33 And let this journey be my home
04:37 I will go
04:43 I will go
05:00 I'll let go of my ambition
05:05 Cut the roots that run so deep
05:11 I will learn to give away
05:17 What I cannot really keep
05:23 What I cannot
05:26 Really keep
05:30 Help me see
05:34 with eyes of faith
05:38 Give me strength
05:42 To run this race
05:45 And I will go
05:47 Where there are no easy roads
05:52 Leave the comfort that I know
05:58 I will go
06:00 And let this journey be my own
06:04 I will go
06:07 I will go
06:10 I will go
06:12 Where Lord your glory is unknown
06:17 I will live for you alone
06:23 I will go
06:25 Because my life is not my own
06:29 I will go
06:35 I will go
06:43 I will go
06:57 We love John Lomacang, our pastor John Lomacang.
07:00 He's a minister of music.
07:02 He is, he is.
07:03 Wonderful Bible teacher,
07:05 but he's a minister of music as well.
07:07 If you are joining us just a little later,
07:10 our special guest today is Chris Lane.
07:13 He is a young man who started down
07:17 the broad path toward destruction,
07:21 but God got a hold of him and now he is a missionary
07:25 and a Bible worker in Wildwood, Georgia.
07:28 So, Chris, this is just all about
07:33 what God has done in your life.
07:35 Tell us... Let's just go all the way back
07:37 to the beginning.
07:38 Did you have a Christian influence
07:42 growing up?
07:44 Well, I grew up in a little town in Tennessee,
07:47 and my parents got divorced when I was four.
07:51 So really, I only have a couple memories of them
07:54 still being together.
07:56 And my family wasn't necessary against Christianity
08:00 or the Bible or church,
08:01 but they weren't necessarily for it either.
08:03 So we were just kind of somewhere in the middle,
08:05 I guess you could say.
08:07 And we never really went to church,
08:08 you know, no one ever read a Bible.
08:10 We didn't pray, things like that, so.
08:13 And I think a lot of people maybe are in that group.
08:15 They're not necessarily against it,
08:17 but it can be cultural in the south,
08:19 where I grew up, to be a Christian.
08:21 That just kind of means you're a nice person,
08:23 but not necessarily that you're really into it,
08:26 you know?
08:28 So I guess that's kind of how we were.
08:29 And since my parents got divorced,
08:31 you know, something that I've realized
08:33 over the years is that
08:34 when one child doesn't have one or the other parent,
08:38 they're always going to suffer for something.
08:40 Yeah.
08:41 You know, children really need a male and a female.
08:44 And single parents do a good job,
08:46 but you can never really replace
08:48 the other person.
08:49 Amen.
08:50 And were you an only child?
08:52 No, I have one sister.
08:53 I have one sibling, so.
08:55 Younger or older?
08:56 Older.
08:57 Older. Okay.
08:59 And so my dad wasn't really around ever.
09:00 He was around sometimes maybe once a year.
09:02 We would see him for Christmas,
09:03 you know, just to give a small present
09:05 or something like that, but not really around.
09:07 And my mother tried,
09:09 but she had a lot of depressional issues
09:12 that she was going through herself.
09:13 So I'm sure that was a challenge
09:15 trying to raise us at the same time up,
09:18 you know, what she was dealing with.
09:20 And so our house just became really depressed.
09:23 And so as I got older,
09:27 right as I was going into my teenage years,
09:29 I think I was around 12 or 13.
09:32 I was just really depressed and I didn't like being home,
09:35 but thankfully, I can make friends.
09:37 Amen. So that was a huge blessing.
09:39 So I would spend large amounts of time
09:42 at other people's homes and not my house,
09:45 because it was just depressing, you know?
09:47 And so, some of the things that happened that
09:50 kind of really started hurting my character,
09:53 I guess you could say,
09:54 was my sister had gotten pregnant
09:56 when she was 14.
09:58 And so I was 12 at the time.
10:00 And that really was really hard on me because I was thinking,
10:03 you know, "Why are these things happening?"
10:06 You know, "Why do I have to have this family?"
10:08 Is what I always thought.
10:10 And at the time, I was a good kid.
10:12 I made good grades in school.
10:13 School wasn't difficult when I was little.
10:16 I remember it was really easy
10:17 and I seemed to try to do the right thing.
10:20 I think kids really have the impression
10:23 to want to do right
10:25 unless somebody really messes that up usually, you know?
10:28 And so, it just kind of kept going down
10:31 this depressing road.
10:32 And then I remember meeting a friend
10:34 who his parents did drugs.
10:38 And, you know, you always hear that drugs are bad for you
10:41 and you should never do these things because they,
10:43 they're going to harm you.
10:44 But I remember we tried them one day
10:47 and I remember thinking,
10:49 you know, "This is the best thing
10:51 that I have ever found."
10:53 And I was so happy that I did it
10:55 because when I was on drugs, I didn't...
10:58 Your mind is pretty much taken over
10:59 when you do drugs.
11:01 You lose control of your mind, but I wasn't as depressed.
11:05 And, you know, this is something
11:06 that Satan really does to people that
11:08 do drugs in the beginning of their experience.
11:11 He makes them have a good time.
11:13 There is that season of pleasure,
11:15 as the author of Hebrew say that it's...
11:18 You know, sometimes we know how bad sin is,
11:23 but there is like a little small season of pleasure
11:28 sometimes in the beginning of sin,
11:30 but then comes pay day, pay back.
11:33 And you don't know that when you start, you know?
11:35 And so I. From that point out, I focused a lot on my feelings.
11:41 And I think that's one of the biggest dangers
11:43 in doing drugs, is that
11:44 because they make you feel good,
11:46 so then your life just becomes a focus of how you feel.
11:51 But no matter whether we feel good
11:52 or we don't feel good,
11:54 you know, doing the right thing is what's important.
11:56 But so I lived, ended up living that lifestyle,
11:59 I guess, for the next 10 years.
12:00 Oh, wow.
12:02 And so many terrible things happened.
12:03 You know, I was in many fights.
12:06 I was almost shot many times.
12:08 It's a miracle, I think, how I made it through that
12:12 and never was injured or anything bad happened to me.
12:16 And you never got arrested?
12:18 Well, I did get arrested one time.
12:19 I got in a fight
12:21 and then I had to spend a weekend in jail.
12:22 That was good because being in jail
12:25 sometimes can wake you up too, you know?
12:27 But yeah, many times I think
12:29 even then the Lord was protecting me
12:30 because I had many friends that died.
12:32 Many, many friends that died.
12:34 And I remember the first day of high school,
12:37 my friend was arrested and had 11 felonies.
12:40 Whoa.
12:41 And he spent the next five years in prison
12:43 when we were 14 or 15, so.
12:45 Wow.
12:46 I mean, I was definitely not hanging
12:48 around the best characters, you know.
12:50 And that lifestyle...
12:51 Let me stop you for just a second.
12:54 Was your mother aware that this was going on?
12:57 You know, at first she wasn't, but then she was.
13:00 And she didn't really know how to control us,
13:03 I guess you could say.
13:04 My sister had previously got arrested
13:07 and sent to juvenile.
13:09 Okay.
13:10 And so, there was definitely serious issues in our house,
13:12 but I think she was just overwhelmed.
13:14 Okay.
13:15 And so sometimes, especially when kids are teenagers,
13:20 their roles change.
13:21 And then the parents just kind of give up.
13:23 They don't know what to do, you know?
13:24 Well, and especially, my mother was bipolar
13:28 and suffered a lot of depression.
13:29 So I think especially
13:31 if somebody is in a depressed state of mind,
13:34 like your mom was, it is overwhelming.
13:36 Yeah.
13:38 Yeah. Yeah.
13:39 Yeah.
13:41 But then the Lord started wooing me,
13:42 I guess you could say.
13:43 So one thing that really kind of woke me up with all that
13:49 is I was so depressed from doing that.
13:52 It's funny in the beginning, it seems so wonderful,
13:54 but then you don't see all the tragedy
13:56 that's going to happen.
13:57 And so I just became so depressed that at one point,
14:00 I didn't care if I lived or died.
14:02 And I kind of was looking at my life and I thought,
14:04 "Wow, my life doesn't even really matter,"
14:06 you know, "Would it matter if I was gone?"
14:09 I was starting to have those thoughts, you know?
14:11 And I had a lot of friends died from wrecking their cars
14:14 and overdosing, a lot of drown.
14:17 I mean, many different types of...
14:18 It seems like all my close friends were dying
14:20 or were in prison.
14:22 And so, it was amazing
14:24 how I really made it through that, you know?
14:26 And I never got in serious trouble.
14:28 I never got, you know, physically maimed or anything,
14:31 which many of my other friends did.
14:34 So one night I had a dream.
14:36 And I dreamed that I looked in a mirror
14:40 and when I looked in the mirror,
14:42 I saw 666 on my hand and on my forehead.
14:46 And I was terrified.
14:47 I remember after that, I woke up and I was,
14:50 you know, sweating and I was really scared.
14:52 Because at the time, I didn't know what 666 meant,
14:55 but I knew it was really bad and I didn't want it.
14:57 So had you heard that somewhere or?
15:00 Well, on the TV and things,
15:03 they show 666 in like a scary connotation.
15:06 Okay, okay.
15:07 And so that was really my knowledge of what that was.
15:10 I just knew it was really bad,
15:12 and it was maybe associated with the devil, you know?
15:15 So that's something that you didn't want.
15:17 And so that kind of woke me up and I thought,
15:20 you know, that was really weird because it was very real.
15:23 The dream was very real
15:24 and so it really impressed me deeply.
15:26 Scared me to death.
15:27 Yeah.
15:29 And then not long after that, I had another dream.
15:30 So I was standing on a cliff
15:33 and I was looking down in a valley.
15:35 And on the end of the valley was an enormous sun,
15:38 like taking up all the space.
15:40 And many people were walking just into the sun
15:44 and then just being consumed,
15:46 but none of the people had heads.
15:48 And so that was scary, just that.
15:50 And then someone was standing beside me,
15:52 but I couldn't see him.
15:53 And so I asked the person in my dream, I said,
15:57 "How many people are down there?"
15:58 And the person said, "665".
16:01 And I said, "Well, but where's the other person?"
16:03 And then I looked and they said, "Right here."
16:06 And so that really, really scared me after that.
16:10 But I never told anybody
16:11 because you can't tell people those things,
16:13 you know, because maybe they'll think you're crazy
16:15 or something like that.
16:17 And so I really started to have deep thoughts after that,
16:21 you know, about my life, and the world,
16:23 and things like that.
16:24 And it kind of spiritually awoke me,
16:26 I guess you could say.
16:27 You're how old about now?
16:29 During that time, I was 22 almost turning 23.
16:34 So you got a job?
16:37 I think at the time...
16:38 Yeah, I think I did have a job at the time, and so...
16:41 Okay, go ahead.
16:43 And then I was...
16:44 One thing that really I thought was weird was that my friends
16:48 that I was doing drugs with and all these things,
16:50 they started giving me advice about my life.
16:54 And these weren't the type of people
16:56 that would give you advice.
16:57 You know, normally they...
16:58 But you're saying it was good advice?
17:00 Yeah, and it was good advice.
17:01 They said, you know, you really should do something
17:02 with your life.
17:04 Wow.
17:05 And, you know, maybe you should go to school
17:07 or maybe you should travel somewhere, you know.
17:08 Maybe you should do these different things and I...
17:10 That impacted me too, because I would ask them,
17:13 "Why are you giving me advice?"
17:14 "Well, I don't know,
17:16 I just feel like I should give you advice."
17:17 You know?
17:18 So it's people who are telling you things
17:20 they're not putting into practice in their own?
17:21 Oh, definitely not.
17:22 No, usually the crowd that you hang around
17:25 when you do those things
17:26 is everyone's pretty selfish, you know?
17:28 Yeah.
17:29 And I was definitely that way also, you know, very...
17:31 It's very self focused when you didn't...
17:34 Apparently, they were seeing something in you
17:37 that was a little bit different.
17:38 Yeah, I guess maybe the Lord was really using them too.
17:42 And it's amazing how the Lord can meet us
17:44 where we are.
17:45 Amen.
17:46 It's so amazing how he meets us where we are.
17:48 That's something I try to pray for wisdom now,
17:51 is how to meet people where they are.
17:52 Amen.
17:53 Because that can be a challenge,
17:55 but God always knows how to do that, so.
17:57 Yeah.
17:58 So, okay.
18:00 So we're at the place now where you're...
18:02 People are giving you a decent directive?
18:04 Yep.
18:06 And so now you're trying to make some decisions.
18:08 Do I listen to them?
18:10 Are they right?
18:11 Is there some place for me to go?
18:13 Yep.
18:14 Can I do something that's positive?
18:15 Yep.
18:17 And then I had, right after that,
18:18 I had an impression to call a friend
18:20 that I knew was a good person.
18:22 And I asked him for advice.
18:24 I said, "Well, all these other people
18:26 were giving me advice.
18:27 What do you think I should do with my life?"
18:29 And they said, "Oh, I think you should read the Bible."
18:31 Is what they told me. That was their advice.
18:34 They said, you should get a Bible and read it.
18:37 And after I talked to them,
18:38 in my mind I knew that's what I should do,
18:40 but I didn't want to do it because I wanted to do what...
18:44 You know, I wanted to keep myself
18:47 in the forefront.
18:48 I wanted to continue doing what I thought was
18:50 what you should do with your life.
18:52 Even though I was destroying my life,
18:54 you still think, well, I want to do what I want to do.
18:57 But then I did it.
18:58 I got a Bible and I read it.
19:00 And then I came across the verse in Matthew 7:7,
19:04 because someone told me,
19:06 "Well, you should start with the New Testament."
19:09 Is what they said.
19:10 So I picked up the Bible in Matthew 7:7 and it says,
19:14 "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and you shall find,
19:17 knock and it shall be open unto you."
19:20 So I was by myself in my room.
19:23 And so I asked and I said, "Lord,
19:25 you know that I've wasted my life
19:28 basically to this point."
19:30 And I said, "But, you know, God, if you're there,
19:32 would You forgive me?"
19:33 And I said, "And if You do, then I'll live for You."
19:37 And so like when I did it,
19:40 I really felt like the presence of something
19:42 was with me and my...
19:43 I felt my prayer was answered in that moment.
19:45 Wow, how wonderful.
19:47 That's funny.
19:48 Wow.
19:50 So yeah, I really...
19:51 And the best way I describe it as I was connected.
19:53 I felt really connected from that point out.
19:56 So all of a sudden, you felt a warmness
19:58 that perhaps there is a place for me.
20:01 Yeah, and I really felt the presence
20:04 of physically something with me,
20:06 and it a very powerful experience.
20:07 Wow.
20:09 So maybe the Lord sent an angel to protect me because...
20:11 Or the Holy Spirit...
20:13 To fight off all those things that were in my life, you know?
20:15 And I felt delivered immediately.
20:18 I have lost all the desire to do drugs,
20:21 and I never did them after that.
20:22 You know, my favorite of Matthew 7:7
20:25 is the version in Luke 11:9,
20:29 where Jesus says, "Ask and it'll be given,
20:32 seek and you will find, knock and it will be open."
20:37 And you know, I think that
20:40 when we think about it in verse 13,
20:43 Luke 11:13, he says, where he's really directing us.
20:48 He says, "If you being evil
20:52 know how to give good gifts to your children,
20:54 how much more will the heavenly Father
20:57 give the Holy Spirit to those who ask?"
21:01 And in the Greek, it's linear verbs,
21:04 that you're asking and keep on asking,
21:06 seeking and keep on seeking, knocking and keep on knocking.
21:11 So I believe if...
21:14 My sister had a similar experience.
21:16 I told her to pray that prayer
21:19 and asked to be filled with the Holy Spirit,
21:21 and she'd done drugs for over 20 years.
21:23 Oh, wow.
21:24 I mean, hardballs.
21:26 Yeah.
21:27 What is it when you take heroin and cocaine,
21:30 put it together, speedball, hardball?
21:33 Whatever it was,
21:35 and she was delivered immediately.
21:39 So God... You felt that God had cut you free from the cords
21:44 that were binding you.
21:46 Oh, yeah, there was no...
21:47 There was no question in my mind that
21:48 God had answered my prayer in that exact moment.
21:52 I mean, even while I was praying,
21:54 I knew that He'd accepted it.
21:55 Wow.
21:57 And there's no better feeling in the world
21:58 than to be accepted by the Lord
21:59 and know that your slate's clean.
22:01 Amen.
22:02 And, you know, right after that,
22:04 many wonderful things started happening.
22:07 So it was after that, I, you know, kept reading and then
22:11 when I would pray something,
22:12 I felt the prayer was almost answered
22:15 before I ended up finishing the prayer.
22:17 And so I remember praying for a job,
22:20 because I needed a job after that.
22:21 And I had left the place that I was staying with
22:24 because I was staying with a friend,
22:26 but, you know, he wasn't a good influence.
22:28 So I knew I just had to get out of that situation.
22:31 And so he ended up living with some girl
22:35 that he just randomly met.
22:36 So the Lord removed him,
22:38 and then I left and found another place.
22:41 And then I prayed for a job.
22:43 I said, "Well, Lord, I need a job now."
22:45 And so I had a dream that night
22:46 that there was this new gym that had just opened up
22:49 and it said, Christian gymnastics gym on it.
22:52 And so I really felt deeply impressed
22:55 that I was going to get a job
22:56 if I went there because it was a Christian gym.
22:59 And in my mind, I thought every single person
23:02 had the same connection.
23:04 And so I thought, "Oh, well, for sure,
23:06 if they're Christians,
23:07 they're definitely going to hire me."
23:09 And so I went there and I went up
23:10 to the counter of the girl
23:12 that was working at the desk and I said...
23:15 She said, "Hi, how's it going?"
23:16 I said, "God told me that I'm supposed to work here."
23:19 And that's exactly what I told her
23:21 because I just believed it.
23:23 And so she looked at me kind of stunned.
23:25 And then she was like, "Uh, well, let me go get the owner."
23:28 And so she went and got the owner
23:29 and I told him this same thing.
23:30 I said, "God told me that I'm supposed to work here."
23:33 And he was shocked.
23:34 And then we talked for a long time
23:36 and he hired me.
23:38 And so I ended up working there for two years.
23:39 Praise God.
23:41 Amen.
23:42 And then later I found out that he was a Seventh-day Adventist.
23:45 So the Lord immediately brought me
23:48 to connection with someone in the truth.
23:51 Now one thing that happened though, was
23:53 he didn't share with me at the time,
23:55 but I did learn that, you know, he...
23:57 That's when I first learned about the Sabbath,
24:00 because one time someone said that
24:02 they went to church on Saturday.
24:04 So that was my first introduction to...
24:06 But it wasn't like he sat down and gave you Bible study.
24:09 No, definitely not. No.
24:10 Okay.
24:12 So here God's got a hold of you.
24:14 How did you end up in Mexico?
24:17 So after that, I was praying
24:19 and I had actually read the book,
24:23 Tortured for Christ, a book about Richard Wurmbrand,
24:27 a Russian pastor who was tortured for 14 years.
24:31 Someone had gave me that.
24:32 And that was... That's a pretty incredible book
24:34 that talks about he was sent to jail.
24:36 When communism came into Russia,
24:39 he was a pastor that stood up and said
24:41 they weren't going to follow communism.
24:43 And then he was arrested and put in jail.
24:45 So I read his testimony right after he was released
24:48 after 14 years, he wrote a testimony book.
24:51 And so after that,
24:53 I felt a really deep impression.
24:55 Because I said, "Well, Lord, what do I need to do now?"
24:58 And then I felt the Lord calling me to be a missionary.
25:02 And, but one thing that
25:03 I didn't want to be a missionary at first,
25:05 because I kept thinking about
25:07 the book that I read.
25:09 And so it kept coming into my mind,
25:10 oh, you're going to be tortured.
25:12 You're going to be tortured.
25:13 Sometimes the devil puts the worst scenario
25:16 in our mind to make us fear,
25:18 so that we don't follow through with it.
25:21 But after about a year of doing that,
25:23 I mean, man, a long time went by
25:24 and I was just thinking,
25:26 "No way, I could never do that.
25:27 You know, I'm not that type of person."
25:29 I just didn't feel worthy enough to
25:31 because of my previous life, you know?
25:33 The devil likes to throw those things
25:35 back up in your mind,
25:36 think that you can't do anything.
25:38 So finally after a year,
25:40 I finally surrendered to the Lord and I said,
25:43 "Okay, I'll be a missionary.
25:45 I'll go anywhere in the world
25:47 and I'll do anything you want me to do."
25:49 That's what I told the Lord.
25:50 And right after that, I met someone and he said,
25:53 "Well, I'm moving to Mexico full time to do ministry work
25:58 and I'm looking for somebody."
26:00 And so I thought that
26:01 that was the Lord opening the door.
26:03 And so I agreed to go there with him.
26:05 And so this was a Baptist.
26:08 I don't know that he was a pastor,
26:09 but I think he was basically like a lay Baptist pastor.
26:14 They don't really do that the same,
26:15 but pretty much that's what he was.
26:17 And so his family moved down there
26:19 and I went with them.
26:20 And I was going to be a health
26:22 and PE teacher at a school there
26:25 because that's what I was studying
26:26 at the time in school.
26:28 And so I went there
26:29 and they never had a PE program.
26:32 The school was the worst educated school
26:34 in the whole state of North Mexico,
26:36 which is a huge area.
26:38 And so we ended up helping with that,
26:40 and so that's kind of how we started down there.
26:42 But now had you joined the Baptist church,
26:45 or you just end up associated with it?
26:47 Yeah, I was like unofficially a missionary.
26:49 I never officially joined them
26:51 because I guess I just didn't have the desire to.
26:54 So you had...
26:55 At this point had not joined any particular church?
26:57 No.
26:59 Okay. Okay.
27:00 And you just knew that the Lord was leading?
27:01 Yep.
27:03 And I just wanted the...
27:04 And the doors were open.
27:05 After the Lord helped me overcome,
27:07 I finally agreed to do that.
27:09 So you were there for two years?
27:11 I was there one year.
27:12 One year.
27:14 One year in Mexico, yeah.
27:15 And what we did basically there, was we had food ministry
27:17 where we would help people with food.
27:19 We would go to their house...
27:21 And then someone had sent a thousand Bibles.
27:25 Someone had just said, well, we got a thousand Bibles
27:27 and we're going to send them down there.
27:29 And so we sent them down to Texas,
27:31 and it was my job to bring them over the border.
27:34 There was a... During the time that I was in Mexico,
27:36 there was a war going on
27:38 and I didn't know this before I went.
27:40 But when I went there, there was a big drug war
27:43 and it was really dangerous.
27:45 At first, it wasn't really bad,
27:46 but then it really escalated quick.
27:48 They were... What they would do
27:50 was they would blow up houses with grenades,
27:53 like in our town.
27:55 And if you cleaned it up, like they would...
27:58 They were killing people for cleaning it up.
28:00 Oh, my.
28:01 And one... The town that we were in, I think,
28:05 11 mayors were murdered that year, just in our town.
28:09 And they took a bunch of Americans,
28:10 a bunch of them.
28:12 You know, they cut all their heads off.
28:13 I mean, it was crazy.
28:15 And so when all this happened, all the missionaries left.
28:18 There was our group,
28:20 and then there was one other group
28:21 that was staying there.
28:23 They literally all left Mexico because they were...
28:26 I mean, it was a real fear.
28:27 That was very, very dangerous,
28:29 but I just didn't feel like I could leave.
28:31 I just... I felt so impressed that I had to stay there,
28:35 that I couldn't leave.
28:36 And they said, "You know, why aren't you going to leave?
28:38 You could die."
28:40 And I said, "Well, who's going to tell everybody
28:42 about the Lord if I leave?"
28:44 That was what I kept thinking about.
28:46 And it was during this time
28:47 that you're bringing the Bibles across the border?
28:50 Yeah.
28:51 And the Lord really worked miracles.
28:53 I felt protected
28:54 as long as I was bringing the Bibles over.
28:57 Because at the border, at that time,
28:59 someone had been shot and killed at the border.
29:02 The people that inspect when you come over,
29:06 and so they brought in a bunch of soldiers
29:08 and closed down the border completely.
29:10 So it was very difficult to cross at that time.
29:13 If you were American, especially,
29:14 they would stop you,
29:16 and it would be couple hour process.
29:17 They would question you and search everything.
29:20 But when I would bring the Bibles over,
29:23 the soldier, like I wouldn't even have to stop,
29:25 and the soldier would just flag me to go through.
29:28 I mean, that was a miracle, a huge miracle.
29:31 It was so awesome
29:33 that the Lord really worked that out.
29:35 And then the persecution started.
29:37 So my friend that was a local there,
29:40 they took him and they beat him up
29:43 and they put him in jail for no reason,
29:45 just because I think he was with us.
29:47 Because the way they worked down there,
29:49 is they just want to control the area
29:51 and they want to know everything that's going on.
29:54 And so they did that and that was hard
29:56 because I'm just sitting at the jail outside,
29:59 you know, can't really do anything.
30:00 And my friend's really beat up inside the jail.
30:03 And then they had threatened us.
30:05 The way they work there is, they'll threaten you
30:07 and then they come to your house at night,
30:09 and then they kidnap you,
30:10 and then do whatever, you know?
30:12 And so they had yelled at us and threatened us.
30:14 And I remember one night,
30:16 the police would bring them there
30:18 because the police and them are kind of united.
30:21 And so the police and a bunch of carloads of them
30:24 came to where I was staying and I was just by myself.
30:28 And it's a pretty surreal feeling
30:29 when you're in a foreign country
30:31 and you're literally by yourself.
30:34 And I mean, that's a different experience, you know.
30:36 I'd never experienced that.
30:38 Except you had one with you
30:39 that never left you or forsake you.
30:41 That's right.
30:42 But it is still when you're there in that moment,
30:44 you know, it's pretty intense.
30:46 And then a little voice whispered inside my head
30:49 and it said, "Pray."
30:50 Amen.
30:51 And so that was when I learned how to pray fervently.
30:54 I bet. I bet.
30:55 And so after I prayed for a very long time,
30:58 I don't know how long it was.
31:00 And then I got up and no one was there anymore,
31:02 and they had all left.
31:03 All the people had left.
31:05 Praise God.
31:06 So I was just very thankful that the Lord had protected me.
31:09 When so many people around me were falling,
31:11 the Lord really protected me.
31:13 And, you know, during that time, I had fear.
31:16 I had real fear.
31:17 You know, I physically was very scared,
31:19 but I learned during that time
31:21 that even when we're scared, we should have courage.
31:23 Amen.
31:25 And so no matter what we feel physically,
31:28 it's okay if you're scared.
31:29 Sometimes you can't help it.
31:31 You know, I can't help if I feel fear.
31:33 If I don't... Sometimes I don't and sometimes I do,
31:36 but the Lord wants us to have courage during those times,
31:39 even if we feel the fear,
31:41 to still have courage and still do
31:43 what we're supposed to do.
31:44 Amen
31:45 So what happened to the ministry
31:47 there was that since I guess the devil realized
31:49 he couldn't kill it from the outside,
31:51 then the leader started drinking alcohol.
31:55 And so then it kind of just imploded,
31:57 you know, over time.
31:59 And that sadly happens sometimes
32:01 when we don't realize, but if we are influences
32:04 who can destroy the ministry from within.
32:06 And so we really have to pray for the leaders
32:09 more than anyone, I think,
32:11 because the devil wants all the leaders to compromise
32:14 so that the ministry dies.
32:17 And so after this had happened,
32:18 I was really depressed because it,
32:20 you know, it wasn't just a one moment thing.
32:22 It was over the course of months.
32:25 But then they started teaching different things
32:27 and our influence kind of got destroyed.
32:29 And so I went back to Tennessee and I prayed and I...
32:34 You know, it was like, well, what now, God?
32:35 I always think of the disciples like well, what now?
32:38 What do we go back to?
32:39 You know, we've experienced all these things.
32:41 So let me ask this question.
32:43 You've been in Mexico
32:46 and you've seen the Lord's protection.
32:50 He's taught you to pray earnestly.
32:52 When you get back to Tennessee,
32:54 you're finding that all of this,
32:59 the dangers, the things that you've gone,
33:02 it's pressing you closer to the Lord.
33:04 Oh, yeah.
33:05 You're just... You know that God is it.
33:09 All right, so you're back in Tennessee.
33:11 So when I get there, I was,
33:14 you know, just kind of praying on what to do next.
33:16 And so I turned on the TV, but at the time,
33:18 we didn't really have cable.
33:20 So I thought I was just going to be watching PBS,
33:23 which is just a public channel from where we are,
33:25 because I was staying at my grandmother's house.
33:27 I think there was two or three channels.
33:30 And it was a very old television.
33:31 She really never used it.
33:32 But then there was a guy, there was a preacher,
33:35 and so I saw, oh, well, we've picked up some,
33:37 you know, evangelist or something on TV.
33:40 So I started watching it.
33:42 And what caught my attention was he said,
33:44 "Do you know the Ten Commandments
33:45 were blue?"
33:47 And then I thought, "Well, I've never heard that.
33:49 That's interesting."
33:50 So I started watching it
33:52 and then I found it came on every morning
33:54 and every evening, twice a day.
33:57 So in the morning, I would watch it
33:58 and write down all the verses.
34:00 And then in the evening,
34:01 I would just sit down and watch it.
34:03 And I did that for one month.
34:05 And then that's how I learned all the truths.
34:07 I learned later that that was a prophecy series
34:11 and that it was 3ABN that I was watching.
34:13 And so that's how the Lord showed me the truth.
34:16 And then after I learned all that,
34:18 I looked up which churches keep the Sabbath.
34:21 And there was a Seventh-day Adventist church
34:23 in the city that I grew up in.
34:25 It's funny, I never knew that.
34:27 And so I went there
34:28 and then I became a Seventh-day Adventist after that.
34:31 You know... It's amazing.
34:32 It is amazing.
34:34 I'm just going to interject something quickly.
34:36 When God called me to full-time ministry,
34:38 I mean, I knew at the time
34:40 I was not associated with any church
34:42 because we had moved to central Texas,
34:45 a little bitty town.
34:47 But I wouldn't watch 3ABN
34:50 because I thought Adventist were a cult.
34:53 And God was teaching me...
34:55 God taught me the truth of the Sabbath,
34:57 the truth of the state of the dead,
34:59 everything, because God told me,
35:00 forget what I thought I knew.
35:02 And he sat at his feet and he'd teach me.
35:04 And I remember turning on 3ABN one day by accident.
35:10 I was just flipping through the channels.
35:12 I was out preaching salvation by grace through faith.
35:15 Everything was by grace, including obedience.
35:19 And you know what?
35:20 I turned on 3ABN and the preacher said,
35:25 "I don't know what everybody's problem
35:26 is with obedience.
35:27 It's all by faith."
35:29 And you know, here's my point in telling you this.
35:32 That was so close to what I was teaching
35:34 that I actually started listening.
35:36 I thought, well, maybe they're not all Adventist.
35:39 But as I listened,
35:41 the one thing that I was clueless
35:43 on was prophecy.
35:46 I mean, God had taught me so much,
35:48 but I'm begging him.
35:49 And I learned these truths.
35:52 And then that's how God brought me
35:56 into the Seventh-day Adventist church
35:58 was through 3ABN.
35:59 Yeah, and I had learned about the Sabbath before,
36:02 about the day,
36:04 but I couldn't see any difference.
36:05 In my mind, there was...
36:07 I couldn't see the difference between one day or the other,
36:10 but when I saw it in prophecy, it made perfect sense.
36:13 Amen. Amen.
36:14 And, you know, I was so thankful
36:16 that out of the whole world,
36:18 that God would allow me to hear the truth.
36:21 Amen.
36:22 And then He would allow me to even hear it,
36:24 to have the decision.
36:25 I was so thankful for that opportunity.
36:28 And especially on a TV
36:29 that just didn't hardly get anything...
36:31 And at the right time.
36:33 Yeah, amen.
36:34 Yeah, it's pretty amazing how the Lord works.
36:37 And so after that,
36:39 I went back to Mexico for a short time
36:44 because I had to finish delivering all the Bibles.
36:47 And so after I did that, I came back and I realized
36:50 that I needed to learn how to give a Bible study,
36:53 because everybody kept talking about giving Bible studies.
36:57 Before, we didn't really have a focus on Bible study.
37:00 In other churches, they don't necessarily have that focus
37:04 and definitely not prophecy, you know?
37:07 So I went to... Someone told me about a school in Florida
37:12 that helps you to learn how to give a Bible study.
37:14 Amen.
37:15 So I went to the School Life
37:17 that during that time was at Florida,
37:19 and it was such an awesome experience.
37:21 And I felt like I was in my own world there.
37:25 And that, you know, there was just rays
37:27 of knowledge being poured into my mind.
37:29 Praise the Lord.
37:30 And I loved every minute of it.
37:31 Amen.
37:33 Praise the Lord.
37:34 Thank you, Jesus.
37:36 So ever since then, I thought,
37:37 well, this is what I need to do with the rest of my life.
37:39 I just need to be, you know, what they call a Bible worker
37:42 or a missionary.
37:44 And so I've done that ever since then,
37:46 you know, Lord willing.
37:47 But now you ended up going as a missionary to an Indian...
37:52 Somewhere in the east?
37:54 Philippines.
37:56 Yep.
37:57 Well, right after that, right after I learned
37:58 how to give a Bible study,
38:00 I went to Washington state
38:02 and I worked there one year as a Bible worker.
38:04 And then they had a wonderful program.
38:06 They had 30 Bible workers during that time.
38:08 Wow.
38:10 Huge, huge program.
38:11 But then they stopped the program after that.
38:13 And so when...
38:15 So then someone was talking to me
38:17 and they were sharing about,
38:19 well, what's the places in the world
38:21 that don't know Jesus?
38:23 That was at the time
38:24 when they were really sharing about that.
38:26 And I think it was Japan and Thailand
38:28 and I think there was a couple other...
38:30 Yeah, the 10/40 window
38:31 is what they were talking about.
38:33 And that really impressed me.
38:34 And I thought, man, can you imagine someone
38:36 that's never even had the opportunity?
38:38 And I was so thankful that God had given me
38:40 so many opportunities to learn.
38:43 And so that's when we prayed about it
38:45 and I ended up going to Thailand.
38:47 That's where I went.
38:49 And I ended up working in Thailand,
38:50 in the Philippines for about four years.
38:53 And then while you were in the Philippines, you met...
38:56 I met my wife.
38:57 Very godly woman.
38:58 That's right.
39:00 Now tell us, you and May made an, I think,
39:03 an incredible decision.
39:05 They both are missionary minded.
39:07 When you all married, you decided
39:11 we're going to be missionaries
39:12 and you decided not to have children
39:14 because you didn't want anything to interfere?
39:19 Yeah, well, we, we're trying to read a lot of things
39:23 and we got a lot of counseling before we were,
39:25 when we were deciding to get married.
39:27 And when we were going through that process,
39:29 I really just felt convicted that God wanted me
39:32 to be a missionary solely focused on other people.
39:36 And that was a hard thing.
39:37 So we definitely talked about that
39:38 because it's not easy for a wife
39:41 to choose to be a missionary either.
39:43 But that was really important to me,
39:45 and I knew that we had to come together on that
39:48 before marriage.
39:49 Amen.
39:50 And we decided that, you know, if we had lived 50 years prior,
39:54 we probably would have had kids,
39:55 because I love children.
39:57 I've been a teacher in different things,
39:59 but we felt that, you know, when you have children,
40:01 that's your ministry.
40:03 Because you have children, so your whole ministry changes.
40:05 Thank you for saying that.
40:06 Amen.
40:07 One hundred percent different when you have children.
40:09 Amen. Amen.
40:11 And, you know, I just want to tell you,
40:12 sometimes I'll be at a women's ministry
40:14 or something speaking.
40:16 I'll say, "Now how many of you here
40:17 are in full-time ministry?"
40:19 And maybe a couple of hands go up and I'll say,
40:22 "Now wait a minute, how many of you are mothers?
40:25 Then all these hands go up.
40:27 Being a mother is a full-time ministry.
40:30 Being a father is a full-time ministry.
40:32 Your family is your ministry, and I'm so glad you said that.
40:37 Yeah.
40:38 And it can be a challenge when you have a big family.
40:41 And especially when you're doing,
40:42 trying to move and do different things,
40:44 it can be a huge challenge.
40:46 Until, you know, not against anybody that has kids,
40:48 because kids are wonderful.
40:49 But, yeah, I think it's really. Because Paul even talks about,
40:53 if you can stay single, do that.
40:55 But, you know, I wanted to be married, so.
40:58 And you know, it's a huge blessing
40:59 when you're married, because like,
41:01 especially doing Bible work,
41:02 there's no issue to any house that we go to.
41:05 Everyone receives us openly because...
41:08 Well, and then you're also protecting yourself
41:10 because as a couple,
41:12 husband and wife going out, then it's not...
41:15 You know, that's something that we learned
41:17 in ministry school is we never give counseling.
41:21 We used to say to the opposite sex
41:23 without the other,
41:24 but now we realize it doesn't matter
41:27 who you want to protect yourself.
41:29 Oh, yeah.
41:30 Yeah.
41:32 So you are...
41:33 What was it like for you
41:38 and May in becoming one,
41:41 as husband and wife and one in purpose?
41:44 Well, I'm really happy that
41:46 we moved to Thailand because it was...
41:49 It's interesting in our situation
41:50 because we come from different cultures.
41:52 She's from Asia and I'm from the US,
41:56 but we moved to Thailand,
41:58 which was another country for both of us.
42:00 So we had to learn...
42:02 While we were trying to learn that language and that culture,
42:06 it unified us in that,
42:07 because it was something totally different
42:09 for both of us.
42:10 So we learned a lot of wonderful lessons about,
42:13 you know, it's not me against her,
42:16 but it's us both changing ourselves to be like Christ
42:20 and to follow His culture.
42:22 Because really, there's only one culture
42:25 we should follow and that's the Christian culture.
42:27 And so there can be challenges in that,
42:29 but I'm really happy that we went through that experience
42:33 because it helped us both to see the other person
42:37 and also how other people think.
42:39 You know, when you're learning another culture, you're not...
42:42 Learning a language is one thing,
42:43 but then you have to learn how to say it.
42:46 That's a very big thing too.
42:48 You can't just have the words,
42:49 you have to know how to present the words.
42:52 You're a very wise young man.
42:53 Well, I don't know about that.
42:55 I think the Lord is very wise.
42:56 Amen. Amen.
42:57 You're a good student then.
42:59 Yeah. Well, praise the Lord.
43:00 Amen.
43:02 Yeah. So, yeah.
43:03 So what we're doing now is the Bible work.
43:06 And one thing that I really enjoy
43:08 about the Bible work is, in my opinion,
43:11 that's the best thing you can do as a missionary.
43:14 I think going to people's houses
43:16 is such a wonderful ministry.
43:19 And because when you're at someone's house,
43:20 you can really learn about the person,
43:23 you can learn about their needs,
43:24 about their physical needs.
43:26 And we try to follow,
43:28 you know, Jesus' counsel about reaching the person,
43:31 and then, you know,
43:32 telling them to come follow you.
43:34 So that's really what we focus mostly on,
43:36 is going to the people's homes and trying to meet
43:40 their physical needs if we can.
43:42 And then, you know, doing Bible studies with them
43:44 and we've had many, many wonderful experiences.
43:48 And especially even with all the,
43:49 you know, the COVID things that are going on,
43:52 we found that even during that,
43:53 we still kept going to people's houses.
43:56 And there's something about when you're at someone's house,
43:58 they feel safe.
44:00 Yes.
44:01 You know, when you're out somewhere,
44:02 people are timid and scared.
44:04 And we thought, oh, what are we going to do?
44:06 You know, no one's going to receive us into their house
44:08 because when everything was shut down,
44:10 but everybody almost still received us into their house.
44:14 And we had many Bible studies during that time.
44:17 And I think this is such an important time
44:20 because people know something's going on.
44:23 They don't know what, but people know
44:25 that there's something going on with the world
44:27 and people are waking up spiritually to that.
44:30 And so we've had...
44:32 We experienced many people accepting Christ
44:35 during the time when everything was shut down.
44:37 Praise the Lord.
44:38 So I think even during this time,
44:41 you know, when there's so much fear
44:43 and things like that, I remember how the Lord
44:46 helped me through hard situations.
44:48 And even though I was very scared at the time,
44:51 God gave me courage to overcome those things.
44:54 And I think we need courage during this time,
44:58 that even if we feel fear,
44:59 you know, that can be okay,
45:00 but we still need to have courage to push on
45:04 and to do what we know is right and not to give up.
45:07 One thing that we were talking about beforehand
45:10 was about patience.
45:12 Tell me about patience in your opinion?
45:15 Well, I don't know that I'm an expert on patience,
45:18 but we do deal with that a lot in what we do,
45:21 especially because when you go to people's houses,
45:24 for example, you don't want to rush them,
45:28 or go too fast, or make them feel like
45:31 you're forcing them into a decision.
45:34 And we always want them to know that
45:35 we're there because we want to help them.
45:38 And our job really is to just to present the message.
45:42 Our job is to help them in any way
45:43 we can and just to present it.
45:45 The Lord wants us to know that our job is to give the message,
45:50 but how they respond to the message,
45:52 that's up to the Holy Spirit.
45:54 Amen. Most certainly.
45:55 And sometimes that can be discouraging to people
45:57 because when they do share with other people
46:00 or work with other people,
46:02 sometimes they can put the results on themselves
46:06 and they, you know, they think
46:08 they measure themself by how other people accept
46:11 or reject it.
46:12 But that's the work of the Holy Spirit
46:14 and we shouldn't measure ourself by that.
46:16 You know, it's just like Paul said.
46:19 I look at it that we're planters of seed.
46:22 We're planting the good word.
46:24 It depends on the soil it's going into,
46:26 but Paul says some plants, some water,
46:29 but it's God that brings the harvest.
46:31 And if you force it any other way,
46:35 it doesn't work.
46:36 And I've found that
46:38 if you really think about it in the...
46:39 Sometimes in the beginning,
46:41 it seems like you're doing a lot,
46:43 but really when you learn
46:44 it's the Lord gives the wisdom to plant the seed,
46:48 the Lord waters the seed,
46:49 and the Lord harvests the seed.
46:52 But I'm just so thankful that the Holy Spirit allows us
46:55 to have a part in each of those.
46:57 So does your church,
46:59 when you're working as a Bible worker
47:02 and that means he's a full-time...
47:04 He and May both are full-time in going out,
47:07 presenting Bible studies
47:09 and letting people know God's truth.
47:12 Does your church give you like...
47:14 Have people written in saying, "I want Bible studies."
47:17 Or how do you get your appointments
47:19 for Bible studies?
47:20 Well, all but one of the Bible studies
47:23 that we've gotten so far have been from
47:24 just going to the people's houses
47:26 and talking to them.
47:28 And, you know, some people...
47:29 Are you meaning like you're going door to door?
47:32 Yep, we go door to door.
47:33 That's a lost art nowadays.
47:35 It is.
47:36 But, you know, I love it so much
47:38 because I really enjoy meeting people.
47:41 I enjoy talking to people
47:43 and it's so nice when you can just talk to them
47:47 and kind of find out where they are.
47:48 We read a survey, is usually how we do it,
47:50 just to kind of get them talking.
47:52 Because we have a community center
47:54 at our church that's inside,
47:56 in the middle of the town where we are,
47:58 and we teach health messages
48:00 there and cooking classes and things like that.
48:03 So at first, we just share about the community center
48:06 and then we kind of change the conversation to spiritual.
48:09 And then we just ask them different things.
48:11 And then if they would like to study the Bible
48:14 or just study prophecy, it's what we ask them.
48:16 And so, you know, a lot of people say no,
48:18 but a lot of people say yes too.
48:20 Amen.
48:22 You know, I can stand in front of 20,000 people
48:26 and deliver a message and not feel knee knocking
48:29 because it's just you totally dependent upon the Lord.
48:32 But the idea of going door to door does,
48:36 would send a shiver down my spine.
48:39 Did it take you a while?
48:41 You know, it did.
48:42 And it's funny when I remember the first time in high school
48:44 when I had to get up front, I thought,
48:45 oh, I'll just have to drop the class.
48:47 There's no way I can do that.
48:49 Because there's something about getting up
48:51 in front of your peers,
48:52 which can be terrifying.
48:54 But you know, the Lord helped me through that.
48:55 And the first time we were going to go door to door,
48:58 when I first found out that the church did that,
49:02 you know, I thought, oh, well I have to learn how to do that.
49:05 And I remember I went to my friend's house,
49:07 there was already a member.
49:09 This was when I first joined the church.
49:11 And I said, you know, the worst thing
49:13 that I'm terrified of, I think,
49:15 is to go to people's houses and do that.
49:17 I said, "There's no way I can do that."
49:19 And I asked him, you know, I said, "How do you do that?"
49:21 And he said, "Well, I've never done that."
49:23 And I said, "Well, we have to do it."
49:25 I said, "That's the one thing we can't do,
49:27 so we have to do that.
49:28 We have to overcome it."
49:30 So we prayed and we thought, what's the...
49:34 Who should we go to?
49:35 You know, where should we start?
49:36 And he said, "Well, you know, I've heard that
49:39 if you reach to the poor people,
49:41 they're more open."
49:42 This is just our... You know, what we thought.
49:44 That's not necessarily true but...
49:45 And so he had a little daughter at the time.
49:48 She was, I think, four or five and she was really cute.
49:51 And so I said, "Oh, we should bring her too
49:53 because people love cute kids."
49:55 And so we found this one place that was government housing
49:59 in the city where we were.
50:01 And we went to there and we said, "What do we say?"
50:03 And I said, "I don't know.
50:04 Maybe the Lord will just tell us what to say."
50:07 And so I get his little cute kid
50:09 and I'm holding her.
50:10 And then I knock on the door
50:11 and he's kind of standing way back.
50:13 And they came to the door and I just blanked.
50:16 And I said, "Do you want to study the Bible?"
50:18 And then the guy looked at me and he's like, "No,"
50:21 and he closed the door, you know.
50:23 And so my friend's laughing at me.
50:25 And he sees me doing this, he starts laughing.
50:26 So I said, "All right, you try to do it."
50:29 And so he gets his kid
50:30 and he goes up and he does the same thing.
50:32 He blanks, says the same thing,
50:34 and they just close the door
50:36 and we are both laughing at each other.
50:37 But then we kept trying, we didn't give up.
50:39 Amen.
50:40 And then people started actually talking to us.
50:43 And, you know, I got Bible studies
50:44 from just that with no knowledge.
50:46 So sometimes even when the Lord
50:49 knows that we'll try, He equips us and helps us.
50:53 And you can tell the Holy Spirit was there
50:55 because we had no idea what we were doing.
50:57 Well, but at least now
50:59 that the Lord's taught you to do an icebreaker first.
51:02 Before, you just plopped it out there, huh?
51:04 Yeah.
51:06 I think... So do you and May still do go door to door?
51:09 Oh, yeah, that's what we do every week.
51:11 Yeah, that's how we get all of our Bible studies.
51:12 And I'll probably do it forever.
51:14 As long as the door's open for us
51:17 to be allowed to do that,
51:18 I'm going to continue doing that type of work.
51:20 I just... To me, in my opinion,
51:23 that's the most valuable work I can do as a missionary.
51:27 And you have learned... You know, you are...
51:29 Sometimes we think of missionaries
51:31 and we think they've got to be over in Africa
51:34 or down in Brazil or whatever.
51:36 But you know what?
51:38 United States needs missionaries
51:40 worse than anything.
51:42 And you are a missionary in the state of Georgia.
51:45 So the Lord is, has...
51:48 You've overcome that fear of rejection.
51:52 You no longer take it personally
51:54 because you realize it's all up to God.
51:55 Yep.
51:57 Yeah. Praise the Lord.
51:58 Well, we are...
52:00 Already, I mean, this has been such a wonderful testimony,
52:04 but we're down to our time
52:06 that we need to take a quick break
52:08 for a news break.
52:09 Then we'll be back in just a moment
52:11 for a closing thought.


Revised 2021-10-14